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John Leary - Ano 2021 (Inglês)



Ano 2021

Friday, January 1, 2021: (Solemnity of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have been reading the accounts in Scripture how I gave birth to my Son, Jesus. I was honored to be God’s mother on earth, as He became a God-man through the power of the Holy Spirit. It was God the Father’s plan to bring His Son on to the earth so he could be the Savior of mankind’s souls. You are starting another year, and you need to be resolved to be faithful to my Son in all that He asks of you. There will be a takeover of America as a punishment for your abortions. This is why my Son’s refuges will be a place of protection during the tribulation. All of my Son’s refuge builders are ready to take people in when your lives will be in danger. The Warning will come first and then my children will be called to your refuges. Trust in my Son and His angels to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are still finalizing your election electors. There could be some challenges in the swing states. Keep praying for your President. This Liberty Bell is a sign that your people want to live free of any communist control. You are still waiting for the Georgia Senate races, and you are praying that this will not be stolen like the Nov. 3rd election. Keep praying for your freedom, and if your lives are threatened, I will call you to My refuges.”

Saturday, January 2, 2021: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
Jesus said: “My people, you are living amidst a pit of vipers that are trying to poison you with cheating, corruption, and even fornication. You know My Commandments of love, but you see evil people spreading viruses around you, and soon the evil ones will try to force vaccines on you. Refuse to take this new vaccine with nano chips that could control you, and change your DNA, even if they threaten to kill you. If the evil ones make these vaccines mandatory, I will need to call you to My refuges of protection. I am showing you this ladder to pull you out of this evil world, and this represents My haven of protection at My refuges. When you see mandatory vaccines and mandatory chips in the body, I will bring My Warning, and a call to come to My refuges after the Warning. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges, where you will stay throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. Fear not, because My angels will protect you, and provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, China is actually planning a military takeover of America, and it could start from Canada and Mexico. Your President is bringing your troops home from other countries to protect your homeland. He is also directing several of your aircraft carriers to protect your East and West coasts. China will first try to immobilize your country using an EMP attack against your electric grid. The Chinese will fight in union with Antifa and communist groups against your military and your patriots. My faithful could be in danger, and that is another reason I will call them to the protection of My angels at My refuges. My angel power will be more powerful than any military weapons, so trust in My protection at My refuges. In the end My power will triumph all over the evil ones.”

Sunday, January 3, 2021: (The Epiphany of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, this is the day you are celebrating My star that led the Wise Men to find Me in Bethlehem. I am the Light that shines in the darkness of sin. I came as your Savior to bring My gifts of Light and life to each of you. I call you through Baptism to have faith in Me, and follow Me throughout your whole life. I call all of My faithful to bring your gifts of love and your soul to Me. I also send you out into the world to help convert souls to the faith. When you come to Me at your judgment, I will ask you how many souls did you bring to Me? You call Me Lord, Lord, but if you truly love Me, you will consecrate all of your actions to Me. You will also put your faith into action by converting souls to faith in Me. Shout your faith from the rooftops to proclaim My glory as the true King and Savior of all of you.”

Monday, January 4, 2021: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My son, I have shown you many natural disasters in My visions before, but these visions of the tsunamis today on both the East and West coasts, will be the result of some large earthquakes. These events are more signs of the end times that you have in the Gospel of St. Matthew that speaks of famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. Do not mock My prophesies because when you see these events happening, there will be no doubt that they are signs of the end times. My son, you are a witness for the end time signs, so let the people repent and come to Confession to be prepared for the serious events that are about to unfold. Trust in My protection when I will call you to My refuges of safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to see children who are suffering beatings, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse from their parents. Children are My gifts of creation, and they need to be loved and helped in their school work, and not ignored or abused. It is even more unfortunate when one parent abandons their children. It is very difficult for single parents to keep a job and take care of their children. Pray for the parents who are struggling to support their families with low paying jobs, and pray that the parents make time to be with their children. Pray for the children so they can be brought up in a Christian environment to help save their souls. It is more difficult for the children in this virus time where they have to do virtual teaching at home. Your society needs to be more open, because isolation is causing more problems than the virus. Pray for a healing of your society’s divisions, and to have loving family members.”

Tuesday, January 5, 2021: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how evil the Democrat leaders have been to cause their people to commit acts of treason to steal this election from your President. If your officials do not change their mail-in fraud ballots and the cheating Dominion machines, you will never have another fair election. The judges, the election people, your media, and your high tech corporations were all joined together in the worst fraudulent election that your country has ever seen. If your Georgia election continues this fraud, then you will have a communist government of thieves. Pray for your President and this Georgia election that they be resolved for the sake of your people. The deep swamp stinks to high heaven so much, that this is why this evil is being flushed down the latrine in your vision. This is also a sign that this evil will be removed at a certain point in time. After the Warning and the tribulation, I will bring My judgment down against all the evil ones who will be cast into hell. My faithful need to have patience, but you could see My intervention in all of this evil even before My Warning. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges, but you will see punishments come in natural disasters and plagues because of your abortions and your fraudulent election.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people in your society who do not think fornication is a sin and something that offends Me. Without faith in Me, people are spiritually blind, and they are not open to obey and understand My Commandments. All sexual sins of fornication, adultery, masturbation, and homosexual acts all come under My Sixth Commandment. People who do not believe these acts are sins, will have less punishment, but they are still mortal sins. It is even more of a grave sin for those people who know these acts are mortal sins. Mortal sins are when it is a grievous sin against My creation act, the person knows it is a grievous sin, and when a person gives full consent of their will to this sin. It is important to have a conversion from a pagan lifestyle over to being a true Christian person that is given the eyes of faith to avoid these mortal sins. These are sins that affect other people and not just the individual. So pray for people to repent of their sins in Confession, so they can have pure souls and obey My Commandments of love.”

Friday, January 8, 2021:
At St. John the Evangelist after Holy Communion, I could see a new whistle blower who actually changed the Trump votes into Biden votes by hacking the Dominion machines over the internet from Rome, Italy. This is the biggest case of treason from foreign interference. Jesus said: “My son, you have seen a new whistle blower reveal the true source of how the Democrats used cheating to change Trump votes into Biden votes. This employee of a large company used military satellites to change the votes in Rome, and it was sent to Germany, and then to America over the internet. When the American Dominion machines were shut down, this is when the vote numbers were changed. This is foreign treason at the highest level. The deep state people are afraid of your President, and that is why they want to impeach him. They know if they cannot stop him, that the deep state people will go to jail for treason. Your President needs to release this red-handed evidence to the American people as soon as possible. If courts do not accept this new evidence, then you could see a partial martial law invoked by your President under the Insurrection Act to bring the Democrat leaders to jail for their treasonous crimes. This could trigger a civil war from the deep state. If your President does not act before January 20th, you will all be in a communist state. Be prepared for My coming Warning and the tribulation, because you will soon be called to My refuges of protection when your lives will be in danger.”
N.B. for an affidavit from the whistle blower go to:
nationsinaction.org You can see this information on youtube.com for as long as it is up: Maria Zack Italy did it (30 min)

Jesus said: “My son, in your own Northeast area you are seeing 2-3 inches of rain below normal, and you have only had 11 out of 30 inches of your normal snowfall. This is unusual since you live right next to the Great Lakes. It is hard to know the normal water levels out West, but they continue to have many fires, even if they are caused by arson. The fires are a sign of how dry the forests are, especially in the fall. Be thankful if you have sufficient water, because your summers have been hot and dry based on how much you had to water your lawn and your higher water bill. Last year is close to the hottest year ever, which is an indication of your changing weather. You had more named storms and land falling hurricanes than normal. Fresh water is needed for your crops and your home usage. Continue to pray for enough water for your needs.”

Wednesday, January 6, 2021: (St. Andre Bessette)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that no matter who wins your Presidential election, you will eventually be taken over. You know that I will allow the Antichrist a brief time during the tribulation for control over the earth. It is just a matter of time for America’s fall to prepare for the tribulation. After My Warning, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection with My inner locution. My faithful will be led by a flame with your guardian angel to the nearest refuge. Once you leave your homes within 20 minutes, your angel will put a shield of invisibility over you on your way to My refuge. My angels will protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation, and they will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen plenty of proof of your fraudulent election with the Dominion machines and the cheating mail-in ballots. It is unfortunate that not one judge would hear a case to present the evidence of fraud, even though the cheating was obvious with plenty of evidence. The deep state planned this theft of your Presidential election, and they had the Democrats, the media, and your corrupt judges carry it out. They continued the cheating in your Georgia U.S. Senate race as well with the same Dominion machines and mail-in ballots. You have been frustrated that this cheating is not getting corrected. There are two means of changing this election. One of them is by your President claiming his 2018 Executive Order about an insurrection by foreign countries. This would be like a partial martial law that could precipitate a civil war from the deep state. The other means would be if I brought My Warning experience that could change some people to look into this fraudulent election. If your President does not invoke his Executive Order, then My Warning could change things. Keep in mind that once I bring My Warning, then you will have the tribulation of the Antichrist follow when I will call My faithful to My refuges. Prepare for a takeover of your country, if the Democrats will control the Presidency, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. This would allow the socialist communists to pass whatever laws they want to control your people. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the evil ones when it will be necessary to come to My refuges for your safety.”

Thursday, January 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some fake news from your media. A young woman was shot in the chest and was killed by the Capitol Police. She was unarmed, but this did not get reported by the fake news. There were riots over police shooting and killing African Americans, but there is no acknowledgment about the police killing an unarmed white Air Force veteran. Most of the Trump supporters were peaceful, but some radicals broke into the Capitol Building. The same fake news called Antifa a peaceful protest, but they set fires to buildings and killed some people. Yet the Democratic leaders did not call in the National Guard on the Antifa people. Now the D.C. mayor called up the National Guard against the Trump supporters. You can see the hypocrisy of the Democrats looking beyond the Antifa killing and damage, but they grossly exaggerated the protest at the Capitol, where the police were shooting at unarmed people. You have seen a lot of unjust cheating in your Presidential election where the courts do not want to hear any cases of rigged voting machines and illegal mail-in ballots. It was this injustice in the Presidential election that brought hundreds of thousands of demonstrators to Washington, D.C. to protest. My justice will come to all the cheaters and the media who covered up the truth. You will see My punishment come to the evil ones either before or after the tribulation. My faithful will be protected at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, if the left is allowed to take over the White House and the Congress, they will quickly turn your country into a socialist or communist state. Many of My faithful have been doubling your prayers for your President to overturn this fraudulent Presidential election. There is some hope in the revelation of a new whistle blower who actually changed the Trump votes into Biden votes from Rome, Italy. This was then transferred to Germany, and then to America over the internet. When the election people stopped the voting machines, this is when they changed the votes through the internet. This whistle blower has first hand proof how Biden won the battleground states by cheating using foreign interference. If the Congress does not change the electoral vote, then your President could claim the Insurrection Act of foreign governments interfering with your election. This could trigger a civil war from the left. Pray for peace, but tensions could cause a war. If your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President will present these treasonous acts to your people, and he will be vindicated in proving the cheating. The evil left know if the President changes the vote, that many of the left will go to jail for treason. If the courts do not change the votes, then expect chaos with a partial martial law. At some point the evil ones may try to make an all out attempt to kill him and impeach him. Pray for your country and for your President’s protection. Once you see a danger of war, I will bring My Warning, and you will be protected at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you witnessed some violence at the Capitol when protesters broke through the doors and windows. There were Antifa radicals involved in this break-in, as some people were recognized who were at other Antifa demonstrations. This gave a bad look for Trump’s people who were mostly peaceful. The media and the Congress people are blaming Trump for this attack, and they want to impeach him. You will see much chaos in the next few weeks, so be prepared to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a plan to try and force your people to take the current vaccines that are causing health problems, and they will permanently change your DNA that could cause death. Refuse to take the virus vaccine, and refuse the flu shot because they could ruin your immune system. If the leaders make vaccines and chips in the body mandatory, then you will need to come to the protection of My refuges. Trust in My angel protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, these virus shutdowns could ruin your economy and make it hard for people to get food. Your jobs could be shutdown and it would be hard to have money for your bills. Because of shutdowns and mandatory shots, you will be called to My refuges when your lives are in danger. I will call My faithful to My refuges to be healed by looking on My luminous cross and My angels will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, this control of your people by viruses and vaccines has been a plan to take over your country. The evil ones are trying to use fear to scare people into taking the nano vaccines that will change your DNA. This will control people through the cloud of your 5G internet. So refuse to take such vaccines, even if they threaten to kill you. The shutdowns will also keep My people from coming to church. You will be back to watching Mass on your internet without Holy Communion. If you are kept at home, you can still make a spiritual Communion. I keep repeating that when your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning, and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been telling My people to have their backpacks or suitcases ready to leave their homes for My refuges. You can see the events leading up to a possible civil war. When you see My Warning, or hear My inner locution, you should be ready to come to My refuges, so you can have My angel protection throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. I love all of My people, and I am having My refuge builders set up refuges for your protection. After the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to cast all of the evil ones into hell. I will have My faithful come into My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, January 9, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a ciborium of Hosts against empty pews in a church, is a sign of another coming virus shutdown. You have been hearing of a new variant mutation of the original virus that is more contagious. In several reports in your news the first cases did not have the virus from traveling. This would suggest the possibility that there are people spreading this disease in the chemtrails, much like they spread the flu in the same way. As more cases spread, you could see churches being closed, and you may even see your prayer group restricted, if there are police or troops checking for large meetings. You may have to go back to watching Mass on the internet without receiving My Hosts. Be prepared for some trying times, especially in the next few weeks. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges when I will call you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a tire track covered up with mud, represents the deep state who are trying to cover up their cheating of votes in both the Presidential and the Georgia elections. You have heard how the Italian whistle blower has given testimony that he changed Trump votes into Biden votes using the Vatican rented satellites. He then sent this change of votes to America via an encrypted internet file. It appears the same tactics were used in Georgia. Your President may soon reveal this fraud as evidence to the American people. You could see some strong changes coming in the next few weeks.
You also are seeing what appears to be some hacking of the grid infrastructure in Pakistan and in Italy as they both had blackouts from the loss of their electricity. Someone may be sending a message to America that this could happen in your country also. It is a sign to America to make sure your grid system is well protected with fire walls against hacking. My refuges will be protected from such hacking that is trying to stop your electrical generation from your solar panels. My angels are protecting all of My refuges from harm.”
N.B. One article on the internet gave a story that the Pakistan blackout was done to stop a sale of General Electric to the Chinese.

Sunday, January 10, 2021: (The Baptism of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, My Baptism is when I instituted My sacrament of Baptism because you baptize infants and adults with water with the Sign of the Cross that invokes the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This brings My people into My faith community either as an infant or as an adult. This feast also brings the Christmas Season to an end, even as you are putting away your Christmas decorations. You will now be reading accounts of My public life in the Ordinary time. During My Baptism you heard God the Father announce, ‘This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ (Matt. 3:17) My people, you have been going through some difficult days when it appears the evil people have stolen your election with no one to correct this theft in the courts. I have directed all of your prayers to your President, who is planning to bring these Satan worshipers before a military court because your present courts are full of mostly corrupt judges. Be calm and wait to see things change as My justice will come down on these evil ones. Keep doubling your prayers for your President and your country. Be ready to come to My refuges when I call you.”

Monday, January 11, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a bomb going off, is how you will see some major changes in your communications. It is a sign of a major change in your government. You are seeing a discrimination on your websites, where news of the election cheating has been removed. You are about to see some effects of this election scandal ripple all throughout your country. Be watchful for any civil disturbance that may result in My calling you to My refuges. Your own website has been shut down again.”

David’s comment (my son) on the anniversary of his death. David said: “My dear family, I was slow in coming today because you are about to see a major change in your country. You are seeing a strong division between the socialist communists and those people who follow Trump’s call to put your nation’s people first. This could even lead to a civil war over who will control your country. You will see your President vindicated when all of the proof of the cheating in your election will be revealed. Be also prepared for the coming Warning when the faithful will need to try and convert those people who are weak in the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, I warned you that no matter who wins your election, you will see a civil war between the communists and the patriots. My Warning will come in a time of chaos before the civil war starts. This merry-go-round represents the Warning, and the speeding up, means it is coming closer and faster in your time. You will be seeing signs of the people getting to the tipping point for starting a war. Both sides are fighting for power as the Trump people are still saying that Biden purposely stole the election. When the information comes out about how the Democrats changed the votes, you could see some people go to jail for treason. It will be the Democrats who are impeached. I will protect My faithful at My refuges when the war breaks out.”
Robert is still in lower purgatory.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, keep praying for your President that he does the right thing about the fraudulent election. When you speak the truth and go against the narrative of the evil deep state, you will be viciously attacked with all of their lies. Even now you are seeing the venom and ruthless criticism coming from the left as the social media is being shut down to keep conservatives from voicing their opinion against the cheating of the Democrats with the elections. The large companies are trying to take away your freedom of speech that you have by your Bill of Rights. This is a vendetta by the deep state to stop Trump from doing anything that could send the left people to jail for their treasonous cheating in the elections. There will be more evidence of the cheating that will come out. The left is even trying to take away the jobs of those people who support Trump. These Democrats are like the evil demons I had to put out in the Gospel today.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you about a coming civil war between the communists and the patriots who follow your President Trump. You already are seeing treason by Biden and the Democrats to steal the Presidential election. You have heard of Biden calling on the Chinese Communists to help him remove Trump. You also remember the millions of dollars that the Biden family took from China. Trudeau’s Canada is already allowing Chinese troops to come in close to America’s border on the East and West. You could see a possible alliance of the Chinese troops and the Antifa communists against your US troops and your patriots. This is similar to how Britain tried to help the South against the North in the Civil War of 1863. Britain thought they could take America over, much like China wants to take you over with your new civil war. Pray for your troops to win against the communists. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges.”

Wednesday, January 13, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you truly were sliding around on the ice this morning, when you had a sense that everything got turned upside down. This is a sign to you that in the next week or so, you could see some things that could change your life dramatically. You will not return to a normal life. You will see a battle of the communists vs. the patriots. The one world people are trying to implement a ‘Reset’ to world communism with various names to disguise their goal of total control over the people. When war is close, I will bring My Warning to try and save as many souls as possible. After the conversion time after the Warning, I will call you to My refuges. At the end of the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and I will cast all the evil ones into hell. I will then renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen the House of Representatives vote to impeach your President Trump for the second time, even though he is in office for only seven more days. Both impeachments were based on meaningless lies made up by the Democrats. They were doing this for no other reason than they hate your President. This house in the vision represents the House of Representatives, and the demons from hell out of the volcano are driving the Democrats into a frenzy of hate. The Democrats committed treason in stealing this election, and there is proof the Dominion machines were rigged by software in Italy to change Trump votes into Biden votes. The man who changed the votes has come forward as a whistle blower to testify for this illegal cheating. You saw the house catch fire, which means the Democrats will pay for their crimes either in the next week, or when they are judged by Me as they are thrown into the flames of hell. In any event these evil ones will pay for their crimes of harassing your President. You will still see a coming civil war and your country will be taken over. So be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Have no fear because My angels will protect you.”

Thursday, January 14, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Bible the people were asking what are we to eat and what are we to wear? These are earthly concerns, but you should have faith that I can provide what you need with My miracles. I multiplied the loaves and the fish for 5,000 to eat, and in today’s Gospel I healed the leper. So when you are led to My refuges by your guardian angel, have no worries. Just have faith that I can multiply food for you in your need, and it will be done for you. If you are at home, and you cannot come to the stores because of a severe shutdown, I will multiply your food. You must have trust and faith that I can perform miracles for you, and you will see it happen. The people in the desert in the time of Moses were fed by My miracles of manna and the quail. So I will also feed My people in My refuges when you need food, water, and fuels. You will suffer through the tribulation at My refuges for a short time, and then I will bring you into the splendor of a new world in My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know many of you are upset with the Presidential election and the latest Democrat impeachment of your President. I want to calm down My faithful and rely on your prayers, which is your best weapon against the evil all around you. You know of all the cheating and harassment of your President. My justice will come over these evil ones, but you need to be patient to see how your President’s plans and My Warning will affect your people. Keep praying for peace, and work to convert souls to the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading there was a verse ‘Harden not your hearts’. The people in your country are more divided than ever over your politics. Many families are divided over Trump and the socialists. You are seeing a spiritual battle between those people, who believe in Me and the good of your people, and those people, who want total control over your freedom of speech and they promote abortion. I have told you that communists will eventually take you over and the world. There are atheists who will try to silence all religious people because they follow Satan. This is why I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan has a short time, and his people will use your virus and any means of control to close your churches and censer anyone who speaks about Me and against abortion. You have seen how My saints were persecuted and martyred by the authorities of their days. You will be seeing a more violent persecution coming against anything religious. Be prepared to come to My refuges of protection when the evil ones will threaten to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, several people have asked about what to do with their money. I have told you before to have some food stored, so use your money to buy some food while you still can. Those people, who do not have a full pantry, may be risking starvation when food will be scarce at the stores. Be like the wise virgins this time by storing food, instead of the foolish virgins who will find the doors to your grocery stores closed. Trust in Me because you will come to My refuges where I will multiply your food.”

Jesus said: “My people, for those people, who want to set up a refuge, it is getting late. You need to consecrate your property with a cross on the ground using blessed salt or holy water. You will also need a source of fresh water as a water well on your property, because you cannot survive without water. You will need faith in My miracles to multiply your food, water, and fuels. I will send My angels to protect all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love you so much that I left My miracle of Myself in My consecrated Host. At My refuges you will have a priest to give you daily Holy Communion at Mass, or My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. You may take one Host and place it in a monstrance so you can have perpetual Adoration. You will assign people to cover every hour around the clock. My Real Presence and My angels will protect you from any harm from the evil ones. Rejoice as you will give Me praise all day long.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you for many months not to take this nano vaccine because people could control you through 5G microwaves and destroy your immune system. Refuse any chips in the body as well. These are the means that the Antichrist will use to control the people. Those people, who take the vaccine, could eventually infect other people with future viruses that will be spread to reduce the population. When you are at My refuges, you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any sickness. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and multiply what you need at My refuges.”

Friday, January 15, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read about four men lowering a paralytic man down in front of Me because they had faith that I could heal him. What the man and the crowd did not know, was that I could forgive sins as well. This is true of many of My physical healing events, in that I would heal the person’s sins first, and then I would heal the body. The crowd was amazed at My healing of the paralytic man, but they were even more amazed at My forgiving of sins. You have a beautiful painting of this scene on your mantle. There is another lowering in your vision when you saw yourselves going down in a large elevator. This represents how you would be lowered down into purgatory. This means when you will live through the coming tribulation of the Antichrist in your refuges, you will be suffering through your purgatory on earth. So after the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and you will be brought into My Era of Peace. This is because you already would have had your sins purged so you do not need any purgatory time. Give praise and thanks to Me that My angels will protect you at My refuges from the evil ones. Be patient because after your brief trial, you will be with Me in the joy of My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, January 16, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been doubling your prayers for your President to win his election, and for his safety. You know of the cheating in the election, and I told you that there will be justice either through your President’s insurrection act, or through My Warning. There is some evidence in Washington, D.C. that 20,000 National Guard troops are putting that city in shutdown. You will soon see if your President is going to try and root out some of the deep state actors. The patriots will support Trump against any communist takeover. You have a concern about thousands of Chinese troops in Canada and Mexico, in addition to the Antifa and BLM communist mobs. Such a martial law could trigger a civil war, so be ready to come to My refuges if your lives are in danger.”

Sunday, January 17, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, all of My believers are called by Me to be ready for something big. I know you are anxious if Biden and company are about to take over. You have been praying hard for justice to be done with this election. I told you, no matter who wins this election, that eventually you will be called to My refuges after the Warning. Any war will come after My Warning. You saw in the vision how clouds of My protection will be all around you with My angels. So do not fear what is to come. My believers will be protected at My refuges throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. It is important that when you are called by My inner locution, that you must grab your backpack or suitcase, and leave your homes within twenty minutes. Your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. My refuge builders need to be ready to receive the believers who I will send to you. This calling to Samuel and a calling to follow Me, will be very real for My faithful. Do not worry, because as in the vision of clouds, My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that when your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges. You are to leave your homes within 20 minutes after you receive My call, and you will not return home. The men in black will be seeking to place the mark of the beast on everyone. The people and the animals will be trying to get to My refuges to avoid being captured by the men in black, or the UN troops. The people leaving their homes in haste, is more of a sign that the time to leave for the refuges is very close. Once people arrive at My refuges, My angels will protect them from the evil ones. This is why you will need counselors to calm down these people who were running for their lives. My faithful people will call on Me in faith and they will have an invisible shield over them. You will have many angels of protection at My refuges, and this is why I call them safe havens. Trust in Me to protect all of My believers.”

Monday, January 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the corona virus from China causing several pharmaceutical companies to come up with nano particle vaccines which are really not needed, because most of the people, who get the virus, only get mild cases. Because this virus has an HIV component, it is contagious the whole year round, even in the summer. Some of the deaths being reported for the covid-19 are from other causes, so the death numbers are inflated. Refuse to take the virus vaccine. There will be more virus attacks, and those people, who receive this vaccine, will contaminate more people with the new virus because of the radiation from the 5G microwaves. The virus and vaccines are a plan by the evil one world people to reduce the population of the whole world. If there is a war, or a more deadly virus, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any disease.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Church is led by the Pope as a descendant of St. Peter. This is why you are seeing the smoke of the censer blessing the Chair of St. Peter. My Blessed Sacrament is My Real Presence on earth, and you see the priest using the censer to honor My Presence in the monstrance at Benediction. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you every day. Continue to be patient in your prayers for your President.”
Mic M. was in lower purgatory.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many images of the Warning, and a similar life review when you die and leave this world. I have shown you circling images from your life in this life review, but once you die, the spinning stops. This is a part of life at your death, but you will be in a new world of your destination. Jerry suffered a good share of his life, and this was his purgatory on earth. He was one of many souls that were taken up to heaven on Christmas. He loves Bernie very much, and he will be praying for her and her family.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing that Trump did not invoke the Insurrection Act. I have mentioned that if Trump did not act before January 20th, then he would be vindicated by My miracle Warning. There was a definite proof of this fraudulent election, and Biden will always be an illegal President who was allowed to steal this election. This means that any further elections could be rigged as well. The injustice of no court wanting to hear this case, shows you how corrupt your judges and Congress are. You will be seeing more conservative websites shut down and even your own website. You will also see more persecutions for not taking the virus vaccine or the chip in the body. Refuse to take any virus vaccine, any flu shot, or any chip in the body. These atheists will try to shut down your churches, and they may even call Christians terrorists. They will try to put Christians in jail or kill them. Whenever your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges. After the Warning and the conversion time, you will get rid of your internet devices so the Antichrist cannot get you to worship him with his eyes. Trust in My protection at My refuges where I will feed you and give you daily Holy Communion. Remember I told you that I gave you Trump as a short reprieve from eight years of Obama. Now you will be tested by Biden again. After the Warning and the end of the tribulation, all of the evil ones will be killed, and cast into the flames of hell. So be patient until I bring My Warning.”

Tuesday, January 19, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people of America, you have a choice to follow the example of President Trump in fighting for freedom, or you can allow the evil Democrat leaders make you into another communist country. America is the last bastion of freedom. If you go down, then the world will go down, and you will have the tribulation of the Antichrist. The Democrat leaders are run by demons, and they will tear your country apart. If you allow these cheating elections to stand, then there will be no more fair elections, and you will become another Venezuela. There will be a civil war because your country is so divided. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges. Before many people are killed, I will bring My Warning. All of My faithful will be protected at My refuges during the tribulation. In a short time, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. I will renew the earth, and bring My people into My Era of Peace. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”

Thursday, January 21, 2021: (St. Agnes)
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who lie, cheat, and abort babies, are not worthy of partaking in My Banquet of love in Holy Communion. Only by repenting of their sins, can they be able to receive Me. It is hard to give allegiance to someone who is not worthy from a treasonous election. My people will have to suffer from all the abuse you will receive from the deceivers. You know these people are evil because they speak with a forked tongue, just like the devil’s lies. You need to love your enemies, but you do not have to accept their words of evil lies. These deceivers will face My justice for their treasonous actions. Have patience until I will bring My Warning, when some sinners will be able to repent of their sins. Keep the faith in Me because I will reward My faithful in the end. Trust in Me to protect you from harm at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that the proof of this stolen election could not be heard in court. All of those evil ones, who were a part of this fraud, will pay for their crimes, as your President will be vindicated in My Warning. You can see how the Democrats could not wait to undo all the good that was done by President Trump. Pray for your country because it is dying from all of the evil people. Pray for My Warning to come quickly.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to be abused by socialists who want to turn you into a communist country. Your elections will now be like those in Venezuela. Even Moduro is cheering that Trump was defeated with the same Dominion machines he uses to remain as leader. You will see America pushed further away from Me as the incoming people continue to favor abortion. This new Administration will bring you quicker to your coming takeover and the coming tribulation. Be ready to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you may be feeling that you are on the Titanic which is about to sink into oblivion. Your President Trump was guided by Me, but the new leaders are more concerned with power and money, instead of acknowledging Me. Those people, who turn their back on Me will pay a heavy price. You will be taken over as a punishment for your many abortions and abortion laws. Keep praying to stop abortion, but be prepared to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, despite all of the bad things that are going on, remain faithful to Me because I will protect you from all of the demons and evil people. I am more powerful than all of these evil ones, and I will only allow this evil to last for a brief time. Trust in My protection at My refuges with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for your faith and prayers this night because prayer is your best weapon against the evil ones. Do not lose heart over this stolen election, but let your hearts shine with My Light as all Christians need to keep the faith in Me through thick and thin. Soon you will be thankful that you had President Trump for a short time because your freedoms will be slipping away. Resist any attempts to close your churches. Keep up your daily prayers and frequent Confession. Treasure your Masses while you still have them. I am with you always in My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to lift you up in the glory of My sacraments. Christians always have hope in My promises of eternal life. You will be tested in the coming tribulation, but fear not because I will protect you. Lift up your eyes and arms to heaven because your Redemption is at hand while I am with you. The demons fear My Name and they were sent away when I cured possessed people. Your prayers will protect you, so have no fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not let the evil people and demons get you down, for you are about to see My glory win the day. I will defeat the evil ones in the Battle of Armageddon, and you will share in My victory over the evil ones. You will be protected at My refuges, as My angels are more powerful than earthly people. I will soon bring you into a new heavens and a new earth where there will be no evil influence. So be cheerful and joyous because you are about to see My glory in My Era of Peace where you will be preparing to be saints in heaven. Do not despair, but be in great anticipation of the beauty of My Era of Peace, and the beauty of heaven. Pray to help save as many souls as you can.”

Friday, January 22, 2021: (Right to Life, Rowe vs Wade decision)
Jesus said: “My people, life is precious, and some people discard babies for their own selfish convenience. Your wife had a miscarriage, Mary, and a son, David, who died in four days. Other women could have healthy babies, but they refused My gift of life. They also killed their own children, and defied My plan for these unborn babies. I told you if you did not stop your abortions, that I would stop them with My Warning, and a punishment of your country’s takeover that will lead into the tribulation. Before any wars, I will call you to My refuges of protection. Because of the corona virus, you cannot even go to your March for Life. You need to keep praying for the stoppage of abortion, and the changing of your abortion laws. You need respect for life at all ages, even to stop your euthanasia of the elderly.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the beginning of Satan’s hour when the Democrats will take America down, and allow the Chinese soldiers to occupy your country. The Democrats will work hard to get people vaccinated, and they will be working to try and take away your guns so the foreign soldiers can have little resistance. The vaccines have side effects and can even kill you. The evil ones want to reduce the population, so refuse to take virus vaccines, flu shots, nor chips in the body. You could see a possible civil war, or an invasion from Chinese troops. Before any killing takes place, I will bring My Warning. After the conversion time, I will call you to My refuges of protection. Trust in Me and My angels to defeat the evil ones.”
N. B. See youtube.com Dr. Lee Merrit interview

Saturday, January 23, 2021: (St. Vincent, St. Marianne Cope)
Jesus said: “My people, I am love and I want all of My children to love Me and everyone else, even your enemies. You are allowing Satan and the evil ones to divide you. The hearts of the evil ones are cold, and you need to pray for all souls to be saved, and warm up to My love. Come in to church to be with Me so I can warm your hearts, and put your focus on Me, and not on all of the bad things in the world. If you all loved one another, there would be no divisions. The devil divides and conquers, if you keep cold hearts. So let the heat of My love melt your cold hearts, so love can exist between you and others. Put despair and sorrow out of your minds, and replace it with My joy and My promise of a glorious life in My love on earth, and in My coming Era of Peace. You will be protected at My refuges throughout the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon see why the Democrats had to cheat and lie in order to win the election. The people actually voted for Trump for the very reasons you are seeing the Democrats that are destroying your country. At a certain point, you will be losing your freedoms, and the socialists will come and try to take away your property and your possessions. They will raise your taxes, and your banking system may fail when you cannot pay for your debt spending. This Democrat free for all may destroy your country before you can vote anybody out of office. Because your people allowed the cheating of votes, now you will pay dearly from the socialists. You need to get rid of the Dominion machines because they are built for cheating. You could still see a backlash from the people who will be upset with the Democrat policies. Pray to keep your freedoms, or you will be coming to My refuges to escape the evil ones who want to kill their opposition and the Christians.”

Sunday, January 24, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, just as Jonah was called to warn Nineveh of an impending destruction of their city, so I called you, My son, to prepare the people for My Warning, the tribulation, and My Era of Peace. This was your first mission that started with your computer programming conversion in Medugorje. Later, in May, 1993, I called you to My mission, and you accepted it right away. I started giving you your first messages on July 21, 1993. You have been faithful to Me in this mission for over 27 years. I have helped you in your health and your travels. Now, you are using Zoom conferences to reach the people during this pandemic virus time. I asked you to continue this mission until you can no longer move. Later, I have called you to a second mission to establish a small, but permanent refuge at your house. You have been blessed with inheritances to carry out what you needed for this mission. Using My messages, you have instructed the people with all of My projects that you needed to put your refuge together. You also were told that I would have My angels expand all of the refuges, and they will help in multiplying your food, water, and fuels. My refuges will be a means of separating the good people from the evil people. After you are safe at My refuges, I will bring My punishment down upon the evil people. Be patient now because soon I will bring My Warning, followed by the tribulation, and then My victory when I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Monday, January 25, 2021: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen pictures of tanks being taken to Maine as a protection from Chinese troops in Quebec, Canada. You now have seen a train full of tanks in Idaho to protect your people from Chinese troops in Vancouver, Canada. There are also Chinese troops in Mexico. When you saw in the vision how a tank was firing, this could lead to an attempt by China to invade your country. If war does come, I will send My Warning first to give sinners a chance like St. Paul to convert their lives from their evil ways. St. Paul had My brilliant light blind him, as he fell off of his horse. Not everyone has an unusual means to change their lives, but the Warning will be a similar unusual means to convert some sinners. Keep praying for your relatives and friends that those people, who are away from Me, could be saved at the Warning. During the six weeks of conversion time after the Warning, you will be working at a fever pitch to help save souls. Trust in Me to answer your prayers at My Warning.”

(Mass for Al F.’s birthday) Jesus said: “My people, the days are coming soon when Christians will be called terrorists for believing in Me. The evil authorities will seek out those people, who believe in Me, and they will try to kill them. This is the reason why I have had My people build My refuges so My faithful will have a place of safety with My angels protecting them. When your lives are in danger, I will give My faithful an inner locution to come to My refuges within 20 minutes to leave your homes and not return. You will call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame. Your angel will put an invisible shield over you, as you will be protected on the way to and at My refuges. Those believers, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred for My sake. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”

Tuesday, January 26, 2021: (St. Timothy & St. Titus, Camille)
Camille (Carol’s deceased father) said: “Hello, John, it is so good to say hello to the family: to Carol, Sharon, and Vic. I am still here in heaven praying for all of you, especially for the two new great grandchildren who I saw coming down to earth. I am sorry to see your Uncle Bill is in the hospital, and he is my brother as well. You are seeing how you cannot trust those vaccine shots because they are worse than the Covid. Bill was happy to get the video of me telling my stories. Giving you messages is truly one of my recent callings for all the Lord did for me. Your mission is becoming more apparent to people as the evil one’s attempts to kill people and steal souls is getting worse. The devil is leading his earthly forces to use this manufactured virus to control people. He is using fear along with the viruses and vaccines to depress people and steal their souls, even through suicide in some cases. You are a leader in telling people to prepare refuges, and to not take the vaccines, flu shots, or the chip in the body. The people need a strong faith to stay close to Jesus in prayer, and let Him and His angels protect you and heal you. You need to be ready for some strong trials that will require God’s believers to come to His refuges. I am praying for all of you to be converted from the Warning on the Lord’s side, especially Vic.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have gained a deep insight to understand that everything on earth is temporary, but you are drawn to Me because I can offer you eternal life with Me in heaven. I love all of you so much and I created you out of My love so you can know, love, and serve Me in this world. I have shown you how much I love you because I became a God-man so I could die on the cross to offer everyone salvation. You are soul and body, but your soul will live on forever, and it is up to each person to choose your eternal destination by your own free will. I do not want to force you to love Me, and that is why I have given each of you a free will choice to either be with the God who loves you in heaven, or be with the devil who hates you in the eternal flames of hell. It is by a gift of faith that you come to know, love, and worship Me. So if you truly love Me, you will show Me in your actions, your prayers, and your repentance for your sins in Confession. When I see your actions of loving Me and your neighbor as yourself, then I will know your love for Me is sincere. I will always love you and protect you from all of the demons and the evil people.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2021: (St. Angela Merici)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world, and it is My Spirit that enlightens every soul with a spiritual life that keeps you alive. It is My Word of faith that helps you to produce good fruit in your actions. You read My parable of the Sower, and I explained each person who hears My Word. The Seed is the Word of God. Those people, who hear My Word, but have no roots, are like the seed that fell on the path or the rocky ground. Those people, who hear My Word and the lures of fame and riches chokes off the faith, are the people who are like the seed that fell among thorns. But those people, who hear My Word and put it into their actions, are like the seed that fell on good soil that yielded thirty, sixty, and one hundredfold. The Word of faith is precious, and you need to treasure this gift, and share it with others in your evangelization efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have the one world people pushing to have everyone get vaccinated to supposedly stop the pandemic virus. This has been hype and scare tactics to control your people. In the first place, virus vaccines are not necessary since 99.5% of the people are not dying from this virus. Even some old medicines have been used early in the disease at the right dose, and people have been cured even for bad cases. Some doctors are in collusion with the one world people by not making these medicines available to treat virus patients. The virus vaccines have actually caused worse symptoms, and even death to those people who have taken it. These poorly tested vaccines should not be forced on people in medical fields, or even any field. These nano particle vaccines will change your DNA permanently and ruin your immune system. The fact that some people are getting sick or dying after receiving the vaccine, shows you the reason not to take the virus vaccine. So refuse to take this virus vaccine, even if people threaten to kill you, or put you in jail. This is a plan by the one world people to use viruses and vaccines to reduce the world’s population. Read the research on the internet to see this diabolical plan. If necessary, you will eventually come to My refuges for protection, and healing of these laboratory made diseases.”
N.B. Look at youtube.com ‘Dr. Lee Merritt interview’

Thursday, January 28, 2021: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the vision how you need to be thankful for the monks who preserved the Scriptures before they had printing presses to make the Bible. Monasteries were also places of protection from tyrannical authorities. Monasteries are going to be places of refuge as well during the tribulation. Today, you are also thankful for the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas and the other doctors of the Church. In these times you also have the writings of many prophesies, as I shared My words of knowledge with many prophets. Use your faith to share it with others so many people can have the joy and love from knowing about Me. When you spread My Word, it is like the Sower who spread his seed on good soil. Trust in Me to take care of all of My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been focused on the latest fraudulent election. This is a distraction from an ongoing pandemic virus that does not kill that many people. Now, you are seeing the one world people push nano particle vaccines that are making people sick or even killing some people. I told you before that you will next see another virus that will be much deadlier. You did not understand that the Chinese scientists were giving you the first part of a binary virus that is purposely designed to kill many people. This second virus will react with the vaccine and could kill many people as well. I will warn My people before this deadly virus is released. I will call My believers to My refuges where you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any virus, even if you took the virus vaccine.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Chinese researchers were working with American researchers to make the Covid-19 corona virus that has spread to all parts of the world. These viruses were purposely made so many people would die. Bill Gates has said that with viruses and vaccines he could reduce the world’s population by 15%. This plan for killing man is being led by the devil because he hates man. These one world people worship Satan, and they are carrying out his orders to reduce the population with viruses, vaccines, and abortion. Pray for My protection as I will lead My believers to My safe havens where you will be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the early treatment of covid-19 patients, many were healed using hydroxychoroquine at the right dose level. People were dying because their immune systems overreacted to the virus and this was killing some people. Treatments of hydroxychloroquine relaxed the immune system along with Zinc and an antibiotic which healed the patients. This treatment was even held back from patients because the one world people wanted people to be scared into taking vaccines which would later kill them. So refuse to take these nano virus vaccines because they are more deadly than the virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Green New Deal from the Democrats is trying to take away your fossil fuels that powers your economy and provides millions of jobs. There are not enough green sources to make up for all of the oil, gasoline, natural gas, and coal sources that keeps your cars running and heats your homes. You are seeing your people already pushing back on taking away your fuels. The Green New Deal is another way to destroy your economy. Trust in Me to multiply the fuels you will need at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President Trump did not incite the riot on the Capitol, but this was led by Antifa thugs. You are seeing in the Senate how there are not enough votes to pass an impeachment that requires 67 votes to pass. This could change to another charge that only requires a majority vote of 51 votes. This shows how evil the Democrats are in trying to impeach a President out of office which is unconstitutional. Have patience because I will bring My justice down on these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a beautiful time for people to meditate on their lives to see how they could improve their spiritual lives through prayer, fasting, and Confession. You also can give alms or donations to help people both with money and good deeds. You can donate to your local Food Shelf or other worthy organizations. You can also reach out to help evangelize sinners from their bad habits. You can make a plan for some means of fasting or denial of something you enjoy. Keep your focus on pleasing Me and spreading the faith among the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you see a blessing of candles and the blessing of the throats around the feast day of St. Blaise. You have been to a church of St. Blaise that was damaged in the war in Croatia. Keep this traditional blessing going by encouraging your priests to bless the people either on Sunday or on the feast day of St. Blaise. I am always looking out to heal My people of all diseases, even as I cured people when I was on the earth as a God-man.”

Friday, January 29, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing how your possessions are fleeting and so temporary. Many of your earthly concerns about possessions and wealth are truly passing away, and they are not of any enduring value. Your earthly treasures are nothing compared to your spiritual treasures of prayers and good deeds that are stored in heaven. When you gave donations to people, or you helped someone even in a little matter, I recorded your true treasure in your heavenly box that I keep with even your tears included. So do not be concerned if you are struggling to make ends meet in this life, because it is of little value in the next life of heaven. Be more concerned with how you love Me and love your neighbor as yourself, because this is how you will be judged in heaven. Strive for the higher levels of heaven when you work to help save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, your winter snow and ice storms will get worse, and you could see some power outages. In the winter this could be a problem if you did not have power to run your natural gas heaters. Be prepared with your wood burner and your kerosene burner if your power goes out for a long time. Even your solar panels will not work long if they are covered in snow. You can use your off-grid system once you clean off the snow on the first floor. This could give you some lights and make your water well work. Some people with generators could survive, but others will need a means of heating their houses. Be prepared if you do have a power outage. I will help My faithful to eat and keep warm.”

Saturday, January 30, 2021: (Funeral Mass for Jeanette Dilorenzo)
Jeanette said: “I thank you John and Carol with Al for traveling to my funeral. I thank my son, John, for such a loving eulogy. I did suffer in pain a lot, but I offered it up for my family and friends. You and I both receive messages from Jesus, and now I can talk to Jesus in heaven. Heaven is so beautiful, and I wait for the day that I will see you again. I prayed that my children would stay close to Jesus in prayer. I thank the Lord that they are seeing God’s Light. I will continue to pray for my family, and I thank all of my family and friends for coming to my funeral. Good-bye until I see you again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you read in Matt 24:6-8 how there will be Kingdom against Kingdom. In this vision you are seeing two armed camps between China and America. China is claiming that the South China Sea belongs to them. China is also claiming that Taiwan belongs to them as well. America has treaties of protection for Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. If the Chinese start trying to take Taiwan, you could see a battle at sea, or on the islands. Pray for peace and pray that you do not see a major war. China still has many troops in Canada and Mexico which could also cause a war on your borders. China could test your new President Biden. So be patient because I will send My angels to protect your country and your refuges.”

Sunday, January 31, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I prayed over My apostles, and I told them to receive the Holy Spirit. I gave them the power to heal people, and even the power to cast out demons in My Name. You can remember when St. Peter and St. John healed a cripple by calling on My Name to heal him. My apostles were even tested by the Sanhedrin because they used My Name to heal the cripple. My son, all of My faithful, who believe in My power, can also heal and cast out demons in My Name. You need to believe that I can do it, and you will see healing when you call on My Name. You can heal people with declaring it with My Most Precious Blood, or you can call down the Holy Spirit to heal people. To cast demons out of people, you need an exorcist priest, or have several people pray in My Name. Even praying the long form of the St. Michael prayer can protect you from the demons. Trust in My Word, but have faith in My healing power and My power to cast out demons.”

Monday, February 1, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel today I cast a legion of demons out of a possessed man and into the pigs. The demons drove a herd of pigs into the lake and they drowned. In the vision you have been seeing more portals to hell as you are seeing more demons coming out of hell to attack the leaders of your country. There is a world ‘Reset’ being forced on the people to have communism control the world. This is another sign how the evil ones are having their hour of control. These are more signs that you are leading up to the tribulation. Soon I will need to bring My Warning to save some of the people. After the Warning and the conversion time, you will need to come to My refuges of protection where My angels will protect you during the tribulation. Then I will bring My victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have prepared your refuges for most problems. You need to be careful with drifting snow that could cover up your heater exhaust. Snow on your solar panels could be a problem unless you could sweep the snow off. You have backup heaters with your wood and kerosene burners. You have backup lanterns for light using your rechargeable batteries. Even in the winter you could use your off-grid system for running your water pump, if needed. Some people have backup generators, but there are not many. It is very difficult to heat your home without some backup fuels. This is why I had you get two sources of fuel with wood and kerosene. You need to be ready for power outages because people can freeze to death in the winter without fuels that can replace your natural gas burner. Trust in Me to provide what you need, and I can multiply your fuels when needed.”

Tuesday, February 2, 2021:(Presentation of the Lord in the Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, new life in a baby is a beautiful thing, and My circumcision custom has now become My sacrament of Baptism for those who receive My gift of faith. Today at My Presentation, you also have a custom of blessing the candles for church. You are given candles at the Baptism ceremony, and you light it from the Easter Candle as I am the Light of the world. In the Baptism rite you also deny the devil in all of his temptations, and you pray to Me to guard you from the demons. You also place a chrism of anointing on the baby because you all are priests, prophets, and kings. Rejoice in sharing this new life every time you have a birth occur.”

Wednesday, February 3, 2021: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My people, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ (Jn 14:6) I see your difficulty today in plowing out the snow from your big storm. Other areas measured the snow in feet. As you made a path through the snow, so I am showing you a path through life. Mine is a spiritual path that will lead you to heaven by repenting of your sins. In life you need to plow through your distractions so you can keep your focus on the One who loves you and cares for you. I am the One who can help you in your life’s needs and problems. I know you need to get to the store for your food, and you need your fuels to keep your house warm in the winter. Be thankful that you are ready at your refuge to welcome My people who I will send to you before the tribulation time. You will need some help to clear the snow off of your solar panels to provide some electricity in your refuge. Trust in Me and My angels to build what you need and multiply your food, water, and fuels which are your necessities for life. Be thankful when I will also provide you with daily Holy Communion during the tribulation with My priest or My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the one world people’s plans for a Great Reset put into action before your eyes. The program you were watching was stopped on purpose because the world leaders do not want you to see how they are planning for a world takeover by communism. America is one of the last places of freedom under your Constitution. The one world people intend to not only steal the election from Trump, but they intend to steal your possessions and your freedoms. They do not want you to worship Me, and they do not want you to have guns. They are also stealing your free speech and that is why this program was shut down. I told you that your website will soon be shutdown as well. Anyone who speaks out against the Democrat narrative of control will be silenced, so there is no opposition to their ruling. What you are seeing is communism, just as there are no freedoms in China or Russia. When these evil ones try to imprison you or kill you for speaking about My words, then I will call My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you. Soon you will see My Warning and conversion time. Then you will see the tribulation and My people will be separated from the evil ones at My refuges. At the end of the shortened tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones and they will all be cast into hell. My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace as you will be prepared to be saints ready for heaven. Trust in My words as you will soon be seeing My victory.”

Thursday, February 4, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you water flowing in a river which is needed for your bodies to survive. This is why it is necessary for My permanent refuges to have a source of drinkable water on the property. You can have a lake, a small river, or a working water well. This is why I made putting in a water well one of your projects a few years ago. You do not realize how much water you use in a day for drinking, meals, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, and even to flush your toilettes. At your refuges I will multiply your water for most of your needs. You may have to use sponge baths because showers for everyone would take too much water. Rejoice that My angels will protect you from the evil ones through the tribulation. They will also multiply your food and fuels as well. Trust in My help to provide for all of your necessities.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the circling wheel with fresh roses represents the coming Warning when everyone will come in front of Me and they will receive their life review. After your life review you will have a mini-judgment when you will see whether you are on a road to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will also experience a short time in your destination. The roses that were fresh, are now faded and dead, and this represents the unborn babies who were killed by abortion. All the killing of My babies will require a punishment that will be a takeover of your country. Use this coming Lenten Season to prepare yourselves for the coming Warning experience. Satan’s time is running out, so this is why you will see a speeding up of events that will lead to the tribulation when I will call My people to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the coming ‘Reset’ is the means by which the one world people are planning a world communist takeover when power will be given over to the Antichrist. Your President Biden has the same plans for America’s takeover. Your money and possessions will be taken over by UN troops. As your lives will be in danger, I will call My faithful believers to come to My refuges as soon as possible. Be patient because your angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. You will be made invisible to the evil ones and My angels will protect you and feed you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world and it will not be hidden by the darkness of sin and the demons. The flame of your guardian angel will lead you safely to the nearest refuge. Trust in Me that My angels are powerful and they will protect you from all of the evil ones who will try to kill My faithful. The evil ones will not be able to enter My refuges because they do not have a cross on their foreheads. The refuge angel will prevent the evil ones from harming you. You will look upon the Light of My luminous cross and you will be healed of any illnesses. Rejoice in the protection of My refuges where you will have everything you will need to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may have stored some frozen or dried food at your refuges, but My angels will bring you a treat of fresh fruit and vegetables, even in the middle of winter. So have no fear of the evil ones because you will be well taken care of, as My angels will defend you from the evil ones’ attempts to harm you. You will all be working together at My refuges to provide meals, places to sleep, and even your latrine needs. Trust in Me because My Warning is coming soon.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is good that you test your water pump from time to time. You had cleared off the snow from your twelve solar panels on the first floor of your addition. Then you switched your town water to your well water. On a sunny day you had power from your panels and your twelve batteries. You turned on your inverter and plugged the water pump into your solar power line. After flushing the toilette several times, then the pump started and it was able to refill your twenty gallon reservoir. This is your source of fresh water during the winter and the tribulation. Trust in Me that I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, it was this miracle of the sun at Fatima that gave proof to your people that the messages of My Blessed Mother were true, and this was approved by My Church. I will perform more miracles for My faithful at My refuges. You need to believe that I can multiply your food so I can perform these miracles for you. When you see the miraculous protection of My angels, and your food being multiplied, your people will believe in My Word, and you will have no fear and no worries how I will provide for you. Trust in My miracles that you will be thankful for all that I will do for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned last week how you need to make some plans on how you will use your Lent to improve your spiritual life. First take a look at what sins you tell in Confession so you know some places to start improving. Just as you doubled your prayers for Trump, so I want you to double your prayers during Lent for all the trials your country will experience in the events leading up to your takeover. Treasure your Masses and free speech because your freedoms will soon be taken away. When your lives are in danger, My angels will lead you to the safety of My refuges. Be calm and patient until I will bring My victory and bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Friday, February 5, 2021: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware not to look at the black eyes of the Antichrist because he could hypnotize you into worshiping him instead of Me. In the vision of his black eyes, you looked away. This is why after the Warning and the six weeks of conversion, I told you to put your TVs, computers, and cell phones out of your house. This is because the Antichrist will control all of the airwaves with his face on your screens. By eliminating your internet devices, you will not be tempted to look at the Antichrist’s eyes. After the Warning and the conversion time, events will lead up quickly to the tribulation that will be started when the Antichrist declares himself. I will call My faithful to My refuges before this declaration of the Antichrist. You will call on Me and your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. So have your backpack or suitcase ready to leave as soon as I will warn you with My inner locution. Your angel will put an invisible shield over you as you leave your house, and you will not return. I will protect you from the evil ones throughout the tribulation at My refuges.”

Our Lady gave some inspirations: “My dear children, I thank you for praying my rosary. The miracle of the sun gave proof of my messages at Fatima. The miracle of the curtain of light on your chapel wall, also came from the sun through the skylight. These two miracles are a sign to you that Our Lord will perform miracles at all of the refuges. You have seen a vision of hell and it was so horrible that you dedicate your prayers for souls to keep them from going to hell. The picture of the atomic bomb is a preview of how some of your cities will be destroyed as well. I also spoke about how there will be an Era of Peace granted to mankind as a reward for your being faithful to my Son’s Commandments. Keep praying your rosaries for saving souls.”

Saturday, February 6, 2021: (St. Paul Miki & companions, Japan)
Jesus said: “My people, the blood of martyrs are like seeds of faith for those who are left behind. The people will see how faithful the martyrs were for believing in Me, even when at times it seems as if the evil ones are winning in our eyes. This is only temporary. In the end you will see My victory over the evil ones and My justice will prevail. Even your President Trump’s stolen election will come out in the Light of the Warning. You saw in the ‘Absolute Proof’ movie how even China was taking away votes from Trump. You could see the timestamps of the very computers coming into your election machines over the internet from China and Germany on November 4th. This election was fraudulent, and the courts, the big tech companies, and the media were complicit in the cyber crime of the century. Trust in Me that My justice will fall on all of those people who were involved.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing the potential of having a power outage, if you have a sudden deep freezing weather. You need to keep the snow off of your solar panels to your off-grid system on the first floor. You also need to have your kerosene burner and kerosene put in your garage in case your power goes out. Your main system on the second floor may not work when the snow is covering it. Do this right now, or it may be difficult to carry out in the cold.”
N.B. This has already been accomplished.

Sunday, February 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, there was no attempt by the priest to bless your throats, even from a distance to honor the tradition of St. Blaise. You are allowing this virus to minimize your attendance at Sunday Mass, and to discontinue your traditions as blessing the throats. Since the priests are not doing it, I came today to bless your throats, even as I healed the fever from St. Peter’s mother-in-law. I know you have not been able to go out and give your talks, so now you are using Zoom conferences to spread My messages of faith. Enjoy coming to Mass now because soon you will see even more restrictions from the Democrats.”

Monday, February 8, 2021:
Jesus said: ‘My people, I have had to renew My creation twice because of the evil of man and the devil. In My first creation Adam and Eve sinned and I had to send them out of the Garden of Eden. You are still inheriting the punishment of original sin with your death, sickness, and the need to work for a living. Later, man became so evil that I saved Noah and his family and the animals in the ark, but I brought a flood to kill the evil ones. This was the first renewal after the flood. Man had so much pride in building the Tower of Babel that I humbled him by spreading many languages upon the people. I then came as a God-man to bring salvation to all sinners. Now in this present age, you will soon see the Antichrist bring the tribulation. Have no fear because I will protect My faithful in My ark of refuges. I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to cleanse the earth of all evil. I will renew the earth a second time into a new Garden of Eden, and I will bring My people into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned other times that it is God the Father who chooses when to bring the Warning. So do not try to guess because you will be wrong. I also told you that the Warning would come in a time of chaos when you will need to come to your refuge. The tribulation will come quickly after the time of conversion after the Warning. Have your backpack ready when you leave your home because you will not be returning to your home. Trust in My protection at your refuges.”
Richard C. is in the bottom of purgatory at the lowest level, and it was the grace of this Mass that kept him out of hell.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading from Genesis you are seeing how I created the earth, the universe, and all that is in it. Everything that I create has everything to sustain life, but for man it requires him working to get his food and lodging. You all are given the talents to learn how to live in your early schooling. You also can have an opportunity to gain knowledge of the faith from your parents at your Baptism. This is why as parents you need to be a good example to your children in taking them to Sunday Mass, Confession, and teach them their prayers in the rosary. Give them an education in the faith as well as the secular subjects. You need to be thankful to Me for your gift of faith, and you need a desire to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. You need to provide a living for yourself and your family by having a dwelling and food on the table for your survival. Many people allow themselves to get too comfortable in unnecessary luxuries, and they forget to thank Me for all that I have given them. I need to be the center of your lives, but you need to love Me by your own free will. By loving Me and helping your neighbor, you will be on the right road to heaven which is your true home after this life. Learn from reading the Scriptures how I expect you to live in faith for Me. Because you have more gifts than some, more will be expected of you. Strive for the higher levels of heaven, and I will provide for all of your needs to have a good life in your daily duty and your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My son, you do not know when the Warning will come, but you will need to come to your refuge shortly after the conversion time. You have had four practice refuge runs to see how you could survive with 25 prayer group members for only 24 hrs. You have had some power outages, so you know how to heat your house with wood or kerosene fires. You made some loaves of bread in your CampChef oven using flour, yeast, and let it rise in a pan. You now have water from your water well, and your solar system can reload your 20 gallon reservoir. You also made soups from your dried food. You used dried eggs with water, and served your MREs. You have your 40 beds and cots for sleeping with pillows and blankets. You will also have consecrated Hosts from a priest or My angels, so you can have perpetual Adoration. All of your preparations will be used, so you need to assign jobs for what is needed. Pray for the multiplication of your necessities, and you will be praying all around the clock with at least two people per hour. I love you and My angels will protect you from harm. Be ready to receive the people who I will send to you.”

Wednesday, February 10, 2021: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a line of monks dressed in brown robes with their hoods up, as they stood all around the altar. You are aware of their lifestyles of prayer using the form of the Liturgy of the Hours. They are dedicated in worshiping Me daily, and they do their work to survive as a community together. This reminds you about prayer and fasting for Lent that starts next week. It also reminds you of your coming lifestyle of living together at a refuge community. You will be living within the borders of the refuge property for the duration of the shortened tribulation. Lent is a special season when you can focus on Me, and try to improve your spiritual life by fasting and more prayer than usual. I even asked you to double your prayers during Lent for what is coming. You can also give alms or donations to some worthy causes as your local food shelf. The monks are giving you an example of how to pray in a holy life. You can imitate their prayer lives and adore Me in Adoration as they do.”

Jesus said: “My people, your military recognizes China as your most dangerous enemy. Yet you are still having a lot of trade with China that is consuming your jobs. China has thousands of troops in Canada and Mexico, and they could initiate an invasion. Before such an attack, it is likely that China would launch a nuclear EMP attack against your electric grid. Your country would have immediate problems and chaos without your electricity. I told you that My refuges would be shielded from any EMP attack. Your Navy ships, planes, and missiles would be needed if you were attacked. If such a war is about to start, I will bring My Warning first, and then a call for My faithful to come to My refuges. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you from any military threat from China.”

Thursday, February 11, 2021: (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you when you come to My refuges of protection, that most refuges would have a luminous cross in the sky. When you look upon this luminous cross, you will be healed of any virus or illness. Even if there was no water source, I will produce a miraculous spring of water like at Lourdes, France so you would have healing waters to cure your illness. My refuges will not only be a place of protection with My angels, but they will also be a place of healing. Even in your own chapel you have seen miracles to indicate you will have miracles of healing and multiplication of your food, water, and fuels. So have no fear of what is to come because I will see to all of your needs and protection from harm by the evil ones.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various groups as nurses and first responders who are being forced to take this experimental virus vaccine. You heard from one friend how 600 nurses became sick after receiving the virus vaccine at a local hospital. It is risky to take an experimental vaccine that has not been tested more than a few months. As more people get sick and some are dying, there should be a recall based on so many bad reactions to the shots. Refuse to take this vaccine because it will change your DNA permanently. The chance of death from the virus itself is less than .5%, so a vaccine is not even necessary. Trust in Me to heal My people at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that Trump did not incite the riot at the Capitol, because Antifa people were breaking in before Trump finished his speech. Impeaching a President out of office defeats the whole purpose for impeachment. There appears to be a lack of 17 Republican votes to pass this impeachment in the Senate. This is another harassment of Trump. You need to pray for the unity of your country that the Democrats are denying by their own actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a very cold forecast along with more snow. Be prepared in case you have a power outage. I had you bring in your kerosene burner and a 5 gallon can of kerosene from your shed to store in your garage. You need to have some alternative heating means if your natural gas burner does not work. It is wise in such a cold spell to make sure you can stay warm. Pray that your people will be safe from freezing.”

Jesus said: “My people, as Lent is coming, you could make donations of food or money to your local food shelf. Many people are out of work, and they rely on food shelves to provide them food for their families. There are also some charity organizations that provide money to families to pay for the heating bills to keep them warm. Pray also that you have enough food supplies so everyone will have enough to eat and survive.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have told you that I will send you 5,000 people who will stay in this high rise building that My angels will build. I will also multiply your food as I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 in the Biblical account. So do not worry about what you will eat, where you will stay, or how you will stay warm. My angels and I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how My people need to have faith in Me that I can perform miracles for your needs. When the people first come to your refuge, you will need to calm them down with your counselors. Once the people see My miracles of multiplication of your food, then they will truly believe in My powers. Even My apostles believed more in Me when they saw My miracles of healing and multiplying food. I will have My angels lead you to My refuges at the proper time, so have no fear of the evil ones because they will not harm you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be given your ashes which you may have to put on your own forehead. You remember how My angels are also placing an invisible cross on the foreheads of My believers. It will be this cross on the forehead that will allow you into one of My refuges. The refuge angel will not allow any person without a cross to enter a refuge. My angels will keep the evil ones from entering, and the evil ones will not be allowed to harm you. You will soon see My Warning come, and after the conversion time, you will then see the need for My refuges during the tribulation. Some people, who do not come to My refuges, could be martyred for their faith. Be ready to leave your homes within 20 minutes, when you will receive My inner locution. I will protect you with an invisible shield at that time.”

Friday, February 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing water flowing down a drain as when you take a shower to rid the dirt off of your body to make you clean. You had to clean out your drain with some chemicals so the water could go down faster. You are also seeing the filth of your deep state people clogging up your sewer making it into the deep swamp that causes such a stink. You will need to be patient before I will bring My justice down on the filthy cheating in your 2020 election by the Democrats. Their greed for power and control over your people, has caused them to disobey My laws by their cheating and lies. You will be coming into Lent soon and My people need to cleanse their filthy sins from their souls in Confession. Having clean souls will help you when I call you home in death and when I will bring My Warning. The Warning will be an opportunity for sinners to change their lives and be converted to believers so they can receive their invisible cross on their foreheads from My angels. Those believers will be brought to My refuges of protection, but the unbelievers will face death in My justice when I will cleanse the earth of all evil with My Comet of Chastisement. Those people, who are saved at My refuges, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. The evil people and the demons will be cast into the eternal flames of hell. So choose the right path to heaven and you will have My heavenly reward.”

(Rosemary Richens memorial) Rosemary said: “I am grateful for all of the people who came to see me in the hospital, and at my funeral. I am also grateful to Jesus that I no longer have to suffer any pain from my cancer. I thank all of the people who took care of me in my last days. I was happy that my sister, Carol, had a chance to see my last hours of life. I enjoyed coming to the Eternal Father prayer group for many years. I am in my reward with Jesus in heaven, and I am no longer restricted in my body. Thank you everyone, and I will be praying for my family and friends.”

Saturday, February 13, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, the account of Adam and Eve’s original sin caused them to be cast out of the Garden of Eden because they ate from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In the Garden there was the tree of life, and they could live forever if they ate from it. So I put a flaming sword to block their way to this tree. Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden as a punishment for their sin. I have given you previous messages that there would be multiple trees of life in My Era of Peace. This is why people, who will live on this renewed earth, will live a long time, but not forever. The punishment from original sin means all of you have to die once. Those faithful, who are martyred during the tribulation, will be raised up in their bodies in the Era of Peace, and they will not die again, but they will be taken up into heaven. My faithful will rejoice to live in My Era of Peace without any influence from the devil.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a physical path through a field, but what I truly desire is to lead My people on the right path spiritually to Me. I call on you to have faith that I can answer your problems, but it will take some serious prayers to bring people on the path to Me. Some people know about Me, but I call everyone to have a life long commitment with Me as I can lead you by the hand through life. Until someone is ready to make this commitment, it will be a hard life for that person. My son, you have learned that there can only be one agenda, and that is to follow My way. You all have a spiritual mission as My gift, but until you let Me lead you by the hand in your mission, it will be very difficult to accomplish the mission I have for you. Once you are open to My mission, then you can make progress toward your mission’s goal. For those people, who are not following My ways, they will require prayer and Masses to see My Light along with your good example. You are dealing with the free will of other people, and you can only offer to help them by your prayers. You are familiar with other prayer requests in your life, but persistent prayer can save people from taking the wrong path. So keep praying to save souls, even if someone is going down the wrong path.”

Sunday, February 14, 2021: (St. Valentine’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed the leper of his leprosy, as he shouted ‘Unclean’. After I healed him, he was now ‘Clean’ again, and I asked him to go to the priest to be freed of his exile from society. I have told you how your sins are like a leprosy of the soul, and you need to come to the priest for Confession to be healed. Then with the priest’s absolution, you can have your sins cleansed from your soul, and be called ‘Clean’ again. Lent is a time for prayer and fasting that starts on Ash Wednesday. It is also a time of conversion when you come to confess your sins in Confession. People should come to Confession at least once a month to keep your soul clean all of the time. You may want to stop eating sweets, fast between meals, double your prayers, and avoid eating meat on Fridays of Lent. Use your Lenten Season to improve your spiritual life. On St. Valentine’s day you need to share your love with Me and your neighbors.”

Monday, February 15, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Genesis reading Abel offered up his best sheep, but Cain did not offer up his best crop. This is why I was pleased more with Abel’s offering than with Cain’s offering. Cain was jealous that Abel’s offering was more pleasing to Me than his own. So Cain killed Abel out in the fields. Cain was marked by Me, and he could no longer obtain crops from the soil. This is a lesson to you to only offer the best to Me in any offering you make. If you are making a gift of alms, let it be substantial and not just a token amount. If you are asked to go with someone for one mile, then go with them for two miles. You see a lot of killing of people, especially in abortion. Pray to stop abortions, and any other senseless killing. Trust in Me to guide you on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are being tested by a brutal snow and ice storm with very cold temperatures. People are finding it hard to keep warm without electricity because of your power outages. I mentioned about some coming power outages (2-11-21), and now your people are cold and without electricity. This is a good test of what sources of energy that you can find that are dependable. You are seeing many wind turbines that are freezing up with ice and not working. Snow is covering your solar panels. Your new Administration is facing the facts that you need fossil fuels as oil, natural gas, wood, and kerosene to survive. Wind and solar only provide 3% of your energy needs. Even nuclear plants provide less than 15% of your needs. Your leaders need to accept that you need fossil fuels, and stop killing all of your fossil fuel jobs and sources. If your leaders do not change your priorities, then your economy will not survive. Pray that you see the folly of the Green New Deal that is impossible to carry out.”

Tuesday, February 16, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, the people of Noah’s time were so evil that they had to be destroyed. I saved Noah and his family from the flood because I warned him to prepare an ark that would protect them and the animals from drowning. Once Noah, his family, and the animals were safely in the ark, I brought the rain for forty days and forty nights which flooded the earth and killed all of the evil people. So it is now that your people have become evil as before, but I will protect My faithful remnant. Just as I told Noah to build an ark, so I am telling My refuge builders to prepare your refuges with water, food, and fuels that I will multiply. When I give My inner locution to My faithful, I will have their guardian angels lead them with a flame to the nearest refuge of protection. I will put an invisible shield over My faithful and My refuges. My angels will not allow any evil ones to enter My refuges. Once My people are safely in My refuges, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, and all the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven. Have no fear of the evil ones because I will take care of My believers at My refuges throughout the tribulation time in My new arks.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil deep state people have been planning to use viruses and vaccines to reduce the population. The first plan is to get as many people vaccinated as possible. This is why they used the Covid 19 virus to scare people into getting the vaccine, but they blocked other cures as hydroxychloroquine. The second plan is to spread a new corona virus in the chemtrails that will kill a good share of the people who received the virus vaccines. Before this gets released, I will send My Warning so My believers will be ready to come to My refuges immediately. I will call My faithful to My refuges so they will be healed of any viruses, even if they received the virus vaccine, which I told you not to take. Once you are at My refuges, the evil ones will release the new virus. This is why you saw so many dead bodies in a previous message (11-19-20 and 1-27-21) because the new virus will combine with the virus vaccine, and it will kill people. All of My faithful will be saved at My refuges. This is why My believers need to come to My refuges quickly, so they are not harmed by the new virus. Trust in Me to let you know when it is time to come to the safety of My refuges.”
N.B. 11-19-20 dead bodies all around you.
1-27-21 people died in caskets with the vaccine

Wednesday, February 17, 2021: (Ash Wednesday)
Jesus said: “My people, ‘Thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.’ (Gen. 3:19) This is the start of a new Lenten Season, and you need to plan some offering every day. You will be fasting between meals, doubling your prayers, and giving alms to those in need, like your food shelf. You may be giving up sweets and desserts or something else that you like. Keep offering up your prayers to bring people back to Me as believers. Make time so you can come to frequent Confession. By doing these things in secret, your heavenly Father will reward you in secret. You can also include doing good deeds for people in need. So think of sharing your donations, your food, and your faith with your neighbors. By making these resolutions for Lent, you can improve your spiritual life.”

(Rosemary Richens Mass intention) Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this nest of birds in a tree, to show you how I take care of the birds of the air. If I take care of even the birds, imagine how much more I care for all of My people. I want you to come to Me this Lent so your love for Me can grow in your prayers and your spiritual life. I also send you out to evangelize souls by sharing your faith with others. Be ready to reach out and help people even when you are not asked to do so. This Lent is an opportunity to grow holier in your life. Walk with Me on your path through life to heaven. Trust in Me, as I will care for you daily, even as I look out for the birds of the air.”

Thursday, February 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you read how Moses proposed the blessing or the curse to his people. He told them ‘Choose Life’ by following the Commandments and not death by sin. This is a big choice for everyone even today. As you are starting your Lenten resolutions, you will be fasting and saying ‘No’ to your daily temptations and ‘No’ to those things you are giving up. When you approach Holy Week, I have asked you to take up your own cross and follow Me daily. By observing all of your daily choices more closely, you will be thinking more of why you are doing things, and if it is what I want you to do. As you go through Lent, be more conscious of your decisions so you can please Me in your good actions as you follow My Commandments. Just like the Hebrews, you will be rewarded for carrying your cross in following My ways.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are just starting Lent, and it is appropriate to offer up your prayers to Me in My consecrated Host at all the places of Adoration. I have asked you to double your prayers for the intentions of those people who are dying from the cold and to pray to stop abortions. Your country will pay a heavy price for all of the unborn babies that are being killed by their own mothers.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who want to stop using fossil fuels, are thinking differently as people are dying in the cold without electricity in Texas. My son, you have cold and snow every year. You remember in 1991 when you had a power outage from an ice storm for 11 days. You relied on your fireplace and your stored wood to keep your house warm for your parents and your children for seven days. Then you used kerosene and a borrowed kerosene burner for four days after your wood ran out. It is important to have a back up source of heating your houses with fossil fuels, if your gas burner does not have electricity. The Green New Deal is a bad idea because wind and solar have restrictions. Trust in Me to multiply your fuels for cooking and heating your homes when needed and at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your economy needs fossil fuels as you were fuel independent with Trump. Your new Administration is losing thousands of jobs by trying to stop using fossil fuels which are necessary for heating and cooking. It is hypocritical of the Democrats because they use fossil fuels to run their cars, fly their planes, and heat their homes. You will be seeing a strong resistance to unreasonable demands on your people. Pray for a turn around for these demands on changing your energy production.”

Jesus said: “My people, your media and the deep state are encouraging all of your people to get the experimental virus vaccines which is a bad plan. I have warned My people not to take the new nano vaccines because they will ruin your immune system and it will change your DNA forever. Now you keep hearing more stories of how people are getting sick and some are dying after receiving these vaccines. Even though there are enough bad reactions to stop using the vaccines, they are still being promoted, and the bad people are keeping this news of bad reactions quiet. Killing people with viruses and vaccines is a plan of the one world people to reduce the population. So avoid taking the virus vaccine and avoid taking flu shots for your own good health.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many of your freedoms being threatened by the powerful tech companies that are taking conservative voices off of your internet platforms. These vindictive liberals are even trying to strip jobs from Trump supporters. Their cheating in the 2020 election is the worst treasonous action of all time. Have patience because My justice will soon come down on these evil ones who are following Satan. Trust in Me because I will see to My faithful’s protection from all the evil plans of the communist people.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weather is breaking all records for cold and destruction in your latest winter storms. You are seeing some deaths from the cold as well. You will continue to be tested by violent weather because your people are becoming worse in your sins. My people should be thankful that you have enough fuel to heat your homes, and enough food to survive. Be prepared for a coming new virus that could threaten many lives. I will call My people to My refuges of protection to protect you from these new plagues. You will be healed of any virus by looking on My luminous cross at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you choose a certain penance for Lent, make sure that you could do your penance for all forty days of Lent. Your penances are your small suffering to keep yourself clean in your souls with strength to fight off the temptations of the devil. Some people are weak to certain sins, so by avoiding your occasions of sin, you can strengthen your resolve against your weaknesses. Pray to Me to give you the grace to avoid your habits of sin. Use this Lent to keep strong against all temptations of sin.”

Friday, February 19, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you see good times and bad times in your life, much like the vision of a train traveling over trestles and through tunnels. It may be hard to endure the bad times, but with My help you can overcome any trial. Do not let things disturb your peace, or cause you to be depressed, but always look forward to make the best of every situation. With Me on your side, no one can overcome your spirit. In Lent you are using your little suffering to strengthen your endurance against temptations, and the difficulties of life. Always be ready to help people in need with your actions and your prayers. When you share your donations and hard work, it gives you a feeling of accomplishment that you made people’s lives a little easier. Just as you help others, I help you every day in your trials. Be thankful to Me and to those people who help you.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s world many people are fascinated in acquiring money, fame, and the latest cars, homes, and electronic devices. These things have one thing in common in that they are all temporary, and they will soon be obsolete or lost. My people should first seek to be with Me, and everything else will be given to you. You should seek what is eternal with Me in heaven instead of what is temporary in this earthly life. During Lent you need to be reminded that your first desire should be to know, love, and serve Me. When you deny yourself of things you like, you are coming closer to Me which is eternal. At the end of your life, you will leave your body to be judged by Me. Those faithful, who have kept Me first in their lives, will be rewarded in heaven with Me. So focus on Me in all that you do in this life.”

Saturday, February 20, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, just as I called Levi to be one of My disciples, so I encourage My faithful to be My disciples by evangelizing souls to the faith. I told the Pharisees that I did not come for the self-righteous but for sinners. I am truly the Divine Physician and I come to heal your sins as well as healing your body. I love My people and you love to be with Me as much as you can. Those people, who just come to Me one hour on Sunday, are only loving Me a little. If you truly love Me, you will love Me every day in your actions. During Lent you can try to come to daily Mass and Holy Communion if you have a clean soul. See the miracle at every Mass when the priest transubstantiates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. You can show Me your love in your daily prayers that you are doubling every day. By making time for Me more than your mere pleasures and duties, then I will see how sincere you truly love Me. You may have time to adore Me in Adoration, and you can pick up your daily cross and walk with Me on your Friday Stations of the Cross. I call you every day to love Me in your actions, and I love all of you enough to die for your salvation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are sympathizing with the people of Texas when they had to find other ways to heat their homes in a record cold weather without any electricity. Most of your natural gas heaters require electricity to operate. People had to run generators to keep their heaters running. Other people used wood, kerosene, or propane heaters for keeping warm. Not everyone had a backup plan for heating their homes, so some people had to come to warm heated public places. This caused water pipes to freeze, so having running water or bottled water was in short supply. They had to boil any water out of the pipes. If you knew there would be no heat, you could shut your water main and drain the pipes, but again people did not plan that way. Now that most people have power again, they had to fix their pipes. This is a good lesson even for people who live in cold winters in the North. I have warned My people to have some extra food, and have two alternative fuels to heat your homes in case a power outage could stop your natural gas heater. My refuge people are prepared to suffer through winters, but I will need to multiply your fuels if you need to survive several years. I will also multiply your water and food, even if you have a need before coming to My refuges. So be prepared for power outages that could be caused by an EMP attack. Trust that I will provide what you need to survive.”

Sunday, February 21, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, by carrying out your plans to make a good Lent, you are also preparing for My coming Warning. During Lent you are focused more on Me in your prayers, repenting of your sins in Confession, and sharing your alms and time in good deeds. Lent is also a time to think how you can correct your bad habits of sin, and change your life to please Me. In the Warning you see similar things. Your life review is when I show you how you need to improve your life and repent of your sins. After I show you your good and bad actions, you will be shown your mini-judgment of where you are headed, if you do not change your life. Seeing and feeling My just punishment will help you to understand how you need to live, according to My Commandments. After coming out of your body and your life review, you will be put back into your body and time so you will have an opportunity to change your final destination. Learn from your mistakes and realize that your life would be much better if you follow My ways instead of your ways. Do not let the pleasures and distractions of this life take your focus off of Me. By your good actions you can see why your Lenten resolutions truly point you in the right direction to face your Warning, when you will come face to face with your Lord.”

Monday, February 22, 2021: (Chair of St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, today in the reading I asked My disciples who do you say that I am? St. Peter answered correctly when he said: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ (Matt 16:16) He was given this by My Father in heaven. I told him that he was the Rock on whom I would build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail over it. I gave him the keys of My Kingdom in heaven and I enabled My apostles to forgive sins in Confession. Every baptized Christian needs to acknowledge Me as the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Believe that you receive Me in My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. By worshiping Me and seeking the forgiveness of your sins, you are accepting My requirements for eternal life with Me in heaven. So throughout Lent, you can focus on Me, and come closer to Me in your prayers and fasting.”

(Jeanette DiLorenzo intention) Jesus said: “My people, I made St. Peter the first Pope of My Church, and there has been a succession of Popes down to today. I protected My Church from the evil one all of this time. Since I started My Church with St. Peter, the Roman Catholic Church is the only true Church. This will be revealed to everyone in My Warning experience. Other churches were started after Martin Luther, but with Me you have the proper Church to follow, and I give you My very Self at every Mass in Holy Communion. You need to receive Me, but without mortal sin on your souls, or you commit another sin of sacrilege. Give praise and thanks to Me that I have left My Blessed Sacrament with you, so you can adore Me at Adoration of My Sacred Host at any time.”

Tuesday, February 23, 2021: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two sides of water. One side is needed for drinking and cooking, but the other side is in ice storms and tsunamis that can be destructive. You are seeing the need for drinkable water in Texas, with their ice storm that caused power outages. Now, they need to fix their broken water pipes, and secure fresh water. In the Gospel I am showing you how to pray the Our Father. You pray this prayer often when you pray your daily rosaries. You have many intentions for your family problems, your country’s problems, to stop abortion, souls in purgatory, and peace in the world. I hear all of your prayers, and I will answer them in My way, and in My time. During Lent you are more focused on Me, and how you can serve Me and your neighbors out of love. Let love of Me and your neighbors be in your intentions in all of your actions and prayers. Teach your children the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be, so they can pray the rosary.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing some record breaking cold weather, that combined with ice storms, has caused millions of people to suffer from power outages in the cold. In this headline on a future newspaper, there will be more damaging weather coming. I have mentioned in previous messages how the HAARP machine has been used to shift the jetstreams to cause more violent weather. The unusual cold air from Canada can be caused by the HAARP machine. It uses microwaves to change the jetstreams, and in this case in Texas to send cold weather further south than usual. Expect further serious weather events, and even earthquakes that can also be directed by the HAARP machine. Trust in Me that before any life threatening events come about, I will prepare My people to come to My refuges.”

Wednesday, February 24, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, there will be no sign given to you except the sign of Jonah. When the people of Nineveh repented, and changed their evil ways, I relented from the punishment I was about to give the city, and I did not carry it out. In My time on earth I was the Sign for the people. They repented with St. John the Baptist, and I healed many people of their diseases and their sins. So it is in this time, especially during Lent, the people of today need to repent of their sins, and change their evil ways. Those people, who repent and follow My laws, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. But those people, who refuse to repent and follow worldly ways, will face My judgment to hell. There are only two choices in this life. You can follow Me to heaven in love, or you can follow the devil to hell in hate.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the liberal Democrats and the Tech companies taking conservative programs off of their platforms. They are saying that conservative voices are giving out disinformation, which is exactly what the liberal media is doing themselves. This is an attack on your free speech because you can always change the channel. This harassment of conservative voices will continue on TV platforms, radio programs, and websites like your own. This is all part of the deep state’s attempt to control people in what they can see and hear. In Communist China and Russia there is only one voice allowed by the communist party. You are seeing more attacks on your freedoms, and this will be more obvious under a socialist government that will be imitating the communists. Be prepared, My faithful remnant, because they will soon be attacking anyone who believes in Me, since the left are atheists for the most part. My refuge builders are ready when I will call My faithful to My refuges, after the Warning and the time of conversion.”

Thursday, February 25, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I know what you need before you even ask for anything. You give your children what they need, if it is proper, so how much more will I provide for your needs. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and I will open doors for you. When you pray for your needs, have confidence and trust in Me in faith, and it will be done for you. I love all of you, and I will direct you to find your way, and help solve your problems. Just as you help people by showing them how to do things for themselves, so I help you also to learn from your mistakes, and I ask you to avoid your habitual sins. You all have free will to do things, either according to your ways or My ways. As you go through life, you are learning that My ways will help you better than your ways. As you approach each problem, call on My help, and think of what I would do in your situation. By letting Me lead you through life, you will be serving Me, and keeping on the right road to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in Congress how the Democrats are trying to take away your Bill of Rights and defying the Bible in their legislation. One bill that was passed in the House wants to remove man and woman from your language. This is to please the gay and transgender people. I made you all man and woman, and you would not have to obey such hypocrisy if this became law, because it violates My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest bill from the Democrats wants to make permanent: mail-in ballots with no verification, illegals and prisoners could vote. All of the voter ID laws would be cancelled. There would not be any check on voting multiple times. The Democrats want perpetual control, and they are making it almost impossible to defeat the Democrats with all of their cheating, as they did in the 2020 elections. These evil ones will face My justice in My victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest Covid legislation only contains 9% of the money for Covid help. The rest is a Democrat attempt to bail out the blue states who lost money from all of their shutdowns. This is adding to your National Debt that is getting out of control with this unnecessary spending. You would rather see people able to get jobs instead of giving out free money. You have had multiple bills passed to help people from the Covid problems, but this is bankrupting your country. Pray for My help instead of the government paying for everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, as more people are taking the new nano virus vaccines, you are hearing more reports of sickness and even death from the shots. The deep state people are trying to kill people with the vaccines. They are keeping any news of sickness and death from the vaccines out of the media with their lies. I repeat again: ‘Do not take the virus vaccine that will change your DNA and could cause sickness.’ The next deadly corona virus will combine with this vaccine and many could die. I will call all of My faithful people to My refuges where you will be healed of any virus and vaccine shot, before the next deadly virus comes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen problems with broken water pipes, ice storms, and some long icicles. Now, as the snow and ice melts from a warming trend, you could see some flooding and wet basements. Already you are hearing your sump pumps pumping out the ground water from the melted snow. You will be seeing more natural disasters that will threaten your homes from earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes. Pray that I will protect My faithful from any deadly weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the Democrats are trying to strip away your rights and freedoms with their communist style bills. Your right to worship Me in your churches will come under more persecution, and even tax exemptions will be cancelled. Stand up and protest any restrictions of stopping people from coming to church. As you see people martyred for their faith in Me, I will be calling My faithful remnant to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are desiring that I bring My Warning. I told you the Warning will come in a time of chaos. I will lead My faithful to My refuges before your lives will be in danger. Your President Trump will be vindicated with My Warning, as people will see and understand how the 2020 election was stolen, even by Chinese interference. Have no fear of the evil ones because I will protect My faithful remnant with an invisible shield. My angels will protect you at My refuges, as I will soon bring My justice down on all of the evil people. Trust in Me because I will bring you into My Era of Peace as your reward.”

Friday, February 26, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, the readings make it perfectly clear that you are either with Me, or you are with the world and the devil. In the Gospel I spoke about the Fifth Commandment of ‘Thou shall not kill anyone’. Most people would not think of killing someone, yet some mothers are killing their unborn babies in abortion. Those people, who support abortion, are just as guilty, but not as severe. Even those people who criticize others by calling them bad names, are also committing sins against this Commandment. Those people, who ruin a person’s reputation with lies and false accusations, also sin against the Fifth Commandment. So you need to love your neighbor, and stop this division over politics and religion.”

Jesus said: “My people, this could be another trying time for your farmers in getting their fields dry enough to plant their crops. You could see in the vision how some farms will be flooded, while others will be suffering from drought. It is difficult for farmers to have just the right amount of rain. It may be hard to find enough water to irrigate the crops in the summer time. Pray for your farmers to have dry enough land to plant their crops, and dry enough land to harvest the crops. In between they will need enough rain to have the crops grow to the right size. You have had good and bad years for farming, so you need enough good years to provide enough stock to feed your people.”

Saturday, February 27, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I have called all of My faithful to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. You cannot do this on your own, but with My help and the Holy Spirit, We can lead you in the right direction. As you try to be like My heavenly Father, you must love everyone, even your enemies. You heard Me on the cross saying ‘Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing.’ I know that loving your enemies is difficult, but you do not have to like what they are doing. It is the actions of your enemies that you dislike, and not the soul of the person. So pray for your enemies to be converted to the faith. You hear people say that China is your worst enemy. Your President Biden should be tried for China collusion where there is real proof of how China was involved with stealing the 2020 Presidential election. Pray for Biden, the Democrats, and the Chinese leaders to repent of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will need to plan how to provide a lot of water for your people. You have a water well, but you will need to be resourceful in how you can obtain enough water for everyone. Your off-grid solar system can provide electricity to pump the water, but mostly with daylight time. You can pump water up and into your nine 55 gallon barrels that are empty now. You will pump water in the daytime so you have water during the night. Since water is precious, you may have to use your outhouse to save on water. You will need rain barrels to catch water off of the roof. During the winter you can melt snow with your heaters. You can put a small amount of bleach in each barrel of water. If you still need more water, you will have Me multiply your water by refilling all of your barrels once they are empty. Water is just one project at your refuge. You will need to manage your fuels for cooking and heating your house as your wood, kerosene, and propane sources. I will need to refill your fuel containers with My miracles. You also will need plenty of food preparations, where I will provide deer and again multiply food in your containers. By trusting in Me and having everyone working, you can help each other in your daily survival. Keep adoring My Host around the clock with one or two people assigned to various hours. I will provide daily Holy Communion with a priest or My angels. Refuge living will be a struggle, but fear not because My angels and I can feed you all that you will need to live on.”

Sunday, February 28, 2021: (2nd Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My son, you felt full of joy today as if you were with Me and My apostles at My Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor, where you traveled a long time ago. This was a sign to you and My apostles of My glory when I will return. In the first reading from Genesis (22:1-14) Abraham was called even as I have called you, and you said: ‘Here I am.’ I called Abraham to offer up his only begotten son on Mt. Moriah, where you have been to the Dome of the Rock in the old city of Jerusalem. The angel held back Abraham’s knife so he did not kill Isaac. This gained Abraham a promise of many descendants. This is a parallel that God the Father gave Me up, His only begotten Son, when I died on the cross on Good Friday. This could be seen in My Transfiguration when God the Father spoke: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ Your whole Lenten Season is focused on the coming Triduum when I died on the cross for all of mankind in Holy Week.”

Monday, March 1, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing how China and several nations added votes for Biden to your Dominion machines that were made for cheating by hacking. There were many voting districts that had thousands of votes more than there were people registered. How else could Biden get 83 million votes without hardly doing any campaigning. If you do not have proper election counting, and you do not stop the internet hacking, then the Democrats will win every time. The judges were colluding with the Democrats by not hearing any of the cheating with excessive votes. My people, I see this injustice and My vengeance will be carried out on these evil people in My time. I know My faithful are disappointed with this evil injustice, but be patient because these evil ones will suffer in hell for their crimes. Pray for the souls of your leaders that they will repent at My Warning, otherwise they will be lost. When your lives are threatened by the socialists in their communist tactics, I will call you to My refuges of protection where My angels will shield you from harm. Once you are separated at My refuges from the evil ones, then I will send My Comet of Chastisement, and all of the evil ones will be killed, and their souls will be cast into hell. So trust in My protection, and be patient because the glory of My victory awaits you in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given similar messages before (6-27-17, 6-13-20, 7-13-20) when you could see multiple missiles being aimed at your country. When this happens, you will be at My refuges. This would not be a full scale attack, but you would shoot down most of the missiles. This missile attack would take out some cities, and your electrical grid. Your country will answer in kind to the countries who sent the missiles. This would be a world in chaos after the Warning and the conversion time of six weeks. All of My refuges would be shielded from harm by My angels. This would be the beginning of the Battle of Armageddon, when your electricity and vehicles would not work. That is why you will see battles on horses. The good forces of My angels and troops will overcome the evil forces. Rejoice at My victory when I will cleanse the earth of all evil, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, March 2, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, when I called you to do My mission of preparing people for the end times, you readily accepted it without knowing what I would ask you to do. I am happy that you were willing to do all that I have wanted from you. At first you were a little shy to speak in public, but I have given you the extra gifts from the Holy Spirit to speak freely. You started writing My messages that were later put in your books from Queenship Publishing Company. You then were asked to go out and give witness to My messages, especially about refuges. You have been faithful to My mission since it began in 1993. Since you were given an unexpected inheritance, I called you to another mission of making a refuge as well. You have followed everything that I asked you to do, even when you did not always know what was involved. You are a good example to others in how to pray and accept My missions. It is an honor to do My missions, but My refuge builders need to be humble in their work and faithful to My Word. I thank you and your wife for all that you are doing for Me out of love for Me and your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the ‘Absolute Proof’ movie that showed how China, Germany, and Italy were allowed to hack into your Dominion machines with millions of illegal votes for Biden. Because it is difficult for people to understand the technology that stole this election for Biden, it has been hard to get the courts to overturn this treason from foreign countries. If you do not change the machines and how votes are collected, then your elections will always be controlled, just as they are in Venezuela. Now that the Democrats have taken over, you are beginning to see the disaster of the far left policies. There is still a chance to stop the worst legislation if the Senate can find even one Democrat to vote with the Republicans. You are seeing your current President ruling like a dictator as he writes more Executive Orders than any other President. This ‘America last policy’ will put America on the wrong road for energy sources, and many other social problems that will be controlling how your people live. Your people have free will to disobey all of these bad laws that will be coming in your Democrat controlled Congress. Once your people realize how bad the socialists are, there may be a rejection of these new policies. You could see a crash of your money system, or a complete takeover by the communists. Once your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning, and a call to come to My refuges. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your country starts to fall apart. Trust in Me to protect My faithful.”

Wednesday, March 3, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, enjoy coming to Mass every day for now, because the days are coming when you will not be able to come into a church. You will be just like in China and Russia when your churches will be closed and boarded up as the persecution of Christians will get worse and worse. The radical liberals are intent on following the devil’s view of the world without Me present. You are seeing what your life will be like when the communists will take over your country. This takeover will be your punishment for all of the babies that you have killed in abortion. The evil ones will try to kill all of My believers, and this is why I have had My people build refuges of protection. Trust in Me and My angels who will protect you and supply you with all that you will need to survive, before I will bring My victory. You will be suffering your purgatory on earth at My refuges.”

Thursday, March 4, 2021: (St Casimir)
Jesus said: “My people, when you look at your children, you are blessed when I put souls and life in them. Life is precious and it should not be discarded as in your abortions. With each life I provide a plan for that new baby, and you should not deny your babies their destiny and My plan for their lives. This is why abortion is so evil, as Satan has caused you to accept the killing of My babies as legal. This is murder and it is the ultimate abuse of children. My faithful need to speak out in defense of these helpless unborn children. I applaud those faithful who protest abortions at all of the Planned Parenthood clinics and hospitals. Keep praying to stop abortions because your major punishment will come because of these killings. This is the new ongoing holocaust.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I want you to thank all of the people who bring flowers to honor your Adoration service and to honor Me. I greatly appreciate the thought of enhancing your celebration. It is these little things that are important in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is costing a lot of money to have your National Guard troops keep on guard for your Congress people. These people are afraid of any backlash from the mobs who do not want the Democrats ramming bills through the Congress. Pray that the Senate does not try to do away with the filibuster that requires 60 votes to pass a bill. It is this 60 vote threshold that is protecting your freedoms in the US Senate. Pray that your freedoms are not taken away by the Democrats.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many political divisions and the Democrats are trying to push through all of their radical agenda like controlling the way you vote, and how you treat gender as man and woman. Pray that your Republican Senators hold together against these liberal bills that should be voted down.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden has signed Executive Orders that allow all asylum seekers to enter your country without any restrictions. This allows people with diseases to enter, as well as drug gang members and human trafficking. This will cause many problems to house these immigrants and their diseases could spread more Covid cases. This decision and others are going to bring your country down politically and financially. Pray for your country’s freedoms that they are not taken away from your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how one of your enemies in Iran is testing your new President’s resolve to protect your troops. You had Trump keep you out of unnecessary wars. Now Biden is being tested, and you need to pray that you are not drawn into another Middle East war. Pray that you can stop any new wars from breaking out.”

Jesus said: “My son, up to now you have not been traveling to your talks because of Covid testing and vaccinations to get on airplanes. It is safer for you to offer Zoom conferences to spread My Word to many people. Until you can learn it is safe to travel again without quarantines, it is better to avoid traveling, and stay with your Zoom conferences. Pray for any special requests to be resolved.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am asking you to reflect on the original penances that you started on Ash Wednesday to see if you are still remaining strong. If you have faltered, do not give up, but return to your original penances. I am happy that you are still doubling your prayers for the events that are coming in your country. Lent is a good time to improve your spiritual life for love of Me. Turning away from your evil habits is necessary to follow My ways for your lives. Stay faithful to your Lenten intention so this Lent will improve your life.”

Friday, March 5, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, your priest at Mass talked about these readings that involved greed and rejection. There was greed in Joseph’s brothers who gained money for selling Joseph for twenty pieces of silver. They also rejected Joseph because he was so favored by his father. In the Gospel parable the tenants of the vineyard were greedy to desire inheriting the vineyard, and they rejected the king’s servants and his son by beating some and killing others. You are seeing a parallel in the Democrats who are so greedy for power, that they allowed foreign countries to hack your voting machines with millions of votes for Biden. They hated and rejected President Trump so much that they tried to impeach him twice on false accusations. The Democrats are so evil that they are trying to silence conservatives by denying their free speech. In this cancel culture, the Tech companies are trying to take conservative programs off of their platforms. The lies of the Democrats are so flagrant that they want to deny conservatives their jobs. Just like in the parable, the king came and burned their cities and killed some. So I will bring My victory over the evil ones, as they will be killed and cast into hell for their crimes. Be patient for My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing an 8.1, 7.3, and 7.4 earthquakes around New Zealand on one side of the Rim of Fire. Activity on one side could spread to other plates around the Pacific Ocean. As you see more large earthquakes happening, you could eventually see some effects along the San Andreas fault. You also are seeing signs of sulfur emissions around Yellowstone where there is a super volcano that is stirring. Be prepared for some large earthquakes that could happen in California. Pray that any quakes will be minor without any loss of life.”

Saturday, March 6, 2021: (St. Meridia refuge, prayer angel)
St. Meridia said: “I am Meridia and I stand before God. I am your prayer group angel and your refuge angel. Since you stopped having your prayer group at church, you do not take my picture out to display it. Please put my picture on your table to see, because I am your prayer group angel, and I do not want you to forget me. Pray to me for your refuge protection that will be coming soon. You need to remember my name and how I am watching over you. I know your memory gets to be a problem when you get older, but I am still here, and you need to acknowledge my presence.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are well aware of the capabilities of the HAARP machine that can change the weather and cause earthquakes. You have seen reports how it can form severe tornadoes and even strong hurricanes through the use of microwaves. I showed you in the vision how Texas was devastated with snow and ice that caused millions of people to lose their electric power. These people were desperate to find ways to heat their homes because these cold temperatures broke records of many years ago. You have been praying for the people in Texas to get back to normal lives. You have been hearing of severe earthquakes and volcanic activity near New Zealand. You will be seeing such severe events repeated in various places. Remember you are in the pre-tribulation time where you will see signs in earthquakes, famine, and pestilence as foretold in the Bible. Be prepared at My refuges, because I will be sending people to you after My Warning.”

Good Friday oil for blessing

March 6, 2021

1) One or more bowls which can hold heated olive oil
2) Pure olive oil (preferably Extra Virgin Olive Oil from one source, not mixed)
3) Cotton cloth rolled and used as a wick (wicks available at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s and other craft stores)
a. Lid from, for instance, a jelly jar or small pickle jar with nail size hole in the middle to thread the wick through one end and tie, allowing the lid with the wick to fall to the bottom of the bowl and the wick itself to rise up from the lid and float on the oil.
4) Lighter or match
5) Large syringe to draw the completed blessed oil from the bowl to place into container (s)
6) Containers equal to the amount of olive oil (e.g. if you purchase a 16 ounce bottle of olive oil, have four 4-ounce amber glass bottles with lids to put the completed blessed olive oil in by drawing from the bowl and syringing into the container. Amber is better than clear glass for olive oil. Glass bottles can be purchased online, for instance www.specialtybottles.com
7) Labels ready to be placed on completed containers, marked GOOD FRIDAY OIL

8) Prayer of the Apostles Creed
9) Prayer of the Hail Holy Queen
Make preparations on Holy Thursday evening. At 3 a.m. Good Friday, with the olive oil in the bowl, drop the wick and the lid into the middle of the bowl so that the wick floats on top. Light the wick. As the wick is burning, pray 33 times the Apostles Creed for the 33 years of the life of our savior JESUS CHRIST, and pray 7 times the Hail Holy Queen for the 7 sorrows of Our Holy Mother Mary. When the prayers are completed and the flaming wick is out, take a syringe and draw the oil out, placing it into the containers. Place the lids firmly on the containers. Place labels on the containers, marking them as “GOOD FRIDAY OIL”

Oil may be used to make the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of a sick person for healing and prayers for protection against impurities or temptation.
This recipe was given by Our Lady during an apparition at the Holy Mountain of San Lorenzo in Puerto Rico (1899-1910). This same recipe was given by St. Joseph to Saint Andrew Bessette of Canada (1845-1937).

Sunday, March 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how the zeal for My Church consumes Me, and you are allowing your leaders and your Covid disease to restrict your seats to less than a third of your capacity. Now that there are less Covid cases and less deaths, you are seeing things open up more. This is why your churches should open up more as well. When the money changers asked for a sign, I told them they could kill the Temple of My Body, and I will raise it up in three days. They did not understand that I was talking about the Temple of My Body and not the physical Temple. Just as I cleansed the Temple of the money changers, so I want My people to cleanse your inner spirit, or your inner Temple of your sin that you can confess in Confession. You heard the homily describe the three conditions of sin. There is a knowledge of serious sin and venial sin. Then there is an intent, or reason for your action. This is followed by an act of your free will to perform an evil action. You can stop your sin by avoiding occasions of sin, or put the evil temptations out of your mind at the beginning. This cleansing of your evil actions is the basic intent of Lent to control your passions and earthly desires. By focusing more on following My Commandments of love, you can lead a holier life all of the time. At the end of your vision, you felt a need to always be prepared for when I will bring My Warning. You also need to be prepared when I will call you home in death, if it should come before the Warning. By keeping a clean soul, you will always be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Monday, March 8, 2021: (St. John of God)
Jesus said: “My people, you saw how I could not heal anyone in My hometown of Nazareth because the people there did not have true faith that I could heal anyone. In any miracle of healing you need to have faith that I have the power to heal you. This is true for those people who are called on to heal people in My Name. The person who is in need of healing must have faith that I can heal them, and the person, who is healing in My Name, must have faith that I can heal people. In the case of leprosy, you also have a spiritual leprosy of sin that needs to be healed by coming to the priest in Confession. Sin is even a worse disease, because it separates you from My love. By asking for forgiveness in Confession, I cleanse your sin, and you are set free in My sanctifying grace. This is why I ask you to come to Confession at least once a month so you can keep your soul free of sin, and always united to Me in love.”

(Margaret Mary McWhinney Funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, Margaret Mary had a long life in My service and she came to Me in heaven with this Mass. She was friends with Fr. Moreta and his family for many years. She was grateful for all of the people who came to her funeral, and also for all of her caretakers in her last years. She will be praying for all of her family and friends.”

(Patricia Goode Funeral Mass) At a Mass after Holy Communion, Patricia said: “Rejoice, because I am in heaven with no more pain. Even though I am a long way from you, I remember all of the times you came to give us your talks. Now, I am seeing all of God’s plans coming before me. You all will truly be tested with what is to come. I am praying for all of you and my family. Remember your old friend, even though we last met a while ago. God bless you in your work.”

Tuesday, March 9, 2021: (St. Frances of Rome)
Jesus said: “My people, there are various levels in heaven, and you should strive for the higher levels by your good deeds and your faithfulness to Me in all that I ask of you. The martyrs have high places in heaven. You all are saints when you come to heaven, but no matter which level you come to, you will have a complete joy to be with Me. It is like different sizes of cups and you all are filled to the top with My grace. It is by what you do in this life that will determine the level of heaven that you will be given. The more you do for Me, the more you will be rewarded. The more gifts you are given on earth, the more that will be expected of you to accomplish. Do not be satisfied with just the first level of heaven, but keep striving to be with Me at the highest level you can achieve by what you do in this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, with this latest Covid virus, only 0.5% of the people have died, so there is not a strong need for a vaccine. The Covid so called ‘vaccine’ is not really a vaccine but it plants the seed of the virus in each cell. You are seeing the media and some of your leaders pushing for people to take this virus vaccine, but people are getting worse effects from the vaccine than the Covid itself. As more people are getting vaccinated, 20% or more of these people are coming down with bad symptoms and some are dying after receiving the shot. Many people have their immune system overreacting which can be helped by using hydroxychloroquin or ivermectin. These aids are easing this overreaction and people are being healed. These vaccines are changing people’s DNA so when another virus attack comes, they could die. This is why one microbiologist doctor is forecasting 50 million of vaccinated people could die with the next virus attack. I keep repeating: ‘DO NOT TAKE THE COVID VIRUS VACCINE, OR YOU RISK DYING WITH THE NEXT VIRUS ATTACK.’ The media is not telling you the number of people who are being hospitalized or who died after getting the vaccine shot. The Covid virus was made in the lab to cause getting the vaccine that could kill you. This is a biological weapon from the Chinese Communists because some elites want to reduce the world population. This Covid virus was spread to the world on purpose by the Chinese Communists to ruin your economy and encourage the Covid vaccine that could kill your people. Those people, who come to My refuges, will be healed when they look on My luminous cross. Even vaccinated faithful will be healed at My refuges as well. When you see a lot of people dying or before another virus is released, I will call My people to the safety of My refuges to be healed.”

Wednesday, March 10, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in older days the Jewish people offered up the blood of cattle as their offering to Me. But now I have come on the earth as a God-man, so I could be the ultimate sacrifice for all of mankind’s sins. It is by My Most Precious Blood on the cross that I have washed away your sins from your soul. I have paid the price for the ransom of your souls, and there is no longer any need to sacrifice animals. At every Mass you have the unbloody sacrifice of the Mass, and I transubstantiate the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. This miracle that I perform at every Mass, is a blessing for all of My faithful, as you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. You have My Real Presence with you in your soul, so be thankful that I have left you with My gift of My Blessed Sacrament. I enjoy visiting every soul when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I love all of you so much, and I desire that you love Me also.”

Jesus said: “My son, your new Administration is already costing you more money to buy your gasoline to run your car. You depend more on fossil fuels for 80% of your energy needs. In your own preparations to run your refuge independently, you have both solar panels and fossil fuels. It is the wood, kerosene, and propane that I will need to multiply for you to heat your house and for cooking. Your lights, water well, and sump pumps can all have electricity from your solar panels and batteries. Your nation can also use solar panels, but not enough to replace your fossil fuels. Even your smaller off-grid system of 12 panels and 12 batteries could supply your basic electrical needs for $13,000 including the controller and inverter. Your relatively small investment can provide power year around without the grid for more than the tribulation time will last. You have trusted in Me to provide for your refuge needs, and you are ready to take care of the people I will send to you. Trust in Me for all of your needs throughout the tribulation.”

Thursday, March 11, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, today in the Gospel I cast out the mute demon, and the people were amazed that I had power over the demon angels. They talked about Beelzebub, who is the ‘Lord of the flies’, that I used demonic power. But Satan is not divided, and I used the power of God, since I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. You witnessed the thousands of flies in your chapel before it was consecrated. Beelzebub was cast out by holy water, blessed salt, and the long form of the St. Michael prayer. Then you had a priest exorcize your chapel and the land. Now your chapel has been blessed with several miracles with the dancing light on the wall. During the tribulation you will need My protection and that of St. Meridia, your refuge angel. You now are a final refuge, and My angels will expand your refuge to accommodate more people. Let the angels and St. Joseph, your contractor, determine what to build and how to heat it. I thank you for preparing your house to be a viable refuge.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, what you are talking about is how many people are getting vaccinated, but they do not know that the next virus attack could kill them. Researchers have had vaccinations with animals and initially they were healed of the virus. Once a new corona virus was given to the same animals, they all died from an immune attack on their own bodies. This could happen to all humans who were vaccinated, and they could die in the millions from the next virus attack. I will call My faithful to My refuges before the next virus attack to heal them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are doing a novena to St. Joseph for his coming feast day. This year is special because you are honoring St. Joseph for the whole year. You, My son, have a special prayer to St. Joseph because he will be your contractor when your refuge is expanded.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you keep asking when I will bring My Warning because it has been promised, but I have not given you a date. It will come in a desperate moment before I will call My faithful to My refuges. I have asked you to use this Lent in preparation for the Warning. Come to frequent Confession so you can avoid a vision of hell in your life review. Be prepared with a clean soul so you are ready to meet Me at your mini-judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest spending bill of $1.9 trillion is the fifth infusion of government money to try and help your Covid damaged economy. Such spending adds tremendous amounts of money to your National Debt, and there is a fear of inflation, or a bankruptcy when you print more money than you have worth to back it. This means you are printing more money that will be chasing the same number of goods, and it will cause inflation and make your money worth less. This added National Debt is mortgaging the future of your children and grandchildren. You need more control over this unnecessary giveaway. You will be coming to My refuges soon, when you see a stock market crash or your money becomes worthless like in Venezuela.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am inspiring many good faithful to set up refuges that are independent that could stand power outages, droughts, floods, or severe weather. I will have My angels protect all of My refuges even now, so the people will not be harmed by the evil ones. Trust in My power and My angels to heal you and provide for your food, water, and fuels. My angels will shield you from viruses, bombs, and even from an EMP attack. Give praise and thanks to Me for expanding all of My refuges and providing for your needs during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the coming tribulation of the Antichrist, you are seeing more signs in earthquakes, famine, and pestilence. Many earthquakes are going on right now. Pray that the supervolcano at Yellowstone does not go off, or you could see a cold summer with no food. You are seeing many effects of your current corona virus attack. This is truly a pandemic or a pestilence. As a result of your earthquakes and virus attacks, your food supply could deteriorate into a famine. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have a plan to try and reduce the population of the world down to 500 million people, just as they have stated at the Georgia Guidestones. Their plan is to use laboratory made viruses and vaccines to kill off millions of people. That is why they are discouraging people from using cures like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. It is the new nano vaccines that are being pushed by the media, because once a new virus comes, those vaccinated people will die when the vaccine comes in contact with another corona virus. This is a plan by the one world people to kill off millions of people so the Antichrist will be able to control fewer people. This is why I will call My faithful to My refuges before the next lab made corona virus is spread all over the world. Leave your homes within 20 minutes when I call you to come to My refuges.”

Friday, March 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel today I am reminding you of My two great Commandments to love Me and to love your neighbor as yourself. You are seeing today how the devil is inspiring his subjects to kill man, because the devil hates man for taking his place in heaven. You are aware of the Death Culture which you already have, where the evil ones want to kill the unborn and have euthanasia for killing the old people. The evil ones also promote wars to kill people, even the HAARP machine has been used to kill people with severe weather and earthquakes. Now the latest evil plot is to kill millions of people using viruses and so called vaccines. Most people do not understand the scientific evil how the Chinese Communists are using bioweapon viruses to kill and control people all over the world. The other plot is how the media is putting down the real cures of this corona virus using ivermetin and hydroxychloroquine. Now the evil people are promoting vaccines that may appear to heal symptoms, but they are really ruining your immune systems by planting the seeds of the virus in every cell of your body. Then when the next corona virus attack is spread, the vaccinated people will die when their immune system self-destructs. Innocent people are being encouraged to take this vaccine which will kill people with the next virus attack. This is why various doctors are sounding the alarm not to take this nano vaccine. They are even forecasting that 50 million Americans will die with the next virus attack because your immune system will overreact and you could die if you took the vaccine. I will call My faithful to My refuges to be healed before the next virus attack. Those people, who are vaccinated, could be healed at My refuges as well. I will take care of My people, but you need to listen for My inner locution to leave your homes for My refuges. In any case that endangers your life, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. I love all of you and I will protect you in your need.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard speeches from your vaccine promoters that there will be a second corona virus attack. The scientists have already made large amounts of this new virus in the lab, and they are ready to disperse it all over the world, once they have a good number of people vaccinated. The Chinese Communists were working with some of your scientists to produce the first Covid-19 virus. The same people have also prepared a second corona virus that will cause a lot of people to die in the streets as you saw in a previous vision. These evil ones are telling you what they will do, and then they carry out their evil plan. The vaccinated people will die in a short time when they are exposed to the new virus. Right before the evil ones will spread this new virus, I will call My faithful to My refuges, where you will be healed of any virus. Trust in Me to protect My people from all of the death threats from the evil ones who follow Satan.”

Saturday, March 13, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I told the Pharisees that I came to save sinners and not the self-righteous. It is mercy I desire and not sacrifice. In today’s Gospel (Luke 18:9-14) I gave a parable about a Pharisee and the publican. The Pharisee thought he was better than the publican, as he came to pray in the Temple. His pride got in the way of his attempt to pray. The publican kept beating his chest, and he asked Me for mercy as a sinner. It is better to be a humble servant than a braggart of your gifts and possessions. You all are sinners, and in need of repentance. Doing more prayer and good deeds should come with your observance of this Lent. When you center your life around Me, you will be following My agenda and not your own. Lent gives you an opportunity to inspect your life to see how you can live a better spiritual life. When you do everything for Me, you will be on the right road to heaven. I thank all of My faithful who give Me praise and thanks for all that I do for you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, now that you have a Democratic President, it appears that you have less Covid cases and less Covid deaths. It is amazing how the left media does not hype the Covid numbers as much as they did for the Trump Administration. Now more states are opening up with less restrictions. It is time to allow students to come back to live classes, and even sports events want the crowds back. You are starting to see more things and businesses opening because they need the traffic to survive. Your media and your government are pushing vaccinations, and you may get ID cards to show you have been vaccinated. I have told you not to get any vaccinations because they could kill you with the next virus attack. Your government may take away some of your rights to freedom, if you refuse a Covid vaccination. This may become more of a challenge as time goes on. My people will be protected at My refuges if your lives or your freedoms are restricted or threatened. Trust in Me to protect your lives no matter what the left new regulations will be.”

Sunday, March 14, 2021: (Laetare Sunday, Rejoice Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the hate that the radical Democrats have for anyone who is conservative and supports Trump. They want to reign and have control over the people, and My faithful are a threat to overthrow them. They also are against you for what you believe, especially when you do not believe in abortion, transgender laws, and homosexual lifestyles. Their hate for religious and conservative people is so vile that they want to take away your free speech, because they do not want to hear anything religious about Me. These radicals want to defy My Fifth and Sixth Commandments. They will even one day want to seek out My faithful to kill you. When these radicals force laws on you, you do not have to obey them, if they violate My laws. My laws should be obeyed first, because you worship Me first. Be aware when the evil ones want to come and kill you for not taking a chip in the body, a vaccine, or against your belief in Me. Then I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Trust in My power which is greater than the evil ones, and the evil ones will face My justice in hell. But My faithful will rejoice with Me in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Monday, March 15, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in previous messages I have warned My people not to take this nano Covid vaccine because it could ruin your immune system, and you could die with the next virus attack. Now you have seen this explained to you by several doctors who were making the vaccine. This new vaccine will change your body’s DNA to produce a spike protein that will make antibodies that will only kill the current Covid-19 virus. These antibodies will overpower your body’s innate immune proteins that fight other diseases, and it will destroy your immune system. Your body will be defenseless to future corona viruses that are different than Covid-19. When new viruses come, your body could die if you took the Covid-19 vaccine. This could be a life threatening situation for all of the vaccinated people. This is why I will call My people to My refuges to be healed before the next corona virus attack comes. You will all be healed, even those people who received the Covid vaccine. Trust in Me to protect My people by looking on the luminous cross to heal them at My refuges.”

N.B. Fr. Michel gave a healing for vaccinated people. You take exorcism water and a miraculous medal and stir the solution. Then you take out the medal, and drink the water.

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I suffered on the cross for all of your sins. This was My plan of salvation for all of mankind. You all are suffering verbal and possibly physical abuse for My Name’s sake. This Lent is your opportunity to change your life and come to Confession. Pray and offer alms to help the poor in their needs. Reach out to evangelize souls to the faith when possible, and pray for conversions. Pray to stop abortion and for the souls in purgatory. Keep up your Lenten penances that can strengthen your soul against the devil’s temptations. Pray also for people not to take the Covid vaccine, and for the healing of those people who already took the shot.”

Tuesday, March 16, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Great Healer of soul and body. I tested the faith of people by healing the sins of their soul first, then I healed any physical ailment of the body. I will heal your bodies as well at My refuges when you look on My luminous cross, or drink the spring water. As you see water emphasized in both readings, this represents the healing waters of Baptism, just as I was baptized by St. John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Since I died on the cross, I bring salvation to all of mankind as I died to set you free of your sins in Baptism and in Confession. These sacraments heal your souls and cleanse the sins from your soul. You are preparing for Holy Week in a few weeks, and this is the holiest time of the Church Year. Your Lenten penances and alms are preparing you for the culmination of Lent in Holy Week. I love you, and I want to heal all souls of their sins to give them new life in My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges soon because the evil ones are being given the order to release the next corona virus soon. I will bring My Warning before they release this new corona virus. After the conversion time, I will call My faithful to My refuges. Then the new corona virus will be released, and many vaccinated people will die agonizing deaths, and their immune systems will self-destruct, and there will be many bodies lying on the ground dead. Those people, who come to My refuges, will be healed of any virus. This is just the beginning of the many plagues that will fall on all of the remaining evil people. Be grateful that I will protect and heal My faithful at My refuges.”
Josyp Terelya Mass intention: Josyp said: “I am sorry that you are having to deal with so many garbage (This is what Josef called the one world people) people. I am praying for Sam and my family’s intentions.”

Wednesday, March 17, 2021: (St. Patrick’s Day)
Jesus said: “My son, in the first reading you read how a mother is supposed to love her infant child, but you are seeing an abortion clinic where mothers abort their own children. The next vision you saw was that of ‘Our Lady of Knock, Ireland’ where Mary Byrne saw a vision of My Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and St. John the Apostle in 1879. You also remember when St. John the Apostle told you in Ephesus, Turkey how you were carrying on his mission of preparing the people for the end times. The third vision is of St. Patrick when he called you to visit Ireland, the home of your great grandfather. You went to St. Patrick’s Purgatory on Lough Derg, Ireland where you did a three day pilgrimage. It was on that trip that you received an answer to a prayer. You have an Irish heritage that you can identify with Ireland and St. Patrick. Carry on your mission to prepare the people for the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Spring time you usually see a high number of tornadoes as the seasons are changing with the temperatures. This time your storms are more to the South with rain storms causing floods. Each year you see millions of dollars worth of damage from severe weather, and it can threaten your food supplies. You need to pray for your farmers who take risks every year with their crops and animals. Their success means whether you will have food or a famine. My faithful have been warned to have sufficient food on hand at My refuges. You also need to pray for your people to avoid getting the Covid-19 vaccine shots, and avoid the flu shots. Both can ruin your immune system, and people could die with the next virus attack. Be ready to come to My refuges before the next virus spreads.”

Thursday, March 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, when the Israelites worshiped the golden calf, I wanted to bring My wrath down on them. (Ex 32:1-35) But Moses stood in the breach to hold back My hand. Moses divided the people between those who loved the Lord, and those who worshiped the golden calf. I called the evil people a stiff-necked people who were depraved. Even today, there are many people who worship the things of the world instead of Me. Your people will be tested by earthquakes, famine, and pestilence as a punishment for their sins. I will bring My Warning and a life-review to test the people whether they are with Me, or they are with the evil worldly people. After the tribulation the evil ones will be cast into hell, but My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Be patient My faithful, as I will protect you at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several movies that are showing you why the current Covid vaccine could ruin your immune system in fighting the next corona virus attack. You have innate killer cells that represent about 10% of your white blood cells that you have from birth. These natural killer (NK) cells can kill all virus variants. The Covid vaccine can only kill the specific Covid virus that started, but it cannot kill mutant variants or a new virus. The vaccine antibodies can overpower your NK cells and the new virus could kill the vaccinated person. So refuse to take the Covid vaccine that will ruin your immune system because it could kill millions of people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am always knocking on the door of your heart and soul so you can open the door from the inside to let Me in. Once you make Me the center of your life, then I can give you the grace to carry out your appointed mission. Use this Lent to improve your spiritual life. Keep coming to frequent Confession so you can keep your soul clean by My grace.”

St. Joseph said: “I am the husband of the Blessed Mother and foster father of Jesus, whom I took care of in life. My feast day is tomorrow and I thank you for the flowers and your prayers that I can intercede for you. I truly am your contractor to build your high rise for more people to come at your refuge. Thank you for remembering My prayer in the Novena you are praying. I bless all of your families, especially the fathers.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil radicals, who stole your 2020 election, are now about to force socialism on your people. The Democrats are undoing all the good things that President Trump did for your country. You are paying more for your gasoline because of your poor energy programs. You are seeing chaos at the border because of Biden’s order to open your borders. You will lose more freedoms with each Democrat bill that passes. At a certain point when these radicals try to take away your homes and property, you could see a civil war. I will call My faithful to My refuges when your lives are threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you need to pray much to stop your abortions which are killing My little ones. You are doing your part as you protest every Saturday in front of the Planned Parenthood building where they do abortions. I remind you how you prayed before Genesee Hospital that did abortions, and it closed. You prayed in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Greece, and it was closed and torn up. So have faith that your prayers and actions are taking down more abortion clinics.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be prepared to make your holy oil on Good Friday at 3:00 a.m. You were given the instructions on the internet how to make this oil that can only be made on Good Friday. Pass out copies for the people so they can prepare this oil. This oil will have healing properties when it is needed, and it could even heal vaccinated people from dying with the next virus attack. I will call My faithful to My refuges before the next virus attack.”

Jesus said: “My people, last year your churches were closed because of the Covid shutdown so you could not celebrate Holy Week in church. This year your churches will be open, so plan to come to church on all of the Holy days. You will gain many graces for attending these services. Make sure you come to Confession so you will have clean souls to receive Me. The Easter Season is glorious, and you can share in My graces as Resurrection faithful. Share your faith with those people who are open to being evangelized. I love all of you and this will be a better Triduum when you can come to church.”

Friday, March 19, 2021: (St. Joseph’s feast day)
At St. John the Evangelist after Holy Communion, it was like being taken on a flashback tour. I went to the cave of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem where Jesus was born. Then I went to the Wailing Wall of the old Temple where Jesus was presented. I went to the House of Loreto in Italy which was the house of the Holy Family from Nazareth. I also went to the cave in Egypt where the Holy Family stayed when they fled to Egypt. Jesus said: “My son, you have been gifted by your travels to all of the holy places that St. Joseph and I traveled to. Many people have not had such an opportunity, so thank Me for enabling you to take these trips. As you were in Israel, you felt the Bible come alive to see all of the places mentioned in the Scriptures. St. Joseph taught Me his carpentry skills, and the Blessed Mother brought Me up in the Jewish faith and traditions. You are about to go through Holy Week, and you also visited the Garden of Gethsemene, the Upper Room for the Last Supper, and My place of Crucifixion and My Resurrection at the Holy Sepulcher. Thank St. Joseph today for all he did to protect the Holy Family during his earthly life. You can pray to him as an intercessor for prayers in all of your requests. Pray to him to guide and protect your families, and also his help in your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want the fathers to imitate St. Joseph in how he took care of the Holy Family. Not only do you look after your wife and children, but you are responsible for your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren. You are their spiritual father to see to their sacraments and their upbringing in the faith. Encourage them to come to Sunday Mass and frequent Confession where possible. Keep praying for their souls to be saved, even if they are not coming to church. Every person in your greater family is worth saving, so do not give up on any of them. Thank you for encouraging your grandchildren to have their babies baptized. By your persistent prayers, you can help save their souls.”

Saturday, March 20, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that some of My faithful would be martyred for My sake, and this could happen by Guillotine to threaten others into obedience. I keep telling you that I will call My faithful to My refuges when your lives are threatened. The first phase of the corona virus vaccinations will be voluntary. But the next phase will be mandatory, as well as the mark of the beast. Once most of the people have received their shots, then the evil ones will bring the second deadly virus attack that could kill many people who were vaccinated. You will see many of your freedoms taken away if you do not get the shot, or the mark of the beast. I will bring My Warning and a call to My refuges before the next virus is released. Prepare to leave your homes within 20 minutes for My refuges of protection. Trust in Me to protect those people who are prepared with your backpacks or a roller board with your few things. Remember that your Good Friday oil could heal those people who were vaccinated with the Covid vaccine.”

Jesus said: “My people, your present Administration is sending out $1.9 trillion into your economy. Your bonds are losing value as interest rates are rising, but your Federal Reserve is artificially holding interest rates at zero. This enables stock traders to get low interest loans to buy more stock that is out of control, where money is being inflated. It is like a tea pot ready to boil over with some people making money, while unemployed people are barely existing with stimulus checks and some unemployment aid. Your government cannot keep borrowing money indefinitely for Covid aid because there are limits to your liability. When your currency gets so inflated, you will see prices of everything go up, and it will be harder for people to fill their needs. You could see a crash in the stock market and your dollar could crash as well. This will combine with your virus problems and possible shutdowns like in Europe. It is better to store up food because you could see droughts and your stores may run out of available food. Be prepared for some financial upheavals when these crashes happen. Be prepared to come to My refuges when food is scarce and your banks may close.”

Sunday, March 21, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, this is your first Spring day that is full of sun and relative warmth, compared to your cold winter. In the Gospel I told My apostles that unless a seed dies, it cannot bring forth fruit. So it is with My faithful that you need to die to self, so you can reach out and bear fruit in your actions to evangelize people to faith in Me. Even now your farmers will soon be plowing the ground to make it fertile for growing their crops from their seeds. You plant a seed, and you marvel at how the crops come forth with the right amount of sun and water. Pray for your farmers that they will have a good growing season, and pray for conversions.”

Monday, March 22, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings talk about lust and the sexual sins that you do not hear much about from the priests in the pulpit. Since many people go to hell for the sins of the flesh, there should be a mention to avoid sins against the Sixth Commandment. You all know these sins which are: adultery, fornication, homosexual sins, masturbation, and even wrongful birth control which could lead to abortion. These are sins of sex outside of the marriage bed, and even sins with the same sex. The sexual sins are mostly mortal sins because they go against My plan for a proper marriage in creating new life. Even using artificial methods of birth control are sinful because they deny the purpose for having children. The Church allows family planning methods of avoiding the fertile times. There are human passions, and you need to control them until a proper time, and with the married couple. All sins outside of marriage are mortal sins that need Confession before receiving Holy Communion worthily. People living together without marriage, are living in sin, and they need to get married, or discontinue such a sinful life. I will forgive any sin in Confession because I love all of you, but people need to abide by My Commandments of love of God and neighbor.”

(Rev. 8:1 to 10:11) Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Revelation the first Trumpet showed trees and grass burning up. The second Trumpet saw blood in the sea and the third of water creatures died. The third Trumpet saw a great star fall on the waters called Wormwood like Chernobyl. The fourth Trumpet saw a third of the sun and moon darken. The fifth Trumpet brought a plague of large scorpions. The sixth Trumpet saw the angels killing a third of mankind who did not repent of their sins. These trumpets today could signify droughts where the sun was scorching the earth. The sea could turn red from the red tide of bacteria. The Wormwood could signify radioactivity in the water like at Fukushima, Japan that had a nuclear meltdown. The darkness could signify the day of the Warning. The scorpions could be plagues that will torment only those people who do not have a cross on their foreheads from the angels. You are living the Book of Revelation as the plagues are the time of tribulation. Be prepared to come to My refuges to avoid harm from these plagues that will kill millions of people.”

Tuesday, March 23, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings are a good preparation for Holy Week. The Israelites in the desert complained about having to gather and eat the manna every day. Then I sent the seraph serpents upon the people and some died. The people repented and asked Moses to help them. So Moses mounted a bronze serpent on a pole, and when the people looked upon the bronze serpent, they were healed of their snake bites. This is a prefigure of when I was raised up on a cross, and by My death and Resurrection, you all can be healed in your souls from your sins. I have brought you salvation, and a means to come to heaven, if you repent of your sins in Confession. There is another symbol of a luminous cross that will be in the sky over My refuges. When you look upon the luminous cross or drink the spring water, you will be healed of all of your ailments. You will be blessed, but do not complain about your refuge conditions. Be thankful that I will provide refuges and My angel protection throughout the whole tribulation time. I will always be with you in My Blessed Sacrament that you will receive every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know I can see everything going on in everyone’s life. What you did not know is that all of the saints and angels can see all of you as well. So you should be on your good behavior all of the time, because all of heaven is watching your every action. They see everything you do in secret or in the dark. Use this Lent to make some good spiritual habits to improve your life. Avoid occasions of sin and keep working on any bad habits. By knowing your weaknesses you can find ways to break any bad habits. Keep coming to monthly Confession, and you can keep your soul clean.”

Wednesday, March 24, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how King Nebuchadnezzar was controlling his people by demanding that the people should bow down to the golden statue he had made. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were Hebrews, and they only worshiped the One True God. So they would not bow to the King’s golden statue. This caused the king to have the three men thrown into a fiery furnace. But their faith in Me was vindicated when I sent My angel to protect them from the fire. Then the king believed in the God of the Hebrews, and he took away his statue. Over the years you have seen many martyrs who would rather die, than give up their faith in Me. This is a great test of your faith in Me, if you ever had to face dying for your faith as a martyr. I have asked you to die to yourself, but being a martyr, is a question of how strong your faith is. I have told you many times that I will call you to My refuges when the evil ones threaten to kill all of you. Trust in Me and My angel protection at all times.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the demons who are ready to devour as many souls as they can, just like a group of sharks. When you are praying or adoring My Blessed Sacrament, you are in a safe place because the demons respect My power over them. In the morning you can consecrate everything you will do over to Me, and My protection will be with you all day. As you are coming close to Holy Week, it would be good to come to Confession this weekend. You may also want to come to Confession a week before or after Mercy Sunday to fulfill your Divine Mercy Novena. This is the holiest time of the year, so come to all of the Holy Week services to build up your defenses against the demons who are very active now. Keep praying for all of your family members who you can help by putting a shield of protection around them from the demons. You are in a spiritual battle to save souls, so keep helping your family to be safe from hell.”

Thursday, March 25, 2021: (Annunciation of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, today’s feast of my Annunciation is one of the biggest moments of my life, when I gave my ‘fiat’ to St. Gabriel that I would accept God’s plan for me to be the mother of His Son, Jesus. St. Gabriel told me how the Holy Spirit would come over me, so I would continue to be a virgin. This was another great miracle in my life. I said ‘yes’, even though I would be vulnerable to seeing me pregnant before marriage. God’s plan was fulfilled with St. Joseph taking me into his home when the angel told him about the Holy Spirit as my Spouse. Accepting God’s Will was a part of my life all of the time. This is how all of my children should accept each of your missions in life with your own ‘fiat’ of your free will. Continue to pray your daily rosaries and go to Confession often to please my Son.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many people are innocently taking the Covid vaccine shot because it will soon be made mandatory, and it is already in some places like Israel. I know you have been told not to take this shot because it could ruin your immune system. A good number of people have had bad effects from taking this vaccine, and 5% of those, who had bad symptoms, have died. I told you that you can use the Good Friday oil to pray over and anoint people who have been vaccinated. This oil will protect people from the new virus that could kill vaccinated people. I will send My Warning before the new deadly virus will be released. After the Warning and the conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges where you will be healed of any viruses by looking on My luminous cross in the sky.”
N.B. We are handing out sheets how to make the Good Friday oil on Good Friday at 3:00 a.m. It is also on my website.

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing more attempts to mandate Covid vaccine shots, or you will be denied access to stores and churches. When the authorities try to force you to take this shot against your will, it could be dangerous for your life. It is the vaccinated people who are in danger of dying with the next virus attack. If your lives are threatened by this threat against not taking the vaccine shot, then I will call you to My refuges where you will be protected by My angels. Have no fear because this is all part of a plan by the elites for reducing the population, but My power is greater than the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, these new 5G towers are spreading a lot more radiation than the previous 4G towers. If you can, try to live away from such towers. If you can adjust your phone to only receive 4G signals, it would be less microwave radiation coming from your phone. If you can still use 4G signals, then do not buy or use the 5G capability of your phones. More radiation from microwaves could cause more potential to get cancer. Pray that these 5G systems do not cause more cancer from this radiation.”
N.B. You can protect yourself from emf radiation using Blushield products at www.blushield-us.com

Jesus said: “My people, it is getting harder to buy a used home because the supply of homes for sale is decreasing. This is causing home buyers to put premium bids in for purchasing a home, because there is so much demand for homes. Even new homes are getting more expensive because the materials and labor costs are getting three times the cost because of short supplies during this Covid virus time. You have to pray for new couples to be able to find and afford a used or new home. Praying to St. Joseph could help them also.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are trying to pass radical legislation that would change voting requirements, change gender laws, and harsher gun control laws. Such legislation today requires 60 votes to override any filibuster. If the Democrats do away with the filibuster, then only 50 votes and a tie breaker from the Vice President could pass any legislation. Pray that this Senate rule is upheld, or many radical bills will get passed and ruin your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is crude for Biden to accuse President Trump for causing your border crisis, when Biden is the one who opened your border by his Executive Order. The children are being sent without parents across your border and conditions are very crowded. Some people are busing these illegal immigrants to all kinds of communities, and they will be causing problems wherever they are sent. The Democrats want more votes, but the price of your problems could harm many of your communities. Pray that your leaders could use common sense to limit your border crossings.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate this year that your churches will be open for the Triduum and Easter Sunday. Take advantage of this opportunity for grace by coming to all of these services. This Lent is a good preparation for the coming Warning and tribulation. Remember also to be ready to make your Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on Good Friday. This oil will be a blessing to anoint all of the vaccinated people who could die from the next virus attack. Pray that these people will be healed with this oil, or by coming to the refuges for healing.”

Friday, March 26, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, throughout My time on earth I kept a secret that I was the Messiah. If people read the Scriptures, they would have recognized Me in My miracles. I healed the blind, the deaf, the sick, and even lepers. I raised Lazarus and others from the dead. I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000 people. I walked on water, and I calmed the stormy sea. But My greatest miracle was My Resurrection from the dead. I spoke in parables, but I only explained them for My apostles. Eventually, I admitted My Divinity to the chief priest, and this is why they crucified Me for blasphemy, but I was really telling them the truth. You also will be tested for belief in Me because the evil people hate Me because they are led by Satan. Trust in Me to protect you from all the harassment from the evil people. Because of your Catholic faith, you will be persecuted, but at the proper time, I will call you to the protection of My refuges. You will spend your time at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will divide My people from the evil people at My refuges, where My angels will not permit the evil ones to enter. Then I will send destruction upon the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. My faithful remnant will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Pray to help save your families and friends from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people being given electronic ID tags so the evil ones could tell who had the shot and who did not. Soon you will see these shots being made mandatory so the elites could control the people. When your lives are threatened because you did not obey taking the Covid shot, then I will call My people to My refuges. At My refuges you will be healed of any virus, and My angels will protect you with a shield of invisibility from the evil ones who want to kill you. Many of the people who took the vaccine shot could die when the next virus attack comes. This is why they need to be anointed with the Good Friday oil, or if they are believers, they can be healed at My refuges. Trust in Me that I will protect My believers at My refuges. I will bring My Warning, and the vaccinated people will be told to be converted to be saved. The believers will be led to My refuges and they will be healed when they look on My luminous cross. My faithful remnant will be protected by My angels from the evil ones.”

Saturday, March 27, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, earthquakes are one of the end time signs, when the earth will shake. You are about to enter Holy Week with Palm Sunday of My Passion. The people saw My sign of raising Lazarus from the dead, so they greeted Me with palms as I entered Jerusalem. These Pharisees have brought many prophets to their deaths, and I would be treated in the same way. Be ready to come to all of the services of Holy Week, as your faith in Me is centered around My death and Resurrection. During Lent you have been making many penances and sacrifices of your alms to help people. Soon you will be celebrating My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. My followers will also have to suffer persecution from the earthly people who hate Me. Stay true to your faith in Me, no matter what you may suffer in this life. For you are preparing for the joy of your next life with Me in heaven. All of your suffering on earth will be well worth it to see Me at your own resurrection on the last day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the spring time when the trees and flowers are all coming alive. Soon you could see North Korea testing your new President with more serious missile tests that could endanger Japan and the islands in the Pacific Ocean. Another potential hot spot is if Russia intends to take more territory in the Ukraine. When these countries sense weakness in your leaders, this may embolden them to take advantage of a ripe time to attack their neighbors. You could sense a possible war coming soon which your country could get drawn into to defend your allies. Pray for peace, but more serious events are coming in the spring. Trust in Me to protect My faithful.”

Sunday, March 28, 2021: (Palm or Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you just read an account of My betrayal, death, and soon you will read about My Resurrection. You also read and saw a vision of how St. Peter denied Me three times, even when he said he would die for Me earlier. You all are sinners like St. Peter, and you have denied Me in your own sins. Fortunately, you can come to Me in Confession and I will forgive your sins with the priest’s absolution. I have told you how you will be persecuted, and now you may be restricted from stores for not having an ID pass that you were vaccinated. You might want to stock up for a few months if you cannot get into the grocery stores. You are beginning to see how your leaders are going to implement communism by controlling you with these vaccination ID passes. If your lives are threatened, then I will call you to My refuges, and I will multiply your food even before you come to My refuges.”

Monday, March 29, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, Mary poured expensive oil over My feet and My head. Judas criticized her for not selling it to give money to the poor. But I thanked her because she was preparing Me for My burial. The Pharisees wanted to kill both Lazarus and Me because many Jews were believing in Me because I raised Lazarus from the dead. The vaccinated people could die from the next deadly virus attack. This is why I revealed that a blessing of the Good Friday oil could heal such people. Be prepared, My faithful, because those faithful, who did not get vaccinated, will be treated like second class citizens. Without a vaccination ID tag you may be restricted from certain stores and events. Eventually, the authorities may threaten to quarantine you, or even put you in jail for not taking the vaccine. If your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am again giving you a preview of what your life review will be like, because I want you to be prepared, since My Warning is coming soon in your time. You will be seeing how the Democrats want total control over your people, and they will perpetuate this Covid crisis to try and force everyone to get vaccinated. Once a good share of the people have their shot, the authorities will try to mandate the vaccine for everyone. They will be issuing vaccine ID tags, and those people without a tag will find it almost impossible to enter stores or buy their groceries. When your lives may be at risk for not taking a shot, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to My refuges for protection by My angels. I keep telling you NOT to take any vaccine or flu shot, or you could die from the next virus attack. Trust in Me to multiply your food, if you cannot go into a grocery store. This means of control using vaccines, is the beginning of a communist takeover.”

Tuesday, March 30, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading you are seeing My betrayal from Judas. You also remember how Satan was allowed to enter Judas. It is understandable why Satan had Judas commit suicide by hanging himself after Satan had used Judas for his purpose. All sinners betray Me in their sins when they deny Me like St. Peter. You see why you have to pray to Me for strength to endure your temptations, because you have a weak nature like St. Peter who said he would die for Me, but he denied Me three times. During Lent you are doing penances and more prayers to help improve your spiritual life, so you would not deny Me so much. You can even do these things throughout the year when you feel weak in your temptations. You say you are My disciple, but you need to show Me you are sincere by your good actions in your everyday life. Keep remembering that you do not want to deny Me when sinful temptations come to you. Trust in Me to guide you on the right path to heaven where you will receive your reward for remaining faithful to Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some states who are putting out vaccine ID tags for people who were vaccinated with the Covid vaccine. It will not be long when some stores will limit people entering who do not have this tag, or a negative test for the virus. Since restrictions vary from state to state, you will eventually see your government demand that everyone will need to get vaccinated. Your President will threaten those people who did not get vaccinated, or they will suffer restrictions, fines, or jail to try and force the rest of the people to get vaccinated. Once My people will be in danger for not taking the Covid vaccine, I will send My Warning as you saw the life review starting in the vision. After the conversion time, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection. Leave quickly when I warn you, and My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given instructions on how to make your Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on Good Friday. You have made this before with your 33 Apostles’ Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers. There is an added incentive to make this oil, because I told you that a blessing of this oil on your forehead would help keep vaccinated people from dying from the next virus attack. This is My special blessing to counteract the evil people who are trying to kill you to reduce the population.”

Jesus said: “My people, because you could not come to these services last year, now you need to come to Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Resurrection Saturday services this year. I gave My life to save your souls, so make your plans to attend My services to honor My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen shutdowns in various states because of your increased Covid cases. You will again see more Covid cases from the new mutation variants. This will be the second wave that could shut down your churches again. This will be mild compared to a new virus that will be released that could kill many vaccinated people. Before this deadly virus is released, I will send My Warning. After the conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges. You will be protected by My angels and healed of any viruses at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been faithful to your penances and extra prayers all during Lent, and I commend people for enduring this test of faith. Now you can rejoice as My Easter people, who have been washed in My Most Precious Blood. For those people, who follow My Commandments, you will receive your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, just as you had to bring up your picture of St. Meridia from the basement, so I asked you to bring up the relic of St. Lucy as well, when people needed prayer for their eyes. These things were put out at church for your prayer group, but during the Covid virus shutdown, you forgot to put them out at your prayer group in your home. Now your people can see these relics again at your prayer meetings.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for following My suggestion to stock up on groceries before your stores could restrict people who refuse to get the Covid vaccine. You are seeing the beginning of how the left wants to control your freedoms of movement by forcing mandatory Covid vaccine ID tags as a necessity to enter your stores. If your people do not rise up in revolt against these restrictions, you could lose your freedoms and allow the communists to take you over. Pray and protest to keep your freedoms, or you will lose all of your freedoms. When your lives are threatened, I will call My believers to My refuges where you will be healed and protected by My angels.”

Wednesday, March 31, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, you are familiar with these places of shelter that you have visited in your travels. I have been giving you messages about refuges for many years. This has been a part of your ministry in helping people prepare for the coming tribulation. I told you that I would use My refuges to separate My faithful from the evil ones, and then the evil ones would be killed and sent to hell. I even told you how many of My messengers will talk about refuges in these end times. So if anyone wants to criticize you for speaking out about refuges, leave them alone, because they will get educated about refuges in My Warning experience. Stay true to both of your missions of preparing the people for the tribulation, and for setting up your own refuge. You have done well in your preparations, and you have followed My directions in all I have asked of you. You all will have your reward for being faithful in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many different ways to reduce the world’s population with abortion, euthanasia, wars, viruses, and vaccines. It is Satan and his followers in the one world people who are constantly trying to find ways to reduce the population. The evil ones are behind helping abortion clinics and promoting abortion to kill the unborn. Even birth control methods are preventing more live births. These same evil people are also promoting euthanasia, or the killing of older people or people who desire mercy killing for those in pain. Wars also are used to reduce the population. Using viruses and vaccines to reduce the population is a new tactic that is being carried out recently to increase the rate of deaths. The evil ones want fewer people because it is harder to control large amounts of people. My people need to pray and be active against abortions, killing by euthanasia, and this new killing using bioweapon viruses and vaccines designed to kill large numbers of people.”

Thursday, April 1, 2021: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the Seder Supper which was carried out on the Passover time. This commemorated the use of the lamb’s blood on the door posts and the lintel so the destroying angel would pass over the Hebrews’ houses. At the Last Supper I celebrated the Passover with My disciples. I first washed their feet as an example to be a servant for the people. I then offered the First Mass with the consecration of bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This is done now at every Mass. Tonight you are re-enacting the Last Supper as the first day of the Triduum. Now I am the sacrificial Lamb who was offered on the cross for the salvation of mankind and for the forgiveness of your sins that I took on the cross. Be thankful for the gift of My Eucharist.”

Friday, April 2, 2021: (Good Friday 3:00 a.m.)
Jesus said: “My people, you know the significance of My 3:00 p.m. Hour because that is the hour of My death on Good Friday. The 3:00 a.m. Hour is important on Easter Sunday because that is the hour of My Resurrection. I love all of My people and I thank you for praying this service at 3:00 a.m. on Good Friday. You had your bowls of extra virgin olive oil with the flames on wicks that floated in the oil. You prayed your 33 Apostles’ Creed, and your 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers. I will bless this oil with your faith in Me that it could be used to heal people of illnesses. You can also take some of this oil and make a cross on those people’s foreheads who have been vaccinated so their immune system will be healed, and they will survive the next virus attack. Believe that they can be healed by My power, and it will happen. Others can be healed at My refuges when they look upon My Luminous cross in the sky. Before the next deadly virus is released, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to My refuges after the six weeks of conversion that will not have any influence of the devil. Remember to get rid of all of your cell phones, TVs, computers, and internet devices so you are not challenged by the Antichrist’s eyes. Trust in Me to provide for your needs throughout the tribulation.”

(Good Friday 3:00 p.m. service) Jesus said: “My people, today is a solemn feast that commemorates My death on the cross, as there is no Mass. My sacrifice on the cross is the new sacrifice that you re-enact at every Mass. I have given My life so My Most Precious Blood can bring salvation to all of those people who accept My offering. You read how the centurion recognized My Divinity. The curtain in the Temple was split in two as one of My signs of My glory and power. You had a flashback to when you saw a miraculous curtain of Light that came on the wall of your chapel right under My Crucifixion at the Twelfth Station of the Cross. This was a sign for you of the miracles that would be performed in your chapel. By My death on the cross I have set all souls free from the bondage of their sins, and this opened the gates of heaven to those people who are worthy to enter. I laid in the tomb for three days, as soon you will celebrate My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Rejoice in My great love that I gave up My life for all of you to save you from your sins.”

Saturday, April 3, 2021: (Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “Alleluia, My people, My Resurrection was glorious as the Light of My Resurrection burned an image into My Shroud. The women who came to the empty tomb were greeted by My angel. The angel said:(Luke 24:5-7) ‘Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how He spoke to you while He was yet in Galilee, saying that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise.’ I fulfilled My prophesy when I rose from the dead. This was My greatest miracle, and I give hope to all of My faithful who will rise on the last day. This promise of eternal life with Me in heaven is the dream of every Christian believer. By seeking My forgiveness of your sins, and following My Commandments of love, you can have this promise of Mine fulfilled in your next life with Me.”

Sunday, April 4, 2021: (Easter Sunday)
Jesus said: “Alleluia, My people, your priest was extra vibrant in celebrating My Resurrection from the empty tomb. My apostles remembered how I told them I would rise on the third day. So when they went to see My empty tomb, they believed in My words. You see all the glorious flowers on the altar, and you have a joy of new life in nature and in Me. I am always with you, but you need My strength because you are still living in your Good Friday of the pre-tribulation. I love all of you so much, and I am happy to see a full church of your happy faces, even if you have to wear your masks. All of heaven is celebrating Easter Sunday as well, when you saw all of My angels and saints in your vision. Even amidst your difficulties, you are sharing in My glorious Resurrection. You are My Easter people, and I give you hope to see one day that you will be raised up on the last day to share eternity with your Savior.”

Monday, April 5, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you have scoundrels who are always ruling over your people. Even after My glorious miracle of My Resurrection, the Jews paid off the soldiers to tell the people that My disciples carried off My Body while they were sleeping. The Jews did not want to admit that I rose from the dead, and I had the stone rolled back. Now, in your own time you are being run by your present day scoundrels when China, Italy, and Germany, hacked into your Dominion voting machines, and added more votes to Biden than were ever registered. You had your court judges threatened, or paid off just like the soldiers to keep quiet, and they allowed the cheating Democrats to win the Presidential election. Now you have scoundrels in your pharmaceutical companies and media pushing vaccines on you that are causing people to get sick or die from the vaccines. Any other product with such bad effects, would have been taken off the market, but there is no legal liability for the pharmaceutical companies who are killing people with their corrupted vaccines that do not kill the virus. Yet medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that actually kill the virus and heal people, are not allowed. This virus and the messenger RNA nano vaccines are being used to ruin your innate immune systems so the evil ones can kill many people with the next virus attack. You can see the devil is behind these evil ones because they want to reduce the population as their goal. Fear not My people, because I am providing My Good Friday oil blessing to heal the vaccinated believers, and I will heal people at My refuges. Avoid taking any virus vaccines or flu shots that will ruin your immune system.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last few weeks you have been seeing an increase in earthquake activity along the California coast. I have given you several messages and visions of San Francisco falling into the ocean with a huge earthquake along the San Andreas fault. Before such an event could happen, I will warn My faithful to leave this city of San Francisco. They can come to My refuges away from the city so they will be protected. This event of a major earthquake could happen any time. Many people who are not believers could be killed. This will be just one of the many major events that will be happening soon. Pray for the unprepared souls, so their souls could be ready to face their judgments.”

Tuesday, April 6, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, Mary Magdalene was the first person to see My resurrected Body in the Scriptures. My Body is so glorified that she did not recognize Me until I called her name out of love for her. I showed Myself to My disciples because they needed the strength and proof of My Resurrection. My apostles would be My witnesses of My gift of salvation for souls. It was My suffering and death on the cross that has ransomed people from their sins. It took My personal touch for them to believe because they were not believing the first witnesses that I gave them. Even now there are not many people who believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts, but I am still Present even amidst their lack of faith. Trust in Me that I walk with you every day, and even more so when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I have left you with Myself in My Host, even though I ascended in Body into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your new Administration is continuing to spend money beyond your budget that could bankrupt your country or crash your dollar. You have received three stimulus checks of $1200, $600, and $1400 per person. Some people are still waiting for the last checks, while some had to get their stimulus from their tax return. Much of the Covid spending and the new infrastructure spending gives money to pet Democrat projects with only 10% of the money going for the plan of each bill. Such overspending and the new taxes on the rich and your businesses can challenge the value of your dollar and slow down your economy. This spending will require tax increases which will not pay for all of the spending. If your dollar crashes, it will take away your investments which are based in dollars. Be prepared for some financial problems which could put your country into turmoil. If your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Wednesday, April 7, 2021: (Road to Emmaus)
Jesus said: “My people, when I appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, they did not recognize Me at first. They were describing how I was crucified, and how they heard the women had seen Me at the tomb. Then I described to them all the Scriptures that referred to Me. They invited Me into dinner at night, and when I broke the bread for them, they recognized Me. They said how their hearts were burning inside them as I explained the Scriptures to them. Then I disappeared from their sight, and the two disciples explained their experience with Me to the other apostles. The apostles were still in disbelief that I had risen from the dead.”
Jesus said: “My son, you took your relics with you to Buffalo to help the priest in his exorcism of the demons from a 20 year old young man. The priest used your St. Lucy relic in his service along with his cross and chrism oil. You witnessed the shrieking and shaking of the young man with the demons affecting him for four hours. The young man was calm at the end of his sixth session, but the priest felt there were more demons to get rid of. Before this session the young man was having difficulty sleeping because of the voices of the demons, and he had several trips to the hospital. You may have to go on another trip in a few weeks. Keep him and his family in your prayers, as you witnessed this demon possession first hand.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need to continue your Divine Mercy Novena that you started on Good Friday. This weekend is Mercy Sunday so you need to come to Confession this Saturday or next Saturday. You can also gain extra graces when you pray in front of My Divine Mercy picture that you saw in your vision. Make an intention for your family while you pray these prayers. You can gain a plenary indulgence for your prayer intentions for the souls of your family when you complete this Novena. I love all of you, and I give you My Divine Mercy blessing to heal the souls in your family. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I do for you.”

Thursday, April 8, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel My apostles were startled that I could appear and disappear in the flesh. I said to them: ‘Peace be with you.’ I showed them My wounds and I ate some baked fish to show I was not a ghost, but I had flesh and bones after My Resurrection. My apostles were happy to have Me back in their midst. I made several appearances: at the tomb, on the road to Emmaus, in the Upper Room, and later in Galilee. I wanted My apostles to put aside any disbelief in My Resurrection, and believe that I was Present to them in My glorified, and resurrected Body. I would later bless them with the Holy Spirit, so they could go out and evangelize people to My new Catholic Church. My suffering on the cross is a reparation for all sin, past, present, and in the future. I love all of My faithful to the extent that I died to have your sins forgiven. Be thankful for My gift of spiritual healing in Confession where your sins are forgiven by the absolution of the priest. So come to Me as often as you need your sins forgiven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are aware of how difficult it is to exorcize demons out of people when you were a witness to an exorcism in Buffalo, NY. You also are aware of more demons coming out of the volcanoes that are erupting. I have warned you that I will call My faithful to My refuges at the proper time. Once you come to your refuge, you will have your refuge angel, St. Meridia, guarding the entrance from evil people and demons imitating as people. Your angel has power to keep all people without a cross on the forehead from entering, and demons as well. Trust in My power to protect you from evil throughout the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for continuing your Divine Mercy Novena with today’s reading. Remember to come to Confession within the next week or so. My Divine Mercy is flowing out over all of you, even now. Place your intentions for souls in your family who are in great need of your prayers. Even if your family members may be away from Me, have faith in My Divine Mercy through your prayers, and your family could be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people of this prayer group, I am thankful for all of your fasting and extra prayers and penances you gave up during Lent. Now you are celebrating My Easter celebration, and you are about to share a well earned meal, as you all come to Me in prayer. I love all of My prayer warriors, and you deserve this reward for your patience and penances.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day you are seeing how Biden and the Democrats want to take you over with a communist style government which is beyond socialism. Their first takeover attempt will start with taking away your guns. You will then see mandatory vaccines and Covid vaccine passports that will be enforced with threats of jail and heavy fines if you do not get vaccinated. When your lives will be threatened, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection where I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in several messages how I would bring My Warning before the next deadly virus attack, and before mandatory vaccines. In the Warning I will warn My faithful that you will need to leave your homes for My refuges after the six weeks of conversion. I have died to save your souls from your sins, and I am giving you My refuges of protection to endure the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many ways that you can allow the demons to enter your soul. The demons use bad habits as drinking to excess, gambling, worship of Satan or crystals, and the sexual sins. Once you are firmly in the grasp of the demons, it will take multiple exorcisms and grace to separate yourselves from the demons. Avoid these sins in the first place to protect your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I draw you to Myself in your prayers, good deeds, and in your reception of My sacraments in Confession and Holy Communion. I ask you to always put your full trust in Me and My graces that will pull you through the coming tribulation. You will be seeing a coming battle between My good people and My angels against the evil people and the demon angels. This will be the final battle that I will win for My faithful. All of My faithful will be at My refuges, and the evil ones will be killed and sent to hell. My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace where there will be no evil influence, and you will be prepared to be saints on your way to heaven when you die.”

Friday, April 9, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, the apostles had a previous experience when they did not catch any fish all night. When I asked St. Peter to lower the nets, he did it to please Me, but he did not expect to catch anything. Then they pulled in such a catch that they signaled another boat to help them. Both boats were filled to almost sinking. Then St. Peter said: ‘Leave me Lord. I am a sinful man.’ (Luke 5:8) Now at the sea of Tiberias, I again called out to My apostles if they had caught anything. I was in My resurrected Body and the apostles did not recognize Me. So they lowered their nets and they caught 153 fish. Then they realized that it was Me, and they rushed ashore to meet Me for breakfast. This was My third appearance after My Resurrection. (Jn 21:1-14) There is a lesson in faith here when I call on My people to do something for Me. You need to imitate St. Peter and follow Me in blind faith without questioning My motives. I know what is good for you, so when I suggest something, it is for your best interest. So trust in Me in all that I ask of you, and you will have your reward.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with how Moses held up the bronze serpent on a pole to heal the Hebrews from their snake bites. This caduceus is a symbol of the oath that doctors take so they promise to make patients well instead of killing them. You have the FDA to approve drugs for use on your citizens. It is sad that drug companies are making drugs and shots that they take no liability for what effects their drugs have on people. The Covid vaccines are dangerous because many people are getting sick and some people are dying who were vaccinated. But this information is not given to the public. With so many bad reactions, these vaccines should be taken off the market, and not forced on people. These vaccines are ruining people’s immune systems, and when the next deadly virus comes, many people will die without a good immune system to fight this virus. The worst of this problem is that the virus and vaccines are all part of a pre-planned effort to kill millions of people to reduce the population. Your leaders are behind this plot, and they are lying to the public about the need for vaccines, let alone making vaccine passports a means to steal your freedoms. In the end these evil people will be killed and sent to hell. Refuse to take any Covid vaccine or flu shot, even if the authorities threaten to kill you. I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Saturday, April 10, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I breathed on My apostles to receive the Holy Spirit, and they had tongues of fire come over them at Pentecost. Once My apostles had the courage of the Holy Spirit’s gifts, they went out to proclaim My ‘Good News’ and they healed a cripple. When the Pharisees brought them to the Sanhedrin, they scorned them and warned them not to speak about Me in public. With the courage of the Holy Spirit, St. Peter said: ‘We must obey God rather than men.’ (Acts 4:19, 5:29) This principle can be applied to a lot of man’s laws that defy God’s laws. You have a Supreme Court decision making abortion legal, but My Fifth Commandment says you shall not kill anyone, even the unborn. You are seeing new demands to have a vaccine and a chip in the body. These laws threaten your health and your freedoms which you do not have to obey. These laws are the means that the evil ones are trying to use to reduce the population and control the people. You definitely would want to obey My laws before man’s laws. I will protect you with My angels at your refuges, so have no fear of man’s laws that defy My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more earthquakes, volcanoes going off, tornadoes damaging neighborhoods, and fires from drought and water shortages. You saw fires in your vision and this happens every year in the West. There are a few sources of water in the West, and they have serious water shortages every year. In the West they rely on the Colorado River and snow melt for their water. Even in your area around the Great Lakes, you are seeing three inches of water short last year, and you are down two inches from normal this year. You had only 60% of your normal snowfall. You also are seeing more volcanoes going off, as well as more earthquakes. You have a steady number of tornadoes that can cause a lot of damage. Be prepared because your natural disasters will get worse as a punishment for all of your abortions and other Democrat failures. You are on the brink of a dollar crash and possible inflation, as the Democrats are printing more money than you are worth. Trust in Me to protect you from the vaccines, the chip in the body, and the future deadly virus, when I will call you to My refuges.”

Sunday, April 11, 2021: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, I love you all so much, and I am pouring out My graces and mercy upon all of you. St. Faustina was given a great mission to promote My Divine Mercy and have My picture spread all over the earth. You can gain extra graces by praying in front of My Divine Mercy picture. I thank all of you who have been praying the Divine Mercy Novena, and you went to Confession to complete these requirements. I know many of you pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet at the 3:00 p.m. hour. Keep focusing your life around Me, and you will have My reward in heaven. You will be seeing Me extend My Divine Mercy on you at My Warning. This will be My blessing over all sinners who will have a chance to convert their lives.
St. Thomas is special for you, My son, because you were married on his feast day on July 3rd. I know you have no doubt in loving Me, and following My requests.”

Monday, April 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I had to explain to Nicodemus what it means to be born again in the Holy Spirit. He did not understand what to be born again meant. I was teaching him how important it is to have the Holy Spirit lead his life. I was baptized by St. John the Baptist and you remember how the Dove of the Holy Spirit and My Father’s voice were all present. You receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit at your Baptism and later at your Confirmation. It is the Holy Spirit who transforms your life to live in the Spirit. This is your born again experience that will help you live your life with the Blessed Trinity by your side. This life is difficult without Me directing you. So call on Me in all of your trials, and I will have My angels assist you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing most of the new Covid cases associated with the United Kingdom and the South African variant viruses. These new variants are more contagious than the original Covid strain. Some of the new vaccines are not killing these variant viruses, and the vaccinated people are shedding this variant virus to unvaccinated people. The vaccinated people are the spreaders, and these people think they are safe to roam about people. There are five states that are seeing a dramatic increase in Covid cases and most of these cases are the United Kingdome variant. Without a vaccine that can kill this virus, it will spread around rapidly. The vaccines are ruining your immune systems which is why I told people not to take the vaccines and avoid testing. You may soon see another shutdown in your homes. Try to build up your immune system with vitamin C and D along with Hawthorn pills and elderberry extract which has natural tamiflu. You can bless people with your Good Friday oil as well. Refuse to take any vaccine or boosters that claim to heal these variants. If your lives are in danger from these variants, I will call you to the safety of My refuges where I will heal you of any virus.”

Tuesday, April 13, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, you have seen how many people are suffering from Covid-19 and other diseases. When you are blessed with good health, you tend to not think about how other people are sick. You pray for the sick people in general, but when someone you know gets sick, it is closer to home. You are praying for your friends in Michigan who have Covid in the hospital. When those people in your family get sick, it is more of a problem for feeding them and taking care of their needs. Each family member has their own tasks, but once they are sick, then the rest of the family has to do their jobs. This can be a new situation for those people who do not cook or do other household chores. You all can help out, even when you need to do something you are not used to doing. This is when you learn to appreciate what your family members do to help each other. Continue to pray for the sick people and pray that they can get better soon. I love all of you and when you are sick, you learn to thank Me more for your good health. You all have to endure occasional sickness, so reach out to help your family members when they get sick.”

Wednesday, April 14, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, the Sadducees and the Pharisees were upset with the apostles for speaking out in My Name. These leaders were having the apostles flogged to threaten them, but the apostles said they would rather obey My laws than man’s laws. I protected My apostles from these religious leaders until they had time to preach My message. Later, all but St. John were martyred. In the Gospel I spoke about how thieves and murderers perform their evil actions in the dark because they do not want to be exposed to the punishment they deserve. But My faithful want to witness their good deeds in the Light so they can be a witness of My Word. I call all of My faithful to evangelize souls to heaven, and you will receive My just reward. I want to see your good deeds for people so others can see how much you love Me and your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats were able to push through a $2.1 trillion dollar Covid package by using a Reconciliation Process that only required a simple majority 51 votes. In this case only 9% of the funds went for Covid treatment. Now the Democrats want to use the same Reconciliation Process to pass a $2 trillion dollar Infrastructure bill that only will allocate 6% for building infrastructure of your cities. This latest bill is a disguised Green New Deal that will only need 51 votes in the Senate. All of this huge spending will cause massive inflation as your dollar will lose its value. It will be difficult to find enough backing to fund this money and your printing presses will devalue your currency. The Democrats are not just satisfied with bankrupting your currency, but now they are proposing to add four more Supreme Court justices to your Supreme Court. This is literally destroying your whole form of government that could pass any law they want to destroy any opposition to their authority. You will also be seeing higher taxes to pay for all of this spending. You will soon see more riots and fights over this power grab. When you see more push back to their grab for power, you could see more resistance to your government decrees. You could see a crash of your money and stocks as your country will start falling apart. I will call My faithful to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Trust in My protection as I will bring down the evil ones.”

Thursday, April 15, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Scriptures how the earthly people think only about power and money. I told the people to listen to the words of the Pharisees, but do not imitate their actions. You have the same kind of evil people around you who crave power, fame, and earthly things. But My people are heavenly people, and they seek heavenly things. It may seem like the evil people are controlling things, but I am always protecting you from harm. These evil ones are working to reduce the earth’s population by developing deadly viruses and deadly vaccines that will ruin your immune systems. Refuse to take any Covid vaccine or flu shots. When you are sick, call on Me in prayer to heal you. I will send the Holy Spirit and His healing gifts to make you well again. Trust in My healing by increasing your prayers and your St. Therese 24 Glory Be prayers. You will see how your faith will heal you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the Democrats move gun legislation to try and do away with your right to bear arms. This is against your Second Amendment rights, and it is your protection from thieves and killers. Bearing arms is also a means to keep your government from taking you over. The Democrats will not get very far because you have a right to self-defense. There are too many guns out there, and this would be dangerous to try and take away your guns. The criminals have guns and they do not want to obey gun laws. This is why your citizens will not give up their guns because you would no longer have any defense. The Democrats are trying to get rid of your local police so they can have an easier time for a take over. I keep telling My faithful if your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Trust in My protection as My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”

Friday, April 16, 2021:
(Acts 5:34-42) Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter and St. John were being tested by the Sanhedrin because they did not stop preaching in My Name. When the religious leaders demanded that My apostles should not preach in My Name, the apostles said: ‘We must obey God, rather than men.’ At this the leaders wanted to kill My apostles. But one of the Sanhedrin, Gamaliel, stepped forward and told his people that several important people had large followings. When they died, the followers were dispersed and nothing followed. Gamaliel warned the Sanhedrin to let My apostles go, or they could even be working against God. My Church was formed on St. Peter and it has survived throughout the years because the gates of hell will not prevail over it. Gamaliel was right in protecting My apostles because St. Peter and St. John did proclaim My words.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are dealing with wicked, evil people who will do anything to take over your people, and they are ruthlessly planning to kill millions of people. These evil ones have a code of ethics among thieves in that they will always tell you how they are going to take you over. You have seen the one world people plan how to deal with a world pandemic virus before the Covid event happened. Now, the pandemic is causing deadly variants. This is because this virus mutates every ten hours according to some doctors. The same one world people are telling you that they plan to release another virus that could be deadly for vaccinated people. They will show you their plan soon after a good share of the people are vaccinated. Before they release this new virus, I will send My Warning so every soul will have one last chance to convert their sinful lives so they can be saved. You will be warned to come to My refuges during your Warning experience, where you will be healed of your sins and any sickness. After the time of conversion, I will send My angels to lead you to the safety of My refuges. Have trust in Me that I will lead you with flames to My nearest refuge. Once My faithful are in a safe place, I will unleash worse plagues on all of the evil ones who refused to convert their sinful lives. Only My believers with crosses on their foreheads will be saved. The evil ones will be killed and sent to hell. My believers will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, April 17, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I came to My apostles walking on the sea, and I told them: ‘It is I’. I am showing you how the apostles had to trust in My every Word and action for their mission to spread My Word of the Gospel. Even now, My children, you need to trust in Me in sickness and in health. When you are sick, I asked you to double your prayers and to pray the 24 Glory Be prayers to St. Therese. I call on the Holy Spirit to bring His healing graces on you, and believing in faith, you will be healed. Every day you must have full trust in Me, whether you are sick or not. Keep praying your prayers faithfully, and I will heal you. You also have friends who are sick as well, so you need to include them in your prayer intentions. You have many trials in this life, but struggling to stay alive in your work is how you can best please Me. I am always by your side, just as I comforted My apostles on the sea.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and I hear all of your complaints. Think about how the Hebrews complained about the manna and the meat I gave them in the desert. Because they were an ungrateful people, I sent seraph serpents among the people where some died. You already know enough not to complain about your food. You think you are suffering now, as you wait for My victory. You have plenty of food, and you are being harassed by the evil progressive people. I am warning you now, that these evil ones will soon test you with persecution like you have never seen. Your trials are about to get a lot worse, but I will protect the lives of My faithful at My refuges. Put your faith and trust in My protection, and stop complaining of when I will bring My victory.”

Sunday, April 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is one of My appearances to My apostles, and I wanted to prove to them that I truly resurrected. I had them look at My wounds in My hands, My feet, and My side. I then ate some baked fish in front of them to show them I was flesh and bone and not a ghost. I told them to believe in My Resurrection, and put aside their unbelief. Later, I would appear again to St. Thomas so he could believe by putting his hand into My wounds, and he needed to believe in My Resurrection. Blessed are those people, who did not see My physical Body, and still they believe. My Resurrection is the culmination of My mission to show My victory over sin and death. By My death and Resurrection, I have set you free from your sins. I have paid the ransom for your salvation, and I desire all souls to love Me and seek the forgiveness of their sins. You see how much I love you by dying for all of your souls. Trust in Me to lead you on your path through life so by following My Commandments, you can gain eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Monday, April 19, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, all of those people, who love Me and believe in Me, will be persecuted by the worldly people. I love all of you, and I will give you the strength to endure any criticism from your persecutors. They had evil people back in St. Stephen’s day, and they brought forth false witnesses against him. They condemned him falsely, and they stoned him to death. In your day you are seeing the evil people gaining power, and they literally want to kill millions of people. These evil ones especially want to persecute anyone who proclaims My Word. So be forewarned, My faithful, because the evil ones want to kill you because they cannot stand hearing My Name from your lips. As you approach the time of the tribulation, the persecution of Christians will be so strong, that I will need to call you to the protection of My refuges. I speak the truth as your Resurrected Savior, so be ready to come to My refuges after My Warning and the conversion time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the one world people proclaim that with viruses and vaccines they could reduce the world’s population by 15% or more. It is the devil who is prompting the development of pandemic viruses. These same evil ones are preventing real cures like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine from being used to heal people from Covid-19. Your evil pharma people are making money on creating vaccines that will kill your people with the next bad virus. This is why I have repeated many times: ‘Do not take any virus vaccine or flu shot because they are designed to kill you.’ The evil ones are using the media to try and get as many people as possible to take the deadly vaccines. These vaccines will change your DNA and they will kill people according to their plan. The vaccinated people can be saved by being blessed by the Good Friday oil and their belief that I can heal them at My refuges. Those vaccinated people, who do not seek My healing, will be killed with the next virus release. This is a deadly plan to purposely reduce the population where China spread this disease on purpose. I will bring My Warning and healing to protect My people before the next virus is released. I will bring My victory over these evil ones, as they will be killed and cast into the eternal flames of hell. Trust in My words and My healing for My faithful. Have patience and you will be healed by your faith in My healing power.”

Tuesday, April 20, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Stephen was brave to his death by stoning, and he stayed true to his faith in Me. In this life you may also face persecution for believing in Me. Refuse to deny Me, and hold fast to your faith in Me no matter how much the evil ones will threaten your lives. Call on Me for your protection, and I will give you My daily Bread at every Mass. I am by your side every day to defend you, so have confidence in My power no matter how many people come against you. You are at a crossroad of your life, and you need to choose between Me or the world. Put your full trust in My laws, and do not concern yourselves to follow man’s laws when they do not follow My Commandments. You will face Me at your judgment, so obey My laws of love, and you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen forecasts for up to 5 inches of snow in your area. This is another freak storm that is coming late in the season. There have been some unusual jet stream activities that are forecasting a major snow storm. Such a swing in temperatures can cause an unusual snowstorm. This snow will not last long, but it could cause some fruit trees to have their buds frozen. You have seen failures with cherry and apple trees because of this sudden freeze. Pray that your fruit trees do not suffer a lost season of crops.”

Wednesday, April 21, 2021: (St. Anselm)
Jesus said: “My son, you were praying for the exorcism of a young man yesterday. You remember how the demons come after you stronger when you try to free the demons from a soul. These problems you are experiencing this morning, are a payback because the demons do not want you praying to help souls. Fear not, My little ones, for I am always here to protect you. Call on My help, and I will send My angels to help you. The demons are always taunting you, but when you see difficulties, then you need to call in My Name, Jesus, to help you. The demons’ power is no match for My power, but you must always have faith in My power to turn away the evil ones. This is why the Mass is your most powerful prayer, because you receive Me in Holy Communion or spiritual communion. This is why the demons tried to keep you from your Mass today. So remember to keep praying in My Name to help your souls and the souls you are praying for. You keep seeing that you are in a constant battle for helping souls, so stay the course in your daily Mass and rosaries.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen millions of unborn babies killed by abortion because it was made legal by evil people. You have also seen more older people killed by euthanasia because it was made legal by evil people. You have also seen many people killed in your many wars because of the evil people who instigated the wars. Now, humanity has a new threat from man-made viruses that evil people have made to purposely reduce the world’s population. An even worse threat is the pharma made vaccines that are really designed to kill people, especially when they release the next deadly virus. Before this gets released, I will bring My Warning. Souls will have one last chance to believe in Me and be saved. Vaccinated people need a blessing with your Good Friday oil, or they need to come to My refuges and believe in My healing. When the next virus comes, you will see millions of dead bodies on the ground. This is the worst mass killing ever attempted by the evil one world people. In the end all of the evil people will be killed and sent to hell. Only believers in God will be healed and protected at My refuges.”

Thursday, April 22, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, I told you that I would heal you in faith, and now you are a healthy person again. You truly have empathy for those people who are sick with the Covid virus. You know what it is like to suffer weakness without a fever for ten days. Once you have recovered from your sickness, now you can thank Me for your daily health. You can also thank Me for your spiritual health of soul that you share with others in your monthly Zoom Conferences. Keep strong in your faith, My son, and I will protect you through the coming trials. It is one thing for one person to be sick with sin and to recover in Confession with My forgiveness. But when a whole nation is sick with sin, and they are not repenting, this is a very serious tragedy for your nation. Keep praying for your families and for America that your people will wake up when I bring My Warning to save them.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of you feel like you are on a constant treadmill where you are being directed in many parts of your lives. You cannot help but notice how your people are being herded like animals to get a Covid vaccine shot. These Covid vaccines are deadly and you should refuse to take them. You did not get a vaccine and you survived a weak case of this Covid virus. These vaccines will change your DNA and you do not need them. The vaccinated people could die from the next virus attack. Pray for your sick people to be healed as I healed you without a vaccine.”

Jesus said: “My people, the media and various groups have been promoting the Covid vaccines and have been giving out Covid passports. Some sports arenas, workplaces, and hospitals have been demanding Covid passports to enter. It will be difficult to try and prevent people from taking these vaccines. This is why I have given you the Good Friday oil as a healing remedy for those people who have taken the vaccine. Those people, who were vaccinated, can be blessed by this oil, and they will be healed if they believe I can heal them. Those vaccinated people, who do not get blessed by the Good Friday oil, and they do not come to My refuges, will be killed by the next bad virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some people saying that you can make some Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on April 30th according to the Eastern Rite. For those people, who did not get a chance to make Good Friday oil on April 2, this could be a second opportunity for people to make some more Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on April 30th. This oil also could be used to bless vaccinated people who might die without this blessing.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you many times not to take any virus vaccine or flu shot. The evil ones are trying to vaccinate many people with the deadly vaccines. At one point they may try and make the vaccinations mandatory, but if the evil ones try to do this, I will protect My faithful at My refuges. The Good Friday oil can only heal My believers, if they truly believe I can heal them.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know the evil ones want to kill millions of vaccinated people according to the devil’s plan. I will stand in the breach before this happens, and I will bring My Warning to give every sinner an opportunity to save their souls. You will have a chance to repent and seek the forgiveness of your sins during the six weeks of conversion. You will be warned to come to My refuges of protection after the conversion time. Those people, who convert their lives, will be healed at My refuges. Those people, who do not convert, could die in their sins and be lost in hell. Choose life with Me and you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how the Democrats are quickly using their power to control your people in the Congress, and even your Supreme Court. They also are trying to make Washington, D.C. into the 51st state. You have never seen such a grab for power that will turn your country into a socialist state ready for a take over. Pray for your country that you can keep your religious freedoms, but you will be tested with increasing persecution of Christians.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were fortunate to be able to have daily Mass while you were sick. This reminded you of the time when churches were closed during the peak of the Covid pandemic. Let this be a reminder to you that the evil ones are planning to shut down your churches again with another pandemic virus. It is just a matter of time after the Warning, that all churches will be closed, and you will be coming to My refuges. During the tribulation, you may have a priest for Mass, or My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. Be thankful for My protection and for My providing My very Body and Blood for you every day.”

Friday, April 23, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you have two significant readings today. The first is the conversion of Saul to St. Paul on the road to Damascus. My powerful Light shook Saul off of his horse, and he was blinded by this experience. Saul was killing Christians, so I called Saul and I told him: ‘Why are you persecuting Me?’ Saul was later healed of his sight by Ananias, and now Paul believed in the Risen Christ. Very few people are converted in such an obvious change in their life’s direction. I call on My faithful to evangelize as many souls as possible because the time for converting souls grows short. In the Gospel (Jn ch 6)
I am imploring My disciples to eat My Body and drink My Blood. I did not encourage cannibalism, but I am speaking of the consecrated Bread and Wine that gets transubstantiated into My Body and Blood at the Consecration of the Mass. It was difficult for My early believers to understand the Mystery of My Real Presence. As a result, a good number left My apostles because they did not accept this in faith. Even today, not all of My followers believe in My Real Presence of My Body and Blood in the consecrated Host and Wine. Even if some do not believe, I am still Present in the Host. I am Present in all of the tabernacles that house My consecrated Hosts. This is My perpetual Presence that I have left you with in My Blessed Sacrament. This is why you genuflect and give reverence to My tabernacle when you enter church. Give thanks and praise to Me for your belief in My Real Presence in My Host.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people across your country are also receiving stimulus checks. Some checks come right away, while others have to wait longer to receive them. You all could use the money to pay down bills and possibly buy something you needed for the house. This is a great help for people who lost their jobs, but it is not something you can count on like a paycheck. This Covid pandemic has turned your economy upside down. Handing out billions of dollars is not the way to help your economy, especially when the Democrats want to spend more money that could bankrupt your country with frivolous spending for political payoffs. It is better to control your spending on things your government needs, instead of so many handouts. Your government spending is out of control, and your country could soon be on the brink of bankruptcy. Pray for your leaders to do the right things for your people, before your dollar becomes worthless.”

Saturday, April 24, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were given gifts of healing by the power of the Holy Spirit. Just as My miracles enhanced the faith of My apostles, so the miracles of St. Peter brought many converts to the faith. Give praise to Me whenever you see a miraculous healing, because it is My healing power. Even today, when you pray over people, and you believe in My healing power, they will be healed. Trust in Me in faith and healing both of body and soul. When I healed people, I healed them in the soul first, and then the body. In the Gospel you see St. Peter giving another great act of faith when I asked the apostles: ‘Do you want to leave Me too?’ St. Peter said: ‘Lord to whom shall we go, because you have the words of eternal life.’ All of My apostles believed in My Real Presence in My Eucharist. Some people left our company because they did not accept eating My Body and drinking My Blood. (Jn 6:54) ‘Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’”

Jesus said: “My people, every day you are struggling to survive by obtaining food, and finding a comfortable home to live in. You do everything to feed and protect your family from harm. You find jobs to earn money for your needs. You work to have cars so you can travel to work and the stores. This is the normal desires to survive. Unfortunately, you have the elite rich people who are led by the devil, and they want to reduce the world’s population so they have fewer people to control. At the Georgia Guidestones you see the first line that desires to reduce the world’s population down to 500 million from 7 billion people. These evil ones are trying to commit the largest mass extermination of man that has even been tried. The Covid virus does not kill that many people, but the vaccines and boosters will kill your immune system. So do not take any vaccines. You have survived the Covid virus without using a vaccine. These vaccines are deadly and they will change your DNA irreversibly. They will keep giving you more deadly boosters, but do not take any of them at all. If they mandate vaccines, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. When these evil ones want to kill you, I will call you to My refuges. The Warning will come before the next deadly virus attack that will kill all of the vaccinated people. If you have been vaccinated, you can be healed by getting blessed with the Good Friday oil, or if you are believers, you will be healed at My refuges. Trust in Me to heal My believers, but those people, who refuse My healing, will die and go to hell with the next bad virus attack. My faithful will be healed and rewarded in My Era of Peace.”

Sunday, April 25, 2021: (Good Shepherd Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you see all of the evil things going on around you, and you know why I am guarding My people from the evil ones. You had the good pleasure of kneeling and receiving Me on the tongue from the priest today. This was a flashback to when you went to church before the Covid pandemic. You realize how controlled some of your churches are when compared to St. Thomas. Only the priest gave out Holy Communion at three different sides at a Communion rail. It took longer, but the people were patient. You can see your priest friend truly is a good shepherd of his people. I take care of My people every day when you come to daily Mass. You can call on Me in prayer, and I am there to heal you, and provide for your needs. Trust in Me as your Good Shepherd.”

Monday, April 26, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, most of you are Gentiles and are not of the Jewish faith. But you have been welcomed by the Holy Spirit to receive your sacraments. The ‘Catholic’ Church means universal, and it means that all people are welcomed into My Church. There is no discrimination because you are all equal in My eyes. I call on My faithful to be baptized and confirmed by the Blessed Trinity. When you come to Confession to the priest, your souls are cleansed of your sins, and you are now able to receive My Blessed Sacrament worthily. Come join Me in the Easter Spirit, as I have brought salvation to My people. I am the Sheepgate, and I know My sheep by name, and you know My voice. So enter My sheepfold as I put My protection around My people. I love all of you, and you love Me in return. Rejoice in the joy of My love in this new spring season.”

Jesus said: “My people, before the virus vaccines were being pushed by the media and evil doctors, I told My people to refuse to take these deadly vaccines, even if they threatened to kill you. Refuse to take the flu shots as well because they are all designed to kill the people. I even told you to avoid getting tested because the tests could be contaminated with viruses. Now, these evil ones are trying to force people to take the shots, or they could not enter their jobs or sports events. These evil ones will use vaccine passports to separate those people who are vaccinated from those who are unvaccinated. Eventually, these evil ones will make these shots mandatory, and they will try and use the military to enforce the shots on everyone. If your lives are threatened, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. I will bring My Warning to separate the good people from the evil ones. The evil ones will not be allowed into My refuges. Non-believers will die from these plagues, and they will be cast into hell. My believers will be healed of any viruses at My refuges. Trust in Me and My angels when I will protect you with an invisible shield. My justice will come against all the evil ones, as they will be killed and sent to hell. I will gather My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, April 27, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the Easter Season, and you are My Easter people. You have been taught the faith, and My people need to share your faith experience with others. There is joy and goodness in the faith, so raise up your joy a few notches to overcome the evil and the sadness around you. People, who have had the Covid virus, know how it can get you down with weakness. But you have prayed to get better, and I have healed you. So now that you are feeling better, you can get on with your evangelization efforts, especially among your family. Keep praying for your family to accept Me in My glory of My Easter Resurrection. Those people, who know and love Me, need to share your love with others and show them the example of your faith as they see you coming to daily Mass. I love all of you, and you need to keep sharing My love with all of your friends and relatives.”

Wednesday, April 28, 2021: (St. Louis de Montfort)
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading many beautiful accounts in the Acts of the Apostles that are read in this Easter Season. It was not easy to travel by donkey or by boat to spread My Word to the various peoples of St. Paul’s time. Today, you have cars, airplanes, and trains to move around to evangelize souls. You have been restricted by this Covid pandemic in having meetings with people in person. Now, you are using Zoom conferences in English and Spanish translations to share My messages with the people. Call on Me and the Holy Spirit to give you the words to touch the people in their hearts and souls with My messages. Give praise and glory to Me for all of My messages.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that the one world people always announce their plans before they carry them out. You have been reading a lot about the ‘Great Reset’ that will basically try to form communist cells in every country. This is a preparation to hand over the world to the Antichrist for the Great Tribulation to begin. Another goal of the one world people is to be able to control all of the money of the world through some electronic means. Their third goal is to reduce the world’s population down to 500 million people. They are using the Covid virus and the many virus vaccines to ruin your immune system by changing your DNA. They will announce a new pandemic virus that will kill the vaccinated people. Refuse to take any virus vaccine. This is why you need to make more Good Friday oil on April 30th at 3:00 a.m. praying the 33 Apostles Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers as you use wicks and flames in the oil. If you bless the vaccinated people on the forehead with this Good Friday oil, these people could be healed of any virus, if they believe that I can heal them with My healing power. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus gets released. The Warning will give all sinners one last chance to convert their lives of sin and be saved from hell. After the conversion six weeks, I will call My believers to My refuges where they will be healed of any viruses, and My angels will protect them from the evil ones. I will bring My victory so My believers will be brought into My Era of Peace, but the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell.”

Thursday, April 29, 2021: (St. Catherine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My people, you are still in celebration mode with the glory of My Resurrection and the empty tomb. Now that you are healed of your sickness, you are full of joy to have good health again. You were happy to share My messages with the people of your Spanish Zoom conference. Even if the weather looks gloomy, you are full of joy and vibrant with faith just as you see the flowers blooming. You see nature springing to life from the winter cold. This should uplift your spirits so you can share your Easter joy with the people around you. Keep praying for your family members to wake up, and see the importance of coming to Mass and the sacraments. Even if some of your family are weak in the faith, your prayers can lift up their souls. It is the strong faith of My faithful believers that will pick up your weak family members. Trust in My love to keep them close to Me. Your good example can lead them to Me in time, so keep praying for them.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, tomorrow is Good Friday in the Eastern Rite and this gives people another chance to make some more Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. You place your extra virgin olive oil in a bowl, and you light a small wick that floats in the oil. You recite 33 Apostles Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers. You can burn it overnight, or you can put the light out after the prayers. Then you can place the oil back in the bottle and label it Good Friday Oil, 2021.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you made Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on April 2, so you can make more Good Friday oil tomorrow at 3:00 a.m. on April 30th on the Eastern Rite feast day. Either oil can be used to bless vaccinated people so they will not die when the next deadly virus is released. This is My blessing so the vaccinated people can be healed, but they must believe in faith that I can heal them. Bless them on the forehead with this oil and pray some prayers with them.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to have Nilda help you set up the Zoom conferences every month. The English Zoom is on the third Wednesday, and the Spanish Zoom translation is on the fourth Wednesday. The numbers can be found on your website at johnleary.com. This has been a good opportunity to spread My messages all over the internet without having to travel anywhere. Give thanks to Me and Nilda for running these Zoom meetings.”

God the Father said: “I Am is here to bless you faithful people and thank you for all of your prayers for your intentions. This is a holy chapel and you may feel My very Presence. You remember the miraculous curtain of light that was displayed over the Twelfth Station for about 20 minutes. This was a sign to you that you would see miracles in this chapel. This is the room where you will pray before My Son, Jesus’ Host around the clock as a perpetual Adoration throughout the whole tribulation time of less than 3½ years. Give praise and thanks to your Father in heaven for this blessed room.”

Jesus said: “My dear refuge builders, you have given your ‘yes’ to prepare a refuge for Me, so I can call My faithful to your refuges. You will have My Warning before your lives will be in danger from the evil ones. You have made your preparations for sleeping, eating, and praying before My Host at your refuges. My angels will protect you with an invisible shield over your refuge. I will expand your refuges so more people could be protected at your refuge from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I will give My faithful an inner locution when it is time to leave your homes within twenty minutes to come to My refuges. You can call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Your angel will place an invisible shield over you so you will not be detected. Give praise and glory to Me for protecting you during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of My believers have had My angels place an invisible cross on their foreheads. This is how you will be able to enter My refuges. I will bring My Warning at the proper time, and every sinner will have a life review and My judgment. It will be every sinner’s free will choice to be with Me or against Me. Those people, who accept Me as their Lord and Master, will have a cross placed on their forehead if they are a new convert. So at My Warning more people will have a chance to receive their cross on the forehead. It is My refuge angels who will only allow people with crosses on their forehead to enter a refuge. All the evil ones and non-believers will not be allowed into the protection of My refuges. This will be the separation of the good people from the evil ones. My faithful will be drawn up to heaven and the evil ones will be cast into hell.”

Friday, April 30, 2021: (3:00 a.m. Good Friday oil preparation)
Jesus said: “My people, I am proud of all of My faithful who went through this effort to pray 33 Apostles Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers at 3:00 a.m. on the Good Friday for the Eastern Rite Church. I will truly bless this oil for all of the vaccinated people that need to be anointed with this oil to keep them from dying with the next deadly virus. Let the people you are praying over believe that I can heal them. This service is needed to help heal the immune systems of the vaccinated people. You can pour some of this oil in your little bottles and use it to pray over the people. The one who is anointing people on the forehead, and the one who is being blessed, both have to believe that I can heal this virus. I thank all of My faithful who believe in this service and who believe in My healing power. In the morning you can quench these flames and pour this blessed oil back into your large bottles. Later, you can fill your smaller bottles with this healing oil. I have given this message for all of My servants to be instruments in this healing effort. Trust in Me when I say that I will use this oil to heal people. It is I, Jesus, who has said it.”

(St. Pius V) Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul quotes the Second Psalm to you: ‘My son, this day I have begotten you.’ You are My faithful pilgrims in this life and I am showing you the way to heaven through Me. When St. Thomas asked Me to show him the way, I said to him: ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ In other words if you want to know the way to heaven, all you need to do is follow Me in My sacraments. I give you My very Self every day when you receive Me in My Blessed Sacrament. For about fifteen minutes I am sharing My Real Presence with you in your very soul. So follow Me in My Commandments, and you will be led to heaven through Me.”

Saturday, May 1, 2021: (St. Joseph the worker)
St. Joseph said: “My son, you do not hear from me in the Scriptures, but I was the support for the Holy Family. I guarded over my foster Son, Jesus, and I protected the Blessed Mother from Herod when I led the family to Egypt, where you visited. Today, I am honored as a worker and a carpenter. I lead all fathers in their work and protection of their families. You my son, worked as a chemist for thirty-four years to support your family with three daughters. My work is not done because I told you I would be your contractor in helping to expand your refuge with a high rise building. Trust in my foster Son, Jesus, and his angels to provide for all the people who will be brought to your refuge. Thank you for your prayers to me at all of your prayer meetings. I will be there to help you at the proper time.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day your actions tell Me how much you love Me. If you pray every day and follow My Commandments, I can see your true love for Me in your heart. But those people, who only come to Me in trouble, and just come to Sunday Mass, are only part time lovers out of their convenience. These and those people, who do not come to Mass, are the lukewarm Catholics that will be shocked when they receive My Warning. Some Catholics could be truly saved by their life review, if they see how they have been ignoring Me for most of their lives and change their lives. Pray for these lukewarm souls that they could be converted to true believers, especially those people in your own family. There will be some souls, who are so taken up with worldly ways, that they will be lost if they do not change their evil ways. My Warning will be one last chance for all souls to be converted and saved. During the six weeks of conversion, My faithful will be working hard to help save the lukewarm souls. These souls know who I am, and they will need to make a free will choice to be with Me or not. Keep praying for the souls in your family because your prayers could help save the lukewarm in your family.”

Sunday, May 2, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, many of you have been to wineries, and you have seen the grapevines that need constant pruning. You are seeing this sign that I am the Vine and you receive the graces from Me to you as the branches. Your sins are pruned in Confession so you can receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. When you are with Me on the Vine of life, you can bear much fruit by your good deeds and your evangelizing souls to come to Me in faith. You have your spiritual strength from Me, because without Me, you can do nothing. Only those souls, who remain faithful to Me, will be saved. Those branches of souls, who forget Me or reject Me, will wither and die without Me. Then these withered branches will be thrown into the eternal flames of hell. Rejoice in My love and continue to bear fruit for My harvest of souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I had to ascend to My Father so the Holy Spirit could come down in tongues of fire to bless My apostles. I love all of My Easter people, and you are living in a joyful time of My Easter Resurrection. I am the promised Messiah, and I had to suffer and die so I could redeem all souls who seek the forgiveness of their sins. My glorious Resurrection is a sign of My power that I could rise from the dead. Death had no power over Me, and this is My victory over sin and death. Rejoice in My saving power to bring My believers into heaven for all eternity.”

Monday, May 3, 2021: (St. Philip and St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, I had to explain to My apostles how the Father and I are One in the Blessed Trinity. St. John’s Gospel does emphasize My Divinity more than the other Gospels because he was close to Me. Understanding Me as a God-man requires a gift of faith from the Holy Spirit. This is a mystery for man to try and understand how I can be a man and the Son of God at the same time. This shows you how much I love man that I would take up a human nature, so I could suffer and die on the cross to bring salvation to all sinners, who want to love and accept Me as their Savior. I am a part of your life every day, and you center your life around the One who loves you. Truly I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, so I can lead you to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember how your deceased friend, Lise, used this pilgrim Fatima statue to travel around to different houses. It was appropriate tonight to honor My Blessed Mother in her month of May with your rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Your friend, Tim, was taking this statue to various houses again. Your own prayer group started out as a Blue Army cell of Fatima, back in 1972 when your daughter, Catherine, was born. Continue to pray your rosaries every day as My Blessed Mother encouraged the children to pray at Fatima. Your friend, Lise, was praying with you during the rosary as you felt her presence.”

Tuesday, May 4, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I call all of My faithful to follow in St. Paul’s footsteps to evangelize people to the faith by your good example. You, My son, have spent many years traveling to share My messages with the people, and I thank you for your service to Me. Now, you are sharing My messages on your Zoom conferences and on your website. Be thankful that you have had this open opportunity, because a time is coming when you will be censored by the evil ones, and they will shutdown your website. You and other Christians will be persecuted for your open belief in Me, and for speaking out against your evil generation. I have directed My refuge builders to set up safe havens where My angels will protect My believers from the evil ones during the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist. Those people, who have worked hard to proclaim My message, will be rewarded with peace and the money to carry out your work. Give thanks for all of My refuge builders for saying ‘yes’ to My call.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing proof of more cheating in the Michigan 2020 Presidential election that showed 66,000 votes that were not connected to registered voters. Most likely these votes were for Biden that came from foreign countries hacking into the Dominion machines in Michigan. In other words Trump should have won Michigan without the cheating. If the other swing states were investigated, you would find the same excess votes that enabled Biden to win. This is treason at the highest level because China, Germany, and Italy added excess votes for Biden and this was never addressed in the courts. This is why I and others do not address Biden as President because of this illegal hacking. If your country does not address this cheating, you will never have an election that you can trust the results. The best solution is to get rid of the Dominion machines that should not be connected to the internet. Your people need to use these new reports to invalidate the whole Presidential election. Not only were there excess votes beyond the registered voter number, but foreign countries interfered with your 2020 Presidential election. Pray that your people can revolt against this injustice.”

Wednesday, May 5, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul was a great evangelist of the Gentiles, but the Pharisees were demanding new converts had to be circumcised. This was a big decision for the Early Church. The apostles held a conference in Jerusalem, and it was decided that Gentiles did not have to be circumcised, but they needed to follow the Commandments and some Mosaic laws. Throughout the years the Church has held councils to decide on various issues of the faith to counteract any heresies. The Holy Spirit is guiding the Church in its decisions, and there was reason for Church leaders to gather and agree on parts of the faith. Trust in Me to guide My Church in matters of faith.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages not to take the virus shots which really are bioweapons to ruin your immune systems, and it will spread the spike protein to infect unvaccinated people. If the authorities try to mandate taking the virus shots, then you can call on Me, and I will have My angels cover you with an invisible shield at My refuges. At My refuges you will be healed from any virus, and I will protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you. You may be criticized or persecuted for telling people not to take the virus shots. These shots will produce the spike protein all over your body that will irreversibly ruin your immune system, so the next deadly virus will kill the vaccinated people. This is a plan to purposely reduce the population by the elite evil people. You can use your Good Friday oil to anoint vaccinated people so they will not die from the next deadly virus. Trust in My healing oil and My protection at your refuges. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus is released. You will be coming to My refuges after the six weeks of conversion time.”

Thursday, May 6, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard the lector reading a spiritual communion for those people who follow the Mass on the internet at home. The evil ones are intent on closing the churches again. They will make more excuses with new Covid restrictions, as you will see the vaccinated people shedding more viruses that could affect the unvaccinated. The evil ones will also be spreading more viruses in the chemtrails. This sickness will be spread, and My faithful will need to build up your immune systems with vitamin C and D, as well as Hawthorn and your other supplements. Bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, or they could die from the next deadly virus. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the evil ones try to force the virus shots on you.”

Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when you will be praying an hour in this chapel before My Blessed Sacrament. It is important that My refuge people are willing to have a perpetual Adoration with people praying an hour around the clock. You need to assign people the various hours for them to pray before Me. This perpetual Adoration will be your strength and protection from the evil ones during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank My prayer warriors for praying your rosary and chaplet of Divine Mercy on Saturday morning in front of the Planned Parenthood building. Your group has changed to praying downtown when your Greece Planned Parenthood building was torn down. You are the defender of My little ones so they are not aborted. Just your presence there can discourage some women from having an abortion. You are My witnesses for life in the womb.”

Jesus said: “My son, you could hear the young man, who is possessed, say that he only hears one voice now, instead of multiple voices. He could live a normal life for a few weeks. You heard the demons speaking in a loud, low voice, especially when your cross of relics was placed on his back. This session lasted three hours and the demon was howling and shaking the man’s head quite rapidly. Pray for the priest and the possessed young man.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been preparing your refuges so people can be protected from the evil ones during the tribulation. I will have My angels watch over you, even during an EMP attack. I have told you before that My refuges will be protected from any EMP attack by My angels. Your electricity will still work at your refuges when you will need it. Your refuge angel will protect you from the evil ones, as they will not be able to enter. Use this time to pray for souls to be saved, who could otherwise be lost without My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, these elite evil people want to kill millions of people with the Covid virus and vaccines. The shots will change your immune system, and your DNA will keep making the spike protein that will cause unvaccinated people to get sick. This is an evil bioweapon that was made on purpose to kill millions of people, especially when the vaccinated people come in contact with a new deadly virus. You can use your Good Friday oil to bless the vaccinated people with a cross of oil on their forehead. Believe that I can heal the vaccinated people, and it will be done for you. Your Good Friday oil is your best way to heal the vaccinated people.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are evil people who hate Me, and they want to remove all the books that quote My words in the Bible. You saw in Germany under Hitler how they had book burning sessions to get rid of books against their narrative. You may have to hide your Bibles so they do not get burned by the evil ones. Bring your Bibles to My refuges where they will be protected from being destroyed. You are in a battle between good and evil, but fear not, because I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how it will be necessary for My believers to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones after the Warning and the conversion time. I will separate the evil ones from My believers at My refuges, where My refuge angel will prevent the evil ones from entering. This is why My faithful need to work on converting their relatives and friends so they can have a cross put on their foreheads by the angels. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges. I will separate the goats from My sheep, and the goats will be thrown into hell. My faithful will have their reward in the Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Friday, May 7, 2021: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, when St. Paul showed a letter on what the Church agreed on, the Gentile converts were happy that they were not obligated to get circumcised. They still were to follow the Commandments and some Mosaic laws. In the Gospel I was focusing on the two Great Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourselves. It is the spiritual love in your hearts that touches My Heart. Just as I gave the parable of Me as the Vine, and you as the branches, so I want My faithful to bring forth the fruit of your good deeds and your attempt to share your faith with others. When you come to Me in your judgment, I will ask you how much you loved Me and your neighbors. I will look to see what deeds are in your hands, and how many people you helped convert to the faith. Then I will say: ‘Well done My good and faithful servant, enter into your eternal joy with Me in heaven.’”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing how people in Alaska live off of the land with fish, small game, or moose. When you see this independent living, it reminds you of how you have prepared your refuge. You have a water well for your water, and your solar panels to run your water pump. You have stored a lot of food that could be multiplied and reconstituted with water. You have working flush toilets and a backup outhouse. You have a chapel for Mass and perpetual Adoration. You also have bedding, pillows, and blankets for sleeping. I will send you deer for your meat, and you have My angels and St. Joseph to build a high rise building in your backyard for more people. My angels will put an invisible shield over your refuge, and they will protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation. I will give you a warning when you will need to prepare to receive My faithful for their protection. Trust in Me and I will protect you during the tribulation. I will then cleanse the earth of the evil ones, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, May 8, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I have chosen you out of the world because you are not of this world. The world has hated Me and the worldly people will hate you and persecute you because of your belief in Me. When you stand up against abortion, when you honor marriage and not living together, and when you defy the poisonous bioweapon, virus shots, you will be persecuted by the left communists who hate God. Stand up for your beliefs and your freedoms, even if you meet opposition. Stand by your worship of Me in church, even if the evil ones want to close your churches. You think heavenly thoughts, even if the media and the left persecute you for your beliefs. Trust in Me to protect you in the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you did not move to invalidate the 2020 Presidential election, so now you are suffering from all of the left, socialist agenda. You lost jobs from closing the Keystone Pipeline. You have chaos at the Mexican border which is allowing many thieves and murderers to cause crime in your cities. The Dems are promoting defunding of the police, and you have huge increases in crimes in your cities. You are seeing money going to the illegal immigrants. Trillions of dollars are being spent on Covid, and more proposals are coming for infrastructure and the Green New Deal. If the Senate does not stop this overspending, you will be bankrupt and your dollar will lose its value. The socialist communists want a takeover to control your people, and prepare you to accept the Antichrist. Pray that your people will start fighting the socialist agenda, or you will lose all of your freedoms.”

Sunday, May 9, 2021: (Mother’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, when St. Peter saw the gifts of the Holy Spirit come down on the faithful and the Gentiles, he had the Gentiles baptized into the faith. You see many people have a gift of tongues from the Holy Spirit. Even when you receive Me in My Blessed Sacrament, you also receive God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit, because We are Three Spirits in One God of the Blessed Trinity. So use your gifts to share your love with everyone.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am the Blessed Mother for all of the faithful who love my Son, Jesus. I bless all the mothers who have brought forth children into this life. You love your children, and you do what you can to help them to grow up in this world both physically and spiritually. Mothers are responsible for these souls, so teach them their prayers, and give a good example to them for how they are to love God and one another. Teach them how to pray the rosary and wear the brown scapular, as I taught the children at Fatima. Children need to love their mothers, for taking care of them. I place my mantle of protection over all families and their children.”

Monday, May 10, 2021: (St. Damien)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen communist China hack into your Dominion voting machines to interfere with your 2020 Presidential election, and steal the Presidency. With that stolen power, Biden has closed the Keystone Pipeline, and has caused terror and chaos at the Mexican border with the gates open. Now the drug and people trafficking is rampant. The proposed spending is giving away so much money that the people do not need to seek work, and businesses have trouble getting workers. If the Senate does not stop the spending in trillions of dollars, you could see a bankruptcy in your country, and a dollar with reduced value. Pray that your people will fight this government takeover of many of your freedoms, or you will have a communist takeover. Stop the promotion of these Covid poisonous bioweapon shots that are worse than the Covid virus itself, because they will ruin your immune system, and many people will die with the next deadly virus. This change in your DNA by the shots is irreversible. Only a blessing of the Good Friday oil can save the vaccinated people from dying. Pray for a return of your people to common sense, and stop the big government takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, the parable of the talents of gold can be compared to your life of today. The king assigned five talents of gold to one servant, two talents to a second servant, and one talent to a third servant. He then went away for a while, and he returned to see what his servants did with the gold. The first servant earned five talents more and he was welcomed to his reward. The second servant made two more talents, and he also was rewarded. But the third servant buried the king’s money. The king took his talent of gold away from the third servant, and he gave it to the first servant. The king called the third servant a worthless wretch, and he was cast into the darkness. The moral of this judgment is that you work with what you have to please Me, and you will be rewarded. But those people, who refuse to work and refuse to obey My Commandments, will be judged harshly to the flames of hell for their disobedience. You all need to work and show Me the fruit of your efforts. Those people, who are lazy and do not obey My laws, will be judged to hell because of their sins of sloth. Work hard to do good deeds for your neighbor, and seek the forgiveness of your sins, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Tuesday, May 11, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles that I had to leave them, so I could send the Holy Spirit down to them in tongues of fire. Once the Holy Spirit came down upon the apostles, they had His gifts of courage to enable them to go out and convert people to the faith. In the first reading St. Paul and Silas were able to convert the jailer and his family to the faith. The jailer cleansed their wounds from the beating, and he gave them a meal. They all rejoiced in the Lord. My people have been blessed with Baptism and Confirmation, so you too have the same courage from the gifts of the Holy Spirit to go out and evangelize souls to the faith. You need to share your faith and love with all the people who want to listen to God’s Word, and act out their love for God. Give praise and thanks to Me for your gift of faith, and go forth to share your faith with others.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are asking the question of why is it not being made public that people are getting sick and some are dying after taking the Covid vaccines? The one world people have a goal to vaccinate as many people as possible. You also know that 99.5% of the people do not die from the Covid virus, so why do you need a vaccine in the first place? The evil ones know if all of the bad effects of the virus vaccine were known publically, then very few people would take the shots. With such bad effects, these shots should be taken off the shelves and destroyed. The whole purpose for getting people vaccinated, is to have people use their bodies to keep manufacturing the spike protein that can spread the Covid virus to the unvaccinated people. The vaccinated people are shedding this Covid virus. This spike protein will ruin your immune system, and the next wild virus will kill billions of people. The change in your DNA from the virus vaccine will make people’s immune system helpless to fight off the next deadly virus, and they will die. The virus and the vaccines were designed purposely to kill billions of people so the one world people would have fewer people to control. The Georgia Guidestones tell you that the evil ones want to reduce the world population down to 500 million people. This is an evil plan by Satan to kill as many people as they can with viruses and vaccines. Bless the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil, and they could be healed. Be prepared to come to My refuges after the Warning so My faithful can be healed. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from dying from the next deadly virus. At My refuges, you will be healed of any sickness.”

Wednesday, May 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul took advantage of the ‘unknown god’ that the Greek people worshiped in order to teach them about having faith in Me. The people of that town had difficulty in believing in someone who was raised from the dead as in My Resurrection. Yet there were some converts that believed in Me by St. Paul. You have been celebrating My Resurrection from the dead throughout these forty days of Easter. Tomorrow you will be celebrating My feast of My Ascension into heaven. You have visited this very site of My Ascension on Bethany. You also will be starting a novena for Pentecost on Friday which is fifty days after My Resurrection. This is a glorious time in the Church year with all of these major feasts. Give praise and thanks to Me as I send the Holy Spirit down on all of My faithful believers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about the Colonial Pipeline that was hacked by a dark cybergroup. Some places were out of gas, but this Colonial Pipeline just reopened today. It will take some time before gas is replenished in this line. The stock market has been down for two days because of inflation fears from the latest report of a 6% annual increase in inflation. As the Biden government pushes for another $4.1 trillion for infrastructure and the Green New Deal, this could bankrupt your country, and reduce the value of the dollar. The worst concern is that the Covid shots are bioweapons to ruin your immune system, and even shed the virus to the unvaccinated people. When the next deadly virus is released, all of the vaccinated people will die as you saw in a vision of many dead bodies on the ground. Vaccinated people need to be believers so they could be healed using the Good Friday oil, or they could be healed at My refuges when they look upon My luminous cross in the sky. Have no fear of any of these events because I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus comes. Trust in Me that I will heal My faithful of any virus at My refuges.”

Thursday, May 13, 2021: (Ascension Thursday, Our Lady of Fatima)
Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to have your 49th Anniversary of your prayer group on your prayer group night. You also started your prayer group as a Fatima cell, and today is a feast of My Blessed Mother at Fatima on May 13th. You again are blessed to share Lise’s Fatima statue of My Blessed Mother on this day. There truly will be many blessings and graces given out to all of your prayer group members. Today is the feast of My Ascension into heaven which is 40 days after Easter and My Resurrection. As I left My apostles, I directed them to wait in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. I also directed them to go out and share My Good News of salvation with everyone all over the world. All of My faithful are given this same call to go out and evangelize souls to the faith. You, My son, have been traveling many years to share My messages in person. Now, you are sharing My messages on your Zoom conferences. You also are sharing My messages in your books and on your website for as long as you can. I thank you for all that you have done, and for setting up your refuge with My help. All of My faithful, who follow My directions, will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Our Lady of Fatima said: “My dear children, you are celebrating your 49th anniversary of your prayer group that started in 1972 as a Blue Army Fatima cell. You are fortunate to have my pilgrim statue from your deceased friend, Lise. I want to bless all of you here tonight with the graces and mercies from my Son, Jesus, when you prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet in front of this picture. You have an unusual joining of my feast day at Fatima on May 13th and the feast day of my Son’s Ascension into heaven. You are all blessed to be here tonight. Continue to pray your rosaries for all of my intentions and your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for all of the souls who have died from the Covid virus and even for the vaccinated people who could die from the next deadly virus. Many souls are not prepared to meet Me at their judgment in front of Me. Before the deadly virus comes, I will bring My Warning to give every soul one last chance to accept Me as their Savior, and seek the forgiveness of their sins in Confession. If your judgment is at hand, you can pray your Act of Contrition, and I will forgive your sins. I can heal all of you with a blessing of the Good Friday oil, or My believers can be healed at My refuges when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky. Trust in My healing, and you will be healed of any virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have a Bible in your house, but how often do you take the time to read a few pages every day? You are starting your Novena to the Holy Spirit tomorrow in preparation for Pentecost Sunday. Along with your Novena prayers, take time to read a few pages in the Bible, especially you could read the Acts of the Apostles. My Word in the Scriptures is there to guide you to heaven, so make time every day to read My Word in the Holy Bible. You make time for all of your earthly chores and needs, but reading My Word is more important for your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray that this fighting with rockets and bombs between Israel and the Palestinians could stop with a peace arrangement before more people could die and lose their homes. The evil ones are causing this conflict because of your weak Biden. Prayer is powerful, so keep this intention in your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the authorities are trying to encourage people to get the vaccine by limiting places where the unvaccinated people can go. Some colleges are only allowing vaccinated people to attend classes in person. Others who are unvaccinated have difficulties getting on airplanes or attending sports events. Soon you could see an attempt to make virus vaccines mandatory. If your lives are threatened by such a mandate for vaccines, I will call My faithful to My refuges for their protection. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want all of My faithful to follow My apostles’ example when I asked them to go out into the world to spread My Good News of My salvation. You all have been empowered by the Holy Spirit in your Baptism and your Confirmation with His gifts to go out and evangelize souls wherever you travel. Saving souls is your most important mission, so you need to share your faith and evangelize souls wherever people will listen to My Word through your sharing. You can start by encouraging all of the newborn babies to get baptized in the faith. Encourage your family to attend Sunday Mass as well. You have the power to share your faith, so move forward to help save as many souls as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to find a printing of the Holy Spirit Novena prayers. You have printed this off the internet in previous years. Have two copies or more made so you can recite the Novena prayers together every day. This novena to the Holy Spirit is one of the oldest novenas to be prayed. These prayers will prepare you for Pentecost when you can receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit. You will be united with My apostles as you will read how the tongues of fire came down on My apostles. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring His tongues of fire down on you as well. You will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit so you can have Him give you the words to speak so you can evangelize souls.”

Friday, May 14, 2021: (St. Matthias)
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Scriptures how the apostles had to keep twelve members to be complete. So St. Matthias was chosen by lot to take the place of Judas. It was decided that the one chosen should also be a disciple of Mine since the time I gathered My apostles. The Acts of the Apostles were written by St. Luke, and they have given many details of how My Early Church got started. You can see how all of My followers have a mission to help each other, and to evangelize new people to grow My Church, and help save souls. Today, you will start your Holy Spirit Novena in preparation for Pentecost. Find a copy of this novena so you can pray this together for all nine days.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time you give honor and glory to Me in Benediction, you receive many heavenly blessings to strengthen you against your daily temptations. Your rosary is like a bouquet of prayers and flowers that are pleasing to My Blessed Mother, because she brings Me to you. Every time you take time to pray for your intentions, I hear your prayers and I will answer them in My time. Trust in Me and I will protect My faithful.”

Saturday, May 15, 2021: (St. Isidore the farmer)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to be so thankful for your farmers who take so many risks every year to provide the crops to eat at your table. After knowing a few farmers, they are really intelligent people to be able to run a farm and all that is needed. They have to invest in a lot of land and machinery to plant and harvest their crops. They take risks with floods, droughts, and finding markets to sell their crops. You have planted some vegetables and you know the problems with bugs and animals that want to eat your crops. You also had to keep the weeds out. The farmer is close to the land and he is understanding nature and how to grow crops. Even though it is hard to make a living on farming, farming is a very necessary means to find your daily food. You need to pray for the success of your farmers in bringing their crops to market, so you can have fresh vegetables and fruit to eat. Your refuge people will appreciate My angels even more when they will bring you fresh vegetables and fruit as well. Your time to come to My refuges draws near. Trust in Me to protect and feed My faithful at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are still killing almost a million babies every year with your abortions. This is just one part of the death culture that includes euthanasia and wars. Now, the one world people want to kill more people with viruses and vaccines. The vaccines are killing people and causing 20% of the vaccinated to have serious complications. When the evil ones release the next deadly virus, many vaccinated people will die because their immune systems have been destroyed. So do not take the vaccine under any circumstance. Millions if not billions of people could die from the next wild virus. Satan is leading the death culture, but My faithful are leading the pro-life culture which gives glory to Me. Come to My loving side away from the death culture people.”

Sunday, May 16, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how I want you to keep Sunday holy since it is a day of the Lord. Unless you are sick, or the government has closed your churches, you are obligated to attend Sunday Mass and give worship to your Lord according to the Third Commandment. You also should not do any servile work, or hard labor on Sunday to give respect to My day of rest. It is more important to follow My laws than to follow man’s laws or desires. I should be first in your life to follow, so do not think you can discard My laws and Commandments for your own convenience. You have six other days in the week to do your hard labor. Give praise and glory to Me, especially on Sunday. Those people, who follow My laws out of spiritual obedience, will be rewarded for their efforts. But those people, who refuse to obey My laws, will suffer the consequences.”

Monday, May 17, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing your prayers for the Holy Spirit Novena in preparation for Pentecost. You all need to be witnesses of My Good News in your actions, and you can share your faith with others. You may even have opportunities to pray over people for their spiritual and physical health. You have your Good Friday oil that you have made, and you can share that blessing for the vaccinated people who could die with the next deadly virus. You are still in the pre-tribulation time with all of your Covid restrictions, but refuse to take the Covid vaccine that will destroy your immune system. You do not need a vaccine because 99.5% of the people do not die from the Covid virus. You had the virus yourself, and you had some days of weakness, but now you are better and you have anti-bodies to fight off any infections. The one world people are trying to control you, and even kill people with the vaccines that you do not need. If your lives are threatened for not taking the vaccine, I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a fence to mark the border of a refuge. My refuge angels have one of their duties that they will only allow believers with a cross on their forehead to enter a refuge. All the evil people and non-believers will be physically kept out of My refuges by My refuge angels. These angels will also put an invisible shield over My refuges so your enemies will not see you, or be able to harm you. The refuge angels will not let any bombs, EMP attacks, or viruses harm you either. Be thankful that you will be protected from the evil ones throughout the whole tribulation time of the Antichrist. Trust in My protection at your refuges.”

Tuesday, May 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul was told by the Holy Spirit that he would have to suffer pain and hardships, as he would be in chains both in Jerusalem and Rome. He is saying farewell to his friends, as he will be in prison, and writing his Epistles to his friends in various cities. It is hard to say good-bye to someone you may never see again. It is an interesting comment that St. Paul is not worried about dying, but he is only concerned that he fulfilled his mission to spread the Good News about My Resurrection. In the Gospel of St. John I am also saying farewell to My apostles, as I was about to return to My Father in heaven. I was concerned about My apostles that My Father gave Me, and I wanted to send them the Holy Spirit to give them courage to go out and spread My Good News to everyone. My apostles needed strength and endurance to evangelize souls to faith in Me. All of My people have the same mission, that you are called to evangelize souls who will listen and be converted. Then when you meet Me at your judgment, you will have your good deeds to show Me how you labored in My vineyard to help save souls. Keep strong in the faith as you receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are learning how the Covid shots will eventually destroy your immune system, and people will die from your immune system overreacting. The vaccinated people will die quicker when another wild virus is released. The Covid shots cause your body to manufacture the spike protein all over your body. This causes your body to make antibodies to kill this virus. This shot will then turn off your healing M2 macrophage and allow the M1 macrophage to continue the inflammation that tries to attack the virus. The M1 macrophage will continue to inflame your whole body and will not be stopped as in the normal healing process that requires the M2 macrophage. This constant inflammation will kill the vaccinated person in time. I have told you that you can heal the vaccinated people by blessing them with the Good Friday oil, or they could be healed at My refuges. Refuse to take this vaccine because it will kill you. In order to be healed, you have to believe that I can heal you. If you are persecuted for not taking the Covid vaccine, you will need to come to My refuges for protection.”

Wednesday, May 19, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I protected My apostles from harm, except for Judas, who committed suicide. As I was about to leave My apostles, I prayed that they would be protected from the ‘Evil One’. They would be protected from eating poison and other dangers until they could accomplish their missions in spreading My Good News of salvation. After a while all of My apostles, except St. John, would be martyred for My Name’s sake. In the first reading you are seeing St. Paul leave his friends on his way to Jerusalem. He prayed with them because he would never see them again. Many of My evangelists and saints were persecuted and some were martyred. My faithful of today will also face persecution for speaking out about My Words of the Gospel. Have no fear because I will protect you at My refuges. St. Paul said you are more blessed to give than receive, and he helped many people come to the faith. My faithful also need to share what you have in faith and your donations to worthy causes. By helping others, you are helping Me in them.”

(Funeral Mass for Mary Adamo) Jesus said: “My people, Mary had a good heart to try and help people, and she prayed a lot. You had the good fortune of having her come to your prayer group several times. She died rather quickly in her sleep. This is the quote that I gave the people when I was speaking about the wheat and the weeds. (Matt. 13:28-30) ‘Sir did thou not sow good seed in thy field? How then does it have weeds?’ He said to them: ‘An enemy has done this.’ And the servants said to him: ‘Will thou have us go and gather up the weeds?’ ‘No’, he said, ‘Lest in gathering up the weeds, you will root up the wheat as well. Let both grow together until the harvest: and at harvest time I will say to the reapers: Gather up the weeds first and bind them in bundles to burn; but gather the wheat into My barn.’ Mary is one of My faithful and she is the wheat of My faithful that I will welcome soon into My barn of heaven. After seeing this vision, it represented how Mary is being brought into heaven.”

Thursday, May 20, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul knew the Pharisees believed in the resurrection of the dead, but the Sadducees did not. So he talked about My Resurrection from the dead, and this started a vigorous confrontation between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. This was when St. Paul was held in prison in Jerusalem, and he would face the same persecution in Rome. You are seeing how the Early Christians had to suffer persecution and even martyrdom for their faith. Today, My faithful suffer some persecution for believing in Me, but you will see even worse threats to come on your lives, when you will need to come to My refuges for My angel protection.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I showed you this evil yellow liquid before, to tell you that the evil ones already have made the next virus. The second vision of blood in the sink, is a sign that many people will die from this new virus that will kill many vaccinated people. The Covid vaccine is a bioweapon that was designed to kill the vaccinated people, and have them spread the virus to the unvaccinated people. When the new wild virus is released, this will kill the vaccinated people. You can use your Good Friday oil to help heal the vaccinated people, or they could be healed at My refuges. I will bring My Warning before this new virus is released, so I will give sinners a chance to repent before they could possibly be killed by the virus.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this Warning experience to emphasize what I said before the evil ones will release the next deadly virus. I will bring My Warning before the next virus comes, so I can give every sinner a chance to be converted before many vaccinated people could die. I will give people an opportunity to be saved by coming to My refuge to be healed of any virus. Only My believers, who believe that I can heal them, will be allowed into My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just experienced a gasoline shortage for your cars when the Colonial Pipeline was shutdown by hackers. A while back I had you buy two bicycles in case you could not drive your cars. This was before you had your own refuge. You may still want to have some bikes, in case you have an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) when your cars would not work. Bikes are still an alternate transportation to get to your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a news report that Israel is seeking a cease-fire in this recent fighting. There have been some deaths and many buildings have been destroyed. Even if a cease-fire happens, there will be a great need to clean up the damage. Pray that peace could come, so a wider war will not result.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know this is your third trip to witness the ninth exorcism session on this young man. There were some loud sounds by the demon who said: ‘I am not leaving, God.’ It is unclear how many more sessions will be needed to rid this demon, but keep coming when you can to give support to this family. There are more possessed people than you know, and there are only a few exorcist priests. Pray for the healing of this young man.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Biden Administration starting to try and take away your guns, which is against your Second Amendment. You are seeing a communist government trying to take away your freedoms. At some point your people will decide to fight this takeover attempt, and you could see a civil war. I keep telling My faithful that if your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. There will be a battle of the good people against the evil people, but you will still be protected at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the four overnight practice runs, that you had, gave you a small flavor for what independent refuge life would be like. I wanted you to do this so you could see how you could survive this kind of living. An important part of this refuge living, involves round the clock assigned hours of prayer in the chapel before My Blessed sacrament. During the tribulation time, you will have a priest for Mass, or My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. You will take a consecrated Host and put it in your monstrance for Adoration. You used your stored food and your well water to reconstitute your dried food. You also made bread in your CampChef oven, and you used your kerosene burner and fireplace for heat in the winter. My angels will protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation. Trust in Me to multiply your food and fuels, and provide for all of your needs.”

Friday, May 21, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I had directed St. Peter to lead My Church, so I wanted him to have no doubts of his mission. Before I died on the cross, St. Peter denied Me three times. I even foretold his coming denial at the Last Supper. At the Sea of Galilee I asked St. Peter three times if he loved Me, and St. Peter said yes, he loved Me. It is the Greek translation of love that makes this more important. The first two times I used ‘agape’ love which means an unconditional love. Then the third time I used ‘phileo’ love, meaning only a brotherly love. Each time St. Peter answered with a ‘phileo’ love. Because St. Peter would be leading My Church, I wanted him to answer with an ‘agape’ love or an unconditional love. St. Peter could not answer with an ‘agape’ love at that time, but he would in the future. Then I told him to feed My sheep, or all of My followers. It is this unconditional love that I want My faithful to love Me all of the time, because I am more than your brother, I am your Lord, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.”

Jesus said: “My people, unless a seed dies, you cannot have the fruit of life. (Jn 12:24-25) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. He who loves his life, loses it; and he who hates his life in the world, keeps it unto life everlasting.’ This means you have to die to self, and give your life over to Me, so I can use you to evangelize souls. When you let Me run your life with your complete ‘yes’ to Me, then you can fulfill the mission I have chosen for you. You remember reading in St. John’s Gospel that I have chosen you, you did not chose Me. I have chosen you to be My disciple, and remember how I told My apostles: ‘Follow Me’. This is truly your mission on earth to know, love, and serve Me in this life. Those people, who do follow Me and accomplish My mission, will receive their reward with Me in heaven.”

Saturday, May 22, 2021: (St. Rita of Cascia)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you are at the end of St. John’s Gospel. I chastised St. Peter for being concerned about what would happen to St. John. I told St. Peter what concern is it to you, if I want St. John to remain because he has a separate mission. St. John was exiled to Patmos, but he wrote other letters, and the Book of Revelation, which was a very prophetic Book. St. John was not martyred as the rest of the apostles were. He also commented that if all of My words were written down, he doubted if there would be enough books to record them. You are now preparing for the great feast of Pentecost, as you are finishing up your Holy Spirit Novena today. Come Holy Spirit and enlighten My faithful with your many gifts.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you had every intention to come to Confession today, but events prevented you from doing so. You need to make better plans that would set aside your time for Confession without other events stopping you. If necessary, you could come alone, or plan another day than Saturday. You do try to come every month to Confession, so make it a point to not let anything interfere with your plans. I thank you for making this effort because frequent Confession helps cleanse your soul even of your venial sins.”

Sunday, May 23, 2021: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Holy Spirit of God and I come to bring you My gifts to help all of you to be evangelists of the Word of God. My gifts are: wisdom, knowledge, understanding, piety, fortitude, counsel, and fear of the Lord. You learned and memorized My gifts from your old Baltimore catechism. These gifts are needed to bring the new faithful into the Church. I also bring you My twelve fruits from the seven gifts: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity (kindness), goodness, longanimity (long suffering), mildness (gentleness), faith, modesty, continency (self-control), and chastity. Just as the apostles received a gift of speaking other languages as the gift of tongues, so I give this gift to those who desire it. I also give the gift of interpreting the gift of tongues. This gave courage to the apostles to go out and spread the Good News of Jesus. You receive My gifts and fruits at your Baptism and your Confirmation. Remember that I am the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity with God the Father and God the Son. You receive all Three Persons in One God, every time you receive Us in Holy Communion. So follow what Jesus told His apostles, to go out and preach the Good News of Salvation to everyone.”

Monday, May 24, 2021: (Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church)
Jesus said: “My people, when I was on the cross (Jn 19:26,27) I said to My Blessed Mother: ‘Woman, behold thy son.’ and to St. John: ‘Behold thy mother’. St. John is taking the place of all of My faithful, and My Blessed Mother becomes the mother of My Church. She is present also in the Upper Room on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down in tongues of fire over all of My disciples. She gave support to My disciples, and St. John looked after My Blessed Mother at Ephesus in Turkey. You had the opportunity to visit her simple house there. Now, the Church Year changes back to Ordinary Time, and you will honor many Sundays after Pentecost. Now is the time to use your gifts of the Holy Spirit to speak out, and witness your faith by evangelizing souls for My Church. Trust in My help and protection in all of the trials you will face.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you previously that the one world people will tell you their plans before they carry them out. There are three means that they could use to take over your country. They could crash your stock market or your dollar to prepare you for a new currency. They could use nuclear bombs to create an EMP attack that would stop your electricity, and this could kill millions of people by starvation because they do not have enough stored food to last for a year. They could also send the next deadly virus that could kill millions of vaccinated people. Crashing your markets would cause chaos, but it would not be as threatening to your lives. This may be their first move to control your finances. For an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack or a new virus, I would need to bring My Warning first. My people need to have at least three months of food stored, because you may not be able to access your grocery stores. Be prepared to come to My refuges if the one world people move quickly with their plans. Trust in Me to protect you from harm at My refuges.”

Tuesday, May 25, 2021: (St. Bede, Venerable)
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you give a donation to a worthy cause, be blessed that you had the money to share, and do not be critical if someone does not give you a proper thank you of your generosity. Some people and organizations are desperate for help to keep going, so you can help them in their need. Others are poor spiritually, and they are in need of your prayers. Even the souls in purgatory are begging for your prayers, so they can be released to go to heaven. Some people take advantage of the donations of others for their own selfish purposes. Those people, who give for the right reasons, will be rewarded for their efforts and sacrifices. Those people, who are not thankful, or abuse what was given, will be reprimanded or punished at their judgment. In the end I will reveal all that was hidden, and all of you will receive a reward for your good deeds, but a punishment for your abuses or evil deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, in past years you have seen countries change their currency, and the old money instantly became worthless. Beware of currencies that do not have inherent value, or that are not backed by gold or silver. The one world people are about to change your worthless paper money into something that is backed by precious metals. You have a debt money system that will never be paid back with inflated dollars. Your dollar denominated assets have no inherent value either, and you could lose your investments overnight. The rich people do not own much in paper, because they only own things of real value as gold, silver, diamonds, art, and real estate. They know that paper money can be cancelled as it was in Venezuela and Russia. This will crash your stock market, and there will be much chaos, but the rich will still have valuable assets, so they will lose nothing. When the one world people change your currency, many people could be bankrupt without any means of paying off their debts. This is why I told you to store food and things you will need to live independently on a refuge. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to take over your country.”

Wednesday, May 26, 2021: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, the other apostles were critical of St. John and St. James for asking to be at My right and left in heaven. I told them they would have to suffer as I would on the cross, but it is only My Father who reserves those places. I also told them that those people, who want to be first, must serve the rest. I came to serve and ransom souls with My death on the cross. You all know from your catechism that your mission on earth is to know, love, and serve Me. You are not here just for your own pleasures and to accumulate wealth, but you are called by the Holy Spirit to evangelize as many souls as you can. Saving souls is your most important mission, and I will ask you at your judgment, how many souls did you bring to the faith? Call on Me and the Holy Spirit to give you the right words that could save souls. Those people, who work to save souls, will have their reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, more information is coming out about the China Covid virus that was purposely spread all over the world to reduce the population. Even American medical people were involved in financing the Covid virus creation in the Wuhan lab in China. There is no need to take a vaccine because 99.5% of the people do not die from the Covid virus. I have been telling people not to take the vaccine shots because they could die from the shots. You have heard brave doctors risking their professions to warn people that they could die if they took the vaccines. Their warnings have been purposely blocked by your media and the pharma people. Now, you see a Nobel laureate coming forward to tell people who are vaccinated, that they could die within two years. I have told you that the vaccinated people can be healed by being blessed by the Good Friday oil if they believe in My healing power. They can also be healed at My refuges if they believe in Me. This plan to kill billions of people is right out of hell through Satan, himself, and through the one world people supporting the vaccines. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, and be ready to help bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil.”

NewsClips 5-24-21:
All vaccinated people will die within two years. Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine. In the shocking interview, the world’s leading virologist stated bluntly: “There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated. We must be prepared to cremate the bodies.” The scientific genius backed up the claims of other eminent virologists after studying the ingredients of the vaccine. “Some will die from antibody-dependent enhancement. That is all that can be said.”

Thursday, May 27, 2021:
Jesus said: (Luke 10:46-52) “My people, the blind beggar, Bartimeus, called out to Me as the Son of David to heal him of his blindness. He had faith in My healing power, so I healed him of his blindness. This faith in My healing power is necessary for all healing to take place. You remember well how I had difficulty in healing people in My hometown of Nazareth, because they lacked faith in My healing. I gave you a message that you could heal the Covid vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the Miraculous medal, or by coming to My refuges at the proper time. The Covid vaccinated people need to have faith in My healing, and they will not die from the vaccine. When you hear about blindness, there are also spiritually blind people as well. You need to be baptized into the faith, and you will be healed of your spiritual blindness when you will receive the eyes of faith. Then you will see My purpose clearly in how I died on the cross to bring salvation to all of those people who believe in Me. Once you look beyond the world, you can accomplish the mission I have for you. Give up your agenda and follow Me, and you will be saved. By dying to self, and doing My Will, you will truly see My Light to lead you to heaven.”

Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that the vaccinated people could die from the vaccine, and even sooner when a deadly virus is released. I showed you a vision of dead bodies lying around, who represented the dead vaccinated people. Now, I am showing you how they will be disposing of the many bodies by either cremation or by using mass graves. There will be Covid spike proteins coming from these bodies, and that is why they need to be burned or buried. Pray that the vaccinated people can be healed with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you do not understand how deadly the Covid vaccines are, and you should not take them, or you could die within two years, or when the next virus is released. Vaccinated people will not be able to reverse the constant inflammation caused by the vaccine, and they could die if they are not healed by faith in My healing. This is why the media and tech people are not allowing this information to go public. If people knew they could die from the vaccine, they would not take it. This virus and the vaccines are a plan of the one world people to reduce the population by killing billions of people. Trust in Me to heal and protect My faithful from those people who want to force this deadly vaccine on everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see more water shortages in various parts of your country, especially in the West during the summer. Water will even get rationed where there are more severe shortages. You will be fortunate to have water wells, but some could go dry. Farmers could see problems in getting enough rain or water sources to grow their crops. Even as you, My son, are growing some grass, you see how much water is needed to germinate the seeds and keep the grass from drying out in the summer. Pray for your farmers to be successful in bringing your food to the table.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I bring My Warning before the next deadly virus, it would be good for My faithful to have their souls clean with Confession when they face Me at their mini-judgment. If you are not prepared for your judgment, some people could see hell in their mini-judgment. You will have a life review of all of your good and bad actions in your life. Then you will see a judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will even have a time in your place of judgment. You will be placed back into your bodies and in time, and you will have a second chance to improve your life. If you do not change, then your mini-judgment will be your final judgment. This is why coming to monthly Confession will prepare you for your coming Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be prepared if you lose your electricity, so you can have light at night with flashlights, oil lamps, or other light sources. This will prepare you for any EMP attack, or an electric shutdown caused by the one world people when they want to take over. You saw how vulnerable your gasoline supplies and your electricity are to your systems being hacked by cyber crimes. Without gasoline or electricity, your economy would come to a halt, just like with your Covid shutdown. Be ready for these shortages as I asked you to have three months of food stored for such times.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be fortunate at My refuges to have daily Holy Communion from either a priest at Mass, or My angels will distribute the consecrated Hosts. You also will have round the clock perpetual Adoration, so My faithful can worship Me at their appointed hours. It is the strength from My Hosts that will strengthen you to survive the trials at My refuges. Trust in My multiplication of your needs to survive throughout the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages how I would send the Holy Spirit with an inner locution to let My faithful know when it is the proper time to come to My refuges. This will come some time after My Warning and the six weeks of conversion. Remember once you are alerted to come to My refuges, that you will need to leave your homes within 20 minutes, and you will not return to your homes. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Your guardian angel will put a shield of invisibility over you as you leave your home for your protection. You will be protected at your refuge throughout the whole tribulation time.”

Friday, May 28, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, this Scripture about My displeasure over the fig tree without any fruit, is a sign to My faithful that I expect you to bear spiritual fruit in your actions. You can bear fruit when you pray for your intentions. I even told you if you believe in your prayer, then I will answer it in what is best for souls. You saw that I did not like those people who were selling things in the Temple. Some of these people were even cheating the people with their selling. Even in your churches today, some people are using cell phones, which can be distracting to those people who are praying. When you come to church, focus your attention on Me and leave your worldly cares outside. You know that I will help you with your needs by trusting in My care for you.”

(Ron Huber memorial service) Jesus said: “My son, you remember Ron years ago when you saw him at the Blue Army prayer group. You all were faithfully attending your weekly services with Fr. Shamon. Ron was very active in helping the Church and his organizations. All of My Blessed Mother’s people are close to our two hearts in praying your rosaries and wearing the brown scapular. Give thanks to Me for Ron’s life of service. He will be spending a short time in purgatory. You remember the Blue Army well because you started your own prayer group as a Fatima cell, and you just celebrated your 49th anniversary for your prayer group. Keep praying for Ron and his family.”

Saturday, May 29, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, for many hours I am alone in the tabernacle, and only a few people come to honor Me. When I am placed in a monstrance, more people worship Me at special prayer hours. You receive Me in Holy Communion, and I am with you in My Real Presence for about 15 minutes. There are not many places where people can adore Me in chapels in perpetual Adoration. Try to make some special visits to show your love for Me at different times than Mass. I love to have people with Me and recognize My Real Presence. If I was in person at My tabernacle, you would come more often. So with your eyes of faith, you know I am Present at My tabernacles, so come and visit your Lord.”

Later, at the Eternal Father Chapel we were praying before our Adoration DVD. I saw an overwhelming ongoing vision that was a sign of the coming deadly virus that would kill a lot of vaccinated people. I first saw a long table in a hall, and many people were eating a dessert. This was a sign of when the virus would be released. Then all at once many people started dying and there were bodies on the ground as I saw before. I then saw flames from a large crematorium as the dead bodies were being thrown into the fire. This burning of bodies was unbearable as I stopped the vision. This vision was crystal clear. Jesus said: “My son, you have seen visions before of dead bodies on the ground when the vaccinated people would come in contact with the next deadly virus. This vision is even more dramatic as you again are seeing dead bodies, but now you are seeing many bodies being thrown into a huge crematorium, and they were burned up. I told you before that I would bring My Warning before this deadly virus would be released. This will be the last chance for the vaccinated people to chose to believe in Me, and be healed, or they could die. With the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or coming to My refuges, this would be a chance for the vaccinated people to be healed, but they must believe I can heal them in order to be healed. Pray for all of your family and friends to become believers in Me during the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, or they could die and go to hell. Trust in Me to answer your prayers, but people need to accept Me of their own free will. I will not force Myself on anyone.”

Sunday, May 30, 2021: (Trinity Sunday)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to share this great feast of the Blessed Trinity because We are Three Persons in One God. When you receive Holy Communion in the consecrated Host, you are receiving all Three Persons of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, because We are indivisible and We are One. For man it is too difficult to comprehend Three Persons in One God, because it is a Mystery to you. When you come to heaven, you will better understand this Mystery when you come face to face with your Maker. For now you must accept this Mystery on faith and believe in the Blessed Trinity. Be thankful that you have been blessed with Our gift of faith. All of the believers in God will have their reward in heaven.”

Monday, May 31, 2021: (Visitation of Blessed Mother, Memorial Day)
Mary said: “My dear children, when St. Gabriel came to me, I gave my ‘fiat’ yes to being the Mother of my Son, Jesus. The angel told me that my cousin, Elizabeth was miraculously in her sixth month of pregnancy. This is the true Visitation when I went to help Elizabeth at Ein Karem, where you have visited. When I met Elizabeth, St. John the Baptist leapt in his mother’s womb, as he would prepare the way for my Son, Jesus. Then I gave my Magnificat to give glory to God for all He has done for me. At the Church of the Visitation you have my Magnificat in many different languages. I stayed with Elizabeth for three months until she gave birth to St. John the Baptist, and then I returned home to Nazareth. I want you to quote my Magnificat which is read at your night prayers.”
(Luke 1:46-55) Canticle of Mary: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for He has looked with favor on His lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name. He has mercy on those who fear Him in every generation. He has shown the strength of His arm, He has scattered the proud in their conceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has come to the help of His servant Israel for He has remembered His promise of mercy. The promise He made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children for ever.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the one world people trying to invade the privacy of your own home and force things on you that you did not want. You can remember when you had the government trying to force your health insurance on you. Now these same people are trying to force vaccines on you that you do not want, nor need. You are seeing more socialist or communist tactics being used on you against your will. This ultimately will force you to My refuges for protection when you do not want to be controlled. When you do not go along with the one world plans, they will want to kill you, and that is when I will call My people to My refuges. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Tuesday, June 1, 2021: (St. Justin)
Jesus said: “My people, I know there are many evil people and cold hearts in the people of the world. I am trusting in My faithful to bring My Word and grace to melt these cold hearts with your love and care for all people both good and bad. When difficulties come in your health or your things, call on Me to help you, and do not be downcast or depressed. Christians need to be joyful all of the time because you can trust in Me. Do not let worries, anxieties, or fears affect you because they are from the evil one. Trust in Me, and do not doubt about how I will care for you. Know that I will see to your needs because I love all of you.”

Wednesday, June 2, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Tobit, you see both Tobit and Sarah praying to Me for help with their problems. I sent the Archangel, St. Raphael, to help both of them to answer their prayer requests. You will read how Tobit has his cataracts removed so he can see, and later Sarah will marry Tobiah without being killed. The lesson is that when you pray to Me and believe that I can heal you, you will see your prayers answered in My way. In the Gospel I told the Sadducees how they were misled in their understanding of what happens to the dead believers. There is no marriage in heaven because the souls are like angels who constantly adore Me. When you come to Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament on earth, you are preparing yourself to live with Me in heaven. Give thanks and praise for your gift of faith which will be rewarded in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given many lies about the Covid virus and the Covid vaccines. You know the devil is a liar, and his evil workers are also liars. The biggest lie is that the one world people are telling you to take the Covid vaccine so you can live a normal life. The vaccines are poisons and you have heard some doctors telling you that the vaccinated people could die within two years. This definitely is not normal. People, who get the Covid virus, survive and have natural antibodies to fight diseases without a vaccine. The vaccines cause your bodies to manufacture the spike protein to make the virus. The vaccine is definitely changing your DNA to do this. This is another lie from the evil ones who say it does not change your DNA. This virus and the vaccines were made purposely to reduce the population, and this is why the evil ones have made these poisons to kill people. Refuse to take any Covid vaccines and you need to bless the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. Those people, who believe I can heal them, will not die from the vaccine. Pray for the people not to take the Covid vaccine, and bless the vaccinated people with this oil so they will not die. So do not believe the lies of the evil ones, but only follow My directions to avoid taking the Covid vaccine and avoid taking the flu shots.”

Thursday, June 3, 2021: (St. Charles Lwanga)
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading from Tobit I sent My Archangel, St. Raphael, to protect Tobiah and Sarah from the demon, Asmodeus, who had killed seven husbands of Sarah earlier. Tobiah and Sarah did what all newly married couples should do. They prayed to Me for protection, and for a successful marriage with children to carry on the human race. This was a beautiful prayer, and it showed their faith in My protection. It was St. Raphael who protected Tobiah from being killed on his wedding night. Tobiah and Sarah should be an example to all newly married couples, as all couples should pray for a successful marriage. St. Raphael sent the evil demon back to hell so Tobiah and Sarah could live in peace. There are many couples who are living together in sin without marriage. They should be more responsible for their actions, and take the right step to get married properly in the Church after they come to Confession. Pray for all couples to get married before they have relations, which is how I planned man and woman to live together.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you just went on your fifth trip and the tenth exorcism session by a priest over a young man at Buffalo, N.Y. You heard some loud sounds from the demon at this exorcism. The young man was in California and he was involved with New Age, and that opened the door for the demons to enter. There are more possessed people than you think because they can hide in their silence. Keep praying for this man’s deliverance.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you not to take the toxic Covid vaccines because you could even die from them. More information is coming out about your health leaders that they have been lying to you about the need for masks, and lies that you need the Covid shot which you should not take. More doctors are warning you not to take the Covid vaccines because they are deadly and it will ruin your immune system.”

Jesus said: “My people, you should avoid trading with Communist China and stop buying their goods. These leaders in China are the ones who purposely made the Covid virus and spread it all over the world. They also are taking the billions of dollars in trade deficit from America and they are using it to build up their military and naval strength to challenge the U.S. Navy. They are even increasing their nuclear weapons to equal yours. Their influence is increasing all over the world. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful from any wars, cyber attacks, or any aggressors.”

Jesus said: “My people, ransomware is a vicious hacking because computer systems can be paralyzed and money has to be paid to restore any hacked software damage. These Russian hackers are trying to upset your economy because many of your businesses are vulnerable to hacking and companies are not spending the money needed to protect their computer systems. This will become a needed business expense if businesses want to protect their computers. Pray that your government helps your businesses, or you may see shortages in other needed parts of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more businesses opening and even your churches are dividing people in the pews between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. You are seeing some places supporting vaccine passports where people are not required to have masks. Even some states are promoting more vaccinations with money paid out, or restrictions on unvaccinated people. Refuse to take the Covid vaccines which could cause people to die. Use your Good Friday oil or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal on vaccinated people so they will not die.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Russia and some countries divesting themselves of dollar related investments. There is a threat to your reserve currency in the dollar once other countries stop trading in dollars. With your overspending your dollar is being inflated and you could see a crash of your dollar. My people need to be ready to come to My refuges when you could lose your dollar investments overnight. At My refuges I will provide for all of your needs and for your protection with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, the liberal Democrats are trying to create a large government that makes you dependent on them, and they are destroying your middle income businesses with more regulations and control. Their overspending could bankrupt your country’s economy and your open borders will put an unnecessary tax on your people to support the illegal immigrants being bussed all over your country. Pray that your people will come to their senses and stop this push for a communist America.”

Friday, June 4, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, today you read the part of Tobit’s story how he was healed of his cataracts with the help of the archangel, St. Raphael. The angel led Tobiah to use the fish oil on Tobit’s eyes and the salve which allowed Tobiah to strip the cataracts off of Tobit’s eyes. Then Tobit could see his son again, and Sarah, Tobiah’s wife, was welcomed into Tobit’s house. This is a wonderful story of healing cataracts which is a problem today that many people have to have operations to see clearly. This account reminds you of the many blind people I healed in My own ministry. You have another scourge on mankind being caused by the one world people with their viruses and vaccines that are not needed. You are seeing a good number of vaccinated people having health problems, and some are dying from the vaccines. These bad effects of the vaccines are not being made public, but people should be warned not to take these toxic shots. You can be a help by blessing the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal to heal them of the vaccine effects. Trust in Me to tell you the truth of healing.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know many people use the internet to buy things and communicate. There are also bad web sites that can give you viruses or enable certain addictions. It is true that you need an antivirus program to protect yourself from certain computer viruses. There are hackers who can shut your web sites down, or keep you from using the internet. It is best to backup your data files on separate hard drives so you are not a victim of the various ransomware programs. There are evil people who try to steal bank accounts and other credit card information, so be careful with your personal information. The internet can have evil things that affect people, so pray to use this service properly, but be aware of its evil use.”

Saturday, June 5, 2021: (St. Boniface)
Jesus said: “My people, My Archangel St. Raphael has protected Tobiah by casting the demon back to hell. This allowed Tobiah and Sarah to complete their married life. My angel also was instrumental in healing Tobit’s blindness by removing the cataracts. Tobit and his family were very grateful for this healing and protection. They wanted to reward St. Raphael, but My angel insisted in prayer that they give praise and thanks to Me. St. Raphael then revealed that he was one of My angels, and he had to return to heaven. The angel had taken on a human form, and he was sent to help this family. Give thanks to Me for all healings because I am the Great Healer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how the one world people stole the 2020 Presidential election by hacking the Dominion machines for Biden, and now they are trying to reduce the world’s population with viruses and vaccines. I do not have to bring My punishment upon them because their greed for power and money will cause them to implode on themselves, and they will be destroyed at their own hands. Because they will bring your country down with their lies and bad actions, I will need to call My people to My refuges. You will see a great battle between My angels and My faithful against the demons and the evil people. I will win this battle, and then I will renew the earth and cast the evil ones into hell. After the tribulation in your refuges, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace on a new earth and a new heavens. Do not be afraid of the evil ones because they will be in hell, and My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Sunday, June 6, 2021: (Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast of Corpus Christi shows My love for all of My faithful, as you receive My Real Presence and the Blessed Trinity in every reception of Holy Communion. There are some statistics that there are only 30% of the faithful who believe in My Real Presence. You used to play a DVD about the many miracles of My Eucharist when the blood appeared on the consecrated Host. You have been to Lanciano, Italy and Los Teques, Venezuela to see these miracles. You will see even more miracles at your refuges during the tribulation. You will have a priest for Masses, or My angels will give you My consecrated Hosts. This will allow you to continue worshiping Me in Adoration around the clock. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving you My Real Presence in the Hosts.”

Monday, June 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Russian hackers shutting down your gasoline pumps at Colonial Pipelines, and they also have shut down one of your large meat producers. This ransomware has netted the hackers millions of dollars. Your country is most dependent on your electricity for lights, and air conditioning in the summer heat. These same hackers can also attack parts of your electric grid that could bring the whole grid down. Unless you have backup generators, you could see no internet, no banking, no air conditioning, no electric ovens, and no gas heaters. This would shut down your economy more than the Covid virus. With such a vulnerable and needed commodity, the electric grid could be the next target for the hackers. This is another reason that your government may need to support your businesses in protecting your grid from sabotage computer viruses. Pray for your protection from any future computer hackers.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have endured some persecution with your ministry, but My messages have continued, despite what you have had to go through. I keep telling you to have trust in My Word, even if you have to endure the attacks of the evil ones. I am with you always to help you face the worldly criticisms. Keep true to My Commandments and My messages and you will have your reward with Me for your faithfulness. When you feel that you are being attacked in some way, call on Me, and I will send you a legion of angels to defend you. This is true for all of My faithful, who can call on Me as well. When the coming persecution becomes too difficult to bear, or your lives are threatened, I will call My faithful to come to My refuges of protection. If you are not at a refuge, I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You will need to leave your home with your backpack within twenty minutes after I give you My inner locution to come to My safe havens. So do not fear any power of the evil ones because My angels will protect you. You may see some people martyred for their faith, but you will all share in My joy in My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, June 8, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been given My gift of faith, so now you are the salt of the earth, and the Light of the world when you share My Word and evangelize souls. In everything you do, do it to give glory to Me because I have given you everything to accomplish your mission. I love all of you as you remember how I died for you on the cross. My Holy Face on the Shroud of Turin reminds you of how I sacrificed My life for all of you. I give you your gift of life in the world, and I give you your gift of faith to be shared with everyone. In My Commandments I call on you to love Me and to love your neighbor as yourself. By sharing your faith, you are giving a good example for others to follow. Have trust in My grace to get you through all of the trials that you will face. Do not let the devil or any problems in life get you down, because Christians need to show their joy, since they have confidence that I will help them in all of their needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you another target for your enemies who want to bring your country down, and that is your fresh water supplies. The hackers I mentioned before could try and stop your water pumping stations, or they could be shut down if you lost electricity from your grid. Backup generators could supply some power for as long as any fuel lasts. If the goal of your enemy is to kill many people, they could also put poison in your water supplies. My son, I had you put in a water well in case the water pumps could not deliver water to your house. Your solar system could power your water well pump because you need water to survive. I showed you ways of providing water by storing water in your blue barrels and I could refill them by My miracles. You can save rain water from your gutters into some barrels. In the winter you can melt snow and ice. I will need to multiply your water for the number of people I will send to your refuge. Water is precious and reusable, so do not waste it. If you are short on water, you may not use your flush toilettes, and you will need your outhouse. You will have to plan how to make the best use of whatever water you can find. Trust in Me to provide the water you will need.”

Wednesday, June 9, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I want all of My people to follow only My agenda and not your worldly agenda. I look into the heart for all of the intentions of your actions. It is a big difference in your life if your intentions are selfish vs. doing things for Me in My glory. You can live your life consecrating everything you do for Me, and you can do it for My greater glory, and not for your own satisfaction. Your vision of St. Therese is one of My saints in how she did everything for Me out of love for Me. You can use the saints’ lives as an example to follow. You may not be able to completely imitate them, but they may help you to improve your spiritual life. You each have a special mission that only you can carry for your cross of life. I have fitted everyone’s cross to their life’s mission. You need to say ‘yes’ to accept My mission for you, and I will help you to carry it out. It is by your trust in Me and living out your faith as a good Christian, that will put you on the road to heaven. So thank Me for sharing My grace with you, and give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you. Above all, I love you so much and I desire that you love Me too. Show Me your love by your good actions, and I will see that your love for Me is sincere.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to give you a message about the abuse of children. The most abuse of children is when mothers abort their children to save shame or for convenience. Abortion of My little ones is calling down the worst punishment I could bring down upon the people of the earth. There are other abuses on young children when parents beat their children, or when they molest them sexually. Even at the day care centers, children can be molested by adults or other children. Another form of abuse of children is when the man or woman leaves their family. This puts a heavy burden on the remaining parent who has to work and put their children in day care. I want parents to not kill their children or abuse them in any way. Just as you love Me, I want parents to truly love their children, and take care of their education and sustenance. Children are My gifts to you, and do not violate their innocence. Your society is falling apart when you do not have two parents home with their kids. Pray for the families and the children so there will be no more abortions and no more abuse.”

Thursday, June 10, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to come to Me in the quiet of My Real Presence, so you can get off of your merry-go-round of life. Many people are taken up with the noise of work, talking on the phone, being on the internet, or watching television. You are busy with the necessities of eating meals, buying your groceries, or visiting the sick. When you come to Mass, or you make time for Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, you need to be quiet and shut down the distractions of life. It is only when you are quiet in contemplation that you can truly listen to what I want you to do in life. You know how much I love each of you, and you love Me as well. I ask you to give reverence to My Real Presence in Holy Communion and in My Host in the monstrance at Adoration. You genuflect when you come into church, and you bow or kneel to receive Me on your tongue at Holy Communion time. By giving Me reverence, you are showing Me your love and respect for your Lord. You need to teach your children their prayers, and give them good example by seeing you praying your daily rosaries and coming to Sunday Mass. By making time for Me in your daily lives, I can help you with all of the trials of your life. Trust in Me to lead you on your path to heaven. This life will pass away, but My words and heaven will not pass away.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: ‘My people, I am showing you the beginning events after the Warning and the six weeks of conversion. You will soon see the Antichrist and his people take over this chair of St. Peter. Once the Antichrist declares himself and even before, I will call My faithful to My refuges so you will be protected from the evil ones by My angels. At My refuges My angels will put a shield of invisibility over you and the evil ones will not see you. At the end of less than 3 1/2 years I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the earth, and all of the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, your electronic services are vulnerable to hackers, and because you have a weak President, you could see many services shutdown all at once. A shutdown of your electric grid would be the most severe and only partial electricity could be used with backup generators. This could shut down your banks, your internet, your air conditioners, and ovens. The backup electricity could only power smaller devices and lights. This could crash your economy, so I have warned you to stock up on three months of food for each member of your family. If your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will definitely call you to My refuges before the next deadly virus will be released. Unless the vaccinated people have been blessed by the Good Friday oil, or they are healed by looking on My luminous cross, the vaccinated people will die quickly as you saw many bodies on the ground. Only My believers with a cross on their forehead will be allowed by My refuge angels to enter My refuges. All the non-believers will die from the vaccines and viruses or other plagues listed in the Book of Revelation. You will be living at My refuges until I will bring My Comet of Chastisement.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as you are preparing for physical shortages with your food supplies, you also need to be prepared spiritually with frequent Confession. As long as people repent and ask My forgiveness of their sins, then these people will be saved and protected from the evil ones. You will need to trust in Me, and have faith that I can heal you in both body and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the death culture people still killing the unborn in abortion, the old people with euthanasia, and now people will be dying from viruses and vaccines. This killing of man is led by Satan because he hates man for your taking his place in heaven. Trust in Me and I will heal My people of all of your ills in My refuges, as long as you believe in My healing power.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed tonight to have a priest bring you My Real Presence to adore from an earlier Mass. My graces of My Blessed Sacrament go out to all of you . You are seeing the most treasured gift of Myself that I have left among you so I could be with you sacramentally, even to the end of this age. Call on Me to help you in all of your intentions. I am with you always in all of the consecrated Hosts and tabernacles all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw how many factors had to come together for the earth to exist to accommodate our complex life forms. Just a few are the right kind of sun, the right distance from the sun, liquid water, and oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere, and an iron core. If you estimate the chance of all of these conditions to be found anywhere in the universe, it would be 10 to the 15th power to one. That makes the earth special for all of My people to live here.”

Friday, June 11, 2021: (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing My Sacred Heart of love for all of you, and there is an eternal flame along with a crown of thorns. I love you so much that I died for each and every one of you. No greater love can be found that a friend gives up his life for another. Keep your focus on Me in My Eucharist, especially when you come to daily Mass. I am your strength and support to help you through life’s trials. Those people, who do not know and love Me, will suffer much more in their need. So be thankful that I am with you sacramentally and spiritually throughout the day. Show Me your love by your reverence to My Blessed Sacrament and by following My Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. My faithful, who repent of their sins in Confession and perform works of mercy, will have their reward with Me in heaven. Go and share your love and faith with everyone that you meet in life.”

Jesus said: “My son, this whole subject of controlling people is nothing new to you, because you have read about this in many hard to find documents. All of these programs about controlling people are part of the one world people’s plan to control the masses and prepare you to be controlled by the Antichrist and his helpers. This is part of the elite’s control over your people. Your people right now are being brainwashed by your health officials, your political leaders, and your media to believe the big lies about the Covid virus and the lies about the need for Covid vaccines. Your economy was shut down by a lie about a virus that allowed 98.5% of your people to survive. They have forced you to wear masks and keep a distance in churches and businesses. The biggest lie is that you needed to take an experimental vaccine to return to normal. Many people have taken this bioweapon poison that causes your body to make a spike protein that spreads the virus to every part of your body. This will kill most of the vaccinated people in a few years, and the vaccinated people will spread a virus to the unvaccinated people. Refuse to take this vaccine because you do not need it, and it could kill you. Do not let the media brainwash you that you need this vaccine. Stop listening to this vaccine lie and warn your people to not be taken in by this propaganda. The evil leaders want to reduce the population of the world by killing people with this vaccine. This is a horrific propaganda that you need to avoid and not believe the big lie. Trust in Me to heal you with My Good Friday oil or by looking on the luminous cross at My refuges. I will defeat Satan and all of his lies.”

Saturday, June 12, 2021: (Immaculate Heart of the BVM)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you know how I had trouble in My Immaculate Heart when I could not find my Son, Jesus. After looking for Him, we finally found Him teaching the Jewish leaders in the Temple. I asked Jesus why He had done this, and He told us: (Luke 2:40) ‘How is it that you sought Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?’ This was one of my seven sorrows, but I accepted these trials because I was always obedient to the Father’s Will. Being humble and obedient to God’s Will is how I was without sin by God’s grace. You may not be sinless, but you can do your best to follow God’s Will. You have the grace of Confession to cleanse your sins so you can keep your soul close to my Son, Jesus. Trust in Jesus and give your prayers of consecration to Him every day. Keep praying your daily rosaries, and come to daily Mass as often as you can.”

Jesus said: “My son, your people are familiar with various conventional warfare with tanks, airplanes, armies, navies, and missiles. You also have had a cold war with the threat of nuclear bombs on missiles. You now are being acquainted with biological weapons and propaganda. Communist China has purposely unleashed a biological weapon of Covid-19 on the world while protecting themselves. Even your own health leaders helped finance and engineer such a gain of function weapon. Your media and your leaders have been persuading people into accepting Covid-19 as a pandemic, but it is not deadly to 98.5% of your people. It is the vaccines that are being used which are very deadly, and your media is using propaganda to try and coerce people into taking a vaccine that is not necessary. China is using a bioweapon of mass destruction which could even be considered an act of war. The one world people are now using a biological war to try and reduce the population of the world. The best way to break this propaganda, is to show the knowledge that the evil ones do not want the public to know. The real death rate from the Covid-19 is much lower because the deaths from other causes were included to inflate the numbers. The vaccines are causing some deaths and complications are up to 20% of the vaccinated people. These are the facts that are not being made public because the evil ones want more people vaccinated. Pray for the vaccinated people to be healed with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or when people are healed at My refuges. Pray to stop these biological wars that could kill many people. After the Warning, when you see many people dying, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges where My faithful will be healed.”

Sunday, June 13, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, you remember your Catechism well that you had to memorize for your class: ‘You are here to know, love, and serve Me.’ I even told My apostles if they want to be first or a leader, they had to serve the rest of the people. I love all of you, and I want all of you to imitate Me by loving Me and loving your neighbor. When you love someone, you want to help them in their needs. So when you come to heaven at your judgment, I want you to have many good deeds in your hands when you helped people. The best service is that you could bring My love to many people by evangelizing them. Souls are My most treasured creations, and the more souls you could help save, the greater My heavenly banquet will be filled with guests. Keep serving Me by your prayers and help for your neighbors. I am in everyone, so when you help someone, you are helping Me in them. When love of Me is in your heart, you will want to share your love with everyone.”

Monday, June 14, 2021: (Marco G. Funeral Mass, Sandra’s son)
Marco said: “Mom, please forgive me, I am so sorry for my actions. I love you and my family so much, and I am sorry I left so suddenly. I want to comfort you with my few words because I did not want to hurt you and the family. I know you loved me and I am sorry again. The Lord has shown his mercy on me, as I am in purgatory. Please pray for my soul with Masses because now I know how I have offended God with my actions. Keep my picture near you so you do not forget to pray for me. I love all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current Administration has been spending trillions of dollars on the Covid-19 problems to try and bring back your economy, but it is printing debt money to pay for your spending. Already you are seeing your current inflation rate at 5%, but your savers are getting 0% interest on money in the banks. To offset inflation you are left with investing in stocks, annuities, and now crypto coins. This is just the beginning of the Democrats spending more money that you do not have, because they want the people dependent on government spending. The one world people are planning to crash your dollar in their attempt to take over your government. If people cannot trust the value of their money, then your money system is no better than any other third world country’s money. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the dollar will crash. This is why I asked you to stock up on three months food, as the store shelves could empty quickly. I will protect My people from any chaos caused by the world bankers when I call you to My refuges.”

Tuesday, June 15, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to love one another, and even to love your enemies and your persecutors. If you love just your friends, you are no better than the pagans who love each other. Imitate how I love the good and the bad people. I call you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. By loving everyone, you will be on the right road to heaven and perfection. I want you to be open to help people, even without being asked. People will know you are a Christian by how much you love one another. Pray for the conversion of people who ignore Me or who hate Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just read how your governor of New York was lifting some of your Covid restrictions now that your state has been 70% vaccinated. I have warned your people not to take these Covid shots because you could die from it changing your DNA. These shots put your body into constant inflammation, and you could die within a few years. When the next virus is released, the vaccinated people will die quickly. This is why you had a vision of seeing a lot of people dead on the ground. People think they are returning to normal life, but you are in the pre-tribulation, and you will not see normal life again. The vaccinated people are shedding the spike protein, and this could infect the unvaccinated people with the Covid virus. The unvaccinated people need to keep a distance from the vaccinated people. You could put some Good Friday oil on all of the people to be healed. Trust in Me in faith and you will be healed of any virus.”

Wednesday, June 16, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was giving you examples of not doing things to show off to people, and you should give Me the glory for your accomplishments, and not be bragging about them. I was telling people not to be telling others about your charity donations. I also mentioned about praying more in secret, and not broadcasting how you are fasting to gain favor with people. When you do things for show, you already have your reward, but when you do things in secret, My heavenly Father will reward you in your treasure box in heaven. These things are all about doing things humbly without trying to gain notice or fame for yourself. By quietly helping people, you will also gain more rewards in heaven. Your prayers for your family can help save them from hell.”

Thursday, June 17, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you the perfect prayer in the ‘Our Father’ from My very lips. You repeat this prayer many times when you pray your rosaries. So you are giving honor to My heavenly Father every time you pray this prayer. You are honoring My Blessed Mother every day also with your daily rosaries. You can thank Me for directing you in how to pray, just as My apostles were taught. This is such an important prayer that it is even part of your daily Mass. I know your prayer intentions before you ask, but you need to have intentions for all of your prayers so I can answer them in My way and in My time. I love all of you, and praying to Me is your way of talking to Me and telling Me that you love Me also.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you some signs of a coming crash of your dollar from all of the trillions of dollars that are being spent by your government. The vision of the coming Warning means it is getting close. This will give every soul a chance to change their evil ways and start new on the rest of their lives. You will see your life review of all of your good and bad actions. You will have a mini-judgment and a taste of your current destination. Then you will be brought back into your body and you will have a chance to change your life. After the Warning you will have six weeks of conversion and a chance to save souls. This is a blessing of My Divine Mercy.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are living in a darkened room by their own choice. I want My people to open their windows and let My loving Light come into their hearts, so they can feel loved and have joy in their lives. Even though this world has evil things going on, I want everyone to lift up your heads and be thankful you have life, and you can live your life with a bright outlook of My love. Trust in My help and you will have no fear of what is to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are struggling to find a home or dwelling that is within your budget. With all of your government spending, inflation is raising the prices of homes and cars. Call on Me to help you find an affordable home when there is a short supply of available homes. Making plans to buy a home takes some effort to find one and be able to buy it. Trust in Me and pray that you can have a good home with My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are also seeing food prices going up as well as home prices. Having enough money to balance your family’s needs can cause you to search for cheaper food prices. It is also a job to find fresh produce to fit your food budget. You need to store up to three months of food if you can afford it, because you could see some events that could empty your store shelves. It is better to have some extra food than any other investment. Trust in Me to multiply your food if it is needed before you come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, not everyone is trying to eat a balanced diet and a diet of good nutrition. You should try to eat healthy fruits and vegetables, if they are available and affordable. It is not good to eat fast foods that are not as healthy. People need to take time to plan good meals for your health. You are even seeing the benefits of fasting, not only for your weight, but it is good spiritually as well. Follow My suggestions so you can have a healthy lifestyle.”

Jesus said: “My people, getting a good night’s sleep can also be beneficial for working and even for your prayer life. Some people have difficulty sleeping or they need a sleep apnea machine. If your oxygen levels or your sleep is lacking, this could affect your energy and strength to live a healthy life. Pray that you can get a proper amount of sleep, or you can have a doctor help you with your sleeping.”

Jesus said: “My people, you also need to have a good spiritual life that includes daily prayer, possibly daily Mass, and monthly Confession. By keeping your focus on Me and consecrating everything to Me, I will help you in all of life’s trials. You can depend on Me to get you through your daily problems. People, who do not have Me to back them up, have a much more difficult life, especially if they are living a sinful life. I love all of you, but you have to request My help in prayer, if you want a more peaceful life. You will face difficulties with health and financial problems, so call on Me in your need, and I will help you in solving your problems. You need to love Me and your neighbor, and you will have a happy life no matter what you will face in life.”

Friday, June 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you had an interesting insight into St. Paul’s life in all of his trials in life. He said how he boasted of all of his weaknesses, but I always helped him to get through his difficulties. I can also help all of My faithful who seek My help. You need to ask in order to receive. You can have peace of mind through all of your troubles when you are trusting in Me to help you. Remember the devil uses worries, anxieties, and fears to distract you from trusting in Me. By living in trust, you can look beyond your daily troubles, as you are working to spread My love in the Gospel. In today’s Gospel you have one of your favorite Biblical truths: ‘Where your treasure lies, there lies your heart.’ (Matt. 6:21) If you are a true Christian, you will be doing good deeds for people to store up treasure in heaven. Those people, who are more worldly, are focused more on accumulating wealth for themselves, and their heart is tied to their wealth and not to Me. Spend your life on storing up treasure in heaven, and I will see your love for Me is more than any earthly treasure.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to have some plans thought out in how you will conduct your refuge during the tribulation. I will send the people to you so they are spaced out in time so you are not overwhelmed. You need a core group to assign leaders to handle your needs. You need a leader for greeters or counselors to sign people in with their skills. You need a leader to assign rooms and beds. You need a leader to assign the hours of perpetual Adoration. You need a leader for cooking about two meals. You need a leader for heating and cooling the house. You need a leader to provide lavatories and sponge bath water. You need a leader to distribute hygiene kits and spiritual kits. You need a leader for washing clothes and washing dishes. Each leader may need helpers to carry out their mission. By organizing people according to their skills, everyone will have a job to do. You will all be helping each other to survive, and you will be seeing miracles to multiply your food, water, and fuels. By thinking out your needs with your core group, you can try to provide for everyone’s needs. You will pray that everyone will need to cooperate with the leaders to make this work. You will have general prayer times, because you will need to let Me lead you. Trust in My instructions when they are needed.”

Saturday, June 19, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you read how St. Paul had to suffer a thorn in the flesh, but all of you have to suffer temptations from the evil one. This does keep you humble, but remember that I give you sufficient graces to endure your suffering. Keep focused on Me so you are not distracted by your weaknesses in the world. You have another favorite Biblical quote in today’s Gospel: ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you.’ (Matt. 6:33,34) The Gospel talks about not worrying or being anxious of what you are to eat and drink, or what you are to wear. You are to focus on trusting in Me to provide for all of your needs. When you are a Christian, you need full trust in Me for everything, and you will have a life of peace in My love. I care for all of My people because I know what you need, so have faith and trust in Me to direct you on your path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many places in churches and restaurants where the vaccinated people do not have to wear masks, but the unvaccinated people still need to wear masks. There is definite discrimination for the unvaccinated people because they cannot attend sports crowds and other events. Because the vaccinated people are shedding the spike protein, it should be the opposite where the vaccinated people should wear masks. People, who have had the Covid-19 virus, should be as open because they have antibodies from the virus. You will see even harder times coming for the unvaccinated people because the authorities will keep prompting them to take the experimental vaccine. Refuse to take this shot because it can kill you and change your DNA irreversibly. There is no difference to catch the Covid-19 virus between the vaccinated people and the people with antibodies. When the next wild virus comes out, many vaccinated people could die. Keep your Good Friday oil handy to bless the vaccinated people. Pray for the vaccinated people to see the need to get blessed in this way.”

Sunday, June 20, 2021: (Father’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were fearing for their lives while I was sleeping amidst a terrible storm at sea. Once they awoke Me, I told the winds: ‘Peace, be still.’ (Mark 4:39) My apostles were amazed that even the wind and the sea obeyed Me. This was another sign of My powers as God the Son in their midst. This is also a sign that I can calm the storms in your life when you call on Me in prayer. I actually chastised My apostles for their little faith, but they were fearful for their lives. Even when you are up against insurmountable problems, I can even bring miracles to help you. When you may not have enough food or water, I will multiply what you have for your needs. By trusting in My Divine powers, you know I can do even the impossible.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is greeting you on this Father’s day because I am the Father of all fathers. My creation of things continues as I create the new souls in every baby that is born. I put the spark of life in every body that animates every person. In the same way I call you home to Me at your judgment. When you die this same glow of life leaves your body at death. So be thankful that I Fathered your soul and all souls into life on earth. I even keep you alive by your very being in My thought. If not, you would cease to exist. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of My creations.”

Monday, June 21, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Judge who judges all of you. You are all imperfect, so you are in no position to judge others who are imperfect. You can see how I used exaggeration to explain to the people how they should not judge others. I told them to remove the wooden beam from their own eye first before they could remove the splinter from their neighbor’s eye. In other words you should fix your own faults first before criticizing or judging other people’s faults. You see this in your politicians and the media when they use a double standard for their actions. They demand you to follow their rules and their narrative, but they do the same things themselves against their own rules. The evil ones, who are ruling over you, will face My wrath at their judgment. So do not complain of any injustice that is going on now, because all of these things are temporary and the evil ones will pay for their crimes against humanity.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you are offering up your suffering for your family and the souls in purgatory. You occasionally get skin rashes from poison ivy when you work in the back garden. You learned it is better to wear a long sleeve shirt where you were working. Your doctor was kind enough to phone in your needed prescription which will heal your rash in five days or more. You all have unforeseen mistakes, but you have a remedy for your problem. There are some problems you can prevent, but not all of them. Learn from your experience, and be ready to offer up your difficulties for souls as often as you can. Trust in Me to watch over you through all of your life’s troubles.”

Tuesday, June 22, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your prices of things like lumber and gasoline increasing dramatically because of your inflation. Things are going up in price partly because of your increased government spending for Covid problems and your future spending. This spending is not all being covered by any increase in taxes and you are printing more money without any way to pay for it. You are seeing a dark hole in your vision which represents a coming bankruptcy. There is also a plan by the one world people to start a new money system that would possibly make your dollars worthless overnight. Be prepared with your three months of food because you may see a shut down in many services when the dollar crashes. If your lives are in danger from this chaos, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.”

Wednesday. June 23, 2021:
(Matt. 7:15-19) Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am warning people about false prophets, but there are also true prophets. Every good tree bears good fruit, but every bad tree bears bad fruit. So by their fruits you will know them. I warned My people of the Pharisees when I told them to follow their words and not their deeds, for these leaders killed the good prophets. Many times the good prophets called the people back to Me and away from their evil ways, like Jonah, whom they followed. But most of the time the prophets were killed and the Israelites refused to follow. These people were punished for their evil deeds. Even now I am sending you prophets for the end times to prepare your people for the coming tribulation. Follow your angels to My refuges of safety when I give you My inner locution to leave your homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, time is a gift of life to you, and it can be used in many different ways. You need to use your time for prayer, daily Mass, and Adoration when you can. Once the time of day is gone, it cannot be brought back. You can only hope you will have tomorrow to complete what you could not finish today. When you come to your judgment time, you will have to make an accounting of how you spent your time, whether you wasted it, or you accomplished good things with your time. You can consecrate every day to Me so all that you do can be offered up for My greater glory. By organizing your day for My work, I will be pleased that you kept your focus on serving Me in the best way that you could. Those people, who were productive both spiritually and physically, will have My reward in heaven.”

Thursday, June 24, 2021: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, your readings today give glory to the birth of your children. The unborn babies have every right to live as much as those people after birth. This is why your killing babies by abortion is such a serious sin against My act of creation. At conception a soul is placed in this new life and this baby has been given a mission specific to the gifts given to this child. Man or woman has no right to destroy this child and thwart My act of creation. St. John the Baptist had a great mission to prepare the way for My coming salvation. He fulfilled his mission as one crying out from the desert that people should repent of their sins and be baptized by immersion in the water of the Jordan River. Listen to My prophets as I am preparing you again for My return.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you mentioned several intentions for people who have died recently. Praying the Divine Mercy prayers tonight will go to help these souls. I have said before that the Divine Mercy Chaplet is the best prayer to pray for the dead. You have seen souls saved with these prayers. I will multiply your prayers for all of your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard in the Gospel about the good tree that bears good fruit, and the bad tree that bears bad fruit. There are good and bad people as well, so you will know a person by the fruit of their actions. I love all of My people, and I give all of you an opportunity to use your gifts to bear good fruit. When you come to your judgment, you will be judged on the fruit of your actions, whether you loved Me and your neighbor, or not.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be familiar with the ‘Secrets of Oz’ movie that described the difference between debt money and government script without debt. It is the one world people who started your recent debt money in 1913. They control the printing of money and they profit from the interest on this debt money. During Lincoln’s time you were more prosperous without debts. But now your one world bankers are about to crash your current money system because your government spending is getting out of control. When your country goes into default on its debts, your money will no longer be a ‘reserve currency’ of the world. When your money crashes, there will be chaos and it may be necessary for Me to call you to My refuges of safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning people that bad times are coming when you will see food shortages and high unemployment. This could result if you see a bankruptcy of your government. If you could choose an investment, it would be to buy three months of food for your families. You cannot eat your money in a food shortage. If your money becomes worthless with a new currency, you could not be able to buy any food, and you would rely on what you have in your pantry. If My faithful are short of food before you come to My refuges, I will multiply your food if you pray to Me in faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones will release a new deadly virus after My Warning, and this could kill many vaccinated people. The vaccinated people have had their immune system ruined by the spike protein in the Covid shots. So when a new virus comes, their immune systems will fail and many will die. I have given you My Good Friday oil, and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal which you can use to bless the vaccinated people so they will not die. You will be told in your Warning that vaccinated people will need this blessing, or they will die. Only My believers will be healed, and only My believers can enter My refuges to be healed by looking on the luminous cross. Otherwise, those people, who do not believe in My healing nor believe in Me, could die and go to hell. Pray for your families to get blessed so they do not die from the next virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will warn people in their Warning experience that there will be only two kinds of people: those people, who believe in Me, and those people who do not believe in Me. I will warn My believers with a cross on their forehead, that they will need to come to My refuges so they are protected by My angels from the Antichrist and the demons during the tribulation. The non-believers will suffer from the coming plagues and the abuse of the Antichrist. My refuge angels will only allow My believers to enter My refuges of safety. Trust in Me and I will protect My faithful from any diseases and from any evil demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, a day of judgment is coming on the world when I will separate My sheep of the faithful from the goats of the evil ones. Everyone will have a free will choice to be with Me, or they can choose the world and the devil. Those faithful people will be protected by My angels from any destruction of the Comet. After all of the evil ones have been cast into hell, I will raise My people into the air so I can renew the face of the earth. Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace where you will live a long time without any evil presence. You will be prepared to be like saints, as I will take you to heaven when you die. Give praise and thanks to Me if you are written in the Book of Life for all of those people who will be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Friday, June 25, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, when I or God the Father tells you something is about to happen, you need to take heed, even if it seems impossible to the normal course of events. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old, yet Abraham was told he would have a son, Isaac by Sarah. We can perform miracles and make things happen that are not normal. Later, Sarah did have Isaac with a miracle, just as I performed a miracle in healing the leper of his leprosy. For nothing is impossible for Me. I will perform more miracles as they are needed, even in today’s time. When the evil ones plan to kill people with the viruses and vaccines, I have told you not to take the poisonous Covid shots. I also have given you My Good Friday oil and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal that you can use to bless the vaccinated people so they will not die. At the coming time of My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will again perform miracles of providing the deer for meat, the manna for Holy Communion, and I will multiply your dwellings, water, food, and your fuels for you to survive. Live in trust of My protection with My angels, and I will provide what you need at the proper time. By trusting in Me and your obedience to My laws, you will be rewarded in heaven with Me for all eternity.”

(Memorial Mass for Uncle Bill) Uncle Bill said: “I am happy to be with my deceased family members, but I am sad that I had to leave Melinda, my daughters, and the rest of the family behind. I love all of my Rochester people and I thank them for this Mass that helped me. I am in purgatory for a short time. It was the effects of the Covid vaccine that caused my death. Just as I read some words of remembrance for Camille, now he was giving words about me. I love all of my extended family, and I am sorry you could not attend my funeral. Keep praying for me and having Masses said for me. Tell all of your people how much I love them, and I was always happy to hear Camille’s words of his past life.”

Saturday, June 26, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all familiar with the centurion’s words when he said: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.’ (Matt. 8:8) This is said before Holy Communion time in the Mass, and it is appropriate for you to be humble to receive Me into your soul. You are still having Covid virus cases, and many churches are not giving Holy Communion on the tongue again. It will be better to receive Me on the tongue, because it is a more reverent way to receive Me without touching the consecrated Host. I remarked about the centurion when he explained how his soldiers and servants came at his command. He was a man of authority over his soldiers, so he knew and accepted My authority to heal people. This was great faith that the centurion trusted that I could heal someone from a distance without being in sight. It is this same strength of faith that I want all of My faithful to have all of the time, so you are confident that I can lead you through life to heaven. I love all of you, and I know your requests before you even mention them. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been hearing several hacker attacks that have caused long gas lines and some meat shortages. If these same hackers attack your banking system, or your electric grid, you would have a catastrophic effect on your economy and getting food. This is why your private businesses need to spend more resources on stopping these hackers. When the evil ones release the next deadly virus, many vaccinated people could die. I have mentioned before that I could bring My Warning if many lives are threatened. The best preparation for My Warning is to come to frequent Confession so you could have a clean soul. This could avoid seeing any mini-judgment to hell. The vaccinated people can be healed using the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or by being a believer and getting healed at a refuge. Do not take any Covid vaccine that could kill you in a few years. Avoid the big Covid vaccine lie that you will return to normal. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful.”

Sunday, June 27, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Mk 5:21-43) you see a story of healing within a story. Jairus was one of the synagogue rulers, and he had faith that I could heal his dying daughter. So I went with him to his house to be with his daughter. On the way a woman suffering from hemorrhages also had faith in My healing, so she touched My clothes, and she was instantly healed. I discovered who touched Me, and I told her: ‘Daughter, thy faith has saved thee. Go in peace and be healed of thy affliction.’ I arrived at Jairus’ house and I put out the mourners, since his daughter had died. I healed the twelve year old daughter as she came alive when I called her to rise. Even today I heal many people of various illnesses, but the ones, who are healed, need to believe that I can heal them. There are many people who have been vaccinated without knowing how deadly these vaccines are. I will tell people in their Warning that they can be healed of their vaccination by blessing themselves with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. All of My believers will have a cross on their forehead by My angels. If My believers believe that I can heal them from their vaccination, I will find a way to heal them, even if they need healing before coming to My refuges. Those people, who do not believe in My healing, could die of their illness. Just as I will multiply your food, if needed before you come to My refuges, so also I will heal My vaccinated believers if they call on Me to heal them.”

Monday, June 28, 2021: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the Genesis account of how Abraham kept bargaining to lower the number of good people needed from 50 down to ten just people. I would not destroy these cities if I found ten just people. This is a principle that I have made when a country or city is worthy of a punishment for sin. I will remove the just people, just as Lot and his family were removed from Sodom. Then I brought fire and brimstone down on the evil ones in Sodom and Gomorrah, and they all died. During the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will provide refuges for My faithful, and My angels will protect them from the evil ones. This is how I will separate My faithful from the non-believers and the demons. At the end of the Antichrist’s reign, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, and all of the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. My refuge angels will place a shield over My refuges, and My faithful will be protected from My destruction. Once the evil ones are in hell, then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Thus I will not destroy the innocent among the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you knew the viruses and vaccines were made with evil intent to reduce the population by the one world people. Now, I am showing you how truly evil these people are. The demons were instrumental in enabling your scientists to produce the virus and the vaccines that all produce the spike protein in the bodies of those people who were vaccinated. The bodies of the vaccinated people will continue producing the spike protein, and this will eventually overcome their immune system by constant inflamation. Those people, who believe in My healing power, can be healed by calling on Me to heal them. You can bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or they can be healed at My refuges. You have seen your older messages about a deadly yellow substance that will be spread after the Warning and the conversion time. This new virus will kill many vaccinated people, if they are not converted in the Warning. It takes belief in My healing power to be healed of this virus, the vaccines, and the plagues to come. I will be calling My faithful to My refuges so they can look upon My luminous cross, and they will be healed of all plagues and vaccines. My angels will protect them from the demons. Trust in Me to guard My faithful and provide for their needs at My refuges.”

Tuesday, June 29, 2021: (St. Peter and St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast of the two pillars of My Church in St. Peter and St. Paul. They each had separate missions, and they fulfilled them well. In today’s Gospel (Matt. 16:13-20) I asked My apostles who do you think I am? St. Peter then said: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended him for his answer, but it was My Father in heaven who has revealed this to him. I then established My Church in St. Peter when I said to him: ‘Thou are Peter and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give him the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever thou shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shall loose on earth, will be loosed in heaven.’ St. Paul was converted from Saul, and he became a great evangelist of the Gentiles. Since most of My faithful are not Jews, your faith has been handed down to you through St. Paul. Be grateful that these two great saints have formed My Church, and it has remained firm through all of these years. I am guiding My faithful to heaven through all of the troubles you will face in life. Trust in Me to have My angels protect you and provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am still suffering on the cross as long as My faithful are suffering in any way. When you are struggling with sickness or mental anguish, I want you to unite your suffering with My suffering on the cross. Some people are chosen to suffer more than others because they have been given more graces to endure it. Even if you are only suffering a slight pain, offer it up to Me to help save souls, and help the souls in purgatory to come closer to heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me if you are not suffering, because you have peace so you can pray for the souls who are suffering. I love all of you, and you need to help your neighbor in any way that you can. You are in the Communion of Saints when you unite your love with Me, your neighbors, the saints in heaven, and the souls in purgatory.”

Wednesday, June 30, 2021: (The First Martyrs of Holy Roman Church)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Matt. 8:28-34) I met the two demoniacs in the country of the Gerasenes. These demon possessed people harassed anyone traveling by. The demons cried out to Me, and they asked Me why I came before the appointed time. These evil ones also asked Me to cast them into a herd of swine nearby. In the Gospel of Mark (5:1-20) I asked the demons’ name, and they said their name was ‘Legion’ because there were many of them. I cast out the demons from the men, and their number was about two thousand. They went into the swine, and they ran into the sea, and all of the swine were drowned. The men were freed from the demons, and they were told to return to their homes. The local people begged Me to leave their area. Throughout the Scriptures you see how I take authority over the demons, and I cast them out of various people. I tell My people not to be fearful of the demons, because I am with you to protect you from them. The demons respect the authority of My priests, who are using My authority in My Church. Because My Church is weak because of the many abuses and weak faith, it is harder for My exorcist priests to remove the demons. You, My son, witnessed another exorcism of a young man yesterday. The demons were claiming possession of the young man’s body as theirs, as they did not want to leave. You gave the exorcist priest the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul on their feast day. When the priest touched the relics to the young man, it hurt the demons, and they kept saying: ‘Get it off of me.’ The demons were talking more than usual and uttering profanities. This howling lasted for three hours. This experience showed you how the demons answer to My authority in My Church. This is why the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul had more effect on the demons because My saints of the Church had authority over the demons by My power to cast out demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who desire to own rich looking things, as gold necklaces. These same people like to show off expensive jewelry to show people that they are rich. I have told My people to stock up on food items because you cannot eat your gold or money. It does not take much money to stock up on three months’ worth of food. I have been suggesting such a food storage because your store shelves could go empty if you have another virus shutdown. I have been showing you possible grid failures, water shortages, and even bank failures. Any one of these potential disasters would close your stores. I have been wanting you to think of this food storage as food insurance. If your electric grid was down for months, or a year, there are people predicting 90% of your people would die of starvation, because most people do not have long time food supplies. Even if I called My faithful to My refuges, I could multiply your food to cover the less than 3½ years of survival during the tribulation. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, but you need some food storage that I could multiply as well. Many of My refuges have stored these things, but you may need Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels so all of your people would have what they need to survive.”

Thursday, July 1, 2021: (St. Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people, I have created everything, and you are witnessing My great creation in every day of your life. Life is precious, and that is why your abortions of My created unborn babies are an abomination. Your life is here today and gone tomorrow, meaning that your life is but a few years amidst eternity. But your judgment will be on how you lived your life, and how you loved Me and your neighbors. This is why your short time on earth is so valuable, and it is by your actions that I will see how much you love Me. You communicate with Me in your prayers, and you need to make Me the center of your life. Remember that I created you to know, love, and serve Me on this earth. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to save you from your sins. You need to repent of your sins, and confess them at least once a month in Confession to the priest. If you love Me, you will show your love in your daily prayers and possibly your daily Mass. You can also show your love for Me when you visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You can further show your love for Me by your good deeds in helping your neighbor. You need to love everyone, even those people who persecute you. By living a life of love for Me and your neighbor, you will receive your reward in heaven. You all are appointed to die. So before I call you home to your judgment, make the best use of your time with prayer and good deeds.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in order for Me to heal people, they have to have faith that I can heal them. You saw in other readings how I could not heal the people in My hometown of Nazareth because they lacked faith in My healing power. In the two healing requests for the paralytic and the Centurion’s daughter, they both had a strong faith that I could heal them. The Centurion even explained how he knew about authority because he commanded many soldiers. I told the people that I had not seen such faith in all of Israel. When you need healing, you can come to Me with this same strong faith as the Centurion.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when My people will face strong persecution for believing in Me. Many Christians and martyrs had to suffer for keeping their belief in Me. I have had My refuge builders set up refuges for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You have had faith in My healing, but soon you will need faith in My power to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges. For those people, who believe in Me, you will see Me perform many miracles when I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you of Satan’s goal to kill as many people as he can because he hates man. The one world people have a goal to reduce the population of the world from seven billion down to five hundred million people. They have chosen to use viruses and vaccines to kill a lot of people. The Covid-19 virus has killed a large number of people, but the big goal is to use vaccines to kill even more people by their bioweapon to use the spike protein to destroy people’s immune system. You have seen some deaths and complications from the vaccinated people, but the media are trying to keep this quiet. The vaccinated people will be dying in large numbers as time goes on. Be prepared to help heal the vaccinated people with My Good Friday oil, and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing droughts and extremely high temperatures in the West. Some people are even dying from heat strokes. Some areas are even seeing electrical failures as air conditioning is putting a strain on the electric grid. This summer heat is coming sooner than usual, and it will lead to more fires out West. Be thankful that you have electricity to cool your houses down with air conditioning and fans. Pray that people can keep hydrated to avoid any more deaths.”

Jesus said: “My people, parents have a right to fight the teaching in the schools that are brainwashing the children with race theory, sex classes, and communist teachings. The progressive curriculums are bringing down the learning of the children, and they are forcing them to be taught only Godless communism with no word about Me. Many parents are choosing to home school their children to avoid the liberal brainwashing. Pray for your people to reject communist teachings, and work to change what is being forced on your children.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you want to see the future of your Church, just look how only a few young adults are coming to Mass on Sunday. The young people do not come to church because your families are not bringing them up with a strong faith. Once they are on their own, they quickly stop their prayers and very few are coming to Confession. If you start with a weak faith, they will soon fall away from Me. Only those people, who are strong in their faith every day, are those people who will be My elect in heaven. Pray for the souls of your children and do not give up on them because I do not either.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of financial problems and disasters occurring that will take lives and threaten your food supplies. I keep warning people to stock up on three months food for every family member, or those people, who do not, could face starvation. Be also prepared to come to My refuges of protection when your lives will be in danger. When you see My Warning come, you will be coming soon to My refuges. Prepare your spiritual lives with prayers, Mass, and frequent Confession. You will be living together at My refuges after the Warning and your six weeks of conversion. Be prepared.”

Friday, July 2, 2021: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, you are adoring My Blessed Sacrament, and I am the Light amidst the darkness. In the Gospel I called Levi, the tax collector, to follow Me and I changed his name to Matthew. I went to his house for dinner with other tax collectors and known sinners. The Pharisees asked Me why I am eating dinner with tax collectors, and I told them ‘the sick need a physician and not the self-righteous.’ I am the Great Healer, and I call My faithful to follow Me through all of life’s adversities. When you repent of your sins, I will forgive you, and I will restore My graces to your soul. I told the Pharisees that I desire mercy and not sacrifice. I am the Lamb of God and I offered up My life on the cross to bring you salvation for your souls. With My Most Perfect Sacrifice on the cross, there is no more need for animal offerings. You may seem at a loss when your electricity is not working, but fear not because I will provide for your needs. You all are too valuable to Me to leave you alone without help. See that I am with you every day, and you can call on Me to help you in your needs. Trust in Me because I know that you need food, water, and a place to stay. I will lead you to solve your problems, if you would just ‘Follow Me’.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the past Democratic Administrations very little money was increased on your Defense spending. In fact during the Obama years, he wanted to reduce your nuclear weapons. If your current Administration decreases your Defense spending, you could be challenged by China and Russia. Already China wants to match your nuclear weapons, as they are building silos for ICBMs. Your old silos in America have been mostly dismantled. Countries, who minimize their defenses, could live to regret their negligence. Be prepared for China to take on Taiwan and for Russia to take over the Ukraine. These actions could trigger a coming world war. Be ready to come to My refuges when you see a major new war break out.”

Saturday, July 3, 2021: (St. Thomas, 56th Wedding Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My people, this slow destruction of a church in your vision is a sign of how your Church in America is decaying as well. Fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass, and the younger people are hardly coming at all. The faith in My people is getting weak, and you need to pray to St. Thomas to help the lukewarm people wake up and see how I should be the center of their lives, and not just one hour on Sunday. It is the strong faithful who will carry on the faith, but many of you are getting old. I told St. Thomas how he believed because he saw My resurrected Body, but blessed are you, who have not seen Me, and you still believe. Today, you are blessed, My son, to have your 56th Wedding Anniversary. You two spouses are an inspiration to other couples that should get married with the intention of staying together for life. You have been blessed with your children, your grandchildren, and even your great grandchildren. You both have been faithful to Me in your spiritual lives, and you have been faithful to each other for all of these years. When people follow My ways, they will have peace and many happy years together.”

I then saw a 5G tower. Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another message on 5G radiation and how bad this EMF (Electromagnetic field) radiation is to your body. The 5G microwaves give out ten times the amount of EMF radiation than the old 4G microwaves. You have seen some articles that the 5G radiation enhances the connection with the iron oxide particles of the vaccines that can cause more severe sickness with the Covid-19 virus. You might want to do some research on the EMF shields that you heard about, and possibly see if you can find a device that measures EMF radiation. You know you have some 5G towers around you, but you do not know what effect this 5G radiation is having on your body right now. This is why I want you to inform your prayer group of your findings. I will lead you to find the right answers, and if you should get this protection.”

Sunday, July 4, 2021: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people, for Myself and My prophets, many do not accept our teachings in our hometowns. It is because people lacked faith in My power to heal people, that I could not heal the native people of Nazareth. Many of the prophets before Me had to suffer persecution, and some were killed because the people did not want to hear their message. My end time prophets of today could also see persecution, especially if their words go against the current progressive agenda. I send My prophets out to share My Word, but many people may not want to hear the truth about My laws. These prophets could be telling people to avoid living together in fornication, or to stop the abortions. Some people do not want to be corrected, because they like the pleasure of their sins. I call all people to repent of their sins in Confession, so they can cleanse their souls of sin, and restore My graces to their souls.”

Monday, July 5, 2021: (St. Elizabeth of Portugal)
Jesus said: “My people, at Bethel Jacob was given a promise by God the Father that he would have many descendants on the land in all directions. Jacob set up a shrine to honor this promise. Even now I set up My own Church by My disciples, and it has survived over all of these years by My protection from the gates of hell. The devil thinks the earth is his kingdom, but I have protected My faithful remnant from the evil one world people. As you approach the time of the coming tribulation, I am having My refuge builders prepare safe havens for My faithful elect. I will again separate My believers, who love Me, from the non-believers who ignore Me or hate Me. Only the believers, who My angels will place a cross on their foreheads, will be allowed to enter My refuges. Continue to trust in Me to provide for your protection, and to supply all of your needs at My refuges.”

(Fr. Bill M. memorial Mass) Fr. Bill said: “I am happy to thank all of the people who helped me in life. I feel like St. Paul when he said I have fought the good fight and I have finished the course. I have written many books and I have given many talks. I would have liked someone to carry on my work at my Father’s House. This is a great place to work, but the buildings need a lot of maintenance. I thank you John and Carol for the few talks you were able to do here. I pray for all of the people to wake up and follow Jesus, because this life is short, and they need to choose the narrow road to heaven and not the broad road to hell.”

Tuesday, July 6, 2021: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, this tunnel in your vision is another sign that you will soon be coming to My refuges. I will be calling you to My refuges when your lives are in danger from the evil ones. This tunnel could also be a sign of My coming Warning when I will bring you to My Light for your life review. You need to be prepared for My Warning by coming to frequent Confession. After My Warning and the six weeks of conversion, you will be called soon to My refuges where My refuge builders will have safe havens to protect My faithful. Be ready to leave your homes within 20 minutes with your backpacks, so you can come to My refuges where you will have My angel protection from the demons and the evil people. Your refuge life will be like living in a Christian community where you will all help each other for your survival. Trust in Me to provide for your needs of food, water, and fuels that I will multiply.”

Wednesday, July 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers, but good came out of this evil. Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream that there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Joseph was given authority to store up the wheat grain during the seven years of plenty. When the famine came, then people all over the world came to Egypt to get rations of grain for their people, including Joseph’s family. My son, you have been given My messages to set up a refuge with the inheritance money that was provided to you. I have given you instructions to store food also, and I asked you to have a water well installed for the people who will come to your refuge. You have purchased cots for sleeping, small ovens for baking bread, and solar panels for your electricity. You also have propane for your ovens, and wood and kerosene to heat your house. You have a chapel for prayer and Mass when you have a priest. I will provide daily Holy Communion from a priest or from My angels. You will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the Host with people praying around the clock. You have prepared for forty or more people during the coming tribulation. Today’s Mass intention for Marco will help take time off of his time in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had signs of possible global warming with your record high temperatures, but the hearts of many of your people are frozen to Me as this vision of the frozen pond. I love all of you, but many people ignore My love or they even hate Me. Without Me you can do nothing good of any consequence. In order for people to accept their mission, they need to have warm hearts for Me and believe that I can lead them. In the Gospel I called My apostles, and they left their jobs and followed Me on My mission. Just as My apostles followed Me, I want My believers to be attentive to My Word so they can be open to Me and fulfill the mission I have given them. I have a spiritual mission for everyone, but unless you focus only on My agenda, it will be difficult to carry out your given mission. Many worldly distractions can lead you to follow a different path than heaven. This is why you need to detach yourself from worldly things so you can work on your spiritual mission. By coming to Mass, praying your rosaries, and coming to frequent Confession, then you will have My graces to carry out your mission. Be ready to step outside of your comfort zone to do My Will, and then you will be happy to follow My directions.”

Thursday, July 8, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, every time you hear the word ‘famine’ in your readings, you are reminded of the famine that will come upon America. You will see a time when your electricity will be shutdown possibly from a hacker attack, or another source as an EMP attack. In any event you may see a long duration of no electricity. For a long time in My messages, I have warned you to even store up a year’s supply of food for each household member. This may not be possible for some people, who either cannot afford this much food, or they may not have enough room to store so much food. Because of these restraints, I have been asking people to at least store three months of food. You may be starving or looking for food desperately, if you do not heed My words. If you are found short of food and water before you come to My refuges, I will multiply what you have, if you have faith that I can do this for you. I am always watching out for My people, just as I fed the Israelites in the desert, and Joseph’s people in the famine. Trust in Me to provide for you because I love you so much.”

Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My people, I keep giving you signs of My coming Warning, because I told you I would bring My Warning before the next deadly virus or any other danger to your lives. When I bring My Warning, your soul will travel through a tunnel to My Light. There you will have your life review, your mini-judgment, and a taste of your destination. You need to come to frequent Confession, at least monthly, in preparation for My Warning.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have done your research on the 5G radiation from your cell phone towers. You are also seeing that your WiFi routers in your house are putting out some high EMF readings by your new EMF reader. You could go back to your hard wire internet connections to cut down on this EMF radiation, or at least turn the router off when you are not using it. Your new Blushield Cube device will help cut down the effects of EMF on your body, once you install it. Trust in Me to protect you from these harmful radiations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how the one world people had an Event 201 meeting to plan how to deal with a pandemic virus. Then about three months later, you saw Covid-19 virus spread all over the world. So now these same evil people are planning to deal with an electric grid shutdown. This could mean you could soon see an actual electric grid shutdown some time after this meeting. I will call My people to My refuges before such an attack.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your electric grid is shut down by hackers, an EMP attack, or any natural destruction, you would see your economy shut down. Unless you have generators working, your water would stop, your gasoline pumps would not work, your banks and internet would stop, and your cell phones would not work. This is why your economy is vulnerable to losing your electricity. A shutdown of your electricity would cause a major chaos as food and water would be hard to find. Be prepared with at least three months or more of food and water. If necessary I will multiply what you have, and I will call My faithful to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, China and Russia want to obliterate America with an EMP attack using only a few well placed atomic bomb weapons. These countries do not want to start a nuclear war to cause a nuclear winter, but they are willing to risk an EMP attack on your main cities. Bombs exploded high in the air could stop your communications, your grid, and even your cars would not work. Only My refuges would be protected from such destruction. None of your internet devices will work at My refuges, so be prepared for a new way of living.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am not giving you the time of My Warning, but you could see some events as an electric shutdown, or a deadly virus released soon. Before any of these deadly threats come to My faithful, I will give My Warning so people will have a last chance to change their lives before they could see some events as an electric shutdown, or a deadly virus released soon. Before any of these deadly threats come to My faithful, I will give My Warning so people will have a last chance to change their lives before they could die. Trust in My protection because I will call you to My refuge before your lives are threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see some people die as martyrs for their faith, and some could die from the coming deadly virus and plagues. I will call most of My faithful to the safety of My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil people and demons. Then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Trust in Me that even My martyrs will be resurrected and brought into My Era of Peace as well. Keep your souls pure with frequent Confession, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Friday, July 9, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned in a previous message how some of My faithful may be martyred for their faith during the tribulation. I also have given you messages of how I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace on earth, after I cleanse the evil ones and renew the earth. You have read in the Book of Revelation how all of those, who were beheaded, would be resurrected and live in My Era of Peace. So truly all of My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, whether they were martyred or not. So have no fear of the evil ones in this age, because all of the evil ones will be cast into hell. My faithful will be protected at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Later, you will be joined in My Era of Peace where you will live a long time.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful not to take the Covid vaccine shots because it would ruin their immune system. This problem has been confirmed by several noted doctors who are also warning your people not to take the vaccine shots. Now you are seeing stories that the unvaccinated people may be coerced into getting the shots by the military coming door to door. In Canada you are hearing stories about building detention centers to house those people who refuse to take the shots. If the military intends to threaten your lives, if you do not get the shots, then I will make your house invisible, or I will call you to My refuges of protection. Threatening your freedoms over these poison shots is against your Constitution to force this upon you when there are not many dying from the Covid virus. Pray for My angel protection if you feel threatened. The evil ones want to kill as many people as possible with these poison shots that could eventually kill you. Refuse these shots, even if they threaten to kill you.”

Saturday, July 10, 2021: (Lillian Leone Funeral)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Resurrection and the Life, and all of the souls, who believe in Me and repent of their sins, will be welcomed into My Wedding Banquet on the last day. Your vision is a glorious sight when you saw all of the soul bodies being released from purgatory. They walked down the aisles of the church, and they rose into the air in heaven. The remaining souls on earth, who were My elect, also were welcomed to their appointed levels of heaven. All of My worthy souls will have their eternal reward with Me at My banquet in heaven. You will all be like angels and you will be worshiping Me constantly at your appointed level in heaven. You will all rejoice when you will be with Me forever with no evil, and no cares. Keep faithful to Me and you will see this glorious entrance of your soul into heaven with all of the saints and angels. I love all of you, and I long to save as many souls as they want to be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Sunday, July 11, 2021: (Kathy Neilon Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you could see how My prophets had to endure much persecution because the people did not want to hear the prophets’ words of admonishment for the people’s evil deeds. In the Gospel I sent out My apostles two by two to teach the people about the Kingdom of God. They depended on the charity of the people because the missionaries were worth their keep. In the vision of the catacombs you are reminded of both of your missions of preaching My words from My messages, and preparing your own refuge for during your hiding through the tribulation of the Antichrist. You have prepared food and water for the coming famine, and I told you that you will be using all of your preparations. You will need My angel protection from the evil ones, and I will multiply your food, water, fuels, and even your dwelling places for all of the people who I will send to you. Just as you enjoy being with your friends, you will be working together for your survival with both physical things, and your spiritual preparations for Mass and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Trust in Me to provide for your needs in these end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see some dramatic differences between Biden and Trump in how they rule your people. Biden is ruining your energy independence when he canceled the Keystone Pipeline, and he is cutting back on your oil output. The Green New Deal is a disaster, since you cannot provide the energy that you need without using fossil fuels. His opening of your Southern Border is another disaster to let in drugs and more criminals. Many of the police reforms are not working either, when you defund the police, and encourage no bail for criminals who commit crimes. Pushing people to take poison vaccine shots could be a coming problem for the unvaccinated people. This shut door in your vision represents how Biden is closing the door on your freedoms. Fear not because I will protect My faithful from your enemies at My refuges.”

Monday, July 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading after another Pharaoh took over, the Egyptians wanted to reduce the numbers of the Israelites by throwing their male babies into the river. This reminds you how Herod had the male babies in Bethlehem killed as he tried to kill Me. Now you are seeing your women have abortions because they seek their selfish convenience and kill their children. All of those people, who have abortions and those who promote abortions, will be held accountable for their sins at their judgment. Killing My little ones, and stopping their missions in life, is a serious sin, and it needs forgiving in Confession. Do not follow this death culture that Satan is leading, because he hates man. I love all of My people, but the evil people will pay for their crimes against Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of the money in the world will not help you get into heaven. To come to heaven you need to be humble and repent of your sins by frequent Confession. If you inherit some money, you need to thank the survivors, and have Masses said for the deceased. You only need enough money to survive. After that you can even donate substantially to some worthy causes. You know this money system is going to crash, and your money could become worthless. At your judgment it will be your prayer life and good deeds, as well as how much you loved Me and your neighbors, that will count for where souls are placed in heaven. The souls, who loved Me the most, will gain the reward of a higher level in heaven. So do not be concerned about how much money you have in the world when you die, because you cannot take your money with you past the grave. I count your spiritual wealth in your amount of prayers and good deeds you performed on earth. I will store all of your graces and merits in your personal treasure box in heaven for the day of your judgment.”

Tuesday, July 13, 2021: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, there is a parallel with Moses and Myself. At the time of Moses the Egyptians were concerned how the Israelites were having more children than themselves. So the Pharaoh made an edict that all of the Israelite male babies should be thrown into the river. Moses’ mother put him in a basket on the river, and he was discovered by Pharaoh’s sister who brought Moses up as her own son. So Moses was saved from the order to kill the male babies. In My time when I was born in Bethlehem, King Herod did not want another king to threaten his reign. So he had his soldiers kill all of the male babies in Bethlehem up to two years old. An angel came to My step father, Joseph, in a dream, and he was warned to take our family to Egypt to avoid Herod’s attempt to have Me killed. So just like Moses, I too was spared from the sword of those who wanted to kill Me. This was the hand of God that both of us were protected to carry out our missions. Moses led his people to the Promised Land, and I led all of the people to be redeemed by My death on the cross. I was leading people to the true Promised Land in heaven. Rejoice that both of our survivals of evil, allowed us to bring forth the fruit of our missions. My people, I will also protect My faithful and My prophets so they can fulfill their missions as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I am more powerful than the demons. When a person is possessed by demons, the demons claim ownership over that soul, and they do not give up easily. When you invoke My Name over the demons, and bless the person with holy oils, this burns the demons, and they can shout out that they are in pain. When it takes many exorcism sessions, you are dealing with a strong demon or multiple demons. The exorcist priest must be firmly rooted in his faith with a strong link to his diocese for his authority over the demons. The demons try to hide and be quiet, but holy water and exorcism oils burn the demons. This is how you can tell they are still present. It can take many sessions to completely remove the demons. By your prayers and your persistence, the demons can be cast out with My help. Just as you need to believe I can heal someone, so in an exorcism, the priest or people also need to believe I can cast out the demons in My Name. When you direct the demons to the foot of My cross, tell them never to return as well.”

Wednesday, July 14, 2021: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is the Name I gave to Moses so he could tell the Israelites My Name. Moses was allowed to speak to Me, and I told Moses how I heard his people’s cries from their Egyptian task masters. I told Moses that I was sending him to be the leader of his people, so he could deliver his people from the bondage of slavery to the Promised Land. Moses did not know how to have the Pharaoh let his people go, but I told him I would use his staff for miracles. In life you may not see great miracles, but I will be with the faithful people in their protection, and I will provide for their needs. I am still God of the universe that I created, and you can trust in Me to answer your prayers in My way and in My time.”

Jesus said: “My people, on this TV program you witnessed why the left authorities are not allowing people to investigate the actual ballots, or they would go to jail for fixing the election in 2020. What you saw was proof that ballots for Biden were duplicated when individual ballots were examined. The tally sheets showed mixed numbers for Biden and Trump initially, but later they were changed to 100% for Biden. These acts are against the election law and these people should go to jail for their illegal actions in changing an election. Every time ballots and tally sheets were examined, the same cheating went on, especially in Democrat run cities. This is why there is no doubt that this cheating made Biden an illegal President. This is why I do not address Biden as your legal President. If your country does not fix this cheating in the swing states, you will never have another Republican President. This is why Biden opened your Southern border to allow many illegal immigrants to enter and be flown or bussed all over your country. These illegal immigrants are allowed to vote for Democratic candidates, when they should not be allowed to vote without being a US citizen. Your country is being taken over right in front of your eyes, and your people are not resisting all of these illegal activities by the left. Your freedoms are being taken away, and you are not fighting for freedom as the Cubans are. When the lives of My faithful are threatened, I will call them to the safety of My refuges.”

Thursday, July 15, 2021: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, throughout history you have seen various peoples used as slaves. The Israelites were slaves for the Egyptians. The Africans have been slaves on the Southern US plantations. There is slave labor being used in China and Russia as well. Moses was appointed by God the Father to help free the Israelites from Pharaoh. The Pharaoh did not want to free his slaves until he was forced to by the ten plagues that were sent on the Egyptians. The loss of the first born males in their families is what finally broke his resolve. I was also the first born male who was led as a Lamb to be killed so mankind could be freed from the bondage of their sins. Some people are slaves to their habitual sins, so I have given everyone a chance to free themselves from their habits, if they could only turn to Me, and follow My laws out of love for Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see how Biden and the one world people are trying to make Covid vaccine shots mandatory for health workers and the Army. The Covid vaccine is poison and vaccinated people are dying more than those people who are dying from the Covid virus itself. These authorities are hiding the bad reactions and deaths from the vaccines. They also are adding other causes of death to the Covid virus deaths. I have mentioned before if the government makes it mandatory to have the Covid vaccine, and your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, these Covid vaccines manufacture the spike protein, and this causes the vaccinated people to be in constant inflammation. Over a few years these vaccinated people will be dying. Because the shots destroy your immune system, the next virus will kill many vaccinated people. You have heard other visionaries receive the same message about many dead bodies on the ground. You can use your Good Friday oil, the exorcism water, or a special healing from Me if the vaccinated people believe that I can heal them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen various proofs of how your 2020 Presidential election was stolen by the Democrats from Trump. Your dictatorial government is now declaring any information on the election cannot be made public on Facebook or other sites because Biden has declared this ‘Disinformation.’ Biden is acting like a dictator and a socialist communist by controlling what you can say in public. The real reason for censoring election result information is because if the ballots were scrutinized, it would reveal all of the cheating that enabled Biden to steal the election. This discrimination of information is more control over your people and Biden is using communist tactics to take away your freedom of speaking your opinion. Your people need to rise up against such open control, or you will soon be a communist state. If your lives are in danger from such control or mandated vaccine shots, I will call My people to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you went to Buffalo, NY to witness the 13th exorcism session on a possessed young man. There was loud howling from the demons when he drank some exorcism water. There was some improvement because the young man was able to use his free will along with the exorcist priest to try and drive out the demons. This session only lasted two hours instead of the three or four hours of previous sessions. Continue to support the family in this battle against the demons.”

Jesus said: “My son, you know how the one world people are listening to your facebook, your e-mails, and your phone calls to record people who are against their plans and agenda. As the control over your freedom of speech gets worse, these evil ones will single out conservatives and religious people for persecution when they will use your views to put you in jail, or they will try to kill you. You will soon be coming to My refuge before they try to kill you. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at that time.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been using your new EMF (electromagnetic field) reader to see what sources of EMF could be affecting you. Your wi-fi router and your solar inverters gave off the most radiation in your house. You used your meter outside in all directions and you did not see any strong signals from your cell towers. You can turn off your router at night. You purchased a Blushield Cube that covers 5G radiation. This device sends out a good wave of a signal that drowns out any bad EMF. I will protect your bodies from any 5G radiation.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have warned you that the one world people have plans to try and stop your electricity, and they are also planning another major shutdown when they will spread the next deadly virus. Have no fear because My refuges will be protected from anything that could harm you. My angels will put an invisible shield over you so the evil ones cannot see you. My angels will also put a shield over you to stop any bombs, viruses, or anything physical as a comet. Trust in My protection when I will call you to the protection of My angels at My refuges.”

Friday, July 16, 2021: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Jesus said: “My people, the word ‘Passover’ originated when the Jewish people had to put the blood of the lamb on their door posts and lintel. This was so the angel of death would pass over their homes, but the first born of the Egyptians died. It was this last plague that freed the Israelites to go to the Promised Land. The Last Supper was the Jewish Passover when I set up the first Mass consecrating the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. I was the unblemished Lamb who shed My Blood on the cross that has freed you of your sins. It is your daily Mass that enables you to share in My Real Presence of the consecrated bread and wine. Be thankful for My gift of the Mass because you have a taste of heaven every time you receive Me in Holy Communion. The Mass is so much a part of your spiritual life that you are obeying My Third Commandment of coming to Sunday Mass. When you come to daily Mass, you are coming because you love Me, and it is not by obligation as on Sunday. My daily Mass people are special to Me because you love Me so much that you want to receive Me into your heart and soul every day. Your daily Mass is a good example for others to see how much you love Me.”

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel said: “My dear children, you are familiar with the Carmelites who wear the brown robes. I gave St. Simon Stock the brown scapular which I promised that whoever wears this scapular and believes in my Son, Jesus, will be blessed to come to heaven when they die, and they will not suffer eternal fire in hell. I want my children to also pray my daily rosary in addition to wearing my scapular. My son, you have visited Mt. Carmel where Elijah hid from those people who wanted to kill him for his prophecies. This hiding from the authorities is one of your missions to prepare a refuge. During the tribulation, my Son will send His faithful to His refuges for angel protection from the evil ones. It is my Son’s refuge builders who Jesus depends on for making His refuges. Have no fear because my Son, Jesus, will have His angels protect you and provide for your needs.”

Saturday, July 17, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading about Moses as he led his people out from the bondage of the Egyptian task masters. When the Israelites traveled through the desert for forty years, I provided them with manna and the meat from quail that fell dead into their camp every day. Have faith, My children, for I will provide you the Holy Bread of Holy Communion daily at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will also provide deer that will fall dead in your camps for daily meat. You will have other sources of food, water, and fuels at My refuges. Trust in Me for your protection by My angels, and I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember well the visions of hell that I showed you when you saw the soul bodies looking like black molten embers suffering from the flames, but they were not being consumed by the fire. The demons were constantly tormenting the souls. There was no love there, but only hate, and these souls would never see Me again after their eternal judgment to hell. My faithful need to pray for the souls on earth, especially for all of your family members who I will have mercy on their souls. Pray also for the souls in purgatory, who could be released into heaven. I love all of you, and every soul desiring heaven must seek My forgiveness of each soul’s sins, and show Me your love and love of your neighbors. I will forgive all sins, if you seek My forgiveness and My mercy.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day the demons are feasting on souls with little faith in Me. Every person is tempted daily with temptations from the demons, so you need to keep your spiritual guard up against these attacks. The weak souls can be those who are in bad habits with drugs, alcohol, or sex. Many of these sinful habits have demons associated with them. Even good spiritual people also must fight off the demons’ daily attacks, and the demons are always active. Your best defense from the demons is your daily prayer life, frequent Confession, and daily Mass with worthy Holy Communion. Be careful with your idle time when you could be reading the Bible or some spiritual books. Start your day with your morning offering and consecrate all of your actions of the day to Me. By prayer and fasting you can keep your soul pure. You can also pray for the weak and lukewarm souls to protect them from demon attacks. By keeping a strong faith in Me, you can call on Me whenever you sense an evil attack, and I will send My angels to defend you. You do not want yourself or any soul lost in hell, so keep close to Me in all of your daily actions. Have no fear of hell when you keep your soul clean, and away from near occasions of sin. I do not want to lose even one soul to hell, but you must keep your free will decisions around holy intentions. It is the intentions of the heart that I watch in your actions.”

Sunday, July 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, your readings are all about shepherds that could be the bishops, but they are not always feeding My faithful as much as they should be. Because of this weakness in My church leaders, fewer and fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass. In the Gospel I was calling My disciples to a quiet place as they could rest from the crowds, and pray. You need to come close to Me in your quiet moments to restore your prayer life, and build up your strength to fight off the temptations of the demons. I want My faithful to go out and share their faith with others, and even evangelize souls to convert their lives to Me. The more effort you make to pray for and convert souls, the higher the level of heaven will be given to you as your reward. Strive for the higher levels of heaven by your prayers and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. The more you love Me and your neighbors in your actions, the higher the level of heaven will be granted to you.”

Monday, July 19, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, many times you did not know how I would get you through difficult situations. When you prayed to Me for help, I was there to solve your problems. You are so valuable to Me, and I will not leave you orphans. I will defend you from the evil ones and their plans to kill you. Just as the people with Moses did not have faith in him, so My people need to have more faith in Me to help you. I can do the impossible in your eyes, and you will see My miracles in these end times to protect My people. This is why I have had My refuge builders provide refuges where I will have My angels protect you with My miracles of invisible shields. So have trust in My Word to protect you from the evil ones and their poisonous vaccines. I will provide miracles of healing of the vaccinated people by using the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water, or pure faith in My healing wherever you are. Just have faith that I will heal you, and it will happen. Many people will die from these vaccines and the coming worse virus, so have faith in My healing power.”

Jesus said: “My people, absolutely refuse to take any Covid vaccine shots because they will kill you in a few years. The more shots and boosters that people take, the quicker they will die. 98% of the people have not died from the Covid virus, so there is no reason to take these deadly Covid shots. More people are dying from the Covid shots than are dying from the Covid virus. The Covid variants are not much different from the original Covid virus, and they are less deadly. People are seeing magnets stick to their arms because the evil ones are adding iron oxide nano particles to spread the spike protein manufacturing quicker to all parts of your body. The evil ones behind these vaccines are purposely trying to reduce the population, and these poisonous shots are irreversible. Vaccinated people can be healed with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. If you believe in My healing power, I can heal those people who want to be healed. My healing is heaven’s answer to this evil plot of Satan that is trying to kill people. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus is released. I will give everyone one last chance to save your soul. After the six weeks of conversion following the Warning, I will call My faithful to My refuges, where you will be healed of all of your sicknesses by looking on My luminous cross. My angels will protect you throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist, and I will provide for your needs.”

Tuesday, July 20, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, sometimes I enable small miracles for the people to have more faith in Me. You have a short memory of all of the good things that I do for you. You are sometimes more concerned with the next problems, instead of thanking Me for all that I have done for you. You need to have trust that I know what you need, and that I will help you through your daily troubles. If you truly believed in Me, you would not let fears, anxieties, or worries bother your peace. A trusting Christian lives on trust that I will help you. These worries and such are from the devil, who wants to put doubt in your heart. By putting your faith in Me and My mission for you, you will be set free of your worries. It is more important to know, love, and serve Me than it is to follow your agenda. By following Me and obeying My Commandments, you can keep close to Me on your path to eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this ‘A’ for abortion is a sign that your abortions are greatly offending Me when you are killing My little ones. This is America’s greatest sin against My Fifth Commandment. It is why you are suffering from your droughts and fires in the West, and your floods in the South. Life is precious and your people are carelessly throwing it away in your blue barrels. The one world people are adding to the deaths of mankind by spreading viruses and vaccines. These evil ones are using Satanic designed vaccines which are purposely made to kill thousands of people. I keep warning people not to take these poisonous vaccines, or they will die in a few years. My faithful can heal themselves with My Good Friday oil, and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. By trusting in My healing power, even vaccinated people can be healed. Pray to Me for a healing and believe that I will heal you.”

Wednesday, July 21, 2021: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, Moses led his people out into the desert from Egypt. The people complained to Moses that they had no food. Later, God the Father sent manna in the morning, and quail fell into the camp so they had meat at night. This was an example of how God the Father took care of His people. Today, My faithful are preparing for living at My refuges during the tribulation. My people will be depending on Me at that time to multiply your food, water, and fuels for less than 3 ½ years. I will provide daily Holy Communion either from a priest, or My angels. This will be your new manna of My Blessed Sacrament. I will also send deer into your camps, and they will die as you will need to dress them out for meat. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and My faithful will be living in a faith community where everyone will work together for your survival. Trust in Me to heal you of any sickness, and you will have all of your needs satisfied. Do not complain about the food, but be thankful for all that I am providing for you.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a mission to prepare people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You received your first inner locution vision on July 21, 1993, making this your 28th Anniversary of your messages. This happened after you had a conversion of your computer addiction of making programs. After you came home in April, 1993 from Medugorje, you immediately stopped your programming, and this was a miracle so you would have time for My mission. In May, 1993, I asked you if you would do a mission for Me which you said ‘yes’ immediately without knowing what I was asking of you. Your messages are getting stronger as the Warning is at the door to protect My faithful. Your country is facing a communist takeover, and Biden is on the verge of mandatory Covid shots for everyone. You also could see either an electric grid shutdown or the new deadly virus about to be released. I have told you many times that when your lives are in danger, I would lead you to My refuges with an inner locution for everyone. Also when your electric grid will stop, or a new virus comes, I will bring My Warning first. I will give everyone one last chance to save their souls.”

Thursday, July 22, 2021: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared first to St. Mary Magdalene after My Resurrection, and she recognized Me when I called her name, ‘Mary’. She went at once to tell the other disciples, but they did not want to believe her. Later, My apostles believed in My Resurrection when I appeared to them in the Upper Room. Blessed are they, who believe in My Resurrection, and they have not seen Me in the flesh. It was hard for My disciples to believe that I resurrected from the dead, because this had not ever happened to anyone. Once they saw My Body, they remembered how I told them that the Son of Man must die and be resurrected on the third day. My people, today you are fortunate that you can receive My Body and Blood in Holy Communion at every daily Mass. Not everyone believes in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, but I am still Present just the same. Treasure the few moments I am with you, because every Holy Communion gives you a small taste of heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, all of My refuges are precious to Me, and I do not want any harm to come to them, because the evil demons hate them. Not only do you have refuge angels protecting My refuges, but I am sending a legion of angels to stand guard over My refuges even now. What you thought were tall buildings surrounding your refuge, are actually tall angels that I am allowing you to see in your vision. So have no fear or worries because My angels are protecting your refuges right now before the Warning and the evil events to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been receiving a lot of rain so you no longer have any deficit to your average rainfall. In your area you are fortunate to live close to the Great Lakes that have 21% of the world’s surface fresh water. Out West there are many water shortages and fires in the summer. This area is gradually approaching a water shortage that may cause people to move East for fresh water. The West coast may have to start desalinating the ocean water to provide fresh water for farms and drinking. Be thankful that you will have multiplied water at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are demons coming out onto the surface of the earth through the volcanoes and the portals from hell that you are seeing in your vision. Have no fear of these demons because My angels will protect you. As you approach the tribulation of the Antichrist, more and more demons will be allowed to come up from hell to harass the people. This is why I will be directing My faithful to My refuges, so My angels can protect you from the demons and the evil people. During the tribulation of the Antichrist, the demons and evil people will be tormenting all of the non-believers who are still alive. My faithful will have crosses on their forehead by My angels so you will be allowed to enter My refuges. Trust in Me to protect My believers until I will bring an end to the Antichrist’s reign.”

Jesus said: “My people of this prayer group, many of you have been to the four practice refuge runs where you stayed overnight to see how you would live as a Christian community. You ate the reconstituted dried food. You had water from your water well. You made several loaves of bread to eat with your Camp Chef oven. In the winter you used wood in your fireplace and kerosene in your kerosene burner to keep the house warm. You used cots for the people to sleep, and you had lights at night using rechargeable batteries. You have solar panels, inverters, and solar batteries to power lights and your water well pump. I will provide for your needs by multiplying your food, water, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see the Democrats bringing more laws of control over you. Biden will pass more Executive Orders when Congress does not act fast enough. You could see another shutdown and more control over your food. Biden could even use this shutdown to declare martial law. When your lives will be in danger from this dictator, I will call My believers to the safety of My refuges. Be prepared to leave your homes when I give you My inner locution to come within twenty minutes. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You will have an invisible shield put over you on the way to your refuges by your guardian angel.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you many warning messages to not take the Covid vaccines that could kill you in a few years. I have also been encouraging My faithful to have three months of food on hand during the next shutdown. Before this famine shutdown comes, I will bring My Warning to prepare the people who choose to follow Me, so they will be told to come to My refuges after the six weeks of conversion. I will provide for your needs, so have no fear of these events.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is the year of St. Joseph and he will be helping the refuges in any buildings that will be needed to house My believers. St. Joseph told you how he would be your contractor to provide a high rise in your backyard for all of the people I will send to you. Keep praying your St. Joseph prayer as you did tonight, because he will be an important part of your refuge life. Continue your St. Anne novena leading up to her feast day on July 26th. This is My spiritual grandmother who trained My Blessed Mother in her faith. Be prepared, My faithful, because you are about to see a major battle between the good people and My angels against the bad people and the demons.”

Friday, July 23, 2021: (St. Bridget)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a sailboat represents how you travel on the sea of life. When you leave the safety of the harbor, you are subject to all the storms and troubles of life. But when you call on Me, I will calm the storms, and I will bring you into My safe havens at My refuges. In the first reading Moses was given the Ten Commandments by God the Father on Mt. Sinai. These Commandments are My laws of loving Me and loving your neighbor. Those people, who abide by My Commandments, will have their eternal reward with Me in heaven. In the Gospel reading you are familiar with the Parable of the Sower. The seed, that is spread, is My Word of the knowledge of good and evil. The seed that falls on the path or in the briars, does not take root, and it does not bear fruit. But the seed that falls on good soil, bears fruit thirty, sixty, and one hundred fold. My faithful are the seed that falls on good soil, and I will know how sincere your love for Me is by the fruit of your good deeds throughout your life.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you draw closer to My refuge time, you will see the demons trying to interfere with your travel plans and interfering with getting My messages out on your internet site. You will need to call on My help every day in your prayers, and call on Me to send My angels to help you when you are under attack. Trust in Me to protect you and My believers, but there will be some martyrs of My people.”

Saturday, July 24, 2021: (St. Sharbel Makhluf)
Jesus said: “My people, I bring you My wonderful creation as you see My glorious sunlight bring My Light into your church. I have given you a parable of the wheat and the tares. Your farmers know how to plant the wheat, but you have Satan as the enemy who plants weeds in your crops. You have organic crops and the artificial food called ‘Genetically Modified Organisms’ or GMO food that Satan enabled the evil ones to change My natural crops. These are your new weeds in your fields. This parable has a deeper spiritual meaning. I allow the faithful people and the evil people to grow up together. I allow this so My faithful will have an opportunity to convert the evil people to believers in My Word. At the judgment time I will have My angels gather all of the evil people, like the weeds, and they will be thrown into the eternal flames of hell. These evil ones refused to give glory to Me and they did not ask for My forgiveness of their sins. The faithful believers, like the wheat, I gathered into My barn of heaven where they will have their reward with Me at My Wedding Banquet. The faithful have suffered through life, and they have followed My Commandments, and by Confession they had their sins confessed and forgiven. They have followed My missions and they have produced fruits of good deeds for thirty, sixty, and one hundred fold. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I have done for you in life. I love My faithful because they have shown their love for Me in their prayers and their actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, this refuge will support many people who come at the proper time. I am proud of My servant and her workers for all the work and effort that has gone on to make this refuge. It is her life’s work. You have My archangel St. Uriel who is protecting these grounds. You can call on his help for all that is needed. At the refuge time My angels will protect this place so that no evil people will be allowed in here. Only My believers will be allowed in. When the people come, I told you how to have a core group with leaders for the various jobs that are needed for a refuge. I have blessed this work for all the effort that the people have made for when this refuge will be used. Center your lives around Me, and you will see the fruit of your efforts. Trust in Me for all of your needs, as I will multiply the food, water, and fuels that will be needed.”

Sunday, July 25, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you know I can multiply your food when it is needed. I only ask that you believe I can do this for you, and it will happen. You remember when I provided the manna for the Israelites, and how they had to go out each day and collect what was needed for that day. So when I will multiply your food at your refuges, I will only multiply what you need for one day. Each day you will have to believe that I can do this for you. You will only have enough food for one day at a time. You need to say your prayers before your meal, and you need to pray prayers of thanksgiving after your meal. Learn these prayers so your meals can be complete. Also when you ask for healing prayers, you need to believe I can heal you, and it will happen. Trust in Me to provide for your physical and spiritual needs every day.”

Note: Prayer after meals:
We give Thee thanks for all of Thy benefits, O almighty God, who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Monday, July 26, 2021: (St. Anne and St. Joachim)
Jesus said: “My people, I am blessing this area with My rain for life, because you cannot survive without water. I thank you My son for finding and praying your prayer after meals. You truly are an obedient servant. In the first reading from Exodus, you read how the people made a golden calf to worship as a god. I condemned this worship of other gods than Me. My people, today you have other gods to worship as money, fame, cell phones, rich homes, and comforts. I must be the center of your lives and you should only worship Me not just on Sunday, but on every day. In the Gospel I gave two examples of the Kingdom of God in the mustard seed that is the smallest of seeds that grows into the largest of plants. I also gave you the yeast that is needed for bread to be leavened and rise. Your priest suggested that patience is needed for plants to grow and for bread to rise. I want all of My people to love Me and your neighbor, for this is the basis for My Ten Commandments. So I am calling on My people to obey My Commandments so you can please Me with your obedience. I am with you always in My consecrated Bread and Wine, so take some time to worship and thank Me in front of My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle. Today, you need to honor My grandparents of St. Anne and St. Joachim who took care of My Blessed Mother. God bless all of you in all that you do each day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can trust in Me at the refuge time, to be ready to receive people who are coming to My refuges in various physical and spiritual conditions. My angels will be guarding all of My refuges, and only My believers with a cross on their forehead would be allowed into My refuges. At each refuge you will see a luminous cross in the sky. When the people look upon the luminous cross and have faith that I can heal them, then they will be healed of all their physical, mental, and spiritual wounds. They will be healed of viruses, and the vaccinated people will be healed as well. Some people will be traumatized by the destruction that will be going on in the world, and I will heal these people of all of their fears. As people will see the miracles of My healing power, they will have their faith and trust in Me restored, just as My apostles’ faith was enhanced when they saw My miracles. Once My people are healed, now they will be ready to work with your leaders who will organize the jobs that will be needed for you all to survive. Each day I will multiply what you need to feed your people food and water. You will have enough water, soap, and sponges for washing yourselves and what you will need for hygiene necessities. You will have daily Holy Communion and Perpetual Adoration when you are assigned hours around the clock. Trust in Me for My healing power and for providing all of your needs and protection at My refuges during the tribulation.”

Wednesday, July 28, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, your truthful doctors told you that Covid vaccinated people will be dying within a few years, because of the spike protein that is ruining their immune system. Curing the body by medicines to stop the spike protein from being produced, could be futile, since this vaccine condition is irreversible. You are about a year and four months into the prediction of two years until you start seeing more deaths from the vaccine. In the vision you are seeing serious health problems coming to the vaccinated people. The doctors will see these increasing health problems, but they will not connect this cause to the Covid shots, nor do they want to. The best way to heal the vaccinated people is to bless them with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or by coming to My refuges at the proper time. When vaccinated people are blessed in this way, they need to believe that I can heal them, and they will be healed. If they refuse this blessing, and they do not believe that I can heal them, then a large percentage of the vaccinated people will be dying with dead bodies all over.”

Thursday, July 29, 2021: (St. Martha, Mary, Lazarus)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember how Martha was concerned about hospitality, and Mary wanted to listen to My words. I told Mary that she had chosen the better part, and it would not be denied her. You have an earthly part of taking care of your body with food and drink. But the spiritual part of your soul and spirit are directed to Me, which truly is the more important for your soul’s destination, hopefully in heaven. I performed a miracle in raising Lazarus from the dead, because truly I am the Resurrection and the Life that Martha proclaimed. Every person needs to prepare themselves spiritually with frequent Confession, because you need to be ready to meet Me at your judgment every day.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, remember when I warned you to spend your idle time reading the Bible or books on the saints. The devil can attack you when you have spare time, so be careful to keep busy with spiritual books that could help your spiritual life. I love all of you, and I give you suggestions to guard your soul from the devil’s temptations.”

Jesus said: “My son, I told you that you could see problems with your air travel, and you missed your last flight home from Baltimore to Rochester. You had some good people find you a hotel room for the night. You can thank those people who were praying for you to find a room. You have a few talks that you are traveling by car in August. You have heard some people having messages about another shutdown in September, so it would be wise to advise you to stay home in September. You will still be giving your Zoom talks in the remaining months, so people can receive My messages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing the vaccinated people coming down with serious complications, and the hospitals will be filling up with many cases that the doctors will have difficulties in trying to heal these people. I told you the damage from the Covid vaccines will be irreversible. The best way to heal these people is to use My Good Friday oil, exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or by being healed at My refuges looking on the luminous cross. I will heal the vaccinated people, but they must believe that I can heal them.”

Jesus said: “My people, your friend’s son is getting better control over his demons with the help of the exorcist priest. This was his fourteenth session, but the time is getting less as the demons are weakening. Keep praying for a successful completion of these exorcism sessions to help John be free of his demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many Covid virus variants that are causing more people to get sick all over the world. This could precipitate more restrictions and even another shutdown. Refuse to take any Covid vaccines that could kill you in time. Even if your authorities try to force vaccines and the mark of the beast on you, refuse these attempts. You could see more threats to try and force mandatory Covid shots on everyone. You could also see some bank closures from another shutdown. There will be an attempt to change your money that could cause chaos in people searching for food and water. If your lives are threatened, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see My churches closed again with another shutdown. You may hope to find some private Masses in homes that will be secret. The internet may not be able to broadcast Masses because of your authorities. Pray much to find Masses, as you will be getting close to My Warning and coming to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing more signs of the coming end times when you will see famine, earthquakes, and pestilence from more virus attacks. You have been asked to store three months of food and have a generator for the events that are about to begin. When your crops could fail or your trucks cannot bring food to your stores, you could see a coming famine. If a worse virus and physical destruction comes, you may not have electricity and your banks could close. Be ready to leave your homes within twenty minutes with your backpacks, when I give you My inner locution to come to My refuges. If your lives are threatened, I will bring My Warning first, along with the six weeks of conversion. Be prepared because the Antichrist will soon be allowed to have his reign for less than 3 ½ years. Trust in My protection for whatever events that will come.”

Friday, July 30, 2021: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, when you receive your Confirmation, the Holy Spirit enlightens you as a soldier for Me in all that you do. You are a protector and an evangelist of My Word, and you need to be an example of your Christian faith for others to follow. Sometimes you need to reach out to others to show them how to love Me and your neighbor. You are beset by many injustices in the world, but you still need to lead your lives without being disturbed by all of the evil around you. You need to live in trust for My protection, and for My helping you to survive with all of your needs. You will soon be entering more trials with some uncertainty of how your government could try and restrain your activities. Be ready to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, it has been shown by some doctors that all three Covid shots are poisons that are not necessary to take because 98% of the people do not die from the Covid-19 virus. These shots contain graphene oxide and iron oxide additives along with chemicals that can permanently cause your body to manufacture the spike protein that can eventually kill people. Forcing people to take these experimental vaccines is against your Constitutional rights. You are free not to take these poisons, and this should not determine if you can have a job or not. If anything, the vaccinated people are spreading the spike protein and Covid variants. Your politicians and your large companies should not be dictating that you are required to have a Covid shot for employment or going to school. You will soon see the vaccinated people spreading the virus, and they will be getting sick as time goes on. If your employers, schools, or your government make it mandatory to have Covid shots, you can refuse such an order. If they want to punish you in jail or worse for not taking these shots, then I will call you to the safety of My refuges. If they threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning and conversion time. Then you will be coming to My refuges. Trust in My protection from these poisonous shots that will ruin your immune system if you take them, and they could eventually kill you.”

Saturday, July 31, 2021: (St. Ignatius Loyola)
Jesus said: “My people, will I find any faith in the world when I return? I look out at your Masses and I do not see many young people, even at Sunday Mass. Parents have brought their children up in the faith, but once they are out on their own, the younger ones are not following the family traditions of coming to Mass on Sunday. The spirit may be willing to come at first, but the flesh is weak. If I allow this attrition to continue, then many of My faithful will be dying off. My son, I have told you in the past that you will live into the coming tribulation of the Antichrist, and My Era of Peace. This means the events leading up to the Antichrist’s reign, are about to take place. I have told you to have three months of food ready, and to keep your soul clean by frequent Confession so you are ready for My Warning that will start the end time events. Trust in Me to protect and feed My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see another epidemic among the vaccinated people, as their immune systems have been ruined, and they will be more susceptible to getting sick from Covid variants. The government leaders will try to place more restrictions on your people with various shutdowns. You will see chaos with hospitals overloaded with patients. Many vaccinated people will be dying from their Covid vaccine shots. All of the spiritual people, who were vaccinated or unvaccinated, will be called to My refuges, and those, who have crosses on their forehead, will be allowed to enter and be healed by looking on My luminous cross. You will see many healings at My refuges, and My faithful will have changed lives to living together as a faith community. After the Warning many people will understand how they will be protected at My refuges. My refuge leaders will be organizing My people with jobs to help all of you survive by sharing your food, and miracles of multiplication when needed. Trust in Me to have My angels protect you from the demons and the evil people, who will not be able to enter My refuges.”

Sunday, August 1, 2021: (God the Father feast)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel about the Pharisee and the Publican, I want My people to remain humble before Me, as the Publican who kept striking his breast and asking for forgiveness of his sins. The Pharisee did good things, but because he was too proud, he already had his reward, and he did not benefit from his time before Me. Even if you act like a good Christian, remember My graces help keep you safe from the demons’ attacks. Do not brag about your achievements, but give all the glory to Me for what you do. Do not seek fame in anything, but give thanks to Me for all of your blessings.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM thanks you for honoring My feast day. In all of your travels, you see how beautiful My creation is in the oceans and the mountains. Give thanks to Me for your very life and the food you eat. You have read the Exodus accounts of how I helped the Israelites in the desert with all of My miracles. You will soon see how I will help My faithful people at your refuges with My angel protection. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs in the end times.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is thanking you for taking on your mission to have a refuge during the tribulation. As your people were happy to share a meal with you, so your prayer group and your relatives will be happy to be at a safe refuge with My angels for protection. You have made many stock ups from your stores so I can multiply what you have. You have water and fuel containers that I will refill when you pray for My miracles and believe in faith that I can multiply things as I did for the 5,000 and the 4,000 people. When your refuge is expanded by My angels and St. Joseph, do not worry because I will provide for your buildings, food, water, and fuels. Just believe that I can do this in faith, and it will be done for you. My angels will put a shield of invisibility over your refuge so the evil ones will not see you. I will provide a priest for Mass and Holy Communion every day, and My angels will multiply My Hosts for everyone to receive My consecrated Bread. Be ready to assign jobs after My Warning because the refuge time is at the door.”

Monday, August 2, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I felt sorry for all of the people who were listening to My Word, but they were far from town, and I was concerned some might die on the way. So I tested My apostles when I told them to give some food to the people. There were only two fish and five barley loaves. So I multiplied the fish and the bread until all of the people were satisfied, and they collected twelve baskets of fragments left over. This miracle is a sign of how I will feed everyone My Blessed Sacrament in the consecrated Hosts at Mass. After My death and Resurrection I have left you My gift of Myself in My Eucharist. I want to feed you My spiritual food as often as you can attend Mass, even daily. You will always have My Real Presence with you to the end of time. I will provide My Hosts even throughout the tribulation with My priest, or My angels. Give thanks and praise to Me for sharing Myself with you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, before you see the Yellowstone super volcano erupt, it will be triggered by large earthquakes in California. In the vision you saw large black clouds and a huge continuous eruption that sent tons of dust into the air. Such a super volcano eruption could cause temperature changes, deaths within 600 miles, and dust on the Midwest crops. This could be the beginning of a natural famine when your crops could fail. This would be another reason to have three months of food ready for this destruction in the end times. Trust in Me to protect My refuges from any natural destruction.”

Tuesday, August 3, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were slow to believe that I had Godly powers as the Son of God. They saw Me walking on the water, calming the sea, and producing large catches of fish. It was not until they received the Holy Spirit that they fully understood My mission on earth. I helped My apostles many times in their life’s problems, and I healed many people of blindness, lame legs, and withered hands. I even healed lepers and raised people from the dead. These healings not only gained the faith of My apostles, but many people believed in Me and they were healed. I am reminding you that it takes belief in My healing power to be healed in My Name. The people in My hometown of Nazareth could not be healed because they lacked faith in My healing power. You have the vaccinated people who took the poison shots of the devil, and they will need to be healed. You can pray over these people in My Name with the Good Friday oil and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. They also can be healed if they believe in Me at My refuges. Trust in Me to help you in all of your needs, even to heal any sickness.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest mandate in New York City for Covid vaccine passports to enter indoor events is a denial of your freedoms, and an invasion of your personal health privacy. In France you have seen riots against the government over this same vaccine passport mandate. These liberal leaders are testing the waters to see how far they can go to control your people’s freedoms. You do not need a vaccine to stop the Covid-19 delta variant. Even the vaccinated people are getting just as sick as the unvaccinated people, if these cases were made public. Trying to force these poisonous vaccines on everyone is a lie about safety, especially if they force vaccines on the young children who do not need them. If your people do not rise up in protest against this threat to your freedoms, then your whole country will be mandated to get the Covid vaccine. Allowing these dictatorial powers has no precedence, and your people need to fight against such mandatory vaccines. These Covid vaccines were purposely created by the help of the demons to kill people and reduce the population. If your lives are threatened by these dictators, then I will bring My Warning and call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Wednesday, August 4, 2021: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My people, My Father in heaven protected the Israelites from the Egyptians. But he was stern with them when they complained about the manna. Then he sent seraph serpents to bite the people and many died. Moses later lifted up the bronze serpent on a pole to heal them. When scouts looked into the Promised Land, they did not want to enter because of the giant people, and they lacked trust in the Lord to protect them. So for the forty days they scouted, the people were punished for forty more years in the desert until that generation died off. So be careful when I call on you to follow Me. Those people, who refuse to confess their sins, and refuse to love and obey Me, also will face My eternal punishment in hell if they do not repent. In the Gospel the woman who asked Me to cast out the demon from her daughter, was granted her request when she showed great faith and persistence with Me. You have a great saint in St. John Vianney who is the patron saint of your parish priests. He spent many hours in the confessional to help free the people of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a difficult situation to avoid taking the poisonous Covid vaccine shots just to keep your job or go to college. Your government is not making Covid shots mandatory because they are pressuring employers and colleges to make it mandatory for Covid shots, or people could lose their jobs or a place in college. It is hard to deal with being faced with taking a deadly Covid shot in order to have a job or go to college. People could die in a few years if they take this shot. The Covid vaccines are more deadly than the Covid virus itself. You may be able to go to a correspondence college for a degree. You may choose to have a job to work from home, or a job that does not require a mandatory Covid vaccine. This is a diabolical agenda to reduce the population because the vaccinated people will die in a few years from the next deadly corona virus unless they are healed. You can bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or they can be healed at My refuges. Only a small number of people know about this healing, and people need to believe I can heal them. At My Warning you may be able to help your relatives believe in Me, and they could be healed of any disease at My refuges, even the vaccinated people. Only My believers can come into My refuges with the cross on the forehead. This could be a small percentage of the people. At My Warning I will give every sinner a chance to become a believer in Me and be saved. Those people, who refuse to believe in Me, refuse to confess their sins, and refuse to love Me, are on the road to hell unless they are converted.”

Thursday, August 5, 2021: (Dedication of Mary Major Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, Moses and St. Peter were good people, but they made some terrible mistakes. The Israelites in the desert were complaining that they had no water to drink for themselves or their animals. So God the Father told Moses to strike the rock once for water. Moses made the mistake of striking the rock twice, and showed a lack of faith, but still the water came forth. Because of this error in judgment, Moses was not allowed to lead the people into the Promised Land. St. Peter was commended on calling Me the Christ, the Son of the living God. But then I announced My mission was to die to redeem the people of their sins, and be raised up on the third day. St. Peter did not understand why I had to die, and he did not want Me to be killed. This was so much against My plan for becoming a man, that I called St. Peter, Satan, because the devil did not want Me to defeat him by saving souls. Even now your people are facing the possibility of extermination by the devil and the evil people who are trying to kill mankind with these poisonous Covid vaccines. Very few people will die from the Covid-19 virus or the delta variant, so Covid vaccines are not needed. Yet the Covid vaccines will kill people in a few years after the new corona virus comes. Forcing people to take a Covid vaccine is more deadly than the Covid virus itself. It is a violation of your freedoms that employers and schools could be allowed to force you to take a deadly shot. Stand up for your freedoms and fight back against this deadly injustice.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the demons gave the knowledge to make the Covid virus and the Covid vaccines to your scientists. So this is why you are seeing the devil spread death all over the world using the Covid vaccines. These shots have poisonous graphene oxide, iron oxide, and lipids that produce the spike protein all over your body. Gradually the constant inflammation produced by these shots will kill the vaccinated people in a few years, unless they are healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a crime to force employees, college students, and the Army to take the Covid vaccines, or they are out of a job. Your people need to rise up against these Covid vaccine mandates, or a lot of people are going to die. Do not be like lambs led to the slaughter as the Germans killed the Jews. It is reported in some lab tests that mice injected with a full dose of Covid vaccine saw a majority of them die. This is grounds to stop these poisonous shots, if this data was made public. Pray for the vaccinated people to be healed with My blessings.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are being offered money or other encouragements to take the Covid shots. Some rumors are talking about increasing medical insurance premiums for the unvaccinated. These Covid viruses are not that deadly, but the vaccines are definitely deadly and they are causing immediate serious symptoms. The doctors are not linking these health problems with the Covid vaccines on purpose. You have heard of blood clots and deaths after receiving the Covid shots. Your wife’s uncle died within a few weeks from a Covid shot. Pray for My healing of the vaccinated people by using the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. Even hydroxychloroquin and ivormectin will help the vaccinated people who have complications from the Covid shots.”

Jesus said: “My people, as more Covid delta variant cases increase, you could see more masking and forced booster shots, especially for people on planes or at sports events. You could even see more shutdowns coming as well. All of these precautions are not necessary, as even the vaccinated people are getting sick, as well as the unvaccinated people. As you see the vaccinated people dying or getting sick, you will see that these Covid shots were designed to reduce your population on purpose. Pray to stop this evil vaccination push by your media and Biden because they want to kill people as a part of their death culture.”

Jesus said: “My people, Iran is sending more destruction on the oil tankers in the Persian Gulf by using drones with explosives. These incidents could lead to a possible war in retaliation for these attacks. Pray that war does not break out in the Middle East. You are again depending on OPEC oil to make up for Biden’s actions to limit your own oil production.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been warned to stock up on three months supply of food by your government workers. Many people do not have enough supplies if the stores are closed again. Do not worry about a toilet paper supply, but be more concerned over food and water shortages which are at the door. Trust in Me to provide your food and water.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need water sources on My refuges because your current water lines could stop working. Have your own water well or barrels full of water that I can multiply. You are seeing more water sources out West that are at historically low levels. This could affect your drinking water, lawn water, and farming water. Be thankful if you live near the Great Lakes that you are getting enough rainwater to keep everything green. Pray to Me to bring you the water that you will need multiplied at My refuges.”

Friday, August 6, 2021: (The feast of the Transfiguration)
Jesus said: “My people, when I was transfigured before My apostles, the apostles saw Elijah and Moses beside Me. Then My heavenly Father said: ‘This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.’ There was a resounding sound coming from My Father. When you see Me in this vision and when you receive Me in Holy Communion, I am showing you what it will be like to be in heaven. All of your earthly things and cares pale in comparison to heaven. So use your earthly ways to give glory and praise to Me, because I am preparing your places in heaven at your assigned level. Seek the higher levels of heaven so you can appreciate My gifts of your life in loving Me. Being with Me in heaven is your soul’s delight and goal of your whole life. Keep focused on Me and keep your souls clean with frequent Confession. I love My elect souls, and I want you to evangelize as many souls as you can for Me. Your reward awaits you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is causing a lot of grief for both the unvaccinated and even the vaccinated people. He is forcing your employers to have the unvaccinated people get Covid shots, or they would lose their jobs. Colleges are also forcing their students to get the Covid vaccine as well. If your people do not rebel against mandatory Covid shots, Biden will continue to force added booster shots that will make people even sicker. Do not let the liberals keep taking away your freedoms. If you do not make a stand now, your country will be pushed into a communist state with no freedoms. In the vision you can see the coming hurricanes and tornadoes that cause a lot of damage to your properties every year. Each year you have more storms and record amounts of damage. Pray for your people to have less damage and less deaths than last year.”

Saturday, August 7, 2021: (St. Sixtus, Pope)
Jesus said: “My people, you can see how I was upset with the lack of faith in My apostles who failed to heal the boy with a demon. In order to cast out demons, you need to have the power of the Holy Spirit, and faith that you can call on My Name to rid any demons. In another passage I called on My apostles that this demon requires prayer and fasting to cast it out. You, My son, have been going to over five of 14 sessions of deliverance prayers to try and rid some demons from a young man by an exorcist priest. The next time you come to another exorcism session, you might want to do fasting and prayer before you come. I even chastised My apostles for their lack of faith in praying in My Name. After My apostles received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, then they could heal people with more faith. My people of today have had your Confirmation sacrament with the Holy Spirit, but there is a lack of faith because My Church is weak at this time. Pray to Me and the Holy Spirit to help you in any needed healings. You can even use prayer and fasting for the hard cases. In any healing you need to have strong faith that I can heal someone through your blessing someone in My Name. Bind any evil spirits to the foot of My cross, and never to return. Your people are depending on you, so keep the faith and be persistent in your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is violating the separation of Federal and State laws when he is extending no evictions against a Supreme Court decision. Landlords need to get their tenants to pay their rent, and be able to evict those people who do not pay their rent. This is just another Biden injustice, in addition to forcing employers to mandate poisonous vaccines for their employees, or they lose their jobs. The vaccine passports and mandatory vaccines are illegal and this violates your freedoms and your rights. You should not be forced to take a poisonous vaccine that will kill you with the next corona virus. The one world people are putting more division in your society by putting the vaccinated people against the unvaccinated people. These same evil ones are using viruses and vaccines to reduce the population. Most people do not die from the Covid virus, so there is no need to take a Covid shot. The one world people are planning to do away with your coin change, and even your paper money so they would have a cashless society, and eventually a digital dollar. You already have digital accounts as you have your money on line in the internet. They will also want to eliminate paper checks as well. Eliminating cash will make it hard for people to work for money under the table, and harder for drug payments. Be prepared to come to My refuges of protection when I call you with My inner locution.”

Sunday, August 8, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the people: ‘I am the Bread of Life.’ (Jn 6:48) I then told them if they did not eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, they would not have eternal life with Me. Even some of My disciples left Me when they thought I was asking them to be cannibals. This is a miracle at every Mass that the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood, but you still see the same species of bread physically. You believe in faith that you are receiving My Real Presence in Holy Communion. It is by your faith in Me that you believe, but many people do not believe in My Real Presence in the Host. When I asked My apostles if they wanted to leave Me also, St. Peter said: ‘Lord to whom should we go because you have the words of everlasting life.’ (Jn 6:68-70) So rejoice every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion because I am with you for a short time. I am with you sacramentally in My tabernacle until the end of time.”

Monday, August 9, 2021: (St. Teresa Benedicta)
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the midst of a heavy oppression when working people are being forced by their employers to take the poisonous Covid shots. Many people are getting sick from these shots. Your people need to stock up on three months of food because this oppression for jobs will be getting worse. You will need this food when you can no longer work because of the forced mandates of Covid shots and eventually the mark of the beast. These same authorities will next try to force you take booster shots for all the variants that will be spread. Once they can force you to take shots to keep your jobs, then next they will try to force you to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in your body. I have told you before that you will have to QUIT your jobs with these mandates because you should NEVER take the mark of the beast, even if they threaten to kill you. I have given you the Good Friday oil and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal to heal the vaccinated people, but there is no healing for the mark of the beast. I am telling you now, when they try to force the mark of the beast on everyone, then I will be calling My faithful to My refuges of protection. I will bring My Warning when your oppression is unbearable. This bright clearing in the sky in the vision is when you will be coming to My refuges soon. At My refuges My angels will fight the demons and your oppressors. You will have freedom once again at My refuges, because soon I will be casting all of these evil ones into hell for their evil deeds. My angels are marking an invisible cross on the foreheads of My believers, because you will need this to enter My refuges. Trust in Me to defend My people, and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were joining a protest against the hospital because they were forcing the nurses to get Covid shots, or they would lose their jobs. This is the same threat to force these poisonous shots on workers by employers all over your country. I commend your people for protesting an unjust demand that the Covid shots would be forced on the nurses, or else they would lose their jobs. If your people do not stand up and fight this edict, then the politicians will take away more of your freedoms. Most people are not dying or getting very sick from the Covid virus. A good number of people have already had the Covid virus, so they have antibodies of protection. This means you do not have to take the poisonous Covid shot for protection that you do not need. This is an attempt by the one world people to kill a lot of people with the vaccines, and reduce the population. This is a vaccine and virus designed by Satan and made by your corrupt scientists and Pharma corporations. The Pharmaceutical corporations are making blood money on those people who die from these shots, and they are not being held responsible for any complications. The media is not reporting all of the deaths and bad reactions that are coming from these poisonous shots. Trust in Me to protect My people, and you can use the Good Friday oil and exorcism water to heal the vaccinated people.”

Tuesday, August 10, 2021: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, in this world there are many injustices, and you need to make a stand to defend your freedoms. The Democrats and Biden are trying to make your country into a communist state. They are forcing poisonous vaccines on you, and they despise religion and churches because they are led by Satan. They are defying your freedom of speech, and soon they will be attacking your freedom of religion. St. Lawrence was martyred and many despot rulers have martyred many saints over the years. The communists are atheists and they hate religion and My people, and soon you will see even more attacks on My believers. When your lives are threatened by these evil ones, I will be calling you to My refuges of protection. Be prepared with frequent Confession, because you will soon be called to My refuges.”

Wednesday, August 11, 2021: (St. Clare)
At St. John the Evangelist after Holy Communion, Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a good number of people dying from the complications of receiving the Covid shots. This casket in the vision is an example of someone who died from the Covid shots, but many morticians and doctors are not publicly reporting these effects from the shots. The authorities lie about people who die, and they add these deaths to the Covid virus tally, even when they did not die from the virus. They also lie about covering up deaths from the Covid vaccines. I keep telling people not to take these poisonous shots, but now your employers and colleges are mandating the shots for employees and students, or they will lose their jobs and not be able to come to college. This is a dangerous loss of your freedoms, and a good number of vaccinated people will die with the next wild corona virus. I continue to remind My believers, who were vaccinated, that they get blessed with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus comes, and people will know this healing information at My Warning. Trust in My healing power so you will not die from the evil one’s plans.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that your country is allowing corporations to demand mandatory vaccines, or you could lose your job. The same is true of colleges who are demanding Covid shots, or you cannot come to college for your degree. I am directing people to the americasfrontlinedoctors.org website where they have forms for workers or college students. You have your employer sign it that you will take the shot if they promise to pay for any medical complications from the shot. Most employers will shy away from being responsible for any health problems. This could be one way to legally hold your employer off from this unlawful mandatory Covid shot. You do not need this shot, and it is poison and it can destroy your immune system so you could die from the next corona virus. Trust in Me to protect you, but this is a dilemma for people who need a job to support their families.”

Thursday, August 12, 2021: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are reading about a miracle when Joshua had the Lord hold back the waters of the Jordan River and the people walked on dry land. They placed the Ark of the Covenant in the river and the water backed up, which was a little like Moses when he split the Red Sea for the people to walk on dry ground. This was evidence to the Israelites that I was still protecting them, even after Moses had died. I am always with My people, so you can call on My help whenever you are faced with difficulties. In the Gospel I told St. Peter that he had to forgive his neighbor seventy times seven times, meaning all of the time. It is not easy to forgive your persecutors, but you need to be able to forgive everyone, if you are trying to imitate My ways. You can remember how I told you that before you can come to My altar, you need to go to your neighbor to make amends for any wrongdoing, and then you can bring your gift to My altar. I love all of My people so much that I died on the cross to free you of your sins. Trust in Me to protect you from any worldly problems of those people who are trying to harm you with these vaccines.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people of America, this vision of George Washington leading his troops against England shows you that freedom is worth fighting for, and it never comes easy. Your country had sound footings on Me in your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution. I mention this because your people are allowing your freedoms to slip away as you have the socialist communists pushing for a takeover of your country. Your mandatory vaccine shots are leading you to the next step of forcing chips in the body with the mark of the beast. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you how these Covid shots do not protect you against these variants that are appearing. To fight this new outbreak of the delta variant, you are seeing plans by the pharma people to provide booster shots which you should avoid as much as the Covid shots. The pharmaceutical people are making more money on these shots and they will further destroy your immune system. You will continue to see more variants with more boosters to control your people. Each booster will be more deadly, so refuse these shots, even if they are mandated. I will heal My people at My refuges from all viruses.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before that if you do not stand up against these mandatory poisonous shots, you will see more of your freedoms taken away. You just saw a Supreme Court decision allow one college to mandate Covid vaccines for students to attend. These Covid vaccine mandates are a precursor for a mandatory mark of the beast. I have shown you UN troops in black who will be coming door to door to try and force people to take the mark of the beast. Refuse to take this mark of the beast, as I will bring My Warning and a direction to come to My refuges for protection before this is mandated. I have been warning you about not taking the mark of the beast for years. Those people, who refuse to take the mark of the beast, will be forced to go to the death camps where people will be killed. If this reminds you of the German holocaust, then you will understand why it is important to fight for your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see the socialist communists gain more power in your court system, especially if they are allowed to add more judges to your Supreme Court. You have heard of death threats and financial payoffs to the judges that did not allow any cases against the fraudulent 2020 election to be heard. This same corrupt court will be taking away your freedoms and stopping any conservative cases that showed corruption in your voting rules. The illegal court system will be another means to force a communist takeover of your country. I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, during this Covid virus time, parents have been learning more about the communist brain washing that is being taught to your students in your schools. This curriculum is more than just atheistic, but the lessons are against your freedoms that you have. There is an uprising forming among your people who are protesting at your school boards to fight the critical race theory and the changing of your history books. The students are so brain washed with socialism, that they do not understand the true meaning of a democratic republic. These schools and teachers are preparing the next generation to accept a communist way of life against Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, your children need to learn their faith from their parents. But many parents are weak in their faith and the children will get a weak faith as well. This Covid shutdown has caused many people to stop coming to Sunday Mass. Once they are away, they do not come back. This is why it is so important for parents to teach the proper faith to their children. This starts with teaching them how to pray the rosary and other devotions as the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Parents need to pray for the souls of their children because they are responsible for their spiritual upbringing and their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked many people to set up refuges of protection that will be needed during the coming tribulation. Some people have accepted this mission, but some have fallen away, or they have died. This is why I am emphasizing that all of My refuges will be final refuges, and I will need to expand all of them by My angel power to provide enough places for My faithful. Only believers in Me with a cross on the forehead will be allowed to enter the refuges. Fear not because I will provide for all of your physical and spiritual needs at My refuges.”

Friday, August 13, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, it is a glorious time when a man and a woman give themselves to each other under the bond of the sacrament of Matrimony. Their lives are blessed by the Church, and they have the intention of having children and staying together until death bid them part. My son, you are fortunate to be married to your spouse for 56 years. You are a good example to other couples. Your people do allow divorce, but it was My original intention that you stay married for life. In situations of abuse or infidelity, there are allowances for a separation. Your love for each other in couples, is the same love that I model for My Church and Myself. It is a sinful life for those people who live together without marriage because they are living in fornication. Marriage is a holy bond which should be treasured as a gift from God. I love all of you so much, and when you come to heaven, you will be like angels loving Me so much. Keep close to Me every day in Mass, your prayers, and your good deeds for your neighbor. In heaven there is nothing but perpetual love. In hell there is nothing but perpetual hate. So continue on your path to heaven where love and obedience to My laws is your soul’s greatest desire. I bless all of the married couples, and I desire that you stay together in honoring your spouse’s love for each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could be threatened by Biden and the military, or UN troops to take a vaccine, or to take the mark of the beast. Before this happens, or a new deadly corona virus comes, I will send My Warning to give people a chance to convert their souls. My believers will then be told to come to My refuges of protection so they will not be dragged off to the death camps. You will be protected at My refuges during the tribulation by My angels. Then I will cast the evil ones into hell, and My believers will be brought into My Era of Peace as a reward for their faithfulness.”

Saturday, August 14, 2021: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, Joshua was one of My dedicated servants and he made sure that the people would promise to serve Me. He had a famous quote that all families should honor in their homes: ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ (Joshua 24:15) My son, you have dedicated your home as a refuge, and you have your purple house scapular on the wall and your chapel as signs of your promise to serve Me. You also have a dedicated altar in your bedroom where you have placed your statues of the saints, as well as your little Christmas crib scene. Those people, who serve Me in their hearts and souls in life, will receive their reward with Me in heaven for their service to Me. Trust in Me to guard you and your refuge with My angels. I will guard all of My faithful believers at their homes.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you an example of what a life review looks like. I showed you one experience as you viewed yourself at various decades of your life. In this experience you could see every year of your life as one golden thread of life. I even gave you a close up of one day in your life, and how I will examine every minute of that day to see how much you served Me. In the morning you pray your morning offering prayers and your guardian angel prayer. You have your breakfast and you kneel to greet Me in your chapel. You come to morning Mass and you receive a message from Me during Holy Communion. You write down the message at home and enter it into your journal. When you have time, you type your messages, and I know you are thanking Me for every message. You then work in the yard, or on Saturday you spend time praying a rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet in defense of the unborn babies before the Planned Parenthood building on the sidewalk. Around three o’clock in the afternoon, you start your prayers. On most days you pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet and your three rosaries. You try to get some exercise on your bike or walking on the streets around your home. At night you make time for Me in Adoration on the internet, or on your own DVD. I give you a second message, and you write it down in your notebook. At the Warning every person will review every hour of each day of their lives, and you will see how you served Me or not each day. Some people give Me more time, and some give Me very little time, if at all. So examine your day and see how you could improve on the time that you give Me each day.”

Sunday, August 15,2021:(Assumption of Blessed Mother into heaven)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I love all of you and because I had no sin, the Lord allowed me to be assumed into heaven with the sun shining down on me. I am watching over all of my children, and your guardian angels are protecting you from the evil ones. I place my mantle of protection over all of you. You can call on me, and I will bless your children and protect them from following evil ways. This feast of my Assumption is one to rejoice with me as I await the day to greet my children in heaven.”

Monday, August 16, 2021: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an age of corruption in your politics and in your dictatorial leaders. Your corporations are financing your evil government, and the shutdowns are causing your small businesses to go bankrupt. The Democrats are ruining your country with open borders, and they are overspending to let big government dole out money to cause more people not to work. They are using the viruses and vaccines to control people, and divide you between the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated. You are seeing a Satanic government that is preparing you for the Antichrist’s reign in the coming tribulation. A time of My Warning and My refuge protection is coming, so you can withstand the evil ones, who I will soon destroy and cast into hell. I will be dividing My faithful from the evil ones at My refuges. The evil ones are following the demons as their gods. Just as Noah and his family were protected in the ark before the flood, so My faithful will be protected in a new ark of My refuges. Have no fear because the evil ones will have a short reign before I will destroy them and cast them into hell. Stay true to Me in faith, as I will protect My faithful with My angels.”

(John Francis intention) Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated My Blessed Mother’s Assumption into heaven yesterday. Now, in the old calendar you are celebrating the feast day of St. Joachim, the husband of St. Anne, and the father of My Blessed Mother. He is also My grandfather on My Blessed Mother’s side. During the Gospel you read the generations of the heritage of St. Joseph. My Blessed Mother was also from the House of King David, because they both had to register in Bethlehem for the Roman census. This is why I was born in Bethlehem to fulfill the prophecy of Micha (5:1-2). The plan of God is carried out as foretold by the prophets. Even now My prophets are prophesying what is to come in the end times. Be prepared with frequent Confession for the coming Warning and tribulation. I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Tuesday, August 17, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are being tested by Biden’s actions in Afghanistan, your border problems, and your vaccine mandates. You have the Democrats taking away your freedoms, and they should never have been allowed to take over your government. Now they want to turn your country into a socialist communist country. Your people are not rebelling against these vaccine mandates, and if you do not rise up against it, you will see Covid booster shots and even the mark of the beast forced on you in the same way. You do not need a vaccine, and the shots do not prevent you from getting Covid-19 or even the seasonal flu. You have been seeing many chemtrails in the sky that are causing flu like symptoms. Continue your protesting of the vaccines that are being mandated for the nurses, as you stand outside of the hospital. Once there is enough resistance, the liberals will back off on their mandates. Do not be fooled by any temporary stoppage, because they still want everyone vaccinated, as the evil ones try to reduce the population. Resist taking the vaccines and even resist the testing that can be contaminated. Trust in Me to heal people with the Good Friday oil and the exorcism water. If the authorities threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning and call you to the safety of My refuges.”

(Angelo Mazzarese Mass intention) Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two hard times going on in Afghanistan, and in Haiti. The Taliban are taking over Afghanistan and many people are dying as they are struggling to leave. Others who remain there will be suffering from a religious persecution. In Haiti they had a 7.2 earthquake and there was much destruction and over 2,000 people have died. They are also having to endure the beginning hurricane season while their homes were damaged. These people will need donations of food and water for their survival. You are seeing other signs of communist takeovers even in your own country. My people need to be prepared for the coming Warning and the tribulation by coming to frequent Confession.”
Angelo said: “I am happy to see your messages are being vindicated, as the people are seeing the signs of the end times in today’s events.”

Wednesday, August 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of seeing things upside down, you are witnessing a disaster in leadership by your incompetent leaders. Your current Administration is destroying all of your country’s gains over the years by taking away your freedoms, and leading you into potential bankruptcy. Your open Southern border is allowing thieves and sick Covid people to enter your country that could upset your economy. The spending and giveaways are upsetting your small businesses that have a hard time hiring workers. The disaster in Afghanistan will cause many deaths as people try to leave. Because the Democrats helped steal the 2020 election, your people are suffering from the poor leadership that you are seeing. In the Gospel you see a landowner of a vineyard who paid the same wage to workers, no matter how many hours of the day that they worked. This does not seem fair to man’s justice, but this is a sign of My generosity to everyone whether you are poor or rich. I give My abundant graces to everyone without any discrimination, or whether someone thinks they deserve more or not. I am always fair in giving you what you need to survive, if you help yourself. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who cheat and steal. During the coming tribulation, I will lead My faithful to My refuges where I will separate the good people from the evil people, just as I did for Noah’s family in the ark.”

Thursday, August 19, 2021: (Jeanne Marie Bello intention)
Jeanne Marie said: “I love my dear husband, Al, and I am sorry I had to leave so soon. Let him know how much I love him, and I am watching over him in his life. I want to give him these few words to comfort him. I am awaiting the day when I will greet him in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God. I am the guardian of the United States, and you are facing some strong issues that could lead you to coming to the refuges. I want you to pray for my protection by praying the long form of my prayer at the end of your prayers tonight. You and your wife pray this prayer every night, and if you skip a night, you need to make it up the next day. The demons are very active, and you need to pray this long form prayer every day. If necessary, make copies of this prayer so every prayer group member can pray this every day.”
Note: You can have a copy of this prayer by going to my website at johnleary.com. It is in the left top part of the home page. Tap on the more button and print out the prayer.

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some poor planning in having your troops leave before your people and others could be safely evacuated. This poor handling of Afghanistan is a sign of your Administration’s weakness that China and Russia are observing. China might attack Taiwan, and Russia could attack the Ukraine when these countries sense America’s weakness. Pray that your military can stand strong against Biden’s weak foreign policy.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country should lead other countries in providing emergency relief for the people of Haiti. Do not just allow money to go to the leadership of Haiti, but deliver the food and water to the very people who need help. This was abused in the last disastrous earthquake in Haiti. Pray for these people to find what is needed for their survival. They also may need temporary shelters for the coming hurricanes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the one world people carrying forward with their plan to reduce the world’s population. These evil ones are trying to use your employers and colleges to mandate vaccine shots on your people, or they will threaten to fire these employees if they refuse the shots. Your people need to protest these mandates because there are laws against this. You could see pressure on your local officials to make laws against these mandates. Pray that your local governments act against such forced vaccines.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your people do not protest the mandated shots, you will see more booster shots forced on you in addition to vaccine passports that could prevent you from traveling across state lines. Your Democrat leaders will force more restrictions on you, if you do not fight back over this forced control. Pray that pressure can be put on your legislators to stand up against mandates that are not laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning people to spend whatever money they have to store up three months of food for each household member. If you do not take such action, you could face starvation without any food. There are many food shortages all over the world where crop failures are occurring. Be prepared for the coming famine. If your lives are threatened by people with guns looking for food, I will call My people to My refuges of protection. I will multiply your food if you need it before the Warning. I will also multiply your food and water at your refuges. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from any starvation. The one world people have their own food in their underground cities.”

Jesus said: “My people, if the evil ones threaten to take people to the detention centers for not taking the Covid shots, or for not taking the mark of the beast, then I will call you to My refuges with My inner locution. If you see a coming EMP attack, I will call you to My refuges. If your electricity is cut off, or your money is cancelled, I will call you to My refuges. So be prepared with your backpacks ready so you can leave your house within 20 minutes, once I call you to come.”

Friday, August 20, 2021: (Doris Sopko funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Doris is in a place of peace as she awaits to see Me. I love all of My faithful people, and you do not know the circumstances of your own death when it comes. Some die of various sicknesses, and some die from cancer, as Doris. Any suffering before death can be applied against any appointed time in purgatory. It is sad when people are mourning the loss of a loved one, especially in the loss of a spouse. When you are separated from your body, you will still seem alive, but you will be leaving this transitory life. You need to be most prepared for your eternal destination, because this will be where you will be forever. For those souls, who love and serve Me, they will rejoice to be with Me after purgatory. Those souls, who reject My love and will not serve Me, will find themselves immediately in the flames of hell. Choose life with Me, and you will be happy with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are realizing how temporary your life on earth is. All of the people at the reunion were about 78 and you could see how the years have caused some people to have more health problems than others. Life is passing you by and you need to make the best use of your time in bringing souls to Me in heaven. It is not about how much money that you have accumulated that matters, but it is more important to convert as many souls as you can to the faith. The more souls you can convert, the more reward in heaven that you will have. Keep praying for your family to be converted, and you can pray for the souls in purgatory to be released sooner. I love all of My people, and I do not want to lose even one soul. But it is the free will of people to decide whether to be with Me in heaven, or be with the devil in the eternal flames of hell.”

Saturday, August 21, 2021: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees performed all of their actions to be seen, and they were proud of their position. But inside they were like dead man’s bones full of pride. I want My faithful to be humble and give glory to Me for all of your achievements. When you do things more in secret, your heavenly Father will reward you. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, without worrying about what you are to eat, or what you are to wear. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels when you need them. Whoever exalts themselves, will be humbled, and whoever humbles themselves will be exalted.” (Matt. 23:12)

Sunday, August 22, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I give you a miracle at every Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I ask you to believe that I am truly Present in the Host that you receive. This Real Presence is a belief taken in faith. There were some disciples of Mine who left Me because they could not believe that I was giving them My Body and Blood to eat and drink. Even today there are some people who do not believe that I am really Present in the Host and Wine. When I asked My apostles if they wanted to leave Me as well, St. Peter said: ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? Because you alone have the words of eternal life.’ So My people of today have heard of the miracles of My Eucharist in Lanciano, Italy and Los Teques, Venezuela where My actual blood appeared on the Host to validate their belief in My Real Presence. Be grateful that I am sharing Myself with you at every Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are right in seeing the Biden Administration as a true disaster for your country. His list of disasters grows longer and some feel he is not fit to run your country. He started with closing the Keystone Pipeline that has resulted in over $3.00 gas prices. His exorbitant spending is adding to your inflated prices. His disaster in opening your Southern Border speaks for itself. He is mandating the poisonous vaccines for your military and your people. Now he has added another disaster in Afghanistan, when he should have allowed your people and the endangered Afghans to exit the country before drawing down your troops. If your people do not act soon, you may not have a free country before your next election. Pray for your country’s freedoms, but be ready to leave for My refuges if your lives are in danger.”

Monday, August 23, 2021: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, I called the Pharisees hypocrites because they put heavy burdens of the law on the people, but they did not follow their own teachings. The Pharisees thought they were above the law, and they focused too much on the gold of the temple, instead of understanding the Presence of God making the temple holy. You have some clergy today who are also hypocrites, who do not follow what they are teaching. This Gospel should make everyone ponder if you are not hypocrites in your actions. Check your own lives to make sure you are practicing what you are preaching. You are all supposed to be good Christians in imitating My life, but do people see you as following Me in your actions? If you are not acting as a loving Christian, then you might want to change your lifestyle, and come to frequent Confession to keep holy. I call everyone to be perfect, or at least strive for perfection by loving everyone, even your persecutors. Man is imperfect because of Adam’s sin, but you can still focus on Me to live a life of love. By your prayers and good deeds, I can read the good intentions in your heart. By imitating My life, you can be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is on vacation most of the time, so your Congress has not made much progress on any legislation. This latest failure in Afghanistan will embolden China and Russia to take advantage of your weakness by your commander-in-chief. Forcing vaccine mandates will be meeting more resistance as your people do not want forced poisonous vaccine shots. Just as your people are resisting mandates for the nurses, your constant protesting on the streets is causing the hospital to postpone enforcing the vaccine mandates. This is a lesson for all workers that you need to have protest marches against your employers and engage lawyers for class action lawsuits. You need to fight back with all of your tools and prayers against the vaccine mandates, or you will be dead people with these poisonous shots that ruin your immune system. The evil ones want to reduce your population, so do not give in to their unlawful edicts. Pray for your people to have a fighting spirit, because the evil ones will use this same control to force the mark of the beast on you. When you see a threat of the mark of the beast, a deadly virus, or a long loss of electricity, I will bring My Warning and I will call you to the protection of My refuges.”

Tuesday, August 24, 2021: (St. Bartholomew)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are facing the evil one world people who are trying to use communist tactics to force their will on you. Do not lay down like lambs led to the slaughter, but you must stand up to them to resist these poisonous Covid vaccine mandates that will kill you in a few years if you give in to taking them. The communists have a practice of pushing two steps forward and one step backward when they meet resistance. To thwart their tactics you need to push back harder for your people. When the workers revolt against their employers’ vaccine mandates, they will have no workers to do their biding. You need to stand up now, or they will force the mark of the beast on you just like they are doing with the Covid vaccines. People need to realize that when you take these so-called vaccine shots, they will destroy your immune system and this is irreversible. You can be healed with a blessing of the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water. Each shot or booster that you take will kill you sooner. So refuse to take these death shots because living is more important than your employment. If enough people keep resisting a Covid shot, that you do not need, then your employers will back off. You can survive the Covid virus without the vaccines, and people with complications should be allowed to take ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin to stop the inflammation of the virus. These viruses and vaccines were given to the scientists by demons, and the main purpose is to kill people and reduce the population. So reject these poisonous shots that are not true vaccines because they are meant to kill you. If the authorities start killing people for resisting, then I will call you to My refuges of protection after I bring My Warning. Keep pushing back against these poisonous Covid shot mandates just as the communists are pushing their evil agenda. Trust in Me to protect My people from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you what your expanded refuge will look like with all of the people living in your white high rise building that St. Joseph will be the contractor. Do not worry about how you will heat this building or how you will have lights. I will multiply your food. Once you make your soups for the day in many large kettles, they will never run dry, just like I multiplied the flour and oil for Elijah and the old widow and her son. You will be tested by floods and bad weather during the tribulation, but I will shield your refuge from the flood. I will provide food, water, and fuels for your survival. I will also bring you all daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. You will have Perpetual Adoration and people will sign up for their hour every day. My angels will put a shield of invisibility over your refuge so the evil ones will not see you. You will look upon My luminous cross in the sky and you will be healed of any sickness or broken bones. You will all be healthy and younger looking at that time. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My people into My Era of Peace where there will be no evil, and you will be young again. You will grow in holiness and be prepared as saints. Once you die, your souls will be brought into heaven. Rejoice when you will be with Me forever in your chosen level of heaven.”

Wednesday, August 25, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, this strange vision of dirt and ashes is a sign of My justice, as I will destroy the wicked people who are trying to kill My people with their evil poisonous vaccines and viruses. Those evil politicians and doctors, who are lying to the people about the evil plan to reduce the population, will be burned and destroyed for their evil deeds. These evil ones are trying to use employers and colleges to mandate the poisonous shots on the employees and the students. Your people need to wake up and realize that these mandated shots will kill you in a few years. You are really choosing to die to keep a job when you will not be there. This is why purposely killing a lot of people is so evil, and your lying leaders and health people should be put in jail for purposely trying to reduce your population. You will soon be seeing many dead bodies on the ground from these evil shots. Shout from the rooftops not to take these toxic shots, and try to wake up your people to fight these illegal and evil mandates that should not be followed. If you protest hard enough, you may be able to stop these illegal mandates. You can use the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water to bless the vaccinated people so they will not die. In any case you will see the bodies of these evil ones burned to a crisp for their evil actions. My justice will be carried out on the evil ones who are causing these mandates. My believers will be called to My refuges of protection to avoid taking the vaccines, where you will be fed and protected from the UN troops who will be trying to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you an empty donation basket. The meaning is all about how much of your time, talent, and money that you are willing to give up and contribute to saving souls. I call all of My people to work on converting souls, but this is not easy to do for people. It is the intention in your heart to serve Me that I am observing. You need to be faithful to your daily prayers and Adoration when you make time for Me. This is how you show your love for Me and your neighbor. Just as I ask you to give generously with your donation of money, so you also need to be generous with your time. You and your wife spend time giving out bottles of Good Friday oil, and you give of your time in coming to talks, and sharing My messages in your Zoom conferences. However, people can share their faith with others even in small ways every day by their actions. Coming to daily Mass is another way to witness your love for Me. I love all of you and I thank you for all of your evangelization efforts.”

Thursday, August 26, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a previous message that you will be living into the tribulation time of the Antichrist. You will continue to have messages even at your refuge. In the vision you saw many steps to heaven because you will be living through the end times, and even into My Era of Peace. During the tribulation you will be traveling around to various refuges to support them by bi-location. People need to come to frequent Confession to keep their souls holy for the trials that are to come. Have no fear of the evil ones who want to kill My faithful, because I will call you to the safe havens where My angels will shield you by being invisible. My Warning will be coming soon due to the coming threats on your lives. After your life review and mini-judgment, you will have six weeks of conversion without any evil distractions. This is when you will have an opportunity to try and convert the weak people in your families, so they can be firm believers and they can enter My refuges. My Warning will give every sinner one last chance to convert to being a true believer. Those people, who refuse My love, and refuse to serve Me, could be choosing the broad road to hell, if they do not change. Keep praying for the souls of your family and friends, so they can be saved.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for your farmers that they have enough water to grow their crops, and that fields remain dry so they can harvest their crops. In various parts of the world food is getting scarce and fresh water is also scarce. Pray that you do not have another shutdown that could be problems for stocking your stores and that your shelves do not go empty. This is why you should have three months of food for each member of your household in case the stores go empty. Trust in Me to provide what you need to eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evacuation of Americans and Afghans in Afghanistan has been complicated by a suicide bomber exploding a bomb that killed some American soldiers and wounded others. Your soldiers were trying to evacuate the most Americans as possible. This slowed down the evacuation. The last planes out could see problems as the Taliban is blocking the roads. Pray that your people can be evacuated without any more incidents.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see the Taliban persecuting the religious people as they will bring back Shariah law. Already Iran is trying to sell oil to these people in Afghanistan. This evacuation of Americans has been a disaster, and many will be trapped without any follow up support. The Democrats are being criticized for their poor planning. Pray that there will be no more killing in this evacuation.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of My believers will be shocked how quickly your country will be taken over by the Democrat communists. You are seeing vaccine mandates being forced on all parts of your people, and there will be a backlash against this control over your people’s health. If enough of your people rise up, you could see a civil war that could kill a lot of people. Your people are only quietly protesting now, but will they be willing to defend their freedoms when any violence breaks out? I will call My people to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Be ready to leave your homes for a refuge within twenty minutes with your backpack.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your schools open in person, you could see more sickness among the young children in coming back to class. Pray for your children to remain healthy. If you see a quick increase in Covid deaths and cases, you could see another possible shutdown. This could make a food shortage even worse among your people. If needed I will multiply your food so you will be able to survive a famine. Trust in My angels to prepare you to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, at one protest on Monday you had a better organization of over 200 people. It makes a big difference when you have a means of getting the word out in good communication. Today’s protest was only about 50 people, and there was not as good a communication of time. You can see that you need numbers for a good protest. A good means of communication is also necessary so that your people know where and when to meet. Your people have a strong desire to defend your freedoms, but your numbers are few when you consider what is at stake. It is hard to educate your people about the true death dangers of these poisonous vaccines when the media and Biden are brain washing the people to take the vaccines. Pray that you can bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil and the exorcism water. I will soon call My people to My refuges after the Warning, so the believers can be healed at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can prepare spiritually for the Warning by coming to frequent Confession. You can prepare physically for the coming famine by having three months of food for every household member. All of the people will need to make a free will decision after the Warning whether they want to be with Me or with the devil. My believers will be protected by My angels at My refuges during the tribulation. The non-believers will suffer from the plagues and the Antichrist as they will be on the road to hell. Come to Me, My people, and I and My angels will help you through this time of tribulation.”

Friday, August 27, 2021: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, STAY AWAKE, for you do not know the day, nor the hour that I will come to you at your judgment. This story of the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins is My best warning to My people to be prepared for the coming tribulation. Keep your souls pure with frequent Confession, Mass, and Holy Communion. You also need to have a backpack ready with some food, water, clothes, and hygiene items. Have a small tent and a sleeping bag ready to put in your vehicle when you are called to leave your homes for My refuges. My refuge builders need to consecrate their refuge, and have a water source as a well or barrels of water. Have some food ready so I can multiply it. Have some beds, blankets, and pillows ready for sleeping. You will need some fuels to heat water, and to heat and cool the house. Some solar panels would be extra, but helpful. You will need lights at night, and pots, pans, silverware, and plates for eating. I will bring you daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. Have vestments, books, candles, bread, and wine for Mass if you have a priest. You will need an altar and a tabernacle with a monstrance for your Perpetual Adoration. These things are your refuge preparations that you will need for surviving, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to obey your bishop and cardinal, as long as they are directing you according to what the Church teaches. You also need to pray for your bishops and priests. My priest sons give you My Body and Blood at the Mass, and this is a little taste of heaven on earth. They also give you My sanctifying grace when they heal your soul with Confession. The priests also administer the other sacraments as well. You need to support your bishops and priests with your donations to help support My Church. Having bishops and priests are a gift from Me, as they represent Me in their office. Pray for vocations to the priesthood and for deacons who are needed to serve My people.”

Saturday, August 28, 2021: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the Parable of the talents of gold where one servant was given five talents, and he gained five more. A second servant was given two talents, and he gained two more. The third servant was given one talent, but he buried it in the ground. The Master was pleased with the first two servants and he gave them more responsibilities. The third servant had his one talent taken away and he was severely punished for wasting his time and the money given to him. The lesson is that you are given many talents to achieve your given mission, but unless your heart is open to loving Me and serving Me, it will be difficult to complete your given mission. Let your candle burn for My service as long as you live. By your service and good deeds, I will judge your life at your judgment. So do not waste your time with frivolous earthly pursuits, but keep focused on Me and carry out the directions I give you to accomplish the mission I have given you. These people, who are given more talents, will be expected to accomplish more, and they will have a harsher judgment. By following Me in all of your duties, I will say: ‘Well done, My good and faithful servant. Enter into your Master’s joy in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people know that those people, who receive two or more shots of the Covid vaccine, could die within a few years. This is why they are carefully recording those people who received the shots. The evil ones are even bribing people with money to take the shots. They are doing everything to force employees and students to take the Covid shots. They know the people who are resisting to take the Covid shots. There will come a time to try and collect the people who are not taking the shots. This will endanger the lives of My faithful, and I will call these people to the safety of My refuges. It is the door to door campaign to collect resisters, when I will make My people invisible so the evil ones do not see you. If more serious searches are brought, then I will bring My Warning, and call My faithful to My refuges. Fear not these gestapo tactics to try and kill the unvaccinated people, because I will protect My faithful from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Sunday, August 29, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the Gospel how the Pharisees followed their Mosaic practices, and they were critical of My disciples for not washing their hands before eating. Your priest made a good mention when he compared the smaller traditions to the major practices of the Church. He was asking you to think deeper in everything you do, and you should do things out of love and respect for Me. You were pleasantly surprised that the priest gave you Holy Communion on the tongue, which is out of respect for My Host that you do not touch the Host with your hands. I appreciate My faithful when they give respect to My Blessed Sacrament. You can even make time for Me in Adoration of My Eucharist. You are showing your love for Me in receiving Me worthily with a clean soul free of mortal sin. I am also happy for all of My people who come to Me at Sunday Mass. This is a fulfillment of My Third Commandment that you give Me proper worship on Sunday. Pray for your family members that they can see your example to attend Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. There are many lukewarm Catholics who need to show Me their love, so continue to pray for your family members that they will wake up during the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, or they could be lost in hell. The harder you pray and fast for them, and the more consistent that you pray for them, I will answer your prayers and they can be saved as true believers.”

Monday, August 30, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, I told you a prophet is not accepted in his hometown. I have given you a message about the end times to share My words with the people so they will be prepared when I will bring My Warning. The best preparation for the Warning is to come to frequent Confession so you can keep your soul pure and ready to meet Me at your mini-judgment. People will come to Me outside of your body and outside of time, and you will have a life review of your good and bad deeds. You will be focused on your unforgiven sins. By your life’s actions you will receive a judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell and you will have a taste of your present destination. The glory of My Warning will be that you will be given a second chance when you are brought back into your body and back into time, so you can change your life for the better. You will have six weeks of conversion after your Warning experience to change your life with no evil influence. This will be your opportunity to try and convert your family members and friends to being true believers in Me, so they can receive My cross on their foreheads, so they can enter My refuges. At the end of the six weeks you are to get rid of all of your internet devices so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. I will soon call you to My refuges of protection during the tribulation. Your guardian angel will lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame to guide you. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all of the demons and evil people will be cleansed from the earth into hell. I will then lift My faithful into the air, and I will renew the face of the earth. Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace.” (Thess 4:13-18)

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I go before you to prepare a place for you in heaven for the worthy souls. Your priest prayed a votive Mass for a happy death. This reminds you of St. Joseph who is a patron for the dying. When you see someone dying, you need to ask a priest to give that person the sacrament of the sick. This and Confession is a great help for a dying soul. You can also pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for such a soul to help save this person from hell. Every person is appointed to die because your body is mortal, but your soul is immortal. You do not know when I will call you home, so you need to keep a pure soul with frequent Confession so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment at any time. There are some souls in your family or among your friends that have not accepted Me into their lives, or they are lukewarm in loving Me. By your persistent prayers and fasting for these souls, you can assist them to avoid hell, because I can answer your many prayers. Keep close to Me in your prayers every day in case you should die this day. I love all of My faithful people and those people, who wear My Blessed Mother’s brown scapular, and lead a good life, will avoid the flames of hell. Trust in Me to have My angels guard over My faithful souls, even in death.”

Tuesday, August 31, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you use your phones to keep in touch with one another, so in this vision of an old dial-up phone, this is My sign that I am always calling you to keep in touch with Me at Mass, in your prayers, and when you receive Me in Holy Communion. I love all of you as you are My creations, and I want to be close to you in everything you do for Me. My son, I know how much you love Psalm 27 when it speaks of how you seek to be with Me in heaven. You truly will desire to gaze on My loveliness and contemplate My love in all of My creation in heaven. In the Gospel you saw how I cast out the evil spirit from a man because I am much more powerful than the evil spirits. They are like little flies that I command to leave. The demon knew that I am the Holy One of God, and he was fearful of Me. So have no fear of the evil ones who may seem to have authority in this world, because I will soon cast all the demons and evil people into hell. You will soon see My victory in the Battle of Armageddon, and I will bring My judgment on the earth with My Comet of Chastisement that will fall on the earth and the demons and evil people will be cleansed off the face of the earth into hell. Then I will renew the face of the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward for being faithful to My service.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are truly being led like lambs to the slaughter just as Hitler killed the Jews in Germany. You are right that it makes no sense to take a poisonous Covid shot when 98% of the people will not die from the Covid virus. Even people, who have taken the Covid shots, are still getting sick from the Covid virus, and some vaccinated people are dying or are having major complications from taking the shots. There are some reports that mice who received these Covid shots are dying, so how can the FDA approve something that is so deadly? You are being told lies that the Covid shots are needed, but in truth they are not needed. Now mandating such shots is a huge lie, and this should not be forced on people, or they lose their jobs if they refuse to take the Covid shots. For those people who have been forced to take these poisonous shots, you can heal these people by blessing them with the Good Friday oil or they can drink the exorcism water to avoid dying from the Covid shots. Try to avoid taking any Covid shots or boosters because the more shots you take, the quicker you will die from them. If these authorities can force you to take the Covid shots and have a Covid vaccine passport, they will soon force you to take the mark of the beast for the same reason for all buying and selling. Puerto Rico just put in place mandates that unvaccinated people cannot buy food in grocery stores, no hotels or rentals, no eating in restaurants, no buying gasoline. You are a second class citizen in Puerto Rico and you cannot even travel either. This is the dictatorial communism that is coming to America, so if you do not reject these mandates, unvaccinated people will be isolated and even possibly killed by the authorities at detention centers. If your lives are endangered in this way, I will make My faithful invisible as I will call you to My refuges.”

Wednesday, September 1, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, since Adam’s sin, you are all appointed to die one day as a consequence. You also have a weak body to disease and viruses, and you can get sick as well. You have the evil ones spreading flu like diseases in the chemtrails that are being tested as Covid virus, when any corona virus will give a positive test. It is one thing to be quarantined for 10-14 days if you have a flu or Covid virus, but making people take a poisonous Covid shot when you already have antibodies, is nothing but communist control like a dictatorship. Your health people do not even allow sick people to receive ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin because it is cheap and the one world people want to reduce the world population. To counter the death culture people, I have given you a blessing with the Good Friday oil or drinking the exorcism water for the vaccinated to live without dying from the shots. Trust in Me by believing that I can heal Covid diseases and the Covid vaccinated people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the destruction of Hurricane Ida in Louisiana and other states. Power will be out for millions of people for about three weeks if the linesmen are able to fix the damage. There is a lot of water damage as well. These people will need donations for food, water, and shelter. Your country is being punished for your abortions and your worship of worldly things instead of Me. You will see more natural disasters for the same reasons. The fact that Ida came about the same day of the year as Katrina, is another lesson that your people did not repent even amidst all of this damage. Since your people’s sins are getting worse, then you will continue to face My justice. Pray for the conversion of sinners, and pray that your leaders do not force the Covid vaccines on everyone. You need to have three months of food for each household member to face the coming food shortage or famine all over your country. If your evil leaders try to force the unvaccinated people to get the Covid shots, and threaten your lives, then I will bring My justice against them and their lives will be threatened. I will bring you to My refuges if they threaten your lives with the mark of the beast. I will make you invisible so they cannot kill you. Trust in My protection now and throughout the tribulation.”

Thursday, September 2, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you will come up against situations that seem impossible to overcome by your own ability and strength. It is at that time that you need to call on Me to help you, because I can do the impossible. St. Peter had fished all night without success, so when I asked him to lower the nets for a catch of fish, he was reluctant. But to please Me he lowered the nets. They brought in so big a catch of fish that they needed help with another boat, and the boats were both so filled, that they were almost sinking. St. Peter was so amazed at such a catch of fish, that he felt that he insulted Me for being reluctant to lower the nets again. This is when he said: ‘Leave me Lord, for I am a sinful man.’ You have an almost impossible situation now, when your leaders are forcing the employers and colleges to mandate Covid vaccines for all of their employees and students. This is against the science of health when these poisonous Covid shots are toxic to your body and they will ruin your immune system. You have tried to fight these mandates with exemptions, but your New York governor is not allowing religious exemptions. You need to give this over to Me, and I will lead you to My refuges of protection when your lives are in danger. People do not want to lose their jobs, but they do not want to take the poisonous Covid shots either. You are seeing devastating weather damage from Hurricane Ida that could stop jobs and shots in some areas. Trust in Me to find a way to defeat these evil mandates that are lies and are not needed. In some cases you can have Covid virus tests each week, but this is just a harassment for the unvaccinated people.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned before how Hurricane Ida was a punishment for your abortions and all the sins of your people. In this vision I reminded you of how people came to church on 9-11-01 right after the plane crashes to repent of their sins. You have just had some terrible destruction in Louisiana and other states from rain and tornadoes. You still are uncovering people who died from this storm. You all could come to church to repent of your sins and come to Confession. You could still have more disasters as your fires and drought out West. If your people repent, I could hold back My justice, but if you do not repent, then you will see more destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you were asked to help Haiti, now you will be asked to help your own people in Louisiana to provide electricity, gasoline, water, food, and shelters. Even in your own state of New York and neighboring states, you are recovering from record flooding. This storm has touched many people with some destruction. As this storm came on the same day of the year as Katrina, this is a sign for your people to repent and improve your spiritual lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, on your TV news you are seeing pictures of the devastation all over the Southern states. You have had declarations of emergency so Federal aid can be brought to the areas that need help the most. People, who lost their homes, will have to start over and hope that insurance and government aid can provide a new home. These people are needing fresh water and food. Pray for these people to find what is needed for their survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, many Americans and Afghans were fortunate to be airlifted to safe places from the Taliban. You may be asked to help refugees from Afghanistan in addition to all of the illegal immigrants who are being sent to cities all over your country. The open Southern border is causing many problems with sick people and finding shelter for these people. Pray for your country that is suffering from storms and fires.”

Jesus said: “My people, your employers and colleges are trying to enforce vaccine mandates for their workers and students. It is hard to legally enforce Covid vaccine mandates when Covid shots are still considered experimental. There is some misunderstanding if the FDA can approve mandating shots that are toxic to your bodies. Any such approval has not gone through the necessary testing. Refuse to take these poisonous shots and boosters that have not been proven to be safe and effective.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is talk that the teachers may require Covid shots or weekly testing for the Covid virus. The younger children have not been getting sick, but it is hard to know if the children will need Covid shots. Many parents do not want their children vaccinated with the poisonous Covid shots. You are seeing more home schooled children to avoid having to take a Covid shot. Pray that your children and grandchildren are not forced to take the Covid shot.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people need to be understanding of the fuel shortages until your places of production can come back online. Your country should control the prices because of a short supply of some fuels so people are not gouged with high prices. Your people might have to share fuels and staples so your stores do not run into low stock on your store shelves. Hoarding and price gouging should be controlled until supplies are normal again. You will be seeing more food shortages as time goes on, so be prepared with your three month supplies of food that you were supposed to have. You may even have to call on Me to multiply your food where you have continuing shortages, especially of fresh water. Pray that your families can have what they need for their survival.”

Friday, September 3, 2021: (St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My son, this first vision of an all encompassing black abyss represents all of the evil people who are perpetrating the viruses in the chemtrails, and the more sinister poisonous vaccines that they are trying to force on everyone. Your evil health leaders are having employers threaten people to lose their jobs, if they do not take these useless vaccines that will kill people in time. Some employees may be able to take a weekly Covid test and avoid the poisonous vaccines. These evil health officials are passing edicts that are nothing but lies. There are as many vaccinated people having sickness and complications, as the unvaccinated people are suffering from flu and Covid sickness. This darkness of control will lead to mandates for the mark of the beast. Absolutely refuse to take the mark of the beast, even if they take away your job or threaten your life. There is no cure for the mark of the beast and those people, who take it and worship the beast, will be lost forever in hell. When these evil ones mandate the mark of the beast, you will see My Light to lead you to My refuges of protection. You will endure the tribulation of the Antichrist for less than 3½ years. At the end of this reign of the Antichrist, I will destroy all of the evil people and demons, and they will be cast into hell. My believers I will bring into My Era of Peace. Do not fear this evil because My power is greater, and these evil people and the demons will be cleansed from the earth into hell. Stay true to following Me, and you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, time is running out for Satan and the demons. You are seeing a pivotal battle between My angels and the demons. At the end of the tribulation, I will come to help My angels defeat the evil ones at the Battle of Armageddon. I told you that I and My angels are more powerful than Satan and the demons. This will be a crucial battle that forces of good will defeat the evil forces. After My victory, all of the evil people and the demons will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Trust in Me that Satan and the demons will face a crushing defeat. Trust in Me to protect My believers at My refuges.”

Saturday, September 4, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for all of your driving and giving your talks last weekend. This accident you had with your knee, was an attack by the demons who did not want you to travel to these talks. Sometimes you have to suffer some pain for the souls you are helping with healings and spiritual help for the people. Keep struggling in your efforts to help save the babies at Planned Parenthood today, and protesting the vaccine mandates at the hospital. Abortion and the vaccine mandates are the two greatest intentions you should be praying to stop. Even if you have to suffer pain and inconvenience, these causes are well worth your evangelization efforts. You may suffer this struggle to save the babies and fight the forced Covid vaccinations, but it is all worth your time and dedication. Trust in Me that you will not have to wait long for My justice to fall on the evil ones behind these injustices.”

Jesus said: “My people, trying to force employers to have mandates to have a Covid vaccine for their employees or they would lose their jobs, is against your country’s freedoms. Everyone should not be forced to take these poisonous vaccines against their will. The threat of losing your job should not be conditioned on taking these toxic shots. If you have a choice between dying with these shots or making money from a job, your best choice would be to quit that job. If all jobs are facing this mandate, then you need to rebel against this. If your government can force you to take a shot that will kill you, they can force more boosters and the mark of the beast on you as well. It is better to refuse these death shots and for sure to refuse to take the mark of the beast because you are risking the loss of your soul. People need to know that the true doctors are saying that these poisonous shots could kill you in a few years, especially if the vaccinated people come in contact with another wild corona virus. At one point these evil ones want total control over your lives, and the Antichrist will control all of the jobs and the networks, so it is better to quit now. This is not an easy decision, but once they impose a total lock down on the unvaccinated people, as in Puerto Rico, you will have to fight these edicts or die of starvation. Unvaccinated people in Puerto Rico cannot even buy groceries or gasoline. If you are locked down, pray to Me and I will multiply your food. This intolerable lock down will precipitate My Warning, and I will call My people to My refuges. Be prepared soon to leave for My refuges because the evil ones will soon try to kill the unvaccinated people because of your resistance. Trust in Me to help vaccinated people get healed with the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water. They must believe in My healing power to heal them. My justice will fall soon on these evil ones for planning to kill many people with their vaccines.”

Sunday, September 5, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many places where you feel out of your comfort zone with different groups of people. But I reached out to foreigners, lepers, fornicators, and even tax collectors. When you are sharing My words and trying to convert people to a Christian way of life, you need to mix with people where you do not normally visit. When you share My love and reach out to help people, you have to make time for them, even at your own inconvenience. You can see how the evil leaders are trying to create divisions in your country over whether or not you are in favor of abortion, euthanasia, drugs, and now over being forced to take an unneeded Covid shot. Most of these divisions center around the means of the death culture that has little regard for life. When you love people and want to offer help, you should not be oppressed by evil people who want to force their will on you and control your lives. Because of this forced control, and desire by some to reduce the population, I will soon be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges, as your lives are being threatened. Trust in Me to protect you from harm as My angels will defend you. Call on My help when you are in need, or when you are being threatened.”

Monday, September 6, 2021: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, America needs to wake up out of your media brainwashing, and see how you are a bunch of frogs being slowly boiled to death in water. Your jobs are being threatened by a vaccine mandate that will kill you, and you should not take it. If you are dead, what good is your job? When are your people going to rise up in a major protest, or strike against your employers? If you do not fight this vaccine mandate and passports, you will soon be like Puerto Rico where unvaccinated people cannot work, buy groceries, or gasoline. You are in the middle of a communist takeover, and you do not even realize it. If these evil ones can force you to take an unneeded, poisonous, Covid shot, then they will force you to take the mark of the beast next. You cannot take the mark of the beast, or you will lose your soul. So it is better for America to resist these mandates now, or you will lose all of your freedoms. Once you cannot buy food or gas, and they threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to My refuges. If your people do not resist, then I will bring My Warning, and your free country will cease to exist. Fight for your freedoms now, or you will lose all of them. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges of protection with My angels. If you quit your job, you can use your three months of food to survive a while.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are planning your Zoom interview for TV tonight that you will be giving tomorrow. Call on Me and the Holy Spirit to give you the words to speak to the people. It is good to get My message out to the people who may be influenced to be converted. The people need to know that it is important to choose your destination where you will be after you die. They will either follow Me to heaven, or follow the devil and the world to hell. I do not want to lose even one soul, so make it clear that this choice will be forever, and not just a lifetime. You also will be traveling again to support a young man and his mother, as the exorcist priest will be doing another exorcism session with him. You can do some fasting and prayers in support of the priest. Pray the long form of St. Michael’s prayer going and leaving from this exorcism. You continue to bring your relics for additional support. I have asked you to continue to support this family as often as you can. Trust in Me to guide you and protect you from any demonic influence.”

Tuesday, September 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, you have been out evangelizing people so they could be converted for over 25 years. Now the time to bring people to Me is growing short before the coming Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist. Your mission has been to help save as many souls as you can, and the time to save people from hell is running out. The devil and the media are controlling the minds of many people, but My power is greater. So call on Me and the Holy Spirit to help you every day to have people understand that they are both body and soul, and made to My image with a free will to choose between heaven or hell. My Warning will wake up every person to realize how I will judge each life with your life review and your mini-judgment when people will have a real taste of their future destination. If you love Me and repent of your sins, you will be on the narrow road to heaven. But if you ignore Me and refuse to repent of your sins, you will be on the broad road to hell. In heaven you will enjoy being with the One you love forever. I have shown you hell where the demons are tormenting souls and the souls there are like black embers who are suffering the flames forever with no hope of escaping. Those people, who are on the road to hell, will have a taste of this suffering, so they can see what their life is choosing. My faithful will have a chance during the six weeks of conversion to try and convert these souls when there will be no influence of the devil. Pray for the conversion of souls and reach out to give them My Blessed Mother’s brown scapular, so she can keep them from suffering the flames of hell when they wear and believe in the brown scapular’s promises.”

Jesus said: “My son, every time you give a teaching or share My messages in a setting for trying to save souls, you need to prepare yourself for spiritual warfare. When you are updating My messages, or explaining My words to you, start with a prayer to the Holy Spirit so He can speak through you. I have told you before that it is the Holy Spirit who helps you to write down My words. I showed you before when you rewrote one of My messages that you had lost, that it was word for word on the message you found later. The commentator in your interview asked you how you knew these words are from Me, and you told her how you tested the spirit to see that it is really from Me. She was also curious if My words of prophecy had come about. You know that you have had many confirmations of the truth of your mission, and things I have given you have come about. You are in the end times and this is the pre-tribulation time. You are on the brink of more serious attacks against My faithful, because Satan hates any proclamation of My words that lead to holiness for people. You love Me so much that you come to Mass every day for My miracle of My Eucharist. You show your love for Me in your daily prayers, and I respond by giving you My messages at Holy Communion at Mass, and at Adoration every night. I reach out to save souls, and I pray people are listening to My words. Your people need to come to frequent Confession to keep a pure soul. By staying close to My Sacred Heart and pouring out My Precious Blood on people, I can heal people of their sickness and their sins.”

Wednesday, September 8, 2021: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I bring the rain as at Fatima, Portugal, as the Lord’s rain is needed in your land. It is also symbolic of how my Son, Jesus, rains down His graces on all of His children. You are celebrating my birth, but the readings speak of my heritage from King David, and the birth of my Son, Jesus. He is a Son of King David through my ancestry. There is also a mention of my Son’s birth as the dawning of salvation, because truly His death and Resurrection have brought salvation to all of mankind who accept Jesus. I am the instrument to bring Jesus into this world, and because of my place as the Mother of God, the Lord has called me blessed. My Son and I have our two hearts joined together, and I bring you to Jesus as a spiritual mother as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, your media is constantly attacking the unvaccinated, and your government is doing everything to get your employers to force workers to get vaccinated. You should not be forced against your will to take a poison Covid shot, and even the vaccinated should not take any booster shots. You are entering the flu season, and it is hard to see your tests telling the flu shot apart from the Covid virus. You need to keep your immune systems protected with vitamin C and D3 2000. Take some zinc as well as your Hawthorn pills. By eating properly with occasional fasting, you can stop any Covid delta variant attacks. Refuse to take any Covid shots or flu shots. The restrictions on the unvaccinated will be getting worse, and the evil ones will use any increases in Covid cases for another potential lock down. I want My refuge builders to be prepared for taking many people into their refuges. The time to call people to My refuges draws close, as your lives will be in danger soon from any shut downs or more mandatory restrictions. Have your food and water ready to share with the people. Trust in Me and My angels who will be multiplying food and fuels for your people to survive.”

Thursday, September 9, 2021: (St. Peter Claver)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about loving your enemies and sharing what you have with them. It is hard to forgive someone who has cheated you out of money, or who has harmed you unjustly. You love to share what you have with those people in need, but you are hesitant to help those people who do evil things. I shine My Light and graces on all people, but it takes more grace to love your enemies. You can at least pray for your enemy to help save their soul. You do not want to see anyone go to hell, so this is the least you could do to help your enemy. Every soul is lovable, even the worst sinner, because they are made in My image. I want My people to reach out to all souls in your evangelization efforts, and I will repay you. When you come to your judgment, I will ask you if you loved Me and all of your neighbors, even your persecutors. By loving everyone, you will gain your salvation.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the beginning of the vaccine mandates that will be getting so bad, that I will soon have to bring My Warning and the refuges to save your lives. Today, it is mandated shots for workers not long after Labor Day. Tomorrow, they will try and come door to door to demand the same shot. If they can mandate Covid shots and boosters to everyone, then they will next demand that you take the mark of the beast, and you will be faced with losing your soul. So absolutely, never take the mark of the beast no matter how they threaten you, or you will lose your soul. This will be followed by a persecution of those people who refuse to take the mark of the beast, meaning they will try to kill resisters in the detention death camps. Before they try to kill My faithful, I will bring My Warning, and later I will call My believers to My refuges of protection. This is why I have been alerting My refuge builders to be ready to receive the people that I will send to them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard from your friend how evil the mandates are in Puerto Rico that the unvaccinated people cannot buy groceries or gasoline. This Hitler style shutdown is coming to the rest of America, so if your people do not fight these mandates, then you will lose all of your freedoms. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, earlier in the year you had a shutdown of your churches, when you could not come to Mass nor Holy Communion. You had to use your internet to see a Mass, but you could not have My Eucharist. These mandates are following the atheistic persecution by your socialist communist government who hate Me, and they will restrict your worship of Me. Eventually, even the internet will shut down religious services. Trust in Me to lead you to My refuges when your lives are threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the possibility of the evil ones bringing a worse Covid virus that could cause vaccinated people to die quickly. This is the vision that I gave you of the dead bodies lying all over. These Covid shots are ruining your immune system, so when this deadly new virus comes, people will be dying all over. This has been the plan of Satan to reduce the population using viruses and vaccines. I am giving you My Good Friday oil and the exorcism water to drink for the vaccinated people so they will not die from the vaccine. As you are threatened with this new virus, I will bring My Warning first and then My angels will lead you to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have promised you that I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus will be released. On the day of the Warning you will see two suns in the sky, and there will be some days of darkness. You will face your life review, a mini-judgment, and a taste of your present destination. After the Warning, you will have six weeks of conversion. You will be warned not to take the mark of the beast or the Covid shots. You will be returned to your bodies, and My believers will be called to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you in previous messages that I would give everyone an inner locution when it is time to come to My refuges. After you receive this inner locution, I want My faithful to pack up your backpack, tent, and sleeping bag, and leave your homes for My refuges within twenty minutes. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. As you leave your home, your angel will put an invisible shield over you so the evil ones cannot see you. You can enter My refuges if you have a cross on your forehead. My angels are marking a cross on the foreheads of all of My believers. The refuge angels will not allow anyone without a cross to enter. When you look on the luminous cross in the sky at My refuge, you will be healed of all of your illnesses. Give praise and thanks that I am protecting your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will lead My faithful to My refuges, but they will enter slowly to give My refuge builders time to assign beds and places for each believer. Be patient with My refuge leaders because they will need to know your skills so you can be assigned jobs to help all of the people at each refuge. Leaders for various jobs will be chosen, and each leader will gather helpers to carry out their mission. You will have two meals every day, and each person will be assigned Adoration hours for the day. My believers will need to be patient because it will take time to organize your jobs. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Fear not because you will have powerful angels side by side all around the perimeter of your refuge to protect you. You will have daily Mass by a priest, or My angels will distribute daily Holy Communion. Your daily prayers, Holy Communion, and Adoration hours will keep you close to Me throughout the tribulation of less than 3½ years.”

Friday, September 10, 2021:(Eastridge Class ‘61 deceased intention)

Jesus said: “My people of the Eastridge Class of ‘61, I am happy you are all here to see each other again. You have seen the list of your deceased classmates, and you are sorry they have passed on. You are seeing in the vision how some souls of your classmates are in purgatory, and they are grateful for the graces that they received from this Mass intention. Remember to keep praying for them, as their souls can move closer to heaven with your prayers and Masses. Many people think souls go directly to heaven, but most souls need some reparation for their sins in purgatory. These souls are thankful for remembering them.

My son, you are seeing many people struggling with your recent Biden Covid vaccine mandate on workers. Not everyone realizes how these shots can ruin your immune system, and can even kill you, especially when a more deadly virus is released. These viruses and vaccines were purposely made to reduce the population by the one world people. So refuse to take any Covid shots or flu shots, even if you may lose your job. Biden is treating you as if he is a dictator, and he is forcing his control over everyone. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, initially you saw how the government was trying to force your employers to have their employees take a Covid shot, or they could be fired. Employers were a little apprehensive to push this forward. Now, Biden is back to using Executive Orders to try and get the unvaccinated workers forced to take the Covid shot. There will be a challenge to this order because there is not a lot of recent deaths to justify such an overall order. The previous lock down did not slow down the spread of the virus, and now being vaccinated does not appear to stop the delta variant either. There is no true science behind this order, and it is only control over the people that Biden is pushing. These shots will endanger your people’s health because these viruses and vaccines are meant to kill people and reduce the population. Refuse to take the Covid shots because they will ruin your immune system, and vaccinated people could die from the next deadly virus. You are having a hard time finding workers, but if you fire those people, who refuse the shot, you will have even more unemployment and businesses could fail or go bankrupt. Vaccine mandates could ruin your economy, so they should be rejected. Pray for your people to find a way around these mandates.”

Saturday, September 11, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people were instrumental in taking down the two trade towers and Building 7 that was not hit by the planes. This was a traitorous act that killed so many innocent people, and the dust harmed even more people. You pray for their souls and the families who mourned the loss of their loved ones. These are the same evil ones who are trying to reduce the population with their man-made viruses and toxic Covid shots that they are using to kill people. You know they are evil by their evil actions, and they are like the rotten tree that bears rotten fruit. My good people, who follow Me and avoid these Covid shots, are the good trees that bear good fruit in their actions of worshiping Me and doing good deeds for their neighbor. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges, when they will try to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some powerful storms like Hurricane Ida, where the damage is still being assessed. You are also seeing more fires out West taking their toll on your homes. The second vision of icicles on a roof is a sign of a colder than usual winter that could cause more damage. Some of these weather events are a punishment for your sins of abortion and your sexual sins. You could see a possible increase in your unemployed workers because they will refuse to take the Covid shots and they know how life threatening that the poisonous shots are. Biden is going along with the one world people’s plan to reduce the population with the mandatory Covid shots. Events will soon try and force the mark of the beast on your people, but do not take the mark of the beast, or you will lose your souls to the evil one. Trust in Me to bring My Warning before vaccinated people will die from the next deadly virus. After the six weeks of conversion, I will call My people to My refuges.”

Sunday, September 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember how St. Peter answered: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ It was the Holy Spirit that inspired St. Peter to know and respond in this way. My people also have the Holy Spirit making My Real Presence known to you, and you have accepted in faith that I am Present in the consecrated Host. You also accept on faith how I died to redeem sinners, and I was resurrected on the third day to show you how My faithful will also have their souls rejoined with their glorified bodies on the last day. In the second reading you read how you cannot have faith without works. If you truly love Me, then you must love your neighbor and show it in your actions of good deeds to help them with food, donations, and sharing your faith. By trusting in Me for everything, I will lead you on the narrow road to heaven.”

Monday, September 13, 2021: (St. John Chrysostom)
Jesus said: “My people, you repeat the Centurion’s words at every Mass when you say: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under My roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.’ I was so pleased with this man’s faith that he should be an example for all of you to follow in humble worship of Me. Many of you may have wished to be with Me when I was on the earth, but you do have Me in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. You will see Me soon in My coming Warning, so have your soul prepared with frequent Confession. The unvaccinated people will be further harassed by Biden in his evil effort to get everyone vaccinated with the poisonous Covid shots. You are hearing of young adults dying without explanation. Now, your morticians are seeing dead bodies with many blood clots all over their body which is a result of the Covid shots. This is not being made public, but some people are speaking out of such deaths. You will be protesting the Covid shot mandates for the nurses at your local hospital today. There has not been much resistance to Biden’s vaccine mandate, and this is one instance. Continue pushing back against these mandates, and advise people to not take these poisonous Covid shots that ruin your immune system, and could kill people in a few years. Trust in Me to protect My believers when the authorities will try to kill you. Then I will call you to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, after I have cleansed the earth of all the demons and evil people, I will truly renew the face of the earth, and My faithful will see a new heavens and a new earth. I will renew the face of the earth as My faithful will be raised up into the air. Once I have renewed the earth, I will call My faithful down into My Era of Peace. You will live a long time and you will be young again. You will have no evil present, and you will grow in holiness. Once you die, you will be as a saint, and you will be brought into heaven. This will be your reward for being faithful to Me during the tribulation. Trust in Me so you can face your trials of the coming tribulation.”

Tuesday, September 14, 2021: (Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to have been given a relic of My true cross that you wear so you can pray over the people. The first reading of Moses holding up the bronze serpent on a pole, is a precursor for when I would be held up on the cross to redeem all of humanity who accepted Me. This was a nice service that your priest did to honor My Holy Cross. I am an example to follow that you each take up your own cross in life to carry out the mission I have given to each of you. In life you all are struggling with the trials of life with your health and working to make a living. Call on Me to help you through the hard times of deaths and sickness. Even now your authorities are trying to force a poisonous Covid shot on everyone. Stand up to these evil people, and refuse these shots that could kill you. This is illegal for the evil ones to force a death shot on people to reduce the population. Trust in Me to protect My believers from these unnecessary death shots. Eventually, you will need to come to the protection of My refuges, when these evil ones will try to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read how I was crucified on the cross, and I was buried in a tomb in the Holy Sepulcher. You have been inside this tomb, and I resurrected on the third day. You are familiar with the Holy Shroud, but you may not know much about how My Holy Cross was found and authenticated. This feast day of the Exaltation of the Cross was started with the dedication of churches around 335 on September 14. St. Helena had excavations done on the site of the Holy Sepulcher, and the Holy Cross was found and verified by several healings of people who touched the Holy Cross. My son, you have witnessed several healings when you prayed with people using your relic of the Holy Cross. This Holy Cross has also been used to ward off evil spirits as well. You have also heard prayers to have demons go to the foot of the cross and never to return. Give thanks and praise for My death and Resurrection to bring salvation to mankind.”

Wednesday, September 15, 2021: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Our Lady of Sorrows said: “My dear children, I had many sorrows with my Son, Jesus’ death, but I am also sad that many of my children have lost their way, and I need to lead them back to my Son, Jesus. I mentioned to you to put my Seven Sorrows in this message in case you may have forgotten them: (Seven Sorrows)
1.) Prophecy of Simeon at the Presentation in the Temple.
2.) Flight into Egypt.
3.) The loss of Jesus in the Temple.
4.) Mary encounters Jesus on the Way of the Cross.
5.) Jesus dies on the Cross.
6.) Jesus is taken down from the Cross.
7.) Jesus is laid in the Tomb.
Every mother grieves over the loss of a son. You and your wife also grieved when you lost your son, David. But you have a saint in heaven praying for you, along with Mary, his sister, who died with a miscarriage. You have had messages from David and Mary which have been a consolation for both of you. I continue to bring souls to my Son, and I continue to encourage my children to pray my rosary every day, wear my brown scapular of protection, and come to frequent Confession. My Son, Jesus, and I love you all very much and we do not want any souls lost in hell. Call on me to put my mantle of protection over your family members.”

Thursday, September 16, 2021: (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian)
Jesus said: “My people, you all are sinners, even if some are worse than others. You come to Me in the priest in Confession to have your sins forgiven. I know in your human condition that you are weak to sin because of Adam’s sin. But you can have your souls cleansed of sin in Confession, and you are restored in My graces. Do not stay away from Confession, but come frequently at least monthly. Seeking Me to forgive your sins may be hard for some because it is a sign of your spiritual weakness. Put your pride and fear aside when you come to Confession, because I am like the father of the Prodigal Son, who was happy to receive his son back from his sinful living. I love all of you and I want to keep you close to Me, so I can protect you from the temptations of the devil. If you truly love Me, then you will be sincere in your prayers, and always ready to serve Me out of love for Me. Trust in My power over the evil ones, and I will protect you from them.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I have enabled one of your prayer group members to capture a GPS photo that showed a bright light of an angel who was making your house invisible. The evil ones will not be able to see your refuge because St. Meridia, your refuge angel, is putting an invisible shield over your refuge. This picture shows you what people will see. Give thanks to Me for giving you a glimpse of your current protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more control of your authorities over where you can travel. Some countries are already controlling their people in how far they can travel. You are seeing more restrictions coming, especially on your unvaccinated people. You will first see vaccine passports that will allow where you can travel. Soon you will see more mandates for chips in your body for the mark of the beast. This will be the next means of travel on your main highways. Only the chipped people will be allowed on these roads. Have your refuges ready for the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these wooden chairs because I want you to hold on to your seats because the events are going to move quickly around you. I told you that I was going to speed up the earth so you would face a lot less time for the coming tribulation. You will see time speeding up as I will speed up the earth’s rotation. At the appropriate time of God the Father, you will have the Warning and the conversion time of six weeks. You could come to Confession more frequently, so your soul is ready for your mini-judgment.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have prepared some cut wood for your insert fireplace and your two fire pits for cooking. You practiced burning logs in your fireplace with your refuge practice runs. Your treated logs can start your fires when it is needed in the winter. Just as I will multiply your kerosene and propane fuels, so I will multiply your wood as well. Be thankful that I will supply all of the fuels that you will need to heat your house and for your cooking. This will also be supplied for your new high rise building as well. Have no fear because My angels will be busy supplying you with what you need every day during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing the building of your high rise structure in more detail. St. Joseph was giving instructions to the angels how to dig the basement, put the basement blocks together, and build the steel structure as well. You will be amazed how fast the angels will build this building in one day. Remember that the angels can work outside of time because they are not limited by time. I told you that I would take care of the lights, the latrines, and the heating of this building. Your people will need to organize your kitchens and provide the daily two meals. Your soups will be prepared every day, and your pots will not go empty until the end of the day, so everyone will be fed. Give thanks and praise to Me every day at your Adoration Chapel.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you how I will power the lights and even the elevators in this new high rise building. I told you to trust in Me in how I will manage this building for all the people who I will send to you. You prepared your refuge for forty people and I will multiply what you have stored so all the people will have what they will need to survive. I will multiply the water from your well. You will use your empty blue barrels to store the water as it is needed. I love all of My faithful and when you see My miracles, your people will truly believe, even as I provided the manna and meat for My people in the desert with Moses. I only ask that you believe that I can do this.”

Jesus said: “My people, My faithful will be healed of all of your illnesses when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky. This will be provided for all of My refuges. You asked if anyone will die at the refuges. As long as your people believe in My miracles, all of you will remain healthy throughout the tribulation at My refuges. You need to trust in Me to provide for all of your needs, and it will be your prayers at Adoration that will strengthen you to endure your refuge life. At the end of the tribulation time, I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones. I will raise you up into the air, and I will renew the earth. Then I will bring you down into My Era of Peace. You will rejoice with Me as I will be victorious over the evil ones. Keep praying and trust in My angels to protect you throughout the tribulation.”

Friday, September 17, 2021: (St. Francis receives his stigmata)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many people who seek fame and money in this world, and they neglect to take care of their soul and their spiritual life. The Gospel is clear when you understand the difference between this human life and the spiritual life in heaven. (Matt. 16:26) ‘For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?’ Your soul is immortal, and you were made to be with Me in heaven for all eternity. Every soul has free will and you need to choose your eternal destination either in heaven with My love, or in hell with the hate of the devil. Do not be misled by the creature comforts of your humanity. This life is only temporary in the body, but the soul leaves the body at death and you will be judged based on how much you love Me and your neighbor. So choose life, but remember you are choosing where you will be for all eternity. I treasure souls the most beyond anything in your current life. My people should treasure their souls as well, and choose to be with the One who loves you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have read various articles that the world food supplies are very low and there could be a world famine. I want you to do some research to verify how your crop warehouses are diminishing in their stocks. Look at the future or present crop storage from this year’s harvest of wheat, corn, soybeans, etc. Put the results of your research in your message to inform people how low your food supplies are. I have been encouraging My faithful to try and store 3 months to 12 months of food for each household member. If you have the money and storage room, you should try to save as much as you can up to 12 months. If your people do not have enough food, call on Me and I will multiply what you have, and I will make room to store it, even before I call you to My refuges.”
Note: The food stocks for the US are down about 25% or more depending on what figures are reported.

Saturday, September 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, My believers may be tested by some of the pleasures in life, but there are also the 30, 60, and 100 fold people who are planted in good soil. If you are given more gifts, you will be expected to do more, like the hundredfold. The more you are given, the more the evil one will attack you with his temptations. You need to ask yourself if you are living up to what I expect of you. There is no time to be lazy, but you need to make the best use of your time in evangelizing people, and helping your neighbor. My son, you have two missions, and you need to attend to them as much as possible. One mission is sharing My messages, and your other mission is to have your refuge ready for the people. Keep working hard, and keep your family in your daily prayers. By struggling forward every day with My graces, you will reach your goal in heaven, and fulfill your missions.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I bring My Warning at God the Father’s time, you will see everything freeze in place. I will then take every soul out of time and out of their bodies all at the same time all over the world. You will see your life review, a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell, and then you will have a quick visit to your place of judgment. Then you will be placed back into your bodies and back into time. You will have a second chance to change your life and possibly change your eternal destination. For all of the people, who do not change their lives, their eternal destination will be the place of their mini-judgment. After the Warning My faithful will have an opportunity to convert your family members to believers in Me so they can enter My refuges with a cross on their foreheads. After the six weeks of conversion, I will call My believers to the safety of My refuges. You are very close to the time of My Warning when all of the events of the end times will lead up to your refuge time and the time of the tribulation of the Antichrist. This is why My believers need to be ready to leave their homes for My refuges, and My refuge builders need to have everything ready to receive the people who I will send to their refuges. Trust in Me because My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and they will provide for all of your needs.”

Sunday, September 19, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I was telling My apostles how I would be crucified, buried, and on the third day I would rise from the dead. But My apostles were deciding who was the greatest among them. At that, I told them whoever wishes to be first, must be the servant of all. Then I showed the apostles the innocent faith of the children. If people want to come to heaven, then they must come to Me with the faith of a child’s gentle, and humble faith. You need to show your sincere love for Me and your neighbors, and I will welcome you to your place in heaven. Today is Catechetical Sunday, so My people must be willing to share their faith with everyone, especially the children. Give good example to everyone as they see you coming to Sunday Mass and praying your daily rosary.”

Monday, September 20, 2021: (St. Andrew Kim & Korean martyrs)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you see the Persian King helping to build the Temple in Jerusalem. In today’s world you are closing churches instead of building them, because fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass. The faith in the people is getting weak, and you are worshiping the things of the world rather than Me. The Jews were exiled because they worshiped other gods. So My people of America are being taken over by the Democrat communists because you are also worshiping other gods. Wake up and defend your freedoms before your churches will be closed for good. The communists are atheists, and they will soon close your churches. The attacks on the unvaccinated people will get worse as well, because the one world people want to reduce the population using vaccines. Refuse to take the Covid shots or the flu shots, and be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message back on 10-11-11 about a possible tsunami coming from an earthquake in the Canary Islands. Now this possibility is getting closer to happening with some strong volcanic eruptions in the Canary Islands. With another severe earthquake there, you could indeed see a fast tsunami travel across the Atlantic Ocean into your East Coast. Your people need to pray and repent of your sins that this does not happen. I will still be protecting My refuges, even against such a tsunami.”

Tuesday, September 21, 2021: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My people, I called My apostles from all walks of life, even a tax collector who was hated because he collected taxes for the Romans from his people. I went to dinner with St. Matthew and his friends, and the Pharisees criticized Me for eating with sinners. I told them that I came to call sinners and not the self-righteous. You are sinners and I died on the cross to bring salvation to everyone who desires to be saved. I am also calling all of My believers to be evangelists and share their faith with others to build up My Church. This scene of calling St. Matthew reminds you, My son, of when I healed you of your computer addiction, and I called you as well to do a mission of spreading My Word. You accepted My call right away, just as St. Matthew immediately left his tax post to follow Me. I pray that many people would answer My call to spread My Word. Trust in Me that those people, who take on My mission, will have their reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is time for My refuge builders to be a little creative in thinking how to use your dried foods and making bread. You made several loaves of bread but mostly with white flour. You could get some more whole grain flour to make different bread. You could practice making recipes of bread without yeast. You could also try using your five gallon propane tank and adaptor with your Camp Chef. You may even buy a bread making machine. You may want to buy more dried vegetables for adding to your soups. Feeding large numbers of people with soups and bread will be staples for your two meals a day. Keep thinking how to make some casseroles with your cookware that you could put in a wood fire. By organizing your cooking plans, you can provide the food your people will need. Remember how I will multiply your water, food, and fuels for your survival at My refuges.”

Wednesday, September 22, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how I breathed the Holy Spirit on My apostles so they were enabled to heal people’s diseases and to expel demons. My people of today have also received the Holy Spirit in your Baptism and Confirmation. This means you can pray over people in My Name, and they can be healed. You can also pray deliverance prayers as a group to expel demons, and when you pray, you can fast as well. Some people have addictions that are controlled by demons. By praying over such people in My Name you can expel the demon and heal the addiction. Some people are taking the Covid vaccine shots, and they have complications from the shots. You can pray over these people with My Good Friday oil or the exorcism water to heal their immune system. Trust in My power to heal people through My faithful as intercessors.”

Jesus said: “My son, your wife made an attempt to look for a bread machine and other flours for some variety. Take a look online to buy some of these things if you cannot find them in the store. It would be better to buy the 25 lb size bags of other flours if they are available. I am giving this message as a follow up to giving a better look online for what is available. Take some time to locate and make any purchases.”

Thursday, September 23, 2021: (St. Padre Pio)
Jesus said: “My people, the Temple was in ruins in Jerusalem, so I encouraged the people through Ezra, the prophet, to get lumber and stone to rebuild My Temple which was the center for their worship of Me. Today, I call on all of My believers to build up My Church by sharing your faith with others and evangelizing them to the faith. Fewer people are coming to worship Me, and you are more concerned with the temporary things of this world, instead of taking care of your soul in your spiritual life. Your soul is eternal and I created you to be with Me in heaven of your own free will. You need to confess your sins frequently in Confession to keep a pure soul ready to greet Me at your judgment when you die.”

St. Padre Pio said: “I thank you for remembering me as I suffered from the stigmata for many years. Offer up your pains and discomforts to the Lord for saving souls. Be a good example of faith to all of those people around you. My son, continue to wear your cross outside.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been faithfully protesting outside of a local hospital so they would stop the Covid vaccine mandates for the nurses. This week the health care people have to make a choice between having a job or mandated Covid vaccine shots. Some people have families and they need the money to support their families. These are your front line health people that will be harmed from these shots. About 20% of the people taking these shots have complications. Your governor is threatening to bring in foreign health people. If many of your unvaccinated health people refuse these shots, you could see some severe shortages in your hospitals. My justice will fall heavy on Biden and those people threatening the people’s jobs. You may see more sick people from these shots. You can bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil or they can drink the exorcism water.”

Jesus said: “My people, you still have more time for hurricanes to develop. You also are seeing volcanic eruptions in the Canary Islands that could threaten a tsunami with another major earthquake. You are seeing a lot of flooding in the East with heavy rainstorms. You are seeing some serious droughts and fires out West. These weather disasters are testing your people and they are a punishment for your abortions and your sexual sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have a working water well, because finding fresh water is important for your survival. This shortage of fresh water could get worse if you see your electricity shut down by a number of causes. At My refuges I will multiply your water because you need water for survival. This is why I have encouraged My refuge builders to have a supply of fresh water for the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember several times that your lights did not work at night when your electricity stopped in a wide area power outage. I have given you some estimates that nearly 90% of your people would die of starvation if your electricity was stopped for a long time. This is why I have encouraged people to have at least three months supply of food in case your stores had empty shelves. Solar power and generators would be helpful in a long power outage. Call on Me if you are in need of food, and I will multiply what you have.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your authorities threaten the lives of the unvaccinated, I will call them to My refuges for My angel protection. When protection is needed, My angels will put a shield of invisibility over My faithful. At My refuges I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. Not only are the evil ones trying to kill people with these poisonous shots, but they want to kill all the people who are going against the leftist communism that is being forced on your people. I am having My refuge builders make refuges because this is how I will protect My faithful throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. When I call you to My refuges with My inner locution, remember to leave your homes within 20 minutes with your backpack. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to have no fear of the evil ones at your refuges because My angels will do battle for you against the demons and the evil people. My refuge builders have been stocking up some food, water, and fuels for what you will need during the tribulation. You cannot store enough supplies to last for less than 3 ½ years for all of the people who I will send to you. This is why I will have to multiply your needs just as I did for the people of Moses’s time in the desert. So trust in Me that My angels will protect you, and you will have enough supplies to survive. You must believe that I can do this for all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would be with you always, even to the end of time. This is why My priests or My angels will supply you with daily Holy Communion. You will take a consecrated Host and place it in a monstrance at every refuge. This will allow you to be able to have perpetual Adoration. You will assign hours of Adoration for each person to have their time in front of My Blessed Sacrament. By having Me with you, you will have My grace to endure your time during the tribulation. Trust in My protection and My providing you with what you will need for your survival.”

Friday, September 24, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked My disciples first, ‘Who do the people say I am?’ They replied: ‘Some say St. John the Baptist or one of the prophets. Then I asked them: ‘But who do you say that I am?’ St. Peter said: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I told My apostles not to reveal this to anyone, but truly I am the Second Person of God in the Blessed Trinity. My people of today are fortunate to have My Blessed Sacrament that you receive in every Mass. I am truly Present in My Eucharist, and you have Me in your soul for a short time. This is a little taste of heaven on earth. I ask that you receive Me worthily in the state of grace without mortal sin, or you commit a sin of sacrilege if you are in mortal sin. I love all of My people so much, and I give you graces and your guardian angel to protect you from the temptations of the devil. I will protect you further at My refuges, where many angels are standing side by side all around the perimeter of a refuge’s property. This is the protection you will need from the Antichrist and the demons during the tribulation. Rejoice that I am protecting My refuges even now, just as you saw your friend in Louisiana when her refuge buildings were protected even from Hurricane Ida’s winds.”

Jesus said: “My people, your satellites are linked in to your banking system that moves money over the internet. You are seeing explosions in space because you have rogue satellites armed with missiles that could take down your communication satellites. This would be a threat to your banking system and your military defenses. On the ground you could see another means of attack on your electric grid from various hackers. If your enemy nations can take down your electric grid with hackers, you would have many people without money that would not move in your banks. The one world people will use hackers first. If that is unsuccessful, then they would use an EMP attack on your grid. Without electricity your country would be paralyzed. If such an event happens, I will call my people to My refuges. If your lives are threatened, I will bring My Warning, and then you will be called to My refuges. Be ready to come to My refuges, because some serious events will be going on.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many serious events about to commence, and I am warning your people to come to frequent Confession, and have your three months of food on hand. If your finances or your electric grid collapse, you will need to come to the protection of My refuges. You will be sharing My recent messages at your talk tomorrow, and warn the people not to take the poisonous Covid shots or the flu shots.”

Saturday, September 25, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, you are preparing for your skype conference with your friends at Gospa Prayer house. In your vision I was showing you a river of living water from the Holy Spirit who will help speak through you the words of My messages. Call on the Holy Spirit to start your talk, and pray the St. Michael prayer to protect you from any evil ones who want to disrupt your presentation. In the first reading at Mass you heard of a wall of fire being put around Jerusalem to protect the people. My son, at your refuge I have shown you in the picture how your refuge angel, St. Meridia, is putting an invisible shield around your refuge so the evil ones will not see it during the tribulation. I have also shown you all of the tall angels standing side by side protecting all of My refuges on the whole perimeter of each refuge, even now. Give thanks and praise to Me for all of My protection, and My multiplication of your needs at the proper time.”

Jesus said: “My people, your hurricane season is not over and you are seeing one more strong storm that could hit your coast. You have had some severe damage this year, but your people are still far away from Me. You are being tested by your storms, and the Democrats who are causing major damage to your country. Your border being open has been a major disaster, but nothing is being done to stop the endless flow of illegal immigrants. If the Democrats stay in power, your country will soon fall apart with their disastrous policies. Pray for your people to fight the forced vaccine mandates. The illegal immigrants are not being vaccinated, so your Covid virus control is getting out of hand. You will be seeing a continuing disaster with your government spending and out of control deficits.”

Sunday, September 26, 2021:(Mass for Camille Remacle,Carol’s dad)
Camille said: “Hello again, John. I am happy to talk with you again. In this vision you are seeing a great divide, and not between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, but between those who believe in God, and those who do not believe in God. Your mission of encouraging the believers to come to God’s refuges is truly about dividing the believers from the non-believers in God. At the refuges it is true that God’s angels will be protecting the believers from being harmed from the demons, or the evil people who are trying to kill the believers. After the coming Warning, God will be calling His believers to His refuges. During the conversion time, you need to reach out to evangelize Vic and all of the lukewarm souls in your families. Only the believers will be given the cross on the forehead that will enable them to enter God’s refuges. Keep praying for all of the souls who are away from God that this conversion time will be their means of being saved in God’s kingdom. I look forward to the day when you all can come to heaven.”

Monday, September 27, 2021: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to imitate St. Vincent de Paul in how he helped the poor. The more you help others instead of keeping things just for yourself, the more treasure you will be saving up in heaven for your judgment. You need to give your time to help others, your donations of money, and your prayers for converting sinners. You need to show your love for Me and your neighbor by helping others whenever you can. Do not be spiritually lazy, but do something for the poor and your family with your daily prayers and actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, souls in lower purgatory are those who were barely saved from hell. These are the lukewarm souls who had relatives praying for their souls to be saved. The souls in the flames need to have a minimum time before Masses and prayers could move them up out of the flames. All the prayers and Masses will be applied to them once they have done this minimum time. My faithful need to pray for your relatives who may still be in purgatory. You can also pray for the souls in purgatory who have no one to pray for them. You pray for people on earth, but do not forget to pray for the poor souls in purgatory so they can come to heaven in time.”

Tuesday, September 28, 2021: (St. Wenceslaus)
Jesus said: “My people, the unvaccinated people are under attack, and today you are seeing the workers in the health field being forced to take the poisonous Covid shots, or they would lose their job. This is an attack on your freedoms when you allow these threats against your jobs to force people to take these shots. The people who work at larger work places are allowed to get tested for Covid virus, but soon this option will be taken away for all workers, and they will need to take the shots also. You have seen some demonstrations and protests, but this has not stopped your President or your governor. These shots will kill people in a few years, and they are not really required of those people who have had the Covid virus. You are seeing total control from your evil masters. This will put more people out of work who refuse the shots. You already are having a worker shortage. Your people will either have to revolt, or come to My refuges to avoid this communist control. I will send My Warning when the evil ones try to kill or imprison My faithful. After My Warning, you will be called to My refuges. Be prepared.”

Wednesday, September 29, 2021:(St.Michael,St.Gabriel, St.Raphael)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael, and I stand before God. You are witnessing all the evil in the world that the Lord is allowing because of the free will of man. Toward the end of the tribulation there will be a great battle on earth called the Battle of Armageddon. I will be leading this battle with God’s angels and his faithful against the demons and the evil people. Just as I was victorious with God’s grace in casting the demons into hell out of heaven, so with God’s grace I will defeat the demons and the evil ones as they will again be cast into hell as well. Have no fear of the evil ones because I will be protecting the faithful at the Lord’s refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the evil ones using your Covid trial to try and control you with their evil poisonous shots. They are threatening the unvaccinated with losing their jobs if they do not get vaccinated. Your people are stressed about their jobs, but they are not pushing back about these communist tactics. The Covid shots are not a total cure from Covid virus because some vaccinated people are still getting sick, and some are with worse complications than the Covid virus. Be aware that the vaccines are being used to reduce the population on purpose, and the vaccinated people are getting blood clots from the shots. When the next wild corona virus comes, the vaccinated people will be dying in the streets as I showed you in visions because their immune system is destroyed by the vaccines. Your leaders are taking away your freedoms, but they will pay when My justice falls on them. Be ready for My coming Warning, and after the Warning, you will be called to My refuges of protection. After the tribulation of the Antichrist you will see My angels will defeat the demons and the evil people at the Battle of Armageddon, and the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Thursday, September 30, 2021: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My people, I came on the earth to fulfill the words of the law in the Scriptures. It is important to know and understand My words, so you can live your life in the Light of My grace. That is why you should listen closely to the words of the Gospel that are read to you every day at Mass. This is why I wanted you to have your Magnificat or other books so you could remember My words and be able to recite them to others, if needed. You also have My prophets of today as there were prophets in the Old Testament. You need to listen to their words as well, because I send them to you just as I sent My disciples out to the towns to prepare the towns for when I would speak. So when My prophets or messengers go before you, they need to have a place to stay and eat, for they are worthy of their keep. Listen to My words that go before you, because you may not have this grace of My words for long. A time of the evil tribulation of the Antichrist is about to come before you, when I will call My faithful to My refuges for your protection. Trust in Me and My words of warning for that time.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are being told lies upon lies from the father of lies in Satan. It is a lie that you need a poisonous shot, because those people, who had the Covid virus, do not need a vaccine. The vaccines will kill you in a few years, but the media is lying to you that you need this shot. The media lies to you about all of the vaccinated people who are getting the Covid virus, and some are dying, or are deathly sick with blood clots. The real truth is that the vaccines and boosters are designed to kill you and reduce the population. The evil ones want to kill all those people, who refuse these shots, because you are against their deadly plans. Trust in Me that I will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing lock downs coming to America as most of your sick and dying people are the vaccinated people. The more shots and boosters people take, the quicker they could develop symptoms and die. Refuse to take any Covid shot, boosters, or flu shots. They will all destroy your immune system, and you could die from the next corona virus if you take the shots. As the evil ones try to restrict your travel and freedoms, I will soon call you to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, your new governor in New York is becoming more dictatorial than your previous governor in trying to force everyone to get the Covid shots. You are seeing a shortage of workers in your hospitals and other critical jobs. Your governor is planning to bring in National Guard troops to fill any needed vacancies. This is against your separation of civilians from the military. She will use these same troops for the coming checkpoints to limit where you can travel. These are more signs of how close your refuge time is coming. Trust in Me and My angels to protect My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, your fuels could be in danger from the people who want to stop using your fossil fuels. Some people are trying to get others to use electric cars, but they do not realize this puts a strain on your power plants that are already at maximum capacity. When your fuels get scarce because of poor management of your fossil fuels, you may not have enough fuel for your cars. This will be enhanced if you have another virus shutdown. Have your backpacks or roller boards and refuges ready for these coming trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people who are running your government are radicals and they are against using fossil fuels. There are not enough means for supplying the energy you need with green sources. More restrictions on your fuels will cause the shortages that will restrict your travel. Trust in Me to multiply your fuels at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My refuge builders need to fix up their refuges and their food supplies so they are ready to feed all the people who I will send to each refuge. You have heating and cooking needs that will require My multiplication of your wood, kerosene, propane and other fuels for your winter season that is coming. You will need these fuels when your natural gas lines go empty. You will also need propane and wood for cooking your food. You will have to adapt to refuge life without electricity and your natural gas. Trust in Me that My angels will assist you and I will multiply your fuels, food, and water.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the evil ones try to kill My faithful, I will bring My Warning to protect them, and I will bring My justice down on the evil ones. Your guardian angels will be leading My faithful to My refuges with the flames. Your refuges will be protected by My angels, and only believers with a cross on the forehead will be allowed into My refuges. This is why you need to try and convert your family members to the faith during the conversion time after the Warning. You will be so thankful for all of My refuges that will have invisible shields that will protect you from the evil ones. Trust in Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels that you will need for your survival.”

Friday, October 1, 2021: (Rosemarie Thummler Funeral Mass)
Rosemarie said: “I want to thank my family and friends for coming to my funeral. I am at peace and I will be in heaven shortly with my Lord. My church and my Lord were the center of my life. I was laughing with all of you when you mentioned how I loved desserts. I am praying for all of my family members and I ask for your prayers and one more Mass. I will be watching over you, and keep me in your loving hearts as I love all of you. I await the day when I can see all of you in heaven.”
P.S. I have no more worries.

(St. Therese of Lisieux) Jesus said: “My people, when I told you the angels would be protecting your house from harm, I am showing you how your windows would not even break. Just as if they were made out of guerrilla glass, your windows will be protected. My angels are also protecting you from fire, bullets, bombs, or any evil people. You have seen a few miracles to show you how My angel protection is real, even if you cannot see My angels protecting you. I have given you a mission to set up a refuge at your house, and you have followed all of My suggestions. Now you have your solar batteries fixed and your solar panels are in place. Your off grid solar system will power your water pump and your two sump pumps in your basement, especially in the winter. You have beds, food, water from your well, and the fuels as I recommended. Be ready, for My refuge time is coming soon to protect you from the evil ones.”

Saturday, October 2, 2021: (Guardian angel day, Mark as my angel)
St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God as I was appointed to watch over you, my son. You could be a little more reverent and I urge you to read the Bible more. You are much easier to watch over because you are aware of all of the evil around you, thanks to the words of Jesus that you receive every day. I watch over you when you are driving in your car. Even when you had your car accidents, I was there guiding you. You are sensing the plans of the evil ones who want to give all of the Covid shot resisters trouble for not going along with the one world people’s plan. You also have prepared your refuge well. The Lord has shown you all of the other angels who are protecting your refuge. This will be your place of protection throughout the coming tribulation. You are blessed to be one of our Lord’s leaders to help protect the faithful who will come to your refuge. You have been shown the plans of the angels who will help build your high rise building to house the 5,000 people who will come. I will be helping you also to direct the people to safety. Just as you read how the angels protected the Israelites from their enemies, so your refuge angels will be protecting you with shields against any evil ones who want to attack you. Trust in our help in guiding you, protecting you, and providing for your daily Holy Communion. We will assist you also in the multiplication of your food, water, and fuels. Pray with us and give glory and thanks to God for all He does for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people are being distracted by your sports games, while the Democrat socialists are stealing your freedoms with vaccine mandates, and arbitrary Executive Orders from Biden. The vaccines are toxic with graphene oxide, and people will die with two or three shots. The media and Biden have lied to the people that vaccines are safe, and will protect people from the Covid virus. These are lies and the vaccines could kill you over time, and the vaccinated people still get sick. Now there is a war against the unvaccinated people and they are being turned into second class citizens with less rights than the illegal immigrants who are crossing the border illegally. There is discrimination with the vaccine mandates when Congress and the illegal immigrants are exempt from being forced to take the Covid shots. These shots are a means of reducing the population, and they are being forced on My faithful. Refuse to take these shots, even if they threaten to kill you. This is why I will soon bring My Warning before any attempts for martial law or a shutdown. After My Warning and the conversion time, I will call My faithful to My refuges, and I will bring My justice down on the evil ones who will be cast down into hell. Trust in My angel protection as I will defeat the evil ones at the Battle of Armageddon.”

Sunday, October 3, 2021: (Right to Life Mass by Bishop Matano)
Jesus said: “My people, I am happy to see a Mass for Right to Life. Once a new conception of a human being occurs, there are two possibilities for the baby: either a live birth, or an aborted dead baby. At conception I put life into that first fertilized cell, and a guardian angel is assigned to that baby. Most of the babies survive the abortionist’s knife, and after birth they are allowed to fulfill My intended mission for that soul. In cases of abortion the baby has a shortened life, and the guardian angel assists bringing that soul to heaven as a martyr. I see all of the abortions performed in each country, and I am planning the severity of My justice on the percentage of abortions in each country. America has decisions and laws that make abortion legal to kill babies. I have mentioned before that your country will be taken over by the communists as a punishment for your abortions. Before the lives of My faithful are threatened, I will bring My Warning and a chance for conversion of souls. After the conversion time, I will call My believers to My angel protection at My refuges. I call on My faithful to pray and protest your abortions and your abortion laws. Keep praying at the abortion clinics to try and save My babies.”

Monday, October 4, 2021: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, I called Jonah to go to the people of Nineveh to warn them of My impending destruction of their city. Jonah fled away because he did not want to help his enemy. The evil from Nineveh was so blatant that My wrath was about to come down on them. I wanted to give these people one more chance by sending My reluctant prophet Jonah to warn them. After being thrown into the sea and being in a big fish for three days and three nights, I had the fish spew Jonah onto the shore. So Jonah went about Nineveh proclaiming that in forty days, their city would be destroyed. The people heeded this warning, and they stopped their evil ways, and they put on sackcloth and sat in the ashes. Because of their change, I relented of My intended destruction, and I did not carry it out. I see an even worse evil emanating from America, and I am calling My prophets in America to warn your people of a similar destruction that will fall on your people, unless you repent and change your evil ways. It appears that My warnings have fallen on deaf ears, and your reluctance to change your evil abortions and sexual sins is calling out for My justice. I am warning My faithful to be ready to leave for My refuges, because soon I will give you My inner locution that it is time to come to My refuges. Your destruction will be far worse than your Twin Tower incident on 9-11-01, so be prepared. Those people, who come to My refuges when I call them, will be protected from My coming wrath. Those people, who do not repent and do not seek My forgiveness, will suffer through the coming hell on earth. Trust in Me that in the end, the evil ones will be cast into hell, and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have shown you how the souls suffer from the flames of hell, and there is no hope to escape hell through the iron bars. I am warning the souls on earth to be prepared for My coming Warning with frequent Confession. All sinners will be shown their life review and judgment. After the Warning there will be a time of conversion without any evil influence. This will be the last chance for sinners to repent and ask for My forgiveness of their sins. You will then be placed back into your bodies and in time so you will have a chance to change your lives. Those people, who do not repent, will suffer a hell on earth from the plagues and the Antichrist, and then forever in hell. Try to convert your relatives during the conversion time, because you do not want anyone to be lost in hell. Only converted believers will be allowed into My refuges, where My angels will protect them from the evil ones. Trust in My protection, and have no fear during the tribulation time.”

Jesus’ blessing goes out to Joanne for this Mass.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021: (St. Faustina, Bl. Francis Seelos)
Jesus said: “My son, you see many mistakes in life made by many people, because you all have some imperfections in carrying out your work. It is hard to criticize others when you all have made mistakes in your own life. Let people correct their mistakes, and move on with their lives. You are seeing My glory in heaven in your vision. I am thankful for all of St. Faustina’s work to help all of you to understand a little about My Divine Mercy. You are faithful in praying your own Divine Mercy Chaplet at the 3:00 o’clock hour every day. I forgive all sinners of their sins in Confession when they repent of their sins. This is how forgiving I am that I have mercy on all repentant sinners. I even have given more graces to people who pray in front of My Divine Mercy picture. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I do for My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the one world people meeting, and they are planning the cashless society of a money change, and they are planning to release the next corona virus in the chemtrails. The money plan is to ultimately get rid of your paper money and coins, so there will only be a new electronic money system that will be linked with the mark of the beast for all buying and selling. The next corona virus could kill some vaccinated people, but the most people will die from the new vaccine that will be forced on the people. This is when you will see bodies on the street dying from a bleeding disease that will come from the new vaccine. Refuse to take any new vaccine shots that will be worse than the graphene oxide. Before this next virus is released, I will call My faithful to My refuges where they will be protected by My angels from any mandated shots and the military trying to force the mark of the beast on people. My believers will also see My Warning come before many people will be dying from the next virus and the new vaccine. Trust in My protection at My refuges.”

Wednesday, October 6, 2021: (Bl Rose Marie Durocher)
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are moving up their timetable for spreading the new virus that will be more deadly for the vaccinated people, because their immune system has been ruined, and they will have difficulty fighting off this new sickness. The same evil people will be putting out a more deadly new vaccine to take for the new virus. Refuse to take any vaccine shots or flu shots. This new vaccine will kill people quicker. If the evil ones try to force this new vaccine on you, or you will lose your job, then quit your job, because you cannot collect your pay if you are dead. This is why I wanted you to have three months of food ready for every member of your household because you will be facing another lock down with no food in your stores. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you an open window, but the shade is drawn down. Many times My people hear My words, but you lack understanding in how to interpret My words, and how you can apply the Gospels to your daily life. This means you have to open the shade to allow My understanding to enter your hearts. If you are preoccupied with other thoughts, it is like listening, but your mind and your heart can be far away from Me, as if the shade is still down. To understand My words in the Gospel, you need to study My Word, and have your full attention on Me with your mind and your heart. It is the same way with your individual spiritual mission. Unless you are able to let Me lead your lives, then you will not be open to following what I want you to do. You used to have two agendas: one for following Me, and one for following your own ways. It was when you accepted My mission that you realized that there is only one agenda to follow, and that is Mine. Once people accept following only My ways, then they can be open to fulfill the spiritual mission I have given them. This is why you need the open window with the shade up so you are giving Me your full attention.”

Thursday, October 7, 2021: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
At St. Charles Borromeo after Holy Communion, I could see Our Lady coming to give the message. The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, my rosary is your weapon to fight the demons and the evil in the world. This is why I request that my children pray my rosary every day, and wear my brown scapular of protection all of the time. My full rosary is actually fifteen decades, and it would be good to pray all three Mysteries of the rosary for my intentions and for your family. This is how you can have me put my mantle of protection over all of the members of your family. My dear son, a while back I asked you to not pray your rosary while you are exercising on your bike or walking. You need to pray my rosary more reverently so you can focus more on your prayers and the intention of each decade. Praying in your chapel would be the best. This is what your guardian angel, St. Mark, was telling you about being more reverent in praying your prayers. I know you were trying to save time by doing both together, but take some extra time to pray my rosary more reverently without being distracted by your exercise.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you an example how taking the Covid shots are like a slow death from blood clots. The shot has graphene oxide and the lipids that cause your body to manufacture the spike protein that causes the Covid virus. Unless someone, who is vaccinated, is blessed with the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water, they could die in a few years. This virus and vaccine are a plan to reduce the world’s population. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from this poisonous vaccine.”

Jesus said: “My people, as time goes on, more people will be getting Covid boosters which could kill people in a shorter time. Refuse to take any vaccine shot, boosters, nor flu shots. You are seeing more vaccinated people getting sick than the unvaccinated. You are also seeing some statistics showing more deaths of the vaccinated people who are dying from variants of the Covid virus. You will eventually come to My refuges before the next deadly virus and new vaccine will kill many vaccinated people. Use My Good Friday oil and exorcism water to bless the vaccinated who believe I can heal them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some health people who were fired in the hospitals and nursing homes for not taking the Covid shot. This is causing a shortage of hospital workers just as more sick people are coming to busy hospitals. This is part of a plan to cause chaos in your hospitals when your health people will become sick themselves from the vaccines. Your censored news is not reporting all of the sick and dying vaccinated people who are filling your hospitals more than the unvaccinated people. Refuse to take these shots.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is making laws that are illegal and he wants to force all workers to get the Covid shot that is not needed, especially if you had the Covid virus and have antibodies for it. The people are not pushing back against the Covid shot mandates that should not be forced on you by threatening your job. As time goes on you will be seeing more vaccinated people dying from the Covid shots that doctors will not admit are killing people. My faithful will be healed at My refuges or by being blessed with the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I thank you all for praying my rosary for your intentions. I am also blessing everyone here with my protective mantle. I lead you to my Son and He has His angels watching over all of His refuges and prayer groups. Continue praying my rosary every day for your protection. Be prepared for the coming Warning and tribulation by coming to frequent Confession to keep your souls clean of sin. Trust in me to help my Son’s faithful to be prepared to come to His refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would bring My Warning before many vaccinated people would die from the new virus and the new vaccines. After the Warning and conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges of protection with My inner locution. It will be at that time that you will see many bleeding dead bodies all over the ground. These bodies will be so contaminated with the new virus that it will take special hazmat gear to remove the dead bodies. This is why the bodies will be lying all over. Trust in My protection at My refuges where I will heal people by having them look on My luminous cross in the sky. My angels will keep the evil sick people from entering My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, be prepared to come to My refuges so you are prepared to endure the coming destruction on America. You will see famine, earthquakes, and EMP attacks on your electric grid. The evil ones will try to force the mark of the beast on everyone, just as they are mandating Covid vaccines. As your lives will be threatened by the evil ones, I will call you to the safety of My refuges, where My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. Follow the directions of My refuge leaders as they will be assigning jobs, placing of bedding, and times for Adoration in front of My monstrance.”

Friday, October 8, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you all will face temptations from the demons, but call on Me and your guardian angel to protect you. Try to avoid any addictions because this is how the demons try to control you. Keep your soul clean with frequent Confession, and keep your focus on following My ways instead of the ways of the world. If you feel you are being attacked by the demons, then call on Me and I will send you a legion of My angels to help you. Do not let disappointments or troubles disturb your peace of mind, and go where I lead you to do My work. I love you all so much that I do not want any evil ones to control you. By your daily prayers and good deeds, you can avoid the evil things going on around you. By trusting in My strength from My sacraments, you will be strong enough to ward off the attacks of the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a threat from China on Taiwan with large numbers of planes flying near Taiwan. It is hard to know how well Taiwan is prepared to stop any aggression from China. A good number of computer chips (51%) are made in Taiwan that are sent to your country in the U.S. If China did take over Taiwan, your chip shortage could stop your car manufacturing. Your country needs to make its own chips because you may not be able to depend on cheap chips in foreign countries. Your Biden government is questionable in building up your Navy and chip making capability. You could see your country at war with a poor commander-in-chief running your military. All he cares about is that the military take the Covid shots which will ruin your soldiers ability to fight a war. If your lives are threatened, I will bring My faithful to My refuges.”

Saturday, October 9, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to have the proper quote from the Bible for the violence you are seeing in the vision. (Thessalonians 5:3) ‘For when they say ‘peace and security’ even then sudden destruction will come upon them, as birth pangs upon her who is with child, and they will not escape.’ You are seeing the evil ones trying to kill many people with their poisonous viruses and vaccines. It is so evil to try and force toxic shots on everyone. So far they are only threatening your job, but a time is coming when these evil ones will threaten your life for a shot, and then they will try to force the mark of the beast on everyone. I keep telling you when the evil ones will threaten your lives to take a shot and the mark of the beast, I will call you to My refuges. Refuse to take any Covid shots or flu shots, and absolutely refuse the mark of the beast. Soon I will bring My Warning and conversion time so sinners will have a choice to follow Me or the world. I will have My angels bring you to My refuges after the conversion time. Trust in Me because this day of judgment is coming quickly, and you need to be ready to bring your backpack or roller board to My refuge.”

(Rosemarie Tummler intention) Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the most important treasure of all when you receive Me into your heart and soul at Holy Communion time. I am worth more than any of your material things, so see Me and eternal life with Me as your life’s goal. Some people are distracted by their love for sports or a love of being rich with life’s pleasures. Spending time with Me in your prayers and at Mass, are the highlights of your day. Those people, who make Me the center of their life, will be more richly rewarded in heaven, that is far more valuable than anything in this temporary world. Trust in Me to protect you from harm, and be prepared when I call My people to My refuges.”

Rosemarie Tummler told me to rejoice with her because she is now with Jesus in heaven.

Sunday, October 10, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, My Adoration people are special to Me because they fully believe in My Real Presence, and they are willing to spend time with Me when they can find a place of Adoration. I love all of My children so much, and My daily Mass people are also special to Me. My Sunday Mass people are still attending in person, despite your church closures during the Covid virus time. There are some Catholics, who have stopped coming to Mass, but I call on My faithful to respect My Third Commandment in giving Me worship and praise on Sunday. Pray for all of the fallen away Christians that they could return to worshiping Me on Sunday. Those faithful, who come to daily Mass and come to adore Me in Adoration, are special because they are going beyond what is required from My Third Commandment. I love all of you, and I desire that you keep Me in your daily prayers, and come to frequent Confession at least monthly. I want you to remain close to Me because you are about to be tested with mandatory vaccines, which you should not take. The evil ones will try to force the mark of the beast on you, but you need to refuse this because there is no cure for the mark of the beast, which will draw you to the Antichrist and to hell. Call on Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful for avoiding the Covid shots, and avoiding the mark of the beast. When your lives are threatened, I will bring you to My refuges to protect you and feed you.”

Monday, October 11, 2021: (St. John XXIII)
Jesus said: “My people, this is an evil generation also, just as I spoke of the people of My day. Truly the only sign I will give, is the sign of Jonah. This evil is calling out for My justice because the evil ones are forcing their evil, poisonous Covid shots on everyone. It is so bad, that I am pouring out My graces over the people to heal My faithful if they believe in My healing power. I will heal the vaccinated people at My refuges, and I will heal them with the Good Friday oil or when they drink the exorcism water. You can use these means to pray over the vaccinated people who have complications from receiving the mandated vaccines. This is why I am pouring out My healing graces, as in the vision. I will be separating My faithful from the evil ones at My refuges, and there will be martyrs who do not get to My refuges. Pray for the vaccinated people that they can get blessed before they die from the mandated Covid shots. Trust in Me to heal and protect My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are dealing with an evil government which will use viruses and vaccines to control your people. You will first see more persecution of the unvaccinated people. Then these evil ones will try to force Covid boosters shots, that are more deadly, on the vaccinated people. More people will get sick and they will use this to cause another shutdown. This is when you will have your churches closed again. For a while you will only be able to have Holy Communion from priests doing private Masses. You may not have Mass on the internet for very long. Before they release the next deadly virus, I will bring My Warning and conversion time. After this, I will call My faithful to My refuges, where My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion, or you will have a priest for daily Mass and Holy Communion. Trust in Me because I will find a way for you to be with Me, despite any future shutdowns.”

Tuesday, October 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing major earthquakes in Alaska and Hawii, along with eruptions of volcanoes in Hawaii and the Canary Islands. There have been some tsunami warnings, but nothing very significant. You will be seeing more serious events coming as continuing punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. The people are not repenting of their sins, and they are not changing their evil ways, so you will see more destruction. I have warned people many times to have three months of food on hand for each family member. You also need to have some water on hand. You will be seeing more food shortages and empty shelves in your stores. You could be without food and go hungry if you do not heed My words. Before the next deadly virus is released, I will bring My Warning, and after the conversion time, I will call My believers to My refuges. Have your souls ready with monthly Confession, and your backpacks ready to leave for the protection of My refuges. You will see events get worse, so be prepared. You can use the Good Friday oil and the exorcism water to heal the vaccinated people. Later at the refuges you will be healed of any sickness by looking on My luminous cross. Trust in My protection and call on My angels to deal with any evil attack.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Biden government truly is a snake pit because they speak their lies with the forked tongue of a snake. They have been lying to the American people that the Covid virus could only be stopped by everyone taking the poisonous Covid shots. If you had the Covid virus, your natural immunity antibodies is a better protection than the Covid shots. People have analyzed the Covid vials, and they have found toxic graphene oxide in the shots. This is causing blood clots and many complications that the doctors are lying about to the public to cover up the bad effects of the Covid shots on the body. The doctors are refusing to link any complications or deaths to the Covid shots in their public statements. The Biden government is allowing illegal immigrants with the Covid virus to be spread all over your country, but he wants to mandate poisonous shots for everyone but Congress and the elites. The lies and hypocrisy is so evil that I am about to bring My destruction down on these evil ones. They are far worse than the Pharisees who were hypocrites as well. Biden and his cohorts in crime are destroying your work force and your economy with his vaccine mandates and overspending that will cause massive inflation and drastically depreciate your money with all of the excess printing of dollars. No wonder that you have inflation with more dollars chasing fewer goods. The shortages are also being manipulated by giving excess stimulus and excess unemployment benefits that have caused workers to stop working in addition to people leaving their jobs to avoid the mandated Covid shots. You will be seeing a continuing backlash to these mandates that could ruin your economy. Be prepared for My Warning and My call to My refuges of protection.”

Wednesday, October 13, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, it is definitely better to be married in My Church with the sacrament of Matrimony. This is better than some couples who are not married by a priest, and more lawful than those couples who are living together without marriage. You could pray the prayer of St. Raphael, the archangel, as Tobiah did with Sarah on their wedding night. Marriage is a beautiful extension of My creation when young couples are about to have children from the marriage bed. Pray for the couple of Mike and Collette for their wedded life. I created man and woman to live together in marriage with My Presence as a third partner in every marriage. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of My creations.”

(Our Lady of Fatima) Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy for Mike and Collette at their wedding. This feast of Fatima on the 13th of October is to remind you of My promises to the children. I want you, my son, to look up these promises and add them to My message. You have been to Fatima, Portugal to visit when you saw a 100,000 people in the plaza celebrating the 70th anniversary of my apparitions. I taught the three children the rosary and St. Michael gave them Holy Communion. Stay close to our two hearts of my Son and myself in your rosary prayers, and wearing your scapulars of my protection. I told you about how Russia would spread its errors, but now you have the Democrat socialists spreading their errors and lies all over your country. Have no fear because my Son and His angels will protect His faithful. Be ready for my Son’s Warning and the coming tribulation, when you will be called to the safety of my Son’s refuges. My Son and I love all of you so much, and we will be guiding you to the Era of Peace and later into heaven. Rejoice in the love of our two hearts.”

1) Whoever shall faithfully serve Me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.
2) I promise My special protection and the greatest graces to all who shall recite the Rosary.
3) The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
4) It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
5) The soul which recommends itself to Me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.
6) Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.
7) Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.

Those who are faithful in reciting the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.
9) I shall deliver from purgatory, those who have been devoted to the Rosary.
10) The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.
11) You shall obtain all you ask of Me by the recitation of the Rosary.
12) All those who propagate the holy Rosary shall be aided by Me in their necessities.
13) I have obtained from My Divine Son, that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors, the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.
14) All who recite the Rosary are My sons, and brothers of My only son Jesus Christ.
15) Devotion to My Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

Thursday, October 14, 2021: (St. Callistus I)
Jesus said: “My people, because I preached a different Word of love than the Pharisees, I, Myself was persecuted and crucified. I Resurrected, and all of My followers and My prophets of today are also criticized for following My ways. The worldly people worship their money and their pleasures, instead of worshiping Me on Sunday. Whenever you speak the truth, the media and the one world people put you down, and they want to silence those people who are speaking the truth. In fact the evil ones are planning to kill many people by their lies about needing a vaccine that will kill you in time. The mandated vaccines are against your laws. Taking Covid shots should not be mandatory, and they should not violate your free will choice to refuse these poisonous shots. Any vaccine in the past that has caused so many complications and deaths would have been taken off the market, and definitely would not be forced on you. The real purpose for the viruses and the vaccines, is to reduce the population. This is why I have warned My faithful to refuse the Covid shots and the flu shots. Those people, who are vaccinated, can be healed by blessing them with the Good Friday oil, or drinking the exorcism water. As the Biden people push their evil agenda, I will call My people to My refuges, where they will be healed and protected from these evil mandates.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing storms and tornadoes where there is rain coming down. You are also seeing tornadoes causing damage in the middle of your country. In places of dryness you are seeing water shortages out West that are causing problems with fires, and less water for the farmers’ crops. It is difficult to find the right amount of water for everyone. Pray that your people can lessen their sins, so you will have less destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Biden Administration has been overspending and this is causing high inflation, which is like a tax on your income. Your job’s raises are not keeping up with the current rate of inflation, and your Federal Reserve is starting to tighten the money supply. If inflation increases, you could see higher rates. You are seeing prices increasing on almost everything. Companies are having to increase the cost of their products which causes problems in paying for more expensive necessities. Your fixed income people on Social Security will be seeing a higher cost of living that is requiring higher benefits. Trust in Me to help people make ends meet.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden wants everyone to take the Covid shots, and he even has companies forcing vaccine mandates, or people would lose their jobs. Some workers would rather walk off their jobs than be forced to take the poisonous Covid vaccines that are causing serious complications and even deaths that are not being reported. Just as employers are finding it hard to get workers, now Biden’s vaccine mandates are causing even more worker shortages. Biden is ruining your economy in many ways. Pray that your people can find work to feed their families without being forced to take the Covid shots.”

Jesus said: “My people, Russia is looking to take over the Ukraine, and China is making more threats to take over Taiwan. Because of Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, this makes the United States look weak in protecting its allies. Because Biden is helping China, it is possible that he will not object to China’s takeover of Taiwan. This weakness could cause a war because of Biden’s weak military support. Since Taiwan makes 51% of your chips, your car manufacturing would be in jeopardy if Taiwan was taken over by China. Pray that you do not have a war, but America’s standing as a world power is weakening because of Biden.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the beginning of more severe shortages in your stores because there is a truck driver shortage causing a hold up in the transfer of goods. You may even see your military called in to move needed goods to your stores before more shelves turn bare. Some parts of your economy are recovering, but shortages of food and goods could cause problems for your people. Pray that you can find the food that people need to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, as the numbers of sick people increase, your hospitals will have fewer nurses and doctors to handle any surges of sick people. This problem is getting worse among your health people because many are retiring or leaving because of the vaccine mandates. This will cause problems as more people will be getting sick in the winter. Some governors are even speaking of bringing in the military to help with a shortage of health workers. The military may not have the skills of nurses and doctors to help the sick patients. Pray for the lifting of the vaccine mandates so your skilled people can return to work.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing higher prices coming this winter for heating your homes. Part of the problem is inflation and another part is a shortage in fuel supplies. Not everyone can afford the 20% increase in prices for natural gas and other fuels. The elderly may need checking to see that they are not dying from the cold, if they cannot pay for the heating increases. Pray for your people this winter so you all can keep warm for your survival. Be prepared with your three months supply of food if your store shelves go empty.”

Friday, October 15, 2021: (St. Teresa of Avila, Shirley H. Mass)
Shirley H. said: “I want to thank you for having this Mass offered for my intention. You are helping me move closer to heaven out of purgatory. My husband, Bill, told you of some of my gifts, and I am sorry that we did not talk to you more about these things. I had many of the visions that you are seeing. It is because of these gifts of mine, that I am open to share my being in upper purgatory. Keep praying for My soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are behind any changes in your money system. In 1913 they set up the Federal Reserve system which was to guarantee the depositors money in the bank. The Federal Reserve is holding interest rates artificially low to encourage buying homes and cars. Now the banks do not give you any reasonable interest return on your deposits. So people are investing in the stock market, bitcoin, and annuities. If inflation gets out of control, this would force interest rates up and your dollar assets would deteriorate. These evil ones are planning to do away with cash and coins to cause a cashless society depending on credit. This will then lead to the mark of the beast which will be required for all buying and selling. This will also lead up to the Antichrist declaring himself for the coming tribulation. When you see mandates to have the mark of the beast, then I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection. These evil ones will try to kill people who do not go along with the new world order, and that is why you will need My angel protection. Trust in Me to protect My believers from the one world people with My many angels.”

Uncle Bill moved up in purgatory with this Mass.

Saturday, October 16, 2021: (St. Margaret Mary Alocoque)
Jesus said: “My people, a time of refuges is coming when My faithful of today will also be hiding from the evil ones who will be searching to kill you because of your love for Me. You will be considered resisters and even terrorists for not following the new world order. The evil ones will want to place resisters and believers in God in their detention death camps. This is why I have had My refuge builders set up refuges for My angel protection from your modern day communist killers. Be ready to come to My refuges when I will give you My inner locution notice that it is time to come to My refuges. Be also ready to live a new life of survival in worshiping Me every day, and preparing your meals and heating your refuge places. I will multiply your food, water, fuels, and even places for people to stay at My refuges. You will have My angel protection throughout the tribulation. You will come to My Era of Peace after My victory over the Antichrist and the evil ones. Trust in My protection and My providing for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress is facing another threat to passing your debt limit increase. The Republicans allowed a $480 billion increase in the debt limit until early December. The next vote will need to come from the Democrats alone. This year your Congress already approved over $2 trillion for the Covid expenses. Now your Congress wants to approve another $1 trillion for an infrastructure bill that only has 10% going directly for infrastructure. This was passed by a bipartisan vote in the Senate, but it is being held up in the House unless another $3.5 trillion bill is passed which contains many parts to control your people even more. If there are not enough votes to pass either legislation, these bills could not happen this year. If these spending bills do pass, this could increase your debt beyond even being able to pay for the interest. They would destroy parts of your economy with no way to pay for these debts. Your people need to pray that your Congress sees these bills as a disaster, and they should not pass either bill.”

Sunday, October 17, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, this dark cave represents the evil of the people in this world that is caused by the devil. I am showing you My Light to give you hope in My power, that with Me, you can overcome this evil. You are threatened by the evil viruses and vaccines of the evil ones. Refuse to take the poisonous vaccines and flu shots because in time they could kill you. Trust in My healing power with the Good Friday oil and drinking the exorcism water. If your pray and ask Me for a healing, I will heal you, if you believe that I can heal you. My power is greater than all of the evil ones, so trust in My healing and My protection at My refuges.”

Monday, October 18, 2021: (St. Luke)
Jesus said: “My people, ask the harvest master to send more laborers out for the harvest of souls because the time of the tribulation draws near. By your Baptism and Confirmation I am calling My faithful to reach out to help the souls who have fallen away from Me, especially in your own families. Time is running out to save souls as the end time events are closing in on you. My son, you are one of My laborers, and you need to be persistent and continue to spread My messages out to the people on your Zoom conferences and on your website. I am also calling My refuge builders to have everything ready to receive My faithful when I will send out My inner locution that it is time to come to My safe havens of protection. You are seeing several possibilities of disasters and threats from your government that could endanger your lives. Trust in Me that I will send My Warning before your lives will be threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am drawing your attention to the erupting volcano in the Canary Islands. The lava is flowing violently, and there are some sizeable earthquakes. Keep your eye on the intensity of the earthquakes to see about the frequency of the eruptions, and the size of the earthquakes. You need to see if this activity is increasing or subsiding. You have read about the possibility of a tsunami from this activity, and many people have had to evacuate their homes on the island. There are pretty good alert systems to warn you of any impending tsunamis. Just be ready to leave for high ground if a large tsunami is coming. Trust in Me also to warn you if people’s lives are in danger.”

Tuesday, October 19, 2021:(Brebeuf,Jogues,North American martyrs)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how people used a stream of water to turn a wheel which ground the wheat into flour with a millstone. This making of flour enables you to make your daily bread, which reminds you of My Eucharistic Bread that you take in daily Holy Communion at Mass. At your refuge you have stored up some flour so you can bake your bread in your three Camp Chef ovens using propane containers. At each of your four practice refuge runs, you made four loaves of bread each time. Have some bread recipes handy for making bread with and without yeast. Many people use bread daily for toast or for making sandwiches. This bread also goes well with the soups that you will be making as well. You will need these skills and materials for your meals at your refuges when you are hungry. I will multiply your flour and propane gas to continue baking your bread at your refuge. Trust in Me for your protection at My refuges, as well as providing your food, water, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning people not to take the poisonous Covid vaccines or the flu shots for a long time because your truthful doctors have been telling you how vaccinated people will die in a few years. Those people, who do not believe what I have said, are risking their own lives. I have given you a healing using the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water. When you use these means and believe that I can heal you, you will not die from the vaccines. Before the Warning I am giving everyone an opportunity for the vaccinated people to call on Me to heal them. If they believe in My healing power, these vaccinated people will be healed. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus is released. After the Warning, I will tell the vaccinated people openly during the conversion time that they can be healed from the Covid vaccines if they believe that I can heal them. After the conversion time, I will call My believers to My refuges where they will be healed of any sickness by looking on My luminous cross. The vaccinated people need to heed My words of healing, or they will die a slow death from the Covid vaccines. Trust in My protection and healing when I will call My believers to My refuges.”

Wednesday, October 20, 2021: (St. Paul of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, be prepared in your souls because you do not know the day of the Son of Man’s return to the earth at the judgment. The best preparation for your soul is frequent Confession and daily prayer as at daily Mass. The physical preparation for the coming tribulation is to be ready to leave for My refuges with your backpacks or roller boards ready to load into your car. My refuge builders are finishing up with last minute needs, or My angels will finish any needed preparations. Much will be expected of those people who know of the end times, and more will be expected from My refuge builders. Pray that you are doing all that I have asked of you. Trust in My protection and feeding you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the Covid shots are full of toxic graphene oxide that causes blood clots and it will kill people. Now you are reading how the evil leaders want to force the toxic Covid shots on your young children who rarely get sick from the Covid virus. The young children, who rarely get sick from the Covid virus, have more glutathione which is an antioxidant which helps keep the blood from clotting. Pray that your people will rise up against these toxic shots for the young children. The evil ones who want to reduce the population are forcing toxic Covid shots on the elderly, the workers, and now the young children. These evil ones should have a millstone put around their necks and be thrown into the sea for trying to kill My little ones. Pray to protect your children from these poisonous shots that the evil ones are trying to force on them.”

Thursday, October 21, 2021: (Alice Sutherland intention)
Jesus said: “My people, the division I spoke of is how families would be divided over who believes in Me, and those who do not believe in Me. Everyone is called to Me in the Gospel, but not everyone wants to give up their life to Me, your Creator. You have many other divisions that are being created by your government and your health officials. Biden is pushing to vaccinate everyone with the poisonous Covid shots, so you have those who are vaccinated against those who do not want to take these shots that will be a slow death. The one world people are using lies with the media to reduce the population with these Covid shots. You do not need these shots because your natural immunity is better. Biden is forcing people to choose between the shots or their jobs. It is better to refuse these shots and trust in finding another means to support yourselves. Those people, who are vaccinated, can be healed with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water, or by calling on Me to heal them. All means of healing occur when you believe that I can heal you. The most important division is who will follow My laws and repent, or who will refuse My love and refuse to repent. My followers will be rewarded in heaven, but the non-believers will be cast into hell forever. Choose life with Me for those people who want to be with Me forever in heaven.”

Alice: Jesus said: “My people, Alice was a stalwart and strong in the faith to keep the Christ the King shrine going over all these years. She is with Me in heaven for all that she suffered in life. Give thanks to Me for her beautiful life before you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you want your teeth cleaned, you come to the dental hygienist. When you want your soul cleansed, you come to the priest in Confession. My sacrament of Reconciliation was instituted at the Last Supper, and it is to help sinners to cleanse their sins, and bring My sanctifying grace to heal their souls. In order to enter heaven, you need to have clean souls, and you need to repent of your sins as well. I died on the cross so I could bring salvation to all souls who seek My forgiveness. Trust in Me that I will offer all souls one last chance to repent of their sins at My Warning and in the conversion time.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have gone to this FEMA detention center in Indianapolis, Indiana and you could see the windows covered up and the vents for the gas chambers. There were crematoria inside to burn the bodies. These are places that the evil ones will be exterminating Christians and those people who do not go along with the one world people’s plans for a new world order. I have warned My faithful that I will call you to My refuges when the evil ones want to force the mark of the beast on everyone. My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges, even though some will be martyred.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been calling on My people to push back on the Biden vaccine mandates. You are seeing some states passing laws against the vaccine mandates because they are unconstitutional. I call on My people to also stop this insanity of forcing the poisonous Covid shots on the young children. Continue also to keep protesting against the abortions of the unborn babies at the Planned Parenthood clinics, as you do on Saturday morning. The death culture people are now using deadly viruses and vaccines to kill many people in time. They also continue to kill the unborn babies in abortion and the elderly with euthanasia. By fighting these killers, you will be rewarded in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how important it is to store your three months of food for when you could see empty shelves in your stores. The famine is coming, and not only are you seeing inflation with higher prices for your food, but you are even beginning to see empty shelves because of your food shortages. I have told you before, if you do not heed My words of storing three months of food, you could be starving to death with closed empty stores. Trust in Me that I will multiply your food even now, if you ask Me and believe that I can do this.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing attempts to move more containers off the ships at your docks by forcing people to work the docks 24 hours every day. One of the bottlenecks has been the union dock workers who have refused to accept more automated unloading of the ships. In other countries with automation, they unload the containers off the ships twice as fast as your dock workers without automated devices. Pray that your food can be distributed as soon as possible, but there will be shortages as you enter the coming famine. Trust in My multiplication of food for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you not to take any Covid shots, and you will also have to reject taking the mark of the beast, or you could lose your soul to the Antichrist. In the Book of Revelation you are told not to take the mark of the beast and not to worship the Antichrist, or you could be lost in hell. (Rev. 14:9-11) Protect your family from taking this mark as well. At My Warning you can help your family to convert any wayward souls. Be patient and come to My refuges of protection with My angels protecting you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of My faithful will soon be seeing more persecutions and even some of My people will face martyrdom. Your government is pushing hard to force the poisonous Covid vaccines on you. Some people are losing their jobs by not taking these shots. They will seek out the unvaccinated people and put you in detention death camps if they can catch you. When your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. The refuges and My angels will protect you from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. Trust in My protection throughout the whole tribulation, when My angels will put an invisible shield over you at My refuges and over My people on the way to My refuges.”

Friday, October 22, 2021: (St. John Paul II)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Luke 12:54-59) you have a sense of the coming end times. When you see the dark clouds, you know that a rain storm is upon you. If you can read the weather in the sky, why is it that you cannot recognize that you are living in the end time? A time is coming when the evil ones will try and force another shutdown on you when they will release the next deadly virus on the people. The signs of the end times can be seen in the growing lack of faith in Me, as fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass. Very few people are coming to repent of their sins in Confession. You are seeing signs of a coming famine, as you are seeing some empty shelves in the grocery stores. Volcanoes are going off in various places, and people are getting sick from the flu and the Covid virus variants. I have had My refuge builders put up their refuges for when the tribulation will come, so My faithful will have a safe haven. My angels will protect you from the Antichrist, the evil people, and the demons. After My Warning, and the conversion time of six weeks, I will call My faithful to My refuges with My inner locution. When I call you, you need to grab your backpack and leave your homes within twenty minutes for My refuges. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I told you to keep a watch on the volcanic eruptions going on in the Canary Islands. You have read how the earthquakes are up to 4.8 from 4.5 in the previous days. The lava flow is continuing and the activity has gotten worse. If there is a landside into the ocean, it will be important to warn the people of any possible tsunami as soon as possible, so people can be warned to get to higher ground away from the coast. If a large tsunami hits America, it could cause major devastation and drown millions of people. Pray that you may be warned enough in advance to avoid any drowning if a large tsunami comes. Trust in Me to protect all of My refuges along the East Coast.”

Saturday, October 23, 2021: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people, the parable about the barren fig tree is a lesson to My faithful that I expect all of you to bear fruit in your missions. You can bear fruit by doing good deeds for your neighbor, but the best fruit is when you can bring souls to Me by conversion. Be a good example of My love and prayer so others can imitate your love for Me. I desire to save all souls, but they must come to Me of their own free will. Another fruit is that you can come to Confession often, and repent of your sins. I love all of you as My children, and I do not want to lose even one soul. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners among your intentions. I pray that My children will be open to take My words to heart and act on them.”

Jesus said: “My son, you know how cold it gets in your area and how important it is to keep warm if you did not have access to your natural gas. This is why I gave you a vision of the wood you have available. You have roughly enough wood for about four months and kerosene for a month. For your house I could multiply this fuel and you could continue to heat your house for the winters of the tribulation time. You also have some propane that I could multiply for cooking and baking your bread. You have been spoiled when you can use natural gas all of these years, but it is much more work to heat your house with other fuels. Trust in Me to provide heat for your refuge house and also for the other dwelling I will provide for the rest of your people.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been talking to you about being prepared for a possibility of a large tsunami wave that could come from a landside of a volcano into the Atlantic Ocean. I am confirming that the one world people are planning to use the HAARP machine to cause earthquakes and volcanic activity on the Canary Islands. This will continue the present activity which could cause a landslide into the Atlantic Ocean. This would precipitate a large tsunami that could kill millions of our people on the East Coast. I will raise My hand to prevent the killing of millions of people by the one world people by warning you to get to high ground should this event occur.”

Sunday, October 24, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed Bartimeus of his blindness, because he had a deep faith that I could heal him. This deep faith in My healing power, is what is needed in all of My healing. In the same way, those people, who are sick with the Covid virus, or those, who are sick from the Covid shots, can be healed if they have faith that I can heal them. The vaccinated people can also be healed using the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water. I am showing you this angel, because your guardian angels will be leading you to My refuges after the Warning. This is because the deadly virus will be coming once you are in the safety of My refuges. Once the deadly virus is released, you will be seeing many bodies on the ground who will be dying from a bleeding virus. Nobody will want to remove these bodies for fear of getting the deadly virus. All the vaccinated people will have destroyed immune systems that will not protect them from the new virus. Only the vaccinated people ,who are at My refuges or healed by the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water, will survive. The new vaccines will kill even more people because these new shots will be more deadly than the Covid shots, so refuse any new vaccines. My faithful will need to come to My refuges to be healed by looking on My luminous cross. Trust in My angel protection for healing and providing for your needs.”

Monday, October 25, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the end times and you are close to coming to My refuges, and eventually you will see My New Earth and New Heavens as in the vision of the New Jerusalem. I call My people to repent of their sins and have their souls prepared for My judgment. Only those souls, who live holy and faithful lives, will be allowed through the gates of My New Jerusalem. I will give all sinners one last chance to be saved when I will bring My Warning. You will see your life review and a judgment of where you are in life. You will see how you have a choice to convert your life to be with Me. Otherwise, the people, who ignore Me and reject Me, will be locked out of heaven, and they will enter the gates of hell’s flames. Repent of your sins now while you can, and you can be protected in My refuges from all of the evil events that are coming. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you from the evil ones.”

(Mass intention for Sr. Faith) Jesus said: “My people, you may not have come to Sr. Faith’s funeral, but she is more than thankful for having this Mass offered up for her. You just saw a movie on purgatory, and you appreciate more how these souls need your prayers and Masses to help them get up to heaven. Sr. Faith was a beautiful person of faith, and she is happy to be with Me now. Give thanks to Me for giving her life to you.”

Tuesday, October 26, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more signs of the end times with earthquakes, volcanoes going off, and possible food shortages leading to a famine. Now you are seeing another sign of cars leaving their homes for a refuge in your vision. This means the Warning would have to come first along with a mini-judgment, and the conversion time. This is why I have been warning people to have their backpacks ready to put in their cars, when your angel will lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. I told you that I would bring My Warning before the next deadly virus is released, or when a major life threatening event is about to happen. I am always watching out to protect My faithful. You also need to have your soul prepared with frequent Confession at least monthly. The more you are prepared, the more you can warn others to be prepared for the coming tribulation. Trust in Me to warn you with My inner locution when it is time to come to My refuges.”

Wednesday, October 27, 2021:
Josyp said: “Hello, John, thank you for listening for my few words. Your country is in deep trouble with your weak leaders. You are on the verge of being taken over by the socialist communists. I pray for your people who are being sold out by your evil politicians. You know how I called them ‘garbage people’. Say hello to Sam whom I still love, and I pray for her.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are reading how I told the people to enter heaven by the narrow gate. This means you need to let Me be the center of your life. Life is short and I need faithful workers in My vineyard to evangelize souls, so they can be saved to be with Me, and not in hell. Your friend, Nick, passed away, and you see how you are here today and gone tomorrow. So keep praying and coming to Mass every day. The souls in purgatory need your prayers. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones, when I will call you to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your life review at the Warning will take you through your life as you will see the good and bad things you did in your life. The older you are, the more years that you will see being reviewed. You will pass over your forgiven sins, but you will remember all of your unforgiven sins. This is why you need to come to at least monthly Confession to a priest. Most people will see how I am displeased with your sins, but they can be balanced with your good deeds. You will then have your mini-judgment and visit your destination. I will give all sinners a chance to repent of their sins, and change their life, when they are returned to their body in time. During the conversion time of six weeks after the Warning, you will have an opportunity to convert any fallen away people in your family to help save them from hell. Trust in Me to help save as many souls as possible.”

Thursday, October 28, 2021: (St. Simon and St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My son, for many years you prayed for the conversion of Russia and for the people suffering under the Iron Curtain of communism. Now, you have the one world people bringing communism to America, and you need to pray for the conversion of the people and the leaders of America. The evil ones worship Satan instead of Me. I have told you that you will be taken over by communists as a punishment for your abortions and your sexual sins. The evil ones have cooked up a scheme of viruses and vaccines to control your people, and even kill you with the poisonous vaccines. The worst is to come when these same evil ones will try to force the mark of the beast on you for all buying and selling. Continue to refuse to take all vaccines, boosters, flu shots, and especially refuse to take the mark of the beast. The shots will kill you if you take them, and there is no cure for the mark of the beast. Trust in Me to lead you to My refuges of protection from the evil ones at the proper time, when I will give you My inner locution to come to My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reaping the fruit of your harvest, including getting fresh apples from your local farmers. Enjoy the food that you can find now, because you will be seeing more food shortages of your coming famine that is being manipulated by the one world people. Trust in Me and in your three months of food that I asked you to set aside so you will not go hungry.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are still seeing problems in your harbors because your people are finding it difficult to unload the containers onto your trucks and trains. You had backed up problems during your shutdown. Now you are seeing more demand for goods, but it is difficult to increase your product supply with old means of distribution. This is a temporary condition, but you are seeing limits to what your docks can handle.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just experienced a strong Northeastern storm in the Eastern coast with excessive rainfall, power outages, and floods. Your rainfall is reaching higher totals than normal in the Eastern parts of your country as your weather patterns are changing. This is working some hardships on families who have lost their homes. Pray for the people who are experiencing disaster declarations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting to see how the evil ones want to force the poisonous Covid shots on your children, or they will not be allowed in the public schools. You can see the various methods that are being used to try and force Covid shots on your people. The workers are being forced with Covid shot mandates or they could lose their jobs. Now they are going to force Covid shot mandates on the children, or they cannot attend public schools. The mandates are meeting resistance in some states, and parents will fight mandated shots by using other schools or home schooling their kids. These mandates should not be forced on people in a free society. Pray that you can resist these mandates in any way possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, your socialist Democrats are trying to turn your country into a communist state with this new legislation of another $2.5 trillion in unnecessary spending that will cause more inflation. Your people need to reject this excessive spending and excessive regulations that will take away your freedoms. This will have more difficulty in raising your National Debt and it will reduce the value of your dollar. The taxes to pay for such spending will be a burden shared by everyone because Biden is lying to you about all the people who will be taxed and not just the rich, who know how to avoid taxes. Trust in your people to reject this spending.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could hear John N. calling out for the demons to go to the foot of My cross. The demons were quiet for a while, but they shrieked louder than you have heard before. There is some progress being made, but it is taking a long time for the demons to be forced to leave. Part of this difficulty is because the authority of the Church today is very weak. Keep praying for this deliverance, and continue to support Debbie in this dealing with the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in some messages that I would bring My Warning before the next deadly virus would be released, and before the evil ones will try and force the mark of the beast on everyone. So you need to be prepared for the Warning spiritually with frequent Confession. You also need to be prepared to come to My refuges after the conversion time. You will be leaving your homes as your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. The angels will put an invisible shield over you on your way to your refuge. My refuge builders have built refuges to accommodate My faithful with bedding, food, water, and fuels. Be ready to work at your refuges so all of you can survive as I will multiply all of the things that you need. You also will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or from My angels.”

Friday, October 29, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how I bring the rain to water your grass and the crops, but some times it can be overflowing when you see floods and your sump pumps are running often to keep your basements from flooding. You have so much evil going on with all of your vaccine mandates, so I also need to rain down My graces so you can endure the evil plans of the socialists who want to reduce the population with their death culture. Let My sun fill you with hope after so many cloudy days. Pray that all of your people will find help from any damage from your storms.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of your cable lines that are using fiber optic lines that can send and receive. This gives your cable people the capability of hearing and possibly seeing people near your TV. There is similar technology in your cell phones, so people could track you from your phone wherever you travel. This is one of the reasons that you have not chosen to have your personal cell phone. There is a convenience of being able to phone somebody from your cell phone and receive calls, but it has a price that you are being tracked from your cell towers and satellites. When you come to My refuges, you will get rid of your cell phones and any other tracking devices because they will not work at your refuges. This is My protection from the evil ones at My refuges. Trust in Me to lead you to the nearest refuge at the proper time.”

Saturday, October 30, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, enjoy your plentiful food now, because a day is coming when you will need the mark of the beast to buy food. You have a nice bunch of apples to eat for awhile, but the tribulation of the Antichrist is coming. I have been telling you that I will be bringing My Warning before the evil ones release the next deadly virus, and before they will try to force the mark of the beast on you, just as they are forcing the mandated vaccines on you. Be patient through all of the evil that is going on because the evil events coming will be a lot worse. After My Warning and conversion time, I will call My believers to My refuges with an inner locution. There you will be protected by My angels, and My refuge builders will provide what you need, as I will multiply your food, water, fuels, and even places to stay. Trust in Me to fulfill My promises and have no doubts, because you need to believe that I can multiply your needs for it to happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, you celebrate My birth on Christmas and My death and Resurrection in Holy Week. Now you are about to celebrate All Saints’ Day when you acknowledge all the souls who made it to heaven as saints. The evil ones celebrate Halloween on October 31st which is why you are praying tonight to use your prayers to counteract their evil worship of Satan. You are seeing more evil going on as more demons are unleashed on the people as they come out of the volcanoes. I call you to pray for your people that you are not harmed by any radiation effects from the sun’s flares. Trust in My protection every day in every difficult situation that you can face with My help. I want all of My people to strive to be saints in the highest places that you can attain in heaven.”

Sunday, October 31, 2021: (Mass intention for Nick Lippa)
Nick said: “I thank all of you for praying for me and offering up this Mass for me. I am in purgatory for a short time, as I need one more Mass to be released. I have enjoyed this life so much, as I have prayed more rosaries over the years. I was happy to be with my friends at every Mass. I will soon be united with my wife and my Lord. I will be praying for all of my family and friends. I had many years of service for my Lord, and I was happy to do everything for Him. I know you will miss me at Mass, but I am still with you in spirit. I love all of you.”

Monday, November 1, 2021: (All Saints’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you have all of the saints that are adopted by My Church as models for you to imitate. Today, you acknowledge all of the saints who made it to heaven, even if they were not mentioned by My Church. All of My faithful are called to be saints in heaven one day. You need to struggle through each day as one step closer to heaven in your prayers, Masses, and Adoration. You are not perfected yet, so you need to come to frequent Confession, so you can keep a pure soul ready for your judgment on the day you die. Keep Me close in all of your good deeds for your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing flames and smoke from an erupting volcano in the Canary Islands. More lava is pouring out to the ocean as thousands of people had to evacuate and many homes were destroyed. Pray for the people to find safer, new homes on the other islands. Pray that no lives are lost with all of these earthquakes and eruptions. There is still a possibility of a large chunk of lava or land that could break off causing a tsunami. Pray that any earthquake would not cause a huge tsunami.”

Tuesday, November 2, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, your people are all fired up against the Democrat control of your schools and the disaster at the border. Some of your elections are showing Democrat losses in critical governorships. Your schools have been controlled for too long by the teacher’s unions. The parents are speaking up at your school boards, even though these boards are not listening. There are a lot of reactions against the mandatory Covid shots that threaten people’s jobs. If your country does not stop the Covid shots for the kids, your next generation could be harmed in their health for a long time. Keep fighting against these mandates, or you will lose many of your freedoms. America needs to wake up and shutdown the vicious policies of the socialist communists. Pray for your country to turn it away from a socialist state.”

Wednesday, November 3, 2021: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My son, you are weary from the many hours you spent as an election inspector at the polls, and you needed to sleep in to rest your legs from standing. You are helping the voters in receiving their ballots and recording them in your machines. This ability of your freedom to choose your officials is a blessing in a free country of America. It is unfortunate that liberal socialists are trying to control the ballot box by their policies at the border, and their vaccine mandates. Pray for your country to turn away from the evil cheating of controlling people by mandates and Executive Orders.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing definite destruction of the buildings of a city. It appeared to be just like the buildings that were destroyed in World War II with firebombs. This could come as a surprise attack on your country from bombs, or an EMP attack from atomic weapons exploded high in the sky. Your enemies will first try to take out your electric grid because most of your devices are run by electricity. Such an attack would shut down your banks, your cars, and your communications. This is why your refuges will be protected from such an EMP attack, so any electricity from your solar panels will keep running without requiring Faraday cages. My angels will shield your refuges from the evil ones’ devices that could interfere with any power generated. Trust in Me to protect you from any attacks of the evil ones.”

Thursday, November 4, 2021: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel was about the Good Shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep in the desert and goes in search of the lost sheep. When I find the lost lamb, I put it over My shoulders, and all of heaven rejoices when even one sinner repents. I am also like the hound of heaven, as I search for all of the lost souls, and I work on drawing them to Me to be saved from the evil ones to avoid hell. I call on My faithful to also work on evangelizing souls so you can help save them from going to hell. Keep praying for your relatives and friends to be saved from hell. I showed you the tunnel of the Warning when all sinners will be drawn to Me in their life review and a mini-judgment. During the conversion time, you will have six weeks to help save your relatives from hell, by converting them to the faith so they can be believers at My refuges. I have many lost souls that need saving before it is too late, and they could be lost in hell. Pray for poor sinners so they can be saved at My Warning time.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your Covid shot mandates are meeting more resistance from your people. These shots should not be mandated, especially since they are designed to kill people over time. You are seeing over 15 state Attorney Generals suing the government to stop these mandates. In addition the evil ones are now mandating Covid shots for the children from 5-11 yrs. old, or they could not attend public schools. Pray to fight these mandates for the children to stop.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones behind these mandates will continue to force people to take booster shots that they say will be needed over time. Your people need to stop this madness because these shots will cause even more blood clots, and more Covid shot deaths. Already thousands of people have died from these shots, but the doctors will not link these deaths to the Covid shots. Keep fighting to stop these booster mandates.”

Jesus said: “My people, at all costs refuse to take the mark of the beast, or you could go to hell if you worship the Antichrist. There is no cure for the mark of the beast. So quit any job that will mandate it, and refuse to take your children to any school that mandates the mark of the beast. This mark will soon be used for all buying and selling. When the mark of the beast is mandated, I will call My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you and feed you. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, the socialist communists want to use all of their mandates as a means for controlling your people, and taking away your freedoms. It is time to stand up against the tyranny of Biden and his people. They are turning your country into a communist state that is taking your money, and causing you to take shots that will kill you in time. The Congress, the elites, and the illegal immigrants are all exempt from the Covid shot mandates. This discrimination is obvious, and these mandates are illegal and should not be followed. Trust in Me to provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Democrat leaders are allowing chaos at your Mexican border where fentanyl from China and other drugs are being brought into your country, and they are killing your young people. These illegal immigrants are being bussed and flown to all of your cities, and Biden wants to give each of them thousands of dollars. These disasters will bankrupt your country, and your taxes will be increased greatly to pay for this. Pray to get control over your borders where such illegal entry violates your laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see food shortages, electric grid failures, or the forced mark of the beast, I will bring My Warning and conversion time. After the Warning, I will call My believers to My refuges where they will be healed and protected from the evil ones by My angels. My angels will shield you with a veil of invisibility, and My angels will protect you from any harm from the evil ones. Trust in My miracles of multiplication to provide for your water, food, fuels, and all of your needs. You will have daily Holy Communion at My refuges from your priest or My angels. I will be with you in My Real Presence at every refuge.”

Friday, November 5, 2021: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My son, November is a time to think about praying for the poor souls in purgatory, and to prepare for your own death with frequent Confession. You usually have a book of remembrance for listing all of the people who died in the parish for the last year. It is always hard to see how many of your friends that have passed away in this year. You are happy for them that they are no longer suffering, and they will be in a better place. I love all of My faithful, and I am guiding you through life that is centered around Me. As you were praying before My Blessed Sacrament today, you are always comfortable spiritually to be in My Real Presence. It gives you time to unite yourself with Me in all that you do to help save souls from hell. Bringing My Word to the people is a gift that My people should be thankful to receive. Love one another as I love you, and keep praying for the poor souls in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are beginning to see more signs of a coming famine from the food shortages that you are seeing in your stores. This is a created food shortage as I mentioned in a previous message. You can put together some pieces of this puzzle that can be seen by what you are seeing in the news, and from what people are telling you. One of the big problems is that there are not enough truck drivers to deliver the needed produce. Some of your food comes from China in containers. The ships with containers are stacking up in your harbors because the unions are controlling the speed of unloading these containers, and it is slowing down. Another rumor is that some middle people are receiving money to pay the farmers not to deliver their crops, but destroy them. All of these areas could easily be controlled by the one world people to cause food shortages. Just as you have a division created between the vaccinated and unvaccinated people, so the evil ones are trying to create another division. This division will be between those people who have stored food, and those who did not store food. When the stores go empty, there will be a fight between those with food and those without food. I warned people to have three months of food ready for the coming famine. The food cupboards will be the first to run out of food after the stores are empty. If people threaten your lives over your food storage, then I will call you to My refuges. Have no fear of starvation, because My angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels.”

Saturday, November 6, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I told the people that they could only obey one master, either Me or mammon. You can only trust in Me to be your friend, because you cannot trust in your money. Your money can get lost, be stolen, or get devalued. There are three kinds of people in how they treat money. Some people are prudent in doing the right ways to spend and save their money. Others are constantly poor because they waste their money foolishly. Still others are greedy and they focus on making money their god, so they can have every sort of creature comfort. Do not let money, wealth, or worldly things control you, but only trust in Me to lead you through life as I provide for your needs. By putting your trust in Me, and following My ways, you will be happy with Me forever in heaven.”

Sunday, November 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you see Elijah and a widow with her son during a one year famine. Elijah blessed the flour and the oil and they did not run dry all year, just like a multiplication. This reminds you of how I asked My people to have three months of food stored for each member of your household in preparation for a coming food shortage. When there will be no food in the stores, you will need the food that you stored. If people have little or not enough food, you can call on Me in faith, and I will multiply the food that you have. When you come to My refuges, I will again multiply your food, water, and fuels as long as you believe that I can do this. In the Gospel reading you see another poor widow who donated to the Temple treasury only two copper coins, which was all that she had to live on. This is why I said she donated more than the rich people who made generous donations out of their surplus wealth. I call on everyone to support My Church and the poor with substantial donations, and not just a token amount. In the Bible it speaks of donating at least 10% of your income for charity. Your deacon also talked about ‘celebrity worship syndrome’, in his homily. This means some people have a tendency to favor the rich and famous people over poor people. You need to treat everyone fairly without discrimination, especially be ready to help people in need without being asked. By loving Me and loving your neighbor, you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you more volcanoes going off, and they were sending out waves of lava and earthquakes. The more earthquakes that occur at the volcano sites, the more violent the eruptions and the higher the smoke will travel along with flowing lava. When the smoke rises high, it could blot out part of the sun’s light. If this happens long enough, it could reduce the earth’s temperature by as much as 15 degrees F. Such eruptions could diminish the growing season for your crops. I also told you that more demons would be coming out of the volcanoes to test mankind. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the weather gets colder from the volcanic action. I will shield My refuges from harmful ash and any cold temperatures. I told you that this could be a cold winter, and some of the coldness is coming from the volcanic eruptions. Trust in My protection from the cold at all of My refuges.”

Monday, November 8, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to forgive your neighbor for as many times as he asks for your forgiveness. Look how many times I have forgiven you of your sins in Confession over the years. Do not seek revenge, or how to get back at anyone for their faults. You need to love Me and your neighbor as yourself all of the time. You can show that love by helping your neighbor in their need both physically and spiritually in your prayers for them. Even when your friends or relatives die, you can pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet for them, and have Masses offered up for their souls. You will be rewarded for your donations for your friends and for the poor. You can give financial support to your local food shelf to feed the hungry. By thinking of how to help your neighbor, you will store up treasures in heaven toward your judgment.”

(Intention for Kay Vigilante) Kay said: “I thank you for having this Mass offered up for my soul. I also thank all of you for coming to this Mass. I must say that it was strange to see my body cremated. Our Hawaiian custom is to spread the ashes on the sea, but I do not know if this is accepted, or if it will be carried out. I love Dick so much and I thank him for helping us through all of the problems we had to endure for my cancer. I thank all of the prayer group for your prayers and Mass. I enjoyed being with you. I will be praying for Dick and our family. I love all of you. I suffered my purgatory on earth, and I will be going up to heaven after the funeral Mass.”

Tuesday, November 9, 2021:(Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a glimpse of the Era of Peace that will come after My victory over the Antichrist of the tribulation. I will soon be calling My believers to My refuges where you will be healed of any diseases. I will have My angels shield you with a veil of invisibility, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. So have no fear of the evil ones because I will protect My believers at My refuges. You can look forward to a time of no influence from the devil and the demons. When I defeat the evil ones, they will all be cast into hell, along with all the evil people, who will not repent of their sins. I love all of My people, and I will protect you and watch over you with all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a heart shaped mirror is a sign of how much I love all of you. You are a reflection of My love and I have made all of you in My image. As you see yourself in the mirror every day, you can see how you are growing older. Satan’s time is almost up after the tribulation. You will need to come to My refuges after the Warning and the conversion time. Be ready for your mini-judgment by coming to frequent Confession. You will be struggling to help save souls during the conversion time when there will not be any demonic influence. You will be protected at My refuges for the whole time of the tribulation. You will look forward to My victory over the evil ones in My Era of Peace. Trust in Me to protect My refuges with My angels who are standing side by side all around the perimeter of My refuges.”

Wednesday, November 10, 2021: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, there are many blessings that I bring on you every day that you are alive. You should be thanking Me every day for My healing and graces that I bestow upon you. Just as the leper returned to give Me thanks for his healing, so My people need to be thanking Me for the air you breath, the health of your body, the light of the sun, and the food you eat. Your country has also been blessed with freedom, but your communist leaders are trying to take away your freedoms. You need to fight these evil ones, who are mandating Covid shots that are poison and not needed. You should not be forced to endanger your health with these poisonous shots just to keep your job. This is against your laws, so do not accept this authority over your body. Stand up for your freedoms or you will lose them. Trust in Me to provide what you need, and I will protect you from the harm of the evil ones at My refuges.”

(Intention for John Grego) John said: “I thank you for having this Mass said for my soul. I thank Al, John, and Carol for visiting me at the Hildebrandt Hospice Care Center. I also thank those people who took care of me in my last few years. I love all of my family and friends, and I will be praying for all of you. You could have a good tribute for me if you bought one last pizza in my honor at your prayer group, since you called me the pizza man. I enjoyed being a part of your prayer group. I remember you all when I was with Tim Harris at the seminary in Italy. Pray for my soul and have Masses offered for me because I am in purgatory.”

Thursday, November 11, 2021: (Veterans Day, St. Martin de Tours)
Jesus said: “My people, you are right in giving honor to all of your veterans who have fought many wars to preserve your freedoms. It is unfortunate that the one world people have been behind many of these wars, and their media people have covered up the real causes by their lies and calling this a conspiracy. You are seeing the American Marxists or communists who are trying to take over your country, and take away the freedoms that your veterans have bravely fought for. Your current vaccine mandates are more control with the secret, diabolical goal of trying to reduce your population. Refuse to take any Covid shots, booster shots, nor flu shots because they will kill you in time. A time is coming when people, who are against these vaccine mandates, will be considered terrorists, which are all lies. The one world people hate the truth and they try to silence anyone who opposes them. When My faithful people have their lives threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. You will be seeing more control, as the evil ones are preparing the way for the Antichrist to take over. Trust in My protection and My graces.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you what it is like to live in Communist China where they exploit slave labor. My son, you went to Communist China some years ago and you saw the poverty and control when you had someone taping everything you said right in front of you. My people of America need to take heed of this lifestyle because you are seeing your leaders acting like the communist dictators. When they try to force Covid shots on all of your elderly, workers, and now your children, it is time to speak up against these poisonous shot mandates that could kill your people. Use your Good Friday oil and your exorcism water to heal the vaccinated people. I will call My people to My refuges after the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My son, I called you to set up a refuge for at least forty people. You were fortunate to build a chapel and a new kitchen to feed the people who will come to your refuge. I love all of you, and My angels will protect My believers at all of My refuges. You will see a luminous cross in the sky above all of My refuges. When you look on it, you will be healed of all of your afflictions. Trust in Me that I will multiply your food, water, fuels, and living places. You will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be concerned about the timing of My Warning and conversion time, when I will call My believers to My refuges. My son, I have given you many messages to prepare the people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. When My Warning comes, some people will die of fright when they see their life review, and how I will see all of their sins and good deeds. My believers will be called to the safety of My refuges. The non-believers, who refuse to repent of their sins, will suffer painful plagues on earth, and they will suffer the flames forever in hell. So do not mock My coming, or when I choose to start My Warning. This will all come in My time and not when man wants it. My believers will soon be with Me at My refuges and later in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I bring you to My refuges after My Warning, do not complain of any rustic conditions at My refuges. You will be fortunate to be protected by My angels from the evil ones. My angels will not allow any non-believers to enter My refuges, but only those people, who have a cross on their foreheads, will be allowed to enter. Those people with pure souls will enter, and you will have all that you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when those people, who oppose the new world order, will be taken by force by the men in black of the UN troops out of their homes to detention centers. Your communist leaders will not let Christians, or those who oppose the new world order to stay in their homes. They will confiscate your property and if they catch you, you will face a martyr’s death for love of Me. Be ready to leave your homes for My refuges when I will give you an inner locution to come. Those people, who delay too long, could face death in these death camps. Trust in My Word because this will soon come to pass.”

Jesus said: “My people, before you come to My refuges, you could see another time of empty shelves in your stores. You will see inflation and hard to find food and fresh water. If your food is about to be depleted, you can call on Me and with faith in Me, I will multiply what little food you have. When your lives are in danger, then you will be called to My refuges, and I will provide for all that you will need.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you have communication with your cell phones and your cell towers. At My refuges life will be a lot different where your cell phones will not work. My angels communicate using mind thoughts without using physical means. You can use your guardian angels to share their means of communication. Some of your members will travel by bi-location to communicate with other refuges. Trust in Me that you will be thankful for My refuge protection with My angels. You will be more thankful when I bring you into My Era of Peace where there will be no more evil influence from the demons. I love you so much, and I want you to stay close to Me throughout the tribulation in your daily Holy Communion. You will have great joy in this new heavens and new earth, and you will later see Me in heaven.”

Saturday, November 13, 2021: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, the readings of November are always pointing to the end times of My return to the earth. But when I return, will I find any faith on the earth? I am confident that I will find My faithful remnant always praying their rosaries, and coming to Mass and Confession. Despite the viruses and vaccines of the evil ones, this vision of the waterfall stopping is just one of many signs that you will see before I come again. One of the biggest signs is how the people are becoming so weak in their faith in Me. Many are even ignoring My love and My gifts. I am calling on My faithful to help evangelize souls before it is too late and their souls could be lost in hell. After My Warning experience, I will give you a conversion time with no demon influence so My faithful can help souls believe in Me so My angels can place an invisible cross on their foreheads. This is so they can enter the safety of My refuges with the protection of My angels. Be prepared. My faithful ones, who believe that I can perform miracles of protection, and miracles of multiplying your food, water, and fuels, must have faith in Me that I can do this for this to happen. Remember when the people of My hometown in Nazareth did not have faith in Me, that I could heal them. So have faith in My miracles and I will perform them for you. Most of all work on helping Me to save souls from hell because I will soon bring the end of this era as I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace. For those, who are patient and trusting, I will bring My salvation of souls.”

Sunday, November 14, 2021:
At Our Lady of Angels Church, Woodbridge, Va. after Holy Communion, I could see people hiding in a wooden refuge in the ground during the tribulation, and they were coming out to greet Jesus as He came on the clouds in judgment. Jesus said: “My people, you have heard My words to be ready for My coming on the clouds at the end of this era of the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You are seeing the signs all around you of the end times when you will see plagues and famine. You are living in the pre-tribulation right now, and you will see My words fulfilled in the coming events. You are seeing the evil ones who seem to be in control of the earth. Do not fear the evil ones because My power is greater. Pray daily for your soul and the souls of your family and friends. I will soon be bringing My Warning and a time of conversion, when I will allow every sinner a chance to choose to accept Me and believe in Me as their Savior and Redeemer. All of the believers will then be called to My refuges of protection, when you will be led to My refuges by your guardian angels with a flame. My angels will place a cross on your foreheads so you may be allowed to enter My refuges. You will be protected at My refuges for less than 3½ years by My angels. You will see food, water, and fuels multiplied for your survival. At the end of the tribulation of the Antichrist, you will see My victory over the demons and the evil people, who will be cast into hell. I will come on the clouds in judgment, and My faithful believers will be lifted up into the air, and I will renew the earth and the heavens. Then I will bring My people down into My Era of Peace. Rejoice with Me that you are living in these glorious times. Keep coming to frequent Confession so you can keep your soul holy and clean of sin for My coming.”

Later, at Our Lady of Angels Church, Woodbridge, Va. after Holy Communion, I could see a stand holding a light to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. Jesus said: “My people, this is the Sunday before the celebration of My Kingship next Sunday. In preparation for My coming, I am showing you this sign of a stand along the road that is lighting the way. I am truly the Light to the world, and you keep seeing more signs of My coming. The greatest sign will be My Warning when everyone will have a chance to convert their lives to believing in Me and repent of their sins. After your life review in the Warning, there will be a conversion time. This may be the last chance for souls to be saved from hell. Then I will call My believers to My refuges, and your guardian angel will lead you to the nearest refuge. This refuge will provide your protection with My angels from the Antichrist during the whole tribulation. It is after the tribulation that I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will bring My people into My Era of Peace.”

Monday, November 15, 2021:
At the Eternal Father Chapel we were praying before our Adoration DVD. I could see all of the white angels that are guarding our refuge from the evil ones. Jesus said: “My son, you have thousands of white angels standing side by side all around the perimeter of your refuge. These angels are putting a shield of invisibility all over your refuge, and they are shielding you from any harm of the evil ones throughout the whole tribulation time. They will assist Me in multiplying your food, water, and fuels. My angels or a priest will give you daily Holy Communion during the tribulation. You have read in the Bible (4 kings 19:35) how one angel can slay 185,000 soldiers at one time. So have no fear when I have so many angels protecting you from harm. You will also see a luminous cross over your refuge, and when you look on it in faith, I will heal all of your illnesses. You will have perfect health once again. Trust in Me to have My angels protect you from harm from the demons and the evil people.”

Tuesday, November 16, 2021:(St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude)
Jesus said: “My people, you saw how Eleazar would not eat pork because of his Jewish laws of eating only Kosher food. When he was forced to eat the king’s pork, he spit it out, and he accepted his deadly torture, instead of violating his Lord’s law. He wanted to be a good example to the young people in following God’s laws, even when it meant his death. My Catholic people honor My death on the cross on Friday by abstaining from eating meat, especially during Lent. Even when it is not Lent, My faithful still avoid eating meat on Fridays. In the Gospel, Zacchaeus had a conversion when he promised to give half of his wealth to the poor, and to those he cheated, he would make restitution by paying them four times what he took. You all need to imitate the faith of these men in helping the poor and honoring your fasting obligations. Fasting helps to control your earthly cravings, and you can direct your prayers to help sinners and pray for the souls in purgatory. By helping people both physically and spiritually, you can store up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”

Wednesday, November 17, 2021: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Maccabees you are reading of a mother and her seven sons, who were being forced by the king to eat pork. This was against the law of Moses, and they did not want to violate their ancestral customs. This was not a voluntary decision, because they would be killed if they did not eat the king’s pork. You are seeing a similar demand by Biden that those, who do not take the poisonous Covid shot, would lose their job and become a second class citizen. The government is trying to force the elderly, the workers, and now the children to take a Covid shot and booster shots. These shots will kill people in a few years, and they do not prevent you from getting the Covid virus. The booster shots will kill people even quicker. So refuse to take the Covid shots, the booster shots, and the flu shots because they will destroy your immune system and they will kill you. These shots actually spread the Covid virus because they cause your body to make the spike protein which causes the virus. These evil ones are purposely trying to kill people to reduce the population. This is the goal of the one world people to use the death culture of abortions, euthanasia, wars, viruses and vaccines to kill people. Your job is not worth dying for. The Good Friday oil and the exorcism water can be used on vaccinated people to bless them and heal them, if they believe that I can heal them. These Covid shots are being forced on people against their will, which is against your laws. These viruses were sent by China to America to ruin your economy and the Democrats are using the shots to control you like a communist state. Fight the vaccine mandates that should not be forced on your people. I will bring My justice down upon Biden and his cohorts for trying to kill your people.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you the Good Friday oil and the exorcism water so you can use this to pray over the vaccinated people, and they could be healed. The people need to believe that I can heal them. When you come to My refuges, you can be healed by looking on the luminous cross in the sky. Trust in My healing power and you will be saved in your soul and healed in your body. Do not be afraid of the next deadly virus because I will bring My Warning first. All of My believers will have a cross on their foreheads, so their faith will heal them. Be thankful that I can heal people. All of those people, who believe in Me, will be healed in both body and soul.”

Thursday, November 18, 2021: (Benito Scarpa Funeral Mass)
Benito said: “My beloved Anna, I am sorry to leave you because I love you so much, as well as our daughters, Sandra and Rita. I was overwhelmed at how many people came to my funeral, and I thank them all for making the time to come. I want to thank Fr. Peter for his beautiful Mass, and one part that he read in my native Italian language. I love all of you so much, and I thank all of those people who helped me in my last days, especially Anna. I am in upper purgatory now, and I need a few Masses to get to heaven. Thank you so much for receiving my message.”

Prayer Group:
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you all experience various hardships coming from your leaders. I am giving you my holy rosary and my scapular that are your weapons against the evil ones. Some people are dying from taking the Covid shots, but the doctors are not linking these deaths to the Covid shots. I urge you to refuse to take these poisonous shots, or you are risking death when your immune system fails. You have been hearing this from my Son, but soon you will be seeing more deaths from the Covid shots. Use your Good Friday oil and your exorcism water to heal the vaccinated people. Trust in my Son to heal people at the Lord’s refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have not given you My inner locution to come to My refuges yet. I have told you that I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus is released. Many people are getting their refuges ready to receive My believers. After My Warning and the conversion time, I will call My believers to My refuges. When you are called, leave quickly so you are not captured by the evil ones. I have been giving this message for many years, but trust in Me that you need to leave for My refuges as soon as possible. If you are too late to leave, you could be captured and killed in the evil ones’ death camps.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see the men in black from the UN coming door to door to try and force the mark of the beast on people, I will call you to My refuges of protection. The evil ones will try to force the vaccine resisters to take the mark of the beast, but I will call My believers to My refuges before they can capture you. Trust in My angels to make you invisible on your way to My refuges. My angels will shield you from the evil ones, and you will be protected at My refuges by legions of My angels. Trust in My words, and you will be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that America will suffer bad weather and many shortages that have been planned by the evil ones. This is why I have repeated My pleas to store three months of food, so you do not starve when your stores run out of food. Even if you are short on food, you can call on Me to multiply your food as I did for Elijah and My Hebrew people in the desert. Have faith that I can do this for you, and it will be done.”

Jesus said: “My people, planting crops is a gamble for every farmer because you can have too much rain that rots the seeds, or too little rain that could parch your crops. Pray for your farmers that they can have a good growing season. You may be able to get by on one bad year, but consistent droughts or floods could test your people. This is why at My refuges, My angels will help you grow crops on the refuges. Some people are making green houses to protect their crops, and they are being given a longer growing season. Trust in Me to multiply what you need, and I will provide daily Holy Communion to all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank all of My refuge builders, who have gone through criticism and some financial sacrifices to set up your refuges. You have consecrated your refuges to My service and you will all be rewarded for your efforts. Trust in My words and My angels to provide for all of your needs. You will all be working to provide for the survival of My faithful. You all will have jobs, and do your best to feed and comfort My people. You will be praying every day, and I will give you daily Holy Communion from My priests and My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am the King of the Universe and I am more powerful than all of the demons, so have no fear how I will be protecting your souls and body from the evil ones. You will be at My refuges for less than 3½ years with My angels protecting you and providing your food. I will soon defeat the Antichrist at the end of the tribulation. I will cast all of the evil ones into hell, and then I will renew the earth and the heavens. I will raise you up into the air while I am renewing the earth. Then I will bring My people down into My Era of Peace, and you will be healed of your sins and your afflictions. When you are with Me then, you will have complete joy in My new earth and new heavens. You will be prepared to be saints with no evil around you. You will live a long time and when you die, you will be welcomed as My saints into heaven. Rejoice because you will be with Me soon.”

Friday, November 19, 2021: (Philomena Marsala Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been coming to many funerals because you were related, or you knew the people who died. Philomena is your friend’s mother and it is hard to lose a mother of the family. November is a special month when you remember all of the people who died this year. You have lost many friends this year, but they are in a better place than their suffering on earth. Pray for Philomena’s soul with Masses, and keep her picture in a place of honor in your house, so you will not forget to pray for her. I love all souls, and you need to pray for all of the souls in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, keep alert, because you will be enjoying life, and there will come sudden destruction. The one vision is of people enjoying a concert, and the next vision was about more volcanoes going off with smoke and lava. My people are about to be tested with bad weather and more volcanic eruptions. Today you saw an earthquake in Southern California and one on the New Madrid fault. You will see even stronger earthquakes to come, and the evil ones are planning to release the next deadly virus. Have your things ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Saturday, November 20, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, this is another message of having peace, peace, and then sudden destruction. In the vision you saw a dam burst, and it flooded the land. You will also see more destruction of your infrastructure from water, either from rain floods or tsunamis. America has sinned by your abortions, euthanasia, and mandated Covid shots with boosters that will kill people in time. Now the one world people are planning to kill more people with another more deadly virus, along with a more deadly vaccine which you should not take. For all of these abominations, I will be bringing My wrath down against your country in the form of natural disasters and infrastructure destruction. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus, and I will call My people to My refuges when your lives are endangered by severe destruction or any other events that threaten your lives. Trust in My protection for My believers with My angels, but the non-believers and death culture people will suffer greatly from My wrath.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know you have a weak commander-in-chief in the White House who is still making deals with China. If China decides to start a war to takeover Taiwan, it is a wonder what Biden will do. China was instrumental in hacking into the votes to make Biden win the 2020 election. Taking Taiwan could have been part of the deal for making Biden a winner. If Biden does not put up a meaningful defense, all of the other countries in the region would be in jeopardy as well. I also mentioned how your country will be hurting to get enough computer chips if Taiwan is lost, because Taiwan provides 51% of your computer chips. Pray that this war does not happen.”

Sunday, November 21, 2021: (Christ the King of the Universe)
Jesus said: “My people, I showed you My tomb first because your churches are about to be tested by the push for a one world religion according to the ‘Great Reset’ of the one world people. Beware of any attempts to change the Mass, especially the words of Consecration of the Mass. When the words of Consecration are changed, this will be the ‘Abomination of Desolation’, and I will no longer have My Real Presence in that host and wine. A day is coming when you may have to leave the churches because the new Mass of the ‘Chrislam Church’ in 2022 will be an invalid Mass that you should not attend. You may have to celebrate a secret Mass with a faithful priest to have My Real Presence in the Host. I will call My faithful priests to My refuges of hiding that will be protected by My angels from the evil ones. Your time of refuges is coming soon, when you will need to be protected from those people who want to kill you. I will bring My Warning and conversion time before the Antichrist declares himself to start the tribulation. Fear not My little ones, because I will protect you throughout the shortened tribulation. Then I will come on the clouds as the true King, and I will defeat all of the evil people and demons. They will be cast into hell, and I will renew the earth, and bring you into My Era of Peace. You will rejoice in this Era with no evil influence. Give praise and glory to your King both now and forever.”

Monday, November 22, 2021: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, the leaders of Israel began worshiping other gods than Me, so I punished Israel at the Babylonian Exile when I allowed their enemies to defeat them. This is a sign to America as well, because your people continue to kill My babies, and fewer people are coming to church to worship Me instead of worshiping your material things. I have told you how I am allowing your enemies to take over your country as a punishment for your sins. You read how Daniel and his friends did not want to eat the king’s food and be defiled of their customs, so they only ate vegetables, and they were healthier than the other young people. Be ready to leave for My refuges when you will see the one world people prepare the world for the ‘Great Reset’ and the Antichrist. Trust in My protection of My angels at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another sign of My coming Warning because I will need to have My faithful at My refuges so My angels can protect you from a coming major disaster. Your best preparation for My Warning is to have frequent Confession. All I will tell you for now is that there will be many deaths among those people who are not protected at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I gave you a message on Sunday concerning the new one world religion that will be part of the ‘Great Reset’ that will lead up to the time of the Antichrist when he declares himself. When you see a new Mass that threatens to change the words of Consecration, refuse to come to such an evil Mass, because I will no longer be Present there. This event will happen and you will be called to My refuges to protect you from the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you a live picture of how people will be dying from the next deadly virus that will soon be released. You will be at My refuges before this new virus comes. The evil ones are preparing a new vaccine for this deadly bleeding disease, but refuse to take such a vaccine because it will be deadlier than the disease. Remember that the evil ones want total control, and they want to reduce the population. The evil ones will have the antidote for this new virus to protect themselves. Be ready to come to My refuges where you will be protected from these deadly new viruses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will start to see more people, who are vaccinated and with boosters, who will have more serious reactions to the shots and some will die. The media will try to keep this information secret because this will show up their plan to kill people with these shots. The doctors also will say that these people died from other causes and not from the Covid shots. Trust in Me not to take these shots, even if you lose your job. The vaccinated people will need to be blessed by the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water to keep from dying from the shots. You can also be healed at My refuges when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky.”

Jesus said: “My people, the year of St. Joseph ends on December 8th and this will take away his protection that you have been receiving all year. You could see more disasters increase then. Your world will be experiencing more earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other evil things from the one world people. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I give you My inner locution and when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more reports of mob thievery on your stores and violence on your people. Your new bail reform is putting hardened criminals back on the streets to commit more crimes. If you do not change this failed policy, you will see these criminals destroying your cities. You need to restore more common sense approaches to your crime reform”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been asking many people to set up refuges that will be protected by My angels. My angels are very powerful, and they will keep you from harm because they will not allow any non-believers to enter My refuges. My angels will protect you from bombs, EMP attacks, natural disasters, and any other device of the evil ones that they are trying to use to kill you. You will have food, water, and fuels multiplied so you can survive the coming tribulation of less than 3½ years. Trust in My Word, but you must believe that I can do all that I have promised you.”

Tuesday, November 23, 2021: (Bl. Miguel Pro)
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the last week of the Church Year, and you are reading the prophecies of the end times when I will return in judgment. You are still in the pre-tribulation time before the Antichrist will declare himself. I keep reminding you to be ready with frequent Confession when I will bring My Warning and one more chance for people to repent of their sins, and believe in Me to receive the cross on their foreheads. I am also telling you how you will have to go into hiding at My refuges, where My angels will protect you from the coming persecution of Christians. Have no fear and be patient because I will soon bring My victory over the Antichrist, and I will renew the earth, and bring you into My Era of Peace. You will rejoice when there will be no more evil influence.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you are living in the end times, and the devil has stirred up much evil in the world. But you need to look at life with a full perspective in what I am allowing to happen. I only allow the devil to go so far, and My angels are protecting My faithful. You need to have full confidence that I will bring all of this evil to an end at the proper time. All that is happening in the world is only temporary. It is the souls of the people that are of most concern to Me, and people need to focus on the destination of their souls, than worry about temporary things which are of little importance. This is why some quiet time in front of My Blessed Sacrament can calm you down from the trials of life. Follow Me and stay close to Me with a pure heart and soul. Then I can lead you safely through your problems.”

Wednesday, November 24, 2021: (Funeral of Eleanor Zanni)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the life of Eleanor in quite a fashion of a long tribute to a beautiful and faithful wife of 73 years. She led a loving life with a prayer group and family activities over many years. She will be greatly rewarded for her efforts. The Gospel reading was about when I was raising Lazarus from the dead. I told Martha and Mary: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ (Jn 11:25) I pray that all of My people will believe this quotation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how the one world people were forcing your workers to get the poisonous Covid shots, or they would lose their jobs. Some people have quit their jobs, so they did not have to take the shots. This has put pressure on your economy to find enough workers. The next plan of the one world people is to purposely cause food shortages, which is why you will be seeing more bare spots in your grocery stores. As the food shortages get worse, you will soon see another threat to your food supply because they will next force you to get the mark of the beast, or you will not be able to buy your food. Initially, the mark will be only for buying and selling. Then it will become mandatory to have the mark of the beast, or the men in black will try to kill you in the death camps. Refuse to take the mark of the beast for any reason, and refuse to worship the Antichrist. Before the mark is mandatory, I will call My faithful to My refuges, where My angels will protect you from the UN troops who want to kill you.”

Thursday, November 25, 2021: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My people, America has been blessed with many gifts because of your faith in Me, and your willingness to help other nations. The Gospel today showed you the ten lepers, who I healed from leprosy, but only one came back to thank Me. This is one of the failings of some people in that they do not always remember to thank Me for all that I do for them. One of the most important gifts of Mine is your very life existence, but even your people are discarding My babies in abortion as human garbage. I give you these beautiful babies, and because of your selfishness and inconvenience you are killing My little ones. Keep praying at the abortion clinics to stop your abortions. Because of your abortions, America will pay a dear price when I will take away your freedoms and the material things you worship instead of Me. Strive to protect My gift of life at all ages.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to have your families share your lives together. You all work together to help each other with your problems. You are fortunate to see your family grow with your grandchildren. Be an inspiration of faith to pray for their souls, as you do every day. Keep praying that your family could be saved at My Warning. The souls of your family are precious to Me and to you, so keep them close to Me because you do not want to lose one of them to hell.”

Friday, November 26, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are seeing the rush of shoppers to buy their gifts for Christmas at supposed sale prices. It is appropriate to have gifts to celebrate My birth, but there is too much emphasis on the material things, instead of on the spiritual gifts of coming to Mass. Even yesterday, you were celebrating thanks for My many gifts to you on Thanksgiving Day, but the church had just a few more people than a daily Mass. Your Covid restrictions and the weakness of faith in your people, is evident in the fewer people attending Mass. It is unfortunate that you see fewer young adults who are no longer coming to Sunday Mass. You need to continue praying for all of your family members that they will be saved at My Warning, because the faith is lacking. My spiritual gifts of My sacraments are more valuable than all of your temporary material things. Focus on loving Me and your neighbors, instead of focusing on buying so many things.”

Jesus said: “My son, for now you are comfortable with your natural gas heater working well. I want you to think through what you would do first if your power went out, and second if your natural gas stopped coming through your pipes. If your power went out, your solar batteries would work for a while to keep your heater working. In the winter it will be hard to have enough light to recharge your on-grid batteries. Your off-grid batteries would work to have your water pump work, but you will need to keep the snow off of your first floor solar panels. If your heater stops working, you could use your logs in the fireplace to provide most heat for your upper floors. You will need your small kerosene heater to heat your new basement with a window cracked open for oxygen. Use your Camp Chef in your sun room to bake your bread with your propane, and use your rechargeable batteries in your electric lamps for light at night. To provide for larger numbers, My angels and St. Joseph will take care of any needed accommodations. Be ready when I call My people to My refuges.”

Saturday, November 27, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, today is the last day of the Church Year before you start Advent tomorrow. The readings are on the end days that I have given you to proclaim, and to prepare the people to endure the less than 3½ years of tribulation of the Antichrist. You also are proclaiming about how I will protect My people at My refuges with My angels. This is not a time to fear, but to have faith and hope in My coming again in victory over the evil ones. You will be tested, but in the end I will cast the evil ones into hell. I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Only My believers with a cross on the forehead will be allowed into My refuges. After the Warning, you need to work hard to convert your family members to a true belief in Me, so they can receive the cross on their foreheads. Those people, who do not believe in Me and do not repent of their sins, will suffer much, and they could be lost in hell. Believe in Me and you will be saved.”

Jesus said: “My son, you had a lot of good activities today with your meeting with the priests for dinner and later for your Confession. You could use your time a little better by coming to Adoration of Me instead of your football distraction. Keep your focus more on Me and doing things for Me as much as you can. Time is one of My precious gifts to all of you, but it is how you can use time wisely for your most benefit that will give you the most reward for your actions. I love all of you so much, and when you spend time with Me in Adoration, you are showing Me how much you love Me as well.”

Sunday, November 28, 2021: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, you are starting a new season of Advent in preparation for Christmas. But the Gospel is still speaking of the end times when I will come on the clouds to judge everyone. I am repeating a previous message that you will live to see this time, just as I allowed Simeon to see Me at the Temple before he died. My son, you are seeing the signs of a weakening in faith, and the one world people are ready to control people in leading up to the Antichrist’s control. Before the Antichrist declares himself to start the tribulation, I will bring My Warning, a conversion time, and then I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges for your protection throughout the whole tribulation of less than 3½ years.”

Monday, November 29, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I would like all of My people to have as strong a faith as the Roman centurion. He had an ill servant and he realized I had the power to heal people, so he asked Me to heal his servant even at a distance. (Luke 7:1-10) This faith in Me is so important that this quote of the centurion is placed in the Mass: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should come under my roof, but only say the word and my soul will be healed.’ This faith in My healing power is needed for all of My healings to take place. This is the same faith in My power that will be necessary for Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, especially in the tribulation time.”

(B.W.’s Mass intention) Jesus said: “My people, pray for the family and for B.W. that his wife will be able to carry on with her life amidst this death of her husband. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for his soul that may not have been prepared for his death. Keep praying for him and have Masses said for him.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some increasing Covid cases and flu cases, but there is a lot of fear being spread that is overdone. You are seeing some conflicts in how the number of flu cases are being reported. Last year there were very few flu cases reported, even though the flu comes every year. There is a strong suspicion that many flu deaths were being claimed as Covid deaths so the health people could push the vaccines. This year there are more flu deaths as the health people are pushing flu shots as much as the Covid vaccines. These shots should be optional and not forced on people to threaten their jobs. Some states are stopping the vaccine mandates that are causing bad reactions and deaths from the shots. I have warned people to avoid taking Covid shots, booster shots, and flu shots because the shots will ruin your immune system, and they do not prevent you from getting the Covid virus sickness. Trust in your natural immunity which fights off the virus better than the shots.”

Tuesday, November 30, 2021: (St. Andrew)
Jesus said: “My people, I told St. Andrew and St. Peter that I would make them fishers of men instead of catching fish. They left their boats immediately after I called them. In the same way, My son, you also immediately said ‘yes’ to the mission that I called you to. I asked you to spread My messages about preparing the people for the coming tribulation. You have traveled to give your talks for over 25 years before the Covid virus started. Now you are doing your Zoom Conferences. I also gave you a second mission to set up one of My refuges for the people to come. I gave you instructions how to prepare your refuge to be independent with your own food, water, and fuels. I told you how My angels are protecting My refuges even now. Trust in My word and My protection for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, because Russia senses weakness in the NATO countries, there is a strong possibility that Russia will try to invade the Ukraine. If such a war starts, there is a possibility that nuclear weapons could be involved to stop Russia. This war could easily spread to other nations as many people could be killed. Pray that such a war could be stopped before many people could die.”

Wednesday, December 1, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, Russia is now making threats against NATO if they try to defend the Ukraine. Putin is claiming a red line against NATO if they put missiles or troops in the Ukraine. This is just an excuse for Russia to invade the Ukraine. It is the same as removing guns or weapons to make the Ukraine defenseless and ripe for invasion. This will be another test against Biden to see how much he is willing to defend the Ukraine from an attack by Russia. Russia can also threaten the European countries with shutting down their natural gas if they defend the Ukraine. Europe should not be buying fuels from Russia because they could be held hostage for heating their homes. Keep praying that Russia does not invade the Ukraine.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how the media is up to their old scare tactics with the latest Covid variant. These people prey on the unknown, and they only want to use the virus as a means of controlling people. You can see how they declare emergencies without much information or death statistics. I have warned you of a coming deadly virus that will kill a lot of people, but refuse to take any Covid shots, boosters, or flu shots that will ruin your immune system. You could see more serious events coming after December 8th when St. Joseph’s current protection will end. I will still have My angels protect My faithful. When events will threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Be ready to leave your homes for My refuges after the Warning.”

Thursday, December 2, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, today you had some added sound effects to go with the Gospel. In the reading I told the people that those people, who hear My words and act on them, will be like the man who built his house on rock. When the wind and floods came, his house remained firm because it had a good foundation. This is also necessary to have a firm foundation in your faith, so you can withstand the temptations of the demons. But if a man hears My word and does not act on them, then he will be like one who built his house on sand. Then when the wind and floods came, his house was totally ruined. Without a good foundation in faith, you become easy prey for the demons to lead you astray from Me, and you could be lost in hell. You all have free will to choose to believe in Me or not. So act on My words in your prayers and good deeds for your neighbor. I call you to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. Give thanks to Me for all that I do for you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are being tested by people who keep declaring a new Covid variant is among you as the health people keep pushing boosters that are not needed. There are a good number of red states that are defying Biden’s mandatory Covid shots for all workers and even the children. There is not a lot of tested science to back up the need for Covid shots that do not prevent getting the Covid virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, because Biden appears to be a weak leader, you are seeing Russia and China becoming emboldened to take the Ukraine and China wants Taiwan. You need to pray that wars do not start in the Ukraine or in Taiwan. Call on My angels to help protect these two countries with your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your Covid and flu cases increase, this could trigger more Covid restrictions. More emergencies are being declared to control the spread of Covid cases, even when there are not many deaths. The hospitals are still not giving ivermectin or hydroxychoroquine. Some people are dying from using the ventilators. Keep praying for your friends and relatives to recover from their sicknesses. Call on Me to heal the sick people, and use your Good Friday oil to bless the vaccinated people.”

Jesus said: “My son, it would be wise to take your Subaru car on your trip until you can fix your van. Pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer before and after your trip for your protection on the way. You have a chance to meet some new people who have not heard your talk. Give the people your overview explanation of the coming events. Give some of your refuge messages to explain the need for My refuges. This will be a travel that you have not done for quite a while. Reach out to touch these souls with My messages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been shut down for a while, but now would be a good time to think of making another DVD video. You can get your preparations together and be ready to produce another Video message. You are in the pre-tribulation time, so now would be a good time to explain all of your refuge preparations for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You may want to have someone help you in the video taping. Pray a novena and the St. Theresa prayers for a successful video.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to check all of your equipment to see that it is in working order. Test your heaters, powering your water pump with your solar source, and even think of having another refuge practice run which you have not had in a while. (11-2-19) By using some of your food to make soups and bread, you will be prepared for the refuge time that is coming soon.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several signs of when I will call My faithful to come to My refuges. The next deadly virus is coming shortly. The mark of the beast will be forced on you soon. You could see another forced shutdown coming so the one world people can prepare the way for the Antichrist’s takeover. For these reasons I will soon bring My Warning, and My call of My faithful to My refuges. This is why My refuge builders need to keep practicing, so you will have everything ready and in working order to protect My people. My angels will help you in all of your accommodations.”

Friday, December 3, 2021: (St. Francis Xavier)
Jesus said: “My son, every time you travel to give a talk about My messages, I send a legion of angels to protect you. Be sure to pray your St. Michael prayer of the long form as you leave and return. St. Michael will be leading My angels to help you. You have not had many occasions to give talks because of your Covid restrictions. You are still giving your Zoom conferences to make up for not being able to travel as often. My people need to be ready to leave for My refuges, as events are about to bring more persecution of My faithful. Have trust in My protection and faith that I can multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, Russia has troops massing along the Ukrainian border. They are threatening NATO to stand down and not interfere with their expected invasion of the Ukraine. If NATO and America do not come to the aid of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine, then Russia will continue to keep invading countries that used to be part of the old Soviet Union. Be prepared for more wars because Russia and China see Biden’s America as weak and no longer a threat to further takeovers. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the communists could take over your country.”

Saturday, December 4, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, indeed you will be seeing serious events occurring this month, especially after December 8th. I want you to put in this message the passage speaking of wars and rumors of wars, and also how nation will be fighting against nation. (Matt. 24:6-8) ‘For you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. Take care that you do not be alarmed, for these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be pestilence and famines and earthquakes in various places. But all these things are the beginnings of sorrows.’ Soon I will call My faithful to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, unless you are vaccinated with Covid shots, you have a hard time trying to find a good job. Many employers are being coerced by your socialist government to force people to get vaccinated with Covid shots, or you will lose your job. Some companies require only weekly testing for Covid. Anyone who talks against vaccinations or boosters is being silenced for speaking against the lies of the media. These shots are designed to kill Americans and the virus came from China. The fentanyl that is killing your children, is also coming from China. This is all part of the death culture to reduce the population. So refuse to take Covid shots, boosters, nor flu shots because they will ruin your immune system. Stand up against the Covid mandates and all of the other lies from the left, or you will continue to lose your freedoms. The socialists will be persecuting conservatives, or anyone who speaks out against their communist narratives, because they want total control with no compromise. This is why My faithful need to be ready to come to My refuges of safety, so My angels can protect your lives and souls from the evil ones who will support the Antichrist.”

Sunday, December 5, 2021: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, you see many people shopping for Christmas gifts, but there are others giving food to the local food shelves to distribute food to the poor and hungry. Today’s readings speak of St. John the Baptist who was a voice crying out in the desert for people to repent of their sins, and be baptized. He wore camel’s hair clothes and he ate locust and wild honey. St. John the Baptist prepared the way for My coming in My ministry to evangelize people. But in a few weeks you will be celebrating My birth on Christmas. You have put up your decorations and Nativity scenes for this celebration. Now you are buying gifts and sending out your Christmas cards. This spirit of love and sharing is what I wish the whole world could share in My peace on earth. Rejoice in My coming at Christmas and prepare for My coming again at the judgment.”

Monday, December 6, 2021: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the news how a volcano in Indonesia erupted suddenly and it killed 14 people. It also sent smoke and ash up to 40,000 feet. I mentioned in a previous message that you could see more earthquakes and volcanoes erupting. If more eruptions occur with smoke and ash going up as high as 40,000 feet, you could also see your temperatures get colder when it blocks out the sun. Up to now you have seen warmer temperatures, but your weather could be affected by more eruptions. Be ready for a colder winter that some people had predicted. These signs in nature are more signs of the coming end times, even as the protection of St. Joseph will stop after December 8th.”

Jesus said: “My people, wherever My Blessed Sacrament is adored and at Mass, My angels are all around Me giving Me praise and honor. Have no fear when I am Present among you in My consecrated Host, because My angels will protect you. This is another reason that I will be calling My faithful to My refuges, because I will have a priest or My angels providing you daily Holy Communion during the tribulation. This will allow you to place a consecrated Host into your monstrance so you can have perpetual Adoration. I am the center of your lives and you will have your people sign up for your daily Adoration hours before My Blessed Sacrament. Each person at My refuges will take an hour around the clock so I am kept company at all hours of the day and night. I will be the source of your strength and endurance throughout the shortened time of the tribulation. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs during the time of tribulation of the Antichrist.”

For getting hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard from the frontline doctors that it is good to have hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the right dose handy to help Covid virus patients when they first become sick. This is why it would be good to have both of these medicines on hand to help the sick people. You also could have the Good Friday oil to heal the vaccinated people by blessing them. Trust in Me by faith that I can heal your people, especially at My refuges.”

Tuesday, December 7, 2021: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you of the threat of Russia to invade the Ukraine, and China could attack Taiwan. They may even strike at the same time. With events moving quickly after tomorrow, I want you to have another refuge practice run before the holidays within the next two weeks. You had your last practice run in November, 2019, but now events could quickly lead to My call for you to come to My refuges, and you need to be ready. Do not worry about finding a comfortable time for people to come because you could see a coming lockdown shortly, just as they are planning in India. Get your preparations together, and do it now so you can make sure your equipment is working. Trust in My Word to you that you need one more practice run. My angels will help you in all of your work.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may see war in Taiwan and the Ukraine, but this could lead to a larger war that could include nuclear weapons used on America. Several cities could get wiped out as a planned takeover of America will begin. War is terrible and a lot of lives could be taken. Once your electricity is taken down, there will be a lot of people dying of starvation with little food available. Before the next deadly virus and killing with bombs begins, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. This is why I am asking you to have another refuge practice run within the next week or so to get your people ready for what is coming, because soon you will see the real call to My refuges. Learn from your experience how I will help My faithful to survive the tribulation with the help of My angels. I will provide you daily Holy Communion with a priest or My angels, and I will multiply your food, water, fuels, and places to live. Trust in My instructions, and My angels will protect you. You will be healed of all of your infirmities by looking on My luminous cross in the sky at My refuges, and when you have faith that I can heal you.”

Wednesday, December 8, 2021: (Immaculate Conception of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I was faithful to God without sin during my life, and I was conceived without sin as well. The Lord blessed me as the new Eve so I did not suffer any consequences of original sin. This is why when Jesus was born, I did not suffer pain as other women do at childbirth. He even allowed me to be assumed into heaven at my death. I was given the honor to be the Mother of my son, Jesus, and our two hearts are one. This is why I am the Mother of His Church, as you honor me, and you do not praise me. I accepted St. Gabriel’s call to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit to conceive Jesus with my fiat ‘yes’. All of God’s people also need to give Him your fiat ‘yes’ to do the mission He has assigned to you. Only by loving Jesus, and being obedient to His Commandments, can you carry out your own unique mission. Stay close to our two hearts by your daily prayers, daily Mass if possible, and frequent Confession. Remember your promise to pray my daily rosary and wear my brown scapular of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, your price of gasoline has gone up because your present government policies are against fossil fuels. You were energy independent with your previous President, but now you are more dependent on foreign oil. It is irresponsible to think that solar and wind energy are going to replace your fossil fuels. You are seeing various shortages and higher gasoline and natural gas prices because of a poor support for fossil fuels. Your economy needs fuels to operate, and any fuel shortages or higher prices could harm your economy. Pray that your people can choose to support your fossil fuel production, or you could become too dependent on foreign energy fuels, which will increase your fuel prices.”

Thursday, December 9, 2021: (St. Juan Diego)
Jesus said: “My people, I am preparing a place in heaven for My faithful remnant who give Me praise in prayer and obey My Commandments in their actions. Those faithful, who repent of their sins and ask for My forgiveness, will be welcomed into My Wedding Banquet in heaven. Your place is reserved at the level of heaven that has been appointed for you. All of those people, who did not repent of their sins, and did not obey My Commandments, will be cast into hell, and they will not be allowed to enter heaven. In the same way, only My faithful believers, who have a cross on their foreheads, will be allowed to enter My refuges. My angels will not allow the non-believers to enter, and the evil ones will suffer greatly on earth and in hell. This is how I will separate the evil goats from My faithful lambs. Come, and I will welcome My people to enter My refuges and enter heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this Warning experience to prepare you for the coming tribulation. I warned you after December 8th that you would see more serious events. You are seeing a swarm of earthquakes off the coast of Oregon for example. You also are seeing Christian persecution by some criminals who are burning down large Christmas trees. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I call you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are planning to have another refuge practice run for 24 hours starting this Sunday at 1:00 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. on Monday. You will turn off your natural gas heater and start up your kerosene burner on the first floor and a smaller burner for the basement with a window cracked open. You will turn on your well water and use your solar power to run your water pump during the day time. You will use your rechargeable battery powered lights at night. You will have beds and cots available for those people who are sleeping overnight. You will have 24 hour perpetual Adoration as people will sign up for their hours. You will bake some loaves of bread in your Camp Chef oven. You will have two or three meals for the people who come. Have some blankets and pillows available. This practice run will give people a sense of how they will be living during the tribulation time with My angel protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a sense of urgency for the serious events that will be happening before the deadly virus comes and before the evil ones will try to force the mark of the beast on you. I will bring My Warning, a conversion time of six weeks, and a call to come to My refuges. The time for these events draws near, which is why I am calling you to do this next refuge practice run now, to prepare you for refuge life. Not everyone may be able to stay the whole time, but even if you could stay a short time, you will see what refuge life is like. Be prepared.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you prepare your refuges, I asked you to have two fuels and the appropriate burners ready to be used. My son, you have chosen to use kerosene and wood. You also have propane to run your Camp Chef ovens. You will need to get a large and small kerosene burner out of your shed along with your 5 gallon kerosene container with the kerosene in it. You have wood for the fireplace if needed. You will need to set up your Camp Chef on ceramic tiles in your sun house for baking the bread. Have someone prepare 2-4 pans of bread for rising before baking the loaves. You will assign people various jobs to help with your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, plan some group prayer times and a possible Mass on Monday morning. I will be at the center of your activities at your perpetual Adoration and Holy Mass. Have all that is needed for Mass ready with some hosts, wine, and vestments, along with the books. This will take a little planning for everyone to attend your functions. Trust in Me during the real refuge time when I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. When you believe that I can do this, it will happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrated St. Juan Diego’s feast when he had the miraculous Guadalupe image of the Blessed Mother on his tilma in Mexico City. This is a preparation for the feast of My Blessed Mother of Guadalupe on December 12th. Trust in the miracles I will perform at My refuges with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called some faithful to be refuge builders and provide for the people who will come to My refuges. Preparing refuges takes some courage and work to set up. I told you that I would send people slowly to your refuge so you will have time to provide the people with what they need. You will need counselors at first to calm down the people. My refuge leaders need to assign jobs for everyone with their people’s own skills. St. Joseph will be the contractor for a high rise building in your backyard. You may have 5,000 people sent to you. You will not be overwhelmed, because My people and My angels will help the leaders to provide for the needs of all of your people with My miracles. Trust in My words and plans because you will be using all of the things that you have prepared.”

Friday, December 10, 2021: (House of Loreto)
Jesus said: “My son, you are preparing today to set up your refuge to receive your prayer group people for heating, feeding them, and putting them in beds and cots. You will need night lights at all of the bathrooms, and you will prepare the food and bake some bread. Your refuge will be a place of hiding and protection from the Antichrist during the tribulation. You will be hiding from the people who want to kill you, just as My family and I had to hide from Herod. Have faith that I will have My angels protect you from harm at My refuges. You will have daily Holy Communion and perpetual Adoration during the time of tribulation. Trust in faith that I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. I will have St. Joseph and My angels provide a high rise building to house My people. The people will relax more when they see My miracles, as My luminous cross in the sky for healing the people. Have no fear of the real refuge time when you will see miracles of invisibility, so the evil ones will not even see you.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you are seeing vandals damaging statues at the Immaculate Conception Shrine in Washington, D.C. Yesterday, you saw large Christmas trees being burned to the ground. Tomorrow you will see more destruction of your churches. I told you that the Christian persecution would get worse. Next they will be taking away your free speech, and you will soon come under personal attack for being a faithful person. You are preparing for another refuge practice run because soon I will be calling you to My refuges to protect you from being killed by the Antichrist’s followers. You will be safe at My refuges, as My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”

Saturday, December 11, 2021: (Ann Ehrhart, Colleen’s mother)
Ann said: “My dear family, I am sorry that I left you so suddenly without a warning. I love you all so much, and remember to pray for me, because I am in purgatory for a while. Have some Masses said for me, and I know Colleen’s prayer group will pray for me. I will be praying for all of my family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have heard your prayer to protect you from this current wind storm. Some people have been killed with your tornadoes that struck at night when you could not see them coming. I have warned you that you will see more destruction from your natural storms, especially after December 8th. You also are seeing earthquakes off the coast of Oregon. Pray for My protection as you are preparing for your fifth refuge practice run starting this Sunday. You have been getting your cots ready for all the people who will be staying overnight. You prepared your pull up lights to have light at night. You also have your kerosene burners ready to heat your house when you turn off your natural gas burner. You are using your well water, and you have your Camp Chef oven ready with propane to bake your bread. You will have your prayer times along with your round the clock Adoration, and Mass Monday morning. Your people who did not experience a refuge practice run will see for themselves how you can live independently from your other means of heating and eating. Your people need to be ready to come to My refuges, and see how I will provide for your needs during the tribulation.”

Sunday, December 12, 2021:(Our Lady of Guadalupe, Gaudete Sunday)
Our Lady of Guadalupe said: “My dear children, I am the Blessed Mother of all the Americas, and I rejoice with you as the woman dressed with the sun on a beautiful sunny day. I came to the Indians with my miraculous picture to have them stop killing their babies that were being offered up to their gods. Today, I am coming to have America stop killing your babies in abortion that you are offering up to the gods of convenience and creature comforts, because you do not want to bring up your own children. Stop thinking of just yourselves, and take care of God’s little ones. It is a grave mortal sin to kill your children in abortion. Help your children and your neighbors in need. I pray for all of your people who will experience your refuge practice run, today.”

Our Lady of Guadalupe said: “My dear children, I am happy that you took the time to renew yourselves in this refuge practice run. Thank you for your beautiful rosaries and your intentions which I will pass on to my Son, Jesus. I bless all of my faithful remnant here tonight, and I bless all of your family members, especially those who need to be closer to my Son. Keep praying your rosaries for all of the members of your family, that they will be converted at the Warning and the conversion time. I love all of you so much, and I place my mantle of protection over all of you.”

Monday, December 13, 2021: (St. Lucy)
Jesus said: “My people, as you heard about how St. Lucy was tortured and martyred for her faith, I want My faithful to understand the need for My refuges, when the evil ones will want to kill My Christians of today. I want My people to have the eyes of faith so you can understand how My faithful will be facing possible martyrdom for their faith in Me. When I will call you to My refuges of protection by an inner locution, I want you to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge with a flame. You will be made invisible to others on your way to My refuges. Remember to leave your homes within twenty minutes so you are not captured by your authorities. Have your backpack or roller board prepared to place it in your vehicle to drive to My refuge. Your refuge practice run will be over at 1:00 p.m. Monday as you are eating your lunch. You have been given a preview of what refuge life will be like, but it could last less than 3½ years, which is a lot longer than just a one night drill. So be prepared to come to My refuges, but you will not return to your homes. Trust in Me for My miracles of multiplication of your food, water, and fuels. I love you, and My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am repeating a previous message that you will see more destruction from natural disasters after December 8th. You will be seeing more wind damage, more earthquakes, and more volcanic eruptions. Be prepared because America will suffer much damage for your abortions and sexual sins. You will also see increasing attacks on Christians which will bring My Warning so I can protect My faithful at My refuges. This is why I had you do one more refuge practice run so you will have everything ready for My people to come to your refuge. Trust in My protection with My angels.”

Tuesday, December 14, 2021: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, sometimes it is good to take some time for a mission or a weekend retreat to get closer to Me away from the world’s distractions and stress of rushing around. This is why morning and night prayers are helpful to keep you grounded in your faith. Coming to daily Mass also gives you My Bread of life that sustains you throughout the day with My graces. Many people are busy with Christmas decorations and buying gifts. In addition to buying gifts for people, you can also give gifts of prayers and Masses to help people’s spiritual lives. Be sure to make time for Me every day, so you can be quiet and reserved in your souls with Me, your Creator.”

Wednesday, December 15, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, the people of My day wanted to know if I was the Messiah that St. John the Baptist was preparing the way for. Instead of affirming who I was, I told them the signs of My coming in My healing the deaf, the blind, and the lepers, along with the dead who were raised. Then I told them to report these things to St. John the Baptist. He had a famous quote that said: ‘I must decrease while He must increase.’ I must always be the center of your lives as I am the Creator of everything. Just as I gave signs of My first coming, so you are seeing signs of My second coming. You are seeing pestilence in the viruses that are killing people. You are also seeing famine in places of droughts, and there are earthquakes, volcanoes, and tornadoes causing damage. I will come on the clouds to judge humanity, so have pure souls ready with frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of your biggest needs next to water, is having enough food to eat. You can find ways to heat your home, but finding food to eat could be a major problem if you had a famine, or your national electric grid went down for a long time. You read the estimates if your country suffered an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack. It stated that within a year 90% of your people could suffer starvation and die without stores open and transport of your food. This would be a cause for Me to call you to My refuges to protect you from mobs searching for food. At My refuges only My believers would be allowed to enter, as My angels would not allow the non-believers to enter. With faith in My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels, My faithful could survive the less than 3½ years of the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You cannot survive on just what you have stored at your refuges today which may last only a year for even forty people. You will need multiplication and deer meat for several years. When you come to My refuges as I call you, My angels will defend you from those people who want to kill you, or steal your food. You saw in your refuge practice drill how refuge life would be. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for all of your needs.”

Thursday, December 16, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the ‘Tree of Life’ that Adam and Eve ate from in the Garden of Eden. When they ate from this tree, they could live a long time into the hundreds of years. When they committed the original sin of eating the forbidden fruit, then as a punishment, they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. They died in a relatively short time later because they could not eat from the Tree of Life. After the tribulation and My victory over the Antichrist, all of the evil ones will be cast into hell. At that time I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. There will be many Trees of Life all over the earth, and My people will eat from this Tree of Life and they will live a much longer time than now. Rejoice, My people, because you will have no evil demons tempting you in the Era of Peace. You will be trained to be saints ready for heaven after you die.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am happy that you are praying for the souls in purgatory, especially for the people whose funerals you went to. Do not expect that person, who dies, will go immediately to heaven. Only holy people and those people who have suffered their purgatory on earth, are the few who come directly to heaven. So do not be sad if you hear people are in purgatory, for many saints had to do some purgatory time. Be prepared for your death by frequent Confession and come to Mass as often as you can. Pray for the souls in purgatory, and have Masses offered up for their intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I had two purposes for having you set up this fifth practice run. The most important purpose is to test your readiness because there are increasing threats that would cause Me to call you to My refuges. Another reason is to acquaint your newer members with how practical it is to be able to live independently with My angels helping you. It was incidental that while you were having your drill, there were some people that had lost power due to your wind storms. Be ready to deal with more power outages from your future storms. Keep your storm prayer handy to pray for easing any bad weather around you. Make some copies of the storm prayer for the people.”

The Prayer or Blessing Against Storms (+ = make sign of cross)
Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. + God
became man, + and the Word was made flesh. + Christ
was born of a Virgin. + Christ suffered. + Christ was
crucified. + Christ died. + Christ rose from the dead. +
Christ ascended into Heaven. + Christ conquers. + Christ
reigns. + Christ orders. + May Christ protect us from all
storms and lightning. + Christ went through their midst
in Peace, + and the word was made flesh. + Christ is with
us with Mary. + Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion
of the Generation of Juda, the Root David, has won. +
Holy God. + Holy Powerful God. + Holy Immortal God. +
Have mercy on us. Amen.

Jesus said: “My people, there are various ways to obtain ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine if you know the right people. You were reminded of using chlorine dioxide for fighting these viruses. You can buy the kits on line and it is easy to mix together with various mixtures with water, carbonated drinks , or other liquids. You researched this at one time and it would be good to have some information on the healing properties of chlorine dioxide which works like ozone to kill viruses. You could buy some more of the kits for making chlorine dioxide and have it on hand to help people who are sick with Covid variants.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing of more people getting sick from the Covid variants, especially during the winter. There are flu cases as well which can use tamiflu or natural derivatives. You take your Airborne lozenges with vitamin C in it, vitamin D3 2000, zinc, and Hawthorn pills. By eating healthy and taking your supplements, you can build up your immune system to fight off these viruses. You can also call on Me to heal you of any sickness by having faith that I can heal you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you keep a clean soul from sin, and receive My consecrated Host often in Holy Communion, you will receive My graces to keep your body healthy and your soul strengthened against sin. Trusting in My healing power is your best medicine to conquer the man-made evil viruses.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been giving messages to people for how to prepare various needs for having a refuge. Other prayer groups could have their own practice runs using your example. You need the basics of a water source, dried foods, fuels for heating to keep warm and fuels for cooking. Having a source of light is needed at night. Cots and hygiene kits are also useful. Most of all you need an altar for future perpetual Adoration to focus your reliance on Me and My angels to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your refuges I will multiply your food, water, and fuels, but you need to have some of these things at your refuge so I have something to multiply. For your food and your fuels, I could refill your containers with My miracles. See these refuge drills as a good practice for how you can adapt to My refuge life. I will send you deer for meat, and I will provide a luminous cross in the sky for your healing. Trust in Me to have My angels finish your refuge preparations, even at refuges that have not made any preparations. I will provide for your protection with My angels, but you need to have faith in My healing and multiplication of things, and you will see My miracles happen.”

Friday, December 17, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of My people so much that I took on a human body so I could redeem you from your sins with My death and Resurrection. You are preparing to celebrate My birth from the Blessed Mother on Christmas. You have heard the genealogy from Abraham to St. Joseph in St. Matthew’s Gospel. In St. Luke’s Gospel you have generations from St. Joseph to Adam. It was Adam’s original sin that brought sin into the world, but I as a man have brought forgiveness into the world to make up for Adam’s sin. I am the Light of the world, and after My birth, your days get more light up to June. Rejoice that I brought salvation to all of mankind. I only ask that you believe in Me as your Creator, and obey My Commandments so I can welcome you into eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see many evil things going on starting with the theft of your 2020 election by hacking into your vulnerable Dominion voting machines that allowed false votes to be added to Biden’s tally. Biden is destroying your country by forcing people to take Covid shots that are poison and are not working to stop the Covid virus variants. Good workers are leaving their jobs because they do not want to die from taking the poisonous Covid shots that are meant to kill people. Biden’s overspending is causing rampant inflation and could lead to your country’s bankruptcy. Biden is ruining your energy industry by fighting against fossil fuels. He is also ruining your economy by letting thousands of illegal immigrants flood your country with an open border. His foreign policy is also a disaster which could cause a world war. Now you have some blue states allowing illegal immigrants to vote. This is encouraging lawlessness in your society where criminals are running free without bail after committing crimes. When your lives are in danger from these evil leaders, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect you. Trust in Me because I will bring My victory over these evil ones, and they will be cast into hell.”

Saturday, December 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph could see the Blessed Mother was with child, and he was going to divorce her quietly, until the angel told him that it was by the Holy Spirit that she conceived Me. This was My plan to enter earth as a human being, but I was still a God-man. My Blessed Mother accepted St. Gabriel’s offer to be My mother, and she gave her ‘fiat’ yes, even if it could expose her to scandal before St. Joseph took her into his home. As you approach My feast of My birth at Christmas, I want My faithful to reach out to bring souls to Me in conversion to belief in Me. Just as St. Joseph welcomed My Blessed Mother into his home, so I want My true believers to welcome Me into your hearts and souls. You can do this every time you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I am with you in My Real Presence in your soul for a short time. You celebrate a little Christmas every time that you receive Me. Rejoice, that you can be with Me so close at your Mass. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I do for you, and consecrate yourselves to My service every day.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember when a lady was questioning whether the Warning was ever going to happen. Then a voice came to her and she heard: ‘Believe it’. I have given you many messages about how the Warning will happen in your lifetime. You remember when in the Scriptures that Simeon was promised that before he died, he would see the Messiah in My first coming. I have promised you, My son, that you will see the Warning and tribulation in your lifetime, just as I made a promise to Simeon. You are living in a glorious time of the pre-tribulation, which is why I am making sure you have your refuge things ready in your latest practice run. Do not be concerned about dates, or how people may criticize what seems to you a long time for this to happen. Believe it will happen, and be waiting and watching patiently. These things will happen in time when the Father’s time will come, and not any sooner. Trust in Me to call you to My refuges when your lives are threatened.”

Sunday, December 19, 2021: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, I know you are all preparing for My birth with all of your gifts and food preparations. Many of you are traveling to your relatives to share a meal together. This is one of the few times you get to see your family members who live far away. Remember that I became a man so I could die to offer you salvation for your souls. As you rejoice at Christmas, try to come to Mass so you can meet Me in Holy Communion, and see My crib scene up close. On Christmas My Blessed Mother and I take up many souls from purgatory so they can rejoice with Me in heaven. Keep praying for all the souls in purgatory with your prayers and Masses. These souls are praying for you as well.”

Monday, December 20, 2021: (Funeral Mass for Gerard Tette)
Jesus said: “My people, Gerard loves all of his family and friends very much. You are seeing the door to heaven being opened to let Gerard in with the blessing of this Mass. All of the Masses you are having offered, have contributed to helping him into heaven. Gerard knows how much you will miss him, but he will be praying for his family and he will be watching over them. It was a nice touch that you dressed him for Christmas in a red sweater, since he was born on Christmas.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the story of the miraculous Star of Bethlehem that led the Wise Men to find Me in My crib. After the Warning, you will see guardian angels leading My faithful with a flame to find Me in a consecrated Host at the nearest refuge. Just as the Wise Men were led to Me by a star, so My faithful will be led to find Me with a flame.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see people putting up lights, reindeer, and snowmen for their Christmas decorations. I truly thank those people who display My crib scene in public because this best commemorates My birth at Bethlehem. Your Christmas trees are beautifully decorated, but even a small crib scene has the most meaning for Christmas. Give praise and thanks to Me for becoming a man so I could redeem My people from their sins with My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to value all life, especially the unborn, where some women are aborting their own children. You recently celebrated My Blessed Mother’s feast day of Guadalupe, where she is calling out to all mothers not to abort their children. It is more important to have your children, even if you need to have someone else bring up any unwanted children. Keep praying and protesting at the Planned Parenthood clinics in your attempts to save My little ones. I thank those people who are trying to get pregnant mothers to avoid aborting their children. Keep praying to stop abortions.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have shown you visions of atomic bombs in some US cities that could shut down your electric grid with an EMP attack. As China threatens Taiwan, and Russia threatens the Ukraine, you could see a war in different parts of the world as you push back against Russia’s troop buildup along the Ukrainian border. When the evil ones want to release the next deadly virus, I will bring My Warning, so My faithful will have time to come to the safety of My refuges. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and when you look on My luminous cross in the sky, you will be healed of any bleeding virus disease. You will see tsunamis from volcanoes, comets, or asteroids. Even any tsunami waves will be held back by My angels to protect My refuges. So trust in Me that My faithful will be protected from the evil ones and any natural disasters by My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon see some serious events that will threaten your lives, and I will bring My Warning so you will be protected from being killed by the safety and protection of My angels. You will need to leave your homes within 20 minutes with your backpack in your car. You need to be at My refuges before the next deadly virus is released. Trust in My Word so My angels can protect you. You will not return to your homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, only My believers will be given crosses on their foreheads by My angels. This cross on the forehead will be needed to enter My refuges because My refuge angels will not allow non-believers to enter My refuges. This is why it is so important for My faithful to make converts during the six weeks of conversion for all of your family members. Those people, who refuse to believe in Me, could be lost in hell. This time of conversion after the Warning will have no evil influence, so your family will be more open to being converted.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and any natural disasters. I want My faithful to seal your windows with black plastic so you do not look at the destruction that I will bring upon the evil ones. The evil ones will suffer plagues and scorpion stings on earth, and then they will suffer the flames of hell. Be patient as I will provide for your needs throughout the whole tribulation of the Antichrist. After the evil ones are removed from the earth, I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, where you will live a long time without any evil influence.”
N.B. Have some supplies of black plastic bags ready for this time.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021: (St. Peter Canisius)
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another preview of My Warning experience, when you will come before Me, and you will view your life review of all of the good and bad things you did in your lives. You will have a focus on all of your unforgiven sins and your sins of omission. You will have a taste of your present destination of heaven, purgatory, or hell. This will be a wake-up call for many people when they see how much their sins offend Me. After this experience, you will be returned to your body in time with an opportunity to change your life for the better. If you do not change, you will face the destination of your life review. Those people, who refuse to love Me and refuse to repent of their sins, will face the flames of hell forever. Stay close to Me with a pure soul by frequent Confession, then one day I will welcome you to be with Me forever in heaven. It is everyone’s free will choice where they will be judged.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just had a 6.2 earthquake off the coast of California, and it was followed by smaller aftershocks. There are possible tsunamis that could come from earthquakes on the sea floor. Be aware of them as the earthquakes can build in intensity and frequency. You are seeing more earthquakes and volcanoes going off, that could be disturbed by your changing poles, or a strong magnetic force in the skies. When natural disasters could threaten lives as the storms in the Phillippines, then you need to be ready to seek places of protection as at My refuges. Trust in My protection with My angels at My refuges.”

Wednesday, December 22, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, as you think of My birth at Bethlehem, not many people think of how the Holy Spirit is involved with Christmas. It was a miracle of the Holy Spirit that I became a God-man as the Blessed Mother conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was also involved with the miracle of My Resurrection. Wherever there is life, the Holy Spirit is Present to give life to the spirit of that person. There are many miracles with the birth and final resurrection of every person. Give praise and thanks to Me and the Holy Spirit for all of the miracles of life that you are witnessing.”

Jesus said: “My people, most cities and towns have treatment plants so the sewer water does not pollute the lakes and rivers. If such a condition of black sewer water is flowing into a lake, it should be reported to stop the pollution. There is also a spiritual pollution of evil coming from prostitution, adult book shops, and strip shows. You could limit this pollution by shutting down these kind of establishments. You can also encourage people to come to Confession to clean up their souls from their sins.”

Thursday, December 23, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people some people are impatient because they have to wait to receive their orders of merchandise. Imagine if you were in the flames of sheol with your soul body, and you had to wait thousands of years to be released. When I was born to save mankind from their sins, these souls in the flames were joyful because in a few years they would be freed after My death and Resurrection. So do not complain when you have to wait a few years for My Warning to start the events of the end times. You are living in a glorious time when you will see Me defeat the evil ones, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace with no evil influence. Keep your soul clean with frequent Confession, and you will have your reward soon for being faithful to obeying My Commandments.”

Friday, December 24, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I know you are all honoring Me on Christmas, but the best gift you could give Me is your daily prayers and your daily consecration of everything you do for Me. You all are also sharing gifts with each other to show your love and care for them. You find a way to get your gifts, even despite all of the shortages and higher prices. As you think of helping the poor, you could share your donations of money and food with your local food shelf. You can pray for your family’s conversions, because their souls are most important to Me. I bless all of you as you celebrate My birth. Do not forget to put a Nativity set out to remember the reason for this feast day.”

(Christmas Eve Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the angels blowing trumpets of joy as I was born. This was the beginning of My victory over sin and death. The shepherds visited Me and gave Me praise for being a God-man. The Wise Men later visited Me to give Me their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Rejoice in My birth that you commemorate every year. You all shared your gifts with each other, and you had two announcements of coming births of our great grandchildren in August of next year. You are being blessed with so many children, but you also need to pray for all of the souls of your family that they can be converted and saved.”

Saturday, December 25, 2021: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you all are sharing in the joy of My birth in Bethlehem, which is why some called Me the Son of David. When the Wise men brought Me My gifts, the myrrh was a sign of My future suffering, and this is why you saw a veil over Me in your vision. King Herod read of the coming birth in Bethlehem, so he tried to kill Me by killing all the infants in that city. St. Joseph was warned by an angel in a dream to leave for Egypt to avoid the soldiers who were trying to kill Me. The plan of My salvation was carried out, despite the attempts of evil men to destroy Me. I came to bring salvation to all of mankind by My death and Resurrection. Rejoice that you have been released from your original sin by My sacrament of Baptism.”

Jesus said: “My people, up to now you have seen a mild winter with a lower snowfall than normal. In the vision you saw a winter storm blizzard meaning you could still have some bad weather. Keep your kerosene burners handy for if you have a blackout, or a heavy snowfall. You are still seeing some rotation from cold to warm and back to cold. Be prepared to pay more for your heating bills as your prices of natural gas have been rising. I love all of you this Christmas, and I pray that you love Me as well. My angels are protecting you even now.”

Sunday, December 26, 2021: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, My family of My Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and Myself are the Holy Family that you all need to imitate in your actions. Instead of living together in the sin of fornication, I want couples to get married in My Church with the sacrament of Matrimony. The family should be the core of your society, but there are many single parent families, or broken families with divorce or separation. It is hard for one parent to bring up children because that parent needs to work for a living. As you come together on Christmas, this is the time to share gifts with each other. If necessary, you can help each other financially to get by with your needs. Pray for your families to stay together without divorce, and work to love each other with compromises. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me in My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you saw your cable TV and your internet go down with a problem with your cable provider. In the future you will see your services of TV and your internet go down for good when you will see atomic bombs and missiles attack your cities. Your people are so vulnerable when you lose your power and connections to your internet and cable TV. Some of your people have set up refuges, and you will be protected from harm by My angels. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels at My refuges, and I will protect My faithful remnant from the evil ones. I will provide for your protection from the Antichrist, and I will see to your survival throughout the whole tribulation. Have no fear because I will defeat the evil ones, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Monday, December 27, 2021: (St. John the Evangelist, Apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, this scene of an empty stable is a sign that your turn to go into hiding at My refuges draws near. Your recent practice refuge run, that I recommended, is another sign that the time to leave for My refuges of protection is soon. You have celebrated My feast of Christmas with your families, and now they are returning home. It was joyous to be with your loved ones for a short time, and it also was good tidings to you to hear of two more great grandchildren coming in August of next year. Give thanks and praise to Me for coming into this world to bring redemption for your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, your coin change will be the first thing that your government will get rid of. That is why you are seeing coins at the side of the road as so much trash. The next to go will be your paper money, as the evil ones are preparing for the cashless society. Further on you will see the chip in the hand or the mark of the beast which will be your only means of buying and selling. Beware to not accept the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body. Also do not worship the Antichrist. You will see the men in black coming door to door to try and force the mark of the beast on everyone, or the UN troops will kill you in the detention death camps. Before this happens, I will send My Warning to help convert souls. Then I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection. My angels will protect you from being captured. You will be safe at My refuges from the evil ones.”

Tuesday, December 28, 2021: (Mark Hubbel Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you have many ups and downs with trials in your life, and one of them now is with your health during this Covid crisis. I have been warning people for a long time to avoid taking the Covid shots, boosters, and flu shots. It is better to build up your immune system with health supplements as Hawthorn, vitamin C, vitamin D3 2000, and elderberry extract. Some people, who took the Covid shots, are now dying from Covid variants. Mark suffered with health problems, and this took off some of his purgatory time, but he still needs Masses and prayers. He will be watching out for his family. Pray for his family as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more people, who were vaccinated, dying from Covid virus variants than the unvaccinated. The Covid shots are ruining people’s immune systems and the Covid variants are killing people with little resistance. Your natural immunity gives you more protection against Covid virus than the Covid shots. Those people, who do not get boosters to fight the omicron variant, are dying more than the unvaccinated. The front line doctors told you these Covid shots could ruin your immune system, so when the flu strikes, people could die. You can still bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water, and people could be healed. Not many people know about this healing, but I could heal the sick who have faith that I could heal them. After a few years the vaccinated people could die from the spike protein that is generated in their bodies. Pray for the vaccinated people to be healed from any sickness.”

Wednesday, December 29, 2021: (St. Thomas Becket)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for good young men to come forward to the priesthood. Your number of priests is declining because the older priests are dying in larger numbers than they are being replaced by new priests. Be thankful for every Mass that you can attend because you may see another shutdown of your churches as your leaders are trying to slow down the number of Covid cases and deaths. A good share of your deaths are a result of the Covid shots themselves. You will be seeing more deaths from the flu and those vaccinated, as their depleted immune systems are making people vulnerable to any disease. Pray for the unprepared and bless the vaccinated with the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water. It is a crime that your leaders are forcing your workers and military people to take these poisonous shots just to keep a job. Your country and these leaders will pay dearly in bad health. Your Congress and illegal immigrants are exempt from these Covid mandates which shows the hypocrisy of your leaders. Their goal is to reduce the population, and they will be punished severely in the flames of hell for their evil deeds.”

(Mass for Barb Zarek) Jesus said: “My people, Barb was a hard worker in the field of working to save souls. Many of you worked with her to set up conferences that were well attended. I thank her for all that she did for Me in bringing souls closer to Me. Each conference involved a lot of work and planning, but she did everything well.”

Barb said: “I had a struggle at the end of my life, but I was satisfied that I did the best I could for my Lord. I thank all of you for coming to our events. I will be doing a short time in purgatory, and thank you for today’s Mass intention.”

Thursday, December 30, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, in this vision you are getting a look at your life during your years, at the beginning, and at the end. This shows you how short your life on earth is, and why it is so important to make the most of every minute that you are alive. I give you time as a gift, but as you age, and you see others dying, you know that your years will end one day. My people need to have their souls pure with frequent Confession, because you do not know which day I will call you home. Your body is mortal and you could die any time from a number of ways. Because I am keeping you healthy for your mission, remember how I promised you that you would live into My Era of Peace, so you could direct My people in your own refuge. Trust in My Word and My directing you what to do, and when to do it.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when a woman gives birth to a child, there is great joy. When a woman kills her baby with abortion, there is great sadness. You just celebrated the feast of the Holy Innocents where Herod killed all the infants in Bethlehem. Because St. Joseph left in time for Egypt, he saved My life from the soldier’s swords. Pray to stop your abortions because you will suffer for all of these killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am repeating what I told you that more vaccinated people are dying from Covid or the flu than the unvaccinated. The flu is as rampant as the Covid virus. People do not realize that the Covid shots and boosters are ruining their immune systems, and any illness could kill people who have a poor immune system. I am still reminding you to avoid taking Covid shots, boosters, and flu shots that will leave you with little resistance to fight any disease. These shots and viruses were made on purpose to reduce the population. You may have to come to My refuges to be healed of all of the Covid variants, and the eventual deadly new virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people dying from Covid, the flu, and tornadoes. You are seeing many signs of the end times, and I will need to bring My Warning to try and save as many souls as possible. My Warning will come before the deadly new virus that is being planned by the evil ones. I will call My faithful to My refuges so My angels can protect you and heal you of all diseases. Trust in My healing power and you will be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more cases of sickness that are being caused by the latest omicron variant and the flu. The rampant cases of Covid virus will be used to cause more restrictions that will allow the evil ones to take control of your people out of fear. Trust in My healing and use your immune helping medicines and supplements. This variant is contagious, but it is less deadly. Pray for all of your sick people, and try to get healing medicines and supplements early to your sick people so they can be healed early.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more people dying around you from various sicknesses that are filling your hospitals again. Reach out to the vaccinated people and use your Good Friday oil and exorcism water to pray over them, so they could be healed. Do not forget to pray over your vaccinated family members, who are being forced to get the Covid shots to keep their jobs. Trust in My healing power to heal them of any reactions.”

Jesus said: “My people, be prepared for more Covid restrictions to return that could close your churches and keep you in your homes. You may have to rely on your internet Masses, if your churches are closed again. Your leaders will try to force everyone to get Covid shots, or they could place you in detention death camps. When your lives are threatened, I will call all of My faithful to My refuges of safety where you will be protected by My angels, and healed by looking on My luminous cross in the sky.”

Jesus said: “My people, I had you have another refuge practice run because I wanted you to be ready to live at My refuges throughout the whole tribulation of the Antichrist. You will suffer your purgatory on earth at My refuges, as it will be a struggle every day to survive. After the tribulation I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and you will be brought into My Era of Peace. This is why there will be no time for purgatory because you will be living a long time in My Era of Peace where there will be no more evil influence from the demons. You will be prepared as saints, and you will come straight to heaven after you die. I await the day to bring My faithful into heaven where you will be joyful to know and love Me forever.”

Friday, December 31, 2021: (Funeral Mass for Salvatore La Porta)
Jesus said: “My people, Salvatore is one of the fortunate souls to die around Christmas day. He died on December 24th. He and many other souls did a short time in purgatory. Then they were accompanied by My Blessed Mother and Myself into heaven. Salvatore was happy to see all of his family come to his funeral. He thanked Mark for his heart felt eulogy. He loves his family so much, and he will be praying for all of his family and friends. Rejoice in sharing his beautiful life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusual events going on right now. Out West you are seeing damaging fires and high winds that have destroyed hundreds of homes. Some areas out West are also seeing heavy snowfalls. In the South you are seeing more unstable weather that is causing tornadoes and more damage. In the North you are seeing warmer than normal temperatures with no snow right now. Be prepared because you will be seeing more unusual weather and earthquakes next year. Some of your natural disasters are a punishment for your abortions and your sexual sins. Your people need to come to Sunday Mass while you still can, and come to frequent Confession to keep your souls clean from sin.”


Sexta-feira, 28 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol