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John Leary - Ano 2019 (Inglês)



Ano 2019


Tuesday, January 1, 2019: (Solemnity of Mary)

Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, I hear all of your prayers for your family members. Some of them have a high price, and they need deliverance prayers, as your long form of the St. Michael prayer. Try to remember this prayer every night, because they definitely need persistent prayers, and you are the only ones praying for them. Souls can be saved, but you need to be persistent for the hard cases. I am thankful that you pray to Me and Jesus every day. Your prayer life is a good example to others. You know how important it is to be linked to us in love because we can help you with your intentions. I give them to Jesus, and He always listens to His Blessed Mother. Try to encourage others to pray daily, and come to Mass when possible. For you, who receives messages from us, it is a necessity to keep your gifts. Continue in your missions of sharing our messages, and preparing your refuge. Now, you need to plan your next practice run, and start your new DVD.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am alerting you to the possibility of asteroids or comets coming close to the earth. Any such objects or sun flares could affect your satellite and internet communications. Even tonight you are experiencing a loss of your internet signal. You also had some high winds that could have affected your lines. When you are able to link your internet, check to see if any objects are headed close to the earth. This could be another source of disasters for your country. Trust that I will protect My refuges right through the whole tribulation.”
Note. There is a comet coming around February, but 60 million miles away.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
Jesus said: “My people, after over three hundred years when I was born, the persecution of Christians came to an end. Then, Christians could come out of hiding without fear of being killed. Still over the years, there have been many martyrs for the faith. Even in today’s time, Christians are still being persecuted in communist and Muslim countries. St. Basil and St. Gregory fought heresies over My Divine Nature. Some people could not accept My Divinity as a God-man. I am still the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and My Incarnation is a mystery for man to understand. My believers accept My Divinity on faith, as well as My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, even though they may receive criticism for these beliefs. In the coming tribulation, Christians will again need to seek a hiding place, since your lives will again be threatened by the Antichrist and his followers. This is why I am having some of My people set up refuges where My angels will protect you from harm. My faithful will be living at refuges, so be prepared to come at My call.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how evil many of the people on earth are acting. My punishment will soon fall on the people who are not at My refuges once you are called to come to My refuges. During the tribulation, My faithful will be suffering their purgatory on earth. After the tribulation, when I bring My victory over the evil ones, I will cast all the evil ones into the flames of hell. There will be much punishment going on for all the abortions and sexual sins of your people. People will be given one last chance to repent and change their lives with My Warning. Those people, who refuse to love Me, will be suffering in the eternal flames of hell. I am merciful, but I am also just. People will have to choose their eternal destination by their actions back in their bodies after the Warning in the six weeks of conversion.”

Friday, January 4, 2019: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
(Joan Theut Mass) Jesus said: “My people, every time you come to the sacrifice of the Mass, you are focused on Me in the priest, and on the consecrated Bread and Wine. You are praying for Joan’s soul, and it is proper to pray for the dead and have Masses said for their souls. Every soul is tested by the trials of life, and Joan had to suffer as well. Joan will be missed by her family, and she will be praying for them.”

Saturday, January 5, 2019: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing to make another trip to your March for Life against your Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. You ask yourself, how can a country legalize the killing of your children? You have My Fifth Commandment that says you shall not kill anyone. If you kill someone, you could go to jail for life. Yet killing an unborn baby is accepted in your society. You know by all reason that this is wrong, and My faithful do not have to obey an unjust decision. I am holding your country accountable for the million abortions you commit every year. This blood is on your hands, and until it is changed, you will see disasters, and evil things continue in your land. Pray to stop abortions, and encourage your mothers to not kill their children.”

(Franca Mass) 4:30 p.m. (Epiphany) Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to have a third practice run because you will be spending a fair amount of time at your refuge. This time is growing close so you need to be ready physically and have a pure soul spiritually. You have been preparing for this time with all of your projects for water, food, and fuels for the winter. You are learning how to eat your survival food of MREs and dehydrated food. You also have your alternate heaters ready along with your solar electricity. Thank you for taking on this mission of a refuge.”

Jesus said: “You are having this Mass said for Franca’s soul and she is grateful for your prayers and Masses. It was sad to see her pass, but people had a chance to see her before she died. Keep her picture out so you can remember to pray for her. She loves all of you, and she will be praying for you. Thank Me for the gift of her life to all of you.”


Sunday, January 6, 2019: (the Epiphany of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, today is a glorious celebration of My Kingship. The Three Kings from the orient highlighted My Kingship when they brought Me kingly gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. All of heaven was also singing songs of praise for My coming to earth. Even though I retained My Divine Power, I was humbled to be a baby in man’s world. My parents had to protect Me from Herod’s attempt to kill Me when we traveled to Egypt. The evil one hates Me and My followers, so you need to be careful to avoid the evil people who want to kill Christians. This is why you will need My protection at My refuges with My angels.”


Monday, January 7, 2019: (St. Raymond of Penyafort)
Jesus said: “My people, this sign of the jackals pouncing on your President and your government, means the deep state, evil people are beginning their takeover. Little by little these evil ones want to take away your rights by your Constitution. These evil ones want a communist state because the backers of the one world people want to prepare the way for the Antichrist’s complete takeover of the world. Once your President and your Republicans lose power, the communists will take over all of your rights. Have your backpacks ready to leave for My refuges when I give you the word to come. There will be a financial collapse, followed by an electric grid shutdown that will cause a famine in your land. This is another sign of the end times. Pray for My protection during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just read how the Magi brought Me their kingly gifts. Then our family had to leave for Egypt because Herod was trying to kill Me. In the vision you saw Santa Claus knocked to the floor, as people were trying to stop him from giving out his gifts. This is symbolic of how the one world people are doing everything to bring down your President. They want to keep him from putting up a wall to stop the illegal immigrants. You will be seeing a battle between your President and the opposition party over immigration and the wall. Your partial government shutdown could be dragged on, or your President may find the money from another source. This gridlock will get worse when it comes to your budget, and the debt ceiling. Pray for your country, because without some compromises, nothing will get done in your Congress.”


Tuesday, January 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I could make humans as robots to give Me praise, but I am love, and I made you in My image with free will. You have been given freedom to choose to love Me or not. I do not force you to love Me, but I want you to love Me because it is your free choice. If you choose to love Me, then let Me be the center of your life in all that you do. When you do good deeds for others, you should do it out of love for Me in that person. You were taught in your early years that you are here to know, love, and serve Me in this world. The more you do for Me, the more treasures you are storing up in heaven for your judgment. Think of Me in every action of your life, that you are doing everything for love of Me. By following My Divine Will, you will be assured of a place in My Kingdom of heaven. Do not be concerned over the things or evils of this world, because they will pass away in My judgment. Focus on heavenly things and saving souls, who will last forever. I thank all of My faithful for being obedient to My Word, because you are in harmony with all of My creations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more divisions in your country, especially over your immigration policy. Your opposition party is refusing to fund a small part of your budget to build a wall on your Southern border. These same people voted earlier for a wall, but now the real reason to fight the wall is coming out. The more illegal immigrants that come into your country, the easier it will be to defeat the Republicans. By illegal means these illegal immigrants are voting for Democrats which is why the Democrats do not want to build the wall. This opposition party does not care about those people who are killed by illegal immigrants, nor do unscrupulous employers want to stop the cheap labor. If there is no resolution of the immigration problem, you could see your President use emergency powers to build the wall. This could trigger lawsuits to the Supreme Court. It could also trigger riots and revolts caused by terrorists. If there is no compromise soon, you could see the communists exploit a takeover of your country. I have been warning you that your freedoms would soon be lost, and you will need to come to My refuges for your protection. The evil ones will use any crisis to create chaos for their takeover. My angels will protect you at My refuges, so be ready to leave for My refuges when I give you the word.”


Wednesday, January 9, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the readings you read how I am love itself, and I love all of My creations, even when you sin against Me. I am all powerful also, and you saw Me in the Gospel as I went to My apostles walking on the water, and I calmed the storm. There are many problems on the earth that are being set in motion by the evil ones. The one world people want to take over the world through your money people and those people who run your government behind the scenes. Your President is fighting these people because he loves America, and he wants to stop their takeover. In the short term I will allow these evil ones to have their control, but then I will bring My power over the Antichrist with My victory. You will be persecuted for a while, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation. This is why you will travel to My angel protected safe havens. Do not be fearful of the evil ones, but trust in My protection as I protected My apostles.”

Jesus said: “My people, during winter you are used to snow and cold. What you are seeing in your country, is a great division because you have many people with cold hearts. In days past you saw people compromise so each political side would have something they wanted. In your politics of today, there is a hard way to see any compromise, even if what is being debated is good for your country. With politicians, who are uncompromising, your government shutdown could last a long time. You need to pray for peace between your parties, or very little will be accomplished. Pray for more love between your people, because your people need to cooperate to get your work done. Focus more on My agenda of getting along with each other in love than in constant hate.”


Thursday, January 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John’s letter is reminding all of you that you need to obey My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor. If you do not love your neighbor, then you are not fully loving Me, your Creator. Even though you have divisions over politics, you still need to love each other as your human family. In fact if you remember to love each other, there would not be so much hate among your people. It is the devil who is stirring up so much animosity in your speech to each other. So love your enemies and your persecutors, and pray for their souls to be saved. In the Gospel you are seeing how I told the people that I am literally fulfilling the Scriptures, as I heal the sick and forgive their sins. Later on, the people of Nazareth wanted to kill Me because they could not accept that I am the Son of God. Many people even today, do not want to believe in My Divinity. You have My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine at the Mass, so give respect to My Eucharist in your tabernacles when you genuflect, or bow to receive Me in Holy Communion. Give praise and thanks to Me for coming among you on earth as a God-man, who died for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you hear the wind blowing as My sign to give you a message here. This monastery is a refuge, and I will protect it from damage, and My angels will guard it from those people who do not have a cross on their foreheads. My angels will provide food, water, and fuels to heat during the tribulation. The angels will also set up invisible shields to block the evil ones. The angels will bring the people Holy Communion every day, if a priest is not present for Mass. My faithful will be directed here by a flame with their guardian angels. Rejoice because all faithful monasteries will be refuges for My people to come during the tribulation.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen this scene of crutches in Lourdes, France, where lame people were healed, and their souls were cleansed as well. Some times in life you need some help with your problems. When you call on My help, I am always at your side. You can lean on Me as a crutch to get you through your trials. I help you out of love, but you need to confess your sins, so you can be open to receive My graces.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been spoiled with warmer than normal temperatures, and very little snow in the last few months. Now, you have some snow and much colder temperatures, and you are already complaining. Do what you can to help people that are in need for heating their homes, or for helping the homeless. You can also help people at your food shelves with food, money, or clothes.”

Jesus said: “My son, these friends have been directed to come to see you, and learn from your experiences. They are sharing with your prayer group and your friends. Hopefully, they are being satisfied for the reasons they chose to come. I will shine My blessings upon them, and on your prayer group for all of your many hours of Adoring Me, when you make time for Me in your lives.”

David said: “My dear parents and sisters, you are traveling around town, so maybe you could stop at my grave on the day of the anniversary of my death. This would be even a greater remembrance than when you found the green little stone at my grave. Remember to acknowledge my sister Mary as you think of
me. We are constantly praying for all of our family members to help save your souls. We are waiting for you in heaven, and please remember us as a part of your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some people who are more excited to watch football games than come to Sunday Mass. I have been preparing My people for the coming Warning by coming to frequent Confession. There are many sinners who will have a wake up call to see that I should be more a part of their lives. Even some faithful have become lax in their prayers, Sunday Mass, and Confession. Give good examples to your family and the lukewarm, that they will see the importance of their soul’s eternal destination, and they could change their ways. Those souls, who do not come to Me after their Warning, are risking hell if they ignore My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when your previous President (Obama) used executive orders to get what he could not get from a Republican Congress. Now, your President is threatening to declare a national emergency to fund this wall for your National security. Your opposition party only likes their own ways of doing things, since they live by a double standard of hypocrisy. Your media also uses a double standard, and they also do one thing, but expect others to obey their one sided thinking. You may not see justice now, but these evil ones will pay dearly for their crimes, when I bring My victory. Have patience because My victory is not far off.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how I suffered from wearing this crown of thorns. I suffered much from My scourging, carrying My cross, and dying by asphyxiation on the cross. My people on earth cry out with the least little problem of cold, hunger, or small pains in your body. You will suffer much worse persecutions during the tribulation, and you will be fortunate to be protected by My angels at My refuges. You need to do some fasting and offer up any inconveniences or pains to Me so you can store up these treasures in heaven for your judgment.”


Friday, January 11, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have enjoyed visiting this great Basilica, and reading about Fr. Baker, Servant of God. He did great works to establish an orphanage for young children. You can pray to him as an intercessor for your prayers for your family. The spires that are pointed to heaven, give you hope that one day My faithful can be with Me in heaven. When you pray with your hands pointed to heaven, you are offering all that you do up to Me. I am thankful that you keep a daily prayer life to show your constant love for Me and your neighbor. Be ever vigilant prayer warriors for your family, and strive to evangelize souls to the faith. It is the souls that are so valuable to Me, and I do not want to lose even one soul. By reaching out to save souls, you can keep some of the lukewarm from going to hell. By praying daily for your family, you could help save them from hell also. Keep close to Me in your prayers, Masses, and Confession.


Saturday, January 12, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have an option in life to follow My Will or your own will. Some people want to control their own lives, but they are on the broad road to hell. My faithful let Me run their lives, and they follow My Will and My Commandments. St. John the Baptist was called to prepare the people for My public ministry by his baptizing the people, and calling them to repent. Once I came on the scene, St. John the Baptist said: ‘I must decrease, while He must increase.’ This is why I do not want My people to focus on money, fame, and possessions before Me. All of these earthly things will pass away, but I and your souls will live on forever. So put your trust and love in Me, and not in your importance or your wealth. Center your life around Me, and I will provide for all of your needs.”

(4:30 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel My baptism by St. John the Baptist is one of the few places in Scripture when you see all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity witness before the people. You saw Me being baptized, and I am the Second Person of God. You read how the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove, and He is the Third Person of God. Then you heard a voice from God the Father who said: ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.’ God the Father is the First Person of God. So you have Three Persons in One God. As I walked away from St. John the Baptist he realized that I was the Messiah, and he said: ‘There goes the Lamb of God,’ and some of My apostles started following Me. When you baptize people, you are calling down the Blessed Trinity when you say: ‘In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.’ Baptism is a sacrament that brings you into the faith, and it forgives your original sin. I want all of My faithful to have your children and grandchildren baptized to help save their souls. If you live long enough, you can see your great grandchildren baptized as well.”


Sunday, January 13, 2019: (The Baptism of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the angels are placing crosses on the foreheads of all the people who are still faithful to Me. These crosses are invisible now, but during the tribulation they will be visible to only My faithful. Only those people, who have a cross on their forehead, will be allowed by the angel of the refuge to enter. When you were baptized, you were marked with a cross with chrism on your forehead. Over the years some of My baptized faithful have fallen away from the fervor of their faith. These people will have one last chance to receive a cross on their foreheads by the angel, after their Warning experience. If people still refuse to love Me after the Warning, they are risking hell. Pray for all of your family to be converted back to the faith so you can help save their souls. The Warning is the best time for conversions, but people have to choose to love Me in order to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the black eye of the Antichrist. I have warned you in the past to avoid looking at the eyes of the Antichrist because he could hypnotize you into worshiping him. Avoid seeking the Antichrist’s website as well. The one world people will also try to mandate chips in the body for everyone in order to buy and sell. Refuse to take any chip in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. These chips will also control people’s minds and souls to worship the Antichrist. When you hear about mandatory chips in the body, this will be a sign to come to My refuges where My angels will protect you from the evil ones. After the Warning you will have six weeks of time for conversions. Then events will lead up to the Antichrist coming into power. I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges before the Antichrist comes into power. I am reminding you of these events so you can get to Confession before the Warning comes. You will be thankful for My protection as these events are very close.”


Monday, January 14, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, My mission required Me to have My apostles to send out My message to evangelize the people. So My first need was to call My apostles from being fishermen, when I told them they would be fishers of men. My apostles accepted their calling without looking back, and they felt honored to be with the promised Messiah. Later, their mission to evangelize people would cost them their lives in martyrdom, except St. John. I am grateful they all accepted My call. Even today, I am calling on people to believe in Me, and those people, who answer My call, will be saved. During these coming end days, I have even asked some faithful to set up refuges, or safe havens for My faithful to stay during the tribulation. I am grateful that these refuge builders have answered My call without objections. You are seeing how close events are by the serious nature of the recent messages about My Warning. Be prepared to bring your backpacks to My refuges when I call you, and you will follow the flame of your guardian angel to the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country has trillions of dollars of National Debt, and each year your government spends more that it takes in with revenue. Your deficit spending is reaching a limit when you will find it hard to even pay the interest on your debt. The Federal Reserve of bankers has been manipulating the value of your money for years. Just compare what a dollar bought even ten years ago to today’s value, and you will see that you have fiat money with no backing. All of your deficits and your debt instruments as derivatives are teetering on bankruptcy. Be prepared for a financial crash of your dollar that could cause chaos among your countries. This is why I keep telling you to put your trust in Me, and not in your money that has no inherent value. Trust heavenly things of value more than your currency that can be manipulated.”


Tuesday, January 15, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I commanded the evil spirit to come out of a possessed person, and it left. The people were amazed at My power to remove demons from people. There were evil and possessed people in My day, and there are some in your day as well. There are some people with evil intentions to persecute Christians, and they are led by demons. In the vision you are seeing people who want to cover up My cross, and harass those people who believe in Me. As you look around, you can see evil influences in drugs, marijuana, and killings, especially abortions. You can pray deliverance prayers for addicts, and against those people who promote abortions and the death culture. Keep giving your good example of prayers, and coming to Sunday Mass and Confession. My faithful are a light of faith among the darkness of evil and the lukewarm people. Pray for sinners to help save their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see books being read by people, this is getting old compared to some who read electronic books, or newspapers on line. Some people still enjoy reading their daily newspaper. Some people also read My holy Words in the Bible. Reading the Scriptures allows you to lead a life in My footsteps. You could make it a practice to read a few pages each day. By keeping close to Me in prayer and reading the Scriptures, you can lead a holy life in preparation for your judgment. Trust in My Word that lasts forever, instead of your daily news that is thrown out the next day.”


Wednesday, January 16, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, I applaud your determination to drive to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. I will clear the way for you to travel through any snow storms. It still would be wise to have some preparations in your car. Take some food, your boots, and your shovel and broom just in case. Your bishop is your incentive for coming every year for all of your people. This is a great experience for the youth to protest your abortions. Your country is suffering natural disasters as a punishment for your many abortions. As you travel, you could pray your rosaries to stop your abortions. Take many pictures to show the people all of the large numbers of protesters that are not well publicized.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you for a long time that there would be a flood of evil that would enable the Antichrist to take over the world. You are about to see this prophesy come true. I will allow the Antichrist to have his hour with limited power, and he will reign for less than 3½ years. After the Warning and the six weeks of conversion, you will see a tribulation of evil that you have never seen before. It is during that evil time that I will protect My faithful at My refuges with My angels. At the end of the Antichrist’s reign, I will bring My victory with My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth like the garden of Eden, and I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace. Later, you will all be brought into heaven.”


Thursday, January 17, 2019: (St. Anthony of the Desert)
Jesus said: “My people, I healed a leper of his leprosy, and I also healed his soul of his sins. My people of today also need healing of the leprosy of your sins. Your nation’s people also need healing of all of your abortions and sexual sins. You see much evil around you, and fewer people are coming to church on Sunday. My people need to heal your cold hearts with My warm love. Come to Me with all of your troubles, and I will help you. I will have My angels protect you on your trip to protest abortions in Washington, D.C.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see snow storms every year in the winter, but some times you see heavy snow storms or freezing rain that can take down trees and electric lines. These storms can cause great damage and power outages. If people do not have backup wood fireplaces or kerosene burners, they could freeze in the winter, or they could find a place with heat. You will be marching tomorrow in protest of your abortions being legalized in the Supreme Court. Your people do not understand the link between your sins of abortion and your punishment with severe natural disasters. I keep asking you to pray your rosaries to stop abortion, and to make reparation for your nation’s sins. Pray that your mothers have their babies instead of killing them with abortion. Pray to soften the hard hearts of those mothers who listen to the lies of the abortionists. Trust in My Word to repent and stop your abortions, or your country will be taken over by the evil ones.”


Friday, January 18, 2019: (March for Life)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how guilty your country is in allowing a million abortions every year. You also have many sexual sins as well. I hear your prayers to stop abortion, and I know many of you make great sacrifices to come to Washington, D.C., and how you walk several hours in your March for Life, and then back to your vehicles. You also come to Mass with your bishop as the main celebrant this year. Because of all of your prayers and sacrifices, heaven hears them, and they help mitigate your punishment as reparation for your sins. Be thankful for My mercy, but My justice does require some payment for killing My little ones. Do not give up, and continue your prayers and sacrifices to help the unborn babies.”


Saturday, January 19, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I called Levi, the tax collector, to follow Me as one of My apostles. Levi was later named Matthew, who wrote one of the four Gospels. The Pharisees asked why I ate with sinners and tax collectors. But I told them that I came to call sinners and not the self-righteous. I told them that the sick need a physician. In the vision I showed you a humble attic that was plain and without much decoration. You do not need all of your extra comforts beyond your needs to survive. You should seek heavenly things as prayers, good works for your neighbor, and giving donations to the poor and needy along with My Church. Give a substantial donation, and not just a token amount from your excess wealth. By sharing with your neighbor, and worshiping Me at Sunday Mass, you can store up more valuable treasures in heaven for your judgment.”


Sunday, January 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you people building a church with their own hands. Just as I called My apostles to spread My Good News, so I call My faithful to build up My Church by evangelizing souls through conversion to My Way. In the Gospel My Blessed Mother said: ‘Do whatever He tells you,’ when the people needed more wine. My faithful are My servants, and I lead you to help save souls. When you have done your job, I will thank you, but you are only doing your duty. Give thanks to Me for all I do for you every day. You can give thanks by your daily prayers, and by coming to Mass and Confession.”


Monday, January 21, 2019: (St. Agnes, Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Jesus said: “My people, I told the people that My disciples would fast after the Bridegroom is taken away from them. If My people are faithful to My Will and My Commandments, then you will truly be judged worthy of heaven. For one day you will have your reward with Me at My Great Banquet table in heaven. Follow the humble life of St. Agnes as a model for your life. You are also celebrating freedom for all races as you honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Trust in Me every day as I am leading you all to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My faithful are already being persecuted in communist and Muslim countries. This vision of a prison is to emphasize that Christians all over the world will be subject to persecution during the coming tribulation. This vision is also telling you that this persecution will be coming soon, and you need to be ready to flee to My refuges to avoid being martyred. Do not expect justice in this world now, but later everyone will have to answer to Me for all of their evil actions. Then you will see My mercy and My judgment. Tomorrow is the anniversary of your Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in America. Again you have injustice of allowing abortions of your unborn babies. But the mothers and doctors will pay a heavy price for their misdeeds at the judgment. I will forgive your sins, but you need to come to Me with contrite hearts to seek My forgiveness. Confession is the best way to have your sins absolved.”


Tuesday, January 22, 2019: (Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade)
Jesus said: “My people, the decision by your Supreme Court to allow abortions to be legal, is the worst precedent that your people have ever made. This is a case where man’s law is evil, and My Fifth Commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill’, is true justice. This sin is the worst because you kill a million of My babies every year. The death culture has been set up by Satan, and all of your evil one world people who worship him. Have no fear because My justice will reign after the tribulation, and all the evil ones who do not repent, will be thrown into hell for their crimes. Your persecution will get worse, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges. I will shorten this evil time for the sake of My elect. Pray to stop abortions, or you will continue to have more severe natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these major natural disasters because this damage is a punishment for all of your abortions. Your New York State Legislature and Governor purposely chose this anniversary of Roe vs. Wade to pass a bill called the Reproductive Health Act, and your governor signed it into law. This was done to try and prevent any future decision in the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe vs. Wade. Whenever the Democrats gain a majority, they will vote to take away your rights for their new world order. Expect more such votes to take away more rights with guns and marijuana in the future. Your government will get so evil because the one world people are manipulating the voting machines, along with illegal votes. Once they gain power in the U.S. government, they will force mandatory chips in the body on you, just as they are forcing new meters on you for gas, water, and electricity readings. Pray for your people to get ready to leave for your refuges, because the evil ones of the tribulation are about to take over. I will warn you when to come to My refuges, as your guardian angel will lead you to the nearest refuge.”


Wednesday, January 23, 2019: (St. Marianne Cope)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of divisions in your country over many issues, but when one party rules all the seats of power, it becomes a dictatorship. You are seeing this in New York State as the Democrats are going to push through all of their liberal agenda over your people. In your Federal government you are seeing an impasse over funding for a security fence on your Southern border. You are seeing no compromise, as neither side wants to compromise. There are some attempts, but the opposition party wants illegal immigrants to keep coming into your country for their votes. You have the media so against your President, that you find it difficult to even hear the media’s ranting. When people and your President take more assertive actions, you could see more possible violence from the left radicals. The next few years could see more violence over your current gridlock. Pray for peace, and to stop the devil’s stirring up trouble.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times when you see people in need, and you can share your money and your talents to help them. Doing good works for people will store up more valuable treasure in heaven. When you can help someone, it warms your heart to provide your services and donations. There are some selfish and mean people in this world, but when you show love and kindness for people, it counters a lot of the hate going on. Even praying for people, especially deliverance prayers to help people in their addictions, is a needed help that some are thankful for. You can visit the sick in hospitals, take care of your relatives’ kids, or help sick people to get better. When you do things out of love for Me and love for others, you are following Me in My footsteps. I desire that all people love one another, instead of all the divisions and hate you see all around you. You have heard Me say that you should love one another, as I love you. If there was more love in this world, your lives would be much better off.”


Thursday, January 24, 2019: (Mass for Camille & Lydia Remacle)
Camille said: “Hello everyone, we are watching all of the political battles, and all of the problems with Vic’s house and the damage in the garage. You have some problems paying for all the damage that needs fixing. Do not give up on Vic, but help him physically, and pray for his soul as we are doing. The events are getting more serious with Trump, and you will be seeing more signs of problems for your country. Be prepared for the Warning when it comes. Tell Sharon and Carol I love them, and I thank them for taking care of Vic.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen all the ways that the opposition party has tried to stop your President, and even have intentions to impeach him. He has had several attempts on his life, as the left and the one world people will go to any means to eliminate your President. You will be seeing more serious attempts on his life, because the left despise him, and all he is doing to fight the one world people. Pray for your President’s safety, because he will be fortunate to finish his first term.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just had a huge protest march against abortion in your country right in front of your Supreme Court. In the vision you are seeing many white crosses that represent the death of so many unborn babies. If you were in heaven, you could see all the guardian angels of these souls that have come before Me to witness to these abortions. My justice is going to fall on your country and other countries for legalizing these murders. All of those people who advocate or perform abortions will pay a heavy price for their crimes at My judgment of their souls. If they do not repent, they could be suffering the flames of hell for all eternity. Pray to stop abortions. Your country will suffer much for your many abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, it was bad enough that your Governor and the New York Legislature passed an abortion law to insure abortions will not be stopped. Now to glorify this legislation’s passing, your Governor has put a pink light on top of your Freedom Tower. I have told you before how this Tower will come tumbling down because you are defying Me in rebuilding the previous towers. Now with this latest act of glorifying abortion with this pink light, your whole state will suffer from My justice. I will spare My faithful, but those people who support abortion will pay dearly for their actions that mock Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, socialism and communism promote atheism, and it defies My order of Creation. It is those people, who promote socialism, who want to take over your government. The atheists who defy any belief in Me, will be your persecutors of Christians, as in communist countries. My faithful need to stand up for their faith, but you will have to come to My refuges to avoid being killed. You are seeing signs of the coming tribulation when you see activists who defy My existence, and follow the orders of Satan who controls their souls. Pray for all souls to be converted to the faith, but avoid their attempts to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, hell and the devil exist, and the evil demons are trying to bring souls into hell. I have given you My weapons to fight these evil ones with My sacraments, your deliverance prayers, and your guardian angels. If you are attacked by evil demons, you can call on Me and I will send you a legion of My good angels to defend you. When you pray using My Name, the evil ones will leave you because they fear Me. Trust that My power is greater than all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am having you prepare for another refuge practice run, because events are leading quickly to a time when you will be seeking My protection from the evil ones. At My refuges you will be protected by My angels from the evil ones. You will not be able to leave the grounds of your refuge. My builders will provide for your needs, and I will multiply what you need. You will be healed by looking on My luminous cross. You will be praying in front of My Eucharist around the clock. Trust in Me to protect you and feed you just like I did for Moses and his people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you not to take any chip in the body which will be used to control your minds and souls like hypnotism. Do not worship the Antichrist and avoid looking at his eyes. This is why after the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, you are to remove all cell phones, computers, and TVs out of your homes so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. His time is coming, and this is why I am having people set up refuges so you will have a safe haven of protection. Keep the faith so angels can put My crosses on your foreheads, so you can enter My refuges.”


Friday, January 25, 2019: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul’s conversion was a miracle to literally open his eyes to how he was persecuting Me by killing My followers. He was blinded by My Light, as he fell off of his horse. He had to be helped until I had My disciple heal his eyes, so he could see. Once he was baptized and learned the faith, St. Paul was one of My greatest missionaries for the Church. He helped the Gentiles join the Church without demanding they be circumcised. He suffered much to spread the faith, and he wrote many Epistles or letters, even while he was in prison. Imitate St. Paul’s vigor to spread the Good News to as many converts as you can. Those people, who follow My laws of love of God and love of neighbor, will have their reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it appears your President is going to open the government for three weeks so the government workers can get their back pay. There is hope that Congress can work out some compromise to run the government for the rest of the year. If they do not add funding for the wall, then your President is planning to declare an emergency or shut down the government again. He could fund the wall from other sources with an emergency. It is to be seen if any court or Congress will challenge any action by your President. With such a division in Congress, it will be difficult just to pass their normal budget, and debt ceiling actions necessary for your government to operate. Pray for peace in your country before this hate could cause some riots.”


Saturday, January 26, 2019: (St. Titus and St. Timothy)
Jesus said: “My son, you have two missions to carry out; one to spread My Word in My messages to evangelize souls, and the other is to prepare a safe haven for My faithful to come. You have been traveling to give your talks on the end times for over twenty years. You can identify with today’s Gospel when you stay at people’s houses, and they provide your food and travel expenses. You also put My messages out on your website every two weeks. You sell your books and give away rosaries and scapulars. Your second mission is to set up a refuge at your home, as you prepared beds for forty people, food to be multiplied, a well for water, heaters and fuels for heating and cooking, as well as solar panels for electricity. You are preparing for your third practice run to use your stored food and well water. Everyone at My refuges will have a job, and you all will do one hour of Adoration through the night. I asked for this practice run because events are getting close to the tribulation time. Having a safe place to stay during the tribulation, is the whole reason for setting up My refuges. Trust in Me to multiply your food and water, as well as directing My angels to protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I went to My hometown of Nazareth, I read the quotation from Isaiah. Then I told the people that today this Scripture is fulfilled in their hearing. The people were proud to see Me, because they heard of My healing of people in other towns. But when they asked Me to heal them, I told them they did not have faith in My healing power, so I did not heal any of them there. For this the people wanted to throw Me off a cliff to kill Me, but I walked through their midst. It is difficult for a prophet to be accepted in his hometown, because of the lack of faith. Pray for conversions to the faith, so all the people could believe in My Good News.”


Sunday, January 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, your people in general are having fewer children than is needed to replace those people who are dying. Your large number of abortions is part of the reason for your decreasing population. It is sad that so many people support abortion, because you are killing your children who would support you later. I have told you many times to pray to stop abortion, and encourage your mothers to have their children. When a nation has laws against My laws, there will be a price to pay for your killing of My little ones. You are seeing a division in your politics between those people who support your death culture vs the pro-life people. You need to pray for your country, and the reparation for your sins.”


Monday, January 28, 2019: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, those faithful, who come to My tabernacle or exposition to visit Me, are My special adorers who are close to My Heart. You know at the Consecration of the Mass how you see a miracle of My changing the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This may be hard to comprehend because the appearances of bread and wine do not change. It is only by faith that you believe you are receiving My Body and Blood. There have been many Eucharistic miracles where blood appears on the consecrated Host. You were amazed when you went to Lanciano, Italy where the heart tissue and blood crystals were tested. The heart tissue had no rigor mortis, and the blood was type AB. These miracles are to witness that the bread and wine are truly changed into My Body and Blood. These miracles are to help the non-believers of My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine. Rejoice in My gift of Myself that I give to you at every Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, tsunamis are usually caused by underwater earthquakes, and they travel quite fast. The waves at sea are not very high, but when they come ashore, they can get very high, depending on the depth of the water. Earthquakes at sea are happening frequently. It takes a 7.0 or 8.0 earthquake to cause a substantial tsunami. This vision shows the people in their boats and ships who were trying to get out to sea before a tsunami hit the coast. I have warned you in the past that you could see a tsunami hit either the East or the West coast. If you get such a warning, you need to get up high from sea level, or quickly escape out to sea. Tsunamis can cause a great deal of damage, and it could kill a lot of people as in Indonesia. Pray that you are not near the shore when such a wave will strike.”


Tuesday, January 29, 2019: (Mass for Richard Nevinskas)
Jesus said: “My people, the souls in purgatory need your prayers and Masses when you know their name. Richard is definitely benefitting from this Mass, as you saw in the vision of how he is moved up in purgatory. The souls in purgatory suffer from not seeing Me or My love. It is only when people pray for them, or have Masses offered for them, that they are relieved of some of their suffering. It is lonely and grey in the upper parts of purgatory, but they are promised one day to be with Me in heaven, once they have been purified. Continue to remember Richard in your prayers and Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a conflict between the deep state and your President over funding more of a wall on your Southern border. There is a deadline on February 15th when the Congress will try and make a compromise to fund the wall or not. Your President is threatening another shutdown, or declaring a national emergency to build the wall. This could trigger a court battle, or even a possible internal struggle to try and stop the wall from being built. I told you before how the opposition party does not want a wall, because they use the illegal immigrants to vote for the Democrats. This is just the first of many conflicts with your President. When you do not have compromises, you could see a possible civil war break out over government policies. Pray for peace in your country, but your divisions are getting worse every day.”


Wednesday, January 30, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about the Parable of the Sower. The seed represents My Word that lasts forever. Some seed fell on the path, on stone, and among briars where the grain never grew. Other seed fell on fertile ground where it gave thirty, sixty, and a hundred fold. You need open hearts to hear My Word and act on it. Those people, who believe, are called to go out to all the nations and spread My Good News of salvation. My faithful need to reach out to people to convert them to the faith. Each person has been given certain gifts, and the more gifts you are given, more will be expected of you. So as you hear My Word, take it to heart, and act on it in your good works.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day you are learning how evil the deep state is, and how desperate they are to get rid of your President and Vice President. You have heard of various coup attempts to put your Speaker of the House in power as President by killing your top two leaders. Some have mentioned as many as eleven attempts have been made to assassinate your President. He has many guards to protect him, besides the Secret Service. Your prayers and his plans have kept him alive. If he dies, the deep state will take over your country, and you will have a dictatorship that will support the Antichrist. It is important to pray for the safety of your President. You may still see a civil war between the socialist anarchists and the patriots who believe in your country’s Constitution. You have had freedom so long, and many will fight the deep state forces from taking over. Your President may have to use your military troops to put down this communist rebellion.”


Thursday, January 31, 2019: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, the guardian angel of each of these aborted babies has witnessed these crimes before Me, and My justice will be falling down upon your country. You all know that killing these babies is a mortal sin against My Fifth Commandment of thou shalt not kill. But your laws and decisions are legalizing the slaughter of My babies. Your pro-death people are so appalling to Me, and they will face their judgment of these crimes of killing My babies. This is the worst sin to not allow these souls a chance for life. Some people have asked why I have not brought My justice down upon these murderers. You must be patient, because I will soon bring My Warning which will offer everyone a chance to repent and change their ways. Those people, who refuse to repent, and keep killing My babies, will be cast into the flames of hell after the tribulation. I will separate My faithful from the evil ones at My refuges. Then I will bring destruction down upon these evil ones. Once the evil ones are cast into hell, they will burn in the flames of hell forever. So do not be critical that My justice has not come, because when it does, it will be final. No evil people will enter heaven, or My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are planning to have your third practice run at your refuge on Friday. You are setting up your kerosene burner that requires two gallons of kerosene every eight hours. You have some cold weather, so you are planning to have some wood to burn in your fireplace as a backup if needed. The most important plan is to have someone praying in your chapel around the clock. With fewer people, you may have to take two hours each. Heating your house will need constant attention, but you also will be planning meals and baking bread. Each person should be assigned a job to spread the work around. Use your lantern lights at night along with your windup flashlights. You could use your well water also.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have some dried eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. You will make some soup with whatever beef and vegetables you have. You will have chicken and rice for supper. You also will have bread loaves to bake. By planning your meals and using your stored food, you can see what refuge living will be like. You will have well water to your sinks and toilets for your washing and bathroom needs. Thank Me for helping you to plan how to use a refuge for survival.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have a second solar set up on the first floor roof that could power your water pump. You could also use this to run at least one light. You will have your rechargeable batteries to power your lanterns on all three levels of your house for light. People will also have windup flashlights for moving around in the dark at night. Try to understand how you will be using your preparations to survive the tribulation time.”

Jesus said: “My son, every refuge will have a refuge angel to protect you from the evil ones with an invisible shield. Your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame. The refuge angel will only allow people with a cross on their forehead to enter your refuge. My angels will place such a cross on all the faithful people who believe in Me. You will also see a luminous cross in the sky, and when you look upon it, you will be healed of your ailments. Give thanks to Me for protecting you at My refuges, and for multiplying your food to survive.”

Jesus said: “My son, I will provide meat for you with the deer, and I will provide My consecrated Bread every day by My angels or a priest. You will need someone knowledgeable in how to prepare the meat from the deer. My Eucharist could enable you to survive, even if you did not have food. I will be with you at all times, as you will use one Host for perpetual Adoration when you will have someone present at all times.”

Jesus said: “My son, refuge living is not easy. You will have beds, pillows, and blankets for your sleeping needs. You will also have to practice how you would wash your clothes and wring them out. You will need sponge baths and other hygiene needs for brushing your teeth for example. You all will have assigned jobs, and you will be praying more, and getting along with each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, be thankful that I have directed some refuge builders to prepare a safe haven for My faithful to live during the tribulation of the Antichrist. This will be a means to separate My faithful from the evil people. The evil ones will be removed after My Comet of Chastisement will kill them when it strikes the earth. Their souls will be cast into hell. After the tribulation, I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace for your reward. Have patience and trust that I will see to all of your needs at My refuges.”


Friday, February 1, 2019: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, I keep telling you that My Warning is near, and coming to Confession could help you endure it. The tribulation that you have been preparing for, will follow closely behind the Warning and the six weeks for conversion. My faithful will need both physical and spiritual endurance to get through the persecution of the tribulation of the Antichrist and his followers. It is My refuges that have been prepared to receive My faithful during this hour of evil that will last less than 3½ years. Only My believers with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed by My angels to enter My refuges. The time of the tribulation will be your purgatory on earth to make up for your sins. Your practice run tonight is needed to get you used to refuge living, which will be quite different from your present comfortable living. Heating your dwelling, getting water and food, will all be major chores when you are living independently from today’s services. Learn from your experiences so you can adjust to a new lifestyle of depending on My protection all of the time in prayer. Trust in My angel protection, and how I will provide for your food, water, and fuels that I will multiply.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for coming to this refuge practice drill. You are truly being blessed for your efforts at this refuge. You had another dancing light on your wall underneath the eighth Station. You will see more signs here as one lady told you. You are having this third practice run because the time of the Warning and the tribulation is growing close. You are seeing how you will be living during the tribulation under My angel protection. Because you have practiced, you are familiar with how you will be eating, drinking, and sleeping. Rejoice that you are seeing how I will protect you, and provide for what you need to survive. Have patience because the final events are about to unfold. All of your preparations will be used and needed during the tribulation.”


Saturday, February 2, 2019: (Presentation of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are blessing candles on the feast of My Presentation. You had your practice drill last night, and now you have a real appreciation for having a light in the darkness. You also have My Light of faith that puts fire in your hearts for loving Me. You were able to heat your house to 70 F all night and all day with your kerosene burner and your wood burning fireplace. Outside it was 15 F. During the day you will be preparing your meals, and baking bread in your propane oven. You can use your butane burner to boil water. You continue to pray in your chapel all day long. Your people will now understand how I will provide for them, with multiplying your well water, your dried food, and the fuels you are using. Give thanks to Me for inspiring My refuge builders to prepare safe havens for My faithful. I will shorten your tribulation time, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Be patient, and soon you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the opposition party that has gone over the edge to support killing babies who are born alive. Several left leaning states are pushing the worst form of killing that goes beyond abortion. It is bad enough for that party to support abortion, but to support infanticide, is really calling down My justice. The evil coming out of this party is like Satan himself is leading them. You are going to see My justice carried out against these baby killers. Your whole nation is responsible for your evil abortion laws and decisions. My justice will fall on you so severely, that My faithful will need to come to My refuges to save their lives and their souls. Be ready to leave for My refuges when the next big disaster strikes your people.”


Sunday, February 3, 2019: (St. Blaise for throats)
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading St. Paul talked about the virtues of faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love. This is why My Commandments are focused on the love of God, and the love of neighbor. In the Gospel the people of Nazareth wanted Me to heal them, as I did in other towns. But I could see how they did not have faith in My healing power, so I did not heal them. Because I defied them, they tried to kill Me, but I left them. My son, your prayer group people were educated in how they could live a refuge life. You were praying in your chapel, preparing food with your butane burner, and making bread in your propane oven. You had water from your water well for your sinks and toilets. You had lantern lights at night, and the cots for your sleeping. All of you were helping, and you had heat from your kerosene burner, and a wood fire in your fireplace. This third practice run is a sign that your refuge time is near. So be ready to come to My refuges when I give you the Word. Trust in Me to protect you and multiply what you need.”

Jesus said: “My son, what you experienced during your practice drill, should be shared with other people who have refuges. I thank all of My refuge builders for all of their efforts and sacrifices to provide safe places for My faithful to come. I keep warning My people that the time to come to My refuges is coming close. You are seeing more divisions in your country that could lead to a time of conflict. I will call My people to My refuges, when I give you an interior locution. In the reading you read how loving your neighbor is so important. Even though certain people or politicians have evil plans or legislation, you still need to love them, and pray for their souls. You do not want to see anyone lost in hell, so pray for your family and all the poor sinners who have not been judged.”


Monday, February 4, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the early years of My Church, many faithful Christians had to hide from the Romans in the catacombs. As My faithful get closer to the tribulation, they will be persecuted more by your authorities. You will also be seeking My refuges to hide from those people who want to kill you. My angels will place an invisible shield over My refuges to hide you. You had a successful practice drill with water, food, fuels, and bedding provided for you. You also had lights at night, warmth from your heaters, and you were praying in the chapel. Hopefully, you could have a priest for Mass, but if not, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. You could have used more lanterns at night, along with some more rechargeable batteries. You have hosts, wine, priest vestments, candles, and chalices for Mass in your chapel. I thank all of My refuge builders for all of their preparations. Now, that your drill is over, you can work on your sixth DVD.”

Jesus said: “My people, remember that everything in this world is passing away. So do not get comfortable with all of your expensive cars and homes, because they will all be taken away from you, including your money. When you use your money just to please yourself, this will not go well with you at your judgment. It is better to share what you have with others in donations, your talents, and sharing your faith. Your goal is to help save as many souls from hell as you can. Some people sell their souls to the devil for fame and fortune, but they will suffer in hell for all eternity. It is better to store up heavenly riches, than to accumulate worthless wealth that can rot or be stolen. Trust in Me for all of your needs, and I will take care of you both here and in heaven.”


Tuesday, February 5, 2019: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I am asking everyone to pick up your own cross, and follow Me on the road to Calvary. Life in this world is not easy, when you are working for a living, and helping to support your family. You can follow your own will to failure, or you can give your will over to Me, and let Me lead you through life. I will lead you down the right path to heaven, where you will find your reward with Me for being faithful to My Commandments. It is not easy to give control of your life over to Me, because you have so many cravings for the body to be satisfied in this world. It takes a strong spirit in prayer to follow Me with your cross. When you do everything out of love for Me to help your neighbor, then you have the right motivation. Listen to My ways and the prompting of your guardian angel, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your latest abortion laws, I am going to bring My justice upon you. Before any event that will kill many people, I will bring My Warning to allow people to change their ways. I will also give a warning to My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges for their protection. My justice will come upon the evil ones who want to kill My babies, especially when the babies are born alive. In other words, I will protect My faithful from all major disasters, especially those people at My refuges. Be ready when I will take away all of these evil ones, and cast them into hell, so they can no longer perform abortions. I told you if you did not stop the abortions your way, then I would stop it My way that will include bringing a major disaster to do away with the evil ones.”


Wednesday, February 6, 2019: (St. Paul Miki & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you your current President to help your country to maintain your freedom a little longer. He has some faults, as all of you do, but he is helping you in many ways. He has the interests of your people at heart, and he is standing up against atheistic socialism, to thwart some new voices in the opposition party. Some of his initiatives are to help against child cancer and AIDS. He continues to want to build a wall at your Southern border to keep out the drugs and criminals. He is appalled by recent legislation in New York state and Virginia that is even killing live babies, called infanticide. When your President is no longer leading you, you will see the beginning of the end of your freedoms. Pray for your country to keep its morals, and stop passing evil legislation against My laws.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember how destructive your ice storm was in 1991, when many branches broke off of your trees. Now, tonight you have a lot of ice already on your bushes and trees. You will be having more rain and possible freezing temperatures which could add to the ice you already have. You were praying your storm prayer before the ice came. You could pray another storm prayer for tonight, so the ice does not get thicker on your trees. Tomorrow will get warmer to melt the ice. Pray that you do not get any wind that could knock branches off of your trees. You have had more damage from ice storms than you have with snow storms. Trust in My protection from any natural disasters. You are being tested with all of these winter storms because of your abortions, and your new abortion laws.”


Thursday, February 7, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I ask My faithful to follow Me in My footsteps, and give your will over to Me. You are experiencing an ice storm, and you need to be careful, or you could slip and fall on the ice. You are fortunate that you will have a warmer day above freezing to melt the ice. Again you have the symbol of icy cold hearts which is why you have so many problems, because you have taken Me out of your lives. Not only do you need to put ‘Christ’ back into Christmas, but you need to put Me back into your whole life, all year long. If you ignore Me and do not pray, and do not worship Me on Sunday, then you will have constant problems with your health, your jobs, and your relationships. You need to love Me and love your neighbor to take away your ice cold hearts to gain freedom of the devil’s hold on you. Trust in Me for all of your needs, and your life will be much happier.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, China, Russia, and North Korea are all communist countries that have nuclear weapons. They are threats to your country, but your President is still reaching out to have talks with them to keep the peace. He is brave to stop making missile treaties, but he does not want to be limited by treaties that are not kept by Russia. Your world is an armed camp of weapons that could kill a lot of people. Keep praying for peace to stop any use of nuclear weapons.”

Jesus said: “My people, your trade with China has been one sided, as you have a large deficit of payments with China. Your President is trying to even the playing field of trade that other countries have been taking advantage of you in trade and currency manipulation. This tariff with China has caused your stock market to dip on any news of uncertainty. Pray that you can make acceptable talks with your trading partners.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the hazards of socialism which is similar to communism that is destroying Venezuela. This use of socialism also is atheistic which tries to take Me out of your lives. Your Constitutional republic was started with Me as your Creator, and your traditions were started based on freedom of religion. Socialism would take away your freedoms, and the state would control everything without Me in your midst. Pray to stop any promotion of socialism which would be the downfall of your country. Your President made a point that America would never go socialist when he said so in his State of the Union message.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had a brief ice storm that covered your bushes and trees. You prayed your storm prayer to lessen any damage from the ice. Your prayer was answered as your warmer weather is melting the ice. These severe storms are a punishment for your sins, especially your abortions. I have given you time to change your evil ways, but you insist on defying My Commandments, especially in killing My babies by abortion and even infanticide. Because your laws are mocking Me, you will see even more serious natural disasters. Pray to stop your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful that you were able to get together for another practice refuge drill. Every time you have these drills, you learn something for when your refuge time will come. I was especially thankful for all of your round the clock prayers in the chapel. You will need a plan to heat your basement when your gas heater is not working. You also bought more lanterns and rechargeable batteries to run them for light at night. You took some video clips of your practice run so you could use them in your new DVD.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have made DVDs of your talks about every two years. So you need to prepare another one for these times. Remember to pray your 24 Glory Be Novena to St. Therese for the success of this new DVD (#6). You could use your practice refuge video and a chart pad for people to follow your talk. You have a limited time to complete this work, so get this together as quickly as possible so you do not waste your time. I will bless your work, so have confidence in My help.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you daily messages on many subjects, but the main goal is to convert as many souls to the faith as you can. Saving souls from hell is your most important task for all of My faithful. Use My messages to share the faith with those people who come to your talks. Remember to pray the long form of your St. Michael prayer when you leave and return from your talks. The Holy Spirit will guide you in what to preach to the people. You can also pray your 24 Glory Be novena to St. Therese for the success of your talks as well. I will send My angels to protect you on your travels.”


Friday, February 8, 2019: (St. Josephine Bakhta)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many tornadoes come across the middle of your country, and they are a sign of great damage where they travel. You are having a windy day which is a sign of chaos and damage in your society. The devil is moving more states to have stronger abortion laws because these people fear that Roe vs Wade may get overturned in the Supreme Court. You are also seeing new voices promoting socialism, and impossible ways of stopping the use of coal, oil, and natural gas in a new ‘Green’ plan. You are now seeing the atheism that comes along with socialism, that is trying to take My Name out of your lives. Removing Me from your society’s thinking, is the worst evil with socialism. So continue to pray for your country to reject socialism, and keep Me at the center of your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the aftermath of an EMP attack on America. Many people have been warned to have one year’s supply of food for everyone in their households. But how many people have acted on this message to go out and buy the food? You, My son, have been stocking up on food for quite a few years, so your refuge is ready, and I will multiply it when it is needed. When your electricity, water, and natural gas are shut down, many people will be in a panic, and all the shelves in the stores will be emptied. You will see My faithful come to your refuge, and they will be desperate for food and water. If too many come, I will expand your buildings and multiply your food, water, and fuels. Those people, who do not have crosses on their foreheads, will not be able to enter a refuge. My refuge angels will put an invisible shield over you so no one will be able to harm you. There will be chaos in the streets when people will be killing each other for food. The military will declare martial law, and only those people who take a chip in the body, will have access to food. My faithful should refuse any chip in the body, and trust that I will feed you at My refuges. This EMP attack is the big disaster that I am showing you after the Warning. Be thankful that My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My angels. Think about how desperate people will be to get any food. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the preparations I have had you prepare for this coming tribulation. Many people will die of starvation because they are not believers, and they are not prepared.”


Saturday, February 9, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember in the Scriptures how I went off into the mountains to pray and rest from the crowds. It is good to take time to pray and think about Me, and how you could improve your life. You also remember the times at the Notre Dame Retreat House, how you spend three days listening to talks, having Mass, and going to Confession. Coming to Me with a contrite heart to repent of your sins, is something everyone should do at least once a month. Once you have your spiritual batteries recharged, then you can do more good works for your neighbor. I saw the crowd looking weary, so I multiplied their food so they had energy to get home from the deserted place. Look to help your neighbor when you see them in need. You can take time out of every day to thank Me in your prayers, and worship Me at daily Mass. Keep close to Me, and I will lead you on the right path to heaven. I love all of you, and I thank those people who love Me also.”

(4:30 p.m.) Jesus said: “My people, I performed many miracles that enhanced the faith of My apostles. St. Peter was astounded at the catch of fish, since he had caught nothing all night. He doubted they would catch anything, but he followed My Word. Throughout your lives I am helping everyone to survive, and there are times when miracles will happen to encourage your faith. When you let Me lead your lives, you will see many great things happen. You will learn to trust Me in My Word, and things will work out for you. There will be times when you are tested, but when you pray for My help, I will come to your aid. I am always at your side, so you can call on Me at any time, and I will hear your prayer.”


Sunday, February 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard a call to help the ‘Food for the Poor’ with prayers and donations. When you cannot go out to the missions, you can at least help those people who are feeding and housing poor countries abroad. You saw a crowd in a vision and they need people to bring My word of love and Good News to them. This is part of your mission, My son, to spread My messages to those people who will listen and be converted. You use your mission to spread My Word in your talks, your books, and on your website (johnleary.com). You also share your DVD videos, which is why you need to work hard to finish up what you started. Continue your twenty-four Glory Be novena to St. Therese for the success of your sixth video. I will help you to complete this project.”


Monday, February 11, 2019: (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of Our Lady of Lourdes reminds you of your trip to Lourdes, France. You felt like an electric shock when you touched the water of the grotto. Your wife went into the baths, and the water dried off quickly as she left. Many people have been healed of their diseases and disabilities at Lourdes. At My refuges I mentioned to you in previous messages how you would have a spring or well water there. Those people, who drink the spring or well water would be healed of their ailments. This would be useful if you did not have a luminous cross for healing. This healing spring water and the luminous cross will only be available during the tribulation at My refuges. Rejoice that you will not need doctors or medicines at My refuges during the tribulation. This is one more note that you could add to your new DVD. Trust in Me to help you in your needs at all times.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing harsher winters and hotter summers, as you keep setting records every year. You will be seeing a global warming that is coming from a decrease in magnetism of the earth’s magnetic shield that will allow more warming from the sun. This is more of a cause of heat than from carbon dioxide. You are seeing continuous ice, snow, and rainstorms that are spreading over your country. In the spring and summer you are seeing violent tornadoes and hurricanes. Each year you are seeing heat records that are making it hard to provide enough energy to run your air conditioners. As you face cold and snow storms, Australia is recording record hot summers. Your abortions and sexual sins are also being punished with your violent weather. You are seeing floods, power outages in winter, and fires in the summer. These weather extremes will make it hard to live on the surface of the earth. You will eventually be called to My refuges for protection from the weather and the evil ones. Trust in Me to protect you, and provide for your needs at My refuges.”


Tuesday, February 12, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when I made the earth, everything was pristine, but man is polluting the air and the water with all kinds of filth. Even your minds and souls are polluted with evil sins and bad thoughts. The devil has tried to destroy man and the beauty of the earth. During the time of Noah, the people were so evil that I sent a flood to kill the evil ones, and I protected Noah and his family in the ark. The earth had to be renewed all over again. Your people are again becoming so evil that I will separate the good people in the arks of My refuges, and I will bring a Comet of Chastisement to kill the evil ones. Then I will renew the earth as a new creation in My Era of Peace without the devil’s influence. My faithful will be prepared to be like saints, so they will be worthy to enter heaven when they die. The evil ones will reign for a short time, but in the end I will bring My victory, and all the evil ones and demons will be cast into hell. You will rejoice to have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven for being faithful to Me as Noah was.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been urging you to make another updated video #6. You spent several days getting your information together of more recent messages. You made some changes to show people all of the work that a refuge builder needs to do. You have been preparing your own refuge with the projects I have given you. You see now how all of My plans have come together to give you an independent refuge. This video includes some excerpts from your third practice run that I also asked you to do. Now you have had your third successful trial run using your well water and your wood and kerosene burners. You also have completed your 6th DVD. You need to review your DVDs and then you can start getting it copied in a new case. Thank you for answering My requests for this drill and the new DVD. Now you can share this with people to show them how to run a refuge. Continue your 24 Glory Be prayers of thanksgiving for the success of your work.”


Wednesday, February 13, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you have been given two missions: one to spread My messages on your website, your books, and your talks all over; the other mission is to set up a refuge at your house. I have told you to stay close to Me in your daily prayers and Masses so you will have the spiritual strength to carry on with both of your missions. You are following Me down this winding road of life in the vision by your constant faith in Me to lead you. I thank you for your allegiance to Me as My prayer warrior. Keep in mind that saving souls and loving Me and your neighbor are your every day work, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a cold and icy winter in many places all over your country. You have had two small ice storms that coated your trees and bushes with ice. Some areas have had power outages, and your driveway was all ice this morning. Some of these storms are a punishment for your sins and bad laws supporting abortion, as in New York State. Your storms will continue to cause problems with air flights and your power. You are seeing more political battles between socialism and capitalism. Your opposition party is backing some radical plans that are not practical. You finally finished fixing your sixth DVD video that needed some adjustments before having them for sale. It was good to show the people how you ran your refuge practice drill with all of your projects. It was especially good to see your hourly prayers in your chapel around the clock through the night during your drill. Remember that I had you run another drill and make another DVD because you are approaching the Warning, and the time
to come to My refuges. Pray for your family members to have faith in Me, so they can have crosses on their foreheads that will be needed to enter My refuges.”


Thursday, February 14, 2019: (St. Cyril and St. Methodius)
Jesus said: “My son, in the first reading from Genesis I formed a woman, Eve, from the rib of the man, Adam. Adam was very pleased as he said: (Gen 2:23,24) ‘She now is bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, for from the man she has been taken. For this reason a man leaves his father and mother, and clings to his wife, and the two become one flesh.’ My son, I have given your wife to you to help you through life, and provide your beautiful three daughters. Each spouse has a responsibility to help each other to come to heaven. Your wife has helped you in many ways, and she is the right person to help you in your missions. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you. This is St. Valentine’s day and love of Me and your love for each other makes you a special couple in My field for saving souls.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your President said he would sign the latest agreement to keep the government open in time to prevent another shutdown. This bill would provide $1.3 billion for the wall, which is far short of the $5.7 billion your President was seeking for the wall. Your President will then declare a National Emergency to provide the rest of the money from other sources. This could cause another battle in the courts to test his authority to do so. Pray for your country and all of its border problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you I would bring My justice against you for all of your abortions and your new abortion laws. You are seeing flights cancelled, ice storms, and now flooding in parts of your country. A continuing set of natural disasters will be weighing heavily on your economy. You may be seeing local disaster declarations for major disruptions of your air travel. Pray for your people who are suffering from your weather problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your practice runs you used an infra-red heater to keep people warm in the basement, but it was run on electricity. Using a smaller kerosene heater would make it easier to carry it up and down the stairs, and also provide heat in the basement without electricity. You can try it out to see how it works. You will need a small open window for more oxygen and ventilation for any fumes. You have used various projects and adjustments to provide for your refuge needs. I thank you for carrying out these plans.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is not easy to bring in sticks or provide newspaper to start your fires in the fireplace. These treated logs from your neighbor helped you to easily get a fire started. Each practice run has given you an opportunity to try new things. You changed your town water over to your well water which was powered by solar power to run your water pump and deliver water to your sinks and toilets. You ran your propane oven in your sun room to bake your bread. Thank Me for helping you to make some adjustments to fit your needs at your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were fortunate to find another supplier to copy your DVDs. This supplier could have your copies made quicker as well. This is a great help to your publisher and this service could be used for other DVDs at Queenship Publishing. Just as you are finding another supplier, I will also be multiplying your food, water, and fuels as you need them. Trust in Me to help you in all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, you will be going out for more talks as the year progresses. You took advantage of your time without talks so you could run your refuge practice drill and make your next DVD #6 video. I have enabled you to have time to make preparations for these two projects. Your time to My Warning grows close, and you will not have much more time to give your talks. Plan what talks you can until I will warn you about your time to open your refuge for protecting My faithful. Pray for My help in all that I ask you to do.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am calling My faithful to prepare for the coming Warning by coming to frequent Confession. I have had you do three practice drills so you are ready for the coming tribulation. By sharing your messages on refuges and your new DVD #6, people can learn how to prepare their refuges when people will have to live independently from your present services. I thank all of the refuge builders for their efforts to supply safe havens for My faithful, where My angels will protect you. So do not be afraid of the coming evil tribulation, because you will be led to My refuges of safety with invisible shields.”


Friday, February 15, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I offer everyone an opportunity to choose to follow My way or your way. As in the vision with the map, you can choose to follow My Will in leading you through life, or you can follow your own will as Adam and Eve did in sin. Following My Will is not easy, because I will ask you to do things that take you out of your comfort zone of the body. Following My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself, can be a little difficult to human reasoning. I am always calling you to a higher place of spirituality, but it takes My grace to fulfill this mission. In the Book of Genesis I told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, or they would live a short life and die. When you act against My laws, you are committing sin as Adam and Eve committed original sin, when they ate of the forbidden fruit. Every day you are faced with temptations of the devil to take the easy way out. Do not judge the right thing to do by what is pleasing to the comforts of your body. To remain in My grace, I am calling you to obey My laws out of love, and avoid falling into sin or the devils’ temptations. When you sin, you can come to Me in Confession for My forgiveness, and then I will cleanse your soul of sin, and give you My sanctifying grace. Keep close to Me in prayer and follow My ways instead of your ways.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to give you a message on what you see going on all around you. I have told you before ‘When I return, will I find any faith on earth?’ You have all heard My Son’s words: ‘Many are called, but few are chosen.’ It is the families who come to Sunday Mass that have enough faith to be saved. It is the children and grandchildren who need your prayers to keep the faith enough to be saved. There are prayer warriors in almost every family who pray the rosary. It is My faithful who need to pray constantly for your family members to be saved. If families do not know Me, and they ignore My love, there is very little chance to save them from hell, unless they wake up at My Warning. Without a faithful person, no one in that family will be prayed for, and they will be lost unless a miracle happens. This is why the parents have a special responsibility to help save their children and grandchildren. You can offer them up to Me, My Son, and the Blessed Mother to watch over their souls. You need to pray for your children and grandchildren every day that they will be saved from hell. Only a minority of the population will be saved. So keep praying for your family.”


Saturday, February 16, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who say the first original sin was a ‘happy fault’ so God the Father would send Me to die for the reparation of your sins. I knew that man would weaken with the devil roaming the earth, so I have given you your own guardian angel to help you. I also have instituted My sacraments as your source of grace, especially Confession to purify your souls, and My Eucharist to heal the damage of your sins. I know you have a weakness to sin because of your fallen nature. But you can lift yourself up out of the filth of your sin, by seeking My forgiveness in Confession. It is important to stay close to Me in your daily prayers, and My sacraments of grace. I love all of you so much that I do not want to see your soul wasting in hell. Keep your eyes focused on Me, and give your will over to My Will, and you will be on the right path to My glory in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Mass, do not look to be entertained, but you come to give Me worship and praise. I died for your sins, so you need to seek My forgiveness, and give Me thanks for all that I do for you. I love all of you, and you need to show Me how you love Me in your prayers and sharing with your neighbor. You have the Beatitudes in the Gospel of St. Luke, and I am encouraging everyone to love Me, and I will take care of your needs. Those people, who are selfish and do not share, may have their possessions and comforts taken away from them. Give thanks to Me for what you have by sharing your prayers and donations with those people who are less fortunate than you. All of your good works will store up treasures for you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before about a possible electric grid failure, and the consequences it could have on your society. Americans are so dependent on electricity that you do not realize how vulnerable you are for your survival. Most people do not store more than a week or two of food in their pantry. If trucks could not deliver food to your stores, or gasoline to your stations, many people could starve in a few months. If you do not have water or natural gas coming into your house, you could die of thirst or freezing in the winter. This is why My refuge builders have obtained water wells, dehydrated food, and some fuels for heating their houses. I have warned people to store one year’s supply of dried foods for each family member. Unless you are supplied, you are risking starvation, if the grid goes down for any length of time. Start getting your food storage before it is too late. Trust in Me that I will multiply what My faithful have at My refuges for your survival.”


Sunday, February 17, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when you are at Mass, some people notice how fewer people are coming to Mass. You have very few young children, small numbers of teenagers, and mostly older people, who are dying off. You see some Baptisms, but very few weddings in the Church. A good share of your people do not get married, but they live together in fornication. All of My faithful are called to evangelize souls to build up My Church. If you do not have enough new souls to replace the dying ones, then your churches will be closing for lack of members and donations. Encourage your family and friends to come to Sunday Mass, and you will gain treasure in heaven.”


Monday, February 18, 2019: (President’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, Cain did not give Me the best of his crops, but Abel offered the best of his flock. Because Abel made this extra effort out of love for Me, I accepted Abel’s offering, but not Cain’s. Because of Cain’s jealousy for Abel, Cain slew his brother in the field. Cain received My punishment of not being able to grow crops from the land, but I protected him from anyone trying to harm him. This same idea of offering Me the best that you have, like Abel, is how I want you to show your love for Me. You no longer offer up animals or crops, but you can share your prayers, donations, and good works with your neighbor. You can also share your faith to evangelize sinners. When you share, make a good effort, and give up more than just a token donation from your surplus wealth. The more you give, the more treasure you will have in heaven. Do not be jealous that others have more possessions than you, or that others have more fame than you. Accept your lot, and be thankful for all I have given you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several Democrat candidates for President proposing socialism, and a ‘Green’ new world without fossil fuels. Socialism is total control of everyone by the state, and it is similar to atheistic communism as in Russia and China. If socialism took over in America, you would lose all of your freedoms in your Bill of Rights, especially your right to worship Me. Your environmentalists who are behind this ‘Green’ plan are speaking of getting rid of all of your fossil fuels, including natural gas, oil, and coal. There is not enough hydroelectric, nuclear, solar, or wind power that could take the place of your carbon fuels that give you electricity and heat for your homes. These idealists or communists have not succeeded on their own, and Venezuela is an example of how they can ruin a country. The loss of your freedom to worship Me follows from their atheistic practices of no religion being accepted. Once the radical left and the deep state take over your country, they will try to kill all of My faithful who oppose their thinking. Pray for your country to uphold your Democratic Republic, or you will become part of the North American Union that will unite with the Antichrist. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, and I will bring My victory over the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as their reward.”


Tuesday, February 19, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, at the time of Noah, the men of the earth were corrupt with all sorts of violence. I had in mind to destroy all of these evil people with a flood. Noah and his family were the only just ones, so I would save them on an ark. I gave Noah instructions how to make an ark, and I told him to save at least a female and male of the animals, and place them in the ark. In today’s world you also are seeing so much corruption and violence, when you are even killing your own children by abortion in the womb. Just as I wiped out all the evil ones of Noah’s day, so I will again use fire to wipe out the evil ones of this age. I will have My faithful build refuges which will be your arks of protection during the tribulation. (Matt. 25:37-39) ‘And as it was in the days of Noah, even so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and swept them all away; even so will be the coming of the Son of Man.’”

Jesus said: “My people, Noah was given instructions on how to build a large ark for his family and all of the animals. Today, I give instructions for some to build large refuges, and for others to build smaller refuges. This is not an easy job to build a refuge, depending on how much money you have available to spend. The big message about arks and refuges, is that I am finding the means to separate the good people from the evil people. In the case of Noah, I saved them in the ark, and I killed the evil ones with the flood. In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, I had My angels lead Lot and his family out of the city, and then I destroyed the evil people with fire and brimstone. In today’s time, I will be sending My faithful to the protection of My angels at My refuges, which are modern day arks. Then I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. My faithful will not be harmed by the Comet. The evil ones will be killed, and their souls will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, February 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, after the flood that killed everyone but Noah and his family, I made a covenant with man. I said I would not kill all of man on the earth again. Then I said I would not kill man with a flood either, and that is why I set My rainbow in the sky as a sign of My covenant. When I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, it will not kill everyone, but only those people who are not at My refuges. It is My angels, who will protect My faithful at My refuges from any harm of the comet, or man’s weapons, and the weather. Trust in My help and My protection at all times.”

Lorenzo’s son who died from drugs: Jesus said: “My son, there are many young people dying from drug overdoses. They do not realize the hazards of fentanyl from China that is mixed in their drugs that is deadly. I will have mercy on their souls, as Lorenzo’s son. They will be in the lower regions of purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the days leading up to the tribulation, there will be authorities trying to kill My faithful prayer warriors because of their belief in Me. This is why My faithful will be seeking out a place to hide. This is why I am having My angels lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame to follow. My angels will put an invisible shield around you, so the evil ones cannot see you. When you arrive at My refuges, you will also be protected by an invisible shield. Christians will be sought out because they want to kill you. There may be some people who are martyred for their faith in Me, but most of My faithful will be protected from those who want to harm you. You will be living in dangerous times, but My angels at My refuges will protect you from harm. Throughout history My believers have been persecuted and even martyred. I have found ways to protect My faithful, and My refuges will be your safe havens for the coming tribulation. When I call you to My refuges, follow your guardian angels to My safe havens.”


Thursday, February 21, 2019: (St. Peter Damian)
Jesus said: “My people, I asked My disciples who I was, and My disciples gave various responses. Then St. Peter said: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended St. Peter for answering correctly, but it was the Holy Spirit who inspired his answer. Then I told them that I would be killed by the Pharisees and the Romans, but I would rise in three days. Some of them were shocked at My words, and St. Peter did not want Me to die. I told him: ‘Get behind Me Satan, because you are thinking as man does, and not as God does.’ I repeated this to My disciples openly, several times, but they did not understand what rising from the dead meant. I gave you a vision of the tomb where My dead Body would be resurrected. My Resurrection is My greatest miracle of My Good News, and this is My promise to all of My faithful that you will all rise on the last day to join your soul with a glorified body. Give praise and glory to Me for bringing all of you to heaven one day, when you repent and seek My forgiveness of your sins.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see new missiles being developed by Russia, China, and North Korea. America has stopped the missile treaties with Russia, and now a new arms race is being started. Any of your adversaries could launch an EMP attack on your National Grid that could be devastating to your people. Your country could launch such missiles against an opponent, but without as serious an effect. Pray for peace with less killing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for safe travel to Canada with your long form of the St. Michael prayer both coming and returning. You also need to pray your storm prayer so you do not get caught in the coming storm. Leave early enough so you can arrive home in the light of day. You can share your pictures and movies with those who want them. Give thanks and praise to Me for giving you another bishop.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of My refuge builders for all they are doing to supply safe havens for the faithful during the tribulation. My refuges will be your only places to hide from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful. My refuges will protect you from any missiles, EMP attacks, or virus attacks. Trust in Me to provide for your protection and your survival. Have no fear and be patient, as these events will come quickly.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have become so accustomed to all of your inventions and comforts in this world. Remember to rely on Me for all of your needs, instead of relying on your money and your possessions. All of these things will be passing away, so all that is important is saving your soul in heaven. This is why praying to save the souls of your family is so important to teach them the faith, so they can have crosses on their foreheads to be allowed into My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is important to build up your churches with new members so your churches can support themselves and keep from closing. My churches provide a source of grace in My sacraments, and a chance for My faithful to grow strong in your prayer groups and organizations. Struggle to keep your churches open, despite the attacks from outside and the devil’s temptations. Call on Me to send My angels to protect your churches.”

Jesus said: “My people, now you could start thinking of how you could improve your spiritual life in this coming Lenten Season. For those people who can do fasting between meals, you can even start early. By getting your soul closer to Me in your prayer life and Confession, you can think of what areas of your life need changing for the better. Lent lets you pause to analyze if you are getting better, or if you are slipping back into old bad habits. Call on My help to prepare you for the coming Lenten Season.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent your parish may offer you a chance to attend a mission or a retreat for some organized prayer meetings. Make an effort to support such offerings by participating in what is offered. During Lent, prayer, Confession, almsgiving, and good deeds would help your spiritual life. If you do not attend a prayer group, this would be an opportunity to help you in prayer all year around. You also might think of attending a Bible study group as a good Lenten activity to enhance your spiritual life. Lent is an opportunity to use your time wisely to improve your spiritual life in coming closer to your Lord.”


Friday, February 22, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, Fr. Guy is truly needed in this diocese because the current Archbishop is turning 75, which is usually a retirement age. He will be an auxiliary bishop, and it will be a new life for him to work closely with the leaders of this diocese. Fr. Guy will be Most Reverend Guy, and he will have the authority to ordain faithful priests. He will take on a new set of responsibilities for the souls of his people. He has many skills which he will need in delegating people to help him with his many tasks of financing and having enough priests for the many churches. Pray for your new bishop that he is not overwhelmed with his new job. He needs to keep a good prayer life with daily Adoration to carry out his work in My service.”


Saturday, February 23, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, the readings and the beautiful homily are all about love and faith, that is seen in all of the patriarchs and prophets. I have told you, My son, if you keep praying every day, you will keep your gifts. The day you stop praying, is the day you could lose your gifts. I know you love Me so much, and I love you even more than you know. My angels are guarding you in your ministry, and you are carrying out your missions as I have encouraged you. Continue to be a source of faith and confidence in Me for all the people that you meet. You had a gift of My Presence when you came to see Neville. It is this Presence of Mine that you bring to many people when you bring My Word. Keep spreading My Word and praying for the conversion of sinners. I will give you all the graces that you need to carry out the missions which I have given you. Remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for your protection. Congratulate Bishop Guy on his ordination and pray for his work.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing divisions between your two political parties, and even division in My Church. You need to pray to build bridges of friendship between your political parties, so they could vote to make progress for your country, instead of constant fighting and gridlock. You also have divisions in My Church between progressive thinking people and the traditional following of My laws. Even in My Church you could build bridges of friendship between your liberals and conservatives. In order to draw people closer together, you need prayers of love for each other. You are all capable of loving each other for a common good, and following My laws. I am sending My graces down to you to help fight off the devil’s temptations for hate and division. Call on My angels to help you all work together to build your bridges of love in religion and politics.”


Sunday, February 24, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when you are dealing with people, you should always take the high road of being nice to people, even if they think differently from what you believe. Do not criticize or judge people, because I am the only judge. Even if people are doing bad things, or persecuting you, you need to pray for them. It is not easy to love your enemies and pray for them, but you need to imitate My ways of love. Today’s Gospel had a lot of good ways to live, and you need to act on My words. You had the golden rule of do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Living a Christian life takes a lot of effort because My ways are much different than your earthly ways. You may be criticized for living a loving life of sharing, but you will gain praise from Me. Make an effort to follow My Gospel, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Monday, February 25, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you know about people who are possessed by demons, and they have many appearances. This boy, whom I healed in the Gospel, was foaming at his mouth, and the demon threw him into fire and water. In other cases the demon talks through the person with a growling voice. Another case is when it is cold in the room. The father of the boy had great faith in My healing power, so I cast the mute spirit out of the boy. You may see demon effects when people have various addictions. This is why you need to call on Me with deliverance prayers to cast out the demons in order to stop an addiction. You need to pray for the souls as well, so a healed person does not revert back to their old addiction. The demons can control people through their addictions, and that is why it is hard to stop, unless the demonic influence is removed. Remember not to allow anything to control you, and you can prevent falling into an addiction. Daily prayer can protect you. Keep praying your St. Michael prayer in the long form to break any addiction in your family or friends.”

Jesus said: “My son, you just watched the Gosnell movie again, and you now realize that Gosnell went to jail for life in prison, because he killed three live babies after birth by cutting their necks with a scissors. It is bad enough to be killing My babies in the womb, but to kill babies who are born alive, is supporting infanticide. You just had a bill in the U.S. Senate that failed to stop infanticide. (53 to 44, 3 Democrats in favor, 3 Republicans did not vote; failed to reach 60 to break filibuster) There were only three Democrats that would vote to stop infanticide. This has become part of the sick Democrat platform. You can see that once the Democrats get control, your country will be going down the path of Venezuela to a communist dictatorship. Because you are not moving to stop your abortion laws, you are calling down My justice on America. My justice and punishment will be in the form of an increase in natural disasters, and a takeover of your country by the socialist communists and the Antichrist. When the persecution of Christians begins, you will need to come to My refuges to avoid being killed. After the short reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the earth that will kill all of the evil ones, and their souls will be cast into hell. Only My believers will be protected at My refuges, and they will join Me in My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, February 26, 2019;
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were discussing who was the greatest among them. I told them, whoever wishes to be first, must be the servant of all. There are people who wish to be famous, but this is an earthly desire that will not last. Only desire to be first, if I call you to be a leader, like I called St. Peter. I took a little child in My arms and I said: (Mk 9:36)’Whoever receives one such little child for My sake, receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me, but Him who sent Me.’ The converse is also true. If you do not receive a little child, then you are against Me, and I will not witness you to My heavenly Father. You are seeing an ugly precedent being made by the pro-death people, that they now support infanticide. This is the killing of live born babies who were intended to be aborted. This is a slippery slope that could lead to killing anyone who is not desired. You saw in communist China how they were killing all girls because they wanted a male child for their one child. This could lead to killing malformed babies, old people in euthanasia, Christians, or those people who are not politically correct, as in communist Russia where they are sent to Siberia. Your nation is moving more to the devil’s ways than My ways, and all of these evil ones will be cast into hell. Pray to convert sinners, but those people who reject Me, will be rejected into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to prepare both large or small refuges, depending on the size of their property. It is not easy to plan for years of living in a confined space. Do not worry about running out of food, water, or fuels, because I will be multiplying what you need. Right after the Warning and the six weeks of conversion, there will be chaos leading up to My telling those people with crosses on their foreheads to come to My refuges. It is important to leave quickly with your backpacks and sleeping bags, or people could be captured by the men in black and killed. My angels will put a shield of invisibility over you as they will lead you to the nearest refuge. My refuge builders need to be ready to accept more people than they expected. If necessary, My angels will be finishing or building more buildings to accommodate all the faithful people who come. You will assign beds to sleep in and jobs for everyone. You may need counseling to calm down people who may be in a panic. Once you can set up a daily plan for eating, sleeping, and prayer times, your lives will be more ordered. Living with a lot of people in a confined space will require patience for everyone. My refuge builders need to have all the things they will be using, so they can help everyone with their needs. I am reviewing your refuge plans because it is difficult to know how to have everyone organized for this kind of living together. Trust in My help, since I will provide for all of your needs.”


Wednesday, February 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, in the vision you see Me leading you in My footsteps. I have led you all throughout your life, and you have been a faithful servant in following Me. You are about to embark on a perilous journey, when the evil ones will try to kill My faithful, and especially My prophets who are speaking out, as yourself. You know that the Antichrist will be coming to declare himself after the Warning and the six weeks of conversion. Once he declares himself, this will start the less than 3½ years of the evil tribulation. I will warn you when to stay at your refuge, when the evil ones will be searching to capture you, before martial law is declared. I told you before that those people on the red list will be picked up before martial law starts. Those people, who are captured, will face death at the detention centers. I will warn all the people on the red and blue lists when it is time to go into hiding at My refuges of protection. You remember in history how Hitler killed people in his gas chambers. This killing of My faithful will be as back in that time. This is why My faithful will be warned when to avoid being killed. Some of My people will be martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints, and they will return to earth during My Era of Peace. My son, you will be traveling to various refuges in bilocation to help support My people. Follow in My footsteps as I will lead you through the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen statues and pictures of My Sacred Heart. You usually have a large crucifix of Me on your altars. You also could see statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, and saints of a given church. Sometimes you may see statues of angels around the altar or the tabernacle. There truly are angels adoring and worshiping Me wherever My consecrated Hosts are stored, and during Mass. This is why I call My faithful to make visits to My tabernacle or My exposition in the monstrance, so you can adore Me in silence. You also see an image of Me in pictures of My Divine Mercy by St. Faustina. You can gain graces by praying before this image. When you pray in church, you can try and imitate the lives of the saints and Me. You may see icons of My Blessed Mother and the saints in Eastern Rite Churches. All of these images and statues add beauty and purpose to My churches in addition to My Presence, so be thankful they are in your churches.”


Thursday, February 28, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, there are some wealthy people who may have made their wealth on the stock market or an inheritance. Some of them flaunt their wealth, and some even sell their soul to the devil for fame and fortune. No matter how much money or possessions you have, they are nothing to Me, because I was responsible to give you your talents, or good fortune in your inheritances. These things will pass away, but I and your souls will live on forever. This is why I am asking you to depend on Me for everything, and not on your money or possessions. Your life is short, but your soul lives on into eternity. So it is your eternal destination that is most important to be with Me in heaven, rather than with the devil in the eternal flames of hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing signs by China as they want to exert their influence on the shipping lanes in the South China Sea. They also would like to take Taiwan, but the US Navy stands in their way. You are concerned about a trade war with China, but you could have military interference from China, as they get bolder with their new ships and missiles. Pray that war does not start with China and America.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just saw a breakdown in talks with North Korea. Now, there is a question if your President can make a deal with trade with China over proposed tariff increases. The deficit of payments with China is draining money from your country, and there is a limit to how long this will go on. Pray that America can make a fair deal with China to keep the peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are entering March, and you are still seeing serious cold, and a continuous string of snow and ice storms almost every week. Some of these struggles are a punishment for your new abortion laws. You even saw an attempt to pass a law to ban infanticide of babies who survived an abortion, but it failed in the US Senate. I told you that you will see worse storms as your punishment, and you are seeing record cold, snow, and floods. It is time to stop your abortions, and pray for the sins of your country to decrease.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called some people to set up refuges for people to stay during the tribulation. Independent living is not easy without water and some electricity. This is why I advised My refuge builders to have some source of water. You also could use some solar power to run water pumps, and sump pumps, as well as lights. When you have power outages, you see how vulnerable you are. I will help all of My refuge people to survive, even with some crude means. My faithful will need to come to My refuges during the tribulation to save your lives and your souls. Pray for your family to convert to the faith so they can be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, Americans have enjoyed freedom from communism, but it is hard to understand why they would want a socialist country. It is the leaders of the opposition party that are moving closer to embracing socialism. Socialism is very similar to communism, and both have support for atheism, which will cause a conflict with Christians who want freedom of religion. This conflict between capitalism and socialism could lead to a civil war that could invoke martial law and a possible takeover of your country. Pray to preserve your freedoms, but this could cause a time to come to My refuges for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is just so much credit that your country needs to finance your ever increasing National Debt. Your country runs deficits almost every year, but there should be more attempts to limit your spending. If you cannot find enough buyers for your bonds, you could see a coming default on your debts. Your Congress needs to address this problem before it gets worse. Pray for your leaders to make the right decisions.”

Jesus said: “My people, every Lent should be an excellent opportunity to examine your consciences to see how you could lead a better spiritual life. You all have various weaknesses to sin and bad habits. By looking close at your life, use this Lent to work on your most frequent sins. You can start with Confession, fasting, and some spiritual reading. You can also give some donations to your food shelves, charities, and your Church support. Some people are not coming to Sunday Mass or Confession, so encourage your lukewarm family members to make some changes. You can make more prayer efforts for your family and friends if you are not doing so already. Saving souls is hard, because the price on souls needs consistent prayers, and you need to make an effort this Lent to make a difference in your life and those lives around you.”


Friday, March 1, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you know that I am your best friend, and your Creator. You can depend on Me to help you at all times. The Book of Sirach speaks about various friends. Some people are only friends to get something from you, but in hard times, they disappear. A real test is when someone has cancer, and people who are true friends will stick by their friend. You have acquaintances at church and work, but there are only a few friends you can trust not to turn on you. You may have closer friends in your prayer group who think like you do. When you find a true friend, they are truly valuable in your lives. Keep close to Me, but you need to pray for all of your friends that their souls can be saved, especially your family members.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the West and along the Mississippi Valley, you are seeing floods and ice jams from all the rain and snow you had in recent storms. You also are seeing melting snow contribute to your floods. As you move into March, you are still seeing snow and cold. Winter is not giving way to spring in the next week or so. Many of you are tired of your continuous snowstorms, but they are not going away, even though you are having more light during the day. You have been cleaning the snow off of your new solar panels on the first floor. This is your first winter for your new twelve solar panels, and they are able to supply electricity during the winter when you clear the snow off of them. Continue to trust in My help when you will be at your refuge during the tribulation.”


Saturday, March 2, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you and your wife were blessed with five pregnancies that gave you three daughters who lived, one daughter as a miscarriage, and one son who died after four days. It was difficult to suffer the losses of the two who died, but now you have eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. This vision shows you how each child which you are given, is a gift from Me, even the ones who died. You have two saints in heaven praying for you. I told My apostles that they need to have the innocence and love of a child to come into heaven. It is this simple love and dependence on Me that I desire of all of My faithful. I love all of you so much, and I pray that you will love and obey Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you the old silver coins that have inherent value, as opposed to your dollars where the paper money has no inherent value. They are only debt instruments of your Federal Reserve. The bankers, who finance your National Debt, are running a scam using debt money to pay for things. The bankers collect the interest on the National Debt. Most of the rich people have property, artwork, gold, and silver. They have little in paper money and stocks. When they crash your money, they will lose very little, but everyone with dollars, will lose all of their savings. Be prepared with some cash on hand before the crash, and your silver and gold to pay your taxes. A crash of the dollar and the stock market will cause chaos all over your country and the world. This would precipitate a martial law, and I would issue a warning through an inner locution for My faithful to come to My refuges for safety, when people will be killing each other for food and water. Remember only My faithful believers will be allowed into My refuges with crosses on their foreheads. Trust in Me to protect you through the coming tribulation.”


Sunday, March 3, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, because of the language restrictions, I spoke in exaggerated terms which were hard to imagine. It is hard to actually picture a wooden beam of wood in someone’s small eye, but you can understand a splinter in someone’s eye. The point I was making is that people need to look at their own faults first before talking about other’s faults. Even some people are hypocrites when they complain about others, but they are doing the same wrong. You are seeing this in your own society that is called a double standard. Some people criticize your President for the least little thing, but when the opposition party does the same thing, the media is silent. You have many hypocrites in your society, but you need to pray for everyone despite their bad habits.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you heard that you can tell a good person from a bad person by their fruits. A good tree can only bear good fruit, and a bad tree can only bear bad fruit. If you see someone helping another in need, you know that person is likely a good person by their actions. If you see someone stealing from another or bullying people, you know that person is doing evil. You will know people by their fruits, or by their actions. This is why it is so important for parents to teach proper morals to their children. Otherwise if the children are not disciplined, they can be problems for your society. Your children need love and attention, so they will be loving parents for their own children. It is the absence of love in your society that is breeding so much hate between people. I am asking My people to be loving of all people and pray for them, so you can be good examples for others to imitate. Americans need to repent and love each other, instead of all of the hate and revenge. Pray for your country and your people to come close to Me, so they all can be on the right path to heaven.”


Monday, March 4, 2019: (St. Casimir)
Jesus said: “My people, the rich man in the Gospel said he followed My Commandments from his youth, but to gain heaven, he was lacking in giving his possessions to the poor, and then I asked him to follow Me. This was too difficult for the rich man to give up, so he went away sad. It is one thing to give substantial donations to the poor or other worthy causes, but giving up all of your money and possessions is difficult for most people. I know you need money to pay your bills and taxes, but when you die, you will give them up, because you cannot take them past the grave. The rich people also have power over people with their financial influence. I love a cheerful giver, but do not hold back anything from Me, and put your full trust in Me to provide for your needs. Do not put your trust in money that can rot and be stolen.”

Jesus said: “My people, this closed door in the vision is how some people block Me out of their lives. I am warning people to be ready for My judgment every day, because you do not know when I will return to judge your souls. I knock on the door of your souls to let Me into the love of your heart. If you refuse to be open to Me, you could be judged to hell. When I come in judgment, I will not knock, but I will demand that you make an accounting of your life. In order to be ready for My judgment, you must keep your souls clean from sin by frequent Confession. There are only two places to go at that time-heaven or hell. This is why you are not ready for heaven, unless you are ready to die every day.”

Mass intention for Chris Theut’s father: Jesus said: “My people, Chris’ father is in purgatory, and he needs your prayers.”


Tuesday, March 5, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, in the vision you are seeing My tabernacle in an old church, and a nun dressed in her habit. This reminds you of the days when you were taught religion by the nuns, when you were in grammar school. In the Gospel My apostles were saying how they gave up everything to follow Me. When you hear My Word and act on it, it takes a strong faith to come out of your comfort zone to spread My Gospel. I call on many people to be converted and follow Me. You may have been taught the faith, and have it memorized in your head. But you need to move this down into your heart, so you are acting out of love to go out and teach My Good News to the people. You have the seed of My Word of love planted in your heart from reading the Scriptures, but it takes spiritual courage to put My Word into action, when you try to evangelize people to the faith. Now, when you bring My Word and My messages to the people, they will have an opportunity also to put My Word into action in their hearts and souls. By coming closer to Me, people can have a deeper love relationship with their Creator. You have Lent starting tomorrow with Ash Wednesday, so make your plans on what you can give up for Me, that will improve your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you in many messages of a coming division in My Church between the schismatic people who follow the New Age crystals, and the faithful remnant. It is only the faithful remnant of My Church that the gates of hell will not prevail over. Those people, who worship any person or thing other than Me, will be condemned to hell by their disobedience. When the Christian persecution comes, I will direct My faithful to My refuges of protection. If you have a faithful priest, you could have daily Mass at your refuge. Pray for your families that they could be converted and saved at My Warning. You do not want to see any of them lost in hell. Your constant prayers for them, will give them a chance to be saved. In the end only the people, who love Me and repent of their sins, will be saved.”


Wednesday, March 6, 2019: (Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, today you heard the priest say: ‘Remember thou are dust, and unto dust thou shall return.’(Gen. 3:19) You have your ashes on your forehead right where the angel has placed your invisible cross to get into My refuges. This is the beginning of the Lenten Season when purple vestments are used for forty days. This time of repentance relates to the forty days I spent in the desert, and the devil tempted Me three times. You are thinking of what penances you could do to restrain your body to the will of your soul for love of Me. This is the day of salvation, and you could start your fasting, prayers, almsgiving, and time for repenting in Confession. Whatever penance you choose, you should resolve to keep it throughout these forty days. If you want to do an extra penance, you could even include Sundays to continue your choice of penance. Remember that you will be working to improve your spiritual life every day of Lent. Call on Me to help your resolve in your penances for Lent.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me talk about your unusual weather that has been giving record cold and snow amounts. You have had violent winds and tornadoes that have killed people, along with constant snow storms. Your people still do not see the link between your bad weather and your abortions and infanticide as in the Gosnell movie. Some states are putting almost no limit on when you could kill My babies in their new laws. Your people should be appalled at the killing of a million babies by abortion every year. Your country and your states will be punished for killing My babies, and your severe weather is a payback. America needs to repent and make reparation for killing your children. If you keep passing worse laws on abortion, you are challenging My justice. Change your ways America, before I will change them for you.”


Thursday, March 7, 2019: (St. Perpetua and St. Felicity)
Jesus said: “My people, the first reading speaks of the blessing or the curse, where all of your need to follow My Commandments on your way to heaven, or else you will be choosing the curse of hell. This is a very stark choice at the beginning of Lent, but there are truly only two choices: to be with love of Me in heaven, or with the hate of the devil in hell. In the Gospel (Matt 17:24-28) I give you a choice to pick up your daily cross or not, and follow Me on a path to heaven. You are to deny yourself and give your will over to Me. (Matt 17:26) ‘For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul?’ In the end you can only take your soul beyond the grave, and you want to choose your eternal destination with Me, and not the devil. For this world is passing away, but My words will not pass away. During Lent you could be fasting between meals, and avoid eating meat on the Fridays of Lent. You can also choose to give something up that you like, as your additional penance. By cleansing your soul in Confession and working to avoid your sinful habits, you can keep your soul ready for your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am asking My prayer warriors not to lose hope because I am going before you to do battle with the demons who you are fighting against in some of your weak leaders in the Church. Keep fighting to have My Word heard, no matter how difficult it may appear to you. Pray for the people who are causing your problems because I love all of you. I will work with you to provide the necessary paperwork. You have seen this trick used against you at the last moment in other talks. I am proud of My warriors who are fighting to save My babies from abortion. When you pray your rosaries in front of the Planned Parenthood buildings, you may not see a quick answer to your prayers, but I hear your prayers coming from your heart. You prayed many years in front of an abortion hospital, but finally that hospital has closed in Rochester, N.Y. All of the people who help fight abortion, are storing up treasures in heaven for your judgment. Trust in My help to support your efforts to stop abortion, and let people know about the Gosnell movie. You are not only fighting abortion, but you are even fighting to protect the lives of the babies who survive an abortion. The killing of live babies in infanticide is an even worse offense to Me than the abortion attempt. Keep praying to stop abortion, and pray that your program can be run despite your problems. Do not give up, but keep struggling to spread My messages.”


Friday, March 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, this hurricane in the vision has both a physical and spiritual meaning. In the physical meaning you are seeing category 5 hurricanes striking your country and causing billions of dollars worth of damage. The last few years have even caused much damage to your economy. Some damage I have allowed as a punishment for your abortions and your sexual sins. You will be seeing My Warning come amidst a lot of chaos caused by such storms. A spiritual meaning of the hurricane in the vision is the effects of the devil’s influence that is behind the drugs, alcohol addictions, break ups in marriages, and a general breakdown in your morals in America and all over the world. You can see how the faith of the people is weak because people do not pray enough, do not come to Sunday Mass, do not come to Confession, and do not recognize My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. If Catholics really believed in My very Presence in My Eucharist, how could they leave My sacraments for the itching ears to hear another Gospel? I started My Church with St. Peter as the first Pope, and it is the allegiance of My faithful to keep holding My Church together, and even building it up with your evangelizing sinners to follow My Good News. Parents need to teach the proper morals of My Commandments to their children, and do not leave it up to religion classes or the government. Once children do not come to Sunday Mass, it will be difficult to pass the faith down to their children.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to love and appreciate My gift of My Eucharist to you that I left behind. You have My Real Presence in every consecrated Host and the consecrated Wine. Some people do not believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. This is why I have allowed miracles of My Eucharist, where blood appears on the Host, to help the non-believers. Those people, who do believe in My Real Presence, have a strong desire to receive Me in Holy Communion every day. They also desire to be with Me in Adoration of My Host. Because My Host in Holy Communion is so holy, I want My people only to receive Me in the state of grace. Those people, who receive My Host in mortal sin, are committing a sin of sacrilege. If you have mortal sin, you need to confess it in Confession, before receiving Me in Holy Communion worthily. You need to respect My Real Presence by bowing or kneeling to receive Me. You also need to genuflect to My tabernacle when you come into church, and when you leave. Those faithful, who come to adore Me at My tabernacle, are My special adorers who have a place deep in My Heart. I love all of you, and those who love Me, are on the road to heaven.”


Saturday, March 9, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in Lent you are focused on repenting of your sins and converting your lives in Confession. The Pharisees complained how I was eating with sinners, but I told them that the sick need a physician in Me to heal their sins, while the self-righteous do not need a physician. I know My people are weak to sin by your inheritance of original sin from Adam, but I have brought you salvation by My death on the cross. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can come to Me in the priest where he can absolve your sins in Confession. Remember to keep My Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. Call on Me to protect you from the devil’s temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember in My first message recently (3-7-19) how I told you not to lose hope, even when you needed a letter from Fr. Michel’s bishop. The letter was never received by email, but you were able to retrieve the letter from Fr. Michel’s email. You had it printed for the pastor and this allowed the speaking to go ahead. The priest did not want you to talk, as he only allowed you about ten minutes. A window was opened to talk at a private home. Fr. Michel prayed over the people, and he received some donations for his second monastery. I helped you get through your problems, so now prayers of thanksgiving are in order. I know you and your people are grateful for how I worked things out for you. My son, you were confident in My help, and you were rewarded for your faith in Me. When My faithful know not to lose hope, and you trust in Me to work out your problems, I am always willing to answer your prayers. Many people were touched by your words and Fr. Michel’s words. Fr. Michel blessed the people with his oil and his St. Joseph statue, and there were some healings as a result. This is another lesson to always trust in My help to get you through life’s trials. Thank Me again as you give Me your prayers of thanksgiving.”


Sunday, March 10, 2019: (First Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel of My forty days of fasting in the desert, is a sign for celebrating the forty days of Lent. During this time you are also fasting between meals, repenting of your sins in Confession, sharing your money, time, and talents with those in need, and you continue your daily prayers. In the desert I suffered three temptations from the devil. The first was to change stones into bread to satisfy My hunger, but I told the devil that man does not live on bread alone. You have a need to satisfy your hunger and thirst, but you must trust in Me to provide food and water for your needs. The devil tempted Me by wanting to give the power of the world over to Me, if I would bow down to him, but I told him you are all to worship God alone. Many are tempted to acquire money and possessions for power and comforts. Some people even kill for money, or they sell their soul for fame and fortune. So do not worship things or people, but only worship your God in heaven according to the First Commandment. The third temptation was one of pride so I would throw Myself down a cliff for the angels to protect Me, but I told the devil not to tempt the Lord your God. Pride is a huge temptation to be shown off to people as famous and well known. This leads to many sins, but be humble and loving of your God and neighbor. The devil tempts you to gain your soul, but do not follow his lies and deceits because I love you always, and the devil hates you. Give your will over to My Will in all that you do, and one day you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am proud of My prayer warriors for standing your ground against the pro-death people at the Planned Parenthood building that performs abortions. Fr. Michel prayed some exorcism prayers in Latin. He then shook the incense smoke all around the building to try and shut down this abortion clinic. You then prayed three rosaries and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy to stop the abortions. You saw five police cars that tried to intimidate you to no success. You are still amazed that mothers continue to kill their own children in the womb. The devil is trying to kill as many babies as possible. Keep praying to stop abortions, no matter how much these people are persecuting you for your efforts to save My babies. Killing babies is against My Fifth Commandment, and if your country does not stop the killings, you can expect more punishments from natural disasters. Learn from your mistakes, or you will continue your sins and worse punishments. I love all of you, and you need to love every one as well.”


Monday, March 11, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I want to revisit a subject I gave you before about your cell phones. Today, you are using cell phones for voice and data communications using your cell towers and satellites. Almost everyone has a cell phone, so they are connected through the internet. This network will be used against all the people who accept the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the body. After the Warning and the six weeks of conversion, you should get rid of your cell phones, TVs, and computers so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist. The mark of the beast will allow the Antichrist to use your communication to hypnotize people and control their minds to worship him. The Antichrist will also use this control over people to find and kill anyone who believes in Me. Those people, who are chipped, will carry out this order to kill Christians. This is why I will warn My faithful through an inner locution when it is time to come to My refuges to save their souls and their bodies from the evil ones. So do not mock My refuge builders, but help them to prepare their refuges with food, water, and fuels that I will multiply for the faithful who will come to My refuges. Some people will be martyred, but they will become instant saints. This is why you need to convert your family members after the Warning so they will receive a cross on their forehead to enter My refuges. Trust in My help and My Word that I am giving to all of My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing rows of students at their desks. You all remember your years as a student when you were taught your subjects in school. As you grow up and mature as an adult, you also were a student of life’s experiences. By the grace of your parents, your teachers, and My help, your kernel of faith has grown into a strong faith of one of My prophets and a refuge builder. It is important to grow in your knowledge of the faith, as much as it is important to excel in your worldly knowledge. Knowing and loving Me is the better knowledge to have. Following My Will is also much better than following your own will, because My ways are better than your ways. It is also important to try and instill faith in Me to your children, because you are responsible for saving their souls by your prayers. Your mission is also to spread My Good News in converting souls to the faith. Keep working on improving your faith this Lent. The more you do for Me, the more reward you will have in heaven for your judgment day. Keep the faith and trust in Me always to help you through life’s trials.”


Tuesday, March 12, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you look at nature and you see how the squirrels prepare for winter by burying nuts and making a shelter with leaves. Man also prepares for winter by stocking up on wood for heating his house, and putting meat in the freezer from the game he kills. There is another kind of preparation and that is to stock up a refuge when people will need a safe haven from the evil ones during the tribulation. Stocking up on wood, propane, and kerosene will be needed at My refuges to keep people warm at My refuges during the winter. You will also need a water source and some dehydrated food to feed the people as well. I have asked My refuge builders to make these preparations, so My faithful will have a place to hide when the evil ones want to kill you. Do not be afraid, because My angels will protect you and multiply your food, water, and fuels to survive the less than 3½ years of the Antichrist’s reign. At My refuges My angels will put an invisible shield over you. So trust in My protection when the tribulation will come over the earth.”


Wednesday, March 13, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, today you have the account of Jonah the prophet, which is the only sign that I will give to you. He was asked to go to his enemy in Nineveh and tell them their city would be destroyed in forty days. Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh, but he fled on a boat. Then a large storm came up, and the men on the boat threw Jonah overboard, because they thought he was the cause of the storm. A large fish swallowed him, and spewed him on the seashore. Jonah was given another chance to carry out his mission. When the people felt threatened by Jonah’s words, they put on sackcloth and sat in the ashes. They also changed their evil ways. When I saw the people of Nineveh repent and change their ways, I relented of the punishment that I was going to bring down on this city. This account is a lesson to everyone, that it is better to obey My laws and repent of your sins, than suffer My wrath of punishment. This is an unusual response for man’s behavior, because in most cases there is no change in his actions. This is why I punished the people in Noah’s time, and the people of Sodom because of their evil ways without repenting. Even in today’s evil ways, you are again seeing extremes in nature as your punishment. Lent is a time of prayer and fasting to show Me that you are sorry for your sins. By coming to Confession, you can restore your souls to My graces. So do not be reluctant to come to Confession, but come back to Me to change your evil ways.”


Thursday, March 14, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, because of your evil abortion laws and infanticide, I warned you that you would see worse natural disasters. This latest Ulmer storm looks like a hurricane, and its high winds are toppling trees and large trucks, as well as many power outages. If you do not change your ways, you are calling down My justice as a punishment upon your people. Many of your recent storms are taking a financial toll on your possessions. If you do not understand My wrath, then I will wake you up with losses in your finances. At some point you will be on your knees asking to stop these storms, but I have taken away your protection from such storms. Let Me make it perfectly clear. If you do not stop your abortions, infanticide, and fornications, you can look forward to more damaging winds and floods. You are seeing a reflection of your evil deeds in the damaging weather all around you. Pray to stop your recent abortion and euthanasia laws.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, money and riches can cause people to sin in stealing, killing, or embezzling
people for money. Greed for more money than you need, can be seen among the rich. You need a certain amount of money for modest cars and homes, and to pay your bills. Many people need to struggle with working at jobs to pay for everything. Do not let money be an idol before Me, and trust in Me to provide for your needs. You sometimes have to depend on others to help you with unforeseen bills.”

Jesus said: “My people, other countries and your own country have offered to send food to Venezuela, but the communist government was refusing this aid. There is a political conflict between the current leader and a popular man who is trying to take over for the people. There could be a civil war between these factions, and some have wondered about other countries assisting in support for a new leader. Pray for peace in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a lot of snow and cold, and you are seeing signs of a warming trend as your days are getting longer. Once the cold stops, you will be seeing the spring flowers coming up through the ground. You may have to endure tornadoes and strong winds with the change in your seasons. Melting snow can also lead to flooding. Seeing a warm day as today, gives you a new lease on life working in your yard. Be willing to help each other in your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been fasting and doing your penances for some few weeks. It is important for your spiritual strength to continue to keep up your chosen penances for the rest of your Lenten Season. You may be giving up sweets and not eating between meals, which takes a strong will. You, My son, are even continuing your penances on Sunday, which is new for you this year. By holding your body’s desires in check, you will be strengthened to avoid the devil’s temptations. Call on My grace to help you bear up through the rest of Lent.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to struggle through life while you are suffering a temporary sickness. You can get some relief with your doctor’s medications, and by eating a healthy diet. It is a help if you have some family members assisting you in your sickness. I ask you at times to pray for the sick who may also be in depression from not being active. I hear your prayers, and I am helping people to recover. Your prayers are needed.”

Jesus said: “My son, even though you were tested at the churches, you were still able to talk to a core group in a private home. You were patient and confident in My help, despite your trials. Do not be afraid of any rejection, but continue to go forth and preach My Good News, and warn people of the coming need to be at My refuges during the coming tribulation. People may feel a little uncomfortable with what is coming, but you are being very practical in your preparations at your refuge. Continue to spread My messages to encourage My faithful in these difficult times. Trust in My angel help to give you all that you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, you do not want to see anyone go to hell, especially your family members. It is your persistent daily prayers that are necessary to help save any wayward souls in your family. By your good example, you can help show your family why it is important for their souls to come to Sunday Mass. In order for people to come to heaven, they must repent of their sins, and seek My forgiveness. People need to show their love for Me and their neighbors, if they want to come to heaven. Lent is a time to evangelize souls and draw them closer to My love. Do not give up on any soul, because you all can be saved if people could come closer to Me in their prayers. It is better to seek conversion while you still have time. Your salvation with Me must come before you die, so act on My words of faith now, before it is too late.”


Friday, March 15, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, by the tall size of this wave of water that will hit the East coast, this will be the result of the Comet of Chastisement that will hit in the Atlantic Ocean. This event will also bring the three days of darkness that will come from the comet and many volcanoes that will block out the sun. This will be the time of My victory over the Antichrist, when all of the evil ones will be cast into hell on their judgment. All of My faithful people will be protected at their refuges by My angels from the comet. I will lift My faithful up into the air so I can renew the earth, and bring them down into My Era of Peace. This will be their reward for being faithful during the tribulation. Only those people, who believe in Me and love Me, will be allowed into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of problems in your society coming from various addictions as alcoholics, drug addicts, and now even vaping. You are also seeing a loss of morals and shame for sin, especially with those people who are living in fornication, homosexual relations, and adultery. You have people with little respect for authority and very little responsibility for people’s actions and lifestyles, especially little care in bringing up children properly. When faith is lacking, many people are living in sin with many social problems, even to finance their own bills. I have mentioned before that many are called, but few are chosen to be saved. In order to be saved you need to have a moral compass that starts with obeying My Commandments. By loving Me and repenting of your sins in Confession, you can follow My Will for your life. You are only on this earth for a short time, and you need to choose your eternal destination. You can come to Me in heaven, or you will be with the hate of Satan in hell. You would much rather be with the One who loves you all of the time. Even if you falter in sin, you can have your souls cleansed in Confession by the absolution of the priest. I offer you salvation, but you need to accept My gift and show your love for your Creator. By coming to Sunday Mass, and using My sacraments, you can have the grace to be saved from hell. Choose life with Me, and you will have your eternal reward in heaven.”


Saturday, March 16, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of hate in your politics, even to the point of shooting people, as your Congressman, Scalise and those killed in New Zealand. I came to the earth to show you My love for My people by even dying on the cross to free you of your sins. I want My people to love Me and your neighbors. I am even asking you to love everyone, including your enemies as a more perfect way of loving. I love all of My creations, so I want you all to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. I know it is almost impossible for humans to live perfectly, but with My help, all things are possible. This is also why I ask you to imitate My life and that of My Blessed Mother because we are examples of the perfect love that we shared with you. Strive for perfection and you have Confession to pick yourself up when you falter.”


Sunday, March 17, 2019: (St. Patrick’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of people protesting in the streets, is how the communist activists will stir up the people against your government. They will struggle to upset your economy in the name of helping the poor, but the real goal is a takeover of your government. Beware of the socialists who are plotting your overthrow. If they cannot takeover with protests, they will resort to violence and possible assassination of your leaders. It will be your military who may have to establish martial law to keep the peace. When the one world people want to take over, they will turn off your electricity, so they could then control you with the mandatory chip in the body. When this happens, or before, I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges. Be prepared to leave for My refuges, because this time of tribulation draws close.”


Monday, March 18, 2019: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing in the vision how people are hiding from the evil ones at one of My refuges. This reminded you of Moses and the Exodus when they had to eat a meal in haste with unleavened bread. They were hiding in their house with the blood of a lamb on their lintel to protect them from the angel of death. My faithful will soon be called to My refuges, and My people will need to leave in haste with your backpacks. Your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to your nearest refuge. My angels will protect you with a shield of invisibility. I thank all of My refuge builders, and I bless their work for saying ‘yes’ to My call to have a refuge for My faithful. This will be My means of dividing My faithful remnant from the evil people, when I draw you to My refuges. My faithful will be protected from the Comet of Chastisement and fires from the volcanoes. The evil ones will be killed, and their souls cast into hell. Rejoice when I will call My faithful to come to My Era of Peace for your reward for being faithful to Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing unusual proposals by the opposition party that do not make financial or social sense for your people. The media and your college teachers are promoting a ‘green’ plan to stop using fossil fuels as natural gas, oil, and coal. Your gasoline that powers your cars, comes from oil, and that oil also lubricates your cars. There is no ready way to power your cars without fossil fuels. Electric cars still use fossil fuels to generate your electricity. Coal is still used to generate almost 30% of your electricity. Your power plants are converting some power plants over to natural gas from coal, but this is still a fossil fuel. So how are you going to run your cars, heat your homes, and generate your electricity without fossil fuels? Nuclear, wind, solar and hydroelectric power covers only about 20% of your needs. A second proposal concerns your Medicare program which is financed for seniors’ medical plans for people over 65. If Medicare is given to everyone, there would not be enough funds to run it. You already have ruined the Social Security program meant for retirees by more of your giveaway programs. Now, you want to ruin your Medicare with more giveaways. The third proposal is to legalize marijuana in all of your states for recreational use. Your states think they can make money by taxing marijuana, as they do for cigarettes. This legalization is already causing more accidents on the road similar to deaths caused by alcohol. This drug will ruin your brains, and it makes no social sense to legalize. All of these proposals defy common sense, but they are all part of a plan to bring down your country. Pray for sound reasoning to prevail, or your country will go down in ruins.”


Tuesday, March 19, 2019: (St. Joseph)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast of My foster father on earth. He took My Blessed Mother into his home when it was revealed to him that I was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. St. Joseph was the protector of our Holy Family, especially when he was warned to take us into Egypt so Herod could not kill Me. St. Joseph is a patron for all fathers and for the dying. So when fathers are struggling with their jobs, they can call on St. Joseph for help. He is also a father image to be imitated, and he is celebrated as a worker on May 1st. All fathers should be willing to protect and guide their families in a world that is troubled by your identities as husband and wife. Pray for your families and children to imitate our Holy Family.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen people killed in your fires last year, and you have seen people killed in tornadoes. Now, you are seeing some people killed in a record flood in the middle of your country. If you study these events, there are signs of increasing new records for the extent of fires that could have been caused by arson, and floods that could have been started by the HAARP machine. Whether you are seeing natural, or man-made events, you are seeing a punishment coming for your abortions and your sexual sins. I have warned you in several messages, if you do not change your evil ways and repent, then you will see worse natural disasters fall on your country.”


Wednesday, March 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel two apostles wanted to be on My right and on My left when I enter My Kingdom. I told them this was chosen by My heavenly Father. If someone wants to be first, they must be the servant of all. In this earthly life there are others who are striving to control the world. This all starts with Satan as he controls atheists as Karl Marx to take over the world with socialist communism. Look at Russia and China as they preach atheism, but many of these communist countries would not exist unless very wealthy people supported it. I first pointed you to the ‘Agenda’ movie of Curtis Bowers that exposed the plot of a communist takeover by 50 plans to take control of your schools & colleges, your media, destruction of your morals, the use of sex and drugs, destruction of the family, and religion. Many of their goals have been accomplished. Now, you have a new socialist movement by the Justice Democrats, who are trying to take over your government using ‘puppet’ Congress people supported by experts and wealthy Democrats. Their goal is the same to turn America into a socialist communist government as Russia. They are using expert campaigners to take over primaries to win seats in your government. Behind these same lies is Satan and those preaching atheism. This is a new smoke screen disguised to trick the people into favoring socialist ideas. The worst tactic is if they continue preaching these lies often enough, that people will believe it. This is why the liberal left continues to keep spreading the same lies every day. Refuse to accept this Godless philosophy of socialist communism, or your country will be another Russia or China.”
N.B. see on youtube.com: ‘The brains behind AOC’, Curtis Bowers’ ‘Agenda:Grinding Down America’, and ‘Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit’.

Jesus said: “My people, I know America is one of the last nations to stand up to Russia and China. Because these nations are building up their navies, and they are making new military hardware, your country is also in need of keeping up its military strength to defend against these countries. This is why your President has had to build up your Defense, and why he is protecting your steel and aluminum plants. He knows he cannot rely on foreign countries to make your sophisticated weapons. War is not what man needs, but a good deterrent can help prevent a war. Even amidst the military buildup among nations, you need to pray for peace among your nations.”


Thursday, March 21, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are just starting spring, but your farmers in the Midwest will not be able to plant their fields until the water dries up. This will set back their crops that will be late in planting, and it may cause a shortage in your food supply. You need to pray for your farmers so they could bear any losses from a late planting, if they can plant at all. This is the worst flooding you have seen there in many years. Such a food shortage will affect many of your exports, where other countries will need to search for food elsewhere. I have talked about a coming famine, and anything like floods can greatly affect your food supply. This is another reason to have a 1 year’s supply of food on hand for every member of your household. These floods are just another example of how natural disasters can affect your economy. See these events as a continuing punishment for your abortions and sexual sins.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, My young children are special to Me, and I do not want anyone to abuse them. In today’s workplace it is hard for some young parents to have good wages to provide a home, food, and clothes for their young children. In some cases there are divorces or separations so one parent has to bring up the children. This means that parent needs babysitting while that parent has to work for a living. It is hard for single parents to find time to be with their children, but they must bond with their children and show them love and attention. It is better to have both parents help bring up the children, but it is sometimes necessary for both to work to make a living. Pray for all parents and children, and pray they do not have an abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your children are young, you can take them to Sunday Mass without much resistance. When the children get older, they are influenced by their peers and their teachers. They learn quickly that many teenagers do not come to Sunday Mass, especially if any family members do not come. Keep praying for your children and for all teenagers to come to Sunday Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people, who live in Northern climates, are ready for spring warmth after a long hard winter. Many cannot wait to clean their yards, and plant some flowers. You, My son, enjoy taking pictures of the spring flowers. You were raking up your lawn debris on a warm day. Have patience because the cold temperatures will be warming soon. You have the four seasons, and every season has its joys and difficult weather. So enjoy the beginning of spring which brings everything alive again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need a certain amount of rain to bring life to your crops, trees, and vegetation. But if you live close to a river, you could be risking floods with a heavy rainfall. You are fortunate to have dams and working levies to hold back the water. Pray for those people who have inundated homes in the Midwest. They have to find another dry place to live, and they could lose their homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who have had power outages from strong wind storms. This is difficult to heat your home if you do not have alternate heating, as wood in a fireplace, or kerosene in a kerosene burner. You also need light sources at night as generators or solar power to have working lights. These things are the same preparations needed at My refuges. Be willing to take people in during a power outage, if you have heat and lights. It is good to share with those people who do not have alternate sources of heating. You will need such preparations during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you need to be more focused on loving Me in your Lenten devotions. You need to pray and repent in Confession. You may come to services for the Stations of the Cross on Friday, and observe your fasting between meals, and no meat on Fridays. You could even attend a mission if your church offers one. You also need to remember whatever extra penance you were suffering for love of Me. You also could come to Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. This season is meant to help you love Me more and improve your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, another devotion for Lent is for almsgiving, or sharing your donations with the poor, or your food shelves. You could even take some food to your food shelves, or help distribute food to the poor. You may be asked to help people in need, so be quick to answer their needs without so many questions. I died for all of you to be saved, so you also can help evangelize souls to the faith. Reach out in love to help people when you see an opportunity to help them.”


Friday, March 22, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, all of you are destined to die, and it is just a matter of time until you will be in a casket to get buried. You wonder where all the years went, until you realize, you are only here for a short time. It does not matter how rich or poor you are because you all will be in a grave. The important thing is where your soul will be judged. This is why you need to keep your soul clean from sin by frequent Confession, so you are always ready to meet Me at your particular judgment. If you love Me and your neighbor, and repent of your sins, you can be on the right path to heaven. Many souls need some time in purgatory to make reparation for their sins. Very few people go directly to heaven, only those who lived saintly lives, or those who suffered their purgatory on earth. Keep focused on Me and pray for sinners, and those souls still in purgatory, and I will one day welcome you into My heavenly kingdom.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see at different churches that Sunday Masses have fewer people, and the collections are down as well. There have been some articles in your newspapers about priests abusing young boys, but some of these charges happened years ago. Many of your people have stopped coming to Sunday Mass for various reasons. I keep reminding you about My Third Commandment, which says: ‘Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.’ This is a mortal sin to miss Sunday Mass on purpose, especially when you are not sick. If you truly love Me, you would come to Mass to receive Me in Holy Communion. If you believe in My Real Presence in Holy Communion, you would not want to miss a chance to receive My Body and Blood. Lent is a special time to pray and do good works for your neighbor. See the importance of attending Mass not only out of obligation, but because you want to be with your God who loves you.”


Saturday, March 23, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, the parable of the Prodigal Son is well known, but it is a sign of how much I am happy to receive any sinner who repents of their sins. I am truly merciful to forgive a repentant sinner. You have heard how heaven rejoices over even one sinner who repents and changes his or her ways. In this account the father was so happy to have his son back, that he gave a great feast to celebrate this joyous occasion. It was even hard for the faithful son to accept his father’s compassion. There is a great line when the father said: ‘This son of mine was lost, but now he is found.’ I wait anxiously for all sinners to come back to Me to seek My forgiveness. My grace and forgiveness await all sinners. It is in Confession that I am constantly forgiving you as many times as you return to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan is behind the masons who want to make the United States into a socialist communist country, so you could be linked with other countries under the authority of the Antichrist. To bring this about, the evil ones need to control your government and eliminate your Constitution. They will crash your money and turn off your electricity to control you. They will then force mandatory chips in the body on you so you can only buy and sell with the mark of the beast. They will use your cell phones, cell towers, and satellites to control you like hypnotism. When you see your electricity turned off all over, martial law, or mandatory chips in the body, this will be your sign to come to My refuges to avoid being killed. You will be led by your guardian angels to the nearest refuge. I will provide and multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive at My refuges. Your country will be taken over by the evil ones, but do not be afraid because My angels will protect you. Those people, who believe in Me and love Me, will be saved at My refuges. I love all of you, but you must repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness, just as the Prodigal Son was forgiven.”


Sunday, March 24, 2019:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to speak to you about My encounter with Moses. I was Present in the burning bush, and I told Moses to come no further, because he was standing on holy ground, and he needed to remove his sandals. It is out of respect for My glorious Presence that he stopped, and removed his sandals. I proceeded to tell Moses that he would be the deliverer by My miracles to lead his people out of bondage by the Egyptians. Today, you have the holy ground of My Son, Jesus, wherever you see a tabernacle with His consecrated Hosts. This is why you give your respect to Us by kneeling in front of the tabernacle on arriving and leaving Our Real Presence. When you receive Holy Communion you need to bow or genuflect. You also need to be free of mortal sin in order to receive Us worthily. In every Holy Communion you receive all Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity: Myself, the Father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, because We are always One and undivided. Learn from your Lenten devotions to keep focused on Us and pray your prayers of thanksgiving to Us every day.”


Monday, March 25, 2019: (Annunciation)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the hand of Satan in the attempted destruction of My Church, the U.S. government, and the family. The socialist communists are trying to take over the world by controlling the media and your education system. You can see the control of the television stations by socialist liberals where conservative voices are being removed. The newspapers, the radio, and the internet are also stifling any conservative voices as well. You can see your freedom of speech is being taken away. You have the same socialist liberals trying to take over My Church also. There will soon be a division between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The attack on the family can be seen in divorces, homosexual marriages, fornication, adultery, and abortions. This destruction of your society has been carefully orchestrated by the devil using the one world people to prepare the world for a takeover by the Antichrist. I will allow a short tribulation in revolt against Me, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges. I will then bring My destruction upon all the evil ones, when they will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth with no evil, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. My faithful will be tried and tested in this purgatory on earth to see who are My true believers. Trust in My protection during the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, I was giving you a scene of a flooded church where the water was coming up to your waist. It is one thing to hear about floods, but when you experience it first hand, it gives you a hopeless feeling, and you want to escape to dry land. The flooding in the Midwest is devastating, and with more snow to melt, there could be more flooding with further rain showers. This scene is to give you a personal feeling for what these farmers are going through. Many farmers could lose their farms if they cannot plant their crops. The governors may have to declare an emergency to get some aid from the government to pay for the land and the crops that could not be planted. This could be a disaster for the farmers, and for the people who depend on this food to eat. There will be food shortages, and people may have to stock up on what food is available. Pray for your farmers and for your people to have enough food to eat.”


Tuesday, March 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you a story of how one man was forgiven a huge debt because he begged for more time to pay it off. Then that same man would not forgive a smaller debt from a fellow servant. This man later had to pay off the whole debt because he did not treat his fellow servant with mercy as his master did. I also told My apostles that they need to forgive their neighbors seventy-seven times. My people come to Me many times to seek My forgiveness of their sins in Confession. So just as I forgive repentant sinners, My people need to forgive others as well. If someone seeks your forgiveness, then you should be willing to forgive them. So do not look for revenge, and do not be angry with people who do you wrong, but be willing to be more loving in granting your forgiveness. This is not easy for man, but I asked you to love everyone, even your enemies. During Lent, you need to work harder on your loving people, and forgiving people.”

Jesus said: “My son, when I gave you the instruction to have a third refuge practice run with your prayer group, I was suggesting that other prayer groups could do the same. You had a twenty-four hour drill that went from 7:00 p.m. of the first day to 7:00 p.m. of the second day. Remember to have around the clock Adoration in a prayer room, with people signed up for various hours. You will have to work out some bedding arrangements with cots, sleeping bags, or beds overnight. Then you could use well water and meal preparations for at least two meals for everyone. You could use your stored food to see how to prepare it. If you have alternate heating, you could replace your natural gas heater. If you have wind-up flashlights, you could bring them with you, and even bring one lantern to help with the lighting. You could use solar panels for power also during the day, or by batteries during the night. All of your projects have helped you to be prepared for your refuge. You can share your experiences to help other people who have refuges. Assign jobs so you all have something to do. When you are finished with your practice run, you could take notes on what needs improving, so your practice run can teach you how to make it better. I thank all of My refuge builders for all they are doing to help My faithful survive the coming tribulation.”


Wednesday, March 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the Scriptures how you need to enter heaven through the narrow gate by following My Commandments. It is the broad road that leads to hell. It is obedience to My laws out of love, that puts you on the right path to heaven. I also call you to give your will over to My Will, so you will have allegiance to what I want you to do, rather than your own ways. When you follow the ways of the desires of the flesh and the world, you are quickly led astray from the right path to heaven. During Lent you need to orient your ways to following My ways, which are more perfect. Follow My Light to be with Me, rather than follow the devil into the darkness. Your spiritual life is the most important means of bringing your soul to heaven. When you focus your life on Me and heavenly things, then you will keep your eyes faced on your goal of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, recently you have seen a measles outbreak among some children who were not vaccinated. Your medical people were quarantining people who were not vaccinated from the area of the outbreak. Many of your young children receive multiple vaccinations close together. There are some people who think such shots could be related to autism, but this has not been proven. Some think it is better to space the shots out instead of having them all at once. It may also be better to wait for the children to get a little older than infants. Most of the research on autism is conducted by the makers of the shots, but they are biased to not find any connection with the shots and autism. It would be better to have independent testing to have an unbiased answer. Pray for the children who develop autism after their shots.”


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Jesus said: “My people, every day you are battling the demons because they do not stop tempting you. You have your guardian angel and your deliverance prayer of St. Michael to help you against the demons. Even if you are tormented by the demons, you can call on Me, and I will send you a legion of My angels to protect you. Even at My refuges you will have a special angel to protect you. You, My son, have many angels protecting you in your mission when you go out to speak. You have recently encountered some problems speaking in the churches when the priests do not want to hear My messages. It is better not to go to churches where the priests are not open to your end time messages. Keep remembering to pray your long form St. Michael prayer on coming and leaving your talks. Do not be afraid of the demons or people who do not want to hear Me, but trust in My protection.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you have endured some trials for accepting My mission to prepare the people for the end times. Even though some people have tried to put you down, I have told you not to make a defense. You have been faithful to your mission, despite some criticism. I told you as the tribulation gets closer, there will be stronger persecutions that you will endure. Stay faithful to My Word and keep reaching out to save souls in this trying time.”

Jesus said: “My people, the devil knows his time is short to drag more souls down into hell. This is why you will be seeing more attacks against My priest sons and My prophets who are spreading My Good News. You can pray for My priests and prophets that they will be protected from the coming persecutions from the evil ones. All of My faithful believers will be under attack for your belief in Me. So pray to remain faithful to Me despite any attacks of the devil or those who worship the devil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing constant attacks on some priests who were accused of being a pedophile with young children. There have been many articles putting down the Church, but this gives a bad name to all the innocent priests. There is also another attack by the devil in dividing My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. When the persecution of Christians comes, they will need to seek My protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a number of opposition candidates for President who are promoting socialism in their platforms and in their speaking. I have been warning you of the evils of socialist communism which starts with the threat of atheism or the preaching that I do not exist. You have seen how Christians are persecuted in communist and Muslim countries. You do not want America to go communist like China and Russia. Pray for your country, and work for your current President to overcome this new evil that wants to take over your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is no surprise that many students, who graduate from your colleges, are being brainwashed with socialist ideas. Some teachers who promote religion or a belief in God, are being expelled from your colleges. This is why your students are only hearing one side of the politics of your country. This is also why the opposition party wants to lower the voting age to sixteen, so they can get more votes for their socialist causes.”

Jesus said: “My people, this coming election is clear. On one side you have a President standing up for your Constitutional rights, and against abortion. On the other side you have candidates in favor of socialism and abortion. You need to vote against atheistic socialism that will be attacking My believers. Eventually, I will allow a takeover of your country as a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. My faithful will need to come to My refuges for their protection from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the world how there is much division in your society. You are seeing fewer people praying, and fewer coming to Sunday Mass. Other countries are even less religious than America. You can see evil taking over in all parts of your society. My faithful need to be beacons of faith in your Creator. Even if others may criticize you, do not be afraid to speak out on your love for Me and your neighbors. Be a light of faith, and be good examples of being Christians. You will be losing your freedom of religion, and you may have to go into hiding when your lives are threatened. Keep the faith in Me no matter how much opposition you will suffer for your beliefs in Me.”


Friday, March 29, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, most of you know My Sixth Commandment of ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ This Commandment is all about the transmission of life, and it includes fornication, homosexual acts, masturbation, prostitution, birth control, vasectomies, and tubal ligations. One of the biggest problems you have in your families is when your sons and daughters are having sex without marriage. I instituted the sacrament of Matrimony for young couples to make vows with each other for life. This love under the bond of marriage is the proper environment to have children and bring them up. The morals of your country have so deteriorated that many couples are no longer getting married, but they live together in fornication. I know My faithful parents are praying for their children, who have gone astray, to live a proper married life. You are also seeing sins of abortion that result from living together. Even My married couples need to live without using birth control which is also sinful. I see how all of you are living, and you all will have to answer to Me for your sins at your judgment. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me and your neighbors. Keep praying for your children to live a proper life, and give them a good example by your own lives. Your persistent prayers for your children could keep them from being lost in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you My two Great Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. You have two plaques where three Commandments are on one plaque, and seven Commandments are on the second plaque. I did not come to change this law, but I came to fulfill it. When I gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, this was My covenant of love with all of mankind. This love continues on through today. I have made man and woman in My image, and I have given you all free will to love Me or not. For those people, who want to come to heaven, I call you to obey My Commandments. I call you to repent of your sins in Confession, and keep Me close to you as you seek My forgiveness. Teach your children to follow My Commandments as well. Do everything out of love for Me, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Saturday, March 30, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are focused more on loving Me and following My Commandments, so you do not offend Me with your sins. Even if you should find yourself in sin, you can come to Me in Confession, and I will forgive your sin. Then I can restore your soul to its former way in My good graces. Do not just be ashamed of your sin, but you need to run to the confessional to get right with My love. Only receive Me in Holy Communion without mortal sin on your soul. If couples are living in fornication, it is not a good confession if you continue to fornicate. Either get married in My Church, or refuse to have sex. Reserve having relations until you are married. In the Gospel I told of two people who came to church to pray. The Pharisee told himself how he obeyed My laws and gave to the collection. He was thankful that he was not like other sinners, but he was spiritually proud, instead of being humble in My holy place. The tax collector remained in the back of the synagogue, and he asked Me to forgive him, a sinner. He bowed his head and kneeled praying as he beat his chest in humility. The tax collector went away justified in his humble prayer, but the Pharisee was not humble. This is how I want all of My people to pray in asking for My forgiveness, and living a humble life without bragging. Be thankful for your gift of faith, and show Me your sincerity by loving Me and all of your neighbors in your daily prayers and actions.”


Sunday, March 31, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is how I healed the blind man, and I opened his eyes to see the world that he has been in, through a whole new light. I also opened his spiritual eyes of faith to believe that I could heal him. He gave thanks to Me for his sight in the world, and for his spiritual sight. In the vision you are seeing a small gold tabernacle with the consecrated Hosts in it. Then you were given a glorious view of heaven with a huge golden altar and Myself on a throne with all the angels and saints around Me. Your priest talked about striving to be a saint every day in your actions out of love for Me. He also talked about how necessary it is to trust in Me for everything, as I will work things out for you. Call on Me in prayer and I will find a way to solve your problems. You would much rather trust in Me than trust in your money. So do not let your little problems so frustrate you that you lose heart in depression. Give your problems over to Me in prayer, and I will have someone help you if necessary. My son, you have lived your life by trusting in Me to solve your problems, and I have taken good care of you. For those people, who are worried about things, just look back into your life, and you will see how I solved many of your problems. Even some problems you thought were impossible to solve at the time, I brought you through them, because nothing is impossible for Me. Keep trusting in Me in faith, and you will have nothing to fear.”

Jesus said: “My son, every time you have a practice refuge drill, it is a learning experience for the people present. It was the first one for your hosts. They learned how to operate the kerosene burner, and how much kerosene they might want to have on hand. You could use the well water if you have a well. We turned off the natural gas heater, and we kept the house warm with the fireplace running as well as the kerosene burner. We had a lentil broccoli soup, bread and butter, and some mango slices, with water for drinking. The chef oven worked, but the propane canister was faulty in going out. The host could try another canister to see what works. For lights we had wind-up pocket lights, and battery powered lanterns that were hung high for more light. The well water provided water to the toilets. The hosts took notes of what they will need in the future. My refuge builders should all try some practice runs with friends or your prayer group members. You all took turns praying an hour in the prayer room, and you opened the door for fresh air every hour. Living at a refuge is doable as long as you have working equipment and multiplied fuels, food, and water. Trust in Me that I will multiply your needs.”


Monday, April 1, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you just had a practice refuge drill at one of My refuges, and My refuges will be your safe havens of protection during the tribulation. My angel of your refuge will shield you from all the evil ones who want to kill My faithful. In the vision you are seeing three large structures like megaphones that were sending out microwave signals to those people who had the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in their bodies. These people were drawn to a large amphitheater where there was a large screen with the Antichrist speaking on it to them. He was hypnotizing the people with his eyes, and he was instructing them to go out and kill all the faithful Christians who believe in Me. This is why at that time, I will draw My faithful to My refuges where they will be protected by My refuge angels from any harm by the evil ones. Only My believers, who have crosses on their foreheads, will be allowed by the refuge angel to enter the refuge. My angels are placing invisible crosses on all of My faithful who believe in Me. My faithful will not take any chip in their bodies. During the tribulation, My faithful will see their crosses as visible, but the evil ones will not see them. If you do not see a cross on a person’s forehead during the tribulation, then that person will be evil and will try to kill My faithful. Avoid these people who have the mark of the beast because they are a danger to your lives, and a danger to your souls. Trust in My Word and I will see to your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have already warned you of the coming socialist communist takeover of America that will be a punishment for all of your abortions and your sexual sins. Once the communists take over, you will see the beginning of the Christian persecution in America. Because of their atheistic principles, the communists call the worship of Me as the ‘opiate of the people.’ It will be their first thing to close all of the Christian churches, so they can control the minds of the people. Anyone who preaches My Word, will be singled out to be killed. It will be at that time that I will call My faithful to My refuges because your lives will be in danger. Do not be afraid of the evil people because My angels will be protecting you with an invisible shield on the way to and at My refuges. If your people do not learn from history, or do not learn from trusting in Me, then you will live to repeat the mistakes of the past. My people know that in the end, I will triumph over the evil ones, so have hope and be patient when I will bring My victory over the evil ones. I love My faithful, and I will protect them at My refuges during the tribulation. Trust in Me and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Tuesday, April 2, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in many instances I took compassion on the sick people, and in this case I healed a lame man who had suffered for thirty-eight years. I did not force Myself on people, but I asked them if they wanted to be healed. I was not only concerned about their health, but I healed the sin on their souls as well. You are made up of body and soul, and I desired to heal the whole person. When you pray over someone, you also must pray to heal the soul and the body. My son, you can identify with the lame man when your bone spur was causing you to limp in pain. When you took four pills of your Calcium Aspartate, the pain went away the next day, and you were able to walk through the airport halls. It is not easy to endure pain, but you can offer it up to heal souls with your redemptive suffering. Trust in Me to help you on your missions to speak and get to your venues.”

Jesus said: “My people, the ‘Unplanned’ movie showed you how a baby was suctioned out of the womb in pieces. The people there had to count all the pieces to make sure they had everything. The doctors are responsible for carrying out the abortions, as they get their blood money from their patients. The mother is also responsible for killing her child, just for convenience, or to remove shame for being pregnant usually outside of marriage. You are seeing that this is a multi billion dollar business that the owners do not want to give up. All of the workers, doctors, and supporters have blood on their hands. It is the American people who voted for abortion, but the judges approved it, and you are all liable for punishment. If you do not change your laws, and you continue this slaughter of My babies, then My justice will fall on America with more severe natural disasters, and an eventual takeover of your country. All of the money being saved by aborting your children, will be taken away from you when your dollar and stock market are crashed. You cannot put a price on a life, and you need to respect the preciousness of the gift of life. When you see little live babies, how could you think of killing My miracles of creation?”


Wednesday, April 3, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I have said in the Scriptures how My apostles would be fishers of men. This vision shows you a shark eating the fish. This represents how the demons are not only attacking the people, but they are also attacking My priest sons. Your priests are My servants who give you the Mass every day, and the sacraments, especially Holy Communion and Confession. They are also present for Baptism and Confirmation. A few of your priests are being attacked in your newspapers for abuse of children, but this could discourage some people from coming to Sunday Mass. Pray for your priests and support your churches, because your parishes are struggling for collections to pay the bills. Your numbers are diminishing because the younger people are not replacing the older faithful who are dying. This is part of your demographics of a decreasing population from abortion, and a decrease in your fertility rate.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that a crash of the stock market could precipitate a financial crisis like you had in 2008. If this crisis is severe enough, it could also cause a martial law to be declared. You have seen an unusual rise in the stock market with very little pull back. You have heard from various news why the market has gone so high. You have many corporations buying back their stock which puts buying pressure on the price of stocks to rise. Other speculators are borrowing money at low interest to buy stocks on margin. This also raises the stock prices. You are seeing an inversion in your interest rates where short term interest rates are equal to longer term interest rates. This makes it hard for banks to make money on long term loans. If this buying pressure was stopped, and people shorted the stocks down as in 2008, you would have a market collapse worse than before. This is a plan by the one world people to make your President look bad before the election. If the Federal Reserve bankers crash your money because of not enough money to support your National Debt, this also would cause chaos in the streets. When you see a danger for your lives, I will call My faithful to come to My refuges for their protection. Have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will protect you, and the evil ones will be eventually thrown into hell.”T


Thursday, April 4, 2019: (St. Isidore)
Jesus said: “My people, it is only for the sake of My faithful that I have not brought destruction down upon your people. There are many depraved and stiff-necked people who ignore Me, and who kill their children by abortion. You also are killing your older people by euthanasia, and both of these killings are done for money. You have many corrupt people who only think about money as their only god. In the end your corrupt money will fall, and many who sought money, will be left bankrupt when your stock market and money fall. I will separate the evil people from My faithful at My refuges. Then the evil ones will go down into the pit of hell for their punishment. My faithful need to give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for them.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a big push by the opposition party to do away with your Electoral College that was set up in your Constitution to give equal weight to the states with less population. The whole US Senate gives two senators to each state. To have an election by popular vote would give too much power to just a few well populated states. This was set up by your founding Fathers, and pray that their intention for fairness is upheld.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people have seen the ‘Unplanned’ movie and it has become more popular. This movie is about a director of a Planned Parenthood building that did many abortions. This lady decided to leave her position when she was asked to participate in an abortion. It is a little graphic, but people need to see how they are killing My babies at Planned Parenthood. This is a big business of billions of dollars. Pray to stop abortion and keep protesting at these places with your rosaries to help save My babies.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people who are protesting at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, are praying to defend the lives of My babies from being killed. The doctors are making huge amounts of money by killing babies. The mothers are denying their babies from seeing life, which they were meant to see. This is killing against My Fifth Commandment, and the doctors, mothers, and supporters will pay dearly for their crimes. Try to give time to protest for the babies, and you could possibly help save some babies from being murdered.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest effort by the opposition party to investigate your President, has found no collusion with Russia. The Mueller Report was backed by a dossier paid for by the opposition party on false pretenses, and it deserves an investigation of its own. All the members of this report were on one side, and its results are very biased. Once the report is released, you will see it was intended to remove your President based on false claims. This venture has only served to divide your country. Pray for your country to have peace, without all the hate of the opposition party.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are aware that the Medicare program was meant to help people over 65 with their health care costs. You have Medicaid and welfare programs to help the poor. By tearing down the fabric of Medicare, this is another tactic to try and overwhelm your government with a cost that could ruin your whole health care program. There are some people who want to take over your government, and they think that by overspending your National Budget, they can bring down your government for a communist takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan and the demons are bringing hate and division into all parts of your society. You can see this hate in your politics, and in the persecution of Christians who are voicing peace and love. Pray for peace in your society and let My love overcome Satan’s message of hate. I even asked My faithful to love your enemies, which takes an extra grace. Do not continue dividing people, but reach out to bring My love to everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, in every life you can see the effect of sin on your life and on the lives around you. This is why it is important to come to Confession to put your life back in My good graces, so you can live the holy lives that I desire for you. The more you sin without repenting, the deeper Satan will lead you away from Me. I love you, and I want you to love Me, but sin drives a wedge between us. Do not let Satan keep you from coming to Confession where your soul can be replenished with My sanctifying grace. You need to have a clean soul from sin to help your love relationship with Me grow. By daily prayer and obedience to My laws, you can grow in My love. You need to seek heaven by giving your will over to Me, so you can be focused on your goal of being with Me for all eternity.”


Friday, April 5, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read how I slipped into Jerusalem secretly because the Jews wanted to kill Me. I did not have any fear because I knew that it was not My hour. This is why I spoke openly in the synagogue. This is an example of how I want My faithful to speak out about My Good News, even if you are criticized. The people need to hear My Word, even if the authorities and religious people do not want to hear it. My son, your messages of the end times and My refuges need to be heard, so the people can be prepared to come to My refuges. Even if some priests do not want you to speak, find places where you can freely spread My messages. Some of My priests do not want to risk losing their collections, but they will lose them anyway with your decreasing numbers. People need to know about the takeover of your country by the socialist communists. They also need to know of the coming division in My Church between the schismatic church and the faithful remnant. The Antichrist is about to have his time of control, and My faithful will be called to the protection of My refuges. My people need to have full faith in Me in order to have My angels put a cross on your forehead. The angels of the refuges will only allow believers with a cross on the forehead to enter My refuges. Pray for your family members to be converted after the Warning, or they may not be allowed into My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen floods in the Midwest, but the forecasts show more rain in this same area. Without a dry spell, it is going to be difficult for farmers to plant their crops. If you have problems growing crops, you may see a significant food shortage. I have been warning people to have a year’s supply of food for just such an event as a famine or food shortage. Those people, who have food stored, will be thankful for My warning, so they will have food to eat, while others will be near starvation. If a food shortage strikes, you will see empty shelves in your stores. If people start fighting over food in the streets, then I will call you to My refuges for protection. I will multiply your food, My Hosts, water, and fuels so you can survive this tribulation. Trust in Me to feed you what you need.”


Saturday, April 6, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you have read about one of the confusions of the Pharisees, who did not know of My earthly origins when I was incarnated as a God-man. My Blessed Mother conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit at Nazareth when she gave her fiat to St. Gabriel. At one point there was a census by Caesar that everyone had to register at their line of heritage. This was Bethlehem for both St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother because they were from the house of David. This is why I was born in Bethlehem according to the Scriptures. My parents took Me to Egypt to avoid Herod’s call to kill the babies in Bethlehem. Then we returned to Nazareth where I grew up. This is why the Pharisees did not want to believe in My claim as a prophet because I came from Galilee. You are seeing the beginning of how the Pharisees wanted to kill Me because My miracles were causing people to follow Me. In the next few weeks you will be preparing for Holy Week, which starts with Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday. You will be understanding why I was born, so I could offer My life for the salvation of all souls who accept Me as their Savior.”

(Requiem Mass for Pamela Gilfus) Pamela said: “I thank everyone for coming to My funeral, and I thank Fr. Bonsignore for an excellent Latin Requiem Mass in his black vestments. He gave some nice words about Me. I know at the wake you saw me shrunk down from what you used to see Me, but I am nicer looking in my soul body. I thank you folks for coming to see my wake, even if it took some time in the traffic. I remember all of my Blue Army friends, and I ask you to pray for me and have some Masses said, since I will spend a short time in purgatory. It was good to see all of you one last time.”


Sunday, April 7, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been urging your people to change your laws and stop your abortions. Your lawmakers are only making your laws worse in allowing the killing of babies up to birth, and some even after. Your lives of fornication can result in unwanted pregnancies outside of marriage, and you saw all of the young girls going in for abortions at the Planned Parenthood clinic. I told you if you did not stop your abortions, that I will stop them for you. You are seeing some of your punishment in severe natural disasters. You will see further punishment when your country will be taken over by the socialist communists in preparation for the Antichrist’s tribulation. Only My faithful believers will be protected at My refuges, and the rest will suffer from the evil ones, and My Comet of Chastisement. Soon I will separate the evil ones into hell and My faithful into My Era of Peace. Pray to save as many souls as you can from going to hell.”


Monday, April 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in this world of yours, you do not always see justice carried out, as many people get away with their crimes undetected. But I see all that is happening and I know all the circumstances. At the judgment you all will be held accountable for all of your sins and crimes. In the first reading from the Book of Daniel, you saw how the two elders plotted to have unlawful relations with Susanna. She refused their attempts, even when they threatened her with a false adultery claim. It was Daniel’s wisdom that saved Susanna’s life when the two elders perjured themselves with conflicting stories of finding them under a mastic or an oak tree. Justice was served that day. You are seeing many people living together in fornication without marriage. The morals of your country have been degraded, and this is why you have many family problems. The children are suffering without a proper marriage environment. This is another case where the sins of some are affecting your whole society, when the children are not always loved, and they may be abused in babysitting. At the judgment all of your dark sins in secret will be revealed in the Light, and My true justice will be carried out.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching Holy Week beginning this Sunday with Palm Sunday. You will be reading about My Passion, and how I suffered to bring salvation to all of mankind, if you would accept My gift. You remember when St. John the Baptist baptized Me in the Jordan River. Once I died, I brought you a new Baptism in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You saw the wave of water in the vision. So now when you are baptized with water, you are joined with Me in the beginning of your faith life. You are now prince, prophet, and king, so My faithful can go out and spread the Good News of My Resurrection to everyone. It is hard for all of you to suffer your Good Friday, but it is glorious to celebrate My Easter Resurrection. I bring you new life in the Spirit as you celebrate the weeks of Easter. You remember Me telling you that all of heaven is rejoicing even more on Easter Morning of My Resurrection. It is then that you realize why I had to come to earth and die for all of your sins. This is why it is important to have all of your babies baptized into the faith, so they can grow up and experience My love in their lives. When you attend a Baptism, you repeat the truths of the faith in your Apostles’ Creed. All of My faithful are called by their Baptism to go out to all the nations and evangelize souls to come to Me. You are experiencing the Living Water of the Holy Spirit at every Mass.”


Tuesday, April 9, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when Moses was with his people in the desert, they complained about their wretched food in the manna. The people did not appreciate My miracle of the manna, and because of their ungratefulness, I sent them seraph serpents that killed some of their number. Then the people begged Moses to help them. I then instructed Moses to mount a bronze serpent on a pole. Those people, who were bitten and looked on the bronze serpent, were healed. This bronze serpent on a pole is a forerunner of the image of Me on the cross. When people pray to Me on a crucifix, you could also be healed by looking on Me in faith. During the tribulation you will come to My refuges and look on the luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed of all of your ailments. You can come to Me in Confession, especially in Lent, to have your sins absolved by My priest sons. Once your soul is purified, then you can receive My new Manna which is My Real Presence in My Body and Blood of Holy Communion. This Host is unleavened, similar to the bread of haste that was eaten at the Seder Supper of deliverance from Egypt. Prepare for My remembrance of My Crucifixion in Holy Week, as I am a sacrifice on My cross for the sins of all humanity.”

Jesus said: “My son, you saw a ‘bomb’ cyclone form in the Midwest that could cause a few feet of snow to fall. This name ‘bomb’ means the low pressure drops significantly in 24 hours causing a strong storm to form. This is being aided by the HAARP machine to grow so violently. This microwave machine is altering your weather and causing floods in this same area. There also was an unusual 5.0 earthquake in Idaho, not far from Yellowstone. This snow storm is unusual when it comes in the beginning of spring. Much of your storm damage is part of a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. You should pray your storm prayer so you are not harmed in your travel to Denver.”


Wednesday, April 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned before how you are seeing the second unusual storm in about a month. Both of these storms were caused by the HAARP machine. The purpose of these storms is to add moisture to the ongoing floods in the Midwest. The one world people who control this machine have an evil intention of trying to cause a famine by keeping your farmers from growing their wheat, corn, and soybeans. You saw in another year how the cherry and apple trees started to bloom, and then you had a late frost that killed these buds. That year you did not have apples or cherries as a result. Your plants and trees are delicate, and by controlling the weather, people can ruin your crops. Pray for your farmers that they will be able to grow your crops, or you could see the beginning of a perpetrated famine on your people. I keep reminding you to store one year’s supply of food for each member of your family for just such occasions that could cause a famine. Pray for all the people who will be suffering on account of this storm. I protected you on your flight when you prayed your storm prayer.”


Thursday, April 11, 2019: (St. Stanislaus)
Jesus said: “My people, in St. John’s Gospel I told the Jews that before Abraham came to be, I AM. You read in the first reading how I changed Abram’s name to Abraham because I was making him a father of nations, and his descendants will be as numerous as the stars of the heavens. I existed for all time before Creation because the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit created the universe and all that is on the earth. It is hard for man to comprehend how I could create an infinite universe. It is even harder to understand how I could make Myself into a God-man. When Adam and Eve sinned, all of humanity inherited original sin, and a punishment of death. I promised mankind through My prophets that I would come as a Redeemer to save you from your sins. The Jews knew of a promised Messiah, but they did not want to believe that I am the author of all life. They knew I AM represented the Name of God, and they wanted to stone Me for blasphemy. You are about to witness My Crucifixion and death on the cross in Holy Week. I suffered death in reparation for your sins, and I resurrected to heaven because I conquered death and sin. I also have left My Real Presence in My Eucharist so you can receive My Body and Blood at every Mass, because I AM is present to you for all time.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day you have to choose between loving Me or not. Some people offer their will over to Me out of love, and they will be satisfied with Me in heaven. Other people are selfish in running their own lives, and they ignore Me or reject Me outright. Those people, who do not love Me, and do not seek Me for the forgiveness of their sins, are on the wrong road to hell. It is sad when people ignore My love, and do not seek My love. These people are the lukewarm who choose the love of the world over Me. You read the Scriptures about how much I love you, that I even died for your sins. It is true love when a person gives up his or her life for another person. If you truly love Me, then you need to prove it by your actions and good deeds. When you pray daily, visit Me in Adoration, and come to Mass often, you are showing Me that you really care for Me, and love Me.”


Friday, April 12, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, these young children are My most precious little ones, and I do not want to see any abuse of them. I call all of them to be with Me, and anyone who misleads them or abuses them, should have a millstone put around their necks and be thrown into the sea. I do not want to see any abuse either of the unborn in abortion, or of euthanasia of the elderly. Life is too precious to kill, and each person, who has life, has a soul, and is made in My image. I call you to respect life at any age. Each person is at a different progress in their faith, so do not criticize or look down on those people who may not have a strong faith. Faith is a gift from Me, but My people need to be open to receive Me into their hearts and souls. By loving Me with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul, you are on the right path to your sainthood. Every day you should strive for a more perfect faith, and Lent is an excellent time to take stock of your spiritual life. See if you are getting better, staying the same, or getting worse. If you keep struggling to improve your faith and love of Me, then you are following Me as I called you. Reach out with your gift of faith to share it with others as an evangelist, and you will have your reward in heaven. Keep praying persistently for your family members to be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to have respect for My Real Presence in My tabernacle in church, and in front of My consecrated Host at Adoration. You hear many times in church how the priest is asking you not to use your cell phones at Mass for texting or talking. Unless you are a doctor on call, you should not have your cell phone turned on, so it does not ring at Mass or at Adoration. You saw how disturbing it was for a lady to have her phone ring twice during Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament last night. It may seem important for some people to have cell phones turned on, but it is irreverent to Me to have cell phones ringing in church, let alone talking on cell phones in church. You come to adore Me in silence, and others are praying, and do not want to be disturbed by ringing cell phones. Have consideration for Me and consideration for people praying in church. So keep your cell phones turned off in church and at Adoration. You can answer your calls later out of reverence to keep it quiet in church.”


Saturday, April 13, 2019: (St. Martin I)
Jesus said: “My people, tomorrow you will be starting Holy Week with Palm Sunday and a reading of My Passion. Yesterday, you did a beautiful Stations of the Cross with your personal feelings of each station that pleased Me very much. As you hear My Passion, you will hear of My scourging, My trial, My walk with My cross to Calvary, and My Crucifixion on the cross for all humanity. This suffering and death on the cross, is My gift to all of you out of love, as I offered My life to save all souls who accept Me and love Me. This holiest week of the year is the culmination of your own Lenten sacrifices and devotions. Your fasting, prayers, and what you gave up, is your own little Calvary which helps to renew your faith in Me. You appreciate more how special My sacrifice is, as you share your pains and troubles with Me on My cross. I want you to make an effort to come to all of the Triduum services, and especially your joy in My Resurrection.

I want to wish your brother Mike and your sister-in-law Joanne a happy 50th anniversary of marriage as they will be renewing their vows of marriage today. I thank them for their dedication to keeping their marriage sacred through the years, and their dedication to loving Me and My Blessed Mother as well. We love Mike and Joanne and all the faithful who are helping to spread My Good News of My Resurrection. This rising from the dead is My greatest miracle, and I am an example of how all of My faithful will also rise from the dead on the last day of judgment.”

(Palm Sunday 4:30 p.m.) Jesus said: “My people, today you have read My Passion in the Gospel. Because I was performing unusual signs as feeding thousands of people, raising people from the dead, walking on water, and healing people, the Jews thought I was a threat to them. Many people were coming to hear My sermons, and I claimed to be God’s Son. This is why the Jews wanted to kill Me. They had a mock trial, and the people were inspired by their leaders to have Me crucified. Judas became the traitor to showing the Pharisees where I could be found. He handed Me over to the Pharisees for thirty pieces of silver. I suffered much to bring salvation to all of mankind. Give praise and thanks to Me for offering up My life, so My faithful could be justified in heaven.”


Sunday, April 14, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when I was at My Last Supper, I offered the first sacrifice of the Mass. I shared My bread as My Body, and the wine as My Blood. My sacrifice was completed when I died on the cross, but I died outside of time, so you can still unite your suffering and troubles with Me on My cross. I have left My Eucharist with you as the priest can repeat My sacrifice in an unbloody manner, as he consecrates the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. When you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, you have My Real Presence with you for at least 15 minutes. So be reverent to My Presence for that time, and do not rush out, but let Me talk to your heart and soul. At My death and burial, people were mourning for Me. This mourning was brief because I resurrected in My glorious Body in three days by the power of God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. Death had no hold on Me, and My Resurrection is My Good News of salvation for all sinners who love Me and repent of their sins. Remember to receive Me worthily in Holy Communion with no mortal sin on your soul. You do not want to commit a sin of sacrilege against My Holy Eucharist. I love all of you and I want you to obey My Commandments at all times.”


Monday, April 15, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the psalm it speaks of not being afraid, but have trust in Me always. Your hope is to be with Me forever in heaven. By giving your will over to Me, you can share what you have with others, both in donations of money, and in sharing your faith with others. You remember another time when Martha complained about her sister Mary not helping her to share in the things of hospitality. I told Martha that Mary has chosen the better part of listening to My Word, and it will not be taken from her. In today’s Gospel Mary washed My feet with her tears and dried My feet with her hair. She then poured precious oil over My feet which was a sign for My burial. This time I reprimanded Judas who wanted the oil to be sold to give the money to the poor. I told him that you always have the poor with you, but you do not always have Me with you in the flesh. Judas only wanted money for himself, but Mary would not be denied her favor of anointing Me. You remember when I washed the feet of My apostles as an example for all of you to be a servant to others. You are here on earth to know, love, and serve Me. Learn from these readings how to have no fear, and go forward and spread My Good News of My Resurrection. Bringing souls to Me out of love, is your most important task, so more souls can love Me and be saved from hell. To come to heaven you must repent of your sins, and deny your life by letting your will follow My Will in all that you do. Bring yourself to Me with good deeds in your hands, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Mother Cabrini said: “My dear children, I am happy to be present among you through the eyes of my statue. You are calling on me in your ‘yes’ to watch over your children, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren. I will guide them and pray for them in heaven. I know you have one of my statues in your bedroom. I would appreciate it if you could bring my statue down into your chapel, and place one of my fabric relics under it. When you call on me to help people, I will deliver your request to My Jesus. Thank you for coming to my shrine, and remember to pray to me every day for your intentions.”


Tuesday, April 16, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, this burning of Notre Dame Church is not the beginning of the tribulation, but it is a punishment I allowed that Satan was behind. This fire has suspicious reasons for such a quick blaze. Very few people in France come to church on Sunday, and they treat Notre Dame Church more as a tourist attraction, than My place of My Real Presence. This is an allowed punishment and a wake-up call for the people to come back to church. Your fires in California are also allowed because of the sinful behavior in that state. Some fires are a result from arson because the fires were so intense and hotter than normal fires. These fires are also a symbol to see that the wages of sin are death in the eternal flames of hell.”


Wednesday, April 17, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to have open hearts to love Me every day. When you awaken, you need to pray your morning offering and consecrate all of your actions to Me for the day. Do not be like Judas who betrayed Me. If you ignore My love in the morning, you are like the people who struck Me. It is the lukewarm whom I detest, because they are neither hot nor cold. Remember to love Me every moment of your lives, and let Me be a part of your lives. You can call on My help in all of your troubles. Call on Me to guide you and give you My plan for what to do for Me every day. It is My ways that are more perfect than your ways. By being humble, you can give your will over to My Will. I love you all so much that I suffered and died for your sins on the cross, and to bring you salvation. If you repent of your sins, and show Me your love and respect in your prayers and actions, then you will be assured of a place in heaven for all eternity. Go out to all the nations and spread My Good News of My Resurrection, so you can help save as many souls as you can from the flames of hell. I am all love, and I want you to love Me and all of your neighbors, even your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have had some difficulty in getting some places to speak because some people do not want to hear you talk about the end times. People are comfortable about keeping things unchanged, and they do not want to leave their homes, let alone store food for the coming famine. I am showing you a man who is opening a door for you. This is a sign that I will find places for you to give your talks, despite those who are trying to block you. My prophets are being protected for a time, so they can get My message of love and protection out to the people. As your lives will be threatened, people will realize the need for hiding in a safe haven. Your messages from Me about going to refuges are important to enable My faithful to be separated from the evil ones. Trust in Me and I will enable My faithful to come to My Era of Peace, even if some are martyred for their faith in Me.”


Thursday, April 18, 2019: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, your group shared the Seder Supper of the Passover meal with the wine, the matza, the bitter herbs, and the lamb. This is why you celebrate My Eucharist with unleavened bread as the Jews did at the Passover. I said the prayers over the bread and wine, as you hear the words of the Consecration of the Mass. The difference from the Passover is that the priest is able to consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This is called the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. Even though you do not see a physical change in appearance of the bread and wine, you still believe this is My Real Presence with you that you receive in Holy Communion. This is My greatest gift of My very Self to you in My Eucharist. You cannot have the Mass without Holy Thursday, and without My death on the cross. The gift of My life for your sins is the very essence of the Sacrifice of the Mass. The Mass brings My faithful together every Sunday to show your love for Me, and your belief in My Eucharistic Presence.”


Friday, April 19, 2019: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read another Gospel of My Passion, and you see the difference between Judas and St. Peter. Judas betrayed Me and he was sorry for his betrayal, but because Satan entered his heart, Satan urged him to commit suicide, which he did. St. Peter denied Me three times, but after he was sorry for his denials. After My Resurrection, I asked St. Peter if he loved Me three times, and I told him to feed My sheep. Today, you read the account of how I was scourged, and I had to carry My cross to Calvary. This is a sign for all of My faithful, that you all are called to pick up your cross and carry it to your own Calvary. Even as you are struggling through life, you can join your suffering with Me on My cross. You all have to endure your own Good Friday, before you can enjoy your Easter reward. Just as Simon helped Me to carry My cross, so you can call on Me to help you carry your cross also. Your life on this earth is short, so make the most of your time to follow Me, and help others to believe in My Good News. Every soul you can bring to Me, will be one less soul lost to hell. Give thanks and praise to Me for saving your soul from hell.”


Saturday, April 20, 2019: (7:30 Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, the moment of My Resurrection was actually captured in the Shroud of Turin. There was such a radiant flash of light, that it partially singed the cloth with a negative image. As the Shroud was examined, the image was not painted, but partially burned into the cloth. No other person raised himself from the grave because death had no hold on Me. I went to sheol or the place of the dead to release those souls worthy of heaven. These souls are eternally grateful for My death on the cross that paid the price for their sins. I also have given salvation to all souls who love Me and repent of their sins. It is not easy to believe in My Resurrection because it takes faith and belief in the eyewitness testimonies of My apostles who saw My resurrected Body. St. Thomas could feel My wounds, and I ate the baked fish to show them I had true flesh and bones. I love all of My people so much that I sacrificed My life, so all of you could be saved if you so desired. Come to Me out of love, and you can be assured of a place in one of My many mansions in heaven.”


Sunday, April 21, 2019: (Easter Sunday)
At St. Charles Borromeo after Holy Communion I could feel a strong Presence of the Lord as He left His tomb. Jesus said: “My son, you receive a taste of heaven when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Today, you felt My Presence stronger than other times, to let you know what you will be experiencing all of the time in heaven. Right now you cannot handle My very Presence fully because it would overwhelm your mortal body. After you receive your glorified body on the day of judgment, then you will be able to experience Me in My beatific vision. (You will receive the beatific vision when you first come to heaven. This was referring to a particular time in heaven when you will receive your resurrected body.) Rejoice on this feast day of My Resurrection from the dead. This is a sign to you that all of My faithful will be resurrected on the last day. All of your struggles and troubles you suffer now, will be rewarded in heaven. Be patient and humble in your faith, and you will see My day in Paradise.”


Monday, April 22, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many Christians dying in Sri Lanka at the hands of the Muslims on Easter morning. This is another sign along with the burning of Notre Dame that Satan is striking out at My churches to destroy them. Satan has only a short time left, and he is inspiring all of those people who hate Me, to strike out at the destruction of anything faithful to Me. I showed you in a previous message (4-1-19) how the Antichrist will hypnotize all of those people who take the mark of the beast to go out and kill all of those people who believe in Me. You will soon see the destruction of the churches also in America. Your lives will be threatened, and I will call My faithful to come to the safety of My refuges that have been prepared for this evil time. Thank Me for preparing My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you burning churches from Islamic terrorists in America. Only the churches that have persistent Adoration will be protected from fires, because they will be refuges for My people to come. Some places that were designated refuges, may lose their calling if it is sold, or people are no longer praying there. Every refuge needs faithful people praying. It is just like your gifts. If people stop praying at a refuge, that place will lose its calling and its protection. Call on My angels to protect your refuge, and it is important to pray your daily rosaries in your house to be faithful to your calling. I am calling on My refuge builders to honor Me in their chapel or prayer room every day. This is also confirmed that during the tribulation, you need someone praying before My Blessed Sacrament every hour of the day as a perpetual Adoration. It is your constant prayer and devotion to Me that My angels are calling on for your protection. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I am doing to protect My faithful, even during the tribulation.”


Tuesday, April 23, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, before I died on the cross, I told My apostles several times that I would rise from the dead after three days. You have been celebrating My Resurrection from the grave with My empty tomb. St. Peter and St. John saw the empty tomb, and they believed in My Resurrection. (St. John 20:14-18) Mary Magdalene was at the empty tomb, and she was the first one to see Me in My glorified Body. I told her to tell My apostles that I have ascended to My Father in heaven. She told the apostles of My appearance to her, but they did not want to believe her. The apostles did not yet understand what rising from the dead meant, because no one had ever done such a thing. Just as you see new life in nature as the spring flowers come forth, so you can imagine My new life rising from the tomb by the power of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Give praise and glory to Me because My Resurrection is cause for great rejoicing both among the living and the dead.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how it will be when the people will be coming to your refuge. At first it will seem to be overwhelming to handle so many people all at once in a confined space. Do not worry about how many people will come, because My angels will expand your buildings and multiply the food, water, and fuels. You have prepared well, and you will use all of your preparations to feed everyone. You will be calming down the people from their life threatening experiences. It will be your faith and constant prayers that will get you through the challenges of being able to multiply your food, water, and fuels. Even during the winter you will be cutting down trees for the wood needed to heat your house. You will be good examples to others in how to distribute food, and the people will marvel at the multiplication of food, as it will be your faith that will allow Me to provide what you need. Just as I performed miracles to help My apostles have faith, so the miracles at My refuges will help the faith of the people, who I will send to you. Be happy that I will shorten the time of this tribulation of the Antichrist, because I will not test you beyond your endurance. You will be suffering your purgatory on earth during the tribulation. Once this trial passes, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to bring My victory over the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Then I will recreate the earth into a new garden of Eden, and I will bring My people into their reward in My Era of Peace. Once there is no evil, you will be prepared to be saints, so when you die, you can come directly into heaven. Rejoice when you will share in My love and happiness forever in heaven.”


Thursday, April 25, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I came into the midst of My apostles, and I said: ‘Peace be with you.’ My apostles had heard of My appearance to Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, but they still did not believe in My Resurrection. My apostles were overjoyed to see Me in the flesh, but I had to prove to them that I was not a ghost. I showed them My wounds and I ate some baked fish before them. Then I related the Scriptures to them about how I had to fulfill the promise of a Messiah, who would suffer to bring salvation to all sinners. It is not easy to preach the Good News of My Resurrection, because people have a hard time explaining how I rose from the dead. When even the apostles doubted My Resurrection, it is not easy to understand My rising from the dead as My victory over sin and death. It is My witness of My live body that helped My apostles believe in My Resurrection, but they would now have to proclaim My Resurrection to all the nations, and seek to help save souls.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuing persecution of Christians, when Moslems are killing My people and destroying the churches. These Islamic terrorists are evil, and they are carrying out Satan’s plan to eliminate My faithful people. Churches are being burned in France, and suicide bombers are killing Christians in the churches of Sri Lanka. Take heed, My people, because you will be seeing the same persecution here in America. The evil ones will have their hour, but in the end, I will cast all the evil ones into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I allowed your President to win so you could have a reprieve from the death culture of abortion and euthanasia. Now, you are seeing the socialist communists taking over your opposition party. Now that this party has taken over the House of Representatives, you are seeing a continuing harassment of your President by constant investigations. Your previous President used Executive Privilege to protect his Attorney General’s misdeeds. Your current President will now use his Executive Privilege to protect his own people. Pray for peace in your government, instead of constant criticism.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all have important missions to prepare for the coming tribulation. My refuge builders are getting their places ready so My faithful will have safe havens for their protection. Fr. Michel Rodrigue is preparing his monasteries for the priests who will be needed in the Era of Peace. Some of your trips will help him to secure some needed finances to complete his second monastery. Pray for safe travel in your trips, and continue to reach out to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated Easter in your churches, and you are seeing signs of new life in our beautiful spring flowers. As you celebrate My Resurrection and My new life, you are seeing new life come forth in your flowering trees and flowers coming up through the ground. This is a joyous time to take your pictures of all the many colored flowers. You could see your Easter Vigil candidates receive Baptism and Confirmation, as they were welcomed into your faith community. Rejoice in bringing new members into My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your many sins, you are continuing to see damaging weather as your punishment. You already are seeing more tornadoes this year than normal. Rain and floods are still making it difficult for your farmers to plant their crops. Even now, you are seeing some late snow storms in your Northern states. Pray for the victims who are suffering from the loss of their homes, or flooding problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see the coming takeover of your country once your current President is removed. After this short reprieve, I will allow the one world people to use the socialist communists to take over your country. This is part of your punishment for your abortions and killing of the elderly. Be patient when you will come to My refuges for your safety. The Antichrist will control things for a short time, but I will bring My victory over him, and you will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Easter Season now, but I do not want you to forget all of your prayer devotions that you practiced during Lent. You can use these same devotions throughout the year to help strengthen your spiritual lives. Your old Adoration place at St. Theodore’s had to close the dedicated hours, but you can still come there to adore Me on your usual Wednesday night. It is getting difficult to keep Adoration sites operating because there are fewer people coming to adore Me at dedicated hours. Pray to keep your Adoration places open. I thank your prayer group for adoring Me each week of your prayer meetings. Keep supporting My Adoration sites so people can have a place to come and adore Me.”


Friday, April 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have two great moments in both readings. In the first reading (Acts 4:8-12) St. Peter and St. John were explaining to the elders how it was in My name that the crippled beggar was healed. Then St. Peter said: ‘For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.’ You can only be saved by believing in Me. The Gospel reading was My third appearance to My apostles. They had not caught any fish during the night, so I told them to cast their net, and they caught 153 large fish. They were astounded by such a catch of fish, but this was a sign how they will go out to all the nations to evangelize souls for Me. They were happy to see Me again in their midst. This is also a sign for all of My faithful, that you are also called to go out to all the nations and preach My Good News of My Resurrection from the dead.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how fasting and not eating sweets during Lent has helped you to lose weight, and you feel better as well. It is good to read about the right kind of foods that are good for your body. If you eat the right kind of diet for life, you could cut down your weight, and have less chances of having diabetes or kidney problems. By learning how your body functions, you can see which foods to avoid, and which foods are better for you. Continue looking into nutrition of the better foods to help yourself to good health. Taking care of your body will help you to avoid over eating, or gluttony. Do not let your food cravings control your life, since excesses could cause you health problems. Blending your eating habits with daily exercise can also take good care of your body. A daily prayer life can help keep your spiritual life close to Me as well. You need to feed your body well, and your soul needs proper feeding with My sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession. It is your soul that will live on forever, so taking care of your soul should be your most important concern in this life.”


Saturday, April 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are always celebrating My Resurrection when you are in My Presence, either in Holy Communion or at Adoration. I want you to be quiet and reverent in My Presence. Do not be concerned about racing around to your next event, but lead your life at a moderate pace, so you can take in My Presence and appreciate My gifts of life. I love all of you so much, but you need to be calm to fully appreciate all that I do for you in your life. Just as when you write My messages in quiet, so you also need quiet time to capture the moment of My visitation in My Presence. I made sure My apostles appreciated this mystery of My Resurrection, because they now had to preach it to all the nations.”

(Memorial Mass for Laura Rimore)Laura said: “I want to thank everyone for coming to share my memorial Mass. I am happy to see my family and some old friends. I am watching over Tony and I thank him for all he did for me in life. My son, John, gave me a nice tribute in how I supported my family members. I thank Carol, John, and Judy for remembering me in this service. God bless all of you, and the best request I could ask of you, is to keep your faith in my Lord, Jesus. I love all of you and keep my picture with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the second attack on a Jewish synagogue in six months. Not only are Christian churches being attacked, but Jewish synagogues are being attacked as well. This appears to be a hate crime with one dead and three others wounded. These attacks on the places of worship will be increasing. This was another shooting with an assault rifle, but the man was apprehended. People need to take care in places of worship where violence is possible, because the churches are vulnerable. It is difficult to anticipate such people who are the shooters, but people are becoming more aware of such hate on your social media. Pray for the victims and families, and pray that your security people can stop these crimes.”


Sunday, April 28, 2019: (Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of St. Thomas being called a doubter because he did not believe in My Resurrection at first. But the other apostles did not believe either, even when Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus gave witness to seeing My resurrected body. The apostles believed when they saw Me, but blessed are those people who believe in My Resurrection, and they did not see Me. Once St. Thomas put his hand into My wounds in My hands and in My side, then he believed and said: ‘My Lord and My God.’ My apostles were then given the Holy Spirit as I breathed on them. This gave them the strength to go out and preach the Good News of My Resurrection. In the Acts of the Apostles you read how many sick people were healed, and demons were cast out of people. Rejoice as My Easter people, and go out to all the nations to evangelize the people.”


Monday, April 29, 2019: (St. Catherine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke to Nicodemus about being born again from above. This does not mean physical rebirth, but it means being baptized in the Holy Spirit. When you received Confirmation, you were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and you received all of His gifts. Call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and He will give you the words to proclaim My Good News. You, My son, are feeling the power of the Holy Spirit, as you write down these words. Give praise and thanks to the Holy Spirit in all He does to help your mission. At the end of your fifty days after Easter, you will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday when the apostles had the tongues of fire over them, and they could speak other languages. The Holy Spirit plays a big part in your spiritual life, so call on His help in your mission out speaking, and your mission to have a refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of a church tabernacle being flooded is a sign of how some churches will be destroyed by terrorists and natural disasters. Many people do not appreciate the treasures they have in My churches and synagogues, because there are a lot of people who do not attend every weekend. Some people do not come because they do not believe in Me, or they are too lazy to wake up on Sunday to come. You have some attacks coming from atheists, anti-Semites, and Islamic terrorists. Still some churches are closing from a lack of people and priests. Other churches will be destroyed by natural disasters. When there are few or no churches to attend, you will be meeting at prayer groups or My refuges. Save your Bibles, rosaries, statues, and Mass books for when it will be hard to find a Mass. The Christian persecution will get worse leading up to the tribulation. I will warn My people to come to My refuges when their lives are being threatened. Pray for My protection and My angels to defend you.”


Tuesday, April 30, 2019: (St. Pius V)
Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday and you prayed the Novena prayers of St. Faustina. You also need to come to Confession within a week of this feast. By following these requirements, you can have the reparation for your sins taken away for less time in purgatory. Just like your yard needs to get cleansed from the leaves in your flower beds, so you need to cleanse your souls of your sins in Confession. If you did not go to Confession last Saturday, this weekend is still not too late for your gift of your plenary indulgence. Give praise and thanks to Me for My Divine Mercy on your souls.”


Wednesday, May 1, 2019: (St. Joseph the Worker)
Jesus said: “My people, when I was brought up by St. Joseph, he taught Me the carpenter’s trade. It is good that different people have various skills because you need various trades to build and fix things. It is good to have a good work ethic so people are on time to work, and they do an honest day’s work. In your working days you saw some people who were lazy, and some who were over achievers. You also saw some injustice in favoritism and even dishonest treatment of workers in firings, or not paying a just wage. It is not easy when some people have to take less paying jobs when better paying jobs are not available. It even means working two jobs, or both parents need to work to pay the bills and support their children. Work is needed to finance your homes and vehicles for transportation, and to pay your taxes. Be patient in this world because there are many unjust situations in the workplace. Be thankful if you have a job, or a good retirement income. Some people even need to pray for a job when they are unemployed.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before that when the Warning comes, it will be in a time of chaos. You are seeing signs of violent weather, an uprising in Venezuela, and a constant hate for your President. The opposition party is trying to harass your President with all kinds of unnecessary investigations. When there is a mention of investigating the FBI and the source of the Mueller Report, then there is fear in the opposition party. You will be seeing more confrontations that could even lead to a civil war. You are hearing of more church fires in various places. It may be hard to prove, but a good share of these fires are arson acts of hate crimes. Keep praying for the safety of your churches, but the persecution of Christians is going to get worse.”


Wednesday, April 24, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, My disciples recognized Me in the breaking of the bread, and then I disappeared from them. This was My second appearance after My Resurrection, as I explained My references in the Scriptures to My two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They said later how their hearts were burning within them while I explained the Scriptures to them. This was then reported to the apostles as they were joyful at My appearances. This confirmed My Resurrection that I was alive, and it gave My apostles strength to know I was still with them. This was the greatest of My miracles to rise from the dead, and it showed My power over death and sin. My Easter people are now even prepared to endure the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the world’s morals going downhill with many people disregarding My Commandments. The bigger problem is that your people are not coming to Sunday Mass as much as they used to, and they are not praying as they used to. Some of your children come to Sunday Mass, but fewer of your grandchildren come to Sunday Mass. You can see this decay in your own family. This is why I depend more on My prayer warriors, but My stronger faithful are dying off, and there are very few children to take their place. This lack of praying people is more of a sign to you that I will soon bring these evil people and lukewarm people to an end. When people do not even acknowledge Me in prayer, and they ignore their Creator, this is why I have to come with My Warning to wake the people up with one last chance to change their lives to love Me. You can see that My faithful are in the minority, but I still intend to protect My faithful at My refuges. My faithful need to be patient and keep praying to help save their family members. You will have one last chance to help save them during the six weeks after My Warning. Be prepared to help save the people I send to your refuge.”


Thursday, May 2, 2019: (St. Athanasius)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an uprising in Venezuela because the people have no food under a communist rule. There is an attempt to overthrow the current leader, but there are Russian planes present. The tank you saw in the vision, could indicate a coming war in this country. You are seeing communist movements in both Central and South America. Three million people have already left Venezuela because of the bad conditions. Even humanitarian aid is hard to get into this country because of the military regime. Pray for these people who are fighting for their freedom.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you saw your President enumerating the attack on the Jewish synagogue in California, and several other attacks on churches. He was standing up for your freedom to worship without threats from terrorists. He also spoke out in defense of all life, even the unborn. Your society is under attack on your basic freedoms, and evil people are behind these killings and shootings. Pray for the victims of these crimes.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one is inspiring arson attacks on many churches in your country. You saw a recent huge fire that destroyed St. Joseph’s Church in Phoenix, Arizona. You know this church because Fr. Michel Rodrigue offered Mass there with you. You also protested abortion with Fr. Michel at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Phoenix, Ar. It was a fire that was on May 1st the feast day of St. Joseph the worker, at this church of St. Joseph. I have mentioned how you will be seeing more attacks on the churches with fires and terrorist attacks with assault rifles. The church and synagogue attacks are going on all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading several reports of the protests against the communist leader of Venezuela. The people have little or no food, and hard to find medicines. Many have left the country for survival. This leader is being backed by Russia, and he is mobilizing his military to put down the protests in the streets. Pray for these people because the military is even stopping humanitarian aid from entering the border.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing frequent tornadoes in the Midwest and the South that are a continuing punishment for your abortions. In Davenport, Iowa along the Mississippi River, floods are coming into the city. You are seeing even late snow events out West. Your weather has been colder for this time of year, and the trees and flowers are late to come out. Again, pray for the victims of your bad weather and floods.”

Jesus said: “My people, now that the Mueller Report did not find collusion with Russia or obstruction against your President, the opposition party is trying to attack your Attorney General. If he pursues an investigation of the FBI leaks and misdeeds, there could be a reverse accusation against the political people who made attempts to unseat your President. The degree of hate among the opposition party and your media has not ever been so long lasting as this attempt to impeach your President. I have had My angels protecting your President from all the attempts to kill him. He has been given some time to stop your takeover, but eventually you will be taken over as further punishment for your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a liberal control of your colleges, schools, and history books. This is part of a communist movement to rid Me and prayer out of your schools. The teachers are espousing socialism as the only choice for their students. They also are encouraging atheism as they brainwash their students. These same socialists are trying to take over your churches with a global religion without Me. There are also attacks against the family in encouraging homosexual marriages and other sinful perversions in your movies and your politically correct behavior against My Commandments and promotion of abortion. Your society is being broken down by attacks on the family, the church, and your government. Your country was founded on My precepts, and America needs to repent and come back to Me, so I can forgive you of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can come to Me in trust for My help to battle the heretics and paganism in your secular society. Many people have lost their faith, and they need to see the errors in their ways. I will be bringing My Warning to give all sinners a chance to see their errors, and I will give each of you an opportunity to turn your lives around from the evil in your hands. You will have a life review and a judgment that will wake up some sinners when they see hell and purgatory waiting for them. Change your life now in following My Commandments, and you will have less suffering at your Warning. There are only two final destinations: love with Me in heaven, or hate with the devil in hell for all eternity.”


Friday, May 3, 2019: (St. Philip and St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of My two apostles, St. Philip and St. James. They were martyred for spreading their faith in Me. Pray for all the Christians who are being persecuted and even killed for their faith in Me. This vision of two moving circles around Me, is a sign of My coming Warning, but it is also emphasizing there are only two final choices for your soul’s destination. You have free will to choose to be with your loving Lord in heaven, or you can choose to be with Satan in the flames of hell. Do not be misled by the worldly things and the devil because this world is passing away. My Warning will give all sinners one last chance to see their soul’s destination, and a chance to change their lives in getting close to My love. Those people, who refuse to love Me after the Warning, will be passing up My last attempt to save their souls. Pray for the souls of your family that they will all be saved by your assisting prayers, especially during the six weeks of conversion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were experiencing some beautiful faith music, and you heard a great witness of faith from a Steubenville man named John. He talked of how he had to go through his wife’s trial with breast cancer that she survived. He also was tested with his son’s near fatal car accident where his head was healed by prayer. It is important that you all come to Me in full trust, and give everything over to Me. Would you trust in Me if you lost all of your money? If you lost your spouse? If you lost your son or daughter? If you lost your home? In all that I have given you, I can take it away, and you still need to trust in Me. When you surrender your will to Me, then you will walk with Me through life in faith. This is how your faith is perfected by suffering through all of life’s trials. Witness your faith to others, and do not be troubled by worries, anxieties, or fears because the devil tests you with these things. Trust in Me always.”


Saturday, May 4, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are still celebrating My Resurrection from the dead, as you know there is an after life, because your soul is immortal and lives on forever. It is the destination of your soul that is most important. This is why every Lent gives you a chance to use your fasting and offering up your penances to improve your spiritual life. You will face My Warning and the tribulation before you see My Era of Peace. But all of My faithful can look forward to sharing My love on the last day, and you will have your own resurrection when your soul will be united with your glorious body. Then you will be whole again to love Me with all My angels and saints. Pray for your priests and deacons who bring you My sacraments and My words of the Gospel.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people of Venezuela are starving for food, but that government is keeping food from coming into their borders. Many of the people have left the country for pure survival reasons. The socialists in America do not want to hear about the failures of socialism in Venezuela. When you were there years ago, you could see open signs of communism with Lenin’s picture all over. There is no question that this is a communist run country, and this is why the people are protesting and fighting for their freedom. America needs to see this lesson of what happens when socialists take over a country. In a word there are no more freedoms. Pray for these people who are finding it hard to obtain food.”


Sunday, May 5, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I appeared to My apostles for the third time. I encouraged them to cast their net out for a catch, and they caught 153 large fish, which is a sign of how they would be fishers of men and women in all the nations. After they had breakfast of the bread and fish, this was another sign of how I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000 people. I then talked to St. Peter, and I asked him three times if he loved Me. St. Peter said ‘yes’ that he loved Me, and I told him to feed My lambs. This was to atone for the three times that St. Peter denied Me. I forgave him, but now I wanted him to spread My Good News. This forgiveness is like when you come to Confession, and I absolve you through the priest, and you receive a penance to tell Me how you love Me also. It is important that you come to Confession often, at least once a month. Even if you only have venial sins to confess, you need to cleanse your souls. Especially, if you have mortal sin on your soul, you need to come immediately. The more you remain in your sin, the weaker you will be to sin more. Do not forget Confession because My grace keeps you close to Me in love, even if you falter. Encourage all the faithful people to come to Confession. It is needed for your salvation, and to receive Me worthily in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I was on the shore of Lake Tiberias, the apostles did not recognize Me in My resurrected Body at first. After I asked them to cast the net to the right side for a catch, they were able to catch 153 large fish. It was then that St. John recognized Me, and he called out: ‘It is the Lord.’ My apostles were overjoyed to see Me for the third time. Just as My apostles were elated to see Me, today you all were able to see Me as well when your priest raised the consecrated Host. Every time you receive My Host, you are overjoyed to receive My Real Presence. For a short time you are all like little tabernacles. You can also come to Me in Adoration at My tabernacle, so you can be overwhelmed in My Real Presence. You can understand how My apostles were so happy to be with Me, especially after My Resurrection. At the Mass I have given you the gift of My Real Presence that you can treasure to the end of time. Give praise and thanks to Me for being with you in My Eucharist.”


Monday, May 6, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how St. Stephen was winning the debates against his peers because he spoke the truth about Me. Because these evil ones hated St. Stephen, and they wanted to get rid of him, they brought false witnesses against him with their lies before the Sanhedrin. Eventually, they stoned him when he saw a vision in heaven. These are the same tactics of lies that you are seeing today in your own politics. You saw an innocent Bret Kavanaugh persecuted by unconfirmed lies from a woman who complained about Bret, only to try and stop his Supreme Court confirmation. Once her story could not be confirmed, her lies were found out, and Bret was confirmed by the Senate. You are also seeing more lies in the Mueller Report that was falsely brought against your President, who was harassed for speaking the truth. Those people, who lie and support abortion, will pay for their crimes against My laws. When the opposition party could not win an argument of truth with your President, they resorted to lies and false allegations to try and impeach your President. Lies and deceit are the tools of the devil, and I have protected your President from this evil lot, who are trying to take over your country. I love all of My people, but you will soon have to bear the cross of the coming tribulation. This will be a test of your faith, but I will protect My people at My refuges.”


Tuesday, May 7, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Stephen called the elders a stiff-necked people. He also accused them of being like their ancestors, who persecuted and killed the prophets, who were preparing the people for the Messiah. In today’s world My prophets of the coming tribulation, are also being persecuted because the people do not want to hear about the end times. You, My son, have also been criticized, and some do not let you speak, especially in the churches. Some people do not want to hear about the trials the Antichrist will bring upon you. The evil people will be separated from My faithful people at My refuges. Then I will bring My victory over the evil ones, who will be killed and cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have accepted My mission to go out speaking My messages to the people in various cities. I gave My apostles a mission to spread My Good News to all the nations. You have given Me your ‘yes’ to follow in their footsteps. Over the years you have met many friends all over your country. You are sharing your contacts with Fr. Michel Rodrigue, and it is helping his donations for his monastery. You both have a sense that serious events could precipitate another war abroad or some financial disasters. I have told you how your Christian persecution will be getting worse, and this could include arson or terrorist attacks on your churches. This year you need to call on My angels for your protection as you go out to speak My messages. This is in addition to praying your long form of the St. Michael prayer going and coming home.”


Wednesday, May 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Bread of Life, and I am also the Light of the world that shows you the path of your life. My Light replaces the darkness of evil, and I am your source of spiritual energy that urges you to share My Good News with every one. You are My Easter people, and the glorious Light of My Resurrection shines over all of My people. When you see a sunny day, your spirits are lifted up. When you receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion, your soul is invigorated, because you have the Bread of Life uplifting you in your spiritual life. You eat food for your physical energy, but you take My Bread of Life to feed your soul and give you spiritual energy. My consecrated Host can even feed you physically, as some saints have lived solely on Holy Communion. Give thanks and praise to Me for feeding your soul at every Mass. This is what attracts My daily Mass people to be with Me every day, and to bring in My rays of Light at Adoration of My consecrated Host.”


Thursday, May 9, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, an Ethiopian eunuch was a treasurer for the Queen, and he was returning home from Jerusalem. He was reading in Isaiah about a sheep led to the slaughter, which referred to Me dying on the cross. The Spirit of God urged St. Philip to go up to the Ethiopian’s carriage. St. Philip explained the Scriptures to him, and then he baptized the Ethiopian into the faith. Then St. Philip disappeared like a miracle. My apostles were given many gifts of the Spirit so they could carry on their mission to spread My Good News. The apostles performed many miracles to help the people believe in My Word. All of My prophets and missionaries are gifted with miracles and talents to help evangelize souls. Pray for your priests, prophets, and missionaries so they will be protected for their missions to the people.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your President is challenging China to change their trade positions which are unfair. China has been stealing secret technology for their industries, and they are unfairly restricting the US imports. China is trying to change the original trade plans. Your President is threatening to increase a 10% tariff to 25% on $200 billion of imports to the US, and this could start tomorrow. China has been stalling in hopes of having a new President in 2020. Pray that your trade deal can be accomplished that is fair to both sides.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people have backup generators that are run on natural gas in case you have a power outage. This choice works unless your natural gas pumps stop working. I have advised My refuge builders to have at least two alternative heaters for keeping you warm in the winter. During the tribulation you could have a wood fireplace with plenty of wood available. You could also have kerosene heaters, propane heaters, or solar panels if natural gas is available. Be prepared to be able to heat your home several years when I multiply your fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the time of the Antichrist, you are seeing why I am calling you to set up refuges for your physical and spiritual protection. My angels will lead you to My refuges when your lives are in danger, and I call you to come. My angels will also put shields around you so the evil ones cannot see you. I will provide for your water, food, and fuels at My refuges. Be prepared to leave your house in a short time for the refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the shelves of your stores go empty when you have hurricanes or massive fires. You also can have a possible famine if your farmers cannot get their crops planted. You are seeing tornadoes and floods already on your news. In addition to having a safe place to hide from a tornado, you also have been advised to have one year’s supply of food for each member of your household. When you come to My refuges, your refuge builders have already prepared themselves to have food, water, and fuels for a while. By having extra food, you will be ready for most disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know about water, food, and fuels that will be needed for survival at My refuges. My refuge builders also need to have altars for a Mass, or a place for perpetual Adoration. During the tribulation, you will have a priest or My angels bring you daily Holy Communion. You can place a consecrated Host into your monstrance for perpetual Adoration. You should have someone praying in front of My Host around the clock at various hours day and night. My Eucharist will protect you during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have guns in their houses for protection. You also should have your weapons of rosaries, holy water, and blessed salt in your homes to protect you from the forces of evil. You remember the attack of the flies on your chapel, and you used holy water, and your St. Michael prayer to defend yourselves from the evil ones. The spiritual weapons are more powerful in fighting off the demons and evil people. Rejoice that you will be protected by My angels at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a division in your people between the capitalists and the socialist communists. With capitalism you have a free market provide for your needs and there is a personal incentive to provide for your family’s survival. With socialism or communism, you have the state or the government provide for your needs, but you can see how life is in Venezuela, Cuba, China, and Russia. You also lose your freedoms under communism that promotes atheism and no freedom to worship Me. Pray for your people to protect your Constitutional freedoms, and do not let Satan run your country.”


Friday, May 10, 2019: (St. Damien)
Jesus said: “My people, the conversion of St. Paul was a miracle, as I spoke to him directly. I asked him: ‘Why are you persecuting Me?’ Saul was having the Christians imprisoned, but now he would become Paul, and become one of My great missionaries for the faith. I asked Ananias to heal St. Paul’s blindness. Then St. Paul was baptized into the faith. Not all conversions are so dramatic, but this shows My power to change someone’s life all around. When you believe in My Word, I can work great miracles in your lives. In the Gospel of St. John, I told the people if they did not eat My Body and drink My Blood, they could not have eternal life with Me. When you receive Holy Communion without mortal sin, you will have eternal life with Me in heaven. My Eucharistic Presence will strengthen your spiritual life as I helped St. Paul.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana, which is what your governor is in favor of. There are others who think marijuana will harm people’s brains, and people could get addicted to it. It also could increase car accidents, as it has happened in states where it is legal. It would be better to have legalization of marijuana voted on as a proposition, than pass it as legislation. It is sad that some states have legalized marijuana just for the tax income, but it is ruining many lives. Keep praying that it is not approved in your state.”


Saturday, May 11, 2019: (4:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My son, you remember well back in 1949 when you received your First Holy Communion at this church. This was your first visit with Me in your soul. Ever since you were 17, you have been a daily Holy Communicant. As you saw a young boy and a young girl receive their First Holy Communion, you admired their new young faith. The pastor gave them both a rosary with the intention to teach them how to pray the rosary. In St. John’s sixth chapter of his Gospel, you read again how I told the people: (John 6:51) ‘He who eats My flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’”

Jesus said: “My son, as you are seeing this rotating circle of events, you are reminded of the coming Warning with its life review. I also told you as you see more messages on the Warning, this will be a sign that the Warning is near. Now, I am telling you that you will be receiving more messages about the Warning, because it is indeed close to happening. The best preparation for the Warning is coming to frequent Confession. You also can minimize the severity of the Warning by what you did for your Divine Mercy Novena when you received your plenary indulgence. This cleansed the reparation due for your sins. After the Warning and even now, you need to keep praying to help save your family members who are away from Me. During the six weeks of conversion, you will be praying hard to convert the family members who need to have the faith so they can receive a cross on their foreheads.”


Sunday, May 12, 2019: (Mother’s Day)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, today is an extra joyful occasion as I am your Blessed Mother, and I am sharing this with all mothers in my month of May crowning. I love all of you so much, and my Son, Jesus and I have our two hearts joined together as the picture in your room. You have another picture of me holding the baby Jesus and a lamb. Your priest was speaking of my Son as the Good Shepherd who is also watching over all of you. It was a nice touch to give roses out to all the mothers after Mass, which was from your Right to Life group. You want all mothers to have their children, instead of aborting them. Babies are God’s gifts of life, and they are too precious to kill or discard. Keep praying your intention to stop abortions, because abortions are very offensive to my Son, Jesus.”


Monday, May 13, 2019: (Our Lady of Fatima)
The Blessed Mother said: “My son, I am coming to you to celebrate my feast of Fatima, Portugal where I appeared to the three children. You have been to Fatima in 1987 when they celebrated the 70th Anniversary of my appearance with the miracle of the sun in 1917. You are a member of my Blue Army for many years, and your prayer group started as a Blue Army cell for 47 years. I thank you for carrying on with your prayer group and your Adoration of my Son every week. You also have been praying your three rosaries every day. By staying close to me and my Son in your persistent prayer, you have kept your gifts of the Holy Spirit. We have helped you with both of your missions to share my Son’s messages and build your refuge. I also thank all of your prayer group for being faithful to your prayers and Adoration of my Son. Your world needs lots of prayer, and there are only a few dedicated prayer warriors left.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President was seeking a trade deal with China to try and obtain a fair trading field. You have a large trade deficit with China’s imports, and they have been cheating you in many ways over the years. It will be hard to get a fair trade deal while China continues to spy on your companies and discourages buying your goods. China has also been stalling for time, waiting for another President to take office. Both countries have increased their tariffs on each other’s imports. This is what caused a big sell off in your stock market. There is a possible increase in prices that could raise inflation with higher tariffs. Pray for fair trade between your countries, or you could see a more aggressive trade war.”


Tuesday, May 14, 2019: (St. Matthias)
Jesus said: “My people, there was an obligation to find someone to replace Judas, who betrayed Me. That person had to be someone who was with Me through My three years of public ministry. So the apostles proposed Justus and Matthias, and they called on the Holy Spirit to choose between them. When they cast lots, the vote chose Matthias to replace Judas. Now, there was twelve apostles again, so they could go out two by two to spread My Good News to all the nations. In the Gospel I told My apostles to love one another as I have loved them. If people follow My Commandments of love, then they will show their love in their actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several oil tankers with large holes from sabotage explosions. You also saw how drones were damaging Saudi Arabian pipelines with bombs. There are signs and even threats to your allies in the Middle East. All of these incidents have caused your President to send an aircraft carrier task force, Patriot missiles, and many soldiers to the region around Iran. Even B-52 bombers were sent to the area. With so many assets in close proximity to Iran, there is a possibility of a war that could be started with any miscalculation. Russia and other countries could be involved to back Iran, which could cause a broader war possibility. The large bowl of oil in the vision is connected to all the oil that is shipped out of the Persian Gulf. You all need to pray a novena that war does not break out in this region.”


Wednesday, May 15, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing one portal to hell and there are others all over the earth. Demons can enter and come out of these portals when I allow it. I am showing you hell in the bowels of the earth. Many souls are falling into these eternal flames because they have chosen to reject My love. All souls are given many opportunities to love Me and reject Satan. There are souls who refuse to love Me, and refuse to seek My forgiveness of their sins. These souls have chosen hell of their own free will. It is My justice that they will suffer these flames forever. This is why I am asking My prayer warriors to pray for the souls of all of your family members, even those members who do not pray, nor come to Sunday Mass. It is by your persistent prayers that you could help save your family members from being judged to hell. I love all of you, but it is by your own free will that you choose your eternal destination.”


Thursday, May 16, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in past messages that you are going to see more persecution of Christians, and more churches will be destroyed. You have been seeing more incidents of shooting people in synagogues, churches, and schools. You have also seen more churches being burned by arson. This is the goal of Satan and those people who hate the Catholic Church. This destruction and persecution will continue to worsen. Those people, who kill people and destroy churches, need to be brought to justice. Keep praying for your protection at your churches. A time will come when your lives will be in danger, and you will be called to My refuges for your safety. When you feel threatened, you can call on Me, and I will send My angels to protect you.”


Friday, May 17, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is read at many funeral Masses. Dying is a part of your life, and it is a consequence of Adam’s original sin. I have told you how I am going to prepare a place for all of you. In heaven there are many mansions. Some people see these mansions as a sign of the many years of your good works and faithfulness to Me. I told My apostles how I will come on their day of death, and I will take them to Myself at their judgment. You have only two final destinations, either heaven or hell. Many souls will need to be purified in purgatory before they are worthy of entering heaven. Those people, who desire to come to heaven, need to repent of their sins, and seek My forgiveness, as in Confession. By obeying My Commandments and doing good works for your neighbor, you can witness your love for Me and your neighbor as yourself. When St. Thomas asked Me where I was going, I told him he would have to come to Me, because I am the Way, the Life, and Truth. Now, My followers need to go out to all the nations and preach My Good News of My Resurrection. All of My faithful will be resurrected with Me on the last day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have reason to be alarmed at the opposition party’s new Equality bill that they passed in the House of Representatives. This would essentially take away your freedom of speech, your freedom of religion, and the ability to exercise your right to refuse anything that violates your religious beliefs. The liberal establishment is trying to dictate what you can do according to their rules. Many of these provisions violate existing laws according to your Constitution. It is doubtful such a bill would pass the Senate, nor your President’s veto. Even still, you are looking at your future, once the liberals control your government. Beware of the manipulation of your voting machines, and all the illegal immigrants who are voting illegally. This is how the deep state will take over your government. Be patient through the coming tribulation, because in the end the evil ones will go to hell, and My faithful will go to My Era of Peace and then to heaven.”


Saturday, May 18, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, in your practice refuge runs, you had your prayer group people, who you know and were acquainted with the foods you prepared. During the tribulation time, I will be sending you strangers who may have different customs and different food preferences. They will need to accept what you have for your stored food, bedding, and washing of your bodies. Washing clothes could be difficult without enough electricity to run your washer and dryer. I will multiply your food and water. My angels will make more buildings if needed, and they will multiply your fuels for heating and cooking. Be prepared to assign jobs for people with the needed skills for cooking food, washing clothes, and heating and cooling when needed. Remember that everyone will need to pray certain hours of the day in adoring My Eucharist. If you have a priest and the bread and wine, you can have Mass and Holy Communion every day. If you do not have a priest, My angels will provide daily Holy Communion. Call on Me and My angels to help you with your needs. Have patience and calm the people down with your counseling people.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s world you see many people striving to be first in everything from money to how many possessions they can obtain. This is all based on pride that the devil tricks people into for striving for things that will pass away. People would be better off striving for heavenly things that show your love for Me and your neighbor. At the end of this life, all of your things remain behind, but you have heavenly treasure stored that will last forever. So focus more on doing things to gain heaven, because this is your greatest desire which is to be loving Me in heaven forever. Your next desire it to offer up prayers to help save the souls of all of your family members.”


Sunday, May 19, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, a time will come when all of My faithful people will die, and they will graduate from this life. You are seeing all of the faithful people dressed in their caps and gowns, but most people leave this world in a casket or are cremated. When you come to your judgment, you will be tested on your school of life. Those people, who are on the spiritual honor roll, will be welcomed into heaven. Those faithful people, who need some purification, will face some time in purgatory. Those people, who did not love Me, nor their neighbors, are the souls who failed their school of life, and they will not graduate to heaven. These life failures have chosen the flames of hell by their bad actions in life. So it is important for people to do your life assignments of showing Me love in your prayers, and good deeds in order to pass your final exams. I love all of you and I do not want people to fail in loving Me and your neighbors as yourselves.”


Monday, May 20, 2019: (St. Bernadine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My son, you read in the Acts of the Apostles that it became dangerous in some places for St. Paul and St. Barnabus to proclaim My Good News. They avoided going to Iconium when they realized that they could get stoned by the people there. In a recent message I warned you that you may have to pray novenas for your talks because it will be harder for people to accept My messages. You have had some rejections in some of your venues, so you will have to be more careful where you choose to talk. For now you have not faced physical abuse, but as you approach the tribulation time, you could see more disagreements over My messages. Pray for My angel protection when you could face physical harm. Eventually, you may have to stay at your refuge for your safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message before about My Warning, and how you will have messages on it close together as you approach the Warning. This is another message on the Warning, and it concerns the six weeks of conversion when the devil will not interfere with your evangelization efforts. After you adjust from your own Warning experience, then you will be focused on trying to get your family members to come to church and be sorry for their sins. You will still be dealing with the free will of your family, but they could be shocked to see their destination in their Warning experience. Keep praying for their souls so they could be saved by their Warning experience. I love all of you and I will give all of you enough opportunities to be converted. Learn from your Warning because this could be the last chance for many people to be saved.”


Tuesday, May 21, 2019: (St. Christopher Magalianes & companions)
Jesus said: “My son, as you read the travels of St. Paul and St. Barnabus, this reminded you of how you also travel to many places to share My Good News. I have asked all of My faithful to go out to all the nations to share the joy of their faith with others. When you love Me so much, it brings you great hope and joy. My love is contagious, and it is meant to be shared with everyone. When you have Me at your side, you should have no fears, anxieties, or worries. I guide you on your way, and the Holy Spirit inspires you with the words to touch people’s souls with My love. You should be thankful that you have been chosen to share My messages. So go in peace, and I will bless you for being one of My evangelists and prophets.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you will soon leave for North Carolina so you can be at Meghan’s wedding. She is the daughter of your wife’s cousin. You have also traveled to Cana in Israel where I had My first miracle of turning water into wine. This was also a wedding that My Blessed Mother and I attended. I have instituted My sacrament of Matrimony so a man and woman can be married with Me as a third partner. Being married in My Church is to be commended, because some couples live together in sin without marriage. Pray for this couple’s wedding, and you could pray to St. Raphael to bless this marriage. Pray for your safe travel as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, this month of May is the peak of your tornado season, and you are seeing some tornadoes in Texas, Kansas, and Missouri. You also are seeing some flooding along the Mississippi River. Even your own Lake Ontario is seeing some high levels from your rain and melting snow. Pray for all the victims of destruction who have lost homes, and some have died.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have had some messages about how your President has had several attempts on his life. You need to pray for your President’s safety. He is involved with a trade dispute with China, and recently he has ordered military assets to the Middle East because of a threat from Iran. Pray for a fair trade deal with China, and pray that there is no war with Iran. You have an armed camp of nuclear weapons, and you do not want many people to be killed in a nuclear war.”

Jesus said: “My people, this black record spinning around on a record player, is a sign of the coming Warning experience. The Warning will be a life review for everyone on earth, all at the same time. You will all come to Me out of your bodies and outside of time. Everyone will see their own life with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. At the end of your life review, you will see a judgment destination based on your life’s experiences. This will be to heaven, hell, or purgatory, and you will have a taste of what it will be like at your destination. Those people, who see hell, will have a second chance to change their lives when they will return to their bodies. Prepare for the Warning by coming to frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to remember My Third Commandment which says you are to honor Me at Mass on Sunday, or the anticipation Mass on Saturday. It is indeed a mortal sin to miss Mass when you could come. Some of My faithful have stopped coming to Mass, and they are not honoring Me and are living in sin. You can come to Confession to have your sins forgiven. Fewer faithful are coming to frequent Confession. Pray for all sinners, and especially for your family members who are not coming to Sunday Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan is inspiring some evil people to persecute My faithful by burning My churches and shooting people as well. You are also seeing Moslems killing Christians in Arab countries. When My faithful have their lives in danger, I will call My faithful to come to My refuges of safety. Trust in Me when your guardian angels will guide you to My refuges. The angels will make you invisible, so have no fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, after My Resurrection on Easter Sunday, I appeared several times to My apostles to show them My resurrected body. After the forty days you are celebrating My Ascension into heaven. I told My apostles that I had to leave them so I could send the Holy Spirit down upon them. Later on you will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday when the Holy Spirit came over My apostles and disciples with flames of fire. Rejoice in these feasts that will end your Easter Season. You can call on Me and the Holy Spirit at any time to help you with your troubles.”


Wednesday, May 22, 2019: (St. Rita of Cascia)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (John 15:5) I spoke to the people that I am the Vine and you are the branches. Without Me you are nothing. Those people, who do not love Me, are like the branches that fall and wither. These dead branches will be burned up in the fires of hell. With Me you gain your nourishment both physically and spiritually. It also says in John 6:54 : ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you.’ In both of these readings it is very clear that you are dependent on Me for the life of your soul, and to help you gain heaven. Those people, who choose to be on their own without Me, will die in their sins, and be thrown into the eternal flames of hell. To be with Me in heaven you need to have good fruit of prayers and good deeds. Repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness. Then you will be worthy of coming to Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is very possible that you could have an EMP attack from any of several enemies. You are seeing a new scene where people were riding horses and using carriages drawn by horses. You would be sent back to how you lived in the 1800’s, if you were to suffer an EMP attack. Such an attack would destroy all of your microchips which run your appliances, and it would stop your electricity and your vehicles. This could cause an overnight destruction of your economy, and it could affect your Defense weapons. Your stock market would crash, your banks could not use their computers, and it could even precipitate a crash of your dollar. At My refuges My angels would have a shield of any EMP effect on your solar systems and your appliances. You could use some electricity to run your water pump and your sump pumps. Be grateful that you could come to the protection of My refuges. Pray that your people will be prepared to face such a disaster with some food storage.”


Friday, May 24, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a refuge with stored hay for horses. The horses will be needed for transportation with carriages if you had an EMP attack. After the coming EMP attack, cars will not work, and electricity will be scarce. This is why I will be calling My faithful to the protection of My refuges. In the first reading St. Paul and St. Barnabus received a decision from the Holy Spirit that the Gentiles did not have to be circumcised to become members of the Church. They then spread this message by letter to the Gentiles. In the Gospel I spoke about loving one another. This word ‘love’ is appropriate as you are here to celebrate the marriage of Megan and Bill on Sunday. Love in marriage of a man and a woman is also the model of Me as the Groom and My Church as the bride. Remember to pray for Brad’s return to good health, as Jeanette and her family will be taking care of his needs. Pray also for the newly weds that they will have a long life together.”


Saturday, May 25, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I talked about how I chose you to be My faithful. The world will hate you, as they hated Me enough to crucify Me on the cross. The worldly love their own people, but they hate My followers. Just as I was persecuted for telling the truth of loving God and neighbor, so the worldly people, who follow the devil, will persecute you as well. You are getting very close to the Warning and the coming tribulation. When your lives are in danger, I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection. In the vision you saw a house that is a refuge, and then you saw shades cover the doors and windows. This was a sign of how your refuge angel, St. Meridia in your case, will place a shield of invisibility over your refuge. Only those people, who believe in God, will have crosses on their foreheads, which will allow them to enter My refuges. The refuge angel will not allow non-believers to enter a refuge ground. This is why it is so important to have your family members converted during the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, or they cannot enter My refuges of protection. Trust in Me and I will provide for your needs.”


Sunday, May 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, this is another vision of your coming Warning experience. This is also a unique display of how everyone will have their Warning experience all at the same time all over the world. You saw a line of people all climb into their open caskets, because the life review will be the same as when you die. The large difference with the Warning, is that you will come back into your bodies for a second chance to improve your spiritual life. This event will be like a near death experience. During the Warning, your soul body will leave your physical body, and you will be outside of time. I will show everyone their life review with a focus on your unforgiven sins. You will see your judgment and your present destination of heaven, hell, or purgatory. If you do not change, then your final destination will be the same as your first judgment. I will tell you how to change your life, if you want to come to heaven. You will be returned to your physical body to change your life, if you so choose. Many will choose to seek Confession and other faithful will help them in the six weeks after the Warning. If people continue to refuse to love Me and others, and they do not repent of their sins, those people could face hell for all eternity. Come to My Light and love Me, and you could have eternal joy with Me in heaven. Worldly things will pass away, so only strive for heavenly things.”


Monday, May 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching the devastation of your tornadoes on Oklahoma and Texas on your televisions. During May you have had 50% more tornadoes than the average for this month. You also are seeing continuous flooding along your rivers from the heavy rains that you have had. I have told you that if you do not stop your abortions of My unborn babies, I would bring more destruction upon your country as a punishment. You are trying to put more restrictions on your abortions in some states, but this will be challenged in your Supreme Court. You are having your Memorial Day parades that honor all the people in your services who have died in your wars. This is good to thank all of those people who died to protect your country. Remember that more unborn babies have been aborted than all of those people who died in your wars. Pray to stop your abortions.”


Tuesday, May 28, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to live in America where you have adequate amounts of food to survive. In the vision you are seeing people with baskets hoping to get enough food for the day to live. In poor countries and some communist countries, the people are having a hard time to find food, and their money is losing value to inflation. Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea are having problems to feed their people. When the government runs everything, it is not efficient in farming to provide enough food for the people. When dictators control things, the people have little control in providing for their needs. Your capitalist system gives incentives to people to provide for their own living expenses. Be thankful for your farmers who have been providing your food at reasonable prices. The farmers sometimes need help with their loans in buying equipment, seed, and fertilizer. It is the large farms that produce the most food, and the smaller farmers struggle the most for their families. Pray for the people all over, that they will be able to find enough food to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, your asylum laws are being abused by lawyers to circumvent your immigration requirements. Some people try to get on lists to make a legal entry. Others are coming to claim a false asylum, and get released into your country, because you do not have enough facilities to wait for a hearing. These caravans are putting a strain on your hospitals, and aid for people without homes and food. In the vision you are seeing some restraints as razor wire and tall walls to discourage illegal entries. Some immigrants are seeking jobs, but not all of those coming in have skills for working. It is truly a crisis when hundreds of thousands of immigrants are crossing your border each month. Some employers want cheap labor, and some political people desire votes for their candidates. Pray that you can have proper immigration laws to control possible terrorists and drug sellers, who are trying to come into your country illegally.”


Wednesday, May 29, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several large Dozule Crosses that are illuminated with blue and white, and they are located at various refuge places. I want you to research the origins of the Glorious Cross of Dozule in France. Between 1972 and 1978 I appeared 49 times in Dozule, France to Madeleine Aumont. This is about an annunciation of My return, and the construction of the cross is a sign of My coming. Madeleine was given a prayer to recite every day: ‘Jesus of Nazareth has triumphed over death-His reign is eternal. He comes to triumph over the world and time. Mercy My God, on those who blaspheme You; forgive them for they know not what they do. Mercy My God, for the scandal in the world; deliver them from the spirit of Satan. Mercy My God, on those who run away from you; give them a taste for the Holy Eucharist. Mercy My God, on those who shall come to repent at the foot of the Glorious Cross. May they find there, peace and joy in God our Savior. Mercy My God, so that your kingdom come, but save us… as there is still time…for the time is near and I AM coming. Amen. Come Lord Jesus, we attend you. Amen.’ It would be good to place this prayer on your cross so people could read it. My Glorious Cross and My luminous cross will protect you and heal you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of people on a train represents your train of life. Every day you take this train to your next event in your life. Sometimes people have near death experiences, and they can see their lives on a time line. You do not see the time of your death, but you will have a life review when you die. At the time of the Warning, you will have a similar life review, only you will come back into your body to improve your spiritual life. Your train of life will stop at your destination of heaven, hell, or purgatory when you die, and when you have your Warning experience. You can prepare for your Warning and death by coming to frequent Confession at least once a month. You can also take part in Mercy Sunday with your novena and Confession to gain a plenary indulgence for the reparation due for your sins. You would much rather be with Me in heaven and My love, than be in hell with the devil who hates you. Choose to be with Me every day on your life train and you will be worthy to stop off at heaven.”


Thursday, May 30, 2019: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of Ascension Thursday is forty days after Easter, and it is My last appearance to My apostles as I rose up into heaven through the clouds. The two angels told My apostles that I would return among the clouds just as I left them. This occurred on Mount Olivet near Bethany. I also told My apostles to stay in Jerusalem because I was sending the Holy Spirit upon them to give them the grace and courage to go out to all the nations and tell My Good News. In ten more days you will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday, or fifty days after Easter. This commemorates when the Holy Spirit came down upon My apostles and disciples in the form of tongues of fire. A great wind came into the Upper Room as the Holy Spirit came upon them. When you receive the sacrament of Confirmation, you receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, so all of My faithful are called to spread My Good News. Rejoice in this moment of My Ascension into heaven, as you are all awaiting My return.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, today in the readings at Mass you read how I ascended into heaven. In the vision you are seeing a stairway to heaven with clouds all around it. This means I am showing you the way to heaven, and I am calling you to holiness so you will be worthy to enter heaven. If you follow My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself, you will be starting on the first step of this stairway. You also need to repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness. By following the example of My life, you can walk in My footsteps toward heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your people are claiming that it is the global warming that is causing more violent weather. You are seeing some global warming, but this is happening more from a loss of magnetism in your magnetosphere, than just and increase in carbon dioxide. The earth is getting ready for a shift in the poles, and as this happens, your scientists have seen a 15% loss in the strength of your magnetosphere over the last 200 years. The magnetic North is moving 40 miles a year toward Russia. Pray that you can adjust to these changes, as some of these storms are a punishment for your abortion sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who live in the center of your country, are suffering one storm after another. On your news, you are seeing all the destruction. You are seeing so much rain, that places along your rivers are flooding. Pray for the victims of these storms because some have lost their homes, and some have died. Even your farm crops could suffer losses from too much rain. You are seeing weather changes all over the world because the sun is stronger due to a drop in your protection from your magnetosphere.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your trade war continues with China, your imports will become more expensive. This could increase some inflation as both of your countries will be dealing with tariffs on your imports. Many people were hoping that a trade deal could be worked out, but your talks have not yielded any success in stopping the tariffs. Pray for a fair resolution of your trade problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, the restrictions on North Korea has prompted them to begin more development on short range missiles. Iran also is suffering from trade restrictions so they are enriching uranium to make bombs. Iran is also threatening to damage oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. China is causing problems by claiming the South China Sea as their own. All of these tensions could lead to a war, so pray that such a war can be prevented.”

Jesus said: “My son, you and your prayer group have been dedicated to constant prayer and Adoration of My Eucharist every week. You are celebrating 47 years of your prayer group and I thank you all for your dedication. It is not easy to keep prayer groups and Adoration of My Host going for so many years. This is another sign how I have been guiding all of you to rely on your prayers. I hear all of your petitions every week, and I will help your people in their problems. Continue to carry on your prayer group and thank your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, for guiding you.”

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of love, and you can call on Me to help you in all of your daily trials. My son, you call on My help to write your messages, and I give you the words to evangelize the people. You trust in My help with your travels, and you are using My gift of prophesy. All of your people need to call on My gifts, and use them to spread the messages of Jesus. Do not just think of Me only on Pentecost Sunday, because you pray to Me every time you make the Sign of the Cross, and pray the ‘Glory Be’ prayer. Call on Me often to strengthen your faith, much like I gave courage to the apostles.”


Friday, May 31, 2019: (Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this message is about the sin of abortion. You are defying God in sin twice with an abortion. First, you are killing an innocent, defenseless unborn baby. Second, you are defying God’s plan for the unborn baby’s life in your abortions. Think about what would have happened if St. John the Baptist or Jesus had been aborted. You would not have been saved by my Son’s death on the cross. Every life is important, and people do not have the right to take away God’s plan for any life. When mothers claim they have rights over their own body, they forget that the unborn baby is not part of their body. The baby has different DNA in his or her make-up, and the mother is only providing nourishment for the baby. Because you are aborting so many babies every year, Our Lord is taking away His protection from your storms. You are seeing your punishment for your abortions in all the destruction of your tornadoes and floods. When you are brought to your knees, then you might realize the connection between your sins of abortion, and your punishment in natural disasters. Wake up America, and pray to stop your abortions, or you will face worse disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the priest consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood at every Mass. For those people, who believe in My Real Presence, coming to daily Mass is an opportunity to see this miracle every day. Receiving Me in Holy Communion is a glorious opportunity to be with Me intimately for a short time. I have allowed miracles of My Eucharist to give evidence to unbelievers that I am truly Present in every Host. Sometimes you see blood appear on the consecrated Host, and other times you can see Blood in or on the cup. Just as I gave proof to My apostles that I truly resurrected by My appearances and eating fish, so I am giving you proof of My Eucharistic Presence. Give praise and thanks to Me that I am with you always in My consecrated Host and the consecrated Wine.”


Saturday, June 1, 2019: (St. Justin)
Jesus said: “My people, during the summer you see many people taking vacations to view the National Parks at Yellowstone, Niagra Falls, and the Redwood Forests, where you have been. I have given you life, and you can take time to appreciate My many beauties of nature. Even when you take walks at your local parks, it gives you exercize, and you can see the animals in the woods. I have given order to the plants and animals, and I even have given man an opportunity for moral order through My Commandments. Give thanks and praise to Me for arraying all that you see around you in nature, and hopefully peace among all peoples.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a trade war of tariffs on Chinese imports. China and other countries are charging fees on your imports to their countries, even before the tariffs have been applied. There are large trade deficits because other countries subsidize their manufacturers. The tariffs are being used to equalize the unfair trade practices that have been going on for years. Some countries exploit low wages by near slave labor to make their products cheaper. The tariffs do add to the cost of imports, but they enable your own goods to be able to compete better with slave labor prices. It is better to rely on your own manufactured goods than to buy products from a potential enemy. Socialist or communist countries are not your friends, and buying their goods, enables them to buy more weapons to fight you. Your trade with other countries is getting more complicated with tariffs, and you need to pray for a fair trade that is not one sided.”


Sunday, June 2, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all of your people praying as one in Me. At every Mass you are joined with Me in Holy Communion when I come into your soul for a short time. You experience My gift of Myself to you, so I am always with you in My Eucharist. In the reading from Revelation I told you that I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. This means I always existed even before creation. I am the First Cause of creation, and all of you are My creatures out of My love. I love all of you dearly, and I desire that you love Me as well. You know how much I love you because I died on the cross to forgive your sins, and bring you salvation. All I ask of you is that you accept Me as your Savior, and repent of your sins. To be worthy of coming to heaven, you must be brought to perfection in a pure soul. Most people, who desire heaven, will need some purification in purgatory. You will rejoice one day to be with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the tablets of the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses. You have tablets in your chapel as well. Moses asked God the Father what Name he should tell the people who He is. Moses was given the Name ‘I AM WHO AM’ which is also the Name on your chapel doors. Whenever you receive Holy Communion, you receive all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. We are Three Persons in One God, which is a mystery for man to understand. When you receive Us in Holy Communion, you are united as one with the saints in heaven, the souls in purgatory, and all the souls on earth. Rejoice when you are receiving Us at Mass because you have a taste of heaven with every Holy Communion.”


Monday, June 3, 2019: (St. Charles Lwanga & companions, Uganda)
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading how the Holy Spirit was active in helping the apostles and St. Paul in baptizing the people. My faithful need to witness your Christian faith by helping those people who seek your help. When you help your neighbor in need, you are helping Me in them. Show your love all the time to Me and your neighbor. This is the best way to show Me and others that you truly are a believer, and you practice what you preach. You may have to endure persecution for My Name’s sake, but you need to love everyone, even your persecutors. Loving your enemies could even help them to have a change of heart. Do not be selfish, but be willing to share your money, your time, and your talents with those in need.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told all of My faithful to love one another, and even to love your enemies. It is unfortunate that your media is full of hate for your President. You even have some legislators in the House of Representatives that actually want to impeach your President for no apparent crime. The opposition party is so against your President because he is defying all the plans of the deep state, and he is solidly defying socialism, which the radical left supports. The one world people are frustrated with your President because he is tearing down the globalist plans. You need to pray that all of this hate can be stopped, so your government can do their job of governing. Pray for more love and less hate.”


Tuesday, June 4, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Paul was saying good-by to his faithful people because he knew he would face hardship in Jerusalem. He was thankful that he could complete his mission, even when he wrote some epistles from prison. In the Gospel I was saying good-by to My apostles right before I was to be crucified on My cross. Even today, My faithful are suffering persecution and even martyrdom for My Name’s sake. You, My son, are already facing rejection for preaching My messages. Have faith and trust in My protection at your refuge. As you all approach the coming tribulation, there may be more faithful who will suffer martyrdom. Have no fear because you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, at Sunday Mass you sometimes see infants being baptized, but adults may be baptized at the Easter Vigil when converts come to the faith. You, My son, have seen some adults being baptized by immersion in the Jordan River, where St. John the Baptist baptized people. At Baptism you are cleansed of original sin, and other sins if one is an adult. Your soul is made clean, just as when you come to Confession. In Baptism you are joined in the faith and you are able to evangelize souls to the faith as well. Some people take this calling to preach My Word as a true calling in action. Missionaries bring people to Baptism, and My prophets draw people to Me also. Rejoice in My sacraments that give you the grace to work toward your goal of heaven.”


Wednesday, June 5, 2019: (St. Boniface)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the center of your life, and you should do everything out of love for Me. Even when you help others, you are doing it out of love for Me. You remember how St. Therese did everything for Me in her ‘little way’, and it gained her sainthood. Your feast day is for another martyr of the faith in St. Boniface. My faithful are evangelizing in the world, but you are not of the world. The worldly seek worldly things, but these things will pass away. It is better to seek heavenly things, as good works, because they can be stored in heaven without passing away. When you are preaching My Gospel and My Good News, you will meet with persecution from the worldly people. Do not be afraid, but keep on evangelizing, even if people threaten you harm. You are called to suffer for My Name’s sake, even as I had to suffer persecution.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching all the rain storms, and now record flooding. What you are not hearing is how the farmers’ fields are too wet to plant their crops in some places. If your crop yield decreases dramatically, you could have the beginning of a possible famine. If other countries are seeing weather problems, this could contribute to a world famine. You could stock up on some more dried foods, and you could order more dried eggs and meats. Dried foods would have less weight, and you have your well water to reconstitute them. My refuges need to have plenty of food for a possible famine. During the tribulation I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. If necessary, My angels will multiply your buildings, or build more floors onto your house. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs. Pray that your family members can be converted after the Warning, so they can enter your refuge. Those people, who do not have a cross on their foreheads, will not be allowed by My angels to enter My refuges.”


Thursday, June 6, 2019: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how I had to suffer at the hands of the religious leaders of My time, because they could not accept that I was truly the Son of God. Now in the readings about St. Paul, he was being persecuted in Jerusalem for speaking about My Resurrection from the dead, and how all of My faithful will be resurrected from the dead as well. He also suffered prison in Jerusalem and Rome, and eventually he was martyred for My Name’s sake. When you proclaim My Good News as a Christian, My followers will also suffer persecution from the worldly evil people. When you talk about the end times and the coming tribulation, you are being criticized even in some churches, who do not want to hear My messages. Even talk about refuges is hard for people to understand. But when the tribulation of the Antichrist comes, people will see why I am having My faithful prepare refuges of safety from the evil ones. Keep proclaiming My messages, even if you will face persecution as I did.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for your priests, since there are fewer priests being ordained than are dying. Pray for more vocations to the priesthood so you can have Mass and the sacraments. You also need to support priests and churches with enough donations to keep your churches open. My priest sons bring you to Me in Holy Communion, which is your Bread of Life. Treasure My sacraments from the priests at Baptisms, Marriages, and Funerals.”

Jesus said: “My people, World War II veterans are being honored on this June 6th which is the 75th anniversary of the storming of the Normandy beaches. Many brave soldiers had to die in order to take back Europe from the German troops. In France the leaders thanked America and England for standing up to Hitler’s war machine. This D-Day was just the beginning of overturning the Axis control that caused World War II. Pray to stop wars that kill many people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned your people that you will be tested by many natural disasters because of your million abortions every year, and your abortion laws. You are seeing some states restricting abortions, and some states making it easier for abortions up to birth. This abortion issue will be sent to the Supreme Court. Your farmers are only able to plant half their soybeans and only 2/3rds of their corn because of their wet fields. The floods also have caused a lot of flooded homes and some deaths from drowning. Pray that your farmers can supply enough food, or you could see a coming famine.
This is another reason to stock up on some more dried food for your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles to wait for the Advocate, or the Holy Spirit to come upon them. My apostles had tongues of fire over them when they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is the last big feast to end your Easter Season at fifty days after Easter. After Pentecost Sunday you will return to Ordinary Time or the many Sundays after Pentecost. Rejoice in this feast of the Holy Spirit, as He will bring His gifts on all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is making some bold moves with his tariffs on imports to try and even the playing field for your trade deficits. China has been cheating on their trade with America with cheap labor, stealing manufacturing secrets, and taxing your imports to China. Your trade deficit with China is huge, and it needs addressing by your leaders. Pray that your countries can reach an agreement, or there will be a long trade war with China.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of rain storms, but your floods have polluted water. Your fresh water sources are becoming strained, especially in cities in the West. Wells are being overused, and surface fresh water is scarce in Western cities. The Great Lakes have a large portion of the world’s fresh water. I have encouraged you and other refuge builders to have water wells put in the ground for your needed water supply. You cannot live without fresh water, so this is an important issue for all of your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, a lot of your politicians have been talking about global warming and reducing all sources of burning fossil fuels that produce carbon dioxide, which is a ‘greenhouse’ gas. A sudden stoppage of burning fossil fuels is not very practical because you cannot make enough energy without using such fuels. Water power, nuclear power, solar power, and wind power cannot replace your fuels and supply enough energy for your needs. You have researched the decrease in the strength of your magnetosphere around the earth which is causing more global warming than carbon dioxide. The poles of the earth are changing, as your magnetic North pole is moving 40 miles a year toward Russia. During this polar shift, the strength of your magnetosphere will decrease, and it is decreasing 5% every ten years. This is a big story which overshadows all of your attempts to stop burning fossil fuels. The carbon credits are a hoax to control nations. Let the people research this magnetism decrease on their own, and they will see why the sun is heating up the earth more, which overshadows any ‘Green’ plan.”


Friday, June 7, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I love the little children who are so lovable and innocent. I have told My faithful how unless they become like loving children, they cannot enter heaven. You saw how the pre-schoolers made hand prints in plaster with a picture of themselves imbedded in the plaster. This was one of their gifts for their fathers for Father’s Day. It is sad that fathers are not always faithful to their children, either from abuse or divorce. Many single parent families leave the mother to work and take care of her children. Pray for the children of broken families that they can find love with their parents and Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, in a previous message I advised you to stock up on some more dried foods because of a possible famine from all the wet fields of the farmers. I thank you and your friends for making a trip to get some more dried food for your refuges today. I also recommended buying some more protein with dried meats and dried eggs. These are appropriate because dried foods do not require refrigeration, and they will last longer. Some people have responded to My call to stock up on at least one year’s supply of food for each member of your household. A good majority do not see the need to buy food because they do not realize how your stores could be shut down very quickly. Your stores only have three days supply of food. If a disaster hits and the trucks cannot deliver the food, you would see empty shelves in a day. People need to understand that an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack would stop your vehicles, your banks, and your food. So be prepared, or you risk starving to death.”


Saturday, June 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, there is a right way to live and a wrong way to live. It all starts with whether you will allow Me to run your life, or you are foolish enough to run your own life without My help. If you are praying each day and honoring Me at Sunday worship, then I can help you through life’s trials. Your first plan is to get some education so you can have a job that can pay your bills. If you desire to have a relationship with the opposite sex, it should be in a marriage and not just living together in fornication. You need monthly Confession as a part of your spiritual life. Getting a job or two is necessary to pay for your transportation and a place to live. These things are all big life decisions that need the right choices, or your lives are going to be full of troubles that are hard to repair. You can always start over, if you make mistakes, but you need to have your souls right with Me in following My Commandments. There are people in your family to help you, but do not abuse them for your own selfish pleasures. These are lessons in life that people can learn the normal way, or the hard way. The main course of life is to follow Me, or you will have more hardships.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many movies about World War II and how many lives were lost because of the aggression from Germany, Japan, and Italy. It was your country’s Armed Forces that helped turn the tide against the Axis war machine. Since that time, you have many nations who have nuclear weapons, and many other weapons and biological weapons that can kill many people. All of your wars have not helped anyone, but they have caused destruction and great loss of life. Pray for a stoppage of your wars, and a return to peace.”


Sunday, June 9, 2019: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of life, and I bring My gifts upon all of you. My seven gifts are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. My son, you know of My other gifts in prophecy, helping you with writing messages, and giving your talks. When Jesus said not to worry what to say when you are evangelizing, He meant that I would give you the words to speak at the proper time. I am always available with My gifts to help you in your trials of life. I am the Spirit of love that emanates from the union of God the Father, and God the Son, because we are always Three Persons in One God of the Blessed Trinity. Remember Me every time you make the Sign of the Cross, and when you pray the ‘Glory Be’ prayer.”


Monday, June 10, 2019: (Blessed Mother)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a new feast commemorating My Blessed Mother as Mother of the Church. On the first Pentecost My Blessed Mother was present, and she also had a tongue of fire over her from the Holy Spirit. You read from the Book of Genesis about the first Eve who sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. Now in the Gospel you are hearing about the new Eve without sin, so she was worthy to carry Me in her body. At the foot of the cross I gave My Blessed Mother over to the whole Church and to St. John the apostle. Last month she gave you a message on Mother’s Day, but now she has a special feast to honor her motherhood of all the Church. Rejoice because she surely looks over all of you with her mantle of protection, especially for those who pray her rosary.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have mentioned before about two requirements to have a refuge. You need to have a priest consecrate the buildings and the land, and you need to have a source of fresh water. This could be a stream, a pond, a river, a lake, or a water well. Once you find a proper place on the property, then you can have a well put in. You know about all the other requirements of food, and fuels for heating your house in the winter, and for cooking. When you pray in faith, I will multiply your water, food, and fuels. Having solar power is an extra for most refuges. You have some good rechargeable batteries to provide power for your lanterns. Remember to order some more meats and eggs for your protein source. Trust that I can provide for all of your needs when you have sufficient faith.”


Tuesday, June 11, 2019: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you people who are gambling at a casino because I do not want to see you gambling with the destination of your soul. If you desire to come to heaven, then avoid occasions of sin, and try to keep your souls clean with frequent Confession. Do not take chances on being in mortal sin, but follow My Commandments of love. The more sin you have, the easier it is for the devil to lead you into more sin. Make time to examine your conscience so you can avoid sinful addictions and sinful bad habits. You may have to change your lifestyle, if you are living in fornication or in homosexual sins. I love all of My people, but if you love Me, you should show Me by avoiding sin in your lives by your actions and good deeds. You can help yourselves to live a better life by daily prayers, daily Mass, and Adoration when you can. For My prophets and evangelists, they need daily prayer to keep their gifts. When you do everything for Me, and consecrate your actions to Me every day, then you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, last year I had you put in a water well that you did not know you could do. This water well that you have is adequate for your present water needs, and I will multiply your water if you have more people come than you expected. I want to underline the necessity of having a source of fresh water on your refuge. You cannot live without fresh water. Besides water for drinking, you use a lot of water for cooking, washing things, and for toilets, if they are operating with your well water. You started out storing 55 gallon barrels of water, but after seeing how much water you used for 25 people in a day with your practice refuge run, you realized the necessity for a water well. You are fortunate that you have soft water with only a small amount of iron in it. You have a device that oxidizes soluble iron to solid rust which is flushed out. This is needed so you do not stain your clothes with iron. For all of your fellow refuge builders, you need to advise them of the necessity for having a water well, because your water line into your house could be shut off. Keep trusting in Me to provide for all of your needs at My refuges.”


Wednesday, June 12, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I know you like to see beautiful sunny days, but rainy days are My gift of fresh water for you. Some people even use rain barrels from your roof for a source of fresh water. The rain waters your crops in the field to give you your food. For the farmers, rain is a necessity for their crops. Sometimes the rainstorms cause too much flooding, or they can bring damaging winds. It is your floods that have been causing problems to plant your crops. During the summer months some farmers need irrigation to keep their crops watered when there is little rain. Getting a source of water for farming relies on aquifers and rivers. There is a competition for drinking water for the people and water for the farmer’s fields. Without sufficient water, many crops would dry out. So pray that you can have enough rain for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a building run by the deep state, and they are planning ways to impeach your President, or manipulate the elections to defeat him in the 2020 election. He is holding back the globalist plans for taking over your country. If they defeat your President, they will take over your government, and give it over to the Antichrist. This would begin the tribulation, but the Warning will come before the Antichrist declares himself ruler of the world. There will be chaos before and during the tribulation right after the six weeks of conversion which happens after the Warning. As your country will be taken over, your lives will be in danger, so I will call My faithful to My refuges for protection. My faithful will be at My refuges during the takeover of your country, and the tribulation. Trust in My angel power to protect you and multiply what you need to survive at My refuges. Be prepared for the coming Warning with your frequent Confessions.”


Thursday, June 13, 2019: (Funeral Mass for Russ Dilorenzo)
Russ said: “Please assure Jeanette that I am fine with Jesus. I had a little pain at the end. I love my wife so much, and I did not want to leave, but the Lord was calling Me to come because it was my time. I thank everyone for coming to my funeral. You know how I suffered much at the end, but I was always looking forward to receiving Holy Communion. I did my purgatory on earth, and now I am happy to be with the Lord. I want all of my family to pray the rosary every day, and keep close to Jesus. Thank you for the beautiful readings. Give my love to everyone.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, severe sanctions have been placed on Iran, and your President pulled out of a nuclear arms deal made by your previous President. You saw several smaller attacks on four oil tankers and an attack on Saudi Arabian pipelines several months ago. This caused your President to send a carrier task force and B-52 bombers to the Middle East. Today, two more tankers were heavily damaged and the crews had to be picked up by one of your ships. These incidents on international shipping could lead to some retaliation for this damage. Pray that a war does not result.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President threatened tariffs on Mexican imports if they did not stop so many Central American immigrants from traveling through their country into your country. Your President made a deal with Mexico to stop the tariffs, if they stopped the Central Americans from crossing your border. It remains to be seen if this threat changes the border crisis. Otherwise the tariffs may be applied. Pray for less problems at the border.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the House demanding contempt of Congress on various parts of your current Administration. There is a battle over Executive privilege in this matter. Your Administration is starting their own investigation of the beginning of the Mueller report. There is a continuing conflict between your parties, but you need to pray for less hate and more peace.”

St. Anthony said: “Dear people of God, I am happy to hear your prayers to find your lost objects. I take your petitions to Jesus and he sends his angels to help you. Many of you are happy to find your lost objects, but you need to pray some prayers of thanksgiving after finding things. I bless all of you for knowing to pray to Me for lost things.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuous amount of rainstorms over the same area in the middle of your country. You have seen many floods all along the Mississippi River and its tributaries. With more rain, it is hard to dry out these areas. You are starting to see hotter temperatures, so you need to be prepared for a hot summer that could cause some fires, as you see in the West every year. Pray that there is less arson in starting huge fires as last year. All of your destructive natural disasters will continue to worsen if you do not change your abortions and your bad abortion laws. Still pray for all the victims who have lost lives and homes in your recent floods.”

Jesus said: “My son, remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer as you start out and return on your trip to Puerto Rico. I have also warned you that you may face more evil resistance to your mission. The evil ones will be fighting any good that you are trying to accomplish. Pray your novena to St. Therese on every trip you take this year for your extra protection. If you face any strong evil, remember to call on Me and I will send you My legion of angels to protect you. I thank you for reaching out to spread My Good News.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing signs of the end times coming with these two problems mentioned in your vision. It is true people are getting more lax in the profession of their faith. It starts when people stop praying to Me, and when they stop coming to Sunday Mass. When you leave Me out of your lives, you will have to face your trials without My help. Do not be spiritually lazy, and wake up from your spiritual slumber because I should be at the center of all of your lives, if you want to come to heaven. Your other problem will be an increasing persecution of Christians. You see this in your media when you are attacked for fighting against abortion and even your freedom to worship Me without political or government interference. The devil will be getting stronger in the end times, and you will see stronger persecution of those people who follow My Commandments. You can only stay strong in your faith by daily prayer, frequent Mass, and frequent Confession. Trust in Me and My sacraments to give you the grace to stand up for your beliefs in Me no matter how much you will be criticized or persecuted.”


Friday, June 14, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I warned the people not to commit adultery, or in today’s language, not to have affairs with married people. Under the Sixth Commandment you are not to live together in fornication either. I even mentioned if you have lust in your heart for someone of the opposite sex, you have already committed that sin. Another warning was not to marry divorced people unless they had annulments. Most all sexual sins are mortal sins, and you need to get to Confession to have them forgiven. You have noticed how the priests avoid this subject because they do not want to offend someone and lose donations. I remind you of this sin because it is a threat to your soul and your eternal life. Pray that you avoid the sexual sins to keep your souls clean.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been killing My babies, and I have warned you, if you do not stop killing My babies, I will stop you through your natural disasters. I have been warning you many times to stop killing My babies, so now you will be brought to your knees with violent natural disasters. You will finally learn the connection between your sins and My punishments. You have seen more tornadoes than usual, and many floods. These disasters will continue to get worse in the summer. You will see heat, fires, earthquakes, and hurricanes take their toll on your country. When you are crying out for mercy, then you will realize that it is your abortions that are bringing these disasters upon you. Wake up America and stop your abortions, or you will face worse disasters.”


Saturday, June 15, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I reach out to all of My faithful with kindness and forgiveness. You all start out with child-like faith at Baptism, but as you grow older, you are tested by the comfortable ways of the world. The worldly people do not want any restrictions, as the loving ways of My Ten Commandments. These laws are My guides to a happy life with Me out of love. You are seeing the influence of hate by the devil’s ways that are all about greed and power over people. I want My people to be kind to each other, and be willing to forgive people, as I forgive you of your sins. My ways are not your ways, because everything I do, I do out of love. If you can love like a little child, then you will be ready for heaven.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass, Holy Trinity Sunday, Father’s day) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM comes to you on this Father’s Day because I am the Father of all creation, and I love all of you so much. I know it is hard for man to comprehend Three Persons in One God-God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It is good to look at Us in symbols of the Bible, as I appeared as a burning bush to Moses. You see pictures of Me as an older man as you think of a human father, but it is beyond your human comprehension to truly know an infinite, loving God. The image of your vision of an infinite universe, is just an example of how hard it is to know Me. I gave Moses My Ten Commandments and I guided the Hebrews out of Egypt eventually into their promised land of Israel. If you truly love Me, you can follow My Commandments and come to frequent Confession at least once a month. You can call on Me to help lead you to heaven with your love of Me and neighbor in your good deeds. Spread the Good News of My Son’s Resurrection, as He died for your sins to bring you salvation. God bless all of you in your love for Us.”


Sunday, June 16, 2019: (Holy Trinity Sunday, Father’s Day)
My father, Ed Leary said: “John, I am happy you are carrying on the family tradition of coming to Mass at St. John the Evangelist. Your family has spread into your eight grandchildren. I love all of you boys: John, Mike, and Chuck. Say hello to your brothers for me.” Carol’s father, Camille Remacle said: “Hello, John, it is unusual to have a word with you on Father’s day, but you know me, I am always happy to talk with you. I love you and Carol, and I am watching over Sharon and Vic. Keep all the family in your prayers. Vic needs the most help, since his health is not good. When you have your party today, remember us fathers in your celebration. We are looking down on you all the time. We love all of you so much.”


Monday, June 17, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember how the Early Christians had to hide from the Romans to avoid being killed for their faith in Me. In Rome there were catacombs where people hid, and where they buried the dead. This idea of hiding from people, who want to kill you, will be needed again in the coming tribulation. This is why I am having My faithful build refuges that will be protected by My angels. These refuge angels will place an invisible shield over My faithful at My refuges. Trust in Me that you will be led to My refuges at the proper time by your guardian angels. The refuges will be the means of separating My faithful from the evil ones. Only people with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed to enter My refuges. My refuge angels will prevent all other people from entering the refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will be giving all of the people a chance to change their lives after they view their life review in the Warning. There are many sinners who could be on their way to hell as a final destination for their souls. All those souls, who are headed to hell by their evil actions and no love for Me, will see themselves on a road to hell. I will allow them to see what it is like to be burning in hell’s flames and have the demons torture them. Having this experience will scare some people, because they do not want to spend eternity burning in hell, and turning ugly like the souls there. All of you will be given a second chance to change your lives so you can avoid hell, and choose to come to heaven. Some souls, who see hell, will be converted, but others will not choose heaven. Those souls, who go to hell, choose it by their own free will. Pray for the souls, who see hell in their life review, to wake up and love Me before it is too late. I love all of you, but only the souls, who choose to love Me, will be saved.”


Tuesday, June 18, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have certain people in the world who want to control things, and when they are blocked, they develop hate for the person stopping them. This is why you have so many people hating your President because they cannot control people like they want to. The devil thrives on hate, greed, and controlling people. The difficult problem in today’s Gospel, is that I want you to love everyone, even the people who hate you for your beliefs in My love. If you only love those people who love you, there is no merit in that, because even non-believers love each other. I love everyone, even the worst sinner. It is My way of loving everyone that will lead you closer to perfection. So love one another, even your enemies and persecutors.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a dark portal to hell where demons are coming up out of hell to stir up evil and hate among your people. You have been noticing a decline in your numbers at Mass on Sunday. Some people are getting lazy, and they stop coming to Mass. Others are leaving to go to Protestant churches. The demons are becoming more active, and they are tempting people with all their comforts to take the people away from the Roman Catholic churches. Most of your local churches are seeing less attendance and more deficits in their budgets. This is another sign of the end times when fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass. America is following in the footsteps of other countries where less than 5% of the people attend Mass. Pray for your people to keep their faith, and come to Sunday Mass.”


Wednesday, June 19, 2019: (St. Romuald)
Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful to support their churches with generous offerings. Do not be selfish in only giving token donations, and do not use My churches for your own gain. There are even some people who steal from the Sunday collections. I ask My faithful to be generous to other charities as well, with your money, time, and talents. As in the Bible, I love a cheerful giver, especially those people who can afford to share their wealth. When you give donations without notice to others, My Father in heaven will reward you with treasure in heaven. Do not forget to help your own family members in need. Most of all, pray for their souls to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have some radical socialists that are trying to take over your opposition party, and they are promoting socialism or communism for your country. Under your current democratic republic, you have guaranteed rights in the Bill of Rights under your Constitution. Refuse to accept atheistic communism and fight for your freedoms, as the right to worship, and the right of free speech. You have been given a President who refuses to accept socialism, and he stands up against abortion. Pray that your people refuse to back socialism, or you will lose your freedoms. If you follow My Commandments of love, you will not kill babies in the womb, or take away the freedoms of your government by the Constitution.”


Thursday, June 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, this year you have seen so much rain that the farmers have had trouble trying to plant seeds in their flooded fields. You are already starting to see some food shortages at your grocery stores. Rain is still important to keep your lawns green, and keep the soil from getting too dry. Tomorrow you are starting your summer of more heat when you will be happy to get some rain. Ever since one year when you had a very dry year, you do not complain about more rain than usual. You are seeing some unusual weather from your climate changes. Be thankful to live in an area without tornadoes or floods. Other parts of your country are being tested with floods and tornadoes, but soon you will be entering the hurricane season. Give thanks to Me for all the rain you are receiving.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Iran sabotage several oil tankers and they destroyed some Saudi Arabian pipe lines. Now they have used a surface to air missile to destroy one of your surveillance drones. They shot at another drone and missed on another occasion. Such open violence is testing your President to act. As Iran develops enough enriched uranium for a bomb, they could be inviting Israel to attack them. Iran is backed by Russia and Israel is backed by the United States. Each incident is drawing Iran and America closer into a conflict. Pray that there is no war between your countries.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is quite an array of candidates to choose from for the Democratic choice to run against your President. There are some new primary times for some states, so your primary voters need to be attentive to your voting times in your state. Pray that there will not be any cheating in these votes.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have just received your new order of eggs and meats that I asked you to stock up on in case of a food shortage. There are some farmers who may not be able to plant crops in their wet fields. As the time to plant passes by, you will have a better estimate of how short you will be in your crops. It will be harder for your stores to get food even from other countries. It is not too late to order some dried foods for your emergency pantry. If your crops are in short supply, it may be difficult to provide enough food for your stores. Pray that your people have some preparations, or you could face empty shelves at your stores.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing major threats against the oil tankers and other ships in the Persian Gulf from Iranian saboteurs, or ground to ship missiles. If more incidents keep occurring, you could see some retaliation against Iran. If there is a miscalculation, you could see a strike against Iran that could lead to a full scale war. If Russia or other countries support Iran, you could get closer to a potential World War III. Keep praying that a World War III does not occur.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before about how your natural disasters will get worse as a punishment for your abortions. You saw some terrible fires in California that were a result of arson last year. Expect more arson fires that could even come from terrorists. Your summer heat waves and violent storms will test your people with more damage. I told you that I would bring you to your knees if you do not stop your abortions. Be prepared for the worst when you do not listen to My warnings.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is trying to make a trade deal with China, and there are some great problems if there is no deal. It is possible that more tariffs could be added that could cause problems for your companies in America and those in China. Such a battle of tariffs could trigger an unintended recession in both countries. Pray that a fair trade deal could be reached, or both China and America’s economies could suffer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a delicate trade problem with China that could be hampered by military consequences in the South China Sea. China is one of your enemies, and they are using your trade deficits to build up their navy and military. At some point you could see trade compromised, if there were military problems with China and North Korea. America should be prepared to start making more of your own goods at home, in case trade with China ceases. Be prepared for a possible war that could stop this trade with China.”


Friday, June 21, 2019: (Aloysius Gonzaga)
Jesus said: “My son, when you go out to give your talks, you are seeing increasing resistance to hear My messages about the end times and about abortion. Despite the difficulty in giving My messages, you need to stay strong in My grace to go forward. Some people may not hear this message, unless you tell them. You are approaching the end times, and it will be even harder to get people to listen to My words of warning. The people need to know about My coming punishment for your abortion sins. They also need to know about My protection at My refuges, so they can endure the coming tribulation. My people need to come to My sacraments, especially Confession, so they can have the grace to fight the temptations of the demons. Be prepared for some possible wars, and more severe persecution of Christians.”

Jesus said: “My people, Iran is feeling the pinch on their economy from not making enough money from their oil sales. Because of the sanctions, Iran is trying to stop other ships from sending oil through the straits of Hormuz. Iran will continue to test your people with further ship attacks. At some point America will have to guide ships through, so they will not be attacked. Your President will have to respond at one point when more ships are at risk of attack. Such harassment of the ships by Iran could draw America into a conflict with Iran, which could create a serious war between your two countries. Pray that your countries do not start a war that could be a disaster to your countries.”


Sunday, June 23, 2019: (Corpus Christi, Body and Blood of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing places of adoring My Blessed Sacrament when you adore Me most every day. I know that I am the center of your life, but I still thank you for coming to daily Mass, praying your daily rosaries, and visiting Me in Adoration on almost every day. You also have Adoration every week at your prayer group meetings. My gift of Myself in My consecrated Host is your taste of heaven every day. You believe in My Real Presence in My Host in My tabernacles, and at your Masses. Treasure the moments you share with Me after you receive Me in Holy Communion. This is also your time to receive a message from Me so you can share it with other people. These are the messages you put on the internet, in your books, and in your talks. You are now getting ready for your trip to Puerto Rico. Keep praying for safe travel.”


Monday, June 24, 2019: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading how the farmers were lucky to plant half of what ground they normally plant because of the floods. Now, they could be tested with more rain that could threaten the planted crops. I have warned My people to stock up on what food you can, because your harvest could be reduced from what you normally gather. Even your meats may be short because of less grain to feed your animals. It is better to be prepared for a possible famine, when it will be hard to feed food to all of your people. When the stores have difficulty finding food, you will have empty shelves, high prices, or both. This is just the beginning of weather changes that could threaten your food supplies. At My refuges I will multiply your food, but you must have faith in My miracles of multiplication, just as you read how I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 men. Pray that your people can find enough food to survive.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you look around at your society, it is very hard to find people who pray every day, let along come to daily Mass. You have heard some people who teach in your schools, and you are taken back by the disorder with no authority in control of the students. You have read of old statistics where only a third of your families have a father and mother in a household. You have many single mothers bringing up their children while they have to work to provide food and a place to stay. Your children have no authority figures in their homes, and that is why they are out of control. They have no models of behavior to follow. Because many parents do not go to church, there is very little spiritual life in your families, and the children do not know Me either. Your children and your society are not being taught properly in your liberal public school system. Only home schooled children and some private schools have a chance to train the children better. Unless your people wake up and let Me be a part of their lives, your society will get worse with the devil’s influence. Pray for your families to stay together in proper marriage. Your people have become so worldly that I need to bring My Warning to show you how to live properly. Only some people will change, and I will separate the good people at My refuges from the evil ones who cannot enter My refuges. Stay close to Me in My sacraments so you can be ready for heaven. Give your lives over to Me so I can guide you on your mission to heaven.”


Tuesday, June 25, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the account of Abram and Lot in the Book of Genesis where their livestock were so many, that they had to separate. But Lot chose to live in the watered places near Sodom and Gomorrah. You know how evil the people of Sodom were who practiced homosexual living. I am sorry to say that your society is as bad as Sodom or worse because you have accepted homosexual marriage as a legal way of life. I know you all are expected to be tolerant of this lifestyle, but you know that this is blatantly against My Sixth Commandment. You love everyone, but you have to believe this is definitely a sinful lifestyle, as much as living together in fornication is also a sinful lifestyle. You can see that you are living in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. This is why I will separate My faithful from those who are evil by bringing My faithful to My refuges. Once the good people are separated from the evil people, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. This is the same account of how I took Lot and his family out of Sodom, and I sent destruction upon those evil ones. Also do not look at this destruction, since Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying My command. As you continue reading this account of Sodom and Gomorrah, look around you as you see how sinful your society has deteriorated. Pray to save as many souls of your family as possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, both your President and Israel do not want to see Iran possess nuclear bombs. Yet Iran is currently making more bomb grade enrichment of uranium after the nuclear agreement ended. With Iran’s incidents, you nearly had a war with Iran. Israel knows that Iran would like to bomb Israel with nuclear weapons, so Israel may seek to try and destroy Iran’s bomb making ability. Once Iran declares they have nuclear weapons, this could in itself trigger a war with Israel and Iran. Since the United States backs Israel, you could quickly be drawn into this conflict, with Russia backing Iran. If you are asking how such a war could be stopped, it would take lots of prayers and Masses, but also it would require keeping the peace among your leaders without so many threats.”


Wednesday, June 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you were down to your local beach on Lake Ontario, and you saw water flooded all over from the high lake levels. You also have been reading about the billions of dollars of damage caused by the floods along the Mississippi River. Remember how I told you that you would be punished by natural disasters unless you stopped your abortions. You are seeing your punishment right before your eyes, and you still do not see the connection between your abortion sins and My punishment. I also told you, if you do not change your abortion laws, and stop your abortions, that your natural disasters will get worse until you see the light. So be prepared for the worst because your hearts are so cold to My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who have to live through illnesses and various trials in life. You may be one who is suffering a temporary health problem, a chronic health problem, or even a terminal illness. Do not waste your pain, but you can offer it up to Me for redemptive suffering. When you give your pain over to Me, I will store your offering in heaven. You can also direct your suffering to help souls on earth or in purgatory. You know of people who are going through hard times, so you can share your suffering to help them. Others who are caretakers, also suffer in a different way to help their family, or even their spouses. It is hardest for a spouse to see their partner dying of a terminal sickness or cancer. You can pray for all of these intentions. Even if someone is suffering, you can comfort them with your caring visits. I love all of you, and I want you to show your love for Me and your neighbor.”


Thursday, June 27, 2019: (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, it is not enough to call ‘Lord, Lord’, and know My Commandments, but you must be able to act on My laws and follow the Will of My Father. Because the people around Me did not follow My laws, I called them ‘evildoers’. I emphasized My teaching with a parable. I told them that they needed to build their house on rock, so when the wind and rain come, the house will not be washed away. What this means, is that they need to build their faith strong on the Ten Commandments so their faith is solid on a good foundation. I built My Church on the rock of St. Peter, who was the first Pope. Those people, who hear My Word of the Commandments of love, but they do not put them into action, are like those people who build their house of faith on sand. Then when trials, or rain and wind come, their house of little faith is washed away, and they could be lost. So put your knowledge of the faith into actions by good deeds, and obey My Ten Commandments. Then you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I showed you a vision of an explosion coming soon. Now, you are seeing a report in one of your news outlets that ISIS is planning an attack on New York City about the time of July 4th. The most likely target is your Freedom Tower, which I told you would be brought down because of your defiance of the first Trade Tower crash. You need to treasure your freedom while you have it, because when your President leaves office, you could be taken over by socialist communists. Have no fear because I will call My faithful to My refuges during this takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the G-20 nations meeting together. Many people are hoping that China and the US will smooth out their current trade war. There is ongoing concern about Iran making nuclear weapons, and their continued attacks on oil tankers, and your drone being shot down. Europe and the US need to be aware of this danger, even if Europe wants Iranian oil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an inversion in your interest rates of Treasury Bonds that in the past has been a sign of a coming recession. This is bad news for savers when interest rates go down. This is also a sign that investors are running for security in 10 year bonds, and the gold price also is at a new high of $1400/oz. My people should be prepared for hard times when your stock market could drop hard. Pray for your country’s economy and that you will have enough food to eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting to see more unusual hot weather coming to your country that will challenge your electric grid for air conditioning. Your flooded rivers are still in flood stage that could threaten your food supplies. Your country is not alone because Europe is seeing 100 F temperatures with fires in Spain. Your weather is changing and it appears to be heating up from a decrease in the strength of your magnetosphere in addition to your increased carbon dioxide. These natural disasters are a continuing punishment for your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a political battle going on between your two parties over the illegal immigrants coming into your country. They are so numerous that you have run out of facilities to house so many immigrants. Your Congress is working on a needed $5 billion grant that is needed for humanitarian needs to house and feed these people. The opposition party wants open borders and your Supreme Court refused to allow citizenship questions on your next Census report. Pray for a fair resolution of your border problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, for several months now I have been asking My faithful to have at least one year’s supply of food stored for each member of your household. You are seeing floods that have reduced your crops that could be harvested. You are seeing hotter temperatures with difficulties of getting fresh water later in the summer. You are seeing beginning fires in various states. You have a decreasing bee population that is threatening proper pollination. All of these factors will affect your available food at your stores, so stock up now before you could see empty shelves.”

Jesus said: “My son, you will be traveling to Puerto Rico soon, and you will witness first hand the results of Hurricane Maria on this island. There are some poor people and many are struggling to find food, fuel, and electricity. You will see how valuable your electricity is to our living, and how devastating it is to be without electricity. You and Fr. Michel will be sharing your messages with the people of Puerto Rico. You had some good interest in your talks the last time you visited this island. Pray for these people who are suffering with many deficit debts in their government.”


Friday, June 28, 2019: (Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel and the first reading you see accounts of how I pasture My sheep as you are all so loved by Me. I am like the hound of heaven always searching for lost souls, and encouraging souls to come to Me out of love. People, who do not have love of Me in their soul, will live a very depraved life. I am your Creator, but the devil is always trying to block My love to people’s hearts. Do not get wrapped up in the desire for earthly things, or seek vengeance for other people’s wrongdoing. Love everyone, even those people who persecute you or aggravate you. You need to always think of loving thoughts, and not revenge or evil thoughts out of greed. Heaven is a place of love, and in order to enter, you must be pure and loving in your heart and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have pointed this time out to you in the Ninth Chapter of the Book of the Apocalypse or Revelation when it talks about the seven trumpets. In one trumpet a star fell from heaven called ‘Wormwood’ that would destroy a third of mankind. In another trumpet there were plagues of locusts that were not to harm those people who had the mark of God on their foreheads. But for those people, who did not have this mark, they would be stung for five months from scorpions the size of horses, but they would not die. The sounds of trumpets all over the earth are a sign of the coming Antichrist. But I will bring My victory over him with My Comet of Chastisement. Then the evil ones will be killed, and cast into the eternal flames of hell. My faithful will be protected at My refuges, and after the tribulation, they will come into My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, June 22, 2019: (St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More)
Jesus said: “My people, both St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More were brave bishops to stand up in defiance of King Henry VIII. The king wanted a male heir to his throne, so he kept marrying different women, and had some killed. The king had these bishops beheaded, and formed his own Anglican Church so he could divorce and remarry other women. St. John Fisher was adopted patron of your Rochester diocese since he was Bishop of Rochester in England. You also had a college named after him, as you graduated from St. John Fisher College. You remember receiving a book about the life of St. John Fisher. There have been many martyrs who died for their faith in Me. My people need to imitate the lives of My saints.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some dramatic events about to happen soon. I am not giving you the details now, but I will tell you when things get closer to this time. Your world is getting closer to another war, but you need to hear all the details that could trigger such a war. The last time you went to war was when nearly 3,000 people were killed in your trade tower attack. This is why your President did not start a war over an expensive unmanned drone. This means if a lot of Americans were killed in an attack, your President would probably call for action against the aggressor. Pray that you do not have a war, but if some nation starts a serious aggression, they could be signing their death warrant. Keep ready for some serious events, especially if a nation tests your President’s will to carry out an attack.”


Saturday, June 29, 2019: (St. Peter & St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, these two men are truly your pillars of faith. To St. Peter I gave the keys of My Kingdom, as he was chosen to be My first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. You have been reading all the accounts of My Early Church in the Acts of the Apostles. St. Paul was converted from a Pharisee, who was killing My converts, to a great missionary of the Gentiles. My Early Church made a decision not to require circumcision and other Jewish requirements to become a Christian. I had Jewish roots, but I came to fulfill My laws of love. Loving everyone, even your enemies, is a new way of life, even for the Jews who lived by ‘an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth’. My apostles have given you the faith in My Gospels and St. Paul’s epistles, so follow My words in your actions, and you will have eternal life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember reading the accounts of the Book of Genesis after I created everything on the earth. I put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and they were without sin. Once the devil tempted them to eat the forbidden fruit, they committed the original sin against Me. Sin and death came into the world as Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. I came down to the earth to die on the cross to bring salvation to all of My people. Some people have accepted Me, while others have not. Those people, who remain faithful to Me through the tribulation will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. You will rejoice in this new Era of Peace without the devil or any evil thing. This Era of Peace is how I wanted man to live before the devil changed the world. But I am more powerful, and I will defeat all of the demons and cast them back into hell. Look forward to My Era of Peace for all the people who will be faithful to Me in word and deed.”


Sunday, June 30, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing Elijah passing on his mission of prophesy to Elisha when Elijah put his cloak over Elisha. Elisha completed his farming mission by killing his oxen for a feast because he was not coming back. Elisha bid his parents good-bye and followed his new mission with Elijah. In the Gospel I was calling people to share My mission also. When I called people, I wanted them to follow Me at once, without looking back. If you are called to be a priest, a prophet, or a missionary, be thankful for the opportunity to spread My Good News. Do not look for excuses not to serve, but be ready to be with Me in converting souls to the faith. Some people I call for special missions, but all of My followers are called to evangelize souls by their Baptism. You can help your own family members to come closer to Me in prayer and coming to Sunday Mass. Be ready to follow Me and make Me the center of your life so you can love Me and your neighbor.”


Monday, July 1, 2019: (St. Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people of America, how I love you so much for all you do to help people and other nations. But your behavior as a nation is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. I keep giving you warning messages to stop your abortions, fornications, and homosexual acts, but you are not listening to My pleas to change. As a punishment you will be seeing worse natural disasters, and eventually I will allow the one world people to take you over. My saving grace for My faithful believers is that I am having My people set up refuges of protection where I will separate My good people from the evil people. Only My believers will have an invisible cross on their foreheads, and this will allow them to enter My refuges. People without this cross, will not be allowed to enter because the refuge angel will prevent them from entering. This is why during the six weeks after My Warning, you will need to try and convert your family members so they can receive the cross on the forehead to enter my refuges. Lot and his family were removed from Sodom and then I destroyed that town because there were no more just people. Once My faithful are safely in My refuges, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil people will be killed and cast into hell. My refuge angels will shield My faithful from the Comet, and then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. The Antichrist and the demons will be defeated in My victory, and they will burn in hell as well as the evil people. Rejoice in My love, but My justice will be carried out because of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are well aware of the value of the Mass where the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood in My Real Presence. The sacrifice of the Mass has more value than any other prayer because it involves My unbloody sacrifice. You had some messages about My justice punishments coming on your country. There are people who could lose their lives in storm, earthquakes, or accidents. Some of these people who die suddenly, may not have the grace of time to prepare their souls to meet Me at their judgment. It is for this reason that you have some priest offering up Masses of Reparation to help such souls faced with a sudden death. I want you to continue to support this effort for Masses of Reparation that will be needed more when more serious destruction falls on your land.”


Tuesday, July 2, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you saw how My apostles were fearful for their lives in the storm, even though they knew I was with them. When they called Me to help them, then I calmed the storm, and the apostles were amazed at My power over the seas and wind. This faith in My Presence by your side should be remembered when storms come up in your lives. At times you will have what appears as impossible problems to solve. This is when you can call on My help to get you through your trials. It is your faith in My help that I will hear in your request, and I will answer you. There are many trials that you will face which are beyond your control. So always remember to call on My help in prayer.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, Fr. Michel, yourself, and your wife will be leaving soon to give talks in the cities of Puerto Rico. Your friend, Nilda, will be translating for both of you as you bring My Word to the people of God in Puerto Rico. You will see some places that were damaged by Hurricane Maria, and it is hard to recover from such a disaster. Comfort and pray for these people who have suffered much destruction. Give them hope in My love so they can pick themselves up. Maybe you could see some places to help when you get back home. Take some video to show the people in America how they are living now.”

Jesus said: “My son, do what you can to help Nilda and thank her for all of her work. She is concerned for her people, and she wants them to hear about refuges and the trials that are coming. The people will be happy to hear Fr. Michel’s stories and his message for these times. Your time to prepare for the end times is growing short and the people need to be prepared for the coming Warning by coming to frequent Confession. Continue to pray for the people of Puerto Rico and the success of your trip.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a time of prosperity for some time with full employment all around you. There are signs on your farms that you could see less crops harvested that could test your food supplies. There are also signs that your businesses might start slowing down as some people are concerned about a recession due to your inverted yield curve on your government bonds. Pray that people will be prepared with some extra food that may be needed if your stores have less food than needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, in My days the people were asking Me for a sign, but the only sign I would give them is the sign of Jonah. You know how I asked him to go to a city of his enemies to tell them in forty days their city would be destroyed if they did not repent and change their lives. He was reluctant at first, but he was able to convert the people of Nineveh. So the sign for all of My faithful is to reach out to your neighbor and try to save and evangelize as many souls as you can. Do not have any fear, but call on My help and the Holy Spirit will give you the words you are to preach to them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing possible threats from North Korea who has nuclear bombs and delivery missiles. Your President reached out to him at the border. You also have Iran stirring up trouble with the oil tankers and expanding and enriching more uranium to make potential bombs. Keep praying that you do not have a war in this area of the Middle East.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to have a beautiful wife and family over these many years. You have made Me the center of your life, and you have been rewarded for your efforts. You have answered My call for your mission to preach about the end times and a further mission to prepare a refuge. You should be thankful for your prayer group who have supported you in your missions. Continue to trust in Me, and I will lead you to help other people in their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is a special nation that was founded on a Constitution of a belief in Me and Judeo-Christian principles. Many of your people have kept your freedoms to worship Me and earn your own living. You are now seeing a confrontation with socialist communists who are trying to change your Democratic republic into another atheistic communist country like China and Russia. This will be a moment of truth for your people to choose between your current freedom, or give in to oppressive communist leaders. You are also choosing between loving Me or not. Atheism is a lack of love for Me, so hold on to your original beliefs of your Baptism in the faith. You would much rather be with your loving God in heaven, than suffer the flames of hell where the devil hates you. Choose life with Me as your eternal reward.”


Wednesday, July 3,2019:(St. Thomas, our 54th wedding anniversary)
Jesus said: “My son, I want to congratulate you and your wife for being faithful to each other for fifty-four years, as your marriage has produced great fruits of love for your family. With your society it is harder to find couples staying together this long. I instituted the marriage sacrament of Matrimony so couples of husband and wife could bring up their children in an environment of love. I even use marriage to show My relationship as Groom and My Church as My Bride. It is unfortunate that many of your people are not following My plan, but they are living in sinful lifestyles of adultery, fornication, and homosexual acts. Your people are also using abortions to cover up their sins. You need to pray for young couples to get married properly before having children. They would be best to get married in My Church with a commitment to keep their marriage together without divorce. Love in a family is needed more than ever in your world.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you come to the Puerto Rican people, you will be seeking out souls to be saved by My grace. Many people are seeking the love and hope in Me to bring them through their trials. Let the people know how much I love them, and I am bringing My servants to share My messages of love in the end times. My Warning is coming to give all souls a chance to repent and change the sinful lives of this world. The Warning may be your last chance to be saved, so choose to change your evil lives into good Christian lives. You will have a life review with a focus on your unforgiven sins. Then you will have My judgment of your souls. You will all have a taste of your present destination for your soul. Repent of your sins in frequent Confession so you are not faced with the flames of hell in your mini-judgment. I love all of My people, and I do not want to lose one soul. All the souls who choose hell, make that choice from their own free will. I will never violate your free will, but I encourage you to love Me and one another.”


Thursday, July 4, 2019:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is calling all of you to come and honor My Beloved Son because He has brought salvation to all of your souls by His sacrifice on the cross. His sacrifice is making atonement for all of your sins, past, present, and to come. When you come to adore My Son in the consecrated Host, thank Him for dying for your sins, and opening the gates of heaven to all worthy souls. This plan of My Son as your Redeemer, was started after the original sin of Adam and Eve. I have restored man’s standing, despite your fallen state. I love all of My creations, and I will not abandon your souls to the evil ones. Instead, My Son’s death and Resurrection offers eternal life to all souls who will repent of their sins and love Me, as well as loving My Son as your Savior.”


Friday, July 5, 2019: (St. Anthony Zaccaria)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading Abraham wanted to keep his race pure, so he had Isaac instructed to only marry someone of his own family’s descendants. Isaac was married to Rebecca, and he was the one to carry on the descendants of Abraham. This is also a sign to have a pure marriage with no sexual relations before the marriage. This is an example for all of My young people that you need to be properly married in My Church with only a man and a woman. Avoid living in fornication, adultery, or in homosexual marriages. If you commit any sexual mortal sin, you need to be confessed in Confession in order to receive Holy Communion worthily. Do not receive Holy Communion in mortal sin, or you commit another mortal sin of sacrilege. I am perfect and holy, and you should only receive Me with a pure and holy soul. Go forward and evangelize as many souls to the faith as you can.”


Saturday, July 6, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would be with you always to the end of time. At the tribulation time My faithful souls will all be separated at My refuges. Some refuges will have a priest, and they will have Me in daily Holy Communion. Other refuges may not have a priest, so I will send My angels to give you daily Holy Communion, just as you see the angel in the vision bringing My Hosts to the people. Once you receive My Hosts, you can place one Host in a monstrance for Adoration in your chapel. Then My faithful need to assign Adoration hours to the people at all hours of the day and night. This is so someone is constantly present before My Real Presence. This will be a Perpetual Adoration so I will protect and feed all the people at your refuge. I love all of My people so much, and I desire to be with you at all times. Give Me your love, and repent of your sins, and you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”


Sunday, July 7, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, the harvest of souls is great, but the workers in the field to evangelize the people, are few. Pray and ask the Master of the Harvest to send more workers into the fields to reap the harvest of souls. My son, you and My special prophets need to share the faith with the people. You may be the only one to greet some people with My faith in My Kingdom that the people will ever meet. Bring as many souls to Me as you can. Pray for more vocations to the priesthood, but the time before My Warning grows short. It will be My gift of My Warning that will help convert some souls who would have been lost. My prayer warriors will need to reach out to all of their family members to convert their souls during the six weeks of conversion after the Warning. This will allow the new believers to have the angels put a cross on their foreheads so they can enter My refuges. You do not want to see any one of your relatives lost in hell. I am depending on My prayer warriors to help Me in the harvest of souls. The devil is trying to take souls away from Me, but I am more powerful. I am sending My Holy Spirit down to help My faithful in winning souls over to Me. He will give you the words to speak to the people so they could be saved. Give your free will over to My Will, and you will be with Me in heaven, just like the thief on the cross entered Paradise with Me.”


Monday, July 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you how you are constantly traveling to where I send you to help evangelize people to the faith. You are fortunate to have people paying for your plane ticket, serving you food, and providing housing. My servants are worthy of their needs which are provided by their friends. All of those people, who help you, will receive their reward in heaven. You can also thank them for their generosity. It is almost time to say good-bye to the Puerto Rican people. I am blessing them all for being faithful to Me and My Blessed Mother. Continue, My son, to go forward and share My messages with those people, who come to hear them, and they need to act on My messages of love by loving Me and one another in all that you do.”


Tuesday, July 9, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the messages I gave you in Puerto Rico, I was showing you a missionary trip to evangelize people. Not only do I call you to baptize new converts, but I want you to reach out to the fallen away Catholics, who are no longer coming to Sunday Mass. You have heard of Me as the Good Shepherd of My people, and I am constantly searching for My lost sheep. I love all of My people, and I want My prayer warriors to help seek out the lost souls, so they can be saved. Saving souls is your most important work for Me. So do not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone to find these lost sheep. You can also pray for the lost souls to return to Me, and for the souls in purgatory. When you are generous with your prayers and your help, I will reward you in heaven.”


Wednesday, July 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading the account of Joseph in the Book of Genesis. He had a dream interpreted for the Pharaoh of Egypt who saw seven fat cows and then seven thin cows. This meant that there would be seven years of plenty and then seven years of famine. Joseph was given control over the food in Egypt. So he had the people store extra grain during the years of plenty. Then he was able to ration the grain to the hungry people during the famine. Even his own family benefited from these rations of grain. My people have been warned also of a coming famine. So now is the time to save at least one year’s supply of food per family member. If you do not have the money or space for so much food, then in faith I will multiply your food when it is needed. My refuges need to stock up on your dried food, MREs (meals ready to eat), and canned food. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive at your refuges. Just as I provided manna and quail for My people in the desert, so I will provide daily Holy Communion and deer at My refuges. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs at My refuges during the tribulation, along with your refuge angel shielding you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your news you heard of several Iranian boats that were trying to capture a British supertanker in another provocative incident. This was in response to British ships capturing an Iranian tanker that was trying to avoid the sanctions against Iran. A British warship close by warned off the attacking boats. You have seen at least four recent events of Iranian attacks on tankers, and shooting down your drone. If these incidents continue and get more serious, you could see some retaliation that could initiate a war between America and Iran. The vision of seeing a tank is an indication of a possible war. You need to add another intention to your daily prayers that you do not have a war with Iran.”


Thursday, July 11, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you see Me instructing My apostles in how to go out to all the nations to preach ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand.’ I told them to take no money in their belt, no sack, no extra tunic, and no sandals. I also said how they are to heal the sick, raise the dead, and forgive their sins through My commission of Holy Orders at the Last Supper. Even today, I am calling My priests, missionaries, and My prophets to go out and heal people, and the priests can hear confessions. It is a special mission to go out to spread My Good News of salvation through My death and Resurrection. In the vision I am the Vine and you are the branches. I give you life in My Eucharistic graces and the Holy Spirit to speak the words to convert souls. It is the rainwater of converts that you bring to Me. Reach out to save converts, and all of the fallen away Catholics. I offer salvation, but the people need to repent and accept Me as their Savior.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a second tropical storm, Barry, that could turn into a hurricane. Several low lying areas are being evacuated, and there is a possibility that enough rain or storm surge could break some levees. Pray for the safety of the people of Louisiana, and that the levees hold. Many people may not be fully prepared. You could pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for anyone that may die from this storm.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you that you could be tested by some serious natural disasters because of your sins of abortion in killing My babies. You have already seen a 6.6 and a 7.1 earthquake in Southern California. You could see more after shocks and possibly more large earthquakes. You are also seeing some heavy activity with geysers going off 23 times. All of this activity has not occurred in two decades. Be prepared for disasters as the Barry storm. Pray for the people who may experience losses or even some deaths.”

Jesus said: “My people, Iran has been harassing the oil tankers going through the straits of Hormuz. Some have been mined or set on fire, but there has been no loss of life so far. The sanctions on Iran has caused them a bad economy. It will be hard to restrain from retaliation if more ships are set on fire. Pray that a war does not break out in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your socialist Democrats are proposing unreasonable plans as the ‘Green’ plan to stop burning fossil fuels. This would be difficult since your alternative sources of electricity could not generate enough electricity for your needs. Other proposals were to do away with ICE, Homeland Security, the Secret Service, and even the Coast Guard. Some of these plans are to form an atheistic communist country. This is why your President is against socialism and taking away your right to worship Me. Pray that the socialists do not take over, but eventually I will allow your takeover as a punishment for your abortion laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several movies come out that exposed the dreadful killing of babies in late term abortions. Some have shown doctors killing live babies, and others showed an abortion clinic director who quit her job, and now fights abortion. Many are bringing cases to your Supreme Court. Pray to stop abortion, and if possible, repeal your Roe vs. Wade decision that allows abortion. If your laws or decisions are not changed, you will see worse disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated Independence Day when your people fought for your freedoms from England. You have a democratic republic with your Bill of Rights in your Constitution. Your liberal activists are trying to change your Electoral College vote to a Popular Vote that would only favor populous states. Preserve your freedoms and fight against socialism which is a Godless or atheist form of government.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President has been trying to have fair trade without cheating and hidden fees. Tariffs on China have had some hard consequences on your farmers. Your President is also encouraging more plants to make things in your own country, but this has only increased slightly. The uncertainty over your trade issues could affect your economy. So pray that a reasonable trade agreement can be worked out with China and other countries.”


Friday, July 12, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of flooding with heavy rains this year. It is so bad that farmers could only plant a portion of their usual crops because of the muddy fields. Now, you are seeing tropical storm Barry coming into Louisiana, where it is forecasted to flood this area with heavy rains. There is concern that the water could come over the levees. The vision of money under water is a sign that your people are losing billions of dollars due to the flooding of your rivers and farmlands. This money under water can also be a long term sign of doing away with cash money for transactions, or a crash of the dollar. The one world people manipulate the stock prices and the interest rates so they can buy stocks on margin with cheap money. It is your savers in cash who are getting less money on their savings with lower interest rates. Pray for the people and farmers who are suffering losses on their crops and buildings.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing many earthquakes all around the Rim of Fire in the Pacific Ocean. When you have a 7 or 8 earthquake, you could see a tsunami occur that can travel very fast in the water. I will give you more details as this time approaches. Be prepared for one event after another as the time of the Warning and tribulation are near in your time. The people all over the world are concerned more about their daily activities, possessions, and fame, when they should be more concerned about their soul’s destination. For those people, who desire to be with Me in heaven, you need to make Me the center of your lives. By your prayers, Masses, good deeds, and monthly Confession, I can see that your love for Me is sincere. I am always at your side so you can ask Me to help you through the trials in your life. Trust in Me at all times in My love, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Saturday, July 13, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I see everything that happens around you, and I want to comfort all of My people so you do not fear the people around you. When you go out to speak, you meet some beautiful people, and you share My messages of love and warning with them. You have some criticism, but in general you are helping the people know and love Me. Be thankful that you have the opportunity to enrich the faith of the people you are speaking to. Continue to pray your St. Michael long form prayer for your protection coming and returning from your talks. You can also pray your St. Theresa Glory Bes for added protection as you approach the Warning and the tribulation. I love all of My people, and I thank those people who are making refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I just gave you a message that you would see one disaster after another. Your first hurricane to hit your country is flooding Louisiana, and the people could not go about their pleasures on this weekend. There is plenty of sin in this area which is why they have flooding and power outages. Another incident is a power outage on Manhattan, New York City that is causing a blackout on the anniversary of the 1977 blackout, and it is causing 60,000 customers to lose power. There is also plenty of sin in New York City as well to receive this punishment. Your people only take notice of things that affect their wallet of money. If this is the only way to get your attention about your sins, then expect more of these incidents. My people need to stop your abortions and sexual sins, and change your lives, or I will change them for you.”


Sunday, July 14, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when I formed My Church, I founded it upon the rock of St. Peter and the gates of hell will not prevail against My Church. The faith in Me that you have been given, is your foundation built on rock. In today’s Gospel of the Good Samaritan, it is important to act out your faith with good deeds. The man asked Me who is My neighbor, so I gave this parable where the Samaritan helped a man who was beaten by robbers. He bandaged up his wounds and paid the innkeeper to take care of the man. The Jews disliked the Samaritans, but he was the kind neighbor in this parable. This was the neighbor to help the man in distress, and I told the one who questioned Me, to go and do likewise. When you see people in need, you are to reach out in love when you can help them. Your church is asking for your people to increase their donations, so people should help keep My Church supported as much as you can. Remember how I love a cheerful giver.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your utilities of lights, water, and other phone lines are vulnerable to people hacking these systems. There are alleged stories from some intelligence sources that the blackout in New York City was caused by a malicious computer virus that someone entered into the electrical system. It was isolated and the lights were able to be returned to service. This story may not be released by your media, but it is very possible to confirm by your officials running your electric grid. Such viruses could be perpetrated by various rogue states like Iran. Your electric lines are vulnerable to more viruses or an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack by atomic bombs. Those people at My refuges, who have solar panels, will be protected by My refuge angels. If your country loses your electricity for a long time, there is a danger that many of your people could die of starvation. Many people do not have enough stored food to last a long time. My refuges have food and water that I will multiply for My believers. Trust in Me to warn you when it is time to come to My refuges.”


Monday, July 15, 2019: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am calling people to let Me be the center of their lives. When you help people, you are helping Me in them. Be willing to reach out and help people in need both financially and spiritually encourage their faith. By your good example you may be able to lead people to Me and away from bad lifestyles. I mentioned how in one way I was dividing families, but only how each member believes in Me or not. My believers are on a road to heaven, but those people, who reject My love and refuse to repent of their sins, are on a path to My justice in hell. Pray for sinners and your family that they could be converted to the faith and be saved. It is everyone’s free will to choose their eternal destination.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know in the Bible how it speaks of a time of tribulation under the Antichrist. I will allow him partial control of the world for less than three and one-half years. When this is allowed, I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges of protection. This will mean at some point America will be taken over by the one world people as your punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. This takeover could come in many possible ways. The first is an EMP attack from several nuclear bombs that would take out your electricity, vehicles, and microchips. Another takeover could be from a communist takeover of your government. Still others would involve a crash of your money or your stock market. You could have mandatory chips in your body, or a combination of natural disasters that could cause a famine. Even a pandemic virus could kill a lot of people. Have no fear because My faithful will be protected at My refuges, although some could die as martyrs from the evil ones. Trust in Me that I will have My angels defend you from the demons and evil people. The reign of evil will be brief before I will bring My destruction upon all the evil ones. Be patient during this purgatory of the tribulation, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Tuesday, July 16, 2019: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I called out woes to the towns where I performed most of My miracles. Corosin, Bethsaida, and Capharnum were all rebuked for not repenting of their sins, when I preached My words of salvation. I told them that the Kingdom of God is at hand, but they still did not repent of their sins. That is when I told them that they would go down into the nether world for not believing in My words. I told them that their judgment would be worse than Sodom. Now I am calling, ‘Woe to America’, for you have heard My words of My Gospel and you have still not repented. You were struck a blow on 9-11-01 in your Twin Towers and you did not repent, but you built another Freedom Tower in defiance of My judgment in Isaiah 9:10. Your country will be brought to its knees by natural disasters, and you will be taken over as a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. Repent now for those people, who want to save their souls. I will protect My believers at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, earlier in the planting of crops, it appeared your farmers were not going to be able to plant their normal fields because of the muddy fields. The yield of your crops will be down, but it is not known how much of a shortage you could have. You could see some shortages in your stores as time goes on, and this will tell you about any shortages in your fields. Your friend is right that it may be a good idea to stock up on some food before you may not be able to order it. I asked you to get some more eggs and meat which you ordered, and you got some other foods. Now your friend is replacing some food that you donated to your priest friend. Be grateful for the people at My refuges who are storing food for the tribulation time. Do not worry about having enough food for those people who will come to your refuge, because I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival.”


Wednesday, July 17, 2019:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is telling you how I saw the Hebrews suffering from the slavery of the Egyptians. This is why I appointed Moses as the ‘deliverer’ of My people. Another king took over after Joseph’s help with the food, and the Pharaoh put the Hebrews into slave labor to build his supply cities. Just as I appointed Moses, so now I am appointing many prophets to prepare the people for the coming Warning and tribulation. The people of this world are being led astray by the devil, and they are turning evil in their lifestyles. I am preparing My faithful to be separated into My refuges, so I can bring My punishment down upon the idolaters of sex and greed. Trust that I will protect My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, without Me, you are nothing. My Body and Blood feeds you your spiritual sustenance, and only those people who eat My Body and drink My Blood will have eternal life. This is why the devil is trying to get rid of My Eucharist in the Host because he is weak to My power. This is why the devil attacks the priests, the hierarchy, and My Church people. He wants to do away with the Mass because My consecrated Hosts are his number one target. This is why you need to pray for your priests, bishops, and cardinals to remain faithful to Me. Pray that the Mass is not changed, since it should not be a one world religion. When you see a division in My Church, you are to remain with My faithful remnant, and do not accept the coming schismatic church. At My refuges you will have My true Mass, and My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. Treasure My Adoration hours as your grace and strength that will help you to remain faithful to My love. I love all of you, and I will be with you to the end of time in My Eucharist.”


Thursday, July 18, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people of America, in the vision I am showing you the Tower of Babel and how the pride of man blinded their eyes in not obeying Me. Because of their pride, I caused them to be confused with many languages. Today, you are seeing a similar pride in your technology, and in building your Freedom Tower. The devil has also blinded your people with greed, changing gender, and a lack of My Presence in your lives. You have been witnessing several power outages from unexplained sources. When your electricity goes out, many of you suffer in darkness without air conditioning in your current heat wave. Your people should get ready to endure more disasters from earthquakes, storms, and more power outages as a punishment for not repenting from your abortions and sexual sins. Pray that you do not have any wars, especially in the Middle East with Iran. Your people need to come to Me in church to repent of your sins. Those people, who make Me the center of their lives, will have My reward in heaven, and I will see to their protection during the coming tribulation at My refuges.”

(Funeral Mass Robert Brennan) Jesus said: “My people, you heard about Robert Brennan from his son’s words about his father. Robert was a gracious and generous man in helping his family and others. He was a model father for people to imitate. You knew his wife when she came to your prayer group in the beginning of your ministry. Robert is with Me now, for he is worthy of his heavenly reward. He will be praying for his family and watching over them. His family can call on him for prayers and help.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your weather forecasters are predicting 100 F days for the weekend. This could be a heat stroke threat for those people without any cooling. If many people use their air conditioners all at once, you could have brown outs or power outages. This is another test from your natural disasters. Be prepared for more of these heat waves, as you could see occasional record highs this summer. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress finally authorized $4.5 billion for humanitarian aid for your border facilities that are overwhelmed by too many illegal immigrants who are seeking asylum. Your Congress has failed to act to correct your asylum laws. This is why you are holding people until their trials. Some flee into your country in violation of their judgments. Those people in Congress, who are complaining about the overcrowding, should look at their neglect to have better immigration laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen Iran take control of an oil tanker with engine problems. You also saw your Navy shoot down an Iranian drone, similar to when Iran shot down your drone. As more incidents keep occurring, you could be getting close to some kind of conflict with Iran. Keep praying that there is no war in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last week three cities experienced unexplained partial power outages. They were New York City, Washington, D.C., and Fullerton, Orange County, California. These events were not connected to the coming heat wave, and they could possibly be related to cyber attacks from other countries. Your National electric grid, water, and communication lines are vulnerable to virus attacks by hackers. Pray that your people can protect you from such attacks. Now, tonight you had your own partial blackout at your house.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have the one world people and the Justice Democrats giving media time to your socialist communist activists that are proposing tactics opposed to your Constitution. It is a constant drumbeat of anti- democratic policies that you keep hearing on your media and in your colleges. There is a plan for the one world people to cause riots in the streets for these activists to get their way of a communist takeover. As your opposition party moves further left to adopt such communist goals, you could see a coming civil war. Pray that your voters see the errors in these atheistic plans and keep your current democratic republic. Pray for calm and not constant hate.”

Jesus said: “My people, with all of your summer heat, there is more of a need for fresh water. Some rivers and reservoirs could be drying up, and this could make your drinkable water in short supply. Keep some water on hand in case your wells or water sources have little water. This is why I am asking My refuge builders to have water wells on their land. You cannot live without sufficient amounts of drinkable water.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My people to stock up on some extra food throughout the year. If your farmers continue to predict some food shortages from your harvests, you could see stores with empty shelves. If food is in short supply, this could cause some panic among your people in a partial famine. It is better to have a full pantry than very little in a food shortage. In the future you also may need a chip in the body to buy any food. When your lives, or your food supply is threatened, I will lead you to My refuges where I will multiply your food.”


Friday, July 19, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, this reading from the Book of Exodus about the Passover, is connected to your salvation in My Sacrifice on the cross. Moses received from Me that they were to kill a spotless male lamb, and put its blood on the lintel and door posts. Then when the destroying angel came, the angel would pass over that house. All the Egyptian houses had the first born killed. It was this last plague that Pharaoh allowed My people to leave Egypt for the Promised Land. In My death on the cross, I was the unblemished male that became the Lamb of God who was offered up in atonement for all of your sins. The Last Supper was the first Mass modeled after the Jewish Passover. During the Mass you receive My Body and Blood in the consecrated bread and wine. My Eucharist is your spiritual food to make you strong in your faith, and it helps heal any weakness to your sins. Give thanks and praise to Me for dying on the cross for your salvation.”

Jesus said:“My people, all over your country you are seeing hot temperatures, and I want you to pray for those people who may be susceptible to heat strokes. Some people may have air conditioning or fans, but others may not. You are also seeing power outages in various places, that could prevent people from being cooled off. Pray also for those people who have lost their power as you did last night. You could see more power outages throughout your summer, so have your solar backup checked out.”


Saturday, July 20, 2019: (celebrating Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to see all of you come to celebrate my feast of Mt. Carmel. I know you all are suffering from today’s heat, but I thank all of you for your rosaries and today’s Mass. I am blessing all of you and your families to keep faith with our two hearts of my Immaculate Heart and my Son’s Sacred Heart. Your world is being tempted by the devil with all manner of sin in your abortions and sexual sins. Pray for peace in your world which is heading toward a war in the Middle East with Iran. America needs to repent of its sins as the one world people are preparing for the coming Warning and the tribulation. Do not fear because my Son will protect you at His refuges. Trust in us for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have had a few power outages when your batteries worked to put some lights on, but this time the inverter did not work. Your system provides power when you have sun, but you need to search why your alternative circuit box did not go on. This will be another project to check with your solar installer. You could also try to learn how to fix this problem in the future when your larger system will be off grid. You also had some problems with some of your battery powered lanterns not working. Now, you replaced all the bad batteries with rechargeable batteries, and you put paper stoppers on the contacts so they would not discharge. The lanterns with rechargeable batteries are renewable and safer than your oil lamps for light. This latest power outage is a wake up call for your solar system. Your second set of panels, which are off-grid, works fine, and during the day it powers your basement dehumidifier. Get this main system working now for when you will need it.”


Sunday, July 21, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, with all of your bad weather problems, your people will be fortunate to have enough food to eat for your people this fall. The heat will be hard to endure through this summer, as each year seems to have more problems. You are looking around at several communist countries, and they have food shortages in many cases because of their lack of incentives to work. It is hard to farm crops with bad weather, but a communist form of government makes food shortages even worse. Your people do not want a socialist government, if you want to have enough food to eat for everyone. Trust in Me to provide the food that you need, and I will multiply your food at My refuges.”


Monday, July 22, 2019: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Mary Magdalene was given the honor of being the first person to witness My resurrected Body. When she reported this to the apostles that she had seen Me, they did not want to believe her. So St. Peter and St. John went to the tomb, and they found it empty, and they believed in My Resurrection. Later, I appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and then to My apostles. Their witness testimony is true, and now I am asking all of My followers to share the Good News of My Resurrection. I suffered death on the cross for the salvation of all souls who want to repent and believe in Me. My apostles saw Me, and they believed, but blessed are those people, who did not witness My resurrected Body, and they still believe. My true followers, who love Me and accept Me as their Savior, will be resurrected with a glorified body as well on the last day.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray that you will be strong in your faith when the religious persecution comes against My Church. Soon the churches will be forced to pay taxes, and there will be many new laws restricting My Name in public, and even in churches and schools. You will be seeing attacks against My churches to set them on fire, and to steal My Hosts from My tabernacles. Even the priests will be harassed for offering Mass. Your prayer services and Masses will need to go underground, and soon you will only find safety at the protection of My angels at your refuges. Never deny Me, even if you have to die as a martyr for My Name. The evil will get so bad that I will call all of My faithful to come to My refuges to save their lives and their souls. Be ready when I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”


Tuesday, July 23, 2019: (St. Bridget)
Jesus said: “My people, you just read the account of how I enabled Moses to bring the destruction upon Pharaoh’s army at the Red Sea. I allowed Moses to stretch his staff over the Red Sea to divide it, and allow his people to pass through it on dry land. Then Pharaoh’s army followed them, but the chariots were stuck in the ground, and the waters flowed back and drowned Pharaoh’s army. Then My son, I gave you a vision of how I will protect you and your people at your refuge. Just as I performed a miracle to protect Moses and his people, so I will perform another miracle as I will bring destruction upon the evil people at the end of the tribulation. My Comet of Chastisement will kill the evil ones, but My refuge angels will shield My refuge people from this destruction. This will be My victory over the Antichrist, the devil, and all the evil people and demons as they will be cast into hell. You will then rejoice as I will bring you into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how My first mission was to save the lost people of the Jewish faith. During My three years of ministry, I told the people, the Kingdom of God is at hand. I was forming My apostles to teach My new way to all the nations, even to the Gentiles. I formed My Church on the rock of St. Peter. It was St. Paul who brought the Gentiles to the faith. To be a good Christian follower, you need to be able to follow My Will and obey My Commandments. I have a plan for everyone’s life, but you can only fulfill that plan by allowing Me to run your life. If people only want to run their own lives, then their desires will get in the way of My mission for them. In order to fulfill the mission I have given you, you need to die to self, and let Me lead you. I have died on the cross to bring salvation to all souls, but you must repent of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior. Your true mission for everyone is to save souls, and this is why I call My faithful to go out to all the nations and share My Good News of My Resurrection. You now see why your deep roots of faith are needed to be one of My devoted disciples. Trust in Me and follow Me, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Wednesday, July 24, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing some signs of how evil your society is getting by the new laws that your liberal states are passing. You are seeing some states allowing euthanasia and recreational marijuana. There is also a breakdown in your respect for your laws which allow immigrant criminals to roam your streets, and even your police are facing abuse by your citizens. Some states are trying to do away with your Electoral College which is not according to your Constitution. This lawless state along with the coming persecution of My churches will soon lead up to the tribulation time when I will call My faithful to hide at My angel protected refuges. This is why you are seeing yourself preparing your food to eat at your refuge during the tribulation. You also will be preparing yourself with monthly Confession for My coming Warning. When you come to My refuges, when I call you, you will see the Luminous Cross in the sky that will heal people of any ills by looking on it. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the evil ones who want to kill you from the devil’s hate.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how the opposition party was depending on the Mueller Report to launch their impeachment attack on your President. After today’s testimony by Robert Mueller, many people were disappointed in the results of this testimony. There are some who will still seek impeachment, but this cause is not supported by the people who watched these testimonies. Because the opposition party has lost credibility on the reasons for impeachment, they will act like a cornered rat, and they will cause riots in the streets to try and overthrow your President from office. These activists will use any means to try and remove your President from office. They could even resort to assassinate your President. Your President needs to protect himself from all the attempts on his life, fix any manipulation of the voting machines, and correct any illegal voting. Pray for peace among your people, and pray to stop all the hateful activity against your President.”


Thursday, July 25, 2019: (St. James, apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, it is a corporal work of mercy to visit the sick and comfort them. You can even pray with them to get better. Sometimes your priests or deacons can pray with the sick, and even anoint them if they have a serious illness. You know for yourself how you feel when you have pain, or you are sick with an illness. You are thankful for people who visit you, or bring you flowers to cheer you up. When you comfort the sick, or visit the elderly, you are doing it for Me in them. Prayers for the sick are also helpful in requesting their healing. When you make these visits, you will be storing up treasure in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many people have seen this video of how two New York City policemen were abused by people pouring pails of water on them. The police were warned by the mayor not to use violence against such abuse. Once other people protested this abuse, the police arrested three suspects who threw the water. You also are seeing abuse of your border patrols and ICE agents who are trying to protect your people from criminals on the border. It is time that your people started respecting your authorities, or you are inviting chaos and riots in the streets. Your people also need to respect Me, your Creator and Savior.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how much the opposition party still wants to impeach your President, even though the Mueller Report brought no charges against your President. These people have harassed your President since he was legally elected by the people. Pray for peace in your country despite all of your divisions and criticisms by the media and the opposition party.”

Jesus said: “My people, your society is having many problems with your children because the majority of your households have only one parent. With just one parent it is difficult to work a job and still have time to take care of the children. Your couples need to commit themselves to keeping the marriage together where possible. Pray for your young people to get married before having children. Your nation needs to restore marriage as a proper institution, so you can have a loving environment for your families.”

Jesus said: “My people, your scientists and weather people are showing you record high temperatures in your country this summer. You are seeing heat records being set in Europe as well as in America. There are several factors contributing to your global warming by the Sun. There may be some effect from your green house gases. There is a larger effect coming from the decrease in the strength of your magnetosphere where more solar wind from the sun is coming through to warm your atmosphere. Pray that your people can protect themselves with some form of cooling.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would be tested by more severe natural disasters because of your sins. It is true that you have had 20% more tornadoes than average. You also have had 30% more floods than average, which caused your farmers to have trouble with muddy fields that did not allow them to plant all of their fields. Pray for all the victims of your storms, tornadoes, and floods.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how evil your society is becoming, and your country will be taken over because of it. Even in your courts and investigations, the oath of truth is not followed by ‘So help me God’ as in the past. You are seeing My Name taken out of the schools and public buildings. By not getting married in My Church, I am not being asked to bless the marriage. You also are seeing more persecution of traditional Christians even in America. You see more pornography, sexual sins, and continuing abortions. My judgment is coming against your country for your many sins against Me, so be prepared when I call My faithful to come to My refuges.”


Friday, July 26, 2019: (St. Anne and St. Joachim)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading from the Book of Exodus, and today you are reading the Ten Commandments that I gave Moses and his people as My covenant. I am a merciful God, but a just God as well. I came on the earth to fulfill My love of mankind to die for your sins, and fulfill My laws of love. You are seeing visions of My justice on the evil people of Noah’s time when they were killed in the flood. In Abraham’s time you saw My justice in destroying the evil people of Sodom with fire and brimstone. In Moses’ time I destroyed Pharaoh’s army to protect My people. Now in your time I will destroy the evil people at the end of the tribulation with My Comet of Chastisement. I give everyone an opportunity to obey My laws or not. My faithful love Me and obey My Commandments, and they will be rewarded in heaven. But the evil ones who do not love Me and disobey My laws, will all face their judgment in hell. Choose life with Me and you will see heaven, choose the curse of the devil and you will see hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the edge of a cliff, and you will see the weather that is reflecting the extremes in your society. You will see extreme heat in the summer, and extreme cold in the winter. Your people are neither hot nor cold, because many are lukewarm, and they are ignoring their God. There are some rich one world people who are using sentiment in your markets to make a recession into a self-fulfilling prophesy. The fear of a trade war with China is restraining your companies, and this could push your economy into a recession and some drastic swings in your stock market. In addition to a bad stock market, you could see problems with food shortages in various places. I have asked My faithful to stock up on food because you could see problems with your harvests. When your recession comes, you will again see your companies make some drastic lay-offs, and many people will have problems paying their bills without their jobs. You may want to also save some money now to get you by, if you should lose your jobs. When the evil ones are allowed to take over your country, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection. At My refuges I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Trust in Me to provide for you, even among riots and evil people who will try to kill you.”


Saturday, July 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how I am the center of your life in the two visions. When you think of stability in your life around Me, this is how you are anchored to Me for all that you need. When you think of how you are spiritually nourished, you see how the branches get fed by the Vine of My life line. You all have choices in this life to follow Me or not, because I do not force people to love Me. You must choose to love Me of your own free will. This is why I chose today’s Gospel because you choose to be a weed who does not love Me, or you can be the wheat of My faithful. At the harvest of souls, My angels will separate the weeds of the evil people from the wheat of My faithful. The evil ones will be burned up in hell, but My faithful will be gathered into My barn of heaven. Continue to hold fast to Me by loving Me and obeying My Commandments. The more good deeds you do, and souls that you save, the more treasure you will be storing up in heaven for your judgment.”


Sunday, July 28, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have several spots of conventional wars that could break out at any time, especially with Iran harassing the oil tankers. Pray that any such skirmishes do not break out into more serious conflicts. Later on, you are seeing a war with nuclear weapons. Before such a war, I will call My people to the protection of My refuges. If your initial war starts in the Middle East, you could see a disruption in oil deliveries that could upset some economies and your world finances. Keep praying for peace, but be prepared for a war that America could be drawn into.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people use their television for recreation and news, and when their signal or TV is not working, it becomes an inconvenience for your pleasures. Then when all the lights go out, you need to find a source of light at night as you did last week. It is good to have a wind-up flashlight handy to find your lanterns for light. You have been seeing several power outages from your hot weather and the air conditioners. This blackout is another sign of how vulnerable your electric grid is to various ways of losing power. The most damaging effect would be an EMP attack on your electric grid. This would stop your vehicles, your banks, and it would be hard to get your grid working again. This is why I want My people to have backup electric sources as your solar system and batteries, or at least some sources of light at night. If your power is out for an extended length of time, I will call My people to come to My refuges for lights, food, water, and fuels which My angels could multiply. Fear not the coming tribulation, for your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. You will be healed of your ills when you look upon My luminous cross. I will protect My faithful from the evil ones, and you will even be protected from My Comet of Chastisement. So do not worry where you will go, because My angel will lead you to a safe place nearby.”


Monday, July 29, 2019: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Resurrection and the Life, and he who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.’(John 11:25,26) I was comforting St. Martha after her brother, Lazarus, had died. She believed that he would rise again on the last day. I took that opportunity to call Lazarus up from the dead, and I called him to come forth from the tomb. All the people were amazed that I had the power to raise someone from the dead. Later on, the people and My apostles were even further amazed when I rose from the dead by Myself at My Resurrection. I still had My wounds which St. Thomas had to touch to believe. Give thanks and praise that I died on the cross to bring salvation to those people who repent and accept Me as their Savior.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you see wild fires in the West and where it may have dried out underbrush. A good share of your fires are started by arson and lightning. You will see more such fires and some people could be trapped and killed. Pray for the victims of these fires and that they are able to start over in making their homes. Pray also for the firemen who are trying to bring these fires under control.”


Tuesday, July 30, 2019: (St. Peter Chrysologous)
Jesus said: “My people, you are entering your hurricane season, and you see some dark clouds and heavy waves coming ashore. Be prepared for more serious events that will be testing your people. You could see serious storms, flooding, earthquakes, and fires. I told you before that you will have one event after another. You will be seeing more destruction from your natural disasters as a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. Some of your people are being misled by the devil in changing their gender, or committing homosexual acts. Many of the reasons I destroyed Sodom are happening among your people. I will separate My faithful in My refuges before I will punish the evil ones. Pray for your families that they will follow Me after the six weeks after the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, every refuge will not be beautiful and up to date, because some refuges may be quite old. Each refuge will have a water source with usually a water well pumped into the house. You will have beds and blankets to cover you. You will see food stored in the pantry, and some clothes stored in the closet. You will have some wood cut up for the fire in the wood fireplace for the winter. You may have oil lamps or rechargeable battery powered lanterns for lights at night. Be grateful that you have a place with the angels protecting you. The evil ones will not be able to see you, because the angels will make you invisible. Fear not the coming tribulation because I will provide food and water every day along with daily Holy Communion.”


Wednesday, July 31, 2019: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)
Jesus said: “My people, I love My faithful followers, and I will reach out to protect you from the evil ones. There are people in My own Church that are trying to mislead My faithful, and they will be causing a schismatic church. You will have to separate yourselves from this evil group, and only follow My faithful remnant. In addition to the schismatic church, you will see persecution coming from your government, once your current President is removed. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges. Fear not these evil ones because My angels will shield you at My refuges. After the Warning, the six conversion weeks, and a brief reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My punishment upon the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing some active earthquakes cause some damage in California. You are also seeing in the vision another earthquake with devastating quaking which could even send San Francisco into the Pacific Ocean. I have given you several messages about San Francisco falling into the ocean. This city is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, and it will suffer from My justice for its many sins of homosexual activity. Once My faithful are secure at My refuges in this area, I will allow this earthquake to swallow up San Francisco as a punishment for their sins. Now is the time to get your souls ready to handle your Warning judgment by coming to monthly Confession. Keep praying for your families that their souls will be saved during the coming tribulation.”


Thursday, August 1, 2019: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My people, I gave the people a parable about the Judgment Day. Some fishermen put out their net for a catch of fish. They pulled in their nets with the fish, and they had to sort out the good fish from the bad fish. This is similar to the Judgment Day when My angels will sort the bad people from the good people. The evil people will be collected and thrown into the flames of hell. While the good and faithful people will be escorted into My Kingdom in heaven. You are either with Me or against Me. My faithful will repent of their sins, obey My Commandments, and perform good works to show how they believe in Me. The evil ones will refuse to love Me, and they will perform all manner of evil works without any repentance for their sins. I will forgive even the most serious sin, but people must be sorry for their sins and seek My forgiveness in Confession to a priest, if they want to be saved. Be prepared with a pure soul so you are ready to face Me at your particular judgment when you die.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you saw four men that wore beards in four cars in your church parking lot that looked suspicious. Now, last night you saw a shed to collect clothes for the poor, that was burned to the ground this morning. It was arson, and this could be linked to what you saw last week. It would be wise for your church to have some cameras that could view your parking lots. At least you could see any suspicious people like you saw last week. You are seeing churches burned down, so this could be a warning. Pray that you could find out who did this arson.”

Jesus said: “My son, St. Joseph’s Church in Phoenix, Arizona was one of the churches that you were trying to speak in along with Fr. Michel. On St. Joseph’s day this church was burned to the ground. This burning of churches will be a part of the coming persecution. You will see Christians persecuted and more churches will be burned down. In other countries you are seeing terrorists burning down churches and killing Christians. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to come to My refuges of protection. Only My faithful with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were instrumental in gathering these theology books from Fr. Fraat’s house, and you gave them to Fr. Michel for his English library. Your priest friend could use this English library to help his seminarians in teaching theology in English. Fr. Michel will be with you in his attempts to get enough money to build his second monastery. Pray that his second monastery could get started soon, because you are approaching the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges before the tribulation time. My refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places that have been consecrated by a priest, shrines, places that have adored My Blessed Sacrament for years, monasteries, and even caves. In the vision you are seeing some faithful living at the entrance of a cave. If necessary, My angels will provide them tents, blankets, food, water, and fuels for the winter. Do not have any fear of the evil ones because My angels will provide for your protection and all that you will need for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, your opposition party candidates are struggling to decide what issues they will support. So far their ideas about Medicare for all, the ‘Green’ plan, and other programs appear to be very expensive and not very realistic. Continue to pray that your people do not fall victim to voting in the socialist communists.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weather events are about to turn more serious as you will be seeing more storms coming near your country. Pray for any victims that may encounter such storms. This is another reason why I want you to continue your reparation Masses for those people who could be killed suddenly from natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be called on to help support some missionary priests as Fr. Moreta, Fr. Boniface, and Fr. Michel. They need your prayers as well as your financial aid. So be prepared to help them when you have the opportunity to do so.”


Friday, August 2, 2019: (St. Eusebius)
Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the vision how plans for the second monastery were about to be fulfilled. The money for the materials has been donated, and the procedures for building it are being worked on. It is part of this plan to obtain the materials for the monastery, as you are seeing in the vision. If this second monastery is to be built during the tribulation, then the people who come to this refuge and My angels will be needed to finish the construction. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I am doing to help Fr. Michel prepare the priests for the end times.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am happy that you had a water well put in, and you were blessed to have soft water, which is unusual. You need drinkable fresh water for your refuge people. It has a little iron, but you have a cylinder to oxidize the soluble iron to rust. Your well is 47 feet down and you have a five gallon/minute rate for your water. You still put a little clorox into the well to keep any coliform out. You also are able to pump the water to your sinks and toilets. You have your smaller solar panels to run your electric water pump even in the winter, when you clear the snow off of your first floor panels. Be thankful for your water source, because you need fresh water to live.”


Saturday, August 3, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read about the Jewish Jubilee celebration of 50 years, and how the land was valued by how many crops it could produce. As you think about the harvest of crops, you could see some reductions in your food supply this fall, because of all the rain you had this year in muddy fields. Pray that your farmers can maximize their yield from the crops that were planted. You have been blessed with fertile land, so be thankful that you can produce enough food for your people to eat. Be thankful also for all of your hard working farmers who have to take risks in growing their crops.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would see one event after another. Now you are seeing shooting events in addition to your natural disasters. These shooters are picking soft targets and areas that are restricting weapons. Your first responders are doing the best they can, but with rapid fire guns, many people are shot before the gunman can be stopped. It is hard to defend against terrorists, but their houses are showing the radical character of these shooters in their writings. Since some people are using social websites, there may be some means to spot such shooters before they can kill someone. Pray that your people can be protected as much as possible.”


Sunday, August 4, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you had a missionary priest give a talk at your Mass, and he was sharing the faith with the people in South Korea. My son, you also are like a missionary, but you have a mission of preparing the people for the end times. You also are preaching to save souls, but your mission has an urgency to prepare people before the tribulation comes. I have talked to you also about a mission to have a refuge at your house. This will be for people to have a safe haven from the evil ones who want to kill you. You just saw twenty people killed by a gunman in El Paso, Texas. Now, you just heard on your news of nine killed by another gunman in Dayton, Ohio which is close to Columbus where you will be speaking in a week or so. These mass killings are becoming more frequent, but it is hard to know the reason for the action of these shooters. Some of these people are acting irrational, and should not have access to these rapid fire guns. Pray that you can find ways to limit these kinds of mass killers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing so many mass killings, that you were wondering if they were connected with each other. There is a master plan to use these mass killings as a means to take away your guns. You know how your various agencies have the means and the knowledge of how to make someone want to kill a lot of people in a crowded place. You know of putting chips in people to control their minds. You also know of people who were hypnotized that can be following someone’s direction of their will. Some people also have psychological problems, and drugs can drive them to do these killings. When there are so many incidents, it is true that they are being directed by a group who wants total control of your country. Pray that these groups of evil ones can be controlled, so you know when and where they will strike next.”


Monday, August 5, 2019:(Dedication of the Basilica of Mary Major)
Jesus said: “My people, ‘I am the Bread of Life. If anyone eats of this Bread, he shall live forever; and the Bread that I will give is My Flesh for the life of the world.’ (Jn 6:48-52) You are seeing a thread of how important My Eucharistic Bread is in today’s readings. The first sign is the manna that I rained down on Moses’ people in the desert. The second sign is the multiplication of the loaves and fish that I gave to the 5,000 men and later to the 4,000 men. The third sign is My Blessed Sacrament that I have given you in the first Mass at the Last Supper. My consecrated Host is given to you now at every Mass, and you receive My Real Presence when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. Treasure My intimate Presence with you every time you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. This is My gift of My very Self to you at every Mass.”

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of love that unites the Father and the Son. When you call on Me, I will give you the graces to speak the words to the people for converting them. I help give the words also in writing your messages for the people. You can pray to Me when you pray the ‘Glory Be’ prayer. This is why the Lord asked you to pray the 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese, because you are invoking My Name in each prayer. When you go out to your talks, you have been asked to pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer, and to pray the 24 ‘Glory Be’ prayers to St. Therese. This will be your protection from the evil ones, and a help in your driving to your destination safely. Be prepared to share your messages from Jesus as you instruct the people.”


Tuesday, August 6, 2019: (The Transfiguration of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, My Transfiguration was a preview of My Resurrection, as I appeared to My apostles radiant in My Glorified Body. I also appeared with Moses on one side and Elijah on the other side. During that moment God the Father spoke from heaven: ‘This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear Him.’ (Matt. 17:5) I told St. Peter, St. John, and St. James not to speak about what they had seen until after My Resurrection from the dead. My son, you remember when you were on Mount Tabor, and you saw the Church of the Transfiguration. It had a chapel to Elijah on one side and a chapel to Moses on the other side. In the church near the altar, you could see an opening to the rock on which I was transfigured. There were beautiful angels painted on the walls. This is a beautiful church to mark this glorious event.”

Jesus said: “My son, you and many other faithful are working quickly to get your refuges ready to receive many people. You have stored some food, some water, some beds and cots, as well as your fuels for the winter. You also have a chapel with an altar, chairs, and vessels and vestments for Mass. You have a monstrance for your perpetual Adoration, when you will assign hours for people to be constantly praying before My consecrated Host. You have a Lectionary and a Roman Missal for offering Mass, along with hosts and wine. You will have daily Holy Communion at your refuges from a priest or My angels. My angels will protect you with an invisible shield, and they will help multiply what you need, and provide any needed buildings. Have faith in My protection at My refuges, and be prepared to live as a faith community with making meals and places to sleep. You will have assigned jobs for cooking, washing things, and providing latrines. You may want to have one more refuge practice run to refresh your memory on how to prepare your foods and use your water and fuels in the cold weather. Living at your refuges will be your purgatory on earth during the tribulation. Remember to work hard on converting your family and friends during the six weeks after the Warning. Only My believers will receive a cross on their foreheads from My angels. This cross will be necessary to have on your forehead in order to enter My refuges. Call on Me and your guardian angels to lead you to the nearest refuge, when I call you to come to My refuges.”


Wednesday, August 7, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Numbers you read how the princes of the Hebrews scouted the Promised Land, but some of them were fearful of the Anakim giants. Because of their reluctance to enter the Promised Land, the Hebrews were punished for forty years before they could enter. There was a lack of faith in the power of the Father, and for this they were punished. You remember how David slewed Goliath as a sign of My help against the giants. Even today, you face many trials that may seem impossible to overcome. But with Me, all things are possible, so you need to call on Me, and I will find a solution for your problems. I am looking for your trust and faith in My power, and then I will help you through your impossible trials. When you want Me to multiply your food in the tribulation, it will be this deep faith and trust that you must have for Me to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is very little justice in your world for how much people should pay in taxes. Some people pay less taxes because they can use legal deductions from tax laws that are not easy to determine. Many people want to tax the rich up to 70%, but the current Federal law is placed at about 39%. When you add in State income tax, Social Security Tax, land taxes, and sales taxes, your taxes for a middle income earner can reach 40% to 50%. Most of your taxes do come from the middle class. Another complaint is that some corporations do not pay their fair share. Part of that is because many localities offer corporations tax breaks to bring jobs to their areas. It is this corporate welfare that lowers corporate taxes. The bigger problem is that your government is allowed to spend more money than it brings in with taxes. It is these deficits that will bring down your finances. Pray for a just tax system that will be fair to all levels of income.”


Thursday, August 8, 2019: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, the Father and I both had to scold Moses and St. Peter for their lack of faith. The Hebrews in the desert complained that they had no water. So I had Moses call the people together, and I told him to strike the rock once with his staff to have water. But Moses appeared to doubt My word, because he struck the rock twice instead of only once. For this I told Moses he could not go with his people into the Promised Land. In the Gospel I was telling My apostles how the Scribes and Pharisees would have Me crucified, but I would rise from the dead on the third day. St. Peter said that this should not happen to Me, so I called St. Peter to be Satan, and to get behind Me. I told St. Peter that he was thinking as human beings do, and not as God does. Dying on the cross for all of mankind’s sins, was the very reason why I came into this world, because I am your promised Savior and Redeemer. So I ask all of My faithful to follow My Will for your missions, and follow My Commandments to show you believe in Me for your soul’s salvation. Do not be weak in faith as Moses and St. Peter, but always follow Me in faith.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the hate in your country has gotten out of hand, that some people did not want your President to even visit El Paso, Texas or Dayton, Ohio. The candidates for President even accused your President for causing these shootings. Your country needs to mourn the loss of those killed, and stop making these incidents into political opportunities to criticize your President. Pray for peace and less hate in your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is trying to level the playing field in your trade with China. Because China is not changing their agreed to faults, your President is using tariffs to try and bring them to a trade deal. It appears that a trade war is occurring that could be hurting both of your economies. Pray that both countries can reach an honest trade deal, or the tariffs could affect other countries as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, as both China and the US look for other trade options, your farmers may lose some markets in China. Even your own companies may seek other suppliers of your imports than China. This trade issue will have an effect on your currencies and sourcing that will affect your import prices. Pray for a fair trading agreement, but China may not choose to do it.”

Jesus said: “My people, with so many uncertainties with your China trade war, your businesses may pull back their production, which could push prices up if your goods are in short supply. There is a recession possible and a possible shortage in your fall harvest. Pray that your economy will continue without being affected by the latest problems you are facing.”

Jesus said: “My people, some areas of your country are dry, while other areas are receiving too much rain. You are still seeing tornadoes, and some hurricanes that will threaten your cities. Keep offering up your Reparation Masses for those victims who could die from storms and your shootings. Those people, who die suddenly, need this grace at their judgments.”

Jesus said: “My people, a few months ago you had some severe earthquakes of 6.6 and 7.1 in the southern part of California. These earthquakes were the strongest in several decades. Many people in this area were frightened by such strong earthquakes. Your coming Conference with the Gospa prayer house in California is needed to calm any fears, and prepare the people for the coming Warning and tribulation. When your people receive My word to come to a safe haven, you will be thankful for the refuges that I have inspired people to prepare for this time.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been called to share some important missions with Fr. Michel in several places this fall. Your time for speaking is getting short before events may lead to My calling you to the safety of My refuges. I told you how evil your society is getting, and I will be separating the good people in My refuges from the bad people. Once you are at My refuges, I will bring My punishment down on the evil people to destroy them, and cast them into hell. After My Warning you will have six weeks to convert your families to the faith. Those people, who believe in Me, will have My angels place crosses on their foreheads. Only those people with a cross on their forehead will be allowed into My refuges.”


Friday, August 9, 2019: (St. Teresa Benedicta, Edith Stein)
Jesus said: “My people, in World War II you saw the evil of Satan in how he directed Hitler to kill millions of Jews because they were hated and criticized. In today’s world you are seeing this hate again spewed by your media and liberal thinking people toward anyone who does not think as they do. This is the devil demonizing anyone who thinks conservative, or who supports your President. You can see that this hate could lead to a civil war of the liberals vs the conservatives. Because Satan is leading this hate, you can see how the atheistic communists will also focus their hate against all Christians who believe in Me. Many forget that the religious people, as priests and nuns, were also killed along with the Jews by Hitler. Today, the persecution and killing of Christians is also occurring because of the devil’s hate of Me. This is why I will be calling My faithful to come to the protection of My refuges. My angels will shield you from the evil ones who will try to kill you. In the Gospel I want you to take notice of the original translation of Matt. 16:26: ‘For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul?’ The loss of your soul is for all eternity. But the loss of your life, as in the current translation, is only temporary. It is a greater loss to lose your soul than to lose your life. This is why such changes in your translations change the whole meaning of the Scriptures. Follow the original translation you were given.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Me at your judgment, I will not judge you on how much money you have, or how many possessions you have. Instead, you will be judged on how much you loved Me, and how much you loved your neighbors in your good deeds. Your treasure in heaven will balance off some of the punishment due for your sins. So focus your life around Me, and strive to save as many souls as possible. Do not be seeking more wealth than you need, but be more concerned about your eternal destination with Me. Also be willing to help many people at your refuge for their protection, and to provide for their needs both physically and spiritually.”


Saturday, August 10, 2019: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, I have bestowed many graces, and even a good income on those people who follow Me in love. Those people, who love Me, are the same people who love their families and people in need of help. If you have been blessed with some excess wealth, then you can afford to share your money with family and those in need. My Church needs your regular support as well as some family members. When you share your money with others, this is your way of thanking Me for giving you a good income. When you give to My Church and others, do not just give token donations, but give substantial donations that you can afford. In addition to financial donations, you can share your prayers, and even reach out to save souls by encouraging them to attend Sunday Mass. You know how I love a cheerful giver, so share what you can to help those in need.”


Sunday, August 11, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel there are two great quotations to ponder in your heart. The first is: (Lk 12:12) ‘For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.’ If your treasure is being in front of My consecrated Host at Adoration, or if your treasure is helping people with good deeds or donations, then your heart is present with Me. If your treasure is how much money or possessions you could acquire, then your heart is cold to Me, as you love worldly things more than Me. The second quotation is: (Lk 12:48) ‘Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.’ So if you inherited a lot of money, you will be expected to share that money with people. And if you received a gift of strong faith, you would be expected to share your faith with others as well. As for the vision of My coming Judgment, My people need to be prepared to meet Me at any hour of any day. The best way to be prepared for the Warning and My judgment is to keep your soul clean all the time with frequent Confession, daily Mass, Holy Communion, and daily prayers. If you make Me the center of your life, then you will have no worries, because you know I will give you your reward in heaven.”


Monday, August 12, 2019: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, it is your duty to help support My Church, so you can help the priest with the expenses of maintaining your church. You know how you have to pay for your heat and your lights at your home. So the church has even more to pay. You also have to pay to keep your roof, your heater, and even your driveway maintained, but your church also pays for such maintenance. So when you give your donation, do not just give a token amount, but give a substantial donation. You also pay land taxes to your town and your schools. You may also have to help support your Catholic schools. The churches for now, do not pay land taxes, but this could change in the future. In that case you may have to increase your donations. Once your churches are persecuted, you may not be able to go to a church in public, but you may have to have Masses underground, or in hidden places like your refuges. Be thankful for what you have today, because during the coming tribulation, you will be living a harder life of isolation. Trust in Me because My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”


Tuesday, August 13, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, this swirling vortex, like a whirlpool, is another sign of My Warning, and it is very close. I am seeing how evil this world is, and how the devil is doing everything to lead the people away from Me. Your schools and colleges are brainwashing your children and young adults to take Me out of their lives. This is why it is hard to get your youth to come to Sunday Mass. This is also why the young people have little respect for authority in obeying your civil laws and My Commandments. The parents need to teach their children about how I love them, and how I died for their sins. You need to teach your children their prayers, and how important it is to have Me lead their lives. With many single parent households, it is difficult for the mother to work, and teach her kids about love of Me and their neighbor. Bringing up your children in the Catholic faith is needed in all families, and the parents need to show love for their children. Call on Me to help your children to know their prayers, and for them to love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this swirling vortex, like a whirlpool, is another sign of My Warning, and it is very close. I am seeing how evil this world is, and how the devil is doing everything to lead the people away from Me. Your schools and colleges are brainwashing your children and young adults to take Me out of their lives. This is why it is hard to get your youth to come to Sunday Mass. This is also why the young people have little respect for authority in obeying your civil laws and My Commandments. The parents need to teach their children about how I love them, and how I died for their sins. You need to teach your children their prayers, and how important it is to have Me lead their lives. With many single parent households, it is difficult for the mother to work, and teach her kids about love of Me and their neighbor. Bringing up your children in the Catholic faith is needed in all families, and the parents need to show love for their children. Call on Me to help your children to know their prayers, and for them to love Me.”


Wednesday, August 14, 2019: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, do not forget that many nuns and priests were also killed with the Jews in Hitler’s death camps. Where there is evil killings, the devil will also try to remove My priests and those who believe in Me. The Holocaust in World War II was so horrible, yet you did not think this could happen again. You are killing a million of My babies every year in your country alone. You are also seeing Christians being killed in Muslim countries. You are again seeing gunmen committing mass killings in your various cities. I will not allow this constant killing of innocent people much longer. My Warning and the tribulation are coming soon, then I will send all of these evil people to their deaths, and their souls into hell by My justice. Have patience and be ready to come to My refuges of safety, where I will separate the good people from the evil people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard and read stories of how the farmers were unable to plant all of their land because of the muddy fields. They did some late planting, but it is unsure if that late planting will have enough time to mature. Do not be surprised if your farmers have less crops to harvest this fall. I have even warned My people to stock up on your dried foods, because there could be a shortage of crops for your people to eat. When you see shortages in your stores, you will remember My warnings. You will be seeing more years of bad crop yields, which is another reason to continue adding to your supply every year. Remember Joseph in Egypt when he had the people grow as much as possible during the years of plenty. He also had them store extra food for the lean years. You are about to see some lean years, and those people, who are stocking up now, will be the people who will have food during your lean years of a coming famine. This is not hoarding food, but it is prudent storage for a time of need in the coming famine. You need to start planning for your next refuge practice run. You could choose a date acceptable to your prayer group, when you are not traveling.”


Thursday, August 15, 2019: (The Assumption of Mary into heaven)
Mary said: “My dear children, today’s Gospel is about my coming to be with my cousin, Elizabeth. I was pregnant with my Son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, and as I entered, St. John the Baptist in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy. This was in Ein Karem, Israel, and after Elizabeth’s greeting, I recited my Magnificat giving glory to God for both our unborn babies. You, my son, have been to Mexico City to see Juan Diego’s miraculous image of me on his tilma. This image was of me clothed in the sun, and I was pregnant at the time. I am the Immaculate Conception, and I am the Patroness of all the Americas. Today is a great feast day of my Assumption into heaven, when the Lord took me into heaven so I would not suffer corruption of my body. The Church confirms this miracle, and I am your Blessed Mother where I place my mantle of protection over all the Americas. Call on me to bless and protect your children from all the temptations of the devil and the world.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more gun incidents where police were shot in Philadelphia, Pa. You also are seeing many places that want to have stricter gun laws. Even if your guns were taken away, the criminals would find a way to get assault rifles and the ammunition. When you have gun laws that restrict people from having guns, you are only restricting law abiding citizens who need guns for protection. All of these incidents have taking away your guns as the reason why they are being orchestrated. Eventually, I will call My people to My refuges where you will be safe from these gunmen.”

Jesus said: “My people, because your 10 yr Treasury bond yields are higher than other countries, many people are buying them as safe assets. When stocks go down, those people in stocks switch to the 10 yr bonds. The more people who buy these treasury bonds, the lower the yield goes. This is why you are seeing an inverted bond yield where the two year bond yield is almost equal to the ten year bond. In the past, such inverted bond yields have been a sign of a coming recession. Many countries are having trouble with their economies. It is these low GDP numbers that other countries are having, that is contributing to a lower stock market. Pray that your economy does not falter as the other countries are doing.”

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast day of My Blessed Mother celebrates her Assumption into heaven. This was a blessing given to My Blessed Mother to honor her life without sin, and for answering the angel’s call to be My mother. She is the one person who was sinless on earth, as I was sinless. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving you My Blessed Mother to guide you to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Iran capture a British oil tanker because Great Britain seized one of their oil tankers. Now, Great Britain has released the seized Iranian oil tanker, but it is not certain that Iran will release the captured British tanker. Iran’s seizure of ships and damage to other ships has raised tensions in the Persian Gulf. Continue to pray that no war will come from Iran’s actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is using tariffs on China’s exports to try and change their bad trading habits. This can be dangerous in affecting your import prices from China, and it could affect the global economies. It is this uncertainty of tariffs that is affecting your stock prices. Keep praying that your two countries can come to a fair trade agreement.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called a good number of people to set up refuges so My faithful will have a safe haven to come to for their protection. I am even asking you to have your fourth refuge practice run with your prayer group. This would be a good practice to do for all of My refuges. You need to be ready to accept people at your refuges for sleeping, eating, and praying together. I told you this will be how I will separate My believers from the evil people.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Warning is needed at this time to wake up the sinners who are ignoring Me, and not repenting of their sins. Once My people face their life review and mini-judgment, they all will see how much their sins offend Me. Many people after the Warning will have a strong need for Confession. You can come to frequent Confession before My Warning, so you do not see hell in your mini-judgment. This world needs a wake-up call because your sins are getting worse every day. Only My believers will receive a cross on their foreheads. So work on converting your family members during the six weeks after the Warning, or else they may be lost and not allowed into My refuges. You do not want to see any family members lost in the eternal flames of hell.”


Friday, August 16, 2019: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading I was showing the Hebrew people how they were led by Moses and Joshua. I was instrumental in protecting them from the Egyptians. When they crossed over the Jordan River, I also helped them to defeat the various people on the Promised Land. I helped them in battle, and I sent hornets to clear the land for the Hebrews. This is a lesson even for My faithful of today, so you can see how I protect My people even from the evil forces of communism and the jihadist Muslims. There are many forces, who follow the devil, who will try to kill My faithful. Have no fear because I will protect you at My refuges. You will have My angels to defend you, but do not take any pride in these actions of Mine, because it is I who am defeating your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had several bad storms approach your refuge, but when you prayed your storm prayer, they broke up and did not cause any damage. You have faith that I will protect all of your refuges so you will have a safe place of protection. In other words your refuge angel will protect your place from damage, even before the Warning and the tribulation. I have told you that after the Warning, your refuge angel will put a shield of invisibility over your refuge so the evil ones will not see you. This same angel will also put a shield over you that will protect you from any damage from storms or bombs. If you can believe in such miraculous protection during the tribulation, then you can believe that the same angel will protect your refuge even before the Warning. Continue to put your trust in My Word, and you will have no worries of the Warning and tribulation to come.”


Saturday, August 17, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Joshua you are reading about the covenant that Joshua made with Me and his people. He did not want them praying to the false gods of their neighbors, and he emphasized their allegiance to Me by making markers and statues to Me. He said: (Joshua 24:15) ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ You have My Commandments that were given to Moses. This is My covenant with all of humanity that you will love Me, and your neighbor as yourself. These laws are the two great commandments that spell out My love for you. I am your Creator, and you are made in My image. You are here to know, love, and serve Me as when you were taught in your early years. Hold fast to My laws of love, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to prepare for your fourth refuge practice run because My people need to be prepared for the coming tribulation. My refuges will be your places of safety, as you will be protected by your refuge angel, St. Meridia, at your refuge. Your last practice run was done on February 2, 2019, but you are seeing events getting more serious now. It is because of the closeness of the Warning, and your need to practice what you learned, that I am calling you to plan your fourth refuge practice run. You usually start at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and you go to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. You first plan the hours on a sign up sheet for the constant hours of Adoration in your chapel. You then assign jobs and plan what you will have for your meals. You will be using your stored food, without using any electricity or ovens. You used your butane burner and fuel for heating water and your food. You used your propane oven to bake your loaves of bread. If it is cold out, you can use your kerosene burners, and/or your wood fireplace for keeping you warm. You will be using your well water for water, and your pump powered by your solar panels during the day. You have wind-up flashlights, and rechargeable battery powered lanterns for light at night. You will need cots, pillows, and blankets for sleeping at night. You may also try washing your clothes by hand and your wringer. By having a plan for people to have various jobs, you can handle sleeping, eating, the latrine, and providing water and food. You will need fuels to run your heaters and ovens. All of these things will need to be multiplied by faith in Me, so your people can survive several years if needed. Plan a specific date so most of your people could come to your practice run.”


Sunday, August 18, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am speaking about how faith in Me is dividing families. There are some family members who pray and come to Sunday Mass, but there are other family members in the same family, who ignore My love, and they refuse to come to Sunday Mass. Now, you are seeing even more cause for problems in My Church with the latest old pedophile cases that could bankrupt your dioceses. There are some true abuses, but it is your governor and the lawyers who are trying to bring down My churches with exorbitant settlements that the churches cannot afford. In addition to pedophile cases, you are also going to see a further division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. When you see heresies promoted in these schismatic churches, you are to leave such churches for My faithful churches. You will also see My Churches persecuted by your government for taxes and hate crimes. You can see how eventually, My faithful remnant will need to come to My refuges of safety for Mass and prayers. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to leave their homes, and come to My refuges, where My angels will protect you and provide for what you need to survive. Trust in Me to help you through My Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear and follow My angels.”


Monday, August 19, 2019:(St. John Eudes, anniv Mass Jeanne Marie)
Jeanne Marie said: “My dear husband Al, how I love you so much, and we are separated for now. But we will see each other again when you come to heaven. I am watching over you for now. Remember, how our love is forever beyond this fence of time in the world.”

(Lee Campanella Funeral Mass) Lee said: “I love My wife, Rosetta, and all of my family. Thank you all for attending my funeral. I also want to thank all of my care-givers in the last years of my life. I thank Lori for a nice eulogy. The Lord has accepted me into heaven because I was able to do my purgatory on earth. Keep your focus on Jesus and your prayers, and he will guide you through life. It is your faith and good deeds that will help you into heaven. I pray that all of my family members will follow my example. I will be watching over you, so have no fear.”


Tuesday, August 20, 2019: (Evelyn Gravino memorial Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, there are times when some people are always agitating others because they are mean spirited. Even if one person causes you stress, do not be like the other person, but show your Christian kindness, even to evil people. Because someone causes trouble, do not let them spoil your life, but be loving to everyone. Evelyn was part of your lives, and she deserves some respect for her life among you, despite what others have done. It is better to pay your respects for her funeral, than to hold any hate for someone. Any hate or dislike for someone can only hurt your own life. It is better to have peace about the passing of your relatives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious earthquakes in California over the last few months. In southern California you saw a 6.6 and a 7.1 earthquake. More recently, you have seen a swarm of smaller earthquakes along the San Andreas fault. These swarms of earthquakes have been occurring more frequently. You will be seeing more such swarms along this same fault line. There are several fault lines that are even connected to Yellowstone’s super volcano. If you see more serious earthquakes, you could see them cause an eruption of this volcano that could kill many people, and it could cover your fields with three inches of dust. Pray that your people will be ready to evacuate from the San Andreas fault, so they will be saved from any destruction.”


Wednesday, August 21, 2019: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel seems a bit unfair to the worldly people who always complain if things do not look fair. In the parable the owner of the vineyard sent workers out into the vineyard for various numbers of hours of the day. They all agreed to work for the daily usual wage. When they received their pay, they all received the same daily wage. Some people complained that they should have received more for working longer hours. The owner asked them if they were envious because he was generous to those workers who only worked one hour. This parable has a deeper spiritual meaning than just the daily wage. This represents how people may be converted to their faith in Me at various ages of life. Some people may be faithful to Me their whole lives, and they are saved in heaven. Few people may even be saved at their death bed in the last hours of their lives, but they receive the same gift of heaven. I am more than just generous, but I am merciful even to a sinner who repents at the last hour before death. So do not risk waiting to the last hour to be saved, but repent of your sins, and let Me lead your life as soon as possible. Then you too, can receive eternal salvation with Me in heaven. When you come to Me, you will truly receive your eternal prize of being with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a map of the United States, but the edges are on fire. This represents how the demons and the flames of hell are affecting your people with the filth of their evil. You are seeing how the socialist agenda is taking over your opposition party. This socialist communist plan is also infecting your opposition party with atheism as well. It is the Godless part of communism that is inviting more demons to take over your country. Once you take Me out of your schools and public buildings, the demons will take over this void. This is why your schools and colleges are brainwashing your young adults with atheistic communism. They are taking away the faith in Me that you taught your children. These same liberals are trying to do away with your history, traditions, and even your treasured Constitution. This is why they want to do away with your electoral college and any mention of My Name in public. You need to re-educate your youth in the faith, or their souls could be lost to the demons who are trying to take over your country.”


Thursday, August 22, 2019: (Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to celebrate my feast day with you, as I place my mantle of protection over all of my children. I bring you to my Son, Jesus, so you can share in the love of our Two Hearts. We are seeing the terrible killings going on in your world, especially all of your abortions of God’s little ones. We both love all of you so much, and we pray to save as many souls as possible. You can imitate our lives, but you need to give your free will over to my Son’s Divine Will, so you can carry out the mission He has given each of you. I want to thank Queenship Publishing for all they do to spread the messages of God’s love in all the books and DVDs that they sell. I pray for their success, so they can carry on their mission. I also thank them for honoring me with their title. Continue to pray my rosary every day, and wear my scapular as a sign of your faith in Me and my Son, Jesus.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your President is making some more changes in your immigration rules at the border. There have been many complaints about separating parents from children while the parents wait for a court date for their asylum claim. Now the new rule is not to separate the children, even though separating children was done under your previous President. Another new rule is to implement an existing law of mandating a DNA test for everyone, so criminals found guilty of crimes, cannot enter the country. This law was stopped under your previous President, but now it is being reinstated because so many criminal immigrants are seeking asylum.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some mentally unstable people able to get guns and large ammunition clips. When they announce their killing plans to friends, or they put it on your social media, now people are warning police of possible mass killing attempts. You have seen three or more such people arrested for having many weapons and large magazines of bullets in their houses along with their threats. Such discoveries are saving lives, and people need to warn the police of such dangerous situations. Pray that you can continue to stop these mass killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the opposition party and the media try to impeach your President over the Russian collusion and other fake news. Now these same people are talking about a recession and how they can blame your President for a bad economy. You have seen an inverted yield curve where the 10 yr bond yield is less than the 2 yr bond yield. The 10 yr bond yield is being artificially lowered by so many investors both here and abroad who are seeking safe assets with positive interest. Foreign bonds are even charging negative interest rates. Many economists are dismissing this recession sign since consumers are still buying things. Pray that your economy can continue to prosper.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the opposition party candidates proposing issues that do not make financial sense to carry out. The ‘Green’ issue of doing away with fossil fuels is not practically possible. Claiming Medicare for all is another financial impossibility that would bankrupt this program that was only meant for seniors at or over 65. Claiming to pay for free college, or forgiving such loans is another financial impossibility. These candidates are making outrageous proposals without any plan for how to pay for them. Another danger is to propose a socialist takeover of your government. This may eventually happen, but it is not supported by your voters now. Be ready to come to My refuges if the socialists threaten to take over your country, because your lives would be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon see a conflict in your country between those people proposing a socialistic society vs those people who support capitalism and your Constitutional rules. You are seeing poor economies in communist countries, and a lack of love of Me in their atheistic ways. Capitalism has some flaws, but it does reward people who work hard to earn a living. Pray that your country will not turn to socialism, since it is a stepping stone to atheistic communism.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who want the popular vote to replace the electoral college vote, but this would require an amendment to the Constitution. The electoral college is meant to equalize the representation of high population states with low population states. Now some states want to force all of their votes to go to the candidate with the most votes. This replaces district by district votes that splits up the states’ tallies. You can see this as another means to try and prevent your President from winning again. Pray for a fair election according to your Constitution.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more and more evil coming into your society because your people are not obeying My Commandments. Your families are not staying together, and you continue killing a million of My little ones every year. Unless you repent and change your evil ways, I will allow more natural disasters, and your enemies to take you over. In the Old Testament you saw how I allowed Israel’s enemies to overtake them when they followed foreign gods instead of Me. When your lives are threatened, I will call My faithful to My refuges. Then I will destroy the evil ones and cast their souls into hell.”


Friday, August 23, 2019: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, you are here in this magnificent basilica which is a testimony to all the beautiful things that Fr. Baker did for the people. He is a Servant of God on his way to sainthood. He touched many lives with his leadership, and it was by his daily prayers that I accomplished his mission in accessing funds for his projects. It was the spiritual gifts that he shared, that helped so many souls through hard times. He is an inspiration of faith to see what you can accomplish if you have faith and trust in Me. He faced many trials, but My graces were sufficient for him to succeed in his projects. All of My people are faced with trials in life, but when you give it all over to Me, I can help you succeed also in carrying out your individual missions. Continue to trust in Me, even in your refuge mission, where I will provide for all the people who will come to your refuge. By My grace you will be able to house and feed the people who I will send to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, abortion is killing one million babies every year, which makes this subject the biggest threat to human life on your planet. You have seen the Holocaust kill millions of Jews, priests, and nuns in World War II by Hitler. Now, you have a new holocaust of abortions that is threatening all unborn babies. This movie of ‘Unplanned’ about Abby Johnson shows you exactly how Planned Parenthood and its doctors are killing millions of babies for profit. It is pointed out in the movie how money received for abortions is their main source of income. Now Planned Parenthood is refusing to take Title X funds from the taxpayer. The interviews on this DVD show how a Planned Parenthood clinic director turned to pro-life when she witnessed a baby being sucked out of the womb. When your people realize they are killing their babies with every abortion, then they may wake up to how cruel this killing is, and how it offends Me very much. Do not listen to the devil who tells you to kill babies out of convenience, but think about how you are violating My Fifth Commandment in killing your baby. Life is too precious to kill, because these babies will never see a chance to fulfill the mission that was meant for each baby. You are committing a mortal sin by killing your baby, and you are violating My Divine Will for the purpose of this life.”


Saturday, August 24, 2019: (St. Bartholomew)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were all chosen by heaven, and it was not easy for them to leave their families and follow Me. They did not realize how important their mission would be to share My very words of the Gospel to all the nations. They were given the gifts of the Holy Spirit to speak different languages, and they had gifts of healing, and some could even raise people from the dead. They also had protection from the demons and could exorcize demons out of people. I sent them out two by two to spread My message of love. Today, I am also calling on My new apostles of the end times to save souls, and prepare the people for the Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist. All of My original apostles, except St. John, were persecuted and martyred for My Name’s sake. So in the end times My apostles will also be persecuted, and some may be martyred as well. I am having My refuge builders prepare safe havens for My faithful to come and be protected by My angels. I will separate the good people at My refuges, from the evil people who will be killed and cast into hell with My Comet of Chastisement. Trust in My power as I will protect My apostles and My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, socialism is giving more power over to the federal government, and it eventually takes away all of your freedoms guaranteed by your current Bill of Rights. One of the most flagrant loss of rights in socialism is the acceptance of atheism and the loss of your right to worship Me. You can see how the devil promotes socialistic communism because it will push Me out of your churches. You see socialists who want free health care and education paid for by the government. Medicare for all and free college for everyone would cost more money from your taxpayer. Right now the middle class pays most of the taxes and has voting rights. In a true communist government, you would lose your right to vote, and the party leaders would benefit the most. Capitalism allows you to have the reward of your work, and you keep your freedoms according to your Constitution. Your people have had their freedoms too long to give them up over to the socialist communists. Pray that your people continue to vote against communist tactics. The worst thing about communism, is that the socialists hope their constant lies will be believed as true when you hear it over and over on your media. Pray to keep your Christian faith, and vote against your atheistic socialist plans for taking over your country.”


Sunday, August 25, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel someone asked Me ‘Are only a few people going to be saved? I answered him: (Luke 13:24) ‘Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able to.’ You have two choices: you can either enter the narrow gate to heaven by witnessing your faith in Me by your actions, or you can enter the broad road to hell where the devil tempts you with all kinds of worldly pleasures. In Matt 22:14 I told My people: ‘For many are called but few are chosen.’ This was at the end of My parable about the wedding feast when the people invited, failed to attend. So the king wanted to fill his room with guests, so people were invited off the street. Some people, who were invited, were not dressed with wedding garments, so they were bound and thrown outside. It is not enough to hear My Word, but you must put My Word into action by making Me the center of your life. Those people, who accept Me, will have their reward in heaven, but those people, who refuse to give up their own will to Me, will be punished in hell.”


Monday, August 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I called out the woes on the Pharisees for how they were swearing by the temple and the altar. The Pharisees were lovers of money, and their directions were the obligations of swearing by the temple’s collections. They put money before worshiping Me. Just as I was calling out the evils of My society, so My faithful need to call out the woes of your society’s evils as well. It is one thing to call for repentance of your sins, but it is more important to name those sins, and call on people to change their lives. Call out publically the need to stop your abortions, to stop fornicating without marriage, to stop engaging in homosexual sins, and to stop promoting pornography. Many of your priests are afraid to talk about abortion and sexual sins in their homilies from the pulpit. Yet many souls are going to hell because of these sins. Instead of trying to hide the woes on these sins, they should be exposed for the true evil in your society. You have a ‘politically correct’ fear of talking about My Commandments, but this is the devil’s trick to avoid the shame of your sins, and the need for repentance and conversion from a sinful life. Do not have fear about speaking out about your society’s sins, but speak out about the need for Confession and a daily prayer life. People commit their sins in the dark, and try to keep them hidden. By exposing these sins in the light, you can help save souls from their sinful habits.”

Jesus said: “My son, what you are seeing, is the moment of My victory over the Antichrist and the evil people. When your lives are in danger, I will call all of My faithful to come to My refuges. Once My faithful are safely at My refuges, then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to kill all the evil people, and then I will cast the evil ones into hell. You saw My Comet of Chastisement pass close to the moon, and then it struck in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. My faithful will be protected from being killed at My refuges by the shields of My angels. The faithful will then be raised up into the air so I could renew the earth into a Garden of Eden all over the earth. Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace where they will live a long time. Once you die, you will be like saints entering into heaven. Rejoice that you are living in this glorious time.”


Tuesday, August 27, 2019: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, I called woes down upon the Pharisees and scribes because they were hypocrites, and they did not practice what they preached. They were people full of pride and desiring to lord their authority over people. I even told the people to listen to their words, but do not imitate their actions. It is one thing to listen to My words, but it is another thing to act on My words in showing your love for Me and your neighbor. I am warning My faithful not to be hypocrites as well, because it is important to give a good example by living out what you are preaching. Today, you are honoring the feast day of St. Monica. She prayed persistently for the conversion of her son, Augustine. After thirty years of St. Monica praying, St. Augustine was converted and he accomplished great things for My Church. St. Monica is a good example for all of you who have wayward children. Parents can pray persistently for their children and other family members to help save their souls. You saw how years of prayers helped save your wife’s father. So you see the need to pray for all of your family, especially for those members who are not coming to Mass on Sunday. Your prayers are being stored in heaven for the time of My Warning, when the people you prayed for will desire repentance, if they so choose. Keep remembering to pray for the souls of your family every day, to show Me how sincere you are in helping to save their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some prophesy speak of My return through this Golden Gate at the wall of the old city of Jerusalem. I will separate the bad people from My faithful. Then the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth, and I will bring a new Jerusalem down into My Era of Peace. It is the arch of this new Jerusalem that you are seeing in your vision. At the end of this Era of Peace, you will be escorted to heaven, and you will see all the mansions I have prepared for each of you. Your mansions will be built with the treasure of your good deeds, and your level of heaven will be gifted to you based on your life on earth, and how you helped My people. Rejoice, because your mansion in heaven awaits your arrival.”


Wednesday, August 28, 2019: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My son, your life on earth is a preparation for your next life with Me in heaven. You see a tree growing and vibrant, as you are alive but limited in your body. Then you saw the tree dead and cut down, as your spirit will leave your body when you die. But once your body dies, your spirit continues living in a freedom from the limits of this life. Some souls are sent to hell because of their lack of love in their lives of evil. Some souls are sent to purgatory to be purified from the punishment due for their sins. Only a few souls go directly to heaven for what they suffered on earth. Now, those souls, who are believers and will suffer the purgatory of the tribulation, will have a chance to witness what it was like for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You will experience My Era of Peace for a long life, and then your spirit will come to heaven when you die and are separated from your body. It was this sense of freedom in your spirit that you witnessed for a short time in your vision. Life with Me is glorious, and it will be your reward for being faithful to Me in all of your trials on earth.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember Bishop Sheen’s words when he visited a hospital, and he said how there was a lot of wasted pain in hospitals that could be offered up for sinners and the souls in purgatory. In the same way you do not want to waste your own time or pain, when you could offer up your prayers for souls. You have plenty of intentions for prayer even in your own family. You all have a mission of praying for and converting sinners with My help. In your world today the devil is misleading many people with desires for money, possessions, and fame. Your society is pleasure oriented for sex and comforts. Many people are selfish and they do not want to help others. If you love Me, you should love your neighbors and reach out to help them with your time, your faith, and your treasure. When you help people, you are storing up true treasure in heaven that will not be stolen or lost. Let your love for Me flow out to others in their need.”


Thursday, August 29, 2019: (Passion fo St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, there are some priests who do not want to talk about difficult subjects as today’s reading about the beheading of St. John the Baptist. They also are afraid to talk about abortions, or the sexual sins that are taking many souls to hell. They are concerned about offending people, and those people may stop their donations. This is why you rarely hear homilies on these sensitive subjects, and the homilies are a rewording of the readings of the day. I mentioned in a previous message that My faithful need to speak out about the sins of your society that need Confession, and the conversion of sinners and fallen away Catholics. Pray for sinners to be healed and converted, because this is every mission of baptized people. It is the lukewarm souls who could be lost, if you do not reach out in faith to save them, and urge them to return to Mass and Confession.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have pictures of the Georgia Guidestones that have the commandments of the one world people on large stones in eight languages. Their first statement speaks about keeping the population at or below 500 million, which means they want to drastically reduce the population from 7.5 billion people down to 500 million people. This mass killing would require a famine, some nuclear wars, or a pandemic virus. You can be sure the devil is behind this plan because he hates man. Pray for My protection at My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the peak of your hurricane season, and you are being tested by many natural disasters. In the next few days your weather forecasters are predicting Hurricane Dorian will come near Florida as a category 3 or 4 storm. Your people need to be prepared with food and water because of some possible power outages. Some people along the coast may need to be evacuated to safe areas. Pray for the safety of your people and your government help to take care of any damage.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about the fires in Brazil in the Amazon. You have many fires out West as well. Pray for your first responders and for all those people who could lose their lives and their homes in these fires. This is why you are having your reparation Masses to pray for any souls who die suddenly without time to properly prepare for their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several candidates for President dropping out of the current primary race. It is unusual to see so many opposition candidates who are putting forth many socialist plans. Keep in mind that it is better to support candidates who are against abortion. Your country needs to change its abortion and euthanasia laws, or you will face worse natural disasters. Pray for your country to vote in God-fearing people who will support My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know all the unfair trade practices that China has committed and it continues to take advantage of your country in its trade. This is why your President is trying to make a fair field for trade by increasing the tariffs on China’s imports. It appears no trade talks are happening, and the first new tariffs will start September 1st. It is unclear how these tariffs will affect your economy and the global economy. China will suffer more than America because China has more to lose. Pray that there will be a fair trade agreement, or both of your economies could be affected.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just witnessed a 6.3
earthquake off the Oregon coast along with other smaller earthquakes. You have been seeing several strong earthquakes along your Western coast that are becoming more frequent and more severe. These earthquakes are more natural disasters that could lead to larger earthquakes. Again pray for the victims of any earthquakes who could be suffering deaths or losses of homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to plan a fourth refuge practice run because events are getting close that would require My faithful to come quickly to My refuges. These practice runs have helped you to see where you have further preparations to be made. Most of you have what is needed, and I will have My angels finish any refuge preparations that are not completed. My angels will also multiply what you need for food, extra buildings, and water and fuel supplies. My angels will also give you daily Holy Communion if you do not have a priest. Remember your around the clock prayers in the chapel, and to use your stored food. Try to set a specific date so you can plan when to get things ready. Have no fear of the coming tribulation, because I will be shielding My faithful remnant from the evil ones.”


Friday, August 30, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you have heard the familiar parable about the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins. The five wise virgins bought extra oil for their lamps, but the five foolish virgins did not, and they went out late to buy some oil. The gate was locked and the five foolish virgins were not allowed into the wedding feast, because they knew not the hour nor the day. This is similar to the need to come to a safe haven during the tribulation. If people do not believe in Me, they are like the five foolish virgins, because they will not have a cross on their foreheads. The refuge angel will not allow those people who do not have a cross on the forehead to enter My refuges because I do not know them. In the vision you are seeing your second mission is to have a place of refuge for people to stay and be protected from the evil ones during the tribulation. You have prepared a water well, food to store, beds and cots to sleep, and even solar panels for electricity, as well as fuels for cooking and heat in the winter. By making your refuge preparations, you will be ready to receive the people I send you, and receive Me in the Bride Groom in Holy Communion from My priest or My angels. You will truly be blessed when I will invite you to My wedding feast in heaven.”

(Memorial service for Michael Luck) Michael said: “I am crying out with love for my father and mother. I am sorry that I had to leave you so soon. I thank all of the people for coming to my service, and thank you for all the Masses to help me. It was a nice touch to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for me. Do not worry about me because I am in a safe place. You are seeing how short life can be. Remember me in your prayers, as I will be praying for all of you.”


Saturday, August 31, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, this account of the talents of gold (today worth $1,616,000/talent) in the parable is really about how people use their God-given talents of skills in life. It is important to learn a trade or acquire a college degree so you can have a good job to support a family. It is your motivation in life that may determine what you do with your own skills. In the parable the one servant, who buried his master’s gold, was later reprimanded for being lazy and non-productive, and it was taken away from him. It is by the fruit of your actions that you will be known to people. The evil and lazy people will be held accountable at their judgment, and if they do not love Me, they could be on the road to hell. Those people, who bear good fruit and avoid evil doings, will have their reward in heaven. So use your talents both physically in supporting your family, and spiritually in following My Commandments, and you will have a just reward.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is true that I spoke of the Warning happening soon, most likely during the football season of some year between September and February. There will be some major events happen that will precipitate the need to bring My Warning. The devil’s time is running out, and he will be instigating some wars that will endanger your lives. I will bring My Warning when it is needed to bring souls back to Me who so desire. Have patience, but this timing is close. Trust in Me to warn you when your lives will be in danger, so you can come to the safety of My refuges.”


Sunday, September 1, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when you see this cliff in the vision, you are seeing how close you are to the world of purgatory, where the poor souls are suffering their purification. The souls in purgatory are all promised that one day they will be allowed into heaven. There are different levels of purgatory with the highest level close to coming into heaven. In the lower levels souls are being purified with flames as those in hell. Those souls in hell will never see Me, and they are condemned forever in the flames and torture from the demons. The souls in purgatory need the help of the living people for Masses and prayers. Remember to include the souls in purgatory in your daily prayers. Those faithful, who live through the tribulation, will be suffering their purgatory on earth, which is far better than in real purgatory. This is My justice that souls need to be purified to be worthy of being in My Presence in heaven. Remember today’s Gospel teaching that those people, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, and those people, who humble themselves, will be exalted.”


Monday, September 2, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I am stressing how important it is to all of My refuge builders to have a source of fresh water on the land of their refuges. In your refuge practice runs you have seen how much water twenty-five people use in only one day. When I mentioned what is needed for a refuge, I made a point that a source of fresh water is a necessity because you cannot live without water. You cannot be sure that your town or city water will be available during the tribulation. This is why I gave you a project last year to have a water well put in for your refuge. To live independently from the outside world, you will need water, food, beds, and fuels for cooking and heating. At every refuge My angels will provide for your needs. The angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels. They will also multiply your buildings and give you daily Holy Communion. Have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will shield you from any harm at My refuges. Make sure your water wells are working properly, and in some cases you will need some electricity for pumping your wells using solar panels in the winter. In your case you can remove the snow from your solar panels to receive light on them. You have made many preparations, but preparing to have water, is most important. Remember also to have perpetual Adoration at every refuge as well.”


Tuesday, September 3, 2019: (St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching the movements of Hurricane Dorian that reached a category 5 of 185 mph winds. This storm was stationary over the Bahamas, and it was causing much damage as the people were crying out for help. This storm will still cause some damage along your Eastern coast, but it is not forecast to make landfall. Many people have had to evacuate their homes near the coast. It is a blessing that such a powerful storm did not come directly into Florida. But the islands have taken a direct hit for many hours. Pray for the victims of this storm and that there is little loss of life. It will take some time to know the full extent of damage and loss of life from this storm.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful of the end times to have faith in My miracles, just as the people of Moses’ day had faith in the miracles in the desert. In the desert there was no water, so Moses asked Me for water, and I told him to strike the rock with his staff. Water came forth for all of the people. My son, you have water now from a well that I told you to have made. This should be adequate for your needs. If you have more people than you expected, I will multiply your water when it is needed. In the desert I provided manna every day in the morning, and I sent quail that dropped in the camp for meat at night. For My refuges I will give you daily Holy Communion from My angels or the priest at Mass. You have dried meats in your food storage, and I will send deer into your camps for meat as well. You will need someone to fix the deer meat for you. In the desert Moses and Aaron offered a daily sacrifice. If you have a priest, you can have a sacrifice in daily Mass. My angels will bring you Holy Communion so you can place a Host in your monstrance for perpetual Adoration. You can have people take turns adoring My consecrated Host every hour. Moses held up a bronze serpent on a pole to heal snake bites. At My refuges you will have a luminous cross in the sky, and when you look on it, you will be healed of any ailment. My angels will lead you to My refuge with a flame to follow. My angels will also multiply your food, water, fuels, and buildings when it is needed. It will be your faith and trust in My miracles that will allow this multiplication. My angels will protect you from the evil ones by making you invisible, and they will not allow any evil people or demons to enter your refuge. Give praise to Me every day in your prayers.”


Wednesday, September 4, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, I send My Holy Spirit to help you write down My messages, and He gives you the words to speak, when you give your talks. There is power and authority in My words, as you reach out to share My messages of these end times. You are truly an apostle of the end times. You are preparing the people to help them endure the coming Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist. You are also advising people why it is necessary to prepare refuges, and to be ready to leave your homes to come to a safe haven guarded by My angels. It is at My refuges that you will be protected from the evil ones during the tribulation. Your refuge life will be unique in living your faith, and it will last less than 3½ years for the sake of My elect. Remember how important your prayers are for protection, and to give your talks. Before you leave and before you return, you need to pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese. Everything that you do for Me must be led by prayer because you rely on My help to carry out your mission of preaching. You, My son, have a second mission to prepare your refuge for receiving the people who I will send to you. You need to be able to turn on both of your solar systems so they are working for your needs. My angels and I will help you through the tribulation. This is why you need to carry out your fourth refuge practice run.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the destruction of the homes in the Bahamas. Some reports spoke of 45% of the homes were destroyed or unlivable. It will take much foreign aid to restore the homes there. Hurricane Dorian was a category 5 hurricane that spent more than a full day over the Bahamas causing this destruction. Now it is a category 2 hurricane, and it is damaging your Southern states along the Eastern US coast. It will take some time to assess the damage to your coastal states. Your hurricanes are getting stronger and more devastating each year. These natural disasters are a punishment for your many abortions and sexual sins. Keep praying to stop abortion, and pray for the victims of this storm.”


Thursday, September 5, 2019: (Evelyn Gravina memorial Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, there was a little doubt about how Evelyn passed away, but now you need to give thanks for her long life among you. She was visited many times, and she was assisted by her sister in many ways. This vision is showing you how she was in purgatory for a while, but the many Masses said for her, has raised her up with Me in heaven. She will be praying for her relatives and friends.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the damage in the Bahamas is catastrophic, and there are many deaths to be uncovered from the debris. You can pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for the people who have died. This Hurricane Dorian is still causing damage in North and South Carolina. Pray for the victims that they may be safe, and help them to repair any damage. My people, I have taken away your shield of protection, which is why you are suffering more severe losses. When will your people wake up and change their lives in the face of your trials?

Jesus said: “My people, your parents need to be more attentive to what your teachers are teaching your children. Many of the college teachers are teaching a liberal mind set of socialism without any balance on the conservative side. They also are not teaching about Me, and if anything, they are teaching atheism. Even in the elementary schools the teachers are told to teach about sex and gender choices. This is why parents need to know what your children are being taught, because parents need to guard their kids’ faith from the atheism of the liberal teachers.”
(‘GOD IS NOT DEAD’ is an example)

Jesus said: “My people, because your governor has taken away the time limits for pedophile cases, this is an attempt to destroy your churches by exorbitant settlements to the lawyers for old cases. Many of your dioceses may have to claim bankruptcy to defend themselves from cases they cannot afford to pay for. This could ultimately close your churches in payment for any debts. My people may have to have Masses in secret because of your future closed churches. You are seeing another reason to have My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing rumors of the new agenda of the upcoming synod. If there are heretical proposals made, My people are not obligated to follow any heresy in My Church. I have warned you to have the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’ in your house so you can tell what is a heretical teaching. If such events happen, you could see the beginning of a schismatic church which you should avoid attending. Be aware of any changes so you can compare them to what My Church teaches in this catechism. Call on the Holy Spirit to help you discern what is right to follow.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of these new tariffs on China’s imports are having serious consequences on both economies in China, the US, and even globally. It may be too much to expect China to be truthful in any agreements. Your President may still go ahead with more tariffs, if China does not change soon. This could cause a recession in all of your countries, and it could even lead to a war between your countries. If serious wars start, you may have to come to My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all are sinners, which most people would agree. If you are sinners, then you need to see the importance of monthly Confession so you can be absolved of your sins. Even venial sins need cleansing, or your souls could fall into bad habits. Especially mortal sins need to be confessed before receiving Holy Communion. Many people are falling away from their faith because they are not praying, and they are not seeking My forgiveness in Confession. So I am calling on My faithful to return to the confessional to save your souls.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you travel around giving your talks on the end times, you are seeing a difficulty in people and priests accepting your messages about refuges and the coming tribulation. Some clergy do not want to admit there is a need for refuges, so you are meeting some resistance. Do not worry, My son, as the time of the Warning and tribulation grows near, many of My prophets will be proclaiming the need for refuges. Keep giving your talks so My refuge builders will be able to protect My believers in the coming tribulation.”


Friday, September 6, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when I held the little children, I told the people that they needed to be innocent and loving as the children love their parents. This is how St. Therese lived her life in constant obedience to Me, and she did every little task for Me. The biggest offense to Me is when your mothers kill their babies in the womb because they do not want to love them, or take care of them. The children are your gifts from heaven, but they should be conceived out of love in a marriage. It is difficult also for mothers to bring up their children without a committed father. The family of father and mother should be the backbone of your society. When your families break down from divorce, or living together without marriage, the children suffer from not having both parents. So avoid aborting your children, and couples should be married in My Church. By living according to My Commandments, you can be promised a place in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you another vision that represents the coming Warning. I told you how you all would have an extensive life review at the same time all over the earth. In every life review incident, you would see how your words and actions affected people for good or bad in every scene. You will remember every unforgiven sin in explicit detail so you will know it when you return to your body. When your life review begins, you will come to My Light outside of your body, and outside of time. This experience will help you understand everything that you did wrong, and how it greatly offends Me. Those people, who believe in Me, will have a strong desire to come to Confession. Those souls, who do not desire repentance or conversion, could be lost forever, if they do not change their lives. All souls, who are judged to hell, will go to hell if they do not repent of their sins. Everyone will have a taste of whatever destination they were judged to. Pray that your family members will be converted during the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, so they can receive a cross on their foreheads that will allow them into My refuges. If the souls are not converted during the six weeks after the Warning, they could be lost in hell. Come to Confession monthly so you do not see a vision of hell as your judgment.”


Saturday, September 7, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother’s ‘fiat’ to St. Gabriel was a complete surrender of her will to My Divine Will. She was without sin, even without original sin, so she could be the holy tabernacle for Me in her pregnancy. My Blessed Mother is your example for everyone to imitate by her ‘fiat’ to do My Will. I know you are sinners, but call on the Holy Spirit to do the best that you can do to please Me by following the mission I have given to each of you. You can only accomplish your mission by giving your will over to Me. So do not seek to follow your agenda, but follow the mission I have given you in faith. Some people, like yourself, have been given more than one mission. So ask My grace to carry out however many missions you have been given.”

(Funeral Mass for Marie Sanders) Marie said: “I want to comfort my mother and father for all they had to endure during my last years with cancer. This was a blessing in one sense, that I was able to suffer my purgatory on earth. I am with my Jesus and the Blessed Mother in heaven. I thank all of My Carmelite friends for being here for my funeral. I thank all of the people who came, and for all the people who visited me in the hospital. I am grateful for all the people who took care of me. I will be praying for all of you. I am sad that I had to leave my parents at a young age, but my Lord was calling me at this time. I love my mother and father so much through all of my life, thank you.”


Sunday, September 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, for those people, who wish to be My disciples, you must take up your cross and deny yourself as the ruler of your life. It is not that I want you to hate anyone, but I need to be your first love and ruler of your lives. In the Commandments I call you to love Me, and your neighbor as yourselves. In order to fulfill your mission, do not let other distractions of the world interfere with following My plan for your life. When I lead you, and you give up your life to Me, then you can be totally free to follow Me. Do not hold back your love from Me, because I am your Creator, and you should always place My Will before your own will. When you love Me, you will love Me in your neighbor. Trust in Me and follow Me, and everything will be given to you for what is needed.”


Monday, September 9, 2019: (St. Peter Claver)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I confronted the Pharisees when I asked them if it was lawful to heal the man with a withered hand on the Sabbath. They did not answer, and then I healed the man. The Pharisees then started making plans to harass Me and get rid of Me, because I was a challenge to their authority. You have a similar confrontation with your President and the deep state that likes to control things. Your President is defying all of the plans of the one world people, and they too are plotting to harass your President, and even to get rid of him. Your President was My blessing to you, and you need to pray for his protection, and success in his work for your country’s benefit. He stands up against abortion and mentions My Name, which is why the deep state wants to silence him. Pray for your country which is becoming more depraved every year.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of various stories of what would happen to America if you received an EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) attack. This could come from nuclear weapons or a smaller EMP device. Such an attack could take out your electric grid, as well as your vehicles and the microchips that run your appliances. Without electricity, unless generators worked, you could see banks close, and your trucks could not deliver food to your stores. It is possible that a food shortage could kill many people by starvation. This is another reason to have one year’s supply of food for each member of your household. You could protect your grid with Faraday cages, but there is no movement to bring this about, thus leaving you vulnerable to an EMP attack. My refuges would have your solar systems intact because My angels are protecting them even now. This is another reason to make sure your solar systems are working properly. My angels will fix any electrical problems, if needed, during the tribulation. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs at My refuges.”

Kathy’s water well? Jesus said: “My son, I have told you that My angels will finish up any unfinished refuge preparations, which could include water wells providing water. I also told you that My angels would provide for your food, water, fuels, and any needed buildings. This could come from a multiplication of whatever things you have on hand at a refuge during the tribulation. Do not worry, I will provide your water, even if I have to multiply any water you have stored.”


Tuesday, September 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a large tsunami that will flood the shore, and it will be caused by a large earthquake. I will give you more details in time of where this will occur. This is also a forerunner of an even larger tidal wave that will spread out when a large comet will hit the earth in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. This will be My victory over Satan and the Antichrist. My people will be protected at My refuges from the comet, but the evil ones will be killed, and their souls will be cast into hell. Be prepared for these events with your daily prayers and monthly Confession. Trust in Me to protect your lives from the evil ones, and all of My natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My son, you just saw a movie on the one child policy in the cities of China, which has been stopped. It was so cruel how the female babies were left in the market place to die, or to be taken to orphanages for money. This was because many families preferred to have male babies if they could only have one child. Even some parents killed their female babies. Here in America you are killing your babies with abortion, irregardless of the sex, but it is profitable for the doctors. In both countries your population will be going down with less births. You will not have enough children to support your Social Security payments, or enough workers to fill your needed jobs. When you do not value the life of a child more than your convenience, then you put a dollar value on life, that is too precious to kill. Keep praying to stop abortion all over the world, because taking a life stops My plan for that life.”


Wednesday, September 11, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are honoring all the people who died on 9-11-01. This was one of the worst tragedies that has happened in your country in recent years. There were a lot of deaths, and some are dying of lung cancer in your first responders. This was a test of your country, but you have not repented, nor have you changed your lives. After a month of prayer in your churches, then you returned to your sinful lifestyles and worse. Because you have not heeded My pleas to stop your abortions and sexual sins, you will see a worse disaster that will be like an EMP attack. Be prepared physically to come to My refuges when I call you, and prepare your souls spiritually with your daily prayers and monthly Confession. Trust in Me to protect you in your more serious disaster.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know in your personal life how hard it is to pay all of your bills, and how you have to plan your resources to provide enough money to pay for them. When you are working, it is easier to pay your bills, but when you are retired, it requires more planning. Some people get by going from paycheck to paycheck, and it is hard for them to save. Others live on welfare, and they are restricted in what they can own. It is hard to help poor people if they do not want to work at a job. They need to be given enough incentive to work, and not get penalized in their support. It is this inner drive to want to get out of poverty that motivates people to work. You would much rather help a poor person who is struggling to work out of their debt, than just keep giving money for their needs. Pray for the poor to get out of their poverty, and help those people who are willing to help themselves.”


Thursday, September 12, 2019: (The Most Holy Name of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am asking My disciples to go the extra mile in reaching out to help people, even strangers or those people who are persecuting you. It is easy to love the people you know and your relatives, but even sinners do as much. I am asking My faithful to even love strangers and those people who you feel uncomfortable to love. The more you can love everyone, you are perfecting your love to imitate My love for everyone. You are all made in My image, and you can love Me in your neighbor. Reaching out to save strangers in faith, or to serve their needs, takes faith in Me to move you to do this. When you love everyone, you are truly showing your Christian roots, because everyone does not do this. If everyone loved each other, there would be no fighting in wars.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, Hurricane Dorian spread its destruction all along your Eastern coast, and even up into Halifax, Canada, as well as decimating the Bahamas. In the Bahamas it looked like a tornado all over the islands. It will take years and many international monies to help restore the Bahamas. Even along the Eastern coast of America, there is much need for disaster relief from your government. Pray also for all those people who died, and for the lost homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Supreme Court has ruled on your immigrant asylum rules. They affirmed the current rule that all Southern countries beyond Mexico have to wait for asylum court rulings in Mexico. This is because there are not enough facilities to house them, and they were going into your country and not returning to court. There was a second ruling that the President could reallocate Defense money to build the wall on the Southern border.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many of your President’s initiatives stopped by judges favorable to Democrat politics. It is too much power to place in a single Federal judge’s ability to stop all of the President’s orders. So your President is placing judges, approved by the Senate, on many of the Federal district courts. This jurisdiction should be restricted to the district of the judge, and not control the whole country. Your government may have to pass legislation controlling this whole problem of jurisdiction.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Bond interest rates are much higher than foreign countries, especially in Europe. The Federal Reserve is lowering interest rates, even when there is no inflation and your economy is doing well. The stock market and borrowers are benefitting, but your savers are losing. Pray for some justice in these rates.”

Jesus said: “My people, babysitting expenses are becoming expensive to accommodate single parents who have to work for a living. There is time before school starts and time after school is over that requires a substantial payment per month for babysitting (about $400/month in one case). This may require single parents to seek grants or help from family members. Pray for these working mothers to find the means to pay for these expenses.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to have your children learn their worldly courses, but it is another thing for parents to be responsible to have their children receive a spiritual education as well. This is taught in Catholic schools, but this schooling has a cost that every family cannot afford. It is these children in public schools who are not receiving much help in your CCD programs. It almost requires the parents to teach their children their prayers and some articles of faith. Parents need to realize how important it is to educate their children in the faith. This is just part of the reason why you do not see many children or youth coming to Mass. Your future generation of Catholics depends on this spiritual education.”

(We are planning on 7:00 p.m. Friday, November 1 to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, November 2 for those who want to come to the 4th refuge practice run.) Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you before to make a specific date for your fourth refuge practice run. Events are moving quickly, and the time for My Warning and the tribulation are growing near. You will need to come to My refuges for your protection during the tribulation. So it is important to know how you will be living at My refuges when I call you to come. The more practice runs you have, the easier it will be to understand this new community living of My faithful. Make some plans of what meals you will have, and whatever needs you will have to prepare for this overnight run. Use your stored food, and try not to use your electrical devices, because some refuges may not have electricity. Trust in My help and remember your perpetual Adoration hours for each person.”


Friday, September 13, 2019: (St. John Chyrsostom)
Jesus said: “My people, you have two persecutors. The first are the greedy lawyers who are trying pedophile cases that are thirty or more years old. The second is your governor and his legislature who passed a law taking away any statute of limitations on these old cases. Your governor knew it would work a hardship on the Catholic churches, but they passed it deliberately to bring down the Church. Your diocese is the first of many dioceses to declare bankruptcy (Chapter 11) in New York State. You will see further persecution of your churches when they will take away your protection from land taxes. This will be in addition to increasing harassment of Christians when you say My Name in public or talk about homosexual acts as sinful. Your persecution will increase when you will not be able to find a Mass because of your coming schismatic churches. Eventually, you will have Masses in secret at My refuges. You will also seek My refuges when the government will try to mandate microchips in your body. This is why your practice refuge runs are needed to prepare you for the coming Warning and the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, the devil and the demons despise man, and they are inspiring doctors to continue killing babies for money. Killing My babies in abortion greatly offends Me, and many liberal thinking people are taken in by the reasons to have abortion available as a right for women. The baby has different DNA from the mother, and she nourishes the baby, but the baby is not part of the mother’s body. Giving birth should be a joy that you are bringing new life into the world. But some women think pregnancies are an inconvenience in some cases, and they listen to the lies of the Planned Parenthood people. Life is too precious to kill a human being, and it is a mortal sin to have an abortion. You would much rather choose life to have a baby, than to choose death to kill a baby by abortion. You can see all the evil ones promoting death by abortion, so keep praying to stop abortion, and pray to close these clinics of death.”


Saturday, September 14, 2019: (Exaltation of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, My death on the cross is to redeem all sinners who repent and accept Me as their Savior. You were at Mount Calvary where the Holy Sepulcher Church was built. There is a lot of symbolism when Moses lifted up the bronze serpent for the people to look on so they could be healed of their snake bites. This reminds you how I was lifted up on My cross. When you pray your rosary, you are looking on My sacrifice for your sins. When you will come to My refuges, you will also see My luminous cross. Those people, who look upon My luminous cross, will be healed of all of their ailments. As an added grace, I will also heal your souls and forgive your sins because some refuges may not have a priest to hear your Confession. Give praise and thanks to your Savior for My death on the cross.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, the parable of the Prodigal Son is an example of My willingness to give every sinner an opportunity to repent for even the most serious sin. I love every soul, and I wait for all sinners to return to Me and seek My forgiveness. Sometimes you may act like the second brother who feels he got cheated out of a better reward. Do not seek human justice in spiritual matters, because I give everyone plenty of time to repent, even up to your last moment before your death. But do not wait to the last minute to convert, because you may not have a last minute conversion if you die suddenly. Instead seek to keep your souls pure by monthly Confession. Give thanks and praise to Me because I forgive your sins every time you seek My forgiveness and you repent of your sins.”


Sunday, September 15, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read today’s Gospel where a sheep was found, a coin was found, and a son was found. All of these were lost at one time, and they were found in My parables. You are seeing in your vision many faces that need to be saved for heaven. You are seeing the mission for everyone to reach out in faith to try and save as many people around you as you can. It is your job to bring My messages to the people so they can hear My Word. It is up to the people to make their own choice if they want to be with Me or not. Those people, who are believers, will have to come to My refuges for protection and their needs during the tribulation. My angels will help them by leading them to the nearest refuge with a flame.”


Monday, September 16, 2019: (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian)
Jesus said: “My people, right before receiving Me in Holy Communion, you recite the words of the Centurion: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should come under my roof, but only say the word, and I shall be healed.’ When the centurion described how he too had people subject to him, he understood completely in My healing ability. It was his faith that healed his slave. So it is with My faithful. You need to have faith in My help for everything you need in life, both physically in health, and spiritually in your soul. I am at your side all of the time. All I ask is that you have just a little of the faith of the centurion, and I will answer your prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are meeting together to share some special messages from Fr. Michel Rodrigue and yourself. Fr. Michel will have unique messages for what God the Father wants to share with your people. Remember to pray your St. Michael Prayer in the long form and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese for your travel protection coming and leaving from these meetings. I will be watching over you to protect you from any of the devil’s attempts to disrupt your meetings.”


Tuesday, September 17, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this vision as a sign that you will be in hot water, meaning trouble with Iran. You remember the problems you had with power outages in several cities, including New York City. This showed you how vulnerable your electric grid is to those people who could hack into your infrastructure. Be prepared for some severe events that could affect your electricity. Iran is disrupting the oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. They are also attacking Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities for the second time, and there is no response to the Yemen rebels’ drone attacks. Iran will find more ways to try and provoke a war, and your military needs to be ready to defend yourselves. Pray that you do not have a large war that could involve other countries.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called some special faithful to be refuge builders. Not all of the people who I called were willing to say yes to this mission. It requires you to have a building to house the people, a source of fresh water like a well, and a consecration of the land preferably by a priest. I did not want people to spend more money than they can afford. You will also need cots for people to sleep, and some heaters if you live in cold weather, along with the fuels. You could also store as much food as you have room, and if funds are available, you could have some solar panels and batteries. Every refuge is different. Some can house more people on more acres, while others have small places for fewer people. This all requires independent living without any dependence on outside sources. I am very grateful for all of My refuge builders, and you will be helping My faithful during the tribulation. You especially must put Me in the center of your lives, and you will be depending on Me and My angels to multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. My angels will shield you from harm at My refuges, and you will have daily Holy Communion. Now some of My refuge builders are coming together to hear God the Father’s words from Fr. Michel Rodrigue. Remember your prayers coming and going for your safety.”


Wednesday, September 18, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, some of you are asking why I take people home when it looked to you that their work on earth was not finished. Your life in the body is vulnerable to have a heart attack, or you could die from cancer. You have known your friends or relatives for many years, but at some point the age of a person reaches its human limit. It is difficult to lose your friends or relatives at death, but you must learn that death of the body is part of living on earth. Be thankful for the many years that you shared with the deceased people in your life.”

Lise wanted to give a few words because we may not be here for the funeral. Lise said: “I am sorry I could not carry on with my life any longer because of my weak heart. I will miss all of my family and all of my prayer partners. I love all of you, and I will be praying for all of my family members. You would really please me and God, if you came back to your God at church. Please pray for me and have a few Masses offered for me, and I will be coming to Jesus in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were sad when your friend died of heart complications. What is more important to you, is that your friend was a refuge builder. Now you do not know if someone would take over running her refuge. You have seen other refuge builders who died, and the family did not continue their refuges. If no one works her refuge, then this means even more people will come to your refuge. You were about to have your 4th refuge practice run (Nov 1-2) and this will have more meaning without other refuges around you. Your monthly Reparation Masses will also be important. Your meeting with other refuge builders is also important to share your preparations and the messages of Fr. Michel. My son, you have only been working on your refuge for about four years, but you have all of your basic necessities. I have given you many projects to get ready, and you have carried them out. You saw one vision of a stadium of people coming to your place. This means My angels will have to add on floors to your house and multiply your buildings, as well as multiply your water, food, fuels, and more sleeping quarters. Your practice runs are important not only to see if you have what is needed, but also it gives your people an idea of what refuge life would be like for several years. Perpetual Adoration prayers are important to call on My help, and to calm down the people during a reign of evil during the tribulation. Trust in Me and St. Meridia to protect you and provide for your needs.”


Thursday, September 19, 2019: (St. Januarius)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how this woman washed My feet with ointment, kissed My feet, and dried them with her hair. I explained to the Pharisee how those people with more sin are more grateful to Me for forgiving their sins. I am always compassionate and loving of every soul. I wait for souls to ask My forgiveness, and I forgive the repentant sinners. There is another responsibility for My faithful who have been given much to carry on My mission. More will be expected of them, and I will give them the necessary graces to carry out their missions. Do everything for My greater glory, so that all of your actions have the right intention to help people out of love for Me. I look into the heart for every intention you are carrying out in your actions. Pray that you are able to do My Will, despite the devil’s attempts to distract you. I pray for a safe and successful trip to your meetings in Alabama and Georgia.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are mourning the loss of your friend, Lise, but you need to consider what will happen to her refuge and all of her preparations. You need to consult with the family what to do with the food storage, and the statues. Hopefully, they will not discard these things, but let people take care of it. Continue to pray for Lise and have Masses said for her. She is not far from coming to Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed to have one more opportunity to hear Fr. Michel speak. He is one of My great servant priest sons, and he has a mission to teach the priests for My new Era of Peace. He has been blessed to have so many people in America to help him in building his monasteries. You can see how I can perform what may seem to be impossible miracles, when you have a deep faith in carrying out My Will. May you all have a safe and successful trip this week.”

Jesus said: “My people, you cannot force anyone to come to Me in faith, but each person has to choose their own eternal destination. I do not force people to love Me, but they need to make their own free will choice to love Me from the bottom of their hearts. You read the Scriptures and My words in the Gospels, but you need to act on My Word in your good deeds if you want to come to heaven. Lise called her family back to church in her dying request. Many of you are praying for those family members who have left My Church. Keep praying persistently for your children. You all may be able to help convert their souls after the Warning. Do not give up on trying to save your children.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be aware that there are many college professors who are quite liberal in teaching atheism and socialism. You need to try and help your children to get some religious training. You went to daily Mass on campus to have Me help you with your studies. Your daughter was president of a Newman Club which helped Catholic students to improve their faith. Pray for your children so you can give them over to Me and My Blessed Mother to watch over them. You can trust that I will hear your prayer and help them, but they must give their will over to Me to fulfill their mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see in your churches how many Roman Catholics are leaving and losing their faith in Me. There are many worldly distractions that can pull people away from coming to Sunday Mass. My faithful servants need to give a good example to your children by coming to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. Enrich your spiritual learning by reading the Scriptures or books of the saints. You could even join a prayer group, or a Bible study group. If you truly love Me, you will want to learn more about My love for you. Keep the faith, and do not let the devil get you to be lazy in your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful families to keep a copy of the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’ in your houses so you can discern what is true in what My clergy are proclaiming. I have warned you many times that there will be a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Be aware of any heresies because the schismatic church will teach ‘New Age’ things that are not acceptable to My ways. There will be a call for a world religion, but do not follow such a heresy. My faithful remnant will stay in faithful churches and finally they will come to My refuges for their protection. Trust in what My apostles taught in the Catechism, and be faithful to My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been faithful to keeping your refuge alive and active in your prayers and Reparation Masses. Your weekly prayer group is a good source of unity for My faithful remnant. See your refuge practice runs as important to teach your people how they will be living at My refuges. Your perpetual Adoration is as needed for your souls as water is needed to keep your body alive. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs to survive the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”


Friday, September 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion, you receive the graces of this sacrament, and you are feeling the Real Presence of all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. When you eat your physical food, it gives you strength for your body. When you receive My Body and Blood in Holy Communion, I give you strength for your soul to ward off the temptations of the devil. If you receive Me in daily Mass, then you will be feeding both the soul and the body. I want you to remember what I stated in John 6:54-55: ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ You are blessed to receive Me into your soul at every Mass.”


Saturday, September 21, 2019: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My people, you may not realize how powerful one Mass is, but all the angels are present at every Mass giving honor to My Real Presence in the consecrated Hosts and the consecrated Wine. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I am Present in you like a tabernacle for about fifteen minutes. This is why people should not rush out of church after Holy Communion, but you should be quiet and honor My sacramental Presence. My people should also receive Me worthily without any mortal sin. You can pray your Act of Contrition to purify your soul from some of your venial sins. I am holy, and I want all of My communicants to be holy in order to receive Me worthily. Rejoice, when you have an opportunity to be with Me at Holy Mass. You are starting a new season of fall, which is another sign of the beauty of My creation, as you see the beautiful colors of the changing tree leaves. When you come to heaven, you will also see all manner of colors in the splendor of My eternal Presence.”


Sunday, September 22, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, the time to come to My refuges is near, and I am showing you how My angels will lead you with a flame. You will come to My refuges when I call you, and it will be a time when your lives are in danger. Be aware that you will need to leave your home within twenty minutes after I call you. You will not be coming back to your homes. Once you leave your home, your guardian angel will put a shield of invisibility over you and your vehicle. If you leave too late, you will see the men in black going house to house trying to force the mark of the beast on everyone. Those people, who refuse the microchip in the body, will be killed in the gas chambers. Rejoice that My faithful will be protected from the evil ones and the Comet at My refuges by My angels. At the end of the tribulation and the Era of Peace, I could see us being led to the Light of Jesus in heaven with all kinds of lights. We will be prepared to be saints in the Era of Peace, so do not be afraid of dying when you leave your body for heaven. I look forward to the day when all of My faithful will come to heaven.”


Monday, September 23, 2019: (Memorial Mass for Lise Farnand)
Jesus said: “My people, I know how you are mourning the loss of your friend, Lise. She will be praying for all of you, and she will be watching over her husband, Gerry. You are seeing her casket being placed in the ground. When you think of someone passing away in death, this should be a reminder to all of you how you are mortal too, and you will die some day. I want all of My faithful to keep clean souls so you are ready every day to meet Me at your judgment, if you should die today. By your prayers and monthly Confession, you need to keep your soul free of any mortal sin. If you do commit a mortal sin, you should come to Confession as soon as possible, so you can be absolved of your sin. If you are dying with mortal sin on your soul, you can pray an Act of Contrition, and I will forgive you. When someone dies, you can pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for that soul, and they can be saved. Give thanks to Me for My mercy on repentant sinners when I will forgive their sin, even at the point of death.”

(St. Padre Pio) Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to come through the narrow gate, if they want to come to heaven. Do not follow the crowd through the broad road to hell. When you come through the narrow gate, this means that you will be following My Commandments, and coming to monthly Confession to help save your soul. You remember when I told you that many are called, but few are chosen. I also told you that you need to act like innocent children in loving Me, in order to enter heaven. If you follow My ways instead of your imperfect ways, then you will be on the right road to heaven. Being with Me in heaven should be the goal of every soul.”


Tuesday, September 24, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, beware of the masons and the one world people who worship Satan, since they are carrying out his orders. You are seeing how the evil ones are bringing all manner of evil upon your society. Many people are falling away from their original fervor in the faith, and they are succumbing to the comforts and riches of the world. Do not let the devil distract you from your prayers and allegiance to Me. Once you stop praying your daily prayers, and stop coming to Sunday Mass, you could be slipping away into the abyss of the devil’s people. If you want to come to heaven, you must stay close to Me every day. You are seeing many evils in your society as abortion, fornication, homosexual marriages, pornography, and prostitution. It is unfortunate that the tentacles of the masons also reach into My Church at the Vatican and other churches. You will be seeing a coming schism in My Church, when you will need the Holy Spirit and the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’ to discern the coming heresies of the schismatic church. This evil church will teach New Age and that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. My faithful remnant will need to come to My faithful churches, and eventually, I will call My faithful to My refuges of safety by My angels. Have no fear of the Antichrist and the tribulation, because My angels will protect you at My refuges, and they will provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”


Wednesday, September 25, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, take a lesson from My creation when the sun shines down on you in the dawn of the day. I want My faithful to spread My Good News of My Resurrection upon all the people, just as the sun shines down on everyone. You have My Word of the Scriptures that you read every day at Mass. So go forward two by two and spread My Word to everyone. You all have the power by the Holy Spirit to speak My Word and heal people of their sicknesses. Have faith and trust in Me, and you can perform miracles as My apostles and I did. I love all of you from My Sacred Heart, and I want you to return your love to Me, and share My love with those people whom you meet. By your daily prayers, your Masses, and your good deeds, I will see you are sincere in your faith, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”


Thursday, September 26, 2019: (St. Cosmas & St. Damian)
Jesus said: “My faithful refuge builders, I am happy to have all of you come together to share how you have prepared your refuges, and to hear Fr. Michel’s words that were given to him. You have an excellent retreat center, and when you provide bedding and food, you will be helping each other. Be patient with each other, and accept what is provided for you out of love. I love all of you, and I want you to love each other as well. Be grateful that you were all called to witness this celebration of My words to prepare you for the coming Warning and tribulation.”

Camille said: “I have some somber words for you this day: ‘Be prepared, for the end is in sight.’ John, you have been giving messages of Jesus for how the faithful need to prepare refuges to protect the people. I mentioned before how the Warning was close. I experienced a near death experience when I visited hell. I thank Carol for helping to save my soul. People need to come to Confession frequently so they can avoid my experience in hell at the coming Warning, life review, and mini-judgment. God bless Vic, Carol, and Sharon.”


Friday, September 27, 2019: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, every soul is faced with a choice of your destination. You can choose the blessing or the curse. I love all of you, and I do not want to lose even one soul. In the world you have many distractions, but you need to put aside all of the world’s comforts and desires, so you can focus on My Will for your life. Your life needs to be focused around Me, and fulfilling the mission I have given to each of you. If you are not praying your daily prayers and doing everything out of love for Me, you will not be able to carry out your mission. If you are only concerned about following your own agenda, then you cannot serve as My disciple. Lift up your eyes and soul to Me, and call on Me each day to give you the grace to carry out My mission for you. Focus your life on My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament so you can live your life in the present moment without worrying about the future or the past. It is love of Me and love of neighbor as yourself, that will bring you your reward in heaven. By having faith and belief in Me, in knowing Me, loving Me, and serving Me, you can be My disciple, and you can bring souls to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know some people have guns for self-defense against criminals, but people also have to protect themselves from a possible ruthless government. There will be new red flag laws which are intended to take away the guns from mentally disturbed people. Unfortunately, once they take away some guns, the same law enforcement people could take away anyone’s guns. This is against your Second Amendment, and gun confiscation would allow an easy takeover of your people. Do not rely on your guns for your safety, but rely more on My protection. When I will give an inner locution to everyone, then you are to leave your homes in twenty minutes, and follow the flame of your guardian angel to the nearest refuge. Have no fear of anyone trying to kill you, because your guardian angel will put an invisible shield over you so the authorities will not see you. I love all of you, and My angels will protect you from harm at My refuges.”


Saturday, September 28, 2019: (St. Wencelaus)
Jesus said: “My people, you see the three sins that the devil tempts you with in the temptations of the devil when I fasted 40 days in the desert. The first temptation was the devil asking Me to change the rocks into bread. I told him that man does not live by bread alone. This is the temptation of your bodily desires that include gluttony and the sexual sins that you should avoid. The second temptation of the devil was when I was on a cliff and the devil wanted Me to throw Myself down. I told the devil not to tempt the Lord thy God. This involves a sin of pride when I am asking My faithful to give up their wills over to My Divine Will to follow. It means to deny yourself, and do only My Will. The third temptation by the devil was when he showed Me all the kingdoms of the world, and that he would give them over to Me if I bowed down to the devil. I told him that you are to only worship Me, and no other. This is a sin of seeking power over people using money and possessions for your own gain. Only use what you have to serve Me and your neighbors, and do not be selfish. The temptations of the devil against Me are the same temptations he uses against all of mankind. So call on My graces of My sacraments to strengthen you against the devil’s ploys. When you serve Me in following your mission, you will receive your reward one day in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of a coming synod at the Amazon in Brazil. It is possible that such a synod could cause a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. At this synod they are proposing many heretical and schismatic things against My Church. If some propose changing My words of Consecration, I will not be Present at such a Mass. This will be an attack against My Eucharist. There are also proposals for married priests, and women deacons and women priests. If a schism results, this schismatic church will take over My churches, and you may have to come to My refuges for a proper Mass. When you see the Antichrist’s black eyes, you do not want to look at them, or he could hypnotize you to worship him. After the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, I want My faithful to get rid of your cell phones, your TVs, and your computers, and any other device connected to the internet, so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. Put all of these devices out of your home so you are not connected to the internet. It will not be long after the six weeks are over, that you will see events lead up to the coming of the Antichrist into power. Have no fear because My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges. Trust in Me and I will provide for all of your needs and shields at My refuges.”


Sunday, September 29, 2019: (St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael)
Jesus said: “My people, the souls, who are sent to hell, are not written in the Book of Life, but their soul bodies will burn forever in hell’s flames. I do not forget them, otherwise they would cease to exist. Be on guard for those people who preach ‘annihilism’, because they preach these souls will disappear and not suffer hell. A soul exists for all eternity, and it does not disappear. This is a heresy. In the Gospel the rich man is called Dives in some literature. This rich man is punished in hell, and he called out to Abraham to warn his brothers not to come to hell. But Abraham said if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, then they could be lost. Abraham said that even if one should return from the dead, such as Me, and they do not listen and repent, then they will fall into hell. So come to monthly Confession to repent, remember your daily prayers, and you will be saved and written in the Book of Life.”

St. Michael came and said: “I am Michael and I stand before the throne of God. God appointed me to cast the devil and the bad angels out of heaven and into hell. When the appointed time of Jesus’ return comes, I will again cast the Antichrist and all the evil demons and evil people into hell. Even when the devil appears again to tempt the people, I will again cast him and all the demons and fallen souls into hell. I am God’s servant and I am appointed to help the people of America. Continue to pray your long form of my prayer for protection in your travels, and to help break any generational sin among your relatives and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of the black masses being offered up against your President by evil witches. They are offering up human sacrifices, and sometimes stolen consecrated Hosts in their occult services. They are trying to put hexes and curses on your President every week. I am calling on My faithful prayer groups to offer up your Masses and prayers to counteract these occult curses and hexes on your President. I have put your President in power to counteract all the evil things that your previous Presidents have done. Keep praying for him and your country to turn around your sins, or you will suffer severely for disobeying My Commandments with your abortions and sexual sins. You are seeing a continuous rejection of your President as he will face more threats from the masons and the deep state. Your prayers and faith in My power will hold back any harm to your President. Your President is a brief reprieve from the evil ones, but the Antichrist will soon be allowed to have his hour of reign over the earth. This reign will be brief, when I will soon bring My victory over the evil ones who will be cast into hell.”


Monday, September 30, 2019: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to thank Terry for inviting all of you to her retreat center. This is the Bridge Ministries that you saw in a covered wooden bridge in the vision. It is fitting that you have your meeting here. You should thank Fr. Michel also for all of his talks and guidance. You have a beautiful scene here of mountains and fields which bring you closer to My creation. The Holy Spirit has blessed all of you, and He will give all of you what to speak during the coming tribulation. You are all united in My love, and I thank all of you for attending, because I know all the hardships you may have suffered to be here.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to see Yellowstone National Park and the Old Faithful geyser that is still going off on a regular basis. It is true that the Steamboat geyser erupted eight times in 2018, which is unusual since its last eruption in 2014. There is a growing magma that is pushing up the land by three feet. This is below the caldera of the super volcano that is the size of the whole park. Previous eruptions of the super volcano covered half the Western states with much dust and ash. Any eruption could kill people up to six hundred miles away from the volcano. This appears to be stable now, but earthquakes in this area could trigger an eruption that would cause dust to cover your fields, and this could lead to a famine. Be prepared to come to My refuges for protection if this volcano should threaten to erupt.”


Tuesday, October 1, 2019: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
St. Therese said: “My dear children, I am happy to greet you again, and I thank you for honoring me in your prayers for safe travel to your talks. I love all of you, and I want you to imitate my love for Jesus, our Savior. He loves us so much, and I did everything out of love for Him, especially in my ‘Little Way’. I am sorry you are suffering in sickness, but I also suffered much in my last days. Remember to offer up your suffering for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory. Even when you suffer the trials of life, you can offer up all of your hardships for the same souls. After a while in this life, you can find many ways to do everything for your Lord, Jesus. Jesus appreciates every way you can show your love for Him.”


Wednesday, October 2, 2019: (Guardian Angels feast)
St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God as I watch over you, my son. I was guiding you in some of your travel decisions, and I nudge you to pray your rosaries and your chaplets. You are good not to let addictions control you, which you learned from your old computer addiction. Not having a cell phone is helping you also. The Lord has blessed you with enough finances and help with your tickets, so you can travel places to talk. You have done well in managing your refuge and your personal finances. You share your money and faith with others who are in need. Continue to keep your focus on what is needed most for your speaking mission and your refuge mission. I am by your side all of the time, so you can pray for my help for any of your needs.”


Thursday, October 3, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel (Luke 10:1-12) I spoke to My disciples: ‘I am sending you like lambs among wolves’. I knew My disciples would face some rejection of My messages, so I warned them ahead of time on their journey. I also told them: ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand for you. Whatever town you enter and they do not receive you, go out into the streets and say: The dust of your town that clings to our feet, even that we shake off against you.’ So it is with you, My son. I know that some people will reject My messages of the end times. You are just experiencing some people who are trying to block your talks even now. Be at peace, and avoid any confrontations, but be wise with My wisdom to not go to places that do not want to receive My messages. My messages about refuges for the tribulation are special for My faithful remnant, but others may not want to hear this. My refuges will be My only place of safety during the tribulation. You will be encountering even more rejection when you will face the schismatic church. Follow the teachings of the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’ and you will be properly led by the Holy Spirit. This is true for all of My faithful remnant to follow and reject any coming heresies.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray your novena prayers that you do not see any heretical proposals passed at the coming synod in Amazon, Brazil. If the Vatican approves of anything against My Church, you could have a schism with a schismatic church taking over the churches. It would be difficult to find a proper Mass at a schismatic church. You may soon have to come to My refuges for a proper Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have some conflicting signs in your economy where businesses are seeing weaknesses, but your consumers are still spending. Your Federal Reserve is lowering interest rates to try and ward off a recession. The opposition party continues to seek signs of a recession to put your President in a bad light for the upcoming election. Pray that your economy holds up, despite some global weakness in some countries.”

Jesus said: “My people, the opposition party is constantly bringing new false allegations from a CIA whistle blower this time. More time is spent by the House investigations that have not found any substantial charges against your President. On the other side, your Attorney General is looking into false statements made against your President. Your political divisions are getting worse with no true basis in fact, just as the Mueller Report found nothing to warrant any crime.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your own diocese declare chapter 11 bankruptcy to protect your finances from being destroyed by suspicious cases of pedophile acts from many years ago. It was your New York State governor and legislature that removed any statute of limitation on old pedophile cases. This has threatened to bankrupt many dioceses with new cases being brought up. Pray that My churches are not destroyed by these latest financial developments.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother’s rosary is your best weapon against the evils of your society. It was used to hold back a Muslim attack at Lepanto in Europe years ago. Now America needs prayers to stop the advance of socialism and atheism in your society. You already are being punished with natural disasters for your abortions and sexual sins. Your country needs to storm heaven with your rosaries to help prevent communism from taking over your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a spread of vaping, and more states are allowing marijuana and euthanasia. Pornography is also spread over your internet. Many addictions to cell phones and computers are obsessing your youth. There are demons associated with your addictions of drinking alcohol and taking drugs that are hard to remove without exorcisms or deliverance prayers. You need to call on Me and the Holy Spirit to remove these demons, and cure your addicts. Do not let any addictions control you by keeping a clean soul with Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the demons and the devil who are constantly tempting you to sin. You have your St. Michael prayer in the long form and your Guardian Angel prayer that you can use to fight the demons. Call on My angels to help you when you are tormented by the demons. Keep your souls clean by frequent Confession and Holy Communion to protect your souls from the demon attacks. Know that My power is greater than the demons, so call on Me when you are being tested by the devil.”


Friday, October 4, 2019: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel (Luke 10:13-16) I called out the woes for Corozain, Bethsaida, and Capharnaum for not repenting for their sins. Because they would not listen to My words and repent, I told them that they would be thrust down into hell. So America has not listened to My words to repent of your sins of abortion and your sexual sins, and you still have not changed your laws against these sins. You also have not repented as a nation. Because of your sins, I call woes unto you as well, and your punishment will be a takeover of your country by the one world people under communism, along with natural disasters. Fear not because I will save My faithful remnant at My refuges, but the evil people will be cast into hell when I will bring My victory over evil and judgment on the evil doers.”

Jesus said: “My people, a few messages ago, I showed you a tornado sucking soul bodies down into hell. Today, I am showing you a whirlpool that was dragging even more souls into hell. Many souls are falling into hell because they ignored Me in life, and they did not repent of their sins. During life I give every soul plenty of opportunities to find Me , and be aware of how their sins offend Me. Without loving Me and knowing who I am, people have dismissed Me as the Creator of everything. Other souls hate Me and deny My very existence, and they fall deeper into hell. Still other souls try to bring people to worship the devil, and they are in the lowest realms of hell. I have called My faithful to reach out to lost souls and convert them to the faith before it is too late. You will have one last chance to convert souls during the six weeks after the Warning. Those souls, who see themselves in hell at their life review of the Warning, will have an experience of what it would be like to be in the flames of hell. These souls will have one last chance to change their lives to loving Me and be saved. If they refuse to love Me, and do not change their lives, then they will truly be swept away into hell at their judgment. Pray for poor sinners to be saved, especially after the Warning.”


Saturday, October 5, 2019: (Bl Francis Xavier Seelos)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you all to have as strong a faith as My apostles. In today’s Gospel the apostles marveled that they could cast out demons in My Name. But in another time they could not cast out a demon, and they asked Me why they could not do it. I answered them: (Matt 17:19-20) ‘Because of your little faith; for amen I say to you, if you have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘remove from here’ and it will remove. And nothing will be impossible to you. But this kind (of demon) can be cast out only by prayer and fasting.’ My people have the power to heal and pray deliverance from demons, but you must call on My Name, and have faith in My healing power. There will be times when someone is possessed by a powerful demon or many demons. It is these occasions that you need to fast and pray deliverance prayers as the long form of the St. Michael prayer. You may even require an exorcist priest. This is why I keep saying: ‘Peace be with you, and be not afraid of the evil ones.’ Even when you pray My Blessed Mother’s rosary, the demons will shy away from her and My Name. Give thanks and praise to Me for protecting you from the demons. If you are beset by demons, call on Me and I will send you My angels to help you. Above all, you need to have faith in My power to heal people and cast out demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come in front of Me at your Warning, you will all receive your life review at the same time. Once you have your life review, then you may wait for a moment to receive your mini-judgment. There is no time in heaven, so it may seem like a long time. Your judgment will take you to heaven, purgatory, or hell, and you will have a taste of what your destination will be. If you do not change your life once you return into your body, then your mini-judgment will become your final judgment. This may be a sudden shock for some people, but My Warning is merciful because I will give you a second chance to change your life’s destination. This judgment will be like your spiritual report card. An ‘A’ will be given for heaven, a ‘C’ will be for purgatory, and an ‘F’ will be for hell. Pray for your family members that they can pass with at least a low C so they can avoid hell.”


Sunday, October 6, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, your life on earth all boils down to whether you love Me or not by your own free will. Just as you see this vision of a fork in the road, you can choose heaven or hell by your life’s actions. If you love Me, then you will give your will over to Me and perform your actions out of love for Me. If you truly love Me, you will come to frequent Confession to repent of your sins, and seek the absolution of your sins from the priest. It is because of your contrition for your sins, that I will be merciful and forgive you. I will forgive all repentant sinners, so come to your Savior to keep a pure soul. You should keep your soul clean so you are ready for your judgment on whatever day that you die. The other choice to hell is for those souls who refuse to love Me, and refuse to repent of their sins. You are all sinners, but only those sinners, who repent of their sins, will see heaven. Trust in My mercy as I wait to receive all sinners who want to seek My forgiveness.”


Monday, October 7, 2019: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Jesus said: “My people, you may wonder why I did not talk about Jonah or the Good Samaritan, but My concern today is about all the people who have stopped coming to church because of the pedophile cases, or other reasons. Worshiping Me on Sunday is part of the Third Commandment, and it is a mortal sin to miss Mass when you are able to come. People, who stop praying daily prayers, and stop coming to Sunday Mass, are part of the lukewarm who are on a road to hell if they do not repent of their sins. These lukewarm sinners need your prayers, and they need to see your good example in coming to Mass. Hell is full of souls whom no one prayed for them. If you want to think of being a Good Samaritan, you can pick up your rosary on this feast day of My Blessed Mother, and pray for your relatives and your neighbors to get them back to Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, these storm clouds over America are not a good sign. Your opposition party has tried to fix the voting machines, but My angels reversed their fixing, as the people were given a gift with Trump’s victory in the 2016 election. Now this same party of lies and fake news has tried collusion with Russia, and the Mueller Report which failed again. They are trying more lies with whistle blowers about a Ukraine phone call with the President that was published for all to see, and there was no crime. This same party is afraid to have a full house vote on impeachment so it will not hurt their members in the next election. With all of these failures, this party is backed into a corner to get rid of your President before the election. They may resort to civil unrest in the streets, or more attempts to assassinate the President. In all of your history, you have never seen a President so harassed as your present President. You saw your President call up some Marines because he fears a coup attempt by the opposition party. Pray for your President’s safety, and pray that you do not have a civil war.”


Tuesday, October 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the account of Jonah I asked him to go to Nineveh to tell the people to repent, or I would destroy the city in forty days. Jonah refused at first, and he tried to escape on a ship, but I sent a storm, and he was chosen by lots to be thrown into the sea. A large fish swallowed him, and he stayed three days and nights in the fish, just as I did in the tomb. Finally, I had the fish spew Jonah onto the shore. Now, Jonah finally saw his mission, and he went into Nineveh proclaiming its destruction in forty days, if they did not repent. The people actually listened, and they stopped their evil ways, and put on sackcloth and repented of their sins. Because of their change, I did not destroy the city. This is a similar story in America where I have asked your people to repent and change your evil ways. After 9-11-01 and the planes crashed into the Twin Towers, people went back to church, but after a month, they returned to their evil ways and stopped coming to church. I did not claim destruction in forty days, but America will face a coming attack and natural disasters. I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges before such an attack, and then I will destroy the evil people while I protect My faithful at My refuges. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I tell you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you pray the Stations of the Cross, you see how much I suffered in carrying My cross to Calvary. In the vision you saw how the bottom of My cross dragged along the ground, when Simon and I carried it to Calvary. This is a sign that I want My faithful to pick up your own cross in life, and carry it to your judgment at the end of your life on earth. Some crosses are heavier than others, but your own cross fits your mission. I do not test people beyond what they can bear. Each person has a responsibility to carry out the mission I have given you. If you have been given much, then much will be expected of you. Call on Me to give you the necessary graces to fulfill your mission. My son, you have been tested recently with a bronchial sickness, but you are offering up your suffering for the souls in purgatory and poor sinners. You finally are receiving the needed medicine to get well. Be thankful you are on the road to recovery, even if it took longer than usual to get your medicine. These problems are just part of your cross to carry.”


Wednesday, October 9, 2019: (St. Denis and companions)
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you this vision before, but I am revealing it again to you for those refuges who may not be able to have a priest present during the tribulation. At such refuges I will send My angel to distribute daily Holy Communion to all who are worthy to receive My Body and Blood. I have also told you, if you are short on food, you could even survive on receiving only Holy Communion every day as the saints did. This is also similar to how the angel gave Holy Communion to the children of Fatima. So have trust in My help and protection at all of My refuges during the coming tribulation. Do not be afraid because I will provide for all of your physical and spiritual needs.”
Note: Jesus asked me to order more large Hosts because we were almost out of them.

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a dark night with no lights, because you will receive an attack on your country that will take out your electric grid as an EMP attack. Such an attack will paralyze your country with no working gas pumps, no banks with computers, and your vehicles will not run. If you can get generators to work, you may have some power, but you will be vulnerable to a martial law takeover. I will bless all of My refuges, as their solar power will be shielded from such an EMP attack, even now. When you have such an attack, I will call you to My refuges before anyone is killed. Trust in Me to provide for your needs and to protect your lives and souls from the evil ones.”


Thursday, October 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I am a jealous God and I do not want any other gods or possessions before Me. There is only One true God in your life, and I am the One who gave you life in your soul. I am the Creator of everything, and I love all of you who are My creations. I do not force My love on you, or force you to love Me, but you all need to know the importance of loving your Savior. I love you so much that I died on the cross for your soul to be saved from your sins. You have other earthly things in the world that you love, and you even make money and sports little gods. In the vision this baseball glove is a sign for your love of sports. Loving Me is much more important than loving earthly things as sports. You are here on earth to know, love, and serve Me. This world will pass away, and you can either go to heaven with Me, or to hell with the devil. These are your only two choices after you die. So worship Me and love Me in life, and you can come to heaven. If you worship earthly things more than Me, then you will be on the road to hell. You need to set Me first in all of your priorities. It is more important to come to Mass on Sunday than worry about your sports games.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your country is being tested with the first snow in the Northern plain states, and the winds in California with power outages and fires. This a continuation of one event after another event. Be prepared for more serious events to come. Pray for the people who are being affected by these latest storms.”

Jesus said: “My faithful refuge builders, you were blessed to receive your talks and Masses from Fr. Michel. This was a well executed plan for picking up your people at the airport and transporting them 2½ hours to your retreat center in Georgia. Your people also helped to bring the food for over fifty people. You just mailed out the DVDs of the talks of Fr. Michel to your people. You all received many blessings to help all of My refuge builders. You are also thanked by Me for all the efforts My people put forward to set up your refuges. These refuges will be needed by My faithful during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, I told you that the people of Lise’s refuge may have to come to your refuge. You wondered what would happen there, but the food was taken out, and you received a good share of it. You had to make room for it at your own refuge. It is always sad when a refuge builder dies, and that refuge has to close. My people need to be thankful for all of My refuge builders who will be providing a place to come for My faithful during the tribulation. Angels will protect My refuges, and you will have all that you need to survive.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen various health problems and babysitting difficulties among your relatives. It is good that your members help each other when they can. Sometimes it takes contributions of money and time to fit into your schedules. It is even more important to pray for the souls of your families, even when some are not coming to worship Me on Sunday. Give your relatives a good example of your faithfulness to Me in your faith and Mass attendance.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for keeping up your traveling to spread My messages in your talks, even when you have had some challenges in fixing your venues. You also have been working hard to prepare your refuge with some of your upgrades of getting a water well, and more solar panels. Now you had to store your friends food from her closed refuge. Keeping up both missions has been a challenge along with your family help. You and others also have been helping My priest sons of Fr. Michel, Fr. Moreta, and Fr. Boniface with their missions. You will have graces in heaven for your ‘yes’ to My requests.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President has come under criticism for withdrawing some troops from Northern Syria. This means the Kurds in this area could be killed and taken over. It may be hard to understand your President’s concern for stopping endless wars that do not benefit your people. He is trying to save American soldiers from dying in so many foreign wars. Pray to stop these wars and that countries could compromise their differences.”

Jesus said: “My people, the persecution of Christians will become more violent as you approach the tribulation of the Antichrist. There will be divisions in My Church, and the government will turn against My people when your President leaves office. This will be another reason you will need My refuges for protection from the evil ones of the Antichrist who want to kill you. As you see these events getting worse, now you know why I am calling you to have this fourth refuge practice run on November 1-2. Other refuges could also have practice runs to test if they have everything ready to receive the people. Remember that My angels will finish any needed buildings or food preparations. My angels will also build more buildings and multiply your food, water, and fuels if you receive more people than you expected. I will help protect My faithful at My refuges and provide for all of your spiritual and physical needs.”


Friday, October 11, 2019: (St. John XXIII, Pope)
Jesus said: “My people, the demons are constantly tempting you with earthly things to distract you from loving and adoring Me. The demons want you to love and adore the gods of this world as sports, money, and buying new things. The demons never sleep or take vacations, so they will be tempting you your whole life. Do not be afraid of them because I give you your guardian angel and My graces from the sacraments to help you. If you fall into sin, I will forgive you if you repent of your sins in Confession to the priest. Cleansing your sins will prepare you to receive Me in Holy Communion, when My graces will heal the effects of your sins, and give you the spiritual gifts to fight the demons’ temptations. I can offer you heaven and My constant love. The demons will only hate you and lead you into the eternal flames of hell. So do not give in to loving things, but love your Savior who brings you love and joy in this life and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I gave you two messages: one was of the left leaning opposition protesters who would cause riots in the streets, and the other was about the President calling up the Marines to help in your country. You can now see the connection to have the Marines ready to stop any civil unrest, or a coup attempt to try and take over the government. These left activists will stop at nothing to try and remove your President from his office. Look for more violence by such left groups at more rallies for the President’s re-election campaign. Pray for the safety of your President, and that the communists will not take over your election in 2020.”


Saturday, October 12, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when Moses brought down the tablets of the Ten Commandments and he divided the people who were with God from the people who worshiped the golden calf of false gods. So it is with this vision of the separation of day from night. You also are divided into two camps. You are either with Me and My Blessed Mother in the camp of the living God of Light, or you are in the camp of darkness with all of the evil ones who are on a road to hell. There is no grey area. You are either for Me or against Me. I call all of My people to love Me and serve Me. Listen to the Gospel of today: ‘Blessed are the people who hear the Word of God and observe it.’ It will be by your actions that I will see the fruit that you will bear.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a blue goo going throughout a city street, is a sign of the opposition party’s control of your large cities. One of the more recent problems have been the sanctuary cities, meaning your police are not bringing illegal immigrants to trial for their crimes. The political leaders are not enforcing your laws for protecting your people from criminal illegal immigrants. The other obsession of the opposition party is to try and impeach your President without taking a full vote of the House of Representatives. They have been making up false stories for the last few years trying to impeach your President. It is getting so bad for the socialists that they are resorting to violent protests at your President’s campaign rallies. Keep praying for peace and less division among your people, or you could see a civil war.”


Sunday, October 13, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is very familiar to My faithful, when I answered the ten lepers who cried out for mercy to heal them. I asked them to go before the priest to confirm their healing. On the way to the priest, all ten lepers were healed. After seeing the priest, only a Samaritan returned to give Me thanks for his healing. I told him to go because his faith had saved him. I also asked him where were the other nine lepers who were healed, but he did not have an answer. So it is even now, when people pray for something, and I answer their prayer. Many forget to give Me thanks. You have many things to be thankful for in your life that include: the light of the sun, the air you breathe, good health, your fervent faith, a good living, a good and free country, and many more such things. Most of all you should thank Me for dying on the cross to forgive your sins. I love all of you so much, and I reach out to save as many souls as possible. Give thanks to Me every day for all that I do for you.”


Monday, October 14, 2019: (St. Callistus I, Pope)
Jesus said: “My people, the only sign that I gave was the sign of Jonah. You remember how Jonah proclaimed to Nineveh that in forty days, Nineveh would be destroyed. But the people of Nineveh repented of their sins and changed their evil ways. Because of this I did not destroy the city. So it is with America today. If you listen to My prophets to repent of your sins and change your evil ways, I will not bring any punishment upon you. But if you persist in your abortions and sexual sins, then I will allow your enemies to take you over, and you will suffer from natural disasters. As you see the leaves falling from the trees, you know that winter is near. But now you are seeing an increase in evil all around you, and you know that the tribulation of the Antichrist is near also. When I return, will I find any faith left in My people? It will be My faithful remnant that will survive at My refuges, because the gates of hell will not prevail over My refuges, nor My faithful remnant. There will be six weeks of conversion after the Warning, which is close to forty days. This will be the same time to change your lives and believe in Me, so you can receive the cross on your forehead. If you do not change your ways, then you could be on the road to hell. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed to enter into My refuges, and they will be protected from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, when a nation displays a little weakness, other nations will move in to take advantage of the situation. It is difficult to understand all the connections with Russia and Iran in the Middle East fighting. There are plenty of possibilities for these countries to make a miscalculation of how your troops will react to any aggression. You could see more incidents that could lead to a major war in the Middle East. It is a war that is waiting to happen. Pray for peace in the Middle East, but there are countries ready to try and take over territory in these areas.”


Tuesday, October 15, 2019: (St. Teresa of Avila)
Jesus said: “My people, the people in your world today are being more influenced by the devil, because they have taken Me out of their schools, and out of any public buildings. Because the parents do not take their children to church on Sunday, the children do not know Me, nor do they know their prayers. This is why they are selfish and without manners. Parents and babysitters let the children be consumed by their electronic games, which is not good for learning social interactions. It is better to involve your children with prayers and Mass, than to let the devil control their minds. I criticized the Pharisees because they made themselves look holy on the outside, but inside they were like dead men’s bones. Unless the people have a personal relationship with Me, they will become the lukewarm, who will fall away on the road to hell. How do you wake up your people to the need for loving Me, when they ignore Me with earthly distractions? My only answer for now, is to bring My Warning to show them who they are, and how I should fit into their lives. Pray for the sinners of today who are not allowing Me to be a part of their lives. It is only My prayer warriors who can pray for your people to help them, but there are not enough prayer warriors to help so many people. Pray to double your prayers because your people are worse than the Pharisees, since the people do not even know who I am.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how I will send everyone an inner locution message when it is time to leave for My refuges. Once you are notified to leave your home, you are to grab your prepared backpack and leave in twenty minutes. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Your guardian angel will put an invisible shield over you, as the angel leads you to a refuge. Have no fear of the evil ones, because My angels will protect you.”

Because of various heresies being proclaimed, Our Lord gave these teachings. Jesus said: “My people, you have been hearing rumors of what the Pope is reported to have said. Unless a statement is written and signed, it does not hold any meaning to My Church. There are several heresies being mentioned. The first heresy is called ‘annihilism’ which says that hell and the souls in hell will disappear. Hell is eternal (as stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church) and it was established as an eternal punishment for the demons who were cast out of heaven. Now the souls of mankind can also be sent to hell if they refuse to love Me, and refuse to repent of their sins.
Another heresy is the Arian heresy which does not believe I am God. I am truly the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. There are three Persons in God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am fully man and God at the same time.
Another error speaks of a world church, but there can only be One Church that I instituted with St. Peter, and the faith in My Church will not be changed to accommodate other religions. If people profess any of these heretical errors, you do not have to believe such people, because they are heretics. Trust in My Word and follow the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’, and you will be teaching the truth about the faith. Call on the Holy Spirit to discern what is true.”


Wednesday, October 16, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you were tested again with a sickness of a stomach ache when you threw up in the toilet. Keep remembering to offer up your suffering for the souls in purgatory and for poor sinners. You saw how disabling sickness can be when you could not go to your daily Mass. There are many people who are sick either briefly or chronically. You now know what they are suffering. Your sickness is a good example to pray for the people who are sick with cancer or other chronic illnesses. You will greatly appreciate My healing powers when you come to My refuges, and look upon My luminous cross. Those faithful, who look upon My luminous cross in the sky, will be healed of all of their ailments. Give praise and thanks to Me for My help to all of My refuge builders. You will soon be having your fourth refuge practice run on November 1-2. This will be another opportunity to see how you will be living during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”


Thursday, October 17, 2019: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Gospel how I criticized the Pharisees and their fathers for killing the prophets of God. These religious leaders were hypocrites in their teachings that they did not follow. The prophets and apostles that I sent to correct the people’s evil actions, were rejected, and these evil ones persecuted and killed My prophets because they could not stand the truth of their words. So it is today with My prophets, that they are also persecuted for speaking the truth. You My son, and people speaking the words of the end times, are being criticized and kept from speaking in My churches. You have the same religious leaders, as the Pharisees, who do not want to hear the words of My prophets. These leaders see you as a challenge to their leadership, and that is why you have difficulty speaking in churches, as I had difficulty speaking in Jewish synagogues. Some of My priest sons are afraid to talk about sinful subjects because they do not want to offend their people, and lose money in their collections. It appears that some are more concerned about money, than the souls of their parishioners. Continue, My son, to speak out about the sins of the people, and their need to repent in Confession. Saving souls from their sins is truly more valuable than all the money in the world. Do not worry about any persecution for speaking My messages to the people. I will give you the grace and good health to deliver My words to all the nations.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you continue to see more testing with your natural disasters. A strong storm of wind and rain is striking the Northeast with some wind damage. You also are seeing a new storm in the Gulf of Mexico that will strike your Gulf coast. In California you are still seeing some fires that are causing some evacuations. These events and your constant political battles are keeping your people troubled in your spirits. Pray for peace among your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is Turkey who is to blame in their attack on the Kurds. You are also seeing Russia and Syria filling the void left by the Kurds. It has been difficult to contain Turkey for fighting in Northern Syria because they are a NATO country. There may be some economic sanctions placed on Turkey for their fighting. Keep praying for peace in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw some violence at one of your President’s rallies in Minnesota, which is a blue state. As more rallies occur, you will see which states will cause more problems. When radical protesters cause problems, you will see how well your local police handle such disturbances. It is sad when these protesters use violence to try and hold your President back in using free speech. Pray for your country to heal any divisions.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Amazon Synod leaders are making some drastic proposals to have married priests, and women in some ministries. This Synod lasts until October 27, and it will be shocking if your leaders try to change your priestly functions. Some people are saying these proposals will be made in the Church. Some of these changes could cause divisions in My Church. Pray for unity in My Church, instead of allowing divisions to upset people.”

Jesus said: “My people, Planned Parenthood has been a promoter of abortion, as this is how they make their money on abortions at their clinics. The ‘Unplanned’ movie has opened people’s eyes to how they are killing babies with their abortions. Your guest will verify the truth of what was revealed in this movie. You can tape her talk to share with your people. Continue to pray for the stoppage of abortion in America.”

Jesus said: “My son, continue to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese for your safe travel coming to and returning from your talks. The evil ones will try to disrupt your travels, but My angels will guard your path. Trust in My help in your travels, and also the help of the Holy Spirit in giving your talks. I thank you, My son, for continuing to share My messages with My faithful people. Have your prayer group pray for a successful trip.”

Jesus said: “My son, I asked you to have another refuge practice run because time is getting close for the coming tribulation. There is some planning involved for what food you will have for your meals. You should use your dried foods and bake some bread as you did before. Have a sign-up list for the hours of your Perpetual Adoration. You may need some heating from your kerosene burners and your fireplace. Have your wind-up flashlights and pull-up lanterns ready for light during the night. You will not use your electricity, your gas heater, nor your oven. Living on a refuge will be a lot of work just to meet your daily needs. You will be using your water well run by your solar panels during the daylight. Your prayer group is invited to come on November 1-2.”


Friday, October 18, 2019: (St. Luke)
Jesus said: “My son, you read in the Gospel how I sent out My disciples two by two to evangelize the people. I told them to stay at one house, and rely on the people to provide for their needs. The worker in the field is worth his support for the cost of transportation. My son, when you go out to speak, you go with your wife as two, just as My disciples went two by two. The people, who invite you, give you money for planes, or gas for your car. They provide you food and a place to stay overnight. When you share My messages, you are encouraging the people, and preparing them for the coming tribulation. It is not easy to take as many trips as you do, but I give you what is needed to carry out your mission. Continue to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer, and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese for your protection while you are traveling. I thank you for saying ‘yes’ to My call to spread My messages.”


Saturday, October 19, 2019: (St. John de Brebeuf, St. Isaac Jogues)
Jesus said: “My son, you have been given a strong faith to share My messages with the people who invite you. In today’s Gospel there were two words of knowledge that are important to your mission. The one is how the Holy Spirit gives you the words to speak to the people. The Holy Spirit is also instrumental in helping you to remember and write down My words. The second word speaks about how blaspheming against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Such a sin is that of unbelief in Me, and to deny Me, which makes it hard for Me to forgive people. You need to be sorry for your sins and repent of them, before I can forgive your sins. This is the reason that you come to Confession, so you can tell Me in the priest how you are sorry that you offended Me in your sins. Without this contrition and a seeking of My forgiveness, you are blocking My merciful forgiveness. I forgive all repentant sinners, but not those who do not love Me, and do not come to Me for forgiveness. I am always like the father of the Prodigal Son, as I wait for you to come to Me to forgive your sins.”


Sunday, October 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel spoke about persistence in prayer to help save souls. It also speaks of being faithful to your prayers for your family, the souls in purgatory, and poor sinners. I love all of My people all of the time, and I do not stop loving you. I also wait for you to come to Me in Confession to confess your sins and seek My forgiveness. It is not easy to be faithful in hard times because you may have to help a family member with sickness, or comfort someone who lost a loved one. It takes a strong faith in Me to be persistent in praying for people who refuse to love Me, or refuse to come to Sunday Mass. Do not give up on any soul because I do not either. You may not see miracles at first, but with Me, all things are possible. I call all of My people to be with Me in heaven, but each soul has to endure the trials of life to be able to embrace My reward in heaven for your efforts. For all that you do for Me in helping others, you will store up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”


Monday, October 21, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I told a parable about the rich man who stored up the treasure of his harvest for himself only. In this world all of your possessions will pass away. I do not want you to be selfish, but you need to share what you have with those people who could use help with donations. When you share your wealth, you are storing up treasure in heaven for your judgment. Where your treasure is, there is your heart also. If your treasure is on earth, then you are putting your worship of money before Me. If your treasure is being with Me, then your heart is with Me, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven. Do not let the worldly things control you in any manner of addiction, but use these things for your needs. Do not worry what you have, or do not have, for I will provide for your daily needs in faith. I will multiply what you have for the days of famine and the tribulation. You are storing up food at your refuge so you can accommodate the people’s needs for when I will send them to your refuge. Go and be a good steward of what I have given you, for your true treasure is having Me in your heart.”

Jesus said: “My people, time is running out for your President to try and have an agreement with China. If China does not change their bad trading habits, your President could be forced to increase the tariffs on Chinese imports. Such a threat, if carried out, could drastically affect both China’s and America’s economies. Such a resumption of a trade war with China, could cause the stock market to take a dip, especially in October. Any further tariff increases could cause your companies to buy their goods cheaper from other countries. Your country should not be so dependent on a communist country to provide your necessities. Pray for your leaders to make the right choices for America.”


Tuesday, October 22, 2019: (St. John Paul II, Pope)
Jesus said: “My people, one of the many blessings you had from St. John Paul II, was his establishment of a collection of the tenets of your faith in the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’. With all of the recent confusing statements from the Vatican, this book is needed in your homes for your time to discern any heresies in My Church. You will need this information to discern any coming schism or division in My Church. Many people do not know their faith, and some clergy may be giving heresies that are confusing to the people. Use this Catechism in your home to point out any heresies that are being proclaimed. My Catechism will reveal who is a heretic and who is not. Know your faith, and do not follow any disguised heresies. If some churches are teaching heresies, move to a faithful church. Eventually, you will need to come to My refuges to avoid the schismatic church.”

Jesus said: “My people, Jonah warned the people of Nineveh to repent of their sins, or their city would be destroyed. The people did repent, and their city was not destroyed. So, I am telling you, My son, to tell the people of America to repent of their sins, or they will be cast down into the nether world. I am separating the believers in God at My refuges from the non-believers. Only My believers will have crosses placed on their foreheads by My angels, and they will be the only ones allowed into My refuges. The evil people and the non-believers will not be allowed into My refuges. At the end of the tribulation, I will send My Comet of Chastisement on the earth in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. My refuges will be shielded from this destruction by your refuge angel. The evil people and the demons will be cast into hell, when the people are killed by this comet. Then I will re-create the earth, and bring My people into My Era of Peace. You will live a long time in the Era of Peace, and when you die, you will be like saints ready for heaven. I will be calling all of My faithful to My refuges, so do not hesitate, but move quickly to your safe haven.”


Wednesday, October 23, 2019: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Luke 12:35-48) you have a warning to be ever watchful when I will return. Just as you are preparing your refuge for the coming tribulation, so you always need to be ready for My coming, or when I come for you at your death. You want to have a pure soul with monthly Confession so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment. I showed you a bell to alert the people at the proper time of My coming. It is also a sign of freedom, as I will protect My people from the evil ones. You will also be alerted with an inner locution, when I will tell everyone to leave their homes to come to My refuges of safety. Even now, you are preparing to have your fourth refuge practice run. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Be thankful that I have inspired My refuge builders to prepare their refuges to receive My people before the tribulation. You will see a brief reign of the Antichrist, but then I will bring My judgment on the evil ones, as I will bring My victory over all evil. The evil ones will be cast into hell, as I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the current Amazon Synod is drawing to a close in a few days. Many of the proposals are not according to the traditions of My Church. It will be a deciding point if any changes are made permanent. If any liberal changes are adopted, it could cause some divisions in My Church. I have given you many messages about a coming schismatic church that will eventually control most of the churches. My faithful remnant may be forced to come to My refuges early, if there is no proper Mass for them to take part in. Pray that you have a good priest at your refuge. Pray also that the schismatic church will not control all the churches right away.”


Thursday, October 24, 2019: (St. Anthony Mary Claret)
Jesus said: “My people, yesterday you saw the two movies: ‘Unplanned’ and ‘Gosnell’ with your right to life group at your house. You also had Lynn give a talk about her friend, Kim, who worked at Planned Parenthood, and left as she was converted to be a Roman Catholic. This was a busy day, but the people, who saw the movies, were wishing they could be shown in the high schools. This killing of My babies is such an obvious evil in your society, when you are offering up the lives of your children to the gods of convenience and money. You know My Fifth Commandment of Thou shall not kill anyone, but you are killing a million babies every year. These babies are My creations, and you are preventing these little ones from fulfilling the missions I have given them. Life is precious, but your society is disposing of My babies as human garbage, which greatly offends Me. You are not even giving these babies a proper burial. Did you think I would not punish your nation for having laws to legalize abortion? I tell you, you will see My swift justice in your natural disasters, and a takeover of your country. Since the 1980’s mankind has killed 1.5 billion babies. This is a lot of blood on your hands, as you watch the abortion doctors kill My babies in these movies. Pray to stop your abortions, and repent of these grisly killings.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you could take this vision of empty shackles in two ways. The first is a spiritual release of the shackles of your sins that were released when I was crucified on the cross. I died on the cross so all sinners could be saved by seeking My forgiveness of their sins in Confession to the priest. The second meaning could be how many souls suffer physically with persecutions and even martyrdom for their faith. Some Christians are being held in shackles in prisons for holding dear to their faith. Have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people were shocked at how evil the killings of babies are at the Planned Parenthood clinics. It does not matter if the doctors kill the babies by snipping their necks, or if they use toxic chemicals into the heart, the result of a dead baby is the same in all of the abortions that you saw in the movies ‘Unplanned’ and ‘Gosnell’. Pray to stop abortion, and make it known how such killings need to stop, or I will stop it.”

Jesus said: “My people, I really have a Book of Life where all of My faithful believers are written. Those souls, who are not written in this Book of Life, will not enter heaven, and their souls will burn forever in the flames of hell. When you believe in Me, and you have My angels place an invisible cross on your foreheads, then you will be written in My Book of Life. This is another reward for being faithful to Me in life.”

Jesus said: “My people, Halloween is more of a celebration of the evil ones than a preparation for All Saints’ Day. Many people use evil symbols of devils and witches in their decorations. Avoid using any evil symbols in your decorations. The children have fun getting candy that night, but do not dress them up in any evil costumes. Think more about honoring My saints than honoring an evil holiday.”

Jesus said: “My people, be prepared for more natural disasters as you enter another cold snow season. As the cold time returns, you can remember your heavy snow squalls, and how you have to plow out your driveways. You barely have time to rake up your leaves before the winter snow will be upon you. You have had a warm fall without a frost yet. You see the leaves changing and falling, which is a sign of winter coming. You endure the four seasons as a circle of life’s changing seasons. Give thanks to Me to see the beauty of My creation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see how deep seated your opposition party is in their hatred for your President. You have never seen such a movement to impeach a President when no true crime has been brought forth. Many of your people are tired of hearing the same lies over and over. These deep state people are evil and ruthless in their impeachment secret meetings. Pray for peace and unity in your country, instead of all the fake news that is being reported.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are always willing to go where I send you to share My messages. Remember your prayers for the safety of your travel. You have been speaking at many places this fall, and you have a feeling that you may not be speaking much longer. In every trip it is important to pray for the souls who attend. Sometimes you even have sufferings to offer up for the souls who come. Continue to call on My help for your safety and good health. You trust in Me in all that you do, and I am grateful for all the work you do for Me and the souls.”


Friday, October 25, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I know you all love Me in My Eucharist, and My faithful remnant believe in My Real Presence. Every time a priest uses the proper words of Consecration, I am Present with the consecrated Host and consecrated Wine. There will come a time, and even in some places now, when the priest does not use the proper words of Consecration. In these situations I will not be Present in that host. As the schismatic church comes into power, it will be difficult to find a proper Mass with the proper words of Consecration. Only come to a Mass of My faithful remnant that will become scarce to find. At some point you may only find a proper Mass from a faithful priest at My refuges. No matter who denies the Real Presence in My consecrated Host, I am still Present. Follow only a proper Mass for My faithful. I have told you that My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion to My refuges during the tribulation. This will be needed if you cannot find a faithful priest for Mass. Trust in Me that I will provide for all of your spiritual and physical needs at My refuges.”


Saturday, October 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before, by the fruits of people’s actions you will know them. A bad tree will only have bad fruit, while a good tree will only bear good fruit. So it is with good people who bear good fruit in their good deeds. But bad people bear bad fruit in their evil deeds. I call on My people to imitate My life on earth, and follow My Commandments. If you desire heaven, you need to repent and confess your sins in Confession. By your good actions throughout your life, you will be storing up treasure in heaven for your judgment. At the harvest of souls, every soul will have to make an accounting of one’s actions in life, and how you made use of your time. Enter through the narrow gate, and not through the broad road of the worldly. My judgments are true and just. So if you give yourself over to Me in everything you do, you will receive your eternal reward with Me in heaven.”


Sunday, October 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to be humble and give glory to Me for all that I do for you in your life. Instead of letting your pride control you to follow your own agenda, you need to let Me be the center of your life, and let Me lead you in your life. Even though you may have certain accomplishments in your life, do not brag about them or your possessions. You must give praise and thanks to Me for helping you with your God-given talents. Without My gifts and blessings, you cannot accomplish anything. Remember that everything in this life is passing away. It is your eternal life that is most important, so you want to do everything for Me, so you may be worthy by My grace to come to heaven. By being humble in all you do, you will be exalted to heaven. If you exalt yourself, you will be humbled in shame. I love all of you so much, and I pray that you will love Me and your neighbor as yourself.”


Monday, October 28, 2019: (St. Simon, and St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many evil things happening all over the world. This vision of black smoke rising into one large black cloud, is a sign of how the evil demons are spreading all over the world. Many people are being controlled by various addictions, especially by drugs and alcohol. There are demons attached to each of these addictions. Your abortions and sexual sins are sending up their black clouds of smoke. When a city is so covered with the filth of sin, it is being marked for destruction by My angels. I will call My good people out of such an evil city so it could be destroyed as a punishment for their sins. Trust in My protection for all of My faithful, even as I will destroy the evil ones around you.”

Jesus said: “My son, soon you will be planning to have your fourth refuge practice run. In the vision you are seeing how you will be washing your clothes the old way with soap suds, rinsing with water, and using your wringer to rid the water. You may have to tumble your clothes by hand so they are not straight as a board when the clothes dry. This will be another job to assign the people as part of your preparations. You have sorted out some of your meats and eggs that you have stored on your two new shelves. You will start at night with your round the clock perpetual Adoration hours, as people will sign up for their hour. You will have your lantern lights ready, along with your wind-up flashlights to provide light at night. You may have to use your kerosene burner for heat at night. You will have to plan your meals and bake some bread. You will be using your well water for your water needs. Do not use your gas heater or your normal electricity. Get use to eating your dried food and your MREs for your meals. It will not be easy to adjust your life to a basic survival test, but these practice runs will help your memory, because you may come to My refuges sooner than you think.”


Tuesday, October 29, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you have read several Scripture passages of how I provided miracle catches of fish for My apostles. I told them that now they will be fishers of men for making conversions. So it is with you, My son, when you are traveling many places with Fr. Michel to evangelize the people. You know that the tribulation is close, and you may not have much more time to evangelize. Go where I send you in these last days. I know it is hard to carry your books and things to all the places you go, but be ready to share My messages with the people you meet. The people, who invite you, are very generous by paying for your plane ticket,giving you food and accommodations, and even some donations to help pay for your books and DVDs. You also have been recording your talks and sharing your DVDs with the people. You have been given another gift by visiting a miraculous cross that has been oiling with gold flecks and even salt. Give praise and thanks to Me for this gift and for your safe travel. Trust in Me to have My angels protect you in your travels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen all the unfair trade policies that China is still carrying on at America’s expense. China is content to keep the status quo which gives them some advantage against America. Your President is still collecting tariffs on about half of your trade imports. He is reluctant to implement any more tariffs because he is fearful that it could lead to a recession. If no more action is taken, China will continue their cheating. There is some uncertainty with your business leaders on the trade issue. It is still a plan for the deep state to either impeach your President, or bring down your economy to make him look bad. Another plan is to have him assassinated, but these attempts have not succeeded. Continue praying for your President’s protection from the evil people working against him.”


Wednesday, October 30, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, during your life, you will be constantly tempted by the demons, who look ugly, if you are able to see them, as in your vision. I give all of you a guardian angel to watch over you and help you in warding off the demons’ temptations. There will be times when you will fall into sin, but you can come to Me in Confession where your sins can be forgiven and absolved by the priest. So have no fear of the evil ones, because you have the means to stay close to Me with pure souls. Some of your relatives do not have a strong faith, so you need to pray to help save their souls. Many of your prayers will be answered with My Warning that will wake up some souls who are spiritually asleep in their laziness to follow My Commandments. Give your family and friends a good example in your prayers, Masses, and good deeds. This is another way to help guide the souls who are away from Me. It is a good way to have a close relationship with Me in your daily Mass, and daily prayers. I give everyone enough graces and opportunities to follow My ways, but people need to love Me more than their love for worldly things.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weathermen are forecasting some wind and heavy rains to come in your direction. In the vision you are seeing people boarding up their windows for protection from the wind. Your local electricity provider is also warning you of some possible power outages. It may be wise to watch your weather forecast for how severe any storms might be as they come near you. You are still seeing severe wind in California that is spreading fires. Pray for your own protection, as well as prayers for those people being threatened by wind and fires.”


Thursday, October 31, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how evil, things are getting all over the world. Now in the vision you are seeing the demons flying in the air. If the demons had physical bodies, they would block out the sun because of their numbers. I told you not to be afraid of the demons because My power is greater than all of them. My good angels and your guardian angels are more numerous than the demons, and My angels keep the evil ones in check. My refuge angels will shield you from all harm from the evil ones. Even as you prepare for your fourth practice run, know that My angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels when you are in need. My refuges will be your safe havens from all harm during the tribulation. Pray for your relatives and friends that they are converted at the Warning, so they can receive a cross on their foreheads that will allow them to enter My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, tonight is the hallowed eve of tomorrow’s feast of All Saints’ Day. Many young children dress up in costumes and gather candy from the houses they visit. It is a fun time for children and adults. Keep your focus on Me and My saints, instead of on demons and witches. It is unfortunate that you had a rain and wind storm for the children. You also are praying your storm prayer to lessen any effects of a possible heavy rain and wind storm. Trust in My protection for your homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a harassment of your President when there is no crime worthy of his impeachment. The opposition party is holding secret meetings to bring up witnesses, but their testimony is secret with no questions by the Republican party. The Mueller report was a failure, and this impeachment has no crime to try in court. Pray for a just outcome with these proceedings.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are waiting to see a signed document by the Pope that will sum up the findings of this latest synod. In the public forum you are seeing an attempt to allow priests to be married. This would change the mandatory celibacy of your priests. It would be difficult for a priest to give attention to a family and his priestly mission. Pray that any changes do not cause a split in My Church. I did tell you that there would be a schismatic church that would split away from My faithful remnant. Do not go with the schismatic church that will teach New Age heresies. Pray that My people will come to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were blessed to see an oiling crucifix with gold flecks, salt, and a strong odor of roses, when you were in Chicago, Illinois. You brought back pictures of this miracle that oiled when Carmelo prayed over this crucifix. This occurred over thirty times over the years. This was a gift to see the crucifix that oiled. Give thanks and praise to Me for My dying on the cross for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I called your people to have a fourth refuge drill so you can be focused on Me in your chapel, and focused on what refuge life will be like. You can see by worldly events that a time is coming when the Christian persecution will endanger your lives. It will be necessary to come to My refuges so you can have protection at My safe havens during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Only My believers with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges by your refuge angels. This trial run is another preparation for what is to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing snow and heavy rains in the East, and fires in the West. These natural disasters are a punishment for your people because of your abortions and sexual sins. When I withdraw My people from the evil cities, then you will see more violent destruction on the evil people in these cities that are like Sodom. Pray to convert souls at the Warning, or the remaining souls could be lost.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have had a busy schedule this fall in all of the places you have gone, and the places you will be visiting. Satan’s time is coming to a close when I will bring My victory over the Antichrist and the demons. Since his time is short, he is having his last attempts to take souls to hell. My Warning is a blessing to give people one last chance to come to Me to be saved. Those people, who see their life review and judgment, will have to decide to be in My camp or the devil’s camp. My faithful will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Those people, who refuse to love Me, and refuse to repent of their sins, will be lost forever in the flames of hell.”


Friday, November 1, 2019: (All Saints’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, when an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack comes, your cars will stop working when the microchip running your engine will stop your car. Microchips are vulnerable to such an attack, and many other appliances will not work either. You will see power outages all over, and it will take a long time to replace your transformers. It is coincidental that you are having your refuge practice run, because you will be living as if you did not have your electricity running. In an EMP attack your stores will quickly run out of food. This loss of power could start a famine where only people with stored food will survive. In such a case you would need to come to My refuges where I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Learn from your practice run how you will be living in a new kind of life. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, today is a glorious day to celebrate all of My saints in heaven, the ones pronounced in My Church, and all the other saints who have made it to heaven. The souls in purgatory, and the believers on earth are all joined in My Communion of Saints with the saints in heaven. In the vision you have a glimpse of My future saints who will be purified in the purgatory on earth during the tribulation. Once you are brought into My Era of Peace, there will be no more demons or evil people. Then you will grow in holiness and become saints when you die and come into heaven. Rejoice when you will have your reward with Me as saints in heaven.”


Saturday, November 2, 2019: (All Souls’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, sometimes people think all the souls of the dead go immediately to heaven. In reality only a few go directly to heaven, and these are the faithful who suffered pain on earth, or were saintly people. Some go to hell, and some come to purgatory. In purgatory there are some souls suffering in flames, and some are suffering in a grey dingy area. It takes Masses and prayers to move up quickly in purgatory. Some souls have to be purged for a minimum length of time before Masses and prayers can move them up. Pray for the souls in purgatory, especially pray for your relatives and for those souls whom no one is praying for.
You are carrying out your fourth practice run, and your kerosene burners provided enough heat on the main floor, and in your smaller burner in the basement. You had eggs, pancakes, and your drinks for breakfast. You baked bread in your propane oven, and made soup for lunch on your butane burner. You also maintained around the clock hours of Adoration in your chapel. Your prayers will be a sign of your faithfulness to Me, and it will enable the multiplication of your food, water, and fuels during the tribulation. You were using your well water for your source of water. Most of all you are helping each other in your tasks, and you see the joy of living together as My faithful remnant. Be prepared to live this way during the tribulation.”

God the Father said: “I Am Who Am is speaking to you, and I blessed all the people who prayed their Adoration hours in the chapel dedicated to Me. My son, Jesus, inspired you to have this fourth practice run so you would be prepared for what is coming. I thank all of your people who made time to be at your refuge practice run. When you see the events getting worse in the world, you are seeing the need for My people to come to the refuges that people have prepared for this time. Many people have forgotten to pray to Me for help, and some forget Me, or ignore Me in their lives. I am the Creator of all that you see, and this is all proclaimed in your Bibles. Those people, who love Me and worship Me, will be rewarded in heaven, but those people, who refuse to love Me, or refuse to seek My forgiveness of their sins, are on a road to hell. My Warning will be everyone’s last chance to accept Me as their God, or they will be responsible for their own destination by their own free will.”


Sunday, November 3, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you have some embarrassing moments in life, and changing your daylight savings time can be one of them. This gave you a chance to have two messages today. You had a chance to gain some time you did not know about or remember. Your time is moving fast through the year, so it is a blessing for a pause. Time is always a gift to you, but it is important to make the best use of your time, or it is quickly wasted. The best use of your time is when you use your time to pray, and give glory to Me at Mass. Your life moves along so quickly, that you do not always realize where your time went. This life is passing away, but your life with Me in heaven will be in My now, where there is no time. Prepare for heaven by keeping a pure soul, and repent of your sins at Confession. By following My mission for your life, you will store up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I called Zaccheus to come down from the tree, because I wanted to come to his house for dinner. Zaccheus had a conversion when he wanted to give half of his money to the poor, and he wanted to heal his habit of cheating people. You see many people who have become rich at the expense of cheating others. Pray for the conversion of sinners and be honest in your business with people. Those people, who grow rich for themselves, will pay for their selfishness without sharing with the poor or those people in need. The wealth of this world is passing away, but your donations and good deeds will store up real treasure in heaven that will last. You need to share your faith as well as your donations, so more people can come to know and love Me.”


Monday, November 4, 2019: (St. Charles Borromeo)

Jesus said: “My son, your priest gave his homily on the patron saint of your church on St. Charles Borromeo. He quoted St. Charles as saying they had to practice what they preached. This was a good saying so they could not be accused as being hypocrites, like the Pharisees of My day. There was a piece of your saint’s clothing at one place in your church. It is good to honor and imitate the saints, especially the saint your church was named after.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember in the Gospels how I allowed My apostles to haul in large catches of fish, even though they caught nothing all night. After they brought the fish ashore, I told them that from now on, they would be fishers of men for conversions. So it is with My evangelists of today. I give you My angels to help convert the people so they can be saved from hell. Your time is short, so you need to be out working for souls as much as you can. Saving souls with My help is the most important mission that you have. So pray for the conversion of sinners in your daily prayers.”


Tuesday, November 5, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I gave a parable of a king calling people to his dinner, but many made excuses not to come. Because some refused to come to the dinner, he filled his guest room with people off the street, so those, who refused to come, would not taste his dinner. So it is when I invite everyone to come to My wedding banquet in heaven. Many people are distracted by worldly desires and they do not realize they are on a road to hell by refusing to accept My invitation to heaven. I will give everyone a judgment to see where they are headed if they do not change their evil ways at My Warning. They will have a second chance to love Me, when they are returned to their bodies in time. If they still refuse My second call for heaven, then they will be choosing the flames of hell forever. For many are called, but few are chosen.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing time speeding up on the clock on a building. I told you that I would be speeding up the time to shorten the time of tribulation. You will soon start to notice your time speeding up. The time for the devil and the demons is running out as well. Once My faithful remnant come to My refuges, you will be protected from harm by your refuge angel. No evil people or demons will be allowed into My refuges. This is why it is so important to get your family back to the faith, so they can be saved from hell at My refuges. I showed you before how the earth will speed up on its axis, so your day will be shorter than 24 hours. Be thankful that I am separating the evil people from My faithful. Only My faithful will be at My refuges. Once this separation is accomplished, I will bring My judgment on the evil people as they will be killed, and their souls will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth and My faithful will live long lives in My Era of Peace. Trust in Me as I will bring My faithful into heaven after they die.”


Wednesday, November 6, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, the opposition party will do almost anything to try and stop your President from being elected for four more years. This next year up to the election will be in chaos. You will see more attempts to assassinate your President. The Democrats will continue their attempts to impeach your President with lies and bribes. If they are not successful, then they will resort to riots in the streets, a coup attempt, or the creation of a civil war. When the deep state is desperate, they will use violence, bribes, or extortion to get their way. They are focused only on total control, and you are moving closer to a communist takeover. You could even see more hacking of your election machines in 2020. Be prepared for a big show down for your people between freedom and communism. Pray for the safety of your President and Vice President’s lives. If they eliminate both of them, then the Speaker of the House would be next in line to the Presidency.”

Jesus said: “My people, your first snow storm is always a shock to deal with. First you need to wear some warm clothes like sweaters, leggings, hats, and gloves. Then you need some snow removal equipment as shovels and snow blowers. One thing you learned in a previous year is to notice if any snow drifts are blocking your furnace exit pipes. You may want to put some baffles around your low pipes so they do not back up any carbon monoxide. You now have carbon monoxide detectors on all three levels of your house. Being prepared for winter storms requires lights with batteries and heaters with fuels, in case you have a power outage. Your refuge preparations will also help you if you need to help people with a place to stay if you have a power outage. You have water, food, fuels, and places to sleep. Your lantern lights and wind-up flashlights provide you light at night. Be thankful that I helped direct you in your refuge needs. If you do have chaos in your streets, you will be protected by your refuge angel at your refuge where your people can come for protection.”


Friday, November 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel of the unjust steward you are seeing how those people, who cheat or embezzle money, are eventually found out, and they pay for their crimes in jail. I have told you how you will know people by the fruit of their actions. The good people of the Light you will know by their good deeds and faithfulness to My love. The bad people of the darkness, you will know by their evil actions. You are either with Me in the Light, or you are with the devil in the darkness. Listen to My words of the Commandments and act on them in your lives. Those people, who refuse to love Me and refuse to repent of their sins, are on the road to hell. I give everyone sufficient graces to be saved, so take advantage of My gifts, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Saturday, November 9, 2019: (Feast of Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran)
Jesus said: “My people, you are close to seeing a split in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. I have told you before to avoid the schismatic church because it will be teaching New Age philosophies and heretical things. The Mass in the schismatic church will not have My Real Presence, because they will not be using the proper words of Consecration. The schismatic church will soon control all of the churches. At that point I will call My faithful remnant to My refuges where you will have a faithful priest for Mass. If you do not have a faithful priest at your refuge, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion to all of those faithful at My refuges. Do not be afraid of this division because My angels will protect you from the evil ones at My refuges where you will not be harmed. My faithful will see much rejection from the schismatic church, but stay true to Me at My refuges. It is My faithful remnant that will be protected by My angels from the demons and the evil people. Rejoice when I will bring My victory over these evil ones who will be cast into hell. Those people, who choose to follow Me in faith at My refuges, will be protected and rewarded in heaven for their endurance.”


Sunday, November 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in life there are only two directions in your life. You will either be serving Me in My camp of Light, or you will be serving yourself with the devil in the camp of the darkness. It is not easy to keep the faith because you are weak from original sin. But I give you My sacraments, especially Confession where you can have your sins forgiven, and Holy Communion that will heal the effects of sin on your soul. You are here on this earth to know, love, and serve Me in all that you do. To have a personal relationship with Me, you need to have a daily prayer life, and you need to act on My laws by serving your neighbor for Me. By your prayers and good deeds, I will know you are sincere in loving Me. Do not let the devil control you with addictions, but focus your life on Me as your goal for heaven. Choose the blessing or the curse. I will reward you based on the actions of your life. I love all of you, and I desire that you love Me and your neighbor as yourself.”


Monday, November 11, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you give Me love and you worship your Lord every day. In today’s Gospel you see how much I wish to protect My little ones from abuse and the killing of My babies in the womb by abortion. Anyone that gives scandal or misleads My little ones, it would be better to put a millstone around that person’s neck and throw that person into the sea. You are to teach your children the faith that you were given. Teach them their prayers, and lead them to Sunday Mass. Faith and prayers are your ways of showing Me your love. You give thanks to Me for all of My gifts to you by your faithfulness in prayer, fasting, and your good deeds. When you have strong faith in Me, you will be able to perform impossible things with My grace and power. Most of all, I call you to share your faith with everyone so you can convert souls to the faith, and help save souls from hell. You see all the evil around you, and you need to provide donations of money for the needy, and give your time and good deeds to bring souls close to Me. You also can pray for the conversion of sinners, and pray for the souls in purgatory. When you have lived My calling, I will bring you to heaven and tell you, well done My good and faithful servant.”


Tuesday, November 12, 2019: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My people, there have been many martyrs who have died for their faith in Me. They were willing to give up their lives for the sake of the Gospel. In the Eastern Rite there are many icons of My Blessed Mother and Myself. They do not have statues as in the Western Rite. St. Josaphat lived in the Ukraine of Russia where many were starved to death by Stalin. Such artificial food shortages are a communist tactic to control the people, and make them dependent on the communist leaders. You can see the food shortages in communist Venezuela, and communist North Korea. Many communist countries use the same food shortage to control their people. America is seeing more communist activists, especially in the socialist democrats. Your country will soon have to choose between your freedoms under your democratic republic, or atheistic communism. These communist activists offer your free health care and free education without showing you how to pay for it. Do not listen to the socialist lies, and strive to keep your freedom to worship Me. America will be punished for your abortions and sexual sins when you see natural disasters and a communist takeover destroy your society. Fear not the evil ones because I will lead you to the safety of My refuges. After a brief evil time, I will bring My victory over all the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Then I will bring you into My Era of Peace as your reward for being faithful.”


Wednesday, November 13, 2019: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My son, you are experiencing 8 inches or more of snow in your driveway and all over your solar panels. Cold temperatures and significant snow levels have struck 200 million of your people. This natural disaster is another punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. Many airplane flights were cancelled or delayed because of your severe weather. You had difficulty getting home last night because you waited an hour to get off your plane, and two hours before you could get your luggage. On arriving at your home your friend plowed out most of your driveway, but you had to clear off your cars of the snow and drive to the airport to pick up your wife and luggage. You finally arrived home at 3:00 a.m.”
Michael Luck Mass: Jesus said: “My people, Michael is with Me now in heaven, thanks to all the Masses, like today’s Mass, that were offered for his intention. Give thanks and glory to Me for My mercy on his soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, this life on earth can be very difficult if you do not include Me in your life. In the vision I am showing you a desolate earth, and then My foot leaving footsteps for you to follow Me. When you follow Me, I want you to imitate My life. I am teaching you to love everyone as I do, even those people who persecute you, or do not love you. It is not easy to love your enemies, but this is the standard of love that I have shown you. You know how much I love you, because I died on the cross to free you of your sins. You need to love Me as well, even if you have to die for your faith in Me. Many saints were martyred for their faith in Me. Those people, who remain faithful to Me, despite the trials of life, are My special faithful who will be rewarded in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven. If you had a vision of heaven, you would not want to return to earth, unless you were told to return. My son, you have been given two missions: one is to spread My Word in evangelizing souls, and the other mission is to prepare a refuge for people to come for safety from the evil ones during the tribulation. You have accepted both missions, and your reward in heaven will be great. Many people are also using their missions to store up graces in heaven for their judgment.”


Thursday, November 14, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of God is upon you when you are with Me, especially at Communion time. When you go out to preach about My Kingdom, you are preaching about My Real Presence in My Eucharist. Over the years it has been at the Mass when you are united with the Communion of saints in purgatory, in heaven, and on earth. At the Mass in Holy Communion you have a taste of heaven in My Real Presence. Rejoice every time you are able to receive Me in My Eucharist. Remember to keep your souls clean with at least monthly Confession so you are worthy and holy to receive Me. It is in Holy Communion that you have an intimate feeling of My Presence in your soul. Continue your daily prayers and good works so you can have a personal relationship with your Lord. This is why it is important to have all of your family members come to Sunday Mass. My daily Mass faithful I keep close to My Heart of love. I want everyone to experience My love, so pray for those souls who are away from My Kingdom.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, in your travels in Texas you saw a couple of refuges using trailers for the people to live. One refuge had a large church and many smaller buildings. You were with Fr. Michel at four cities where you had your talks. One of his messages from God the Father showed him a speeding up of events and of time starting with Christmas on December 25th of this year. This is a confirmation of the message that I gave you recently on how time would be speeding up so your days will be less than 24 hours. (11-5-19 message) Trust in Me for providing safe places for you at My refuges where you will have all of your necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will be using My refuges as a means to separate the good people from the bad people. You are seeing many people heeding My messages to prepare refuges of protection for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Even if people have not finished their refuge preparations, My angels will help finish them for you. If more people come to your refuges than you planned for, My angels will expand your refuges, even building more floors on your houses. Do not worry because I will provide the needed buildings, food, water, and fuels that are needed.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing several people saying how they are making their last plans for next year. I told you before that the time for traveling to your talks will soon come to a close because there will be chaos in your streets from either a coup or a civil war. My son, you have been warning the people to prepare for the coming tribulation for over twenty years. Now you are seeing the signs of such a takeover coming quickly. I will call My people to My refuges with an inner locution when I will have your guardian angels lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You will have to leave your home with your backpack in twenty minutes, when I give you the word.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people were shocked with the violent cold and snow blizzards that you just received. It is true that you will be seeing more severe weather as you move into the winter season. Be prepared for food shortages and power outages from your storms. I have warned you to have some stocked up food for a year for each member of your family. You could suffer a start of a famine. When the communists take over, you will have massive food shortages. Trust in Me to provide food for you, even before you come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your natural disasters will increase, just as the end time signs were revealed in Matthew’s Gospel and in the Book of Revelation. These signs speak of famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. You have read of the four horsemen in the Book of Revelation, along with the breaking of seals as there will be a battle between the good forces and the evil forces. Read these Scriptures of the four horsemen and the seven seals that will be happening soon. Have no fear because in the end I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, you will get to use all of your stored food and fuels when people will come to your refuge. I will need to multiply what you have because I showed you a stadium of people who will come to your refuge. Do not be overwhelmed by the large number of people that I will send to you. You will have to organize core groups to help manage your needs, just as Fr. Michel advised you in your Georgia meeting. It is very important to have your perpetual Adoration at every refuge, because it will be your faith in My miracles that will provide for your daily needs. Have no fear of the evil ones, as your refuge angel will protect you from all harm. Call on your refuge angel, St. Meridia, to provide for your protection and your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Warning is very near and some lives will be changed dramatically when they see their life review and their mini-judgment. The Warning will be a wake-up call to all sinners who will see how their sins offend Me. Those people, who are shown their hell destination, may decide to change their lives when they return to their bodies. In the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, you will be working hard to save the souls of your family. Pray that they will turn their lives around to believe in Me so they can come into My refuges. Those people, who refuse to love Me and refuse to repent of their sins, are on a path to hell if they do not change. Keep praying that your families’ souls will be saved after the Warning during the six weeks without the devil’s influence.”


Friday, November 15, 2019: (St. Albert the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, many of your people do not want to hear about the end times because it means you need to prepare your life for a judgment. These readings of the end times are a sign to have your soul ready with frequent Confession because you do not know when I will call you home, or when there will be a time of My coming. This is also a preparation for the Warning and your mini-judgment. If you keep your soul clean, you will not see any hell experience. I have asked people to build their refuges so they are ready to receive My people. Do not be afraid of the tribulation because I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges. You are seeing a monastery in the vision because monasteries will be refuges for My people. You are seeing signs of the great evil that will come at the end. Have your backpacks ready for a quick departure from your home, when your guardian angel will lead you to the nearest refuge.”

For Jim DiLorenzo: Jesus said: “My people, Jim needs a few more Masses to leave purgatory for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is good that you have accomplished all of the projects that I have given you for your refuge. You now have an independent water well that provides water, and you have new off-grid solar panels to power your water pump. All of your fuel supplies, your food, cots, and water are all necessities for surviving the tribulation. Even your lanterns and wind-up flashlights will help in the darkness of night. Your refuge angel will multiply what you need for how ever many people I will send to you. The ash tree that died can be cut up for more wood fuel. It is good that you have an efficient wood burner in your living room. When you did your fourth practice run, you used the water from your well, and the new lanterns and reusable batteries. You used your dried food to eat, your soup, and your bread from your propane oven. These are all the same things you could use for your survival needs. You have also helped others by using your refuge as an example to other refuges. Your perpetual Adoration is also important for your faith in Me to multiply what you need. Even if the money crashed, and the banks failed, you would be able to survive, and be protected from harm by your refuge angel. This shield will even protect you from My Comet of Chastisement and all the other evil things that the demons will try to use to harm you. I love you all so much, and I am preparing you to survive the coming tribulation.”


Saturday, November 16, 2019: (St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland)
Jesus said: “My people, at every sacrifice of the Mass, My angels are always glorifying My Real Presence at the consecration of the Mass. You have heard, and you have seen miracles of My Eucharist when blood spots appear on the consecrated Host. I have allowed these miracles to prove to the people that the consecrated Host and Wine have been transubstantiated into My very Body and Blood. My faithful do not hear much about My Real Presence from the pulpit, so not everyone believes in My Real Presence, but I am still there. When you come into a Catholic Church, you should genuflect to My Presence in the tabernacle. At your prayer group you give Adoration to My Eucharist in the monstrance. I thank all of My faithful who give honor and reverence to My Real Presence in My Host. My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God for you, my son. We were having an interesting conversation, and I reminded you to talk to me more about your needs. I have been busy watching over you in all of your traveling. I have been prompting you to keep busy with the Lord’s requests, so you do not waste any time. I was especially advising you to pray more rosaries while you are waiting on the plane during the flight. The Lord is giving you messages about not wasting your time on frivolous distractions. Your best time is spent in prayer, especially at Adoration. I showed you a brief vision of all the guardian angels in church tonight. I am using this message as an encouragement for all the people to talk to their guardian angel. We are always at your side to help you and protect you from harm and temptations. We also exchanged our love for each other. You are honored to have your own special angel. Your Lord loves all of you so much that he assigns an angel for everyone, right from conception. Give thanks and praise to God for all He does for you.”


Sunday, November 17, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you have been preaching to the people how to prepare for the end times for many years, but now there are plenty of signs of how My messages to you are true. You also have been promoting people to set up refuges for many years, and now I directed you to set up your own refuge as an example for others. Your refuges will be useful with My angels to accept many people for a safe haven. Your refuge angel, St. Meridia, will only allow My true believers to enter your refuge, so work after the Warning to evangelize your family so they can be saved from hell. All of the people, who criticized your messages, will be like the evil ones who drowned in the flood when they criticized Noah for building his ark. Trust in Me to have My angels lead My faithful to My refuges when I give you all the Word to come immediately.”


Monday, November 18, 2019: (Dedication, Basilica to St.Peter, St.Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, I formed My Church on the rock of St. Peter, and the faith of My apostles in Me has been handed down to My people of today. This is why it is important to keep the faith in what My apostles taught without any heresies. It is My faithful remnant that I will protect from the gates of hell. You will see a schismatic church that will try and mislead My people, but do not follow their false New Age teachings. Because of this split in My Church, you will need to follow only the teachings of My apostles. Eventually, you will need to come to My refuges so you will have the true faith protected by My refuge angels. Keep the faith that you were taught, and you will be rewarded in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a sign of the time speeding up, and a sign that the Warning is very close. I have been giving you several messages of the time speeding up in addition to Fr. Michel’s message about Christmas. I am also emphasizing your preparations for the coming Warning. It is important to keep your soul clean with frequent Confession so you do not have any judgment to hell in your mini-judgment after your life review. Many people are going to be shocked when they have their mini-judgment to their destination. After My Warning, people will not be able to say that I do not exist, or that I am not God. Some people will know that hell exists, and that they need to change their lives to avoid going to hell. Trust in Me that you will have a fair judgment based on your life’s actions.”


Tuesday, November 19, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this reserved seat of a baseball game because I am calling everyone for a reserved seat at My eternal banquet in heaven. By living a faithful life to My Commandments, you can share in My love, as I will give you a ticket to come to your reserved place in heaven. I have told you how I go to prepare a place for you in My many mansions of heaven. In the first reading from Maccabees, you saw how the old man did not want to eat the forbidden pork meal. He did not want to defile the Mosaic Law for only living a short while longer. He would rather accept death than defile this law. So it is with My people, that you would much rather suffer a little in this short life, so you can have the joy of eternity in heaven. I love all of My people, and I am calling you to love Me in all of your good deeds, for your reward awaits you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, every refuge should have a crucifix and an altar for a monstrance with My Eucharist for perpetual Adoration. It is My Real Presence that will give you the grace and the strength to endure the coming tribulation. When I will call you to a refuge, you will have a priest for daily Mass, or if you do not have a priest, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. During the tribulation, you will have a luminous cross in the sky, and when you look on this cross, you will be healed of any ailment. Some refuges, who do not have a luminous cross in the sky, will have a water source that has healing properties for the people. Do not be afraid of the evil ones because My refuge angels will protect you with an invisible shield, and the angel will not allow non-believers to enter. With such protection and the multiplication of your needs, you will be able to survive your purgatory on earth. Be thankful that you are all being brought together to share your messages and miracles of your missions here at the Gospa Prayer House.”


Wednesday, November 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you all need to know how We in heaven are always watching your every action, thought, and intention in your heart. We know who really loves Us, and those people who ignore Us. We hear your every prayer and they will all be answered in due time, and for what is best for your soul. When people realize they are being constantly watched from heaven, they may try to show Us more love and attention for doing their good deeds for My greater glory. We know about your human weaknesses, so I ask you to imitate the saints by giving Me praise and thanks for all that We do for you. You can come to monthly Confession to keep your soul pure. Keep in touch with your guardian angel by calling on your angel to help you against temptations, and your angel will encourage you in your prayers and Adoration time. My angels are constantly giving Me praise and glory, and you all can do the same. Thank Me every day for all that I do for you. The people will be coming tonight, so advise them how We are watching over them, and We expect more from those people who have a strong faith. Reach out to people as much as you can to help evangelize souls, and help save as many souls from hell as possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am constantly calling you to Confession, so your sins can be cleansed from your souls. I died on the cross to forgive all of your sins, so take advantage of My grace of Confession that will purify your souls with My forgiveness of your sins. Come to the priest who represents Me on earth, and he will absolve you of your sins. I love all of you, and I desire that you all have pure and holy souls. You are all sinners and in need of My forgiveness both for your mortal and venial sins. By coming to frequent Confession, at least monthly, you can prepare yourself for the Warning and for the time I will call you home at your death. By being ready, you can help save your soul before your judgment. Work daily to keep your soul pure. I look down on all the souls of the world, and many are black with mortal sin. It is a joy for Me to see pure white souls, who are in daily obedience to My Commandments, and who adore Me in My Blessed Sacrament. Give praise and thanks to Me for dying for your soul, and for forgiving your sins.”


Thursday, November 21, 2015: (Presentation of the Blessed Mother)
Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of heaven is like a pearl of great price that a man sold everything he had to buy that pearl. Heaven cannot be bought, but if you could sell everything you had to buy a place in heaven, would you do it? My love reaches out to every soul, and I desire that I could be the center of everyone’s lives. Your desire for being with Me in heaven consumes your every waking moment. I call all of you to be with the One you love, above all things and all people on earth. I want you to also desire spiritual perfection, so you can strive for the higher places in heaven. The price of heaven calls you to give your life over to Me so you can achieve the mission in life that I have given you. You are to seek the forgiveness of your sins, and work to serve Me and your neighbor out of love for Me. The closer you come to Me in Adoration of My Real Presence in My Eucharist, the closer you come to Me in our spiritual relationship. I am all love and you all are called to love everyone, even your enemies. Strive to help your neighbor because you are loving Me in them. I am constantly calling you to help Me in converting souls, because souls, who love Me, are My treasure. I give you free will to love Me or not, but those people, who truly love Me, will have their greatest desire fulfilled, when I will bring them to their reward in heaven. I thank all of My prayer warriors for all that they do for Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen many conversions and changes of life at Medugorje. You, yourself, were converted from a computer addiction at this apparition site. Many holy people come to Our Lady’s places of apparition. This is why these places are refuges, and the refuge angel will provide for the needs of the people. You are coming down to the time of My Warning, and I will separate My good people from the bad people. There will be some martyrs, but I will protect My refuge people from the evil ones during the tribulation. Have no fear because the evil ones will have a brief control. Then I will bring My sudden destruction on all of the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell. Rejoice in My victory, as you will live a long life in My Era of Peace without the devil’s influence.”


Friday, November 22, 2019: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, as you see people in their seats of a car, I want you to hang on to your seats because you are headed into a dangerous time of the Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist. I have been preparing people for the end times for many years in My messages. Now, you are seeing many signs of the beginning of these events. One of your greatest preparations for these events is to have a good spiritual life, because you are going to put your trust in Me to help you and protect you. Keep your soul pure with frequent Confession, daily prayers, and time in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Another preparation for the tribulation is to be ready for My call to come to My refuges for your protection with My refuge angels. You need to have a backpack of necessities, and be ready to leave for My refuge in twenty minutes. I have asked many refuge builders to be prepared to house and feed the faithful who I will send to them. When you come to My refuges, you will all be assigned jobs to help with your survival of less than 3½ years. You will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament because you will need faith in My multiplication of your needs. My refuge angels will put a shield of invisibility over your refuge so the evil ones cannot see you. You will stay protected in your refuge throughout the tribulation time. Trust in Me to endure the tribulation which will be your purgatory on earth. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed to enter My refuges, so have your family converted for this time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read the Gospel of the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins. The five wise virgins were prepared for My Wedding feast by having extra oil for their lamps. This represents how My faithful also need to have their souls prepared for when I will call you to My feast. You can prepare your souls with prayer, Mass, Adoration, Confession, and fasting. By focusing your lives on Me, you can have a true and close relationship with Me, so I know who you are. The five foolish virgins did not prepare their lamps, and they had to go to the dealers for oil. But the door was shut and they could not enter the feast. So they called out Lord, Lord, but I told them I did not know them, because I did not have a close relationship with them. If you love someone, you do not just say I love you once on Sunday morning. If you truly love Me, you will tell Me every day in your prayers and Masses. I love all of you so much that I died to forgive your sins. You can return your love to Me and your neighbor as thanks for all I do for you. By allowing Me to be the center of your lives, then I will know you, and that your love is sincere. Then when you come to heaven, I will welcome you to your place at My table of My Wedding feast.”


Saturday, November 23, 2019: (Miguel Pro)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been to several Planned Parenthood clinics, and a good share of them perform abortions of My little ones on Saturday. My son, you saw a graphic sign of ‘Help me’ written in blood on a wall of the clinic. This is why you are so sad because just in America you are killing nearly a million babies every year on the altar of convenience and money. These abortion doctors have blood on their hands as they collect their blood money. I am appalled that your people are not making enough of an effort to close these abortion clinics. Yes, some people are protesting and counseling women at these abortion clinics. One of your better efforts are the movies ‘Unplanned’ and ‘Gosnell’ which are showing people what really happens in an abortion. You need to pray more to stop these abortions, and more people need to physically protest at these clinics. The more people, who protest, the less women who will seek abortions. I have told you how America will pay for all of this innocent blood being shed. The guardian angels of these babies are witnessing to Me these grisly killings. Your country will be suffering from more natural disasters and more chaos in your streets as a punishment for your abortions. Your people need to work more to stop these killings, or I will take this into My own hands.”

Jesus said: “My people, I cannot emphasize more how important it is to stop your abortions. These babies are all of My creations, and I have given them all a mission in life when you are denying My Will as you are killing My little ones. This is the most serious sin you could commit, to kill My babies and stop their mission of My plan. My son, I have told you how your people need to do more to stop your abortions, and do not just give lip service to this cause. This is so important that I want you, My son, to be protesting every Saturday morning at an abortion clinic when you are in town. The same can be said to be present in Washington, D.C. for the Right to Life March in January. Try to change your schedules where possible so you can be at these places. I am also asking all of My prayer warriors to make an effort to protest these abortions on Saturday at the Planned Parenthood clinics. The least you can do, is to pray to stop abortion every day in your daily prayers. You do not realize how these killings of My babies so offends Me. So put your love into your actions to defend My babies.”


Sunday, November 24, 2019: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to prepare for the great events that are about to occur, as I will lead My faithful to My refuges of protection. Just as Noah was told to prepare an ark for the great flood, so I am calling My refuge builders to prepare different arks where I will send My faithful when you will be shielded from the evil ones during the tribulation of the Antichrist. (Matt. 24:7,8) ‘Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes from place to place. All these things are the beginning of the labor pains.’ After My Warning, you will see a threat to your lives. Then I will send an inner locution to all of My faithful that it is now time to leave for My refuges. You are to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge by following a physical flame. As you leave your home in less than twenty minutes, you will not return, and your angel will put an invisible shield over you. Take your prepared backpack with your necessities, and walk in faith or drive your car to your ark of protection. I have asked My refuge builders to prepare a refuge with beds, food, water, and fuels that My angels will multiply for your survival. Have no fear because I am separating the bad people from the good people. Do not look at the outside destruction, but you will be attending My perpetual Adoration for less than 3½ years. You will be suffering your purgatory on earth, but I will prepare My Era of Peace for you as a reward for your faithfulness.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Kingship over the universe. This flame represents My eternal flame of love for all of you. I reach out to evangelize all souls because I do not want to lose one soul to the devil in hell. There will be souls, who reject My love, and they are choosing hell by their own free will. My Kingdom is always with you, especially in the Real Presence of My Eucharist. Give honor and praise to Me when you are adoring Me at Adoration. I thank all of My special adorers who adore Me every day. Remember how I am alone in My tabernacles, and you could visit Me from time to time. My special prayer warriors are also present with Me at daily Mass. When you love Me so much, I will see it in your actions with your prayers, Masses, and your daily Adoration. You want to be with Me as much as you can. You have been receiving messages of how you will see time speeded up and chaos in your streets for 2020. If events endanger your lives, you may not be able to travel for talks any longer, and you may be called to My refuges soon. Be prepared to receive My faithful when I give you the word. Enjoy this feast of My Kingship, but you will be starting your Advent Season next week. When I come to the earth, it will be in victory over the evil ones at the end of the tribulation. You will see My power and glory when I defeat the evil ones.”


Monday, November 25, 2019: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the time of tribulation when My faithful will face persecution for their faith. I have mentioned before how some of My people may face martyrdom for their faith. No matter what you will face during this trial, never deny your Lord, even if these evil ones threaten to kill you. Be an example of strong faith to your family and friends. When I am the center of your life, you will follow wherever I will lead you. My faithful will receive their just reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Offer up to Me all of your troubles and persecution for My greater glory. Call on Me and the Holy Spirit to make you steadfast in your faith, no matter what punishment you will face. When you see this fire, some may be martyred, and some may face a purging in purgatory. Keep your focus on Me so you will do whatever I ask of you without hesitation.”


Tuesday, November 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you are again seeing the speeding up of clocks, and a kaleidoscope of events that everyone will see all at the same time when I bring My Warning to all sinners. This illumination of conscience will be a life review that will show everyone’s actions with a focus on your unforgiven sins and sins of omission. You will see how your sins offend Me, and how you influenced people with your good and bad actions. Then you will see a mini-judgment of your destination, and you will feel what it will be like at your destination. Then you will return to your body in time, with a chance to change your destination. If you do not better your spiritual life, then the destination of your life review will become your final destination. Be prepared for your Warning experience with frequent Confession of at least once a month. When I bring My Warning, this will be a blessing for all souls to be converted, if they so desire by their free will. The Warning will be a chance for sinners to come to Me and be saved. It will be an opportunity during the six weeks after the Warning, for My warriors to convert the lives of their family members so they can have crosses on their foreheads. This will be needed to enter My refuges. Know this that My Warning is the end that is in sight. It is the beginning of what you have been waiting for, for many years. I love all of you, so trust in My protection during the coming tribulation.”


Wednesday, November 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading (Daniel 5:25-28) King Belsassar used the sacred vessels of the Israelites for his guests, and he praised the gods of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood, and stone. For this he was condemned by the hand that wrote on the wall: MENE where I have put an end to his kingdom; TEKEL where the king was weighed on the scales of justice and found guilty; and PERES where his kingdom would be divided and given to the Medes and the Persians. This is the same condemnation that will befall America because of your abortions and sexual sins. I told you before that you will be punished with natural disasters, and be taken over by the one world people. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have had one heavy snow storm earlier than normal, but you will be having more severe winter storms that will continue. You will be tested by your natural disasters as a punishment for your abortions and how you are brainwashing your children with sex and gender education. Your schools and colleges only allow liberal teachers, so your children are not getting a balanced education. Your history is being manipulated by liberal views so the students do not get the full picture of what actually happened with skewed textbooks. If you allow socialism, communism, and sexual education to continue, then your students will only know the one world approach to everything. This is why parents need to supplement the teaching of your children, or you may have to home school your children. The teaching of the faith and prayers is needed by your parents, but each generation is getting further away from the original faith. Pray that your children will learn from the parents example, and not just the liberal teachers.”


Thursday, November 28, 2019: (Thanksgiving)
Jesus said: “My people, you have many things to be thankful for on this feast of Thanksgiving. I provide for your living expenses, and you share your money with your family and worthy causes. You also need to share your time and faith with your neighbors. Thank Me also for all that I do for you. Thanksgiving is a time to share with your family as you eat your turkey meal. You can call any relatives to wish them well, if they cannot be with you. Every year you can take stock of how you did during the year to help people, and how you are preparing for Advent and Christmas. I love all of you, and you can show your love for Me and your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, the time of persecution of My faithful is at the door. You will soon see all Christians being persecuted for their faith. The one world people are about to take over your country, and they will try and purge all the Christians that they can capture. My faithful will be called to the protection of My refuges, but some people may be caught and martyred for their faith. Remember to leave for My refuges immediately, when I give you the word to come. Those people, who survive at My refuges, will be led into My Era of Peace. Those people, who are martyred during the tribulation, will be raised up and come into My Era of Peace as well. Those people, who are persistent in their faith, will see Me in heaven after the day of judgment.”


Friday, November 29, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, the readings of the Book of Daniel are similar to the readings of the Book of Revelation. These readings of the end times are not discussed much by your priests. There will come a 3½ year time of tribulation of the Antichrist, and this is why My refuge builders are making preparations at their refuges. This is also why I have asked My select people to set up refuges where My faithful will be protected from the evil ones during the tribulation. At the end of the reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement that will kill the evil ones, and I will send them to hell. Then I will bring My faithful remnant into My Era of Peace. Be patient when you will rejoice with Me in My Era of Peace, which will be your reward for remaining faithful to Me during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people buy expensive cars and other possessions of similar value, but when it comes to donations to My Church and other charities, these same people make only token donations. I do not tell people how much to give to My Church and charities, but it is only fair to give close to ten per cent of your income to charities, if you can afford to do so. When you give your donation, it should be substantial and not just a token amount. When you give money for charity and to help your family, it should be out of love for your people that you are contributing your fair share. All the donations and prayers you say for others, will be stored up in heaven for your judgment. The more you do to help Me and your neighbors, the more treasure you will store up in heaven. So do not be selfish, and be willing to share what you can.”


Saturday, November 30, 2019: (Funeral Mass for Bill Wakefield)
Jesus said: “My people, Bill is in a better place than his suffering from cancer. If I do not give you a definite place for his soul, then it is safe to do prayers and Masses for him. Your priest talked about taking up your daily cross in whatever suffering you may be called to endure. This vision of the catacombs is another sign of the coming persecution of Christians that will be coming soon. Remember when your lives are in danger, how I will call you to My refuges of protection. Trust in Me how I will protect My faithful and provide for your needs at My refuges. Your refuges will soon be your modern day catacombs with My angel protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you a few messages on how the time will be speeded up for the sake of My elect. Now, I am again showing you a lot of fast moving events to indicate another message of time speeding up. This speeding up of the time is another sign of how close you are to My Warning miracle for all sinners to experience at the same time, all over the world. You will be seeing more Warning messages as the time for My Illumination of Conscience draws near. It is not important to know the exact day of My Warning. Many people, who have given dates of My Warning, have been wrong in their predictions. I have told you before that only the Garabandal people know the year of the Warning, but not the very day. My Warning will be a blessing for all sinners. Only My faithful, who choose to follow Me, will be the ones saved in heaven. To gain heaven you must pick up your cross, and repent of your sins. By following My Commandments, you will gain your salvation.”


Sunday, December 1, 2019: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, the readings for the last week and the first Sunday of Advent, are both about the end times, which the priests avoid talking about. This is a Sunday to rejoice as My angels are blowing their trumpets to announce the Lord’s coming. There are also passages in the Book of Revelation that speak about the seven trumpets after the seven seals. In the trumpets fire and hail rained down on the earth, and a star called ‘Wormwood’ fell in the waters making them bitter. The fifth trumpet sent huge scorpions to sting only the people without the seal on their foreheads. Many people were killed with the trumpets. Be prepared by believing in Me so you can have a seal on your foreheads.”


Monday, December 2, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a graphic sign of this wind and fire in how powerful My Word is to heal and change cold hearts. In order for My Word to be effective in someone’s life, that person needs to be open to listen and act on My Word. The person, who desires a healing, needs to have faith in Me that I can heal people. The centurion understood the power of My authority when he related to Me how he understands how My Word could heal his servant without Me even being there. He had so much faith in My Word of healing that I remarked: ‘I had not seen such faith in all of Israel.’ All of My people need to have this strong faith, just as you repeat the centurion’s words at every Mass. ‘Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word and my soul will be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of white steps leading up to an altar for Mass, is a sign of how you need to offer everything you do up to Me as your personal sacrifice each day. I love all of you so much, and you are spending quality time with Me in Adoration of My Eucharist. Put your trust in Me every moment, so I can guide you through your trials of life. I desire that all of My faithful should make time for Me in their Adoration hours. I need to be the center of your lives, so you can fulfill the mission I have given to each of you. Unless you are listening for My Word, it will be difficult to communicate My Will to you. I have created all of you in My Image, and your souls are beautiful creations to Me. I long to lead all of you home to Me in the mansions of heaven that I have prepared for you. Have no fear of anything in this life because I will protect you from the evil ones. Your prayers are like spiritual music to Me. So continue your daily prayers for sinners and the souls in purgatory. I rain down My graces on all of My adorers.”


Tuesday, December 3, 2019:(Lise Farnand’s Mass, St. Francis Xavior)
Jesus said: “My son, you were thankful for the life of your friend, Lise. In the vision of the Era of Peace you are seeing the animals not eating each other, as there will no longer be the survival of the fittest. In other words you will be vegetarians and eating from the Tree of Life, which will allow you to be younger and live a long life in the Era of Peace. Only My believers will survive the tribulation, and I will bring them into My Era of Peace as a reward for their faithfulness. You are not seeing justice now, but after I cleanse the earth from the evil ones, then you will no longer have the influence of the devil. Because of this, you will be able to perfect yourselves as saints ready for heaven, when you die. Trust in Me to protect you during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are blessed that you will have a priest at your refuge during the troubled time. It will be a blessing to have daily Mass during the tribulation. You will also have a priest to hear Confessions as well. You have heard your priest friend tell you that he will be building his second monastery during the troubled time. He also sees a blank for going to conferences after February. Since he will start building his second monastery about June of next year, you could see more signs of the tribulation coming very soon. My Warning has to happen before the tribulation, so all sinners will have a chance to be saved from their sins. My people need to be prepared in their souls with frequent Confession so they are ready to meet Me in their Warning at their mini-judgment. It is good that you have your refuge prepared to receive My faithful when I give them the word to come. Be watchful of the worldly events, because the one world people are doing everything to try and remove your President from office. I love all of My people, and I will be sending My angels to protect My refuges and the people in them. Have no fear of the evil ones, because My power is greater.”


Wednesday, December 4, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, this vision of a propeller of an airplane spinning around at a fast speed, is another sign of My coming Warning. The fast speed means that it is approaching quickly. This will be a mini-judgment for all sinners, as they will see Me and know how they have offended Me with their sins. Even as you see more messages on My Warning, this in itself is another indication of how close it is. My refuge builders need to finish up their preparations, or My angels may have to finish it for them. As more people come to My refuges than My builders have prepared, My angels will have to expand their facilities either on more land, or add on to their existing structures. Have no fear because you all will have your own place, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for you to survive the coming tribulation.”

Later, at the Eternal Father Chapel I was praying before our Adoration DVD. I could see all the objects that carried in demons that were found out. Jesus said: “My son, you were fortunate to have your friend go throughout your house and point out objects that had demons connected to them, even when she was on the phone. (Two objects, a rug and a light, were antiques and they were removed from our house.) Beware of antiques that could have demons associated with them. You remember a rocking chair, used in seances, that caused evil and divorce in a family. The people even had trouble in disposing of the chair. Your friend also pointed out how the Disney DVD movies either had curses or had demons associated with them. (I threw out all the Disney DVDs). In your bedroom your friend pointed out a red top of your wife that appeared to her as a strawberry. She also said your wife’s carry-on bag had evil spirits attached to it. You removed these items out of the house. There are some people who have gifts to sort out demon possessed items, and you are happy to be free of what evil things were found. I am giving you this message to confirm the demons being cleansed, and to be an example of what evil things could be in everyone’s house. Pray your St. Michael prayer in the long form to protect yourselves from the demons. You also remember how you had to exorcize your chapel with the priest from the thousands of flies that were in your new chapel. This was the Beelzebub demon who is called the lord of the flies. Trust in My power over these demons that can be exorcized from your house.”
Note: GreenScapular.org


Thursday, December 5, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Matt. 7:21-27) I was stressing how important it is to do the Will of My Father in order to enter heaven. ‘Everyone therefore who hears My words and acts upon them, shall be likened to a wise man who built his house on rock. And everyone, who hears My words and does not act upon them, shall be likened to a foolish man who built his house on sand.’ It is also important to have a solid foundation for your faith, like the rock of St. Peter, on whom I built My Church. Only follow the words of My apostles, and you will truly be following My Word. But you must act on My Word in your good deeds to show Me that you are sincere in your faith. You will need this strength in your faith to endure the coming tribulation. Those people, who are weak in their faith, will be swept away like the house built on sand that was destroyed by the wind.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are just getting out your Christmas decorations. Some people put out secular lights, reindeer, and Santa Claus. My son, you put out your outside Nativity scene for many years along with your Christmas lights. You also have a Nativity scene in your chapel along with your old Christmas tree in the living room. It is better to emphasize Nativity scenes because I am the reason for the feast of Christmas. St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother are also important characters of the Holy Family. Rejoice in this feast, even though your shop keepers are out to make money on it.”

Jesus said: “My people, I warned you that you would see a more severe winter, and you are seeing more snow and cold for the year. When you go out for your talks, you will need to remember this trial that you are experiencing. Pray your St. Michael prayer (long) for safe travel.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a struggle to travel as you do, but traveling in ice and snow takes some extra planning and patience for deicing the planes. I hear your prayers, and I will send you My angels to keep your trips safe. You have been traveling with your priest friend, and it is good to have daily Mass. I thank all of My conference speakers for all they have to endure to get to their venues. The people are blessed to hear your messages from Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the opposition party continuing to pursue impeachment of your President, even though it would be hard to pass this through your Senate. This has been a huge spending of time on a political effort to try and remove your President from office. This is being pushed by the one world people, but it has only been a harassment of your President. As you have another election coming in 2020, it is hard for your President to carry out his Presidential goals. Pray for your President’s safety and for peace in your country.”

Jesus said: “My son, I gave you a message that you had to do more to fight abortion in your country. So now you will be protesting regularly at these clinics. I told you the more people who protest, the less women who will want to visit these clinics for abortions. I desire more faithful who could follow your example in protesting abortion. You are trying to defend My babies from being aborted, and I am thankful for all protesters and their prayers to try and stop your country’s abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time you pray to Me in your Adoration hours, you are given great graces for your intentions. You will soon be praying tomorrow and fasting against any worship of any worldly gods and goddesses of the evil ones. You also will be praying for no heresies to come out of your Amazon synod. Your prayers are needed to counter the black masses, hexes, and cult meetings of the evil ones. Pray for your President also to counter the hexes from the witches in your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you pray and fast this Advent, keep your country’s freedom and peace in your prayers. There are people in the opposition party who will do almost anything to prevent your President from being elected for four more years. Your President is battling the deep state and the rich who are supporting the Democrat candidates. You are seeing how such people are trying to buy this election any way they can. I will again send My angels to your voting places and they will work against any fixing of ballots when they are illegal. Pray for the coming election that the pro-life candidates can win in your Congress and that your President can be re-elected.”


Friday, December 6, 2019: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My son, when I said to prepare for the people who I will send to you, I mean be prepared to receive the stadium of people I showed you in previous messages. My angels will extend your house upwards and add to your backyard, even as your granddaughter saw it. You will have many angels building, protecting, and multiplying your food, water, and fuels. I cannot emphasize how necessary it will be to have faith in all that I will do for your people. You have given Me your ‘yes’ for all the missions I have requested of you. There are not many people who have said ‘yes’ to this refuge mission. So I will be expanding the few places that have accepted My request. You will have to have a committee of twenty to organize the housing, feeding, and Adoration for the people who come. Be thankful for all of My angel help, and I thank you for taking on this most important project. I will take what little you have and multiply things to accommodate My faithful guests. Trust in Me that everything will work out for the best.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who have trouble with their eyes. It is difficult to live in this world without the gift of sight. I appreciated what the two blind men in the Gospel were going through. Because they had faith in My healing, I took pity on them and I healed them. Fortunately, you can wear glasses to see better if you have some vision. People with cataracts or macular degeneration have a harder time seeing. There is also spiritual blindness where some people can see My pictures, but their hearts are not open to My love. You need to pray for these people so they can see My Light, and be open to believing in My miracles. Once people have a small taste of My love, they can be converted. Pray that the sinners who have been blinded by the world’s distractions, can have their spiritual eyes opened to Me and start to love Me and their neighbors. The joy of the Christmas Season is too great for people not to see My Light and hear the beautiful songs of Christmas. The angels are constantly giving praise and glory to Me in their songs, so My people can do the same. Open your eyes and see your Savior in the infant baby in the manger.”


Saturday, December 7, 2019: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, as you prepare for My birth at Christmas, think of all the other pregnant mothers who are thinking of killing their child by abortion. When you go out to protest abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinics, you are trying to prevent abortion by praying that these mothers will soften their hearts not to abort their own child. Abortion is the greatest sin that you are committing against Me. This is why I have encouraged you to go out and defend My babies. You stand in the cold, but you are offering up your prayers to stop abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, for the last three years you have seen hardly anything done in the House of Representatives, except more opposition hearings to impeach the President that have produced nothing. Your President was duly elected by your people, but the opposition party is still doing everything to try and remove him from office since the day this party gained a majority in the House. These House committees have not uncovered any impeachable offense, but they are trying to make it look like the President did something wrong, and the left media is repeating this false news. The real news will be coming out with indictments against the Democrats for all of their made up stories. The press will not cover this or anything good that your President has done. The Democrats and the press are so partisan and making up stories, that none of their reports are taken as truthful. This year will bring chaos in your streets, because the deep state will do anything to try and overthrow your President. Have no fear because I will win and the evil ones will be cast into hell.”


Sunday, December 8, 2019: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Isaiah, you were again given a description of the Era of Peace when you will see a new Garden of Eden all over the earth. This will be your reward for being faithful throughout the tribulation. In the Gospel you are seeing St. John the Baptist baptizing the people in the Jordan River. He called people to repent of their sins and change their lives for the better. You were singing ‘Rejoice’ for My coming at Christmas, but you can also rejoice when I will come again into the new Era of Peace. Later today you can do your prayers that you would do on the Immaculate Conception feast of praying Psalm 51 three times with outstretched arms.”


Monday, December 9, 2019: (The Immaculate Conception of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy that you are celebrating my feast day, even if you had to do it on Monday. You know how it was God’s plan to choose me as Jesus’ mother. He gave me this gift of no original sin because the place for His nurturing had to be holy. I was sinless my whole life and I was waiting for St. Gabriel’s words so I could give my free will ‘fiat’ to accept Jesus into my womb. It was the Holy Spirit who became my spouse and overshadowed me. I am thankful that I was a part of Jesus’ plan of Redemption. This was a blessing for all of mankind when my Son came into the world to be our Redeemer. I lead you to my Son in every way that I can. Give praise and thanks to God for sending His Beloved Son among us for our salvation.”

Jesus said: “My son, since you had the money, I asked you to set up some solar panels so you could have some electricity for your refuge. Your on-grid panels are paying for most of your electricity. During your winter season, the panels on your second story roof are usually covered with snow. Since you have a water well that uses electricity to operate your pump to your toilets and sinks, you needed a source of some electricity during the winter. This is why you put another 12 panels on the roof of your new addition. This is an off-grid system on the first floor. Now you could remove the snow and have electricity to run your pump for the well. You also can use this to run your sump pumps and charge your lantern batteries to give you light at night. These latest projects have made you independent even during the winter. My angels will help you to provide enough food, water, fuels, and living quarters for all the people who I will send to you. Be grateful that you have been able to accomplish all the projects that I have given you. Your next project will be how to organize the people to do all the jobs that will be needed for your survival when the people come.”


Tuesday, December 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when you see a volcano erupting, you are seeing another portal to hell. Then the demons can be unleashed on the earth, as more evil results. I will be allowing the evil ones a short reign before I will bring My justice against them, and they will be cast into hell. Be patient for awhile, as you will need to come to My refuges for your protection during the tribulation. My angels will protect you, and multiply your water, food, and fuels. Then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, once the evil ones are removed. You know in the end how I will bring My victory over the Antichrist and the devil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see many stories where people kill others for money, fame, or power. You are seeing rich people trying to bring down your President by impeachment, ruining his businesses, or even assassination. Others are killing their spouses or parents for insurance money or inheritances. All the money and fame in the world will pass away, and these evil ones will go to hell for a brief pleasure. Focus your life on Me, and do not seek to be rich, but share what you have in money, talent, and time.”


Wednesday, December 11, 2019: (St. Damasus I)
Jesus said: “My people, I know you are all weak to sin, and you all could be called sinners according to St. John’s letters. It is My justice that people have to make reparation due for their sins. You can shorten your purgatory time with your Divine Mercy blessing on Divine Mercy Sunday after Easter. Some people suffer a lot with cancer, diabetes, or other chronic diseases. This can be used to also offset your purgatory time. By suffering your purgatory on earth, you will be able to go straight to heaven. So offer up all of your suffering to Me, and you could shorten your purgatory time. I am a merciful God, but I am also just. Pray that I will have mercy on your soul at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this river of fresh water, because it is an absolute necessity for My refuges to have a source of fresh water that My angels can multiply, if you have a lot of people. If a refuge does not have a source of fresh water, then the refuge builder needs to pray specifically for the angels to make a well to supply the water. You, My son, have a 5 gal/min well, but even this will need to be multiplied to give a stadium of people even a small amount of water. Without water you cannot survive, so have your refuge builders obtain a well if they have no other source of water. I told you My angels will supply all of your needs, and water is one of your needs. Give praise and thanks to Me for having My refuge builders supply a safe haven for My faithful.”


Thursday, December 12, 2019: (Our Lady of Guadeloupe)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I appeared to Juan Diego as a pregnant Aztec woman because the Indians were killing their babies as they offered them up to false gods. As a result of this image, many babies were saved from being killed. In today’s world you are seeing women aborting their children as they offer them up to the new gods of convenience, and money. You read in the Book of Revelation how I was the woman dressed in the sun. When you look at my image, you see the rays of the sun radiating out from me. My son, you have been to Mexico City to see the original image that was shown to the bishop. This image has been miraculously preserved for over four hundred years. This picture of me makes me the protectress of all the Americas and also an image to stop abortions. You need to work and pray to stop abortions that greatly offends your God.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your President is trying to withdraw from the endless wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan. That is why he was trying to have peace talks with the Taliban. There may be a cease fire for awhile, but the Taliban feels they are winning and they will continue their struggle. It is better to have peace than constant war, so pray for peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the opposition party is finally going to push for their final vote for impeachment, which still does not have a crime, but only guesses and lies about your President. If the House succeeds in their impeachment, then there will be a trial in the Senate. This will only serve to divide your people even more along party lines. Pray for unity in your country and less hate.”

Jesus said: “My people, if the opposition party is not successful in their impeachment efforts in the Senate, then they will resort to riots in the streets, and more attempts at assassinating your President. Be prepared for a year of chaos in 2020. You could even see an attempted coup to take over your government. This could bring in the deep state back into power, but they will be fighting the Marines that have been called up by your President to protect the country.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you are seeing more severe storms to test your people. Be prepared for winters that are getting more violent all over your country. Some storms are seeing even hurricane winds that are causing much destruction. Pray for the victims of these storms, that they can find places to live when their homes are destroyed. These natural disasters will get worse if your people get worse in their sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were having your friend help you in removing demons from your house that were attached to occult cursed objects. You had more objects removed from your house on the second search as you went through the rest of your rooms of your house. You also are seeing addicts to drugs, alcohol, and pornography that are so controlled by demons that the people cannot change their lives. You need exorcisms and deliverance prayers to St. Michael to rid these demons. But the people need to want to stop their addictions in order to be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are buying gifts and sending out Christmas cards. It is good to have holiday cheer in your gift giving, but it is better to give Me your prayers at My crib to help convert souls from their sins. There are many divisions in some families, but you need to pray to mend these families from any hate or jealousies. This season should be one of peace and love among all of your people. Pray for your country that your divisions can also be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Antichrist and the demons will soon have their hour of control all over the earth. This reign of evil is another punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. Have no fear because My power is greater than the demons and evil people. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges for your angel protection from these evil ones. My angels will not allow the evil ones to enter My refuges, nor harm My faithful at My refuges. Have patience and hope through the tribulation, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.”


Friday, December 13, 2019: (St. Lucy)
Jesus said: “My people, you all are well aware of praying to St. Lucy for problems of the eyes. Many people take their sight for granted, until something like cataracts interferes with their sight. You have seen your wife and her brother have to deal with operations on their eyes for cataracts. When you get older, you sometimes require glasses to see small print. Be thankful to Me for your gift of sight, and you can ask St. Lucy’s intercession for your eye problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages that your enemies would launch a nuclear EMP attack on your nation. You may be able to knock down some missiles with your anti-missiles. Some missiles will get through your defenses, and they will strike some of your cities and take out your electric grid. Your submarines will launch a first strike to take out the electric grids in China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. If much damage occurs in your cities, a second attack from your submarines would be on the major cities and military sites of your enemies. This will happen after the Warning, and I will call on My faithful to come to My refuges before such an attack. Many people could be killed in such a nuclear battle. All of My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My angels, so have no fear of such an attack.”


Saturday, December 14, 2019: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My son, I told you how angels are present at every Mass to give honor and praise to My Real Presence in the Host. In the vision I am showing you how I am filling every church at Mass with angels in the empty seats. It reminds you of the parable of the king who invited people to his feast. (Mark 14:15-24) Many gave excuses not to come, so the king brought people in off the road to fill his banquet table. In every Mass I also fill the church with My angels to take the place of those who were invited, but did not want to attend. So at every Mass I have a full church to honor My Holy Presence. Give thanks and praise to Me for inviting you to daily Mass. I will give My daily Mass people extra graces for filling My church to receive Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how the king had the four Jews placed in a fiery furnace because they would not bow down to the king’s statue. My people will also face threats from the evil ones when you refuse to take chips in the body, and you refuse to worship their evil gods. When these evil ones threaten your lives, I will call My faithful to My refuges where My angels will prevent these evil ones from harming you. Do not worry about threats to your lives for continuing to believe in Me, because I will protect you. Remain faithful to Me and refuse to take any chips in the body, because I will provide your food, water, and fuels that you will need to survive. Trust in My power to also multiply your needs so all the people at My refuges will be protected and supplied with their needs. Call on My angels to protect you whenever the evil ones threaten you.”


Sunday, December 15, 2019:(Third Sunday of Advent-Gaudete Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a Sunday for rejoicing on Gaudete Sunday. Even as you are preparing for My coming at Christmas, your priest was talking about My second coming, when I will judge the people after the tribulation. It will be after this first judgment that I will send the evil ones to hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. You will rejoice even more when there will be no more evil influence, and you will live a long time in a younger looking body. In any event, you will always be happy in My Presence, as I protect you from the evil ones.”


Monday, December 16, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, in the first reading you hear about an ‘Utterance’ from the Book of Numbers. You remember this word from Jonathan Cahn’s book of the ‘Harbingers’ when this phrase referred to how three politicians quoted Isaiah 9:10 which is a judgment upon America. After the planes crashed into the Twin Towers on 9-11-01, your people were quick to want to rebuild the Freedom Tower, but without repenting of your sins that caused this destruction. Your President Obama placed this quote in your Freedom Tower. ‘We remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger.’ This Tower was built in defiance of the judgment quotation of Isaiah 9:10. I told you before that since you were really defying My judgment, that this Tower will also be brought down with a future destruction. Pray for the faithful people of New York City that they will be warned in advance to leave this city before the destruction will come.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the Warning, you could see a limited nuclear war that would only target the main cities and military targets. Before such a war, I will warn all of My faithful all over the world to come to My refuges of protection. My refuge angels will put a shield over all of My refuges, and they would not let even nuclear weapons harm My faithful. Those people, who would die in such an attack, would not be My believers. The evil people would die either from a nuclear war, or by My Comet of Chastisement. After My victory over the Antichrist, all of the evil people will be killed and cast into hell. My faithful will then be placed in My Era of Peace where they will live a long time. Do not be afraid of the evil ones, because they will soon be cleansed off the earth and cast into hell. Trust in Me to protect My people, even though some may be martyred for their faith.”


Tuesday, December 17, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a dark cloud of evil over you, with an eye of a hurricane as you look up. Just as you are about to celebrate My birth at Christmas, the evil ones are planning a celebration of their own. I have put your President in office as a short reprieve from your deep state. But now the evil ones are fighting back with this impeachment. Be prepared if your deep state cannot remove your President from office. They will resort to violence to try and take over your government. You could see your military protecting your President from the socialist evil mob. The socialists are well aware of how the czar in Russia was overthrown, and they may try this attempt to gain power. You could even see a civil war between the conservatives and the communists. I mentioned before how 2020 will be a year of chaos, as the deep state will fight your current Administration. If your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection. In the end you will see My victory, so have patience during this storm of evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see still, and peaceful water, you can identify more with My creation. When you see two people in love, you can see the beauty of My love that I instill in man and woman. I desire that all of you could live in love of one another, and with love of Me. It is the devil who stirs up hate and desire for money, and who disrupts My intended harmony of mankind with nature. You need to trust in Me that I will help to provide food and shelter for your families. When you live in My peace and love, I will protect you from the devil and the evil people. Do not focus on money to survive, but focus on Me as the center of your lives. When you are humble and live in My peace and love, you will have no fears, no worries, and no anxieties, because you can trust Me to help you in your needs.”


Wednesday, December 18, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Jeremiah is consoling the people that their nation in Israel would be brought back from exile. They did not listen to the prophet’s warning of changing their bad behavior, and they needed to praise God, instead of their false idols. Because they did not change, I allowed their enemies to take over Israel, and they were taken into the Babylonian camp. My prophets and My angels are messengers to bring My news and warnings to My people, as the angel told St. Joseph to take My Blessed Mother into his home. St. Joseph was told that I was conceived by the Holy Spirit. So My prophets of today are also warning America, just as Israel was warned. If America does not stop its abortions and change its evil ways, then you too, will be taken over by your enemies and suffer destruction. You will be seeing history repeat itself because mankind does not understand My justice. Pray for the souls of your people to be saved. Do not be afraid because I will call My faithful to My refuges, where they will be protected and I will provide for their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, a new precedent was made today in the House of Representatives. By lies and false accusations with no real crime, it is possible to impeach any President if a party has a majority. This should give pause to all of your politicians, who participated in such an impeachment proceeding. Imagine if the Senate was also Democrat controlled with 67 votes, you would no longer have My chosen President. When the Democrats fail to remove your President from office in the Senate, this will defeat the whole Democrat goal. It is then that they will need to do something more to stop your President from being re-elected. Fixing the voting machines will be their next target, and there may be other plans for a takeover. My people need to pray for your President’s health and protection from being killed. If your President is re-elected, you could see a coup or riots in the streets. This is why 2020 will be a year of chaos. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful at My refuges with My angels.”


Thursday, December 19, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, today you read about the coming birth of St. John the Baptist, who was the herald of My coming at Christmas. When you will read of My Blessed Mother’s visitation to Elizabeth, St. John stirred in Elizabeth’s womb when I arrived inside My Blessed Mother’s womb. This is another example of how important it is not to have any abortions because Myself and St. John the Baptist had great missions to fulfill. At My birth into the world you will be celebrating Christmas, but also the birth of your Redeemer. I have the mission of dying on the cross so My Precious Blood could save the souls of all those people who accept Me into their hearts. Give praise and thanks to God that I was sent by My Father to teach you My ways, and to die to save your souls.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have had a spectacle in the House of Representatives for many months without any fairness to the Republicans to have certain questions answered. Now after voting for impeachment of the President, the Speaker of the House is holding up this transfer from going to the Senate. She is trying to change the rules of the Senate, but it will not change anything. Two-thirds vote in the Senate will be required to impeach your President, but this appears unlikely. Pray for more unity and less division in your Congress.”

Jesus said: “My people, I desire that your people will accept My peace and love in this beautiful Christmas time. I was born in a humble stable with only the shepherds and Wise Men to honor My coming into the world. Be thankful that I chose My Blessed Mother without sin to be My mother. You will soon be celebrating these holy days with your family. Pray for the souls of all of your family to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the warm and cold weather that brings snow and then melts. This is another sign of the lukewarm people who are neither hot not cold, and they continue to ignore My love. This circling storm is also another sign of the Warning that could cause some people to die of fright when they see their sins. Be prepared for the Warning by your frequent Confessions to keep your soul pure for your mini-judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will send My Warning to give all sinners one last chance to be converted to know and love Me as their Savior. You will see a year of chaos in 2020 as the opposition party will be desperate to try and stop your President’s re-election for four more years. Expect to see violent events and an attack on all of your elections, as every one will be challenged and your voting machines could be hacked again. In the end My angels will be victorious after a short reign of the Antichrist. I keep repeating My promise that when your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones will have their hour of control, but it will be brief. There will be a battle of the good angels and My faithful against the demons and the evil people. I will be victorious in this battle, as the evil ones will be cast into hell. So have no fear because you know the good forces will be victorious. You may suffer some at My refuges, but My angels will protect you from harm. Rejoice with Me when I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My dear Adorers, I thank all of you for being faithful to your weekly prayers in all kinds of weather. There are only a few faithful prayer groups that have the strong faith that you have. Continue to attend this prayer group because you are bringing needed graces to all the people in your community.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you will be celebrating My birth on Christmas, there will be a great celebration in heaven as My angels will be singing the ‘Gloria’ hymn over and over, because there is no time in heaven. Heaven is also decorated for this feast of Christmas. When you come to Mass on Christmas, remember how heaven is also praising God for My coming to earth, and there are beautiful singing choirs. Once you come to heaven, you will experience more beautiful celebrations than you have ever seen on earth. In heaven we are cheering all of the Godly people to be faithful in all of your daily good deeds.”


Friday, December 20, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, a Redeemer has been promised to mankind for many years, because of the original sin. I have performed a miracle so I could be incarnated as a man like all of you in every way except sin. This is why My Blessed Mother had to be born without original sin, so I could be carried in a sacred vessel. So now you know about the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity who was made visible to all the people of the world. I became a man for one purpose, which is to die on the cross to redeem everyone from their sins, who accepts Me and seeks My forgiveness. I have brought you salvation, and I have opened the gates of heaven for all those souls who are worthy to enter.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are going to see some unusual events that could shock people with the severity of the destruction. You have heard of a large meteor that fell in Russia and it wiped out many pine trees. This coming meteor will be on the same scale, and it will shock people with the amount of damage it will cause. Do some research on this event in Russia, because this is about to be repeated.”
Note: Tunguska explosion (June 30, 1908) knocked down 80 million trees over an area of 830 square miles. The shock wave from the blast would have measured 5.0 on the Richter magnitude scale. The fireball was 50 to 100 meters wide and it produced 185 times more energy than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.


Saturday, December 21, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all preparing to receive Me as you celebrate My birth in Bethlehem on Christmas day. You have many beautiful decorations and songs for My feast day. Just as you see My angels kneeling by My tabernacle, so you are receiving Me in My Real Presence every time you receive Me in Holy Communion at Mass. It is at that time that I am Present with you in your soul for a short time. In one sense you have a taste of Christmas and heaven every time you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. Give praise and glory to Me every time you enter a church when My Blessed Sacrament is in the tabernacle. When you genuflect, you are like My angels who are constantly in My Presence giving Me praise and glory. Be thankful that I have left you with My very Presence in My Eucharist.”

(Fourth Sunday of Advent 4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you see this large church in the vision so I could welcome many people, but fewer are attending My weekend Masses. At one time you had three or four Masses on a weekend with full attendance. Now you are having less Masses and still the churches are fortunate to be half full. Take a look at who is attending Mass. At certain churches you have very few young children and even less adult children. You need to pray for your people to have more children and less abortions. Pray that your children will continue to come to Mass as they grow older.”


Sunday, December 22, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you again how I come to you every day at Mass, and when you visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I came to you in the flesh at Bethlehem on Christmas, and I bring peace and joy to all the people on earth. This is such a happy time on earth, as well as in heaven. Put aside all of your worries, and enjoy a meal and the company of your family. Pray for all of the souls of your family that they can be saved through your prayers. As you pray for them every day, I will watch over them with My graces. As you bring your gifts to your family and friends, you can bring your prayers as gifts to Me in My crib. Rejoice in the celebration of My feast of Christmas.”


Monday, December 23, 2019: (St. John of Kanty)
Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you that your money system, as you know it, is about to crash. I have been telling you about the cashless society and the mark of the beast with chips in the body. You will soon see your coins and cash dollars coming to a close. Getting rid of the cash in your society will be the first step. After that, your credit and debit cards will be your only means of purchasing things. You also will be seeing only credit cards or ‘easy’ passes required for driving on your main highways. The next step will be mandatory chips in the body for all of your buying and selling. The one world people will soon outlaw gold and silver ownership because they want to control your lives as their servants. These chips will eventually control your minds and souls, so refuse to take any chips in the body. Once the governments require mandatory chips in the body, this will be one of your signs to come to the protection of My refuges. You will have My Warning for your souls before you are forced to come to My refuges. Be prepared with frequent Confession, and trust in Me to defeat your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Romans made it difficult for their subjects when the people of Israel had to register at their house of ancestry. For St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother, they had to register in Bethlehem which was the house of David. In the days of My birth, people used horses or donkeys to travel great distances, but it was hard for a pregnant woman to travel so far just to register. This was a means of counting the people, and seeing which people were of fighting age for the armies. Be thankful that you have cars and planes to travel, so your families can come together for your holidays. Enjoy each other’s company for the few days you are together. Keep praying for the souls of your family to remain faithful to Me.”


Tuesday, December 24, 2019: (Vigil of Christmas 10:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a major feast when even the lukewarm Catholics come out to Mass to celebrate My birth at Christmas. Some families celebrate by exchanging gifts tonight. It is a great time for all families to join together from all over your country. You bring the gift of your souls to share with Me at Mass. All of heaven is rejoicing with you as you sing your Christmas hymns. I was incarnated as a God-man so I could die on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins. I am your Savior and your Redeemer who has been planned for many years. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you.”


Wednesday, December 25, 2019: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, every year you set up your Nativity scene both inside and outside of your house. I thank you for honoring My feast day of My birth on Christmas. This is a great moment of peace and joy, and you can preserve this moment throughout the year by keeping a little Nativity scene in your prayer room. I love all of you so much, and everyone is joyful at the birth of a child, especially when I was born into this world. Give thanks to My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph for all they had to do to raise Me up to manhood. Rejoice in the spirit of the Christmas celebration.”

Jesus said: “My people, last year you had an unusual amount of water that kept your fields from drying out. Many farmers had to put their crops in late because they could not plow their wet fields. You are seeing signs of a warming trend, but it is being caused by a reduction in the strength of your magnetosphere which allows more radiation from the sun to get through. This is a larger effect than any increase in carbon dioxide. It is this warming trend that is giving you more violent weather and higher rainfalls. This will be causing more problems in the growing of your crops that could lead to a famine. This is why I have asked you to have a year’s supply of food on hand for when food will be in short supply.”


Thursday, December 26, 2019: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people of America, I am showing you a large fish that is about to swallow up America, and this represents the communist socialists. As long as your current President is in power, he will keep the socialists from taking over. Once he leaves office by whatever means, the deep state socialists will take over, and you will become another communist state from within. Your President was put in under My protection, and he has upset the one world people’s timetable. It is their job to prepare the world for the Antichrist’s takeover and the tribulation. I will bring My Warning before they will complete America’s takeover. Be prepared after the Warning to help save the souls of your family during the six weeks of conversion. Those people, who still refuse to love Me and refuse to seek My forgiveness of their sins, are on the road to hell if they do not change. You are seeing the approaching tribulation, when I will call My faithful to My refuges for their protection. I will send you an inner locution to come, and you must leave your home with your guardian angel in twenty minutes. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. Be prepared because your events will speed up after the Warning.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are having unusually warm weather for winter, but this is the calm before the storm of more winter snow. You could see stronger winds than normal that could knock down power lines and cause power outages. Be prepared for any power outages with battery lanterns for light at night. You also should have one year’s supply of food because the stores could be closed for a while. You could also have an EMP attack at any time. Trust in Me to provide for your needs during any power outage.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world that overcomes the darkness of sin and evil in your world. So be not afraid, but trust in Me to provide for both your physical and spiritual needs. My gift of Myself in Bethlehem was the beginning of My gradual victory over the evil ones in this world. I am bringing a victory over sin and death. Trust in Me to guide you on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is always a pleasure to share gifts with your family and to share your meals together. It is proper that you put your families in your prayers, so they can return home safely without any accidents. Pray your St. Michael prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers for safe travel. You remember how praying these prayers for travel home are just as important as your prayers for coming.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you talk to your families, you are identifying with each other’s problems that you have had to take care of. You had one piece of good news that one of your granddaughters, who is married, will be having a baby in August, 2020. This will be an opportunity to support them in what they may need. Several of your people had some coughing from bronchitis symptoms. Remember to offer up any pain or discomfort from your sickness for the benefit of your family members in their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is about this time of year that you could start thinking of some New Year’s resolutions to improve your spiritual lives. Make your resolutions something that is doable, and something you could keep up the whole year. You also could work on your evangelization efforts to try and help other souls in their spiritual lives. Work on loving everyone, even those people who give you trouble.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have published many books of My messages, and you can sometimes get complacent with doing a good task over and over. Pray your 24 Glory Be prayers for My graces to make this another successful book to spread your evangelization efforts. Remember that saving souls is your most important task, and your books put My words into the hands of the people. You also need to call on the Holy Spirit to help you spread My words in your talks, especially in your upcoming trip to Puerto Rico.”

Jesus said: “My people, your priest friend in Canada recommended that each person should have read the whole Bible at least once or three times during that person’s lifetime. If you do not, then you will spend your purgatory time reading the Bible. So it is then that you could read the whole Bible for one of your New Year’s resolutions. You can even underline important passages so you could return to them in the future. Other people join Bible study groups so they can be helped in understanding the meanings in every passage. It is important to know My Word that I have given you in My words in the Gospel and those of My prophets.”


Friday, December 27, 2019: (St. John the apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, many people are content with the peace and joy of My birth, as you all are rushing around to get your presents for people. It usually is more joyful to give presents than to receive them. This is a regular family event as you are happy to visit your relatives, even from far away. I love all of My people as part of My human family, because I am with you in the flesh as a God-man. This is also a good time to appreciate the gift of your spouse and your close friends who make a difference in your lives. I give all of you the gift of life when I instill your soul into your body. You have many of My gifts in life, and you could thank Me with your prayers. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do in your lives. I love all of you, and you can love Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last election in 2016 the opposition party almost won by fixing the voting machines. These machines were rigged to change votes for their side, and if it were not for My angels changing the votes back, President Trump would not have won. You can be sure these evil ones will do more drastic fixes for their side to beat your President. They will even use hacking to try and control the voting machines. By the time an investigation would uncover the cheating, the results could prevent a recount of the bad machines. The cheating on votes will put this election in jeopardy for your President to win. Pray that the inspectors will be fair in counting the votes for each state.”

Saturday, December 28, 2019: (Florence Francione Funeral Mass)
Florence said: “My dear family and friends, I thank all of you for being here at my funeral. Thank you Al and the rest of the family for helping me in my last years. I am with Evelyn and the other deceased members of the family in heaven. I did see Jesus coming for me, and it was a nice touch of closure to lower my body into the grave. I will be praying and watching out for all of my family.”

Jesus said: “My son, this asteroid did not hit the earth today as you know. These astronomers make calculations of orbits, but asteroids are hard to see, and even harder to estimate their orbits. I did show you a meteor from one of these collisions of asteroids that will hit the earth, but I did not give you a date. You will need to be watchful in the skies because these objects do not give you much warning.”


Sunday, December 29, 2019: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Scriptures how Herod had asked the Magi to bring word back to him where they will find the new born King. King Herod did know that the Savior would be born in Bethlehem. The king did not want any other kings to threaten his throne. Once he realized that the Magi were not returning, he sent his troops to kill all the male babies under two years old in Bethlehem. This is why an angel was sent to St. Joseph in a dream that he had to take Me and My Blessed Mother, and flee to Egypt because Herod wanted to kill Me. It was an unfortunate event that all of these innocent babies had to die at the hands of Herod’s soldiers. You also are seeing your babies die in the womb, at the hands of your abortion doctors in making their blood money. Once the Holy Family arrived in Egypt, they stayed there until Herod died. Then an angel told St. Joseph in another dream to return to Israel. This was to fulfill the words of the prophet: (Matt. 2:15) ‘Out of Egypt I called My Son.’ The Antichrist will also rise out of Egypt as I gave you in a previous message: (8-23-2007) ‘I have given you a word that the Antichrist would go to Egypt to be anointed by the occult priests of these old gods. This ceremony will receive great acclaim among the one world people who are supporting the Antichrist, and they will bring him into power in the European Union.’ Have no fear of the Antichrist because I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and they will all be cast into hell.”


Monday, December 30, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John in his letter of the first reading is pointing out, how it is more important to focus on Me than anything else in the world. You all were put here on earth to know, love, and serve Me. This world is not a playground, but this life is a test of your love for Me and your neighbor. You have physical needs of food, a place of shelter, and a means of travel, but I give you all that you need both in this life and your spiritual life. Your spirit needs to be nourished with My graces and My Presence in receiving My Eucharist. Those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have life everlasting. So do not put any worldly things before Me. Your love for Me is more important than your love for anyone or anything in this world. Keep your focus on Me and My love for you, as you show your love for Me in your prayers and good deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am reaching out to My faithful remnant as I ask them to be My refuge builders. I have told you before that there are people who receive messages who are part of My refuge teams. I give messages to help the leadership of My refuges. When you get close to the tribulation time, those people, who are receiving messages, will in the end have messages about refuges. This is because it is important to realize that I am separating the good people from the bad people, by drawing all of My faithful remnant to the protection of My refuges. My angels will only allow My believers to enter My refuges. Evil people and non-believers will not be allowed to enter. When you have your reparation Masses, you are preparing for the time to enter My refuges. Give praise and thanks to Me for arranging your protection during the tribulation.”


Tuesday, December 31, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, I have warned you that you will be seeing various persecutions from various sources to try and stop My messages to you. This latest source of problems is coming from someone’s pride and greed for money. I have told you before not to make a defense. Instead, you need to pray your St. Michael long form prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese. Let Me and My angels workout any problems. Your persecution will get worse from various sources, until you will eventually have to remain at your refuge. I asked you to continue to give out My messages and talks until you could no longer move. I thank you for what you have done, and what I expect you will do for Me, even during the tribulation.”

(5:30 p.m. Solemnity of Mary Mass) The Blessed Mother said softly: “My dear son, you have been reading the Nativity Scriptures about the birth of my Son, Jesus. When St. Gabriel came to me, I gave him my ‘fiat’ yes. (Luke 1:38) ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word.’ At times Jesus calls on certain people to take on missions that they do not know what will be involved. You, my son, have been called to spread the words of Jesus about the coming tribulation and the Era of Peace. You have given your ‘yes’ to this mission, even though you have had to suffer some persecution and criticisms. You have endured this time since 1993, and you have been faithful to my Son’s requests. You have also said ‘yes’ to setting up your own refuge that will accommodate many people when God’s angels are finished building. You also have said ‘yes’ to helping defend the babies by protesting in front of the local Planned Parenthood building. It is even better when you accept these missions without any hesitations. Jesus will reward you in the end of your missions with treasures in heaven. Go forth and celebrate the New Year in carrying out your missions with God’s graces.”


Sábado, 29 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol