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John Leary - Ano 2020 (Inglês)



Ano 2020


Wednesday, January 1, 2020: (Solemnity of Mary)
Jesus said: “My son, this is another message about the Warning, or the Illumination of Conscience with a life review. This vision of a long tunnel to My Light, is a vision I have given you before. I cannot give you a date for the Warning, but it is growing close and everyone should be prepared with a clean soul with frequent Confession. At the beginning of the year, I usually give you some things to watch for. I have mentioned before how this would be a year of chaos. This election year will be a battle between those people who support your Constitution and the communist socialists. You will be fighting to keep your freedoms vs. the deep state’s desire for a communist takeover of your government. Pray for your President who is fighting to save your country from turning into a communist socialist state.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a relative time of peace, but you are seeing in this vision where you could see two possible sea battles. China has increased its naval power, and they are trying to control the China Sea. They will soon start attacking any military ships that come into the China Sea with their new weapons. This will upset any trade routes, especially for Japan. The other hot spot will be in the Persian Gulf where Iran will also start destroying any ships going near their bases. Both of these areas could start a war that could easily spread into a world war over trade routes for oil and other shipping. Pray for peace in the world that such a war is stopped.”

Thursday, January 2, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, at every Mass you are joined with Me in My Eucharist, and I am thanking all of My daily Mass adorers for being so faithful to Me. When you love someone, as you love Me first in your lives, you want to be with Me as much as you can. I am the center of your lives, and you are following all that I have taught you through the Scriptures and our personal relationships. In life you will be tested in many ways from the devil and people who will persecute you. Do not be afraid or fall into despair over any of your trials, but call on My help to lift you up in the joy of always being in My love. Remember what you have read in the Scriptures that you will know people by their fruits. If you want to show your love for Me, you can work to produce more good fruit in your actions, and let others show who they are by their fruits.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have set before you the blessing or the curse as your people are going further astray from Me. In the vision you are seeing a bowl that represents the seven bowls of the Book of Revelation. I present this to you because My angels will soon be releasing these things upon the earth. I want you to read about these bowls and list them in this message.”
Note: Seven bowls of the Book of Revelation: Chapter 16
1) The first angel poured out his bowl upon the earth and a sore and grievous wound was made upon the men who have the mark of the beast (plague of boils) and upon those who worshiped its image.
2) The second angel poured out his bowl upon the sea, and it became blood as of a dead man; and every live thing in the sea died.
3) The third angel poured out his bowl upon the rivers and fountains of water, and they became blood.
4) The fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun, and he was allowed to scorch mankind with fire. And mankind were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has authority over these plagues, and they did not repent and give him glory.
5) The fifth angel poured out his bowl upon the throne of the beast; and its kingdom became dark, and they gnawed their tongues for pain. And they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their wounds, and they did not repent of their works.
6) The sixth angel poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates, and dried up its waters, that a way might be made ready for the kings from the rising sun.
16:13-16 The beast and the false prophet gathered their forces to fight God’s forces at the Battle of Armageddon.
7) The seventh angel poured out his bowl upon the air. There was a great earthquake. And great hail, heavy as a talent, came down from heaven upon man; and men blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, for it was great.

Jesus said: “My son, you are familiar with the signs of the end times where there will be famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. You will be seeing more records broken in your weather, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. I have mentioned before how the strength of your magnetosphere is decreasing, and this will allow more of the solar wind to come through to affect your weather. This is leading up to a polar shift. It is this event that will cause these signs.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are continuing to receive messages about the coming Warning because this is an indication of how close it is. I will bring the Warning in My time as it will be needed to give souls one last chance to convert their lives to loving Me before the tribulation will start. Everyone will receive a life review at the same time all over the earth. You will have a mini-judgment of your soul’s destination, and a chance to change your life during the six weeks of conversion after My Warning. You will be coming to My refuges after the Warning as the persecution of My people will be intense. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing a major darkness of sin coming over the earth by the Antichrist’s tribulation. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. This will begin the three days of darkness when you will need your blessed candle for light. My faithful will be protected from harm at My refuges where your refuge angel will put up a shield from any destruction by this comet. All the evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will renew the earth so I can bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when the Israelites were unhappy with My manna and I sent seraph serpents to attack them. It was Moses who held up the bronze seraph on a pole to heal those people who were bitten by the snakes. Today, the people are not accepting Me as their Bread of Life, and so I will allow the snakes of the demons to have their hour of control. But I am holding up My new cross that I am placing over all of My believers on their foreheads. This cross will allow My believers to be safe from the snakes of the coming tribulation so you can enter My refuges. Rejoice that I will protect and feed you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see an evil time that has not yet occurred. Do not be frightened when it may seem to you that the evil ones appear to be winning in a worldly way. All of the things they are bringing forth will pass away. I will call you to the safety of My refuges where My angels will fight for you. So have no fear because I will not leave you orphans.”

Jesus said: “My people, I do not want My people to lose hope during the tribulation. You will be purified during the tribulation at My refuges, as it will be your purgatory on earth. All that you will suffer will be worth the future life you will have, as your reward will be in My Era of Peace for only My believers. Even those faithful, who may be martyred during this evil time, will be raised up to live in My Era of Peace. So rejoice My people and lift up your hearts because your Redemption is at hand.”

Friday, January 3, 2020: (The Most Holy Name of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, I have come into the world as a God-man so I could die on the cross to take away your sins with Baptism. When you are baptized, you receive God the Father, Myself, and God the Holy Spirit. You are blessed with the sign of the cross that takes away your original sin. In the vision of a fire hydrant gushing with water, this is symbolic of the waters of Baptism. When you are baptized you are joined as one of My faithful servants. As a part of your faith, you will need to keep your soul pure of sin by frequent Confession. You need a pure soul free of mortal sin so you can receive My Blessed Sacrament which feeds your soul with My graces. My grace enables you to carry out the spiritual mission that was given to you. Trust in My help and keep close to Me in your prayers and the use of My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know how you were suffering more with your coughing, and you offered it up for souls. You were praying for some help, and now your new throat medicine is reducing your cough. It is not easy to deal with sickness when it keeps you from working on your projects. Keep trusting Me in your prayers, and I will work out your problems. I love you, My son, and I will help you in all of your trials. Be patient, and you will be fine in the end. Continue with your long form of the St. Michael prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers for your book and any other problems that may come.”

Saturday, January 4, 2020: (Michael Cooke funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many funerals of people dying around this time. Many souls are taken up to heaven around Christmas. It is proper that you help console this mother who lost two sons in their fifties this year. You can pray for their souls and have Masses offered for them as well. I have been calling a lot of souls home as your population is growing older on average. Death is part of your life on earth, and it just confirms how vulnerable your mortal bodies are. While you are still alive, it is good to make the best use of your time by working to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this latest killing of an Iranian leader, there could be some serious consequences. The Iranians are threatening 35 targets. Now your President is warning Iran that he has 52 targets to destroy if Iran goes forward with their threats. There will be some attacks by Iran, but it will be how big an event that will determine the might of an American response. The world is bracing for Iran’s response, because this could lead into a major conflict, especially if Russia gets involved. Pray that a war does not begin, because it could lead to a Battle of Armageddon in the Middle East.”

Sunday, January 5, 2020: (The Epiphany of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the two different kinds of people on the earth. The one kind loves and adores Me, while the other kind hates Me and wants to kill My followers. In the Gospel reading you are seeing a stark contrast between the Three Kings who adored Me with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh vs. King Herod who wanted to kill Me. This reminds you again of how you will recognize people by their fruits in their actions. If you see a person helping others with good deeds, then you know this is a good person. But if you see someone who tries to ruin another person’s reputation in order to gain money, then you know the evil intent of that person’s actions. Pray for people who are doing evil so they can be saved from their misdeeds.”

Monday, January 6, 2020: (St. Andre Bessette)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people who have serious health problems, and you have been to many funerals. This is part of your human condition to see sick people, and some are dying of various causes. You need to comfort the sick and comfort those who are mourning a lost loved one. You can see how short your life is, so make the best use of your time by evangelizing souls to help them to heaven. I love all of you so much, and I want you to love Me and your neighbor. You are seeing some serious military threats between Iran and America, so pray for peace to stop any more bloodshed.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am asking My refuge builders to set up My havens of protection where My angels will multiply your needed food, water, fuels, and buildings. I know how you have limited resources to prepare your refuges. But with Me, all things are possible. My son, you have carried out your projects to provide for what your people will need. Your refuge angels will finish whatever needs to be done for your preparations. I will be using My refuges to separate My faithful from the unbelievers. Only My believers will have a cross on their foreheads, which will allow them to enter My refuges. My angels will put up a shield that will make you invisible to the evil ones. They will also have a shield to protect My faithful from any harm, even from the Comet of Chastisement that will hit the earth. In My Warning I will show My faithful how it will be necessary to leave their homes so My angels can protect them. When I give you My word in an inner locution, you need to leave your homes, and follow the flame of your guardian angel, when you will be led to the nearest refuge. My refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places blessed by My priest sons, shrines, monasteries, and caves. Rejoice that I will be protecting you and providing what you need to survive during the tribulation. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I am doing for My faithful.”

Tuesday, January 7, 2020: (Julian B. Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad when you see younger people take their lives, but I have mercy on their souls when they have problems beyond their control. Julian is in lower purgatory, and today’s Mass will help him. He needs your prayers as well as the rest of the family. Your neighbor also needs prayers for her pain and getting around. You have tried to comfort her, so do not forget to keep in touch with her. It is good to comfort those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Having Masses said for these unfortunate deaths is another kindness for the family.”

Jesus said: “My people, you knew Iran would make some kind of response to killing their number two general. This came tonight as an Iranian attack with 15 ballistic missiles on two of your airbases in Iraq. Your President is waiting for an assessment of the damage, and he will make a statement in the morning. If more attacks come, there will probably be a measured response. This will be the first of other attacks that could come from Iran or their proxies. Your forces continue to be on high alert. Continue to pray for peace before attacks could lead to a larger war.”

Wednesday, January 8, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, your President and Congress will be making some serious decisions on how to react to the missile attack on your bases in Iraq. Any further escalation against Iran could increase a risk of an all out war against Iran. I have asked you to pray that war could be stopped before there is no return. Your President does not want a war, but he will do what is necessary to protect your military people. If Iran continues its attacks, they will be inviting a devastating response. It is just a matter of time before you will see a major battle in the Middle East.”

Thursday, January 9, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you what it will be like when you have your Warning experience. It will seem like time stood still while I will take you back through your life experiences. At first you sensed a little pride in all that you accomplished. Then the reality set in when you realized that you could not have accomplished anything without My help. It was your going to daily Mass and Holy Communion that gave you the strength and ability to do what you were asked to do. Then you saw all of your sins and how they offended Me. You also saw how your life influenced other people both for good and bad. I have forgiven your sins in Confession, and you can move forward knowing I am at your side to help you through your life’s trials. Everyone in the world will have a similar life review with a chance to see their lives as I see them. You will have six weeks after your Warning when you will be returned to your body, and you can make changes to do better in your life to please Me. This will be everyone’s opportunity to see where their lives are headed, and a chance to work with Me out of love for Me and your neighbor.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, this pain you are suffering in your shoulder can also be offered up for the souls you will meet in Puerto Rico. You have had sufferings before for the people who will hear your words. You need to pray your St. Michael prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese for the people in Puerto Rico who are suffering with little electricity and from several serious earthquakes. Pray that you will have safe travel to Puerto Rico and all over the island. Have trust in Me that My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President was fortunate that Iran did not kill any of your soldiers in this latest attack which was a response to killing Iran’s #2 General. For now you are not seeing any other responses, but you could see some cyber attacks on your grid or fuel supplies. You will have to protect any shipping in the Persian Gulf from any attacks. Much of the world’s oil is transported from this region. Your people will have to be on alert from any number of military bases for any future attacks. Keep praying for peace that a larger war can be prevented.”

Jesus said: “My people, since it takes 2/3rds of the Senate to vote to impeach your President, it is doubtful that enough votes will be cast to convict your President. This issue has consumed your Congress’ time for almost three years. It is time to get on with the vote so your Senators can get on with the real business of running your government. Pray that your President will be acquitted of the false charges brought against him.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is an attempt to have a trade deal with China and the US signed, but it is not sure if China will abide by such an agreement. This would be a peaceful exchange if such a trade agreement could be completed. There are still some tariff questions and questions about China forcing your companies to give them secrets on your products being made in China. Pray for a meaningful agreement to be signed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the recent downing of a Ukranian airliner that was not a mechanical malfunction, but your satellites saw an Iranian missile that downed this plane and killed 176 civilians. There were Canadians and Iranians that died, and there may be some repercussions of this destruction of a Ukranian civilian airliner. Iran is claiming this was a mistake, but this is only a coverup. Pray that this incident does not start a war.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a debate over war powers, and to what extent the House can stop your Defense funds which your President needs to defend your country from any aggression from Iran. In the past many Presidents were not prevented from using Defense weapons to strike an aggressor. These war powers have been used in the past to fight any wars that you have had. It is hard to go back on a precedent that was established by previous Presidents. Pray that this problem will be worked out in your Congress.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are preparing for your second trip to Puerto Rico. You went before after this island was damaged by Hurricane Maria. This time you are seeing several serious earthquakes of 6.5 and 5.8 that has caused a lot of damage, especially to their electric grid. You may have to take some windup lights and lanterns for having lights at night. You will be speaking to these people who are being tested again by some natural disasters. Comfort them with My messages of love and hope that they will be able to recover from these latest earthquakes. Pray for their souls that they will take My messages to heart so many could be saved from hell.”

Friday, January 10, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, over the last few weeks you have learned how delicate your health is, along with any pains in your body. There are many sick people with upper respiratory illnesses from the flu and bronchitis. Even some of your sickness could be coming from the chemtrails put in your skies. Other people have chronic pains in their bones and muscles that they have to tolerate their whole life. You, My son, have only had to endure your sickness and pains for a short time. When I restore your health, as you prayed for, you need to be thankful for My help, and pray for all the sick and hurting people in the world. Sickness and pain are part of your human condition, and you can pray to Me for help, much like I healed the leper in today’s Gospel. You must have faith that I can heal you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this small truce that you have with Iran will not last long. They are still the center of terrorism, and they will not give up their goal of spreading terrorism in the region. They are trying to influence Iraq to demand that your troops need to leave Iraq. They will be careful not to go over your President’s red line, but they have other means of spreading their terrorist influence. Your country and your allies are still targets for bombings and cyber warfare. Do not let your guard down because they are planning their next attacks. Continue to pray for peace in the Middle East.”

Saturday, January 11, 2020: (4:30 p.m. Baptism of Our Lord)
David said: “My dear parents, Mary and I have been watching over our father, who was suffering from his bronchitis with a constant cough. Now he is suffering from a shoulder pain. I know dad has been offering up his pain, but it has been a test. We are praying for dad to get better, especially before his trip to Puerto Rico. Keep praying to Jesus for a healing, and He will help you. I give a hello to mom (Carol) and my sisters. Call on me and Mary to help you all in your trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a comparison of the fires in California with the fires in Australia. The common denominator is that both sets of fires were touched off by many arsonists. The fires in Australia are killing animals, destroying homes, and killing a few people. If the authorities could catch the arsonists, the arsonists should be sent to jail. The same applies to the arsonists in California. It is sad that demented people could cause so much damage and not be brought to trial. There is also a possibility that terrorist could have started these fires as well. Pray that the firefighters in Australia can bring these fires under control.”

Sunday, January 12, 2020: (The Baptism of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My son, you have been lamenting over how many of your faithful friends have died unusual deaths. I want you all to lift up your spirits, because if you pray to them for help, they will help you in your evangelization efforts at your talks. They did not leave you, because you can still call on them by name in prayer. Let them help you, but you must invite them by your own free will. Let your deceased friends be active in your life through your prayers. Heaven is always willing to help, but you must request help in your prayer intentions. I am with you always, and I have helped you back to good health as you requested in your prayers. You can thank Me in your daily prayers for helping you to relieve your pain. Give praise and thanks to Me every day for all that I do for you.”

Monday, January 13, 2020: (St. Hilary)
Jesus said: “My people, you are now entering Ordinary Time again after celebrating My birth and My Baptism. You are seeing in the vision how I started My public life by calling My disciples, who I would train as apostles. The Kingdom of God is at hand in My Presence, and I was calling the people to repent and convert their lives from any evil ways. My son, this is your mission as well, to call the people to repent, and hear My Good News of salvation. You are about to visit Puerto Rico again, and you are preparing your talks to share My Word in My messages to help them in life. Repenting and converting one’s life takes a gift of faith, which you are praying that these people will hear. These people are suffering damage from earthquakes, as well as problems getting fuels and electricity which are hard to find. You need to lift up their spirits, and give them hope and trust in My help.”

Jesus said: “My son, I was showing you the many earthquakes that have struck Puerto Rico (950) in the last week. Do not be afraid, My son, because I am sending you a legion (5,000) of My angels to protect you, your wife, and Fr. Michel. Continue with your planned talks, and I will be with you through any problems. Thank Nilda for setting up your talks and being your translator. Your words will give hope to the people who are being tested with power outages. Continue your St. Michael prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese.”

Tuesday, January 14, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are sharing My joy of deliverance from your sins as you witness My Baptism. In the vision you are seeing Me, the Holy Spirit as a dove, and God the Father was speaking: (Matt. 3:17) ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ In every Baptism that takes away original sin, you are blessed with the Sign of the Cross, as the Blessed Trinity is invoked to free you of your sins. Not only is your original sin forgiven, but you are brought into My Church as part of My faithful. As a member of My Church, you are anointed priest, prophet, and king to go out and evangelize people so they can have faith in Me also. You did not call Me, but I have called all of My people to know, love, and serve Me on this earth. Give praise and thanks to Me for inviting you to be a part of My Church through your Baptism.”

Jesus said: “My son, your priest gave you an extra blessing of the Holy Spirit to give you strength and protection on your trip to Puerto Rico. You will be praying over the people there and giving them My words of hope and encouragement. Many people are without power, lights, and fuels for their cars. These people could use some miracles from Jesus to help them through their trials. These trials could be a means to convert some people into believers in Me. My disciples need to show them how important it is to trust in Me to help them get back on their feet.”

Wednesday, January 15, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of coins is to remind you of the widow’s mite when she put two small copper coins into the temple treasury. But this was all she had to live on. I told you how the rich people put large amounts of money into the temple treasury, but they contributed out of their excess wealth. This woman had a stronger love for Me because she did not hold back anything from Me. When My people are giving donations, you also should be willing to give substantial donations out of love for Me. This is also true when you are called to share your faith with others. You need to give of yourself with a serious commitment to share your faith, just as you should share your finances. When you give Me the most and the best you could do, then you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Thursday, January 16, 2020:
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy that you could make time to come to my shrine when I appeared here in 1953 and I gave messages for 33 days. Even if the Church does not formally accept this shrine, I was truly here, and it is a holy place guarded by God’s angels. You will read my messages later, but this is truly related to Fatima as I appeared to two young girls and a young boy. Read the promise in the first message and accept it into your heart. You had some of the holy water from the well, and I will give your petition for Amy to my Son, Jesus. Again, I thank you for visiting this holy mountain and my shrine.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am shining down My Light and My graces on all of My people on the earth. You just read the Gospel of how I healed a man with leprosy, when he requested My healing. I call all of My faithful to come to Me in Confession to be cleansed of the leprosy of sin on your souls. I have died on the cross to bring salvation to everyone who will accept Me. Just as the man approached Me to ask for a healing, so you must ask Me of your own free will that you desire to be healed both physically in your body and spiritually in your soul. I love all of you and I desire that all of you could have pure souls if you so desire. So do not be lazy when you do not come to Confession, but come to the priest in the confessional so you can be made clean by the priest’s absolution of your sins.”

Friday, January 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another huge natural disaster with the formation of a large sinkhole after another large earthquake in Puerto Rico. I know you are praying for the earthquakes to stop, but you are seeing a swarm of earthquakes when the tectonic plates are meeting with one going under the other. It is not clear to your scientists why you are receiving many earthquakes, but this is a sign that there are evil cult meetings that are calling down My justice. These earthquakes are a sign that these people need to repent of their sins, and change their ways. These events are to wake up the people to the need for many rosaries to rid the evil workings of demonic cults going on. The whole country of America needs to take up your rosaries and pray, because if you do not repent, further chaos will come over your country. You are not far from when you will see My Warning, and you will be called to My refuges for your physical and spiritual protection.”

Saturday, January 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be focused on Me in My Eucharist as the center of your lives. Come close to Me in My sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion at the Mass. If you could come to daily Mass, you can be with Me every day. I am warning you to remain faithful to Me no matter what happens in the world. Never deny Me. Never deny Me. Never deny Me. A day is coming soon when you will see evil clergy who will want to change My precious words of Consecration. This will be the abomination of desolation. I do not want My faithful to even participate in a wrongful Consecration. Once you see such an evil, it will be close to the time when I will call My faithful to My refuges. This is where you will have a Mass with the proper words of Consecration. My Eucharist is the center of your life with My Real Presence. Guard My consecrated Hosts from any desecration, as in a black mass. If you do not have a priest at your refuge for Mass, I will have My angels give you daily Holy Communion that was properly consecrated. Visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament whenever you can make time for Me.”

Sunday, January 19, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, when a lot of people come to your refuge, it will be impossible to store enough food for all of them to be fed for less than 3½ years. Just as I multiplied the bread and the fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000 people, so I will need to multiply the food for your people. You have faith that I can heal people of their ailments when you will look upon My luminous cross at My refuges. So you also will need to have faith that I can multiply your food. You know that I can do the impossible, so expect that you will have enough food to survive the coming tribulation. You will also expect My angels to multiply your dwellings so each family can have their own private place to live. This is why I have showed you a large high rise building to hold all the people who I will send to your refuge. You will also have daily Holy Communion either from a priest or from My angels. I love all of you so much, and I will protect you from the evil ones. Some faithful may be martyred, but all those people at My refuges will be protected from any harm by My angels. So have no fear, and be thankful for all that I will provide for you at the proper time.”

Monday, January 20, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I know you are limited in praising Me as My angels do, because of your fallen nature that you inherited from Adam. But I came into your world as a God-man to die on the cross in atonement for your sins. No longer are you living in the darkness of sin, but I bring you salvation, and I give you Myself in Holy Communion. When you receive Me into your soul without mortal sin, I strengthen you with My Light both in your body and in your soul and spirit. I give direction to your life as you follow My ways on your path to heaven. I love all of you so much, and I do not want to lose even one soul. I give all of you free will to choose to love Me and follow My Commandments. Those people, who keep in My graces, will be saved, but those people, who refuse to love Me and refuse to repent of their sins, are on a path to hell.”

Tuesday, January 21, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you and Fr. Michel gave about four talks at the places you visited. It was good at this time of their earthquakes to help support the people in their stress. In the messages you told the people to be ready to come to My refuges if their lives were in danger. You also warned them to have one year’s supply of food on hand for every member of the family. The people will be warned when it is the time to come to My refuges for protection. Trust in Me and come to Confession at least once a month. My faithful believers will be told in their Warning experience that they will need to come to My refuges for protection during the tribulation. Continue to work on your projects, as I asked you, so you can make your refuge ready for all the people, who I will send to you. Now, you are ordering more dried food for the extra people who will be coming.”

Wednesday, January 22, 2020: (Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children)
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing the true choice you have made of either having live children or dead babies. You have chosen to legalize the killing of My unborn children. You have killed millions of children over the years, and for this, your country will pay dearly when you are taken over by the deep state communists. If you could see how quickly your doctors take a life out of the womb, you could not stand looking at the blood on the hands of your doctors. You are sacrificing your babies up to the gods of convenience and money. This injustice of man is happening all over the earth, as you are compounding the sins of fornication with sins of murder in your abortions. If you do not change your laws soon, you will lose your country to your enemies. Pray to stop abortion, and continue to protest on Saturdays by the Planned Parenthood clinics. Many people are protesting at your March for Life by your Supreme Court building every year on this January 22nd of the anniversary of Rowe vs. Wade’s Supreme Court decision.”

Jesus said: “My people, the worst crime mankind can commit, is the killing of an innocent child in the womb. This blood on the floor of an abortion clinic, is a sign of how evil these abortion doctors are to kill babies for blood money. This blood will eventually be impossible to wash off their guilt. I will still forgive the sins of anyone who repents, but the doctors will pay for a long time if they make it to purgatory, because they know what they are doing. The mothers, who kill their children by abortion, can also be forgiven, if they repent. They will have less punishment than the doctors, because the doctors are constantly killing My babies. Pray for new laws to protect the unborn, and pray to stop abortions. If mankind does not stop your abortions, then I will stop them in a way you will not like.”

Thursday, January 23, 2020: (St. Vincent, St. Marianne Cope)
Jesus said: “My people, you just read about how King Saul was so jealous of David getting more fame, that he wanted to kill David. Jonathan reminded Saul how David had helped to defeat the Philistines, and Saul had no reason to kill someone who helped save the country. You are seeing a similar jealousy with the Democrats who want to kill or impeach President Trump for all the changes he has made. Your President has reduced your taxes and is defending your country against the terrorists. For all the good he has done, it is not right to fight against your President. I allowed your President to win, and he acknowledges Me and stands up against abortion. You should pray for your President so he is protected from those evil deep state people who want to kill him. Trust in Me to help your country to stay free from communist control.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how My Blessed Sacrament is being attacked as this monstrance was thrown on the ground. Some evil people are stealing consecrated Hosts to desecrate them in black masses. These attacks have been happening through the years. Now, you will soon be facing changes by My clergy who are planning to change the words of Consecration. When this happens, you will see a schism in My Church between the faithful remnant and a schismatic church that will teach New Age and have masses without My Real Presence. Avoid going to any masses by this schismatic church because I will not be Present. My faithful remnant will need to come to My refuges where you will have My Real Presence with priests giving the proper words of Consecration.”

Jesus said: “My son, because of your trip to Puerto Rico, it was difficult to come to the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Continue your vigils on Saturday at your Planned Parenthood buildings. You need to protest the killing of My babies at these evil clinics. You have seen two movies of ‘Unplanned’ and ‘Gosnell’ that show the actual abortion of My babies. Killing your own children by abortion has so offended Me, that you will soon see how God the Father will take action against these killings. You are calling down My judgment against your evil abortions. Keep praying to stop these abortions.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to condemn any activity in your clergy who want to change My words of Consecration. My Son died on the cross to save you from your sins. My Son has left you His very Self with you in the Consecrated Hosts. My Son is truly Present when your priest uses the proper words of Consecration. If and when you change these words of Consecration, you will no longer have My Son’s Real Presence. A Mass without the proper words of Consecration, will be like a blasphemy in My face, and I will not tolerate such a desecration. Those clergy, who violate My Consecration words, will face excommunication from My faithful remnant priests. If people persist in such blasphemous masses, they are on a path to hell, unless they repent in Confession. This is an evil I will not permit in My remnant Church. Be prepared to come to My refuges when this abomination occurs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see by the crowds who attended your meetings, that they were grateful to hear My words of instruction about the end times. You were careful to come to private places to avoid any criticisms. I was with you with My angels to protect you from any harm. You all were brave to come to Puerto Rico despite the earthquakes that are going on. Thank you for evangelizing the people of Puerto Rico.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see your President vindicated of any false claims of crimes that were made up by the opposition party in the House of Representatives. Pray for his protection against any attempts to kill him.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how I will not give you the dates of the Warning or the tribulation. Do not be critical of My timings because when these events happen, you will wish they did not come. Be prepared at your refuges with your food, water, bedding, and fuels that I will multiply for you. Trust that My angels will protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing Democrat controlled legislatures purposely changing laws against your Second Amendment rights to own guns. These deep state people know they can upset gun owners by attempting to take away their guns. Once any authorities move to take guns from your homes, you could see the beginning of a civil war. This is a planned action to take over your government. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.”

Friday, January 24, 2020: (St. Francis de Sales)
Jesus said: “My people, you just read how David spared Saul’s life, even though Saul was trying to kill David. This gracious act of David is how I want My faithful to love your enemies and persecutors. I have given you My Fifth Commandment of Thou Shall not Kill Anyone. So do not desire to kill anyone, and especially do not kill My babies by abortion in the womb. You have your March for Life today in Washington, D.C. where many people are protesting your Rowe vs Wade Supreme Court decision that has allowed abortion to be legal in America. This single decision must be overturned, or your country will suffer a severe punishment. It is difficult to love your persecutors, but this is the perfection that you must strive for, if you want to be a saint. I love all of you, even those who refuse to love Me. I am asking My faithful to imitate My love for everyone.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been seeing more people trying to cause trouble with your mission, as you go out to give your talks. Your persecution will grow worse as you get closer to the Warning. Christians in general will also get more persecution. As the people persecuted Me for My words to stop sin, so you will be persecuted for speaking out against abortion, living together in fornication, and homosexual acts. The sexual sins and abortions are the worst sins, but people do not want to give up their pleasures in sin. This is why people do not want to hear about Confession and the end times. No matter how much opposition you will receive, you still need to present My messages to help sinners convert their lives, so they can be saved. Helping to save sinners from hell, is your most important job, but you will face the devil’s wrath in trying to steal his souls away to Me.”

Saturday, January 25, 2020: (4:30 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, open your eyes, because the Kingdom of God is at hand right now. The Kingdom of God is with you in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts and Wine. I am with you at Mass and in My tabernacle. You do not realize how fortunate you are to have Me with you at all times. I love all of you, as I died for your sins on the cross. You can show Me how much you love Me by your prayers and coming to Mass. I am the center of your lives, and I am always at your side ready to help you in your needs. I know your needs even before you ask Me, but I will always answer your prayers in whatever ways are best for your soul, and what is best for your intentions for the people you are praying for. Rejoice that you are always in My care, as I send My angels to guard and comfort you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen many chemtrails in the sky that contain aluminum oxide, barium ions, and laboratory created flu organisms. When people have analyzed the particles from the chemtrials, they came down with upper respiratory sicknesses. It is possible that those airplanes could spread virulent viruses that could kill many people. This is the deep state plan to reduce the population for less people to control. You need to have masks, Hawthorn pills, and elderberry extract or pills to build up your immune systems to combat any viruses in the chemtrails. If people start dying from the flu in large numbers, you may have to come to My refuges, where you can look on My luminous cross, or drink the spring water to heal any sickness. Beware of any toxins that the evil ones may be using in their chemtrails. Trust in Me and I will heal any virus that is killing people.”

Sunday, January 26, 2020: (Camille’s old birthday)
Camille said: “Hello everybody, I am giving you a glimpse of how difficult the coming years will be. I can only tell you so much, because heaven has its secrets about timing. I am glad you have a prepared refuge because you will be needing it soon. The devil’s time is running out, and the evil events will be speeding up. After the Warning our family would be wise to get their lives close to God, so they can come to your refuge. Jocelyn’s dream could come true of the expansion of your refuge. Pray for the souls of our family to be converted.”

Monday, January 27, 2020: (St. Angela Merici)
Jesus said: “My son, you remember well how your new chapel was attacked by thousands of flies that represented Beelzebub, the lord of the flies. While you were away, you had your friends use holy water, the St. Michael long form prayer, and your vacuum cleaner to get rid of the flies. Later, you had a priest consecrate the grounds of your refuge to protect yourselves from the demons. You also have your refuge angel, St. Meridia, guarding your grounds from the demons. This is another reason to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for your protection and your family. You also pray this prayer when you go out to your talks, and repeat it again on your return. The demons are always trying to disturb your work, so you need your prayers of protection all of the time.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen many chemtrails in the sky that contain aluminum oxide, barium ions, and laboratory created flu organisms. When people have analyzed the particles from the chemtrials, they came down with upper respiratory sicknesses. It is possible that those airplanes could spread virulent viruses that could kill many people. This is the deep state plan to reduce the population for less people to control. You need to have masks, Hawthorn pills, and elderberry extract or pills to build up your immune systems to combat any viruses in the chemtrails. If people start dying from the flu in large numbers, you may have to come to My refuges, where you can look on My luminous cross, or drink the spring water to heal any sickness. Beware of any toxins that the evil ones may be using in their chemtrails. Trust in Me and I will heal any virus that is killing people.”

Tuesday, January 28, 2020: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading from the Book of Samuel, you read how King David and his followers were rejoicing with a banquet when they placed the Ark of the Covenant in a special tent that held the Ten Commandments from Moses. This represented the tabernacle of God’s Presence to them. Today, you all have My Real Presence that you receive in My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. You should also be rejoicing even more that you can have a taste of heaven every day at Holy Mass. When you are united with Me in Holy Communion, it is a joy for a few minutes that you are like tabernacles with My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. You have a real miracle at every Mass, when the priest transubstantiates the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood for you to receive. This is truly a time for rejoicing every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, as I look down at the people on earth, I see so many souls who are living in mortal sin with black souls. My son, it is so important to call on all people to come back home to Me where they need to prepare for the coming Warning. All souls all over the earth will have a life review at the same time. If you do not want to see your judgment to hell, then you need to convert to one of My believers. Many people remember their early childhood when they were taught the faith. You remember in your catechism how you were put on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. Remember how I love all of you so much that I became a God-man so I could die on the cross to bring you salvation from your sins. Many people have fallen away from their childhood love of Me because they are taken up by the devil’s distractions of worldly cares, instead of worshiping Me. I am the One who created your soul that was placed in your body. Without Me, you would not have life. I am calling all of My children to come back to Me at Sunday Mass. I am also calling you to come to monthly Confession so you can cleanse your sins, and stay close to Me in My sacramental graces. Make Me the center of your lives, because I am truly the most important Person you could know and love. By praying every day, helping your neighbor in good deeds, and keeping your souls clean from sin at Confession, you will be My disciple. I will know by your actions that you love Me, and you want to do My Will. By being a believer in faith, you will truly be ready for My Warning and the coming tribulation.”

Wednesday, January 29, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Parable of the Sower you see people with varying amounts of faith. The first kind are the people who have weak faith, as with the seed that fell on rocky ground. These people only lasted a short time with Me for lack of roots in faith. The second kind are the people who lose their faith when the distractions of the world choke off their faith, as seen with the seed that fell among the briars. The third kind are those people who have strong faith with a good foundation, when their seed fell on rich soil where their fruit yielded 30, 60 and 100 fold. This is a good time to look at your own lives to see which kind of person you are, and how have you reacted to My Word that was planted in your hearts? You can take a lesson from this parable, and you can strive to do better in showing Me your yield of good works.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given each of you life, but now some people want to choose who should live and who should die. I am the only One who should be taking people home in death, and not the killers in your society. Aborting babies is the most important issue in your society. It is more important than wars, viruses that kill some people, or your recent impeachment trial of your President. The abortion issue is more important because it is killing millions of babies every year. You have one party that is in favor of abortion, and the other party is against it. Since abortions offend Me so much and they deny My plan for these lives, it is better to vote for the candidates who are against abortion. I am calling on My people to protest against abortion, and the Planned Parenthood clinics that abort My children. This is the biggest life or death decision that your people are making. It is time to make abortion illegal because it is killing your own children who I have created. Your country will soon suffer severe punishments if you do not stop your abortions.”

Thursday, January 30, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the living Cornerstone of My Church that I founded on the rock of St. Peter. I am so important in your lives that you mark the years as B.C. and A.D. that is centered around My time on earth. I used My apostles to spread the Words of My Gospels to all the corners of the world. My Words show you how to live a good Christian life by loving Me and your neighbors. You also have the stone tablets of My Ten Commandments given to Moses. This is a guideline for telling your sins when you come to Confession for the forgiveness of your sins. Remember how I am the Cornerstone in every one of your lives.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, pray for your President that he is not impeached. There has been no crime proven, and your President has had to endure three years of litigation from the opposition party. This impeachment is setting a new precedent that a party with a majority in the House can impeach any President on only a vague case. Pray that your President could also win in the coming election because I chose to allow him to win his first election.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest outbreak of a corona virus started in an area where Chinese scientists have been working with dangerous viruses. If a weapon grade virus has leaked out into the population, this could be difficult to control from spreading. You could see problems with transportation, and China’s economy could be restricted by such an outbreak. Pray that this virus can be contained, and that only a small number of deaths would result.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President should be thanked for making your trade agreements that are more fair to your country. Your President has made some more equitable trade agreements that are more favorable to your people than in the past. He has signed a new USMCA agreement with Canada and Mexico to replace NAFTA. It is better to have agreements that are not all one-sided against your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are always people who die in old age, but you are seeing more people dying at younger ages. There has been a steady increase in people dying from flu cases and suicide. Pray that your people could be healed from your sicknesses with prayers and proper medicines. As you see so many sick people, you need to thank Me for keeping you healthy to do My work of helping to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is an attempt by some politicians to try and confiscate the public’s weapons, leaving them helpless against criminals who do not obey gun laws. Be prepared to see some violence if authorities move to take guns out of your homes. I do not want to see people killing each other with guns, but there is a need for self-defense from criminals, and even a rogue government trying to bring a communist society among your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is irresponsible to allow alien criminals to run rampant all over your sanctuary cities and states without being imprisoned or given over to your ICE agents. You also are seeing more diseases among your sidewalk homeless people. If your laws are not changed, you will be allowing alien drug people to control your neighborhoods. Pray that your people come to their senses to stop this crime wave coming over your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of this year I warned you that you would see events speeding up with more chaos in your streets. Already you are seeing more earthquakes, and now more viruses killing people from seasonal flu and the new corona virus in China. These events will become more deadly, and if your lives are in danger, I will have to call you to the safety of My refuges. Have no fear because My angels will protect and heal you at My refuges.”

Friday, January 31, 2020: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you saw how King David was attracted to Bathsheba and he had relations with her that made her pregnant. This sin was bad enough, but David compounded his sin by arranging to have her husband killed in a set up battle. Later King David had to pay for his crimes when he was confronted by Nathan the prophet. In your society of today the sin of fornication is rampant with couples having sex without marriage by living together. This is a serious life of sin that people could avoid by getting married. It is hard to forgive these sins because there is no intention of stopping this sin in Confession. In such living there is no commitment to stay together, or to bring up any children in the faith. In such a place of living, this can even result in another sin of abortion when a child is not wanted. David compounded his sin by having Uriah the Hittite killed in battle. Many people also try to cover up their sin of fornication with abortions or birth control. By living a proper life by getting married in My Church, a couple can have children without any sin of fornication. Encourage your children and grandchildren to live in the married state, and not in a life of sin in fornication.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more foreign travelers from China being quarantined, to try and stop the spread of this new disease. It is very possible that the Chinese government is not reporting the truthful numbers of those who are infected and those who died. Many airlines are not flying to China. When you buy a lot of food and products from China, you do not know if their food is contaminated by their workers with this virus. Such a problem with transportation and selling food could cause a serious problem for their economy if they are being isolated from the world. You have many American companies who sell things in China, or export them to your country. Everything will need to be checked if viruses are coming in on their products. I have mentioned before that if this new virus is a biological weapon, it may truly be hard to contain. It appears to be more contagious than SARS, but not as deadly. Until more research is done to see how bad this new virus is, it is right to take extra precautions to protect your people. If this virus is contagious and deadly, it may require My people to come to My refuges for healing and protection. Keep watching your news to see how much it is spreading. Trust in Me to protect you from any laboratory made virus.”

Saturday, February 1, 2020: (Funeral Mass for John Wakefield)
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see your friend lose two brothers in a short time. It is only right to come to the funeral service to comfort the family in their loss. Whenever you attend a funeral, it gives you pause to realize how short your life is, and how vulnerable your body is to death. You know there is a life with Me after death, so pray for this soul and all of those people who have died. Especially pray for the souls in purgatory so they could be released sooner. I love all of My people, and I am happy to see how you care for people even in mourning for your friends and relatives.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have two questions for you. The first is what could you do to help save souls? The second question is what are you doing to help save souls by your own actions? To answer the first question, you could pray for the conversion of poor sinners as one of the intentions for your daily prayers. If you are not praying daily, you could start. You could also try fasting or giving up something to help save souls. When you are sick or in pain, you could offer up your difficulty for the intention to help save souls. You may be able to think of even more ways by leading a good Christian life as an example to help others. You can also pray special prayers to help save the souls of your own family. The second question requires each person to take an inventory of what you are doing in your own life to help save sinners. You could reach out and try to evangelize sinners by telling them that they can only come to heaven by loving Me and seeking the forgiveness of their sins. You can encourage others to come to monthly Confession because it is necessary to have a clean soul in order to worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. There is a battle to win souls between Me and the devil. And I need your help to pray and reach out to help save souls however you could help. Every soul that you can win over in faith, is one less soul the devil could win. See this battle for souls as humanity’s greatest battle to win with My help. Thank you for listening to My call.”

Sunday, February 2, 2020: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the Jewish custom at My Presentation in the Temple. This is when Simeon told My Blessed Mother how a sword would pierce her heart, when I would be crucified. Both Simeon and Anna were blessed by the Holy Spirit to know that I was the Son of God in their presence. This is also the fourth Mystery of the Joyous Mysteries of the holy rosary. As you see Me as an infant, I want you to pray for all of the innocent babies who are being killed in the womb by abortion. Pray for these mothers to stop killing their children, and pray to stop all abortions.”

Monday, February 3, 2020: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My son, originally you had seventeen 55 gallon blue barrels full of water so you could restore water to your dehydrated food and for drinking. Now, you have a 5 gallon/minute water well to supply your water. You have emptied nine barrels, but keep your empty drums because you will need to fill them for the people who will be coming. Water is a precious commodity that is necessary for survival. This is why I had you put in a well in case your town water is not available. Continue to use your well water on and off to make sure it is working. I have told you in other messages that every refuge needs a source of fresh water for your survival. I have blessed you with the funds to pay for all of your projects that you were asked to fulfill. You have done well in your preparations, and your angel will help you in multiplying what you will need. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing all of My refuges for the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I can understand why you were inspired by the witnesses to Me and the words in the music of the movie ‘God’s Not Dead’. The young freshman, portrayed in the movie, had great faith in Me, and he could not deny My existence that his professor did. The minister in the movie assured the freshman that it was the Holy Spirit who inspired him to defend My existence. When the subject of why evil was allowed came up, it all came down to how I give you all free will to love Me or not. I do not force My love on anyone, and it is better to allow you to accept Me by your own free will, rather than force you. The devil had pride and refused to serve and worship Me. For this as an angel, he was punished in hell. You are all tested on earth to see if you will love Me and your neighbor, or live a selfish life of not loving Me. Do not let the devil mislead you, or allow professors in college to brainwash you into a worldly socialist. Think for yourself, and you will see how loving Me and converting souls to the faith is your most rewarding task. In the end the souls of the people are the most valuable possessions. This is why there is a battle between the devil and Me for every soul.”

Tuesday, February 4, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you see these strong, large wood beams holding up a building, so your faith needs to be strong and enduring throughout your life. You can keep it strong by monthly Confession and regular Mass attendance. In today’s reading you can see how I not only healed a woman of her bleeding, but I also healed her sins because of her great faith in touching My clothing. Many times I said to people, ‘Go, your faith has saved you.’ Faith is needed in every healing, and your faith also needs to be persistent as your prayers, so you do not fall back into worse sins. Keeping faith in My healing and forgiveness of sins, is how you will make it to heaven.”

(Amy Kessler intention for Mass) Amy said: “My dear family, I am sorry I had to leave you, but I am happy to be with my Jesus and no more pain. I thank all of you for being with me through all of this ordeal, especially being in the hospital overnight. I thank all of my care givers and Carol for all of your help. I love you, Don, and you will not be alone because I will be praying for you and watching over you. I am in heaven, and I am with our deceased relatives. Call on my spiritual help at any time.”

Wednesday, February 5, 2020: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My son, prophets are not always accepted in their home town, and this is why I could not heal people in Nazareth because of their lack of faith in My healing power. So My son, do not be surprised when you are persecuted for spreading My words in your messages. You also are giving messages of the end times which many people do not want to hear about. This is why you have many problems with the priests believing in your messages. Do not be discouraged, but continue on giving your talks, so you can prepare the people for coming to My refuges. Everyone will know about the need to come to My refuges in their Warning experience. Pray that your family members can be saved at that time, so they will have crosses on their foreheads which will allow them into My refuges. I thank all of My prophets for their service to spreading My Word. My angels will go before you to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw how your President was acquitted of his impeachment in the Senate today by a party line vote of 52-48. In order to remove him from office, the opposition had to get 67 votes, but they could only get 48 votes. This frees your President of another harassment, like the Mueller Report. The opposition party is desperate in their hate of your President, and they will continue more investigations in the House, instead of doing their normal duty of making legislation to help your country. Your President has had many accomplishments, even while he was tested by the Democrats. This is why his State of the Union address was instrumental in raising your stock market to record levels. I am watching over your country as your President is doing all he can to make your country great. Be thankful that I had My angels reverse the illegal machines that were changing votes.”

Thursday, February 6, 2020: (Ann McBride Funeral Mass)
Ann said: “I am happy that all of you could come to bid me farewell at my funeral. I love all of you so much, and I thank you for all of your beautiful words of remembrance. I thank all of my care givers in my last days. I will be praying for all of you, and I liked the farewell with the flute at my grave.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another sign of My coming Warning with the two reels going around on an old tape deck. This symbolizes how all of you will have a play back, or a life review of all of your past actions, both good and bad. You will understand how your sins so offend Me, and how you need to seek My forgiveness of your sins in Confession. Even as you are attending many funerals, you also are understanding how short this life is before I will call you home in death. Show Me your love in your daily prayers, your Masses, and your monthly Confessions.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been reading more articles about how it is China’s plan to bring her enemies down by using biological weapons to kill people. This virus is serious and very contagious. It remains to be seen how deadly this virus is, but it will be hard to contain. I keep reminding you, if you see many people dying from this virus, that I will warn you that it is time to come to My refuges, where I will heal you. You also are seeing 10,000 deaths from your seasonal flu virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see by your President’s impeachment failure that your country is very divided politically. The opposition party is being heavily influenced by socialist candidates who are really promoting communism and a takeover of your government. Hidden in this socialist communism is atheism which means no belief in Me. You will actually see more persecution of Christians by this leftist movement. I have told you before that you will be choosing in this election between a democratic republic vs a communist state like Russia or China. Choose the party in power now that defends life and fights against abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am taking many souls to heaven during this winter season. This is part of your life on earth, that at some time I will call you home to Me in death. Do not be upset that I am taking away your friends, because now they can help you more from heaven by their prayers for you. You can call on your friends to help you, especially if they are saints in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a relatively warm winter with little snow in January, but soon you will see more severe snow storms. As you prepare to come to Canada in Combermere, you may be facing some snow filled streets. You will need to pray your St. Michael prayer in the long form, and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese for safe travel both going and coming home. Have your prayer group pray for your safety. You will also check to see if there are any travel restrictions from this new corona virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is full of hatred and jealousy over power in your government. If both sides continue your divisions, you could see a possible civil war. Some states are pursuing gun control, euthanasia, and recreational marijuana. Other divisions come over immigration, as with your sanctuary cities and states. You need to pray for peace in your country with less division. If your people do not love Me, then evil will control your people. You need to pray your daily rosaries for peace and for people to love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, I am calling on all of My people to love one another, as I love you. Forget about complaining and criticizing people, and encourage each other to reach out in love to help each other. When you focus on helping people, and imitating My life, then you will be too occupied with love to think of hating people. It is the devil who is behind all of your divisions. So do not listen to people who are promoting hate, but focus more on My two great Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbors as yourselves.”

Friday, February 7, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, during life you have many struggles, pains, persecutions, and difficulties that are hard to bear. Whenever you are feeling troubled by life’s problems, take a look at how I suffered on the cross, and you will see your troubles are minor next to what I went through. I know your human problems because I lived as a man on the earth. I ask My followers to take up your cross of suffering, and bear it on your way to being with Me in heaven. Every day that you take up your cross for love of Me, you are one step closer to your goal of heaven. At the early ages, life seems so long, but when you are older, you will wonder where the time went. Your life on earth is short compared to eternity. So bear with your problems for love of Me, because you are being tested to see if you truly love Me more than any worldly things.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you had your new chapel and new kitchen framed in, it did not look as it does today. You were fortunate to have an inheritance from your old neighbor that gave you the money to build your refuge. You were able to add a basement that could provide more space to store some food and cots. You had your new chapel consecrated so you would have no more attacks of the flies. My angels will expand your living space so you can accommodate all the people who will be led here. You have some solar panels for some electricity, and a well for an independent source of fresh water. You will have more wood for your fireplace now that your dead ash tree has been taken down. I also will multiply your food and water. Every refuge will see miracles to supply the needs of your people. I will have a priest give you Masses so you can have daily Holy Communion. I am having My refuge builders set up refuges so My faithful will be protected during the tribulation. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing My refuges. Pray that My refuge builders will be able to manage their refuges past the Warning when they will be needed.”

Saturday, February 8, 2020: (Amy Kessler Funeral Mass)
Amy said: “I love all of you and I thank you for coming to my funeral. I especially love My husband, Don. I will be with you always, and I have your back, like you protected me. My dying wish is that I could get my family back to church and the sacraments. I was the prayer warrior for the family, and I am responsible for all of your souls. I will be praying for all of you, and you can pray to me for any help. I am here in heaven, and I am still praying for the souls in purgatory who came to me in life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how upset the left are when the Senate voted to acquit your President’s impeachment from the House. Based on the track record of the opposition party, you can see how their views come right out of Karl Marx’s play book for total control. You just saw a program that defined capitalism as financial freedom to keep most of what you earned. Capitalism allows innovation and the market place determines which products will succeed and which products will fail. Socialist communism dictates what you can have, and the equality or sameness that the majority will have. The communist leaders receive all the spoils as they become dictators that cannot be removed. Remember what I mentioned before, that the communists keep their subjects under control by starving the masses. The people have no say in their communist government because it is run as a dictatorship like Russia, China, North Korea, and Venezuela. I have also told you that this coming election will be a choice between freedom and a communist dictatorship. Be careful how your voting machines work, because the opposition party will cheat any way they can to take over your government. Pray that you are able to keep your freedoms, especially your right to worship Me, and not be controlled by atheistic communists.”

Sunday, February 9, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed these gold flakes that come down on you from heaven by My Blessed Mother and Me. This is a sign of how we are blessing you with graces to go out and share My words with the people. You are the salt of the earth and you need to bear good fruit by bringing souls to Me in faith. Today, you are sharing your donations with the people of Haiti, and when you go out to give talks, you are sharing your faith with those people who are hungry for My Words. You also will be sharing your knowledge of refuge preparations, because there are many refuges in the area that you will be visiting. Keep remembering to pray your St. Michael Prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese for your safety. You could face some snow storms or snow clogged streets where you will be traveling. Again, have your prayer group pray for your safety and directions.”

Monday, February 10, 2020: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My people, King Solomon, the son of King David, built the new Temple to house the Ark of the Covenant that contained the Ten Commandments. A cloud came there to confirm God the Father’s Presence. Today, I have left you My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts and Wine that are changed into My Body and Blood at the Mass by the priest’s words of Consecration. You receive My Presence in Holy Communion, and you can adore Me in My monstrance, and in My tabernacle. You have seen and heard about the miracles of My Eucharist when blood appears on the Host. This is a confirmation of My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. In the Gospel it speaks how the people reached out to touch My tassel so they could be healed of their sickness in faith. They believed that I could heal them, and they were healed because of their faith in My healing power. You have priests and gifted people who can also heal people in faith. During the tribulation you will also be healed of your ailments when you look upon My Luminous Cross or drink the blessed spring water at My refuges. Have no fear of the coming Antichrist because My angels will protect you at My refuges. I will bring My victory over the evil ones, as they will all be cast into hell. My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been hearing a lot of news about the latest Chinese corona virus where there is some reporting of 42,000 cases and over 1,000 deaths all over the world. It is hard to verify any numbers in China, so you need to be prepared for more spreading of this virus. You have read that China’s goal is to use biological viruses as weapons to reduce the population. There are already more deaths from the corona virus than from SARS at this stage, and some data claims the corona virus is much more contagious than SARS. Some people are hoping the virus will die as the weather warms up, but this has not been proven. The threat of this disease could cause more transportation problems, and it could question buying any products from China that could be contaminated with this new virus. People need to take precautions in your travel, and you may want to have masks, Hawthorn and Elderberry pills for building up your immune system. If this virus does become epidemic with many deaths, then My faithful may be called to My refuges where you could be healed by My angels. Keep watching your news to see how much it is spreading.”

Tuesday, February 11, 2020: (Our Lady of Lourdes, France)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, these little miracles that you experienced at my shrine in Lourdes, France, was my gift to you for believing in the messages given to Bernadette Soubirous. It was confirmed that I truly was immaculately conceived without original sin because I was to carry my Son for nine months. This is why one of my titles is ‘Ark of the Covenant’. The Gospel reading of the Marriage at Cana has many meanings for you today. It confirms the proper way of being married in the Church to have children. It was also the time that I told my Son that they had no more wine. I told the servants to ‘Do Whatever He Tells You’. Then my Son had the servants fill six large jars with water, and they took some to the head waiter. He remarked how they saved the best wine until now. This was my Son’s first miracle. This is fitting because the water of Lourdes has healing properties. This also refers to the Mass when the words of the priest consecrates the bread and wine into my Son’s Body and Blood. You have this miracle of transubstantiation at every Mass. Give praise and thanks to my Son who performs many miracles for his people every day at all the Masses all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that you will be facing more persecution because of your beliefs in Me, and the rejection of My messages by others. In the Gospel I criticized the Pharisees and Scribes because they were hypocrites. They made themselves look holy on the outside, but inside they were like dead man’s bones. My Commandments are to encourage you to love Me and love your neighbor, but some people act out one life, and their intentions are evil in reality. This is why I read the intentions of your heart in your actions. It is important to love Me in all that you do, and not just to look good to people. Live a good Christian life, and really live what you believe in Me by faith. Follow My laws with love in your heart, and do not act like hypocrites.”

Wednesday, February 12, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you remember when you came to the place of My birth in Bethlehem. You were happy to relive the place in the Bible in St. Luke that speaks of My birth. You have already celebrated Christmas, but you have a small crib scene that you keep all year around in your bedroom. When you believe in Me and have deep faith in your mission for Me, you understand how I help you every day to carry out your mission. You remember in the first reading how the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon and witnessed his wisdom. But you have someone greater than King Solomon in Me, because My wisdom is infinite. (Luke 11:31) ‘The Queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation and will condemn them; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, a greater than Solomon is here.’ In the Gospel I told the Pharisees how evil only comes out of a man from the evil in his heart by a free will choice. Evil does not enter from what you eat, so all foods are acceptable that I have provided. Do not blame others or the devil for what actions you perform, because every action of yours, comes from the intention of your free will. You need to accept your sins as coming from you, and seek My forgiveness of your sins in Confession. I will forgive any repentant sinner. So stay pure in your soul with frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you do not see anyone, who has lived behind the iron curtain, speak out in favor of socialism or communism because they know how ruthless the communist leaders are. Look at what the socialists are calling for: a green new deal, free health care, and free education. There is not enough money available to pay for any one of these dreams. You also should know that under communism, as in Russia and China, there is no freedom of religion, let alone any freedoms. Communism teaches atheism, and any religion would be put down. Why would Americans give up their freedoms to be controlled by a communist dictator? If you want to keep your freedoms, then you need to get out and vote for those candidates who follow your Constitution. The left and the left media are not your friends, and they want power to take over your government. The communists are also big liars because they will never do what is good for the people. You will have to hide your religion and you will starve without much food under communism. You are better to support your President who is helping your people and keeping your freedoms, especially the right to publically proclaim your belief in Me.”

Thursday, February 13, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how King Solomon went against God by his worshiping of false gods from his foreign wives. My Father punished the King’s son, and He left the King with only one tribe. This is why people need to stay strong in their faith, or they could easily fall away with the devil’s distractions. In the vision of someone using a life preserver in the water, we need to help others when their faith is weak, and their lives and souls need rescuing. In the Gospel I healed a daughter’s demon from a distance because the mother had a strong faith in My healing power. If you are troubled by demons, you can call on My Name, and I will send you My angels to defend you. This is why you need blessed salt, holy water, and praying the St. Michael prayer to fight off the demons. Do not have fear of the demons because My power is greater than all of the demons.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are slowly getting some information on the large scale number of cases and deaths from China’s corona virus. As you suspected, the numbers are a lot higher than the Chinese authorities are willing to reveal. You have seen pictures from space of two large crematoriums that are burning large numbers of dead bodies. The sulfur dioxide emissions are signs they are burning human bodies. Even large numbers of crows are smelling the decomposition of dead bodies. Pray that this biological weapon does not spread this virus to the rest of the world. This is another example of the pestilence that will come among mankind in the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, fighting the spread of communism is nothing new to those who have seen this scourge come over mankind. You know the devil is behind any movement that promotes atheism as one of its basic beliefs. You remember at Fatima, Portugal when My Blessed Mother said Russia would spread its errors all over the world in 1917, if mankind did not pray the rosary. Now, you are seeing a new threat of socialism or communism being promoted in your Democratic primary. It is time to fight any promotion of communism that could cause the loss of your freedoms, especially the freedom to worship Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, how your candidates fight against or for abortion should tell you who to vote for. You do not want to vote for people who support killing babies with abortion. You should instead vote for candidates who are against killing babies with abortion. Even your Democratic Party supports abortion in its platform. This is a huge issue that is killing thousands of babies every year. This violates My Fifth Commandment and it denies My plan for each of their lives that are aborted. Vote for pro-life candidates to minimize your punishment for America.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan’s plan along with the one world people, is to reduce the world’s population and kill as many people as they can. They are doing this with abortion, wars, and now deadly biological weapons as China’s corona virus. These evil people have just added viruses and flu to the ways they are using to kill more people by pestilence and disease. If a deadly epidemic spreads to other countries, you could see a serious threat to your lives and a time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. I always allow My faithful to escape the wrath of My punishment by coming to a safe place as My refuges. I separated Noah and his family in an ark from the evil ones who were drowned in the flood. I separated Lot and his family from Sodom, before I brought fire and brimstone down that killed the evil ones in Sodom. So now, I will separate My believers from the non-believers by calling My faithful to My refuges of angel protection. Then I will send My Comet of Chastisement to kill the evil ones. Keep your belief in Me, and keep your soul pure with frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am fighting every day to help save souls, but I cannot force people to love Me because they have to choose Me of their own free will. Many souls are going to hell because they are ignoring Me and they refuse to love Me. Without anyone praying for these souls, they could be lost in hell. Other souls sell their souls to Satan for fame and riches, and they are lost. Still others worship Satan and bring souls with them down into hell. Please pray for sinners and evangelize as many souls to the faith that you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, praying for the souls in purgatory is not just done on All Souls’ Day, but this is something you can do all of the time. You can offer up Masses and prayers for these poor souls, especially pray for those souls who have no one to pray for them. Any of your health problems can be offered up for these poor souls as your redemptive suffering. Anything you give up in self-denial can also be offered up to help the poor souls in purgatory. You read the book ‘Get Us Out of Here’ which would be a good inspiration to pray for the poor souls. I assure you that those souls in purgatory who you helped to get into heaven, will be praying for you, and they will greet you in heaven.”

Friday, February 14, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you can learn a lesson from the Israelites when they fell into sin by putting strange gods of their neighbors before My Father. They were eventually punished for their sins when I allowed their enemies to take them over during the Babylonian Exile. Today, in America you also are offending Me when you allow distractions of the devil to take your focus from Me. I call you to daily prayer and worship of Me at Mass, but when you stop praying, you are vulnerable to the devil’s temptations. I will forgive your sins in Confession, but I am a jealous God, and I do not want you to put strange gods before Me. You know how much I love you, and I do not want to see you love other gods of this world. I am your Creator and your Savior, and I ask you to love Me in return for all I have done for you. If you truly love Me, then you will show it in your actions of your daily worship, prayers, and good deeds. Follow Me of your own free will, and share your money and your faith with your neighbors. By remaining faithful to My Commandments, you will one day have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Sunday, February 16, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this ark of Noah because My refuges will be the new ark of faith where My believers will come so they will be protected from the flood of evil during the tribulation. I will have My angels protect My believers from those people who do not believe in Me. You remember how the non-believers taunted Noah while he was building a huge ark in the desert. So it is now when many people are criticizing My refuge builders for preparing their refuges. When the flood came the non-believers wanted to come on the ark, but the door was closed and they could not enter. In just the same way when the evil ones harass My believers, the evil ones will not be allowed into My refuges because My angels will not allow people to enter without a cross on their forehead. So be prepared to come to My refuges when I will warn you with an inner locution to come. You will call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges with a flame in front of you.
In the Gospel I was warning the people to try and avoid divorce, unless the marriage was violated by adultery or fornication. The Church allows you to get annulments like Moses granted decrees of divorce. But for those people who want to follow My words of love, it is better not to remarry a divorced spouse. It is better to marry than live in a life of fornication. Avoid this sin of the flesh because those people, who are going to hell, want to worship their pleasures more than worship Me. The flesh is temporary. It is better to keep a pure soul for heaven than to be lost in hell for all eternity.”

Monday, February 17, 2020: (7 Holy Founders of the Servite Order)
Jesus said: “My people, the devil tempts you every day of your life, and because you are weak, you fall into sin on occasion. This is why you feel down in your sins as this dark room takes away your joy. My people, do not let your sins or the devil get you down in your spirit. I am always available to you in the confessional, where you can confess your sins to Me in the priest. I love all of you so much, and I am willing to forgive you, if you but seek My forgiveness of your sins. Once your sins are forgiven, and you come out of the confessional, you see My Light shine upon your souls with My graces. You feel free again and you are back in good friendship with Me. Those people, who are trapped in mortal sin, are tied by the bonds of their sins, and they have lost their love connection with Me. When you are freed of your sins in Confession, you truly are free of your bonds, and your love for Me is restored. Now, you know why I want My faithful to reach out to your brothers and sisters, so you can share your faith with them and encourage them to come to Confession. Then they will be free and joined in My love as you have experienced. It is so important that you help save souls from their sins so they all can share My love for all eternity in heaven.”

Tuesday, February 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 people, and another time for the 4,000 people. This was because I took pity on the people, and I did not want them to be without food. So My people, if you are without enough food, even before you come to My refuges, I will multiply what you have so you can survive. When you come to My refuges, and you have a stadium of people, I will again multiply your food, but you must have faith that I can do it. When I multiplied the bread, this was another sign of how I will multiply My Eucharist for you every day. I will be with you every day in My Blessed Sacrament, either by a priest, or by My angels. When I had the first Mass, I wanted you all to be able to share My Real Presence throughout time. You need to be reverent in front of My Eucharist by bowing or kneeling to receive Me in Holy Communion. I also want you to receive Me only in the state of grace, without any mortal sin on your souls. Under St. Peter I started a new Church which was a new sacrifice without offering animals, because My Body is the only needed sacrifice for your sins. Rejoice in this gift of Myself that I have left you.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you could focus on one prayer, you would desire to save all the souls in your family. You truly could help these souls if you prayed persistently for them for many years. After the Warning, all souls will know that I, the devil, hell, and heaven exist. Once your free will decision for or against Me is made, you will either see Me or the devil. Choose to follow Me in love of Me, because I am the only One who can give true peace to your soul. The devil will not love you as I do, so choose to be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Wednesday, February 19, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from St. James, he is telling you to not only listen to My Word, but you also need to be a doer of good deeds. He even speaks of you looking in a mirror to examine who you are, and what needs to be corrected in your lives. You remember when I spoke of the lukewarm souls who shouted ‘Lord, Lord’ to enter into heaven, but I told them ‘I do not know you’ and they were cast out. If you want to be one of My disciples to enter heaven, then you need to be a doer of the faith in loving Me and loving your neighbor in your actions. Go beyond listening, and act out your faith. In the vision of Me knocking on the door of your heart to enter, it is you, My faithful, who need to open the door of your heart to Me from the inside. Without giving Me your free will choice to open the door to your heart, you will not be able show your love for Me. It is this willingness to be with Me in love that I can see the intention in your heart to love Me. Continue to remain with Me always, even if you need to confess your sins in Confession when you fall away from Me at times. I am always willing to forgive a repentant sinner. You are about to enter Lent next week on Ash Wednesday, so now is a good time to look at your soul in the mirror to see where your spiritual life needs to be improved and perfected in My love and My graces.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to see your beautiful great grandchildren, as your family is growing up with more babies on the way. When you see their beautiful faces, it makes you feel young again. Even as you marvel at My creations, there are some people who want to kill their babies by abortion. Such killing greatly offends Me, and you do not even know what these aborted lives were meant to be in My plan for them. Your grandchildren are more concerned to know whether the child will be a boy or a girl, than even think about killing their child. It is too gruesome to even think how some mothers would want to kill their baby. So pray to stop abortion and protest abortion whenever you can. Encourage mothers to give birth to their children, and do not think about killing them.”

Thursday, February 20, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, there are two kinds of people living among you. On the one side, you have My faithful remnant who work to follow My ways. On the other side, you have people who are non-believers, and they do not follow My laws of love. In the first reading of St. James, he does not want you to favor the rich over the poor. The worldly non-believers are focused on money, and they strive to gain riches for themselves, as they discriminate against the poor. My faithful people treat everyone equally, and they may try and help the poor with donations out of love of neighbor. In the Gospel I asked My apostles: ‘Who do you say that I am?’ St. Peter said: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ This was given to St. Peter through the Holy Spirit. If I am your Creator and Redeemer, then I need to be the center of your lives as you follow My ways every day. I give each of you a spiritual mission, which you can only fulfill if you let Me lead your lives in faith, without hesitation or question. If you are focused only on your own agenda, then you cannot carry out My mission for you. You must follow My agenda only, if you are to allow Me to use you for evangelization. I love all of you, and those people, who love Me in return and seek the forgiveness of their sins, will be with Me in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your medical people have been working hard to stop the Chinese corona virus from spreading into a world wide epidemic. Several cruise ships have been quarantined for two weeks to try and isolate any cases of the virus. There have been several stories how China’s and the U.S.’s economies could be affected if more cases of the virus are spread to other countries. Pray that this virus can be contained so there is little spreading and less loss of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Democratic primaries have not seen a true leader in delegates so far. Your President is still staging rallies in the thousands of people for his re-election. It will take some time to determine a candidate for the opposition party. Pray that your people will be able to choose their President without any violence or manipulation of your voting machines.”

Jesus said: “My people, this time of year you are still seeing 10,000 deaths from your seasonal flu which is more than the Chinese virus in your country. Pray for all of your sick people that they can recover and get back to good health. It will be hard to determine if the Chinese corona virus will cause more problems in the rest of the world. There are some efforts being made to make a vaccine for this new virus, but it may take some time to determine if it will cure people.”

Jesus said: “My son, you and Fr. Michel gave some good talks for the people, and you were both well received. You always are tested in different ways when you are doing My work. This time you were delayed 2½ hours on coming by the Canadian highway, and you had a 1½ hour delay on your return home. Your weather was sunny and you did not have snow filled roads. Whenever you are speaking, you pray your St. Michael prayer and your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese. This helped you to avoid any accidents. Just recently you saw a 200 car crash involved in a white out storm in Montreal, Canada. Be thankful for your safe return.”

Jesus said: “My people, for now your Pope’s report on the Amazon Synod did not change any Church traditions. This was a relief that you did not see a schism in My Church over this subject. Pray that your people will remain faithful to My Church’s teachings. There will be a coming schism in My Church, but it has been postponed for now. If your clergy proclaim any heretical teachings, My people will need to remain faithful to Me. If necessary, you may have to come to My refuges for a proper Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, be prepared for some possible violence that could threaten your November elections. The deep state people are planning ways to try and keep your President from being re-elected. Your country has done well with your current President, as he is disrupting the one world people’s plans. Pray for your President’s health and protection from those people who want to kill him. I mentioned before that when your President leaves office, the one world people will take over your country. This may necessitate a time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, before the evil ones are allowed to reign briefly over the world, I will bring My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you from the evil ones. When your lives are threatened, this will be the time that I will call you to My angel protection at My refuges. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges, and the non-believers will be lost to the evil ones. Have no fear of these times because I will be using My refuges to separate My faithful from the evil ones. I will bring down My punishment on the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Friday, February 21, 2020: (St. Peter Damian)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading from St. James speaks about how faith and doing good works go together. He even emphasizes that faith without good works is dead. Part of your faith is to be a good Christian, and share your money and faith with your neighbors, especially when they are in need. You do good works in many ways every day. You need to be kind to other drivers on the road, and help them when you can. You give donations to the poor, and you pray for sinners and those souls in purgatory. You visit the sick and the elderly. As you are approaching Lent, you can also fast and pray for people’s needs. By helping others, you are thanking Me for all that I do for you. Those people, who do not help others in need, are committing sins of omission when they should do so. If you are a true Christian, you need to be a good neighbor as I gave you an example in My parable about the Good Samaritan. Instead of only caring for your own needs, you need to reach out in your opportunities to help others. When you do help others, you will be gaining merits in heaven for your good works.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when an 8.9 earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan which triggered a tsunami that destroyed the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. Several of the reactors were in meltdown and there has been a constant stream of radiation that has been pouring into the Pacific Ocean. Such radiation has affected marine life and the radiation has been carried along the currents of water that rotate in the Pacific Ocean. It would be informative to research any continuing radiation coming from this nuclear plant.”
NB: The three melted-through cores of the destroyed reactors, now melted together into a single ‘corium’ totaling over 600 tons. There is a daily release of the radioactive equivalent of 6.45 Hiroshima bombs directly into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean. As of 1/4/20, 3,235 days since the disaster began-this equals the detonation of 20,865.75 Hiroshima atomic bombs and it is still going strong, with no end in sight.

Saturday, February 22, 2020: (4:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, there were two quotes that I was trying to show people that were not Christian love. The first is that the Jews believed in ‘an eye for eye’, or in other words an equal punishment for every crime. This is linked with human judgment. Instead, I turned the other cheek, and I did not want to harm anyone. This is a hard teaching, for it reaches out with God’s love and I accept one’s forgiveness. The other Jewish belief is to ‘hate your enemies’. My love is universal and I love everyone, even those people who were persecuting Me. My love is calling for perfection, but it is hard for man to love his enemies. It is true that you are allowed self-defense, but it is better to love everyone because they are all of My creations. This extent of perfection may not be possible for man on his own, but with My help, I will point you toward perfection.”

Jesus said: “My people, the leader of your Democrat primaries is a socialist, but your people do not understand how socialism or his proposals are threatening your freedoms. This socialist is promising free things without a plan to pay for such dreams. A socialist system is like the leaders of Russia, China, North Korea, and Venezuela. All of these countries are failing to feed their people sufficient food to eat. It is better to keep your freedoms than to allow a socialist communist to take over your country. If your President is removed, then you will truly have a socialist government. Such a threat to your freedoms could trigger a civil war to stop a communist takeover. It is hard to believe that your people would give up a thriving economy to have equally poor people with little to eat. Pray that your country votes for freedom run by your Constitution, and your ability to freely worship Me without atheism.”

Sunday, February 23, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize how fortunate you are to be just at the right distance from your sun, so you are not too hot and not too cold. The water you have in your oceans is not frozen, nor steam. You have oxygen to breath, light to see, and a tipping of the earth to give you four seasons. You have a vision of the universe that I created, as you see your own galaxy where you are just a point in the vastness of space. I am showing you this also to see how small the earth is in the big picture of life. Even your lifetime is but a few years compared to eternity. You will soon be entering Lent on this Ash Wednesday when you will receive ashes on your forehead to remind you of your mortal life, and how you will be returned to ashes. Your bodies and all of My creation is a miracle of life. I am always reminding you that you are here on earth in this life to know, love, and serve Me. You are also called to be holy, which you can be when your sins are forgiven in your monthly Confession. This life is a test of your obedience to My Commandments, so you can love Me and your neighbor. For those people, who love Me and seek My forgiveness of their sins, they are promised eternal life with Me in heaven. This is your life’s goal, to strive for perfection, so you can have your eternal reward in heaven.”

Monday, February 24, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel My disciples were unable to cast out a demon in a young boy. When I came down the mountain after My Transfiguration, a man questioned Me if I could remove a demon from his son. I told him that with Me all things are possible. He asked Me to help his unbelief, so I called the demon out of his son. The people were amazed at My miraculous healing. Later, My disciples asked Me why they could not cast out the demon. I told them that this kind of demon required prayer and fasting. When there are strong demons or a legion of demons, this requires an exorcism, or more serious deliverance prayers as the long form of the St. Michael prayer, holy water, blessed salt, and fasting. In the older Bibles (1962) you read ‘prayer and fasting’ in Mark 9:28, and in Matt. 17:20. The newer translations are changing the meaning of My words when they leave out ‘fasting’. As you will soon start Lent on Ash Wednesday, you will be doing more prayer and fasting to help you rid some of your weak habits of sin. There is power in fasting to rid your demons, so do not leave ‘fasting’ out of My words.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Chinese corona virus spreading to other countries than China. Now there are cases and deaths in South Korea, Italy, Japan, and even Iran. The threat of a world wide epidemic is becoming a reality with little help to stop the spreading, or finding a cure, or viable vaccine. As more new cases and deaths emerge, this threat is already threatening your supplies, and it has caused your stock market to lose over a 1,000 points in one day. Since many supplies and medicines come from China, you will soon see shortages on your store shelves. I have warned people to have extra food stored in their homes for when they will see power outages or food shortages. Now, people may soon be quarantined in their homes to stop the spread of the virus. But without sufficient food, people could starve in their homes. My refuge builders need to be prepared when I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges, where you will look upon My luminous cross and be healed of any virus. Pray that My faithful will be healed as this virus will die off.”

Tuesday, February 25, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are feeling down at this time of year with all of the snow, rain, and clouds, so I am giving you a glimpse of My coming victory over the evil ones to lift up your spirits. The evil ones will soon take over the world for a brief time, but I will tell you when it is time to come to My refuges of protection. I told you this year will be a year of chaos and crisis. Now, you are seeing this corona virus spreading to other countries. If this virus becomes a world pandemic, this will be a crisis for all of My people in America. I told you to have extra food at your homes, and now if you will be quarantined to your homes, then you will be needing your food and water. If your stores have empty shelves, then I will be calling you to My refuges where I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. People may panic if they see food shortages and your lives may be in danger. Keep watching your news to see how this virus is spreading, and its effects on your economy. You may even see runs on the banks as you have seen in China. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I will warn you with My inner locution. Pray that this virus does not spread all over the world. My son, if there are many quarantines, you may not be able to travel to any more talks.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil forces, led by the devil, will be doing everything in their power to keep your President from being re-elected for four more years. This latest corona virus could be used to cause a world recession which would lead to a poor economy in America. This is just one way the left and the media could use to try and thwart your President’s re-election. The time for the left to take over is running out, and they will use any desperate or illegal means to gain power in America. Keep praying for your country to keep its freedoms, but one day the evil people will take over as a punishment for your abortions. Then you will be called to My refuges to save your lives and your souls from the devil. I will have My angels defend My faithful, and in the end I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”

Wednesday, February 26, 2020: (Ash Wednesday, start of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, you are starting a new Lenten Season with your ashes on the forehead, and your fasting between meals with no meat. This is a time to focus on how you can improve your spiritual life, and how you can work on curbing any of your bad habits. It is also a time for extra prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. When you think about fasting, it is an extra step in your day to remember the whole purpose of doing better in life to please Me. Think more of loving Me by praying slowly and also think of loving your neighbor and helping them in your good works. You may give up some pleasures as you offer your little suffering up to Me. Remember the reading about praying in secret so My Father can store up blessings for you in heaven. Your life on earth is a struggle, but you can accomplish great things when you call on Me in faith. By working hard on your Lenten devotions, this Lent can help move you closer to Me, and away from the distractions of the world.”

(Kathy Gibbs Mass intention) Kathy said: “My dear Carol and John, I am sorry you could not attend my funeral, but I will miss all of our annual get-togethers. I enjoyed shopping for you in the stores, as I remember how much you liked eating the Magnum ice cream bars, and shopping for flowers. I also brought you some refuge foods and extras from Lehman’s catalog store. We had so many good times together, and I enjoyed your talks. I am not sure that my refuge will be carried on by my family. I am in the upper part of purgatory, and I appreciate your Mass and prayers for my intention. I always looked forward to our meetings, and we had many laughs together. Now, we may have to meet again some day in heaven.”

Thursday, February 27, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Moses was sending off his people into the Promised Land across the Jordan River. He told them that they had a choice between the blessing or the curse. He said: ‘Choose Life’ and not death that could come if they worshiped other gods. Every day, you all must choose whether to obey My laws or not. When you think of choosing ‘Life’, this is now an issue with people who choose death by killing their children with abortion. Some people are misled by the devil in their desire for pleasures, but they do not want to deal with the consequences of their fornication, so they abort any children. The proper choice is ‘Life’ which means no abortions, and taking care of My little ones, so they can carry out their missions. It is this killing of My babies that will bring down your country, when I will allow your enemies to take you over, just as Israel paid for its worship of other gods in their defeat and exile.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many people have been quarantined to try and stop the spread of this new highly contagious virus. Because people are staying in their homes in China, fewer people are working in China’s factories. This virus could cause a slow down in business that could affect the economies all over the world. It is even possible that you could see a world recession. This is another reason to have some extra food at your home in case there are quarantines. Have some masks, Hawthorn, and elderberry medicines to help your immune system. Be prepared to come to My refuges if you see many people dying from this virus. Pray that your countries will find ways to treat the sick people.”

Jesus said: “My people, your business people are seeing possible shortages coming in your raw materials and food that comes from China. Some of your companies have their products made in China, and now these companies may not be able to make enough goods to make their profits. If this virus spreads more in America, you could have the same production problems. Because of these concerns, you have seen 10-20% reductions in your stock prices. Pray that this virus could be controlled so you could keep moving about.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is trying to isolate the cases of the corona virus by blocking people from coming into America from countries with many infections. Even though he is working on the problem, he is getting heavy criticism from the opposition party. Your people will need to be attentive to less contact with others, and washing your hands more frequently. Pray for your people and for those abroad that you can contain the spread of this virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have some concern that socialists are getting a good share of delegates in the early primaries. As your people are more concerned with avoiding crowds, your voters may send in their ballots by mail. It may be more difficult to conduct election campaigns, if there are more cases of corona virus in the public. Fears of spreading the virus may affect your turnouts to vote. Pray again that your public life events can continue without quarantines.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to determine how you will treat these new virus outbreaks, because it takes time to make and test any vaccines. Older people or people with poor immune systems may be more susceptible to die from this virus, or the seasonal flu. This is why it is hard to determine how deadly the corona virus is. There are some ways to build up your immune systems, and this could cut down on any deaths. Pray that your medical people can find ways to cure any people who are infected with this virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to adjust to your diet of fasting between meals, and your start in giving up some of your pleasures. At first it is hard to avoid what you are giving up, but keep working on it throughout all of Lent. Your devotions will help you realize what is needed to improve your spiritual life. Keep up your prayers and frequent Confession to keep your souls clean. Your actions can give a good example to others who are trying to be holy.”

Jesus said: “My people, it would be prudent to avoid traveling to areas that are known to have many cases of the corona virus. Eventually, people may avoid getting near sick people, or even staying away from crowded places. If you are in crowded places, you may have to wear masks to avoid getting infected from others. This latest virus is hard to know when it will be under control, so take some precautions to avoid getting sick.”

Friday, February 28, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, fasting from food between meals, and not eating meat on Fridays, are part of your Lenten devotions. These are just a few offerings that you do during Lent which helps to keep you focused on the purpose for Lent in controlling your free will. You may also be giving up desserts or coffee as your individual effort to control your actions. During Lent you can also focus more on your prayers as you try to pray them slowly. You also are called to help people both physically and through your donations. The more you are able to hold fast to your Lenten intentions, the more rewards you will be storing up in heaven. Lent lasts forty days or more, when you include the Sundays, so it is a test of your spiritual endurance. It is this persistence in prayer that is needed to help save your family members who are away from Me. You can set some goals to try and curb any of your habitual sins. By working toward your Lenten goals, you can use this Lent to get closer to your Lord.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, I am happy you are here, but you must slow down your life so you can pray more slowly. It is better to exercise apart from your rosaries, because you lose your concentration of Jesus and myself. This Lent should be a time to slow you down in your activities. Focus more on us, than on spending so much time on the worldly news. You are seeing a lot of fear about this latest virus. You remember how several viruses broke out, but they did not last long. This virus will dissipate as well, so do not be upset by your media. I love all of my children, and I want you to pray my rosary with more fervor for your intentions. The souls’ conversions are more important than your news stories.”

Saturday, February 29, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are focused on Me as you are doing your penances and giving alms to worthy causes. I am showing you this cross with chains and thorns because you will soon see more persecution of Christians. Already you are seeing some verbal persecution from non-believers. This will get more physical as you will see a destruction of churches, and even some people will be martyred for My Name’s sake. Eventually, your authorities will send out the UN troops dressed in black to try and force the people to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the body. Those people, who refuse to take the chip in the body, would be killed in the gas chambers. I keep repeating to you, that when your lives are in danger, as with mandatory chips in the body, you are to call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to My nearest refuge. My refuge angels will protect you from the evil ones. Refuse to take the mark of the beast because the Antichrist will control your mind with the computer chip in the body. If you are captured, you would rather die than take this chip in your body. Trust in Me and I will protect My faithful at My refuges throughout the coming tribulation.”

Sunday, March 1, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, as you continue with your Lenten devotions, you can join your penances with My suffering in the desert. In the Gospel you are aware of the three temptations I endured from the devil in the desert. The first temptation is when the devil asked Me to change some stones into bread to satisfy My hunger. But I told the devil that man does not live on bread alone, but on the obedience to God. During Lent My people are also fasting between meals, and some may be giving up eating desserts. In the second temptation of the devil, he took Me to the top of the Temple and he asked Me to throw Myself down so My angels would catch Me. But I told the devil not to tempt the Lord Thy God. My people also need to work on restraining your bad habits, by your prayers, Confessions, and your good deeds for people, as well as your almsgiving. In the third temptation the devil showed Me all the kingdoms of mankind, and he asked Me to bow down to him, and he would give them over to Me. I told the devil, you are only to worship God alone, and not any other gods before Him. So My faithful should worship Me only on Sunday and do not let other things of the world distract you from Me. During these forty days, remain faithful to your Lenten devotions and continue what you are giving up, and share your good deeds and donations with your neighbors. Let this Lent clean up any of your bad habits so you can be fully faithful to Thy Lord.”

Monday, March 2, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about your last judgment because at the end of your life, you will have to make an accounting of all of your life’s actions. You are either with Me or against Me, since there is no in between option. Every action you take in life is also either out of love for Me or not. I look into your heart’s intention for every action. This is why it is important to keep your focus on loving Me in all that you do. In the vision I am showing you the Good Samaritan when the Samaritan took pity on the beaten man when he cleaned up the man’s wounds, and he took him to a place to help heal him. You do not know what opportunities of grace that will be placed in front of you every day. If you truly love Me, you will see Me in every person. So when you help someone in need, you are really helping Me in them as in the Gospel. So be attentive to the needs of your neighbor, and you can gain graces in heaven for your good deeds. Unfortunately, when you do not help someone in need, you are committing a sin of omission. When you come before Me at your judgment, it will be your deeds that will determine whether you will be welcomed into heaven, or you will be led into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, if I tell you in Person for your own good to have some extra food on hand, most people would carry out My request because they trust in My Word. If you balk at buying extra food because you do not want to spend the money, or you are too lazy, then you will have your own self to blame if you wind up starving in a famine. When you prepare extra food storage for several reasons, it is not a wasted effort if a famine does not occur, because you can always use the food. But if you did not store extra food and a famine does occur, then you are risking the loss of your life to starvation, and your family’s lives. You are even seeing your own government recommending that you store some extra food. Here are some possible causes of famine. You are seeing many locusts in Africa that are decimating the people’s food in the fields. You could see an ice storm that could cause a power outage and food could not be delivered to your stores. You could see an EMP attack on your electric grid that could stop everything. The fact is that a famine could occur from any number of causes, but do you have enough food on hand to survive for even six months? So listen to My plea to have a year’s supply of food on hand for each member of your family. Then if a disaster does occur, you will have enough food to survive.”

Tuesday, March 3, 2020: (St. Katherine Drexel)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are reading the ‘Our Father’ prayer that I taught My apostles, and what you know so well when you are praying My Blessed Mother’s rosary. This is all about being willing to forgive your neighbor as I forgive you. This is also about loving everyone because you can see Me in everyone of My people who I created. In the vision you saw the father of the Prodigal Son who welcomed his son back, because he was lost, but now he was found back in his father’s graces. So it is with Me that I am always willing to forgive a repentant sinner, and then I welcome you back into My graces from the sacrament of Penance. This is why during Lent, you need to come to frequent Confession, so you can have a clean soul and a release of the bonds of your sins. So do not have anger, revenge, or a grudge against your neighbor, but be willing to forgive anyone who has insulted or harmed you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how important it is to desire My healing of your souls and your bodies. Just as you see these firemen putting out the fires, I put out the fires of the devil’s temptations in your soul with Confession. I am truly a life saver because I convert your souls in faith to love Me. I call all souls to love Me of their own free will. When you come to adore Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, you are embracing My love in My Real Presence. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I am truly Present in your soul as you are closely connected to Me again in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. As you come to receive the priest’s blessing, you receive the love of the Holy Spirit that goes all throughout your body, and some people are slain in the spirit as they fall down. Give praise and thanks to Me for sharing Myself with all of My faithful believers.”

Wednesday, March 4, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, this account of Jonah is the only sign that will be given to you. I called Jonah to tell the people of Nineveh that in forty days they would be destroyed because of their sins. A miracle happened when all of the people stopped the evil in their hands, and they repented, while sitting in sackcloth and ashes. My people, you also put on ashes on Ash Wednesday, and now you are repenting and fasting in atonement for your sins. In the Gospel I told you that you have a greater than Solomon or Jonah here in My Presence. Look to Me for My forgiveness of your sins in frequent Confession. I love all of you, and this Lenten Season is an opportunity to cleanse your sins, and start a better spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more information coming out on the corona virus. This virus is very contagious and 3.4% of the patients are dying. Only people over 60 who have bad health or bad immune systems, are the ones dying. Younger people are not dying. There has been a lot of fear about this becoming a pandemic virus in many countries. It appears to be spreading because of people traveling to where there are many cases. Pray for your country and other places so there are less deaths. The seasonal flu is killing more people than this corona virus. Your best defense is to have masks, and build up your immune system with Hawthorn and Elderberry pills.”

Thursday, March 5, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I know all of your needs before you ask Me, but it is up to your free will, as I await your requests in prayer. When you pray for things or people, you know that I will answer prayers that are the best way for the souls. Sometimes My answer is no, and other times it takes persistent prayers to help save souls. I hear all prayers, and I will answer your request in My way and in My time. I know well how to give good gifts more than you can, but I do not violate people’s free will choices. This is why only persistent prayers can help save souls. You remember the account of the unjust judge who eventually settled a woman’s plea because of her persistence. So do not give up on any soul, because your persistent prayers can help save even the worst of sinners. Unfortunately, it is the sinners, who ignore Me and do not have anyone praying for them, who are lost in hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the chairs of gold indicate that it is the rich elite who are behind the current corona virus that is spreading to many parts of the world. It is good that you are quarantining people who are showing symptoms of this virus. It is sad that some people would make such a virus in the lab for the purpose of reducing the population. This virus will dissipate just as My Blessed Mother told you. Pray that this sickness could be treated without many deaths.”

Jesus said: “My people, your opposition party has only two older candidates that are about equal in delegates won. Your establishment was concerned that a socialist was leading for a time. The rest of the states will determine who will run against your President. Your President has received more votes than all of the Democrat candidates combined. Your President’s rallies also have thousands attending. Your people will be choosing between your freedoms and a socialist agenda.”

Jesus said: “My people, your spring tornadoes are starting early in the South where they are having serious rainstorms mixed with some violent tornadoes. These tornadoes have taken over 25 lives along with many buildings destroyed. There are many volunteers who are coming to help clean up the damage. They will need some emergency aid to help those people who need shelters. Some people may donate to help them. Pray that families are consoled, and the injured can receive care.”

Jesus said: “My people, China’s economy may suffer a temporary setback, but because they sell a lot of goods to the world, this could affect supplies to other countries. Pray that any effect on the world economy is temporary. America is still working as usual, and you may not see much effect on your economy. There is still a lot of fear running your stock market, which has seen a lot of volatility in your stock prices. Pray that this virus season will pass, and your people can resume your normal activity.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may see some small changes in your Mass services to minimize contact with people. This could mean distribution of Holy Communion only in the hand, and less shaking of hands. People may use your hand sanitizers to minimize germs as well. You have seen some areas with many virus cases that are shutting schools, and possible church services. Sick people will be better to stay at home. Pray that your people can contain any spreading of any viruses.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to prepare for possible bad weather, but you need to have a safe place to go for tornadoes, or high winds. Your people could store some extra food and water for a time when the stores are closed, or you have power outages. Have some wind-up flashlights, and lanterns for light at night. Some people already are prepared, but others could be better prepared for any storm disasters. Pray for those people who are suffering any damage now, and for what could happen later.”

Jesus said: “My people, during this Lenten season remember to abide by the penances that you have chosen, so you can continue what you are giving up for all of Lent. Some people weaken in their resolve to continue, but resume what you started so you can finish Lent with a strong will to resist the devil’s temptations. If you can, you may even want to continue some of your devotions throughout the year like daily Mass and monthly Confession. Take advantage of this Lent to strengthen your spiritual lives.”

Friday, March 6, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the readings, you know it is wrong to kill someone by My Fifth Commandment, but you can also hurt someone’s reputation by lies or gossip. A person can put out lies to smear someone’s name on the internet. You can also see false accusations that could cause someone to lose their job, or lose the ability to find another job. In some cases it is hard to defend yourself with false accusations. So during Lent pray for those people who are making such false accusations. You may not see justice on earth, but such bad people will have to account for their evil deeds before Me. If these people do not repent of their mischief, and they do not seek My forgiveness, then they are risking punishment in hell for all eternity. During Lent you need to make amends to your neighbor for any harm you did to them. Then you can bring your gift to My altar in church. I love all of you so much, and I want My faithful to love Me, and your neighbor as yourself.”

Saturday, March 7, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some water that disappeared in a bowl. This represents the spiritual dryness in the souls of today. This means how people depend on themselves, or their money for all of their needs. Then when people lose their money in the stock market, or they lose their job, they fall on hard times. But when you are a Christian with true faith in Me, you will depend on Me only, and I will find a way to fulfill your needs. The other vision of water is when I spoke to the woman at the well about My living water. I told her that regular water will always be needed, but I could give her My living water of the Holy Spirit that would take away her thirst. The Holy Spirit will make you satisfied with all that you have, so you are not seeking more or new things that you do not really need. So focus more on Me, and do not let the devil distract you with the rich things of the world. You only find peace in your soul from Me, and in Me you will be satisfied with all of My gifts, including My Eucharist. Seek Me only, and I will provide for all that you need.”

Sunday, March 8, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, one of your Lenten devotions is to repent of your sins, and the best way is to come to Confession in the priest at least once a month. Before you come to Confession, you need to prepare yourself by remembering what sins you are going to confess. You can use various leaflets to remind you of the offenses for each Commandment. Also, tell the priest how long it was since your last Confession. Tell the priest the circumstances of your sins. You also need to have an intention of not repeating the same sins. It is harder when you have bad habits, addictions, or when people are living together without marriage. Do not be fearful of the priest’s reactions to your sins because they hear many things. Be sorrowful for your offenses to Me, and be ready to pray your Act of Contrition prayer from your heart. Also listen for your penance, so you can carry it out. You can even pray your rosaries as part of your penance. I call My faithful to the confessional quickly if you have mortal sin. You also still need to come monthly, even if you have only venial sins which need cleansing. You brush your teeth, clean your rooms of dust, and clean your cars to look presentable. You also need to cleanse your soul of sins so you are presentable to Me, because I have to look at all of your souls. It is hard for Me to look at all of the black souls with mortal sin who do not come to Confession, and have little, if any, love for Me. I want to have a love relationship with all of you, but you break our love with mortal sin. I wait for you like the father of the Prodigal Son until you can come to Me in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of an increasing persecution of Christians, especially in Arab countries at this time. In the future you will see more persecution of Christians in America by Moslems and communists. Your lives will be in danger, and some people will be martyred for My Name’s sake. As you see a takeover of your government, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection. You are seeing a time when the Antichrist will reign over the earth that I will allow for a time. My faithful remnant will be living at My refuges all together, as you will be adoring Me around the clock in My Eucharist. You have had some practice runs for only 24 hours, but during the tribulation, you will be eating, praying, and sleeping at your refuge for less than 3½ years together. Be thankful that My angels will protect you, and multiply your food, water, fuels, and even your buildings. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and they will be killed and cast into hell. My faithful will be raised up, as I will bring them into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. What a joy and ecstasy you will all share with Me in heaven.”

Monday, March 9, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a price war for oil between OPEC and Russia that drove oil prices down $20/barrel. This added to the fears of the spreading corona virus. You just recently saw inactive docks in Los Angeles, Ca. because China is not producing its normal volume of products, and people are fearful of the corona virus on their products. Since you receive a lot of food and goods from China, this virus could endanger your food supplies. I have been warning you for many years to have extra food in your homes in case you could see a food shortage, or any other event that could stop food coming to your stores. It does not matter how much money you have, but it is important to have access to food supplies. You could see riots if people see a potential famine coming as a result of the corona virus. It will be difficult to be quarantined in your homes without enough food to survive. If martial law is declared, or a deadly virus kills a lot of people, then I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. Have no fear because My angels will put an invisible shield over you at My refuges. You are seeing a deteriorating sense of order that could easily lead to a martial law of quarantining like you have seen in China and Italy. Pray for the safety of your people, and that I will multiply your food when it is needed.”

Tuesday, March 10, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I told the people to listen to the Pharisees who teach the Mosaic law, but not to follow their actions. They did everything to be seen, but their hearts were far from Me, because they were hypocrites in not following the law themselves. I want My people to practice what you preach, so you are not hypocrites like the Pharisees. You need to be humble in your worship of Me, and your love for all of your neighbors. It is one thing to proclaim to live a holy life, but it is another thing to live it out in your own actions. A good Christian will always help someone in need with donations or a helping hand. Do not pass up your daily opportunities to help people. In all of your actions for Me or your neighbor, do it out of love for Me, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your President putting a ban on non-citizens from China from coming into America. You are also seeing test kits for corona virus being shipped out to areas that have suspect cases of the virus. Your government is being transparent on the number of confirmed cases and deaths coming from the virus. Your government is also providing $8 billion to help control the spread of this virus. It is killing mostly elder people since the average age of the deaths is about 80. The seasonal flu continues to kill many more people than the corona virus. This new virus has been over emphasized by your media. Many cases in China are being sent home, but this information is not reliable. Keep praying for your people that there will only be a small number of deaths from all the flu viruses. This season could be over in a few months.”

Wednesday, March 11, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I know you are troubled to receive Me in the hand instead of the more reverent way of receiving Me on the tongue. Your people are trying to avoid the spread of the flu and the corona virus, so you are taking these precautions. Pray that you can still have Mass so you can still receive Me and worship Me. Because there is a fear of the unknown, your people have become over zealous in stopping this virus outbreak. As cases stop spreading, and the flu season stops, then you will see if this virus continues or dissipates, which is what I told you. It is interesting how the fear of the virus could even affect the turnout for your primaries and the general election. You may be mailing in your ballots to avoid any crowds. Pray that this virus will stop spreading and stop killing people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just had an announcement from the World Health Organization that the spread of the corona virus is being considered a pandemic virus all over the world. Your President has also banned travel from Europe to the US in addition to China, South Korea, and Iran. There are exceptions to the UK and other places not affected by the virus. Your stock markets have also taken some more losses. There is concern that your businesses will have less earnings because of China’s supply problems. This is in addition to your oil price war between OPEC and Russia. If continued bans and quarantines keep up, you may not be able to travel to your talks much longer. If this virus spreads with many deaths in America, you could be approaching a time for a martial law, and a needed trip to My refuges. Watch your news closely to see if your travel plans may be impacted. Pray for your country that the virus will get under control with less deaths.”

Thursday, March 12, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in years ago your people experienced the Spanish Flu when many people died, because they did not have the medicines or the knowledge to fight it. Today, you have many ways to treat people, even if the corona virus is so contagious. You are seeing many reactions to avoid crowds as they are closing sports arenas, schools, and some businesses are telling people to work from home. If the virus spreads further, you will be like China, when people were quarantined in their homes. Since this virus was laboratory created, it is suspicious that it is killing mostly older people, and not young people. It is almost encouraging euthanasia on a world wide scale. Every life is valuable to Me, whether it is an unborn baby, or an 80 year old adult. So pray that this virus can be contained without so many deaths.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges during the tribulation, you will need a tabernacle to store My consecrated Hosts. At that time a priest or My angels will give you daily Holy Communion. I will be Present with you in My tabernacle, and you can place a Host in a monstrance for perpetual Adoration. Have your people sign up for what hour they want, so all 24 hours could be covered every day. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing for your protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you now have a pandemic virus that is spreading all over the world. This is a new or novel virus that was made in the China B-4 laboratories. Do not believe China’s lies because they are the source of this pestilence. If this virus kills a lot of people, then I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges where you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing such a fear of this unknown virus that your people want to avoid crowds that could spread this disease. In many countries they are cancelling sports events, parades, and even schools in some places. Your stock market continues to drop in value as there are fears of a coming recession with possible quarantines at your homes. You are also seeing countries closing their borders to stop any more cases of this virus coming in. Pray for all those people who are sick, and that they could be helped back to good health.”

Jesus said: “My people, during this epidemic you may soon see some shortages in your food, and other necessities as your medicines for any sickness. With some factories at low capacity because of the absence of workers, this will enhance your shortages and your economies will be preparing for a serious recession. If this virus dies out during the warmer weather, you will have a reprieve of any more deaths. Be warned though in the fall that this virus could return just as in the time of the Spanish Flu. If this virus continues during the summer, you could have an even worse pandemic virus. Prepare to come to My refuges if there are many deaths. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from such a virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, hospitals do not want corona virus victims to come to the emergency room, because they could infect other patients and the medical doctors and nurses. By staying at home you avoid spreading the virus, and doctors could send medicines to your homes. This virus causes fevers and coughs, where patients need to be isolated. This is why older people and those people with poor immune systems need to avoid crowds, and take Hawthorn and Elderberry pills to build up their immune systems. Continue praying for this virus to dissipate.”

Jesus said: “My people, during this Lent you are being tested with little entertainment because sports games and even schools are being shut down. Because of your corona virus, you are suffering more from your new way of life. You can still pray and fast, but helping people may be more difficult. Pray that your churches can remain open, but your sick people should stay home. You do not want to infect your priests or your fellow parishioners. You already are taking Holy Communion in the hand and avoiding shaking hands at the sign of peace. Some churches are removing holy water fonts at the entrances. Keep praying for this sickness to stop.”

Jesus said: “My people, this pestilence of the corona virus is testing your people, and some may be drawn to Me in fear of dying. In many catastrophes people start praying to Me to help them through this epidemic. I will find a way to provide any needed food, especially if you are quarantined in your homes. Those people, who stored up extra food as I requested, will be able to eat if they cannot get out to the stores that have food. If there are food shortages, you could see a danger to your lives, and a need to come to My refuges. Trust in My protection because I will warn you when you need to come to My refuges.”

Friday, March 13, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in both of the readings you are seeing betrayals for money. In the case of Joseph, his brothers disliked him because he was the favored son of their father, and he was noted for interpreting dreams. Because of their jealousy, they sold Joseph to the caravan people going to Egypt for twenty pieces of silver. In My case the devil came into the heart of Judas, who betrayed Me to the Jewish leaders for thirty pieces of silver. This was the plan from the beginning that I would offer up My life for the salvation of all of mankind. One man, Adam, caused all of you to inherit original sin, but one man in Me, has brought forgiveness for everyone’s sins in the past, present, and future. Be grateful that the sacrifice of My Blood has enabled you to enter heaven, if you seek My forgiveness and worship Me. I love all souls, and I give all of you an opportunity to be saved in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see the darkness at night, I am talking about a power outage with no lights. You are seeing panic among your people over the corona virus, but only a few people have died from this virus. There are various countries that are closing down their borders to keep new people with the virus from entering. Now, you are hearing churches being closed in many states. You also are hearing rumors of states closing their borders, and banks limiting cash to ATMs. If you lose power, your online banking would be shut down. I told you before, when the evil ones want a takeover, they will shut down your power. All of these shutdowns are preparing you for total control. Once you see food shortages at your stores, you could see riots as people will be in search of food. Before such riots occur, I will warn My faithful that it is time to come to My refuges. My Warning will be in a time of such a chaos. I will multiply your food even before My Warning, if it is needed. Have no fear because My angels will protect My refuges both now and during the tribulation. If people are dying for any reason, I will protect My refuge people from guns because I will make you invisible to such people. My angels will put a shield from harm over all of My refuges. You will have daily Holy Communion, and perpetual Adoration at every refuge during the tribulation. Trust in My angels to multiply your food, water, fuels, and buildings for all that you will need to survive.”

Saturday, March 14, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people in a frenzy at your stores trying to stock up on some main staples. Your media has hyped the corona virus fears so much that people are preparing as if there was an imminent hurricane. It is understood to avoid crowds, but your people are getting overdone when you close your schools and now some of your churches. It is also understandable to close your borders to areas that are infected with many cases of virus. But be careful if your authorities start to limit your travel, because this is a communist tactic for a takeover. You have many thousands of people die every year from your seasonal flu, but this new virus has not killed even a small percentage of that number. Putting an abundance of fear in your people, is making your people ripe for a martial law if you see it hard to buy any food. Pray for your people to settle down because events will be much worse in the future when the tribulation begins.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I was trying to make peace with a Samaritan woman, even though the Jews did not acknowledge friendship with the Samaritans. I told the woman about the men in her life, and she thought I was a gifted prophet who would know her life’s history. I then offered her the living water of the Holy Spirit so she would not thirst again. I truly wanted to heal her of her sinful living. I then told her that I was the promised Redeemer of all of mankind. I want to give the graces of the Holy Spirit to all of My faithful. You, My son, know full well how the Holy Spirit helps you to write down My messages, and He helps you spread My Word at your talks. Give praise and thanks to Me and the Holy Spirit for helping you in your missions.”

Sunday, March 15, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a new kind of life when your health officials are trying to stop crowds from forming. At your stores you are seeing panicked people grab meats, pasta, and toilet paper, and those shelves are empty. If your people are going to be quarantined in their homes, they do not want to be without food. At your churches some areas are cancelling Masses. When you went to Mass, you saw papers with your songs, and your holy water fonts empty, along with your hymnal books gone. Your bishop gave everyone a dispensation from attending Sunday Mass. Holy Communion had to be taken in the hand, and there was no hand shaking at the sign of peace. Many of these precautions are being taken to avoid the spread of the corona virus. Many of these things seem to be overdone, but you all are accepting this for the good of everyone’s health. Remember to pray to Me every day, and if it is safe, you can receive Me at Mass. With many events being cancelled, this could affect your travel to your talks if they cancel your airline flights. Keep attentive to your news for your travel plans. If states start closing their borders, then you may have to stop going to your talks. Pray for your people’s health with less deaths.”

Monday, March 16, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings the people in Nazareth had a lack of faith in My healing them, so I could not heal anyone there. Because I spoke against their faith in Me, the people tried to kill Me, but I walked through their midst. If people have faith in Me, you could see more people healed, but this pestilence is a punishment for your sins. It is also an attempt to reduce the population by the deep state. It is also being used to attack your President and bring down your government. You can see how the people are fearful by the panic buying of food items in your stores. There is no shortage of food, but your stores are not set up for such volume buying. You will see the protection for your trucks to stop people from trying to steal any food. If your trucks cannot safely pass, then your shelves could not be restocked. Your people need to settle down and limit your traveling to avoid crowds. Pray for the people who are sick, and pray that the number of deaths are few.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were asking if there is going to be another epidemic worse than the one you are seeing now. You also read about the Spanish Flu of 1918 when millions of people died world wide and hundreds of thousands died in America. There was a mild version of the virus in the spring, a disappearance in the summer, and a much deadlier version of the virus in the fall. You can research the numbers of dead in the spring and the fall. (.5% deaths in spring, 2.5% deaths in the fall, 1.0% deaths in the following spring for the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919) I am confirming that your current version of the corona virus is similar, in that it will be mild in the spring, but the same virus will return in the fall, and it will be deadlier than it was in the spring. It is prudent to warn your people of the return of this virus in the fall, when more people could die in the fall than died in the spring. Keep your quarantine preparations ready to deal with the fall version of the corona virus. Pray that your people can remain isolated so you can minimize the spread and deaths from this virus.”

Tuesday, March 17, 2020: (St. Patrick’s Day)
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this small round window as a sign that you will have a window of opportunity to prepare for a worse virus that will come back in the fall. The round window is also a sign of My coming Warning that will come in a time of chaos. Even if the Warning does not come in the fall, I will call My faithful to My refuges if you see a lot of people dying in the fall. You are already hearing of a possible martial law or a mandatory quarantine in your homes. If your airplane flights are cancelled, and your state borders are closed, this will not allow you to travel to any more talks. You can still put your messages of the fall virus out on the internet. It is important to warn the people that your summer window of opportunity is time to stock up on food, and possibly get to Confession before the fall version of a worse virus. This virus is a laboratory creation that the evil ones are using to try and remove your President, and take over your government. Any martial law control could easily be the means for a takeover which could definitely be a time to come to My refuges. I will give an inner locution to everyone when it is time to come to My refuges. Give praise and thanks to Me because I am more powerful than the demons and any virus that I could cure so easily.”

Jesus said: “My people, look how you have been put in a kind of quarantine by closing your colleges, schools, churches, restaurants, and even airplane travel all out of fear of spreading the corona virus. It is hard to measure the cases and deaths of the seasonal flu vs the corona virus because it is harder to find similar data for the seasonal flu. The deaths from the seasonal flu are about 20,000 this season while the deaths from the corona virus are about 554 at this date. It is hard to see the rate of spreading cases for both viruses, but your health people are scaring your people into home quarantines. You need to do some research on the comparison of the seasonal flu with the corona virus to see if all of your precautions are limiting the cases and deaths. So far you could say the corona virus is more deadly, and it is hard to know when these cases will stop. You are already seeing vaccines and other medicines being made to heal this new corona virus. Pray that you will get through this spread of this virus, so you can open things again at your stores, schools, and factories.”

Wednesday, March 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, I am reminding you of your early life in your faith. You and your children had a good upbringing in the faith with the knowledge of My laws given to all of you. Because you have received great faith in Me, more will be expected from all of you. Keep praying for your children and their families so they can maintain their belief in Me the rest of their lives. By your persistent prayers you can help save their souls. Your faith is being tested by this latest epidemic of the corona virus. Even if your churches are having no Masses, you can still do your holy hours in the morning and at night. I am always with you, so have no fear of this virus. Pray that this restraint on your lives can be lifted soon.”

Jesus said: “My people, this corona virus is spreading rapidly, but you have not had many deaths. Your governors and your President are deciding to take the next step of closing state borders. You are already limiting people going across your border to Canada. Trade supplies are still moving across your borders. You may soon see a mandatory quarantine in your homes, with a possible martial law of your National Guard keeping your people from freely moving about. It is hard for your people to suffer the loss of their jobs without seeing some progress in stopping the increase in your virus cases and deaths. This is a quiet takeover that could be abused by your deep state. If there is a threat to confiscate guns, you could see a civil war erupt. Pray that such a severe martial law does not cause a civil war with guns being used.”

Thursday, March 19, 2020: (St. Joseph’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading reports of how the corona virus cases are increasing at a rate similar to Italy, with New York State having the most cases. It is My recommendation to you, My son, to stop traveling to any more talks until the worst is over, but it may get worse again in the fall. This virus truly is a pestilence that will drastically affect America, and it is a punishment for your abortions. I told you before if you did not stop your abortions that I would stop them in My way, which is why I am allowing this to happen in your country. I am mentioning again, if you see many people dying around you, then I will call you to My refuges. If you are getting sick, you could pray to Me for a healing, and drink some holy water. Continue taking Hawthorn and elderberry pills or extracts to help your immune system. Trust in Me to protect My refuge people from getting sick and dying. I love all of you, and you need to take your precautions to avoid getting sick.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know you are all saddened that you cannot have Mass, nor receive Me in Holy Communion. I know My daily Mass people are even more at a loss for not being able to receive Me. It is a great suffering that you cannot even have Sunday Mass. You are all isolating yourselves to avoid spreading the corona virus, but praying and adoring Me is a great part of your prayer group. Be grateful that you can gaze on My loveliness of My Real Presence. I love all of you, and I am happy to be in your midst.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country had a good life with plenty of your needs and many rich extras. You had many jobs with a low unemployment. Now, you are being brought low by a lowly virus that is spreading and taking some lives. You are truly being humbled and you have some food shortages on your shelves in your stores. There is plenty of food, but people are scared that they do not see it on the shelves. It will take some time to re-stock, but your people need to only buy what they need. Pray that your fears will subside as you put your trust in Me to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of cases and deaths in Italy and China. Your deaths in America are under 500 at this time, but there is over 3200 deaths in Italy and China. You are trying to minimize crowds, and you are closing some borders and plane flights abroad. You are hearing rumors of a possible martial law that would quarantine you in your homes. This could create a hardship if you could not go to the store for food. Beware if the authorities are trying to force a vaccine on you that I advised you not to take. If the authorities try to force chips in the body, then you will need to come to My refuges. I have been telling you for years in these messages that a pandemic virus could cause a martial law. Those people, who stored food in their homes as I advised, will now have food if they cannot get to the stores. Pray for My protection through these times, but avoid the flu shots and chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people who are not working, may get some help from their employer or their government, but it may not be enough to cover their bills. Some mortgages may have payments postponed, but this will be a difficult time to have enough money to pay for everything. You may have to help each other financially to cover your basic needs. You also may have to bank a little differently to cut down crowds as with drive-up tellers or ATM money managers. Pray that you can all get through this trial and still have enough food to eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing difficulties in being able to buy the food you need because many store shelves are empty or lightly stocked. If it is hard for you to get food, it may be worse for your neighbors or relatives. You may have to share your food, or buy it for others when you can find it. Remember to share finances with your local food shelves who are being overwhelmed with requests for people’s needs. Thank you for helping those in need.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to stop being so selfish by trying to take more food or supplies than you need, and have more patience with others in the store. It is your panic buying that has emptied your store shelves, and now others are finding it difficult to find their daily needs. This is why your people need to calm down and be reasonable in only buying what is needed for now. Trust in Me to provide for your needs both now and in the future.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how your poor people have trouble to find money to be able to buy food and have a place to stay overnight. Now, many people are seeing the same needs for food as the poor people have seen for years. It is becoming difficult to even be able to buy enough food in your stores. So have mercy on the poor and share what you can at your local food shelves. Continue helping your family and neighbors with any of their food needs. You all want to avoid crowds, but getting food to people is worth any risk of getting sick. Pray that your people can have enough food to eat and have a place to stay. These food items are the basic necessities that you can help provide for people.”

Friday, March 20, 2020: (Rita’s funeral, Jeanne Marie’s aunt)
At St. Stanislaus after Holy Communion, I could see Jeanne Marie greeting her Aunt Rita in heaven. Jeanne Marie said: “My dear husband, I thank you so much for taking care of Aunt Rita’s funeral arrangements. She is now with Me and Our Lord. I love you Al, and I will be praying for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read before that China is using biological warfare to bring down America and other nations so they can take over the world financially. They purposely let many people die in one part of China so it would spread all over the world. They also have a treatment for prevention and to cure this virus. This is why there has not been many more cases or deaths, and their people are returning to their factories. Your country is in a deep recession to try and slow the spread of the corona virus. The best solution to this epidemic is to find some cures for the people who are seriously sick, and even some way to prevent people from being infected. Your medical people are working on some cures that have seen some promise. If you find such a cure and it is safe, then it would be best to implement it right away so your people can get back to work. Your people are learning that you cannot trust China, and you are better to bring your manufacturing back to your own country, especially your medicines and any secret technical devices. Pray that your medical people can solve this corona virus problem. Pray that your Masses can be restored as well. The longer you do not start using your medicines that work, the longer your people will suffer quarantine and economic hardship.”

Saturday, March 21, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am always fishing for souls as I draw My faithful to Me in love. I even told My apostles, who were fishermen, that they would now be fishers of men. I realize that you cannot come to Mass right now, but you can make a spiritual Communion with Me. I can still come into your heart and soul to share My graces with you. This virus is so diabolical that this fear of crowds has stopped My people from coming to daily Mass. I was happy that you still prayed apart in front of the Planned Parenthood building this morning. This is a prayer to stop abortions, and now even these buildings are shut down. Keep praying to stop abortions, and may this virus be overcome by My healing graces.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a two week shutdown to stay in your homes, but you have been able to go to the stores to buy food. Many people have been stocking up on their supplies in case the stores run out of food, or in case you come under a lock down from your National Guard. You have seen military vehicles in pictures with COVID-19 markings. You have heard of National Guard people getting called up, and some rumors of a possible military presence next week. If you cannot travel at all, then you will have the beginning of a takeover of America. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges. Refuse to take any vaccine or a chip in the body. Pray that you can still go to the store for food, and that you will be able to go to Mass soon.”

Sunday, March 22, 2020: (4th Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday)
Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to have My Eucharist today on Sunday, when all of My faithful should be coming to Mass. I am showing you in this vision a horde of black bugs, representing the demons, that have come into My Church to stop the Masses. All of My faithful, who come to Holy Mass, will not die from any corona virus. My protection goes out to all of My faithful who believe in My miracles. This time is a beginning tribulation that will happen before the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist. You know that this pestilence was started by China’s biological weapon in their quest for a world takeover. This weapon was created by evil people to reduce the world’s population. This spring will kill some people, but there will be a lull in the summer followed by a deadlier virus in the fall. When you see many people dying, I will call My people to My refuges, where you will be healed and protected from those people who are trying to kill you. Have no fear because I will provide for your needs at the appointed time.”

Monday, March 23, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, this swirling black movement is again a sign of the coming Warning. You are looking down into the black pit of hell that is being shielded from your eyes. It is out of the pit of hell that the demons enabled the Chinese scientists to make this evil virus that is now replicating all over the world. It is causing sickness and death all over. You will see a lull in the summer, but this virus will be even deadlier in the fall. Remember not to take any flu vaccine because it will only lower your immune system for other illnesses. Refuse to take any chip in the body as well. This is a time when you will have to trust in Me that I can heal infected people if they call on Me in faith. Swallow some holy water, and take your Hawthorn pills and elderberry extract. Keep praying that this epidemic will subside and people will be healed.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing evil people who are making these bioweapon viruses in China. You had heard someone tell you of several different strains of the current covid-19 virus. You also have read that this virus is a combination of SARS and HIV. You remember that when HIV was created in the lab, it had several strains depending on which animal was used. The HIV was crossed over into humans, and it had various indications of being made in the lab. There are different strains of corona virus depending on which mixture of HIV strains were combined with SARS. All of these viruses are deadly when they are weaponized for biological warfare. This is why people with compromised immune systems are more liable to die from this corona virus. This is why in America you are trying to protect your elderly people from getting this virus because they could die from it. Keep praying for your people to protect themselves by building up their immune systems, and pray that this virus will soon dissipate in the warmer weather.”

Tuesday, March 24, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, because of the corona virus, your daily Masses have been stopped by order of your bishop. You are grateful that EWTN is still having Mass on TV, and this is a blessing when you cannot physically receive Me in Holy Communion. You can still call on Me in spiritual Communion to receive Me into your souls and hearts. As this stay in your home quarantine continues, it is difficult to keep your distance from each other. You are allowed to get food and go to the bank, but long travel is being discouraged. Use this time for praying your rosaries and spiritual reading. Being patient through this trial is another penance during Lent. Continue to pray that this virus will subside and there are less deaths.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this chain because some people are attached to their jobs and their money, and they do not depend on Me for everything. But now with this pandemic virus, their jobs and their source of income are in jeopardy. Do not have fear for what you are to eat, what you are to wear, or where you will make your home. Trust in Me only and not your money, and I will find a way to provide for your needs. Many people are frightened by this corona virus, but only a small percentage of infected people are dying. Some people want to go back to work, but you are still peaking with many virus cases. It will take a few months for your infections to let up, as you saw in China. So be careful to stay home until your virus cases subside. You will have a lull in the summer, but a worse virus will return in the fall, so use your summer to stock up on food when you may not be able to go to the store in a lockdown. Pray that your medical people will have a cure for this virus, and pray that it will subside.”

Wednesday, March 25, 2020: (The Annunciation)
The Blessed Mother spoke softly: “My dear children, I am sorry you cannot be at Mass in your churches on my feast day. Jesus and I are with you in your spiritual Communion. I ask you to pray your rosaries for the intentions of those people who have the virus, and for those who have died from this corona virus. Pray a special prayer for those people in New York City that has many cases of this sickness. You remember how your NY State legislators cheered for having passed a stronger abortion law. Now, you are paying the price for all of your abortions and your new abortion law. My Son told you that if you did not change your laws to stop abortion, He would allow a punishment like you have now. Pray that this virus will dissipate and there would be less deaths.”

Jesus said: “My son, for many years you have been coming to daily Mass and receiving Me in Holy Communion. You have taken for granted that My Mass would always be available. Now, because of this corona virus, your bishop has forbid Masses in the church to avoid crowds. Now, you see the value of having Mass and being able to receive Me in Holy Communion. You may have not always appreciated coming to Mass, but now you see how important the Mass is in your life. You can continue attending the Mass on EWTN on TV and have your spiritual Communion. Keep praying that this epidemic will subside so you can return to having Mass.”

Thursday, March 26, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been taking precautions to avoid crowds so you could limit the number of new cases of the corona virus. You have been praying for all the people who have been infected and may be dying. Today, I want you to expand your intentions to all sick people who are suffering and dying. Also pray for your healthy people who are living in quarantine to limit any new cases of the virus. Many people are out of work and are now filing for unemployment benefits. Pray that your Congress can settle their differences and pass this aid package for your employers and workers. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you every day.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this corona virus has caused more cases in America than any other nation. Your death rate from infected people is about 1.5%, but the cases have not yet peaked. You are seeing a real need for more ventilators to help serious cases in New York State. The grocery stores and banks are still open, but many other businesses are closed and will need funds from your proposed relief bill. You will be seeing a deep recession despite whatever your stock market does. Pray that your jobs will come back, but you will still see more severe problems in the fall.”

Jesus said: “My people, as a result of your quarantine attempt, very few people are out in your streets to buy groceries and do some banking. Many sports places and movie theaters are closed to avoid crowds. It is difficult for businesses to work from home, but there is more on line business going on that does not require physically coming to a store. This is an unusual life without Mass and your normal activity. Pray that this virus will have less cases as your spring weather warms up.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen a 96-0 vote to pass a relief bill in the US Senate that will help employers and workers. It is up to the House of Representatives to pass the Senate bill, because the original House bill was voted down. Now is not the time to try and pass controversial political favors while the people wait for something to pass to the President. If the House changes anything, then it would be delayed back to the Senate. Pray that your politicians will see the need is great now, and they can send something to your President.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see more panic buying in your stores with some empty shelves. I told you that there is no food shortage, and your shopkeepers are struggling to keep their shelves stocked with needed food. It is necessary to avoid martial law, or your country could be close to a takeover of your government. Your President does not want a socialist country, so he is only using his power sparingly. Pray that he could bring your country through this trial of a pandemic virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, it took China several months to keep the virus from expanding, but their numbers could be higher than reported. In America it may also take a few months to calm down the spread of this virus. The longer this shutdown lasts, the longer it will take to bring your businesses back to a more normal life. It is necessary for your people to hold back until your cases stop increasing. Pray that your economy will come back, but there is danger of a worse virus in the fall.”

Jesus said: “My people, without the weekend Masses it is hard to keep your churches out of the red in the needed support to run your churches. Your parishioners need to try and send some support to your closed churches, or they may have to close permanently. It is hard to ask support when some people are not working. Keep praying for this virus to stop, or your recession could grow deeper.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see your hospitals overloaded with severe virus cases, you can see why factories are needed to make medical supplies, and your government is mobilizing the means to get these needed supplies to your hospitals. You need to thank the volunteers and government people for delivering these medical supplies to where they are needed. Your relief bill will be soon available to help fund your companies and workers so their businesses and jobs are not lost. This is a monumental effort to try and save your economy from failing. Pray that your people can get through this trial of the virus so you have food to eat, and jobs available in the aftermath.

Friday, March 27, 2020:
At our family room we watched the Mass on EWTN which was Mother Angelica’s anniversary of her death. We had a spiritual Communion, and I saw a small box being opened which represented the idea of opening Pandora’s box, when the devils had scientists unleash this deadly virus. Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a box open that represents how the demons had some Chinese scientists unleash this deadly virus on the people. At one time you saw large open crematoria burning the many bodies who died of this virus. This was seen from space and you could tell they were burning more than 3200 bodies that China reported. You are seeing this virus spreading at an alarming rate. There will not be enough ventilators for all the serious lung cases you will have. You will soon have some money to help those employers and workers who are not working. With this virus spreading so fast, it may be some months until you are able to go out without any fear of catching this virus. Keep praying for this virus to subside, and if you see many people dying, you will be called to the safety of My refuges where you will be healed.”

Later, at the Eternal Father Chapel we were praying before our Adoration DVD. I could look down through a narrow tunnel with a light at the end. Jesus said: “My people, you think your cases and deaths from the corona virus are bad now. I have told you how you will see a peaking of cases in a few months with a short lull, which will be a time to stock up on food. In the fall I told you also how the virus will return, and it will be deadlier. I am telling you that it will be a hundred or more times worse than you have now. At this point you are seeing 32,000 deaths world wide, but when the Spanish Flu hit, 50 to 70 million people died. The number of deaths in the fall could repeat millions of deaths at a much faster rate than you have now. I have been telling you if many are dying around you, I will call you to My refuges. To protect My faithful, it is most likely that I will be calling you to My refuges in the fall, so you can be healed and protected from any virus. In that case your refuge angels will put a shield of protection around you. The deep state people have a cure for this virus, and they will be retreating underground in their tunnels to try and avoid the deaths and riots for food. They have been buying up the dehydrated food for months, and storing it in their secret tunnels. Have no fear of this virus because I will be protecting My people at My refuges. I am affirming that you are in the time of a pre-tribulation before the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Saturday, March 28, 2020:
At the Eternal Father Chapel I was praying before our Adoration DVD. I could see a small cuckoo clock but the bird could not come out, and it was five minutes to 12:00. Jesus said: “My people, I want to explain to you what I mean by the term ‘pre-tribulation’, which is why I am showing you this clock. You are experiencing with this corona virus, the troubled time that was mentioned by Fr. Michel. The pre-tribulation time will be from now until the Great Tribulation begins when the Antichrist will declare himself. You will see a trial of the virus causing quarantines. The worse trial will be during the football season from September to February of the following year. Be prepared to come to My refuges in the fall when many will be dying from this virus. When you come to My refuges, you will be healed of any virus. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges, so do not be afraid of this evil virus. I will not leave My faithful as orphans to die from this virus. So listen to My call when you are told to come to My refuges. Remember to bring your backpacks, and have faith that I can heal you from this pandemic virus.”

Later, at our family room we prayed with the priest on EWTN TV and we had a spiritual Communion. I could see a tunnel leading to the life review of the Warning. I could see blood all over the tunnel as the Lord’s Precious Blood washed away our sins. Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another message on the Warning, or the Illumination of conscience. When you come to Me out of your body and outside of time, you will have a life review of all of your sins and good deeds. It is your good deeds that will lessen any punishment due for your sins. You can see how My Precious Blood washes your souls clean of your sins. Remember to continue cleansing your souls at least once a month in Confession. You will see My Warning in a time of chaos which will be coming soon. Many souls need a chance to change their evil ways before the worse virus comes, when many will die. Continue to pray for this virus to subside to give people a chance to prepare to come to My refuges. Have no fear because My angels and I can heal you at My refuges.”

Sunday, March 29, 2020:
At a meeting place where we had Mass after Holy Communion, I could see Jesus give us His cup which we are to share in His suffering. Jesus said: “My faithful, in the vision you are seeing Me hand all of My faithful My cup that I suffered in this coming Holy Week. You will all be sharing your suffering with Me as you endure this virus epidemic. I am quoting when I asked My disciples if they could suffer what I was about to go through. (Matt 20:22) ‘You do not know what you are asking for. Can you drink of the cup of which I am about to drink?’ This was when St. James and St. John wanted to be on My right hand and on My left hand in heaven. In the same way you will be sharing in My suffering. You know I am the great Healer. If you want to avoid this virus infection, or be cured of it, you must call on Me in faith, and I will heal you. When you come to My refuges, you can look on My luminous cross in the sky, or drink your spring or well water, and you will be healed in faith from this virus. You can build up your immune system by drinking your holy water, taking some elderberry extract, Hawthorn, and taking your vitamin C tablets. Have no fear of this disease because My power of healing is greater than the evil men and demons who made up this corona virus DNA. This is an evil plot by the deep state to reduce the world’s population. This goal is mentioned on the tablet of stone at the Georgia Guidestones, where the one world people want to reduce 7 billion people down to 500 million people so they can control you more easily. My power is greater, and I will protect My faithful at My refuges from any virus or bombs by My refuge angels. So have no fear.”

Monday, March 30, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in today’s Gospel how I did not condemn the woman who was caught in the act of adultery, but I told her to go and sin no more. I saved her from being stoned to death by the Mosaic law. There are many sins of the flesh against My Sixth Commandment of Thou shalt not commit adultery. I encourage all couples of a man and woman to be properly married in My Church with the sacrament of Matrimony. Do not live together in fornication, homosexual sins, or adultery with someone’s spouse. Do not commit any form of birth control with condoms or the like. Do not commit any masturbation or bestiality. Do not have a vasectomy or tubal ligation. These are all mortal sins against My Sixth Commandment, and they need to be forgiven in Confession before you can worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. Pray for My grace so you can stop any sins of the flesh, either in physical acts, or thoughts of lust in your heart. By following My Commandments and coming to frequent Confession, you can keep our love relationship alive that is dead when you commit mortal sin.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been asking how you would be protected from this evil virus. Once I call My faithful to My refuges, you will be healed from any virus. I am telling you that while you are at My refuges, even now people will be protected from any virus or harm. Your refuge angel, St. Meridia, is putting a shield over your refuge from any virus right now. Even when My refuge builders go out from their refuges, they will have a shield around them from dying of this virus. All of My refuge angels will even now be protecting their refuge people from any virus or harm. When you will be at My refuges during the tribulation, you will need to have faith in My power that I can multiply what you need. It is this same faith and trust in My miracles, that will protect My faithful when they pray for My healing. The evil ones have brought this virus on you to reduce the population. You have allowed fear to keep you from coming to Mass, but you still can pray and watch the Mass on EWTN TV. Trust in My protection from this virus, and have no fear, because I will overcome the evil ones and their viruses.”

Tuesday, March 31, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a corner of a room, as if you are quarantined in your homes, and you are afraid to come out. The devil and the evil elite are using your fear of death to control your activities. Your medical people are predicting that hundreds of thousands of your people will die from the corona virus. This is why these medical people want you to shutdown your businesses and crowded places to avoid spreading this virus. This plan sounds logical, but it does not appear to stop the spread of the disease. The long latency of the onset of symptoms allows people to spread the disease before they realize they are sick and contagious. I will protect My faithful at My refuges even now, so your refuges are truly safe havens. Because your churches are closed for Masses and your Holy Week services, you may have to watch them on your EWTN TV. You can see how evil this pandemic is, when it prevents you from witnessing My Holy Week services. Trust in Me that I can heal My faithful if you call on Me in faith and prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Moses put a bronze serpent on a pole, and he lifted it up so all of those people, who were bitten by the seraph serpents, could be healed by looking on the bronze serpent. This is symbolic as I was lifted up on the cross to make reparation for all of the sins of mankind. It is My most Precious Blood that is poured over you in the waters of Baptism that cleanses your original sin, and this joins you to My Communion of Saints. In the Gospel I called the attention of the Pharisees to realize that ‘I AM’, as the Son of Man is lifted up on My cross. They did not believe that I was the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity. Before the chief priest I told them that before Abraham came to be, ‘I AM’. They crucified Me for blasphemy, but in truth I answered them correctly. This is why I came into the world in the flesh so that I would be the only true Sacrifice to take away your sins. You will soon re-enact this Sacrifice as you can still participate on TV in the coming Holy Week services.”

Wednesday, April 1, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, Shadrach, Mishach,and Abednego defied King Nebuchadnezzar’s order to worship his golden statue. They were even warned that they would be thrown into the furnace of fire if they did not. The three Jews had great faith that I would protect them, but even if I did not, they were willing to die for My Name’s sake, than worship the king’s statue. I did come to their rescue, and they were untouched by the fire. My desire is that all of My faithful would have such faith in My protection, like these three men. Even now amidst this corona virus epidemic, I will protect those faithful who call on My protection in their prayers. They will not die from this virus. You are all being tested by this scourge, but your faith will save you, as it did for the three men cast into the fire. Continue to trust in My miracles of protection, despite how the evil ones want to kill you. You will be protected at My refuges from this virus, and the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have told you that you are in the beginning of the pre-tribulation with the threat of death from this corona virus. This time is also described in (Matt. 24:7) that speaks of a pestilence which is like your current virus epidemic: ‘For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be pestilence, and famines, and earthquakes in places.’ You have been seeing some recent earthquakes as a 6.5 in Idaho. You may also see a famine as a result of the virus when food will be scarce. These events are all signs of the end times right before the tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear of this virus because I will protect you. Have no fear of a famine because I will multiply your food, and have no fear of earthquakes because no harm will come to My refuges. My faithful, who truly believe in My miracles, walk in faith and they trust that I will protect them and provide for their needs at My refuges. So peace be with you as I greeted My apostles after My Resurrection.”

Thursday, April 2, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am your Lord and Redeemer, so do not place any god or distraction before Me. This corona virus has evil roots in its creation, because its purpose is to take away the life that I have brought forth. I told Adam to go forth and multiply, and not to kill man. You have seen the destruction of your society by all of your abortions. Now, you are witnessing another destructive evil in the spreading of this deadly virus. There are evil people behind your abortion movement, and there are evil people behind this movement to reduce the population by deadly viruses. These evil ones will taste My justice because some of them even worship Satan, or offer Satan their souls for fame and riches. It is the rich and famous who are financially supporting abortions, vaccines, and viruses. Pray to Me to protect you from the actions of these evil ones. They are now preparing the means for the Antichrist to take over your world. Have no fear, for I will protect you at My refuges, and I will cast these evil ones into hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing tonight how difficult it will be to even pray together in one place. Your politicians and medical people are discouraging groups over ten from getting together in order to minimize the spread of the corona virus. You will soon see a harsher shutdown when your virus numbers increase, especially in the fall when the virus will be more deadly. You may be restricted to pray at your homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are fearful that more people will be dying from this virus. Do not be afraid because this first wave will have a lull in the summer. It is in the fall when this epidemic will be even worse. It is then when you will see many people dying around you, that your lives will be in danger. It is at that time that I will call you to My refuges to protect you from any virus. I will heal those with the virus, and keep others from being infected.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a confirmation of My message to you about the coming Warning, possibly in the fall. You read from Conchita in the article: ‘The corona virus epidemic is leading the world to the prophesied ‘Illumination of Conscience’.’ She did not mention a date, which I am not mentioning either, but the Warning will come in a time of chaos.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been calling My refuge builders to be ready to receive My people into their refuges. Now, that you are already in the pre-tribulation, you will be seeing a pestilence like your corona virus that will cause a good number of people to die. I have previously given you a message that the Warning could come in the football season as in the fall. So be prepared when I will call My faithful to My refuges which will come after the Warning. I will give all sinners one last chance to get their souls right with Me, so they can enter My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I did not have My people build refuges unless they are going to be used when they are needed. It is ‘most likely’ that you will be called to My refuges in the fall because your lives will be in danger. Have no fear because your refuge angel will put a shield around you as you come to the refuge, and when you will be at your refuge. This will be an invisible shield and a shield from catching this virus. If My believers call on My healing power in prayer, I will heal you if you are infected, and I will prevent you from getting infected. I will not allow the evil one to kill all of My faithful. Trust in My Word and you will have peace in your heart with no fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are all being tested with this pestilence of the corona virus. In order to get through this trial alive, you will need to trust in Me that I will heal you. I keep repeating the statement that I will call you to My refuges when your lives are in danger. This fall version of this virus will be that time, when it will be necessary to come to My refuges to avoid being killed. In order to enter My refuges, you need to be a true believer in My Word, or the refuge angel will not let you enter. My Warning will come before you are called, so sinners may have a chance to convert their lives of sin. For those people, who believe and are not Catholics, I will heal their souls and put a cross on their foreheads. Trust in My Word of healing for both body and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful to see the big picture of My salvation. Satan hates man because you will be taking his place in heaven. This is why he is using his evil conquests, who worship him, to cause the deaths of as many people as possible. This is why the devil is behind killing My babies in the womb by abortion. This is why the devil is behind instigating wars to kill people. This is why the devil is behind the HAARP machine that is killing people with earthquakes and severe weather. This is also why the devil is behind the making of this corona virus that will kill many people. It is all part of an evil plan to reduce the population on earth. When you see this virus in this evil light, now you know that I am the only source of good that will defy all of the devil’s plans. I have planned My refuges as a safe haven to help My faithful live through this pestilence of the corona virus. My refuges will also protect My faithful even through the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will soon bring My victory over all of these evil ones, but My faithful need to come to My arks of My refuges, so I can bring you into My Era of Peace later. Trust and have faith in My miracles, and you will be guided through these perilous times.”

Friday, April 3, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the special Mass for this time of pestilence, you heard the reading of the apostles and Me in a boat amidst a great storm that threatened our lives. The apostles woke Me from My sleep in fear of drowning. So I raised My arms to the storm and I said: ‘Peace, be still.’ At that moment the winds stopped and there was a great calm over the water. The apostles were astounded and they wondered how even the wind and the sea obeyed My command. This is another case of nothing is impossible for Me. Even as you see many people dying from the corona virus, you are about to see more of My miracles to calm the storm of this virus epidemic. Just as I chastised My apostles for their little faith in protecting them, so I am asking My faithful to have faith in My miracles of healing. Peace, and be not afraid, for when you come to My refuges, I will heal any virus and protect those from being infected. Even while you are at your homes, you can pray to Me to be healed. To help strengthen your immune system, you can drink holy water, take elderberry extract, Hawthorn, and vitamin C. Trust in My healing power now as I calm the storm of this disease.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a swirling black pit is how some people will see hell in their Warning experience. The Warning is near, and people could come to Confession around Mercy Sunday. Then you would have clean souls for when My Warning could come. Those people, who have mortal sin on their souls , could experience hell in their Warning mini-judgment. At My Warning I will give all sinners a chance to clean their souls and be converted. There will be time for them to get to Confession and change their lives. Pray that all of your relatives will see the Light and be converted so they can enter your refuge. Those souls, who do not cleanse their souls of mortal sin at My Warning, could be lost in hell forever. Keep praying persistently for your relatives to help save their souls.”

Saturday, April 4, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see so many people who are dying from the corona virus. You need to pray for all of the souls of the dead victims of this virus. Pray for all the family members as well. Even pray for all of your own family members that they may not get infected, nor die from this virus. Pray for all the evil souls who are behind starting this virus, and for those souls who are aborting My babies. Pray an extra prayer for your pregnant grandchildren that they will be able to deliver their babies without being infected with this virus. As you read about all the statistics of deaths and infections, continue to pray that this virus epidemic will subside, so fewer people will die. You know how I will heal My faithful if they would just pray to Me for a healing. Your prayers and My healing will help My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, your medical people and politicians are doing everything they can to take care of your corona virus patients, who are overwhelming the hospital facilities. You are seeing the dilemma in acquiring masks, gowns, ventilators, and beds for all the patients, in addition to having enough skilled medical people to take care of these patients. You need to pray for all of your medical people who are risking their lives to take care of virus patients. You also need to thank these people, and all the other people who are providing the needed medical supplies and medicines. Your people in the homes are also being tested by limiting your contact, and in some cases people are out of work, and they need money for food, gas for cars, and their utilities. You all are learning to live a new life, and you are more dependent on Me for help with your everyday needs. Keep praying for My healing miracles, and be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you.”

Sunday, April 5, 2020: (Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, your readings start out with honoring Me with palms. Later, the people turned on Me when they thought I blasphemed, when I declared that I was the Son of God. When you read the long Gospel, you started with My first Mass in the upper room. Judas was My betrayer for thirty pieces of silver, and he betrayed Me with a kiss. Still later, the devil led Judas to hang himself. You read how the high priest tore His garments when I declared that I was the Son of God. This led to My scourging and a judgment by Pilate that I would be crucified. I carried My cross down the Via Dolorosa and up to Calvary where I was crucified. You remember well all of My Stations of the Cross. I suffered and died on the cross to offer everyone salvation for their souls, if they would repent of their sins and seek My forgiveness. On the third day I arose from the tomb as I brought My victory over sin and death. Even now My faithful are suffering their Good Friday amidst this corona virus. Your life will be changed, as you prepare to come to My refuge when your lives will be in danger with the fall virus. Trust in My protection and pray to Me for any needed healing from this virus.”

Monday, April 6, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in this time of staying more at home, you are realizing how your life centers around Me in the daily Mass. Every day I am with you, especially in this Holy Week, when you will not be normally celebrating the Triduum in church. You were fortunate to have some blessed palms from Palm Sunday. Pray some extra prayers this week for your family and for those suffering from this virus, as well as for their medical caretakers. You are also realizing how precious life is, as you are all keeping your distance to avoid spreading this disease. Keep close to Me through the reading of My Passion and death. Let those people, who are suffering from this virus, unite their pain with Me on My cross. I love all of you so much, and I died for all of your souls as a testimony for My love for you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember when pictures of fires came out of China as seen from space satellites. This was a sign to you that the Chinese were burning more than the 3,000 bodies which they reported. There also was a rumor that 42,000 urns were needed for the Chinese funerals. Even now your funeral people are finding it difficult to deal with so many dead bodies from the virus. I have told you that in the fall more people will be dying from this virus, as it will rise up again. This vision of a fire burning bodies, is more about how you will need to deal with so many dead bodies. You will need mass crematoriums to take care of the bodies and the disease around them. When many people are dying in the fall, it is most likely that I will need to call My faithful to My refuges, so you can be healed and protected from any deadly virus. Keep in mind that it is the deep state led by Satan, who want to reduce the world’s population by as much as they can. Have no fear because I will be fighting the evil ones so they cannot kill all of My faithful.”

Tuesday, April 7, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, there is a lot of symbolism in this vision. The changed leaves of fall are another confirmation that you will most likely be called to your refuge because of the worse virus that will come in the fall. You are looking at a wire fence meaning that you will not leave the perimeter of your refuge land. The stadium you are seeing represents the stadium of people that will come to your refuge. Do not be concerned about how you will feed and house this many people, because My angels will build a large building to house your people. The angels will also multiply your food, water, and fuels. With Me all things are possible. In the Gospel you see Judas leaving the Upper Room so he can betray Me by leading the Pharisees and soldiers to capture Me in the Garden of Gethsemene. This betrayal also represents how you have been betrayed by the Chinese scientists who brought this evil corona virus on the whole world. Just as Satan entered Judas, so Satan is behind the origin of this plague that you are experiencing. Be prepared to receive people at your refuge before many people will be dying.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in mourning that for the first time in many years, you will not be able to attend the Triduum services in your churches. The evil corona virus has turned you into prisoners in your own homes, so you do not spread this pandemic disease. You may have to celebrate My services in an underground church. Your religious leaders have their hands tied out of fear of going to prison, or having their churches closed permanently. My people tortured Me, as your people will persecute you for believing in Me. I call My people to have faith in My healing power because I am greater than anything the devil can bring against you. At the appropriate time I will call My faithful to My refuges to protect them from being killed by a more deadly virus that will come in the fall. Trust in My Word and My protection that My angels will shield you from this virus, and all harm that the devil will bring down upon you. You are not long from the time of My victory over these evil ones, even as I conquered sin and death with My death and Resurrection.”

Wednesday, April 8, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are again reading how Judas betrayed Me to the Jewish leaders for thirty pieces of silver. You are about to start the Triduum of this Holy Week in preparation of reading My Passion and death on the cross. I not only brought My victory over sin and death, but I will be victorious over this evil virus. Have courage and patience as you give your suffering over to Me on My cross. This Lent has been like no other, and you have had time in your homes to draw closer to Me and trust in My miracles. Be thankful if you did not get infected with this virus, and pray that those people, who did test positive, will be able to survive. Pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for all those people who will die today.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be reading how I was nailed to the cross on Good Friday. In the vision you are seeing My feet being nailed to the foot of the cross. When you are praying deliverance prayers over someone, you are ordering any evil spirits in My Name to be sent to the foot of My cross and never to return. When you are honoring My crucifixion on Good Friday, you come up and kiss My feet on the crucifix. This is your humble reverence to Me for dying for you on the cross. This gift of My human life as a God-man, is My supreme sacrifice for all the sins of mankind. My sacrifice takes away your original sin, that came from Adam, as you are baptized. Give praise and thanks to Me for My death on the cross.”

Thursday, April 9, 2020: (Holy Thursday Mass at the Vatican)
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading of the Gospel I washed the feet of My apostles as a sign that I am a servant for all peoples. This was My example for all of My priest sons that they should serve the people with Mass, Confession, and My sacraments. You are preparing to celebrate Good Friday tomorrow. In tonight’s service I am giving you the first Mass when I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. Do this in remembrance of Me. Even though you are not in church, My priest sons are still offering their Mass privately. I am Present to My people in My tabernacle, as I told you I would be Present to you until the end of time. Keep praying to Me every day, and trust in Me to protect you from this virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones, who are behind this current virus, want it to be even more deadly in the fall. In the fall when the flu season starts up, these evil ones will be using vaccines and elements in the chemtrails to make your immune systems more compromised. This will cause more people to die from this next attack of the corona virus. Refuse to get tested, and refuse to take any vaccine. When people start dying around you in large numbers, I will call you to the protection of My refuges. My angels and I will heal you of any virus, and prevent you from being infected. Have trust in My protection and My healing miracles.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard several mentions of a coming cashless society. Now, with your society trying to stay at home, you can see how there will be challenges as the deep state will try to introduce more controls over your people. Your financial system will be tested with a great recession. This will be a perfect opportunity to get rid of your coins and cash dollars so you will have a cashless society. Many other parts of your financial system will come under stress. Have no fear of your finances, because you will not need money or homes when you will come to My refuges. Pray for My refuge builders who will be helping people when My faithful will come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of this corona virus fear, many people are not working at their regular jobs. Your government is trying to send out checks to those people who are out of work. People need some money to buy food, gas for their cars, and money for their utilities. Rent and mortgage payments may be postponed. Your stores are able to keep some food stocked on their shelves. You can see a problem for people who are not getting enough money for their needs. This could cause some civil unrest that could precipitate a martial law. Pray that people will soon be able to return to their jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is enough food to feed your people, but it is hard to control prices, demand, and supply without a working free market. What you are seeing is a problem for your economy to be shutdown for a prolonged time. You will reach a point where the loss of your economic system is worse than this disease. Pray for your President to properly choose a time to open your economy before your country could collapse. Call on your people to use available medicines that appear to be healing some of your severe cases. Pray that I will provide for the needs of your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, be prepared for an even worse economy when you will see a return of a more deadly epidemic virus in the fall. The deep state people want to reduce the population, so they will have less people to control. This is why the deep state will encourage vaccines and testing that will infect more people than before. They will do things to weaken people’s immune systems so more people will die. When you see people dying in large numbers around you, I will call you to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, when a worse pandemic virus comes in the fall, you will see a need for martial law to keep order. You may also see an attempt to force mandatory vaccines on people that could contain microchips. Refuse to take any flu vaccine, and refuse to take any chips in the body. Riots and a possible civil war could result. This is when I will call My faithful to My refuges when your lives are in danger. My angels will protect you from any viruses or from mobs trying to kill you. Be grateful that I am providing My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are suffering greatly when you cannot attend My Holy Week services. You can watch Mass on some TV programs, and you need to call on a spiritual Communion to be close to Me. It is hard for you to know when you could return to Mass in church because you will be suffering a worse epidemic in the fall. When you come to My refuges, you will have Mass with a priest. Even if you do not have a priest, I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion. Trust in My help with your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your lives have been turned upside down when you have had to distance yourselves from people to avoid spreading this virus. You will need to have patience and trust in My protection because your lives will be tested more as time goes on. You will see more government control on your people as the deep state will takeover, and bring the Antichrist into power. You will be at My refuges during the Great Tribulation, and I will house and feed My people during that time. At the end of the Antichrist’s reign, I will bring My victory over all the evil people who will be cast into hell. I will then bring My faithful into My Era of Peace where there will be joy and no more evil influence.”

Friday, April 10, 2020: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are reminded of My suffering and death on the cross. This sacrifice of Mine is proof to you how much I love everyone, and I died to bring salvation to all of mankind. Because of one man, Adam, you all inherited original sin. Now, because of Me and My sacrifice, you are all freed of original sin in your Baptism. I have given you My sacrament of Penance so you can confess your sins to the priest. Give thanks to Me as I forgive your sins in Confession. Having Me with you as the center of your life, is all that you need to follow Me to heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me for offering up My life to save your souls, if you accept Me and seek My forgiveness.”

Mary said: “My dear son, this is a very somber day when you are reading the Passion and death of my Son, Jesus. This was one of my greatest sorrows to see my Son die on the cross. I know this was God’s plan of our salvation, but it still is difficult to lose a son. I want to thank you and all of my prayer warriors who are faithful to their daily rosaries. You have been praying for my intentions, which are for those suffering from this virus, and for the souls of your family. Continue to pray for these intentions. You have seen your doctors have success with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin antibiotic, as they have healed many patients. Some deep state people do not want to see cures because they want to use this epidemic as a means for a world takeover. If people see so many cures, they would have less fear of this virus, and you could return to your normal activities before your economy fails. Have trust in my Son’s healing and your doctor’s use of this malaria drug. Pray for your people to have less fear and obtain more supplies of these medicines to heal your people. Give this to your serious patients and they could be healed.”

Saturday, April 11, 2020: (Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, at the moment of My Resurrection all of heaven rejoiced, and some souls in purgatory, who were ready, were able to enter the opened gates of heaven. This is a great time for rejoicing as you read the accounts of My Resurrection. For three days I was in the tomb, but death had no hold on Me, and I rose from the tomb as I had prophesied to My apostles. The glory of My empty tomb was soon shared by My believing apostles. When I resurrected, the heat of that moment singed the Holy Shroud that is kept in Turin, Italy. This Shroud is a living testimony to My Resurrection. Now, you will share in My glorious celebration of Easter. You are held inside, but you can still be joyful on My feast day of Easter, as I overcame sin and death in My defeat of Satan.”

Sunday, April 12, 2020: (Easter Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, today, you start the Easter readings with My meeting with Mary Magdalene as she left the empty tomb. The angel told her: ‘Why are you looking for the living One among the dead?’ The Good News was received by My apostles, as St. Peter and St. John raced to see the empty tomb. The Jews made up a story that My followers carried My Body away, but My evangelists confirmed that I truly rose from the dead. Later, My apostles saw Me in the flesh with My wounds, but I ate some fish in front of them to prove that I was not a ghost. Rejoice My people, because I am witnessing how I love all of you so much, that I am willing to die to save your souls. I have given you My sacrament of Baptism to take away the original sin that you inherited from Adam. You will begin an Easter Season to enjoy My triumph over sin and death.”

Monday, April 13, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have celebrated this Holy Week and now you will be celebrating My Resurrection for fifty days up to Pentecost. Even now you are praying your Divine Mercy Novena as you approach Mercy Sunday. In today’s readings you read of St. Peter’s explanation of My Resurrection to the people of Jerusalem. In the Gospel you read of how the high priests bribed the soldiers to say that My disciples carried My Body off. Truly I resurrected as I gave witness later to My apostles. You have time in your homes to dwell on the glory of My Resurrection, and pray for those people who are suffering from this virus epidemic. Have patience and you will soon have a lull in your trial, before a worse virus will return in the fall. Pray for all of your relatives and friends that they will survive this virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, what you are experiencing right now is communist China’s new biological weapon to bring down America and other nations. The deep state has given China the means to make such biological weaponized viruses. The deep state is led by the devil, and this is the evil ones’ attempt to bring down your President and your economy. The same deep state people are using the media to put down the use of hydroxychloroquine because it actually cures people. Your President will need to find a way to heal people quickly so you can get back to work. The evil ones are using fear to paralyze your minds. Once this first wave of virus subsides, you may have a short time to stock up on food and supplements to build up your immune systems. Use your elderberry extract, Hawthorn, vitamin C, holy water, and blessed salt to protect yourselves from the worse virus in the fall. The virus attack in the fall may cause your government to postpone your elections. Pray for your people to be able to avoid this sickness, and heal those who are infected. You may have to come to My refuges when your deaths are many, and definitely come when your lives are in danger.”

Tuesday, April 14, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, during this Easter Octave you are rejoicing in My victory over sin and death. I continue to share My love for all of you every day at Mass, even if you cannot come to church. You all are still suffering your stay at home vigil to try and minimize the spread of this evil virus from China. You are starting to see the deaths and virus cases coming to a plateau. Hopefully, you will soon be able to come back to a limited activity, but this will only be a lull before you see a worse virus in the fall. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives will be in danger in the fall. Give praise and thanks to Me for having some people who have set up My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is at war with China and the deep state, whether you want to believe it or not. Look at the numbers being reported, even though they may not be accurate. America has about 614,000 virus cases and over 26,000 deaths compared to China’s 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths. China is either falsely reporting their numbers, or they must be using medicines to cure their people. In America you have seen the virus spread very rapidly, as if there was a means for the deep state to spread this virus all over. Some people have now found the corona virus in the chemtrails which could have been on purpose by those who want to bring down your country. This spraying has been stopped. There will soon be a lull in the summer, but this virus will come back even worse in the fall. Then I most likely will need to call My faithful to My refuges, where I can heal My believers and provide for their needs. Get prepared in the summer with food and your immune supplements and holy water. Satan will bring a worse attack on My faithful, so call on My protection, as you will soon see My Warning and the start of the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist. Trust in My protection and you will have nothing to fear. I will not allow the evil ones to kill all of My faithful.”

Wednesday, April 15, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I especially liked your priest’s emphasis on My Resurrection with much more fervor than the secular Easter bunny and eggs. This moment of My Resurrection is My most powerful miracle because death and sin were defeated in My victory. Trust in My power over the evil ones, and even over this virus among you. Do not let this fear of the virus take your mind off of Me in this Holy Easter Season. Once you truly believe in My Resurrection, you will be the strong ones to go out and proclaim My Good News of My Resurrection to all of those people who will listen to you. Remember how I told you that only those people, who truly believe in Me, will enter into My refuges. This is no time for doubters or the lukewarm, but I call My prayer warriors to be strong and proclaim My Resurrection throughout your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this virus epidemic is a biological weapon that was started in China as a means of controlling people all over the world. I have warned My people to build up your immune system with elderberry extract, Hawthorn, vitamin C, and holy water. The deep state people have been trying to put down the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin because they have a plan to bring out a vaccine which could be made mandatory. I am warning My people as I have in the past, not to take any flu shot or vaccine because this could harm your immune system, and make you vulnerable to the corona virus, especially when it returns in the fall. These vaccines are not very effective besides, because the virus is constantly mutating. If your authorities make any flu shot or vaccine mandatory, then this will be like mandatory chips in the body, and you will need to come to My refuges to avoid being killed for not taking them. You are on the verge of being called to My refuges, so have your backpacks or roller boards ready to leave within twenty minutes when I call you. Trust in My Word and My angel protection, when you will be led to the nearest refuge at the proper time.”

Thursday, April 16, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, for many years people did not believe they would see the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. I have told you in previous messages how you would see the tribulation and the Era of Peace in your lifetime. Now, you all are seeing this pre-tribulation of the trial of this corona virus both in this spring and later in the fall. This test will lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist and the beginning of the Great Tribulation. This is actually a blessing that you are living in this time, because after the tribulation, you will see My victory over the Antichrist and all the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell. You will then rejoice as I will bring you into My Era of Peace where you will live a long time, until you die and come to heaven. So be patient through these hard years, when you will later have your reward with Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a new restriction at your grocery store where they only allow so many into the store at a time. You also are seeing many slaughter houses closing because of virus infections among the workers. This will create a meat shortage. You also are still seeing missing items on the shelves with limits of one. You will need to stock up on some items during the summer because you could see more restrictions of travel to stay at your homes in the fall. Pray that you will be able to get food during the fall corona virus attack.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President realizes that if you wait too long in your homes, you will not have a viable business to open up. People need their jobs and customers need services and products for their survival. Your President wants to open states that do not have many virus cases. Some people want to wait for a vaccine to be made, but it will take a long time. Do not take any flu shots nor any vaccines because they will ruin your immune system, and make you vulnerable to the virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, even amidst this terrible corona virus epidemic, your Democrat leaders are reluctant to open up businesses again because they want your President to look bad for the elections. They want the unemployment to go up, and the stock market to go down so they can win the election. The deep state also wants to take advantage of any chaos so they can eliminate your President’s power. Pray that your country can recover, or you will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing heavy handed restrictions on your right to worship Me, even if you keep your distance in your cars. Your authorities are blocking church parking lots with even putting nails at the entrances. This is just the beginning of more persecution of Christians as the authorities are trying to eliminate your coming to church. You can watch services on certain TV channels, but it is hard to see heavy restrictions on coming to your churches. The authorities will continue to threaten people who want to come to My churches, even where there are only a few virus cases. Pray that these restrictions can be lifted, even if you keep your social distance.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that your priests are even reluctant to give out Holy Communion to your faithful in private. There are some brave priests who are carefully and secretly giving Communion to a few faithful. Your churches will have a difficult time to have their parishioners send in their weekly or monthly donations, especially people who are out of work. With such a drop in donations, some of your churches may go bankrupt, and will not be able to open again. Pray that your churches can collect enough donations to stay viable.”

Jesus said: “My people, since you have more time at home, you have time to pray for your medical people and store clerks who need to stay well without getting infected by this virus. Pray also for those people who are sick so they could recover from this virus. Pray that your medical people can find medicines to help heal those who are sick. Pray also for when you will have to endure a more deadly virus in the fall. If your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you are attending Masses on TV, as EWTN, so you can listen to the Easter readings that are so rich in celebrating My Resurrection. It is good to see how important it is to have a deep faith in your belief of My Good News of My Resurrection. Use this strong faith to get you through the suffering of your present quarantine in your homes. Unite your suffering with My suffering on My cross. Have faith that I will protect you from this virus, and I will heal My faithful at My refuges in the fall. Have no fear of this virus, and trust in My healing power.”

Friday, April 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I know you are living a life as if you were prisoners in your homes. Do not let yourselves feel downcast in despair, but My people should be happy resurrected people as you glorify Me in My Resurrection. Because I defeated death and sin, the gates of heaven have been opened. One day you will be with Me in your own glorified body on the day of judgment. Rejoice, My people. Because you believe in Me and obey My Commandments, you will receive My promise of being with Me forever in heaven. You will go through a trial on this earth, but you have hope in Me that you will be with Me in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven. When you see your future with Me, this should raise your spirits to rejoice in My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your news you saw today’s death numbers in New York State increase by over 4,000 which is way beyond the 600-700 deaths per day that were previously reported. Even China increased the number of deaths in Wuhan by 1200 or by 50%. Either there is an under or over reporting of numbers. Yet the New York City hospitals are not seeing such an increase. All of the previous projections for the number of deaths were highly inaccurate. Your hospitals have been stressed, but they are not overwhelmed. You are seeing decreases in some reports, even as some states are reopening in stages. It is after the lull in the summer that your corona virus deaths will be much higher with a deadlier mutation. Your hospitals and medical people need to be prepared for an even wider outbreak, similar to what happened with the Spanish Flu in 1918. If many people are dying around you, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Pray for My healing from this virus at My refuges.”

Saturday, April 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult for man to understand My power over death, that I could raise My God-man Body from the tomb. My Resurrection is a moment in time when I conquered sin and death, and I opened the gates of heaven for those who are worthy. Because no one had ever raised themselves from the dead, this is why My apostles did not want to believe that Mary Magdalene saw Me at the tomb. The apostles also refused to believe the two disciples who met Me on the road to Emmaus, and they recognized Me in the breaking of the bread. It was only when I appeared to My apostles in the Upper Room that they finally believed in My Resurrection. I ate some baked fish to prove to them that I was not a ghost. So I want all of My faithful to believe in My Resurrection because you will need a strong faith to endure this present virus and the more deadlier virus that will come in the fall. Be prepared to come to My refuge when I will call upon you. You are about to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, and now you need Confession and your finishing novena to gain the plenary indulgence. I will bless you with My graces and My mercy as in this vision of My picture of the Divine Mercy.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have told you how I send My prophets to warn My people of any impending danger to your lives. You, My son, are one of My many prophets, and I have sent you to have people set up My refuges for the coming tribulation of destruction and death of many people. The devil has a short time, and he is leading the evil ones to reduce the population. I told you in previous messages that the quickest way to reduce the population is through deadly viruses. The deep state people are getting their underground cities ready, even as My refuge builders are getting their refuges ready. After the first wave of this corona virus, you will see a much deadlier corona virus in the fall that will kill many people. You will see a martial law and the authorities will try and force mandatory vaccines and chips on you to control the people. Refuse to take any vaccine or any chip in the body that will make you vulnerable to this virus. The chip will control your minds, so do not take it. As you see more disasters and this mandatory vaccine come, I will lead My faithful with your guardian angels to the nearest refuge of protection. Only My believers will be allowed to enter My refuges by the refuge angel. Your refuge angels will protect you from this virus, the natural disasters, and all the threats of the Antichrist and his minions. My angels will defend you and provide for your survival. You will soon see My victory over all of the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth, and bring you into My Era of Peace. Have no fear because I will protect My faithful from the evil ones, and all of their evil plans.”

Sunday, April 19, 2020: (Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, today is Mercy Sunday and I am taking mercy on My faithful by speeding up your time so you will have less to suffer during this pre-tribulation and the tribulation itself. In the Scriptures it mentions a 3½ year time of tribulation and that I will shorten the time for the sake of My elect. This physical speeding up of time is part of My mercy. You will be seeing difficulty in getting people back to their jobs, because many small businesses could fail due to no income. So there will be many unemployed people and your economy will suffer a deep drop. Just as some of you will be getting back to a partial normal, then you will face a deadlier virus in the fall. Many people will die, and you will see an even worse economy that could cause a martial law. When many people are dying, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. Have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will protect you and heal you. Be prepared also for the coming Warning that will happen in a time of chaos.”
Note: We had a meeting at a local hospital with all of us staying in our cars, and we prayed the rosary and tried to launch a rosary made of balloons, but it failed to get off the ground. Heaven was pleased with our attempt to celebrate Divine Mercy with our rosaries.

Monday, April 20, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Lenin puts a focus on communism and the desire of the communists to take over the whole world. This pandemic virus you are experiencing is a plan to ruin your economy and allow the Chinese communists to overtake your country financially, and eventually militarily. Not only is China building up its military, but they are using viruses as military weapons to control people. This virus was purposely spread to kill as many people as possible in the West. In the fall they will deliver another crushing blow of a more deadlier virus against the world. The evil ones are close to accomplishing their agenda of total control. Fear not, My faithful, because I will protect My people in My refuges. It is I who will deliver the death blow to all of the evil ones who will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. Faustina promoted My Divine Mercy Novena along with the picture of My rays coming from My chest. If you pray this novena and come to Confession, you can receive a plenary indulgence that takes away any punishment or reparation for your sins. This is a great blessing of My mercy that it would lessen your time in purgatory. My Divine Mercy picture can also be a blessing when you pray in front of it. My Divine Mercy is so important that the Church has designated the Sunday after Easter for this celebration. You also pray My Diving Mercy Chaplet at the 3:00 p.m. hour every day. I will give all of you a gift of My Divine Mercy when I will bring My Warning experience to everyone all at the same time. This will be a blessing for all sinners to see whether they are on a road to heaven or hell. It will be an opportunity for My faithful to help their family members come to Me, and be converted so they can have a cross on their forehead that will allow them into My refuges. Praying to help save your family’s souls is one of the reasons you are praying the long form of the St. Michael prayer. Keep praying this prayer, your rosaries, and your Divine Mercy Chaplet to help save souls for heaven.”

Tuesday, April 21, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read how Moses lifted up the bronze serpent on a pole to heal those people who had been bitten by the seraph serpents. This is an image of how I was lifted up on the cross to bring healing and salvation to all those people who accept Me into their hearts. I am truly knocking on the door of your hearts, but you must open the door to Me from the inside. Welcome Me and give praise and thanks to Me for dying on the cross to save your souls. By following My Commandments and seeking the forgiveness of your sins in Confession, I will raise you up to heaven at your judgment. Go forth and spread My Good News of My Resurrection to all the people. Show your faith in Me by sharing your faith with others in prayer and your good works. I love all of you so much, as I died to save your souls. Now, I am asking you to love Me in return, as you share in My glory. Do not be afraid of the evil ones, because they will be cast into hell. My power is greater than any virus, so trust in My healing power, and the protection of My angels at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is unfortunate that this corona virus disaster has stopped you from attending Mass, but it is also preventing you from going out to give your talks. You already had to cancel your talks to Louisville, Kentucky; Denver, Colorado, and Alberta, Canada. Now, if this lock down continues, you may have to cancel your talk in Louisiana in May as well. As you are hearing more details of this corona virus scare, it appears the authorities are adding more deaths from the corona virus than is reasonable. Your medical people are claiming deaths from other reasons than the corona virus because they gain more money for corona virus cases. Some medical leaders are trying to talk your President into locking down your country too long in waiting for an evil vaccine that would track people. Refuse to take any corona virus vaccine or flu shots that will ruin your immune system. The deep state wants to take over your country, and the longer you are out of work, the worse your economy will be. Your restrictions are overdone because this is a plot to take down your country. Even when the fall virus returns, I will most likely call My faithful to My refuges when your lives will be in danger. Trust in Me to protect you from this virus at My refuges.”

Wednesday, April 22, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, today in the Gospel of a special Mass for the Jesuits, you read the words of My first miracle in Cana when I changed the water into wine. You are seeing a small moat of holy water around My tabernacle. This water was consecrated by a priest to make it holy with blessed salt. This represents a protection I desire for all of My Eucharistic Hosts in My tabernacles. Protect My tabernacles from people who would try and use My consecrated Hosts in a black mass. My angels are always present to protect My tabernacles. When the tribulation comes to attack My churches, My angels will remove My Hosts to prevent any desecration. It is these Hosts that will be given as daily Holy Communion to refuge people who do not have a priest for Mass. Rejoice My people, because I will protect My refuges, and I will be with you in perpetual Adoration throughout the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, your latest innovation in cell towers is called 5G, and it sends out much stronger radiation than your previous 4G cell towers. This stronger radiation will have a much more harmful effect on your bodies that will weaken your immune systems. In light of your recent corona virus epidemic, this 5G radiation would make you more susceptible to contract this virus with people’s weakened immune systems. It would be better not to own a 5G cell phone, especially when you hold it to your ear. It is very likely that you will see a corona virus in the fall that will be a hundred times more deadly. The plan of the deep state, that Satan has given them, is to spread such a virus all over the world in order to reduce the population. You can imagine if you have another lock down for several months, that your economy would fail. By giving out vaccines, the deep state could lower people’s immune systems even further. So refuse to take any vaccines. If a lot of people start dying from the virus, you will be called by Me to My refuges to be healed and protected by My angels. The evil ones will hide in their tunnels while a martial law will occur to control the chaos. The evil ones will have a cure for their evil virus, and after a while, they will move to take over the world, and give control over to the Antichrist. I will bring an end to the tribulation with My destruction and victory over the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace which will be your reward for remaining faithful to Me. Have no fear because I will provide for all of your needs.”

Thursday, April 23, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been in lock down for almost two months, and for the most part you are over the peak of your virus cases. Now, some of your states are trying to cautiously open up their jobs so your economy can start coming back. Even your right to worship Me could be brought back in small numbers. Where there are fewer virus cases, your restrictions are denying your people’s freedoms. This is why I showed you your Statue of Liberty because your restrictions are overdone, even as many deaths are being added to virus deaths that are from different causes. If your people are careful, you could start returning to some jobs, or else your economy will continue to get worse. You have to eat and have your needs filled, or you will die of a famine. Put your things in perspective and pray, because you will see that you cannot stay out of work much longer.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many rich and famous people who worship Satan, and they are carrying out Satan’s plans. Satan hates man and he is encouraging his subjects to do everything to reduce the population of the world. One of these means is by spreading deadly viruses to upset the economies of many nations. This novel corona virus was made in China, but they were given how to make it from labs in America. They are able to spread this virus using chemtrails, lab tests tainted with the active virus, and vaccines which are also infected with this virus. This is part of the explanation of why America has more cases and more deaths than any other nation. The next plan is to spread a much deadlier virus in the fall. At that point I will call My faithful to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many investigations of the origin of this corona virus. Many countries, including America, have been working on creating biological weapon viruses. You have seen China spend a lot of money also on their bioweapons. The one world people want total control over the world, and they will use these deadly viruses to purposely reduce the earth’s population. This evil is even worse than abortions and wars because millions of people could be killed by viruses. Have no fear because I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges. I will defeat these evil ones in My time.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see how this corona virus shut down is taking a drastic toll on your country’s businesses and workers. This is why your government is trying to have your states start up your economy. It would take many years to bring back your economy, but you will see a worse virus in the fall that will cause a martial law to control the chaos. This will be an opportunity for the deep state people to eliminate your government and bring in the new world order using chips in the body and the Antichrist to control the world. Have no fear because My faithful will be protected at My refuges. I will bring down My Comet of Chastisement on these evil ones at the end of the tribulation, and they will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, before long I will bring about My Warning to give every sinner an opportunity to be either with Me or with the devil. You will all have a life review and a mini-judgment to see where you stand, either on a road to heaven, or on a road to hell. You will be placed back in your body, and you will have six weeks to convert your lives. You will make this decision without any evil influence. After this six weeks there will be only two kinds of people–those who are with Me, and those who are against Me. The good people will pass into My Era of Peace, but the bad people will pass into hell. It will be your free will choice that will determine your destination.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked many souls to decide to set up a refuge. Some souls have accepted, and they have followed My directions in setting up both small and large refuges. Others have refused My request. At one point My refuge builders were given a goal of how many people they were to prepare for. Since there are many faithful compared to the number of refuges, I will need to have My angels expand ALL of My refuges to accommodate all of those faithful who will be seeking My refuges. My son, you are not the only refuge that will be greatly expanded. See this as My means to provide a place to live, and have enough food, water, and fuels to cook and keep warm in the winter. My angels will provide your extra buildings, and they will multiply your food, water, and fuels for all that everyone will need. My refuge angels will put shields over you to protect you from the evil ones, and even from My coming Comet of Chastisement. Trust in Me and have faith in My miracles of multiplication.”

Jesus said: “My people, it may be some time before you may be able to meet again in your churches. It is unfortunate, but many smaller churches may not be able to open again, and they will close permanently. You will have some large churches and some underground churches and prayer groups that will survive before the fall virus. You will be fortunate to find a priest and a place for Mass. In the fall you may have to come to My refuges for any Masses. Some refuges may not have a priest, but My angels will bring them daily Holy Communion. You will need to trust in Me with your strong faith, and I will have My angels protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see a battle of heaven against the evil ones, and I will be triumphant. Do not be concerned beyond what you can physically accomplish. I know what evil you are up against, but I will send legions of My angels to support you against the evil ones. You are not alone in this battle, so trust that I will send you all the help that you will need. Trust in Me always, and worship My Host in Adoration every day at your refuges, and you will have nothing to fear.”

Friday, April 24, 2020: (St. Fidelis)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the apostles were being chastised for preaching in My Name.(Acts 5:27-42) St. Peter told the Sanhedrin: ‘We must obey God rather than men.’ This infuriated these leaders so much that they wanted to kill the apostles of St. Peter and St. John. A Pharisee named Gamaliel, who was well respected, came forth and persuaded the Sanhedrin with his principle of truth. If the apostles were not led by God, then their followers would fall away. But if the apostles were led by God, then the Jewish leaders could be fighting against God. So this convinced the Sanhedrin to let the apostles go, and they kept teaching about My Resurrection as do My followers even up to today. I love My Holy Shroud in Turin, Italy that still exists today, and it is a witness of My Resurrection for those who believe in Me. I call on all of My followers to go forth and continue to witness to My Good News of My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of the corona virus epidemic, many people are out of work in their homes to avoid the virus spreading. This is happening in many countries, so there is less need for oil and gasoline. This in combination with a dispute between Russia and OPEC, has caused a dramatic drop in oil prices. America has been making more oil than other countries, but now prices are too low to justify extracting more oil. Your government is buying cheap oil from your producers and they are storing it in your country’s strategic oil reserve so the producers are not shut down completely. Many parts of your economy are suffering from your corona virus lock down. You are now seeing a dramatic shift to opening your businesses because you cannot print a lot of borrowed money to pay everyone to sit at home. Your businesses and your workers are losing a lot of money, and you could see several businesses fail for lack of income or government aid. There is also not enough Federal borrowing that could support all of your state governments. This is all the more reason that states need to reopen. You are at the point that you need to risk going back to work, than waiting to find a cure for this virus. By your government not funding your states, this will force these governors to reopen their businesses to get the needed revenue to run their state. Pray for all of your people to have enough food to eat, or you could see a martial law. When a worse virus comes in the fall, you will definitely need martial law to control the chaos. This is when I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.”

Saturday, April 25, 2020: (St. Mark, the evangelist)
St. Mark (my guardian angel) said: “My dear son, I am giving you a message today on the feast of St. Mark, the evangelist. This is also my dedicated name, and I am with you every day to protect you from any evil, and to encourage you in your spiritual life. You have not been able to go out to your talks, but you can share the Lord’s messages on the internet, and in your books. I assist you with the Holy Spirit in your quiet time to write your messages. All of us angels are preparing for the coming battle you will have with the evil ones, both during this pre-tribulation and the tribulation. You are one of the Lord’s warriors in leading the people to be prepared for the Warning and the calling of God’s people to the refuges. You have prepared your refuge well for what the Lord requested. It is not long before you will be receiving people when the Lord will give the Word to come. I am always at your side to lift you up in the strength of your faith. Be not afraid because the Lord is with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many meat producers shutting down because many employees were getting sick from the corona virus. Because of these closures of meat packers, there will be a meat shortage. You need to stock up NOW on any meat that you can find in the grocery stores. You have been warned of a deadlier virus in the fall that could restrict you to your homes, and you may not be able to get out to your grocery stores. The stores then may not have much food anyway. You have stocked up on your dehydrated eggs and meats, but NOW you need to stock up on the items you normally buy that you can store on a shelf or in a freezer. Your pasta and tomato sauce could be stored easily. Even soups, flour, yeast, peanut butter, and jelly would be needed for making bread and sandwiches. Canned tuna, canned meats, and baked beans would also be good. Think of what you would need if you could not get out to the store, and that is what you need to stock up on. This would be food you may need to have before the tribulation starts, and before I will call you to My refuges. You may need to start storing food NOW, because food will be harder to find as time approaches the fall when you may face martial law. Trust in Me to multiply your food if you are shut down, even before I call My faithful to My refuges. You may want to buy a few more steel shelves with the wood shelving to store your canned foods.”

Sunday, April 26, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have many beautiful readings about My Resurrection as you celebrate this restrained Easter Season. The one vision, I am showing you, is about how the two disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized Me at the breaking of the bread. This is why it is so important for My people to share Holy Communion on Sunday Mass. Your faith is built around My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. I have told you how I will be Present among you until the end of time. Now that you are restrained in your homes because of the corona virus, many of My faithful have to participate in the Mass on your TV stations. Only a few people are fortunate to have Holy Communion from the priest’s private Mass. Rejoice if you have My consecrated Host, otherwise you can receive Me in a spiritual Communion. This Sunday is still My day of rest and prayer, so continue to keep Sunday holy.”

Monday, April 27, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, truly this corona virus epidemic is a punishment for your abortions. You are even seeing abortion as an essential service still being performed, while many other jobs are shut down. When I told you that you are in a pre-tribulation, this means there will not be a return to the normal life you knew. There will be a lull during the summer, and then a deadlier virus will return in the fall. Your economy will not have time to fully recover. Instead, you will see more deaths, and a need for martial law in the chaos of another shut down. This is why I am telling you NOW to stock up on your every day food, because you may not be able to come to the grocery store. This will lead into the tribulation as the deep state will take over with the Antichrist. I will call you to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Trust in Me to multiply what you need, and I will have My angels protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have done well on getting a start on stocking up for the fall virus. You also need to get your wood cut up into pieces that will fit into your fireplace. You could even get a gasoline run saw for this project. You will need time in the good weather to stack up your wood. Remember that if your natural gas is cut off, you will need a wood source which I could multiply when it is needed. You could fill up some of your kerosene containers as well. While you have time, you could continue stocking up on your canned foods to fill your new shelves. Your people still do not realize the gravity of your corona virus returning in the fall. I have warned your people to stock up on food, fuels, and have a water supply on hand. My angels will protect you at My refuges from those people who are searching for food when it is too late. Only My faithful, who are believers, will be allowed into My refuges. Those people, who do not heed My words to prepare for a worse virus in the fall, may starve through the coming famine. The wise virgins will survive, but the foolish virgins, who do not stock up on food, may die of starvation. The doors of My refuges will be closed to doubters and the lukewarm who no longer believe in Me.”

Tuesday, April 28, 2020: (St. Louis de Montfort)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love My Blessed Mother, as our two hearts are joined together. You have today the feast day of St. Louis de Montfort, and he is noted for his 33 day preparation for the Consecration to My Blessed Mother before her various feast days. Many of My faithful have a special devotion to My Blessed Mother as you pray her three rosaries every day. I have given My Blessed Mother to all of you as your Mother when at the foot of the cross I told St. John: ‘This is your mother’. You can call on her help in your prayers, and she will bring your petitions to Me. Remember the calling ‘To Me through Mary’. In this time of stress with the corona virus, you can bring your prayers to My Blessed Mother. It is a joy that this flu season is almost over, as your states are carefully reopening. Be prepared for a coming worse virus in the fall. I will protect My people at My refuges, when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the fall the deep state people will be spreading a corona virus that will be one hundred times more deadly than this current virus. Their goal is to lower the population. The 5G cell towers will send out radiation that will weaken your immune system, making you more likely to get this new virus. These evil ones could spread this virus using chemtrails in the sky, and the vaccines could also weaken your immune system. Refuse to take a vaccine, refuse to take flu shots, and refuse to get tested. In the fall you will need to wear an N95 mask or even a N99 mask when you go outside, so you do not breathe any virus in the air from the chemtrails. As many people will be dying, I will call My faithful to My refuge where you will be healed by looking on the luminous cross in the sky, or drinking the healing spring water at the refuges. Have no fear of the evil ones because your refuge angel will not allow the evil ones to enter, or harm you. Trust in My protection, and you will soon see My Warning and enter My refuges.”

Wednesday, April 29, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, the sinking of this boat represents how My Church will suffer much, even as you will be seeing a division in My Church. You will see a schismatic church separate from My faithful remnant. You know how there are masons and communists infiltrated into My clergy. These evil elements will be split away from My faithful remnant in order to purify My Church. It is this remnant that will be entering into My refuges for protection, but the evil ones will not be allowed to enter. As you are focusing on the Eucharistic meanings of St. John’s Chapter 6 readings, you will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at every refuge. You will assign Adoration hours to your people so all twenty-four hours are covered by someone praying in front of My Real Presence. I will be with you until the end of time, as the gates of hell will not prevail over My true believers.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have two projects that need fixing before the fall virus comes back. You acquired a good gasoline chainsaw so you are ready to cut up the wood. You may need some assistance from one of your friends. You also made a good inquiry to determine what was causing your solar system to stop working when the power goes off. You may have to make more searches to see if you could get someone to come to your house to fix it. Pray some prayers first so someone will be willing to help you. You may need to mention the water problem you had in the wiring. Keep working on each project so you can be ready to receive My people. If necessary, I will have My angels help you finish any jobs that need fixing.”

Thursday, April 30, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you listened to the priest who read from a letter from Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India on My words from the cross: ‘I Thirst’. I truly thirst to be with every soul because I love you so much. I long for My people to come to Me in Holy Communion, Adoration, or in a spiritual Communion which is our intimate union. I am the center of your lives as you show your love for Me. In the Gospel of St. John you read the most powerful words I can give you. (John 6:54,55) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day.’”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all spending a lot of your time in your homes, and many are out of work. I have mentioned before to set up a little altar in your homes so you have a special prayer room. While you are at home, you could pray your rosaries in your prayer room, and watch Mass on your TV stations. Where two or more are praying together, there I am in their midst. Now you are praying in this chapel, and you are praying for an end to this virus epidemic and for your other intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are looking at a created crisis with this corona virus. As a result, many places have laid off their workers, and you have millions of people unemployed. Your government is giving out checks to those people who are unemployed because they have no paycheck. This can only go on for a short time, or your government will be printing more worthless money. Many of your businesses will be in hard times, and some may go bankrupt without enough income. Pray that people’s workplaces survive so people still have a job to come back to.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that your businesses have to open soon, or they will go bankrupt. It will be challenging to bring back customers with social distancing and masks. You are seeing less virus cases, and people are protesting to go back to work. Some people may be able to return to their old jobs, but some small businesses may not be able to reopen, and you will have unemployed workers. Pray that those people, who are out of work, can get by on unemployment benefits until they can find a new job.”

Jesus said: “My people, your unemployment benefits are funded by your employers and the government, but they are usually only for a limited time. It is when these benefits stop that your country could have a crisis with so many workers out of a job. This will be close to the fall when a worse virus will break out. It will be at that time that you may see a martial law to control the chaos that will result when people have no money and little food to buy at the stores. You could even see a civil war with people searching for food. Before martial law is declared, I will call My faithful to My refuges for their food, lodging, and protection from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people are desperate to have food, some come to their local food shelves. Some of these food shelves are stocked by donations and some government aid. It is getting hard for food shelves to find funds and enough food to satisfy a huge demand for the food. These places will soon run out of food, and then chaos will begin as the search for food will get out of hand, and the military will need to control any stealing or killing. My faithful will be at My refuges at that time and My angels will multiply your food and fuels. Have no fear because My angels will shield you from gangs with guns.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I will lead My faithful to My refuges when your lives are in danger. I also told you that you are in the pre-tribulation, and that your lives will not return to your normal lives from before this virus. This is why My faithful will need to adjust to their new lives at My refuges. You will be living within the borders of your refuge properties, and you will not return to your homes. Your refuge builders will assign jobs to each person, and they will be rotated. Some people will be involved in preparing the two general meals. Some will be providing the fuels for heating rooms and the means for cooking. Some will be setting up cots or bedding to sleep. Some will be doing laundry and sewing clothes. Some will be getting your water and food supplies. My angels will multiply your food, fuels, water, and other essentials. You will also assign hours for everyone to pray before My Blessed Sacrament. My angels or priests will provide daily Holy Communion. Live as a happy and calm religious community in prayer at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love you so much, but you will be seeing a separation of the good people from the evil ones, or those who refuse to accept Me. I am having My refuge builders set up refuges for the protection of My faithful during the tribulation. My refuges will be your new arks as Noah protected his people. So I am giving My faithful hope in My power since My angels will shield you from any harm or destruction. Give praise and glory to Me for taking care of you through this evil time. I will cast the evil ones into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. So have no fear when you see My power come over all of the evil people. Trust in Me always, and I will fulfill all of your needs.”

Friday, May 1, 2020: (St. Joseph, the worker)
Jesus said: “My people, it is coincidental that you are celebrating My foster father’s feast, as he was a working carpenter. But now many of your workers are out of work because of this corona virus. This diabolically planned virus is every bit man-made, and anyone, who tells you otherwise, is a liar and a part of the deep state. This virus is part of an evil plot to not only take over America, but the world as well. There are already good medicines to heal this virus, and you do not need expensive drugs or vaccines. I repeat: DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINE OR FLU SHOTS THAT WILL LOWER YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Do not take any chip in the body either. The evil ones are using this virus to implement their takeover, and the fall virus will be much worse. May 1st is also celebrated by the communists who applaud workers, but they are only used as pawns for the communist leaders. Communists use dictatorial powers and they are atheists and defy My authority. So do not allow the socialist atheists to take over, or your country will be lost. The evil ones will find a way to have your President leave, and then they will do away with your Constitutional rights. Pray for your protection from all the plans of the evil people. At the proper time I will call My faithful to My refuges so you will not be infected by this virus, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones, who will be working with the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to thank your wife for pushing you to find a solution to your solar system not working. Fortunately, you found a solar man to help you determine the problem, and your granddaughter’s husband helped rewire the batteries so at least 10 of 12 batteries are working. Your solar man also advised getting a thicker gauge wire along with replacing your one battery that was corroded. You are now joyful that you have a working system. You have made good progress on this project, and now you can turn your attention on working to cut up your big pieces of wood for your second project. You can thank Me for having things work out for your refuge needs. Continue your prayers to help finish your projects for your refuge.”

Saturday, May 2, 2020: (St. Athanasius)
Jesus said: “My son, I told you that when you come to My refuges, you will look upon the luminous cross in the sky, or you will drink your healing spring water, and you will be miraculously healed of any sickness of your body. I even gave you one message that you will have springs of healing water as in Lourdes, France. This will be a great grace and blessing that you will be restored to good health when you come to My refuges. Surely if the fall corona virus threatens your lives, then I will call My faithful to the safety and protection of My refuges. Give praise and thanks to Me that I will protect My faithful at My refuges, and I will provide for all of your needs.”

Sunday, May 3, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, today you see a beautiful sunny day after some days of rain. You continue to see some states in lock down, mostly the states with higher cases of the virus. Many other states are cautiously opening their businesses, and there is joy with your good weather. My Easter people are also joyful with the spring weather, and some flowers are coming out. You have been hidden away in your homes too long, even though you are trying to avoid spreading this corona virus. You will see this lull in the summer, but do not be fooled, because a worse virus will come in the fall. You are wise to stock up on some extra food because you may see heavier restrictions in the fall. If things get worse, then I will call you to My refuges for your protection. Give glory and praise to Me in this Easter Season because you will see My victory over all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that in the fall you will see a worse and deadlier virus than you are seeing now. This vision is showing you some people who are digging mass graves in the ground where they will be burying the many people who will die from the fall virus. You are storing up extra canned foods on your new shelves so they can be multiplied when you will need to come to My refuges for protection. Be grateful that My angels will put a shield of invisibility over you at My refuges so the evil ones cannot find you. Have no fear because My angels will protect you from any virus, or any harm that the evil ones will try and bring upon you. The angels will finish your refuges, and provide for your food, water, and fuels for your survival.”

Monday, May 4, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you can truly see the dilemma that your leaders are having. One side wants to take the risk of opening up your businesses, but with some social distancing and masks. The other side wants to keep handing out money from the government to the states and keep the shut down going. The problem is that the longer your businesses shut down, the more chance there will be of businesses failing, and there would not be a viable business to open. The other problem is that people need their paychecks for food and to pay their bills. The government cannot hand out enough money for all the states and workers to survive. At a certain point you will need to return to work, or you will starve with no food being harvested and packaged. The intent of this virus is not only to reduce the population, but to also bring down the American economy. The use of vaccines will not help, but they will ruin your immune system. Do not take any vaccine or flu shots. Pray for your country to open up, or you will not have an economy left, but a starving depression. Prepare also for the worse virus in the fall by stocking up on canned foods that are available. With a worse virus, I will have to call My people to My refuges where you will be healed, and My angels can multiply your food, water, and fuels. My angels will finish any jobs that were not completed. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing what you need to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some areas there are still hundreds of people dying every day from the corona virus, mostly people with compromised immune systems. The number of deaths per day are going down slowly. When the warmer weather comes, your people want to get out of their homes to work in their yards. It is an irony that you can go into a grocery store and buy food with distancing and masks, but you cannot go into other stores to buy anything. Some stores take computer on line orders, and you pick your items up at the store entrance. Your business restrictions are way overdone, and it appears some governors want to bring down your economy and your jobs unnecessarily. Many states are loosening their restrictions so people can buy things and workers can do their jobs with masks and distancing. Where your restrictions do not make common sense, your people are protesting to change them. Pray that your authorities realize that you need to open your economy before there is a total failure in your businesses. This recovery will be short lived when you will see a worse virus return in the fall.”

Tuesday, May 5, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, when you were looking in the basement for any evil things, your friend sensed something wrong with your battery setup. After you have done some research on what gauge wire you need for a 200 amp set of batteries, you noticed how your 4 gauge wires were only good up to 85 amps. You need 4/0 gauge wires to safely handle 200 amps for constant use as during the tribulation time. You need to change your wires because this is what caused your battery lead to corrode. This could be an unsafe wiring setup with only your 4 gauge wires. So check with your solar man and your granddaughter’s husband to get your wiring changed as soon as possible. You want to have a safe system when you will need it.”

(Requiem Mass for Fr. Ralph Fraats) Fr. Fraats said: “My dear friends, I thank you for having a Mass offered for me as your intention. I was always happy to be with John and Carol when you visited me at my house. I was glad to share my rugs and things with you. I had to give everything away because you cannot take things beyond the grave. I also enjoyed our boat rides together as well. It was nice of you to visit me a couple of times at the mother house. I was pleased with our friendship. I have a new home with my Lord, and I will be praying for both of you and your family. When you look at my gifts, you can remember me.”

Wednesday, May 6, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, your journey through life is like climbing a long stairway to heaven. If you live to be eighty years old, and each day is a step, think of how many steps you must endure to reach your destination in heaven. Each day has troubles of its own, and you come closer to Me in death as you struggle one day at a time. You only live in the present moment, and not in the past or the future. In the readings I bring you My Light and My Word in the Scriptures. This is why I call all of My faithful to carry My Good News and share it with all of the nations. Remember that helping to save souls with My help, is your greatest job and opportunity in this life. So go out and spread My Good News of My Resurrection with all the people you meet.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of rain coming down into the church from the ceiling, this is a sign that I will be cleansing My Church. It will be a Baptism of the Holy Spirit that will separate the people of the schismatic church from My faithful remnant. Most all of the churches will be taken over by the schismatic church. My faithful remnant will have to go underground in prayer groups, and eventually I will call My remnant to My refuges of protection. Fear not because your guardian angels will place a shield of invisibility over you when you come to My refuges. The evil ones will not see you, and they cannot enter My refuges. My refuges will shield you from any viruses, bombs, and even from My Comet of Chastisement. I will lead My remnant through the tribulation into My Era of Peace. The evil ones will all be cast into hell, so have no fear.”

Thursday, May 7, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am talking about Judas who raised his heel against Me when he betrayed Me to the Jewish leaders. You also have leaders in My Church who are betraying Me as well. In the vision of this man dressed in black, his leaving Me in My Blessed Sacrament, represents all the evil people who reject Me and ignore Me. These are the lukewarm people and the atheists who reject Me. They have chosen to follow the world and the devil, so they will all be cast into hell by their own free will. I did not want to lose one soul, but I cannot bring such an evil one into heaven who has betrayed Me. Pray for the poor souls, who have yet to be judged, because some of them can be saved with My Warning experience. Reach out to try and help save souls, or they could be lost forever in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that you would see a lull in the summer, and then a worse mutation of the corona virus would be spread all over the earth. This is why you are seeing a darkness of death spread all over the earth. It is the deep state that is using a retrovirus (RNA vs DNA) of the corona virus to reduce the population. A retrovirus refers to an HIV virus that is part of the novel corona virus. The deep state will be spreading this new mutated virus using the chemtrails. These same evil ones want to develop a vaccine for the virus, but this vaccine will lower your immune system and make you more likely to get sick and die. Refuse to take any vaccine or flu shot that could kill you. When many people are dying from this next virus in the fall, I will call My faithful to My refuges, where you will be healed and protected.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been doing some research, and you are seeing how evil our medical leaders are to make money on this pandemic virus. You have heard this plan before. These evil ones first create the problem by dispersing a deadly virus. They then create the solution with a shutdown to ruin your economy, and distribute vaccines that will actually kill the people. There are good physicians, but you have deep state leaders who are following the devil’s plan to reduce the population. Beware of these evil ones who are misleading your President. Come to My refuges when I will call you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some major conflicts between those people who want to open your businesses, and those people who want to continue dictating restrictions. If you carefully open your businesses, you can reduce the loss of jobs, and hopefully bring back your businesses to good financial health. Many states with less virus cases can open more easily. Pray that your people can get their jobs back while protecting yourselves from the virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been approving vast sums of money to try and help the unemployed workers and your small businesses. This could cause inflation, and the distribution of money will be hard to help all the problems in your states. Before you start more stimulus bills, you need to examine the true needs, and not just to satisfy your lawmakers wish list. Pray that your leaders will do the right things for your people to recover.”

Jesus said: “My people, because the corona virus is also striking your military, America is becoming more vulnerable to attack from your enemies. You will have to be on your guard for those enemies who want to attack you. Pray that My angels will defend you. Again, if you see a martial law for any reason, I will call My faithful to My refuges to protect you and feed you. I will help My refuge builders to finish up their preparations, so have no fear because My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, before it will be necessary to come to My refuges, I will bring My Warning experience to give every sinner a chance to repent and be converted from their sinful lives. The Warning will come during a chaotic time. When your lives are in danger, I will call you quickly to My refuges where My angels will heal you, and multiply all of your food, water, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are trying to get your economy up and running, but you could see a possible food shortage for a while, as well as another pandemic virus return in the fall. It would be wise to have some extra food stocked up before you will be brought to My refuges. You also need to come to Confession if possible. You will see this pre-tribulation, that you are in right now, lead into the tribulation of the Antichrist. Do not be afraid because My angels will protect you at My refuges. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones, as they will all be cast into hell. My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven as a reward for those who remain faithful to Me.”

Friday, May 8, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been restricted to only essential services, but loving Me and being with Me is more essential than even your groceries. As you see these false death numbers falling, your people are eager to return to Mass. Your authorities do not even allow you to come into the church parking lot inside your cars. Your people need to use your common sense to see that your current restrictions are taking away your Constitutional right to worship your Lord. You are seeing protests over being allowed to open up your churches and businesses. If you do not open up soon, there will be very few businesses that could continue beyond bankruptcy. Your governors have become your new dictators, and you need to take back your freedoms. They are making restrictions as if you lived in a communist country. If you add in all of the people who did not get very sick, the deaths are a fraction of one per cent. The compromised unhealthy people are mostly at risk, but not the whole population. Open up your country and save your economy before everything will fail, and you will starve to death without any food in your stores.”

Jesus said: “My son, you will be able to fix your solar system with your new battery and some higher gauge wires. When the power goes out for a long time, your batteries would only work for several days because you found that grid tied systems do not charge the batteries when the grid power is off. It is your power company that powers your batteries now. You still can use your smaller off grid system to run your water pump and your sump pumps. You can look into another possible inverter that may be able to charge your batteries from your solar panels. I will help you find a way to adapt your system to provide some power when the grid is turned off. Having enough power for your water pump and sump pumps will cover your main need for well water and keeping your basement dry. Pray for My help on this new project and your wood project. I told you My angels will finish any projects that need work, so do not be concerned for now.”

Saturday, May 9, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, if you want to keep a close love relationship with Me, then you need to lead holy lives in obeying My Commandments and coming to Confession at least once a month. By keeping your soul cleansed of sin, then you are better prepared to carry out the mission I have given to each of you. I love all of you, and I want you to keep on the right path to heaven, so you are not detoured by the temptations of the devil, or the distractions of this world. So do not be fearful of the evil ones, or of this corona virus, but trust in My protection. I will help all of My refuge builders to complete their projects so they are ready to receive My faithful at the proper time.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is definitely unusual to see snow showers in the middle of May as you are setting all kinds of records for cold at this time of year. As you look at this polar vortex over the Northeast, you can contrast this with unusual heat in California. Such drastic changes in temperature can be created by the HAARP machine in changing the jet stream currents that bring your weather. This machine can be controlled by the deep state people. These people are the same evil people who gave China the money and know how to produce this current corona virus pandemic. Then the Chinese purposely sent infected people to all corners of the earth to spread this virus. It is the plan of the devil and the elite to try and reduce the earth’s population using the spread of this evil virus, even spreading it in your chemtrails. An even deadlier corona virus will be spread in the fall with the intention to bring about a martial law that would give the deep state an opportunity to kill more people and give the evil ones more dictatorial power over your people. There is also a plan to use mandatory vaccines to weaken people’s immune systems and even kill people with the new virus. So do not take any vaccines for any reason. I will bring My faithful to My refuges when your lives are threatened. You could also see My Warning and a call to come to My refuges in the fall so My faithful are not killed. The martial law will give your leaders an opportunity for total control over your people so they can give you over to the Antichrist to start the Great Tribulation. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I call My faithful.”

Sunday, May 10, 2020:
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, all of you are celebrating Mother’s Day for your wives and mothers. It is a special day for me also as the Mother of Jesus, my Son. Even this whole month has been dedicated to me because I am your spiritual Mother from the words of my Son on the cross. My son, you are worried and concerned about your solar system that needs more work than you thought. I am coming to calm you down because there is still time to fix it. Even if it does not get fixed before people come to your refuge, the angels will fix it for you. My Son said He will help you, so trust in His ways and His protection. This coming evil in the fall will be the devil’s brief time to reduce the population, but my Son and His angels will protect all of His faithful remnant at your refuge and other refuges. He even said how the angels will expand all the refuges to accommodate all of the faithful who will need protection. So continue your daily rosaries with confidence that my Son will provide for all of your physical and spiritual needs.”

Monday, May 11, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize how important your missions are to help bring souls to Me through your words and example. You are warning people to be prepared like the wise virgins for the Warning experience and a worse virus in the fall. You need to have some extra food when you may not be able to go to the store. My refuge builders also need to have food, water, and fuels that I can multiply during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Have your souls cleansed with monthly Confession so you can receive Me worthily in Holy Communion every day from a priest or from My angels. You are so close to seeing My Warning and coming to My refuges of protection before many people will be dying from the return of a deadlier virus in the fall. You will leave your homes quickly when I call you to My refuges, and you will not return to your homes. You will be living confined to My refuge properties for the duration of the Antichrist’s tribulation. Fear not because My angels will protect you from any harm and any virus.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were visited by My Blessed Mother on Mother’s Day, and she gave you a message to be a little more patient in dealing with your problems and projects. I know you are frustrated at times to get your work done, but you need to plan your time better around the availability of the people you need to help you. You also should pray about your projects so things could go easier, because the evil one is trying to block your work when it comes to your refuge preparations. I have given you suggestions in how to generally fix your solar system to work independent of your power grid. As soon as you can get your system wired correctly, then you can proceed to having a means to power your batteries without using the grid. Even in the winter, you will still have problems getting enough power to run your main system because of the snow on your panels. Settle down and relax because My angels will fix your system with what is needed.”
Note: My present grid tied inverter system does not charge my batteries when the grid is not working. The batteries would only work for about a week without charging. I researched an AC coupling battery inverter system which could charge the batteries when the grid is off. This would still allow me to make money on the excess power the panels make, back to the electric company. I am planning to have someone install such a system as soon as I can.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, just as St. Paul went out to evangelize the people, so I call My faithful to evangelize the people as well. You also will be helping those people who experience My Warning, so you can lead them to Me in the faith. Right now My refuge builders are finishing up their projects so they will be ready to accept My faithful for all of you to be protected by My angels from any harm or any virus. Pray for My refuge builders, and possibly help them in their preparations. It is My faithful who will benefit from the work of My refuge builders throughout the tribulation. Work to convert your family members, especially after the Warning, or they will not be allowed into My refuges. Trust in My help and protection. I will lead you into My Era of Peace as your reward.”

Wednesday, May 13, 2020: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Our Blessed Mother of Fatima said: “My dear children, it is a joy for me to come to you again in memory of my apparitions to the three children of Fatima, Portugal. I encouraged them as well as my children of today to pray your daily rosaries, and especially to lift this restriction of the churches, so people can attend daily and Sunday Mass. I also encourage you to adore my Son’s Blessed Sacrament whenever you can. You remember the sign that was given in the sky. I told the people in 1917 that if they did not pray enough that a worse war would befall them. I also mentioned that without enough prayer, Russia would spread her errors all over the world in communism, as you see today. You saw World War II come as a punishment. Now, you have abortions all over, and you will see a further punishment in the virus that will return in the fall. My Son will call all of His faithful to His refuges when the fall corona virus will kill many people worse than before. Trust in His words and be prepared for the Warning and your calling to refuge protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all have been going through this pre-tribulation with a threat of this corona virus to cause more deaths than the normal flu. This virus is unnatural because countries North and South of the equator are having many cases. If this was a natural flu epidemic, there would not be so many cases in the warmer climates. Instead, an HIV strain has been attached to this corona virus which allows it to spread rapidly, and bind with your blood cells. That is why it is a laboratory creation. Because of all of your social distancing and wearing masks, the number of new cases is going down. I have told you how a worse virus will be unleashed in the fall, and this danger for your lives can call you to My refuges. I am showing you a fork and a spoon because after My victory over the evil ones, you will be invited to My Wedding Feast in heaven. So be patient and bear with your physical difficulties, because you will be with Me to celebrate My victory in heaven as you know the end of the story. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you to remain faithful to Me in your love for Me.”

Thursday, May 14, 2020: (St. Matthias)
Jesus said: “My people, on this feast day of St. Matthias, he was chosen to replace Judas who betrayed Me. Even now people are betraying Me still when you accept abortion and euthanasia as legal in your societies. Now you are seeing a punishment with this corona virus for all of your abortions. You will see even more betrayals in My Church when you will see the schismatic church that will deny Me in favor of the evil one. It will be My faithful remnant who will remain true to their belief in Me and My Commandments. My remnant will become an underground Church and they will have a proper Mass at My refuges with faithful priests. Rejoice that you are counted as My faithful remnant at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, a few days ago you experienced a power outage in your small area. Once you pressed your inverter button, your critical loads came on and you had some lights. You now had power to run your refrigerators and your freezer. Your power came on in two hours, but you are glad that you fixed your wires when one battery lead did not work from corrosion. You have received a replacement battery and you ordered some thicker gauge cables so there will be no more battery lead problems. You also are looking into installing a hybrid inverter to charge your batteries when the grid power is off. I told you I would fix any problems if you cannot get it fixed before the refuge time.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have told you how My angels will build more buildings for your refuge and other refuges so you all will have sufficient living quarters for the faithful who will be allowed into your refuge. I told you a stadium of people will come here, but I had to show you how My angels will perform this miracle. The angels will also multiply your water, food, and fuels for heating and cooking. Trust in My Word and I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have lost your jobs and are out of work. You have received some individual funds but not enough to pay for all of your bills. Be grateful that you will see a little return to normal, but this will only last until the fall. Then you will see a worse virus, and you will be returned to a more severe lock down. When this happens you could even see a martial law that may not even allow you to come to the stores. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges, and you will need to quickly leave your homes for My refuges. Have no fear because I will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will be debates about your absentee ballots, but there is a good chance that your elections could be cancelled when the corona virus returns in the fall. Again, you will have to come to My refuges when you will see a more deadly virus return in the fall. You will then be more concerned about your lives than your elections. When that time comes, you will be grateful that I had My refuge builders put up refuges to handle all of My faithful who will be seeking a safe haven during the virus attack and the following tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you before that My Warning would come in a time of chaos. Keep coming to monthly Confession when possible so you are spiritually prepared to face your Warning experience. I need to give all sinners one last chance for a conversion of their souls when they meet Me in their life review. Those people, who are lost in hell, will do so by their own free will decision. Keep close to Me and repent of your sins, and you will be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be happy to be protected in your refuge because the evil ones will be tortured and suffer much punishment from their evil leaders. You will be praying and fasting a lot in your refuge as the evil leaders will not be able to find you, since you have your angels shielding you. Your people will be praising Me every hour of every day as you worship My Real Presence in My Host at your Adoration hour. Pray to save as many souls as possible, because those people, who refuse to repent of their sins, will be lost forever in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be troubled by all the evil things that are going on now. I will bring My justice down upon all the people who are doing evil right now. I will protect My faithful, but the lukewarm and the evil ones will be cast into hell for their punishment. Walk on the right path to heaven, and you will receive your heavenly reward with Me forever. Trust in My Word and you will see the beauty of My Era of Peace and My beatific vision in heaven.”

Friday, May 15, 2020: (St. Isidore)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how the evil ones are preparing a more deadly virus that they will use in the fall. These evil ones intend to kill a lot of people by spreading the virus in thick chemtrails all over your country. This will allow the evil ones to gain control over the people, and kill many people at the same time. I will warn My people when they will begin spraying this deadlier virus. You will have to wear masks so you do not breathe in this evil virus. When you come to My refuges, you will look upon My luminous cross in the sky, or drink the healing spring water, which will heal you of any virus and any other problems with your body. You will stay at My refuges, and My angels will shield you from the evil ones right through the tribulation, until I will bring My Comet of Chastisement. This will be My victory over the evil ones as they will all be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Rejoice that you will soon be free of all the evil ones around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are just seeing the first wave of a more contagious virus that has HIV characteristics. You have shut down your economy, and it has put millions of people out of work that may not be able to return to their former jobs. You can see how trillions of debt dollars are being approved by Congress and the President to support your employers and money for your workers. The deep state could not defeat your President with a booming economy, so they have resorted to scare tactics with a truly deadly virus that will come in the fall. Such a virus will be a devastating blow to your economy, if people are again forced to stay in their homes out of fear of dying. When people have difficulty getting food, you will see riots and killing which will cause a martial law takeover. This will leave your government vulnerable as your governors will become dictators. When your Constitutional government fails, the deep state thugs will find a way to take over and remove your President. Before the new virus comes, I will call My faithful to My refuges. So have no fear. You will soon see the Antichrist take over in the wake of this next virus attack. You will need to remain in My refuges until I will bring My victory over the evil ones. Then all the evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, May 16, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you truly are being persecuted by not being allowed to have Mass, because you could still keep your distance with masks, even as you roam through your grocery stores. You are opening in stages, but your churches are still shut down. You know this virus is from the devil, when your authorities threaten to keep you closed for any violations. Just as you are seeing protests to open up your businesses, where are My Church clergy and laity who should be protesting to open the churches? This virus attack is being done on purpose to close down My churches and allow the evil ones to control your movements. Many people have only had mild cases of sickness, and only those people with compromised health are in danger with few deaths just from the corona virus. If you do not take back your freedoms in the times of a few deaths, then how will you handle the loss of your freedoms in the fall when there will be even more deaths? Trust in Me in the fall to call you to My refuges when a deadlier virus will come upon you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen man’s inhumanity to man by the many ways that the devil has inspired people to kill so many people. You have seen millions of babies killed by abortion. Now, even the elderly are being killed with euthanasia. In World War II you saw thousands killed in war in Europe and the Pacific. Thousands of Jews and priests were killed in the holocaust. Thousands were also killed with atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now a new threat looms upon mankind in the form of a deadly corona virus which has taken thousands of lives in America and other countries. In the fall I am warning My people of another deadlier virus that will be unleashed by the deep state to both reduce the population and to cause the destruction of America’s economy. This is why I am calling all of My believers to My refuges for protection from the evil ones. I will be separating the good from the bad people, and then I will bring My destruction upon all the evil people with My Comet of Chastisement. Just as I preserved Noah and his family, then the evil ones were killed in the flood. I separated Lot and his family from Sodom, and then I destroyed the evil ones in Sodom. So again you will see this last separation of My faithful from the evil ones, as these evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. But My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace. Rejoice when you will see all evil removed from the earth. All the souls, who go to hell after the Warning, will do so by their own free will. Pray to convert as many souls as you can, because those people, who refuse to repent and love Me, will be lost forever.”

Sunday, May 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see many states and parts of states struggling to reopen their businesses, and even some churches are opening with masks and social distancing. Many churches have not opened for fear they will be shut down. Where there are little or no virus cases, My clergy should be protesting to open at least in the parking lots. You know this whole shut down is orchestrated by the devil when it stops people from coming to Mass and receiving Me in Holy Communion. In some cases it is better to be outside so you can improve your immune system, instead of staying inside. The deep state is purposely spreading viruses so they can keep their dictatorial power over your President and the people. The fall virus will be worse and shut downs will be forced on the people with even more restrictions. Many people will revolt and a martial law could result to keep order. I will call My faithful to My refuges before the deadly virus will be spread in the fall. I will bring My Warning in a time of chaos to try and convert sinners. All of those people, who are not believers, will not be allowed into My refuges. When the evil ones try to force vaccines on you, refuse to take any vaccine because it will weaken your immune system and you could die from the fall virus. Trust in Me to heal My faithful, and protect you from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Monday, May 18, 2020:
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God to defend the faithful. I thank you for praying to me after Mass, and when you need protection from the evil one in your driving and before you receive Holy Communion. You pray my long form at night for your protection and to help save the souls in your family. I am coming today because you truly are at the crossroads before the Antichrist will come on the scene. You are rapidly trying to finish up your refuge projects before the people will come to your refuge. All of the Lord’s refuges have a special angel, as you have St. Meridia. These angels and Myself will put shields of invisibility around you for your protection. We angels will also prevent the evil ones from harming you in any way. We angels also will build huge buildings to house the faithful who come to the refuges. You saw us digging out a basement for you. We will be finishing up any projects that need fixing, and we will multiply your food, water, and fuels when you have faith in God’s miracles. When you come to the refuges, you will look upon the luminous cross that will heal you of any ailments of the body. You will give thanks to God in your Adoration hour and when you receive daily Holy Communion from us or your priest. I am affirming all the messages you have received, so people will have confidence and trust in God’s protection and the fulfilling of all of your needs. Continue your prayers to me, and I will bring my shield of protection over you as well. Be prepared because the Great Tribulation draws close through this virus plan of the evil ones. Fear not because God and His angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a somewhat secret operation to use chemtrails as a means to stop global warming. Unbeknown to the people who spread the chemtrails, they really are making people sick with flu like symptoms in the fall especially. Even your people on the ground can see all of the chemtrails, and later people are getting sick. Since your people are used to seeing chemtrails in the sky, they will not know when the evil ones will start spreading the new more deadly corona virus. Then all of a sudden many people will fall sick, and many will die. I will have a means of an inner locution that I will send to warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges, so they can be protected from this new virus in the fall. Have your masks ready to wear when I call you, so you do not breathe this virus laden air. This is why you must leave at once for My refuges within 20 minutes when I call you. Once you come to My refuges, you will be healed of any virus and any other bodily affliction when you look upon the luminous cross in the sky. My faithful will be fortunate to be alive during this deep state plague, that is designed to kill many people and allow the deep state to take over your government. You will have sufficient food, water, and fuels for your survival, while the evil ones will take over the world. Have no fear because I will send My punishment among the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth, and bring you into My Era of Peace with My victory.”

Tuesday, May 19, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, when you adore Me in My tabernacle, and when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you truly are at rest in knowing I will protect you. In Me you have perfect trust that I will protect you from the evil ones. You also trust in Me in your prayers that I will answer your requests. I know what you need before you even ask Me. At one point you were overly concerned about your main solar system not working during the tribulation. I told you not to worry, as now you have a viable plan to fix what is needed. If you were not able to fix it, My angels would have repaired it, so this should put your mind at rest. This is true of all of your problems. When you put your request in My hands, you have trust that I will give you a solution to your problem. You can thank Me for all I do to help you every day in solving your problems.”

Wednesday, May 20, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you and your prayer group members have helped to finish one of the projects I have set before you. It took a lot of work with your rented splitter to cut up your wood and then stack it in your backyard. This was a group effort, and it is a perfect example of how you can help each other now, and in your future refuge life. You assigned each other jobs, and now you will have a good amount of fuel for your fireplace this winter. My son, you have learned to follow My lead and arrange what you can to make your projects happen. I led you to the right place to obtain the splitter. I provided you good weather, and all of your people volunteered their time to help you. You are doing your projects really to help Me provide refuges for My faithful. So when I call My people to My refuges, you can see how to assign jobs, and call on Me and My angels to provide for your protection and your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, this breaking of the glass on this monstrance is a sign how the schismatic church will go against My Blessed Sacrament. The schismatic church will soon drastically change the words of Consecration so bad that I will no longer have My Real Presence in their Mass. This is called the abomination of desolation. I have given you the proper words of Consecration ever since the first Mass at the Last Supper. Taking such an action against My Blessed Sacrament will bring condemnation down upon the evil ones in My Church, who will deny Me just like Judas did. The schismatic church will take over the churches, and My faithful will have to go to underground Masses using the proper words of Consecration. This will be the division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. I call My faithful to remain true to My proper words of Consecration. You can adore My true consecrated Hosts at every refuge around the clock in perpetual Adoration where each of My faithful will sign up for at least one hour a day. Give thanks and praise to Me that I will be Present to My faithful remnant until the end of this age.”

Thursday, May 21, 2020: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, you could see in the vision how this black tar was spreading all over, and not just on a road. This is a sign that when the next virus attack comes, you will see black death all around you. Before this happens in the fall, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges. I will warn you with an inner locution before your lives are threatened. As the chaos of what is coming occurs, I will send My Warning to give all sinners an opportunity to be saved. Trust in My protection at that time. This is why I am warning My people to stock up on some canned goods so you can get through a time of a food shortage, when you may not be able to get to the grocery store. The restrictions on this next virus attack will be much more severe. I will protect My faithful from any harm from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a passage in Revelation (Chap 10:9-11) when St. John took a scroll from an angel and he ate it, it was sweet to taste, but bitter in his stomach. This is a sign that you are in the pre-tribulation time, and you are reading about the coming plagues upon the people. My angels will be pouring out their bowls upon the people. I have warned you how I will stop your abortions in My way, even as you call abortion an essential service during this virus attack. It is because of your abortions that these virus attacks are coming upon you. Pray to stop your abortions before I will stop them.”

Jesus said: “My son, your solar system did not work during a power outage because one of your batteries had a burned out contact. Your solar man recommended to replace the original cables with heavier gauge wires so there would not be any more damage to your batteries. You replaced one of your batteries, but when you were rewiring, you discovered three more batteries were too low in voltage. You also found several batteries had wires that were fused together. Since adding five new batteries would reduce their life by five years (battery age was five years since installation), it was better for you to order 11 more new batteries. Continue fixing your solar system, so it will work on the grid and off the grid during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have finished splitting up your wood for the winter, and you are working to fix your solar system. I also asked you to stock up on some canned goods because you will find it difficult to come to the stores with a worse virus attack in the fall. Some people have been slow in their preparations, but your time will be running out in the fall. Where your projects still need fixing, My angels will help fix them. If you can afford to fix your problems, it is better to quickly finish them. Trust in Me that all of My refuges will be ready to receive people at the time they are needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the Bible prophecy which shows the whole world coming under control by the Antichrist for a brief time. You know that your own country will be taken over by the Antichrist. I have protected your President from harm up until now, but once he leaves office, you will see the deep state take over and give this power over to the Antichrist. Once your government is taken over, you will see mandatory chips in the body, but do not take the mark of the beast, and do not take any vaccine.”

Jesus said: “My people, because fewer people are driving on the roads, there is less demand for gasoline and the price has come down dramatically. This creates a problem for your fracking people because fracking can be more expensive to extract. You have seen many earthquakes out West that have come as a result of your fracking. Pray that you are careful not to use fracking near any fault lines.”

Jesus said: “My people, your political parties are fighting over who should vote and how you can vote in your elections. In days past you had to sign in your name to vote. Some opposition party members want mail-in ballots so there can be cheating in mailing fake names and fake addresses. This may not be an issue in the fall if your elections are cancelled because of the chaos of another virus attack. Pray that you will have fair elections if time permits.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many restrictions on people being forced to remain at home. Only essential services as grocery stores have been allowed. Now, some states are more open than others, and even some churches are allowed to have ten people attend Mass. As the summer warm weather arrives, you are seeing more protests of your virus restrictions. There are people defying your restrictions because they do not make sense when there are very few or no virus cases. You are seeing many political battles and court cases to open your states. Pray for your governors to make the right choice for people to return to their work places.”

Friday, May 22, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, your original solar batteries were not installed properly, and because a lesser gauge cable was used, you are seeing too many bad batteries. Now, you had to order 11 more new batteries to replace all of the original batteries. Once they arrive, you can install your new batteries with your new cables. Later, you will install a hybrid inverter that will allow you to have power on the grid and off the grid. It will take some time to put this together, but then you will have power during the tribulation for your people. You have read about St. Paul’s evangelizing of the people in Greece and Turkey. He was brave and had courage from the Holy Spirit to try and convert these peoples to faith in Me. You, My son, have also traveled to spread My messages to the people. You may not be able to go out now, but you can still share My messages on the internet. I tell My faithful, do not be afraid to share My Word with the people. Share My love with everyone, and even encourage other faithful to share their faith with others as well. When you come before Me at your judgment, I will ask you how many people did you bring to Me in conversion? If you were evangelizing as I asked, I will say: ‘Well done My good and faithful servant. Enter your reward in heaven.’”

Jesus said: “My people, there are evil people in the world who have removed crosses, the Ten Commandments, and prayers in your buildings and schools. These leaders will pay a heavy price in purgatory for their evil actions. Those people, who are leaders and supporters of abortion and Planned Parenthood, will also pay a heavy price in purgatory as well. Just as there are faithful people who pray and share their faith, so there are evil ones in the occult and masonry who are doing evil things. I will give all sinners a chance to be saved by My Warning, but those people, who refuse to repent and refuse to worship Me, will be condemned to hell. This is why it is important for My faithful to evangelize their family after My Warning. This may be their last chance to be saved. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges, into My Era of Peace, and into heaven. The rest will be cast into hell.”

Saturday, May 23, 2020: (Jeanne Marie Bello, Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, you have a few brave priests that want to have Mass with your social distancing and wearing of masks. At a week day Mass you do not have that many people, but you have plenty of room to stay apart. As your virus cases subside, it does not make sense to keep the churches closed. This virus attack was meant to control your movements and reduce the population. It was a diabolical plot since the beginning. Your President wants to open up your country because your economy will fail if you do not. Pray that less people get sick as you open, but be prepared for a second wave in the fall.”
Jeanne Marie said: ‘Hello’ to Al for her Mass intention.

Jesus said: “My people, you were told by liberal medical experts that you needed to lock your people down to soften the curve of corona virus cases. This forced lock down has given your governors dictatorial powers they should not have in a free society. Now, you are hearing other medical doctors saying that a lock down has caused even more deaths beyond those who died from the virus. You did not have lock downs for the Spanish Flu or the annual seasonal flu. Your liberal governors are keeping you shut down when cases are fewer, and they understand this shut down will ruin your economy. Whether to open businesses or not, has become a political civil war, as people want their jobs back. Some opposition party people are holding back opening, so they can make your President look bad. Your lock down has not proven that you have less deaths from the virus, and you have caused more deaths from other causes. It is time to take back your freedom of opening responsibly, before all of your businesses will fail. You have a capitalist economy, but your liberal governors are turning your society into a socialist government of dictatorial control. Pray that your people see the lies in using a shutdown as the wrong approach to dealing with this laboratory made corona virus. The evil ones created and spread this virus on purpose to use fear to control your people. Pray that your government corrects these mistakes that could be an even bigger issue in the fall when a new outbreak will occur.”

Sunday, May 24, 2020: (Memorial Day Weekend)
Jesus said: “My people, this weekend you are honoring all the men and women who died defending your freedoms in America. It is appropriate to remember why you were fighting your enemies, which was for your very life in a free America. Now, you have experienced a man-made corona virus that was made purposely to reduce the earth’s population. You have tried to limit the deaths from this virus, but you closed down a good number of your businesses to keep from spreading this virus. Now, when you want to bring back your nation’s economy, you are getting resistance from some governors who are acting like dictators with unreasonable demands. Some governors are using this virus attack as a political means to try and make your President look bad before your election. Your people need to work together during this crisis, because people’s lives and jobs are at stake. If you do not open your states responsibly, your whole economy could fail. It is the plan of the deep state to crash your economy, which is why this virus was purposely made to remove your President for their takeover. These same evil people will bring about an even worse virus in the fall with the intention for a takeover and a reduction in the earth’s population. When your lives are in danger from this second virus wave, I will call My faithful to My refuges. I will separate My faithful from the evil ones, and I will cast all the evil ones into hell. My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace as their reward.”

Monday, May 25, 2020: (Memorial Day)
Jesus said: “My people, it is fitting that you honor the dead who died to preserve your freedoms. You also visited your relatives who died. This life is short, and you need to use your time here to evangelize souls, and pray for people to be saved. You are seeing an unusual time when you are told to stop working at non-essential jobs, and stay at home. It is so sad that you are losing jobs and your economy out of fear from this evil made virus. As the good weather is here, your people want to be free to worship Me, and free to work again for those who are unemployed. You have had some stimulus and unemployment checks, but people need regular jobs to pay their bills. Pray for more churches to open, and for more people to be allowed to work. Remember your service people who died in your wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you are seeing hotter summers and less water available out West. It gets so dry and hot that you see major fires every summer in California. This year will again see low reservoirs and drier conditions than normal. You have also been seeing some major rain storms that have caused flash floods or broken dams. You will see extremes in both droughts and floods across America. Your sun has seen fewer sunspots, and this minimum could cause cooler weather than normal. Your weather forecasters are predicting more hurricanes than the average. I am warning My faithful to be prepared for unusual weather that is coming. Pray that your people can evacuate safely if they are facing a disaster.”

Tuesday, May 26, 2020: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, I told you how I would be speeding up the time so I could shorten the time of the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will do this to lessen your suffering during the Antichrist’s brief reign, for the sake of My elect. Have no fear of the coming virus plague in the fall. I will be calling My faithful to My refuges for their protection. If you have a priest, you can have daily Mass. If you do not have a priest for daily Mass, I will allow you to have the means to view a Mass, and My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. For just as the sun is your source of light and heat, so I am the center of your lives. This is why it will be a requirement for every refuge to set up a perpetual Adoration of My Eucharist. Without Me, you are nothing, but I am with you every day. So give praise and thanks to Me every day by your daily holy hour before My Blessed Sacrament. I am allowing this evil plague upon you to get your full attention, and to trust in Me for all of your needs. At My refuges My angels will protect you, and provide for your daily needs.”

Wednesday, May 27, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you just read about St. Paul as he was leaving on a ship for Jerusalem. He told his flock of leaders of the faithful to be watchful of the savage wolves of the worldly evil people. Also, he warned them even about those people within the Church that want to divide My Church. My people, you are seeing this vice in the vision which means you are seeing these virus plagues which are being brought upon you as part of the pre-tribulation. There are evil deep state people behind the creation of these viruses. These people are the savage wolves that St. Paul talked about in your time. There are also masons and evil people in My Church who are trying to destroy My Church from within. You will see a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. When the next virus attack comes in the fall, many people will die. Before this comes, I will call My faithful to My refuges for their protection. You will see My Warning come before the Great Tribulation to give every sinner one last chance to be saved. This is why I have been encouraging My refuge builders to hurry up and finish any projects that still need fixing. Again if it is not possible to finish, I will have My angels fix whatever is needed. Trust in My Word to get your souls prepared with monthly Confession because you are about to see an evil in the Antichrist that you have never seen before. Do not be afraid because I will protect My faithful at My refuges, where I will provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”
Jesus said: “My son, you were happy to have your new batteries installed with your new battery cables that are a heavier gauge. Once the old wires were replaced and the new cables connected, you noticed your second PV inverter was not working. You need to sort out what wire changes can fix your PV inverter back to working. You can consult your solar man for answers as he is arriving next week. You have been fixing one problem at a time, so be patient since you will have an answer soon. You are going through various stages so you will be able to have on-grid and off-grid power. Pray that your work will help you have a system that will be ready to provide constant power either with the grid on or off. This is the last of your needed projects. It is good that your wife prompted you to fix your system when it did not work with your last power outage. You need to thank your prayer group members and Alex for the lifting of your many heavy solar batteries into position.”

Thursday, May 28, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in many messages how this first wave of the corona virus is why you are living in the pre-tribulation. You have seen many deaths all over the world from this virus, and many nations have used a shut down to try and minimize the spread of the virus. This shutdown is being used to manipulate your leaders by the deep state to control your movements and ruin your economy. There are many evil people who made this virus, and purposely spread it all over the world to gain power and control over the people. This pre-tribulation is a sign that the tribulation is about to be brought about through a deadlier virus that will come in the fall. I have given this message to many of My prophets to prepare the people for an evil that you have not seen before. I told you before that your refuge preparations will be used, and you need to thank Me for having My faithful set up My refuges as your havens of protection during the tribulation. When your lives are in danger from mandatory vaccines and the chip in the body, I will give you an inner locution to leave immediately for My refuges within twenty minutes. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. The angels will expand your refuges to house all those believers who will come in faith. Be thankful to Me for all of My protection.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are going to see a conflict with other nations that will involve your ships and airplanes. China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran have caused incidents that could lead to a war. Be prepared if a conventional war expands into a nuclear war with nuclear tipped missiles. Pray for peace, but the devil is instigating another war.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the seven trumpets of the angels in heaven in the Book of Revelation. Each trumpet will bring a challenge to the people of the earth. You need to read about the trumpets in the Book of Revelation that is about to happen. This is the beginning of the Battle of Armageddon. Pray that your people have their souls ready with monthly Confession.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are not the only refuge that has had trouble with their solar systems. You had at least four bad batteries out of twelve and low gauge wiring that had to be replaced with a lot of effort. Your solar man will enable you to have power either on or off grid. Thank all the people who are helping you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you set up your refuges, you have to assume that you will be living independently with the protection of My angels. This means you will need a fresh water source as your water well. You will need bedding, food, fuels for heating and cooking. If you can afford solar power systems, you could have electricity. You will also need a team to organize your work groups. You will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. This will enable you to assign hours of perpetual Adoration around the clock for My faithful. My angels will shield you from harm, and they will multiply your needs. Trust in My help during your trials as I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will send My Warning in a time of chaos to give every sinner an opportunity to be saved. It will require choosing to worship Me and seeking My forgiveness of your sins. You will see a life review and a second chance to turn your life toward loving Me. You will be warned not to take the mark of the beast and not to worship the Antichrist. You will be asked to be ready to come to My refuges when I give people the time to come with My inner locution. Give thanks and praise to Me for this Warning experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a short time from now until the fall to stock up on your canned foods before another virus attack. I have warned you about this for several months. When the next virus attack comes, you may not be able to get out to the stores, or the stores may be empty of any foods. Be like the wise virgins by stocking up on canned foods while they are still available. Those people, who do not prepare, are like the foolish virgins who may starve without any food to eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is the plan of the one world people to force vaccines on everyone in the world when the next virus attacks you. This vaccine will also apply the mark of the beast on those who accept this vaccine. This is why I am warning My faithful to refuse taking this vaccine even if the authorities threaten to kill you if you do not take it. So refuse to worship the Antichrist and refuse to take the mark of the beast so you can save your souls with My help. My people will be choosing their eternal destination by either coming to Me in heaven, or come to the devil into hell.”

Friday, May 29, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that now is the time to take back your freedoms in worshiping Me. Yes, you can watch Mass on your TVs and your computers, but My Eucharistic services at Mass are meant to bring the faithful together as one. You are asked in My Commandments to keep Sunday holy by coming to Mass. You are in a free country, and one of your freedoms is to worship Me. It is time to protest for your freedom to worship Me, especially on Sunday. You could wear masks and keep your distance inside the church. So why are your governors acting as dictators in keeping you out of My churches? This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday and a great feast in My Church. You need to protest these restrictions that have been placed on you, when you have fewer virus cases. Put the lights on in your dark churches, so you can see My Light and that of the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is good that you called the solar man to see what caused your system to not go on when you had a power outage. It was then that you investigated your batteries, and you saw how many had to be replaced. Now that you have new batteries and new battery cables, your system is set for your next improvement. Since you were instructed to put your battery connections in a different place, this may have caused your second PV inverter to not get power. Your solar man should be able to fix it. You will have to get used to an off-grid system when you are independent from your electric company. Without the initial problems, you would not know that you needed a new system upgrade to provide your power during the tribulation. Give thanks to Me and all the people who are helping you to get your new upgrade working.”

Saturday, May 30, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, when St. Paul was in prison in Rome, he still was able to preach My Gospel to those people who visited him, and to those people he wrote letters. Even when you are restricted by this virus shutdown, you can still put My messages on the internet and share your faith with each other. Even though this evil virus plan is causing people to be unemployed, you still need to trust that I will help people in their needs. In the Gospel St. Peter is concerned about why St. John will live longer according to My Word. I told St. Peter not to be concerned about other people’s life journey. Sometimes your desire to know things about others, can be a distraction to your own individual mission. You are to help others in their faith, but do not be so curious why I allow certain things to happen. When you have problems, call on Me to help give you some ways to solve them. Be patient, because it may take time to resolve your problems. But trust in Me that I will help you in all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the first virus wave that has precipitated shutdowns in many countries, and it is destroying many economies. This is part of the one world people’s attempt to take over the world under a totalitarian means of control. They are also trying to destroy America, and this is orchestrated by the devil so these evil people can prepare the world for a takeover by the Antichrist. In addition to this first virus attack, now you are seeing groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa causing riots and looting in your cities in the same plan for a takeover of America. Instead of building up your country’s infrastructure, these evil movements are trying to tear down your government to let the leftist communists take over in chaos. Your country was doing well just a few months ago, and now you are on the brink of a martial law. This perpetrated virus attack is the means for giving authority over to this shutdown that your governors are taking advantage of. If your people do not rebel against the loss of your freedoms, then you could lose your freedoms to a dictatorship. The leftist organizations are taking advantage of your weak leadership, as they try to use paid chaos for their takeover. Pray for calm and peace in your cities, instead of constant rioting and looting.”

Sunday, May 31, 2020: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of God, and you see Me symbolized as a dove. I bring the tongues of fire over all of the faithful of God. Receive My gifts as I am cleansing the earth of all evil. You are seeing the events leading up to the time of the tribulation of the Antichrist. The evil ones will have a brief reign before you will see Us bring down condemnation of the evil ones into hell. Only the believers in God will be spared the punishment that will come with the Comet of Chastisement. The Warning will come first to allow sinners one last chance to be saved. Then I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges. Pray to save as many souls as you can, especially after the Warning. Trust in My power over the evil ones, as soon I will bring My judgment down over the earth.”

Monday, June 1, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that you have evil people paying anarchists to cause destruction and chaos so they can have a takeover of your government. You are seeing police and the National Guard setting up order after these riots and looting. Other people are now cleaning up the debris from the troublemakers who came into town from other places. This was an orchestrated crisis against your government, and it has no place in a country of laws and freedoms. You just celebrated Pentecost Sunday, so now you have the Holy Spirit renewing the earth, and all of its people in love and not hate. You have enough trouble with your virus attack, so now you need to open up your churches and businesses to restore your economy, and put people back to work. Pray for peace among your people as you strive to help people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the plans of the deep state made clear before your eyes. This is not a plan just against your President, but these evil ones will use any means necessary for a take over of America. The deep state is behind the virus attack, the lock down, and now all of these riot attacks. The deep state will continue to cause events that could take down America’s economy and military. These events will continue right up to the fall when there will be another virus outbreak worse than the first. The evil ones’ time is short, so they will resort to any means they can use to take over your government. These paid riots are just the beginning. My refuge builders need to quickly finish up their preparations because the time to come to My refuges is getting close. Pray to convert souls while you can, and stock up on some food while you can also.”

Tuesday, June 2, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, it is appalling that your bishops and governors are still keeping My faithful from even coming to daily Mass. In a large church you could wear masks and easily keep your distance. Look at the crowds of protesters in your cities. Many do not have masks, and they are very close together. It is time for My people to start pleading for your right to worship Me. You are allowing the devil’s helpers to keep you out of church. There are not enough virus cases anymore, so you should be allowed to come to church. Keep praying every day that you could be allowed back into My churches.”

Wednesday, June 3, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you in many messages to be prepared because you will see a worse virus attack in the fall. I told you to stock up on canned goods, and that the deep state will spread this new virus using the chemtrails. This is why you are seeing a fine white dust all over the houses. You will be warned to come to My refuges right before this second virus wave will strike. Many people will die in the fall, but My faithful will be healed at My refuges. You will look upon the luminous cross and be healed of any virus. You will also be healed of any sickness or health problem. My angels will protect My faithful and they will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Once you come to My refuges, this will be the beginning of the tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear because My angels will shield you from any harm of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, how long are people going to keep up their protests in the streets? Many people do not understand such a long protest that has turned violent with police and the National Guard being called to assist order. Some violence has resulted from criminal and violent people who were rioting and looting. It is this violent element that has turned to resentment from the rest of your people who are watching in disgust. Many people have been frustrated that the governors are still ruling like dictators when the virus threat is not as serious. People still are being kept from attending Mass and sports events. You are seeing phases of opening, but your businesses need to open, or they will not survive. Pray for these protests and the violence to stop so you can get back to work in peace.”

Thursday, June 4, 2020:
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at this small black hole expand into a large sinkhole, this is how the evil of one killing has expanded into a country wide protest of rioting and looting. I mentioned before how this is just the beginning of events that will lead up to the next virus attack on America in the fall. The deep state will keep trying to divide your country over the racial issue. They are even trying to cause a martial law that would change the structure of your government.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this virus attack and the protesting as a means to take away your freedoms in your Bill of Rights. You have a freedom of religion, but the evil ones are doing everything to keep your churches closed. It is certain governors who are threatening fines for those churches who want to open. Pray that your people are able to open your churches, where you have adequate space for social distancing and wearing masks.”

Jesus said: “My people, your medical people and governors have scared your people into submission as slaves to their authority. If you allow your leaders to rule over you, it will be hard to express your freedoms. You never had shutdowns for the seasonal flu nor the Spanish Flu. So protest this dictatorship, or you will lose all of your freedoms. Pray for Me to intercede in this virus attack to take away the deep state control over your lives.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have replaced all of your old bad batteries with all new batteries along with the new proper thick cables that should have been used in the original installation. It took a lot of effort from your prayer group members to help bring your new batteries downstairs into the basement, and bring up the old batteries. Each solar battery weighs 124 lbs. Once Alex rewired the new batteries with the new cables, you then had your solar man fix your one PV inverter that stopped working. Your solar man installed a metering system so you could see the amounts of electricity that was generated and used. You now will have power in the day time even if your grid is shut down. Give praise and thanks to Me and to all the people who helped you. You were fortunate that you did not have to buy a hybrid inverter because your original inverter uses AC coupling for the panels to power your batteries when the grid is down.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen all of the effects of your shutdown on your economy with millions of people unemployed. The fear tactics will be even worse with the next virus attack that will be more deadly in killing more people, than the first attack. Before this next deadly attack, you will have My Warning, and I will bring My faithful believers into My refuges so they will be healed. Do not delay in leaving your homes when I warn you with an inner locution, or you will suffer in the detention death camps. Refuse to take any vaccines or chips in the body. Do not even take any test either. My faithful will be protected at My refuges, but the unbelievers will suffer plagues and an eternity in hell. Trust in My protection throughout the coming tribulation, and you will be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know you are on the brink of seeing the beginning of the tribulation of the Antichrist. The scroll of seals of the Book of Revelation will begin soon, as you will soon see the Antichrist’s brief reign over the whole world. I will allow this, as a punishment for all the abortions being committed. You will see evil things beyond what you have ever seen. Be thankful that My faithful will be protected, because the evil ones will suffer greatly, and even worse in the eternity of hell. Keep praying to save as many souls as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, you may also have to suffer heat in the summer and limited heating in the winter. Refuge life will not be easy, but it will be much better than what the evil ones will suffer. You will be lucky to have fans and wet cloths that will replace your air conditioning. In the winter it will be hard to find fuel and heaters to give you some warmth in the winter. You will have to have people get the fuels and keep the heat coming. Be thankful that My angels will shield you from the evil ones, and multiply your food, water, and fuels. You all will be spending hours in front of My Blessed Sacrament around the clock. At the end of the tribulation My Comet of Chastisement will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones. My faithful will then receive their reward in My Era of Peace.”

Friday, June 5, 2020: (St. Boniface)
Jesus said: “My people, in some news you are seeing a lot of people who are able to come back to their old jobs, but there are still millions of people who are unemployed. The unemployment rate is about 14%. In the news and on TV you can still see protests in the streets led by paid members of Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Now in some cases your police and National Guard are told to allow a certain amount of destruction because the deep state wants chaos for their takeover plan. The left is using this crisis, especially in Democratic controlled states and cities, for political purposes against your President. They allow this destruction to happen, and then criticize your President for not stopping it. You will continue to see such planned protests right up into the fall, when a worse virus will break out. Have no fear My faithful, but be ready for the Warning and leaving for your safe havens at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you see the events getting more serious, you can see how the deep state is moving closer to a potential martial law status with all the protests. If the looting and shooting of people is allowed, then your streets will no longer be safe, and it may require the National Guard to establish order with martial law. As the chaos continues it is good that My refuge builders have everything ready to receive the believers I will send. My son, it is good that you have completed your last two projects of cutting up your ash tree wood, and fixing your batteries and your solar system in order to work off-grid. Your extra off-grid system is working and it can give power to run your water pump and your sump pumps even during the winter. You have followed all of My requests to finish each of your needed projects. Now you are ready to receive people when I will call people to My refuges. Use the Warning to help heal people of their sins.”

Saturday, June 6, 2020: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about the widow’s mite when others donated large sums of money to the temple treasury from their excess wealth. But the widow only contributed a few copper coins which was all that she had to live on. She was more generous by giving all that she had. This is what I am asking of all of My faithful, to be generous in your support of My Church, and generous in sharing your money and faith with others. There is also an element of trust that the widow had in Me that I would help her to continue to survive. All of My faithful need this trust in Me as you saw in the vision of the sun coming in the window. I am that Light and help you can put your trust in to provide for all that you need in life. Have no fear of how I will support you in what you need to eat and where you need to live in a dwelling. Today is the anniversary of D-Day when the allies started fighting Hitler’s armies in France. My people are also facing this battle against the evil inspired and laboratory created corona virus. You are also facing planned riots and looting by those deep state leaders who want to divide your country over a division of races. Pray and trust in My help to bring peace to your country. But you are seeing these events leading up to the tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear because I will bring My Warning of conversion, and I will bring My believers to My refuges to protect you from the next deadly virus in the fall.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many objects from space that have hit the earth. It is not uncommon to find impact craters on the earth with metal asteroids in the middle. Many such asteroids are made of metal and the speed and weight of such a metal asteroid could cause great damage. The object that brought down the trees in Russia caused great damage. There was another object in Russia that burned up with some damage. It is very possible that a large asteroid could again hit the earth and create a fiery entry into your atmosphere. You have heard of several objects that have been flying by the earth that were relatively close. Be prepared for when such an object could hit the earth with little or no notice. I will be protecting all of My faithful at My refuges, even now from any destruction.”

Sunday, June 7, 2020: (Most Holy Trinity Sunday)
Jesus said: “My refuge builders, I have been encouraging you to get all of your last minute projects ready just as Noah made his preparations for the flood. I have told you before that I will separate the evil ones from My believers by making new arks for the flood of evil. You are already in the pre-tribulation as you see the devil inspiring his last minute attempts to win souls before My victory. You will be seeing a battle of the good people and My angels against the evil people and the demons. I will send My Warning as one last chance for sinners to repent and be saved. Before the next worse virus comes in the fall, I will call My believers to My refuges with an inner locution. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges. My refuges will be your arks of protection as My angels will defend you and multiply your food, water, and fuels. The Antichrist will have a brief reign over the world, and then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and bring My believers into My Era of Peace. Have no fear because My refuges will be your safe havens and arks of safety.”

Monday, June 8, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at the latest numbers of corona virus cases, you see that you are at the bottom of the outbreak curve. Because there are few cases, you are opening up in phases. Most everything is now opening, except your churches, and why is that? You have been to some churches for daily Mass with brave pastors. You are hearing some 20% of the space in a church could be open, but very few churches are abiding with this opening. Why are your bishops and priests so reluctant to share My sacraments? As you see places opening, it is time to question your own pastors to have a limited opening with all of your precautions. Look on the web sites and call them to see when they will allow people into Mass. If you cannot come to your own church, then it is time to come to a Mass in another parish. Your priests need to all be brave to share the Mass and stop restraining your people’s right to worship Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, for a few months you have been shutdown from certain jobs to try and minimize the spread of the corona virus. It is hard to determine which jobs are essential and which jobs are non-essential. Your unemployment rate went up to 13% as millions of workers are now unemployed. Now more jobs are coming back, but it will take years to bring back full employment. Since there are fewer virus cases, more jobs should be brought back where possible. It will be up to your governors and employers as to how many jobs will come back. In the meantime there will be a lot of unemployment checks that need to be sent out. This may require a large government pay out to back up the employers in making these payments. There is about a six month limit when these checks will stop. This is when these workers will have to find new jobs which could put a strain on your fragile economy to support more jobs. This problem may become worse in the fall, when you will see another shutdown with many people dying from a new virus. Pray that all of My believers will be able to get to My refuges before the fall virus comes. Be prepared with some extra food when you will be at My refuges.”

Tuesday, June 9, 2020: (St. Ephrem)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Elijah (3 Kings 17:7-16) met a widow and her son, and she made a cake for Elijah. Elijah prayed over her flour and oil, and they did not go empty, as the three people were able to eat for a year during a famine. This is significant for My faithful at My refuges. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels, but you must have complete trust and faith in Me that I can do this for you. Every time you pray in faith, your food will not go empty either. This will be a blessing for all of My believers, so they will be able to survive throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. In the Gospel I told My apostles (Matt 5:13-14) that they were the salt of the earth. The apostles were also the Light of the world in spreading My Gospel. This was the beginning of My Church when My apostles went out to all the nations to share My Word. So it is today with My disciples of the end times. You are also being sent out into the world to share My Word and bring converted souls to Me. You just received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, so you have His gifts to inspire you in carrying out your missions. You are truly the salt and Light to the world when you share My Gospel with the people. The people need to be converted into believers, so they are worthy of entering My refuges.”

Wednesday, June 10, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, it is good to go to a Mass wherever it is open, if your own parish is not open. People, who have lived in communist countries, know how much the atheist communists suppress religion. Even now your authorities are discouraging opening the churches. Since there are fewer virus cases, your churches should be opening to smaller numbers, instead of not allowing people to attend Mass. It is the brave priests who are having Masses for the people. Your people and many priests are allowing the atheists to control your lives in a free country. Elijah questioned his people if they are going to obey God, or the idols of Baal. When you do not protest the atheist idol worshipers, then you do not let Me rule your lives. Be brave and attend Mass where it is open. In the Gospel I spoke of obeying the Ten Commandments, yet the Black Lives Matter and Antifa people are setting fires, destroying property, and stealing things from the stores. These people are not loving and obedient people, so why should you even listen to the rants to defund the police and list their demands? Some of these anarchists are going to jail for their crimes. This is not acceptable behavior, and do not let this mob have any control over how you are to live. They need prayers and your voice of disapproval. Your media and the liberal voices are trying to take over your government by force, and it may be time to give more support to your police and National Guard to protect you from this evil violence.”

Jesus said: “My people, these anarchists of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and their sponsors, are getting more violent, especially in Democrat states and cities. The police and the National Guard are not trying to stop the rioters and looters. The evil ones are trying to take down the police so they could take control. Your people need to wake up, because these evil anarchists are trying to take down your government. When violence and shooting of the police begins, you could see the beginning of a civil war between the violent liberals against the patriots. The evil ones want such a war, but your government may have to declare a national martial law to protect the people from the evil ones. When the shooting violence gets bad, My faithful may have to come to My refuges early to avoid being shot. Remember that once you come to My refuges, you will be there right through the tribulation of the Antichrist. Pray that the police and National Guard can put down any violent protests. Trust in My protection when your lives are in danger. You will see even more chaos and deaths when the second wave of the virus will kill many in the fall. You will be called to My refuges before the second virus attack comes.”

Thursday, June 11, 2020: (old Church - Corpus Christi)
At a meeting place for Mass, after Holy Communion, I could see an accelerator pedal on a bus, and it got pushed right to the floor. Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an accelerator pedal being pushed to the floor, representing how I am speeding up the time ever faster to shorten the time of the evil ones and the Antichrist. I told you before that I will be speeding up the earth on its axis to shorten the evil time for the sake of My elect. You can see how the left’s troublemakers are doing everything to stir up the people over the race issue. They also are trying to defund the police and cause riots and looting. When more shooting starts, your President will be forced to call in the National Guard to protect the people and the small businesses. You cannot let the anarchists control things, or your rule of law will be lost. Pray that the left bullies can be controlled, or you may see a martial law. You do not want a civil war, but if things continue to get worse, you will see a battle between the left and the patriots. The devil’s time is short, so call on My angels to protect you before I will need to call My faithful to My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that the eyes are the window to the soul. In some cases you can see love in the eyes of a good person. In other cases you can sense evil coming from a bad person. I want My people to love everyone, even your enemies. I AM love, and if you want to come to heaven, you need to have your sins cleansed and love everyone. You are seeing bad people doing bad things, but you need to pray for them and love them. It is not easy to love everyone, but this is required on your way to perfection.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the old Church calendar today you are celebrating Corpus Christi. I know many of My faithful are daily Mass people, and it is difficult to find a Mass during this virus time. Some of you attend Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, and you are My special loved ones because of your devotion to Me. I am calling My faithful to reach out to help save souls. Pray for the souls of your family that they will be saved before they die. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know My faithful are frustrated that some pastors have not opened their churches for some to attend Mass. This is difficult when your bishop and governor are not condoning Mass attendance. There are some priests who do have daily Mass. If your church does not have Mass, pray for these priests to open up. You can also go to another church where they have Mass. As you are reaching the third stage of opening, you could see more churches opening at least partially. Give praise and thanks to Me that Mass will be more available to the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, it may not be easy to carry the Blessed Sacrament in your neighborhoods today, but you could pray for your neighborhood by walking around as you pray your rosaries. You could even drop a little exorcised salt along your path. By reaching out to everyone in prayer, you are blessing the people of your neighborhood. You need more prayers to calm down the violence that is going on in your streets. My power is stronger than all the evil people and demons, so call on Me to bring My angels down on your country to quell this evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, right now your priests are streaming Masses on the internet. You are missing Holy Communion, and there are more graces given out when the people are attending Mass with the priest. It is this extra grace that is being blocked and people cannot receive Me in person. When you restore open Masses, you will be sending out more graces to all of your neighborhoods. So stop restricting My people from attending Mass, because you need to spread My graces by your attendance at Mass. This is why I want My faithful to attend Mass in person as much as you can, instead of watching Mass on TV, or the internet.”

Jesus said: “My people, anything that keeps you from coming to Sunday Mass is definitely evil. The devil is using your fear of death to keep you from coming to Mass in person. With distancing and masks, your people should be able to come to Mass in church. Use your new third stage opening to encourage your priests to have Mass, and stop keeping you from receiving My Eucharist. Keep praying to open your churches, and pray for grace for your priests to open your churches for Mass and Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, I realize how difficult it is for some priests to be brave enough to open their churches, even for a smaller number of people. My faithful, who seek out My Mass, are also to be commended for their efforts. For these brave priests and faithful, I will send My special graces to strengthen these people against the devil’s temptations. I will also send My angels to encourage these faithful and all Christians to come closer to Me so they can endure this pre-tribulation and the tribulation of the Antichrist to come. Keep praying your daily prayers and coming to at least monthly Confession.”

Friday, June 12, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you are listening for My inner voice in My locutions to you in the quiet after receiving Me in Holy Communion. You also call on the Holy Spirit to help you write down My words in a quiet place. Today, in the Gospel I spoke about the sins against the Sixth Commandment of ‘Thou shall not commit adultery.’ The most souls go to hell because of the sins of the flesh. You have many couples today who live together committing sins of fornication. It is important to get married in the Church with My sacrament of Matrimony. You need to avoid sins of birth control by using no relations during the fertile period. Avoid vasectomies and tubal ligations. The worst birth control is to avoid abortions. Also, avoid masturbation or homosexual sins. Some may accept homosexual marriages, but to Me, they are unnatural abominations. Avoid prostitution and viewing of pornography in magazines and movies. These are all mortal sins that violate the formation of life as I intended in a loving family environment. You need to confess these sins in Confession before receiving Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of the real problem protests have been allowed in Democratic states and cities. The mayors and governors are not putting up much of a fight against Antifa’s rioting, demolition of businesses, and destroying police stations. The Democratic leaders are relaxing their efforts to try and make your President look bad. How long are your people going to allow the destruction of their city businesses? You will soon see people gang together and use guns to shoot at the Antifa looters because the police are not allowed to do their job. Once this shooting begins, you may see a civil war between the shop owners and the militant left. As this may get dangerous, your President may declare emergency zones to bring in the military to establish law and order. Then there will be curfews and it will be illegal to protest in the streets. It will be like areas of martial law like you had after Katrina. If the police and National Guard cannot control the mobs, then you will see an attempt to take over your government. In a free country, you cannot be run by mob violence, or many people will be killed. Your violence is beyond peaceful protests, and the left will try a physical takeover. The left cannot defeat your President in a fair election, so the opposition party is using violence and cheating at the elections to get their way. The next virus attack could kill many people and crush what is left of your economy. I will call My faithful to My refuges to be protected from the evil people and the demons who will all be destroyed and cast into hell. Have patience as you will soon see the Antichrist come to power for his brief reign. Then you will see the evil ones defeated as My power is greater than all of the evil ones.”

Saturday, June 13, 2020: (St Anthony of Padua)
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing a punishment coming upon America for all of your abortions that have been an essential business. You have seen the first wave of the corona virus followed by the riots and looting by Black Lives Matters and Antifa movements. You will see an even worse virus in the fall that will kill many people. It will be when the lives of My faithful are in danger, that I will call them to the safety of My refuges. This next virus could destroy your economy. At a certain point you will see a nuclear war take place that could destroy several of your cities. My faithful will be protected at My refuges. The tribulation will start when the Antichrist declares himself. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My victory, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace as their reward for being faithful to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing to see more riots, looting, and arson by people like Antifa that are causing the violence. You need your police for law and order, but bad things happen when police are threatened by individuals with weapons. The people, who are causing the riots and looting need to be stopped, or your businesses will leave the cities. You need to have order, or you will not have freedoms with mob violence. The radical and violent left are using violent protests to try and gain control over the police. Defunding the police is a communist tactic in an attempt to take over your government. If this chaos is not reigned in, you could see a civil war. Pray for peace and a stop to all the violence.”

Sunday, June 14, 2020: (Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My son, today is a special day to honor Me in My Blessed Sacrament. As a daily Mass person and one who comes to Adoration holy hours, I know that you make Me the center of your life. Wherever you have My Blessed Sacrament, you need to genuflect and make time for Me in prayer. When you are with Me in Holy Communion, you have a small taste of heaven. It is in your quiet moments with Me that I share My messages with you. It is good to pray your rosaries and come to Mass every day, as well as monthly Confession. A holy prayer life is important to keep your spiritual gifts. You need to be a good example to those people around you. Remember to pray a little more in front of My tabernacle.”

Monday, June 15, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, what your world needs is more love and people praying. Do not listen to the devil and the evil ones who are trying to divide your people, and cause rioting and looting. The anarchists are mostly atheists who are trying to force socialist communist controls on your people. This virus was made purposely to give control over you. Instead of getting mad at each other, you all need to be more loving and help people. This insurrection is following Satan’s plan to bring in the Antichrist’s reign and power. These are all signs of the pre-tribulation that you are enduring. The left wants to take over your government by force against the will of your people, and against your rule of law. If you have a chance to vote again, you need to vote the radicals out of office. You need peace with law and order, if you want your economy to recover. Pray for order, and a stop to all the rioting and looting.”

Jesus said: “My people, it may not seem like it, but America is in a deep recession as the Federal Reserve balance sheet is over $7 trillion to support your banks and businesses. The Federal Reserve is even buying bonds from corporations. Many people are unemployed and their benefits will soon be running out. Now you are seeing more virus cases in your Western and Southern states. You are struggling to open your businesses, but it is still hard to have crowds. It will be difficult for people to get their old jobs back. Pray that your protests settle down, because you cannot get your businesses back when you have looting and fires.”

Tuesday, June 16, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a time line that leads into the tribulation. I told you that you would live to see the tribulation, so you know it is close. My Warning will come before you are called to My refuges for your safety. This fall you will see a worse virus that will cause another shutdown, but I will call My faithful to My refuges so you will not be infected. As you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your health problems. Give praise and thanks to Me that My angels will shield you from the evil mobs. Only My believers will be saved at My refuges. Pray for your family to be converted, or they could be lost. This time line is being sped up as you will stay at My refuge throughout the tribulation. Have no fear because My angels will defend you and multiply your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, seeing new babies in the family is a blessing of new life. It is hard to imagine why some mothers want to kill their babies in the womb by abortion. I have asked My faithful to pray for the stoppage of abortion. Even during this first virus attack, your people still considered abortion as an essential service. I told you that if you did not stop your abortions, then I would do it for you. You will see a deadlier virus in the fall that will be so severe that it will be almost impossible for doctors to perform abortions. These virus attacks are your punishment for your abortions. When this next virus comes in the fall, you will first face your Warning experience, and then My faithful will be called to My refuges, so they will not die of the virus. Trust in My protection from the evil ones at My refuges.”
Note. Jocelyn had a baby boy on Wednesday, June 17, 2020.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all so happy that your churches are finally opening this weekend. You have been opening in phases, so now you have freedom to worship Me again in person. You have been seeing a decline in Mass attendance over the years, so it will be interesting to see how many people actually come to Sunday Mass. Maybe your people will finally wake up to see that you are being persecuted by your governors, who did not want to open My churches. You may still be wearing masks and distancing, but your churches are big enough to accommodate your restrictions. I love all of you, and I am happy for you to be able to receive Me again in Holy Communion. Pray that you can take advantage of this time, because you may have more restrictions from a new fall virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all are mortal and you all will die one day. It is just a matter of time. You all will be facing this door to your own death at some age. It is important to always have your soul clean by frequent Confession, so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment. Not every soul is perfect, so be prepared to do some time in purgatory to purify your soul. Once you pass through this door of your new life, you will have no more physical pain, and you will only have your spirit body. The more good deeds you had in life, will help compensate for the reparation due for your sins. In other words the more good deeds you have, it will lessen your time in purgatory. You could put some Masses for yourself in your Will for your family to carry out. Keep praying for the souls in purgatory so when they come to heaven, they will pray for you in return. Live every day as if it was your last day, so you can pray and help people while you can. Do not waste your precious time while you have life.”

Thursday, June 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I taught My apostles how to pray the Our Father. Many of My faithful pray the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Even the Mass is the greatest prayer you can offer. You have many intentions to pray for. I am showing you your governor and your President who need your prayers during this virus plague. Pray for Jocelyn and her new baby, and for the souls of your family. Pray for the unemployed people to find jobs and receive their benefits. Pray for the sick and those with chronic problems. Pray for those suffering from cancer. Pray for the souls in purgatory. Remember for yourself to pray your morning offering, your daily consecration, your rosaries, your Divine Mercy Chaplet, and evening prayers. By having a good prayer life, you can stay close to Me, and be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray to counteract the Luciferian March for a One World Government that will occur in nine cities on June 21. You have seen some violent protests, but now you are seeing a truly evil group that is promoting an overthrow of your government to establish a New World Order. They are using the summer solstice and an annular eclipse to promote their evil plot. It is the plan of Satan and the left protests to take over your government and prepare the New World Order to be given over to the Antichrist. Have no fear because I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying that your Masses could be attended in person at your churches. Now this weekend you will see a phased in opening that you had to even register to show you were coming. Now you can receive Me in person at Holy Communion. You have been praying and watching Mass on TV and the internet with only spiritual Communion. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can receive Me again in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My Sacred Heart because I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to save all of mankind. Unite your hearts with My Heart, and unite your suffering with My suffering on the cross. I am with you to lead all of My faithful on a road to heaven. Many of you have pictures of My Sacred Heart, so now is a good time to pray to Me in front of your picture. My love for you is everlasting and in heaven you will be adoring Me for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to prepare you for My coming Warning by coming to Confession to cleanse your souls. You will be taken out of your body and out of time as you come to Me through a tunnel to My Light. You will then have a life review of all the good and bad things you did in your life. You will see a mini-judgment of where you would go if you were to die then. Every sinner will be given a choice to love Me or the world of evil. You will visit the place of your judgment. Those souls, who choose to come to Me, will see a need to come to My refuges and deny taking the mark of the beast. After the Warning, you will return to your body and you will have six weeks to convert your family without the devil’s influence. Pray that your family will choose to be believers in Me so they can enter into My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the first wave of the corona virus that is killing many people all over the world. You are seeing constant violent protests, and now even Satan’s followers want to bring in the New World Order. These events will lead up to the start of the Antichrist’s tribulation. When the lives of My faithful are in danger, I will call you to My refuges as your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. Rejoice because My angels will put an invisible shield over you as you come to a refuge. You will be healed of any virus or health problems at My refuges. My angels will also multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive. My angels will build large buildings to house My faithful at every refuge. You will adore My Blessed Host around the clock at every refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, there is always joy on earth and in heaven when a new life comes into the world. This new boy needs to be baptized, and your family can reach out to pray for a healthy boy, and help this family in any way that you can. Choose godparents to guide this child. Give praise and thanks to Me for every soul that is gifted to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I see how you are all anxious to be back in church with My Mass. I wish that you could have opened your churches sooner, but soon you will be with Me in My Blessed Sacrament. All of heaven is rejoicing with you as you will celebrate Sunday Mass together. I told you before that the graces of your Masses go out to all your neighborhoods so you could have My peace. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges all the way through the coming tribulation.”

Friday, June 19, 2020:(Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, today starts the first celebration of the Two Hearts of My Blessed Mother and Myself. You have a perfect picture of our Two Hearts in your library. In the picture of My Sacred Heart you see an eternal flame of love with a crown of thorns. My Heart is aching to love all of you, even the ones who reject My love. From St. John you read how I AM all Love, as I love all of My creatures. I long to save all souls, but I do not force My love on anyone. I want people to love Me of their own free will. If you truly love Me, then you will show your love for Me in your daily prayers. I am the center of your lives because I am your Creator, your Redeemer, and your God. I give you peace and rest for being faithful to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, every refuge has an angel protecting it from harm. All of My refuge builders have accepted their mission for Me, and many have spent a lot of money preparing for the coming tribulation. In order to have My refuges ready, I have given one angel to guard each refuge from any evil ones trying to come on the refuge property. Even before I will call people to the refuges, My angels are already protecting the refuges. My refuge builders have to trust in Me to protect them at all times. At the refuge time, by faith I will multiply what you need, and My angels will see that all of you have enough food, water, and fuels for your survival. You will have Holy Communion every day from a priest or My angels. This will allow each refuge to have perpetual Adoration around the clock. So have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will always be watching over you.”

Saturday, June 20, 2020: (Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing to see more virus cases in addition to more protest marches that are upsetting people’s peace. I have told you that the devil’s time is running out. This is why the evil ones are doing everything they can to upset your government. These evil ones are trying to stir up a race riot to divide your country. Do not be surprised to see more violent protests and shootings. These Black Lives Matter groups will try and carry their protests into the surrounding towns. Eventually, people will be tired of the false protests, and you could have a backlash protest where opposing groups could clash with more violence. You could see places that may require local emergencies where the National Guard may enforce a partial martial law. You will see attempts by these radicals to take over local governments, but the fighting could get out of hand. When guns are used, I will need to call My faithful to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President put all of the recent events in perspective when he called out the looters and arsonists that are ruining your cities. He pointed out how ruthless it is to defund the police and burn police stations. The Democrat officials in their states are allowing these anarchists to take over their cities. There is freedom of speech, but looting and burning people’s properties is a crime, and these anarchists need to be in jail. They should not be bailed out by the rich liberals who are paying the anarchists to cause trouble. Tearing down historical statues is another way that the left is trying to destroy your history and culture to replace it with socialist communist ideas. You can see how the left influence on your media and education has brain-washed people against loving Me, and replacing it with communist atheist ideas. You can see why I allowed your President to win because he talks against abortion and infanticide. He also mentions Me in his talks, but the left do not. Pray for your country to focus more on Me, or you will see more punishments.”

Sunday, June 21, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, this is the first time you have been to Mass at your own church in three months. You are all happy to see Me in Holy Communion, and your friends. You have limited numbers at some churches, but you are happy to be home in church for Sunday Mass. You still may have a few virus cases, but your priests have finally opened their doors. In the Gospel I told the people not to have any fear, but to trust in My protection. The devil uses fear and anxieties to keep you fearful of viruses, and he wants to keep you from coming to Me at Mass in church. You have been denied My sacraments by this evil laboratory created virus. You will have a lull in the summer, but be ready when a second wave of the virus will return in the fall. This second virus will be worse than the first. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will be healed of any health problems by looking upon My luminous cross in the sky or from My healing spring waters. Have no fear and trust that My angels will provide for your needs.”

Monday, June 22, 2020: (St. John Fisher)
Jesus said: “My people, I share your joy that you have freedom again to come to Mass and Holy Communion at your local churches. You are witnessing the evil of the people who spread this virus to reduce your population, and keep you from coming to My sacraments. I love all of you, and I am closest to you when you can receive Me in person. You are experiencing the lull in your virus cases in your area, but other parts of your country are still having virus outbreaks. Beware of your chemtrails because this is one method the evil ones can use to spread the flu and this virus. You can tell this is a laboratory created sickness because the seasonal flu does not continue into the summer heat. It is also a problem when your false news does not give you the true numbers of deaths from the corona virus. Enjoy this brief freedom for now because there will be a worse virus in the fall. It is then that I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you how I would call My faithful to My refuges before the second virus attack. This next virus attack will be much deadlier than the first virus, because the evil ones will be spreading thick chemtrails containing the new virus. In the vision I could see the planes spreading the virus laden chemtrails. Within hours you could see many bodies dying from the virus. My angels will put a shield over those people in My refuges so they will not be infected. I will warn My people not to look outside at all the carnage of dead bodies. In the vision I am showing you how the evil ones will try to reduce the population with a deadly and highly contagious virus. This virus will be spread the worst in America. This virus will come in the fall and there will be so much death and confusion, that your election will be canceled. There will be chaos and food shortages all over because many people did not heed My warning of saving up some food. My believers will remain in My refuges throughout the whole tribulation of the Antichrist. My angels will provide for your needs, and you will adore My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance in perpetual Adoration. I will be with you to protect you, so trust in Me always to multiply your food, water, and fuels. Pray for the sinners to be saved after the Warning.”

Tuesday, June 23, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you came out of a dark cave into My Light of freedom as you came back to your second parish in a long time. Rejoice in My love and My sacraments. In the first reading the King of Israel prayed for My protection from the Assyrians who were ready to attack Jerusalem. My prophet foretold of My protection, and one of My angels went among the Assyrian soldiers and the angel slew 185,000 men in one quick attack. This sent the Assyrians in confusion and they were forced to return home. My son, you have used this passage (4 Kings 19:35) many times to relate to the people about the power of even one of My angels. So fear not about the evil ones, because My angel of the refuge will protect you as the angel slew the enemies of Israel. Your refuge angel will shield you from any virus, bombs, or any other threat to My people. These same angels will provide buildings and multiply your food, water, and fuels for your people. In the Gospel I warned My people to enter heaven through the narrow gate, and do not follow the broad road into hell. At the Warning I will give every sinner a second chance to come to Me in faith as a new convert to repent of their sins. Only believers in My Word will be allowed by My angel to enter My refuges. This is why after the Warning, you need to convert your family and friends to Me, or they could be lost in hell. Pray to convert as many souls as you can, because you have seen the coming plagues on those people who will reject Me.”

Wednesday, June 24, 2020: (Memorial Mass for Mary Wolf)
Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to lose a mother, and with your virus epidemic, it is even harder to have limited numbers for a funeral. Many of Mary’s relatives and friends could not attend the funeral. Now that you are opening up in your churches, you can now pay your proper respects for Mary. She had a rich life of graces with many children. She is praying and watching out for all of her children. She needs a few Masses to come to heaven. Pray for her and all of her family.”

Jesus said: “My people, I AM love and I love all of mankind, which is why I died on the cross to save all of your souls who accept Me. You need to understand the evil plot and lies that Satan is using to try and spread his hate all across America. Satan is using the Black Lives Matter group to tear down your cities and cause race riots. Satan wants a war, but My faithful need to trust in their prayers to Me to bring peace and love, instead of war and hate. It is your Democratic leaders in Democrat states that are allowing these evil ones to loot and burn your cities. You need to support your police and your National Guard because these thugs need to be stopped and placed in jail for their crimes. You cannot allow mobs to rule your cities in a nation of laws. You need to enforce your laws, or you will allow these communists to take over your government. Stand up for your freedoms now, or you will have no freedoms. Trust in Me to protect you, and call on My angels to defend you from these anarchists.”

Thursday, June 25, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, some of My churches are slow to open their doors with your virus, and they still are limiting times and numbers of people who can enter for daily and Sunday Mass. Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament is even more restricted. You used to have Adoration at your prayer group in church, but now you only use your DVD for Adoration at your home. Not only do I want My faithful to come back to Mass, but very few places are allowing Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in person at church. I am always with you in My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacles, but it would be more pleasing to Me if you allowed Adoration in the monstrance at church. Continue to adore Me wherever you can find My Blessed Sacrament exposed in the monstrance. All of My daily Mass people and adorers of My Blessed Sacrament, are My special faithful who receive extra blessings for their efforts to be with Me in My consecrated Host.”

Prayer Group:
Kathy Neilon said: “I did not know that you get to look pretty again in your spirit body. I thank all of you who helped me during my life, especially this last year. I thank those people also who helped with the funeral expenses. I was happy to be a member of this prayer group and to know all of you beautiful people. I especially liked my send off with some pretty rainbows. The Lord took mercy on my soul because I did my purgatory on earth. I love all of my family members and friends. I love being with Jesus and Mary. I will be waiting to see you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw in your news that the seven states that did not have shutdowns, had 75% less virus deaths than the states who did have shutdowns. The states with higher populations had more deaths. It is true that using masks and distancing helped reduce the virus cases, but being controlled in your homes with heavy restrictions may not have helped that much. As your states are opening, you are seeing more virus cases. Pray that your people will be healed with less deaths. When you come to My refuges, you will be healed of any of your health problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to protest people being killed by the police, but this is no excuse to cause riots, looting, and putting buildings on fire. Some arsonists are being put in jail. These mobs of Black Lives Matter are now attacking your historical statues. These people do not even know the people who these statues represent. The worst call was for pulling down My statues because I was pictured as a white person. The real goals are to change your historical people, and replace them with socialist communists. These communists want to take over your government and not just to remove your President.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing over forty million people who are now unemployed. The problem comes when their benefit payments will run out. Many people will have difficulty in getting food and a place to live. You had a 5% drop in this quarter’s GDP and the second quarter may be down 25% or more. Many businesses are going into bankruptcy, and it will take a long time to recover the lost jobs. Pray for the unemployed to find jobs, and some benefits to get by.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people have fought your President to get funds for this Mexican border wall. Now the people on the border are happy that fewer illegal immigrants are entering with a less chance of having any sickness. There are many people waiting to properly enter your country, and it is unfair for illegal immigrants to enter before the legal immigrants. Pray for justice and peace to prevail on your borders.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that you have been losing your birch, elm, and now your ash trees. This will gradually defoliate your trees as more bugs infest your trees. It causes a hardship on losing trees, and having to pay for their removal. Some people have paid for the means to save their trees, but not everyone can afford to do this. Pray for your trees to be healthy and replant trees to take their place.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones in China, who brought this corona virus on the world, have seen how many economies all over the world are badly affected. Thousands of people are sick and dying. Some deep state people are enjoying the control that has been forced on your people. This first virus wave was a practice run, and now the same evil people will introduce a second virus wave to kill more people, and cause more control in their restrictions on where you can travel. This second virus wave will be much deadlier, and I will warn My people to come to My refuges before people start dying. Leave quickly when I tell you to come to My refuges, so you can be protected from dying by My angels. Pray for souls to be converted after the Warning.”

Friday, June 26, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the scroll that holds the seven seals of the Book of Revelation, and I will describe these seals to you. You may know these verses as the Four Horsemen of the Book of Revelation. The first seal is about Me on a White Horse when I will come in victory over the evil ones. The second seal represents a time of war with a rider on a Red Horse who took away the peace of the earth and he stirred up men to kill each other. The third seal was a rider on a Black Horse and he carried a balance in his hand which was a sign of the Famine to come. The fourth seal was a rider on a Pale Green Horse and his name is death and hell was following him. This was also a sign of a pestilence that will come over the earth, much like your virus attacks. The fifth seal showed the martyrs of Christians who died defending My Word. They were each given a white robe and they waited for My victory. The sixth seal opened and there was a great earthquake. The sun became black and the whole moon became as blood. The stars fell upon the earth, and the wrath of God fell upon the earth. The seventh seal was an angel crying out: ‘Do not harm the earth, or the sea, or the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.’ My angels are placing this seal on only My believers, so they can enter My refuges. There was a great multitude of My faithful remnant standing before the Lamb, and they were dressed in white robes. These people are those who have come out of the Great Tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb. Rejoice, My people, because soon you will endure the tribulation at My refuges, and then My victory will cast the evil ones into hell, while I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for adoring My Blessed Sacrament every night. You know that you have a refuge here, because wherever My Blessed Sacrament is adored, there is My refuge. I am with you always, especially at My refuges. You have followed all of My projects, including the splitting of your ash tree wood, and an expensive repair to your solar batteries and cables. Now you have plenty of wood for your fireplace in the winter, and you will have some electricity in the daytime, and your rechargeable batteries for your pull up lights to see at night. You are seeing many signs of the end times in these virus attacks, and the struggle with people who are trying to take over your government. I have told you before that when your President leaves office, you will see a communist takeover that will lead into the tribulation of the Antichrist. You are the only main free nation that is keeping the communists from a world takeover. This is why I have had My refuge builders build a safe haven for My people to be protected by My angels. At My refuges you will be healed, and you will have all of your needs taken care of. Give thanks and praise to Me for inspiring My refuge builders to provide for My faithful remnant. Trust in Me for everything.”

Saturday, June 27, 2020: (Requiem Mass for Kathy Neilon)
Kathy said: “I thank Fr. Bonsignore for his kind words, and I thank all of the people who came to my funeral. It was nice of them to take the time to say good-bye. I feel like I had a proper burial with this Holy Requiem Mass. I love all of my children and grandchildren, as well as my friends. Thank you for thinking about me. Maybe you could keep my picture around so you could remember me. I am in heaven and we are still with you spiritually. I will pray for all of you, and I will watch over my dear family.”

Jesus said: “My people, common sense tells you that the local police are needed to stop thefts and killings. When cities are cutting their police force, or paying them less, they are inviting more crime. When your governors and mayors order your police to stand down against the looting and fires of the Black Lives Matter mobs, they are allowing the destruction of your cities. If the police cannot do their jobs, then citizens will use their own guns to fight off mob looters and arsonists. This is what could turn into a civil war, which is the goal of the left communists. You need law and order, or you are inviting chaos and shootings. If the Democrat governors and mayors do not stand up against the left mobs, then they should be voted out or recalled out of office. Their inaction is triggering more insurrection, and they are supporting a communist takeover of your country. If your National Guard does not take over for the police, then your cities will see nothing but death and starvation. Pray for your people to come to their senses, and see that the Black Lives Matter mobs are a communist front intending to take over your government. If you do not stand up to these communist tactics, then your country will lose its freedoms. Pray for peace and law and order.”

Sunday, June 28, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, even though you are happy to be back in church with My sacraments, you still feel controlled with your masks and keeping your six feet distance. It is also sad that you are only allowing a 100 people in the church, and your new normal of registering for your Masses. It is now summer and you are also seeing some opening of restaurants and your stores. This corona virus is so evil, that it has changed how you live in all aspects of your life. You have Communist China as the cause of this virus with over control to limit this disease. You are still seeing more cases but fewer deaths. You have this lull in the summer, but you could use this time to stock up on some food for when you may not be able to get to the store during the next virus attack in the fall. I keep reminding you that when the next deadlier attack comes, you need to be ready to leave quickly from your homes to My refuges. I will be telling people when to come to My refuges, which will be after My Warning. You are about to enter the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist, so be prepared. Trust in Me that I will protect and feed My faithful believers.”

Monday, June 29, 2020: (Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when the Christians were being persecuted and killed, and they had to hide and have Mass in the catacombs. My faithful remnant will also have to hide at My refuges because the evil ones will be trying to kill all of My believers. At first you will see a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church are those people who are following the masons and communist infiltrators. When they change the words of Consecration, this abomination will cause an excommunication. But this group will take over the churches, and My faithful remnant will need to have Mass in the homes, and eventually in My refuges. St. Peter was given the keys to My Kingdom as the first Pope. My faithful remnant are the ones who will be protected from the gates of hell by My angels. Just as St. Peter and St. Paul were martyred for their faith, so the evil ones will try and kill all Christians because they are following the devil who hates Me. I keep reminding you that you are living in the pre-tribulation time with all the signs of viruses and mobs of hate and destruction. You will soon see Christians being persecuted more, and you will be forced to hide at My refuges. Trust in Me that I will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you have stored some dehydrated food, some meals ready to eat (MREs), and some canned foods. You may think you have a lot of food, but even forty people could consume most of your food in one year. You will need to be ready for three years or more, but I will shorten the time for the sake of My elect. As I multiplied the fish and the bread for the 4,000 and the 5,000, I can multiply your food as well. You need to have faith that I can do this for you whenever you need food. You will have deer drop dead in your camp to cut up for meat. As you empty one of your #10 cans of dehydrated food, I will refill it with the same food. You have water from your well that will need to be multiplied. I can also multiply the water in your blue barrels for all of your people. As you empty one barrel, I will refill it. You will use your propane Camp Chef to cook meals with the burners, and bake bread with the small oven. Your propane containers will also be refilled when they are empty. In the winter you will use your kerosene burners and your containers of kerosene will be refilled. You can use your wood to heat the house and for cooking in your fireplace. Your flush toilets will work for the latrine, but you may need to use your outhouse as well. You will use some water and soap to clean your dishes and your clothes. You have beds and cots for sleeping, and your tables for eating. All of your soaps and paper products will be multiplied, as well as any other personal needs. Most of all, you will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. You will have perpetual Adoration with people assigned hours around the clock. All of your living at My refuges will be trusting in Me for your physical and spiritual protection. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges. Pray that I will shorten the time of the tribulation.”

Tuesday, June 30, 2020:(First Martyrs, Roman Catholic Church)
Jesus said: “My son, in the first reading you read about Amos the prophet who was warning the people of Israel to stay close to Me, and avoid worshiping false idols. He told them how I would punish them if they did not change their evil ways. Even today, I am again warning My people to be prepared for My Warning and the further punishments I will bring on this world full of evil. I send My prophets before you to also warn you of the coming Great Tribulation of the Antichrist. Even now, you are in the pre-tribulation with these virus attacks and your racial protests. The devil is making his last stand before I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones. Just as you saw Me calm the storm with My apostles, so you will be terrified from the coming events in the fall. I will bring My Warning to try and save as many souls as possible. The events will threaten your lives, but I will lead My faithful to My refuges for their protection. Have no fear because I will calm the waters at My refuges, and I will bring My victory at the end of the tribulation. Then the evil ones will be cast into hell, and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are outside walking in your temporary freedom. You have been restricted to your homes for several months, and now you are opening up some businesses. This evil virus was planned and made in China with the intent to reduce the world’s population and ruin America’s economy. In America you now have 47 million unemployed people because of this virus, and most of these people will not be able to get their old jobs back. The initial unemployment extras will stop soon, and in a few more months these people will need to get a job or seek welfare. Your government cannot pay out money to all of these people, so they will be in problems to find food and a place to live. This will be compounded in the fall when a more serious second wave of this virus will return. When the lives of My faithful are in danger, I will call them to the protection of My refuges. Have no fear when I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges.”

Wednesday, July 1, 2020: (St. Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people, it is bad enough that the Black Lives Matter mobs are burning and looting stores, but now they want to destroy the statues of saints, Myself, and any historical or cultural statues. The first attack was on figures of the Civil War, but now the attack is on religious statues. In the Gospel you read how I cast out the legion of demons from the demoniacs into the herd of swine, and they drowned in the sea. The demons are at work right before your eyes in the evil of your corona virus, and now in the mob’s destruction of buildings and statues. These mobs are being paid by rich liberals to destroy cities, and make your President look bad. But the Democrat mayors and governors are not stopping this mob’s destruction. All the poor loss of jobs and bad economies is mostly in Democratic cities and states who are allowing this lawless behavior. You can see the demons at work trying to stir up race riots. You need to focus your prayers on peace, and that your police are allowed to do their jobs of law and order.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read a story about another swine flu that was described as another possible pandemic. It is curious that information about another possible pandemic was being disclosed to the public, and for what reason? It is possible that China wants to spread another virus for their own political and economic purpose. There has been some indications that another virus will come in the fall in addition to the annual flu that comes as well in the colder weather. Do some more research on this swine flu article, and any other indications of a virus outbreak in the fall. I have mentioned before that when you see a lot of people dying from any disease, then this will be a sign to My faithful to come to My refuges for their protection.”

Thursday, July 2, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Amos told Israel its fate of takeover and exile, and the people did not want to hear the bad news. Today, My prophets are also telling the people of America to prepare for the coming Tribulation time, when you will see droughts, famine, and pestilence of continuing virus attacks. After the first wave of this corona virus, many states were shutdown with tight restrictions on where you could go. Only food stores were open with some vacancies on their shelves. I have been telling you repeatedly of a worse virus in the fall. You will also see earthquakes, droughts, famine, and storms in places, in addition to people dying from this new virus. Be prepared also for a worse evil of darkness in the vision. You know America will be taken over, so the Antichrist can have his brief reign. I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges, where My angels will shield you from harm, and you will be healed of all of your infirmities. This is just as I healed the paralytic in the Gospel. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have described the Warning to you many times, and in the vision you are seeing some mirrors to represent the life review you all will be facing. After seeing all the good and bad things in your life, you will be given a mini-judgment of heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will have a taste of the place of your judgment. Then you will return to your body, and you will have a second chance to improve your spiritual life. Use the six weeks after the Warning to help save as many souls as you can. After the six weeks are over, remove your TVs, computers, cell phones, and any connections to the internet so the Antichrist cannot hypnotize you with his eyes to get you to worship him.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the pre-tribulation of the first wave of the laboratory created corona virus. As you come to the fall, you will see a second laboratory created virus that could kill many people. Before this happens, I will send My Warning to give all sinners all over the world a chance to be saved. There will be several events happening about the same time. You will see a famine, a division in My Church, a martial law (from bankruptcy, pandemic virus, or terrorism acts) and mandatory chips in the body. A martial law will be needed to control the chaos that will be occurring when another shutdown will be in place for another virus attack. The chaos will result in a takeover that will lead into the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will call My faithful to My refuges, where you will be protested and fed.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will be sending an inner locution to all of My believers when your lives are in danger. This will be a message to leave quickly within twenty minutes for the nearest refuge. I will be expanding all of My refuges so My faithful will find a place to stay during the tribulation. When you receive My inner locution, you can call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge. Your guardian angel will put an invisible shield over you so you will not be harmed on the way to a refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, My angels will lead you to various refuge places. They will be places of apparitions of My Blessed Mother, places that have adored My Blessed Sacrament for years, shrines, monasteries, places consecrated by a priest or with blessed salt, and caves. When you arrive at a refuge, you could see a luminous cross in the sky, and when you look on it, you will be healed of your infirmities. Only believers in Me with a cross on their forehead will be allowed to enter by the refuge angel protecting that refuge. You will remain inside of the this refuge ground throughout the whole tribulation that will be shortened for the sake of My elect. My angels will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who do not have a refuge, need to prepare a backpack or a suitcase on wheels that has your spiritual and physical needs. You will also need a small tent (4) and a sleeping blanket as well. The spiritual things would be a small Bible, blessed salt or holy water, a Benedictine cross, a scapular, rosary, and a Pieta prayer book. Your physical things: prepare as for a picnic with some metal plates, silverware, hygiene items, two changes of clothes, some food, some water, a small shovel, a deer knife, and whatever you can fit into your backpack. Have this already packed so you can grab it and move quickly to the refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, for those people, who have not made any preparations for the end times, I will tell all of My faithful that they will soon be called to a refuge in the coming Warning experience. I will give a stern warning to those who did not prepare, and they need to prepare their backpack for the refuges. This time is almost upon you, so be a wise virgin, and listen to My words of warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, living at a refuge will be a difficult life, but it will be safer than those people who will suffer destruction by the evil ones. There will be counselors to calm down those people who are frightened by the events of the end times. The refuge builders will take notes on everyone’s skills and each person will have a specific job to fit their skill, and the jobs will be rotated. Some will prepare food, some will sew and clean clothes. Others will wash and dry dishes. Some will hand out pails and hygiene kits, some will assign beds and hand out pillows and blankets. Some will help bring fuels to heat the house and for cooking. Some may help with the latrines as an outhouse. Most importantly each person will be assigned an hour for perpetual Adoration every day. My angels will protect you from harm, and they will multiply food, water, fuels, and even buildings. So have no fear at My refuges because you will have all of your needs provided for.”

Friday, July 3, 2020: (St. Thomas, our 55th Wedding Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My son, this is a special day for you and your wife, as you are celebrating your 55th Wedding Anniversary. You had a vision of when you were at Cana, Israel, and you saw the huge stone jars that held 30 gallons of water, when I turned six such jars of water into wine. I use this image of a wedding to describe how My Church is the Bride and I am the Groom. I also use the Wedding Banquet to describe how I invite My faithful guests to be with Me in heaven. Marriage in the Church is how I desire couples to come together in My sacrament of Matrimony. Love is who I AM, and I desire couples to be married, instead of living in the sin of fornication or adultery. Marriage is also the proper environment to have children, and bring them up in the faith with the sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. The parents are the spiritual guardians of their children, in addition to their physical upbringing. Give praise and thanks to Me that I invite you to be a part of My creation of life.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been married for 55 years and you know the secret is love and forgiveness all the time. When I am at the center of your life in your marriage, it is your daily prayers to Me that give you the grace to stay together. When you were married in the Church, you placed Me with both of you as a partner in your marriage. It is the sacramental bond of Matrimony that helps you every day to love Me, and for the both of you to love each other. Hold on to this love because it is precious in My eyes. You have a fruit of your marriage in three live children, and the two who died, one as a miscarriage, and one from when the lungs did not develop. Now, you have eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. You pray for the souls of your family to be saved every day. You walk with Me every day in your rosaries, your Masses, your Holy Communions, and your Adoration. When you love Me, you show it in your actions, and how you treat others. Because of all of your devotions to Me, I have blessed you in your mission to share My messages, and your mission to prepare a refuge. You and your wife work well together in sharing My Word with My people. Your prayer group is another way that I share My graces on all of them for staying together in faith. By loving each other and forgiving each other, you can have many happy years together and with Me.”

Saturday, July 4, 2020: (Independence Day for America)
Jesus said: “My people of America, you have enjoyed and fought for your freedoms through many years of wars. Your most precious freedom is your freedom to worship Me. Anyone, who stands before Me to block your will to worship Me, is listening to the devil. That is why this virus was an evil inspired creation in a Chinese laboratory. The medical people have overdone your restrictions to try and keep you from coming to church. What is the difference between walking into a grocery store with a mask, and walking into a church with a mask? Coming to Mass is the most essential service you need to save your soul. You are celebrating your country’s Independence, but you are seeing the Black Lives Matter mob trying to destroy your buildings, your monuments, and your freedoms. You saw your President calling out this mob as wanting a totalitarian government, who are trying to destroy your culture and your history. Your President said: ‘Their (Black Lives Matter) goal is not a better America. Their goal is to end America… But just as in centuries past, the American people will stand in their way.’ Your President is warning you that the left are espousing communist principles that hates Me, and they are atheists. These evil ones want to take over your country, and take away your freedoms. I keep warning your people, if you do not stand up for your freedoms, then you will lose your freedoms. Pray for peace in your country and that your people will open their eyes to see how the left is trying to brain wash you and your children with atheistic communism. Support your President in his fight against the left that is destroying your buildings, monuments, and your freedoms. When your country is about to be taken over, I will separate My faithful in My refuges from the evil ones. Then I will destroy the evil ones with My victory, as I will cast them into hell. My faithful I will bring into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some people as they were driving to a refuge. While you are on your way to My refuges, your guardian angel will be putting an invisible shield over you so the evil ones cannot see you. When you look in your rear view mirror, you will be able to see how your angel protected you from any harm. Be ready to quickly leave your home with your backpack, your tent, and your sleeping bag. You have been getting messages about these end times, and now you are very close to seeing the events I have warned you about. The persecution is beginning when Christians will have to hide from being killed by the evil ones. Rejoice, that you will soon see My coming, when I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. Have no fear because I will protect you at My refuges, and I will provide for your needs.”

Sunday, July 5, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, the most beautiful miracle is how I transform the bread and wine into My Body and Blood at every Mass. This is called transubstantiation, and it is in faith that you believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine. Even if people do not believe in this miracle, I am fully Present. You remember a priest and a nun who were killed in a fire as they tried to rescue My consecrated Hosts in the tabernacle from the fire in the church that burned down. In the second part of your vision, you saw many cups of different shapes and sizes. This represents when you come to heaven, you will be fully complete in your joy with Me. Each person will share My graces according to the various capacities of their cups. Those souls with bigger cups, will have more graces, but their cups will be filled to their capacity of love that their cups provide. Even My angels in the different choirs, have different levels of being or various capacities to love Me and others. I love all of My creatures, and those, who love and worship Me, will have an abundance of grace and love, as they will see Me in heaven as I AM in the beatific vision.”

Monday, July 6, 2020: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My son, I am again showing you a stadium of about 5,000 people, who would be sent to your refuge. As you looked closely at this large number of people, you became a little overwhelmed at how you would organize feeding and housing so many people. Keep in mind that you are not alone, and I will send you many angels to build a large building that I showed you how they were digging out a huge basement. The angels will also multiply all the food, water, beds, fuels, and any other needs to survive. This will also happen at other refuges where they will be expanded to house all the people who will come. Just as you were instructed by your meeting with Fr. Michel, you will need to set up at least one committee of twenty people to assign jobs for all of your needs. I will multiply what you have, so do not worry. I will send you one or more priests to help offer daily Mass. Your faith is strong, but you will need to emphasize to the people that this multiplication will only happen if they have faith that I can perform these miracles. I will provide helpers for you, and you and your wife will be directing them. Yes, My refuge builders will be supervisors in faith and material things for My people. My angels will shield you from the evil ones who want to kill you. The coming tribulation is a punishment for the people of the world for their sins, but I will separate My elect from the evil people at My refuges. All of those people, who are lost will not be allowed into My refuges, and they will be killed and cast into hell. This is why it is so important to convert your family members to the faith after My Warning, so they can be saved. Trust in Me because My angels and I will protect you, and provide for all of your needs.”

(Requiem Mass for Kathy Neilon) Jesus said: “My people, when you see someone die, you are always reminded of your own mortal body, and you also will die one day. Life is fleeting and everything on earth is temporary. But your souls are immortal and live on forever, so you need to protect your soul from the devil’s temptations with your monthly Confession, and your daily Holy Communion. Call on Me and My angels to protect you in life, and follow My Commandments. Pray for Kathy’s family as they are mourning her loss. Kathy said: “I am seeing how your messages from Jesus are directing people to prepare for the Warning, and coming to the refuges for protection during the tribulation.”

Tuesday, July 7, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, this large building is the place I will call My people to come for their protection and sustenance by My angels at a refuge. Have no fear of the evil ones who will be trying to kill you, because the power of My angels is more than any weapons the evil ones could use against you. You will have a shield of invisibility with the help of your guardian angel, so you will not need weapons to defend yourself. Your only weapon will be My Blessed Mother’s rosary. Once you leave your homes for My refuges with your backpacks, you will not return to your home. Do not take any mark of the beast or a computer chip, and do not bring your cell phone or electronic devices, because they will not work at your refuges. The Antichrist will put his face all over the media, and do not look at his eyes because he could hypnotize you to worship him. This is why after the six weeks after the Warning, you are to remove all cell phones, TVs, computers, and any device connected to the internet from your home. So do not think of buying any more such devices, because you will be discarding them. You may wonder why I am giving you so many messages about refuges and the end times. That is because you are so close to the tribulation, when you will need to be in a refuge for your protection from the evil ones. I will warn every one of My believers in their Warning experience, that they will need to flee for My refuges at the appointed time. I will give all of My faithful an inner locution when it is time to come to My refuges. This is why I have been calling My special warriors to set up refuges for My faithful. Only a few are answering this call, so I will need to expand all of My refuges to hold all of My faithful believers.”

Wednesday, July 8, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, very few souls come directly to heaven, and they are either saintly, or they suffered their purgatory on earth. Most people do not fully understand how your souls need to be fully perfected in order to be worthy of coming to heaven. This is why the many souls, who do not go to hell, need to do some time in purgatory to perfect and purify their souls for the reparation due for their sins. You can shorten your purgatory time with good deeds, praying for others, having Masses offered for souls, or during life you can receive a plenary indulgence on Mercy Sunday with Confession and the novena. When you help souls in purgatory get to heaven, they will pray for you when you are in purgatory. Purgatory is My justice to help souls prepare themselves to become saints in heaven. This life is truly a training place for people to work on perfecting their souls in loving Me and their neighbors. It is also why I told you that you need to love everyone if you want to be perfect as My Heavenly Father is perfect. So let this be your goal to strive for perfection as much as you can, so you will spend less time in purgatory. Remember to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially for those souls who no one is praying for.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been staying inside in your air conditioning because it has been stifling hot outside with a heat advisory for several days. At night you have the comfort of a shower before you go to bed. Think about how you will be suffering more when you come to My refuges. But the people who do not come to My refuges will suffer plagues and a lot worse suffering. During a hot summer, you will be fortunate to have some electricity to operate some fans. Even if you have solar power, it will not have enough power to run an air conditioner. You also will be using sponge baths instead of showers, because you would not have enough water for everyone to take showers. When you come to My refuges, you will be suffering your purgatory on earth, so you will not face any flames of purgatory. During the winter, you better have warm layers of clothes, because you will have radiant heat from either a kerosene heater or a wood fire. Places near the fire will be warm, but parts of the house may be cool. You will also have to move the snow off of your solar panels to have enough electricity for your needs. You will need your daily prayers for all of the problems you may have in providing for the needs of your people. Trust in Me, but be prepared to come to My refuges because the tribulation of the Antichrist is close.”

Thursday, July 9, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you saw Me standing with My arms outstretched, and I said: ‘Behold the Kingdom of God is at hand.’ I am announcing to you that this pre-tribulation is about to come to an end, as the Antichrist prepares for his takeover. You saw the large wave of water in the vision also, and there will be great tsunamis when I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the evil ones. But for now this wave also represents another wave of a virus attack that will be more deadly, and this will definitely stop your abortions as I said I would do. You thought abortion was an essential service, but because of your abortions, the evil ones will be suffering worse than Sodom. You are seeing the plagues described in the Book of Revelation. Before the next deadly plague comes upon you, I will send you My Warning to give every sinner one last opportunity to save their souls and follow Me as a believer. At the end of the six weeks after the Warning, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection with an inner locution. Leave your homes quickly when I call you, so you can be healed of any virus when you look on the luminous cross in the sky at My refuges. Only believers in Me will be allowed to enter into My refuges by My angels. My believers will have a cross on their foreheads to enter. All the evil ones, who do not accept Me, will suffer plagues, and they will be killed with My Comet. Then the evil ones will be cast into hell. My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
St. Joseph said: “My son, Our Lord and my Stepson told you how He would have His angels build a large building to house all the people who would come to this refuge. Now you see that I will be the contractor to direct the angels in their building such a place. You pray my prayer at the end of your rosaries, and I thank you for all of your devotions to me. It is an honor for me to do this for a proper refuge expansion. Give praise and thanks to Jesus for helping you with this new construction.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that at My refuges you all would have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. You should have a monstrance at every refuge so you can place My consecrated Host in it for your perpetual Adoration around the clock. I told you that I would always be with you, and this is My Real Presence for you to adore Me. When you look upon My consecrated Host, I will give all of you the graces that you need to endure this time of tribulation. Trust in Me and I will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, The Antichrist is a man with an incarnate demon. The one world people are putting special unions in place on all of the continents in order to prepare the means for the Antichrist to rule over the world for a brief time. My people of America, you will be taken over under the North American Union. The evil leaders will give control of all the world unions over to the Antichrist. These evil union leaders will be double-crossed by the Antichrist, as they will be killed and replaced with more evil leaders. Before the Antichrist declares himself, I will have My faithful come to My refuges for their protection. Have no fear because the Antichrist’s reign will be brief before I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the anarchists who are continuing to burn businesses, police cars, and even police stations. These evil ones will continue to cause more trouble in your cities. Eventually, you will see these demonstrations turn more violent when the Antifa group will use weapons to shoot people and even the police. Pray for peace in your cities, but these things will lead up to the takeover of your country. Be thankful that I will warn My faithful when it will be necessary to come to the safety of My angel protected refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are somewhat familiar with the evil behind the secrets of the masons. Some high degree masons actually worship Satan, and they will carry out Satan’s evil plans for a takeover of America. You have seen how the masons are behind the communist plans of destroying your schools, the family, and even My Church leaders. They are planning the takeover of your country through the Democrat communist leaders. I have mentioned before that when your President leaves office, the communists will take over your country. Fear not because My faithful will be protected at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated another anniversary of your country since 1776. Be thankful that you have your freedoms for a while. Your ancestors set up the most beautiful form of a Democratic Republic that is run by the representatives of your people. You were also founded on My principles with justice and the pursuit of happiness in your documents. Your government is being attacked in many ways against your original founders’ plans. Pray that your people see the need to follow Me, your Creator.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a rich heritage in how your people have fought many wars to preserve your freedoms. You have many historical statues and your flag that stands up for the laws that founded your country. Now you are seeing mobs of the Black Lives Matter trying to destroy your statues and burn your flag. This group is intent on changing your history and culture which is exactly what the devil and the communists want to take over your country. Call on Me to protect you through this difficult time when you will eventually need to go into hiding at My refuges, when the atheist communists will take over your country. Trust in My protection when I will cast the evil ones into hell, and then I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace.”

Friday, July 10, 2020:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM, is greeting you with another day in My glorious world and universe. My people, I want you to know that I am in charge of all of the earth and all of the universe. I allow the evil ones to co-exist with all of the people, but My angels and your guardian angels are always with you to protect you. I give all of you free will to love Me or not, because I do not force My love on you. Yes, I allow evil in the world, and some people fall into sin when they are misled by the demons’ temptations. I invite all of My children to return to Me in Confession, when you seek My forgiveness of your sins and worship Me every day. I give each of you a special mission in life, and I give you the graces to carry out your mission. When you choose to follow Me in My Commandments of love, then you are open to carry out your mission. If you only want to follow your own way, then it will be difficult for you to accomplish My intended mission for you. So keep close to Me in your prayers and good deeds, and you will experience My joy in all of your actions. By completing your given mission, and being obedient to My laws, you will be welcomed into heaven after your death, and any time you may have to be cleansed in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, in order to have lush green grass, you need fertilizer, moderate temperatures, and plenty of water. When you do not fertilize, and have high heat with no watering, you will have dried out and parched grass. You can contrast this to a soul that has plenty of graces, with a soul in mortal sin with no grace. I call all souls to come to Me in Confession so I can refresh your souls. I give you peace and protection, especially at My refuges. There is coming a time when I will cleanse all of the evil ones off the face of the earth, then My faithful will be placed in My Era of Peace. This will give you true peace that is a reward for being faithful to My service. You will have plenty of food with lush green fields every day. You will rejoice to have a young body for many years.”

Saturday, July 11, 2020: (Memorial Mass for John Rutherford)
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to lose a father, but he was a good and holy man for his family. He suffered before he died, but he is with Me now as I gave you the sign that you asked for. All of his family benefited from his strong faith that he passed on to them. He will be praying and watching out for his family and friends. Give thanks to Me for the gift of his life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that one of the ways you would see a martial law is by a bankruptcy of your money system and ultimately your stock market, when the dollar will lose its value. There are rich bankers who could crash your money and your markets. This is their plan for taking over your country by calling in the debt of your bonds as insolvent. The wealth of money that people have is tied up in dollars, but the dollar has no inherent value of its own. If the government has no real money, it will collapse until a new currency of value is backed by gold. This collapse will cause chaos and a shortage of food in a famine. This is when I will call My faithful to My refuges, so you all can survive on the food that I will multiply. Have trust in My protection when I will call you to My refuges.”

Sunday, July 12, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, at times you have a lot of people talking when you are in your Adoration Chapel praying for a message. I know it is difficult to hear My words with a lot of talking, so take your Adoration DVD upstairs, if you need a quiet place to write My message. You need to honor My Real Presence when you are praying for a message. In today’s Gospel you heard My parable of the Sower. I gave My apostles an explanation of the different places where the seed fell that represented My Word. Unfortunately, the deacon did not read the longer Gospel in the brackets. He shortened the Gospel, but his homily was long, so where and why was this little time not used to finish the Gospel? You were fortunate to receive a heavy rain for your parched lawns yesterday. The seed or My Word that fell on rocky ground, are the people who hear My Word with joy, but their faith is not well rooted, so they soon fall away. The seed that fell among thorns, are the people who receive My Word, but the distractions and pleasures of the world choke off their faith, and they fall away also. The seed that fell on good ground, are the people, who hear My Word and their faith has fruit of spreading My Word to others. These people yield thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold in good deeds and conversions. I desire that all souls, who believe in Me, should share their faith and donations with other souls.”

Monday, July 13, 2020: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, for months I have been giving you messages about preparing to face a more deadly virus that will come in the fall. I have showed you how they will spread this virus in the chemtrails in the sky. Now, I am showing you how people will fall sick in their beds, and many will die. Before this second virus wave comes, I will bring My Warning to prepare the sinners to repent and be saved. I will tell the people in their Warning experience that they will need to come to My refuges to be healed of this virus. Only My believers will be worthy of entering My refuges. Those people, who refuse to come to My refuges, when I call them, will suffer much from the evil plagues that will come to reduce the population. The non-believers will suffer much at the hands of the evil ones during the tribulation. You are already seeing some churches being burned by evil people, and mobs will continue to cause destruction and chaos. Once you leave your homes for My refuges, your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. These angels will also protect you with an invisible shield so the evil ones will not harm you. When you are at My refuges, you will be healed of any health problems by looking on My luminous cross. You will live at My refuges for the whole tribulation time, where My angels will protect you from the Antichrist and the demons. My angels will also multiply your food, water, and fuels. I have given you many messages about My refuges and about life at My refuges, where your people will worship My consecrated Host the whole time. I will bring My victory over the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell. My believers will then be brought into My Era of Peace. Rejoice My faithful, when you will have My reward for believing in My Word and following My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, China has attacked you first with biological weapons of the corona virus. They intend to send a second corona virus attack in the fall. After the Warning you will see a missile attack on your country, that will try and take down your electric grid. I will call My believers to My refuges before this happens. At My refuges My angels will place a shield over your buildings, and your solar systems that will protect them from any EMP attack. I told you to trust in My protection, even from bombs and EMP attacks. I am more powerful than any of the weapons of the evil ones, so have no fear.”

Tuesday, July 14, 2020: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I said ‘Woe’ to Corozain and Bethsaida because they did not convert and repent, even after I preached to them, and I performed miracles before them. (Matt. 11:20-24) Their judgment to the nether world was even worse than Sodom, who never saw My preaching. Now America, you have killed many of My babies in abortion, and you are living abominable lives in homosexual and transgender ways. You are defying My laws in many sexual sins of fornication, adultery, and birth control in a bad way. In some ways you are even worse than Sodom, so I say ‘Woe’ to America, just as I said this to the evil towns of My day. After I protect My elect at My refuges, I will cast this evil lot into the eternal flames of hell. The devil and the Antichrist are having their brief hour in attacking the souls on earth. But My elect, who believe in Me, will be protected and rewarded in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven. Rejoice, because soon I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones who defy Me and persecute My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing another vision of the Warning with stars circling around, and with a tunnel in the middle. You were drawn through the tunnel at a fast speed. Once you came to the end of the tunnel, you were given your life review in front of Me. Keep in mind that the more messages you receive about My Warning, the closer this event will be. In your life review you will be passing through your life quickly, but you will stop to view any unforgiven sins. At the end of your life review, your memory of these sins will be with you when you are placed back into your body. You will have a strong urge to come to Confession after your Warning experience. You will have a mini-judgment and you will visit your place of judgment. Once you are back in your body, you will be given a free will decision to choose to follow Me or the devil. During the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, you will be able to make a proper choice for how you will change your life without any influence from the devil. You will also have an opportunity to try and save your family’s souls so they can enter My refuges. Take advantage of this chance to save souls while you have the time.”

Wednesday, July 15, 2020: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, you will continue to see mob attacks, and they will be burning cars and buildings. The Black Lives Matter mob is intent on disrupting the peace in your cities, and their goal is a communist takeover of your government. They will not be appeased until they get their way by violence. These marches are no longer peaceful, and they are even shooting people. I told you when they start taking lives with guns, there will be a civil war which is another one of their goals. Anything that allows them to make gains against your President, will be their intention. You have seen more socialist movements in your country, and they will not be satisfied until they have a communist government. These socialists have infested your schools and your media, and they are purging your traditions and cultures by destroying your monuments, statues, and even changing your history books. Soon you will be seeing more churches destroyed by fire because they hate Me, as they are atheists and anarchists. Trust in Me because I will cast these evil ones into hell.”

(Requiem Mass for Kathy Gibbs) Jesus said: “My people, you can rejoice that your long old friend, Kathy Gibbs, is now with Me in heaven with this beautiful Requiem Mass. She suffered some from her health problems, but she is free of all of her pain and suffering. It is sad that her refuge preparations will not be used by her family. Many of My refuge builders are dying in their old age, or they cannot carry on with what is needed. This is why I will be expanding all of My refuges to fit all of My believers. Kathy is praying for all of her family and friends.”

Thursday, July 16, 2020: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the weather manipulated by the HAARP machine, and the chemtrails being used to spread flu and the viruses. Both of these ops are controlled by the deep state. The HAARP machine can be used to control the jet streams which could cause floods in some areas, and droughts in other areas. The chemtrails are spreading aluminum oxide and weapon grade flu material that is making people sick. There were even traces of the corona virus found in some chemtrails. When the chemtrail material has been analyzed, those people, who are doing the testing, had upper respiratory sickness. The goal of all of this manipulation is eventually to reduce the population. These same chemtrails will be the vehicle to spread the next deadly virus. When you see a lot of people dying from any virus, I will call My faithful to My refuges to be healed of any sickness. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I will give you notice with My inner locution. Trust in Me that I will protect My believers at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy to be here while you are praying my rosary. I bless all of you for faithfully attending this prayer group for many years. You remember well, my son, when you visited Mt. Carmel in Israel. There are many Carmelites who have kept their devotions to me in honoring my Son. Your wife spent many years assisting the dying people at the Mt. Carmel hospice. She has received many graces for her service. I love all of you as our beautiful prayer warriors. Continue your prayers to stop abortion, and pray for the souls in purgatory. My Son and I are always with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have used your electricity to run many of your appliances for many years. I am showing you how evil people will be sabotaging your electric grid, and you could see times of power outages. As the evil ones plan for their takeover, you could see your power lines attacked by hackers and even some means of an EMP attack. Without electricity for a long time, your society will be strained to find food and your fuel needs. I am having My angels protect My refuges and any solar power that you may have. You will come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, water is very necessary for life, and you cannot live without water. This is why I have instructed all of My refuge builders to have a source of fresh water on their refuges. You, My son, followed My instructions to put a water well on your property. You even put in a separate solar system to power your water pump to bring water into your house, especially in the winter. I will multiply your water so all of My faithful will have enough water to drink and cook things. You need water especially to hydrate your dehydrated stored food.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My refuge builders to have two sources of fuel in preparation for when your natural gas lines will no longer provide your fuel. My son, you have chosen to have a supply of kerosene and wood for heating your home along with your heaters and fireplace. You also have some propane for cooking with your camp chef oven and burners. Again, My angels will multiply your fuels during the tribulation, so you can keep warm in the winter, and be able to cook your food. Trust in Me to keep you warm in the winter and cool with fans in the summer.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you to have a year’s supply of food for each member of your family. My son, you have followed My projects for ordering dehydrated food, MREs, and canned foods for your people. Food will be hard to find, but I will multiply your food at My refuges so you will all have enough to eat and survive. You must have faith in Me that I can multiply your food for this to happen. I will even send deer into your camps, and they will die. This is why you will need a deer knife to cut up the deer meat to feed your people. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I advised you with several projects to prepare your refuge to house and feed forty people. Now, I am showing you how I will be expanding all of My refuges so you could see 5,000 people coming to your expanded refuge. You will have many helpers to manage the multiplied food, water, and fuels that will be needed for all the people at your refuge. This will be a major undertaking, but fear not because I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, at every refuge you will have daily Holy Communion from either a priest at Mass, or My angels will bring My Blessed Sacrament to you. My refuge builders need to have a monstrance so you can place one Communion in it for Adoration. At every refuge you will assign people for every hour of the day, so you will be worshiping Me around the clock. I told you how I would be with you always, and this is how you will have My Real Presence in front of you every day. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing what you need both spiritually and physically.”

Friday, July 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, when people are hungry, and there is no food available, they get desperate and they go anywhere to find food. You will be seeing such desperate people who did not store some food, when you will see a famine during the next virus attack in the fall. This is like the account of the five wise virgins who bought extra oil for their lamps. I have warned people during this summer before the fall virus, to stock up on some extra canned foods that are still available. The restrictions on the next deadly virus might not even allow you to enter grocery stores, and these stores may have empty shelves. So be wise virgins and stock up food in your homes while you can. Those people, who are lazy and do not follow My advice, could go hungry. Those people, who are evil, will not be allowed by My angels to enter My refuges. When many people are dying from the next virus attack, I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges, where you will be healed, and I will multiply your food and water.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have Democrat mayors and governors siding with allowing Black Lives Matter in destroying property and fighting with the police. It appears that these officials want to make your economy look bad in their states, so your President does not look like he is controlling your country. Many people are dying in your cities because crime is being allowed when the police are not supported. Your President wants law and order, so he is bringing in Homeland Security forces to try and stop the crime that is being allowed. There is a conflict between Federal police and the local officials who do not want Federal police in their towns. These Federal agents are putting down mob scenes, and the criminal elements that are destroying buildings. There will be court battles over who is in charge of policing your cities when the local police are standing down from their job. You are on the brink of a civil war, so pray for peace and law and order all over your country.”

Saturday, July 18, 2020: (St. Camillis de Lellis)
Jesus said: “My people, even in the first reading you are seeing the woes that were brought down on Israel for their worship of false gods instead of worshiping Me. Just as I called down woes on the towns of Israel, so I will call down woes on America, as you see Me bringing down My gavel of justice against you. You continue to kill My unborn babies, and you are committing many sexual sins of fornication, homosexual acts, adultery, prostitution, and evil birth control. How long did you think you could worship the false gods of your pleasures and worldly things without My response? You will see My justice when I will bring famine, plagues, and storms against you as your punishment. You also have Satan worshipers and atheistic communists cursing your land and your President. Soon you will see destruction come upon America, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Sunday, July 19, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is My parable about the Wheat and the Tares or weeds. (Matt. 13:24-34) I am the Son of Man and I planted My Word in the heart of My people. The good seed sprouted up as the wheat. The devil planted his evil seeds, and this caused the weeds to appear. Just as the wheat and the weeds were allowed to grow up together, so I allow the good and the evil people to live together. The judgment day is the time for the harvest of souls. Just as the weeds were bound up and cast into the fire, so the evil people will be separated and their souls will be cast into hell. The good people are represented as the wheat which will be collected into My barn of heaven. There are various ways I will separate the good people from the evil ones. I have asked some of My faithful to build refuges, or safe havens that will be protected by My angels. The tribulation time will be a testing by the evil of the Antichrist. I will allow the Antichrist a brief time of less than 3½ years for his brief reign. This evil will be so terrible that My people will need My angel protection at My refuges. You remember how Elijah hid in the protection of the cave on Mt. Carmel. Trust in Me to provide for your needs at My refuges, and be thankful that My angels will be protecting you at My refuges as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are truly seeing a socialist movement trying to take away your freedoms in the name of the Black Lives Matter protesters. As an example, you are seeing these protesters trying to shut down your city expressway which is denying your right to drive on a public highway. Then this mob is trying to make demands on your people where they have no authority to take away your freedoms. Your people need to realize that you are facing communist and Marxist tactics for a complete takeover of your government. They are defying your police in demanding to defund your police. This is mob rule, and it should not be tolerated by your people or your officials. You have police to preserve law and order, but this mob wants a violent takeover to satisfy their leftist agenda. Do not allow this mob to control you in any way, because their leaders are proposing a socialist and even communist agenda. Pray for your police and that your officials protect your people from these evil demonstrators.”

Monday, July 20, 2020: (Mary Rolfe Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My son, you have heard of My Book of Life where I write the names of My faithful in it. Now I am showing you how everyone, who comes into heaven, has to sign in right by their name in My Book of Life. This is similar to how you sign your signature next to your name in the voting book. This is a great honor to be welcomed into heaven as a saint. Some of you feel insulted if someone needs to spend some time in purgatory to purify their soul. But think of how none of you are perfect, and only perfected souls come directly to heaven. Unless you suffered your purgatory on earth, or you lived a saintly life, these are the only people who come directly to heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me for allowing Mary to be brought into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you hear of all of the killings going on in your big cities, but the worst violence is all the killing of babies going on in your abortion clinics. Even if you see ten killings a day in your cities, it does not compare to the hundreds of babies being aborted every day. Most every abortion produces a dead baby, and even if a baby survives, they allow them to die without care. You think these street killings are bad, but how can a mother kill her innocent, defenseless baby. If you truly believe in loving life, then you need to reach out and do what you can to stop abortion. Planned Parenthood makes most of its money on abortions, so they are living on blood money. Pray to stop your abortions, and fight to protect these defenseless little ones. It is your abortions that offend Me the most, and this is the reason for your punishments.”

Tuesday, July 21, 2020: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, I have been asking people to store some food in their homes before a worse virus pandemic will break out. I talked about storing canned foods and dehydrated foods that do not require refrigeration. This is because you could see a power outage, and you may not have a working refrigerator. When the second wave of virus comes, it will be more severe, and you may be restricted to your homes without coming to the grocery store. The store also may have trouble stocking food on their shelves. You saw how many empty shelves there were in your stores after the first virus attack. So this second virus attack could find even more empty shelves. If there are mandatory chips in the body, do not take any chips, even if you need chips in the body to buy food. I told you that if your food is in short supply before coming to My refuges, I would multiply what food you have for your survival. By having some extra food in your homes, then you will not go hungry during the coming famine. This is the 27th anniversary of your messages from 1993, and you have been well blessed.”

Wednesday, July 22, 2020: (St. Mary Magdalene, Michael Macaluso)
Michael said: “I love all of my family and friends, and I am sorry that you all could not make it to my funeral service because of the virus restrictions. I had a good life in supporting the Blue Army and Archangel School. You know how I was truly fighting against abortion, gay lifestyles, and pornography that truly disgusted me, and that people should also be offended. People have rights, but deep in their hearts, they know their actions are wrong. For those people, who accept God, they know they are committing sins against God. I thank all of My relatives and friends who helped me in this struggle against the evils of this society. I will be praying for all of my family and friends. With the Masses that were offered for My intention, I am now in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is appalling that you Democrat mayors and governors are permitting all the shootings of people. The anarchists are burning buildings and fighting the police and Federal agents with all kinds of projectiles. Every night you hear a list of how many people were shot and killed in your major cities. These Democrat officials are doing practically nothing to stop the anarchists from their crimes. Your President can legally protect Federal buildings, and your liberal officials even want to arrest these agents for defending Federal buildings. These protests are no longer peaceful, and they are even growing more violent as time goes on. I told you before that these officials care more for their power, than their people. Because this violence is continuing, you will see more conflicts between the anarchist killers and your President’s desire for law and order. This is no longer just a political battle of words, but you are seeing an attempt by communist radicals to take over your government by force. Pray for your police and Federal agents to bring law and order to your cities of violence.”

Thursday, July 23, 2020: (St. Bridget)
Jesus said: “My people, I see a deep contrast between heaven, where there is peace and love, compared to earth, where you are seeing hate and division with virus plagues. You can see the demons are at work to prepare for their brief reign over the earth. They know their time is short, and they are doing all they can to try and steal souls from Me. If only the people could understand My Commandments of love of Me and love of neighbor. I give you My Word of love in the Bible for those who read it. Instead of having a struggle for power and taking over the government by force, you need to have more love and help for your neighbor. This killing and destruction is from the evil one, who is inspiring a socialist communist takeover. The socialists are listening to the lies and deceit of the devil, instead of loving everyone in peace. Pray for a stop to all of this violence. After the brief reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My victory over these evil ones, as I will cast them into the eternal flames of hell. My faithful need to be patient, and eventually come to My refuges of protection. After My victory, I will bring My faithful into the peace and love of My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I want you to read the seven trumpets as given in the Book of Revelation. (Chaps 8, 9, 10) I am having you read about these trumpets because you are about to see them falling on the earth.
For the first trumpet the first angel sounded the trumpet and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and it was cast upon the earth; and the third part of the earth was burnt up, and the third part of the trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
For the second trumpet the second angel sounded the trumpet, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea; and the third part of the sea became blood, and there died the third part of the those creatures that have life in the sea, and the third part of the ships was destroyed.
For the third trumpet the third angel sounded the trumpet and there fell from heaven a great star, burning like a torch, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. The name of the star is called Wormwood.
For the fourth trumpet the fourth angel sounded the trumpet, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, that the third part of them might be darkened, and the day for the third part of it might not shine, and the night likewise.
For the fifth trumpet the angel called forth scorpions on the earth from hell. And they were told not to hurt the grass of the earth or any green thing or any tree, but only the men who do not have God’s seal upon their foreheads. The scorpions were the size of horses and they stung the people for five months without killing them.
For the sixth trumpet the four angels were loosed who are bound at the great river Euphrates. They were to kill the third part of mankind with fire, smoke, and sulphur.
For the seventh trumpet an angel gave a small scroll to St. John to eat and it became sour in his stomach.

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with Niagara Falls where large amounts of water are flowing over the edge. With storms and hurricanes, you will be seeing some floods in various parts of America, and other parts of the world. Be prepared for more testing of your people because of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another example of how My angels will expand all of My refuges. Have no fear of the evil ones because I will lead you to My refuges when your lives are in danger. You all will have your own space to sleep, eat, and worship My Host in your monstrance. Remember to choose your hour of Adoration every day. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need a spiritual uplift amidst all of the corona virus fears. Every time you receive My Blessed Sacrament, you are receiving a spiritual uplift with all of My graces. You may not fully appreciate the power of My consecrated Host. Just as the Israelites survived on the manna in the desert, so you have witnessed saints who have lived only on taking My consecrated Host every day. If you only had the daily Holy Communion that you will receive at My refuges, you could survive on My daily Manna. You will receive daily Holy Communion from either a priest or My angels. So have no fear of what you are to eat, or drink, or where you will stay, because I will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Friday, July 24, 2020: (St. Sharbel Makhluf)
Jesus said: “My people, I want people to love each other, even if you perceive some people as your enemies. You are all made in My image, and you need to pray for the conversion of sinners. I allow people to have free will to love Me or not. My faithful are directed by their Baptism to try and evangelize all souls. Because Satan has turned many souls away from Me, it is very difficult to fight these evil led movements in your country. I have told you before that your daily rosary is your best weapon against this evil. You may help those people who are open to listen to My Word, and you can help your neighbor with their needs. The violence in front of you is an example of how the demons are controlling the minds and weak souls who are closed to My Word. Keep praying for these souls and still love even those people who may be your enemies. I am allowing the evil ones their brief hour of reign on earth. Once I separate the good people at My refuges, I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. Be faithful and have patience, for I will soon bring My reign in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, earlier you watched a video of ‘To Hell and Back’ where clinically dead people came back and gave witness to their experience in hell. They each were given a choice to call on Me to be saved from the eternal flames in hell. These people had traumatic experiences that made a huge impact on their lives. They could have another chance to change their lives to the spiritual life that I call all souls to come to Me out of love. I am calling My faithful to help all souls to come close to Me and love Me. My prayer warriors are given a glorious opportunity to help save souls by their preaching My Word and giving good example of how to love Me in their daily actions. For your kind efforts, you will receive many graces, and with the souls you save, I will reward you in the higher levels of heaven. Rejoice, My people, when I give you this opportunity to help save souls or these scrolls for heaven.”

Saturday, July 25, 2020: (St. James, the apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, I AM love itself, and everything I do is out of love for My friends. Since you know how much I love you by dying for your sins, it is important to Me that you love Me as well. If you truly love Me, you will show it in your actions, more than your words. I should be your first love in your life, even above your spouse, relatives, and possessions. In other words, you need to love Me in everything you do, and also you need to love your neighbor as yourself. At one time, My son, you had two agendas, one for Me, and one for yourself. Once you were enlightened by My healing of your computer addiction, now you only have one agenda for what I want you to do. This is how I desire all people to love Me, with only one agenda over all of your own wants. When you worship Me in silence, and pray to Me, I will see to all of your needs in My time. So have no fear, and I promise to be with you and help you through every day of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuing battle between the Black Lives Matter mob and the Federal agents and some police. Your Democrat mayors and governors are supporting the anarchists who are destroying your cities. You are on the brink of a civil war between the communist anarchists and those authorities who are fighting for law and order. I am showing you earthquakes and hurricanes that are going to test your people. You need to pray that your authorities can control these evil mobs, or you will see My punishment come upon you more severely. You have seen the communist leaders undermine your families, your churches, your government, and your media and schools. Now these mobs are attempting the physical takeover of your government. If your people do not stop these evil ones in your streets, then you will have no more freedoms. Continue to pray for peace and love in your country, instead of hate and division. Worship Me instead of worshiping war and violence from the devil.”

Sunday, July 26, 2020: (St. Joachim and St. Anne)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the people that the Kingdom of God is like a fisherman who hauls in a catch of fish. Later, on shore the good fish are sorted into vessels, but the bad fish are thrown away. (Matt. 13:49-50) ‘So it will be at the end of the world. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from among the just, and the angels will cast the wicked into the furnace of fire, where there will be the weeping, and the gnashing of teeth.’ In My messages I have repeated this same judgment that will fall on the evil souls. The evil ones are having their brief hour of control that I will allow with the Antichrist. My faithful will be separated at My refuges from the evil ones throughout the whole tribulation. Your stay at My refuges will be your purgatory on earth. After this separation, I will bring down My Comet of Chastisement which will be My victory over the evil ones. These evil ones will be cast into hell, as I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Trust in Me that I will bring My love and My justice down upon the earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, every child that comes into this world faces many challenges. Each conceived child first has to be able to avoid being killed by abortion. The next challenge is what kind of family are they born into. I desire that your children are born into a couple that is married, and not outside of marriage. You also should prefer that each child has a mother and a father present. Your children should be baptized and be given the other sacraments as well. As the child grows up, you may have to protect your child from developing autism from too many shots. You also will have to decide if the child will be in day care, or if one parent stays home to take care of the baby. As your child enters the public school system or home schooling, you will need to watch over what they are being taught. If you cannot have any religious education, then the parents will have to teach the children their religion. As they grow up, the parents should be taking their child to Sunday Mass. Each child has a soul, and My parents are responsible to lead this child to Me as they are taught the faith. Bring up your children by giving them your full attention, because they grow up quickly, and you are responsible for their food, clothes, and their spiritual life.”

Monday, July 27, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in Jeremiah 13:1-11 how I asked Jeremiah to hide a worn loincloth in the desert. Later, I asked him to find the loincloth, but now it had rotted and was good for nothing. Jeremiah was given: ‘So also will I allow the pride of Juda to rot, the great pride of Jerusalem. This wicked people who refuse to obey My words, who walk in the stubbornness of their hearts, and follow strange gods to serve and adore them, shall be like this loincloth which is good for nothing.’ My people of America, you also will be taken over for all of your abortions, fornications, adulteries, and many other evil sins against Me. Your country was once beautiful and prosperous, but now you are beset by this evil virus as part of your punishment for worshiping your gods of pleasure and wealth. Because of your sins without repentance, you will be tested with more severe viruses, bad weather, and even a nuclear attack that will destroy your electric grid. You will soon be called to My refuges after My Warning, so you will be protected from the Satanic mobs who will want to kill you. Give praise and thanks to Me for My refuges, and My angel protection during the tribulation. I call My faithful to repent of their sins and follow their guardian angels. The evil ones who do not repent, and do not love Me, will suffer destruction and the eternal flames of hell. Trust in Me and have patience through this evil time, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two category I hurricanes striking your land almost at the same time. The first one, Hanna, struck in the southern tip of Texas along the Gulf of Mexico. The second storm, Douglas, came close to the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Both of these storms have caused some damage which is till being assessed. You will be seeing more storms as time approaches your peak hurricane season. Many events will be ongoing, especially another more serious virus attack that will shut down your economy again. All of these viruses are being made on purpose and exported from China to America. I told you the evil ones will be using your chemtrails to spread the next virus. More people will die from this second attack, and the restrictions will be more severe than the first attack. When you see many people dying, I will send My Warning for all sinners, and then I will call My faithful to My refuges. Call on Me to protect you and lead you to the nearest refuge. My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Tuesday, July 28, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you messages that you are in the pre-tribulation with all the restrictions of this corona virus. Fortunately, you have not seen severe amounts of deaths with this first attack, but in the fall you will see a worse virus attack with more deaths than the first. I have also mentioned that when you see many deaths around you, I will call you to the safety of My refuges, where you will be healed of all of your ills. Before you are called to My refuges, I will bring My Warning experience to everyone all at once. During the Warning you will be advised to come to a refuge for your protection. I have led some of My faithful to set up refuges, and I have enabled them to afford what is needed. Because there are only a few refuges that are still viable, I will have My angels expand My refuges to accommodate the numbers of My faithful who will be led to My refuges. Have no fear because My angels will put invisible shields over you to protect you. For those refuges that need help, My angels will finish any projects left undone. I will perform miracles to protect and feed My faithful. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads, will be able to enter. So after My Warning, you need to convert your family into believers, so My angels can place a cross on their foreheads.”

Jesus said: “My son, this virus attack has closed many businesses, and it is more difficult to get to your talks or take an airplane. You still can put out My messages on your website. You also are skyping your talks to various places where they could see you giving your talks. Saving souls is your most important job, and spreading My messages can help people prepare their souls for the end times. Continue praying your rosaries, attending Mass, and adoring My Blessed Sacrament with the intention of saving the souls in your family. Encourage your family to attend Sunday Mass, and come to monthly Confession. It is important to have your souls confessed often so you are ready for your mini-judgment in the Warning experience. Call down My angels in your prayers to watch over the souls of your family. Ask My Blessed Mother to watch over all of your children, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren. Have her put her mantle of protection over each of them. Your spiritual preparations are even more important than your refuge preparations.”

Wednesday, July 29, 2020: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings are all about love of Me and love of neighbor as yourself. There are many ways you can show your love for Me, even in the little things you do, as St. Therese did in her little ways. You can please Me in serving others as St. Martha did, and you can please Me in quiet contemplation when you are adoring My Real Presence in My Eucharist as St. Mary did. I told My apostles: ‘Peace be with you.’ If you stay in peace, even with upsetting things, you will not lose your temper in swearing or angry comments. Do not let the devil upset your peace, and stay calm and faithful throughout the day. In St. John’s first reading he speaks of how I am love and I share My love with you, even when I died on the cross for your sins. I created all of you and I placed My image of love in each of you. You are all capable of loving Me and your neighbor. Use your free will to acknowledge your love for Me, as I desire to be loved in return. When you realize anxieties, worries, fears, and temptations to evil are all from the devil, then call on Me for help so you do not lose your peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have prepared for this time of the refuge, and soon you will be using what you have stored for this time. Another worse virus is coming this fall, and you may again be confined to your homes with even worse restrictions. In the first virus attack, it was not as deadly as people predicted. This second attack will be worse, but unless you see a lot of dead bodies, you can withstand it. You will see the Battle of Armageddon where I will have some generals fight off the evil people and demons, with the help of My angels. There will be several battles, but I will win the war as the evil ones will be cast into hell. My faithful will be protected as you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Trust in My Word as My angels will protect you and feed you at My refuges.”

Thursday, July 30, 2020: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, I am a bridge between this world and the next world after death. I have been talking about the end time preparations, but the end time of your life can happen any time. Your body is mortal, and you will not live very long in this life. So as you are preparing physically with refuges for the end times, you also need to be spiritually prepared for whenever I wish to call you home to Me in the death of the body. When your soul body leaves your physical body, you will still have your senses, but you will feel more alive without any pain. Then you will face your judgment. You can be prepared spiritually by frequent Confession of at least once a month. Along with your Mass and rosaries, helping your neighbor will also gain you graces and shorten your purgatory time. Those people, who live during the tribulation, will suffer their purgatory on earth at My refuges. You can only enter My refuges, if you are a believer in Me, when the angels will place an invisible cross on your forehead. Keeping your soul clean with frequent Confession, will also help you when you will face My Warning experience at your life review. My believers will not face a hell experience, unless they have mortal sin on their souls. These coming events will require faith and trust in Me that I will protect you through all of your trials.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you were planning to be with Louise and Fr. Michel near Marmora, Canada for St. Anne’s feast day, but the Canadian border was closed so this was cancelled. This corona virus has changed your lives in many ways, and one problem is crossing borders. Even various states are requiring 14 day quarantines. We in heaven know your desire to share St. Anne’s feast day, and we thank you for all of your efforts to honor My grandmother.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a constant conflict between the Black Lives Matter protesters and the police and Federal agents. Your police are needed to keep order, but their salaries are being threatened with budget cuts. This constant protest is being financed by rich liberals. If shooting people gets out of hand, you could see a civil war between this mob and the authorities. If this happens, your President may have to call up troops to control any riots. If this happens in many cities, he may even have to declare martial law against these destructive mobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President does not have the authority to shut down an election. But if martial law was declared, he could stop the election. If a worse virus breaks out, this would be another reason to stop the election. Some people want to have mail-in ballots, but your President refuses to endorse this because such ballots could be easily forged. This could cause another battle in the courts over which ballots are legal. I have told you in previous messages that there is a good chance that your elections will be cancelled. Trust in Me for your protection in these coming events.”

Jesus said: “My son, you enjoyed Fr. Mike D.’s talks, and your touring of the area with him. Some people were thankful for his confessing people and his counseling. You were enriched with his experiences with the Hispanic people. Give thanks to Me for his sharing with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, imagine how difficult it would be if you have a worse virus attack in the fall. It will be more deadly, and you will instantly see another shut down, but this time you may not be able to go to your food stores. This is why I have advised My faithful to store some canned foods at your homes in case you cannot leave. Only if you see a lot of people dying, will I call you to My refuges. Trust in Me when I will give you an inner locution to leave your homes.”

Jesus said: “My son, this vision is similar to a vision you were given by another visionary (Evetta) who bought several old army barracks in Canada. This happened before you had messages, but now you can see how this was a prophesy for your time even now. When your lives are in danger, I will call My believers to come to My refuges, and their guardian angels will lead them with a flame to the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a Scripture of these end times in Acts 2:17: ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says the Lord, that I will pour forth of My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.’ All of My messengers and visionaries in the end times will be speaking about the need to come to My refuges to be protected from the evil ones. This is why I have called refuge builders to set up places of safe havens for My faithful to come at the proper time. These refuge builders are following My directions and they have spent many hours, work, and money to make places ready to receive My believers. Trust in My Word that you will be protected from the evil ones throughout the tribulation.”

Friday, July 31, 2020: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)
Jesus said: “My son, in the first reading (Jeremiah 26:1-9) Jeremiah told the people of an impending destruction of Israel because of their sins. The people and the priests did not want to hear such words, and these people even wanted to kill Jeremiah. He had to flee into hiding. You, My son, have also had many messages about how America will be taken over as well, to make the world ready for the reign of the Antichrist. Your people do not want to hear this message either. When you talk of storing food and setting up refuges, the people did not see the need. But now with these virus attacks, the people understand your messages more. Even when you told people not to take vaccines or the mark of the beast in a computer chip in the body, people at first thought this was not possible. Now you are seeing how the rich people want to use vaccines to kill people, and reduce the population. These same evil ones want to force people to have chips in the body, so they could control your mind and soul as robots for their evil work. Refuse even under pain of death to take any vaccines, and refuse to take any chip in the body for any reason. Even if people laugh at you, or criticize you, you need to keep giving My messages to warn the people of the evil ones who want to control people. Trust in My Word that My believers need to come to My refuges for protection from those evil ones who want to kill you, as they tried to kill the early prophets of Israel.”

Jesus said: “My people, the time before the next virus attack is running out. I warned you this new virus attack would come in the fall. My people need to prepare their souls with monthly Confession. You will need masks and stay inside when you can see chemtrails being used. You can build up your immune system with Hawthorn pills, vitamin C, and elderberry extract. You can stay in your homes with the next lock down, if you do not see a lot of dead bodies. If it is dangerous to stay at your homes, I will warn you with My inner locution to tell you it is time to come to My refuges. At My refuges you will look on the luminous cross or drink spring water, and you will be healed of any virus or any other affliction. After you are healed of any health issue, My angels will shield you from any virus, poisonous gas, or even bombs. The evil ones will not be able to kill you at My refuges. Be thankful that I will be watching over you to protect you from the evil ones, and provide for your needs.”

Saturday, August 1, 2020: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My people, today I want to give you a lesson on how the communists work, when they are set on a takeover. Their strategy is two steps forward and one step back, so their momentum is to constantly push forward for a takeover. Whenever they appear to back away, it is only for a compromise. But then they move forward again, so do not be tricked when they seem to stop protesting. The only way to deal with the communists is with force and prayers. They always stand down when there is a stronger force than they are, and prayer is like throwing hot water on their ears. So if you intend to keep your country free, you need to put up a major resistance to the communists’ plans. Put down their resistance, and put more prayer in your churches, your homes, and even your schools.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to plan on not being able to cook on your existing oven that requires natural gas that will stop quickly. You first need to get some more good size kettles so you can hydrate your dehydrated food with your well water. You need some propane burners to cook on, and other wood burners. Use your fireplace and your fire pit for cooking things. Think big and rotate dinner hours for at least two meals a day. You can buy two more five gallon propane tanks for cooking, and I will multiply this fuel. You can buy another CampChef with two burners and an oven for making bread. Use your butane burner, your outside grill, and your Coleman stove. Buy a device to cook on in your fire pit. You may have to buy more flour and yeast to make your bread that I can multiply. I truly will multiply the materials for your food, but you need pots, pans, and ovens to work with. By getting more means to cook food, you will be somewhat ready to help feed large numbers of people at your refuge.”

Sunday, August 2, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I do not want anyone to mock My words or My miracles in the Gospel. This is why you saw lightning come down on your deacon for misinterpreting My miracle of multiplying the loaves and fish for the 5,000. The deacon was mistaught by liberal teachers to say that the people shared their own meals that they had brought with them. In order for Me to perform miracles, the people had to have faith that I could multiply the food for the 5,000. You remember how I could not perform miracles in Nazareth, because the people did not have faith in Me to perform healings. There is a symbolism in this bread to represent My Eucharist. When I split the bread at the Last Supper this became My Real Body and Blood. ONLY I can give you My Bread of life in Holy Communion, and this is your belief in My Real Presence. So at My refuges, when My refuge builders have to feed 5,000 people, they have to have faith that I can perform this miracle of multiplication of the food, water, and fuels. This Gospel speaks of My feeding 5,000 men, so it has an extra meaning also at My refuges. Remember when I told you that My angels will provide buildings for the 5,000 people that will come as in a stadium of people. You all will have Holy Communion daily from the priest or My angels, which will be another miracle. You need to have at least a small amount of food for Me to multiply. So be prepared, and trust in My power to multiply what you need.”

Monday, August 3, 2020:
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, over the years I have given messages to many people, but these places are not always accepted by your Church leaders. When you read any messages from various visionaries, you need to test the spirit of its true value. The Church is very careful in approving messages, so do not be surprised when certain bishops do not approve of messages from a certain person. Keep praying my rosary and wearing my scapular which brings you to my Son, Jesus. Very few people have their messages approved by the Church.”

(Intention for Joanne Jackson memorial) Joanne said: “I am so sorry that I had to leave Chuck behind, but I love him dearly. The cancer made me suffer a lot in the end, but now I am at peace with no more pain. Even when you die, very few people are allowed to come to the funeral. Chuck and I enjoyed your talks, and when we came to your house. I need just a few more Masses, and I will be with my Jesus. I love Chuck and I will be praying for him and the family.”

Tuesday, August 4, 2020: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My people, I have a few Adoration people who take the time to worship and praise Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. When you love someone as Me, you want to be with Me as much as you can. You also want to be in the state of grace, so you can come to Me in Confession. Every day you need to consecrate everything over to Me in all you do. Walk with Me in helping people, especially evangelizing souls. Keep praying for your family members that they will see My Light, and make Me a part of their lives. Strive for perfection to please Me every day, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Wednesday, August 5, 2020:(Dedication of St. Mary Major Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, the eye of a storm is a sign of even worse storms to come than your last storm that caused damage along the East coast. Your bad weather is reflecting the riots and damage in your cities caused by your anarchist mobs. You are dealing with socialist communists who are trying to take over your country and your elections. I have mentioned several times that when your President leaves office, you will be made into a communist state like Venezuela. Have your backpacks ready to leave for My refuges, when you see this takeover. This will be a civil war as people will fight for their freedom. When your lives are in danger, I will have My angels shield you from the evil ones, so you do not have to use guns for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have witnessed the dead calm before a hurricane comes in. You are in that calm before the second virus attack comes. I have warned you how the next virus will be worse than the first, and you could see another shutdown with worse restrictions. Every time you see a new mutated virus come on the scene, there is a major spread of disease until your people build up an immunity. This first attack was a laboratory creation because most flu viruses do not continue during the summer. The new characteristics of the next virus are unknown, and it will take some time to see if this is similar to the first virus. In any event this next virus will also come out of China, and if it is spread by the chemtrails, many people could get infected and die. You could stay in your homes, unless you see many dead bodies. Then I will call My faithful to My refuges. Be prepared to leave for My refuges with your backpacks when you see the signs of a worse pandemic. If things get really bad, you could even see a martial law declared which could stop your elections. If your lives are in danger, My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Thursday, August 6, 2020:(Transfiguration of Our Lord; Joe Esper)
Joe Esper said: “Hello John and Carol, I came to heaven with this Mass, and I want to share one last message with you. I saw the angels and my relatives greet me, and they brought me in front of Jesus in His transfigured body. The Light from the Lord was almost blinding. I would not have been able to endure this bright light in my physical body. It is so glorious here, and it is beyond all of my earthly descriptions. I can look down on you people on earth, and I can see all the demons who are using addictions to control people. The stench of evil is so great that Our Lord is bringing punishments on the people for their sins and ignoring God. I will be praying for my family and all of my friends. I will also pray for all of your evangelization of souls.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you just had Hurricane Isaias come into the Carolinas and it sent destruction up through the Northeast states. At the height of this damage, you had almost two million people without electricity. This is the worst storm in the Northeast since Hurricane Sandy. This is just the beginning of what America will face from this year’s hurricanes. You will be seeing punishments from storms and the next virus attack. Pray for the people who died, and for those suffering from this storm.”

Jesus said: “My people, with this first corona virus attack, you have had a shut down in many places all over the world that came from China. You are in the pre-tribulation time and your events will become more serious. If your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges for your protection. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from any harm.”

Jesus said: “My people, this hydroxychloroquine has been used safely for years in treating malaria and other diseases. Now, some studies have shown it to work in slowing the over reaction by your immune system to this latest virus. In combination with Zinc and Zithromax, it has helped heal some serious virus cases. You know a few people who were healed with this regimen. You have seen some doctors and officials try to outlaw its use because they want to sell you expensive drugs and vaccines. You have an article on how to make a recipe for this, but do not use an overdose. Doctors would be better to give this medication out if they were allowed and could get this on the open market. Do not take any mandatory vaccine, because this could harm your immune system. Trust in My help in healing any sickness.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Transfiguration was a preview of My glorified Body after My Resurrection. At the final judgment My faithful will be reunited with their own glorified body in heaven. Call on Me to help heal those people who need healing. Before I healed people physically, I forgave their sins first in their souls, and then healed their bodies. Your friend, Fr. Michel, also confessed people before he helped heal them. Even at My refuges, you will be healed spiritually and physically when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky. Even now you could come to frequent Confession to prepare yourself for your Warning experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for the conversion of sinners so they can be saved before you will be tested by the events in the fall. Some souls will be converted in their Warning experience, but they still have free will to choose to be with Me or not. You have prayed your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese for special intentions. Now, I want you to pray these prayers to help convert your family members so My angels can put an invisible cross on their foreheads. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in messages to love everyone, even your enemies. My people, you are called to evangelize all souls so they could be saved. Just as you were praying to save your relatives, you can also pray the 24 Glory Be prayers to help save those people who are causing the violence in your cities. Pray your rosaries also for the conversion of poor sinners. Instead of criticizing your enemies, you need to pray to save their souls. With more people praying in your country, you can overcome the temptations of the demons.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a dark cloud of evil coming over America that will take away your freedoms and threaten many lives. You know that America has to be taken over in order for the Antichrist to have his reign. You will be facing famine, earthquakes, and pestilence from these viruses. These are the signs of the end times. You will first have My Warning experience followed by six weeks for conversions. Then your lives will be threatened, and I will give an inner locution to everyone when it is time to come to My refuges of protection. You will be safe from the demons at My refuges during the tribulation. After the Antichrist’s brief reign, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. I will then bring My faithful into My Era of Peace and later into heaven. Be patient and trust in My protection.”

Friday, August 7, 2020: (St. Cajetan)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing this demon in front of you as a sign of the great evil that is about to befall your country as events will lead up to the demise of your country as you know it. You realize how the left socialists are gaining power over your people through the Black Lives Matter movement. These socialists are infesting your schools, your media, and your government. If they cannot force their way through your Senate and your President, they will try to take you over in the streets of your cities. You are seeing a big push from the demons for a takeover of America, because their time is running out before My victory will throw the evil ones into hell. You will be seeing a battle through a possible civil war where your people will be resisting the left’s forceful demands that have no authority. The left will keep pushing for a takeover. Call on My protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, these evil demons still have great intelligence. They are facing many souls who are not close to Me, and these souls are easy prey for the demons’ temptations. I am protecting My faithful from the demons with My angels in heaven. You still have free will, and you are prone to sin, but I guard you against serious sin. You are seeing many evil things going on because I am allowing the evil people to follow the demons by the people’s own free will. You will see more evil and violence as these evil people will be persecuting Christians. When your lives or souls are in danger of being lost, I will call you to My refuges. Have no fear of these demons, for when I am with you, they will scatter. Keep close to Me in prayer and My sacraments, and you will have nothing to worry about. The demons will continue to torment you until your dying day, but I will be with you.”

Saturday, August 8, 2020: (Funeral Mass, M. Dominic Difante)
Jesus said: “My people, you could see how many people were touched by Dominic’s life. The priest gave a wonderful homily in focusing on Me, even with all the attention given to Dominic. His life was an example for all of you to follow. He was dedicated to his work and the love of his wife and family. He will be praying for all of you. He will spend a short time in purgatory, so you could offer up your prayers and Masses for him. Give thanks and praise to Me for the gift of Dominic’s life.”

Jesus said: “My people, during this virus attack, the restrictions are hurting the smaller businesses more than the larger ones. As more small businesses fail in bankruptcy, there are fewer jobs, and the larger firms are stealing the customers of the failed businesses. As this virus continues, mostly the larger businesses will be able to survive. Because the Congress people cannot agree on a new stimulus plan, your President is trying to use Executive Orders to implement a $400/month supplement to the unemployment checks that the unemployed people are receiving. It is unclear what authority he is using, or how this plan will be funded. Pray that your country can continue to supply jobs for the unemployed, and that you can recover what was lost.”

Sunday, August 9, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, today’s Gospel was about My walking on the water to My apostles. Just as I invited St. Peter to ‘Come’ to Me by walking on the water, so I am inviting My faithful to walk with Me in My special missions. Your deacon read a book and the author spoke how it is important to step out of the security of the boat, and trust more in Me to walk on the water. You, My son, have answered two of My calls for My missions. The first mission is to spread My messages to the people about preparing for the end times. The second mission, that you accepted, is to provide a refuge for My faithful to come at the appointed time. Once you were healed of your computer addiction, you said ‘yes’ to My calls. Keep praying and keep your dedication to My missions, and you will be blessed for your service in answering My call.”

Monday, August 10, 2020: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, when you stand back and you look at your new life with all of your virus precautions, you can see how the one world people have ingrained their control over you. You have never done this for any previous pandemic, and these world leaders are really preparing you for the new world order. They have brain-washed you with face masks and social distancing, so all of you are accepting these orders. There is a drive to produce a vaccine for this virus that is less deadly than the Spanish Flu. This vaccine will be harmful to your immune system, so do not take it even under threat of death. The plan is also to incorporate the computer chip in the body, so they can see if you had this shot. Refuse to take the vaccine and refuse to take any chip in the body. Eventually, they will imprison or kill those people who do not take the vaccine. You know that such vaccines are only about 20-30% effective, but the deep state people will use this to get rid of all the people who refuse this shot. Their goal is total control to prepare the way for the Antichrist’s takeover. Because your lives will be threatened if you do not take the vaccine and the mark of the beast, I will call My faithful to My refuges when they make this mandatory. Before these authorities start coming to every house to enforce mandatory chips in the body, I will give you My inner locution to come to the nearest refuge for your protection. My angels will protect you on the way to a refuge and while you are at a refuge. You will remain at My refuges throughout the entire tribulation time. You can see how close you are to the tribulation when you see this enforcement of vaccines and chips in your body. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more violence in your streets by the Black Live Matter mob and Antifa in many of your large Democrat cities. Now these mobs are threatening to burn down houses in the suburbs. A man was threatening a Secret Service agent when he told the agent he had a gun. He charged the agent and the agent shot him in the leg. Later, it was revealed that the man did not have a weapon. This was a possible threat originally, but you need to keep praying for the physical protection of your President in his campaign to be re-elected. You have a clear choice in this election between your President who upholds law and order vs. the left leaning Democrats who want to defund the police and support the Black Lives Matter mob. It is time for your people to vote for the person who will stand up for your freedoms and support your Constitution. I am protecting your President from harm for now, but you will soon see another crisis in the fall. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Tuesday, August 11, 2020: (St. Clare)
Jesus said: “My people, you are focused on St. Clare and St. Francis who gave up everything to follow Me in full trust. They formed the ‘Poor Clares’ to help the poor and the sick. I was pleased with their selfless work to help the people. In the Gospel (Matt. 18:1-4) My disciples were asking Me who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven? I brought some children in front of My disciples, and I told them they had to become as innocent and humble as a child in order to enter heaven. ‘Whoever, therefore, humbles himself as this little child, he is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.’ So you have two lessons to follow. Do not be worried about money, and be innocent and humble as a child, so you will be worthy of entering heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your socialist communist mobs looting and burning your cities while your Democrat mayors, councils, and governors are allowing it, and defunding your police. Some of your city and state leaders are sympathizing with these communists so they can make your President look bad for the elections. These leaders care more for their political power than they do for the lives of the people and your business owners. With such reckless destruction, your businesses will move out of your cities, and the truckers, who bring things, will stop delivering to your out of control cities with no police protection. These evil ones will starve the people with no food and very few police. This is the beginning of a communist takeover with no opposition. When are your people going to realize they are being controlled by these communist mobs? As things will get worse with more viruses, the punishment of your people will be seen when you see a communist takeover. When martial law or a civil war comes, I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges.”

Wednesday, August 12, 2020: (St. Jane Frances Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading from Ezekiel chap. 9, is significant for all of My believers who want to be protected at My refuges. My faithful are baptized and confirmed with chrism on their foreheads. Now, My angels are placing an invisible cross on the foreheads of My believers. Only during the time leading up to coming to the refuges will other faithful be able to see your cross. The evil ones will not be able to see this cross. Only My believers with this cross will be permitted to enter My refuges. My refuge angel will not allow the evil ones or people without the cross to enter. After the Warning experience you need to convert your family to believing in Me, so they can have a cross on their forehead. In the reading from Ezekiel those people marked with a thau on their foreheads, were protected from the angels of destruction. In the Exodus in Egypt only those houses marked with the lamb’s blood on the lintel and door posts were saved from the angel of destruction. Also in the Book of Revelation it speaks of those marked on the forehead as being protected from the destruction by My angels. So be thankful that I will protect all of My faithful who believe in My Word and who will be allowed into My refuges.”

(Holly intention) Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are faithful in coming to Sunday Mass, will have their reward with Me on earth and later in heaven. For a brief time My faithful will have to endure their purgatory on earth during the tribulation. Your safest place will be at My refuges with My angels for your protection. For those people, who do not know where My refuges are, they must call on Me, and I will have their guardian angel lead them with a flame to the nearest refuge. Once My people come into My Era of Peace, you will truly be led into heaven after you die in this life. My faithful need to be confident in My protection and My help with all of their needs.”

Thursday, August 13, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, think of all of the times that you came to Me in the priest for Confession. Every time you asked Me to forgive your sins, I did so. So it is with your neighbor. Since I forgive your sins, you need to forgive your neighbor’s offenses as well. Just as you love Me, so you need to love your neighbor. So when you forgive others their offenses, you are doing it out of love for Me and them. Forgiving others may be difficult, because your loving others may not be perfected yet. The hardest ones to forgive are those people who you consider your enemies. Remember how I told you to love your enemies as well as your friends. This takes great faith to love and forgive your enemies. You are here in this life to imitate My perfect love for everyone, both the good and the bad people. I call all of you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. I know living in an imperfect body and in an imperfect world, it will be difficult, but you can strive for perfection. I give you My forgiveness in Confession, so you can cleanse your souls of sin. When you come to Confession often, there is no excuse for you not to be holy and living holy lives. I will forgive you every time you seek My forgiveness, so you also should forgive others as I forgive you.”

Prayer Group:
God the Holy Spirit said: “I am the Holy Spirit of God, and you were calling on Me to heal someone. So I am coming to heal all the people here, if you have faith that I can heal you. All healings require a faith from deep in the heart and soul. I call on all of you to pray for all of your intentions, and the intentions of My spouse in the Blessed Mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am truly your King of all the universe, and the flames on My crown are a sign of My justice that is about to come down on the earth for all of your sins. You are seeing the evil ones bringing destruction upon your cities. You are still having abortions, which greatly offends Me. You were taking care of your great grandchildren and you see how beautiful these little ones are to you and to Me. I cannot understand how you can kill these little ones for money or shame. Continue to pray to stop all abortions.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM, and I am showing you how precious each life is to Me, and your people are discarding My little bodies in human garbage cans. You are not worthy to have these gifts of Mine, so I am escorting every aborted baby to heaven as I treasure them as little martyrs. Their guardian angels come to Me in heaven, and I write their names in My Book of Life. You can see why America will suffer many punishments for killing My babies in abortion. You have seen in the Scriptures how I have punished nations for their sins. So expect My justice to fall on you soon.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank all of My prayer warriors for being faithful in your prayers every Saturday to help stop this carnage of killing My babies. Praying to stop abortions in this public witness, shows Me how serious you are to be on the front lines against your abortion clinics. Many people are promoting the Right to Life in prayers and actions. My son, this is why I asked you and your wife to join this protest against abortions by praying in front of the Planned Parenthood building every Saturday when you can make it. There should be even more numbers who should follow your example. Continue to offer your rosaries up to stop your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, these 5G microwave cell towers will cause more harm to your minds and bodies. So avoid using 5G cell phone technology close to your heads. You also have seen a connection with 5G and this virus that causes even more virus cases. Some places are actually trying to take down 5G cell towers because the people know about the health problems. As your people put up more 5G cell towers, you could see more virus cases near these towers. So avoid using 5G technology that will cause more sickness.”

Our Lady gave a message and she said: “My dear children, I thank you for honoring my feast day of my Assumption, and for your rosaries tonight for all of your intentions. You have been visited by my Spouse in the Holy Spirit, and we are all calling your people to pray to stop your abortions. You saw the Holy Innocents who were killed by Herod, as he tried to kill my Son, Jesus. You saw many killed in the holocaust, but still you continue to kill the unborn babies. Continue your rosary devotions, as your world needs much more prayer that is coming only from the prayer warriors.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you in previous messages how abortion is the single most important issue among your people. You are seeing how I send many gifts of life to your mothers. Some babies are accepted and are born into the world, but some mothers are killing their own children in abortion. I love every baby, and the Holy Spirit instills life into the souls of these babies. Every abortion is an act of evil because you are not only killing these babies, but you are denying the plans that God the Father has for these lives. So pray to have these mothers accept their children in love, and do not let the devil take these lives away from Me.”

Friday, August 14, 2020: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with St. Maximillian Kolbe’s story of how he took the place of another prisoner who was about to be killed. You also know of how Hitler killed many Jews and priests in his gas chambers. This was part of an ethnic cleansing of the Jews. It is also a sign of how Christians will be cleansed from your society by the evil communists, who will take over your country. In addiction to gas chambers, the evil ones around you, will use Guillotines to behead those people who believe in Me. The deep state has perpetrated these evil viruses on purpose, so they can use this as an excuse to mandate people to take a vaccine and a chip in the body as the mark of the beast. Avoid taking any vaccine or any chip in the body, even if the authorities threaten to kill you. The vaccine will cause damage to your immune system, but the chip in the body will control your mind. These same authorities will mandate this chip so they can tell if you had the vaccine or not. In the Book of Revelation (Chap 13) it tells you to avoid taking the mark of the beast, and avoid worshiping the Antichrist. When chips in the body are made mandatory, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges where My angels will heal you of any ailments, and they will not allow the evil ones to harm you. You will have My Warning before your lives are threatened. In the Warning you will be told to avoid taking the chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. You will also be told to come to My refuges of protection. I have been giving this message for over twenty years, but now you are being faced with the threat of gas chambers for being a Christian, just as St. Maximillian Kolbe was imprisoned. There are hundreds of death camp detention centers all over America, but there are also many places of refuge where I will protect My faithful. Trust in Me to save your souls from this evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how ruthless the deep state people are, because their goal is to reduce the world’s population by any means possible. These same people have enabled Chinese scientists to produce a virus that would infect and kill people all year around, even during the summer. In the fall you will see the seasonal flu virus mutate, and infect people as you have seen in the past. In the fall you will also see a mutated corona virus that will be more deadly than the first corona virus. Both of these viruses will be spread among you using chemtrails. You may not be aware of how the deep state has been using chemtrails every year to spread the seasonal flu among your people. These chemtrails are full of aluminum oxide, flu virus, and many other toxic ingredients. The jet trail spreads out and spreads sickness wherever they go. So instead of criticizing your President, you should analyze the deep state and Chinese scientists who are the main cause of your people getting sick. My people, before these evil ones start spreading these new viruses, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. These evil ones will be cast into hell for their evil deeds, but My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Saturday, August 15, 2020: (The Assumption of the Blessed Mother)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I love all of my prayer warriors, and keep sending your rosary prayers up to my Son, Jesus. As you storm heaven with prayers, my Son will rain down His blessings on you, and He will send His angels to comfort and protect you. What looked like ribbons in the vision are really the bridge of your prayers from earth to heaven. I thank all of you for your prayers and devotions. I hear your prayer to watch over your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. My mantle of protection will be over them. This scene with St. Elizabeth is touching as each unborn baby greeted each other. This was St. John the Baptist announcing Jesus’ coming into the world. I did not speak many words in the Scriptures, but my words of the Magnificat will always be remembered in the Canticle to me that is recited in the evening prayers. I thank you all for attending Mass on my feast day, and continue your rosary prayers with your bridge to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the pre-tribulation and I am showing you how the demons are being unleashed on the earth in all of the chaos in your cities. This was seen in the vision of fire that came down on the earth. The only way to combat this evil, is to call on Me and I will unleash My good angels against the demons. In order to call on My angels, you need to storm heaven with your prayers, especially the long form of the St. Michael prayer. The reason the evil actions are causing chaos in your streets, is because there are not enough people praying for peace in your country. You are being faced with atheistic, communist anarchists that are trying to take away your guns, and get rid of your police, so these evil ones can have a communist takeover. All of your people’s freedoms are being threatened by these anarchists who are looting and burning your businesses. These evil ones do not want your country to recover from this virus. They want a takeover at any price, even if they have to destroy your jobs and your economy. Think about it, without jobs and freedom, your country’s economy will collapse. Your election is a turning point. You are voting for freedom or a communist takeover. Today, these anarchists are burning businesses. Tomorrow, they will be burning churches, because they are evil and hate Me. Your people need to stand up against the Black Lives Matter mob and support your police, if you want to be safe on your streets. When a takeover and a civil war occurs, your lives will be threatened, and you will need to come to the safety of My refuges. If there are not enough prayers, then soon you will be coming to My refuges where My angels will not permit the demons or evil people to harm you. Wake up America before it is too late.”

Sunday, August 16, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, when you look at nature, you can see love and harmony with the animals. When you look at your society, you see more hate than love, and you are beset by the evil people who spread viruses on purpose to kill people. Even in your hurricanes and tornadoes you see the evil of your society reflected in your weather. You need to pray for peace and love among your people to overcome the hate and fear. You need to trust in My forgiveness and have faith in My healing power. There are not enough people praying, so evil is being allowed to run rampant in your cities. Pray more for peace; and love your neighbor as you love Me.”

Monday, August 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel a young man asked Me what must I do to gain eternal life? I told him the Commandments to follow, but he wanted to do more, since he already obeyed the Commandments. Then I told him, if he wanted to be perfect, he could give everything to the poor and follow Me. With this he went away sad, because he did not want to give away all of his possessions. Many people have difficulty with giving away everything and follow Me in daily trust like St. Francis did. If you need to support a family, and live your daily life in this world, I know you need to pay for your food, a place to stay, and a vehicle to move around. When you work for a living, or you are older and are on a fixed income, you need to provide for yourself and your family. If you are living in a religious life where your needs are provided, you can live a life of poverty and in total trust that I will provide for you. You have an expression: ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ This means that everyone is given a particular mission, and you each have skills to earn your own living. So you do need to get educated and find a job to provide for your needs. At this time with all of your accepted virus restrictions, it is harder to find a job and make ends meet in your finances. Pray for My help, and your families need to work together to help each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, these Black Lives Matter (BLM) people are violent in hurting people, burning businesses, and throwing bricks at the police. The Democrat mayors and governors are supporting this violence by the BLM, and by defunding the police they are not enforcing law and order. These mobs are constantly destroying things, and they will not stop until they have a communist takeover. The Democrat Party by backing this violence, is intent on destroying your President by not allowing him to restore your economy. These mobs do not want order, but they want the forced takeover of your government. These mobs are paid by rich liberals to create as much chaos and damage as possible. You see pallets of bricks being given to the protesters to hurt police and break windows of businesses for looting. These cities will see My justice fall upon them for their atrocities. Pray for peace and a clearing of these evil mobs from your streets. If the opposition party supports constant violence, then they should not be elected to office. When your country is taken over by anarchists, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges with My angel protection.”

Tuesday, August 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles that it is more difficult for rich people to come into heaven because their wealth distracts them from Me. The rich not only lavish themselves with many possessions, but they enjoy controlling people with their power and influence. Some rich people are controlling the politics of various countries. When these rich people think they are like gods, then I will take their wealth away, and My justice will rule over them. You are not here on earth just to amass wealth from the stock market, but you have a mission to help people with your time, your talent, and your treasure. You are not misers or controllers of people’s lives, but there is more to life than money and possessions. Money and the desire for money can be the root of all evil. It is better to trust in My power than your own means, because I can do the impossible to help people. Call on Me in prayer, and trust that I can provide for your needs.”

Wednesday, August 19, 2020: (St. John Eudes)
Jesus said: “My people, by your Baptism and Confirmation, you are called to be evangelists and shepherds. You normally think of bishops as the true shepherds who are taking My place. Some bishops are weak in using their authority, so they need your prayers to pasture My sheep. You all will have to answer to Me for your good and bad deeds in your life at your judgment. Call on My help to carry out your everyday mission.”
For Jeanne Marie Bello: she said: “I am watching over Al, and I am praying for his soul. Tell him how much I love him, even though I am no longer on the earth. All of us in heaven are praying for all the souls on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you to be prepared for the events in the fall which goes from September 21 to December 21, 2020. You already have seen some hurricanes hit your country with even more to follow. You saw a 110 mph storm ruin almost half the crops in Iowa. You are seeing many fires out West and record high temperatures all summer. On top of this you are still dealing with the China corona virus and all of its restrictions. You will be facing even more virus attacks as the weather gets cooler. You are also seeing man-made chaos and destruction by the communist anarchists in your cities. This pre-tribulation will quickly turn into the evil tribulation of the Antichrist once the deep state starts forcing mandatory vaccines with mandatory chips in the body. When the viruses are about to be released in the chemtrails and mandatory chips in the body are put in place, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges with My angel protection. Be ready to leave for My refuges with your backpacks ready, and your souls ready with frequent Confession. At My refuges My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and you will be healed of your ailments by looking on My luminous cross in the sky. Be thankful that My refuge builders and My angels will provide for your needs. Once most of My faithful are separated from the evil ones at My refuges, then I will bring My justice of fire down on the evil unbelievers. Pray to save souls before it is too late, and they are lost in hell.”

Thursday, August 20, 2020: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, not only are you preparing your souls with Confession, but you need to be ready for more serious weather events, in addition to the fall viruses. In the vision you are just coming into the Light of My Word, and then you will be tested with flooding from your hurricanes. You are entering into the heart of your hurricane season, and America will be tested because of your abortions, sexual sins, and the violence in your cities. You could also see more restrictions that will be forced on you by the authorities and the deep state because of the viruses. Refuse to take any vaccine or chip in the body when it becomes mandatory. When your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Fear not, because My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones who want to kill you in the death camps.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, caves are one of the places of refuge that My angels will lead you at the appointed time. I have given you messages about coming to My refuges when you receive My inner locution. When I call you, you can call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge. On the way to My refuges your angel will place a shield of invisibility over you so the evil people cannot see you. My angels will also shield you from any demons on the way to My refuge. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful from all evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, during this time of virus restrictions, your churches are making it difficult in some cases to even attend Sunday Mass. Some churches require you to register and still wear masks and keep social distancing. Because you are only using every other pew, the spaces are limited. It is only after the virus cases are low that your churches were allowed to open. My priests and bishops should be encouraging people to fill the churches as much as possible. Some churches are having more Masses, so every parish member will be able to attend Sunday Mass in person. Pray that all of the faithful will be able to attend Sunday Mass at all of your churches.”

Jesus said: “My people, in days past, processions of My Blessed Sacrament were carried around neighborhoods, especially on the feast day of Corpus Christi. Your neighborhoods need more prayers and blessing with My Eucharist. My faithful need to witness to My Real Presence as a blessing against all the chaos and violence in your streets by the evil anarchists. Pray for peace in your cities to fight against this mob violence. I love all peoples, and I want to share My love even with those people who are causing riots. I am more powerful than these protesters, and you need to stand up for your religious freedom to worship Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I need My faithful to reach out to save all the souls whom you meet in life. You may be the only witness of My Word that some souls will only see in this life. By converting souls for Me, you can keep some souls from going to hell. Many souls are falling into hell by their own free will because no one has reached out to save them with My Word. Keep praying for poor sinners to help save as many souls as you can from going to hell. Every soul you save, will thank you later for sharing your gift of faith. After the Warning you will need to work at a fever pitch to save souls while you can, because souls will be seeking Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, your most important mission on earth is to save as many souls as you can while you are alive on the earth. You do not have to be a theologian or a teacher, but just share your faith and My love with those people who are open to My Word. Walk with them in faith and give a good example of a holy life to those around you. My parents need to lead their children to My sacraments, and teach them the faith so they can be saved. Have your children baptized and confirmed, along with Confession and Holy Communion. The parents are responsible for helping their children to have a good spiritual life. Take them to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. When you come to your judgment, I will ask you how many souls were you able to save. When you love Me, you will share your love and faith with all those people around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a troubled time where evil is rampant all over the world. Now more than ever you need as many priests as you can find to offer Mass and confess people’s sins. Pray for your priests and bishops to help convert souls and bring people to My sacraments. My faithful need to come to Mass on Sunday despite all of your virus restrictions. Obey My Commandments and keep your soul clean by coming to Me in the priest at Confession. I love all souls, and I need My priest sons and My faithful to bring as many souls to Me as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the coming Warning I will let people know how they need to avoid taking any vaccine and any mark of the beast. Do not let the Antichrist control you by avoiding his eyes where he could cause you to worship him. You will be told not to worship the Antichrist, and you will need to come to a place of refuge to be protected from the evil ones. You will have six weeks of conversion to save souls after My Warning. All sinners will have an opportunity to be saved, but they must love Me by their own free will and seek My forgiveness of their sins. This will be your best time to save yourself and others, before the Antichrist will try and bring souls to hell. Trust in My power over the evil ones, and show Me your love in your prayers and your good deeds.”

Friday, August 21, 2020: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Ezekiel, you read how I brought life back to the bones in the field to form a vast army. You know that I can do the impossible, so do not worry about what you will eat and drink at My refuges. I will have My angels provide any needed buildings to expand the existing refuges. I will also provide any needed multiplication of food, water, and fuels. You will need multiplied latrines for all the extra people. My angels will protect My faithful from harm, and you all will be helping each other to survive the coming tribulation. Trust in My power to defeat the evil ones, and provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, on the news you see the mob violence in your cities which is being paid for by your liberal rich people. Many shows on TV are showing the conflicts between your two parties. It is better to relax in prayer and read spiritual books, rather than be upset by the constant political infighting. You know there are evil people who are doing everything to try and take down your President. So if you want to keep your peace, you can avoid watching the latest news. It is better to focus on My peace than be curious about the arguments of both parties. Follow My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor, and that will be enough for today.”

Saturday, August 22, 2020: (Michael Macaluso memorial Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how Michael was a fighter for decency in our society. His efforts with Archangel School were a tribute to his efforts to bring good Catholic teaching to the young people. He had a beautiful family, and he is watching over them and praying for them from heaven.”

(Alicia Healy funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that Alicia died from cancer, but she had no control over it. She suffered her purgatory on earth. She reached out to meet Me as she died, and she was happy to not have to suffer any more pain. She is thankful to all of the people who helped her in her last days. She was sorry to leave her husband and the family, but she is at peace with Me now in heaven. She will be praying for her husband, whom she loved so much, as well as for her family. She loved the double rainbow on the lake, and she thanked all of you for singing her favorite song: ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow.’”

(4:30 p.m. Mass for Queenship Publishing Co. intention.)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you can see there is plenty of wheat to harvest, but the laborers are few. This also relates to the number of souls that need to be saved, but there are only a few who are working to convert souls. (Matt. 9:37) I am calling on My faithful and My prophets to go out to bring in My sheep. Your publisher, Queenship Publishing Co., is also out helping to save souls by putting out the books of My authors and prophets. They are to be commended for putting out My messages in your books for many years. They have been faithful to you even amidst many trials that they have gone through. Keep praying your 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese to continue getting out My Word so the people can prepare for the Warning and the tribulation.”

Sunday, August 23, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I asked My apostles who do they think I am, and St. Peter said: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I told St. Peter that this was revealed to him by My Father in heaven. Later, I told My apostles not to say this to others. This was My messianic secret that I tried to keep from the people until I told the Sanhedrin at My trial. I also told St. Peter that he was the rock on which I would build My Church. St. Peter was the first Pope in a succession of Popes up to today. I also warned you that there would be a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you receive God the Father and God the Holy Spirit as well, because We are One, and indivisible. So when you give thanks and praise to Me for My gifts, you are also addressing all Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity. Remember this when you make the Sign of the Cross.”

Monday, August 24, 2020: (St. Bartholomew)
Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of symbolism in the description of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven with all the gleaming gemstones, the twelve gates, and the twelve courses of brick walls. This all represented the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles, of which St. Bartholomew was one. In the Gospel Nathanael was introduced by St. Philip to Me. I told St. Bartholomew that I saw him under a fig tree, but he would see greater things than that. At another time he would see My angels ascending and descending between heaven and earth. The guardian angels are descending to earth with the souls of the new babies. Other guardian angels are ascending to heaven with the souls of the dead.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are being presented with two candidates: your President upholds life and your freedoms vs. the opposition party that supports the death culture. Your abortions are your single most important issue, which will decide if your children are going to live or die. Your President promotes life against abortion. He is against euthanasia, and he supports your freedom to worship Me without shutting down churches. Your President is against socialism and its associated atheism. He is strengthening your defenses against a communist takeover. I have allowed your President to win his election despite the left’s cheating and lies. You have a choice in November to vote for America’s freedoms. You may have several factors that could stop your election with more virus attacks and more destruction from your weather and your riots in your cities. Pray for America to keep your freedoms and keep praying to stop your abortions.”

Tuesday, August 25, 2020: (St. Louis IX)
Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you messages to prepare for My coming in the end times. You need to keep your souls clean with frequent Confession and help your neighbor with good deeds. Eventually, I will call My faithful to come to My refuges of protection by My angels. In the Gospel I called out woes to the Scribes and Pharisees because they followed human rituals, but their hearts were far from Me. I called them hypocrites because outwardly they claimed the law and cleansed the outside of their bodies, but in their souls they did as they pleased. I call everyone to cleanse their souls with Confession on the inside, and put into action the faith you believe in Me. Be humble in your actions, and follow what you preach so you cannot be criticized as hypocrites.”

Jesus said: “My people, instead of agreeing with people just to keep the peace, the people of today need to have more of a backbone, and do not tolerate evil. My people should be more concerned with saving souls, and saving the lives of the unborn. You have two roads, and you need to take the narrow road to Me, and not the broad road to hell. Those people, who follow the crowd whether it is right or wrong, have no moral compass to tell good apart from evil. Certain mortal sins as abortion, euthanasia, and fornication are obvious moral wrongs, but people choose these things because it is the easy way out. This is the broad road that people are traveling to hell. My faithful need to reach out and wake people up to how these sins greatly offend Me. Give a good example to others by following My Commandments.”
I could see a door opening and Chris’s grandfather was let out of purgatory. The door had a red handle on it, meaning he had been suffering for many years.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am reaching out to you and I am encouraging you to stand up for your freedom to worship Me, and protect My babies from abortion. You are happy to see another new life be born with your granddaughter. You have been seeing many virus restrictions, even in the hospital. I am not happy that you have not been able to come to Sunday Mass because of this evil, laboratory virus from China. I realize you were trying to stop the virus from spreading, but people were being denied to receive Me in Holy Communion. Rejoice, that you are now able to receive Me in person. You see the joy of having a new baby come into your family, but imagine how some mothers want to kill their babies in abortion. You are seeing the conflict of your pro-life culture vs. the death culture of the evil ones. This battle will become more obvious and intense, and My faithful will be harassed by the evil people. You will need to come to My refuges to protect you from those evil ones who want to kill you. Pray for My help in the tribulation, and pray to stop abortion.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are blessed to have your fourth great grandchild, Adam. Your granddaughter, Christina, and baby are doing well. It is always a joy to see your family enlarge, as this is the second boy to be born this year. As you see many difficult events occurring this year, it is always better to have some good news. Even now you need to pray for the people of Texas and Louisiana who are facing category 4 Laura coming ashore with 150 mph winds. This could cause a 20 ft. storm surge and much wind damage. Even west of you they are forecasting some possible tornadoes. Enjoy your newborn great grandchild, and pray for the parents, as well as for the people facing storm damage.”

Thursday, August 27, 2020: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, stay awake, because you do not know when I will return on the clouds. The Son of Man is coming, and you need to be prepared spiritually with Confession for your souls, as well as preparing My refuges. You will be seeing events moving quickly, even as I am speeding up the time. Your hurricanes are becoming quite severe as your category 4 Hurricane Laura. You will see all the power outages and damage from this severe storm. This fall’s events will change your world as you have never seen before. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the authorities mandate vaccines and the chip in the body. Do not take the flu shot or any other corona virus vaccine, because it could harm your immune system, and it could have a chip with it. I have given you many messages to prepare for the coming tribulation, and now it is at the door. I have given you messages that the Warning will come in the football season, and some people are speaking of it coming this fall. This will be your opportunity to convert your relatives, if they want to be saved. Trust in Me when I will warn you that it is time to come to My refuges. You have been reading how there have been very few sunspots two years in a row, which is another sign of your changing weather. You have many signs of the end times, so stay awake!”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all the damage caused by Hurricane Laura as it came ashore into Louisiana. Thousands of people are without power and some people died from this storm. Many buildings were destroyed, and many trees were brought down. Pray for the people who died, and for their families. Pray for those who lost homes that they may get aid to rebuild their homes.”

Jesus said: “My son, one of your friends talked about the beautiful eyes of Adam, your new great grandson, and even the doctors and nurses remarked how beautiful his eyes are. Among all the people, who are dying, and all the wind damage, it is so good to have the great news of a new life in your family. Both Adam, and Kai need to be baptized in the church. It would be nice to have both baptized at the same service. You are blessed with these two boys, so you need to have a prayer of thanksgiving for these two beautiful lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are still seeing many people who are unemployed and some of them are getting new jobs. Your President is offering to pay $300 per week extra to the unemployment checks given by the states. Even some states are offering to add $100 per week more to supplement the people out of work. Even though your stock market is setting records, there are many people suffering through a depression in their finances. The second quarter GDP was down 31%. Pray that people can get food from your food shelves, and they could get by on their rent or mortgage. You could even give some aid to your local food shelves, and any disaster aid to the victims of Hurricane Laura.”

Jesus said: “My people, your House and Senate have proposed bills to provide another $1200 per person stimulus so people can buy food and pay their bills. Unfortunately, these talks have broken down and there still is no answer for a compromise. Your President is trying to break this impasse with the extra $300 per week payment to those people who are unemployed. This money comes from the Homeland Security funds that are being moved around because of the inaction of Congress. Again pray for your unemployed people to find employment before these funds run out.”

Jesus said: “My people, the opposition party is already making excuses for their candidate, so Biden will not have to debate Trump. The Democrats are afraid of Trump out debating Biden in the coming election debates. These Presidential debates have taken place for many years, and it would be a sign of weakness if Biden stayed in his basement. As the viruses get worse, you could see a cancellation of this election if your restrictions get worse.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would send My Warning in a time of chaos. You also could see My Warning come during the football season from this September to February of next year. The Warning will be an opportunity for all sinners to be converted, as people will have a strong desire for Confession to avoid going to hell. It will be My faithful who will be called to help convert their relatives during the six weeks after My Warning. Pray for your relatives to become believers in Me, and have them seek My forgiveness of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, there have been many Masses offered up for Joann’s intention. She also suffered much in the last days of her cancer. I have heard your prayers and Mass intentions for her soul in purgatory. She needs one more Mass for her release from purgatory. It would be most appropriate to have her husband, Chuck, see to this small task. Joann has appreciated all the prayers and Masses that have been offered on her behalf. She loves her husband, and she will be waiting to meet Chuck in heaven.”

Friday, August 28, 2020: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is all about being ready for My coming. You had the five wise virgins who brought extra oil for their lamps. You also had the five unwise virgins who did not bring extra oil, and they were unprepared when their lamps went out. While the five unwise virgins went to buy extra oil for their lamps, the door to the wedding was locked, and it was a new day. The unwise virgins were not allowed in the locked door because the master did not know them because they knew neither the day nor the hour of his coming. My friends, it is sad how many people will not have their souls clean and ready to meet Me at their judgment. Those people, who did not love Me, nor let Me be a part of their lives, will also receive My same response that I did not know them. Those strangers, who are locked out of heaven, will then be cast into the eternal flames of hell. For in the end at the last judgment, you will either be with Me in heaven, or you will be with Satan in the eternal flames of hell. Choose to be with Me now, and be prepared for My coming, so you are not closed to the gates of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just had at least two serious hurricanes come ashore in the Gulf of Mexico. You could also see even more hurricanes, as you are approaching the peak of your hurricane season. Your people need to be prepared for more storms to come. Be ready to evacuate if you are advised to leave your homes. After seeing the destruction of Hurricane Laura, you can see why it is better to leave home than be killed by falling trees. When you see continuous destruction, you can see that your country is being punished severely for your abortions. Keep praying to stop abortions, so I can hold back some of My intended punishments.”

Saturday, August 29, 2020: (Passion of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was My witness of My coming, and he was not afraid to speak out against the Pharisees and even against the King for living with his brother’s wife. My faithful also need to have courage to speak out against your death culture that believes in abortion and euthanasia. Today, you are seeing socialists trying to take over your government, and they are violent as communists in burning buildings and looting stores. These people are evil and they are atheists in destroying churches and statues of saints and Me. Your people need to stand up for your freedom to worship Me in church, despite your virus restrictions that are meant to control people. You also need to back your President who defends the life of the unborn, and he has a desire for America to be blessed by Me. You all have a choice on election day to choose between freedom or communist control.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is true that Antifa and the Black Lives Matter mob are violent protesters who are determined to take over your country, especially in Democrat controlled cities. The Democrat leaders are sympathizers of all the violence, and they are standing down the police so the mobs can loot and destroy your businesses. These destroyed buildings are not going to be occupied with any more business, since they are being destroyed in front of you. These evil anarchists have no concern for the people who would offer jobs. These anarchists want to destroy your economy so the socialist communists can take over. These leaders should be fired for their irresponsible behavior. Your choice will be easy in November because of this violence. Do you want law and order with Trump, or more destruction with anarchy with the Democrats? These evil Democrat leaders own the destruction of their cities, and they will have a hard time finding the funds to rebuild their torn cities. At a certain point your people are going to react to these violent mobs, and you could see a civil war with a national martial law. It will require your military to establish law and order, and these thugs should be put in prison for their crimes. If there is no control over these evil mobs, then you will soon need to come to My refuges for your protection. These evil ones are trying to overwhelm your authorities so they can take over your government and make your country into an atheistic communist state. Pray for America that you can survive and overcome these violent mobs.”

Sunday, August 30, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are living in the end times, so expect more events to occur one after the other. You are seeing fires out West where it is dry, hurricanes are still happening, and constant riots and looting by the anarchists that are going on in your cities. In addition you are still seeing corona virus sickness, which will be joined with your seasonal flu season. I have asked My faithful to pick up their cross and carry it with Me. You all have to endure the every day problems in life, and you may be persecuted like Jeremiah, for living out your faith, and preaching My Word. In the Gospel I am reminding you to think more like I would do, instead of what humans do. When you imitate My life of suffering, this is different from seeking all the pleasures of earthly life. Walk in My footsteps, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as My angels disregarded your covid protocols, so your people should examine why you cannot allow more people into your churches. You are letting your governors dictate health policies, even when there are fewer cases, and only a small percentage of your people are at risk to die from this virus. You could have outdoor Masses with plenty of room to keep your distance. You could have every other row vacant, instead of having two rows vacant as in your church. You could have more Masses to accommodate all of your people, so they could attend Sunday Mass in person. Do not let your leaders keep you from coming to Mass, when you can go into other stores with more numbers than in your churches. Be prepared, My people, to come to My refuges before a worse pandemic virus will be brought into your country to ruin your economy and kill many people. I will give you all an inner locution when to come to My refuges, and you better leave within 20 minutes, or you could be captured and killed. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges, and I will provide for all of your needs.”

Monday, August 31, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is an example of how necessary it is to have faith in My healing power in order for Me to heal someone. Because I was in My hometown of Nazareth, the people knew of Me when I was a young child with My parents of St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother, Mary. They could not accept My power to heal them, and I gave them examples how I could only heal a foreigner. Because I told them about their unbelief in My healing power, they wanted to kill Me by throwing Me down from the cliff outside of town. Because it was not My hour, I froze them in their place while I walked through their midst. This faith in My healing power, is how true believers can heal people in My Name. You will also need to have faith that I can multiply your food in the tribulation when you are at My refuges. By your faith in Me, I will be able to provide you food, and your spiritual food in Holy Communion, either by a priest, or by My angels. Trust in Me by faith when you need protection by My angels, or food for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the mainstays in your food is bread. To make bread you need ground wheat into flour and either yeast or baking powder. You also need an oven and the fuel to operate the oven. When I told you to prepare to feed at least 40 people, you barely had enough food to feed that many for a year. Now, you need to think how to feed 5,000 people when My angels will provide a high rise building on your property. You now have three CampChefs that will provide six burners and three ovens. In your practice runs you made at least four loaves of bread for your people. This means you will need a lot of flour and a lot of propane so you can bake the bread. You have some wheat grain in four 7 gallon containers, so you need a good grinder to make more flour. Just as I multiplied the five loaves and two fish for the 5,000, I can do this again for those who have faith in My multiplication. You have a lot of #10 cans of dehydrated food that you can reconstitute in your new 16 quart pots. You can order some more bread pans for baking bread in your ovens. It will be hard to feed people when the electricity will be turned off. You will have some power during the day, and some power in the winter when you clean the snow off of your panels. You will be using a lot of water which is why I told you to keep your blue barrels so you can fill them with your well water. Remember how I will refill all of your containers with water, food, and fuels. Trust in Me to be able to feed all of your people, but you will need a lot of food preparation and distribution.”

Tuesday, September 1, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how I used My authority to cast the demon out of the possessed man. The people in the synagogue were amazed that by only My Word that I could command the demon to leave the man, and the demon obeyed and left the man on the ground. My son, when you saw all the flies in your chapel, you knew that this was an attack by the evil one. Because you were not home, you had someone pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer, and they spread holy water all over them. They were then killed with insect spray and vacuumed up. Later, once you were home, you had a priest exorcise the chapel, the kitchen, and the grounds so your refuge would be protected from the demons. There are possessed people even today that require an exorcist priest to pray over such people. If a priest is not available, you can have a group of faithful people with clean souls pray exorcism prayers over a possessed person. This is why it is good to wear your blessed scapular and have a blessed Benedictine cross on your person for protection against the demons. During the tribulation you will have your refuge angel protect you from the demons and any harm from evil people who will not be allowed to enter. If you feel like you are being attacked by demons, then call on Me and I will bring My angels to rescue you. Trust in My protection, and you will have nothing to fear of the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government and your society also have cracks that need to be patched up so they do not fall apart in chaos. The biggest crack of all is that your country refuses to stop abortion. America has also lost its moral behavior and your sins are calling on My justice. Your people are worshiping your gods of pleasure and possessions. You also are seeing a lack of prayer and decency in the many lies in your media and your politicians. Without a proper moral compass, America is falling into a dark abyss of sin. Those people, who do not repent of their sins, and refuse to obey My laws, are on a broad road to hell. I call on My faithful to love Me and all of your neighbors. Without love, the hate of the evil one will overwhelm you. Be faithful to your daily prayers, your daily consecration, monthly Confession, and come to Mass as often as you can.”

Wednesday, September 2, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are healthy and can move about, should be thanking Me for their gift of good health. Those people, who are sick, need My healing power and your assistance to get them to a doctor or a hospital. It is also an act of mercy to visit the sick as well. When I prayed over the people, I was healing their physical sickness, and I healed the sin and sickness in their souls. So when you come to Me in Confession at least once a month, I can heal all of you of your sins and any sickness in your soul. In other words I heal the whole person, both body and soul. This is why the demons were forced out of any possessed persons. When you pray for your family and friends, pray that I will heal them in both body and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of how Black Lives Matter and Antifa have been causing all of the burning of buildings and looting for over three months. These people are all front groups that are supported by a billionaire liberal who is paying them to protest, putting them up in hotels, paying for their airfare to go to various cities, and providing the bricks and flammable devices. Many of the same arsonists are seen causing fires in multiple cities. Over half of the people who have been arrested for crimes, are from other cities and are not residents. This destruction is also laid at the feet of Democrat mayors and Democrat governors who are not stopping these mobs from burning the buildings. They are standing down the police, and reducing the police budgets by millions of dollars. Your President is willing to send in the National Guard to stop the riots, but these Democrat leaders refuse to call in the Federal troops. It would appear that these leaders are trying to make your President look bad and stop the reformation of your economy. I have mentioned before that you are on the edge of a civil war between these evil mobs and other Americans. Your President is discouraging vigilantes from fighting these mobs. This destruction is from Democrat run groups, and your people are swinging over to your President, who wants law and order. Pray that you can have a non-violent resolution of all of the rioting in your cities.”

Thursday, September 3, 2020: (St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, in some instances I performed some miracles to enhance the faith of My apostles in My Word. In the Gospel I allowed My apostles to have a great catch of fish, despite them not catching anything fishing all night. I used this as an example to show them that they now would be catching people by evangelizing them to believe in Me. Even today, all of My faithful have been baptized and confirmed, so you all are called by Me to go out and evangelize people to have faith in Me. You were not just put on this earth for your own pleasures, but you were created to know, love, and serve Me according to your catechism. Soon you will be raking up the leaves in the fall. This is another example of how you can reach out and share your faith with those people around you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, Rochester, N.Y. got put on the map for the latest police treatment of an African American. There is sympathy for the loss of this life and for those in his family who are mourning this loss. It is proper to protest when a prisoner dies, even though he died in the hospital. This does not give license to burn buildings and cause riots. You need a balance of justice, and pray to stop the burning of buildings and riots so you can have peace among all of the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, be thankful that your farmers are still able to harvest their crops, despite a hot summer and storms in various places. Unfortunately, in Iowa they lost nearly half of their crops from a derecho that had 110 mph winds. You also could see a rise in food prices and fuel prices because of the latest Hurricane Laura that caused severe damage in Louisiana. Pray for your farmers that they can save their crops to keep in business. Without this produce, you could easily face some food shortages.”

Jesus said: “My son for many years your wife has spent many hours training her piano students. She has held many years of recitals, and it is sad to see this closing. Any kind of school education will be difficult this year because of this corona virus from China. There is a fear that when the students return in person at class, that you could see another outbreak of new virus cases. Your teachers and leaders are trying to prevent any more hot spots. Some schools and colleges are going with virtual classes using computers at home. There will be a lot of turmoil over the students coming to classes in person. Pray that your children will not get sick from the China virus, nor the seasonal flu.”

Jesus said: “My people, your interest rates at the banks are near 0%, which is great for people who need loans for new homes and new cars, but this hurts anyone who is saving money outside of the stock market. Even some businesses, who had their buildings burned, are facing bankruptcy without some government backed loans to rebuild. The destruction in your cities by anarchists and arsonists is causing a problem for your economy to rebuild and provide jobs. Pray that your Congress and your President can find funds to help the unemployed workers and businesses to keep from going bankrupt.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just suffered through a massive shutdown that caused your second quarter GDP to drop 31%. This follows the first quarter GDP that dropped 5%. In days past this described a recession. Based on the jobs lost, you are also coming close to a depression. It was your Federal Reserve that has backed up your economy with a 3.3 trillion dollar deficit. You cannot keep giving out benefits to the unemployed without causing a deeper deficit. This is why it is so important for your people to come together in supporting your businesses and new jobs, and stop the destruction in your cities. Pray for peace and for more jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more people having money shortages in their budgets, and some have to get their food from their local food shelves. Others are suffering from hurricanes or fires out West. It would be good to make some donations to help your local food shelves, and even help the Hurricane Laura victims. Your news reports are estimating this hurricane damage will cost $9 billion. I have been asking My faithful to store some extra canned foods because you could see more shutdowns that could even keep you from coming to your grocery stores. Pray that your people will be able to find enough food for their needs this winter.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is a serious message when you see this symbol of death that will be coming over your land. You will be seeing more deaths from the mutated corona virus and a mutated seasonal virus with another possible pandemic shutdown. This will be more serious as you will be seeing more deaths than from your first virus attack. You could also see unrest continue from your evil mobs, and problems with people trying to find food for their families. If your people do not repent of their sins, you could see more of My justice fall on your people. If your lives are in danger, I will call you to the protection of My refuges. Pray for the saving of souls because you are about to enter the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Friday, September 4, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Paul only wants God to judge him, and he advises his people not to judge others either. Many times you do not know all of the circumstances that cause people to act in a certain way. This is why I am asking My faithful not to judge others, but leave that up to Me. When you make gossip by judging others, you can hurt someone’s reputation. This is definitely something you should confess to the priest in Confession. Even if some people call you names, or talk about you behind your back, do not return such bad behavior, and pray for your persecutors. Even the Pharisees criticized My apostles and Me for not fasting. Then I told them the reason for not fasting, was because I was still with My apostles. Some people are quick to judge others when the other people do not conform to their ways of thinking. Let Me be the judge of people, because you all are imperfect, and you need to take the large beam out of your own eyes. This is because those people, who judge others, have their own faults that they are forgetting. Pray for each other and leave the judging up to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have see tremendous damage in Louisiana from Hurricane Laura, and some damage from other hurricanes in Texas and the Gulf area. Pray that any further hurricanes do not strike the mainland. You also will be dealing with a mutated China virus and your mutated seasonal flu. You will still see further damage to your cities from the anarchist mobs and the arsonists. You will see heavy violence before the election. The opposition party will try anything to try and unseat your President. Pray for peace and less violence.”

Saturday, September 5, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, some people are concerned about this corona virus from China, and how they will find jobs and food. Do not worry or be anxious for I know all of your needs, so trust in Me. (Matt.6:26-33) ‘Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow, or reap, or gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of much more value than they? … Therefore do not be anxious saying. ‘What shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to put on? For your Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice, and all these things shall be given you besides.’ In some cases of today’s events it looks impossible how you will survive and get through the trials of this life. But have no fear because I can do the impossible to help you even through this pre-tribulation and the tribulation itself. By your trust and confidence in My power over the demons and the evil people, I will bring you into My Era of Peace. Be patient and bear the difficulties of this time, and you will have your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, these violent mobs are only focused on causing as much destruction as possible. This is not just a demonstration against the police, but they are using communist tactics to try and take over your government by breaking down any authorities against them. You are hearing rumors of more planned attacks setting fire to cars and buildings. You need to pray that your police can keep these mobs from destroying your city as they have done in other cities. Your people need to stand up against their destruction and put the leaders in jail. Do not let these mobs run free to do what they want. If your police are overwhelmed, then you need to call in the National Guard. Pray also that there are no killings, which could set off a civil war or backlash against this evil mob. You can be sure that these mobs will do anything to fight against people who support your President. Pray to keep the peace, or many will be killed with guns.”

Sunday, September 6, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, the love in marriage is the example I give as I have love for My Church. My Church is the bride and I am the Groom. Today’s readings speak about love of Me and love of neighbor which is the greatest Commandment. I have directed My faithful to love all of your neighbors, both the good and the bad. I have even asked My faithful to reach out to save souls who are on the road to hell. By warning your neighbors about their sins on the wrong path, you have done your part to try and save their souls. It is the free will of every soul to choose between the narrow road to heaven, or the broad road to hell. So pray for all sinners to be converted, because I want all souls to come to Me for the forgiveness of their sins.”

Monday, September 7, 2020: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, most of you are either working, retired, or are receiving some benefits. In your working years you make your most contribution to your society, but even retired people work around the house, and they help their children and grandchildren. There is dignity in working, and in this time you are fortunate to have a job. Pray for the unemployed that they can find enough income to keep going. It is good to have one last picnic with your family that is growing. It will be hard for your children to return to classes, as some will be at home with virtual classes on the internet. Pray for your society to find peace and love, even amidst this pandemic virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you are appalled that your Democrat leaders are allowing Antifa mobs to use guns and fire bombs to burn down your cities. These are communist thugs who have an intended purpose to take over your government, and they are trying to defund the police and burn down the police stations. Your Democrat leaders are communist sympathizers being used to help carry out a takeover of America. This is not just to fight your President, but Antifa wants to take away your freedoms and turn America into a communist state. When your people have no jobs in these gutted cities, when are they going to wake up that they are being taken over with no opposition? Antifa arsonists hide behind so called peaceful protests, then at night they fire bomb your buildings. If your people do not wake up and fight these evil mobs, you will have gutted cities with no businesses. At a certain point your government will need to stop this sham, and call these protests riots for what they are. If your leaders cannot protect your people, then they need to be fired and recalled for their allowing this destruction. If you do not allow law and order, there will be no safety on your streets. Pray to stop the mobs from destroying your cities. Those mayors, who do not stop the mobs, will lose funding from the Federal government. You could even see a civil war or martial law. If your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection.”

Tuesday, September 8, 2020: (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, today you are celebrating my nativity, nine months after you celebrated my Immaculate Conception. You know of my parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne. I want to comfort my children because you are suffering in this time of the corona virus that has shut down your economy and has forced you into wearing masks and all the other restrictions. Even though you are facing constant riots, do not lose your peace of my Son in your soul. Pray my rosaries daily for the conversion of sinners and for the poor souls in purgatory. It is the souls who are so important to save. So do not be disturbed by all the evil things going on in your world. It is better to use my weapon of my rosary to fight the evil abortions, riots, and destruction of buildings and statues.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are all concerned about proper people voting legally without multiple votes, and without cheating on mail-in votes. You have seen machines that can electronically change votes as in previous elections. If votes are changed this way, My angels will reverse the votes as they did in the last election. You will see many lawyers on each side ready to throw out illegal ballots for any number of reasons. You have registered voters, but only one vote should be counted per person. Dead people and certain people are not allowed to vote, and this will invalidate some mail-in ballots. Pray that you can have a fair election without cheating and manipulating the vote. There could be a possible coup attempt if the Democrats to do not win the Presidency, by their own words.”

Wednesday, September 9, 2020: (St. Peter Claver)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. Peter Claver devoted his life to helping the mistreated slaves from Africa back in the 1600’s in Columbia. It was an abuse to enslave people and sell them to other people. St. Peter would feed the slaves, give them medicine, and even find places for them to stay. He truly wanted all people, including the slaves, to have dignity as a person with a soul. He baptized hundreds of thousands of slaves to hear My Word. For many years the African Americans were enslaved as servants, but now they have been free for many years as well. This injustice was started many years ago, but today they are accepted into your society as equals. It is unfortunate that certain evil people are trying to exploit this past injustice in causing riots and burning buildings. You need to pray for peace among your people, and restrain the communist leaders who are trying to take over America with a coup or insurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to understand the entire reason for all the protests, burning buildings, and trying to defund the police. These mobs are telling you to your face that they want to take over your government. They are persistent in their demands to get rid of your police, and any other authority that stands in their way. You have seen protests before, but they usually stop in a few days. This constant protesting is trying to wear down the police so Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs can control America. This is not just a Presidential campaign, but this is a defiant coup to take control without an election. The Democrats are permitting these riots because they want control, even if it means a takeover by force as the communists have taken over other countries. Your people need to stand up for your freedoms and refuse to allow these mobs to have any power or authority. You cannot ignore all the damage done to your cities by these violent mobs. If you allow the Party that is supporting these mobs to win the Presidency, you will then have a communist state. Wake up America because these mobs want to take away your freedoms. Pray that your authorities can put down these violent mobs, or you may see a civil war unfold when people have had enough of these endless protests.”

Thursday, September 10, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize how this pandemic virus has changed your lives, because you have been brain-washed with the control of the deep state. The deep state has partnered with China in creating this virus that makes people sick both in the winter and in the summer. These are the people to blame for your unemployment and those who have died from this virus. The deep state and the Chinese scientists are working together to take over the world. This virus attack was meant to create fear and destroy your economy so China could be in control. This vision of being free of all of your virus restrictions is an example to show you how the deep state is conditioning your people for a communist takeover. This is just like the people who are controlled in communist China. You will see an attempt by the evil ones to take over America by force. When My faithful’s lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges. When you come to My refuges after the Warning, you will be free of your virus restrictions. You will be healed of any ailments by looking on the luminous cross or drinking your spring water. You will be protected by My angels from the evil people, but you will be confined to the borders of your refuge throughout the tribulation. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, ever since I started to prepare you for taking care of five thousand people, I have been giving you some suggestions to have more cooking facilities. You now have three CampChefs with two burners on top and an oven to cook two loaves of bread in each oven. You bought two more 5 gallon propane tanks, so you have six now. You also bought two 16 quart pots for making soup, that your wife already used. You have eight bread pans and you bought a grinder to grind your cracked wheat to flour. You bought a new fire pit with a grill that uses wood. You also bought some grills for your large fire pit that uses wood. Now you have ordered two 8 qt cast iron dutch ovens, and you bought a 38 qt pot for soup. I will multiply your fuel and your food to feed all of the people who will come to your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see violent mobs trying to take over your government, you could see a reaction from patriots as both groups will have guns. I do not want to see such killings, but there will be a fight against the communist mobs. With such a danger to your lives, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges right after the Warning. My angels will make you invisible, and the angels will protect you at My refuges. You will have six weeks after the Warning to evangelize souls to believe in Me, and receive a cross on the forehead.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, I told you to get rid of your cell phones, TVs, and computers so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist. He will control all of your media, and if you look at his eyes, he could hypnotize you to worship him. This is why you need to put all of these devices out of your homes. None of these devices will work at My refuges. Your pre-tribulation will quickly change over to the tribulation once the Antichrist declares himself and he is allowed to take power over all of the continental unions. My faithful will be safe at My refuges, but some faithful will suffer martyrdom for My sake. These brave souls will be brought to life again in My Era of Peace. Trust in My protection at My refuges, since you will be brought into My Era of Peace, once I cleanse the evil ones off the earth into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you must have faith in My power to subdue the evil ones as I will cast them into hell. Do not fear any virus because My angels will heal you and protect you from any illness. I have promised to keep you healthy during this tribulation, and your sharing of My messages. When you trust in My healing and My angel protection, you will have no fear, no worries, and no anxieties about the evil ones. So have faith in My miracles of protection and My miracles of multiplying what you will need.”

Jesus said: “My people, would I have you make My refuges, if they were going to be destroyed? You know that I am protecting all of My refuges from any harm, even now. You must have full trust in My power over the evil ones. Those people, who did not have faith, were not healed because I do not violate your free will. You all will be tested in this tribulation, but those people, who have faith in My power, will succeed in overcoming the evil ones. Once the evil ones are cleansed from the earth, then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are familiar with my seven sorrows feast, and I am coming to comfort all of your sorrows that you are going through now. You had another blessing of the Holy Spirit over Al and Colleen before your prayer group started. I am combining my blessing with that of the Holy Spirit on all of you here present tonight. Call on me in your rosary intentions, and I will take your requests to my son, Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you in an earlier message that you are about to see some events that you have never seen before. Your world of today will be changed dramatically, and you will not recognize it. You can see a battle forming between My angels and the good people against the demons and the evil ones at the Battle of Armageddon. My angels and I will win this battle for My faithful, so have no worries. The evil ones may appear to be taking over the world for a time, but this reign will be brief, and then I will cleanse the earth of all evil. Be patient because you will soon see My victory in your lifetime as I promised you. You will soon rejoice as I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Friday, September 11, 2020: (Vincent Poche Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, I call many people to share their faith with others, and a few people I give special missions to share messages with My faithful. I have been sending messages of warning and preparation for a time of the coming tribulation. You have been seeing some difficulties with the corona virus and the communist mobs who are threatening to take over your government. Picture your life under more restrictions and even a possible threat to your life when your country is eventually taken over. I have given missions of having refuges to a few people, and you, My son, have been obedient to carrying out My suggestions for your refuge. Because the evil ones will have more influence on your lives, you will need My angels to protect you. You are remembering all the people who died in the Twin Towers plane crash on 9-11-01. This was a false flag destruction that was brought upon your people by the deep state. Now the deep state is using viruses and chemtrails to reduce the population as their goal. The sickness and plagues coming, will take even more lives. So be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when I give you My inner locution. Do not take any vaccine or flu shots that could damage your immune system. Even avoid getting virus tests if you can postpone medical procedures. There are many false positive tests that could separate you from your loved ones with your quarantine controls. Pray for My help and protection during these next dangerous events.”

Vincent Poche: The Lord told me that he needs prayers and Masses for his soul in purgatory.

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to take advantage of this lull before the storm of future viruses that could cause a more severe shutdown. For now you have access to warehouse stores where you can buy bulk food in bags or cans. You were stocking up on your canned foods, since the dehydrated food would take too long in months to deliver. You also bought a large 38 qt. pot for serving large groups of people. You have stocked up your shelves close to capacity. You are seeing why I advised you to stock up on more pots and pans, as well as places to cook your food and bake your bread. Now you can use two fire pits that can use wood for fuel to cook your food. You also have a good supply of wood and kerosene for heating your home. You may not rely on having your natural gas lines working, if things get shutdown. As the weather gets colder, heating your home to keep warm, will be more of an issue. Because of your preparations, you will be ready to house the original forty people. You have water from your well and barrels, food from your storage, and fuels in your wood, barrels, propane tanks, and bedding from your bunk beds, cots, couches, and regular beds for most of your needs. You must trust in My angels to defend your refuges, and My angels will help build any needed high rise building for more people. My angels and I will also multiply your fuels, food, and water for the other 5,000 people I will send to you. A priest or My angels will also supply you with daily Holy Communion. You will have all of your physical and spiritual needs satisfied, so have no worries even for providing for the thousands of people who will come to your refuge.”

Saturday, September 12, 2020: (Most Holy Name of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I told the people, it is not enough to cry out Lord, Lord. If you truly want Me to know you as a faithful person, you must show Me in your actions. If you come to Mass often, go to Confession frequently, pray to Me daily, and perform good works for your neighbor, then I will know you. Follow My Commandments in your actions, and you will be showing your love for Me and your neighbor. Those people, who show Me these things in their actions, are like those people who built their house on rock as a firm foundation. I even built My Church on the rock of St. Peter. Your foundation is in knowing the faith and reading the Bible and other spiritual reading. Those people, who only cry Lord, Lord, but do not show Me love in their actions, are the people who built their foundation on sand. Then when the flood comes, their houses will be washed away. Follow Me every day with your daily prayers and devotions of love, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

(Funeral Mass for Connie Barilla) Jesus said: “My people, Connie had a full life as she cared for all of her children and grandchildren. She loves all of you as she was with you in the air above praying for all of your souls. She is in upper purgatory, and she was met by her husband when she died. Keep praying for her as this Mass helped her get closer to heaven.”

Sunday, September 13, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to bury or forget your hatred of others, and forget your vengeance for wrongs done to you or others. I have told you to love everyone as you love Me, even your enemies. You also need to be able to forgive others seventy times seven times, or all of the time. Remember how many times I have forgiven you in Confession. So as I forgive you, you also must forgive your neighbor. Do not be a hypocrite when you are forgiven, but you cannot forgive others. It is not easy to forgive people who have harmed you, but you still are called to love and forgive your persecutors. You may not like it when others are destroying property and calling you names, but still you need to love them. You are striving for perfection, and to imitate Me when I love and forgive everyone.”

Monday, September 14, 2020: (The Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are honoring My Exaltation of My Holy Cross, as I came into this world to die on the cross for your sins to be forgiven. You had a preview of My crucifixion when Moses raised up the bronze serpent on a pole, so the people could look on it, and be healed of their snakebite. Later, I would be lifted up on a cross for the salvation of all of mankind. I have given everyone a chance to be healed of their sins, if they would come to Me in Confession. I have asked all of My faithful to pick up their own cross, and carry it every day of your life through your trials. You had a vision of how you are on the brink of major destruction, as the evil ones are about to be given their brief hour of control over the earth. By the virus, the flu, fires, hurricanes, and an uprising of the anarchists in your streets, you will truly be tested. Trust in Me to send you My Warning, and call you to My protection at My refuges. When you come to a refuge, you can look on My luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed of any ailments of the body. You will be working hard organizing the people in providing for their water, food, and fuels. I will multiply what you need, and My angels will provide your buildings and daily Holy Communion. Trust in Me for your protection and your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be entering the tribulation time, once the Antichrist declares himself. I told you that I will speed up the time by increasing the speed that the earth goes around on its axis. You also are seeing another hot year where your magnetic shield is decreasing, which allows more solar wind to come through the atmosphere. There is another effect from the sun where there are fewer sunspots, which could cool the earth. Not only is your temperature rising, but the plan of the anarchists are raising fires and destruction. Be prepared for a possible revolution, especially if your President wins your election. The next few months will be with riots and your lives could be in danger. You will be seeing the Warning and a time when My angels will lead you to My refuges. Trust in My protection and My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels.”

Tuesday, September 15, 2020: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, my biggest sorrow was watching my Son die on the cross for everyone’s sins. You remember my seven sorrows, and I know you all are faced with sorrows in your lives, which we all must suffer. I come to comfort you in all of your trials. You can pray your rosaries for all of the children in your lives. You can also ask me to put my mantle of protection over all of your children. It is a good moment to think about encouraging your new parents to have their children get baptized into the faith. When people are not making any effort to come to Sunday Mass, you need to remind your family of their spiritual responsibility for their children to have the sacraments. Keep praying your rosaries for saving the souls of your family.”

Wednesday, September 16, 2020: (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard various stories how campers or arsonists were setting fires in California and other Western states. Your suspicions of arsonists are true, as there are certain people who are using flamethrowers and lasers to purposely set fires in the dry forests of the West. This is part of the deep state’s attempt to cause more destruction and chaos in your country. There are so many fires that you are seeing a haze even on the sun in the Eastern sunsets. This is also a plan to try and scare people out of the forests, so the deep state could control the land. You are seeing attempts all over your country where mobs are being used to take control of America. These attacks will get worse as you approach your election time. Pray for peace, and I will let you know when it is time to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been preparing well because your time is short before you will be coming to My refuges. My refuge builders can still buy some bulk items like flour and rice. You could still use some large pans if they are available. You have your CampChef ovens for baking bread, so you may need more adaptors for your propane tanks. You could also get a couple more propane tanks for cooking and baking. You only have a short time for stocking up on your food needs. Have some bread pans in one place. By having all of your cooking needs available, you will be ready to receive the people at your refuge. You will need to assign committees for obtaining your food and how to prepare it and serve it. I will refill your fuel containers when they are empty. That is why it would be good to have more fuel containers. I will also multiply your water and prepared food. Being able to have sleeping quarters and food available will be needed. During the colder months you will need to assign people to operate your kerosene heaters and your fireplaces with the appropriate fuels. You will have water from your well, but you may need to use your blue barrels to store the water. You have some solar power and lights for the night, but you may have to remove the snow off of your solar panels in the winter. You have gone through your practice drills before, but soon you will be living in your refuge with many people all of the time. Assign hours for Adoration as well. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your water, food, and fuels, which I will multiply for you.”

Thursday, September 17. 2020: (St. Robert Bellarmine)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is a lesson in forgiveness, when this woman of sin came and washed My feet with her tears, she wiped them dry with her hair. She knew of My healing power, and she wanted her sins forgiven. I gave Simon a parable about how two people had their debts forgiven, and one was much larger than the other. I asked Simon which person would be more thankful, and he answered correctly about the one forgiven who had the greater debt. There also is a deeper love for Me when a sinner has a greater sin forgiven. I forgive people of their sins many times, but a new convert is even more thankful. There is another side to My graces when a person does not have as much sin to forgive as others. The more gifts and graces you are given, the more that will be expected of you. Since you have a strong faith, then you will be better able to evangelize souls, and even prepare refuges. When you reach out and show Me your love in your actions of sharing your faith, then you will receive a prophet’s reward. The more you do for Me, the more I will help you in your missions. When you evangelize people, I will enable you with healing gifts. When you prepare a refuge for this time, I will help you find the money for your work, and at the appointed time, I will multiply your water, food, and fuels. Trust in Me that those people who love Me more in their good deeds, I will be gracious to them in providing what is needed for their work.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your forefathers were led by Christian principles in setting up your government with your three branches of government with the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative parts. You are celebrating the anniversary of your Constitution today. Your President supports your Democratic Republic and he claims your country will not accept socialism or its cousin communism. He also was putting down the 1619 project which the left is pushing in your schools to rewrite your history books. Your country was founded on freedom and not slavery. You are blessed to have a free country that is not being controlled by communist leaders.”

Jesus said: “My son, you helped your Greece Ecumenical Food shelf for 25 years as a buyer and a distributor of units to poor and needy families. Because of your covid virus and people losing their jobs, some people are struggling to have money for food. In some cities there are long lines trying to get food for their families. With the fires and hurricanes destroying homes, these victims also need food. My faithful can help these people by giving donations to your local food shelf, or any aid groups helping the hurricane victims.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for stocking up on some bulk food items. You will be making bread for the people, and this is why you bought three CampChef ovens that are heated with propane. You bought two more propane tanks and you ordered two more adaptors for connecting your ovens to your propane tanks. You also bought more 25 lb bags of flour to make your bread. Another bulk purchase was buying some 25 lb bags of rice. You are getting close to times when you may be quarantined to your homes without being able to get to your stores. As your weather, riots, and fires are testing your country, you will soon be called to My refuges for your protection and supplies to survive with My multiplication of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a struggle between freedom under your Constitution vs. those people who want socialism or communism. You are seeing both candidates preparing for the beginning debates. Many media outlets and social networks are backing the Democratic candidate. Your President, who puts America first and supports life against abortion, is your best hope to keep America free from socialism. Pray for him and that your election can continue without cheating at the voting poles. You also need to pray for your protection from any riots or attempted coups. Trust in My protection, when you will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need law and order in your streets in order to have a viable economy. The left is attempting a takeover in your Democrat cities by using mob rule that is burning your businesses. You do not even hear the Democrats talking about this street violence that is destroying their cities. The left leaders are supporting these violent mobs, and the people themselves are opposed to these arsonists. If your people do not stand up against this violence, then you truly will see communist leaders taking over your cities. Vote these radicals and their supporters out of office, if you want peace on your streets. Your people need to pray for peace and law and order.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is suffering from the latest hurricanes of Sally and Laura. This has been a very active hurricane season, and you still could see even more destruction to come. You also have seen a lot of damage from your fires in the West. These events happen every year, but they are happening with more frequency and destruction than other years. I have told you that this fall you would be tested in ways you have not seen. One of these events is the violence displayed by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs who are threatening to take over your country. You will again see more virus and flu attacks on your people, but refuse to take any virus vaccine or flu shots because they will harm your health more than these diseases. You could see another shutdown, or more violence from the mobs that could try to stop your election. The left threatens a coup after the election if your President wins. Pray for peace, but you may soon be called to My refuges to protect your lives from being killed by the violent mobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would send My Warning at an appropriate time during a crisis or chaotic time in your country. Many of the events going on now are a punishment for all of your country’s abortions. My Warning or Illumination of conscience will give all people one last chance to be saved from their sins. Many will have a vision of hell for all of the evil things they did in their lives. This will be a wake-up call for many who will taste the flames of hell. Some will be converted, but still many will choose to defy My love. In your Warning experience, you will be told not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. You will also be told not to worship the Antichrist, nor look at his eyes. You will be told to come to My refuge for your protection. Everyone will have six weeks to be converted to the faith, or refuse My love. If people do not change their lives to love Me, then they will face their mini-judgment that they received either in hell or purgatory. Strive to be with Me in heaven in My love, or you could be lost forever in the flames of hell.”

Friday, September 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, back in My day they did not have the communications that you have today, so I had to travel from town to town to spread My Word. I would send My apostles out two by two to prepare the towns for My coming. Later, after My Resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit on My apostles, My apostles went to various lands to spread My Word to more distant lands beyond Israel. You, My son, have had the opportunity to spread My messages over the internet on your website. You have been limited by the virus restrictions in your own traveling, but you have been using your contacts to share My Word on various internet applications. During the tribulation I will enable you to share My Word with other refuges by bi-location. My other prophets will be doing likewise to keep the faith strong amidst the evil that will be going on in the world. Trust in Me when I will bring My victory over the Antichrist and the evil ones, when they will be sent to hell, and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how desperate the left people are to get rid of your President, and they will make an attempt to even take over your government. This has been the goal of all of these violent protests. Your President may have to quickly organize the military to defend yourselves from a coming coup attempt. The left do not care who wins or loses in the Presidential election, because they are intent on a physical takeover. You need to pray that your National Guard can overcome the Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs. You are in a fight for your freedom, and do not let the communists take over your country. When this chaos comes, I will call My faithful to My refuges after the Warning. Be prepared shortly because I will soon be sending a lot of people to all of My refuges where My angels will defend you from the evil ones. You will need to do some fast planning to organize how to feed and house the people who will come. I will slow down the arrival of people so you can adjust to a new way of life. Be prepared for a revolution and a possible civil war. Pray for peace, but be ready to come to the protection of My refuges.”

Saturday, September 19, 2020: (Pat Dawes Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Pat had beautiful ministries in her years of service to Right to Life and her other activities. She was brave to raise her adopted daughter, Mary, whom you met in church. She suffered from cancer, and she thanks those people who took care of her in her last days. She did her purgatory here on earth, and she is with Me now in heaven. She thanks all of the people who came to her funeral, and she will be praying for you and her family.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is a joy to see babies brought into the world, and you are happy to see these little faces of your great grandchildren as My creations. On the other side you have seen babies sucked out of the womb by abortion in the movie ‘Unplanned’. It is still hard to imagine that a mother could kill her own child. You have an election coming up, and the Democrat party stands up for being able to kill babies in the womb as part of their policy. I have told you in many messages that killing babies in abortion is the worst crime and mortal sin that could be committed. It is because of your abortions that you will suffer the punishment of losing your country to the atheistic communists. All Christians will be threatened with martyrdom to stand up against abortion and to love Me as your God and Redeemer. You will see some Christians martyred as you approach the tribulation. When your country is taken over after the Warning, your lives will be in danger, and I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Trust in Me to have My angels protect all of My refuges. Encourage your people to vote against the people who support abortion, and pray to stop abortions.”

Sunday, September 20, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard in the readings that My ways are not your ways, because I am always generous in sharing My graces. I am always willing to forgive your sins and accept you into the faith, no matter how late in life that I will call you before your death. So it is wise to come to Me now, as soon as possible to be saved. The pay that I give each soul, who accepts Me, is eternal life in heaven. There are different pay grades because you can aspire to seven levels of heaven. Those people, who love Me and work harder in their good deeds, could get raised to the higher levels in heaven. Those people, who are martyred for their faith in Me, will be raised to the higher levels of heaven. The main lesson is to love Me and repent of your sins, so you can make it to heaven.”

Monday, September 21, 2020: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My son, I called Levi to follow Me, and leave behind his life of the world. In his conversion I changed his name to Matthew. I went to eat supper with Matthew and his fellow tax collectors. I told the Pharisees that those people, who are sick with sin, need a physician. I came to call sinners to be healed, and not the self-righteous. This was a great change in Matthew’s life, and he later recorded all of My words in his Gospel. My son, you too were called in Medugorje to come closer to Me, and leave your computer programming addiction behind. You did so immediately, even as I told you to stop wasting your time on your own pleasures. Now, you would be working for Me. It was your love for Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament that changed your life around to My mission for you. When you arrived home, you dropped your computer addiction, and not long after, you accepted receiving My messages. It was only a miracle of My grace that cured you of your addiction. You have now been preparing the people for the end times by sharing My messages, and you also accepted a second mission of preparing a refuge. You can see that you are close to seeing the evil ones about to have their brief hour of control. Have no fear because My angels will be protecting My faithful at My refuges. Trust in My Word and continue to follow My directions.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have done well in following all of My suggested preparations for your refuge. Now, you will be trying to dehydrate some fruit from your daughter’s fruit trees on her new land. It will take some time to try out this new machine that you both bought. You may want to take some containers to hold the fruit and the dried fruit. You may want to try dehydrating different fruits for your storage. The bigger your machine, the more fruit you can dry out. If you are satisfied with this preparation and you have the time, you could look into buying your own machine. It will take time and energy to use such a machine. Do some research on how to use it, and look for your cook book to use your Dutch oven as well.”

Tuesday, September 22, 2020: (Helene Cross Funeral Mass)
Helene Cross was happy to see me and said: “I am so happy to see my family and my old Holy Name friends. I thank all of you for attending my funeral. I met my husband, Bob, when I died. You do see your relatives when you pass. I had so many beautiful memories of my activities at Holy Name, and I was sad when it was closed. I remember both John and Carol when we sat behind you in church for many years. I will be in purgatory a short time, so remember me in your prayers and Masses. I love all of you and I will miss you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing some problems coming in getting out the next book. You are being asked to send the Publisher what you have, so they can get started on working on book volume 100 for ‘Prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace.’ This will require proofing the months you have typed. You have the index completed up to September 20. Your wife needs to get the pictures ready that go with your messages. Because you will see some problems finishing the book, you need to pray your St. Therese 24 Glory Be prayers every day to help you get the book finished. Trust in Me to help you with this task.”

Wednesday, September 23, 2020: (St. Padre Pio)
Jesus said: “My people, I wanted My apostles to have complete dependence on Me to provide for their needs. I told them not to take a walking stick, nor money in their belt. When they came to a new town, they blessed the people, and they were to stay with a worthy family. If this town accepted them, then they would rely on them for meals and a place to stay, because the spiritual laborer is worthy of his keep. If the town did not accept My apostles, then they were to go to the edge of town and shake the dust of that town from their feet. So it is with My prophets and evangelists when I send them out to various cities. You, My son, were given airplane fare to fly or gas money to drive to your talks. You stayed with people who provided a place to sleep and meals to eat. You literally would give your talks for your supper. Sharing My messages in your travels was how you have shared My words of instruction to the people about the end times. Now, with the virus attack, you are sharing with the people over internet programs. I am preparing the people for My Warning and the coming tribulation. Trust in Me to provide for your needs at My refuges.”

For Chris: Jesus said: “My son, I thank you Chris for all you do for Me, and your kindness in providing Masses for the souls in purgatory. Today is a gift of a Mass for your own intention. Follow Me and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you My Warning would happen at a time of chaos, so all sinners would have a chance to repent before any life threatening events. There could be some struggles for your President and the Senate if the proceedings to vote on a new Judge are held up by lengthy committee hearings. The Senate wants to have a new Judge on the Supreme Court before the election, in case there are court issues that need to be resolved. You could also see more serious attempts by the street mobs to try and take over some Democrat cities. You could see a clash between these mobs and your National Guard. Pray for peace, even amidst some attempts to take over your government.”

Thursday, September 24, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you remember the account about Jonah when I called him to go to Nineveh to warn the people to repent, or in forty days it would be destroyed. Jonah was a reluctant prophet because he fled on a ship. A storm came up, and the people on board drew lots and threw Jonah into the sea. A large fish returned Jonah to the shore, so he could now do My original call. Then Jonah told the people of Nineveh: ‘Forty days more and Nineveh will be destroyed.’ The people repented in sackcloth and ashes, and they changed their evil ways. Because of the change of heart in the people, I spared their city of the punishment I had planned. So today, My prophets are going forth to warn your people, to repent of their sins, and change their evil ways of abortion, or I will bring a great punishment upon you. When the people of Nineveh heard Jonah’s plea, they repented and were saved. Now, your people have heard My prophets, but you are not repenting. So be prepared to face My justice on an evil world. At one point I will call My faithful to My refuges, and My angels will shield you from the evil ones who want to kill you. Trust in My protection and I will provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given this sign before that you are very close to My Warning, and close to the tribulation of the Antichrist. Pray for the people to be converted during the six weeks of conversion after the Warning. By becoming one of My believers, My angels will put an invisible cross on the foreheads of those believers. This will be needed so My refuge angels can allow these souls to enter My refuges. Be prepared with frequent Confession so you do not see hell in your mini-judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these old days because once you have an EMP attack, there will be little or no electricity for everyone. In some estimates, if your electricity was down for a lengthy amount of time, you could see 90% of the people die because they do not have extra food to last very long. I will protect any solar power at My refuges so you could have some electricity. I will be multiplying your water, food, and fuels so you can feed all the people who I will send to your refuge. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been giving you many suggestions to have multiple large kettles and pots that you could use on your propane burners or wood fires in your fire pits. You now have 2×16 qt. pots, 2×8 qt. cast iron Dutch ovens, 2 cast iron pans, and a new 38 qt. kettle. You also have flour to bake your bread in your three CampChef ovens. I have emphasized more cooking vessels and plenty of fuels for cooking and heating your homes. I thank you for all of your stocking up on the food that I will multiply. Feeding a large number of people will require several shifts for two meals a day. Trust in Me that I will feed your bodies, and I will feed your souls Holy Communion every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I will multiply the water, the wine, and bread just like I multiplied the wine in Cana, and the bread for the 5,000 and the 4,000. I can still multiply what you need, but you must have faith that I can do this for even large numbers of people. You do need to have something that I can multiply. Do not worry about your housing many people, because I can build a high rise building for many people in an hour, just as My Blessed Mother said. I can do it in even a shorter time, but this is more understanding for you because I am outside of time. My angels will protect you from the evil ones at My refuges. The evil ones will not be able to see you because you will have an invisible shield. You will only have to endure less than 3½ years, so be patient and help each other.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have had four practice refuge runs and two of them were in the winter time. You were able to keep your house warm with either your wood fire or a kerosene heater. I will multiply your fuels as you will need them to keep your people warm in the winter. Your propane and wood will also need to be multiplied so you have fuels to do your cooking. My people will not go hungry, and you will not be cold either.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing a major test coming in filling the vacancy on the Supreme Court, along with an election of your President. You may also see a need for your National Guard to keep the peace with your communist mobs in the streets. You may even see a civil war to keep the socialist mobs from taking over your government. You will have another trial to deal with your seasonal flu and the corona virus from China. You will call on My angels to defend your lives, and you will be called to the safety of My refuges. Some Christians will be martyred, but I will save most of their lives from the evil ones. Call on My help to endure the coming tribulation. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the feast of My Archangels coming, and you will need their intervention to protect your lives and your souls. You will also see My Blessed Mother’s rosary feast on October 7th. Trust in the power of your rosaries to defeat the evil ones, just as the Moslems were defeated at Lepanto. My power is greater than all of the evil ones, and in the end I will reign supreme over the earth. Be patient and pray for your protection with My angels.”

Friday, September 25, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have a vacancy on the Supreme Court, and your President will put forth a woman to replace the deceased Justice Ginsberg. The Senate will vet her qualifications and vote on the nomination. It is important to have nine justices to break any ties on upcoming decisions. Just as you were praying your rosaries for your intentions, there will be a rally with Jonathan Cahn to pray for repentance for your country. There has been a lot of divisions in your country, and prayer is needed to bring peace and love to overwhelm the hate and war you have seen in your streets.”

Saturday, September 26, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, a faithful person is not ready to live unless that person is ready to die. I have died on the cross for your sins, and you can come to Me in Confession to cleanse your souls of your sins. As long as you are in My graces, you should have no fear of dying because you are with Me, and I will keep you from falling into hell. You have no fear of death because I have promised salvation eventually in heaven for all of My believers. This corona virus, that is among you from China, has been killing mostly people who have compromised immune systems. Other people who catch this virus, only have mild symptoms. It is this fear of dying from this virus that is being used to control your people with all of your restrictions. Follow My recommendations to protect yourselves, but do not be fearful of dying because you are safe with Me.”

Camille R.’s death day 9-26: (Carol’s father)
Camille said: “Hello everyone, I am thankful that the Lord has allowed me to give you messages on the day of my death 9-26, and the day of my birth 1-26. You were happy to hear my old stories that you recorded. I am glad that you remember me and Lydia. I want to say hello to all of our family members because we are praying for all of your souls. Carol is always eager to hear what I have to say. I am seeing all the evil forces who are preparing for the Antichrist’s brief reign. The good forces are preparing also for the Battle of Armageddon. Many of you are preparing refuges for your stay during the coming tribulation. You can trust in the power of the Lord because Jesus and the good people along with the good angels will be victorious in the Battle of Armageddon against the evil people and the demons. The Warning is coming soon even now, and you will see your mini-judgment. In the six weeks after the Warning, the Lord will give all sinners an opportunity to repent of their sins. This is the best time to make an attempt o make Vic (son) a believer, because his demons will not affect him. Reach out then to evangelize all the family members who are not coming to church. This will be the last time that they will be open to conversion. Pray over their souls constantly, and do not give up on anyone. This will be a short time, but it is a time for your hard work to evangelize the family. We are all happy and we pray that all the family will listen and be saved. Your souls are all that will be left from this world. So have your souls in good grace with God when your judgment comes. You have little time left, so make good use of your time in prayer and repentance.

Jesus said: “My people, I heard your sincere prayers of repentance, and I will bless your land and your election. My angels will see to it that you will have a fair election without cheating in the counting of ballots or false ballots. Your President was in his Constitutional right to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court to replace the deceased Justice Ginsberg. The Senate needs to confirm this nominee by a vote on the floor of the Senate. This will return the Supreme Court to nine justices which could be needed for some important decisions. You are again seeing many thousands of people coming out to your President’s campaign rallies in the swing states. You will soon be seeing your Presidential debates. You are not seeing any meetings of Biden with large crowds. Be prepared for a contested election, and more possible riots from the left to try and stop the election or challenge the outcome. Both sides will have lawyers checking ballots that are mailed in.”

Sunday, September 27, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the politics around this nomination to the Supreme Court. The opposition party will do everything to try and disgrace Amy Coney Barrett, even though her qualifications are impeccable. You saw how they tried to disgrace Justice Kavanaugh with so many lies. Expect more of the same treatment because the opposition is so desperate that they are losing power on the Supreme Court. This vacancy needed to be replaced, and it is always a challenge for both parties. I will send My angels to protect this nominee from any physical harm. You may see more problems in your streets with protesters causing more damage. If there are threats to your President or others, you could see a calling up of the National Guard to keep the peace and law and order. You had a dread feeling of the evil that the left is planning for October. There will be some serious financial threats to your stock market, and the dollar’s value will be challenged. Many countries are trading without using the dollar, and China is behind this move. You will also be seeing more virus outbreaks and some severe weather. Pray for your country because you are about to see some disturbing events that may lead Me to call you to the safety of My refuges. This includes mandatory vaccines, flu shots, and chips in the body. Refuse the vaccine and chips, even if people threaten to kill you. You will also see My Warning come before your lives will be in danger. Trust in My protection at your refuges.”

Monday, September 28, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you all came into this world naked and without anything, and you will leave this world without even your body. It is your soul that will be left in the end, and this is why I ask you to put Me first in your life. I am your Creator and the Judge of your life. Keep your focus on Me and do not be worried about your money or your possessions, for these things are temporary. But your soul and I are eternal. Your job is to help save your soul and the souls of others. By following My Commandments, repenting of your sins in Confession, and helping your neighbor by good works, you will be saved with Me in heaven. So just as Job was tested and remained true to his faith in Me, so all of you must do likewise by doing everything for My glory, without concern for possessing anything in this life. Your goal is to be with Me forever in heaven, so be faithful to Me at all times.”

(At Emmetsburg Shrine, Md. with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Our Blessed Mother of Lourdes said: “My dear children, your souls are so precious to me and Jesus, yet some souls are gambling with their souls if they follow Satan’s earthly pleasures down into hell. You see the little children and how precious they are to both Jesus and me. So pray to stop all abortions. I want all of you to be as little children, no matter what age, so you can enter heaven. You are to be loving, innocent, and obedient to my Son’s Commandments in order to come to heaven. Keep close to us in Holy Communion, Mass, my rosary, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and you will be safe in my Son’s graces. Have no fear of the events to come because my Son is all powerful, and He will have His angels guide and guard my children. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is with us here, and we thank you for your prayers and your visit to this holy place. Focus on your daily prayers and your consecration to us every day in all that you do.”

Tuesday, September 29, 2020:(St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God to serve Him. This is the opposite of the devil who was defiant in not serving God. Those people, who are defiant to God and will not serve Him, will also be cast into hell. I am the protector of America because you are free to worship God, and there are a good number of believers in your country. I also have another mission to protect those souls who receive messages from God, so they can carry out their mission. When you pray my prayer, I am with you to protect you, and guard the people who you are praying for. When you call on me in your car, I help you on the road without any accidents. If you are being attacked by demons, you can call on me by praying my prayer, especially the long form. All of us angels have different missions, just as all of your people have different missions. Trust in God for His help, and He told you how you can call on us angels, and we will come to your aid.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of the corona virus that China made and dispersed all over the world, you have suffered a shut down that lost jobs and set your economy back. The Hydroxycholoroquine was a good solution to minimize the deaths, but you have allowed evil people to stop using it. Making a vaccine with a chip in it, is not the solution, since this would ruin your immune system and control people’s minds with the chip in the body. Refuse to take a vaccine and refuse any chip in the body. I will send My faithful an inner locution when the evil ones will try and spread more viruses and the flu. These viruses will endanger your lives, and I will tell you when to come to My refuges. I will send My Warning right before more virus will be spread in the chemtrails. Be confident that I will protect My people at My refuges. You will be healed of all diseases, viruses, and flu at My refuges. Trust in Me that I will tell you when it is time to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Wednesday, September 30, 2020: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My people, you have the web of Satan on your internet. Your technology people are making the internet so easy to do banking and buying, that many people are depending on it, especially during your virus shutdown. Your stores have been restricted in their opening, and many small businesses are failing because they cannot get enough customers to come into their places. In addition to buying and selling, you have a lot of pornographic sites that are legal to be on the internet, but it is unlawful to use it. Many of your search companies are recording the sites that you use and even what you buy, so they can send you spam advertising. There are search engines that even block your information, and they send out disinformation to keep people wondering what is true information or not. It would be better to buy things at your local stores, or they could go out of business. When you see things shutdown again, it will be harder to get out to the stores, and your economy will see more bankruptcies. I have asked My people to stock up on food because you may not be able to buy food at your stores. Even deliveries from internet stores will find it difficult to carry on business. You are entering October that has had difficulty with the stock market, and you could see more violent protests before your Presidential election. I have warned you many times that you need to be ready to come to My refuges when the authorities will make it mandatory to have a vaccine and a chip in the body. Refuse to take a vaccine or a chip in the body, because this could threaten your life. Trust in My protection from the evil ones who want to control you through the vaccines and chips. My angels will protect you from any harm at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, I was pleased with your Prayer March on Saturday because your people need to repent of their sins. Many of your people are preoccupied with their pleasures and their earthly activities, but I am not included in many families. If you want to see less punishments, your people need to pray and change their evil ways. I should be the center of all of your lives, and not just a few people. I see the guardian angels report to Me of every abortion, as you are refusing My creations by killing My babies. You also are denying the plan I had for all the lives of your aborted children. I have told you in many messages to stop your abortions, but you have corrupt judges and corrupt politicians who are voting for abortion and allowing Satan to have his way. It is your lives and souls that are more important than your pleasures, possessions, and time, because souls are eternal and your earthly things are temporary. You need to make time for Me in your lives, and time for My babies to live in your society. Since many are not listening to My Word, I will soon bring My Warning to give every sinner one last chance to repent of their sins, and convert their lives into believers in My Word. After the six weeks of conversion, there will be a tribulation of the Antichrist. I will shorten this evil time, and then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth that will kill all the evil ones, and cast them into hell. My faithful will be protected, and I will bring them into My Era of Peace. Choose life with Me now, or you will be burning in the flames of hell forever.”

Thursday, October 1, 2020: (St. Therese of the Child Jesus)
St. Therese said: “My dear little ones, I thank you for remembering to pray my 24 Glory Be prayers for the intention of putting out your latest book, volume 100. This volume is a milestone, and you are even wondering if you will be able to put out another book amidst all the turmoil in your country. I will be watching over the coming out of this book. There is a lot of division in your country over the politics of the right vs. that of the left socialists. You all can spread the love of my Jesus to overwhelm all of the hatred and riots in your streets. You remember that I am one of your spiritual directors, and you did well in sharing the Lord’s Word over your Zoom conference. It was good to see over 200 people who were listening and asking questions. Since it is difficult to travel to your talks, and also hard to have a place for many people to meet, these computer conferences will help spread the Lord’s Word.
I hear your request to console your friend Don, after he lost his wife, Amy. They have a new street sign with my name, and I thank him for honoring me. Amy loves Don, even from heaven, and she is praying for him and watching out for him. Amy sends her love to Don, and she wants him and the family to pray more to God to continue on in life. Getting closer to my Jesus, will always help people with their daily trials. Do every little thing for Jesus, and He will reward you with His graces. Remember Amy’s dying wish that the family should get back to church at Sunday Mass.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this red dragon because he is leading his demons and the evil people to try and take over your country. This month you will see his strongest attempt to take over your country. My Archangel, St. Michael, is assigned to protect your country and My refuges. You will soon see a major battle of the good people and the good angels against the bad people and the demons at the Battle of Armageddon. Fear not because I will be victorious over the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a network of caves and how the evil ones can use these caves for their fast riots, so the police cannot see them coming to put buildings on fire. Armies could also spring up through these caves, if they want to take over Democrat cities. You can expect Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs to cause more riots, burning buildings, and even shooting people who try to stop them. Since the police are not stopping them, they will try to cause more disruption at the polling places for election. I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the liberal rich people will be behind distributing guns and ammunition to Antifa and the Black Lives Matter mobs to stir up an insurrection. Your President will be forced to call up the National Guard to put down this revolution, even in Democratic cities. This could easily become a civil war. In areas where My faithful are in danger for their lives, I will call My faithful to My refuges. You could see patriot groups join the National Guard to put down the socialist mobs. Pray for peace, but people will be forced to defend themselves.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President knows that these left mobs are set on killing him. He has secretly called up Marine battalions to set up a defensive ring around the White House. The evil ones will use heavy arms as rocket propelled grenades and bazookas to try and destroy the White House. This will be an open revolution, just as the communists took over Russia, Venezuela, and Cuba. This open fighting will be in various cities as well. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges. Trust in My protection during this uprising.”

Jesus said: “My people, the coming mail-in ballots could be manipulated by the inspectors in discarding rural ballots that are heavier for your President. The Democrats will also try to change votes and add more illegal ballots to try and rig the vote. It will be difficult to stop all of the cheating. There could be many ballot challenges by the lawyers on each side. This election could be determined in a case brought before the Supreme Court. This is why filling the vacancy on the Supreme Court is so important. Pray for peace and a fair election.”

Jesus said: “My people, your freedoms are at stake in this coming election. You also want to vote for people who are against abortion. Your country is on the brink of a major punishment against those people who favor abortion. You will have a chance to change your abortion laws with a new addition to the Supreme Court. If your country does not repent of its sins, and it does not stop your abortions, then you will face a drastic punishment. If the left takes over your White House, then you will become a communist state. Pray that the election will go in favor of the pro-life candidate. You will need a constant novena of rosaries to stop your country from being taken over. Even if your President wins, you will still face a coup from the left. Keep praying for your country to remain free.”

Jesus said: “My people, be prepared for a smear campaign by the left with their many lies to try and discredit Judge Barrett. The Democrats will do everything to try and push this vote to after the election. The leaders in the Senate will need to limit debate so the vote could be taken before the election. Pray that this candidate will be confirmed in the Senate, so the Supreme Court vacancy can be filled.”

Friday, October 2, 2020: (Guardian Angel feast day)
St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand in front of God, while I am appointed to watch over you, my son. You are entering a time of danger when the devil will become more active, especially against your President. You had some severe messages from Jesus alerting you to the coming Warning, and a possible need to come to the refuges. You have been preparing well for your refuge, as it will soon be needed. Our Lord told you that you will be using all of your preparations. Do not be fearful, but trust in my protection and God’s angels to prevent harm coming to your refuge. We angels will build your high rise building for the people to stay. Just as you see the dirt piles on your streets, so you will see dirt piles in your backyard as we dig out your basement, which you saw in a vision. The Lord will be bringing His Warning soon to try and save souls before your lives will be in danger. Just as you had a message that the demons will not be active during the six weeks after the Warning, the Lord will suspend time also to give sinners an opportunity to convert to believing in God’s Word. After this conversion time, you will be seeing much violence that will allow the Antichrist to come into power. Have your refuge ready when the Lord gives everyone an inner locution to come to the nearest refuge. It is at that time that us guardian angels will be leading the faithful to their refuges. Pray hard now for the conversion of sinners, because your country is about to be taken over. Have no fear because God’s angels will put an invisible shield over your refuge so the evil ones cannot see this new high rise building.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen over 200,000 people die from this corona virus, and now your President has tested positive with symptoms. He is being quarantined in the hospital, and the doctors are watching his case. This has added publicity to this virus which is very contagious, even in the summer months, which is a sign that it is laboratory created. I have given you messages that this virus will mutate into a more deadly virus in the fall, just as your seasonal flu will be starting soon. This is all happening a month before your Presidential election. I have mentioned that October will have some severe trials for your country. I will also repeat a previous message that when you see a lot of people dying around you from a new virus, this will be your sign to come to My refuges for your healing. You will see My Warning occur before any deadly outbreak, but after the conversion time of six weeks, I will warn you by an inner locution when you need to come to My refuges. More people will be killed by this mutated virus, so you want to leave for My refuges as soon as I warn you. My faithful will remain at My refuges throughout the whole tribulation. My angels will heal you at My refuges of any virus, and they will protect you from the evil ones. I will provide food, a place to stay, and daily Holy Communion at My refuges, so have no fear and trust in My protection.”

Saturday, October 3, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed to be able to receive My Body and Blood every day in Holy Communion. Despite all the virus attacks and riots in the streets, you are consoled to have Me with you at every Mass. You need to be thankful that you can receive Me in person, because only some months ago, you could not come to church because of your lock down. You will see another possible lock down when more sickness will be upon you. At that time you may be prevented again from coming to daily Mass, and you will be fortunate to come to your food stores. It is when you are denied coming out of your house, that you will appreciate your daily Mass even more. Rejoice and be thankful for My gift of Myself, while you still have open churches. Trust in Me that My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to understand how the deep state works because it is led by Satan. The first step is to create the problem, and China and the deep state created a new virus that continues to make people sick. Part of their goal is for total control, as with the first shutdown. Another goal is to reduce the population. You now have the framework for the next problem, because soon you will see a worse virus that will kill even more people. The next step is to create the solution. The solution will be a vaccine that people will be told that they will be healed. In fact this vaccine will be worse than the disease, and it will be combined with a chip in the body to tell if you had the vaccine. There is even a threat that the evil ones may use nano particles to cause a control of your body. This chip or nano particles will be the mark of the beast. So do not take any vaccine and do not take any chip in the body, because it will control your mind. Refuse to take any flu shot. Refuse to worship the Antichrist, and avoid taking a virus test if possible. The authorities will try and kill all of those people who do not take the vaccine and the chip in the body. Also refuse to use 5G devices because the microwaves will harm your body. I mentioned before when you see a lot of people dying, you are to come to My refuges to be healed. This will be the chaos when I will bring My Warning experience. After the conversion time, I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges with My inner locution. After the conversion time, get rid of all of your cell phones, TVs, and computers. You will be safe and healed at My refuges. So follow your guardian angel to My refuges. Have no fear because I will cast all of the evil ones into hell. My faithful I will bring into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Sunday, October 4, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, the vineyard is My Kingdom on earth, and I call My people to be tenants and harvest the produce, so you can bring souls to Me. Be thankful for all that I share with you, and be willing to be able to show Me the fruit of your hands, as you share My messages of preparation for the end times. Encourage the people and your families to come to Sunday Mass and frequent Confession. It is the harvest of souls that is needed to convert sinners to My believers. It is important to make people into believers in Me, because they will need the cross of the angels on their foreheads to enter My refuges. Be prepared, because I will soon be calling My believers to My refuges. Trust in My protection from the evil ones, and have no fear.”

Monday, October 5, 2020:(St. Faustina, Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the Gospel about the Good Samaritan many times, but it gives you a more tangible idea of what helping your neighbor means. It means putting your love of neighbor into action when an opportunity presents itself to you. It also means going outside of your comfort zone to help someone financially or with your time. My Son, you are still able to set up meetings on line with your computer programs. You are able to reach more people than when you traveled to your talks. By sharing My messages, you are truly helping your neighbor in preparing them for these end times. Comfort the people by telling them about the miracles I will perform with My angels. My angels will put shields of invisibility around you so you have no fear in coming to My refuges. Just as I encouraged the faith in My apostles by My miracles, so you will see even greater miracles of making buildings and multiplying your food, water, and fuels. I love all of you so much, and I will give you instructions when to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this may seem like a strange vision, but the white color is a sign of My Presence with no evil or black around. This indicates My victory over the evil ones. Being underground is a sign of how you will be hiding and protected at My refuges. The evil ones think they are going to win, but in the end I will defeat them, and they all will be cast into hell. I will lead My faithful to My refuges, and you will be healed of all of your health problems. So have no fear of the plans of the evil ones, because My angels will shield you from any harm. Only those people, who do not come right away to My refuges, will be the ones at risk of martyrdom. You will see viruses and plagues that will kill many people. My faithful will be protected at My refuges, even from My Comet of Chastisement that will kill all the remaining evil ones. I will cleanse the earth of all evil, as the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth as a new Garden of Eden, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. You will then be brought into heaven after you die. Rejoice even now because you will see My miracles provide for your needs during the tribulation. Then you will experience My Era of Peace, and later you will be with Me in heaven. This is a message of joy when you will see My victory over the evil ones.”

Tuesday, October 6, 2020: (St. Bruno)
Jesus said: “My people, you have two missions for everyone in seeing Martha and Mary. On the one hand, you see your Christian responsibility to help people with your hospitality. You also see your joy and desire to listen to My words and be with Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. When you contemplate My Real Presence, you have Me with you deep in your heart and soul. I thank you, My son, for reaching out to people to share My messages for the people. Even amidst your difficulties with your virus and your restrictions, you are still managing to make My words available to help My people in these end times. You have a sense of some severe trials coming, but be at peace in My joy, because I will defend you from any life threatening viruses of the evil ones. Trust in My healing and My protection.”

Wednesday, October 7, 2020: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Jesus said: “My son, I know that you pray your three rosaries every day, and you are united in prayer with Me and My Blessed Mother. You are now praying persistently for your President to be re-elected, despite his virus infection and all of the media criticizing him. He stands up against abortion and he truly fights for the welfare of your people in America. The Democrats support the death culture with abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. They even support the communist mobs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter who are destroying your cities. If your country loses your President, you could become another communist state. You also are praying for the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court, which could help in stopping your abortion decision. If your country does not repent and stop your abortions, you could see even worse punishments for your sins. Keep praying for your country to remain free, and pray to stop your abortions.”

(Mass intention: grandfathers Jost V. and Louis G.)

Jesus said: “My son, today you had a lesson in the need to pray for the souls of your grandparents who are still in purgatory, because no one is praying for them. You are familiar with their drinking habits, so it is good that they were spared from hell. This is another sign that people need to pray for all of their family, even in past generations. Once people leave this earth, they are quickly forgotten, but their souls may still need Masses and prayers to get out of purgatory. Let this experience be a lesson for you to always pray for your family members, and even the ones that no one is praying for.”

Thursday, October 8, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several hurricanes hit the United States in the Gulf of Mexico region. Each storm has brought surges, wind, and plenty of rain. The ground is so saturated with water, that more rain could cause more flooding. The people in Louisiana need to be prepared for some possible flooding. I know you have hurricanes every year, but this year has been much more active than previous years. It is the hitting of land by these hurricanes that has caused a lot of damage along the Gulf Coast. This should be a wake-up call to many Americans to see the need to repent of their sins. I told you that you would see one event after another, and these multiple storms are evident of these events. You will also see the coming flu season combine with a more deadly corona virus that could kill more people than your first attack. You could see more shutdowns as the numbers increase. I will warn My people before it is a danger to your lives, so you can come to the protection of My refuges, where you will be healed.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the threats given by the left that they will bring a coup upon your government right at the White House. Pray that the National Guard will be called out to protect your President from the desire of the mobs to assassinate him. You could see patriots with weapons who will join this civil war against the communist mobs. Your Vice President needs to be separated so both are not in harm’s way at the same location. If both your President and Vice President are killed, then power would go over to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. My people need to pray for the protection of your President and Vice President.”

Jesus said: “My people, it will be a miracle if your President is virus free before his next debate. There is a strong suspicion that this virus was spread on him on purpose. He will still do a virtual debate, if necessary, to show his strength against the virus. Your people should be praying for his good health and his physical protection. This could raise sympathy for his sickness, and if the people realize how radical the Democrats are, your President could win this election. Pray that freedom will reign over America.”

Jesus said: “My people, the opposition party will try to put Judge Amy Coney Barrett down, but the Senate Republicans hold the majority to confirm her. She will be put on the Supreme Court baring any virus attack or a civil war. Pray for her confirmation to fill this vacancy on the Supreme Court.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw in 2016 how I helped your President win his election, despite the polls going against him. If My faithful pray hard, I could allow him to win again even over the cheating with the votes. You just had the Blessed Mother’s feast day of the Holy Rosary, so heaven will hear your prayers.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I and all of the angels and saints are encouraging all of My prayer warriors to storm heaven with all of your rosaries to help elect your President and pray for the confirmation of Judge Barrett. I bless all of you and thank you for your rosaries tonight. Your President stands up against abortion, and the confirmation of Judge Barrett could help turn the tide on the Supreme Court to put down your abortion decision. Your country’s freedom is at stake with this election. So pray as many rosaries as you can to save your country from the communist left.”

Jesus said: “My people, the deep state needs a strong reason to try and force your people to take a new vaccine and chip in the body. This is why it is in their plan to try and launch another more deadly virus attack against your country. They are planning to release the new virus from the chemtrails to try and stop the election. Many people could die from this new virus attack. When you see a lot of people dying in the streets, I will call My people to the safety of My refuges to heal them from this virus. Once you come to My refuges, you will be there until the end of the tribulation. Have no fear and trust in My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of some visionaries who have confirmed other people’s messages that My Warning will come this year. I have guarded the date of the Warning because only God the Father will bring it on the earth. America is at a crossroads with your election and a decision to stop your abortions. I have told you, if you do not stop your abortions, then I would stop them with My punishment. So pray hard for your Supreme Court to overturn your abortion decision. If this does not happen, you will see the Warning soon, and a takeover of your country by the communists. The Antichrist will have only a brief reign before I will bring My victory down upon all of the evil ones who will be cast into hell. My Warning will come very soon to try and save some souls before all of the evil ones will be swept into hell. Pray and be patient without fear because My victory is coming soon.”

Friday, October 9, 2020: (St. John Leonardi)
Jesus said: “My son, you are one of My prayer warriors to help My people, and be an example of how to set up a refuge. You have been given the money by My grace so you could prepare your house to be a refuge for My people, who need My protection during the tribulation. There are many people attempting to set up refuges. Some have died, and some have lost their calling, while others have passed up this mission. Because there will be a need for safe places, I have told you that My angels and I will expand all of My refuges so there will be room for those believers who will be called to My protection. I thank you, My son, for being such a faithful servant in carrying out My suggestions for your refuge. I have helped you with your solar system and you are preparing means to cook food for large numbers of people. Have trust in Me that My angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels. My angels will also enable you to have daily Holy Communion every day by a priest or by bringing you My Sacred Hosts. I will be with you always, so have no fear of the demons and the evil people.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people on the Gulf coast have had to suffer through several hurricanes of various strengths. The damage this year has been in the tens of billions of dollars. With every storm the people have seen damage and power outages. Some people are left homeless with little food. These storms are making it hard for small businesses to survive and help their employees. They will get some storm aid, but never enough to start over. Pray for these people who have had to suffer great losses, and a few have died from trees falling on them. The severity and frequency of so many storms this year is a sign of My judgment on America for your sins of abortion. Pray to stop abortions, and pray that your President gets re-elected.”

Saturday, October 10, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, one of the questions posed to Vice President Pence was whether the President will accept the outcome of the 2020 election. This was hypocrisy from the deep state because they never accepted the outcome of the 2016 election. Instead, they set up a Mueller Report that lasted for three years and the FBI leaked many false facts. Then the House of Representatives tried to unsuccessfully impeach your President. Now that he is recovering from the corona virus and working at the White House, the House of Representatives is trying to bring proceedings on the 25th Amendment against your President. He is in a quarantine, but he is till capable of performing his job. Pray that your President can remain healthy and that he could win in November. Pray also for his protection that he will not be assassinated.”

Sunday, October 11, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I gave a parable about a king who called his people to a great feast which represented the Kingdom of heaven. This also represents the Wedding Feast that I call My faithful to in heaven. Some people refused to come to the feast, and they even killed the king’s servants. So the king sent his soldiers to kill the evil people and burned their city. The king then brought in people off the streets, but one person was not dressed with a wedding garment, so he was tied and thrown outside. The end of the parable is summed up: ‘Many are called, but few are chosen.’ Some souls refuse to answer My spiritual call, but at the judgment, only My believers will be accepted into heaven. Part of your preparation for your judgment is to keep your soul clean with frequent Confession. You need your Wedding garment of My sacraments and a clean soul. As you approach the time of tribulation, you will have My Warning experience, and then a call to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones. Again, only My believers with a cross on the forehead, will be allowed by My refuge angel to enter My refuges. All of My believers and converts after the Warning, will have My angels place an invisible cross on their foreheads, so they will be allowed into My refuges. So again, many are called, but only My believers will be chosen to enter My refuges, and enter My Wedding Banquet in heaven.”

Monday, October 12, 2020: (Columbus Day)
Jesus said: “My people, I warned the people of My time, and now I warn the people of America, that My only sign to you is the sign of Jonah. You know how Jonah had a mission to warn the people of Nineveh to repent and change their evil ways, or their city would be destroyed in forty days. In fact the people of Nineveh did repent in sackcloth and ashes, and they changed their evil ways. Because of their repentance of their sins, I spared their city of My intended punishment. I did not carry it out. So today, America is called to repent and change your ways, especially to stop your abortions. You made one step in this direction of repentance at the Prayer March in Washington, D.C. on September 26 as called by Jonathan Cahn. I heard your prayers, but this needs to be followed up by your actions. You have Amy Coney Barrett being nominated to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Her confirmation hearing begins today, and you need to pray that she is confirmed by the Senate. This could give the Supreme Court the votes to overrule your Supreme Court decision that has allowed abortion to be legal. If your country does not change its abortion laws, then you will see the destruction of America for your many killings of My babies. Repent of your sins in Confession, and pray to stop your abortions, or I will stop them permanently.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a huge struggle for the Democrats to try and gain power in anyway possible. They will cheat by flooding mail-in ballots by not verifying signatures or proper voting requirements. Now when asked if they will pack the Supreme Court, they add more lies to hide their real intention. If they gain power, they will try to pack the court by their silence on the question. The nine justices on the Supreme Court has been this way for many years. Even under Franklin Roosevelt the Democrats did not want to change the Supreme Court number of justices. This is all the more reason to pray for your President’s re-election, and to pray for the confirmation of Judge Barrett.”

Tuesday, October 13, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, the readings are meant to save people from falling into hell by following My Commandments to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. I told the Pharisees to cleanse the inside soul from sin as well as cleaning the outside of their body. People need to practice what they preach, and do not be hypocrites. The Pharisees taught the law, but they did not always do so in their actions. This is why I told them to give alms to the poor, and they would be clean on the inside as well as the outside. You need to love one another in helping people, and this will show Me that your love for Me is sincere. You are asked to give donations to My Church in your Sunday collection, the poor, and your Bishop’s CMA for your diocese. Even now, your food shelves need donations to help feed those people who lost their jobs, and the homeless. Whenever you help someone, I, who sees things in secret, will reward you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the opposition party has put down their communist riots so they look better before the election. They support the communist mobs, but the mobs are quiet now. You have seen the plans of the communist mobs after the election. If your President wins, the mobs will use military weapons as machine guns and rocket propelled grenades that were given to them by a billionaire liberal, and even possibly Chinese weapons. Their plans are to destroy your electric stations to stop your electricity, and they will shoot to kill patriots. Their goal is a civil war when your President will need to call up the National Guard and your patriots to defeat an open revolution trying to take over your government. These mobs will try to prevent a final vote that would determine your President. You will have many illegal ballots flood your voting places to try and steal this election. If the chaos endangers your lives, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. There will be attempts by the deep state to spread a new virus and the seasonal flu to try and stop this election. If people start dying in the streets, this will be another sign to come to My refuges. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, and if I call you, you need to leave your homes in less than twenty minutes for My refuges. My angels will guide you with an invisible shield to My refuges. At My refuges you will be healed of any disease. I will send My Warning to save souls before your lives are in danger.”

Wednesday, October 14, 2020: (St. Callistus I, pope)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to have great respect for My Blessed Sacrament that you receive at every Mass in Holy Communion. I am truly Present in every Host that you receive. Give honor and respect when you bow or kneel to receive Me on the tongue. With this corona virus many of you are having to receive Me in your hand, but I know in your heart that you would desire to receive Me on the tongue. Whenever I am in a tabernacle, you can genuflect or bow to My Real Presence. Consecrate all of your actions to Me in the morning for all you will do for Me each day. My angels guard you from the evil demons, even though you are tempted by them every day. You have Me in the priest when you come to Confession to cleanse your souls of any sin. You need to be in the state of holiness in your soul without any mortal sin so you can worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. If you do commit a mortal sin, you should come to Confession as quickly as possible. You want to keep your soul clean as much as possible, so you are prepared to meet Me at your judgment, should you die this day. I want you to be close to Me in all that you do, and especially in your daily prayers. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross for all of your sins. I call you to love Me and love your neighbor at all times.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is at a crossroads because today’s Democratic party has moved so much to the left, that they are threatening a takeover of your government. You can choose to re-elect your President for all the good he has done for your country. Trump is working to bring back your jobs, and he does not want any more shutdowns. The Democrats support abortion and they even support the communist Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs. If your President wins, these radicals are planning a revolution or an insurrection to take over your country. The Democrats will put in a socialist communist government if they win. If you want a true, free, Democratic Republic that will protect your rights, then you need to choose your President for re-election. Trust in My protection from the evil ones when you come to My refuges.”

Thursday, October 15, 2020: (St. Teresa of Jesus, Stephen Cohen)
Jesus said: “My son, today you had a flashback to your trip to Avila, Spain where St. Teresa lived. She was a doctor of the Church, and she had great depth to her faith in Me in her ‘Interior Castle’. She is a great saint of Mine, and worthy to be imitated. Today, you also had a Mass intention for Stephen Cohen, who is Katrina’s husband. He needs your prayers.”

(Carolyn Hinton) Jesus said: “My people, it is always sad to lose someone at a younger age. She will be missed by her husband, the love of her life. She was met by her deceased relatives. Even Jeanne Marie met her also when she died. She will be in purgatory for a while, so she needs prayers and Masses. She sends her love to her husband, and all the family.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for all the firemen who are working on containing the fires out West. Pray that they are safe and not hurt from these fires. Pray also for those people, who have lost their homes and some who have lost their business. Pray also for peace all across your land that those arsonists could be restrained from causing fires, especially in your cities.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the most storms in one year that have caused damage in Texas and Louisiana. Many homes and businesses have been destroyed by these storms. Pray that the people can be helped with disaster aid so they can rebuild their homes. Pray that they can find food, water, and lodging until they can rebuild.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, these events have been a punishment on your people for all of your abortions and sexual sins. How long did you think that you could kill My babies without My punishment? You need to pray to stop your abortions. Pray also for putting Judge Barrett on the Supreme Court so you could move closer to repealing your abortion decision. Keep praying to stop your abortions, before a worse punishment befalls you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a choice whether to buy or use 5G equipment that is harmful for your health. This 5G system will make people sick and they will not know the source of their sickness, but it is coming from the 5G microwave radiation. Refuse to buy and use 5G equipment so you can protect yourselves from these strong microwave devices. Pray for My protection at My refuges where cell phones will not work.”

Jesus said: “My people, you truly are choosing between freedom and communism. Even if your President should win this election, there is still a strong possibility that you could have a civil war, instigated from the Antifa and BLM mobs. You need to have your National Guard ready to protect your people. You may see patriots join in the battle against the mobs causing riots. Pray for peace, but be ready to fight for your freedoms. You may have to come to My refuges, if your lives are in danger. Trust in My protection, but be ready to leave for My refuges within twenty minutes.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that a worse virus would come this year. When you see people dying from this new virus, this will be a sign to come to My refuges. The evil ones, who are making this virus, want to reduce your population. This new attack may cause another shutdown which will be your sign to come to My refuges. I will heal you at My refuges, so have no fear.”

Friday, October 16, 2020: (St. Margaret Mary Alocoque, Pat Dawes)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a very active time when your candidates for election are working hard to get elected. The rallies for your President have thousands of people cheering, but you see very few people at Democrat meetings. You have been praying hard also for your President to win this election, and you are praying for his health and safety. With enough prayers, I will have My angels protect your polling places and voting machines to only allow legal votes to be cast. Your people and your President do not want socialism or communism to take over your government. Be prepared, My people, because you may have to defend your freedoms from the communist left mobs. Pray for My protection because you will soon need to come to My refuges of safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know I am love itself, and I create all of you and your souls out of love. I need to be the focus of all of your lives, because I give you the spiritual mission that I intended only for you. It is only when you accept Me as Lord of your life, that you are able to carry out your spiritual mission according to My plan. For those of you, who do not know why I have placed you on this earth, you can remember what you were taught in your catechism. You are here to know, love, and serve Me in this world. This is why you follow My Commandments to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. My son, you have seen the souls suffering in the flames of hell, and it is your mission and every baptized soul’s mission to pray for souls and help them to avoid the suffering in hell. You all need to imitate Me in loving everyone, even your enemies. In the end you only have your soul, and it is important to choose heaven over hell in all of your actions. I call souls to come to Me out of love, but also to choose to love Me by your own free will without being forced. I allow every soul to make their own choice.”

Saturday, October 17, 2020: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people about the coming end time signs. You will see famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. When the virus returns with more cases, you could see more shutdowns. If the shutdowns are severe, you may not be able to go out to the stores for food. This could lead to a self-imposed famine, if trucks cannot supply the stores, and there is limited travel. The corona virus is the pestilence of your time. Now, I am also showing coming earthquakes that will be severe enough to topple buildings in your cities. Be prepared for many events that could cause many deaths. Amidst this chaos, the Warning will come to prepare sinners for the tribulation. After the conversion time, you will see the evil ones take over your country and the world. I will call My faithful to My refuges at the proper time, so you will be safe at My refuges with My angels protecting you and providing for your needs.”

(John Jagla’s Funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, John is one of your old friends from Holy Name of Jesus where many people knew him well. He had a beautiful life as an artist and teacher. He loves his wife, Tracy, and the family very much. He will be praying and watching out for his family. John is with Me now, as he suffered a long time with his cancer, which was his purgatory on earth. He thanks all of you for coming to his funeral, and sharing your respects with Tracy. He loves all of the people who came into his life.”

Sunday, October 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in many Gospels I speak about having no fear from evil people or diseases. There truly are the elite rich people who want to control the people through fear. They also have a desire to reduce the population, just as Satan is leading them. These rich people are using man-made viruses, like the corona virus, and vaccines to kill off people. They use the media to claim more cases of virus, when there are many false positives. They also claim more virus deaths, but people are dying from other causes. By using this fear of death from the virus, they use this to control your population, and provide reason to shut down your businesses to ruin your economy. You can see how these evil ones will provide a corona virus vaccine that will be dangerous for your health, and it will not stop the virus. They will then try and make this vaccine mandatory to control your population, and add a chip in the body to tell who had the vaccine. Refuse to take any vaccine or flu shot, and do not take any chip in the body to control your mind. If they threaten your lives to imprison you for not taking the vaccine, you will need to come to My refuges which will be your new castle of protection by My angels. At My refuges you will have My luminous cross that you can look on, and you will be healed of all of your ailments and viruses. My angels will give you daily Holy Communion, and they will multiply your water, food, and fuels for your survival. So have no fear of the evil ones, because I will protect My faithful believers. Only those people, who believe in Me, will receive a cross on their forehead, that will allow them to enter My refuges. Fear is useless, but only have trust and faith that I will take care of My faithful with an invisible shield.”

Monday, October 19, 2020: (North American martyrs, Lise Farnand)
Lise said: “I am so happy to see all of my friends, and I remember how we had so many laughs together. I love all of you, and we shared seeing the graves of the Canadian martyrs at Midland and Kateri on the reservation. I am still praying for Jerry, and I miss seeing all of you. Thank you for coming to this Mass, and I will meet you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are now seeing the dirty tricks that the deep state are using to shut down access to any information that favors your President. Your internet site was down for a few hours this morning, and now it is working. Sometimes you need to use other browsers to access your site. You are seeing Facebook and Twitter who are preventing any information about Biden’s son’s laptop from being known by shutting down any sites with this information. You are seeing how the deep state makes deals with foreign nations to make money for themselves. You have seen deals made with other nations even in your last election. It is best to show your President’s results of his years in office in how he has helped jobs and your economy. It is China who put forth this corona virus on purpose to ruin your economy, and make them look better. Using such bioweapon viruses is an example of how evil China is, and how desperate the deep state will go to try and stop your President’s success. Even the House Democrats are holding up any stimulus bills so your President does not look good in the economy. I will help your President have a fair election. Even if he wins, the communist mobs will try and take over your government. Be prepared to face a civil war. If your country is taken over, I will call My faithful to My refuges for your protection. Keep storming heaven with your prayers for your President to win. Also pray for Judge Barrett to be confirmed in the Senate. Trust in Me because no matter what the left mobs do, I will protect My faithful and provide for your needs at My refuges with My angels.”

Tuesday, October 20, 2020: (St. Paul of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, the evil people are still making attempts on the life of your President. You are seeing emergency vehicles with an empty gurney. Even the people around your President could be attacked by assassins. You are in the last weeks of this election, and you need to pray for your President’s safety and his health while he travels to many rallies. You are continuing to see a media blackout on any information about Biden’s son, and the information on his computer hard drive. You are hearing reports that the Bidens were taking money from China and the Ukraine. You do not want a Presidential candidate who is being bribed for favors to foreign countries. Why is there no open investigation of these reported findings on Hunter Biden’s computer? There is enough evidence to prove a case, which is why Biden is avoiding reporters’ questions about his son’s dealings, and the meetings with Biden at the White House. You can see how many news outlets and social media are covering up this whole story. There is no denial about the content on the hard drive, only no answering of questions. Keep praying that your President wins his re-election, and vote your choice. You will see more mob violence after the election, so pray for peace and no loss of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when you will see a worse virus attack and all the churches will be closed again. When this happens, you may be in a lock down with problems getting to any stores. I will send My Warning before a worse virus strikes, so have your souls prepared with frequent Confession while you can still see a priest. Pray that your families will convert to believers in Me, so they can enter My refuges at the proper time. My refuges will be your safe havens from the evil ones and all of their diseases. I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges. There, you will have My angel protection and all that you need to survive.”
Vincent Poche: “He has been moved to upper purgatory where he will have more benefits from your Masses and prayers.”

Wednesday, October 21, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, your time is running out before you will see a worse virus, and there will be a battle to defend your freedoms from the socialist communists. You all need to stand up against all of the Marxist principles that the left want to inflict on you. Choose freedom by supporting and voting for your President, because the opposition wants to overthrow your government and make you a part of the New World Order led by Satan. You will first endure My Warning when you will see your soul as I see it with all of your faults and sins. Come to Confession now so you will not see the flames of hell. Those people, who are away from Me, will see their destination in hell if they do not change their lives to love of Me. The more gifts you have been given, the more that will be expected of you. After you see your mini-judgment, you will have six weeks of conversion time to give all sinners a chance to repent of their sins, and become a believer in My Word. After this time, you will see many events that will test your faith. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Trust in My angel protection and have no fear of the evil ones because I am more powerful than any of them.”

Thursday, October 22, 2020: (St. John Paul II)
Jesus said: “My people, you all are faced with the same spiritual and human needs in this life. I have given you many skills and I provide the means for you to feed yourself, house yourself, and I even give you the air to breathe and the light to see. I have enabled you to have a job and buy your needed possessions for travel and living a normal life. Because you have been gifted with your faith and your needs fulfilled, you need to thank Me in your prayers and help your neighbors. This is how you show Me how you love Me and love your neighbor. I even give you My sacraments and the Mass, along with your own guardian angel to give you a spiritual life of My graces. Your very life and soul are your daily blessings that I keep in existence. I give you free will to love Me or not, because I do not force My love on you. I want you to love Me by your own free will. It is in your actions and your way of life that you can witness your love for Me and your love for your neighbor. Trust in Me because I am all love itself.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, part of the deep state leaders are led by Satan in the Masonic order. Those people, who are in the higher levels, actually worship Satan and they carry out the devil’s plans. You are seeing the eye on the pyramid that you see on the back of the one dollar bill. Many of the Mason’s buildings are located close to My Catholic churches. The Masons support many evil groups as Planned Parenthood. These people also support abortion and the Democrats. Pray that My angels can counteract all of their evil deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see a debate between two candidates. Your President supports your Constitution and he is pro-life to stop abortion. Biden is supporting the liberal socialists and he supports abortion. If Biden wins, you could be at risk to lose your freedoms, and you could be facing a communist government. If you want to keep your freedoms, then you need to vote for your President. Pray for his victory and that he is not shot by the liberal anarchists.”

Jesus said: “My son, you had another Zoom conference of over 450 people and it lasted four hours. This gave many people an opportunity to hear your messages and ask questions for two hours. The people were eager to hear My messages that you put out on your internet website. Today, your website was again shut down and it appears the deep state was trying to keep your messages quiet. The deep state does not want any messages out against Biden. Several messages spoke of how the Bidens took money from foreign countries for favors. This scandal shows how the Democrats use their position for power and money. Keep praying for your President to win this election.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing how the evil ones are fighting for power and a takeover of your country. They want to strip your freedoms and control all of your communications. You already see how the left controls much of your newspapers, your television programming, and even what is taught in your schools. The left also controls your health programs, and they will try and force everyone to take a vaccine or a chip in the body. Refuse to take such a vaccine shot for the corona virus, or a chip in the body so you are not controlled by the Antichrist. My angels will protect you at My refuges from any attempts by the evil ones to put you in prison, or any plans to kill those people who refuse to take the vaccine.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing My people to set up refuges where My faithful will come for My angel protection from any virus or flu. Before your lives are in danger, I will send My Warning experience to give all sinners an opportunity to convert their lives. Take advantage of My Warning to change your lives and repent of your sins in Confession. When you come to My refuges, you will be healed by looking on the luminous cross. Trust in My protection as I will soon bring My victory down on the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that you could see an EMP attack on America when your enemies will send many nuclear missiles that will stop all of your cars and shut down your electricity. This will enable your enemies to take over your country. Before this happens, I will send out a warning for My faithful to come to My refuges of protection. My angels will shield you from any harm from these missiles. This shield will also protect you from My Comet of Chastisement. Trust in Me, My people, for your severe punishment is coming because of your abortions that you have refused to stop.”

Jesus said: “My people, only the people at My refuges will survive the evil that will be brought on the people of the earth. This is why it is absolutely necessary to try and convert your families, or they could be lost in hell. They have free will to choose Me or not, but they will see what it would be like if they went to hell at My Warning. Pray for your family’s conversions to help save their souls from hell.”

Friday, October 23, 2020: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the end of the Church Year, you will be reading more Scripture passages that refer to the end times. Even since January or earlier, you have seen how evil the deep state is, because they let China develop a deadly virus that could kill people all over the world. This is Satan’s plan to try and reduce the population. This is truly the pre-tribulation because the evil leaders of the deep state are planning further virus threats along with a mandatory vaccine that will destroy your immune system. This is why I have warned you to refuse to take a vaccine for corona virus or a flu shot. When the authorities make it mandatory to take a vaccine, this will be a time to come to My refuges, if they want to kill you or imprison you for not taking the chip in the body. Trust in My protection from the evil people who want to control your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the destruction of your cities from the communist anarchists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs. I have given you messages that these groups will try a coup to take over your government after the election, like they promised. There is also a danger from a million UN foreign troops who are already in your country. In addition, thousands of Chinese troops have been seen massing on the Canadian and Mexican borders. This is why your President is calling your troops home, and calling up the National Guard and the Marines to protect your people from a possible invasion or civil war. These stories are being hidden from your media, but your President is preparing to fight them by pulling back some of your aircraft carriers. My faithful need to be prepared to leave for My refuges if you see bombs coming, or a full scale invasion. I will warn you when your lives are in danger, so you can come to the safety of My refuges.”

Saturday, October 24, 2020: (St. Anthony Claret)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of St. John Paul II reminds you of how My Church was a few years ago. Now, you need to hold on to the truths of the faith in the Catechism of the Catholic Church put forth by St. John Paul II. In the Gospel I am teaching My faithful to repent of their sins, especially in at least monthly Confession. You need to confess your venial sins as well as your mortal sins. My faithful also need to bear fruit as your charity donations, your good deeds for family and neighbors, and evangelization of sinners. You need to do more than call Lord, Lord to get into heaven. Daily prayers as your rosary, good deeds, and saving souls need to be the fruit to fill your hands at your judgment. Follow My Commandments and confess your sins for your heavenly requirements.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your President telling you all of his accomplishments, but the most important thing to Me is how he fights against abortion, and he praises Me as he defends ‘Under God’ in your pledge of allegiance to your flag and country. The Democrats support abortion, take out ‘Under God’, and they support the communist Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs who are destroying your cities. The Democrats want to take over your government and make it socialist which is close to communism which supports atheism. There is so much evil on the left and Biden is now caught in many lies taking money from China and the Ukraine. It is time that your people need to start doing a Novena of prayers for your President to win re-election and pray for his physical health that he will not be killed. If there are enough prayers, and you vote for him, he will win and stay alive. Pray a Novena of your 24 Glory Be prayers of St. Therese for a victory for Trump and for America. This is found in the Pieta prayer book: pray a Glory Be to the Father followed by ‘St. Therese pray for us’ twenty-four times. Make sure you plan another prayer group meeting on the night before the election, so you can counter all the witches’ hexes and curses on Halloween. With your belief in My answering your prayers, you can see a Trump victory. Later on you will see My final victory over all of the evil people who will be cast into hell.”

Sunday, October 25, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, your country is on a precipice in danger of falling into a communist takeover if your President does not get re-elected. The opposition party only offers a road to socialism and a Chinese communist takeover. In addition Biden is taking money from China and the Ukraine. Keep praying for your President to win re-election by voting for him to insure your freedoms, including the right to worship Me in church. Keep praying also that Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed by the Senate to be put on the Supreme Court. Do not give the atheist communists a chance to take over your country. If your President wins, you still may have to fight for your freedoms, if the left mobs and the Chinese troops want to invade your country. With enough prayers your President and your country can win, but if not, then you truly will fall off this cliff into a communist hell. If you see such an invasion or takeover, then you will have your Warning, and a call to My refuges. Trust in My protection, no matter what happens.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some close incursions of your country by Russian bombers, and now Chinese troop movements in Canada and Mexico. There could be a nuclear missile attack before any invasion. You will see an EMP attack with missiles, but My Warning will come first. A more serious attack could happen if your President wins his re-election. The next few months could determine if you keep your freedoms or not. Be ready to leave for My refuges, when I call you to come.”

Monday, October 26, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing yet another hurricane, Zeta, heading toward the Gulf Coast. You have had more land falling hurricanes hit your Gulf Coast than any other year. You are well into the Greek alphabet to name so many storms. All of these storms are a punishment for your abortions, and even for your clergy who are limiting Masses and places for people to sit. The water coming down the aisle of a church is like a flood of evil from your virus restrictions, where your bishops are telling people they are not obligated to come to Sunday Mass. Instead of having more Masses because of less capacity, some churches are having even less Masses. This evil control created by the China virus, is an attack on My churches to take away your freedom to worship Me. The cleansing of church services is another evil attack by the deep state. Your prayer groups are now being forced to meet in the homes because you cannot use the churches. The left leaders are using the virus to scare people into submission, even though very few people are dying from Covid-19. Continue praying your 24 Glory Be Novena prayers for your President to win his re-election.”

Jesus said: “My people, your prayers have been answered in that now you have Justice Barrett confirmed by the Senate and sworn in on the Supreme Court. This is the third Justice that your President has put on the Supreme Court. This went against all the Democrats who were trying to stop her confirmation. In the second vision you are seeing your own military preparing for any coup attempts, or any Chinese invasion. You have been weakened by your virus attack, but your military will stand firm against any foreign troop attacks. Your President has called up a million National Guard troops to deal with any coup attempts by Antifa and any Black Lives Matter mobs after the election. Continue to pray for your family, and for your President to win his re-election.”

Tuesday, October 27, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, the family of husband, wife, and children are the basic units of your society. I made Adam and Eve to be an example of how I started mankind. It is unfortunate that you have many broken families from divorce. You have other relationships as some living in fornication without marriage, and others living in homosexual relationships. These last ones are living in sin according to My Ten Commandments. In a husband and wife marriage, this is a true example of the love that I desire, because I am like the Groom to My Bride in the Church. I encourage you to have children in a married environment of love. It is hard for the children to be brought up with only one parent. Pray for your families to stay together when possible, and pray for the souls of your family to be saved. I love all of you as My children, and I wait for you to seek pardon for your sins in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation of the Antichrist I told you that I would speed up the time for the sake of My elect. I will speed up the earth on its axis to minimize the time of suffering of My people. In this vision of a huge pendulum clock, you could see it speeding up about three times faster than the usual speed. This will shorten the 3½ years of the tribulation. You will be protected at My refuges during this tribulation. At the end I will bring down My Comet of Chastisement on the earth that will kill all of the evil ones, and they will all be cast into hell. You will rejoice at My victory as I will remove all of the evil ones. Then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Helene Cross was taken to heaven with this Mass.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020: (St. Simon and St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, your country is ready for a large fall as the Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs are looting again in Philadelphia, Pa. After the election you could see a possible civil war, or a Chinese troop invasion of your borders. Canada is allowing Chinese troops to enter, especially near the U.S. border. You are continuing to pray your 24 Glory Be Novena for your President to win his re-election. You also need to pray that you can keep your freedoms from any virus attacks, civil war, or mandatory vaccines. Trust in My protection when I call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are curious if there are foreign troops in Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. The answer is yes, but you need to keep any details quiet. For the most part they are located at Army camps and the detention centers. You have seen some of these areas, and they are usually surrounded by razor wire to keep people out. It is better not to mention actual locations for your safety and that of others. There is a New World Order that is setting up continental unions to control all the people all over the world. It is this group that will give power over to the Antichrist before he declares himself. I will protect My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation, so do not worry how the evil ones will take over the world for a short time. Trust in My angel protection, and do not be worried about needing guns to defend yourselves. Pray for peace and My protection, and I will see to your needs.”

Thursday, October 29, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you have your two great grandchildren with you today, and you brought the little ones to Me at today’s Mass. The saints are happy to see these innocent souls, and you need to pray for them and guide them to My sacraments. In another week you will be bringing two more of your great grandchildren to be baptized in the faith. I love all of the little children, which is why I want your people to stop killing My babies in the womb by your abortions. Each baby has a soul, and these babies are My gifts of life. When you kill a baby by abortion you are rejecting My gift and you are not allowing My plan for that life to be carried out. You all have a mission in life, so do not reject My gift, but allow your children to be born. Do not be so selfish in killing life, but allow these little ones to have life. Each child is special, so you need to nourish them and teach them the faith as well as their schoolwork.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a window pushed in was in the suburbs and it is a sign how the riots in your cities are going to move out to the suburbs. As you draw close to election day, you will see violent riots from Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs. They will spread their riots out into the suburbs, and these mobs are trying to cause a civil war. You will see the National Guard combine with gun carrying patriots who will battle with the communist mobs for keeping your freedoms. Your President may have to declare martial law to fight these mobs. Trust in Me to call you to My refuges if your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, the spirit of enthusiasm is stronger with your Trump rallies. The problems will come in counting your ballots. Some people are voting early in person, while others are mailing in their absentee ballots. Pray that the Democrats do not flood your polls with illegal ballots. You will need to verify that people are not voting multiple times, or in different states. If people mail in absentee ballots early, and they want to change their vote, some states allow people to vote in person to nullify an absentee ballot by the same person. Pray for your President to win his re-election, and stay alive.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Hunter Biden scandal was revealed on his laptop hard drive. The information on the hard drive is strong evidence against the Bidens who accepted millions of dollars from China and the Ukraine. You have deep state people in your FBI who have not released any information while having the hard drive for a long time. This information is strong enough to make a criminal case against the Bidens for buying foreign influence. This proves another case how Biden is a corrupt criminal. Vote for your President to keep your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you could see an assassination of a public figure. There are many evil people who want President Trump dead. You will continue to see more attempts on his life, especially if he wins the 2020 Presidential election. Keep praying for My protection of your President’s life. My angels and his body guards have protected him for now.”

Jesus said: “My people, many patriots are proud of your flag, your Declaration of Independence, and your Constitution that supports your three branches of government. You have the Executive Branch with your President, his cabinet, and the Vice President. You have the Legislative Branch that includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. You have the Judicial Branch of the Supreme Court that has nine Justices. This Democratic Republic has run your government since the ratification of your Constitution. Do not let the liberal socialist communists take over your government because they will take away your rights and freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people have an important election to vote between a Constitutional government, or an eventual communist state. You could see a contested vote that may have to be decided by your Supreme Court. The latest three Justices, put in by your President, could swing the vote to your President. Pray for a fair election, but not one that is drawn out with illegal ballots. In a close election, your lawyers may have to decide which ballots are legal. Pray your 24 Glory Be Novena to St. Therese for your President to win this election.”

Jesus said: “My people, if the communists win this election, your country would be like an elevator that would fall to the bottom. You are praying your 24 Glory Be Novena for your President to win his re-election. Your prayer group will be praying your rosaries on the Monday before the Election Day. You need to pray hard for your nation to be preserved. If the communists take over, you will lose all of your freedoms, especially your freedom to worship Me. Trust that My power is greater. If the communist do take over, I will call you to My refuges so you will be protected from the evil ones.”

Friday, October 30, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, I have been warning you about a possible civil war after the election. With this vision I am reminding you of the secret underground tunnels all across America. They could be used by your National Guard to stop any riots, or you could see UN foreign troops use them in taking over your country with martial law. If there is a civil war, your lives could be in danger. Before any activity that will threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning first and then your six weeks of conversion. When any civil war comes, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will be healed of any sickness, and My angels will put an invisible shield over you. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. Trust in Me to watch over you in My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you are entering the cold weather, you are seeing more corona virus cases as well as some flu cases. Your people remember last March when you had a large number of virus cases and deaths for the first time. Many of your stores were closed in the shutdown, and people stocked up on food and toilet paper. When your grocery stores opened, there were a lot of empty shelves. Now you are seeing a second wave of cases and that is why some people are stocking up before the stores are empty again. You can still stock up a little on canned goods because you may have your stores closed down again. Those people, who have an extra few months of food stocked up, are ready for any second wave of this virus. Pray that you will be protected from this second wave of this virus.”

Saturday, October 31, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have had messages before about raking up the leaves when they represented souls that you were trying to save. I have shown you visions of many souls falling into the abyss of hell. You have wondered how does any soul choose the eternal flames of hell. Any soul that goes to hell, does so of their own free will. You are at a moment before I will bring My Warning down upon everyone at the same time. My Warning is My most merciful gift that I will give you since I died on the cross. Everyone will come out of your body, and out of time as you will come to My Light through a tunnel. You will then receive your life review of the good and bad things you have done in your life. You will focus on any unforgiven sins, and you will remember them when you return to your body. Then you will receive your mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will visit the destination of your soul. If you were judged to hell, you would feel the flames and the hopelessness of the souls around you. This will give you a preview of your spiritual report card. If you see hell, you will have an ‘F’ on your report card. I am a God of mercy, and I will give every sinner one last chance to change your life when you are placed back into your body and back into time. If you seek the forgiveness of your sins, and change your sinful life, then I will forgive you, and welcome you back into My graces in Confession. If you do not change your life, and you do not love Me, then that soul will face the flames of hell forever. Choose life with Me, and not the second death in hell with Satan.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the major pharmaceutical companies working hard to come up with a vaccine to cure your corona virus from China. You have also seen some of these testing trials stopped because of bad reactions. I am warning My people not to take any virus vaccine because it will be bad for your immune system. The vaccines will have nano particles or something that will resemble the mark of the beast, which will go along with any vaccine to tell who received it or not. Also avoid taking any flu shot as well. The evil deep state has conspired with China to spread a disease that will kill many people all over the world. They created the problem, and now they will create the solution by mandating everyone to take this vaccine. The deep state wants to reduce the population of the world by using this virus and vaccine that will not heal the virus. When they make this vaccine mandatory, this will be the time to come to My refuges to be healed. I repeat again, do not take the vaccine or the flu shot, even if they threaten to kill you. Trust in Me to protect you from these evil ones.”

Sunday, November 1, 2020: (All Saints Day)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a glorious day as you celebrate All Saints Day that includes all the people who made it to heaven in addition to the saints who have been acknowledged by My Church. You saw a cross in your vision and every soul, who makes it to heaven, has to carry their own cross out of love for Me. By the merits of My Crucifixion on earth, My death has purchased your souls from your sins. I call My people to be saints by My power because I know your weaknesses. You come to Me in Confession, and I pardon your sins through the priest’s absolution. I call all of you to know, love, and serve Me in this world. Once you have passed on in this life, and you have been granted entry into heaven, you can join all the saints and angels who are here with Me. Rejoice for you will share in My glory for all eternity.”

Monday, November 2, 2020: (All Souls Day)
Jesus said: “My people, those souls, who pass into purgatory, have passed the first test of not going to hell. No matter how long it will take, the souls in purgatory will one day be with Me in heaven. There are various levels in purgatory. In the lowest level, the souls are being purged of their sins in the flames like hell. These souls have to remain in the flames for a set time. Once these souls are allowed to rise out of the flames, only then can your prayers and Masses help them rise higher. Some souls, who led better lives, never have to enter the lower parts of purgatory. Very few souls suffer their purgatory on earth from various chronic diseases and cancer, and they are allowed to come to heaven. Those souls, who live through the tribulation, will suffer their purgatory on earth. Most souls, who do not go to hell, need to be purged of their earthly desires and bad habits. I will give sinners one last chance to be saved from hell, by My Warning that will give you a preview of your spiritual destination at your mini-judgment. If you fail to improve your life when you return to your body, then you will suffer the original destination of your mini-judgment. You will see your life review, and My judgment of your lives will be fair with no excuses allowed. Pray for the souls in purgatory with your prayers and Masses, and especially pray for the souls whom no one is praying for. Pray also for your older generations of your family that people have stopped praying for them.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know how crooked the Democrats are in manipulating the votes on the voting machines. In the 2016 election My angels changed the rigged ballots back to the original vote, and that is how Trump won the first time. Now in the 2020 election the Democrats will work even harder to use computer programs to change your votes. With your prayers for a fair election, I will again have My angels stop the manipulation of the voting machines. My angels will also nullify any illegal ballots from criminals, dead people, and illegals, especially with the absentee ballots. You are also praying for a pro-life candidate as Trump to win re-election for President. You may have some judgments from the Supreme Court to keep the election fair. Lawyers may be examining the absentee ballots to see if they are legal. With enough prayer, your President could win re-election. Trust in Me to protect your President’s life.”

Tuesday, November 3, 2020: (St. Martin de Porres, Election Day)
Jesus said: “My people, this time machine is a fictional story, but the spinning wheel relates to many visions of the Warning which you have had over the years. Your life review in the Warning definitely goes back in time to show all of your good and bad things you did in your life. Many of the bad things people have confessed in Confession, but you will have unforgiven sins that are either recent or were not confessed for some reason. It is these sins that you will feel guilty about, and you will have a desire to confess them when you return to your body. You will see how I will interpret some of your actions as sinful that you did not realize how they offended Me, and they are sins to confess. You will receive your mini-judgment of where you would be judged on that day. If you see hell, then you need to improve your life in order to be saved. If in purgatory, you can improve your level higher by changing your life for the better. This trip back in time will be very revealing, and it will give all of you a chance to reflect on your spiritual destination when you will die. This Warning is giving all sinners a chance to reform their lives and be saved from hell. Give thanks to Me for this great gift of a new life, if you choose to be with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that a victory for Trump could only come from many prayers for this vote to go for your President. You all are praying hard, but you need more people praying. You are seeing more violence happening in your streets because the communist mobs are fighting for a takeover of your country. Keep praying that your country will remain free and not turn to socialism. This move to desire socialism is the first open attack for a communist takeover. My Warning will come if your lives are in danger. Then I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Trust in Me to protect My faithful no matter who wins your elections.”

Wednesday, November 4, 2020: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke of the division I bring into your families because some believe in Me, while others are weak or do not accept Me. I also told people that they have to count the cost of believing in Me. If you truly believe in Me, then I must be first in your life; above your money, your family, and even your own life. Do not pride yourself on amassing wealth of money and possessions. You need certain things to live, but trust in Me to help you obtain what you need for your survival. I know what you need, and I will take care of you, as I have through the years. The guard house in the vision, is another sign to be ready for any riots or attempts to overthrow your government from the communist mobs. This means you need to have your National Guard ready for any attacks. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, even if I have to call you to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were wondering how your President has lost several swing states just as he was ahead. The Democrats have launched several hacking programs that added millions of fraudulent ballots to these states. If you investigate the actual ballots for the last 2% of the vote, mostly absentee votes, lawyers would find duplications, illegals, and dead people on these ballots. Without a true investigation of these illegal ballots, then your President could lose. Pray that your President starts an investigation immediately to uncover this fraud. Otherwise you will be allowing the Democrats to steal this election. This is all part of an evil Democrat plot to give Biden a victory. You are still going to see the communist mobs make an attempt to take over your government. Your National Guard and your armed patriots will need to fight for your freedoms. The evil ones will try to initiate a civil war to cover up the fraudulent voting. Be prepared for some serious fighting with guns. Your President may have to declare a martial law. If your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. The evil ones will also spread more false testing of corona virus cases, with more shutdowns.”

Thursday, November 5, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you truly have a birthday present today, because you learned at the doctor that your swelling came from the gout. She prescribed a prednisone regimen, and overnight your swelling came down. I know you were praying and suffering for your President to win re-election. You had swelling before, but it went away. You need to look into your diet, and a preventative to stop the buildup of uric acid in your foot. There is still a chance for your President to win, if the votes in the remaining states are corrected from the fraudulent absentee votes of double voting, illegals, dead people, and those who moved. Keep praying your rosaries for the lawyers and My angels to sort out this flagrant cheating by the Democrats. Keep alert for any riots as well.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray hard in faith that your President could still win in a desperate hour. You have heard at least three people, who receive messages, that Trump will win a troubled election. Even now your President is calling this election a fraud, and he is contesting several states. I gave you a message that this case could go to the Supreme Court. You saw a previous term of President Bush win in the Supreme Court. Even in 2016 the Democrats challenged a recount in several states. I have been telling you of the many fraud votes that are being counted. Keep the faith that your President could still find a way to win. With Me all things are possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, if Biden can be persuaded by money from China and the Ukraine, imagine how he could help your enemy in China. You will also have to pay higher taxes for his Green New Deal. Many other problems will send your country toward a communist state with your guns taken and your churches closed. He also could shutdown your country on false virus tests. Keep praying that Trump will win.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard many rumors that Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs will cause riots and fires all over your country. You will see an attempt to overthrow your government in Washington, D.C. If the riots are bad enough, your President may call a martial law, and he could control your country without an election. Pray for your country, for dark clouds of chaos are coming that could lead to My Warning. I may even have to call My people to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your divisions of anger are being reflected in the number of violent storms that your people have had to suffer this year. These storms and your fires are signs of punishment that are being brought down on America because of your many abortions. This is just the beginning of your punishments that could come in a civil war, or an EMP attack. I told you, if you did not stop your abortions, then I would stop them for you. Keep praying to stop your abortions before it is too late.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard rumors and have seen some pictures of heavy arms being moved to protect your borders from possible foreign troops. Not only are you facing a potential civil war, but your enemy countries might try to take advantage of your weakness at this time. I will call you to My refuges, if your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, this EMP attack will come from missiles that will destroy your electricity sources. Your vehicles will not run and your electric appliances and lights will not work. I will call My believers to My refuges for protection before this happens. My angels will put shields over My refuges from any bombs or comets. Trust in My protection while you will live at My refuges throughout the shortened tribulation time. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, have no fear of the evil ones because I am more powerful, and you know I will be victorious in the end. I will do the impossible in protecting My believers by performing many miracles. You will see My angels expand My refuges to hold all of My believers. You will be astounded how quickly My angels will raise up many new buildings. Just as My apostles believed because of My miracles, so My faithful in the end times will also believe more in Me when you see My miracles. I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth that will send all the evil ones into hell. I will renew the earth into a new Garden of Eden, and I will bring My people into My Era of Peace for a long time without any evil. So rejoice, My people, because My believers will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven as saints.”

Friday, November 6, 2020: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been given so many gifts as a country with fertile lands for crops, and natural resources for your needs. I also have given you Myself in Holy Communion at every Mass. But amidst all of My earthly and spiritual gifts, you have squandered them in your evil lifestyles. Your biggest offenses to Me are your many abortions. There are many people who do not have faith, or believe in Me. They either hate Me, or ignore Me. Even My faithful are weak in their prayers, coming to Mass and Confession, and very few thank Me for all of My gifts. Because of your many sins, I am bringing punishments on you for your many abuses. You are seeing communist mobs trying to take over your country by force. The natural storms and fires are causing losses. You still need to be praying for your President to win his re-election. Whether he wins or not, you will be facing more problems from a revolution, a possible invasion, and an EMP attack. I will bring My Warning to offer sinners a chance to improve their spiritual lives and be saved. I will call My faithful to My refuges to be safe from the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth, and bring My believers into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I want to thank you for praying for the souls of your family and for encouraging your grandchildren to have their babies baptized in the church. I know it is hard to encourage them to come to Sunday Mass, but still show them your good example. You are seeing spiritual laziness in the younger generation, as there are many distractions, and their love for Me is weak. Keep praying for their souls, and tell them My Warning is coming when they will be truly sorry for their sins against Me. There will be six weeks of conversion and you will need to work hard to make them into true believers. They need to be believers, or they could be facing the flames of hell forever. Help them to get crosses on their foreheads so they can come to your refuge. Keep praying for these souls because you do not want to lose anyone in hell.”

Saturday, November 7, 2020: (Funeral Mass for Lillian Scarantino)
Lillian said: “I am coming home to Jesus, and I want all of my children, and grandchildren to be faithful to Jesus in coming to Sunday Mass. I thank all of you for coming to my funeral, since this will be my last hello and good-bye. I love all of you so much, and Jim and I will be watching you, so you better keep in line with the Lord. Say your prayers and come to Mass always. I suffered much with my dialysis, but I gave it up for your souls. I thank Maria and all of my helpers in my last days. I thank Theresa and Fr. Whelen for all of their kind words. The Lord allowed me to suffer my purgatory on earth, so I am with Jesus and Jim in heaven. Thank you for the Mass, and I love all of you so much.”
Lillian was happy to be at our prayer group for many years.

Jesus said: “My people, it is a little presupposing for Biden and Harris to be claiming victory, when some of the states will need recounts because of close votes, and some violations of election law. There have been claims of manipulated software in Michigan, and poll watchers were not allowed to see vote counting. My people need to have faith that this election has not been certified, until a proper investigation of the votes has been challenged. This case could still be determined in the Supreme Court which could override any Democrat leaning state judges. So do not believe this election has been decided, until all the facts have been determined. Trust in your democratic system to reveal any illegal votes.”

Sunday, November 8, 2020: (Baptism of Adam and Kai)
Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed to have these two young boys brought into the faith by Baptism. The godparents will help the parents in bringing up these children. In the Gospel you had the five wise virgins well prepared with their extra oil, so they were ready to come into My Kingdom. The five unwise virgins were not prepared, and they were locked out of My Kingdom. I give every sinner many opportunities to be saved by My graces. I call you to obey My Commandments and come to My sacraments so you have the grace to make it to heaven. If you should fall into sin, you can repent of your sins and renew My grace by coming to Confession. By repenting of your sins and loving Me in your good deeds for your neighbor, you can be on the road to heaven. This is the necessary preparation to be a wise virgin in heaven. If you are lazy in not obeying My Commandments, and you do not show Me your love, then you will be like the unwise virgins who were locked out of heaven, and could fall into hell.”

Monday, November 9, 2020: (Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, on this feast of the Pope’s church, you can see how I am the cornerstone of the Roman Catholic Church that I set up with St. Peter as the first Pope. I told you that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church, even if you have to go underground at My refuges. I will be with you always, and My angels will defend you from the evil ones who are trying to take over your country with their cheating and illegal ballots. Have faith that there will be a contested election, because of all of the fraudulent ballots. Be prepared for an attempted revolution. Trust in My support for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are facing two recent developments. One is President Trump is bringing his case of an illegal vote before the Supreme Court. The other development is that Pfizer is claiming it has a covid 19 vaccine with a 90% success rate. Any vaccine for covid 19 that is accepted, could cause a demand that everyone has to take the vaccine. This could mean a threat to your lives if you refuse to take the vaccine. Do not take the vaccine, even if they threaten to kill you. If they threaten you, you will have to come to the safety of My refuges. Your President can still win his election. The Supreme Court will decide on the facts of the election. Keep praying that your President can still win.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2020: (St. Leo the Great, Pope)
Jesus said: ‘My people, I told you more people will die from the virus than the first time. They are proposing vaccines, but do not take them, because they are lying about the cure rate. You are seeing an investigation of the illegal ballots. I will allow the courts to judge these cases. It is very possible that a revolution will occur, and this is why you are seeing so many bodies buried in mass graves. This could even result in martial law. Again, if your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges of safety. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you believe in having a fair election, and if one side cheats by using illegal ballots, there needs to be recourse in the courts. I will allow your courts to hear the reports of fraud, and allow another look at the late ballots that were added past a legal time. The Democrats have been known to cheat with illegal ballots for years. This time they took illegal to the extreme. It will be up to your election people to find the errors. Trump can still win, so keep praying to overturn the illegal ballots. You are seeing some of the shutdowns that Biden is planning. Keep praying for Trump so you do not have to endure the socialist communist agenda. You could still see more virus cases and a possible revolution. If such a fight occurs, I will need to call you to My refuges of safety.”

Wednesday, November 11, 2020: (St. Martin de Tours, Veterans Day)
Jesus said: “My son, this image of Noah’s Ark is symbolic of how My refuges will be your arks of safety during the tribulation of the Antichrist. With this election fraud you could be facing an attempted revolution to take over your government. You could see a clash of Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs with your National Guard and armed patriots. You could see people dying from the fighting, and possibly others dying from the virus and the flu. This will endanger your lives, and I will call My faithful to My refuge arks with My inner locution. Be prepared also for My Warning and time of conversion during this chaos. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some proof of how dead people were voting. The Democrats wanted mail-in ballots delivered to every registered voter, but they did not cleanse the registry of dead people, and those people who did not vote in the last Presidential election. The Dominion voting machines were used to change Trump votes into Biden votes. This was not a glitch, but a planned vote manipulation. It was so bad that the election people stopped using the machine, and had to hand count ballots. The last minute ballots were not checked for signatures, and some districts had more votes than were registered. Your President’s people will have a chance to audit the count of legal ballots. No matter the outcome, your country will truly see how ruthless the Democrats are at producing criminal illegal ballots to try and steal this election. Pray for peace because this recount could cause a revolution. Trust in Me to call you to My refuges when chaos begins, and your lives are in danger.”

Thursday, November 12, 2020: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My son, you have done well in preparing your refuge as I instructed you in every phase of your work. You have prepared beds, a chapel, cookware, heaters, food, and a well for water. You have solar panels for some electricity, and lights for the night. I told you that you will be using all of your preparations for the people who I will send to your refuge. My angels will make you invisible to your enemies, and they will shield you from bombs, an EMP attack, and a comet. The evil ones will cause a revolution because they want to destroy your government with a communist takeover. Evil will have a brief hour, and then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement that will send all the evil ones into hell. Be patient through the tribulation because My power will reign all over the earth. My justice will reign supreme over all of the evil people and the demons. Trust in My protection of My faithful at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, with your prayers I was able to help your President win by having My angels change back the votes that the Democrats tried to rig the first time in 2016. Now in this present 2020 election you have been hearing all manner of cheating that the Democrats are using. The voting machine software changed many Trump votes to Biden votes. My people need to double your prayers so these illegal actions can come into the light to show how evil and desperate the Democrats are to fix an election. They want power, and they will cheat with crime to grab power. Pray that this election can be overturned. Be prepared for a coming civil war between the communists and the patriots. You will need to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”
N.B. There is a CIA software called Hammer-Scorecard which was used to change hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden where the votes are sent for collection. If the real votes are compared to the changed numbers, you would see the fraud. If this program is not stopped, you will never have a fair election again.

Jesus said: “My people, the radical Democrats are so angry at your President that they want to make lists of his supporters so they can hurt them financially. They are planning to tear down your border wall and welcome Muslims and drug lords to enter your country. They will work with China for a communist takeover. Pray hard to help your President win, or you will soon be a communist state. If you are taken over, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray hard again that the Republicans can win one of these seats in Georgia, or you will face a possible dictatorship. Pray also that the votes are not rigged again as in the general election. There will be challenges on these votes. Without prayer and fasting you could see more illegal votes. Trust in Me to guide your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many people being brainwashed with socialism or communism in the college schooling of your students along with the controlled media. You have seen many abortions that have taken the lives of millions of My babies in the womb. This coming revolution, an EMP attack, and more virus and flu cases are all punishments on your nation for all of your abortions. I will protect My faithful in My refuges, but your country will suffer through the tribulation. Have trust in My justice because I will bring My victory over the evil ones who will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will separate My faithful into My refuges from the evil ones where My angels will not allow the evil ones to enter. Once I have divided My faithful from the evil ones, I will then bring down My Comet of Chastisement that will kill all of the evil ones and send them into hell. I will then renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Have patience while you are protected at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your governors will be dictating more serious restrictions on your people, when your churches will be closed and your prayer groups could be harassed for having too many people in your houses. You could even have difficulty in coming to your grocery stores. You need to have extra food for this time of dictatorial control. If your lives are threatened, you will be called to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a record number of hurricanes this year as part of your punishment for your abortions. These severe storms will continue into your winter weather. The violence and hatred among your people is being reflected into your weather. I am in control of everything, and man is but a reed blowing in the wind compared to the power of nature. You will be praying for this destruction to stop, but you will continue to suffer for your sins. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, but you must endure the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Friday, November 13, 2020: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you this account several times, how I separate the good people from the evil people. Then I brought destruction down upon the evil people, so I did not kill My faithful. In the case of Noah, I had him build a huge ark for his family and all of the pairs of animals, male and female. Once they were in the ark, I brought the flood that killed all of the evil people. At Sodom I directed My angels to lead Lot and his family out of the city. Then I brought down fire and brimstone on the evil people that killed them all. Now in these end times, I have called people to set up refuges for My faithful. At the proper time I will give My faithful an inner locution to come to My refuges of safety. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. My angels will put a shield of invisibility over My refuges, and even a shield to protect you from bombs, an EMP attack, and even My Comet of Chastisement. Once My people are separated, I will bring destruction down upon the evil ones who will be killed and cast into hell. My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be praying in earnest that Trump can win his case over the software Hammer-Scorecard that changed the votes, or you will never have another fair election. The more prayers you pray for this case, the more miracles I can work to defeat the deep state. The judgement seat in the vision is a sign that this case will be settled in the courts, and possibly in the Supreme Court. My justice will fall on the evil people who are committing treason by changing the votes of your people. Keep praying until the final decision is made.”

Saturday, November 14, 2020: (Requiem Mass for Don Hill)
Jesus said: “My people, Don was a good man in all that he did for Me, and he is in upper purgatory. I know you are praying hard for your President to overturn the CIA’s programming (Hammer-Scorecard) that hacked the voting numbers by 3% in the battleground states by changing Trump votes into Biden votes. The other absentee problems and dead people voting are a distraction from the big story, because they were only a small amount of votes. The CIA program was used to hack the vote numbers on the internet overnight on election day so the vote tallies put Biden a winner in the battleground states in the morning. Unless this crime is thoroughly investigated, the deep state will keep using this program to bring their candidate victory every time. Pray for your President to win over this treasonous, fraudulent election.”

Jesus said: “My people, once the communists take over your country, you will see an ethnic cleansing of religious people and those people who followed your President Trump. The evil ones will try to remove any pictures of Me or My cross, as well as permanently closing down all of your churches. The communists are atheists, and they will cleanse all religious people, and burn the churches and religious books. When the communists take over, you will be worse than Venezuela. The only safe place for My believers, will be at My refuges where My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Have patience through the shortened tribulation of the Antichrist. After this tribulation, I will destroy all of the evil ones and cast them into hell. Then I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace.

Sunday, November 15, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I give everyone certain talents for providing a person’s income and for helping people. In the Gospel parable there is a day of reckoning or a judgment. It is what you do with your talents that you will be judged on. I will judge people in how they loved Me and their neighbors. The one person, who buried the master’s money, was held accountable for doing nothing, and the money was taken away. That person suffered for wasting the God-given talents. I give My faithful both physical and spiritual gifts. You can earn your living by working, and you can share your money with those who are in need in your family, or helping your neighbor. You can share your gift of faith by teaching the children in CCD classes, or you can help people at the food shelves. You will be judged by your actions throughout your life, so be busy using your talents all of the time.”

Monday, November 16, 2020: (St. Margaret, Scotland, St. Gertrude)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are reading how I healed the blind man as he received his sight. So also you are seeing how these manipulated votes occurred in the dark of night, but soon these evil deeds will be revealed in the light for all to see how the Democrats cheated to try and steal this election from your President. Many of the battleground states were using Dominion machines and software, and you have learned they came from Canada, and the server for counting your votes was located in Germany. You will see this amounts to foreign interference that will come into the light. Be patient, My faithful, that events could change the circumstances of your election outcome. Keep praying for your President to win, but also pray for the protection of his life from the deep state. You will still see some violence that could kill some people, and I will eventually call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to pray and fast that your President could win his case before the courts. He will need the court to give him a chance to present his case and show the fraud committed by the Democrats. There were software programs on the Dominion machines that deleted Trump votes and switched them to Biden votes. Then the new vote totals were saved to a new file over the old data. There was another program, ‘Hammer-Scorecard’, that changed hundreds of thousands of Trump votes to Biden votes. There also were truckloads of false ballots that were all for Biden without any choice marked for Senate or House votes. Many of these false ballots were delivered without signatures or proper postmarks. With all of this cheating exposed in a court, you could have votes given back to Trump to win enough states to win. If the courts do not rule in Trump’s favor, there could be consequences. Pray that Trump will be vindicated so he could win this election. You will see much violence after the election is certified. Be ready to come to My refuges for your protection with My angels.”

Tuesday, November 17, 2020: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, many of My faithful have taken advantage of stocking up on your canned foods for the next possible shutdown from a recurring virus and flu. You have also made donations to your local food shelf to help those people who are unemployed. As you approach Thanksgiving Day, you need to think about helping those people who cannot buy food. You also may have to help those people in your family who are not well off. In the second vision you are seeing more attacks from Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs as they are striving to take over your government to make you into a communist state. America has treasured its freedoms so long that there will be a clash between the patriots and the communists. If the fighting is severe, you could see many deaths from a shooting revolution. The evil ones will use increased virus cases to control you with more shutdowns. This control that is forced on you, is a precursor for setting up a communist state. During this chaos, I will bring My Warning and conversion time. After that, you will soon be called to My refuges, as the evil ones will try to kill My believers. My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges. Trust in Me to protect you during the coming tribulation.”

Wednesday, November 18, 2020:(DedicationSt.Peter,St.Paul Basilicas)
Jesus said: “My son, I know you are praying for vindication of this contested election, where Biden’s people changed Trump’s votes over to Biden votes to put Biden the winner by using cheating software. This is the ultimate in fake news, and it rises to a point of treason and criminal behavior. This information will be revealed in the light in the courts for all to see. The deep state has even used these rigged machines for other dictators to win in other countries. I hear your prayers, and you will soon see the outcome in the courts. Pray for your President to win, and for his physical protection. Be prepared to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several Democrat governors trying to shut down your activities, including discouraging your Thanksgiving dinner meetings. These governors are showing increased positive tests which have many false positives. There are more hospital cases that are more from the flu. Some deaths are up, but they are claiming many deaths that are not from covid-19. These governors are acting as dictators, but they are over reacting to the people who are sick. Soon Pfizer and Moderna will be offering vaccines for the corona virus, but do not take them. These vaccines are using nano technology that will change your DNA, and people could have bad reactions and possibly die. The 95% effectiveness is a lie, and should not be believed. With Moderna’s high dose treatment, 100% of patients had bad reactions. The deep state is using this corona virus as a means to control people and prepare them for the coming communist takeover. When shutdowns and mandatory virus vaccine and flu shots threaten your lives, I will call My faithful to My refuges to be healed and protected from the evil ones.”

Thursday, November 19, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving this message to clarify that the coming mandate for a chip in the body is for buying and selling according to the Bible. You should absolutely refuse to take the chip in the body. There is also another possible mandate coming to take the virus vaccine and the flu shot. You should not take either shot because they will harm your immune system, and they are not that effective. The virus vaccine uses nano technology, and this will attack your DNA and threaten your health. Not that many people are dying from only the corona virus. Your media accentuates the numbers of deaths from the corona virus because they secretly are including other means of death. When the authorities threaten your lives for not taking the chip or the shots, then I will call My faithful to My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the ultimate in a fixed election that gave votes to Biden by stealing them from Trump. This is such an injustice to your people, and the Democrat leaders should go to jail for their treasonous mischief. I will allow the courts to bring these evil deeds into the light, even if it has to be resolved in the Supreme Court. Pray for your President to win and be vindicated amidst all of this cheating.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray and fast that at least one of these Georgian Republicans can win a seat in the US Senate that would prevent total Democrat control of the Senate. You need to double your prayers if you want to prevent a communist takeover of your government. These votes will also be under great scrutiny to count the legal ballots. Trust in Me to guide your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are cheering to obtain a vaccine for the recent corona virus. Do not listen to the media hype, and do not take any virus vaccine because the nano technology will ruin your DNA. The high rate of effectiveness for these vaccines is a lie, and there are many severe side effects with these vaccines. This current virus is not that deadly, so you do not need this vaccine. If they make this vaccine mandatory, then you will be called to the safety of My refuges where I will heal you and protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President should have won this election, but the evil ones have hacked these voting machines to change thousands of Trump votes into Biden votes. The evidence of this fraud will be revealed in court, but you need prayers that judges will do the right thing, and review these fraud claims. Once this information is revealed, you could see some people go to jail for their crimes. Trust in Me that justice will be done, or you will see great consequences brought down on the evil ones for their crimes.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the next month or so your country will make a big decision whether to keep your democracy, or allow the communists to take everything away from you in a communist state. If Biden wins, he will quickly be replaced by Harris, who will become a communist leader. Keep praying harder that your President can claim victory, and save your country from going communist.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see a more deadly corona virus get spread, you will be seeing dead bodies all around you. I will warn My faithful when they will spread this deadlier virus. I will tell you to come at once to My refuges, where you will be healed of any virus and protected from the evil ones who want to kill you. Fear not, My angels will make you invisible, and the evil ones will not be allowed into My refuges. Trust in Me to provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you can see a possible civil war coming when your patriots will fight the communist mobs for your freedoms. During this chaos I will bring My Warning and My conversion time. After the six weeks of conversion, I will call My faithful to come to My refuges to protect their physical and spiritual lives. This is why you need to have your refuges ready soon, when you will receive My faithful. You will have sign up lists for each person to tell their skills, so you can assign the various jobs needed to run your refuge. You will receive Holy Communion every day, and you will assign people Adoration hours around the clock every day. Trust in My protection and the multiplication of all of your daily needs. You will endure the shortened tribulation of the Antichrist, and you will enter My Era of Peace after all of the evil ones will be cast into hell.”

Friday, November 20, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, your events and time are moving quickly. Soon you may be traveling to be with your family for Thanksgiving, despite all of the virus hype for restrictions. This vision of cars traveling is for coming to Thanksgiving Dinner. In addition, this vision of traveling is about people traveling to My refuges, when you could see a communist revolution from the Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs. You will see a confrontation of patriots with the communists as you will be fighting to keep your freedoms. When your lives will be in danger from a civil war, or a worse corona virus, I will call you to My refuges. My refuge builders need to be prepared to handle all of My faithful who I will send to My refuges for protection. Trust in Me to multiply what you need for My believers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in this car accident how an air bag can help protect the passenger from serious harm. When you have a Presidential election, it is important to have a fair election without cheating on the ballots. There should be more protection from fraud in your elections. This means sending out ballots to everyone can be fraught with cheating. When ballots are added after the election day, no signatures are compared, and dead people vote, these are the problems when the election law is not followed. When Republicans cannot verify ballots, and they do not catch wrongful votes, this is more chance for cheating. Again the worst fraud is the hacked machines that changed thousands of Trump votes into Biden votes. The Dominion software and the Hammer-Scorecard software, both have been seen to change many votes. When all of this proof comes out in a court case, your election will be seen for the corrupt cheating that was allowed. Pray that your courts will allow your President to claim victory with the real legal ballots. Pray that your country will not be controlled by communists.”

Saturday, November 21, 2020: (Blessed Virgin Mary Presentation)
Mary said: “My dear children, you are distraught at the cheating in this election, as your President has witnessed how his opposition has secretly stolen this election. Biden has even admitted that he has the fraud team working for him. There will be a fight in the courts over all of this cheating. After the decision is made for this election, you could see the beginning of a possible civil war, as your patriots will be fighting the communists to keep your freedoms. Keep praying for peace in your country that the communists do not take over your government. My Son, Jesus, will see to your safety, even at his refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the 2016 election I had My angels defy the planned cheating. In the 2020 election the Democrats made sure of their cheating using an overload of false and illegal absentee ballots. All of this cheating will come out in the courts to vindicate your President. Despite the certification of the states, the fraud will be uncovered for all to see. Such cheating is a crime, and many of these people counting illegal ballots, could go to jail. Your President is bearing his cross from three years of the empty Mueller report, the impeachment attempt, and now a grossly, fraudulent election. If the courts do not change the illegal ballots, then they should be impeached for dereliction of their duty to uphold the law. Pray for the President’s win, and a win in the two Georgia US Senate runoff elections.”

Sunday, November 22, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that after you die, people soon forget to pray for your soul. This is why your grandparents were still in purgatory. With this Mass for them, they are now out of the flames, and your prayers and Masses will help them more now. In the Gospel you are seeing how people are judged on their good deeds as well as their sins of omission. There are times when you could have helped someone, but you were too lazy to act. Your judgment will be based on how much you love Me and your neighbor. You need to show your love for Me in your actions. If you did not have many good deeds, you could risk deep places in purgatory, or even hell if you did not show Me your love. Come to Mass on Sunday, monthly Confession, and do your daily prayers to show your love for Me.”

Monday, November 23, 2020: (St. Columban)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke about how the widow contributed all that she had to live on, but the others gave donations out of their surplus wealth. There is a custom in the Bible that speaks about donating ten per cent of your income for charity. This would be a noble goal for everyone to show Me your willingness to share the many gifts that I have given to each of you. There is another Bible quote that I love a cheerful giver. You are coming up on Thanksgiving Day, and you have many calls for your donations. You can help your church’s donation, your Bishop’s donation, a donation to your local food shelf, and any other needs to your family and friends. When you share your donations, you are showing Me how much you love Me, and how you love your neighbor. This will be remembered at your judgment. The more you give, the more it will be appreciated.”

(Bl. Miguel Pro) Jesus said: “My people, Bl. Miguel Pro lived under a communist regime where they killed the priests and the Christians. If the courts do not turn over this fraudulent election, you could soon see your government taken over by a communist regime. With China’s help the new Biden/Harris regime could take away your property and possessions, and your life could be in danger. Even if Trump wins, you will have a civil war, and an eventual communist takeover. This loss of your freedoms will be a punishment for all of your abortions. Keep praying for peace, but your lives will not be the same. I have told you often that when your lives are in danger, you will be called to the safety of My refuges. Trust in My protection and be patient, for I will soon destroy the evil ones, and cast them into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, November 24, 2020:(St. Andrew Dung Lac, Vietnam martyrs)
Jesus said: “My son, I know foul play was used to help Biden win this election, but I will allow evidence to be testified to show this criminal behavior. Biden did not campaign hard because he knew the Democrats were going to rig the votes for him to win. It was evident to those who saw the data, how millions of votes were changed and added to Biden so badly that many districts had more votes than were registered. It will be up to Democrat leaning judges to rule on this fraudulent election. I will allow overwhelming evidence to be shown in court, but it will be up to the judges to decide to accept it or not. I will even allow appeals to go to the Supreme Court. If you cannot trust your hacked machines and your left leaning judges, then your conservative people will never be elected. It is only your prayers and fasting that will allow your President to win. Keep praying your novenas, and you will see some miracles. You will still eventually need to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Wednesday, November 25, 2020: (Prayer Alert)
At the Eternal Father Chapel we were praying before our Adoration DVD. I could see Jesus suffering on the cross and He wants us to double our prayers for President Trump to win this election. Jesus said: “My people, I cannot stress enough how important it is to pray for your President to win this election. The demons and evil people have gone all out with every fraud possible to beat your President. There are not enough people praying for this intention. This is why I have to depend on My prayer warriors to step up and stand your ground, if you want to keep your freedoms. PLEASE DOUBLE YOUR PRAYERS FOR YOUR PRESIDENT TO WIN. If you pray three rosaries a day, then you need to pray six rosaries a day. You are dealing with cheating, crooked people, so you are in a spiritual battle. Your rosary is your best weapon against this evil, fraudulent election, so you need more prayers to allow the courts to overturn the illegal ballots. Give thanks for your freedoms, but keep doubling your prayer efforts until the Trump lawyers can secure a victory.”

Thursday, November 26, 2020: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My people, your governors are trying to limit the number of people you can have in your own home. You are seeing your governors dictate rules that are not laws, as you see the encroaching signs of socialism trying to control your travel and your activities. You are thankful for many of your freedoms, especially being free to come to Mass at church. You also are thankful for your families and all the things I have given you. Give thanks and praise to Me for all of My gifts. Now, your freedoms are at risk from the communist leaning Democrats. Continue to keep praying for your President to be vindicated from this fraudulent election. Be prepared to come to My refuges if a civil war breaks out. My angels will shield you from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Friday, November 27, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, this last two weeks of the Church Year you are reading in the Book of Revelation about the end times according to St. John the apostle. Today, he speaks about the end of the Antichrist’s reign with the Battle of Armageddon. The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and all those people who took the mark of the beast were defeated, and thrown into the abyss of hell. This is another sign to not take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. Satan was cast into hell and locked there for a long time. All of My believers did not take the mark of the beast, and they were written in the Book of Life. I brought all of My faithful into My Era of Peace where there was a new heavens and a new earth. The new Jerusalem was brought down to earth, and there was no more influence of the devil. Rejoice, My faithful, for this will be your reward for enduring the tribulation at your refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am very pleased with all of My prayer warriors who are doubling their prayers for their President to be vindicated with this fraudulent election. The Democrats have committed treason for having Dominion software and the CIA software of Hammer-Scorecard change Trump votes into Biden votes. The Democrats also cheated by dumping thousands of illegal mail-in ballots at the end of the election. Your President’s lawyers have presented their case, but the judges are still claiming there is not enough evidence of fraud. This fraud is so obvious that these judges had to be paid off to refuse accepting this case. Now the cases are being brought before the Supreme Court. You will see in a few weeks how your country will either retain its freedoms, or you will become a communist state.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has to stand tall against this new call for a ‘Reset’ revolution which is nothing more than accepting the communist state. The One World people will be pushing this agenda for a world socialist government that will prepare the world for the Antichrist’s reign during the coming tribulation. America has had its freedoms for too long not to put up a fight against this reset. Have no fear for I will call My people to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your abortions are calling down more punishments upon your country with food shortages, an EMP attack, and a more severe pandemic virus. You will see dead bodies all over with these events, and I will call My faithful to My protection at My refuges. Trust in My angel protection during the tribulation, then you will see the evil ones cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, the control of your US Senate is in danger if the Democrats win both contested seats in Georgia. Continue to double your prayers for Trump and also that the Republicans can win in Georgia for the US Senate. If the Democrats control the White House and the Congress, then you will be on a quick road to a communist state. You may have to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, even if your President wins this election, he will be tested by many assassins who want to kill him. Even Biden is at risk of death because the liberals want Harris to be President. You could see major turmoil in the next few weeks that could lead to chaos and the coming Warning. Have no fear, My faithful, because you will soon be coming to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, before you could die from a worse virus or an EMP attack, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges, and My Warning will come first. You will see a world takeover by the evil forces so the Antichrist can have his brief reign. Trust in Me to keep you safe at My refuges. You will see some people martyred, but most of My people will survive this tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be starting your Advent Season this weekend as many of you are putting up your decorations for the Christmas Season. Some people have been given prophecies that you will not have another normal Christmas celebration. This is true, so you need to be ready for more corona virus cases and deaths that could cause another shutdown and your churches could close again. You were warned to have several months of food on hand at your home, in case you cannot get out to your grocery stores. Your stores may not receive enough stock if your trucks cannot deliver food to your stores. Be ready to come to My refuges, or I may have to multiply your food at your homes. Trust in My protection.”

Saturday, November 28, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, your President will be vindicated that this election was stolen by a fraudulent election led by the Democrats. Unfortunately, he will not be living much longer. This election has seen machines change votes, and many mail-in ballots were illegal or duplicated. If these frauds are allowed to stand, you will never have another fair election. Keep praying your double prayers for your President and for the Republican candidates to win the US Senate seats in Georgia. Your country’s freedoms are on the line for America’s decision.”

Jesus said: “My people, as I look down on the many ways that the Democrats were cheating to win, I see a real travesty of justice in not having a fair election. I know My faithful have faith and trust in My power to answer such an injustice. Do not give up hope and keep doubling your prayers for Trump to win, and for the Republican US Senators to win their election in Georgia. Pray also that you can stop the cheating in the US Senate races, now that you know how evil the Democrats can be. It is your extra prayers and My intervention that will vindicate Trump.”

Sunday, November 29, 2020: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, today you start a new season of Advent as you are making preparations for My birth on Christmas. Your shoppers are out buying gifts for your family and friends. More people are buying on the internet, depending on how many virus restrictions you have in your area. It is better to support your smaller businesses, if you want them to remain open. I told you that these next few weeks could see some confrontations over your fraudulent election. There will be many cases and proof brought before your Supreme Court that could make a final determination over who will be President for the next four years. You are seeing Antifa and BLM determined to cause more riots in the suburbs or where they think conservatives live. This could cause a retaliation from the armed patriots who will be fighting the communists for your freedoms. If a civil war breaks out, this could cause a martial law, and any chaos could bring My Warning. Be watchful and be prepared to come to My refuges. Trust in My protection no matter what happens.”

Jesus said: “My people, absentee ballots have to be requested and verified by a signature. Mailing out multiple ballots should not be allowed to be sent to everyone according to most state constitutions. The only recourse would be for the legislatures to have one vote for each state. This would rectify all of the cheating with fake ballots. Many districts had more ballots than were registered. If this election is overturned because of the fraudulent election, then the Democrats would start a riot and try to kill your President. Pray for a peaceful settlement for all of the cheating. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Monday, November 30, 2020: (St. Andrew)
Jesus said: “My people, when I called My apostles, like Andrew, to follow Me, they immediately left to be fishers of men and women. All of My baptized faithful are called to evangelize souls to bring people to faith in Me. It is by believing in My Word and following My Commandments, that you will have eternal life with Me in heaven. My people need to keep praying for your President to find justice in this fraudulent election. Keep praying also for the US Senate Republicans to win their election in Georgia. Trust in Me to protect you during the coming trials.”
Jeanne Marie Bello Mass intention: She said: “I love Al so much, and I am comforting him with my prayers. I know he will continue our Christmas traditions that I taught him.”

Jesus said: “My people, with this fraudulent election America stands at a crossroads. One road leads to freedom, and the other road leads to communism. You have laws on your books with each state constitution that does not allow sending out ballots to everyone. Your election had so much fraud from mail-in ballots that there was no verification that the legal voter filled out the ballot. You also had voting machine software that changed thousands of Trump votes into Biden votes. Not only is the Presidency at stake, but if all of this cheating is accepted, you could never again have a fair election. If you cannot trust your voting system, then you are no better than Venezuela, for whom your Dominion machines were used so he would never lose. Wake up America to your corrupt voting process, or you will soon be a communist state. Keep doubling your prayers for Trump to win, and for the Republican senators to win in Georgia.”

Tuesday, December 1, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in this crack and the eye of a needle, that there is still hope for your President to win this election. You can see My Light shining through all of the injustice in this fraudulent election. So do not give up hope, but keep doubling your prayers for your President to win, and for the two Georgia Republican senators to win. Be prepared, My people, because if your President does win, the left will do everything to overthrow your government and Constitution with a communist revolution. They have had a plan for an overthrow all along. They are just waiting for the right opportunity. You will see a battle of your National Guard and your patriots against the communist mobs. At that time when there will be chaos, you could see My Warning and conversion time, followed by your coming to My refuges. The evil ones will reign for a short time, before I will cleanse the earth of the evil ones who will be cast into hell. Be patient and follow My angels to My refuges of protection. Soon you will see My Light of a final victory over the Antichrist and all of the evil swamp creatures of the deep state. You read about the Era of Peace in the first reading, and this will be My reward for all of My faithful.”

Wednesday, December 2, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are seeing a new landscape of snow all over. It is like a new world in its appearance. In your readings you are also seeing a description of a new heavens and a new earth in the coming Era of Peace. You may be down on things that are happening around you, but I want you to look up with hope, because your redemption is here. I am with you always, and I will be protecting you from the evil ones at My refuges. Evil will have a short reign before I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones into hell. Be patient for My Warning and My Era of Peace are near. You will have your reward in My Era of Peace when there will be no more evil influence. Soon you will need to come to My refuges for My protection, when I will multiply your food as I did in the Gospel for the five thousand people.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of dirty water running underneath a bridge is a sign of the dirty cheating being done in your elections. In Georgia you can be sure the Democrats will use their same cheating methods they used for the Presidential race on the two Georgia US Senate races. The mail-in ballots should not be allowed without signature verification. If you have the same win for the Democrats, they will control the Presidency and the Congress. If the Supreme Court does not favor Trump’s lawyers’ complaints about cheating, and cheating continues in Georgia, then your President may have to declare martial law to examine all of the false ballots. You may have a civil war no matter who wins, so the National Guard should be ready to fight Antifa and BLM to preserve your freedoms. If you cannot have a fair election without cheating, then you will be no better than a third rate nation like Venezuela. You could see an attempt for a communist takeover, so be ready to come to My refuges. Your people will not put up with losing their freedoms, so expect a civil war. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges.”

Thursday, December 3, 2020: (St. Francis Xavier)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been dealing with dirty cheating in this election, and you will see more proof brought forth in the current hearings. Eventually, public resentment will come forth from the silent majority who are done with so many virus restrictions. Be patient for the information of the cheating to come out in the mainstream public. Your media and the Democrats are trying to hide their dirty deeds. The truth will come out despite the lies of the deep state. Right now you cannot trust the Dominion machines for being used for a fair election. There will be some legal battles, but it is unsure if the judges will do the right thing. Your President will use his powers to get a proper decision. There is still a possibility of a civil war, so be ready to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Trust in My protection from the evil ones who want to rule over you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been witnessing all of the testimony of the cheating using the Dominion machines and the thousands of illegal ballots that were brought in at 4:00 a.m. They counted these illegal ballots when no one was around, and they prevented poll watchers from viewing the counting of these late ballots. By all means of estimating how Trump should have won, you are seeing a most disgusting election controlled by the Democrats in the large cities. Because of this injustice I am about to do something so everyone will know how badly the Democrats cheated in stealing this Presidential election. Do not call these eye witness reports just ‘irregularities’, but call this cheating a treasonous election, where people need to go to jail for their crimes. Keep praying for Trump to win.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many dignitaries about to speak at this Georgia election. This is pivotal in who will control the Senate. Beware My people, that you do not see the same cheating machines and illegal mail-in ballots as you saw in the Presidential fraudulent election. If the Democrats are allowed to control the White House and the Congress, your freedoms will be taken away, and you will need to come to My refuges, or be martyred in the detention death camps. You could see a martial law and a possible civil war rather than lose your freedoms. I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I hear all of your prayers for this election, and they will not go unanswered. I will perform some miracles that will show people that this was a fraudulent election beyond any doubt. Be prepared to come to My refuges if Trump is allowed to win, because the Democrats will cause a civil war. Trust in Me to have My angels protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all the liberal people who Biden is planning to install in his cabinet. If Biden is allowed to win this election, it will be the most contested election with only cheating in the large cities of the battleground states. If Biden wins, he will change your country into a communist state. Pray for your President to win, as I will expose all of the cheating going on. Trust in My power.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your Democrat governors use this pandemic to control your lives like a communist country. My people should be allowed to keep your churches open with a reduced number of people and more Masses. Your freedom of religious services should be honored as much as any other open stores. This is how the atheists are trying to take Me out of your lives. Stand up for your right to worship Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, your doctors are using various means to reduce the number of deaths from this virus. The current virus is not killing that many people, but the new nano vaccines will be more deadly than this disease. These nano vaccines will attack your DNA and your immune systems. Refuse to take these vaccines even if they threaten to kill you or lose your job. The vaccines and the China virus are a means for the deep state to reduce the population of the world. Bill Gates and the deep state leaders are behind these vaccines and they will kill many people. There also will be a more deadly virus, and the deep state will develop a more deadly vaccine that will continue to cause more dead bodies all around you, as I have shown you in previous visions. When this deadly virus is about to be spread, I will warn My people, and I will call My people to leave quickly for the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, when deadly viruses come, an EMP attack, and a possible civil war comes, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. My angels will direct you to My refuges, so have no fear. The evil ones will have their hour in the coming tribulation, but I will bring My destruction down on all of the evil ones, as they will all be cast into hell. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward for following My Word. So do not be concerned about what the evil ones will be doing, because My power is greater than all of the evil ones put together.”

Friday, December 4, 2020: (St. John Damascene)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are concentrating on My coming at Christmas during this Advent Season. Put aside all of the concerns of the world, and focus on My Host of Adoration. I love all of you, and I will do everything to help your families come close to Me. I know you pray every day to help save all of the souls of your family, so they do not suffer the eternal flames of hell. Just as I told the blind men, if you believe that I can do this, then I will lead all of the stray souls of your family back to Me. I love all souls, and the more you pray for the souls of your family, I will guide them on the right path to heaven. You can intercede even for souls that might otherwise would be lost. I hear all of your prayers, and I will answer them. All I ask is that you have faith that I can do this.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you are frustrated with all of the fraud investigations of the 2020 Presidential election that was stolen by fraud from your President Trump. You have seen some physical evidence of trucks of ballots missing and video of counting ballots without witnesses. The best way to prove fraud is if you could have the Supreme Court allow a count of verified legal ballots in all of the battleground states. This would show once and for all the crime of this stolen election. Even examining the counts from the Dominion machines would prove the hacking that was done. If there is no way to physically count and verify legal ballots, then Trump may have to use an Executive Order or a martial law to be able to examine the ballots and the voting machines. There is also the state constitutional grounds for changing the law on mail-in ballots which would invalidate a lot of ballot harvesting. There will be enough public proof given to show this was an illegal election. How this will affect changing electors will determine who is President. Trust in Me that your President will get his day in the Supreme Court.”

Saturday, December 5, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, fear not the evil swamp creatures, because you are about to see the Glory of the Lord in My power over evil. Did you think I would allow such massive cheating without lifting My hand to the Father in answer to all of your prayers? Have faith and be patient, and you will see that I can truly do the impossible with My miracles. In the Gospel I sent My apostles out to evangelize souls and perform miracles of healing. You will see My miracles in due time, and I will always protect My faithful from the evil ones. I love you all, and do not give up hope for your President to win. Keep up your double prayers for your President and a win for your Republican Senators in Georgia.”

Jesus said: “My people, Advent is like Lent where My faithful need to pray more, and come to Confession. This is a time of fasting and examining your consciences to see if you are obeying My laws. If you have sinned, you need to come to Confession so you are able to receive Me in Holy Communion. My faithful need to attend Mass on Sunday as part of obeying My Third Commandment.”

Sunday, December 6, 2020: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to celebrate My Glory as you light two candles for the Second Sunday of Advent. You are seeing St. John the Baptist preparing the way for Me in the desert. He proclaimed that the people should repent of their sins and be baptized into the faith. He also told the people how I would baptize people with the Holy Spirit, as with Confirmation today. You are seeing many lights as people are preparing their decorations for My coming at Christmas. Remember that My coming is the reason for the season. You all need some joy in your lives for all that you are dealing with. Continue your prayers for your President and your Georgia US Senators.”

Monday, December 7, 2020: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, you are enduring this pre-tribulation with a constant threat of the Chinese corona virus which has been a pandemic all over the world. You will be seeing wars and worse plagues to come, so you may soon be called to My refuges. After the reign of the Antichrist, which will be shortened for the sake of My elect, you will see all the evil ones swept away. Then you are seeing in the vision how My people will be coming out of their refuges to meet My Era of Peace, where there will be no evil and no sickness. The joy of My victory lies ahead of you, so have faith that I will bring you through this trial of the tribulation. I will destroy all the plans of the evil ones, for their reign will be brief.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see a miracle when the Supreme Court will rule that this 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent, because of the illegal mail-in ballots. This will require another vote in the state legislatures. This will cause a big revolt among the Democrats, and you could even see a civil war. Before any shooting, I will call down My Warning and a time of Conversion in this chaotic time. After the Conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges as you will see a civil war and more plagues. The evil ones and the Antichrist will reign for a short time. Then I will cast all the evil ones into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. My angels will protect those faithful who come to My refuges on time. Some people, who do not leave their homes in time, could be martyred.”

Tuesday, December 8, 2020: (The Immaculate Conception)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this feast is an honor for me because it is under this title of the Immaculate Conception that you have made me the patroness of your country, America. Your country has a soft spot in my Son’s heart for you, because you pray and acknowledge Him as the Savior of your people. Your President has spoken out to affirm my Son’s majesty, and how Trump stands up for the unborn. Because of all of this planned cheating, I am affirming that you will see my Son’s miracle. Have patience because we are hearing your prayers for a fair election. Pray for the souls of those people who are cheating, that they can be saved in my Son’s Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you allow this election to stand with all of Biden’s cheating, you will become a Venezuela where the dictators always win with the Dominion machines. You know that Biden and Hunter took money from China. Now China and your Facebook leader poured millions of dollars into the cheating machines and making fraudulent ballots. If Biden is President, America’s people will be a slave to China. So pray and stand up for Trump to win, or you will be a communist state. Pray for the Republican Georgia Senators to win, or the Democrats will be your dictator. Keep doubling your prayers and you will see My miracle.”

Wednesday, December 9, 2020:

In view of the increase of China corona virus cases, there is concern over taking a vaccine for this disease. Here are some comments from some internet stories you can see online:  “For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called messenger RNA vaccines of the latest generation intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter his or her individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and hitherto considered criminal. Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage which, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be IRREVERSIBLE and IRREPARABLE. If a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, no therapist will be able to help you, as the damage caused by this vaccination will be genetically irreversible. This mRNA vaccine for the vast majority of people should be banned because it is genetic engineering.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are concerned about all of the judges not accepting all of the testimonies of fraud in your election. These judges are paid off by China and the Democrat financial backers to not give in to Trump’s lawyers. You recently saw in your news how the Dominion machines were finally tested with ballots. When people put in an equal amount of ballots for Trump and Biden, the counter showed a 26% lead for Biden. The programmed counter is the reason you are getting partial ballot numbers. Even with this advantage, the cheating Democrats had to bring in thousands of Biden only mail-in ballots to make Biden the winner. That means Trump was an overwhelming victor that took more cheating to win. The evil Democrats were using fixed Dominion machines and fake mail-in ballots to win. You will see a miracle of changing a blue Biden into a red Trump, but this could trigger a war that your military is preparing for. Trust in Me that I will call you to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, for months I have been warning My faithful not to take any virus vaccine shots and not to take any flu shots either. I have warned you that these vaccines will ruin your immune system, and genetically modify your body. Any vaccine reactions will have little chance of being counteracted in your body. This Chinese virus and the vaccines are a Bill Gates plan to vaccinate the whole world. This is also their plan to reduce the population of the world, meaning people could die or be sterilized from these shots. Some law makers are already planning legislation to make these shots mandatory. Refuse to take any vaccine, even if they threaten to kill you in detention centers. I will call My faithful to My refuges if they threaten your lives. Trust in Me to protect and heal you from any virus at My refuges.”

Saturday, December 12, 2020: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
At Mother of Sorrows Church after Holy Communion, Our Blessed Mother came to give an important revelation. Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have heard in the Book of Revelation how I came as a woman dressed in the sun. Back in the 1500’s the people were offering up babies to the false gods. I came and gave a miracle to Juan Diego with my miraculous tilma and roses in winter, that were shown to the bishop. Under this title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I am recognized as the Blessed Mother of the Americas. You, my son, have been to see this miracle in person in Mexico City. I know your people have been disappointed with your corrupt election. My Son, Jesus, has been telling you about a miracle that He will bring about. You know my Son’s power, but you were only focused on your unjust election. You have to see the bigger picture, because this coming miracle will be all over the earth at the same time. My Son knows the devil’s time is about over, so be patient, and wait on the Lord for his miracle of grace.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you allow this cheating to go on with rigged Dominion voting machines and fake mail-in ballots, you will never see another Republican President again. Not only are your elections corrupt, but your judges are corrupt as well. You will soon come to My refuges when the civil war starts. I will first intervene with My miraculous Warning that will give all sinners one last chance to save their souls from hell. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Thursday, December 10, 2020: (Our Lady of Loreto)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast honors My Blessed Mother in the very house that I lived in. There was an account that this House of Loreto was lifted by angels from Israel to Italy. In earlier years people claimed there was a small space of air under this house. You have been to see this house, and it is very simple in its construction. This is another Advent account about My Blessed Mother. Just as you will be honoring My birth at Christmas, remember all of the Holy Innocents in Bethlehem who were killed by Herod in an attempt to kill Me. You can also remember all of the unborn babies that you are killing every day in your abortions. Your country and other countries will pay dearly for your abortion crimes. Pray to stop your abortions, and your abortion laws should be overturned.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages NOT TO TAKE THIS VACCINE, which uses genetic materials that will PERMANENTLY change your DNA. I am making a point of this now because your medical people will soon be giving out this vaccine to supposedly heal you from the corona virus. This vaccine is worse than the virus, and you could die more from the vaccine than the virus itself. This plan of a virus and vaccine is part of a one world plan to reduce the population. If the authorities try to mandate this vaccine, I will call you to the safety of My refuges where you will be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many lawsuits that have been thrown out of court where they did not even hear the arguments about your fraudulent election. Now your Supreme Court voted 6-3 in favor of hearing this Texas lawsuit. Keep praying your double prayers that your President could have a chance to win against all of the fixed Dominion machines and the illegal mail-in ballots. Pray for My miracle to help your President win this election.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing what would happen if Biden is allowed to be President. He is restoring all of the evil people from the Obama Presidency that will allow China to take over America. Stand up t
o this evil, and keep doubling your prayers to elect Trump as President.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your President Trump wins this election, there is a threat that China will try to invade America from Canada and Mexico. China has been massing troops on your borders in preparation for an invasion. America is sending your troops to the border, and you are positioning your aircraft carriers to fight off any attack from land or sea. When a war starts, I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges. My angels will overcome any enemy troops that will try to kill you. Trust in My protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, before many people are killed by a virus or a war, I will bring My Warning in such a time of chaos as I have promised. I will bring every one all over the world out of your body and outside of time to My life review all at the same time. This will be one of My many miracles that will give every sinner one last chance to change their evil lives into a life following My laws. Those people, who refuse to repent and refuse to change their lives, will be swept away into hell after the six weeks of conversion. Repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness, and you will be saved in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, have no fear, and trust in My protection from the evil ones. No matter how the evil ones will try to kill you, My angels will defeat them. When you have Me protecting you, you will have nothing to fear, for My power is greater than all of the demons and evil people. Have faith in My protection throughout the tribulation, and you all will be saved at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, keep fasting and praying for your President to win. Have faith that I could bring Trump’s win, despite all of the evil judges who are not taking up this case of a fraudulent election in court. There is more than enough evidence of fraud in the Dominion machines and the stacking of illegal ballots, even days after the election. Trust in Me and My angels to bring you through the coming tribulation. I will bring My victory and all of the evil ones will be cast into hell.”

Friday, December 11, 2020: (St. Damascus I)
Jesus said: “My people, when you were in school, you took classes in civics and you learned about your bicameral legislative branches of government. It is difficult to have a true majority when you have more than two main parties. This is why you are having a runoff election in Georgia because the third party had enough votes so one candidate did not have 50% of the votes. Over the years your voters have put different parties in power, both in the Presidency and the Congress. You are seeing more divisions in your people as each party struggles to gain power. Campaigning is legal, but this 2020 election for President is strange and corrupted. Normally, when one party wins the Presidency, that party brings in more members to Congress. This year the votes for the Republicans gained members in the House of Representatives. This anomaly is explained with the cheating Dominion machines that were rigged to change Trump votes to Biden votes by 26%. The fake mail-in ballots were also rigged which is why many Democrat districts had more votes than there were people registered to vote. This election is a fraud, and you are praying for Trump to win in the Supreme Court. Trust in My protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is obvious to most observers that there was fraud with the Dominion machines that could be demonstrated in a court room with a 26% change of Trump votes to Biden votes. You also did not have a forensic validation of all of the mail-in ballots. If nothing is going to be settled in court, then America just turned into Venezuela where any amount of cheating is allowed. If there ever was an election that needed to be investigated, this is the one. All of the fraud evidence was brought forward, but the judges are either too weak to make a decision, or they were paid off to rule in favor of Biden’s cheating. This is not over, because I can still perform miracles that could change the outcome. Keep praying your double prayers for your President.”

Sunday, December 13, 2020:(Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, to Me the bigger picture of events is all about how can I save the most souls before the coming tribulation is allowed. I will truly bring about My Warning before the killing starts. It is during the Warning that the truth of the fraud of this election will be revealed to everyone. This Warning will be a chance for My faithful to convert your families during the six weeks of conversion, so they are ready to come to My refuges. Only My believers in faith will be allowed into My refuges with their cross on their foreheads. After the Warning and the conversion time, America will be taken over, but My faithful will be safe at My refuges. This is your punishment for your abortions. The Antichrist will reign a short time, but fear not, because I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. I will then bring My faithful into a new heavens and a new earth of My Era of Peace.”

Monday, December 14, 2020: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, you have the worldly news, and you have My ‘Good News’ of salvation of the spiritual news. The worldly news is concerned with politics, sports, and the weather, but My news is exclusively about worshiping Me and guiding you on the way to heaven. You are seeing how the deep state evil people have control over your newspapers, TV programs, the social media, and now they are using the corona virus from China to control your everyday life. The deep state has an agenda for a takeover of your government, and they will stop at nothing, even cheating and killing to get their objective. They even persecute and censor any news or people who speak out against their narrative. This is how they have stolen this election from your President. Keep praying for your President, as you are about to see his response to the cheating people and the corrupt judges.”

Jesus said: “My people, out of My Divine Mercy I am going to give every sinner one last chance to be saved from hell with My Warning experience. In your mini-judgment after your life review, the serious sinners are going to feel what it will be like to be in the flames of hell with the demons tormenting them. Many people who lead evil lives, have no idea how they are offending Me with their sexual and cheating sins. The Warning will be a wake-up call to some people, but others will go back to their evil ways. It is the souls, who will not change, even after experiencing hell, that you are seeing in the vision falling into this black abyss of hell. My faithful will have a chance to convert souls in the conversion time of six weeks after the Warning. I have shown you what hell is like, and you do not want to see anyone go to hell. Yet, you will see many souls falling into hell like snowflakes. Keep praying for your family members that you can help save their souls from hell. If people refuse to believe in Me, and do not seek My forgiveness of their sins, then they are choosing hell for all eternity. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers and you will be with Me forever in heaven.”

Tuesday, December 15, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, be prepared if your President invokes his Executive Order of 2018 that allows a military insurrection for foreign countries interfering in your election. You are seeing how both Biden and Harris have had dealings with Communist China, who is your most threatening enemy. If Harris becomes President, you could have an instant communist state, because there are Chinese troops in Canada near your border. It is your President Trump who is protecting your freedoms, so keep praying for his plans to keep you from being taken over by Communist China. If a civil war breaks out, I will call My people to the safety of My refuges. Remember how I told you that I will send My Warning before any killing starts. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have done some research on the Dominion voting machines and the Smartmatic software. On the election night the machines and voting data were shutdown. It is during such a shutdown that people can use the Smartmatic software to change the voting results. This was done using this same software and the Dominion machines to help Chavez and Modera win their rigged elections in Venezuela. Their operation also shutdown the election so they could change the votes on the internet reporting system. As mentioned before a forensic test of putting an equal number of Trump and Biden votes through the Dominion machine gave a 26% advantage to Biden using the Smartmatic software. All of the witnesses and testing proves that this election was rigged for Biden to win, just as the Venezuela dictators used these same machines and software to win their elections. The largest manipulation of votes was done using the Smartmatic software compared to the number of fake mail-in ballots. This election was so controlled to cause a rigged election that this is why Biden did not have to campaign much to win. You will see some coming events that could still change this election, but it could result in a civil war. My Warning will come before any fighting. I will call My faithful to My refuges for their protection from the evil ones. Trust in My justice that I will bring down upon these treasonous cheaters.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, your China corona virus cases are mounting again, and your Democrat governors are threatening another shutdown. These shutdowns are not helping that much to stop the virus from spreading, but the businesses are losing money when they could be open as much as your grocery stores. There also is a threat to limit your churches as well, but they also should be open as other stores. Your Supreme Court has protected your churches and synagogues from drastic closures. Keep standing up for your right to worship Me with your safeguards. Many of your restrictions are not laws, but only attempts to limit the virus. Your businesses need limited traffic to survive, and My churches need to remain partially open. Fight your restrictions that are over done. Trust in Me to protect you from this virus. Eventually, you will come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing how various websites have been shut down when any information is given against Biden or China. You are seeing how China indirectly is telling your networks to silence any bad news against them. This is truly a threat to your freedom of speech, when your information on your own website is silenced. There can be blackouts from too many people trying to access your website, but it would be unusual to last all day. It is difficult to get a conservative voice out when the left is drowning you out with their lies. Many news outlets keep claiming there was no fraud in this election, but the growing evidence is showing there were an extreme number of fraud cases in many swing states. My people need to be patient to see what your President will do before January 20th. Trust in My protection at My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Thursday, December 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when St. James and St. John wanted to be on My left and My right in heaven. (Matt. 21:22) ‘Can you drink of the cup of which I am about to drink?’ I was asking My apostles about accepting possible death for believing in My Word. With the gift of the Holy Spirit, they were able to accept martyrdom. Now, I am showing My faithful this same cup of suffering that you may be facing soon. Some of you may suffer martyrdom, but most of you I will protect with My angels at My refuges. When I call you to My refuges, you are to leave within twenty minutes, or you could face martyrdom. Be prepared to come to My refuges before the war will begin. You will have My Warning, and then evil will reign for a brief time.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your media is speaking about fear of the Chinese corona virus that is lying to you about the facts. Every year there are many people who catch the flu and thousands die each year from the flu. Many doctors prescribe tamiflu to help ease the symptoms of the flu. You recently read about a pharmacist who noticed no prescriptions of tamiflu have been ordered in his area. In other words the test and cases of the corona virus are including all the flu cases that are causing deaths. Only .5% of virus cases die. The authorities are pushing the nano vaccines that are more deadly than the virus. Refuse to take this vaccine that will change your DNA and you could die or have allergic reactions. The virus and this vaccine are all part of a means to reduce the world’s population. Trust in Me because you will be healed of any virus at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is plenty of evidence that the Smartmatic software in the Dominion voting machines changed thousands of Trump votes into Biden votes. This was tested on an equal number of Trump and Biden votes, and it showed 26% in favor of Biden because of the cheating algorithms in the software. This was the largest vote change which is similar to how the dictators of Venezuela win every election with the same machines and software. Pray that this evidence gets investigated in a court that will take the case. Up to now no judge has allowed a court case to be heard.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am hearing all of your prayers to intervene into this fraudulent election. There is plenty of evidence to prove all the cheating by the treasonous Democrats. If your President cannot win in the courts, he may invoke his 2018 Executive Order to declare an insurrection by foreign countries for interfering in our election. China donated over $200 million into Biden’s campaign by surrogates. Germany and Spain counted the votes, and could have changed the number. This could allow a thorough examination of the Dominion machines and the mail-in ballots. Once the true legal ballots are counted, your President would win. Be prepared for a possible civil war when you will be called to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how your high Tech companies are threatening to take away your freedom of speech by blocking information about Hunter Biden’s potential crimes. This could have affected the election outcome. Even your own web site was taken down a few days. It is time for your government to limit the powers of taking down conservative or anti-Biden articles. Trust in Me that I will send these evil people to hell in a short time.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you are praying for the Republicans to win these US Senate seats in Georgia, or the Democrats will control the President and the Congress. If the Republicans can win even one seat, they could block all the evil plans of the Democrats that would make you into a communist state. You will see how I will intervene to keep your country from being turned into a communist state.”

Jesus said: “My people, both your Republican and Democrat parties are so divided, that no matter who wins the Presidency, this could precipitate a civil war, because the American people will not be controlled by the communists of the left and the deep state. Your people have treasured your freedom, and you have fought many wars to remain free. Before the communists try and take over, the militant patriots will combine with the National Guard to fight to be free from Antifa and the BLM communists. Be prepared to come to My refuges when this war breaks out.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would bring My Warning when there is chaos in the world. You already are seeing a plague of the Chinese corona virus. Your prayers will be answered when I will bring My Warning to show everyone all of the evil fraud that the Democrats brought down on your country. After the Warning and My conversion time, you will need to come to My refuges. Once the evil ones are separated from My faithful, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the evil ones, who will be killed and sent into hell. My faithful will then have their reward in My Era of Peace.”

Friday, December 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, with all of the theft of your Presidency and your vote fraud, it is unclear how your government is going to go forward. My people need to be prepared to come to My refuges if a war breaks out, or if the communists force a takeover. I am showing you an old chapel where a priest will provide daily Mass at a refuge. You are seeing a lot of threats to your daily lives, but have no fear because I will intervene to protect My faithful. Have courage because you will have to endure a brief tribulation of the Antichrist before I will bring My victory over the evil ones. Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your needs at your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of your people are focused on buying gifts for your family and friends, and on Santa Claus. Very few people honor Me with crib scenes by their Christmas trees. This season should be celebrating the birth of your Savior because I came to the earth to start My Church and die for your sins. I am the true Light that came into this world so I could share My Word and show you how to follow My ways to heaven. So wish people a Merry Christmas and show your love for Me by focusing on My crib story of Bethlehem. My Light shines in the darkness, as soon you will be seeing longer days with more Light.”

Saturday, December 19, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your President blocked by every court, and even by the Supreme Court in the face of so much cheating and corruption. Your President has one last choice to fight this extreme corruption and collusion with China. He will have one more curtain call using his own power as Commander-in-chief. Do not be surprised if he brings in the military to have one last examination of the ballots in the swing states. You are also seeing all the crimes of the Biden Family in taking money from China and the Ukraine. Since the Justice Department, the Supreme Court, and the state courts are all part of the deep state, President Trump will have to make his own declaration to justify such a move to take control of this fraudulent election process. This could trigger a civil war, so be prepared for coming to My refuges and the coming Warning. I will protect My faithful from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many courts refuse to allow fraud investigations to be brought as proof of the fixed election. If you could examine the Dominion machines and have a forensic count of the legal ballots, lawyers could show this fraud to a court. There is a possibility that your President could declare a partial martial law on the swing states to investigate any real fraud with the machines and ballots. You are at a crossroads between having freedom or a communist state. If your President can change the lock in the vision with a martial law, you could stop this left movement to a communist state. If you see a civil war start over this election, then I would call you to My refuges, and you could see My Warning reveal the fraud to all of the people. Pray for a solution that allows you to keep your freedom without a communist state. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges through the tribulation.”

Sunday, December 20, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am trying to give you a look at the big picture of events where your small minds are trying to tell Me what I should do with your election. I am free to do whatever I want in whatever time I want. I do hear your prayers, and I will take care of My faithful as I have cared for you throughout your lives. Remember that the devil’s time is short, and he will be allowed his hour of tribulation after My Warning. Once I bring My Warning, you will soon be called to My refuges where My angels will protect you throughout the tribulation. Your President will have some time after Christmas to call his partial martial law. This will be his most likely path to justifying how he could prove this election was stolen. The courts do not want to enable Trump’s victory, so he will need to show your people with his own means. Whatever comes, there is sure to be a battle between those people who treasure freedom, and those evil ones who want us to be in a communist state under the deep state New World Order. Before there is a lot of killing, I will bring My Warning to give sinners one last chance to save their souls. Then the tribulation will come, but it will be shortened for the sake of My elect. I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace. So be patient and wait for My true coming.”

Monday, December 21, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, as you read the Christmas Scriptures, you are realizing how blessed you are that I came on the earth as a God-man to bring salvation to your souls. With My coming and later crucifixion, you can now be baptized into your faith in Me. Even at every Mass you receive Me in the miracle of My Transubstantiation in Holy Communion, so you have Me with you to strengthen and guide you. You know there are many injustices in this world, but these evil days will not last much longer. Enjoy the moment of My love at Christmas, and trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones. If your lives are in danger, I will bring you to My refuges. You will have to endure the tribulation after My Warning, but I will give you the strength and My angels’ power to provide for your needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that 99.5% of the people will not die from the Chinese corona virus. Yet, your media as ususal is telling people they need to take this vaccine. I have told you many times DO NOT TAKE THIS VACCINE, EVEN IF THE AUTHORITIES THREATEN TO KILL YOU. The nano particles will connect you by 5G microwaves to the cloud that will transmit your bio information to those people who want to control you. These vaccines will permanently change your DNA as the nano particles are like little robots going through your body. You are risking death or allergic reactions with this vaccine, SO DO NOT TAKE IT.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would see another mutated virus that you are seeing spread in Great Britain. It is so new that it is not known how this will affect people. There is some indication that the new strain is more contagious and that it could infect children more than the previous virus. Pray that this new mutant strain can be identified and known how it affects your body. You may be called to My refuges if this threatens to kill many people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen much cheating with the Dominion machines that were programmed for Biden to win this election by changing Trump votes into Biden votes. Many fraudulent mail-in ballots were also abused as Biden only votes. You have not seen any judges allow this evidence to be presented in court. There are still some ways your President could demand that the voting machines and ballots could be checked forensically to record only the legal ballots to turn this election around for Trump. Keep praying that your President could still win.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more covid-19 cases now, and some states are trying to discourage traveling by car or plane by declaring quarantine rules. You are praying for safe travel for your family members, but also pray that they are not prevented from crossing state borders. Pray also that the flu and virus will not kill many people.”

Jesus said: “My people, death is a part of life, and you all are going to die some day. You need to have your soul ready every day so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment. By coming to at least monthly Confession, you can cleanse your sins, and have a pure soul for your judgment. You also are praying every day for saving the souls of your family. Even after My Warning, you will be converting your family members to believe in Me without any influence from the devil. Keep praying to save your family’s souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in past messages that no one knows the exact day of the Warning. It is God the Father alone who will choose the day of the Warning. I only ask you to be ready every day with a clean soul, so you will not see hell in your mini-judgment. It is important to believe in Me so My angels can place a cross on your foreheads which will be needed to enter My refuges. When you come to My refuges and look upon My luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your earthly ills of the body. Trust in Me because I will protect My faithful from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the end, it is saving souls that is the most important work you could perform for Me. Bringing your pure soul to Me at My crib is the best gift that you could give Me. You read about how the Magi brought Me physical gifts to honor Me as their king. The most important gift is the spiritual gift of your soul that you could bring to Me. The more souls that you could convert and bring to Me, the more you could enable more souls to be saved from hell.”

Tuesday, December 22, 2020: (Funeral Mass for Bill Nolan)
Jesus said: “My people, Bill had a full life in the Army, the police, and working at the hospital. He loved Margaret, his wife of sixty years. He loved all of his family and he shared his love with many people. He thanks all of the people who came to his funeral, and all of the care givers in his last years. He will be missed by many. He is with Me in heaven, and he will be praying for all of you.”

Wednesday, December 23, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, even though My parents had to struggle to travel to Bethlehem to register, it was part of the plan of salvation that I would be born in Bethlehem to fulfill the prophecy of Micah (Mich 5:1) ‘But you Bethlehem-Ephratha too small to be among the clans of Juda, from you shall come forth for Me, One who is to be Ruler in Israel; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times.’ Both of My parents were from the lineage of King David, which is why they had to register in Bethlehem. This Christmas account shows how I had humble beginnings of being born in a stable with the animals. Even the Magi came from the East to give Me glory with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But because Herod wanted to kill Me, St. Joseph had a dream of an angel warning him to escape with Me and My Blessed Mother to Egypt. This is when all of the innocent babies were killed by Herod in Bethlehem. Remember to stop killing your babies with abortion in the womb. It is because of these killings that I will bring a punishment upon America. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you for some time that the Warning is coming soon. Before January 20th comes, you could see some struggles to overturn this fraudulent election where there was plenty of proof about the cheating. Both the patriots and the left radicals are fighting for power, and this could cause chaos or a civil war. It will be during a time of chaos that I will bring My Warning. Once the Warning comes, there will be no going back, because after the six weeks of conversion, you could see the beginning of the tribulation. I will allow a short time for the Antichrist to have control over the earth. Then I will bring the evil ones into hell and My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Thursday, December 24, 2020:
At the Eternal Father Chapel I was praying before our Adoration DVD. I was focused on a ball of Light in the sky with darkness all over the earth for three days. The ball of Light remained in the sky throughout the whole time of darkness. This experience with the Light lasted about ten minutes in my vision to emphasize the importance of this message. This Light in the sky could be seen by everyone. Jesus said: “My people, I am not giving you a date, but I am showing you a sign of a ball of Light in the sky, and there was darkness over the earth for three days. The ball of Light in the sky remained there throughout the three days of darkness. Everyone will come to Me in the Light to witness their life review in My Warning. All of the people, who were bribed with money to fix the voting machines and change the ballots, will all see their evil deeds revealed to them. All the judges, who were bribed to not give Trump justice in the court, will see their evil deeds also. These evil ones will see a mini-judgment in hell for their evil deeds. They will have a chance to change their lives. Some of these people will have their guilt so affect them, that many will come forward as whistle blowers to vindicate the cheating in this election. It will be up to mankind if they want to change the Presidency. I will not force this on you. This will cause a possible civil war, but Trump will be vindicated that everyone will know about the cheating from the whistle blowers. After My Warning, work to save as many souls as you can. Then I will call My believers to My refuges, and you will need to endure the tribulation of the Antichrist. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”
N.B. This does not necessarily mean the Warning will happen in January.

Friday, December 25, 2020: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating My birth into humanity as a God-man. It is difficult for mankind to comprehend how I could have two natures of both God and man. My purpose for becoming a man, was so I could die on the cross to save all of mankind who wanted to accept Me, love Me, and repent of their sins. I love all of you, and I call all of you to love Me, and your neighbor as yourself. As you share your gifts with each other, you can also share your faith as well. This is a beautiful season of love and joy, even amidst all of your corona virus sickness.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people are being tested by the communists who want to take over America. America has fought for your freedoms for many years, and you are not going down without a fight over your cheating election. Americans are fighters, and despite the appearing communist win in the elections, your people want to see justice done. The evil rich people have paid off people to cheat, and the judges to not allow Trump to win his re-election. The people will not easily give up their freedom. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Saturday, December 26, 2020: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Stephen is a model of faith for all Christians to stand up for what you believe in Me. If you are tested, never deny Me, even if you have to die for your faith. Christians have been a target of evil people throughout the centuries. There will be some possible wars, plagues, and an EMP attack happening, but I will send My Warning first. You are living in the end times, so come to Confession while you still can. My refuge builders need to be ready to receive the people who I will send to My refuges. Trust in Me and have no fear because My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a new corona virus variant occurring first in Great Britain. Now you have reports of this variant virus in Australia and Canada, all English speaking countries. This variant is said to be more contagious, and it does infect children as well as adults. This is another plague from the deep state laboratories, and it is another means to try and encourage people to take the virus vaccine shot that I told you not to take, because it would change your DNA. The plan of the one world people is to reduce the population of the world by using viruses and vaccines that are instigated by Bill Gates. Do not take any vaccine shots or flu shots to protect your immune system. If the authorities try to make the vaccines mandatory, then I will call My faithful to My refuges where you will be healed of any diseases, and My angels will provide what you will need to survive.”

Sunday, December 27, 2020: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating our Holy Family of Myself, My Blessed Mother, and My foster father, St. Joseph. This should also be a celebration for all of your families, as you come together for the holidays. In the visions you are seeing how wheat was a precious commodity that was ground to make bread. It also reminds My families to have some three months of food on hand in case your local leaders enforce any more shutdowns because of the corona virus. You remember in March when your store shelves were nearly bare because trucks were not making their normal deliveries. People were also overstocking which upset the normal stocking plans of your stores. If you are still stocking up, only do it a little at a time, so the shelves are not empty. This also reminds My refuge builders to be ready with extra food that I can multiply for your guests. Have a source of fresh water, and fuels that I can multiply for the winter. My faithful need to have a backpack or a suitcase full of your needs for a few days. You will be traveling to the nearest refuge as you will be led by your guardian angel and a flame at the proper time. My refuges are a safe haven during the tribulation, where you will be healed of sickness by looking on My luminous cross. My angels will protect you with an invisible shield, and you will have Holy Communion every day from a priest or My angels. Rejoice that I will provide for your needs. Trust in Me to shield you from the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Monday, December 28, 2020: (Holy Innocents Day)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a celebration of a sad day when Herod killed all of the babies in Bethlehem. Because St. Joseph was warned in a dream, he took all of us to Egypt to avoid Herod’s order to kill the babies. This protected Me from being killed. The Magi did not return to Herod. My faithful pray every day to stop abortion, but your people continue to offend Me with your daily abortions. How can your people be so evil that you want to kill your own unborn babies? This killing of My little ones is your worst sin against Me, because you are denying My creations, and the plan I had for each baby killed. For these sins, I will bring punishment upon America, as your country will be taken over in preparation for the tribulation. At the appointed time, I will give you My inner locution to come to My refuges, so I can protect you from the evil ones. Once My faithful are separated from the evil ones, I will kill them all with My Comet of Chastisement, and they will be cast into hell. My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are being confused about the timing of the civil war and the timing of the Warning. The civil war will come when you see the patriot Americans who will be fighting against a communist takeover. Just like in the 1800’s, that Civil War killed a lot of people. A civil war now that is fighting for your freedom could also cause a lot of people to be killed. It is before such a threatening war that there would be chaos and a threat to the lives of My faithful. It is before a lot of people are killed that the Warning would happen. This will give all sinners a short time to change their lives so they could be saved from hell. You know the events after the Warning and the conversion time. I will call My people to My safe havens of My refuges, so you will be protected with My angels at My refuges. No matter who ultimately wins the Presidency, there will be a battle for freedom, and your country will be taken over for a short time. This battle will lead into the tribulation time of the Antichrist, who will have a short reign over the earth. At the end of this reign, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down upon the evil ones who will be cast into hell. My faithful will be separated at My refuges. Those believers, who do not come to My refuges will be martyred. I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, December 29, 2020: (Mass intention: Jost V. & Louis G.)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying and offering up Masses for Carol’s grandfathers, Jost V. and Louis G. You are seeing great news that they are finally in heaven with Me, when they were brought up to heaven on Christmas Day. This is another Christmas present from heaven. Let this be another reminder not to forget your older relatives that have passed on. Very quickly people forget to pray and have Masses offered up for their older relatives who have died. So remember to pray and have Masses offered up for your older relatives, who may still be in purgatory. They are praying for you, so you can return the favor.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two problems that are happening at the same time. Many people are out of work because of the corona virus problem at the small businesses. Some people had their benefits cut off, but there will be some aid of $300/wk to unemployment benefits, and $600 one time payment to those who are eligible. There are other aid bills in Congress. The vision of little food on the shelves could happen again as the virus cases are increasing. Another shutdown or partial shutdown could cause some food shortages. Pray for the poor and the unemployed, and that you can have food at your stores.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned people to be prepared for another variant virus or mutation that could be worse than the first China corona virus. This new virus is already spreading to various countries, and it is more contagious and it affects children as well as adults. There is one report of a case in Colorado. Once this new virus spreads, you could have a worse pandemic disease. This could precipitate more shutdowns and more food shortages. Pray that people can find enough food to eat. If necessary, I will multiply your food at your home before coming to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see some legal challenges to how your electors will be assigned to Trump and Biden. You know there was a lot of cheating with illegal ballots, and there could be a fight over the legality of this election. Pray that you could have a peaceful resolution of these problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are fears that the same cheating will occur in Georgia as in the Presidential election. You have heard of a change that the signatures will be checked on the mail-in ballots. This would regulate some of the illegal harvesting of votes. This election of two seats will determine who will have the majority in the Senate. Pray for a fair election that could be properly challenged, if there is more cheating.”

Jesus said: “My people, if Biden is allowed to be President, you could see a quick change in how your government is run. Many liberal programs could move your government to socialism and eventual communism. If people see their freedoms being taken away, or there is a threat of Chinese troops attacking your borders, this could trigger a civil war between the patriots and the communists. If violence comes, I will call My people to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your lives are endangered from not taking vaccines, or a revolution, I will quickly bring My Warning followed by a call to the safety of My refuges. My people will be protected at My refuges. It is just a matter of time before I will call you to come to My refuges to endure the tribulation. Your refuge time will be your purgatory on earth. So be prepared to endure some refuge life protected by My angels from the evil ones. Have no fear because My angels will shield you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had four practice refuge runs of living at your refuge for only one night and day. Two of these runs happened during the winter. Living together as a spiritual community, will require all of you helping each other for your survival for food and for keeping warm in the winter. You will truly be using all of your preparations. You will be assigning jobs for bedding, preparing meals, providing for heating the house, and praying at your Perpetual Adoration. Be prepared to get along with each other in a close quarters of a refuge. Have no fear, but people will need to come quickly to the refuges within twenty minutes when I will call you. My angels will protect you and multiply your needs.”

Wednesday, December 30, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are enjoying the feast of My birth, and there is joy in your hearts at My coming as an infant. You are happy to celebrate Me as your Savior, even amidst all of your virus trials. Some people are accepting the new vaccines, which I have warned you not to take. This nano technology could be used to control you through the 5G microwaves in the cloud of the internet. After My Warning and the conversion time, you are to get rid of all of your internet devices because the Antichrist will try to control you with his eyes. This is another reason not to take the vaccine, because the nano particles will be subject to control in the cloud. You are about to see many struggles over this cheating election, and how it will be settled. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives will be threatened. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision I am trying to show you how you have a miracle of My Real Presence at every Mass. I am truly Present in every Host that you receive, so you can treasure My being with you for a while. I only ask My people to not take My Host if you have mortal sin on your soul. Prepare yourself to receive Me with at least an Act of Contrition prayer. I love all of you so much, and I can share My love when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. Every sacrament brings you My grace to strengthen you against sin. I thank all of the people who have been doubling their prayers for your President. There will be more attempts to uncover all of the cheating. You will definitely know everything when I bring My Warning. Be ready to come to My refuges when you will see a coming conflict.”

Thursday, December 31, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, this sign of a bare tree in the winter on the last day of the year, was confirmed as a sign of many deaths from a civil war. This next month will be a struggle over your electors with much cheating in your election. You had a chill to confirm there would be killings from a conflict with your patriots and the communists. There will be even more confrontation with the result of your US Senate run-off election in Georgia. Be prepared for this conflict. I will call you to My refuges to protect your lives when your lives are threatened. Pray for peace, but tensions will be running high when it appears the communists are trying to take over your government. This war could happen at any time, and not just in January. Trust in Me to protect My faithful with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, this shutdown mentality of masks and social distancing is part of the control that the socialists want to use, so people will learn to be followers. In reality you never had to do this for any other disease. The next plan is for mandatory vaccines and mandatory chips in the body. Those people, who do not comply, will have trouble buying anything. Eventually, the evil ones will try and send any offenders to the gas chambers at the detention centers. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Those people, who take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the body, will get called to the stadiums in the vision that will be controlled by the eyes of the Antichrist. At My refuges you will be healed of any ailments, and My angels will shield you from harm, and they will multiply your needs.”


Sexta-feira, 28 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol