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John Leary - Ano 2023 (Inglês)




Ano 2023

Sunday, January 1, 2023: (The Solemnity of Mary)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, on this feast of my Motherhood of my Son, Jesus, I pondered all of these events in my heart.  I thank the Lord for choosing me as His Mother, and our two hearts are joined together as one.  He allowed me to be born without original sin, and He gave me the grace to be without sin and live in His Divine Will.  I was happy to see the shepherds and the Magi give honor to my Son, who is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.  This is such an honor to bring our Savior into the world as a God-man.  This Incarnation of Jesus into a human being with both a human and a Divine nature, is a miracle that is hard to understand.  It is a blessing from God that Jesus became one of us to bring salvation to all souls who will accept Him.  Continue to pray your four rosaries for converting all of your family into believers in my Son, Jesus.  I always lead you to my Son, and a happy new year to all of you.”

Monday, January 2, 2023: (St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating these great saints who were fighting the Arian heresy in the 4th Century.  You recently witnessed the death of Pope Benedict XVI emeritus, and they pointed out how his papal ring was crushed.  Now I am warning you of another heresy coming that will change the words of the Consecration of the Mass.  This is the abomination of desolation when the clergy will bring about the New Mass which My faithful should not attend.  You will have to seek out a proper Mass in an underground church offered by a faithful priest.  This will definitely be a sign that the coming tribulation is almost at hand.  This will be close to My Warning and Conversion time.  It will also be close to the time when I will call My faithful to My refuges.  Have no fear because I will warn you when it is the proper time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to be challenged if the leaders in the Church bring out the New Mass with the wrong words of Consecration.  There will be an attempt to bring in the new world religion which is nothing more than a pagan service without the proper words of Consecration.  You cannot change the Roman Catholic traditions to appease all of the world’s religions.  Be prepared for the Chrislam service because you will need to come to My refuges for a proper Mass and Adoration.  Avoid coming to these pagan services and follow My remnant Church.”

Tuesday, January 3, 2023: (The Holy Name of Jesus)

At St. John the Evangelist after Holy Communion, I could see the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist and there appeared a dove of the Holy Spirit and God the Father showing the Blessed Trinity.  Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you see one of the few visions of the Blessed Trinity in My  Baptism by St. John the Baptist.  This is well described in Matt.  3:16-17. ‘And when Jesus had been baptized, He immediately came up from the water.  And behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending as a Dove and coming upon Him.  And behold, a voice from the heavens said: (God the Father) ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’  Now when you see babies and adults baptized, the priest or deacon pronounces the Sign of the Cross with the names of the Blessed Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Baptism brings all of you into the faith of My Holy Church.  Now all Christians are called to convert all souls to be Christians.  The Baptismal blessing takes away your original sin, and joins the baptized person into the Communion of Saints.  All of heaven celebrates the conversion of even one soul to the faith, as well as those sinners who are forgiven their sins in Confession.  This is why My faithful need to keep their souls clean by at least monthly Confession, so you are always prepared to die when you come before Me at your particular judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the overspending done by the Democrats that is a direct cause of your inflation.  Now the Democrats are trying to pay for their overspending by taxing your people for using fossil fuels to keep warm.  These Democratic politicians are liars and hypocrites because they use fossil fuels themselves to fly around in their private planes.  The other party  has a chance to change the Biden abuses, but they need to work together.  Pray that common sense will be used to overcome some of Biden’s destruction of America.”

Wednesday, January 4, 2023: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you a sign that there are water wells established at most of My refuges, and this Shrine for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is truly a refuge for many people who will come.  I have also mentioned that Shrines to My Blessed Mother, saints, and Myself are also places of refuge.  Even if people there have not prepared extra food and beds, My angels will provide for the food, water, and fuels, and any other refuge needs.  Trust in Me that I will multiply the food for all of the people who will come to this refuge.”

(Bishop Matano’s Memorial Mass for Pope Benedict XVI, emeritus)
Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to see Bishop Matano offer up a Memorial Mass for the deceased Pope Benedict XVI emeritus.  The  Pope had many years living in the Vatican after he resigned and Pope Francis was elected.  He kept his papal ring on right up to when he died.  This was unusual to have two Popes living in the Vatican at the same time.  The Mass had beautiful singing throughout, and your Bishop gave a thoughtful homily.  There were many people and priests there.  You even had a hard time finding a place to park your car.  Give praise and thanks to Me for giving you a beautiful Pope in Pope Benedict XVI emeritus.”

Thursday, January 5, 2023: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said:  “My people, I love all of you so much, and I know and see you, even before you recognized My Presence in the consecrated Host.  I know everything about you, even before you were born.  I am looking intently upon you every moment of every day, even while you are sleeping.  If you were not in My Mind, you would cease to exist.  So thank Me for your presence on earth for the short time of your life.  You are like the grass and the flowers that bloom for a short time and then they fade away.  So give Me praise and thanks for your life, just as you saw the many people on earth, and all of  My angels and saints in heaven in your vision.  This life passes away quickly, but My faithful are promised an eternal life with your loving Lord in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you could see crowds of people at the Vatican who were paying their respects to the late Pope Benedict XVI emeritus.  You also witnessed Bishop Matano’s Memorial Mass for the same intention.  There was a beautiful picture of Pope Benedict on display at Sacred Heart Cathedral.  Now there will only be one Pope at the Vatican.  Many people witnessed  Pope Benedict’s papacy and all of his accomplishments.”

Jesus said: “My people, some say this vote for Speaker in the House of Representatives is democracy in action, but after three days and ten ballots later, it is an embarrassment for the Republicans.  There have been some attempts at concessions, but that did not change the vote.  Pray that these Congress people can come to an agreement on a Speaker to be elected so Congress can carry on its business.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would be seeing more natural disasters as punishment for your abortions and more abortion laws in your states.  Biden’s recent Marriage bill signing is another offense to Me that is deserving of more punishment.  You are seeing strong winds and heavy rainfall in California that has caused many people to lose their power.  These people need to pray their storm prayer to minimize damage and deaths from this storm.  Some people might understand that these storms are unusual, and it could bring some people to their knees to ask for My mercy for their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting a new year, and you are seeing chaos in many parts of your society.  This should be a sign to your people that only prayer and a change in your lifestyles may be necessary to stop this chaos.  Remember when Jonah warned Nineveh that their city would be destroyed if they did not repent of their sins and change their lives for less sin.  This is what is needed in America, and you can start by stopping your abortions and all of your sexual perversions.  If Americans can convert their lives to holy lives, you would see less crime and more love among your people and more love of Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed a 9% inflation rate that has only come down to 7% in the last year.  There is a possibility of a recession if your Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates too high.  It is hard to lower inflation when your government is spending more money than they collect in taxes.  Raising the National Debt limit and the continuous printing of money is making your money worth less.  Beware of Biden’s attempt to implement a digital dollar which could cause severe problems among your people.  Keep praying for your people that they can provide the needed food and fuels that is required for their survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching the time of the tribulation of the Antichrist when evil will be allowed a brief reign.  It is for the protection of My faithful that I am having My refuge builders set up refuges for what evil that is coming.  You will see a coming time of persecution of My believers when you will need a safe haven to come to so My angels can protect you from the Antichrist and the one world people.  Have no fear and trust in Me that I will have My angels protect you from harm and lead you to My safe havens during the tribulation.  When it is time to come to My refuges, your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge.  You will be made invisible and My angels will provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, My refuge builders are preparing their refuges with food, water, and fuels for cooking and keeping warm.  Some refuges have water wells and even solar panels for electricity.  At My refuges you will have perpetual Adoration when you will be trusting in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.  I will multiply your food, water, and fuels, as well as places to sleep, but you must have faith in My miracles.  You will see Me multiply what is needed for your survival.  At My refuges you will be close to Me in your Adoration hours, and you will become holier people in your daily Mass and daily prayers.”

Friday, January 6, 2023: (St. Andre Besset)
Jesus said: “My people, even the doorman to St. Joseph’s Basilica in Montreal, Canada was given healing powers to heal many people.  You can see the many crutches left in the church that are a witness to the healings through St. Andre Besset’s intercession.  He was a blessed worker in the field for saving souls, as all of you are called to evangelize souls for Me.  All of heaven rejoices over even one sinner who repents.  Pray for poor sinners and for the souls in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is continuing to take your country down by allowing the drug cartel to run your Southern border and ruin all of your border states who cannot absorb all of the illegal immigrants.  The Democrats are sending billions of dollars of weapons to the Ukraine which is depleting your own supplies that protect your country.  It is the industrial military complex that makes money on wars, and these companies make weapons and use the people’s money to pay for them.  This excess spending on things you do not need, is what is causing your inflation and causing a large increase in your National Debt.  The Democrats are ruining your finances in many areas of your government, and they send the FBI out to put down their adversaries who are fighting against them.  With spending out of control and Green New Deal policies that do not work, your country is being destroyed by the Democrats and the one world people.  Do not depend on the Republican House of Representatives to try and stop this destruction because they can only slow it down.  My faithful need to get ready to come to My refuges because your country is about to be taken over by a communist dictatorship.  Pray for My protection at My refuges.”

Saturday, January 7, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I know the Church is celebrating My Epiphany on this coming Sunday, and you are seeing the three kings following My miraculous star to Bethlehem in your vision.  Even though the astronomers like to chart this star for its timing, I truly led the Magi by a miraculous star because it stopped and started by My movement.  You are hearing how My angels called the shepherds to My crib, and the Magi were called by My miraculous star to My crib as well.  This is a joyous moment, but it quickly ended when I had My angel call St. Joseph in a dream to take My Holy Family to Egypt so Herod could not kill Me.  Rejoice, My people, because I will call My faithful to My refuges in a dream called an inner locution.  My angels will lead My faithful with a flame to the nearest refuge at the proper time.  You will see My luminous cross in the sky over My refuges that will heal people when they look on it.  Just as My Holy Family had to go into hiding from Herod, so My faithful will need to hide at My refuges from the UN troops dressed in black who will want to kill you.  See this Epiphany as a forerunner of what is to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is amazing that the vote cheating Democrats allowed the Republicans to win the House of Representatives, but the House has a Speaker who is part of the political status quo.  Do not think the Republicans will change much because there are too many Congress people who are paid off by rich Democrats.  The investigations will have a difficult time in acquiring their needed information, so many such investigations into the deep state will be covered up.  Pray for your country, but very little will change in your government.”

Sunday, January 8, 2023: (the Epiphany of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, I am truly a King, and the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh from the Magi were truly appropriate for a King.  The Magi had followed My miraculous star from the East, and they came to Bethlehem where the star stopped to indicate where I was born.  After giving their gifts to Me, they left for home by a different  route so Herod was not told where I was.  Because of Herod’s desire to kill Me, since I was a threat to his throne, St. Joseph had to take the Holy Family to Egypt in hiding.  Rejoice in the Epiphany of My Kingship, but even My faithful will need to seek hiding at My refuges from those evil ones who hate Christians who adore Me.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect you throughout the tribulation.”

Monday, January 9, 2023: (The Baptism of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, I asked St. John the Baptist to baptize Me to institute My sacrament of Baptism with the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  This was the beginning of My public ministry when I started calling My apostles to follow Me.  It is also the end of the Christmas Season and time for the green vestments until the beginning of Lent.  You have had a lot of Holy days and now you are putting away your decorations.  Thank you for marking your entrance with the Epiphany blessing of 20+C+M+B+23.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is true that your abortions are a huge problem with many babies being killed every year.  It is now the blue states that are passing more abortion laws that will even pay for abortions from the red states.  It is the Democrats who are pushing for the legalization of allowing abortion.  The other threat to your lives  is your open borders where fentanyl is killing a lot of your young people because of Biden’s open border policy.  Biden thinks he can get more Democrat votes by allowing illegal immigrants to come into your country.  In truth all of these millions of illegal immigrants  are causing problems feeding and housing so many people.  The drug cartels are ruining your country with crime and drugs.  Both of these problems of abortion and the open Southern border are getting worse because of the Democrat policies that are killing people and allowing more crime.  I mentioned before how Biden’s policies are causing inflation and problems that are taking your country down.  Pray that your people can reject these failing policies.”

Tuesday, January 10, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the priest dressed in green vestments as you start the first week of Ordinary time.  In the Gospel you heard how I read the Scriptures with authority.  Then there was a man possessed by an evil spirit, and the evil spirit spoke out acknowledging that I was the Holy One of God.  I told the spirit to be quiet and come out of the man.  When the spirit left, this astonished the people, and they asked what kind of person was I who could command the evil spirits to leave someone.  It was by My miracles that the people could hear and see that I was sent by God.  The people had no idea that I was a God-man, the Incarnation of God the Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.  They did not realize that I became a God-man so I could offer My life up for the salvation of all souls who want to accept Me into their lives.  I do not force Myself on anyone, but I want people to love Me of their own free will.  I love all of you and I want you to love Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know your Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade that supported abortion for all of America.  Now it is the State Legislatures that are passing abortion laws.  The New York State Legislature is controlled by the Democrats in both houses.  These Democrats cheered when they passed the latest abortion law and they even put pink lights on in the World Trade Center.  To change your abortion laws you would need a Republican Legislature which would be difficult to change.  Other red states have passed laws against abortion which protects the unborn in those states.  Even though it is difficult to change the blue state legislatures to stop abortion, you still need to pray for your mothers to stop having abortions.  Remember when My Blessed Mother told you that the greatest sin of omission is for people to not pray or protest against abortion (1-23-17).  You can pray Saturday mornings in front of your Planned Parenthood building to stop abortions and counsel women to not have abortions.  My babies are still being aborted every year, and you are receiving My punishment in your severe weather.  Stop your abortions now, or you will be seeing worse punishments for killing My little ones.”

Wednesday, January 11, 2023: (David, my son who died)
David said: “I want to say hello to my parents and my sisters.  It is good to see our family expanding  with Aiden and Emma.  I love the little babies and I pray to stop abortions.  I can see a bumpy road for your country this year because of God’s punishments for your abortions, and all of the evil things that Biden and the Democrats are inflicting on your people.  You are not long for the possibility of being called to your refuge.  Good-bye for now and keep up your prayers for your family to get through these trying times.”

(Funeral Mass for Jerry Segrue) Jerry said: “I am happy to see all of my family and friends who I love so much.  I am visiting with Shirley, who I love and who I missed for all those years after her death.  There were nice talks and a homily at the Mass.  I want to thank all of those people who took care of me in my last days.  I especially thank Joanie and those people who brought me to Mass to be with Jesus.  It is true that the Lord was the center of my life, and I looked forward to Nocturnal Adoration every month.  I am with the Lord after this Mass.  Shirley and I will be praying for all of the family.  We love all of you.”

Thursday, January 12, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate, but only bad news sells newspapers.  This is why I want My faithful to spread My ‘Good News’ of My Resurrection and your salvation from your sins.  I love My people, and I send My angels to protect you from the demons.  You all have been given your guardian angel to watch over you, and your angel urges you to lead a holy life of prayer and obedience to Me and My Commandments.  In the Gospel you read how I healed the leper when he begged Me for My mercy.  When you call on Me to heal you in faith, I can also heal you of your problems.  As your wife goes for her knee operation, you are asking for her healing as well, like the leper.  Many people were healed by My miracles because they had faith that I could heal them.  You read many times how I healed people, and I told them to go on their way because their faith had saved their soul. So you can come to Me for help in any difficulty, and I will have mercy on you and heal you of any affliction.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated My Baptism which is the first Luminous Mystery of the rosary.  In the vision you saw a large black abyss that represented hell.  Before I came on the earth, the gates of heaven were closed and many souls were suffering in purgatory.  After My Baptism and My death on the cross, the gates of heaven were opened to worthy souls.  With the institution of My sacrament of Baptism, now you had your original sin forgiven, and you were baptized into the faith in My Church and into the Communion of Saints.  Give thanks and praise to Me for all of My sacraments that give you grace with each sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were praying for Carol’s operation (my wife) on her knee, and your prayers were answered with a successful operation that fixed her torn meniscus.  She is resting and able to walk with some pain from the operation.  She should be walking without pain in a few weeks.  She is grateful for all of your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you of how you will have one disaster after another that is a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins.  You are seeing several waves of strong rainstorms in California with high winds and many people were without power.  You also are seeing tornadoes and strong storms in the Southern states.  Keep praying to stop your abortions, and keep praying before your Planned Parenthood to counsel the women to have their babies and avoid abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is getting harder for your people to grow enough food for everyone in your country.  Your farmers are having trouble to find seed and fertilizer at a reasonable price in order to produce their crops.  They are at the mercy of your new weather changes where you have droughts and floods in places.  You need to have three months of food stored for each member of your family to be prepared for some global food shortages.  You will be seeing more food shortages as a result of the Ukrainian war.  Trust in Me to provide for your food, even if I need to multiply what you have.  Trust in Me that you will not starve because I know what you need, and I will multiply your food when it is needed.”

Jesus said: “My people,  last year you were six inches below your normal rainfall.  This year you are seeing several rainstorms to provide for your needs.  Your farmers need adequate rainfall to grow their crops.  Some areas in your country are seeing floods, while other areas are having droughts.  It is difficult to get just the right amount of rain every year.  This is why you have some years of plenty and other years when food is scarce.  Pray that people are able to find enough food to feed their families with what is needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see resistance to the removal of your paper money from circulation, and people will not want their money controlled by the one world people.  This resistance could cause a civil war and even martial law may be called to control any possible riots, as you are seeing in countries like Brazil.  Almost all of the South American countries are becoming communist, and they are coming under the control of the one world people.  America is also seeing more control by communist elements in your government.  When your lives are in danger, I will call My people to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are hundreds of detention center death camps scattered all over your country that the one world people will be using to capture Christians and those resisting the Great Reset.  The time for the Antichrist’s reign is running out, but you could see a trial of evil in the coming tribulation.  This is why I am having My faithful build up refuges for My people’s safety when they will be protected by My angels.  By your faith in My miracles you will see Me multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival.  I will do the impossible and the evil ones will be cleansed from the earth and cast into hell.”

Friday, January 13, 2023: (St. Hilary)
Jesus said: “My people, I do call My believers into My rest as I give you My peace when there is chaos and disasters all around you.  Those people, who are faithful to Me in life, are promised eternal rest with Me in heaven.  Bear with the troubles and pain in this world, for you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.  In the Gospel you saw the faith of the paralytic man who was let down through the roof to be in front of Me because of the crowd.  Even those four people, who carried the man on his mat, had sincere faith in My healing as well.  I forgave the paralytic of his sins, then I healed him and he picked up his mat and went home.  I told the people that the Son of Man can forgive sins by virtue of the miracle of the paralytic’s healing.  The people were astounded to see the man walking and some gave thanks to God.  This is also an example of how I can heal people of their sins, and with a sincere faith, I can also heal people physically.  Trust in Me at all times because you know I can do the impossible.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given a false reason to send so much money and military equipment to a corrupt dictator in a foreign country as the Ukraine.  By sending your arms overseas, you are being disarmed, which is Biden’s plan to make you weak to defend America. You should be making new weapons and keep what is needed in reserve.  It is unclear if you can replace the weapons you are sending.  It is hard to find enough resources to make replacements.  Even your newscasters are wondering when to protect America first before the Ukraine.  Your industrial defense complex is making millions of dollars making these weapons.  These companies can only be prosperous when they can make arms for any ongoing war.  This is why Trump did not want you fighting in long drawn out wars with no benefit to winning.  With your new Republican House, there may be more cuts to sending money and equipment to the Ukraine.  Wars are destructive and require large sums of money to finance.  Pray for an end to this war that could lead to a larger war if it goes on.  Your people can prosper more without fighting wars.”

Saturday, January 14, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you that I came to forgive and heal sinners and not the self-righteous.  You are all sinners from Adam’s sin, and I see all of you as equal, no matter how intelligent you are, or how rich you are.  I love all of you so much, and I am like the Hound of heaven always seeking to find My lost sheep.  Just as I called Levi to follow Me, so I call all people to follow Me and reach out to save lost souls as well.  I am perfect without sin, and you can imitate My sinless life on earth.  You all are called to lead holy lives and bear with all of your pains and disappointments.  You can even offer up your pain for the salvation of sinners and to make reparation for the souls in purgatory.  Keep praying for your wife’s recovery from her knee operation.  I pray  that all of you can have rest in My peace throughout your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some young people taken up with vaping and drugs.  These are addictive behaviors and these people need a personal decision to get off such addictions by treatment and a combination of prayers.  Those people, who do not get off such drugs, could ruin their whole lives.  They will have a hard time keeping jobs and they will be dependent on your society for help.  Keep praying for all family members to do the right things in their lives.”

Sunday, January 15, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and you are seeing in the vision how I will multiply My consecrated Hosts for My people to have every day at My refuges during the tribulation.  In this way you will have My Presence always with you in perpetual Adoration.  Each refuge person will spend an hour in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament every day.  I will give you strength and courage to bear with all of the evil of the evil ones during the tribulation.  The Gospel was on My Baptism in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist.  The Holy Spirit in a dove came over Me, and God the Father said: ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.’  St. John called out: (John 1:29) ‘Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.’  In another passage: (John 4:30) ‘He must increase, but I must decrease.’ This is true for all of you that you are called to be with Me, and I must increase in your life, and be more important than yourselves.  Trust in Me in all you do to evangelize souls for My greater glory.”

Monday, January 16, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read about the high priests like Aaron, and how the priests are called to be priests forever according to the order of Melchizedek.  You are asked many times to pray for vocations to the priesthood.  The Church is short on the needed number of priests, and most of your priests are older with fewer seminarians.  The Gospel talks about fasting which is good for your body and your soul.  My disciples did not fast while the Bridegroom was with them.  But once I left them when I died, then they fasted.  You remember when I asked My people to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays.  You fast during Lent, but you can also fast on these two days of the week.  It gives your body a rest, and you feel in a better way to pray as well.  You used to follow this practice, so maybe you could return to fasting throughout the year.”

Jesus said: “My people, some news reports are saying that Biden’s possession of secret documents was known before the mid-term elections.  The publicity on this case is surprising, and it could even be that these things are being exposed to make Biden look bad to the public.  The other situation of shutting down flights in America, Canada, and the Philippines could be a cover up of foreign hackers, and not just one engineer changing the software.  When there are unusual answers to large problems, this lends suspicion to a possible cover up of the real reason for these shutdowns on different days.  Many people were inconvenienced from this shut down that should not have happened.  It is possible you will never know the real answer because there are convenient coverups since this is a security problem in both events.  It is also possible that the assigned special prosecutors will not reveal the truth of these investigations.  These investigations are designed to hide the truth instead of telling the real facts, much like the FBI did not reveal any information on the Hunter Biden laptop that they had in their possession.  These evil ones will be found out and judged even if I have to reveal it in My time.”

Tuesday, January 17, 2023: (St. Anthony of the Desert)
Jesus said: “My son, this was an interesting experience to visit an exorcist priest.  He had a large picture of St. Anthony of the Desert and it bled oil in the middle.  Just as St. Anthony battled the demons, so you saw videos of Fr. Morphesef exorcizing a person who was possessed by a demon.  It was a violent display with the priest using holy water and his cross to eventually rid the demon.  This took strong faith in Me for this exorcism to be successful over the demon.  Those people, who have a strong faith in Me, can heal people and cast out demons.  So trust in My power to help you through all of life’s trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is no surprise that your weather this year has been unusual and even with many extremes.  It is very likely that the HAARP machine in Alaska has been causing your extreme weather.  Some areas could use the rain, while other areas are receiving little precipitation.  In the vision I am showing you more snow coming, and it is coming in large amounts wherever the rivers of water in the atmosphere combine with the cold from the north.  My people need to be prepared for more cold and more precipitation.  On your news you can see large swirls of clouds almost like a hurricane shape.  You are seeing constant waves of storms coming in from the Pacific Ocean.  Be ready to endure more snowstorms.  See these storms as more punishment for your abortions.”

Wednesday, January 18, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I asked the Pharisees if it was legal to do a good deed on the Sabbath, but they were silent.  Then I healed a man with a withered hand.  This upset the Pharisees so much that they were conspiring to kill Me.  I walked through their midst many times because it was not My time to die.  I told them many times that the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.  You are seeing that the Pharisees wanted to kill Me because I violated their laws, and they could not control Me.  They were also upset when crowds of people came to hear Me and be healed by My miracles.  You have a similar problem with your liberal government when they want to cancel your platform accounts on your social media if you speak out against them.  These evil ones want to take away your free speech.  When they will threaten your lives, I will call you to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had about a million abortions every year for the last fifty years.  If you accumulated all of the blood from these abortions, you could understand how much this offends Me.  All of these lives were also snuffed out along with all of the plans I had for these lives.  There is a Scripture in the Book of Revelation that talks about a flood of blood from those evil ones who refused to love Me.  You are seeing My wrath on all of the evil ones.  These evil ones will also suffer the flames of hell on their soul for all eternity.  Now you can pray for the conversion of souls that could be lost if no one prays for them.  Pray for all of the souls of your family because you do not want any of them to be lost in hell.”

Thursday, January 19, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you could see events moving fast in a blur.  I am asking My people to slow down and make some quiet moments for yourself so you can listen to Me, and look at the big picture beyond the quick movement of your society.  You see people racing around and they are so taken up with earthly concerns.  It is time to turn off the TV and the radio so you can think about Me in peace and quiet.  You have physical needs, but your spiritual needs are more important.  This life is over in a few short years, but your spiritual destination lasts forever, and that is why being with Me in heaven is more important than everyday life.  When you are loving Me and your neighbor, you will be willing to take time out to help your neighbor in their needs.  You can be too busy if you involve yourself in too many earthly activities.  You need to make time for your prayer life, and be busy with the things I am directing you to do.  When you follow My directions, you will be pointed in the right direction to heaven.”
(Steve Albert Mass intention) Jesus said: “My people, this was a tragic death and you need to pray for Steve and his killer.  Steve is in purgatory and he will be praying for his family.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are used to buying food at your grocery store so you can make your supper.  A time is coming when you may again see empty shelves at your stores.  With the new digital dollar coming, you may have your bank account cancelled, and you could not buy your food.  This is why I cannot emphasize too much, that you need to have three months of food on hand for each member of your household.  If you cannot buy food at the stores, pray to Me in faith and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels until you can make it to a refuge when I will call you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are controlling your farmland for growing crops.  They will soon control the farmers who will control your food.  When they control your buying and selling of food, I will need to call you to My refuges.  I will multiply your food, water and fuels, when you need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see a new Mass forced on you that does not have the proper words of Consecration, avoid coming to such a Mass.  You will need to seek out a proper Mass from some faithful priests.  Eventually, you will be called to My refuges for food and a proper Mass.  My Warning and Conversion time will be coming shortly when you cannot buy food or have a proper Mass.  When you come together at your prayer group, you will be seeing a refuge that you can come to before the Antichrist declares himself.  Trust in My protection throughout the coming tribulation at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a new House of Representatives that is now controlled by the Republicans.  This is an opportunity for your Republicans to put restrictions on any increase in your National Debt ceiling.  You have seen some government shutdowns on your National Debt Limit.  This ceiling is routinely raised by voting to raise it every year.  The Democrats have been passing huge trillion dollar budgets and they are controlling this debt limit every year.  This new House of Representatives could force a possible compromise and even a shutdown of your government. Pray that your people can be more responsible in controlling your government spending.”

Jesus said: “My people,  you will be seeing how the one world people will try to take over your money like they did in 1913.  The one world people want to control your money and even cancel your bank accounts if you fight against their plans.  There will be major protests when these evil ones will try to take away your money.  This new digital dollar will be the precursor for introducing the mark of the beast as a chip in your body.  Refuse to take a chip in your body that could control your mind.  Refuse to worship the Antichrist as well.  The evil ones will threaten your lives, and I will have to have My angels bring you to My refuges.  Have no fear because I will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, such an executive order by Biden to change your money, is against your laws and your Constitution.  Biden is making himself a dictator by trying to force his plan on your people.  This attempt to change your money is worthy of his impeachment.  Your people need to stand together against such a despot because Biden is trying to force the Great Reset on your people.  If you are not successful in stopping this legislation, then your only recourse is to physically resist such a new digital dollar.  If they put you down, then it will be your time to come to My refuges.  Trust in Me that I will have My angels protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have a goal of making unions on every continent, and then they will be given over to the Antichrist’s control.  Your people need to protest joining your country into the North America Union because these evil ones will take away your Bill of Rights and they will try to force a communist dictatorship on you.  The evil ones will be allowed a short reign of evil over you by the Antichrist.  You will definitely be called to My refuges before the Antichrist declares himself.  There will be a Battle of Armageddon when the faithful people will join with My angels to battle the evil ones and the demons.  I will bring My Comet of Chastisement at the end of the tribulation to defeat the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell.  I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward for being faithful to Me.”

Friday, January 20, 2023: (St. Sebastian)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the monks praying and fasting at their monastery.  I thank you for remembering to do your fasting today.  It does bring you closer to Me when you can direct your body to avoid eating for one day of the week.  It is good for your body and your soul.  It is also a good practice to read some spiritual books like your ‘My Imitation of Christ’, even if you only read a few pages every day.  I love all of you so much, and it is good to contemplate My love in your quiet moments.”

Saturday, January 21, 2023: (St. Agnes)
Jesus  said: “My people, I was committed to following the Will of My Father in heaven despite what My relatives thought of My behavior.  My Blessed Mother knew about My mission and she supported Me.  Tomorrow is the Anniversary of the Roe vs Wade decision, but the Supreme Court overturned this decision and left it to the states to decide.  You saw pictures of the people marching through the streets of Washington, D. C.  Protesting against abortion is a brave decision to fight for saving the lives of the unborn.  This  subject has divided your people because some favor the killing of My little ones.  There is much evil and greed for money in the abortion industry.  This is evil to kill little babies in the womb as you know, so continue to pray to stop abortion, even as you protest outside of the Planned Parenthood building.  Your being there praying, could discourage some women from aborting their children.”

(Nocturnal Adoration) Jesus said: “My son, you were happy and at peace to be in My Real Presence.  You all long to be with Me in heaven, but you have a little taste of heaven in receiving Me in Holy Communion, or attending Adoration in church.  This world is full of evil people doing evil things, but at church you enjoy being with Me in peace.  I give you My rest so you can be away from your fast paced society.  It is better to be praying in church than watching a football game.  Games are over quickly, but you desire to be with Me for all eternity in heaven.  I love being with My people, and I pray that more people would show their love for Me.”

Sunday, January 22, 2023: (Roe vs. Wade Anniversary, RTL)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how I love the little children, and all of your abortions offend Me greatly because you are denying My plans for their lives.  You saw the March for Life parade to protest abortions, and now you need to change the laws in your states that allow abortions.  Keep praying to stop abortion and pray these mothers will have a change of heart about having their babies.”
(Steve Colon Mass intention) Steve said: “I am in heaven with this Mass and all of the other Masses you had offered for me.  I still did not have justice for my being killed.”

Jesus said: “My people, I would be remiss not to talk about your abortions on this anniversary of your Roe vs. Wade decision that upheld abortion as legal until the Supreme Court overturned it.  Since the 1970’s you have killed over 64 million unborn babies which is appalling.  This could make up 1/6th of your total population, and you are still killing close to a million unborn babies every year.  You need to protest abortions and make laws against your abortions, especially in the red states.  Keep protesting abortions by your prayers outside of your Planned Parenthood buildings.  Pray to stop abortion all over your country, and pray to have these mothers have their children without killing them, which is a mortal sin by taking these lives in abortion.”

Monday, January 23, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, when you hear about demons, you remember how you were attacked by the flies.  You had your friend put holy water on the flies and he prayed the long form of the St. Michael prayer.  Then he killed them with spray and cleaned them up with your vacuum cleaner.  In the Gospel the people thought I had a demon, but I told them Satan does not cast out demons, or his kingdom could not stand.  No, it is only God in Me as the Son of God who casts out demons.  You know I have power over the demons, and they must obey Me as I send them back into hell.  I even gave power to My apostles, after they received the Holy Spirit, so they could cast out demons and heal people.  So remember that I can do the impossible in answering your prayers.  If you are attacked by demons, you can call on Me and I will send a legion of angels to defend you.  Pray in faith that I can answer your requests.”

Jesus said: “My people, according to your Bill of Rights in the Constitution, everyone should be free to voice their opinion without being put down, or taken off media platforms.  The Democrats do not believe in dialogue or compromise because they want to control your free speech by any means they can.  You are familiar with cancel culture as a means for controlling what people can say in public.  This is a communist tactic to make people follow the left narrative, or there are consequences for their actions.  The worst example of control is when the false mandate of Covid shots was demanded, or you would be fired from your job.  These same health officials forced mandates of shots on college students, and even the military were fired for not taking Covid shots.  Some of these Covid restrictions have been lifted when the science showed the shots did not stop Covid, and they even caused heart problems.  Another problem is how teachers are brainwashing their students with communist ideas and critical race theory (CRT).  Parents have even been harassed by the FBI when they voiced their opinion against CRT in the classroom.  I have warned My faithful that you will see harassment for protesting against abortion, and you will see more persecution for voicing your religious beliefs, and eventually for not taking the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the body.  Have no fear of the evil ones when I will call you to the protection of My angels at My refuges.  I will cleanse the evil ones from the earth, and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, January 24, 2023: (St. Francis de Sales)
Jesus said: “My son, you were asked to do My Will in both of your missions of spreading My messages and making a refuge.  You answered ‘Yes’ to your missions without knowing what you would have to do.  You had pure faith in following My Will, and I pray that more people would do My Will without questioning what would be required.  In some Scriptures it says to count the costs to say ‘Yes’ as in building  a refuge.  But to accept a mission on faith in Me, is a strong answer.  I call people to have trust in Me in everything that I ask of them.  Not everyone has such faith, but look at Jonah who was reluctant to send a message from Me to Nineveh.  Keep trusting in Me to help carry out your mission, and I will help you to succeed.”
(Mass intention for Steve Swetz) Steve is in purgatory.

Jesus said: “My people, the more sophisticated weapons you send to the Ukraine, the wider this war could become.  Russia can use their air power or missiles to take out these tanks, much like the Ukraine took out Russian tanks.  It is not a good plan to keep raising the stakes in this war.  Many people have been killed and much damage has been brought on Ukraine’s cities.  Adding tanks to this war will just cause Russia to step up their attacks.  It is better to try and negotiate a cease fire or peace than to keep arming the Ukraine with more weapons.  Russia will not give up this fight, and they will use nuclear weapons if they are losing their battle.  Pray for peace and a cease fire, or you could have a worse war.”

Wednesday, January 25, 2023: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, I gave Saul a miraculous conversion by My Light which blinded him.  His life changed dramatically from being a Jew who was putting Christians in prison to a follower of Mine, once he was taught the faith.  He was healed of his blindness in Damascus.  His name was changed to Paul and eventually he became a great evangelist of the Gentiles to fulfill My plan for his life.  I am calling all of My faithful to reach out to convert sinners.  This is a mission for all of My followers.  I am using visionaries to share the faith of My Good News when I died and resurrected to bring salvation to all those people who accept Me into their lives.  Trust in Me and I will lead you on a path to being with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you rely on your farmers who produce your food, but they are being challenged with high prices for obtaining seed, fertilizer, and for farm equipment to gather in the crops.  Fewer farmers are able to pass the farm down to their children, because it is hard to make enough money to break even with a profit.  Every year is a risk because of weather conditions of rain and even damage from tornadoes.  The farmers also have a hard time to get a fair price for their crops.  Pray for your farmers that they can keep growing your food.”

Thursday, January 26, 2023: (St. Timothy and St. Titus)
Jesus said: “My people, I asked My disciples to go out without money and extra clothing to convert souls.  They were to stay at one house and eat what the host gave them, for My workers deserve their pay for teaching the people about Me and My messages.  My son, you and your wife have also traveled to share My messages, and your host even paid your travel expenses and fed you.  They gave you a place to sleep and you did not ask for any stipend.  I give you My messages freely and you share My messages freely as well.  The laborers are few, so ask the harvest master to send more people out for the harvest of souls.”

Camille Remacle (Carol’s father): I could see my light kept flickering much like Camille when he kept turning the lights on and off in the cabinet for Herm and Donna.  Camille said: “I thank you John for noticing me in the light that went on and off.  I cannot believe how quickly Biden has ruined your country with inflation and the open border.  You have prepared your refuge well and you will be needing it soon.  Your money will be changed and it will cause great difficulties.  Say hello to Sharon, Vic, and Carol for me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this war in the Ukraine was started by Russia invading the Ukraine.  Many cities have been destroyed and many troops have died in this war.  You have been seeing a steady increase in the extent of the kinds of weapons used in this war.  Now you are seeing Germany and the United States promising to send tanks to help the Ukraine.  Instead of widening this war, it would be better to seek a means for a cease fire instead of continuing this conflict.  Putin is still threatening a World War III if he is losing on the battlefield.  Keep praying for peace instead of a widening war.”

Jesus said: “My people, Communist China is making more threats that they want to take Taiwan by force.  As your country sends more arms to strengthen Taiwan, this has aggravated Red China, and they appear to be ready for war.  If a war breaks out with China, your country could be drawn into a conflict with China by your treaties.  Many countries in this region are influenced by Red China’s military power.  Pray that war does not break out in Taiwan.  A good share of America’s microchips are made in Taiwan, and this would be a threat to your economy.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many threats to your people if the one world people try to force this digital dollar on your people.  If the current dollar becomes worthless, there will be a lot of resistance to people losing their retirement money.  Establishing a digital dollar could be difficult to fit into your current economy.  If there is a serious conflict and your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.  My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and I will provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the House of Representatives is starting to make investigations into secret documents from previous Presidents and Vice Presidents.  They also will be investigating the Hunter Biden laptop material.  This will cause some serious revelations of Biden’s connections with Red China and the Ukraine.  You may even see events leading up to Biden’s impeachment for treason with your enemies.  The Democrats will try to use the Ukraine war to cover up any of Biden’s secret document problems.  Be prepared for serious struggles between your two parties.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will be attempted compromises by the Republicans to limit more spending, even at the risk of not increasing the National Debt Limit.  These attempts to limit current spending could endanger the payment of all debts incurred by the Democrat’s overspending.  Shutting down the government is not desired, but there will be struggles to pay for any new spending.  Pray that your two parties can come to an agreement without shutting down your government.”

Jesus said: “My people, your open Southern border is destroying your border states  with the high number of illegal immigrants and the drug cartels who are taking over your border.  Biden may well have to go back to Trump’s plans to stop this disaster, because it could cost the Democrats a loss in your coming elections.  This is a bigger problem than your media is willing to admit.  Pray to have your border closed to the drug cartels and millions of illegal immigrants.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the one world people are making their plans to take down your country and force you into the North American Union.  The Great Reset is the overall plan to put the Antichrist into power all over the world.  You know from the Scriptures that there will be a time of tribulation with the Antichrist reigning for less than 3½ years.  The war in the Ukraine  may be used by the Antichrist as a means to show he is a man of peace by ending this war.  Evil will be allowed to reign for a while, but the evil ones will be defeated in the Battle of Armageddon.  I will bring an end to this tribulation when I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the evil ones.  My faithful will be shielded from this comet by My angels at My refuges.  The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace when I will renew the earth.  Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the evil ones.”

Friday, January 27, 2023: (St. Angela Merici)
Jesus said: “My people, the people of My day were well acquainted with farming because this is how they grew their crops to eat.  So when I spoke of a seed of wheat must die in order to grow the wheat, this related well to how people must die to themselves in order to grow in faith in Me.  I also spoke of harvesting crops in the fall, and how it related to the harvest of souls by converting them in faith.  You need to nourish the crops with water and fertilizer, just as you need to nourish your faith  with prayer, Confession, and My Holy Eucharist.  I love all of My people, and I call all of you to come to Me so I can strengthen your faith, so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment.  Your spiritual desire is to be with Me in heaven for all eternity.  I spoke of separating the wheat of My faithful from the weeds of the evil ones.  That at the harvest I will gather the wheat into My barn of heaven and the weeds will be burned up in hell.  These analogies of farming and souls still applies to all life on the earth.”

Saturday, January 28, 2023: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, this boat with the apostles and Myself represents My Church led by St. Peter.  The storm struck fear in My apostles who thought we were going to drown.  The apostles awakened Me from sleeping to tell Me of their fear of drowning.  I called to the storm: ‘Peace, be still’ and there was a great calm.  Then I scolded the apostles for their lack of faith that I would save them.  The apostles still did not understand My Divinity and My power as God the Son to control nature.  So it is with My faithful that you can call on Me to help you with your every day problems.  I call on you many times to have trust in Me and My angels to overcome your fears.  I will see to your necessities in this life, but you need to ask in prayer for Me to help you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember when I called you to have your prayer group have a practice run of 24 hrs. at your refuge.  I also had you do four more practice refuge runs both in the warm weather and in the cold weather.  Each time you had a practice run, you learned more how to provide for your people using all of your preparations.  You used no electrical lights from your grid, and you used your dried foods and made bread.  You did not use your natural gas heater nor your oven.  You did use your rechargeable battery powered LED lanterns for light at night.  With some electricity being provided by your solar panels, you were able to recharge your batteries. You used kerosene burners and your wood fireplace to heat your house.  You baked bread in your propane CampChef and you used your well water to drink and wash.  Because having your practice runs taught you how to survive independently, I would like all of My refuge leaders to have one or more practice runs to actually see how you could repeat what My son has done.  You think you can be prepared, but making practice runs will help you when the real tribulation will come.  The fact that I am asking people to be ready in practice runs, is another sign to you that you are getting close to the Antichrist’s takeover.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect My people and My refuges, as well as how I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  Be ready also to have Perpetual Adoration around the clock, and you will assign hours for your people day and night.  During the tribulation time your priest or My angels will provide daily Holy Communion.  You will place a consecrated Host in a monstrance for your Adoration.  Pray that your families will be converted to the faith after the Warning during the conversion time, so they can be saved and allowed by My angels to enter My refuges.”

Sunday, January 29, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I gave My Sermon of the Beatitudes as I blessed the people with My words.  Your priest spoke of being happy as all Christians should be happy that you have been blessed with faith.  I want all of you to be blessed and center your lives around Me.  Learn from your mistakes and make an effort to do better in your lives.  Be a good example to your children by bringing them to Sunday Mass.  Show Me how much you love Me by your daily prayers, your attendance at Mass, and your hours of Adoration.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been controlled by the one world people, especially in your finances.  The central bankers took over your money in 1913 when they used dollars to promise to pay back any debt.  Later, you saw the removal of gold that backed your dollar.  Again, you saw your silver backed dollar removed from circulation.  Soon your dollars will be eliminated from circulation in favor of a digital dollar that can be tracked  how you spent your money.  Those people, who go against your socialist leaders, will soon have no money when their accounts will be taken down, and your dollars will become worthless.  This will lead into the mark of the beast that I warned you not to take.  Once the evil ones threaten to kill you if you do not take the computer chip in the body, I will call My faithful to My refuges and you will see My Warning.  Have your backpacks ready to flee to My refuges where My angels will protect you.  Have no fear of the evil ones since you will be safe at My refuges where I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  I will cast the evil ones into hell and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Monday, January 30, 2023: (Bishop Matthew Clark Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My son, no matter how important you are in this life, you all are called to die and pass from this life.  You remember in the Mass how it says your life is changed and not ended.  Some say you have a new address.  Bishop Clark was a kind man and he allowed you to continue your mission, which you have been grateful.  He served as bishop of your diocese for many years, and many priests, bishops, and people attended his funeral.  Pray for all of your priests and bishops who bring Me to you at Mass.”

Jesus said: “My son, you know that I can do the impossible to help people in need.  You have seen unusual lights moving like a curtain of light at least three times on your wall,  and you have movies to prove it.  You have seen a lost piece of glass appear on your window sill when it was not there before.  You have seen a silver icon turn to gold some years ago.  When you first built your chapel, you had someone see thousands of flies which were prayed over and disposed of with a St. Michael prayer, holy water, spray, and a vacuum cleaner.  These seeming miracles are a sign for you how I will perform miracles when you have faith that I can multiply your food, water, and fuels that will be needed  at your refuge during the tribulation.  You should also be ready to see how St. Joseph and I will accommodate 5,000 people with a high rise building, and a large church.  Just as I have shown you smaller miracles, believe that I can perform larger miracles when they will be needed to house and feed a large number of people.  Trust in Me and you will see greater miracles of My angel protection and how I will feed your many people.”

Tuesday, January 31, 2023: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a long reading of the Gospel that spoke about the persistence in faith that I could heal the two people in today’s Gospel.  The woman who was bleeding for twelve years, had faith that I could heal her, even if she just touched My clothes.  Despite the crowd pressing in on Me I asked: ‘Who touched Me?’  Then the woman came forward and I told her that her faith had healed her.  Jairus also had faith in My healing of his twelve year old daughter.  I said she was sleeping, and I put the mourners out.  Then I called the girl to rise, and she came back to life from the dead.  It was persistent faith of both of these people that healed the woman and the girl.  So go forward as well in faith and trust that I can heal you when you ask in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, I see many people love Me in prayer, Mass, and Adoration.  So people show Me their love openly in front of other people.  I gave you Two Commandments to love Me with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul.  I also want you to love everyone as you love yourself.  You have ways of showing your love for Me, but it can be harder to show your ways of loving other people.  There are some people who do not follow what you believe, but I still want you to make an attempt to love them as a fellow human being.  You may not like what they do, but speak kindly to them and you can even pray for the souls of your persecutors.  I love you more when you make attempts to love people who think differently.  Continue to have love both for Me and your neighbor.”

Wednesday, February 1, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, a prophet is not accepted or recognized in his hometown.  I was born as a God-man, so the people of My hometown in Nazareth did not understand where My power and knowledge came from.  If they understood My Divinity and its origin, then they could possibly see where My power came from.  It is hard for people to understand a Mystery of My two natures as God and a man.  I took on a human body so I could offer up My life to save all of those people who believe in Me.  Even My messengers have to go through some difficulties in their hometown because people do not understand how I share My messages in My inner locutions to them.  Trust in Me to help My messengers endure their missions for spreading My messages.  I thank them for spreading My Word of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another disaster with all of the freezing rain in the Southern states.  Before this you saw heavy rain and more tornadoes than normal in January.  I told you that you would see one disaster after another.  This is more punishment for your abortions and sexual sins.  Be prepared for more disasters to come because you still have pro-abortion laws, especially in the blue states of the Democrats.  You are having unusual weather with less snow than normal.  Pray for better weather and less ice storms.”

Thursday,February 2,2023:(Presentation of the Lord,Candlemas Day)

Jesus said: “My people, it is a Jewish custom to their law that the first male child had to be circumcised, which replaced the first male lamb that was pure and was slain.  I am the Lamb of God who was sacrificed to bring salvation to all souls who believe in Me.  This is the purpose for My becoming a God-man in the first place.  I love all of humanity so much that I was willing to die to save your souls with the Blood of the Lamb.  Now you are baptized and your original sin is forgiven as you enter the Catholic faith.  This is the same day you have your candles blessed.  Candlemas Day  is a Christian festival of lights that commemorates the ritual purification of Mary forty days after My birth.  Give thanks and praise to Me for becoming a God-man to save you.”

(Candlemas Day) Jesus said: “My people, you were happy to have the priest bless your altar candles.  You will need your blessed candle to burn during the three days of darkness at the end of the tribulation.  Pray for all of your family members to be believers to enter your refuge.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with St. Paul who suffered a thorn in the flesh that I allowed him to suffer.  There are people who do suffer from various chronic pain.  Some pains can be treated and can even be healed in faith by My grace.  If you are suffering pain, you can offer this up for the souls in purgatory, or for poor souls that could be lost without your prayer and sacrifice.  You can also offer it up to help your relatives who are weak in the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am a God-man and I know how hard it is to be in pain in this life experience.  You know how much I suffered to bring salvation to all of mankind.  I would even suffer for even one soul to save that soul.  Put your trust in Me to get you through any of life’s pains and trials.  Call on Me in prayer and I will lead you to a means to heal your pain.  Pray to Me because I am the Great Healer.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to suffer chronic pain for yourself, but it is even harder to see others suffering a worse pain than your own.  You can pray for a healing or less pain for others who are suffering.  Once you have suffered a chronic pain, you can have more sympathy for those suffering worse pain.  You can also pray for souls who may be suffering mental or spiritual trials.  Trust in Me that I will answer your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, war is another punishment for sin, and there are many people who are suffering and dying in the Ukraine war.  It is tragic how Russia is killing civilians and destroying their cities.  Instead of expanding this war with more arms, it would be better to pray for peace and less destruction.  If this war persists, it could expand into World War III.  This is why your prayers for peace are greatly needed.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember well how hard it was to suffer a major ice storm in 1991.  You did not see much death, but you suffered a power outage for eleven days.  You had to remove your broken tree branches.  You had to bail water from your sump system.  You had to heat your house with wood and kerosene, and prepare your food.  It was this experience that trained you for your refuge.  Now, you can sympathize with the people in Texas and other states who are suffering with an ice storm.  Hopefully, these people will be able to remove any debris, and get their power back as a warm spell should melt the ice.  Pray for them as there have been some deaths.”

Jesus said: “My people, during some black outs you could use blessed candles to provide your light at night.  You also will use blessed candles during the three days of darkness at the end of the tribulation.  I am the Light of the World, so pray for Me to help you through any blackout or ice storm.  Your people are very vulnerable when you lose your electricity.  So you need to be prepared for such an event with lanterns of light, candles, or oil lamps.  This is one need for your refuges, especially if you must endure a long power outage.  Trust in Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels during your tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you did have working battery run lanterns that you used at night for light.  I recommended that you get some rechargeable batteries and chargers that could be powered by your solar system.  The battery run lanterns are safer than open flames, if you have electricity from your solar panels.  Rechargeable batteries can be reused better than other batteries that could die out and rust out your leads.  Having several battery chargers will be necessary to recharge your batteries.  Oil lamps and candles could also be used as a backup source of light at night.  Trust in Me to help you survive for less than 3½ years at My refuges.  I will provide for your survival at that time.  You did practice drills for only one day, but you might want to test yourself for a week.”

Friday, February 3, 2023: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast of St. Blaise who was martyred.   When you went to Debrovnik where he lived, it was after the war in the former Yugoslavia.  The church was in disrepair because of the bombing in the war.  This was a beautiful city, and it took some time to make repairs.  You remember how the people cheered to see you as the first tourists to visit after the war.  They even put your group’s picture on the front page of their newspaper.  St. Blaise did heal someone of a throat problem, and your priest will bless the throats of your people at the weekend Masses.  Give thanks for all of the healing of the throats.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing unusual cold extremes in your recent weather from Canada.  Such unusual cold is being brought down from the North by various jet streams.  It is known that the HAARP machine can change the jet streams erratically.  This is why you are seeing extremes in your weather.  You have had only 20 inches of snow when your normal amount is about 60 inches.  Just 80 miles away in Buffalo, they had well over 120 inches and their normal is about 60 inches.  Your state is being punished for all of your abortions and your pro-abortion laws.  Even though you have many Democrats controlling your state, you can still pray to stop abortion in New York state.  There is evil all around you, so pray for conversions of your people to be believers in Me.  You will see pockets of faith at My refuges, so keep strong in your faith even when you may be persecuted for your beliefs.  I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Saturday, February 4, 2023: (Memorial Mass for Rosemarie R.)
Rosemarie said: “I thank all of you for coming to my Memorial service.  I love all of my family and friends.  I also thank everyone who helped drive me to various places.  You know how I walked to places when I could.  I love the Lord so much and I always wanted to be with Him whenever I could.  Now I am with him forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a sign of weakness when your military was ordered to hold off shooting down the Chinese spy balloon until it was over water.  You also need to stop arming the Ukraine, and send arms to Taiwan who is in more danger from China.  You are facing more threats from China than from Russia.  Be thankful that this balloon did not send an EMP bomb that could destroy your electric grid.  It is hard to prevent wars, but your military needs to be ready for attacks from both China and Russia.  Pray for peace through strength.  Be ready to come to My refuges if you see World War III coming.  I will protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Sunday, February 5, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are faithful to Me, are the salt of the earth.  By your good example, your light of faith shines out on everyone.  I love all of My people, and today you have sun and a much warmer temperature.  Your priest was preparing you for Lent when you will be fasting and praying more for yourself and others.  You may give up things like sweets, but you could also plan to read the Bible more.  Continue your rosaries and Adoration every day for your spiritual strength against sin.  Your priest also mentioned giving food for the poor, or donations to your local food shelf.  All acts of mercy will bring you My graces.  You can also pray for vocations to the priesthood, and for souls of the deceased in purgatory.  Show your love for Me and your love for your neighbors.”

Monday, February 6, 2023: (St. Paul Miki and companions)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read  the astronomical odds of having the earth provide everything for your life to exist on the earth.  You have to be at the right distance from the sun to have enough heat for water to remain liquid.  Your atmosphere has enough oxygen and nitrogen for you to breathe and for other biological functions.  You have an iron core in the earth so it can repel the radiation of the sun from the earth.  Your ozone layer stops the UV radiation that could burn you up.  Even your bodies are wonderfully made for your survival.  You have reason to thank Me for all that I provide for you to survive.  I also enable people to find work to provide for yourself and your family.  I spiritually feed your soul with My sacraments.  You are mortal and you will die because of Adam’s sin.  Remain in faith and you can come to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing continuing signs of more disasters, this time from two earthquakes.  The more severe earthquake in Turkey has already claimed 3,600 lives with more being counted.  The smaller earthquake in Buffalo, N.Y. is almost at the same place where Buffalo received 100 inches of snow in two days.  Even your daughter felt this earthquake in the morning.  This is a continuation of the earlier weather disasters.  Be prepared for even more disasters as they have been happening quite frequently.  These events are an indication of punishments coming on the evil of the world.”

Tuesday, February 7, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you read about the fifth to the seventh day of Creation when I created man in My image, and how I rested on the seventh day and made it holy.  I told Adam and Eve to multiply and subdue the earth, as you rule over the animals.  In the Gospel the Pharisees clung to the strict following of the Law of Moses.  They made the washing of hands, etc. into traditions instead of mere precepts.  I told them that I made the inside in the soul as well as the outside.  They need to love one another and not lord their position over the people.  Do not perform outward actions just for show, but you must love Me and your neighbor from your heart in all that you do.  You need to focus your life around Me and My Commandments, and do everything out of love of Me, instead of greed for what you want.  By imitating My life on earth, you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Wednesday, February 8, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees were critical about what foods they could eat.  I told them it does not matter what goes into a man that he eats, but it is the evil things that come out of a man’s speech that defiles him.  All of these evil things come from the intentions in your heart and they are approved by your free will.  This is why you need to come to frequent Confession to cleanse all of the sins on your soul, so you are always prepared to meet Me at your judgment.  You also need to have self-control over your sinful actions and control of any addictions.  It is through addictions that the evil ones can control you.  So break away and stop any addictions or occasions of sin.”

(David Gray Mass intention for memorial of death) At a Mass after Holy Communion, I could see David wanted to give a small message.  David said: “I thank you for this Mass and your prayers.  I am in purgatory and I still need your prayers.  I am watching over Carol, my wife, and I love all of you.  I am inviting you to come down to our house for a remembrance.”

(My computer went out of this program two times as I was typing David’s message.  This seemed to be a sign to me.)

Thursday, February 9, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people,  in the first reading from Genesis, I took a rib from Adam to make a partner in Eve.  She would be the first mother, and I gave her so the man would not be alone.  This completed My creation because I already had provided a male and female of all of the animals.  So a man will leave his parents and cling to his wife, and the two will be as one flesh.  In the Gospel you saw a mother who had a child who was possessed by a demon.  She had a strong faith when I told her that it is not right to give the children’s food to the dogs.  She said even the dogs eat the scraps from under the children’s table. (Mark 7:27-28) For such faith I healed her daughter from the demon, even though she was far from Me.  You remember the Roman Centurion’s servant was healed even when the person was far away as well. (Luke 7:6-8) When people have a strong belief in My miracles, I can heal their sick people even from a long distance.  So have faith in Me that I can do the impossible for anyone who believes that I can heal them.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you saw some of the Satanic display at the Grammy Awards and they are planning another evil display at the Super Bowl halftime.  My people there are open displays of the devil portrayed at important events.  You have heard that some stars sell their soul to the devil for fame and fortune in this life.  The price is that they have to commit suicide at the end of their lives.  This is why you need to pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer to counteract the evil influence of these demonic displays.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for praying your storm prayer to call on Me to lessen these winds  so you do not see any deaths or severe damage.  You have prayed this storm prayer before other storms, and I hear you calling out for My protection of your people.  When praying for weather protection or to multiply your food, I want you to pray with a firm belief that I can do this for you, and with your sincere faith, I will grant you a blessing to answer your prayer.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are able to see Republican House committees that are investigating possible criminal collusion with your worst enemy in Communist China.  You have read books and you have seen testimony that the Biden family has taken millions of dollars from Red China and these are serious charges that could be impeachable grounds for crimes against your country.  Pray that justice will be brought against the Bidens.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not surprising that Biden allowed this Chinese spy balloon to travel all across your country before  it was finally shot down in the Atlantic Ocean.  China has a fleet of these spy balloons and they are being sent over other nations as well.  You remember how your U-2 flight over Russia was shot down for spying.  Your military needs to take immediate action like Russia did, and you can take these balloons down to stop the spying.  Pray that your people can do the right thing about any future balloons.  They could be sending EMP bombs to destroy your electric grid, or viruses in these spy balloons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are sending billions of dollars of military weapons and money to a corrupt dictatorship in the Ukraine.  Your country is not threatened by Russia, but because evidence is coming out about your blowing up the gas line between Russia and Germany, Russia could declare war against America.  You also need to be concerned about China taking Taiwan by force, and this is more reason to arm Taiwan where such a takeover by China  would be a major threat to your supply of computer chips that run your economy.  It is hard to trust Biden if he would fight China over Taiwan because he took millions of dollars from China.  Pray to protect Taiwan, as China is threatening a military takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just witnessed a China-US creation of Covid 2 viruses that are threatening your lives.  Your Pharmaceutical people have produced toxic vaccines that do not stop the Covid virus and the spike proteins are used to actually kill people.  The more boosters people take, or are forced to take by mandates, the less your immune systems will protect you.  These pharmaceutical people are getting millions of your tax dollars to ruin your military and medical people who are forced to take these shots.  This is why many young people are dying of heart problems.  Refuse to take any mRNA vaccines that are designed to kill you and reduce your population.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time of prayer, penances, and a time for coming to Confession to heal your soul of your sins.  I mentioned before that you could do more fasting from food and meat on Wednesday and Friday.  Fasting is a way of training your body’s desire for food to keep it under control.  Fasting unites your body and soul into a control over your appetites and passions that you can restrain.  Plan some extra spiritual reading during Lent, and you can give alms to the poor by donations to your local food shelves.  Help people with your acts of mercy and your prayers for the poor and for the souls in purgatory.  Remember your four rosaries every day along with Mass and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.  By doing all of these things out of love for Me and your neighbor, you can have a Lent that will profit your soul.”

Friday, February 10, 2023: (St. Scholastica)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Genesis, you read how the devil uses your weakness to sin, caused by Adam, to tempt you into sin.  You need to keep your focus on Me and call on My graces to avoid sin and the temptations of the devil.  I know you are weak to sin by your earthly appetites and passions.  Even if you fall into sin, you can be forgiven of your sins in Confession.  In the Gospel at the Decapolis (Mark 7:31-32)  this was a region of the Gentiles.  I was confronted by many Gentiles who worshiped their own gods.  A deaf-mute was brought to Me, and I touched his ears and his tongue, and I said ‘Ephpheta’ which means ‘Be opened’.  Then the man was able to speak and hear his voice.  These miracles helped the Gentiles to believe in My words, and some were converted to My Way.  Trust in My miracles and My graces to lead a holy life in preparation for your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank those people who come to daily Mass, and some even come to adore Me in the monstrance.  I have led some faithful to set up refuges for the coming tribulation.  You will be seeing persecutors of My believers, and it is starting with the remnant who attend the Latin Mass.  Some liberals are calling you terrorists to give you a bad name.  When your lives are threatened, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges where My angels will place an invisible shield over you.  Once you are at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will have a priest or My angels bring you daily Holy Communion.  You will need to have a monstrance on hand at My refuges.  This is so you can place a large consecrated Host  into a monstrance so you can have Perpetual Adoration at every refuge.  You will need to assign hours of Adoration around the clock so I am exposed with you in all of your activities.  You are approaching Lent and you could include Adoration hours now as one of your extra ways to give honor and praise to Me.  Be thankful that you have My Real Presence with you at all times.”

Saturday, February 11, 2023: (Our Lady of Lourdes)

Jesus said: “My people, because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they were put outside of the Garden of Eden so they could not eat from the Tree of Life. (Gen 3:24) ‘He drove out the man; and at the east of the Garden of Eden he placed the Cherubim, and the flaming sword, which turned every way, to guard the way to the Tree of Life.’  Now  Adam had to till the soil for food.  This is why all of you have inherited Adam’s original sin and your actual sin.  In the Gospel you read about a second multiplication of seven loaves and a few fish that fed 4,000 people.  They collected seven baskets of left over fragments after everyone had eaten their fill.  These multiplications of bread are a precursor to Holy Communion that was given at the first Mass at the Last Supper.  You see the offering of the bread and wine that is transubstantiated into My Body and Blood that you see repeated at the Consecration of every Mass.  Rejoice that I left you My Real Presence in receiving Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are allowing China to spy on your military with their military spy balloons.  You are allowing China to also buy up your farmland next to your military fields.  You are allowing China to use your deficit of trade payments to build up their defenses against you and Taiwan.  Instead of buying things from China, you should be bringing back your jobs to America, and stop them from stealing your secrets in manufacturing defense weapons.  It is your big corporations that are producing your products in China and they are using slave labor to make things cheaper.  China is your worst enemy, so stop paying them for making weapons against you.  Pray that you can stop all of the evil things that Biden is doing to take your country down.  Be prepared to come to My refuges when the evil ones will persecute My faithful.”

Sunday, February 12, 2023:

Jesus said:  “My people, this vision of large empty holes in a cemetery is an exaggeration of the subject of Christian burials.  Many people are not having funeral Masses, and they just have a grave side service  with the cremated remains.  Some scatter ashes and there is not even a gravestone to remember someone’s life.  Your body on earth should be respected more in death, instead of just trying to save some money.  You find money for all of your earthly pleasures, so spend some money for a proper burial service.  Most souls do not go straight to heaven, so they are in need of Masses and prayers to get them out of purgatory.  So do not forget to have a Mass offered for the person’s soul when they die.  It would be better to give reverence to someone’s body by not cremating it.  You also need to have a headstone or plaque to mark where a person is buried.  On special days during the year, you can come and pray for the person’s soul when you have a place to go in the cemetery to remember them.  Honor a person’s body and their life among you by giving people a proper burial without cremating the body.”

Monday, February 13, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in Genesis you see how Cain could have offered the best of his crops to Me, where Abel gave his best animal for sacrifice.  When Cain saw Abel’s offering was better received by Me, then Cain was jealous, and he took out his anger on Abel and killed him in the field.  Cain was punished by being forced to be a wanderer without being able to grow crops from the soil.  This is why you need to look at your lives if you are living out your love for Me and your neighbor in your actions, and not just in your words.  In the short Gospel I told the people that I would not give them a sign because My life and My actions are a sign of My obedience to My Father in heaven.  I want to please My Father as Abel did, and not to please the Pharisees.  Lent is coming soon, so focus your mind and actions on fasting and prayer more now.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I told you there would be one disaster after another, you could not imagine how this would happen.  Little by little you are finding out about deliberate sabotage of your infrastructure by the one world people.  In the news you heard about sabotage of your railroads to cause train wrecks (1700 last year).  You have heard about dozens of fires at your food processing centers.  You had a glitch that stopped airplane flights for a day.  You had problems with your diesel fuels.  You heard of some incidents where your water supply was poisoned.  You also had sabotage on your electric substations causing power outages.  With all of these threats, the one world people are trying to bring you down, and it is affecting your travel, food, fuels, and your water.  Lately, you are concerned about four spy balloon incidents.  The Covid viruses and vaccines were also designed to reduce your population.  Have no fear, My people, no matter what events the evil ones are causing, since I will be protecting you even if I have to call you to the safety of My refuges.  My angels will protect you at My refuges and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival.  I will be with you always in My Eucharist in your Perpetual Adoration when I will be providing you daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels at My refuges in the tribulation time.”

Tuesday, February 14, 2023:(St. Cyril, St. Methodius,St. Valentine)

Jesus said: “My son, you were curious why I brought the Flood upon the earth to kill everyone but Noah and his family, who were faithful to Me.  Some of your Scripture scholars talk about the Nephilim giants that were the offspring from demon angels who had sex with human females.  These giants were destroyed in the Flood.  Some more of these giants appeared after the Flood, like Goliath, but I helped the Israelites to destroy them with My miracles.  These particular demons were forever locked in hell so they could not do this again. In the Gospel you have another question about the bad leaven of Herod and the Pharisees.  I warned My people to avoid the earthly behavior and teachings of evil as you understand corruption and sins of pride.  I represent the new leaven of love as when I multiplied the bread and fish to feed the people in the wilderness. I was teaching My apostles a new way of life in My love, and they now needed to follow My ways because I came to fulfill the law of Moses.  Because of Adam’s sin, man is prone to sin and corruption, but you can be healed in My forgiveness in Confession to keep yourself holy.  Trust in My protection from the evil ones.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you saw a train wreck in Ohio with tank cars holding toxic chemicals on fire.  The smoke spread over a wide area and chickens and fish died from the toxic fumes.  The people claimed a bad car caused the wreck.  The clean up could take a while to remove the tank cars that still may have chemicals in them.  Pray that people will be able to eventually return to their homes, when it is safe.”

Jesus said: “My people, these objects were shot down over water, but not all of them have been pulled out of the water.  Biden has not given much explanation if China sent all of them.  Even though attempts were made to jam any surveillance, it is hard to know what information China was able to use.  Pray that your military continues to clear the sky of any objects that could cause a plane crash.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the death toll rise over 47,000  dead people from the earthquake in Turkey.  Many nations are offering help to clean up the destruction and remove any bodies that are trapped in the rubble.  This will take a long time to clear the streets.  Pray that the people can return to normal life away from the destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, Russia does not want to lose in this war, so they are starting a new offensive in Eastern Ukraine.  America and other nations are sending billions  of dollars of weapons to the Ukraine to help fight the Russians.  It remains to be seen how this battle will go.  Pray for a cease fire instead of widening this war.”

Jesus said: “My people, as the Ukraine war heats up, you do not want to see it result in a World War III.  There are serious nuclear threats coming from Russia that they would use tactical nuclear weapons if they start losing this war.  That is why you want to see less loss of life in this conflict that could draw other nations into this war.  If nuclear weapons are used on America, I would call My people to My refuges before the bombs would go off.  Be prepared to leave your home quickly for My refuges, if I call you to come.  At My refuges My angels will protect you from any nuclear bombs.  This could be the end of your electric grid if this happens.  Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that such investigations will be hard to uncover any information, even if the people subpoenaed do not release any information.  They will suffer contempt charges before allowing any information to come forward.  Only the whistle blowers will give testimony against Biden and the FBI.  There will be a battle in court, and you may see some people go to jail.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My refuge people to be ready to come to My refuges when your lives will be threatened.  If your electric grid goes down, it will be difficult for most people to survive without enough food that I would multiply for them.  Without electricity you will need to come to My refuges for your survival, when I will multiply what you need to live.  This is why I had you do some refuge practice runs so you know how to survive.  You will be coming to your friend’s refuge to have a practice run for your friend.  Pray that this will be successful.”

Wednesday, February 15, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Genesis you are seeing the flood receding, and Noah sent out a dove until it did not return.  Now that the evil ones died, I had to recreate the earth with Noah’s people and the animals in the ark.  This took generations as I allowed people to live over six hundred years old so they could repopulate the earth.  I made a covenant not to flood the earth again, and I put a rainbow in the sky as a remembrance.  I will not let man destroy all the people as well with nuclear bombs.  In the Gospel I healed a blind man in two stages.  First he saw shadows moving about.  Then I touched him again, and he could see clearly.  This is an example that sometimes I heal people over time, instead of instantly.  There are miracle healing times when people have faith that I can heal them.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing your reflection in a heart shaped mirror.  You have two thoughts in this vision.  The first one is that you are made in My image with free will to do what you want-either to love Me or reject Me.  The second thought is that the heart shape of this mirror is reminding you to obey My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself.  When you look at yourself in the mirror, you also realize how much I love every person, and I died on the cross to bring salvation to every soul who loves Me.  You have been reading about the creation of things in the Book of Genesis, and at any age, you are loved by Me just for who you are as a spiritual being inside a physical body.  This life is short, so use every minute to show your love for Me, so you can be more worthy to enter heaven.”

Thursday, February 16, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, Noah and his family were directed to be fertile and multiply to repopulate the earth and subdue it.  I cleansed the earth of all of the evil people, and then I recreated the surface of the earth with all of the animals in the ark.  I made a covenant with man not to flood the earth again, and the rainbow is a sign of that covenant.  In the Gospel I asked My disciples: ‘Who do people say that I am?’  After their responses, then I asked them directly: ‘Who do you say that I am?’  St. Peter bravely stepped forward and he said: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’  Then I told them openly that I would be killed by the Pharisees and the Romans, but I would rise from the dead in three days.  St. Peter did not want this to happen to Me, but I told him ‘Get behind Me, Satan, for you are thinking as man does and not as God does.’  It is My plan to bring salvation to everyone by My death and Resurrection.  My Resurrection from the dead is My Good News to spread all over, because My faithful will also rise again after the last day.  Those people, who are written in the Book of Life will rise on the last day with their body and they will live with Me forever in heaven.  But the evil people will be resurrected with their body to suffer in the flames of hell forever.  Pray to help save as many souls from hell as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of My people, and I have a special place in My Heart for My daily Mass people and those who adore Me in My Host in a monstrance.  When you truly love Me, I need to see your love in your actions.  When you make Me the center of your lives, then you will be able to carry out the spiritual mission that I have assigned to you.  You need to show your love for Me and your neighbor, just as I love you so much that I died to save your soul.  If there was more love in the world, then there would be less fighting and more peace in the world.  Try to find some quiet moments in your life so you can come closer to Me and improve your spiritual life with Confession.  Lent is coming soon, so you can start more fasting in your life.”

Friday, February 17, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I am a jealous God, and My first Commandment is to love and worship Me alone and not any false gods. This means no New Age worship of crystals, or any person or objects. I want people to love Me, and love your neighbor as yourself. In the Gospel I requested My followers to take up your cross of life for My sake and carry out the mission I have given you. If you are a religious, to pray your daily prayers, and for priests their daily Office. If you are married, then offer all you do this day for My greater glory. Take care of your spouse and children, and see to their needs in love. I love all of you and you need to love Me in your actions.”

Saturday, February 18, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, when you have a strong faith in Me, you will be able to accomplish the mission I have given you.  An example of strong faith is how Noah followed My instructions to build the ark for the animals amidst a lot of criticism.  In the Gospel you saw how I took St. Peter, St. John, and St. James up Mt. Tabor, where I was transfigured before them along with Moses and Elijah.  The apostles heard My Father in heaven say: ‘This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.’  After this experience, I told My apostles not to reveal this to anyone until I will rise from the dead.  This is how My faithful will be resurrected on the last day.  I told My apostles that Elijah’s spirit already came before Me in St. John the Baptist.  I showed My true Divinity to My apostles to assure them of My mission, and I was incarnated as a God-man to save all of mankind with My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have paid your respects for David Gray, and you visited the family.  Keep praying for his soul and offer Masses up for him as well.  Remember to come to Mass on Sunday, and pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for your protection on your way home.  Try to make up your rosaries on your traveling time.  Send the movie of this day’s events back to Carol Gray and the family members.  You were right in comforting your family for the loss of David’s life.  They appreciated your efforts to come down to North Carolina.”

Sunday, February 19, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard an excellent homily from the deacon at Mass about your preparations for Lent that starts this Ash Wednesday.  It is true that daily prayer, possibly daily Mass, and frequent Confession are part of your way to show your love for Me.  In Lent you will be adding fasting and abstinence from meat on Fridays and Ash Wednesday.  You may also want to add some spiritual reading to your sacrifices of not eating sweets and fasting between meals.  Lent is a time to put more focus on Me and less focus on your earthly desires.  Your ultimate goal is to be with Me forever, so you will not need any earthly things then.  I love all of you, and I want you to love Me as well.”

Monday, February 20, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, a young man was brought before Me who was possessed by a demon.  His father said it happened to him for a long time.  I asked the father if he believed that I could heal his son.  The man said: ‘Yes, increase my faith.’  I commanded that the evil spirit leave the son and never to return.  The evil spirit threw him to the ground in convulsions, and then the demon left the son.  The people were amazed that I have power over the demons.  Because they believed that I could heal the son, he was healed and  the demon left him.  When people call on Me in faith, I can heal people of their illness or even from demonic possession.  Trust in Me in all of your troubles, and I will provide a means to answer your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My son, you made a huge effort to visit Carol Gray in Morrisville, N.C. so you could pay your respects for her husband, David, who died.  This took about twelve hours of driving in a van both down and twelve hours back home.  The family was grateful that you could come to their Dinner Presentation of some speakers.  You stayed in a hotel for two nights and you later visited your daughter, Jeanette’s new house.  This is one of your corporal works of mercy to mourn for your deceased relatives.  You are now preparing for Lent with your fasting, giving alms, and your penances.  I blessed you with a safe trip down to North Carolina and back.  I also thank you for making up your rosaries that you missed one day.”

Tuesday, February 21, 2023: (St. Peter Damien)
Jesus said: “My people, the apostles were discussing who is the greatest among them, and who would sit at My right and left in heaven.  I told them if one sought to be the greatest among them, then that one must serve the rest.  I put a child in front of them, and I told them they must be innocent and obedient to Me as this child.  They need to have a child-like faith to follow Me and I will reward My faithful one day in heaven.  Put aside your pride and focus on loving Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is looking out for his own financial dealings, instead of what is good for your country.  You have a disaster every day on your open Southern border that is costing your people billions of dollars to house, feed, and provide hospitalization for all of the illegal immigrants who are flooding into your country.  You also have a chemical disaster in East Palestine, Ohio which your government is not helping much, but it is spending billions of dollars in arms to the Ukraine.  Many policies by Biden are causing your inflation which has caused the Federal Reserve to raise your interest rates.  If your spending outpaces your tax income, then you are causing more inflation.  You will be seeing a spending battle between the Republicans and the Democrats.  Pray that the right decisions will be made for what is best for your country.”

Wednesday, February 22, 2023: (Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent)

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a difficult scene of many dead bodies wrapped in black plastic in a church.  I told you that these people died from the ‘Black Plague’.  This disease is contagious and people could die within days if they did not get treated with antibiotics quickly.  There could be bleeding from the nose.  The disease could be spread by rodents and fleas, or person to person.  Such an outbreak could also be spread from chemtrails in the sky.  Evil people could spread this disease to reduce the population.  I told you before if you see a lot of dead bodies on the ground, you need to come to the safety of My refuges.  At My refuges you can look on the luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed in faith.  Give praise and thanks to Me for all of the refuges I will provide for My faithful.  I will provide for your food, water, and fuels at My refuges with miracles of multiplication for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Putin canceling the START treaty that limited the number of nuclear warheads between Russia and the United States.  Putin also is claiming to send in ships with nuclear warheads.  He does not want to lose the land in the Ukraine that he had gained with this latest war effort.  As your country and the NATO countries send in weapons against Russia, Russia is making talks with China to get weapons for their war in the Ukraine.  This war in the Ukraine could lead to a World War III if there are no peace talks.  Pray for peace and not a widening war.”

Thursday, February 23, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, the freezing rain makes ice all over everything.  It is a sign of the cold hearts to Me that need to get warmed up so you can let Me come into your hearts.  Lent is a time of prayer and fasting so you can focus more on loving Me and loving your neighbor.  You are continuing to see weather disasters, and some places are experiencing power outages where the ice weighed down on the power lines.  Pray for your people so they have the means to stay warm during these ice storms.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you know how difficult it is to have ice storms  when you see thousands of people without electricity in a power outage.  You are seeing many iced up driveways that makes it hard to walk on the ice.  People, who do not have power, could have problems keeping warm in the winter.  You, My son, have used kerosene heaters and wood fires to keep warm.  You need to pray for people in the ice storm without power that they can keep warm with food to eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, your friend is brave to invite people to have a refuge practice run in Erie, Pa.  The refuge builders learn many ways to provide heat, prepare the meals, and organize a perpetual Adoration when they have a practice run.  I have directed some faithful people to set up refuges.  It takes some thoughtful planning to prepare a refuge for what is needed.  When you have an overnight practice run, this is what I desire that each refuge should try, so you are prepared for what you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, use this Lent to make fasting a part of your prayer life.  Some days you can refrain from eating between meals.  Maybe one or two days of the week you could fast from supper to supper.  There are several ways to fast.  You may want to make donations to your local food shelf as an example of almsgiving  to help those people who are hungry.  You can also pray your rosaries for a special intention.  You can also spend some time with Me at a place of Adoration.  When you have your Lenten devotions, you can improve your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, wars bring destruction and death wherever they are occurring, as in the Ukraine war.  My people need to pray for peace to stop the killing and the destruction.  There are evil people who want to take advantage of wars by making a profit in selling arms to both sides of a conflict.  This is why some people want wars to lag on so they could profit from making the weapons.  It is better to have peace than to cause or prolong wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, these are two means to help people, by coming to a funeral Mass or bringing food to the hungry people.  When you come to a funeral, you are giving support to the family for their lost loved one.  By honoring the deceased, you are giving respect to the life of that person who died.  Bringing food to the hungry involves your effort to buy the food and share your gift with the poor and needy.  There are many hungry people, who would appreciate your gift.  Some people help the poor by helping with giving out soup at the soup kitchens.  All of your good deeds will be rewarded with My graces.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are giving alms to people, but you can also pray for people as your gift to your neighbor.  There are many people who are suffering for various reasons, so you could pray for a healing of a sick person or someone who is disabled.  You could also visit people to share your prayers with them at a hospital or even in a jail ministry.  People will appreciate your offer to help them both physically and spiritually.  I love all of you and these ways are how you could show your love for your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you could show Me how much you love Me by coming to daily Mass and even making some visits to My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance.  When you come and pray quietly in front of Me, I can talk to your heart and help you in any of your needs or troubles.           I am always willing to assist you in your prayer requests because I know how difficult it is to suffer through your human experiences.  You know how I suffered death to bring salvation to your souls.  Make an extra effort this week to make time to come to Confession, so you can cleanse your soul, and I can heal your spiritual wounds.  Keep your soul clean of sin and you will be ready for when I will call you to your judgment.”

Friday, February 24, 2023:(Funeral intention Michael Agostinelli, uncle)

Jesus said: “My son, you were pondering in the Mass when the priest said: ‘Your life is not ended but changed in death because your soul is eternal.’  Once you die, you are brought before Me for your particular judgment.  This is why you need to come to frequent Confession because you do not know when I will call you home at your death.  Having a clean soul will lessen any time in purgatory.  On Mercy Sunday you can receive a plenary indulgence to remove any temporal punishment due for your sins.  I have also asked you to pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet for souls who just died, to help save their soul from hell.  This funeral memorial Mass was well attended by family and friends.  Michael needs a few more Masses to be released from purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Biden spending billions of dollars to buy military weapons to send to the Ukraine to fight Russia.  This is the one year anniversary of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.  It is not right for the US to support another endless conflict in the Ukraine.  You are depleting your own armaments from your defense forces to supply the Ukraine army.  Biden is paying your arms makers with your tax dollars, and he leaves a disaster going on at your Southern border.  Ukraine is the same corrupt government that paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars to the Biden family.  You should not have to support a country when Biden could be profiting from such a war.  Pray that your government could change its financing of a war that does not help your country in any way.”

Saturday,February 25,2023:(Bishop’s Mass for Eucharistic retreat)

Jesus said: “My son, you are being graced to see Me in My Real Presence in a consecrated Host.  You live to see Me every day at Mass and at night in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament.  You started coming to daily Mass when you were seventeen years old as you entered college.  I have always been a part of your life, but you were blessed with My inner locution messages in 1993 when you went to Medugorje and you were healed of a computer addiction.  In the Gospel at Mass you read about Levi, the tax collector who had his name changed to Matthew, once I called him to follow Me.  Matthew is one of the four evangelists who wrote his Gospel of My ministry.   I asked him to have dinner with Me, and he brought his fellow tax collectors and others who the Pharisees called sinners.  The Pharisees questioned Me why I ate with sinners.  I told them that sick people need a physician, and those who are not sick, do not.  I came to heal and forgive those people who are sinners and not the self-righteous.  This is why I died on the cross to bring salvation to all souls who believe in Me as their Savior.  You can come to Me in the priest in Confession so you can be cleansed of your sins with the priest’s absolution.  By coming to frequent Confession of at least monthly, you can keep your soul clean and ready to receive Me at your judgment day.  This Lent make sure you come to Confession before Easter.  Part of your penances is to have your sins forgiven in Confession.  I love all of you and I am always with you in My Eucharist at Mass, and in My tabernacles.”

Jesus said: “My people, these souls, who are suffering in the flames of lower purgatory, are feeling pain in their soul bodies.  They are being purified for their sins, and they will be there until they have some prayer warriors pray for them, or until they can have Masses offered for them.  This is My justice that they are suffering, but you are being inspired to pray for these souls.  They cannot pray for themselves, but they are promised one day to be released from purgatory into heaven.  Once these souls have paid their minimum time in the flames, they can be moved to upper purgatory where there are no flames.  These souls  are still suffering not being with Me in heaven.  Each stage of purgatory has its own suffering for the souls.  These souls can pray for those people who are on earth who prayed for them.  When the souls are released from purgatory into heaven, they will dedicate all of their time to pray for the souls who released them.  As you think about how much these souls are suffering, remember them in your prayer intentions every day.  I love all of My people on earth, and I allow your prayers to help free these souls in purgatory.  These souls love you and they are begging you to pray for them.  They will repay you as I am thanking you to help these souls.”

Sunday, February 26, 2023: (First Sunday of Lent)

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to see the comparison of the temptation of the first Adam with the new Adam in Me.  In the first Adam he was also tempted by the devil with food to eat when he ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  This was the first test of the seven most grievous sins which is about gluttony.  I as the new Adam did not fall into the temptation of making stones into bread, even though I had fasted for forty days without food.  I told the devil man does not live by bread alone.  In the second temptation of Adam by the devil in the Garden, the devil said they would be like gods if they ate the forbidden fruit.  Here Adam and Eve were tempted by pride and curiosity.  The devil also tempted Me by pride if I would throw Myself down a cliff and have My angels protect Me from harm.  I told the devil not to put the Lord to the test.  In the third temptation of Adam, he was tested by greed to have more knowledge of good and evil.  The devil tempted Me that he would give Me all of the nations if I would bow down and worship the devil.  I told the devil that you can only worship Me alone as your Lord and Master.  Then I told the devil to leave Me and he left.  This is why My people need to call on Me in prayer to fight the devil’s temptations.  I give you a guardian angel to help lead you on the right path to heaven, and to avoid the devil’s temptations.”

Monday, February 27, 2023: (St. Gregory of Narek)

Jesus said: “My people, feeding the poor with your donations of food or money should be one of your corporal works of mercy, as your Lenten  almsgiving.  You can give donations to your local food shelf so they can distribute the food to the needy people.  In today’s Gospel I was telling the people that every time that you help someone, you are helping Me in them.  I was even saying that those people, who help others, will be rewarded in heaven.  But those people, who do not make an effort to help others, did not help Me, and they will suffer in hell for not loving Me.  So if you want to love Me, you must love your neighbor also, and not just in words, but in your actions of helping them.  This will be a harsh judgment, because when you die, you will have to make an accounting for all of your life’s actions and intentions in front of Me as your Judge.”

 Jesus said: “My people, you have been having a few ice storms and it caused tree limbs to fall on the power lines so you had some power outages.  My refuges need to have alternate sources of heat, and even other homes should also have backup heaters in the winter.  You have used kerosene burners with some ventilation because it consumes oxygen.  You also want a carbon monoxide detector so this does not harm your breathing.  If you use a wood burning fireplace, it would be best to have an insert in your chimney.  The insert gives a 70% efficiency vs. a 10% efficiency without an insert.  This keeps most of the heat in the house and not going up the chimney.  You also may want to have a light source as LED lanterns with rechargeable batteries.  You could use oil lamps or other means of producing light at night like candles.  When your electricity is out, these are some helps to keep warm and light at night even if your electricity is out for a long time.  Pray that your refuge builders have these preparations because you may have to endure less than 3½ years of the tribulation without electricity.”

Tuesday, February 28, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are called to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  You see the people praying in church in the vision, and you heard Me in the Gospel teaching My apostles how to pray the ‘Our Father’ prayer.  When you pray your four Mysteries of the rosary each day, you pray many ‘Our Father’ prayers.  When you fast from eating between meals, you suffer more at night when you like to snack on food.  You do not eat meat on Fridays of Lent, and one day like Friday, you can fast from supper to supper.  All of these penances are a means to test your free will to do this for Me and your spiritual benefit.  You can also make some donations to your local food shelf for your almsgiving for the poor.  You saw a vision of a red sky over Europe from an Aurora Borealis which could be a sign of a coming war, just as My Blessed Mother told of a sign before World War II.  You have been given My messages of a possible World War III involving nuclear weapons.  Pray for peace, especially in the Ukraine war.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting to see more information coming out that the Covid virus was planned to reduce the world’s population.  In the early stages of the Covid pandemic, doctors were secretly healing Covid patients with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin.  There was an attempt to ban such medicines to cause more deaths.  The use of mRNA vaccines were never before used to heal viruses.  These mRNA vaccines were not proven to stop Covid virus, and they were pushed and mandated even though they are ruining your immune system.  This was a plan to kill a lot of people by forcing people to take a poisonous shot to keep your job.  They also forced college students to take the shots, or they could not attend college.  They forced the shots on people working in hospitals.  These evil people are even forcing the shots on young children, when they rarely got sick from Covid.  The pharmaceutical people and the one world people should be held for the greatest crime on humanity when they used Covid virus and these poisonous vaccines to purposely kill people with the spike protein that the shots produced in the body.  There was no need to have a Covid vaccine shot which I warned people not to take.  The media and your government brain washed people that the Covid shots had to be used.  This lie is why so many people have died from the wrong treatment.  If another virus is spread, refuse to take any mRNA vaccines because they could kill you.  Evil people are trying to reduce the population and make millions of dollars making toxic vaccines that do not work.  These evil ones will suffer much for their crimes at their judgment before Me.  Use your Good Friday oil and your known good medicines for healing these viruses.”

Wednesday, March 1, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the account of Jonah when he told the people of Nineveh that in forty days their city would be destroyed.  But the people repented of their sins, and the king ordered them to repent as they sat in sackcloth and ashes.  Once I saw how the people repented of their sins, I relented from My intent to destroy the city.  I did not carry it out.  In the Gospel the people wanted a sign, but I would not give them a sign except for the sign of Jonah.  I told them that there was someone here who is greater than Jonah and the Queen of the South.  I call all of My faithful to repent of your sins at Confession.  Pray your Lenten prayers and continue your fasting and almsgiving to the poor.  Thank you for praying the Stations of the Cross as you do on Lenten Wednesdays at this church.” 

Jesus said: “My people, a good share of your computer chips are made in Taiwan, but Taiwan is a target of China.  Your National Security is in question when most of your chips are made overseas.  Many of your technology companies are shipping chip making overseas to save money.  This means your national chip making might need subsidies in order to compete with cheaper labor.  Foreign sources could get shut down for various reasons, and you need backup chip making to put in your cars and other critical military needs.  Memory chips are easier to produce than more complicated new architecture chips, so the more expensive chips should be produced first in your country.  Another issue you are facing is the Green New Deal people who want to force you to buy electric cars and use less fossil fuels.  You need fossil fuels to produce the needed electricity.  If you have brownouts already in the summer for air conditioning, where will you get the extra electricity to power your electric cars?  For now you need fossil fuels to run your economy, and that requires more investment in finding natural gas and oil.  Pray that your people can use gas run cars which most people own, because electric cars are expensive and it is hard to find charging places.”

Thursday, March 2, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are liars and thieves.  They say how everything looks good, but in reality Biden is taking your country down in every way possible.  He is reducing your military’s means to fight by giving away your ammunition and weapons to the Ukraine.  His overspending has caused your inflation and your National Debt is even hard to pay the interest on your debt.  He is ruining your border states with an open Southern border.  He wants to free all student loans, but the Supreme Court may stop this giveaway.  He is still trying to mandate Covid shots and masks, when there are few sick people.  All of his plans are to control your freedoms and force you to stop using fossil fuels which is a disaster for your economy.  If your government is not turned around soon without a cheating election, all of you will be in deep water of destruction.  Pray for such a change, or I may have to call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. 

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a vision of the Communion of Saints.  The saints and angels are the Church Triumphant and they are praying for you on earth as the Church Militant.  The faithful on earth are praying for the souls in purgatory as the Church Suffering.  You have souls in all three realms giving glory to Me as you are all joined in the Communion of Saints.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I brought My wrath down on the people who built the Tower of Babel when I confused these people, who worshiped other gods, with many different languages.  Even today the people of this world are worshiping other gods of pleasure, riches, and comforts.  I am your God and Savior, and I am the only One you should be worshiping.  I created all of humanity and I love all of you enough to die for your salvation.  So show your love for Me by worshiping only Me at Mass on Sunday. 

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a person who died, and there was a funeral Mass for this person.  My son, you have been to many funeral Masses, and it is good to offer prayers and Masses for the deceased souls.  Most souls go to purgatory or hell with only a few going directly to heaven.  It is good to have a picture of your deceased loved one in a place so you can remember to pray for this soul.  There are other deceased relatives that may still be in purgatory.  Pray for all the poor souls in purgatory and remember to offer Masses for their souls with their name intention.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some blackouts from ice storms and other disasters.  In this vision I am showing you how My light of grace can come into your hearts to heal you of your spiritual blindness.  Let Me come into your hearts after a worthy Holy Communion.  Those faithful, who believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, have a short time when I am with you in a small taste of heaven.  You are happy to be with Me at every Mass and when you are with Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament.  Call on Me to help you and you will receive My graces into your soul.  Rejoice when you are in My Presence.”

Jesus said: “My people, I make a unique mold for every person who I create, and you are made in My Image to live forever in your soul.  You are molded in your mother’s womb, and I place the Spirit of Life in your soul at the moment of your conception.  You are wonderfully made and born into the world that I have prepared for you.  This is why every unborn child is precious to Me, and you should not kill My unborn babies with abortion.  Each person has been given an earthly and a spiritual mission which should not be violated by abortion.  Keep working and praying to stop abortion, and allow My babies to fulfill My plan for them by being allowed to live.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are Satan worshipers who are led by the devil to try and kill people with wars, abortions, viruses, vaccines, and murders.  There are evil scientists who are purposely using gain of function viruses for the purpose of reducing the population.  They create the problem with deadly viruses to kill people.  Then these same evil ones produce mRNA vaccines as a supposed cure as a solution to the problem.  Like the Covid vaccines, these evil shots were designed to manufacture the spike protein in the body that causes the Covid disease.  This spike protein is shed from the infected person to other healthy people.  The pharmaceutical companies are making these mRNA vaccines that are killing people,  and they get millions of dollars from your government to give shots and many boosters that ruin your immune system.  These evil ones, who want to reduce the population, will face Me in death, and they could be condemned to hell for their evil deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, I shine My Light of grace into every soul when you receive My sacraments.  In order to receive My graces worthily, you need to be free of mortal sin.  This is why you can come to Me in repentance in Confession, and the priest’s absolution will free your mortal sin and restore My sanctifying grace to your soul.  I call on all souls to be cleansed of their sins by their free will decision.  I do not force Myself on anyone, but I ask you to open the door to your soul from the inside.  This is why you see pictures of Me knocking on the door of people’s soul.  It is only when I can enter your soul that I can cleanse your sins and bring you back into My graces as a part of My Church.  I call on My faithful to evangelize souls so they can appreciate My love for each soul.  Keep close to Me in frequent Confession, your Masses, and your daily prayers.  Let My Light shine into your soul, especially with this Lenten Season.”

Friday, March 3, 2023: (St. Catherine Drexel)

Jesus said: “My people, all of the people on earth are like they are playing out their lives on the stage of life.  I want My faithful to remain true to Me in all that you do.  You are the actors on this stage, and you have all of heaven and the souls in purgatory who are the audience watching your every action.  So be careful so you do not embarrass yourself in front of all of us.  Your lives should be a good example for others to follow.  During Lent you should pay attention to your prayers, fasting, and penances that can help keep your soul on the right path to heaven.” 

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful remnant to follow the Church that I have established from the time I was on the earth.  I am warning you that a time is coming when there will be a split in My Church.  Some may call it a schism.  You will see some leaders in My Church try to be inclusive by joining all religions into a one world religion.  Refuse to follow this New Age one world religion because this will bring a new Mass without the proper words of Consecration over the Host.  This will be the abomination of desolation when I will not be Present in a Host without the proper words of Consecration.  You will eventually be called to My places of refuge where faithful priests will use the proper words to Consecrate the Hosts and I will be Present there.  Stay true to My Catholic traditions and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good that you can teach your great grandchildren how to pray.  When they are young, it is easier to teach things to them about Me.  I love the little children, and I want you to protect them from harm and abuse.  Most of all pray to stop the killing of My babies in abortion.  I love all of you and I want you to be child like in your love for Me to enter heaven.”

Saturday, March 4, 2023: (St. Casimir)

Jesus said: “My people, I know sometimes how the little children can be a little noisy at church, but you need to bring them to Me just the same.  You are helping to teach them their prayers and you even showed one child how to pray the Stations of the Cross, which you do every Friday.  Children learn by example, and I told you that you are responsible for the souls of your children, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren.  Even if you cannot be with them all of the time, you need to pray for all of them and name them in your prayers.  You gain graces for every soul you help bring to Me in prayer.  I love all of you, and in today’s Gospel I asked everyone to love each other, even your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, I call all of My people to love Me and your neighbor as yourself.  You all have unique hearts and souls, but it is the harmony of all of you singing your love of Me together that directs you to heaven.  When you come to heaven one day, you will hear the beautiful voices of My choirs of angels and My saints.  They are all in harmony because they have reached their perfection in heaven.  Souls on earth are all works in progress as you struggle to be perfected so you can enter heaven.  Each soul is at a different stage of progress in loving Me and striving to be a saint in heaven.  Once you reach perfection by some purification in purgatory, then you will be in complete harmony with My saints and angels.  Pray for all the souls who are striving to reach heaven.”

Sunday, March 5, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have a taste of heaven when you receive Me in Holy Communion, so I gave My apostles a preview of My Glorified Body that they would see at My Resurrection.  During Lent you are making penances to avoid eating sweets and not eating between meals.  You also are praying for your family to be saved and you are giving alms to the poor.  Lent can be a test of your free will to make sacrifices for Me and the souls you are praying for. I thank you for praying the names of your family as I suggested for your prayer intentions.  When you address names for the living or the dead in your prayers, your graces are directed specifically to these very souls.  Give praise and thanks to Me that I have given these souls for you to pray for them.”

Monday, March 6, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in life you make decisions every day in how to do things.  It is better to do things out of love for Me and your neighbor.  Take the upstairs toward heaven and avoid evil ways.  In the Gospel I am asking people not to judge others, as I am the only One to judge people.  Do not condemn people either.  Seek My forgiveness of your sins in Confession to keep a clean soul.  This time of Lent calls you to be holy, and strive for perfection by loving everyone.  Imitate Me and be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect.  During Lent you are fasting and making little penances to add to your daily prayers.  I love all of you for making an effort to follow your Lenten devotions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I had to carry My cross to Calvary where the Romans crucified Me.  I died on the cross to offer My life to God the Father for the perfect Sacrifice for all the sins of mankind.  I brought salvation to all the souls who are willing to accept My gift of spiritual life forever.  This means My faithful must be willing to take up your own cross and carry it through all of your earthly sufferings.  At the end of your life, I will say: ‘Well done My good and faithful servant, come enter into the joy of your Master for all eternity in heaven.’”

Tuesday, March 7, 2023: (St. Perpetua and St. Felicity)

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to bear your human existence with all of your aches and pains, as well as your trials and troubles every day.  You saw in the vision how I had to suffer more excruciating pain carrying My cross than your pains.  Some people suffer little pain, but others are given the strength to suffer severe pain.  In all of your suffering, you can offer it up to help save souls, or to help the souls in purgatory.  You heard Bishop Sheen by a hospital saying how there is a lot of wasted pain that people could have offered it up for souls.  Pray for the sick and suffering on earth, and for the souls in purgatory who are suffering in their soul bodies.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing in the vision of a time when the statues used to be covered with purple cloths during the last two weeks of Lent.  Because of your Covid virus, many priests would not give out My Blessed Sacrament on the tongue.  You even stopped putting holy water in the fonts at the doors.  For a long time you have very few Communion rails so you could kneel to receive My Eucharist.  Even on the feast day of St. Blaise, very few churches used the crossed candles to bless your throats.  Some of these things are traditions, but the reverence is being lost for My Blessed Sacrament when you do not bow or kneel when you receive My Eucharist on the tongue.  This is why many Catholics are not believing in My Real Presence in the consecrated Hosts.  I truly AM Present in the consecrated Host, whether people believe it or not.  So give reverence to My Eucharist when you kneel to enter church at your pew, and remember to visit My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or at Adoration in the monstrance.  Center your life around Me at daily Mass, your daily prayers, and at Adoration.”

Wednesday, March 8, 2023: (St. John of God)

Jesus said: “My people, war is destructive and it can destroy cities and kill civilians, as well as soldiers.  I am showing you a tactical atomic bomb exploding with a tall cloud of radiation.  Some bombs have varying degrees of radiation which is why less is better.  Each atomic bomb causes an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) wave that could destroy electric grids and stop vehicles from moving.  You could see such a weapon used in the Ukraine by Russia, or by any nuclear capable country on America.  If your electric grid was attacked by such an EMP explosion, you could see starvation of many people over a long time.  If such an attack was about to be launched on the U.S.,  I will warn My faithful in advance to come to the safety of My refuges.  My angels will shield My refuges from any EMP attack, so your solar systems will be protected.  Trust in My help, no matter how the evil ones will try to reduce the population.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were exposed to a different rite with a bit of old English in the words of the Mass.  This church gives more opportunities with a 7:00 p.m. Mass at night on Wednesdays.  You will need to read more to understand this rite.  The priest faced the old altar.  This Mass was offered for you and your wife by one of your prayer group members. This offered you a new experience.  The words of Consecration were proper, so I am Present in this Holy Communion.”

Thursday, March 9, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel the rich man had all of the pleasures of life, but he did not help the beggar, Lazarus with even the scraps from his table.  The beggar had to suffer through life with little help.  At the judgment the rich man went to hell because he did not show love for Me in his neighbor, Lazarus.  But Lazarus was rewarded in heaven for all he had to suffer on earth.  The rich man wanted to keep his brothers from coming to hell.  I told the rich man, the brothers had Moses and the prophets to help save them.  But the rich man said if someone from the dead would speak to the brothers, surely they would listen.  I told him if the brothers would not heed Moses and the prophets, they would not heed even if one from the dead spoke to them.  This meant that after I died on the cross and I resurrected, then the brothers would not even listen to Me as well.  Everyone has to make a free will choice to love Me or not, as well as loving your neighbor.  Those people, who love Me in their actions and love others, will be rewarded in heaven like Lazarus.  But those people, who refuse to love Me and others, and do not obey My Commandments, will find themselves in the flames of hell like the rich man.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, I know you both are having problems with your leg and your wife’s knee.  You are brave to get through the airports while going from one place to another.  I am sending My angels to protect you from harm, and to help you through any pain.  Have your prayer group pray for a safe trip.  This is your first long trip flying in a while, so pray your rosaries during your trip.  Thank all of the people who paid for this trip, and call on the Holy Spirit to help you in your four talks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing some struggles between your parties over the current Budget and the National Debt Limit.  The Republicans want some Budget restraints as a bargaining chip to raise the National Debt Ceiling.  You have a lot of overspending by the Democrats in the last few years without much accounting for how the money is to be spent.  Your huge deficits need to be reigned in to cut the excess spending.  Pray for your Congress to make the best choices for the people of your country.”

Jesus said:  “My people, the worst train wreck happened in East Palestine, Ohio when they used controlled fires to burn some chemicals.  This area  may be contaminated for years.  Your government was slow to respond  to the cleanup.  Now you have seen two more train wrecks without a large fire.  It is time to investigate the causes, whether it is bad rail management or possible sabotage.  A lot of freight is delivered by train, but it needs to be done safely.  Investigators should inform the public why there are so many train wrecks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a spring offensive by Russia to destroy the Ukraine’s infrastructure which is causing power outages.  They are also trying to take more land in East Ukraine.  Your country is sending billions of dollars in weapons to the Ukraine with little accounting of how the weapons and money are being used.  Your Congress needs to investigate how long this giving of arms will last.  You should not get involved with another long no win war.  Pray for peace and not an everlasting war.”

Jesus said:  “My people, you even saw a story in your newspaper about where is all the snow going.  Your own town has seen 50 inches less snow than normal.  Some are blaming the cold Pacific Ocean for La Nina.   You have enough rainfall, but it is coming more as rain than snow.  Pray for help for your people who are suffering losses from the snow and wind.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing serious problems as many immigrants are needing food, housing, and medical aid.  This is causing financial hardships on many communities, especially in your border states.  Biden wants more Democrat voters, but he is ruining your economy with this influx of illegal immigrants.  Pray  that your people can stop this continuing destruction against your border laws.”

I could see we are a few weeks into Lent and we need to examine how we are doing with out fasting and penances.  Jesus said: “My people, at the start of Lent you had many devotions that you planned to keep throughout your Lenten Season.  It is hard to keep up your fasting when you are hungry.  Not eating candy and desserts is also hard to maintain.  But you are keeping up your penances for My sake and to control your appetites.  By struggling to keep up your penances, you can see your free will can be restrained when you put forth an effort.  Sometimes you get a little lazy with your spiritual life.  This is the purpose of Lent to put your spiritual life back together, as you put more focus on loving Me and your neighbor in your actions.  By prayer and self-denial, this can help restrain your actions so you can lead a holier life.  Keep up with your Lenten devotions and you will see how you can do more spiritual things when you try.”

Friday, March 10, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Genesis you read about how Joseph, the son of Jacob, was sold to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver, and they took Joseph to Egypt.  By My hand Joseph would later help Jacob’s people get wheat during a great famine.  It was by Joseph’s dreams that he found favor with Pharaoh.  In the Gospel you read about My parable of the landowner who built a vineyard and leased it to tenants for the harvest.  At harvest time the landowner sought his portion of the harvest of grapes.  But the tenants killed his servants and later they also killed his son as well.  I asked the Pharisees what to do, and they said the owner should kill the tenants and lease the vineyard to other tenants.  I told the Pharisees that the Kingdom of God will be taken from them, and it will be given to a people who will produce the fruit of the vineyard.  Even so in My Church, I will pass control over to My faithful remnant at My refuges.  All the evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will recreate the earth and bring My faithful into My  Era of Peace.  Trust in Me to protect My people and bring you into your reward.”

Saturday, March 11, 2023: (Prodigal Son)

Jesus said: “My people, you remember My parable about the Prodigal son.  One son wanted his share of his inheritance which normally would only be given after the father died.  So the father gave him the money he was due.  That son wasted his father’s money on prostitutes and sinful living.  When the son’s money was gone, he hired out on a farm feeding the pigs.  He was dying of hunger and decided to return to his father as a hired hand.  The father was so grateful to have his son back.  He forgave his son and held a feast because his son was lost, and now he is found.  The second son was angry because the Prodigal son was accepted back with a feast.  The father pleaded with the older son to rejoice because the younger son was found and not lost.  So it is with every sinner.  All of heaven and I rejoice when one sinner repents and is converted.  You all are at different levels of holiness on your way to heaven.  I call all of you to come to frequent Confession so I can cleanse your soul from sin with the priest’s absolution.  I am always willing to forgive a repentant sinner.  My son, you are at a large refuge and your friend has worked hard for many years to prepare a place for people to come during the tribulation.  At that time all refuges will have Holy Communion daily from a priest or from My angels.  Every refuge person will be called on to worship My Blessed sacrament at holy hours around the clock.  It will be My Real Presence  and your faith in Me that will allow Me to multiply what you will need for your survival.  Not everyone will have the faith and endurance to keep up a refuge with what is needed.  I will lead others to refuges with a flame by your guardian angel to find a refuge.  My angel will only allow true believers into a refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, for those people, who are planning a refuge, you first need to discern if you are willing to provide for about forty people.  You next need to prepare a small altar for Adoration.  At the time of tribulation you will receive a consecrated Host from a priest or My angels.  You will place the Host in a monstrance and the people will sign up for hours of Adoration to worship Me around the clock.  You will need a source of water from a well, a pond, or a stream of water.  You will need  forty places to sleep by buying some cots and have room to set them up.  Have blankets and pillows for them as well.  You will need food for them with dried food, MREs, or canned foods for about a year, and I will multiply your food and fuels.  You will need fuel for cooking and if you are in the North, you may need kerosene, wood,  or propane for heating.  You will need lights at night and possibly have solar panels and batteries for some electricity.  You will need latrine means with flush toilets, outhouses, or leech beds.  When people come to the refuge, you will need to know their skills so you can assign jobs.  My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame.  The angels will shield you from the evil ones with an invisible shield.  I am sharing this for new people who are just starting refuges, like your new friend that just inherited a large  plot of land.  She is willing to have a refuge with her new property.  Pray for her to help fix her roof leaks and finish her chapel.  I love all of My refuge builders who want to help people during the tribulation time.  I will warn people when to come to My refuges with My inner locution.”

Sunday, March 12, 2023: (Third Sunday of Lent)

Jesus said: “My people, you have read this passage of the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well many times.  When I asked the woman for a drink of water, she was amazed that I as a Jew would ask a Samaritan woman for a drink.  I told her how she had five husbands and she was living with another man.  She realized that I was a prophet.  I told her that I could give her ‘Living Water’ which is from the Holy Spirit, and she would not have to keep coming to get ordinary water.  I then told her that I am the Christ, the Savior of the world.  She quickly went to town to bring her friends to see Me.  Even now I am offering My ‘Living water’ to people so they can experience the graces from the Holy Spirit.  I want everyone to come to Me in faith, even as you received Me today in My Eucharist at Mass.  When you receive Holy Communion worthily, you are receiving the Blessed Trinity of My Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  So you are receiving My ‘Living water’ as well as the woman from Samaria.  Be thankful that you can receive Me into your heart and soul at every Mass.”

Monday, March 13, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Naamen listened to the Israeli girl that he should go to Israel to get healed of his leprosy.  Elisha the prophet, heard that Naamen wanted healing of his leprosy when the king ripped his garments when he read the letter from the king of Syria.  When Naamen went to Elisha, Elisha gave Naamen a message to plunge seven times into the Jordan River to heal his leprosy.  At first Naamen was disappointed at the message, but he was advised to follow the message.  Once he cleansed himself seven times in the Jordan River, he was healed.  Then he knew that God was present in Israel.  Learn from this reading to follow My instructions, no matter what I ask you to do.  When you follow My prompting, I will heal your affliction and I will help solve your problems.  Believe and trust in My Word, and you will be healed as Naamen was.  Later in the Gospel at Nazareth, I told the people that only a few people were healed there because the people of Nazareth did not have faith in My Word that I could heal them.  This made the people so angry that they tried to throw Me over the cliff.  It was not My time to die, so I walked through their midst unharmed.  You learned from this reading that you need faith in My Word to heal you of any illness.  I love all of you and you at first saw people close their hearts to Me.  I want you to open your heart and mind to love Me, just as you open the windows to let My light shine upon you.”

“You have met some beautiful people here who love Me and are faithful to My Word.  I will bless their refuges with My angel power to protect them.  Continue to trust in Me to help you through all of your trials.  I will protect My faithful from harm, and I will call you to the safety of My refuges with My inner locution whenever  your lives are threatened.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen some unusual storms and tornadoes all over your country.  The one world people are using the HAARP machine to cause earthquakes and enhanced bad weather at various places all over the world.  This is part of the reason that you are seeing one disaster after another.  Pray that there will be less loss of life in the coming storms.  You are about to see the one world people make a move to take over your country when they will try to take your dollars out of circulation.  Many people will try to stop the crash of the dollar.  At some point the evil ones will try to force a digital dollar on the people.  They will know how you spend your money, and if it is against their plan, they could zero your bank account.  This will cause My faithful remnant to come to My refuges  for protection.  The one world people will also force the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body, on everyone just as they  forced the Covid shot on people.  At My refuges I will multiply your food and fuels so you will not need the mark of the beast.  Refuse to take any shots and refuse to take the mark of the beast, nor worship the Antichrist.  Trust in Me and I will protect My faithful throughout the whole tribulation time.”

Tuesday, March 14, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter asked Me how many times must he forgive his neighbor, and he said for seven times?  Your priest’s homily was correct in saying that it is your pride that can hold you back from forgiving people.  Some people are insulted by being treated badly.  Other people even want to seek revenge for being harmed or money was stolen or embezzled.  It is hard to forgive people when you feel wronged by others.  Remember how I told you that to be more perfect, you must love everyone, even your enemies, or those who have harmed you in some way.  The more you can forgive people, the more graces you store up in heaven.  When you sin, you also need to seek My forgiveness in the priest at the confessional.  When you sin, you are insulting your Lord, so you need to have your soul cleansed of sin by the priest’s absolution.  I also told you if they slap you on one cheek, then you are to turn the other cheek as well.  Think of all the insults and scourging I had to suffer, and how I suffered being crucified on the cross.  I did this to forgive all of your sins and offer you salvation if you believe in Me.  You have a free will choice in this world to either love Me or reject Me.  Those people, who love Me and seek forgiveness of their sins, will have their reward in heaven.  But those people, who refuse to love Me and refuse to seek forgiveness of their sins, will face their punishment in the flames of hell.  I love you so much, so show your love for Me.”

Wednesday, March 15, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you heard reports of levies breaking and the flooding of precious farmland.  You witnessed heavy rains at Thuy’s refuge and you got stuck in a river of water on the way to the airport.  You had a neighbor pull Thuy’s car out of a river of water, so you could have another friend drive you to the airport in time for the airplane flight.  This flooding could be a threat to your food supply that comes from California.  I mentioned before how the HAARP machine is responsible for a lot of your bad weather.  You will continue to see one disaster after another as I told you previously.  Trust in Me to continue to help you, despite all of this rain.  I love you and I know what you need, so I will provide for your needs in faith.”

Thursday, March 16, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing to see heavy rain and snow that is causing thousands of power outages.  It is taking time for people to dig out of the snow.  The rainstorms are continuing to cause floods in areas.  This is another reason to have at least three months of food for each family member, in case of a flood or snow that could keep you from getting to the store.  In the Gospel you read how I healed a person from a demon.  The people thought I was Beelzebub, but I told them Satan does not destroy his own demons, or his kingdom would fall.  But it is by the power of God that I cast out demons.  Trust in Me to protect you from the demons and the evil people.  When you are attacked by demons, call on Me and I will send you a legion of angels to protect you.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, some banks in California had a good share of its money tied up in Treasury Notes of relatively low interest rates.  Now there is a much higher inflation and rates are higher.  When many people tried to get their money out of the California banks, it caused a shut down because there was not enough liquid cash to accommodate all of the withdrawals.  This is when the government stepped in to bail out their losses.  This was another flashback to the 2008 collapse of the banks.  Pray that your banking system is stable enough to ride out any bank failures.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden has written an Executive Order 14067 which is beyond his powers as leader of your country.  The one world people want to replace the paper dollar with a digital dollar that tracks what you spend.  This will be like a National Currency that will control what you spend.  They could even cancel your bank account if you do not follow the left agenda.  Already the banks have the authority to use your deposits to cover their losses. Be ready for the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body, so that you can refuse to take it.  I will call My people to My refuges before this computer chip will be demanded of everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, about 80% of your medications are bought from China, so in wartime, it will be difficult to get your daily medicines.  It may be a good time to try and eliminate your medications with substitute medicines.  You also should start looking for alternative sources for things you buy from China, because your trade could be shut down.  Just like you stopped trading with Russia, it will be much harder to stop trading with China if you have a war with China.”

Jesus said: “My people, be aware of the push for a one world religion that could change your traditions and threaten a new Mass without the proper words of Consecration.  The new Mass of the New Age one world religion will be a Mass to avoid, because I will not be Present without the proper words of Consecration.  You also will see a Chrislam church that will combine Moslems with Catholics.  Avoid attending one world religion services, and get ready to come to My refuges.  I will call you to My refuges to have a proper Mass.  You will be persecuted as well from this schismatic church when you stop attending.”

Jesus said: “My people,  many of you are already being criticized for not taking the Covid shots and the boosters.  If you talk about the bad effects of these shots, you could be called anti-vaxers or conspirators against the liberal government.  If you pray against abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinics, you could also be persecuted for your beliefs.  This persecution will get worse, even to cutting you off from your Social Security payments.  You will eventually be forced to come to My refuges for food and angel protection, so be ready to leave for My refuges for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many floods and high winds that are bringing blizzards of snow.  Your snow levels have been lower than normal, but some storms have caused power outages.  Flooding has been severe in parts of California where some roads are impassable, or floods are ruining farmlands.  Snow blizzards have hit Buffalo, NY, and the New England states, as well as the mountains of California.  These storms are unusual and they could be caused by weather making machines.  Have your three months of food ready if you are snowed in, or you are blocked with high water levels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see many parades and celebrations on St. Patrick’s Day.  You see many food celebrations as well.  Tonight you are having a St. Joseph’s table with plenty of food for your people.  It is good to have one break in your Lenten devotions.  This is your supper and a good feast for your people in St. Joseph’s honor.  Say an extra prayer to thank St. Joseph for being your contractor for a large high rise building and a large church to handle 5,000 people.  You will see many miracles to provide food and fuels for all of your people.  I will multiply what you need because of your faith in My miracles.”

Friday, March 17, 2023: (St. Patrick’s Day)

Jesus said: “My son, when you went to Ireland, you did your penance for three days at St. Patrick’s Purgatory.  It was an answer for your daughter, but a struggle in your sleepless hours and cold weather in July.  You had to buy a sweatshirt because it was so cold in the summer.  Pray some prayers for your family to stay close to Me.  In the Gospel I told the people that the First Commandment was to love their God with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole mind.  The Second Commandment was to love your neighbor as yourself.  Give praise and glory to Me every day for all I do for you in My gifts.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are afraid of losing their money in the banks that are failing.  Other investors in the stock market are concerned that stock prices could fall as they did in 2008.  If your Treasury Department tries to bail out the bank losses, you may see even more inflation from the government printing too many bonds or cash.  A combination of high interest rates and inflation could cause more bank failures, and a possible recession when jobs are cut to save money.  Your Federal Reserve is making a hard decision whether to keep raising interest rates or not.  Many banks and businesses were used to having cheap money in loans, but now the high cost of loans could ruin small businesses.  This is all part of a plan to allow the one world people to bring on their digital dollar, and control the people’s money with threats of shutting down your accounts if you do not comply with their liberal agenda.  Be prepared to come to My refuges if you lose your money in stocks and bonds, or if they  cancel your bank accounts.”

Note: The Federal Reserve did raise interest rates .25%.

Saturday, March 18, 2023: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you see the Pharisee thanking Me that he is not like the tax collector or other sinners against the law.  He was actually priding himself that he was better than others and he gave alms at the Temple.  The tax collector looked down and kept beating his breast as he said: ‘Be merciful to me Lord, a sinner.’  I told the people that the tax collector had the better prayer, and he went home more justified than the Pharisee.  Those people, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those people, who humble themselves, will be exalted.  So do not judge others because you are all sinners.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have a variety of food to eat because the people of Moses were in a desert, and they could only eat manna in the day time and quail at night.  This would be like living on bread and roasted chicken all the time with scarce amounts of water.  This manna is the forerunner of the Sacred Bread of My Body and Blood.  The consecrated Host of the Mass is a spiritual food for the soul.  But it can only be received worthily by a soul without mortal sin.  When you worship My Host in Adoration, you are close to Me in spirit.  When you receive Me in Holy Communion worthily, you are with Me in My Real Presence in your soul for a short time, and this is your taste of heaven.  Rejoice with Me every day that you can come to Mass to receive Me.”

Sunday, March 19, 2023: (Laetare Sunday, Fourth Sunday of Lent)

Jesus said:  “My people, you know the account of Saul and David over being king.  Once David killed Goliath, there was rivalry between Saul and David to be king.  Saul even tried to kill David.  David had a chance to kill Saul, but he refused to kill God’s anointed.  David has significance for Me because people called Me ‘Son of David’ when they wanted Me to heal them.  In today’s Gospel I healed a blind man on the Sabbath.  I told the Pharisees that they water their animals on the Sabbath.  I created the Sabbath for man and not man for the Sabbath.  So help your neighbor in need, even on the Sabbath.  Ever since My Resurrection, you honor Sunday for My day of rest, and your special day to worship Me at Mass.  I thank all of My faithful who come to daily Mass, because Sunday is an obligation, but weekdays you come by your own free will to love and worship Me in Holy Communion at Mass.  Give praise and worship to Me on Laetare Sunday which is a time to rejoice in My words of the Scriptures.”

Monday, March 20, 2023: (St. Joseph’s feast day)

St. Joseph said: “I am the son of Jacob, and I was happy that you celebrated your table in honor of me at your prayer group.  You have read the Scripture passage when I had a dream from an angel that I needed to protect my foster Son, Jesus from Herod who wanted to kill Jesus.  So I quickly took my family to Egypt in hiding from Herod.  You, my son, have also been given messages for some people to set up refuges for protection from the evil ones who want to kill Christians.  You also were called to set up your own refuge for the protection from the evil ones during the tribulation of the Antichrist.  God has chosen your place for me to be your contractor for more buildings.  I told you in one day I will build a large high rise for 5,000 people.  I also will build a large church for the people to worship God.  This will be a miraculous building venture that angels will help me.  I will see to all of the needs of the people to supply sleeping quarters, and food and water will be multiplied for them.  You may help to organize this huge refuge in assigning groups of twenty for each thousand people.  The Lord told you they will come slowly so you can help manage where they are to go and what they are to do.  This will be a large undertaking and the Lord will give you more messages how you are to carry out such a mission.  Trust in the Lord to keep your peace to help all of the faithful that the Lord intends to protect at your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been giving you messages about having refuges for many years.  I have shown you what is important in building your own refuge.  I will have My faithful come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones in the world who want to kill Christians.  I will use My refuges to separate the good people from the bad people.  Once you are separated and safe at My refuges, then I will bring My punishment down on the evil ones, and they will be killed by My Comet of Chastisement.  I will protect My faithful during the tribulation, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.  As you approach these end times, many of My messengers and visionaries will be given messages to prepare refuges for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  Trust in My Word and be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you with My inner locution.”

Tuesday, March 21, 2023: (David Gray, Mass intention)

Jesus said: “My  son, you read of My healing of a cripple who laid at the Pool of Bethesda for thirty-eight years.  I told him to take up his mat and walk on the Sabbath.  The man later encountered Me so he knew that it was I who healed Him.  He told the Jews and they took offense at Me because I healed people on the Sabbath.  In the Chosen movie series this man had a brother who was a zealot.  This zealot had planned to kill someone, but when he saw his brother walking, he failed to commit the crime he intended to kill.  So now two people were healed that day.  Rejoice that I reach out to every soul to be healed, if they are willing to change their lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are learning that the Covid mRNA vaccines do not stop you from getting the Covid virus.  You are also learning that people who contracted the Covid virus have a better immune system than those people who were forced to take the Covid mRNA vaccines.  Now it is hard to trust your medical people who have been brainwashing the public with lies.  You had a message last month when I told you the next pandemic virus will use a version of the black plague.  Now you are surprised to see an article on the internet that is talking about a coming black plague from the lab.  Even some people are now saying the next pandemic will be much worse than the Covid virus. The one world people are trying to scare your people and use fear tactics to control you.  Their goal is still to reduce the population with lab made viruses and lab made mRNA vaccines.  I warned My people not to take the mRNA vaccines because it does not stop you from getting Covid and the shots are killing some people with heart problems.  These same evil people are banning ivermectin and other medicines that could heal people because they want more people to die from the Covid virus.  They also are making up numbers of deaths from Covid that died from the flu or other causes.  So when a new pandemic does come, you will see more scare and fear tactics to control people.  Use known antibiotics early to treat any new virus, and again refuse to take any mRNA vaccines that will ruin your immune system, or possibly kill you from the side effects.  If you see bodies on the ground, this will be a sign to come to My refuges so you can look upon My luminous cross and be healed of any virus.  Trust in My Word and not the one world medical people who are trying to reduce the population.”

Wednesday, March 22, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are getting closer to Holy Week, and your Stations of the Cross that you prayed today, remind you of how much I suffered for your sins.  Think of how much I love all of you that I became a God-man so I could die to bring salvation to all souls.  I know some people will reject Me, but I allow the good people to grow up together with the bad people, so you can evangelize the souls who are going astray.  I want My people to love Me and your neighbor, and show it in your actions by caring for the sick and disabled.  Even if you are unable to help people physically, you can still pray to save souls on earth, and also for helping the poor souls in purgatory.  By conveying My message of love to everyone, then they will know how I care for every sinner to be saved from hell.”

Thursday, March 23, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Exodus you read how the Jewish people were misled to worship a golden calf, while God the Father was giving Moses the Ten Commandments.  I did not destroy the people, but some were punished for such idol worship.  The First Commandment is to worship only Me and put no idols before Me.  In today’s world you have different idols that people worship, as money and earthly things and comforts.  This is why you should be more focused on spiritual things that are leading you to heaven, instead of earthly things that are passing away and could lead you away from Me.  You have only two destinations to choose from, either heaven or hell.  So choose life that I will lead you to eternal life in heaven.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to understand the power of an earthquake, but you saw a strong 7.8 earthquake in Turkey.  This had over 46,000 deaths and many buildings were destroyed.  You still are seeing other earthquakes causing lesser damage with fewer deaths.  You recently had a 4.2 earthquake only 80 miles away in Buffalo NY.  These quakes strike suddenly without warning.  I did warn you if you see white streaks or colors before an earthquake, this is a sign of the HAARP machine being used.  In Turkey they did see colors before, which is why it probably is a sign that the HAARP machine caused this quake.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how China is using slave labor to make products cheaper than in your country.  These slaves are given low wages for their work.  This is why some of your companies want to use cheap labor to make their products.  This is unfair to abuse people with unfair wages.  In some places in China the workers have to tolerate polluted air and water as well.  Even if products can be made cheaply in China, it would be better to keep your jobs in America.  There are some companies who do not care about any hardships on their workers or using workers in other countries.  For security purposes, it is better to keep your computer chips made in America.  You may need to have government subsidies for National Security products to be made in America.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are fasting and praying for souls as extra penances to help the souls in purgatory.  I told you before that you can offer up your pain for souls on earth as well as for souls in purgatory.  Remember to name the person you are praying for.  You can give donations to the poor at your local food shelf.  You may even have to help your own families with temporary housing, or some donations for food if they are out of work.  Love everyone and help them physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing shortages  of priests, which is why you need some serious prayers for more vocations to the priesthood.  You also are seeing less people coming to church which was caused partly by the Covid shutdown that closed churches for a while.  Already you are seeing churches sharing priests, and some churches are being closed for lack of funds to support them.  Keep praying that your churches can stay open with what donations that are being given.  You will see more persecutions of Christians, who eventually will have to come to My refuges for a proper Mass and for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your liberal government, you are seeing a strong movement toward the left and leading to communism.  This will cause the coming persecution of religious people because of the influence of atheistic policies.  This could lead to the government closing churches.  Once Christians lose their rights, like the Jews lost their rights in Germany, you will need to come to My refuges for your food and My angel protection.  Your country is adopting more communist policies of control when it will be difficult to have a free society.  The Antichrist’s tribulation is coming soon, so be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing hard times coming when food and fresh water will be hard to find.  This will cause chaos in your society, when thieves will try to steal your food.  At My refuges, My angels will protect My faithful from the evil ones by making you invisible, and My angels will not allow non-believers to enter your refuges.  With My Blessed Sacrament present, My angels will help multiply your food, water, and fuels.  Trust in Me to call you to My refuges before the Antichrist will declare himself.  I will protect your bodies and your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of the coming tribulation of the Antichrist who will be allowed to reign for less than 3½ years before I will end his reign.  Despite all of the evil ones with their armies and bombs, I will lead My people to My refuges when I warn you with My inner locution.  You will be given ample warning when it will be necessary to come to My refuges of protection.  You know the power of angels when in Israel one of My angels slew 180,000 soldiers who were trying to take over Israel.  You will have many of My angels protecting you at My refuges, so have no fear of what is to come.  My angels have enough power to keep all the demons and evil people away from My refuges.  After the earth has been cleansed of the evil ones, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as a reward for your being faithful during the whole tribulation.”

Friday, March 24, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an open door to a car, much like I want My faithful to open your hearts to let Me into your daily life so I can help you.  You have pains and difficulties, so let Me put your mind at rest, and trust in Me more by asking Me to heal your pains, and help solve your problems.  There are many cold hearts that do not recognize Me, and they are like the Jews who ignored Me, and some even wanted to kill Me.  When you speak the truth and show your belief in My ways, you also may face rejection because My ways are different from man’s ways.  Show your love for Me and your love for your neighbor, even if others are following the earthly ways of the evil one.  As you carry your cross through life, I will be like Simon helping you to carry your cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time of praying, fasting, doing penances, and giving alms to the poor.  You are living a human condition, and it is not easy to fast between meals and to stop eating candy and desserts.  You are doing these penances for My sake, but also to test your free will.  This avoiding eating  between meals and not eating sweets is a test of your will power to show yourself that you can avoid sin just as well.  Lent is a way of improving your spiritual life and keeping your focus on Me.  So I am encouraging you to keep up with your penances for only two more weeks until Easter Sunday.  This builds up your spiritual endurance which you can bring back at any time throughout the rest of the year.”

Saturday, March 25, 2023: (The Annunciation of Mary)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you read the reading of how the angel came to me with a big moment of my fiat to accept becoming the Mother of Our Lord.  This is a great honor to be the Mother of God’s Son by the Holy Spirit to me a virgin.  The angel Gabriel also told me of how Elizabeth was pregnant in her sixth month at an old age.  I immediately set out to help her with her child.  When you are called on to do missions for Jesus, you accept at once to do God’s Will for you.  Jesus and I have been two hearts together ever since I was born.  I lived in the Holy Will of God my whole life, so I give all of you an example to follow Jesus in everything he asks of you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen some bank failures here, but there are even more bank failures in Europe.  Some people think gold and silver are the better investments, but it is hard to buy food with gold.  I recommend buying more food as your best investment.  At first I asked My people to store one year’s supply of food for each family member.  More recently, I have asked My people to store three months of food for each household member.  You are hearing the bankers who are planning on taking your dollars out of circulation, and replacing them with digital dollars. If their plan comes true, you need to be prepared that your dollar investments could become worthless.  The liberals will control your money, and if you do not go along with their agenda, then they could cancel your accounts.  This is the beginning of a communist state when the evil ones may even threaten to kill you as well.  I have told you many times that when your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges with an inner locution.  My son, you are receiving My inner locutions every day.  So be watchful and be ready to come to My refuges.”

Sunday, March 26, 2023: (Fifth Sunday of Lent)

Jesus said: “My people, I loved Lazarus very much, even as I love everyone as well.  The people saw Me weeping for the death of Lazarus.  Martha and Mary greeted Me and they said how I could have healed their brother before he died.  But I asked Martha if she believed that he would rise on the last day, and she did believe.  I told her that I was the Resurrection and the Life for everyone.  Then I went to the tomb and people removed the stone.  I called: ‘Lazarus come forth.’  Then Lazarus came out of the tomb, and they removed the wrappings around him.  There was great joy for restoring Lazarus to life for his sisters.  Even as I raised Lazarus to life, so all of you will be resurrected on the last day–some to heaven, but some to hell.  You will soon be reading of My Passion and Death on the cross.  Then three day’s after My death, I resurrected from the tomb, and I visited My apostles.  Your joy on Easter knows no bounds, for you will all be with Me at your own resurrection into heaven for those who are worthy.”

Monday, March 27, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many sexual sins that revolve around men with lust in their heart for women.  This is why the marriage bed protects young girls from being violated if a couple makes a commitment of marriage together.  Then their relations are protected under the law.  But if other men lust for women, like these elders, then they have already sinned in their hearts.  It is even worse for the two elders to lie about attempts for fornication, and they tried to have Susanna killed.  Daniel came to Susanna’s rescue when he uncovered the perjury of the two elders and innocent blood was spared that day.  In the Gospel I wrote the sins of the onlookers on the ground who were threatening to stone a woman who was found committing adultery.  I told those people: ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’  You all are sinners and you should not be judging others.  I am the only proper Judge because I look into the heart of your intentions to commit sin.  I am also willing to forgive any repentant sinner in Confession.  This is why frequent Confession is needed to keep a clean soul for your judgment.  For you know neither the hour nor the day that I will bring you to your death and your day of judgment before Me.  So have your soul prepared every day in case you may die today.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning people to stock up on their three months of food for each family member.  Some people have even stocked up with a year’s supply of food.  You are on the verge of the one world people trying to take your dollars out of circulation and force people to use controlled digital dollars.  The  new digital dollar will be controlled by atheistic liberals who will condition what you buy by their agenda.  If you talk or spend money that is not according to the liberals’ rules, then they could cancel your digital account.  This would make it difficult to buy anything at the store.  The next challenge will be when the evil ones want to force you to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the body that will control your mind. You need to refuse to take any chip in the body and refuse to worship the Antichrist.  Once this chip is mandated like the Covid shots, then My faithful must come to My refuges. Because this time is coming soon, this is why I am recommending that My people load up on as much food as you can buy and store, since you will not be able to buy anything later.  It is also important to have a monstrance for your Perpetual Adoration.  A priest or My angels will give you a consecrated Host for Adoration to place in your monstrance.  When you pray in My Presence, I will be able to multiply the food you will need, if you have trust in My multiplication miracles.  Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones with the power of My angels, and I will make you invisible to your enemies.  Also trust in Me to multiply your  food, water, fuels, and any other needs for your survival.”

Tuesday, March 28, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, Moses brought the Hebrew people out from Egypt and into the desert by the miracles of the plagues.  By miracles he parted the Red Sea for his people to escape from the Egyptian soldiers.  Then he closed up the sea and the Egyptian soldiers were drowned.  In the desert Moses struck the rock and water came forth for them to drink.  The people were led by a cloud in the day and by a flame at night.  I provided them manna for bread in the morning and quail for meat in the evening.  After a while the people complained about the food.  So I sent poisonous seraph serpents among the people and some died.  When the people repented of their complaints of the food, I had Moses make a bronze serpent and he raised it on a pole.  Those people, who were bitten by the snakes, looked on the bronze serpent and they were healed.  This raising of the bronze serpent on a pole is a precursor of how I was crucified and raised up on a cross, and My Sacrifice of My life is salvation for all of those people who believe in Me.  At My refuges you will also see a luminous cross in the sky.  All of My faithful, who look upon this cross, will be healed of all of their infirmities.  Give praise and thanks to Me for healing your bodies and your souls.”

Wednesday, March 29, 2023:

Jesus said:  “My people, you just prayed the Stations of the Cross and you saw how I died to forgive your sins and bring you salvation.  You saw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who were willing to die in the fiery hot furnace rather than worship the king’s statue.  Are you also willing to die for Me than worship other earthly gods?  It takes courage to die for your faith in Me.  These three Jews were willing to die for Me whether I saved them or not.  The king was so touched by My saving the three men from the red hot furnace, that he believed I truly am the only God.  Daniel interpreted the king’s dreams to show how he would be humbled.  So give praise and glory to Me all of the time, for I am the ruler of the world, even over all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about the First Commandment about loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself.  The one world people are bringing your people into a communist state as you move further away from following your own Constitution. Without Me leading your people, you are allowing the evil one to take over your country.  Just look how you are fortunate to have 20% of your people come to church on Sunday. Your people are more concerned with pleasures and entertainment, than having a prayerful spiritual life.  You only should be worshiping Me and not spend most of your time on buying things and striving to be rich.  It is a punishment to allow your leaders to control your money by forcing the digital dollar on you. You could see all of your money assets stolen when they cancel your accounts for not going along with the liberal agenda.  It will be necessary to come to My refuges when they take away your money and your free speech.  You will see how the evil atheists will persecute you more for believing in Me.  When they try to force the mark of the beast on you, refuse to take it, even if you cannot buy and sell things without it.  You will come to My refuges for angel protection, and for Me to provide for your needs.  Trust in Me always, especially with My miracles to have food and My Real Presence among you, so that will allow Me to multiply your needs.”

Thursday, March 30, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you read the first reading when Abram had his name changed to Abraham.  He would be called the father of a great nation.  In the Gospel reading I told the people before Abraham came to be, ‘I AM’.  This was blasphemy to them, so they picked up stones to stone Me, but I left the Temple unharmed.  The people of Israel were waiting many years for the Messiah, but once I came before them with miracles, they could not accept that I was God’s Son incarnated as a God-man.  Even more so, the Pharisees thought I was blaspheming also, and they could not accept Me that I was God’s Son.  The Pharisees did not want to lose their position over the people either.  This is another reason why they wanted to kill Me.  You will soon see this play out in Holy Week when I gave up My Life to save everyone’s soul who accepts Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to explain to you why it is so important to have My Real Presence in My consecrated Host at the center of all of My refuges.  This is why you need a monstrance, preferably for a large Host.  It is also important to have people adoring My Blessed Sacrament at every hour around the clock.  This is called Perpetual Adoration and by having My Eucharist Present and your faith in My miracles, I can multiply your needs.  Then you will be able to survive the less than 3½ years of the coming tribulation.  As you empty one propane tank or a pile of wood, then I will refill your fuels.  Your soups will be multiplied and last the whole day for everyone.  You will always have water and your wells will not run dry.  I will preserve your canned goods and they will not spoil.  My angels will bring you fresh fruits and vegetables, even in winter.  So trust in Me, and My angels will multiply any of your needs.  A priest or My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion.  It is by your prayers and belief in My miracles that you will not be without food, water, fuels, and even toilet paper.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you just heard that the Congress left town for two weeks, and the Democrats  then brought out their indictment on former President Trump.  This attempt to imprison Trump is a smokescreen or cover up of what the world bankers are planning to shut your banks down with a bank holiday.  When the banks reopen, they will attempt to put the digital dollar in place of your dollars.  When this happens, they will control all of your money, and if you go against their agenda, they will zero your bank accounts.  I will warn My faithful and My refuge builders so they can be ready to quickly accept My people into their refuges.  Be prepared because this could happen quickly, and this could be a communist takeover.”

Jesus said:  “My people, I have called My faithful in many messages to have three months of food ready for every member of your household.  Very few people have heeded My words.  But now I am warning you that time to get food is quickly closing, and those people who do not store food now, may go hungry when there is no money to buy your food, and the stores may be closed or empty.  The one world people are ready to shut your banks down, especially for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that your best investment is buying food when it may no longer be available.  You cannot eat your gold or silver, so trust in My Word.  When the banks close, you will see panic among the people when they cannot get their money.  The riots you will see, will make the French riots look peaceful.  I will call My faithful to My refuges before your lives are threatened.  I will make My faithful invisible as you come to My refuges.  Your refuges will also be invisible.  When I call you to come to My refuges, come quickly.”

Jesus said: “My refuge builders need to stay calm and use your prayer warriors to settle the people down, and tell them not to worry because My angels will protect them.  The refuge owners need to make lists of all of the people with their skills, so they can assign jobs.  Tell the people not to worry because I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival, even for up to 3 1/2  years.  You will assign jobs for cooking and preparing food for two meals a day.  Some will make soups, pasta dishes, and bread.  Others will prepare and wash the silverware and the dishes.  Some will provide water from a well.  Other jobs will be washing and sewing clothes, along with drying clothes.  Some will hand out or assign beds and where to sleep.  Most of all you will assign hours for Perpetual Adoration around the clock.  People will need to be patient while jobs are being assigned.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am happy that you already started to do more stocking of food because you may not be able to buy it much longer.  People were asking you what you bought.  You bought large bags of rice, bread flour, dry soups, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, nuts and grains for soups.  When you have time you could also buy some dried foods that come in #10 cans.  You also need dried fruits, vegetables, eggs, butter, and dried milk.  You also  could buy grain cereals for breakfast.  Those people, who heed My Words, will be thankful for something to eat at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I died for your souls to be saved and you will soon be reading My Passion on Palm Sunday.  That following week you need to be ready to participate at the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  Pray that you will be able to attend your services without bank failures or bad weather.  When you have  Good Friday at 3:00 a.m., you can make more Good Friday oil for any future pandemic, and for people who may have been forced to take the mRNA vaccines.”

Jesus said: “My people, for all My faithful who will suffer through the coming tribulation, I will have a great reward for them in My Era of Peace.  I told you that at the end of the Antichrist’s  reign, I will bring destruction down on all of the evil ones, but  My faithful will be protected at My refuges, even from the Comet of Chastisement.  The evil ones will be cleansed from the earth into the eternal fires of hell.  Then I will lift My faithful up into the air so I can renew the earth and bring My people into a new Garden of Eden in My Era of Peace.  You will be young again and live a long life.  When you die, you will be taken up into heaven as saints.  You will eat from the trees of Life with light all of the time at good temperatures.  Trust in Me because I told My son and his wife  that they will live in this Era of Peace as I promised.”

Friday, March 31, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you saw how the people plotted to kill Jeremiah, but he was protected for his mission.  This is a parallel to Me when the Pharisees also plotted to kill Me, but I did not allow them to take Me until it was My time.  Even though I performed many miracles of healing, the Pharisees could not believe I was the Son of God.  Instead they wanted to kill Me for what they called blasphemy.  They did not know about My Incarnation as a God-man, which is a mystery for everyone.  As you prepare for Holy Week, give praise and thanks to Me for dying as a God-man, so I could redeem you from your sins.  I love all of you so much that I was willing to die to save your souls.  Believe  that I come to you in My Real Presence every time you receive Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will start Holy Week this Sunday with Palm Sunday, and the reading of My Passion.  It is a long Gospel reading of how Judas betrayed Me into the hands of the Pharisees. This began My trial when they accused Me of blasphemy, but I truly told them the truth that I AM the Son of God. This is a mystery in itself about My Incarnation as a God-man. They did not recognize that I am the true Messiah they were waiting for. This led to My scourging and carrying My Cross to Calvary, where they crucified Me.  But I defied their plans by resurrecting from the dead after three days.  I conquered sin and death as the New Adam.  Rejoice in this Holy Week because this is how I brought salvation to all worthy souls.”

Saturday, April 1, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing Caiaphas as the High Priest telling the Sanhedrin how only one man has to die for the nation.  They saw how I was performing miracles and they were concerned that the people will follow only Me.  The Pharisees saw Me as a threat to their power over the people, so they decided to kill Me.  From then on I had to avoid being in public.  You are seeing Me in the vision how I suffered My agony in the Garden of Gethsemene.  I bled drops of blood anticipating how I was called by My Father in heaven that I would die for the salvation of all souls.  I only wanted to follow My Father’s Will and not My Will that I must take up My cup of sacrifice.  I love all of My people so much, and I desired to offer up My human life so all of you would have an opportunity to be saved from hell.  Just as I had to make the ultimate sacrifice, I call all of you to carry out your own missions of loving Me and following in My footsteps through life for love of Me.  You need to keep a clean soul with frequent Confession so you are always prepared to meet Me at your judgment.  Trust in Me and My angels to guide you on your path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you would much rather trust in Me to help you through life, than trust in your own devices.  If you think about how you got your jobs, I was helping you.  You had to work hard for your money and your pensions.  You also had to be careful with your investments.  It is one thing to provide for your family’s physical costs, but it is your spiritual help with My sacraments that your family should be most grateful.  When you call on Me in prayer, I answer your prayers in My time, and if the things you want are truly needed for your spiritual benefit.  Pray your four rosaries every day for your family that they will be converted to believers during the Conversion time after the Warning.  Helping to save souls should be your most important work,  especially your family’s souls.  You can also pray for the souls of your relatives in purgatory, and other souls as well.  It does not matter how much money you have, but making it to heaven with your family is much more valuable for your souls.”

Sunday, April 2, 2023: (Palm Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you just heard My Passion that was read from the Gospel of St. John, which took a long time to hear while you were standing.  My son, in the vision I took you through each Station of the Cross through My journey to Calvary.  You remember them well because you pray them on every Friday.  I love all of you so much that I suffered My scourging, My trip through the Stations of the Cross, and My death on the cross.  My sacrifice is to allow all worthy souls to have an opportunity to be saved from your sins, and one day to come to heaven.  Now, you need to show Me how much you love Me in your daily actions, prayers, and Masses.  Come to the Triduum services to share in the pain that I suffered.”

Monday, April 3, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, Lazarus’ sister, Mary, placed expensive ointment on My feet.  Judas complained that the oil could have been sold and the money given to the poor.  I told Judas that the poor you have with you all of the time, but I am with you for a short time.  Let Mary use this ointment for My burial preparation.  The Pharisees wanted to kill Me and Lazarus, because this miracle of raising someone from the dead could bring a lot of believers to Me.  The Pharisees wanted to keep their power, which is why they wanted to kill Me.  You can see that the desire for power was driving the Pharisees against Me.  The Democrats also are desiring power over your people, so they are trying to remove their opposition by any means possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how many people have strived to get rich so they could use their money to control people. You are seeing this happen with the billionaires today who use their money to steal elections and use corrupt judges and prosecutors to bring down their opposition.  It may appear that evil is winning over good people, but this is only temporary.  When I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, all of the evil people will be cleansed from the earth into the eternal flames of hell, and they will lose all of their power.  So have no fear of the evil ones, for My justice will fall on them in due time.  Be faithful to Me every day in your prayers and in your good deeds.”

Tuesday, April 4, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Upper Room My apostles and I were celebrating the Passover Supper.  It was the first Mass when I gave them My Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine.  This is when Judas was exposed for betraying Me to the Jews.  St. Peter also said he would die for Me, but I told him that before the cock crows, he would deny Me three times.  Both Judas and St. Peter denied Me, but only St. Peter would repent and seek My forgiveness. After My Resurrection in Galilee on the beach, I asked St. Peter if he loved Me three times because he denied Me three times.  He said he loved Me, and I said feed My lambs.  During the Mass you recite the Agnus Dei three times just as St. Peter did.  I love all of you so much, and this is why I died for you to offer you salvation for your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how evil the Democrats can be when they are harassing your former President Trump with such a weak case in court.  All of these court cases are to make it hard for Trump to campaign for the upcoming election.  Your government is being taken over by communist leaning people, and they should be in court for treason.  You saw the Pharisees put Me to death in a controlled court.  They crucified Me for saying that I am the Son of God, which I AM.  They did not believe who I AM and they crucified Me for blasphemy according to their law.  I was betrayed by Judas, one of My own apostles.  Be ready to be at the Triduum services.”

Wednesday, April 5, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people,  at the Last Supper in the Upper Room, I told My apostles that it was Judas who would betray Me to the Jews.  He did this for thirty pieces of silver.  Judas led the band of people to take Me away at the Garden of Gethsemene.  I spoke of Judas as it would be better if he had not been born.  But I used him for My purpose of saving the souls of the people.  You are about to have the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  Remember to make your Good Friday oil on Good Friday at 3:00 a.m.  Try to be present for all of these services.  I love all of you, so now you can show Me your love by following Me in the most important week of the Church Year.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many rich people in the world and they are behind the scenes, but they are using their money to control the world.  This is why you are seeing many gold coins hanging from top to bottom in a room, and there were ten men in black controlling countries.  You are aware of secret societies like the Masons who are behind many events going on in the world.  These men are controlling countries through the elections and their currencies.  You have such people controlling your own elections and the dollar.  When these evil ones threaten your lives, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the Apollo trips to the moon back in the 1960’s by American astronauts.  Now you are planning another series of manned trips to the moon, and eventually to Mars.  Man wants to explore space, and some countries even want to colonize the moon and Mars.  You are even seeing competition between China and America.  Many inventions resulted from your previous exploration of the moon.  Pray that you will learn more about My creations in the universe so you will be drawn to love Me and see My miracles.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have made the Good Friday oil before, and I asked you to anoint this oil especially on those workers who were forced to take multiple Covid shots, which have caused heart problems on them. You make the Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on Good Friday. Put virgin olive oil in a bowl with a wick of cotton through a plastic lid, and light a flame on the wick in the oil. Pray 33 Apostles’ Creeds and 7 Hail Holy Queens in a holy hour. You can let the flame burn through the night.  Put the flame out in the morning and place it back in a bottle with the name ‘Good Friday Oil’ with the date.”

Jesus said: “My son, you bought an Easter Candle for your chapel and you burned it during your prayer group meetings during the Easter Season last year. You could change the year and burn it again at your meetings. If it should burn too low, you could buy another one. This flame represents My Presence and that of the Holy Spirit. This is a celebration of My Resurrection after I died on the cross to save all souls who accept Me.  All of heaven rejoices during this Easter Season, and you are blessed with the beautiful readings from the Acts of the Apostles.”

Jesus said: “My son, you had the opportunity to visit a communist country in China, and you saw a little of the restrictions  the people are suffering.  Open public Masses are not allowed. You only had a private Mass for your pilgrims in your hotel.  The Chinese people could only have Mass in the underground church in secret. Communists are atheists and they limit any worship of Me. I am warning your people in America that you are losing your rights, and you will be seeing more persecution of Christians. The refuges that are being prepared, will be your safe havens where you will have faithful priests offering the Mass with the proper words of Consecration. Be prepared when I will call My people to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones want to change your money to a digital dollar that will be controlled by your government.They will convert your dollars to a new digital currency, and then they will remove the paper dollars from circulation. If you buy anything that is not according to a liberal agenda, you could have your bank accounts brought to zero and you could even face prison. They will follow this with the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body that you should refuse to take. Your faithful people will be threatened if you worship Me.  This will be when I will call you to My refuges because the men in black will try to force the chip in the body on everyone by going house to house.  You will be safe at My refuges by being invisible, so be prepared to come to My refuges when I call you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading in the Gospel how I suffered at My scourging, carrying My cross, and being crucified on My cross. Take time to reflect on how I suffered in My death on the cross. This is why I have you pray the Stations of the Cross on every Friday throughout the year. I also ask you to refrain from eating meat on Friday in remembrance of My death on the cross on Good Friday. I was in the tomb after My death for three days, and then I rose from the dead with My greatest miracle of My Resurrection. This astounded My apostles, but they finally believed in Me when they saw My wounds and I ate some baked fish. I sent My apostles out to preach My Good News of My Resurrection to all the people so they could be converted to be believers. Rejoice, My people, because all worthy souls will be resurrected on the last day, as I will welcome you into the glory of My heavenly kingdom.  Alleluia, I have RISEN.”

Thursday, April 6, 2023: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, tonight you remember My Last Supper when I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood at the first Mass.  You saw the priest and the deacon washing the feet of some of your people, as I washed the feet of My apostles.  You also had a chance to visit several churches as part of your tradition.  This is a sign of how your churches are joined together in your belief in Me.  You were able to pray several rosaries and a Divine Mercy Chaplet in the quiet of the night with other people.  I was captive in a prison as they prepared to crucify Me on the next day, Friday.  Give thanks that I offered up My life to help save your souls.”

Friday, April 7, 2023: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much that I took the time to be incarnated as a God-man, so I could suffer and die to save those souls who accept and believe in Me.  I love all of you, but some people will refuse to love Me.  Pray that they will change their hearts at My Warning.  I thank you for praying your 33 Apostles Creeds and your 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers.  Do not worry if you have to keep relighting your flame in the virgin olive oil.  Your prayers are beautiful to Me, but your personal prayers in talking with Me from your heart, expresses even a sweeter love to My Heart.  Take time to give Me a personal prayer of love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have paid the ransom for your souls with My death on the cross.  People, who are crucified, die a slow agonizing death as you keep trying to lift your body to breathe.  I died for all souls, past, present, and future.  You inherited Adam’s punishment of death and a weakness to sin.  I paid the price to free you of original sin, when you are baptized.  Once I died, I freed many souls to come into heaven when I opened the gates to heaven.  Some souls are taken to heaven also after Holy Week from purgatory.  You start your Divine Mercy Novena today that ends on Divine Mercy Sunday.  Pray the prayers from St. Faustina and try to get to Confession next week.  This will give you a plenary indulgence which removes the punishment due for your sins.  Remember to pray your Stations of the Cross on every Friday in remembrance of My death on Good Friday.”

Saturday, April 8, 2023: (Easter Vigil)

Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles several times that I would be crucified, but I would rise in three days. My disciples did not understand about rising from the dead. They did not know that death and sin had no hold on Me, but I have conquered death and sin. I have died to bring salvation to all those people who believe in Me. The empty tomb is the answer to all of their questions, because I resurrected and now I am appearing in My glorified body. I met Mary Magdalene at the tomb and I called her by name, Mary. She was grateful to see I was alive. The other disciples went to the empty tomb, and they heard an angel tell them I was among the living and not the dead. I told Mary to tell My apostles that I would see them in Galilee.”

Sunday, April 9, 2023: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, some of My apostles remembered how I told them I would rise from the dead in three days.  I love all of you so much that I offered My life to bring salvation to all of mankind.  It is up to each person whether they want to accept Me or not.  But those people, who love Me and seek the forgiveness of their sins, can be with Me forever in heaven.  I visited My apostles on the road to Emmaus, at the Upper Room, and on the beach at Galilee.  I called all of My faithful to go out and share My Good News of My Resurrection.  You have a beautiful sunny day, and you witnessed a beautiful Baptism of Emma Lynn.  It is good that you have your children baptized and brought into My Church.  Happy Easter to everyone.”

Monday, April 10, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I met the women who came to the empty tomb and they were surprised to see that I rose from the dead. I told the women to tell My apostles that I would see them in Galilee. St. Peter and St. John saw the empty tomb, but they did not yet see My risen Body. They all had a hard time believing the women that I rose from the dead. It was only later when I appeared to My apostles in the Upper Room, that they believed in My Resurrection. All of you are also happy with My Resurrection because all of My faithful will be resurrected on the last day. My son, I have helped you with your back and you are rejoicing.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world that disperses the darkness of sin in the world. As you light your own Paschal Candle for 2023, this is a sign of My Presence and the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice in this flame of love that focuses your attention on My Resurrection from the dead.”

Jesus said: “My people, My first encounter after My Resurrection is when I met Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb. She wanted to touch Me, but I told her that I had not yet gone back to My Father, so she should not touch Me. In one reading you heard the Pharisees conspired with the soldiers to have them report that My followers stole My Body from the tomb. The Pharisees gave them a good amount of money to give the report of the followers stealing the body to explain why I was missing at the tomb. The Gospels tell the real account of My Resurrection as I appeared to My apostles several times.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles did not understand what rising from the dead meant. They did not accept that I resurrected until I appeared to them in the Upper Room. I call on all of My faithful to proclaim My Good News from the rooftops that I resurrected from the dead, because death had no hold on Me. I conquered death and sin, and I have brought salvation from all of your sins. This is such a glorious moment when the gates of heaven are opened to all worthy souls to enter. By loving Me and seeking the forgiveness of your sins, you will be worthy to enter heaven on the last day. Some souls will need some time in purgatory to be ready.”

Jesus said: “My people, each day on earth brings you closer to your judgment and eventually to your entrance into heaven. The gates of heaven are now open for all worthy souls. You know how many souls need to be purified in purgatory before you are worthy to enter heaven. You are aware of Mercy Sunday and the plenary indulgence you can receive to take away all punishment due for your sins. This is a gift of My mercy given through St. Faustina which you can have by praying the nine day Novena and coming to Confession within a week before or after Mercy Sunday. Take advantage of this grace to cleanse all punishment due for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, have your people pray for your safe travel out and back from California.  You know well how you are attacked by the evil ones, especially on your return trip.  You remember well on your recent trip to California how you were caught in the water of a flooded stream. Your friend had to get a neighbor to pull the car out of the water just in time to get to the airport. That is why you need to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for safe travel both going to and returning from California. Trust in Me that I will have My angels protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a beautiful time to work on improving your spiritual lives. You show your love for Me when you fast between meals and refrain from meat on Lenten Fridays. You even refrained  from eating sweets and candy during the whole week. You proved to yourself that you can use your will power to control the cravings of your body.  You can also use your will power and self-denial to avoid sin and the near occasions of sin.  By obeying My Commandments, you are coming closer to Me out of love, and you avoid insulting Me with your sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been suffering sciatica pain, and you have been trying several ways to reduce your pain.  You just tried some cooling cream on your back and you got some relief overnight.  Pray to Me for a healing of this pain as you are about to take a trip to California. Many people suffer from chronic pain, so you are not alone. Remember how I asked you to offer up your pain to help souls on earth and even souls in purgatory.  Do not waste your pain, but offer it up to Me for My intentions and all souls who could benefit from your offering.”

Tuesday, April 11, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, today in St. John’s Gospel I appeared to Mary Magdalene near the empty tomb.  She was so happy to see Me, but she did not recognize Me until I called her name, Mary.  She responded: ‘Teacher’. Then she ran to tell My apostles that she had seen Me. The apostles did not believe her.  St. Peter and St. John went to My empty tomb and they believed that I was not there, but they did not yet understand what rising from the dead meant. Because of My Resurrection, it is up to My faithful to spread My Good News to everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, with such a weak leader as Biden, you will always have a threat of war from Russia or China. Your biggest threat is if the one world people are allowed to have control over everyone’s money with the digital dollar. If your people do not rebel about taking your money, then you have already been taken over. Such a controlled digital dollar will allow the left to zero all the accounts of your conservative opposition. You will have a communist dictator in Biden. If this is allowed, you will soon need to come to My refuges that are protected by My angels.  You will see a take over by the Antichrist for a time, but then I will destroy all of the evil ones, and they will be thrown into hell. So trust in My protection from the evil ones, because they will soon be cleansed from the earth.”

Wednesday, April 12, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the midst of  a coming battle between the good people and the evil ones. I am calling My faithful soldiers on earth and My angels in heaven as they are all preparing to do battle against Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. You will see there will be a great battle on the grounds of Armageddon. This will be a battle  between My faithful remnant with My angels against all the evil angels and the evil people. It will be a physical and a spiritual battle.  You know in the Scriptures that I will be victorious over the evil ones at the end of the tribulation. I will bring My Comet of  Chastisement against the evil people, but I will have My angels protect My faithful at My refuges with a shield of protection. The evil demons and evil people will be cast into hell at that time.  Then I will lift My faithful up into the air, as I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace. This will be a reward for all of My people who are faithful to Me in all I have asked you to do in My service.”

Thursday, April 13, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are all happy to get together with Juliet and Fr. Michel R. and you may not have another such opportunity with Fr. Michel again. You are taking everything in faith to have this Conference, so enjoy your retreat. I have warned My people recently to stock up on food for possibly the last time.  Now your time for coming to My refuges is drawing near.  So I am calling all of My refuge builders to make one last check that all of your preparations are working. Remember not to have fear of the evil ones’ plans because I will have My angels protecting you and making you invisible. Always trust in Me that I am with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep telling My people to have no fear of what is to come. You hear the evil ones with all of their threats, but in the end you will be protected. Some may be martyred for their faith in Me. You are seeing a coat of arms on a shield as My army will be raised up to fight the evil ones. You are familiar with the power of My angels when one angel killed 185,000 enemy Assyrian soldiers in a short time. My angels will show their power in front of you, and the evil ones will fall back in fear. When you see the wrong words used at the Consecration of the Mass, I will not be Present, and I will call you to My refuges. When you see the men in black trying to force the mark of the beast on everyone, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. So rejoice, and have no fear because My angels will lift your shields against all of the evil things the demons will bring against you.”

Friday, April 14, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, I love you even more than you love Me.  A faithful soul is a real treasure to Me, and it is such a soul that I can use to spread My message of love to everyone. You are all coming to confess your sins for your Divine Mercy Novena.  I am more than happy to share My graces with every repentant sinner. I have given you glimpses of heaven and being with Me is your constant goal. I want My faithful to pray for all souls to be saved. You can also help the souls in purgatory with your prayers. Most of all remember to pray your four rosaries for your family’s souls. I love all of you and My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the Covid pandemic you saw empty chairs on the altar when your churches were closed by your government edicts. A time will come again when you will see a new Mass brought forth when the words of Consecration will be changed. This will be a time when My faithful should not come to such an evil Mass when I will no longer be Present.  This will be a sign to My faithful that it is time to come to My refuges so My faithful priests can have a proper Mass when I will again be Present among you. Trust in Me and have no fear, because you will see My victory come over the evil ones.”

Saturday, April 15, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing Myself as the Infant of Prague and I love you just as much as when I am full grown.  My purpose is to show you how much I am offended by your abortions of My unborn babies, and also about all the children who are being abused, even by their parents. You also are offending Me by your sins of the flesh when you use contraceptives and sterilizations. Also you are to avoid prostitution, adultery, and fornication. Many souls go to hell for all of these unforgiven sins. You rarely hear the priest talk about these sins in the pulpit because they are afraid of insulting people and they may threaten donations in the church. So I want My faithful to be humble and innocent as little children because this is how you need to be in order to be allowed into heaven.  Yes, you are to seek the forgiveness of your sins in Confession, but you need to be child-like in your actions and prayers before Me.” 

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I want to affirm I had only Jesus as my Son by the Holy Spirit, because I was forever virgin. Those people, who think I had other children, are badly mistaken. I love all of you and my Son gave me the gift of my Immaculate Conception, and I was without sin because I lived in God’s Divine Will. I am the Blessed Mother of the Divine Mercy.  Give praise and thanks to my Son, Jesus. Jesus I trust in you.”

Sunday, April 16, 2023: (Mercy Sunday)

Jesus said: “My son, you are nothing without Me, and you need to feed on the Bread of My Eucharist for your physical and spiritual strength. Your daily prayers are your means to show Me your love for Me, and I know you want to follow My Will and all of My instructions. This vision of traveling in a boat upstream is a sign to you of how you must suffer persecution when you preach My Word of love for everyone. The evil ones try to control your mind with their lies and mandates of the vaccines. Tell My people they need to pray more and trust in My protection without fearing the plans of the evil ones.  When you have courage in following My Ways and not the ways of the world, you will have constant joy in sharing My Word and evangelizing souls for Me.  In the end it is the saving of souls that should be your most important mission. Just as I sent out My apostles to spread My Word of love, so I send My faithful out to help bring the lost sheep back to Me. So ask the Divine Shepherd in Me to send out more laborers in the midst of wolves to pray for more vocations to the priesthood.”

P.S. Offer up our pains and troubles for the poor souls and for the souls in purgatory. Jesus loves our personal prayer that comes from our heart.

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and you are seeing in this image how I pour out My mercy, My graces, and My Living Water of the Holy Spirit on all of you. You live in My Sacred Heart and you are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.  I also showed you the Shroud of Turin that covered My Body in the tomb. You have seen and heard from an old, deceased friend how you are all present in the blood of this Shroud when it is magnified. I died for all of you to bring you salvation. So trust in Me to guide you through life.”

Jesus said: “My people, after you have come to Confession and you prayed the Divine Mercy Novena, you are receiving your plenary indulgence. This is why you have so much joy in your heart and soul because you have been healed of all the punishment due for your sins. You have your trust in Me to accomplish the spiritual mission I have given each of you.  Rejoice, rejoice, My people, because you have been set free of all of the bonds of your sins. Love one another as I love you every day.”

Monday, April 17, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, at every Mass when the priest uses the proper words of Consecration, you are witnessing a miracle of the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and My  Blood. This is called the Real Presence of My Body and Blood that you receive in Holy Communion. You are only able to receive Me when you do not have any mortal sin on your soul.  If you do have mortal sin and you receive My Host, you would be committing a mortal sin. So only receive Me when you are worthy in your soul. There are a good number of Catholics who do not believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host.  You, My son, have been to Lanciano, Italy and Los Teques, Venezuela where you saw such miracles. You even saw a person have such a miracle on His tongue. So believe in faith that I am truly Present in every consecrated Host. Give praise and thanks to Me whenever you see such a Eucharistic miracle.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am calling My faithful to be born again in the Spirit. You are baptized in the flesh when you are born and you receive the sacrament of Baptism.  Later in life you are baptized in the Spirit when you receive the sacrament of Confirmation. At a certain point in your life, you understand how you can do nothing without My help.  It is at that point that you give everything over to Me and you let Me lead you in everything you do. You let Me be the center of your life, and this is truly when you fully appreciate how much I do for you every day.  Give praise and thanks to Me when you see My Light to guide you through all of your troubles.”

Tuesday, April 18, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, when you enter My church, you bless yourself with holy water at the font. This is a sign of the cross in the Blessed Trinity as you bless yourself. Later, in the Mass you receive My Living Water as you receive the Blessed Trinity in Holy Communion. You receive the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit because We are always One. We are blessing all of you who are traveling home, and I am sending My angels ahead of you to protect you in your safe travel home. Go and continue to spread My Good News among the people you will meet.”

Jesus said: “My people, with such a weak leader as Biden, you will always have a threat of war from Russia or China. Your biggest threat is if the one world people are allowed to have control over everyone’s money with the digital dollar. If your people do not rebel about taking your money, then you have already been taken over. Such a controlled digital dollar will allow the left to zero all the accounts of your conservative opposition. You will have a communist dictator in Biden. If this is allowed, you will soon need to come to My refuges that are protected by My angels. You will see a take over by the Antichrist for a time, but then I will destroy all of the evil ones, and they will be thrown into hell. So trust in My protection from the evil ones, because they will soon be cleansed from the earth.”

Wednesday, April 19, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, many people know John 3:16: ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that those who believe in Him may have life everlasting.’ This verse is addressed to everyone no matter what their beliefs may be.  You are all called to believe in Me and follow My Commandments. Not everyone believes in Me right now, but at death and at the Warning everyone will have to make a choice to believe in Me or not.  After the Warning there will be six weeks when you will have a time of Conversion when there will be no evil influence.  My faithful will have an opportunity to help your relatives to come to My love and believe in Me. You are already praying your four rosaries for this intention of being able to convert all of your relatives at that time. If people do not believe in Me, they could be on the road to hell. So pray and work to save your relatives from going to hell, so they can love Me forever in heaven.”

Thursday, April 20, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles had the Holy Spirit come down on them with tongues of fire and they received many graces to witness My Good News. It was by the power I gave them that they were able to heal a cripple in My Name. They were then questioned by the Pharisees for doing such a healing in My Name. The Pharisees wanted My apostles to stop teaching about My Resurrection, but My apostles were defiant.  They told the Pharisees that it was better to obey God than to obey men. So they continued to preach in My Name when an angel released them from prison. This is a lesson for My faithful so you do not restrain yourself from preaching My Good News, even if you are harassed or persecuted. You will be seeing more persecution as the evil ones will try to stop your evangelizing.  You witnessed some interference on your Zoom program from people trying to stop your program. You continued on later.  So expect more problems, but be resolute in sharing My messages.  I thank all of My faithful who are witnessing My love to others.  So continue your work, and remember that it is truly better to obey Me than to be quiet like the evil ones want you to be.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you know of a coming Warning or the Illumination of Conscience. This Warning will wake up many souls who are not worshiping Me on Sundays as they should.  Everyone all over the earth will experience their life review all at the same time.  You will see a darkness at first. Then you will see two suns in the sky where one is a comet. After your life review, you will see a mini-judgment and you will visit your destination.  Many people will desire Confession. So come to frequent Confession so your soul is ready to meet Me at your mini-judgment.”

Jesus said: “My son, you will be seeing more attacks on the messages as you send them to your spiritual director.  Sometimes he does not receive them, and other times he sends them to you, and you do not receive them. These persecutions will become more frequent both on your website and on your Zoom program. Before you send things pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were successful in not eating sweets all throughout Lent, so you can minimize any desserts as a favor to Me now that you can see you can live without your desserts.  Offer this up for souls.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been suffering from a sciatica pain, and you are offering it up for souls. It may be difficult to do your yard work, so you may have to ask for some help or pay someone to cut the grass. Pray for Me to minimize your pain, or hire someone to do it for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have worked to set up your refuge with My help. Some people may find it difficult to come to your refuge, especially when St. Joseph builds a place for 5,000 people. You may be called to use your van to pick up people with your van and bring them to your refuge. I will direct you when and where to pick them up.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading how the one world people are planning to take your dollars out of circulation, and replace it with a digital dollar. They will use a bank holiday to shut down the banks. If this happens soon, you may lose your money and you may not be able to buy food in your stores.  If the people riot in the streets, you could see Biden declare a martial law. Otherwise, you will not have money to buy food at your stores. In either case you most likely will be called to My refuges where I will multiply your food.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing continuous damage from tornadoes and heavy rain that is causing floods.  You witnessed a large torrent of rain that caused some flooding all over California. You even had to have your hostess’ car pulled out of a large overflowing stream. Be prepared for more serious weather, and later fires and hurricanes. Many of these things you have seen before, but it will be the higher frequency and severity that will be worse than normal. Last year you had a small water shortage, but this year you are seeing more rain than normal.  Pray that your farmers are able to provide your food, or you could see a coming famine.”

Friday, April 21, 2023: (St. Anselm)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter and St. John were being held in prison because the leaders of the Sanhedrin were trying to keep them from teaching in My Name. Gamaliel stepped forward and explained how several people had followers, but when they died, their followers were dispersed. So he told the Sanhedrin not to kill the apostles because they could be fighting against Me.  So the Sanhedrin had My apostles flogged and released.  My apostles rejoiced because they had been counted worthy to suffer disgrace for teaching and healing in My Name.  So My faithful also need to stand up against the evil ones, and preach My Good News of My Resurrection to all those who accept My Word.  All those people, who believe in Me and follow My Commandments, will find their reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the criminals and the liberal Democrats know they are doing wrong things, and I hold all people accountable for disobeying My Commandments.  Stealing and beating people are against My laws, even if they are not put in jail.  Pray that such people will be converted after the Warning in the Conversion time.  If they do not accept Me, then such people could be on the road to hell if they do not repent of their crimes.  You have communists trying to take down your country, so be ready to come to the safety of My refuges when I call you.”

Saturday, April 22, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you can identify with the panic of the apostles in a bad storm at sea.  When My apostles saw Me walking on the water, they thought I was a ghost. But I assured them when I said: ‘It is I’.  Then the storm subsided and they arrived on shore.  During life you will meet with many situations in storms or bad weather.  Remember that you can call on Me for help in any difficult problems. When you travel many places, you will see missed planes with overnight stays that were not planned. Just have faith in Me that I will help you in the worst situations. I love all of you so much, but you will be tested at times to see how your faith in Me will endure. Trust in Me in prayer, especially when you pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer before and coming home on your trips.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is supporting a corrupt regime in the Ukraine with billions of dollars of military weapons, but much of the money is going to the rich leaders. Your military manufacturers are making money on another endless war.  Russia is getting weapons from its allies, and this  war could lead to a world war if more countries enter the conflict.  Pray to find a peaceful solution to stop the bloodshed.”

Sunday, April 23, 2023: (Road to Emmaus)

Jesus said: “My people, this is a beautiful Gospel when I met the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They did not recognize Me at first. The disciples asked Me if I knew of My being crucified. Later, I explained the Scriptures to them of why the Messiah had to come and die to bring salvation for everyone who accepts Me. At supper they recognized Me at the breaking of the bread as at Holy Communion. I vanished from their sight, and they remarked how their hearts were burning inside with joy as I explained the Scriptures to them. Clopas and St. Peter known as Simon, told the other apostles how they had seen Me alive talking with them. Still the rest of the apostles had a hard time in understanding My Resurrection until I appeared to them in the Upper Room. Continue to rejoice and share My Good News of My Resurrection with everyone.”

Monday, April 24, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are still in the Easter Season and you have been built up by My Resurrection and My Divine Mercy. Now you need to be strengthened in your faith to witness My Good News as St. Stephen did.  He was strong in the faith and the Jews were not able to win debates with him.  So they did what the evil ones do by making up lies to put him down. You are seeing former President Trump also is being bullied by the lies of the Democrats as they do not want him in the White House. When the evil politicians want power, they lie and cheat in the elections to keep good people out of office. It may appear that the evil ones are winning today, but after the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones and they will be cast into hell.  So have no fear as I will protect you at My refuges, for the days of the evil ones are numbered when I will bring My justice down on the earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuous stream of weather disasters all over your country. In your vision you are seeing heavy rains and waves from the ocean that are causing flooding in Florida and Louisiana. These low lands are vulnerable to floods from hurricanes and bad weather. I have warned your people that it would be better to move inland to higher ground away from the coasts, because they are vulnerable to flooding. Pray for the people who have lost their homes from floods, tornadoes and hurricanes.”

Tuesday, April 25, 2023: (St. Mark, the Evangelist)

Jesus said: “My people, the four Evangelists gave different details of My preaching while I was on the earth. The apostles all knew about My Resurrection and that I was the promised Messiah. So as I left My apostles for heaven, I gave them My parting words for them to share My Gospel of love with all the people of the world. I was very clear in saying that those people, who believe in Me, will be saved, but those people, who do not believe in Me, will be lost in hell. That is why I am depending on My faithful to spread the words of My Gospels and the Good News of My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how My faithful will be persecuted for speaking the truth about Me, and all of the evil people will be taking control of your people. You are witnessing many conservative TV personalities being fired because they are against the liberal agenda. The liberals are cutting the money of conservative platforms. You will see more silencing of conservative voices by the left people who control the airwaves of your TV programs.  Your main networks are looking more like the communist control of communications in Russia and China. You, My son, will also see more attacks on your website and your Zoom program. Anyone who speaks against the liberal agenda, will be coming under attack, until you will have no freedoms on your airwaves. When these evil ones attack your money with the digital dollar and the mark of the beast, you will eventually have to come to My refuges for My angel protection. My refuges will also be a source of multiplying your food, water, and fuels.”

Wednesday, April 26, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, just as I resurrected with new life, so in spring you are seeing new growth in the trees along with the spring flowers. It is a joyful time of the year, and I want to bring new life into your souls as you reach out to evangelize souls to know and love Me. I send out My faithful followers to spread My Word in My Good News of My Resurrection. Everyone needs to hear My call to believe in Me, so you can have eternal life with Me in heaven. I give every soul an opportunity to love Me, and each person has to make a personal choice whether to love Me or not. Those people, who believe in Me and seek My forgiveness of their sins, will be on the road to eternal life with Me. Those souls, who refuse to love Me and refuse to believe in Me, are on the road to hell. This is why it is important to spread My Word of love to draw all the lost sheep to the Good Shepherd.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are right to practice your solar power usage to run your water well pump. You practiced this several months ago, but you are getting close to My refuge time. So practice this for your water pump and your sump pump using your solar panels to insure it is working. The evil ones are about to test your people with a bank holiday. When you see this, there could be a possible riot, or people will be searching for food.  Be ready to stay at your refuge without traveling when you see the banks close.  Pray for My people to be alert, when I will warn you to come to My refuges.”

Thursday, April 27, 2023:

Jesus  said: “My people, I mentioned in previous messages how I sent out My apostles to evangelize the people with My Good News about My Resurrection.  In the first reading you read how the Holy Spirit led St. Philip to catch up with the Ethiopian eunuch, who was the treasurer for the Queen of Ethiopia.  The eunuch was reading about Me in Isaiah.  So St. Philip was invited to explain the Scripture about My dying for the people.  When they saw some water, the eunuch asked St. Philip to baptize him into the faith.  After the Baptism of the eunuch, the Holy Spirit took St. Philip away from the eunuch’s sight.  My son, I told you how you and your wife would be traveling by bi-location to visit and support other refuges during the tribulation.  Now, you see that you will be moved about by the Holy Spirit, just as St. Philip was taken away from the Ethiopian eunuch.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said:: “My son, you were happy to be with Fr. Michel at Juliet’s Gospa prayer house in California.  Fr. Michel gave a three day retreat that you could share with your prayer group.  He also mentioned that this would probably be his last visit to California.  He talked about the Antichrist and spoke about a book called ‘Revelations’ which was a summary of several apparition sites. You had a sense that the restrictions on the border would persist with forced Covid shots.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various candidates running for President both among the Democrats and the Republicans.  This will mean some possible primary debates.  Pray that this coming 2024 election will not be so controlled by money from big donors.  Once you can control the vote by using illegal and cheating ballots, then you have lost your democracy.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing less stories about some banks failing, or being bailed out by the taxpayer. The bank  failure problem has not been fully resolved, but the media people  are keeping this problem subdued from the headlines.  I have warned you in the past to be watching for any bank holiday, because this may be the means for introducing the digital dollar to replace your paper dollars.  If your money is cancelled in your account, you may have to come to My refuges for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, the new digital dollar will be your first attack on your people through the new money. You will also see another pandemic virus that will be launched with more shutdowns. Refuse to take any vaccines, and use your ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and MMS (chlorine dioxide) that can kill viruses. Also have some antibiotics, essential oils, and Good Friday oil for your healing. If you see bodies on the ground, then come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Republicans passing an increase in your National Debt Limit with restrictions on future spending. If there is not an agreement passed, you could see a threat of your currency being reduced in value, if you do not pay your debts.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that the evil ones are running out of time, and they will be pushing their world takeover faster in preparation for the Antichrist to take control over the world. This means you will see more persecution of Christians. The evil ones will use their money and the media to control your freedoms in your communications. This is why various TV commentators are being removed to control what you hear. Expect more attacks on your website and your Zoom conference.  Be ready to come to My refuges when I will call you.  The Antichrist is about to declare himself.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones want to bring another pandemic virus so the World Health Organization  can supercede your government control with more shut downs and mandates. You will also have to deal with a new digital dollar and a forced mark of the beast. The Church will also be threatened by Masons controlling the New Mass without the proper words of the Consecration. Be ready to come to My refuges when you see these events takeover the earth.  Have no fear because I will protect you at My refuges with My angels.”

Friday, April 28, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I know I have given your main mission to reach out and try to help save as many souls as possible with your evangelizing. Many souls will be awakened at My Warning when I will show everyone their life review and their mini-judgment of where they are headed. My son, your second mission is to prepare your refuge of independent living. This is why I asked you to put in a water well, store a lot of food that will be multiplied, have some fuels for heating and cooking, and prepare for Mass and Adoration.  Some people may criticize you now, but when your electric grid goes down, and your money is taken away, you will have to rely on Me and your preparations.  The same people who are criticizing you today will be like the people in Noah’s time who were drowned in the flood. Those people, who do not believe in Me after the Warning, will not be allowed into My refuges, and they will be killed by My Comet of Chastisement and will be sent to hell. Continue to pray for your relatives to be saved so they can come to My refuges. I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges, and I will bring all of the evil ones to hell.  Believe in Me and be saved.”

Saturday, April 29, 2023: (St. Catherine of Sienna)

Jesus said: “My people, I explained to My apostles that I gave them My Body to eat and My Blood to drink as a sign of My Real Presence in the consecrated Bread and Wine. Some of My followers left Me because they thought this was cannibalism.  In fact you are truly eating My Body when you receive Me in the consecrated Host in Holy Communion. You, My followers, truly believe in My Real Presence when you receive Me into your heart and soul. You read how St. Peter healed a cripple in My Name, Jesus. This power is in My Name and My faithful can truly heal each other when you pray in My Name, Jesus. St. Peter also raised one person from the dead.  In the Gospel you also saw Me raise someone from the dead.  You also gave praise and thanks to Me when I resurrected from the tomb on Easter Sunday. I call on you to pray over people in My Name, and in faith  you can heal each other. If you have faith in My Name, Jesus, it will be done for you.  Have faith even the size of a mustard seed, and I will heal you.”

Sunday, April 30, 2023: (Good Shepherd Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Sheep gate where everyone must come through Me in order to enter heaven.  Many people are familiar with a picture of a Lamb holding a banner with a Bible underneath. You have this same picture under your altar in your chapel. I am the unblemished Lamb of God who offered My life up to save all of My sheep. I call all of My faithful to enter through Me as a gate to your eternal life in heaven. I love all of you so much that I died for the forgiveness of your sins.  I call on you to be sorry for your sins against Me, and ask My forgiveness of your sins in Confession. Many of you went to Confession around Mercy Sunday to receive your plenary indulgence that took away any punishment due for your sins. I send out My faithful to evangelize any lost sheep who are willing to be converts to the faith. Continue to pray for sinners, especially for those souls in your family. You can help the souls in purgatory with your rosaries to bring them closer to being in heaven with Me.  Trust in Me at all times to guard you on your travels and I will answer your prayers.”

Monday, May 1, 2023: (St. Joseph the worker)

Jesus said: “My people, you have priests, employers, and parents, who have people under their care, like shepherds, and they are responsible for the spiritual and physical needs of the people.  Parents love their children, and they do everything to protect them and feed them.  Even when your children grow older, you still need to pray for their souls, and guide them on the right path to heaven.  I watch over all of My flock of believers, and I do not want to lose even one soul.  I call on My faithful to share My Word with everyone so they can hear My Word and be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had over a hundred people attend the marriage of your grandson to a beautiful Christian lady.  It was a wonderful marriage with plenty of pictures and a reception with good food.  Your family had to travel over eight hours to attend this wedding.  Several of your grandchildren have been married, and now you have six great grandchildren.  You have more souls to pray for in your expanding family.  Be grateful for so many grandchildren and great grandchildren.  Every time you have a new marriage, you are joining more families to yours.  Keep praying for all of your family’s souls that they will become believers in Me so they can be saved.”

Tuesday, May 2, 2023: (St. Athanasius)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Athanasius was a strong supporter of My Divinity.  He fought the Arian heresy that stated I was not the Son of God.  The Council of Nicea made a declaration that I indeed am the Son of God.  You recite the Nicene Creed every Sunday to proclaim My Divinity.  You declare that I am God the Father’s only Begotten Son, and I died to forgive your sins.  No other person was resurrected from the dead like I was on Easter Sunday, which is more proof that death and sin have no hold on Me.  Rejoice that My Church has been blessed by the saints to fight off many heresies against Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is bringing your country down with his open border policy where criminals are rarely detained.  Recently, an illegal person killed five people and he was captured. Leaving an open border is allowing millions of people to enter your country. They are putting a burden on your infrastructure and your housing and health programs.  Biden’s plan is to have illegal immigrants vote when they are not even citizens. Even your sanctuary cities are causing problems with criminal behavior that is not even punished in jails.  Be prepared to come to My refuges when the evil people are setting up your country for a takeover. Call on My help and I will provide for your needs.”

Wednesday, May 3, 2023: (St. Philip & St. James the Lesser)

Jesus said: “My people,  you heard My precious words of the Gospel when I told My apostles:  ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ (John 14:5-14) Everything  comes through Me, and when I am Present, the Kingdom of God is at hand.  St. Philip called on Me to show him the Father, but I told him that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father.  This means that when you see Me, you see the Father.  This also means you receive the Blessed Trinity when you receive Holy Communion, because the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are Three Persons in One God.  I told My apostles that whatever you ask in My Name, I will do it.  Trust in Me because I know what you need before you even ask Me.  I love all of you so much.  If you can give good gifts to your children in need, imagine how much more I will give you when you ask Me for help.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the ways that Biden and the Democrats are taking your country down is by overspending your budget by trillions of dollars.  Raising your National Debt Limit by the Republicans in the House with restrictions on future spending, will not pass the Senate or Biden’s veto.  Your Congress will be forced to raise the Debt Limit, or your country will go into debt foreclosure for not paying your bills.  You have seen the Republicans close down your government before, but eventually they gave into the Democrats because a higher debt limit is needed to pay for your overspending.  This will happen again because the Republicans do not have the votes in the Senate to pass a debt limit with any budget restrictions.  This overspending is what is causing your high inflation, and the Democrats will keep overspending because they control the votes.  Your country is headed for a collapse if there are no restrictions on your spending.  Be ready to leave for My refuges when the liberals will control your money and your freedoms.”

Thursday, May 4, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, as you read the Acts of the Apostles, you can see My plan of salvation for all of mankind, and not just the people of Israel.  St. Paul is teaching the Jews, but he is also preaching to the Gentiles.  I performed many miracles for My people to protect them.  Through Moses I allowed the plagues on Egypt until the Pharaoh finally released My people from many years of bondage.  Then I allowed Moses to split the Red Sea to let My people cross on dry ground.  Finally, I closed the sea that drowned Pharaoh’s army.  I performed more miracles so I could give the land of milk and honey over to My people.  They had judges and kings to rule over them.  From King David’s descendants I gave them St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother, who brought Me into the world by the Holy Spirit.  I became a God-man so I could offer My life up for all the sins of mankind.  I AM the Savior of all peoples who will accept Me.  Rejoice in My plan of salvation and be ready for My return as well.  You must suffer the tribulation of the Antichrist,  but My victory will dash the evil ones into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.  Just as I performed miracles for the faith of My apostles, so I will perform more miracles to protect My people at My refuges from Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, you are blessed to have two Baptisms of Aiden and Emma who are beautiful children.  You are also fortunate to have two great grandchildren who are now members of the faith in your family.  There are other mothers who are killing their babies with abortion, and these children are baptized in their blood as little martyrs.  Some couples would gladly bring up a baby than see a baby killed by abortion.  It is your death culture that promotes abortion, and those people, who are involved in promoting abortion, will pay dearly at their judgment.  Pray for the mothers who had an abortion, and pray for the pregnant women to have their children.  Life is too precious to discard like some mothers are doing.  Continue to pray to stop abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinics.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am always happy when couples make a commitment to each other by getting married.  You have many couples who are living together in sin, instead of getting married.  Fornication, adultery, and prostitution are mortal sins against My sixth Commandment, and they require Confession to be forgiven.  You also need to avoid birth control that uses means to prevent conception, including sterilizations.  Life is precious to Me, and these sins of abortion and birth control are interfering with a proper means of having children.  Pray that people, who commit sexual sins, can come to Confession to have their sins forgiven.”

Jesus said: “My people, these blood moons occur at least yearly, but they can also be omens of some significant events.  You just saw a Satanic event that celebrated a worship of Satan.  Pray that the souls involved could be saved with your prayers.  The evil ones are getting more open about worshiping Satan.  Pray for My protection from any evil coming from such events.”

Jesus said: “My people, the banks who have low interest Treasury notes are trapped by the Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates.  Their cash flow is in danger as depositors are removing their money from such banks.  If too many banks collapse from such losses, you could see a crash of your banking system, and depositors could lose their money.  Pray also that your National Debt Limit can be raised, or you will be in foreclosure for unpaid debts.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the coming Great Reset which the digital dollar will be a means for the evil ones to take over your money.  If your people do not take this to your Supreme Court over Biden’s Executive Order, the evil one world people will control you like the communist countries.  This is why I warned My people to stock up on your food, because you may not be able to buy food if your digital dollar account is cancelled.  As your freedoms and your money may be stolen, you will need to come to the safety of My refuges for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, your available housing is getting more expensive in price, and the cost of your loans are also getting higher because of increased mortgage rates.  With bank failures there is going to be even less money available for mortgages to buy homes.  As inflation increases, it will also become harder to pay your increased taxes and your mortgage payments.  You just received another increase in your house assessment.  Pray that people will be able to keep their homes and be able to find affordable housing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing a steady amount of rainy days that are causing floods in some areas.  Too much rain can also cause problems for your farmers.  If they have wet land, that makes it difficult to plant their crops.  You can see more unusual weather as there are some people who are using the HAARP machine and cloud seeding that can cause floods or droughts in various areas.  Your farmers need just the right amount of rain to have successful crops.  Too much rain can rot the crops, and too little rain can dry the crops so they do not produce food.  Pray for your farmers that they can have a successful growing season.”

Friday, May 5, 2023: (First Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful to be cheerful in life and do not be upset by your life’s disappointments and troubles.  I lived a human life on earth, and I also suffered through the cares of the body, but without sin.  My life on earth was harder than yours with a lot less conveniences than you have today.  In My day I was taught carpentry with wood by St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother taught Me the Jewish faith with the laws of Moses.  We were poor, but we managed a meager living for food and a place to stay.  You have cars for transportation, but we used donkeys and carts.  I am with all of you every day, and you can have Me in Holy Communion at Mass.  You have to deal with the devil’s temptations, but I have mercy on all repentant sinners.  I have given all of you special spiritual missions which you can carry out when you accept Me as the center of your life.  Stay close to Me in frequent Confession of your sins, and I will assist you in all that you do for Me and for others around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing conservative talk show hosts who are losing their jobs.  They are being silenced because the one world people are trying to protect the Bidens from any practical information that the whistle blowers are revealing.  You have seen information on the Biden dealings with Russia, China, and Burisma in the Ukraine, where the Biden family received millions of dollars for favors.  You also have seen the planning of the Covid virus and the deadly Covid shots as part of a plan to reduce the population.  Because the fired hosts gave details of these findings, that is why they have been silenced.  The one world people do not want their Great Reset plans revealed, so they are doing everything to hush up any information from Hunter Biden’s laptop that could involve his father getting paid foreign money.  These same one world people want total control over your money and your freedoms, and they will lie and cheat to get what they want.  My faithful are targets because you know the truth of the evil ones’ plans.  Be ready to come to My refuges when the evil ones want to persecute you because of your belief in Me.  Trust in Me to protect My people, even though some could be martyred for your faith in Me.”

Saturday, May 6, 2023: (First Saturday)

Jesus said: “My people, I sent My apostles out two by two to preach My Good News of My Resurrection to all the people of the world.  St. Paul was given a special message to go out and preach the Good News to the Gentiles, as well as the Jews.  My faithful are the Gentiles of today, and you are all called to spread My Good News.  When I was at Nazareth and before the Chief Priest, I admitted that I was the Messiah and the Son of the Living God.  At Nazareth I walked through those people, who wanted to throw Me over the cliff, because it was not My time to die.  Before the chief priest I knew they would call Me a blasphemer, and they wanted to kill Me.  So I suffered for proclaiming My true identity that I was sent by My Father to suffer death for the salvation of all of mankind’s sins.  So I call My faithful to identify yourselves as believers in Me, even if it means you will be criticized and some may risk martyrdom.  Show the people around you that you are My followers by your love, your holiness, and your obedience to My laws.  Reach out to evangelize people to the faith so those people, who believe in Me, can have eternal life.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have read the Scripture how I sent by apostles out two by two to heal the sick and spread My Good News to the people.  My son, I thank you for saying ‘Yes’ to My mission, for you have been traveling out to the people with your wife for many years.  You do identify with little James because you both have leg problems, but you still prayed today before the Planned Parenthood building.  Trust in Me that you both can still do your mission, even if you travel more slowly.  You are an inspiration to your prayer group and others that you are willing to follow My mission, despite your physical problems.  I need faithful people with a strong desire to follow Me, no matter what I ask of you, because I know you will do it.  You truly have been blessed with all you need to do in your traveling mission and your mission to have a refuge.  I am blessing you both in your work.”

Sunday, May 7, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, do not let your hearts be troubled, even despite the events of the world.  There are wars in the Ukraine, and people were killed in Texas, but there are also beautiful things going on, as Baptisms and Weddings in your families.  You are still in the joy of My Easter Season, and you see a nice warm sunny day, instead of the cold rainy days of last week.  You were happy to be able to get out and work on the yard that needed cutting and weeding.  Your life is short in earthly years, but I have promised My believers an even happier life with Me in heaven.  You will see your reward for all that you had to suffer for Me in your time on earth.  So rejoice on the last day when My faithful will be resurrected with a new body in heaven.”

Monday, May 8, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I gave My apostles the ability to heal people so they could share My Good News with proof that I was with them.  There are many people who have not heard of Me, or they refuse to listen to Me.  I want My faithful to reach out to all souls to invite them to want to know My love for them.  All souls should be given a choice to accept My love or not by their own free will.  People, who know Me, can depend on My care for them.  You are here on earth as a training ground, so you can love Me and others, and let Me lead you to desire heaven over the devil’s lies.  Do not let the world distract you, but learn to let Me be the center of your life.  I am calling all souls to love your Creator and follow My path to heaven, by obeying My laws of love of Me and love of neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as I called My disciples to go out and evangelize souls to the faith, so I am calling on all of My faithful to evangelize souls and pray to save the souls of all the people on earth with your rosaries.  I am happy that My people are still praying your four rosaries every day to help pray for your family to be believers after the Warning during the Conversion time.  You are going to be facing more persecution for your faith in Me, so be ready to come to My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Tuesday, May 9, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you read how you must suffer in this life in order to come to heaven.  This is true because some people do not want to be told by Me how they should live.  Because there is hate and evil in this world, many will not be open to My words of love when you try to share My Gospel.  You read how they stoned St. Paul for trying to evangelize the people.  So My people, you also will meet resistance to accepting My words of the Gospel.  I have warned you before that you will be seeing increasing persecution of Christians and any other people who promote My Word.  The evil ones will be doing everything to silence conservatives and My faithful who preach My Word.  This is why I am having people set up refuges that will be protected by My angels.  Fear not because I will protect you, and you will be safe at My refuges throughout  the tribulation of the Antichrist.  The evil ones will be killed and sent to hell by My justice.”

Wednesday, May 10, 2023: (St. Damien)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Early Church St. Paul was converting the Gentiles to the faith in Me.  A question arose among the faithful if the Gentile converts had to be circumcised.  So St. Paul and his disciples went to Jerusalem to discuss the matter.  Later on the decision was made to not force the circumcision on the Gentile converts.  In the Gospel I told the people that I am the Vine and they are the branches.  Without Me you can do nothing.  Those people, who leave Me, are like the branches that wither off the vine, and they are thrown into the fire to be burned up.  So stay close to Me and follow My Commandments, and you will be on the right path to heaven.  Trust in Me to nourish you with My Eucharist so you can feed on My graces for all that you need. 

Jesus said: “My people, the information provided today via the Hunter Biden laptop and the whistle blowers is enough to verify the pay for favors scheme of your current leader called the ‘big guy’.  The Biden family is reported to have received $10 million from foreign nationals.  This is equivalent to treason against your country and plenty of grounds for an impeachment of Biden.  The Democrats impeached Trump twice on a lot less information.  Your liberal press went after a meaningless bunch of charges on a freshman Congressman instead of covering the Biden money scheme.  Pray for your country to survive all of the corrupt Biden actions.”

Thursday, May 11, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, the Jews followed many customs and the Mosaic laws which are not all necessary for the new Gentile converts.  It was decided by St. Peter and St. James in Jerusalem that the Gentiles do not have to be circumcised in order to be brought into the faith.  It is required to be baptized by  water in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and to follow My Ten Commandments.  I have given you the sacrament of Penance to have the priest give you absolution of your sins, as the priest acts on My behalf.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, when you come in front of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance, I am sending out My graces into your heart and soul.  Trust in Me that I know all of your distractions, but when you are quiet in front of My very Body and Blood, you can see your life through My lens of holiness.  I direct you on your mission that I ask you to follow Me on your path to heaven. 

Jesus said: “My people,  you see all of My beautiful creation every day when you look outside.  This black umbrella is a symbol of the evil one who is trying to destroy My creation through man’s manipulation of the DNA of plants and even babies.  Satan has man trying to change your gender and make GMO crops that are imperfect for your body as true food should be.  Trust in Me that I will renew the earth of its imperfections of man in My Era of Peace, after I remove all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see the beauty of the spring flowers, and you like to take pictures of them.  Then I showed you the beauty of a little baby.  With all of your technology, you cannot produce a flower or make a baby by yourself.  I give you life in babies to show you that man was the last of My creations because I have made you in My Image with a soul and an intellect with a free will that you can choose to love Me.  I showed My love for all of mankind by dying for all of your sins, so you can be baptized and follow My steps to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were blessed to visit Israel at Bethlehem where I was born through the Holy Spirit and My Blessed Mother.  You know in the Scriptures how the Star of Bethlehem led the Magi to the place where I was born.  I was incarnated as a God-man so I could experience your earthly life, and I came so I could offer My life as a Divine Sacrifice to bring salvation to all souls who accept and believe in Me.  By My death I bring Baptism to all souls so you can have My sacramental grace to be a part of My Communion of Saints in faith.  Trust in Me that I love all of you so much, and I desire that you love Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, My disciples witnessed the empty tomb where I was buried for three days.  I am victorious over death and sin as you have been a witness in the readings from the Acts of the Apostles.  Once I appeared to My disciples in the Upper Room, they believed in My Resurrection as they saw My wounds and I ate some baked fish before them.  My apostles were sent out into the world to share My Good News of My Resurrection.  Just as they were sent, so I send out My faithful to evangelize souls and convert them to a belief in My love.  All of My faithful will see their reward in My Era of Peace and in heaven.  So have no fear of the evil in this world because I will overcome and remove all of the evil ones from this earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is My blessing that you see Me as the Light of the world, and I am the Vine and you are the branches.  Without Me, you can do nothing.  I give you the grace to be alive in the Holy Spirit Who dwells in you.  If you left My Mind, you would cease to exist.  Once you were created, your soul is eternal.  Your body will die one day, but your soul is immortal and your soul will live forever.  I give everyone an opportunity to choose your spiritual destination.  You can live with Me in heaven by having your soul cleansed with Baptism and My forgiveness in Confession.  By following My ways instead of man’s ways, you can be on the right path to heaven.  There are a good number of souls who refuse to repent of their sins, and they refuse to love Me.  Unless these souls repent, they are on a path to My justice in hell.  So keep your focus on Me throughout your life, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with My parable of the Wheat and the tares.  I allow the good people to grow up with the evil people so the evil ones will have an opportunity to be saved by My faithful converting them.  But on the Day of Judgment the Wheat of the good people will be gathered into My barn of heaven.  But the weeds or the evil people will be gathered up, and they will be burned in the fires of hell.  Choose Life now while you can still choose to love Me.  My faithful will see My love and all the glories of My Kingdom of heaven.”

Friday, May 12, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel today I commanded you to love one another.  As you know My Commandments, they are all about loving Me and loving your neighbor.  I even asked you to love your enemies, but not what they do.  I AM love itself, and love is what binds Me to all of My created souls.  By loving everyone, you are trying to work toward perfection in your soul.  Every person has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  So when you love people, you are loving My Presence in them.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before how many addictions have demons associated with addictions. This is why it is hard to break addictions because you need to exorcize the demon out of people before they can stop their addiction.  There are many addictions such as computers, electronic games, gambling, and many other excesses that can be sinful.  You can pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer every day to get rid of your demons.  For more serious possessions by demons, you may need an exorcist priest to pray over you.  So be careful with your habits that could develop into addictions.  The demons use addictions to try and control your soul.  Pray to Me for protection from such demons, and I will send you My angels to fight off the demons.”

Saturday, May 13, 2023: (Our Lady of Fatima)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you remember back in 1917 when I came to Fatima for five months on the 13th of each month.  I taught the three children how to pray the rosary, and I showed them a vision of hell to wake people up to that reality.  I also told them that an unknown light would show in the sky before a second World War if the people did not pray the rosary to stop it.  Now you have seen a few aurora borealis scenes with an unusual red light.  These are even more signs of a coming third World War with possible nuclear bombs.  I gave a date when there would be a miracle of the sun which would come close to the earth.  On that day there was a previous rain which was dried up by the sun, and the people were frightened.  Be prepared my little ones because my Son will call you to the safety of His refuges before your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, when it comes to evil movies or movies about demons, your first thought is to reject going to them, which is the right thought.  You know the demons are much smarter than you are, and the demons use your bad habits and addictions to control you.  Do not be curious how the demons tempt you, because these thoughts could affect your spiritual life.  Stay close to Me and call on My protection from the demons every day.  The demons play with your curiosities, so do not let them tempt you, and do not be curious about demon possessed people.  People are playing with the fires of hell when they desire to listen how demons are tempting you.  Follow My Commandments and continue to receive My sacraments, as well as keeping up your daily rosary prayers.  I love all of you and I want you to focus on My love for you and your love for Me.  Striving for heaven and bringing My Word to people are more important than your worldly curiosities.”

Sunday, May 14, 2023: (Mother’s Day)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are celebrating my giving birth to my Son, Jesus, and I am the Blessed Mother for all of you and the Church.  It is a blessing to be able to have children, and bring them up in the faith.  I love the little children, and the mothers were given roses because they had their children, and they did not abort them.  Pray for all mothers that they can have their children, and do not listen to the culture of death people who promote abortion.  Give your mothers thanks for giving birth to you, and bringing you up.  Keep praying to stop abortion in your daily rosaries, and keep praying your four rosaries per day that all of your family can be believers, and be saved from hell.”

Monday, May 15, 2023: (Madeline Resch Funeral Mass)

Madeline said: “My dear family, I want to give you a proper good-bye because I did not get to see everyone.  I thank my family members for their kind words of their memories of me.  I thank Fr. Peter also for his wonderful homily.  I was at Mass as much as I could, and I thank our lovely priests for their dedication every day to bring Our loving Lord to us in Holy Communion.  I thank everyone who came to my funeral.  I have waited so long to see my Jesus, and He and the angels are welcoming me at this Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another example of a refuge with a farm on many acres.  Before you had electricity and communications, farming was a simple life tending the animals with hay and other available food.  At My refuges you will be returning to an agrarian style of life.  Some refuges are rural and not in towns and cities.  At all refuges you will need water in wells and you will need some electricity to operate the pumps that bring water up for drinking and cooking.  If you have large numbers of people, I will need to multiply your water, food,  and your fuels.  You have had some practice refuge runs, so you know what you need, and I will multiply what you need for your survival.  Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your needs, so you can survive the time of the Antichrist.”

Tuesday, May 16, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, you and your wife prayed for a healing of your leg problems.  I know you have faith in Me to heal you, but you did not know how long it would take for a healing.  Now in the last few days, you noticed right away that your sciatica pain has ceased with just a slight pain in your lower leg.  You can thank Me for such a healing.  I am enabling you so you can start traveling again.  Your wife still needs some help with her knee.  Pray over her again, and she may need a shot to take down any swelling.  I even asked you to return to your evangelizing, despite your leg problems.  So be confident in My help because you do not have much time left when your travel may be stopped by your political events.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones can control people’s minds using various forms of artificial intelligence.  They can make robots with an intelligence far beyond your human brains that can replace your workers.  The rich people can use supercomputers to design robots for certain jobs.  The same rich corporate leaders can find ways to control your media, and they will use ways to control your minds as well.  I am warning My people to avoid getting involved with AI methods of doing anything.  This is the devil’s way to try and steal souls from Me.  This is why I told you after the Warning and the Conversion time, that you will need to get rid of your cell phones, computers, and anything connected to the internet. The Antichrist will control all of the communications.  If you look at him on a screen, he could use his eyes to hypnotize you to worship him.  So do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes and get rid of all of your screens at the proper time.  When you see a takeover by these robots, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.”

Wednesday, May 17, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul used the Unknown god altar as a way to preach about Me as the Creator of all things.  But when he spoke about Me when I rose from the dead, the people wanted him to speak about this on another day, because this was hard for them to believe.  Remember when the apostles themselves did not believe I resurrected from the dead at first either.  It was only when the apostles saw Me appear to them in the Upper Room, that they then believed.  All of My faithful believe in faith that I rose from the dead because of the writings of My apostles in the Bible.  I died to bring salvation to all souls who believe in Me, and who repent of their sins.  My believers will also be resurrected on the last day when your body will be reunited with your soul.  This is truly the Good News that I want My faithful to spread all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year your farmers grow their crops, and they pray for enough rain for a good season.  I showed you some kind of bug that could be another problem for the farmers.  The farmers spray for insect problems, but this bug will not be killed so easily by the sprays they normally use.  If the farmers’ crops are damaged, it would be hard to get a good price for their harvest.  Pray for your farmers that they can provide enough food for your people.  I love all of you and you will have enough food for your survival.”

Thursday, May 18, 2023: (The Ascension of the Lord)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the end of My mission on earth as I ascended into heaven to be with My Father.  I gave My apostles My farewell, and I sent them out to evangelize souls all over the earth.  Even today I am sending out My faithful to spread My Good News as well.  You were reminded last night to get a copy of the Pentecost Novena that you pray nine days before Pentecost Sunday.  You are preparing for the coming of the Holy Spirit over all of your work.  You were confirmed with Confirmation  and you received the graces of the Holy Spirit, and soon you will be celebrating His feast day.  Remember how the angels said that I will return on the clouds, just as I rose up on the clouds.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, I love you and your prayer group very much.  This is why I showed you a heart shape and you were drawn into My Heart.  You are well aware that I healed your sciatica pain overnight so there was no question that this healing came from Me.  I told you I am preparing you to go out again on your mission of spreading My messages.  Keep praying for your wife so she can be free of her pain as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you like to watch sports games, and it is good exercise.  You need to keep everything in proper perspective, so you keep your focus on Me every day without letting things distract you from Me.  I love all of My people, and you need to share My words of love with all of the people you meet in your travels.  I am helping you and your wife with your health, so you are able to carry on with your faith mission.  You reach many people on your Zoom program, but it is special to be with the people in person. 

Jesus said: “My people, when you get up and see the sun dawning on a new day, you are inspired by Me to do all that you can to help save as many souls as possible.  You see the splendor of My Creation, and you see how I give you free will to follow Me when I direct you in your missionary efforts.  I want all of My faithful to take advantage of all the graces I give you to do what you can to lead souls to heaven.  I directed My apostles to go out and spread My Good News of My Resurrection.  I am happy when My faithful take up My call to evangelize souls.  I thank all of My workers who are out in the field for the harvest of souls for Me.

Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated My Ascension into heaven today.  Your next major feast of Pentecost is coming in ten days.  It is appropriate to find a proper novena to pray every day leading up to Pentecost.  This is a great feast of the Holy Spirit when tongues of fire were brought down over My apostles, the Blessed Mother, and other disciples.  You were given the gifts of the Holy Spirit at your Baptism and your Confirmation sacraments.  Use your gifts to put your missionary efforts into action, so you can be fruitful in bringing souls to Me.”

Jesus said:  “My people, you have seen many prayers answered when you are persistent in your prayers.  When you pray for a healing, call on Me and the Holy Spirit to help you.  Sometimes you do not realize how I hear all of your prayers, and I answer them in My time and in My way.  I have even more interest to help heal My evangelists because you are carrying out the mission I have given you.  Remember when you go to a town that you stay with a friend who will provide for your travel, your food, and a place to stay.  The laborer is worth his keep to spread My Word of love.  Give thanks and praise to Me for leading you on your mission.”

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Paraclete of God.  My son, you know how I give you My gifts so you can write the Lord’s messages and share them in your talks and on your Zoom meetings.  I give you the right words to speak and I direct you in which messages are most important to share.  I have helped you in all of your missions of speaking and also helping you with your refuge mission as well.  I desire all of My faithful to call on My help to carry out their spiritual missions.”

Jesus said: “My people, call on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen you all in your missionary work.  Wisdom, fortitude, piety, understanding, knowledge, counsel, and fear of the Lord are the gifts of the Spirit and imagine the flames of the Holy Spirit as they rest over each member of your prayer group tonight.  You all have been confirmed by the Holy Spirit, and you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in each of you.  It is His Fire of love that strengthens you and He will give you what to say when you share God’s Word.  Even if you are persecuted, or even face the possibility of martyrdom, the Holy Spirit will give you the proper words to defend your faith under any circumstances.”

Friday, May 19, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, today you start your Pentecost Novena.  St. Paul traveled to Corinth in Greece while he was evangelizing the people.  He met resistance several times in his travels, but he persisted in spreading My Word.  In St. Paul’s Epistles along with the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 19:12-17) you are seeing how the Early Church was started.  You, My son, have also traveled many places to spread My Word.  You have seen difficulties with the planes, and a few times you faced rejection by the people.  But this did not stop you from moving on to other areas to speak My Word in your messages.  Keep up your evangelization trips, and you will have your reward in seeing people come to Me.  Trust in My protection in your travels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living on the edge of destruction when Biden is taking your country down with your open border, and allowing the Chinese to set up barracks and Chinese police stations in your country.  Millions of people are crossing your border illegally and they could even be an army to try and take over your country.  These illegal immigrants are not being vetted and the drug cartel is bringing large amounts of fentanyl into your country.  Biden’s government is spending more money than you can finance in your National Debt.  If you cannot stop the cheating in your elections, you are allowing communists to take over your country.  Pray for a normal government for your people without the Green New Deal.  Be prepared at your refuges because the evil ones will soon take over your finances with their digital dollar and then the mark of the beast.”

Saturday, May 20, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, you are thankful for your parents who brought you to church, and you were educated at a Catholic school.  It is one thing for your parents to give you life, but it is even more important that your parents brought you to My sacraments and the faith.  You also passed on the faith to your three daughters, and you gave them a good example to follow in the faith.  You need to share your faith with others, but you are most needed in bringing up your children in the faith.  Your children are responsible for their own souls, but the parents need to help guard their souls, and pray for your children even as they grow older.  Trust in Me to help your children that you pray for every day.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are planning several trips to get back out to your traveling mission in sharing My messages.  You may not meet as many people on your trips as you do on your Zoom program.  But you are meeting new people, and the people who come to your meetings could share your words with other people in their family and friends.  I thank you and your wife for making the effort to reach out to new people.  Even when you meet friends from previous meetings, they will receive updates on what is going on, and the new messages that I am sharing with you.  This is why I healed you in your sciatica pain, and your wife will be feeling better.  When your mobility is healed, you are a witness in faith of your miracles for the talks you will be giving.”

Sunday, May 21, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, before I ascended into heaven, I told My apostles to wait in Jerusalem so they could receive the Holy Spirit. (Luke 24:49) ‘But wait in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high.’  So the apostles stayed in the Upper Room with some women, as they were ready to receive the Holy Spirit’s power.  You are waiting also for the feast of Pentecost, as you are praying your Pentecost Novena every day.  After the Holy Spirit came over the apostles in flames over head, they received power and courage to go out and preach My Good News.  Now you are waiting again much longer for My return on the clouds to bring justice on the evil ones, as I will renew the earth.”

Monday, May 22, 2023: (St. Rita of Cascia)

Jesus said: “My people, you have built many churches all over the world, but it is the people who make up the Church.  The pastors need to take care of their flocks with daily Mass and the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, Penance, Confirmation, and even the Sacrament of the Sick, or in funerals.  On some occasions you also have the Sacrament of Matrimony in marriage.  These sacraments are given at various times during your life.  But some people are spiritually lazy and they rarely come to Confession, and some are lax when they do not even have funeral Masses for the deceased.  Others even avoid Matrimony, and couples just live together in sin.  You can see how your society has skipped many of your spiritual traditions, because some people do not make Me the center of their lives.  Remember that without Me, you can do nothing.  So keep your focus on Me because I created all of you to know and love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother told you at Fatima how Russia would spread its errors all over the world.  You are seeing how the communists are taking over the Democrat Party, and they in turn are taking over your country, and they do not recognize your laws or your Constitution.  Biden is writing fiat Executive Orders with no oversight from your Congress.  He uses his various departments to make more rules and regulations in the Federal Register.  When your Congress cannot stop Biden from taking down your country as with open borders, then you are allowing the communists to control your elections with their lies and cheating.  Pray for your country to get rid of your Democrat dictator, or they will enable the Antichrist to rule over you.  Be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Tuesday, May 23, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, I told you a few days ago that your wife would be better after she had a shot in her knee.  Now that she is walking without her crutches, you need to have a prayer of thanksgiving that both of you have been healed of your leg problems.  You both are now ready to go out and give your talks again.  Be careful not to cause any more injuries to your legs.  You have been blessed that your mobility has been restored for your mission.  Rejoice in My love and My healing, just as I performed many miracles of healing on people when I was on the earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you for the evil ones who are planning to force the digital dollar on your people.  Your Congress and Biden are trying to have an agreement on how to raise the National Debt Limit with a minimum of increased spending.  Biden has not agreed, and he only recently started talks with the Speaker of the House.  If there is a threat of a default, the Democrats may try to use this debt crisis to bring in the digital dollar.  This will be the first step to takeover your finances, and this will lead to the next plan to force the mark of the beast on everyone.  Those people, who refuse to take the mark of the beast, could be sent to the death camps if you are captured.  You also could see a World War III with nuclear weapons to take out your electricity.  When your lives are in danger, I will call My people to the safety of My refuges.”

Wednesday, May 24, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, this is an important message of warning.  You are ready to go out traveling to share My messages with your healing, but I warned you before that the one world people are going to try to create a crisis with your Debt Limit.  This is an opportunity for the Democrats and the evil ones to take over your country, and they will try to force the digital dollar on you.  Before another Presidential election comes, this will violate your rules of government to change your money system.  The Republicans, or the courts have not challenged Biden’s open borders, and they probably will not challenge the digital dollar either.  This is the beginning of a takeover of your country.  The planned Covid virus and the Covid shots showed the one world people how they could force a takeover on your people.  After the digital dollar is forced on you, this will be followed by the mark of the beast being forced on you, just as they forced the Covid shots on you.  Refuse to take the mark of the beast, and this will be a sign to come to My refuges.  Those people, who refuse to take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be killed at the detention death camps, if you are captured.  I will warn you when to come to My refuges.  These same evil ones will try and close your churches again so you could only have Mass by a faithful priest at My refuges.  So be ready to come to My refuges soon because the time of the evil ones is running out.”

St. Joseph said: “My son, you are seeing events in your country that are threatening your freedoms.  You do not have much longer when Jesus will be calling his people to His refuges.  Once you come to your refuge, I will be using My tools to build a high rise and a large church to house 5,000 people.  I told you it would be built in one day with the angels helping Me.  You will be helping the people to manage their rooms along with their food and water that Jesus will multiply.  Trust in heaven’s help to provide for your needs.”

Thursday, May 25, 2023:
Jesus said:  “My people, the religious leaders and the Romans persecuted Me for speaking out about loving God and loving neighbor.  Even St. Paul was persecuted for sharing My Good News.  If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also.  The evil ones recognize your good deeds and your belief in Me, and this greatly offends them in their worldly ways.  The more you proclaim My ways publicly, the more the evil ones will react to you.  So be ready for their ill treatment of you because they will try to silence you on whatever platform you speak from.  You see even the conservative voices being cancelled, but you can use other platforms if needed.  Expect rejection from the evil ones because they shy away from My Light coming from you.  Keep proclaiming My love and My Word that could convert people to the faith in Me.  I will protect you at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the experience I had with a woman at the well.  I told her about her husbands, and I told her how I could give her My ‘Living Water’ from the Holy Spirit.  If you have this Living Water, you would not have to keep coming to this well.  I know you need plain water for your body’s survival, but the Living Water is for your soul’s survival.  Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for lighting this Paschal Candle for all of your prayer group meetings during the Easter Season.  This Paschal Candle represents Me as the Light of the world, and I am happy that you are honoring Me during this Easter Season.  You will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday this weekend that will end the Easter Season, and it starts a long series of Sundays after Pentecost.  Rejoice at the coming of the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember this scene when I was sleeping in a boat amidst a storm with My apostles fearing for their lives.  My apostles had little faith that I would protect them from the storm.  They awakened Me and I could see they were distressed.  So I raised My arms and I said: ‘Peace, be still.’  At that there was a great calm on the water, and My apostles were amazed that I had control of the weather.  When they later realized that I was God’s Son, then they understood My powers as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.  My faithful can call on My help whenever you meet any storms or troubles in your life.  Trust in Me to answer your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles witnessed My most powerful miracle when I resurrected from the tomb after three days.  I appeared to them with My wounds, and I had St. Thomas put his finger into My hand, and his hand into My side so he could truly believe in My Resurrection, and to cast any doubt aside.  I want everyone to believe in My Good News of My Resurrection.  When you obey My Commandments and repent of your sins in Confession, then you will be on the right road to heaven,  and I will raise you up on the last day.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another sign how My Light dispels the darkness of sin all over the world. My Light shines brightly as this lighthouse to guide you on the right path to heaven.  The evil ones shy away from My Light because they do not want their evil deeds known.  The evil ones appear to have power now in the world, but their power will be brief when I will bring My justice down upon them when I return.  No matter how many evil things will test your faith, trust in My coming victory over all the evil ones who will be cast into hell.  I give everyone an opportunity to love Me or not.  Souls go to hell by their own free will choice.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the events when the Antichrist will be given a brief reign over the earth.  I have led some faithful people to set up refuges, so they can house the faithful who will be led by My angels to come to a haven of protection.  My son, you are familiar with the preparation of your own refuge.  You followed all of My instructions faithfully, and you believe in how I will protect My people, and you will see the separation of My faithful from the evil ones.  By your strong faith, you have seen how I am having My angels protect you, and you will see Me multiplying all that you need to survive with My Perpetual Adoration at every refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all have received the seven gifts and the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation.  It is fitting that you have been given another weapon from the Holy Spirit to fight curses and demons.  This Spiritual Sword is given, but you need to have faith in My Name, Jesus Christ, that you can use this against the demons.  The demons know if you truly believe.  So trust in Me and the Holy Spirit that you have been empowered as St. Michael the Archangel, so you are a warrior for Me to fight the evil ones.”

Friday, May 26, 2023: (St. Philip Neri)
(John 21:15-19) Jesus said: “My people, this dialog with St. Peter was when I asked him three times if he loved Me, and it was a test of his faith.  In the Greek translation, I used the word of ‘agape’ love the first two times, and then ‘phileo’ love the third time.  St. Peter answered with ‘phileo’ love all three times.  I was trying to get St. Peter to answer with an unconditional love using ‘agape’ love.  This is also connected with St. Peter’s three denials of Me.  I wanted St. Peter to lead My sheep in all of My faithful.  This is another sign how I intended St. Peter to lead My Church as the first Pope.  (Matt. 16:18) ‘And I say to thee (St. Peter) thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’”

Jesus said:  “My people, I have asked you to imitate My life because I am without sin.  You have read in the Scriptures how I sometimes retreat into quiet places so I could pray to My Father in heaven.  It is good to have some quiet moments of prayer to gain your strength so you are ready to fight your next battle against the evil of the world.  Praying your rosary settles you down to understand the power of the rosary against the evil of your world.  When you call on Me to strengthen you in fighting the evil ones, I will send you My angels to battle the demons working against you.  The rosary is your special weapon to fight off the temptations of the evil ones, and My grace will strengthen you and help heal you from your sins.  Your sins and battles with the evil ones can weaken your intention to fight off any addictions that can be used against you.  Trust in Me to lead you on the right path, but it is good to come to an occasional retreat or spend some quiet time with Me to give you rest in your soul.”

Saturday, May 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing for the great feast of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday.  In the first reading St. Paul is giving his last messages from Rome in prison with chains.  Then in the Gospel you are reading the last verses of St. John’s Gospel.  St. Peter was curious about what would happen to St. John, but it was not for him to know.  I was telling St. Peter that he would be martyred, but that St. John would not be martyred as the rest of the disciples would also be martyred.  St. John even mentions that there would not be enough books to write down every event that happened during My three years of My public ministry.  There were so many miracles of healing that I performed, that it was obvious to My disciples that I had to be the Messiah that the prophets spoke about.  Trust in My Word that I will perform many more miracles to help people believe in Me and be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when your water, gas, and electricity will stop.  This stoppage of your electricity will come from any number of causes. If your electricity stopped for a long time, many of your services would stop as well.  This interruption could be a cause to come to My refuges where I could multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival.  My son, you have been preparing for independent living at your refuge for some years according to My directions.  Those people, who are prepared, could survive any electric crisis.  You will need My help though to survive the years of the Antichrist’s reign.  So trust in Me and My angels that I will protect My faithful from all of the threats of the evil ones.”

Sunday, May 28, 2023: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: “I AM the Spirit of God and I bring life into every living thing.  You are made up of body, soul, and spirit, and it is this living spirit that I put into each person.  When you receive Confirmation, you receive the My gifts and My fruits of grace.  The apostles were given a gift to speak in different languages so they could bring the Word of God to all peoples.  They were also given a gift of healing and even a few raised people from the dead.  I give My messengers a gift to write down their messages and give talks to spread My love with the people.  All of the confirmed faithful need to call on Me to empower them on their spiritual missions.  I love all of you, and I give you courage to evangelize souls.”

The Holy Ghost gave the message: “I AM the Spirit of God and you realize that I AM Present in every consecrated Host.  I thank all of the people who dressed in red colored clothes in My honor.  You may not have seen a flame over your head as the apostles received, but I am with you all of the time as you are a Temple of the Holy Spirit.  Call on Me to help you in your daily struggles.”

Monday, May 29, 2023: (Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Church)
The Blessed Mother  said: “My dear children, I love all of you as a mother takes care of her children, and I bring you to my Son, Jesus.  Thank you for praying your rosary in church today.  You also are praying four rosaries per day, with the fourth rosary specifically for all of your family members that they could become believers in my Son after the Warning.  You started this fourth rosary on 12-3-22 when my Son asked you to pray this as a Christmas gift.  Now you have also adopted this for your prayer group as well. (12-8-22) You have my Statue of Fatima visiting in your chapel, so remember me every time you pray your rosary in your chapel.  My son, you and your wife have been healed of your leg problems so you can travel better for your talks.  Rejoice with me on my feast day.”

Tuesday, May 30, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles gave up everything in order to follow Me.  I taught them in My parables, but I explained the meaning to them privately.  The human side of following Me is when people are looking for something for themselves like St. Peter asked.  I told My apostles that they would receive plenty of rewards for their service, and persecution besides.  Most of all, My faithful will be blessed to live in My Era of Peace and then in heaven to come.  You may be making sacrifices to go out and share My Good News, but you will have joy to see people who come to Me in faith as believers.  Bringing souls to Me will be a reward for you, and happiness for these souls who are converted.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a leader who took millions of dollars from China and he laundered the money through many fake businesses to hide it and avoid taxes.  He literally has sold you out to China, and he cannot be trusted because he is committing treason against your country.  Biden is also weaponizing  the FBI and the CIA to cover up any trails of money back to him.  Biden is making your country vulnerable to China even with the Chinese balloons that were allowed to travel over your bases and your electric grid.  Once these money scandals could be prosecuted,  Biden should be impeached for taking money from your worst enemy in China.  Be prepared to come to My refuges when I call you, because the communists are about to take over your country as your punishment for your many sins.”

Wednesday, May 31, 2023: (Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are celebrating my Visitation on the last day of May that honors me.  I love all of you so much,  and I encourage you to follow my Son’s Commandments.  This means not having relations with married spouses.  You have many marriage failures because some spouses are not faithful to each other.  So be careful not to be misled by the devil’s temptations that can lure you into sin.  Stay pure by avoiding sins of adultery, fornication, and prostitution.  These sins of the flesh cause many souls to be lost in hell, so avoid any unnecessary occasions of sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are working with the communists to try and takeover your country.  They are using your open borders to bring in various foreigners who will be recruited and be given arms to make up a communist party.  They will have goals opposite to your Constitution, because they want socialism to take over your people.  Your takeover will start when they will force the digital dollar on your people.  Be ready to leave for My refuges when they control your finances, because they will shut down your accounts when you go against the evil ones’ agenda.  Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges.”

Thursday, June 1, 2023: (St. Justin)
Jesus said: “My son, sometimes I give you a small insight into the glory of My Creation, and I pray that you do not allow the evil ones to destroy My creations, especially to stop killing My beautiful babies.  You are beautifully and wonderfully made when you even try to understand how your own body works, and how I put you together with your body, soul, and spirit.  My son, you saw how when one part of your body did not work, you had a chronic pain that did not go away for months.  I allowed you to experience your sciatica pain  to see what you would do.  This affected your walking until you finally asked for My healing in faith, like the blind man who received his sight.  About several weeks later, I gave you an overnight healing that you did not expect.  Now you are so thankful for My healing in faith, and you truly appreciate your good health so you could be active again for your missions.  Give thanks and praise to Me for every day of life that I give you and everyone else.  Pray for those people in pain that they are given a grace to endure it.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you were experiencing a flight in space as you traveled through a tunnel to My Light for your Warning experience.  You will not be alone, as many people will be coming to Me for their Warning experience at the same time.  I will show you your whole life with a focus on your unforgiven sins.  After this experience, I will show each person your mini-judgment of where you will visit based on your life’s actions.  You could see hell, purgatory, or heaven, and you will experience what it would feel like in your destination.  You will want to come to Confession because you will understand how much your sins offend Me.  Pray that you can come to monthly Confession so you will be better prepared for your Warning experience.”

The Holy Spirit said: “I AM the Spirit of God, and I am giving you the same experience of My coming down on the apostles.  You felt totally blessed to receive My gifts that you use on all of your trips to give your talks.  I am with you speaking through you to touch the hearts of the people you see at each talk.  This is your reward for desiring to share your messages with the people you meet.  Trust in Me even as I am helping you to write down the messages you are receiving.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for the homeless people on the street and even for the many immigrants  who are entering your country.  These people are living a harsh life to live on handouts at the shelters.  Every human being deserves your prayers, no matter how they may appear to you.  They are My children also, and they need your prayers and any help you wish to give them.  They are all part of My human family, so do not look down on them as inferior to you.  Thank you for looking at these people with your sympathy and care.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen division among the Republicans over passing your Debt Limit bill.  It was the Democrats who helped the Republicans to pass this bill.  It will soon be voted on in the Senate.  Your country’s faith in paying for your bills is at stake.  There was some compromising, but each side had to bargain to pass this bill.  Pray that your government could move on to your other business at hand.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been using fossil fuels and large nuclear reactor power plants to produce your energy needs.  Your government has tried to use the Green New Deal to reduce your pollution.  Many of these green plans have not produced enough energy to make up for your needs.  Some new smaller nuclear plants are being designed for quicker installation and a ten year plan to provide energy for smaller cities.  This new design is safer and could be installed in months, instead of years.  Even your military is using this newer technology.  Pray that all new sources of energy could be considered for your practical use.”

Jesus said: “My people, some nations are not replacing the people who are dying in their country because of a low fertility rate in having children.  Japan and Russia are making plans and they will be giving financial assistance to increase their new births so their population does not decrease.  With less young people having children, this becomes a problem for their economies with not enough workers.  China also has changed their one child policy because it was causing problems as well.  People in all of your countries need to evaluate this problem and stop killing your children in abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, this war in the Ukraine is becoming a drain on your Defense spending without knowing any accounting of how your weapons are being used.  There are even some of your troops helping the Ukrainians to use your weapons.  This war could easily spread or involve your country into another war.  Pray that you could see a cease fire or peace before nuclear weapons could be used by Russia.”

Friday, June 2, 2023: (St. Marcellinus and St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, imagine if you were in the crowds who listened to My words, you would be blessed to hear Me speak.  I love all the people, and I am always happy to teach the people what My Father in heaven wants them to know.  I kept telling the people that the Kingdom of heaven is where I am speaking.  When you are with Me, especially when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you have a small taste of heaven.  Every time you hear My Word in the Gospels, there is always a feeling of My love, and sometimes it is about My justice.  In all of the Gospels there is My desire to reach out and save souls, even if it comes by My healing someone.  So share My love with all the people you meet, so they can see how My love has changed your life.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been to this service of the Two Hearts for many years.  It is good that you have started up this practice again that you went to at Holy Rosary Church with the Blue Army of Fatima.  You are offering up your prayers for the saving of the souls of your family, and for your priests, along with vocations to the priesthood.  You desire to be close to Me, and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament and Holy Communion at Mass are the closest you can get to see Me in heaven.  I love all of you so much, and I thank all of you for coming to this special service.”

(Intention for the Sacred Heart of Jesus) Jesus said: “My son, you remember this Mass since you were a teenager even until now.  I have told you before how I prefer the Latin Mass over the Novis Ordo Mass because the Latin Mass is more reverent.  Stay with the old traditions of My Roman Catholic Church, and you will be on the right path to heaven.  Keep coming to monthly Confession so you are prepared for My coming Warning Experience.”

Saturday, June 3, 2023:(Intention for the Immaculate Heart of Mary)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to always lead you to my Son, Jesus.  I love all of my children and I thank you for celebrating our Two Hearts at both of these Masses.  Keep  your focus on Jesus always and you will be saved.”
(St. Charles Lwanga and companions) Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I used a whip to drive the money changers out of the Temple.  I told them  that the Temple was a house of prayer, but they had turned it into a den of thieves.  Then when they asked Me by what authority I did  this, I did not answer them.  They needed to answer if St. John the Baptist came by heavenly or human origin.  They did not want to answer, so I did not answer their question either.  My apostles knew it was by God the Father and God the Son that I did everything, and that is My authority.”

Sunday, June 4, 2023: (Most Holy Trinity Sunday)
The Blessed Trinity said: “We are Three Persons in One God and We come to you every time you worthily receive Us in Holy Communion.  It is hard for you to understand Us because this is a Mystery of your faith.  But believe that everything you see and experience comes through Us.  It is easier for you to understand the individual Persons of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  So pray to Us as One or individually because We hear your prayers whenever you pray to Us.  We bless you in all of your deeds and actions.”

Monday, June 5, 2023: (St. Boniface)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I gave a parable about a man who built a vineyard and he leased it out to some tenants.  When the harvest came, he sent servants to get his portion of the grapes.  The tenants beat and even killed the man’s servants.  Then he sent his son, but they also killed the heir thinking they could steal the inheritance.  Then I asked the Pharisees what should the owner do?  The Pharisees realized that I was talking about them because they had a history of killing My prophets.  So they left Me, but this relates to all the leaders of the world who are trying to silence those people who speak the truth.  The evil ones are led by Satan, and they lie, steal, cheat, and even kill people so they can gain power over the people in any way they can.  This has happened all throughout history, so do not be surprised that the evil ones are controlling you now.  It may appear now that evil is winning, but trust in Me.  This is only temporary before I will bring My victory over these evil ones, when I will cast them into hell, and I will bring about My Era of Peace for My faithful servants.”

Jesus said:  “My people, you are seeing Mason symbols on your current paper money.  This Federal Reserve was set up in 1913 by the one world people.  Now these same people want to change your money to a digital dollar that would be controlled by how you spend your money.  This would be against your Constitutional authority.  This control of your money in the hands of Biden would be another threat to conservatives who could have their accounts zeroed.  If your people  allow this control of your money, then the communists will have taken over your country.  Fight this digital dollar, or you could lose all of your investments.  Pray that you can keep your country free.”

Tuesday, June 6, 2023: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Tobit you can learn from Tobit’s mistake.  He was accusing his wife of stealing a goat.  Even after she explained it was a bonus for her work, the blind Tobit told her to return the goat.  This is a lesson for you not to be judging people in the first place.  It is better to investigate the reasons why something happened before moving to judge an event or a person, as Tobit did.  In the Gospel the Pharisees tried to test Me if they should pay taxes to the Romans or not.  I confounded their hypocrisy when I told them ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s.’  It is understood that you need to pay your taxes, or you risk a penalty or possible time in jail for not paying.  The Pharisees knew this, and that is why this was a poor, obvious test by them.  Even when I was tested by the devil in the desert, I told the devil not to test the Lord according to the Scriptures.  So be humble without judging people, and give praise and glory to Me without testing Me by your sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have shared some heavenly experiences with you and with those people who came to heaven briefly in near death experiences.  When you have been gifted to see Me briefly in My glory, it is your opportunity to share your experience with others in this world to give them hope in the beautiful life I will give them in heaven.  I call everyone to be obedient to My Commandments, but when you have had a glimpse of heaven, you desire to follow My laws because you love Me so much and you do not want to offend Me.  I love all of My people so much that I died for everyone, so you could be saved and be with Me forever in heaven.  You look at your earthly life with a better appreciation of My love in seeing all of My creation, especially My Light in every human being.  So preach to the people how important it is to walk with Me in life so you can be with Me forever in Adoring Me and loving Me as I love you.  Keep your focus on Me, and you will see heaven as your reward for being faithful.”

Wednesday, June 7, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people,  in both readings you see situations of seven husbands dying and leaving the wife with no descendants.  In the Book of Tobit you have Sarah who saw Asmodeus, a devil, kill seven of her husbands before she could have relations.  St. Raphael, the archangel, was sent to get rid of the devil and to heal Tobit’s cataracts.  In the Gospel  the Pharisees tested Me with a story about seven husbands who died, and they asked Me which husband will have the wife in heaven when she dies.  I told these hypocrites that they were badly mistaken.  The dead have souls in heaven who are like angels, and there is no longer a marriage.  It is even more important that I am God of the living, and not God of the dead.  I love all of My people, and I am preparing a place in heaven for all those people who believe in Me and seek My forgiveness of their sins.”

Jesus said:  “My son, you need to keep your priorities in order without being so influenced by the worldly distractions around you.  I know you love Me so much, and I love you even more.  Your first priority should be attending to your missions when possible.  Try not to get into too many earthly things that take your time away from Me.  Your daily prayers are your next priority including Mass and your nightly Adoration.  I thank you for your dedication to sharing My messages in all the ways you do it.  Keep focused on Me and consecrate all  that you do up for My greater glory.”

Thursday, June 8, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, it is important for every newly wed couple to pray Tobiah’s prayer on their wedding night.

Tobiah’s Prayer - (Tobit 8:7-10) ‘Blessed are you, O God of our fathers, praised be your Name forever and ever.  Let the heavens and all your Creation praise you forever.  You made Adam and you gave him his wife Eve to be his help and support; and from these two the human race descended.  You said: ‘It is not good for the man to be alone; let Us make him a partner like himself.’  Now, Lord, you know that I take this wife of mine not because of lust, but for a noble purpose.  Call down your mercy on me and her, and allow us to live together to a happy old age.’”

Jesus said: “My people, the Ten Commandments are formed around love of God and love of neighbor.  The first three laws are about love of Me, the Father, and the Holy Spirit.  The last seven laws are about love of neighbor.  Every day  it is important to start with Holy Mass and Holy Communion.  Be thankful if you have a priest for Mass, because you remember the closed churches during the Covid shutdown.  Even when I call you to My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist, you will be fortunate to have a priest for Mass and Holy Communion.  I promised My faithful during the tribulation that they will have daily Holy Communion, either from a priest, or My angels will bring the consecrated Hosts every day.  After the tribulation I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell.  But My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace when you will live a long time.  You will become saints during the Era of Peace, and you will be brought into heaven on your death.  You will rejoice in My love on earth and in heaven.”

Friday, June 9, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I sent the Archangel Raphael to help get rid of the demon who killed seven of Sarah’s husbands.  The angel also helped Tobit to heal his cataracts with the fish oil. So now Tobiah, the son, was happily married to Sarah, and Tobit could see again.  There was great joy in that household.  You, My son, know about the joy of healing when I healed your sciatica problem, and your wife is walking without crutches after her cortisone shot.  I healed many people when I was on the earth, and they were all thankful and full of joy.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you and your wife for this Mass that kept Wortman from going to hell.  This is the power of the Mass,  and your earnest desire to save his soul.  He will be in purgatory for a long time, but he will come to heaven one day because of your prayers.  Give praise and thanks to Me for having mercy on his soul.”
N.B. Dr. Morris Wortman was one of the biggest abortion providers in Rochester, N.Y.  The pro-life people have prayed outside his office since the 1970’s.  Recently, he was in the news for using his own sperm for in vitro fertilizations.  He died very tragically a few weeks ago in a home made experimental airplane.  The wings fell off and it crashed in an orchard.  It was put on Carol’s heart to have a Mass offered for him.  Jesus wants us to know the power of only one Mass and His great mercy.  We should not be judging others.

Saturday, June 10, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how St. Raphael, the Archangel, finally revealed himself and told the people that he was sent by Me to remove the devil and help Tobit get healed so he could see.  This is a beautiful account for all newly weds to pray as well.  The Gospel account of the woman, who placed all she had into the Temple treasury, was a powerful moment for Me to watch.  The widow’s mite is talked about much how she had such a strong faith.  She may have been poor by man’s ways, but she was rich in faith by My ways.  So when you make a donation to My Church, let it be substantial and not just a token amount.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were spending way too much time making computer programs for yourself that took much time away from your family for many years.  When you came to the peace of My Blessed Mother at Medugorje, you had a miracle take place in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.  I saved you from your computer addiction, and I put you on the road to being a good evangelist and a prayer warrior.  I knew you because of your daily Mass and Holy Communion.  Once you stopped using one agenda for you and another agenda for Me, you saw that the only agenda was to follow Me only.  Once you put your whole focus on Me, now I could use you to follow your spiritual mission to do My Will.  When you agreed and gave your ‘yes’ to do a mission for Me, then I gave you My messages that you have been receiving since 7-21-1993.  I also gave you a second mission of preparing a refuge for the tribulation time.  So it is important to let Me lead everyone’s life so you are able to fulfill a spiritual mission I give to everyone.  This can only happen when you have complete faith in Me, with a desire to follow what I want you to do, no matter where I lead you.”

Sunday, June 11, 2023: (Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My son, you have been blessed to witness several places where they had Eucharistic miracles.  You remember Lanciano, Italy the most that happened over 700 years ago.  You also remember Los Teques, Venezuela, and Casia, Italy.  The main reason I allowed such miracles, is for the people to believe that I am truly Present in every consecrated Host.  At the Consecration the priest consecrates the bread and wine, and they are transubtantiated into My very Body and Blood.  This is why you have been drawn to come to daily Mass since you were seventeen years old.  You do not want to miss any opportunity to be with Me in daily Holy Communion.  I love you for loving Me so much.”

Monday, June 12, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, do not be surprised that only a small number of people come regularly to Sunday Mass.  You have noticed the low attendance for Sunday Mass in your area.  Other areas have better attendance.  No matter how many people are faithful to Me at Mass, you need to keep coming to give a good example to your family and others.  I told you in the end times, will I find any faith on the earth?  You will even see a gradual increase in persecution of My faithful.  The evil ones will be preparing for the coming of the Antichrist, so they will try to shut down any belief in Me.  This is why you will see another attempt to shut down your churches with no public Masses.  You will have to come to My refuges for Mass.  When your lives will be threatened, I will have My angels lead My faithful to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages and visions of the large high rise building and the large church that St. Joseph and the angels will build in one day for the 5,000 people who I will send to you.  I want to assure you that this will happen in My time, even though it may sound impossible to you, but you know heaven and I can do the impossible.  I mentioned before that you will direct the five core groups when you will have twenty people in a core group per each thousand people.  Trust in Me that I will give you more details how to organize food, water, and fuels that will be multiplied in faith for all of these people.  I am showing you this huge church and the many people who will fill it.”

Tuesday, June 13, 2023: (St. Anthony of Padua)
Jesus said: “My people, at all of My refuges you will have a priest or My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion during the tribulation.  You will take a consecrated Host and place it is a monstrance for Perpetual Adoration.  You will assign hours to the people at your refuge, so you have one or two people Adoring Me at all hours of the day and night.  It is My Real Presence in the monstrance and your belief in My miracles, that will enable you to have multiplied food, water, and fuels for your survival.  During the tribulation time My angels will shield each refuge from harm, even from My Comet of Chastisement.  You will not leave the grounds of your refuge until I will bring My victory over the evil ones.  This is why I have called My special refuge builders to set up refuges to protect My faithful during the tribulation of the Antichrist.  Have courage, My children, because I will be watching over and protecting you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are sick by the obvious double standard of so called justice by the Biden government.  The Biden Justice Department is bringing two indictments against Trump that are not true crimes.  This is another form of harassment by Biden against the leading Republican candidate for President.  You do not have true justice being carried out by Biden’s government.  Do not be upset with all of these attempts to imprison Trump.  I know that Biden and his people are committing crimes that they are not being investigated for.  In the end My justice will be all that matters, and the evil one world people, including Biden, will pay for their crimes when they come before Me on Judgement Day.  Pray for My protection from the evil ones running your government.”

Wednesday, June 14, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I have come to fulfill the Law, but I am emphasizing the love for God and neighbor.  Some people live by the letter of the Law, but it is better to live by the spirit of love in the Law.  I did not come to condemn people, but I came out of love to save My people from their sins.  I am just, but I am also merciful on sinners who can come to Confession to beg for My forgiveness.  You need to seek pardon for your sins, and I will forgive you.  I have created each one of you, and like a parent, I watch over you and I love you.  You all have free will to love Me in return.  So I am always seeking My lost sheep.  Heaven should be your goal, and I give you My sacraments to give you spiritual strength to stay on the right path to be with Me forever in heaven.  Keep close to Me in your daily Mass and your prayers, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are quiet before Me, you can listen for My word in your hearts and souls.  I love all of you so much and I want you to love Me as well.  Take time when you can to visit Me in My tabernacle.  I am here all alone at times, and I treasure the sweet moments with your presence.  I also treasure your tears of joy and I store them in heaven for when you will be with Me in heaven.  My true faithful are drawn to My Blessed Sacrament both in Holy Communion and when you adore Me in Adoration.  Treasure every moment you have before My Blessed Sacrament.  Today, you have just a taste of My glory, but when you come to heaven you will enjoy My peace in My beatific vision.  Pray for all souls that they could become believers, and they could be saved in My mercy.”

Thursday, June 15, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all weak to sin because of Adam’s sin that you inherited.  At times you may fail to love Me and your neighbor when you sin against My Commandments.  You should feel sorry for your sins against Me, and reach out to seek My forgiveness, or forgiveness from your neighbor.  Do not judge or look down on anyone because of what they did to you, or you did to them.  Instead, remember that every person is a temple of the Holy Spirit and you need to see Me in every person, or they would not exist.  Treat everyone with respect, no matter who they are, but you do not have to agree with what they do.  I love everyone because I created all of you in My Image with free will to love Me or not.  Everything you do has consequences, so follow My Commandments, and you will be on the right path to heaven.  Remember to come to monthly Confession so you can seek My forgiveness for your sins.  This is how you can keep a clean soul so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment on your death.  Love Me and one another always.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, earlier in the week you had two days of foggy smoke that came down from the Canadian fires.  The news was reporting over four hundred fires were burning out of control.  This is not over as your news people are anticipating more smoke coming over the Great Lakes.  It is suspicious that so many fires could start all at once.  It is more believable that these fires were caused by arsonists.  Pray that the fires could be controlled, or you could suffer many days of smoke pollution.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were fortunate that the Speaker and Biden came to a compromise over the National Debt Limit.  Both sides had to come to an agreement so your country did not default on your debts.  There were some budget restrictions, but it will be seen if these changes hold up in the actual budget negotiations.  There will be more problems when the House bills may have trouble passing the Senate and Biden.  Pray that you can cut your spending that is out of control so you do not cause more inflation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have your own Adoration at night, but it is on the internet.  When you were in My Presence looking at Me in the monstrance, you had a very peaceful experience in church.  There was a good turnout because you had the Bishop of Ghana give a beautiful service with songs and prayers.  Try to encourage more of these holy hours in front of My Blessed Sacrament.  I love all of you and you need to make extra visits to My tabernacle or in front of My monstrance.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is good to see your family in Colorado that you have missed because of your Covid shut down.  You also will be able to give a talk and a chance to pray over people.  This is your first mission in a while to spread My Word, so it is good that you will be traveling again in addition to your Zoom conferences.  Trust in My protection as you travel to various places.  Remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer both before you leave and on your return home.”

Jesus said: “My people, this digital dollar was originally planned for last December, but it was moved up to July of this year.  It could possibly be put off again, but if Biden tries to force it on your people, you need to resist such an unconstitutional takeover of your finances.  There is a plan to remove your paper dollars from circulation and replace it with digital dollars, so your spending would be controlled by your government.  You need to protest such a takeover of your money that could make you into a communist state.  If your money is cancelled, you will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your large corporations making large business deals with your worst enemy in China.  Your government should not be setting up manufacturing in China, instead of setting it up in your own country.  These large corporations should not be helping China just to have cheap labor for their products that they will sell in your country.  You need to move such building back into your country, or you risk losing  this business if China starts a war against you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people need to protest these open borders that are ruining your country and your infrastructure.  Why are your Republicans not moving to stop all of these illegal immigrants from coming into your country?  This is against your border laws and you are allowing the drug cartel to flood your country with poisonous fentanyl that is killing thousands of your people.  These drugs are being shipped from China to ruin your country.  Do not let the Biden election cheaters destroy your country with their evil liberal plans.  If you do not do something to stop this illegal crashing of your border, you may soon be forced to come to My refuges for your protection from these evil ones.”

Friday, June 16, 2023: (The Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My feast of My Sacred Heart, and you see the flame and a crown of thorns around My Heart in this picture.  Earlier in the month you celebrated Mass on two days back to back at 11:00 p.m and then at midnight starting the next day.  When you see My Heart, I am sending out My graces of love to each of you.  When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I bring My Heart into your hearts.  My Blessed Mother brings you to Me, even as you celebrate our two hearts in the two feast days.  Our two hearts are joined as one, so when you call on Me, you are calling on My Blessed Mother as well.  In the Gospel I am calling you to rest your weary spirit with Me,  because My yoke is easy and My burden is light.  Show Me your love as we love all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you struggled to be free of England, and it took time to win your independence.  In your early days you had a deep respect for Me, and you wanted fair representation for the people in your Constitution.  You set up three branches of government with the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial.  Your original form of government set these three branches as equal.  Now you have a leader who is ruling by fiat with his Executive orders that are going far beyond his authority.  His dictatorial powers need to be reigned in by Congress.  Your country needs to move back to its roots of rule by the people and for the people with Me guiding you.  Do not let the left communists take over your country.”

Saturday, June 17, 2023: (The Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, you are celebrating My Immaculate Heart today as the second part of our Two Hearts of Jesus and myself.  You were shown in your vision today of My giving birth to my Son, Jesus.  I was gifted to be His Blessed Mother as I always bring my Son, Jesus to all of you.  You read in the Gospel for today about one of my Sorrows in trying to find Jesus in the Temple.  I also was gifted in bringing up Jesus at Nazareth.  I followed my Son even to His sacrifice on the cross which was another great Sorrow in my heart.  I gave my entire will over to my Son as I was without sin, even without any original sin.  This is why you call me the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  I love all of you and I want you to continue praying my rosary for your family, friends, and all the living souls on the earth.  Pray also for all of the souls in purgatory because you are all joined in the Communion of Saints in heaven, on earth, and in purgatory.”

Sunday, June 18, 2023: (Father’s Day)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to wish all the fathers a happy Father’s Day.  Last month you honored the mothers, and this month you are honoring Me and the fathers.  The children need to honor and thank their father for helping them through life.  Today is My feast day also, and you need to thank Me for watching over all of My children.  I am not a stern Father, but I am a Father of love.  I am merciful, but I am also just.  You saw the evil people in Noah’s time and how they were killed by the flood because of their crimes.  You also saw how I allowed Moses to protect the Israelites from the Egyptian army when the army was drowned in the Red Sea.  I protected My people also when they were given the land of milk and honey in Israel.  I gave you My Ten Commandments through Moses so you are directed how to love Me and love your neighbor.  Give praise and thanks to your Father in heaven, especially on Father’s Day.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I said: ‘Ask for the harvest master to send more laborers out into the fields to save souls.’  So I am asking you to pray for more priestly vocations because you have a shortage of priests in many areas.  You also have another shortage of fathers in your households.  Many fathers do not stay with the family to support the children, and the wife is forced to work and take care of the children.  So pray for the fathers to stay with the family and work to support the children.  There are many causes of divorce in your families, so also pray for the families to stay together when possible for the sake of any children.  You need priests and family fathers to guide the spiritual life of the children.  Pray for the faith to be strong in the fathers in all of your families.”

Monday, June 19, 2023: (St. Romuald)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to love everyone, even your enemies.  You have seen how I can turn evil things into good things. You remember when one of your co-workers put up pornographic pictures in your lab, and you turned them around.  You told him it was not professional to have such pictures, even though you did not want such pictures because of your religious upbringing.*  You may be criticized for showing your faith in Me, but do not fear because I will protect you from harm.  A time is coming when the evil ones will want to remove anything that is holy, or showing love for Me.  This is why I have asked you to be one of My refuge builders in setting up a refuge at your home where My angels will protect you from the evil ones.  My son, you have followed My instructions in setting up your refuge so you could provide independent living for forty people.  You will even have St. Joseph help you in building a bigger refuge and a large church.  So continue to love everyone and pray for both the good people and the conversion of the evil people.”
* Later after some years my co-worker thanked me for leading him close to Jesus.

Jesus said: “My people, in this Warning experience all of the people started out at the same time.  Because of the shorter tunnels, the faithful people experienced their life review much sooner than those people with little or no faith who went through longer tunnels.  You now realize why it is important to come to monthly Confession so when I call on you to your Warning experience, you will have less sin to answer for at your mini-judgment.  Those people who are unprepared in their souls, will have more sins to answer for and more could see a hell experience.  Every soul will have an opportunity to repent and be saved during the six weeks of Conversion.  You still will have to make a free will decision whether you want to love Me or not.  This is why you are praying your fourth rosary for your relatives to be believers and be saved.  Those people, who give Me a ‘yes’, will be saved, and they will graduate into My Era of Peace after the tribulation.  If people give Me a ‘no’, then they are choosing eternal hell, and they will not see My Era of Peace.  Choose life with Me, and you will be happy in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Tuesday, June 20, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, this life is short, even as you may be growing old in your last years.  I am showing you this train picking up souls at death, when you will come to Me at your judgment.  So I am asking every soul to love everyone, even your enemies.  I call on all of you to be as perfect as you can, just as your  Father in heaven is perfect.  I know you are human, and you have inherited Adam’s weakness to sin, so you will commit sin by your human frailties.  But I call you to come to Confession at least monthly, so I can forgive you your sins and replenish My graces in your soul.  Even if you fall into sin, pick yourself up in My forgiveness and struggle to do the best you can with the gifts of My love that I have given you.  You have only  a limited time on this earth before My train comes to pick you up.  So keep working the best you can to follow My Will for you in your life.”
Carol wrote this: ‘We were amazed that Jesus made a reference to my grandmother’s passing in 1976.  She passed away at 92 years old as a simple farmer and a good woman of faith.
John was diagnosed with a possible cancer in his shoulder that required immediate surgery.  Since my grandmother had passed away two weeks prior, I asked John to offer up his suffering for her.  Fortunately, this was only a pre-cancer.
On Palm Sunday, while John was still in the hospital, a loud clap woke me up about 5:00 a.m.  I saw My grandmother sitting on a green bench in a train station with a clock behind her.  She was born in 1884 and she had her hair fixed up in large waves, and wearing her little pink and blue plaid house dress with a rosary in her hand.  She kept looking to see if the train was coming yet.  Finally, she saw the train and she lifted up the rosary and nodded thank you, and she was gone.  After all of these years it never left me.  It is a wonderful reminder to pray and offer up our sufferings for the souls in purgatory.’

Jesus said: “My son, I am warning you when in July, 2023 the countries of the world will soon start the digital dollar which could possibly interfere with your trip to Amos, Quebec.  You want to visit Fr. Michel to celebrate the opening of his second monastery.  You need to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer to protect you on your trip.  You could also do some research on any new American or Canadian restrictions that could give you trouble at the border.  Use your passports, but check if you would be forced to take any Covid shots to enter Canada, or to re-enter the United States.  If the digital dollar is adopted, there may be some travel restrictions.  Call on Me to protect you from any new restrictions that could even put you in jail.”

Wednesday, June 21, 2023: (St. Aloysius Gonzaga)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I want My people to pray more in secret, and your heavenly Father will reward you.  When you are fasting, do not let other people know you are fasting for love of Me.  And when you give alms to My Church or to charities, do not brag how much you are giving.  By focusing on giving your will over to My service, I will lead you on the right path to heaven.  It is My desire to reach out to save every soul, but My people need to follow Me by choosing Me of your own free will.  I do not force My love on anyone, but I desire that you love Me and love your neighbor.  Your priest at Mass gave an important homily to know yourself and keep your intentions on doing good for Me, instead of any selfish intentions for your worldly benefits.  I am the Great Healer, so pray to Me with good intentions to help your physical and spiritual health.  Guard your intentions from the temptations of the devil’s distractions.”

Jesus said: “My people, your large corporations are making their products in Red China, and they are using cheap labor in China to make profits, instead of making their products in your country.  They are letting China use your technology to make defensive and offensive weapons for their military.  All of the trade deficits from trading with China is giving them billions of dollars to build up their offensive military capabilities.  Your leader in the White house has also taken millions of dollars from Red China.  These are dangerous situations that are building up China’s military capabilities.  This could enable China to destroy your electric grid before you could respond to this threat.  Pray that your people are able to stop enabling China’s takeover of the world.  No matter how many weapons that will be used against you, I will protect My people at My refuges from all the evil one world people.”

Thursday, June 22, 2023: (St. John Fisher, St. Thomas More)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to take time to review your actions to see if you are following My ways, or your ways.  You know My Commandments, but at times you may not realize you are offending Me in your gossip or other bad habits.  That is why you need to prepare yourself for monthly Confession so you can come to Me, and I will forgive your sins.  If you are unkind to your neighbor, you can seek their forgiveness as well.  In the Gospel I gave you the ‘Our Father’ prayer as how you should pray.  You repeat this prayer often in your rosaries, but pray it slowly and not to just babble like the pagans do.  A slow reverent prayer is better than praying many words quickly.  The best prayer is Holy Mass which is why you come every morning.  I love to share My precious moments with you at every worthy reception of Holy Communion.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to get ready in July for the implementation of the digital dollar according to Biden’s Executive Order 14067.  This should be against your Constitution because the one world people will oversee how you spend your money.  It will be another problem how to convert your dollars to the new digital dollar.  Once you come under Biden’s control, he will dictate what you can and cannot buy with your new money.  It is even possible to cancel your bank accounts if you do not comply with Biden’s agenda.  If the restrictions control your accounts, then you need to be prepared to come to My refuges.  Postpone switching to the new money for as long as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about the Great Reset when the one world people want to control your money and your travel.  You have heard the World Health Organization has been given authority to run your country when the next virus appears.  It will take a while to put the digital dollar in place, but the bankers have been prepared already.  If your people do not try to overturn this new money system in your Supreme Court, then you have already been taken over by the communists.  This will be the beginning of Biden’s dictatorship.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that when the evil ones mandate the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in your skin, then this will be a sign to come to My refuges of protection.  Refuse to take any chip in your body, because this could lead you to a hell experience.  Have your three months supply of food ready at your home because soon you may not be able to buy food at your stores without the mark of the beast.  This mark will lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist and the time of the beginning tribulation.  When the Antichrist declares himself, you need to get rid of all of your internet devices, or you could be influenced to worship the Antichrist through his eyes when you see him on your screens.”

Jesus said:  “My people, My refuge builders need to get ready to receive My faithful at their refuges.  Check all of your supplies and be ready to feed a lot of people who will need food, water, and fuels.  The Perpetual Adoration at your refuges will be your means to call on Me to multiply your needs.  Your cell phones and the internet will not work at My refuges.  You will need to sign up what skills each person has when they come to your refuge.  You will need to assign jobs and assign hours of Adoration around the clock.  Living at the refuges with many people, will be a challenge to meet everyone’s needs with limited resources, and you will be limited to the boundaries of each refuge.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of a new synod when your church leaders will use this to force the New Mass on your people.  This New Mass will not have the proper words of Consecration of the Host and Wine.  I have already warned you that a day is coming when you will no longer have My Real Presence with you in Holy Communion.  This is called the abomination of desolation, which is another sign for the coming tribulation.  When you can no longer have a proper Mass publicly, then I will call My faithful to My refuges, so faithful priest will have a proper Mass with the proper words of the Consecration.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how you will be called to My refuges when your lives will be in danger.  I have listed several conditions for coming to My refuges.  When the mark of the beast is mandated, when you see the abomination of desolation, when your lives are in danger, and definitely when the Antichrist declares himself.  You will come to My refuges where My angels will make you invisible and My angels will protect you from bombs and comets.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you come to My refuges, you will be under My angel protection.  My refuge builders will supply you with water, food, and fuels for your survival.  You will be supplied with hygiene kits and spiritual kits.  You will have fuels for heating your refuges and fuels for cooking.  You will have water from your well that will be multiplied.  You will wash your clothes and have sponge baths without showers.  You will have two meals a day as people will be assigned to carry out your needs.  You may have flush toilets briefly or outhouses, if there is not enough water.  You all will be workers because this will provide what you need for your survival.  I will multiply your supplies, and you will have Perpetual Adoration around the clock.  I will be with you and My angels will protect you.  You will have a luminous cross in the sky and you will be healed of any physical ailment by looking on it in faith.  Refuge living will be difficult when you are living in close quarters with each other, but I will give you the grace to endure the tribulation.  Give thanks and praise to Me for providing for your needs and your protection.  You will also have daily Holy Communion from a priest or from My angels.”

Friday, June 23, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in life you all have to struggle through your human condition of pains and the needs of the body.  You are truly weak, but it is My gift of grace that enables you to get through each day’s troubles.  When you are called to bring My Word to the people, you will be tested more for My sake.  Stand up to those people who may criticize you, because people may not want to follow Me as you do. If you believe in Me with great faith, you may have to suffer adversity for being My follower.  Teach the people to have hope in My coming, because My faithful will have their reward with Me in the Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the coming takeover of your money over to the digital dollar.  I  am also giving you a vision of a large protest by the people who do not want to give up their dollars.  If Biden has too much trouble in enforcing the digital dollar, he could declare martial law and you will be dealing with an open dictatorship.  Either way this will be part of the elite’s takeover of your money.  If you see a riot with people using guns, I may have to call you to My refuges for safe protection with My angels.  You will soon be entering into a police state as the one world people will be bringing the Antichrist into power.  Have no fear because I will protect you with My angels at My refuges so the evil ones will not harm you.”

Saturday, June 24, 2023: (Birth of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the Visitation of My Blessed Mother as she came to Ein Karem to help St. Elizabeth with her late pregnancy.  As My Blessed Mother arrived, St. John leapt for joy in his mother’s womb.  This was the first step of pointing Me out.  The star in the ground indicates the birth place of St. John.   When St. John the Baptist saw Me leave after he baptized Me, he called out ‘There goes the Lamb of God’.  He also said that he was not worthy to loosen My sandals.  He said further that I must increase, while he must decrease.  You are also fortunate to have his relic at your house.  So as you are celebrating his birth, you are also praying to save the babies at the Planned Parenthood building.”

Sunday, June 25, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large earthquake along the San Andreas fault could cause a lot of damage, and it could even trigger an eruption in Yellowstone.  This will happen, but not right away.  Be prepared to come to My refuges, if it causes problems getting food and water.  You have been seeing smaller earthquakes, but as you get ready for the end times, such disasters will get worse.  Pray for My protection from violent storms and earthquakes.  This is a warning to be ready for some serious events both from nature and your leaders.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning My faithful to be prepared for any possible food shortage.  All you need for a food shortage, is to have one bad growing season for your farmers.  I am reminding you again to have at least three months of food in storage for each member of your household.  If you see such a shortage, you may have to come to My refuges for protection from those people with guns who will be pillaging for food.  You may also have a food shortage if you need the mark of the beast to buy any food.  Trust in Me and My angels at My refuges if your lives are in danger.  Be ready to leave for My refuges with your backpacks or suitcases.  By always being ready to leave, you will see why I am preparing you for bad times that are coming.”

Monday, June 26, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, how quick you are to note the failures and mistakes of others, but you do not always recognize your own mistakes and faults.  So do not judge others, and let Me be the judge of the behavior of others as well as yourself.  It is good to come to frequent Confession so you can make time to examine your own conscience on how you may have gossiped about others.  In today’s Gospel (Matt 7:1-5) I told the people that you need to remove the wooden beam from your own eye before you can see the splinter in your brother’s eye.  It is better to take care of your own failings before you think of the faults of others.  But still do not judge your neighbor because you all have human weaknesses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you truly are seeing the Democrats use their power to control everything.  They even are bringing more false charges against Trump.  They are leaving your borders open to use the millions of immigrants to vote for them, and they are destroying your rule of law by weaponizing the Department of Justice against Presidential candidates.  They cheated in the ballot boxes in 2020 with many illegal votes.  Biden has given favors to your enemies with China and Russia giving his family millions of dollars.  You have one set of rules for the elite untouchables, but another rule for those against them.  Have no fear because all of these evil ones will face hell at their judgment.”

Tuesday, June 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see some strong storms with heavy rains as you have seen in the spring.  Your news people are seeing more smoke from the Canadian forest fires coming over the Great Lakes.  Be prepared to come to places of safety from violent storms.  I will be protecting My refuges from any harm from such storms.  Be prepared with extra food in case you have any local problems in getting food to your stores.  I love everyone and I will protect My people from any evil ones who may want to harm you.”

Wednesday, June 28, 2023: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you of false prophets and other heresies as Gnosticism that St. Irenaeus fought to stop.  I told you that you will know the false people by their fruits.  The evil ones teach heresies, so beware when you hear things that are not true, and do not follow such people.  Stay with My teachings in My Gospels, and do not obey false teachings.  Use the Catechism of the Catholic Church to discern if something is against Church teaching.  You will be seeing the evil ones, as the Antichrist, who will try to deceive My faithful.  Do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist because he could cause you to worship him.  After the Warning and the Conversion time, you will need to get rid of all of your devices connected to the internet, because the Antichrist will control all of your communications.  Be prepared to come to My refuges at the time of the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are given enough rain, you can grow many crops, like your farmers do.  If you do not get sufficient rain then the farmers have to irrigate the land with water to grow crops.  I gave you a parable about a good tree and a bad tree.  You will always have good fruit from the good tree, such as a healthy apple tree.  But a bad tree can only bring forth bad fruit.  This is why I told you that you will know a good person when they bring forth good fruit or good deeds.  An evil person will not have good deeds unless they are converted.  They will bring forth bad fruit or bad deeds.  This is how you can determine if a person is good or bad by their deeds.  I want My faithful people to convert people to faith in Me, and this will be your good deed.  You have to work to teach someone the faith, but if you are successful, you can bring a soul to love Me, and they will thank you.  So I am sending My laborers out into the field of life so they can help people to believe in Me.”

Thursday, June 29, 2023: (St. Peter & St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast of the two great saints of My Church in St. Peter and St. Paul.  You remember how St. Peter denied Me three times in the courtyard, even when I passed by him.  Then after My Resurrection at Galilee, I asked St. Peter if he loved Me three times.  According to your scholars I asked St. Peter the first two times in agape, or an unconditional love, and the last time as phileo or brotherly love.  But St. Peter answered all three times with phileo or brotherly love.  Then I told him to feed My lambs.  St. Paul was stopped on his way to Damascus when a great light blinded him, and he fell off of his horse.  I asked St. Paul why was he persecuting Me. Later, St. Paul  was healed of his blindness, and he was converted to one of My great disciples, as he brought the Gentiles into My Church.  Rejoice that you have been gifted with St. Peter, who became the first Pope.  You have seen a succession of Popes who sat on the Chair of St. Peter in Rome.  St. Paul also was a defender of My Church, especially with the Gentiles.  Follow the teachings of these two great disciples of My Church.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, some Northern states are suffering from heavy smoke drifting down to you with the winds from Canada.  Many outdoor activities have been cancelled, especially sports games.  The smoke from the forest fires in Canada is a definite part of your polluted air, and it is causing a haze over some areas.  This can be dangerous for people who have breathing difficulties, so they need to stay inside.  Pray for your people that they are not adversely affected by the smoke from these fires.”

Jesus said: “My people, the smoke from these fires can affect your weather and it could make it cooler in some places.  It can combine with water vapor to make a smog that could last for some time.  There are some reports that these fires are out of control, so this smoke will continue during the summer.  It would help if there were some attempts to get some water on these fires.  Pray that these fires can burn out to stop the smoke from ruining your good air.”

Jesus said:  “My people, you are seeing many people who are crowding your airports, but the storms are causing power outages and delays in your airplane flights.  Pray that the lightning does not cause any problems with your flights, or driving to your destination.  Some power outages may require removal of the tree limbs off the roads and the power lines.  Pray your storm prayer to stop any serious damage to your homes.  Pray and trust in My protection at your homes and even at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, for many years colleges have been helping minorities get favored treatment over people with better grade point averages.  Applications for college entry should be given a fair choice instead of quotas for minorities.  This will be a big change to try and make the Supreme Court decision to stop Affirmative Action work at your colleges who have favored more minorities that have poorer grade averages.  You will see some strong reaction to this court decision.”

Jesus said: “My people,  when your government spends much more money than they collect in taxes, there is a problem with your deficits, as well as an effect  on inflation.  It is this overspending of the Democrats that has caused an increase in inflation.  It is your workers who have to pay higher prices for necessities, but their wages are not increasing as much as the rate of inflation.  This is why families  need more jobs to make up for this difference between price increases and wage increases.  Pray for families to be able to buy what is needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are fewer homes for sale at a reasonable price.  Some people have to bid as much as a hundred thousand dollars over the offering price to get a price accepted.  There are also thousands of dollars charged for closing costs, as well as higher interest rates.  This leaves many families incapable of affording their dream home.  Pray that these expenses can come down so young families can afford to buy a home.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Ukraine war has killed thousands of soldiers and civilians, as well as there has been great damage to the cities in Ukraine.  Several countries are donating military equipment to help the Ukraine fight Russia’s invasion.  This country of the Ukraine was full of corruption and it is sometimes hard to support billions of dollars in weapons for  a corrupt government.  Your country cannot afford a continual drain on your money to pay for these military expenses.  At some point it is better to support your own military than drain all of your own military munitions.  Pray to stop such an ongoing war with no let up.”

Friday, June 30, 2023: (First Martyrs of the Church in Rome)
Jesus said: “My people, during the Roman occupation the emperors killed many Christians to try and stop the spread of Christianity.  It was mentioned that the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christian converts.  Throughout the years of the Church, you have seen many saints give up their lives in martyrdom rather than go against My love.  My people, you will soon be entering the time of tribulation because you are already in the pre-tribulation.  That means the evil ones are preparing for the takeover by the Antichrist. The Great Reset will start with the takeover of your money in the digital dollar.  This will be followed by the mandated mark of the beast that you are not to take for any reason.  This means after the Warning and the Conversion time, I will be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges, where My angels will protect you from the evil ones.  Those faithful, who do not come to My refuges when I call them, could suffer martyrdom.  So pray for your family to be believers in Me so they can be protected from the one world people, and be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love you so much and I will not allow the evil ones to destroy My faithful remnant.  No matter how much evil the Antichrist brings on the world, I will protect My faithful at My refuges.  I am telling My faithful to believe in My love always because My angels will protect you, and My soldiers will win the final battle of Armageddon.  You have been preparing  your refuges for the end times, and you know I will bring My victory over sin and death.  The evil ones will rule the world for a brief reign, but then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement and the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell.  My faithful will be shielded at My refuges by My angels from the comet and all the evil bombs.  After the earth is cleansed of evil, I will raise My faithful up into the air so I can renew the earth, and then I will bring you down into My Era of Peace as I promised you.  So keep the faith and have hope in My victory so you can be with Me on earth and in heaven.  Love Me and your neighbor, and you will have My reward for being faithful to My Commandments of love.”

Saturday, July 1, 2023: (St. Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the first reading from Genesis how I brought Isaac into the world, even though Sarah was beyond her childbearing years.  It may be impossible in the world for Sarah to have a baby in her old age, but everything is possible for Me.  Now My faithful are entering the end times, and I will separate My people at My refuges from the evil ones, who will not be allowed into My refuges without a cross on their foreheads.  Then My faithful will be protected at My refuges from bombs and comets.  I will also multiply your food, water, and fuels.  Again this may be impossible in the world, but all things are possible for Me.  My faithful must have faith in Me to do these things, as I will have My angels protect you.  You must have a strong faith like the faith of the Centurion who believed I could heal his servant from a distance.  Have faith and trust in Me to bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, but I will do it because I have given My Word that this will happen, and it will be done.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some rumors about a possible change of your paper money being converted over to a digital currency.  It is disturbing if this will enable your government to track your purchases and control your life with social credits.  You have not heard how quickly this will be implemented, but it could cause some violent protests.  If this endangers your lives in any way, you may have to come to My refuges for your protection.  Trust in Me to have My angels watch over you.”

Sunday, July 2, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, if you are to be one of My followers, you must take up your personal cross, and follow Me.  During Lent you take up your cross as your personal mission to follow My Will and not your own.  I love all of you so much and I do not leave you orphans.  I am right by your side to help you carry your cross, and you can call on Me in your needs.  Just as Simon helped Me to carry My cross, so I am here to help you through life’s trials and disappointments.  Trust in Me every day to deal with your health, your finances, and your family.  Be a good example in faith to all of your children and grandchildren.”

Monday, July 3, 2023: (St. Thomas, our 58th Wedding Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My son, you saw an empty casket in the vision for Gloria (Terry’s sister), but she has moved up in purgatory with this Mass for her intention.  You and your wife are celebrating your 58th Wedding Anniversary, and you both are doing better with your legs.  You both have been faithful laborers in the field for Me in evangelizing people for twenty-eight years, and I promised your reward in My Era of Peace.  Continue to be a good example for your children and grandchildren.  Your kids look up to you for their spiritual faith.”

Jesus said: “My son, some people are concerned that computers and artificial intelligence could get out of hand and control your lives.  This is also My concern, and it is why I keep repeating My suggestion to avoid artificial intelligence and the use of virtual reality.  These electronic devices do not have a soul, so My human people are much more valuable to Me, because I created all of you in My Image.  Satan uses these electronic distractions as addictions to take you away from Me.  So keep focused on Me in your prayers and Masses.  I love all of you, and I am warning you to stay away from addicting devices.  Love of Me and love of neighbor should be your daily concern, and do not let the electronic devices control you.”

Tuesday, July 4, 2023: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people, I have blessed America because you have honored Me in your documents.  But today, you have evil ones running your government, and they only strive for power over your people.  You definitely have communists and the one world people trying to take over every facet of your life.  These evil leaders are following Satan, and they want to take away your freedoms.  These communists are attacking your faith in My churches, your families, your schools, and they violate your original Constitution, especially with their open borders.  Keep struggling to maintain your freedom with fair elections, and pray for My help to lead your people back to loving Me more.”

Jesus said: “My people, all the communists care about is getting the most votes for their people in any way they can, even if they have to cheat to win.  The drop boxes were illegal and they encouraged stuffing the boxes with illegal votes at 2:00 a.m. in the morning.  The left does not want signatures verified, again so they can have illegal immigrants, the dead, and prisoners vote illegally.  There also was hacking into the Dominion voting machines over the internet to change the votes.  The judges did not want to hear any cases of cheating out of fear for their lives, or they were paid to stay silent.  If the communists are allowed to cheat at the ballot box and in other places, then they will take you over.  The Dominion voting machines are being used in other countries to cheat at elections to keep the communists in power.  Fear not My people, for I will protect you at My refuges from the evil ones.  The evil ones will be killed and cast into hell at the end time.  I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.  So trust in Me to treat everyone equally.”

Wednesday, July 5, 2023: (St. Elizabeth of Portugal)
Jesus said:  “My people, you are all equal human creations of Mine, and you are all made in My Image.  So do not look down on any soul as less than you are.  It is true that some people are rich and others are poor, but your money does not make one person greater than another.  In heaven at your judgment, you are judged by the intentions of your actions, and not by how much wealth you have accumulated.  So treat everyone equally as I treat each of you.  Those people, who belittle others or enslave others, will have to pay for any injustice at their judgment.  I take care of the rich as much as I take care of the poor.  So My people should follow My example.”

(Marco intention for Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed stories and movies about the abuse of young children by pedophiles.  You have heard My words in the Scriptures that those people who harm My little ones should have a millstone put around their necks and be thrown into the sea.  These kidnappers then make the little ones into prostitutes for sex, and they make a lot of money on them.  This is truly evil to traumatize and abuse the young children, but these evil ones will pay for their crimes.”
Marco moved up in purgatory with this Mass.

Thursday, July 6, 2023: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading from Genesis (22:1-19) Abraham was tested to see if he was willing to follow My command to offer up his son, Isaac.  Abraham was obedient to My word, and I had him hold back the knife from killing Isaac.  Abraham then offered a sheep instead of his son. For this obedience to My word, Abraham would be the father of many nations and descendants.  This took place on Mount Moriah where the Dome of the Rock stands today in Israel.  The lesson is for all of you to obey My Word, and you will have your reward.  Be faithful to all of My requests, for I know what is best for your soul.  I put you on the right path to heaven as I show you the way.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many kidnapings of little children, as they are trafficking these little ones for sex and even for body parts.  This abuse in some ways is even worse than abortion, since these children could be abused for many years by their handlers.  Pray that your people can protect your children from being kidnaped or being tricked into being taken.  These evil ones will have to answer to Me at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many thieves on the internet who hack into schools and other vulnerable people with their ransomware and they steal money when people want their files back.  Whenever people are on the internet often, it is important that you backup your valuable data on several hard drives or thumb drives.  Then if you are attacked with ransomware, you can replace your files without paying money to the hackers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some banks close because they were stuck with long time low interest Treasury bills or annuities with low interest rates that could not easily be sold.  Some other people have been fortunate to get higher rate CDs that are at 5% or higher.  The high rates of interest on loans is also causing problems for your government when they have to sell bonds at higher interest rates that causes more expense to finance your National Debt.  There are even rumors that your Federal Reserve wants to still raise interest rates to try and stop inflation. Pray that your financial problems can be resolved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are quite naive that China hires spies to steal your technical secrets so they can enhance their industries without having to spend money for research.  They also are spying on your military installations as you saw with their spy balloons over your country.  You are at war financially with China, as well as you are in danger from their military takeovers, and threats to Taiwan.  This means you should have less trade with your major enemy.  Pray that your people will wake up to the threat they are to all parts of your life.  You are dependent on China who makes your medicines, your food, and many other necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, your schools are a disgrace in how they are dumbing down your students.  The teachers’ unions and the left have infiltrated their communist teachings into all of your schools.  They have also put down many teachings about Me, and they replace My teaching with evil gender teachings and false history events.  Many schools are breeding grounds for turning your children into communist thinkers.  Pray and teach your children the true faith about Me and your true history of your country.  You are in a battle for the minds and souls of your children.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many areas you are seeing fewer vocations to the priesthood.  Your priests are much older and they are not being replaced when priests are dying.  You need to have a better spiritual environment for young men to be drawn to the priesthood.  The home schooled children have a better place to teach the faith.  Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood and teach your children the true Catholic faith that many of you were taught in your youth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My people about the coming digital dollar being proposed by Biden’s Executive Order 14067.  The one world people want to bring it in during July of this year.  This is against all of your Constitution’s laws and it could be a great threat to your financial freedom.  These evil ones want to control how you spend your money.  If you do not go along with their agenda, they could even zero your bank accounts.  If you have difficulty buying what you need at your stores, you will eventually have to come to My refuges for your survival.  This is another reason to have at least three months of food on hand so you will have food if you cannot buy it at your stores.  Trust in Me to provide for your food, water, and fuels when I will multiply what you need at My refuges.  Fear not the evil ones because My angels will protect you from them.”

Friday, July 7, 2023: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees questioned Me about why I ate with sinners and tax collectors.  In reply I told them that the sick need a physician.  Then I said how I have come to save sinners because the self-righteous do not need My help.  For those people, who are listening for My call, like St. Matthew, I ask them to follow Me.  St. Matthew immediately left his tax post to follow Me, and he held a dinner for Me and his friends.  Those people, who follow the world or Satan, will not listen for My call, but those people, who are open to My Word, will listen and follow Me.  These faithful listeners will heed My call and they will go forth to invite more people to be converted to the faith in Me.  For many people are called to follow Me, but only a few listen for My call and act on it.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you compare the morals of today in the world with the morals of your youth, you can see how the devil has been able to change things because people have become spiritually lazy.  In your grammar school you had to memorize parts of the Baltimore Catechism to help study your faith.  You were taught by the nuns who always dressed in their habits.  When you were taught morals, it had to come from My authority.  This is when you learned that it is necessary to give your will and obedience over to Me, so you could follow My example.  If you look at people today, many people do not see the necessity of coming to Mass every Sunday, even though this is My Third Commandment to give Me worship on Sunday.  Many people remember the blue laws when it was expected not to work on Sunday.  Your family life is now torn apart by divorce and gender talk.  Even your Census shows less than 30% of your households have a wife and a husband.  You also see couples living together without marriage, as they are living in the sin of fornication.  You have seen prayer taken out of your schools and also the daily pledge of allegiance to your flag has been removed.  Your schools are teaching a false history without God, and your students are being taught communist teachings.  Your movies and television programs have become perverted with sex, bad language, and much violence.  When you take Me out of your lives, you are seeing first hand how life in America has changed for the worse.  Keep your lives focused on Me and imitate My life as you give your will over to Me, and let Me lead you on a holy life that will prepare you for heaven.  Stay close to Me in your daily prayers and your daily Mass, no matter how people may criticize you for living a holy life.”

Saturday, July 8, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to be close to Me so you can see Me and get to know Me.  By following Me in My footsteps, you can fulfill the spiritual mission I have for each person.  I need to recognize you as a Christian, so you need to live a good Christian life so I and others know you are with Me.  Just as Isaac blessed Jacob, so I want to give My people a blessing so you can spread My Word of love to everyone.  In the Gospel I wanted My apostles to fast after I left them on earth.  Fasting is a necessary help for your faith to be tested.  By fasting you are controlling your body’s wants and you are more open to follow Me.  So make it a desire for you to fast at least one day a week, just as you do during Lent.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been preparing for years for the end times to come.  I have called many of My faithful to set up refuges where My people can come, and I will have My angels finish up any last minute refuge needs.  I will call you at the proper time to come to My refuges.  For those people, who do not have a refuge, they will call on Me, when I notify them, and I will have My angels put an invisible shield over them on their way to My refuges.  Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge.  You are already in the pre-tribulation, so be watchful for My Warning experience and the six weeks of Conversion time.”

Sunday, July 9, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel (Matt. 11:25-36) I told the people how My yoke is easy and My burden is light.  I call you to Myself to give you rest from the trials of life.  You may know that a yoke is used to join two oxen together for plowing a field.  This yoke is a means also of joining your spirit with Mine.  By allowing Me to be the center of your lives, I can lead you through life with less effort of what to do.  When you come to Me, you need to humble yourself to let Me do the leading.  I love all of you so much, and I do not want you to wander off with worldly distractions.  So keep your focus on Me, and I will put you on the right path to heaven.”

Monday, July 10, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, your wife’s father saw the same Jacob’s ladder where he saw souls rising and descending.  In the Gospel (Matt. 9:16-20) you are again seeing Me heal people.  The woman with hemorrhages for twelve years had great faith that if she could just touch My tassel, she could be healed.  She was healed by My mercy, but also because of her faith.  I felt the healing go out to her, even though many people hemmed Me in close.  The other healing was when I healed a daughter of a ruler.  She had died and there was a great lamentation over her death.  But with Me all things are possible.  So I put out the mourners, and I raised the girl back to life.  There was much celebration, even though I wanted this kept quiet.”
N.B. I also was healed from six months with a sciatica pain that I could not stand on my feet for more than ten minutes before I had to sit down.  After praying for a healing, I too was grateful that Jesus healed Me overnight so I knew it was from the Lord.

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people, who want to take over your country, know that you are almost helpless when your electricity stops.  I have also told you when these evil ones want to take over, they will find a way to shut down your National Grid.  They could shut you down by destroying your key substations, shutting off the main switches, or they could use nuclear bombs high in the sky to cause an EMP attack.  Without much food, many people could die of starvation as in a famine.  I will protect your refuge solar systems during the tribulation from any EMP attack.  I will also multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges.  Trust in Me because My angels will provide for your needs for your survival throughout the coming tribulation.  This coming eclipse and the aurora borealis will be major signs that the end time events will be starting soon.”

Tuesday, July 11, 2023: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, this wrestling of Jacob with a man in the Scriptures, is hard to understand how Jacob could prevail.  God was testing  Jacob, but He did strike at his hip socket.  Jacob’s name was changed to Israel which is still the name of the Jews’ country  today.  In the Gospel I cast out a demon from a possessed person, and the Pharisees thought I was a prince of demons.  I explained to them that Satan’s kingdom could not stand if their was division among his demons.  But I cast out demons by the Word of God, and this was a blessing and not a curse.  I also told the people to have the harvest master send out more laborers to help convert the unbelievers.  My faithful can also pray for more priestly vocations.  You can also reach out with My grace and you could convert souls to believe in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I asked My apostles who do you say that I am, St. Peter spoke out that I am the Christ the Son of the Living God.  I told St. Peter he answered correctly by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 16:13-20) Then I told him: ‘Thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I will give thee the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’  This was a heavy responsibility to put on St. Peter, but the Holy Spirit gave him the grace to start My Church.  All the succeeding Popes also have passed this Light of My Church down through the ages.”

Wednesday, July 12, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, this account of Joseph in Egypt showed the wisdom of My plan that he interpreted the dream of the Pharaoh.  When he saw the coming seven years of famine, Joseph made plans to store extra amounts of grain during the seven years of plenty.  Then when the famine came, Joseph dispensed the rations of grain to the people of Egypt, his family, and even other parts of the world.  This is a lesson for your people today,  because I have been warning you to have three months of food ready for each member of your household.  You will again see empty shelves in your stores, or you will not have the mark of the beast to buy food.  Your food will be more valuable than your gold or money.  You also are preparing My refuges when you will need My angel protection, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for the coming three and one-half years of the tribulation of the Antichrist.  You have been preparing for My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion before the brief reign of the Antichrist.  My faithful will be protected from the evil ones, starvation, and My Comet of Chastisement.  I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones into hell, and I will reward My faithful in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, for now I am only allowing Satan and the demons to go so far.  You are looking at a battle of My faithful with the demon inspired one world people.  I told My apostles that if they had the faith the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains.  It is one thing to believe in Me and obey My laws.  It is another higher power to have faith that I can perform miracles to help convert souls to be believers.  When you have a strong belief that I can do impossible things, then you will see how I allow miracles to happen.  When you pray and fast for things that will save souls, you definitely have My attention.  It is better to pray for conversions than to pray for constant miracles.  I allow certain miracles when it is My Will to grant them.  Some conversions require much fasting and prayer.  The person also has to make a free will decision to follow Me because I do not force people to love Me.  So pray for Me to increase your faith in Me so you can accomplish good works for Me in other souls.  Trust in Me and the power of My angels because I will win all of the battles in the end against all of the demons and the evil people.”

Thursday, July 13, 2023: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, it was coincidental that last night you watched the Chosen movie that was exactly about this Gospel of when I sent My apostles out two by two to prepare the people for My talk.  I gave them the power to heal the sick so they could witness healings in My Name.  When they returned, they all had great healing accounts wherever they traveled.  They were thankful to help bring the faith of My Word in converting people to have faith in Me.  When you have deep faith, you can heal people as well.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said:  “My people, this ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie was made five years ago, and it is finally being seen.  The subject of trafficking young children is appalling that these evil people are able to kidnap young children and force them into sex slaves for money.  When the children were set free, they were singing with joy, which is the ‘Sound’ in the title.  Give thanks to Me and the people who are trying to set the children free from their bondage.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware of witch covens and various places where these evil ones meet.  Many US Presidents and billionaires come to worship Satanic cults in California.  Some of these people sell their souls for fame and fortune.  These one world people worship Satan and they are behind running your country.  These evil ones pay for their crimes with suicide in the end.  Keep praying for My faithful people who have to do battle with these evil ones to help save souls from the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the peak of the sunspot activity that is causing these lights to travel further south than normal.  You are also seeing eclipses of the sun over various parts of your country.  These celestial signs are emphasizing that you are in the end times as the tribulation time approaches.  Pray for My protection from the Antichrist and the demons who are testing My people.  Call on Me and I will have My angels protect you at My refuges.  The evil time will pass, and I will reward My faithful in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you celebrate the 13th of these months when My Blessed Mother visited the three children at Fatima, Portugal.  My Blessed Mother encourages you to pray her rosary and wear her brown scapular.  These are your weapons to battle the evil in your day.  I did not leave you orphans, but you must pray your daily rosaries to fight the evil in your world.  You have statues of My Blessed Mother to remind you of how she brings Me to you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not fear the evil ones because My angels and I are at your side to protect you.  I give you Your guardian angels and My graces to overcome any fears of the demons.  You know I can do the impossible and I can restrain the evil angels.  So pray for the strength to overcome all of the attempts of the evil ones to steal souls.  I give My people all of the weapons of the rosary to fight the demons.  When you have Me with you, the demons will run away.  Trust in My power that is greater than all of the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I will win this Battle of Armageddon as I will have My angels join My faithful to battle the demons and the evil people.  So have no fear of the evil ones because you are with Me on the winning side.  The evil ones cannot stand My Light and My power, so when you join Me, you will see My victory.  Lift up your eyes because your salvation and redemption is at hand.  You will rejoice with Me in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in the pre-tribulation days and you are being called to go out and evangelize the people so you can make them believers in Me.  You will see the Warning and the six weeks of the Conversion time.  During these six weeks, you will have one last chance to help convert your family into believers.  If they do not convert their earthly  lives, they could be lost in hell.  So pray and work at a fever pitch to save your family’s souls, so they will have a cross on their foreheads that will allow them into My refuges.  I love all of you and I do not want to lose one soul to hell.  Pray that your family will accept Me into their hearts and souls so they can be saved from hell.  They must accept Me by their own free will if they want to be saved.”

Friday, July 14, 2023: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, there was a great famine all over the land, so Jacob brought his whole family to Goshen in Egypt.  Joseph was overseer and he gave grain to his family and the people of Egypt.  Later, another Pharaoh took the throne and Joseph could no longer help his family.  The Egyptians enslaved the Jews in building their cities.  But I raised up Moses as the Deliverer, and by miracle plagues they broke the Pharaoh’s resolve, and the Jews were set free.  To this day the Jews treasure the Passover that brought death to all of the first born of Egypt.  The Jews were told to put lamb’s blood on their doorposts and lintels so the angel of death would pass over their people.  I protected My people again at the Red Sea when the Pharaoh’s army was drowned.  Just as Moses became the Deliverer to free his people from the bondage of slavery, so I also became a Deliverer of My people when I broke the bonds of sins and death.  I gave My Blood sacrifice on the cross to heal the souls who accept Me into their lives.  You have seen how I take evil things and I turn them into saving graces.  See how I brought My plan of salvation history through the time I was on the earth.”
N.B. From a friend who had a message from Jesus on the accident with the many motorcycles that injured or may have killed some people.  Jesus said: “I have blessed all the people who were in the motorcycle accident this day.  Thank you My children John and Carol for praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for them.  Many graces were poured out on these people with your prayers.”

Saturday, July 15, 2023: (Mass of Dedication of 2nd Monastery)
Jesus said: “My people, your priest has blessed this beautiful monastery, and you also celebrated Mass on this day of dedication.  I love all of your people who made this possible with their donations and work.  This building and the work here is truly in preparation for the priests of the Era of Peace.  You are blessed to see the final completion of this second monastery.  Saturday is a day to celebrate My Blessed Mother’s Presence.  The strong rain you received from heaven represents the tears of My Blessed Mother who is crying over the many souls who have turned away from Me.  Keep praying your rosaries to help save the souls of your family, especially during the six weeks of Conversion after the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am warning you of a coming famine, that could be caused by the one world people as they are using GMO food to replace your organic food.  Once you are eating GMO food, then your people will start getting sick with no cures for your sickness.  They are already making artificial meat that will not provide enough protein for your muscles.  The GMO crops are taking over your good organic crops because of the cross pollination.  Try to eat more organic food so your body is not contaminated with so much artificial food.  When you buy your three months of food, try to get organic dried food to help your body repair itself from the GMO food.  The GMO food will weaken your body because it does not know how to process hybrid food.  This GMO food will not give you the proper nutrition you need to have a healthy body.  Pray for your people to see the errors of your GMO food that it is slowly poisoning your people.”

Sunday, July 16, 2023:
Our Lady of Fatima said: “My dear son, I know you are suffering from this sickness, but do not be disturbed because I am bringing your concern to my Son, Jesus.  He listens to My pleas as you know, and He will heal you enough so you can make it home tomorrow.  I am concerned for all of my sick children both in body and soul. Your priest is offering Confession, so take advantage of his absolution of your sins.  I thank all of you who have made a personal commitment to do my Son’s Will.  You are giving your free will choice to follow Jesus in whatever He asks of you.  It is your love and obedience to my Son that will bring all of the faithful to my Son in heaven.  I also thank all of my children for praying your four daily rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet.  I know how important it is for you to come to daily Mass and Holy Communion.  Father talked to you also about wearing my brown scapular with all of the promises that you will be saved in heaven if you wear it all of the time.  Thank you for all that you do to help people, as you know saving souls is my Son’s greatest desire.”

Jesus said:  “My people, it is getting late to store your three months of food.  You may have to buy your canned food instead of the dried food that takes longer to order.  The one world people want to control your money and your food.  Their first plan is to force the digital dollar on you, so they will try to control what you can buy.  You will have trouble with your bank account, if you do not follow their agenda.  If they cancel your bank account, then you will have to rely on the three months of food you were supposed to buy.  If your lives are threatened, you can pray in faith to Me, and I will multiply what food you have, even before coming to My refuges.  The second plan will be an attempt to force the mark of the beast on everyone, but do not take this mark.  When this mark is mandated, then My people will be called to My refuges, and your guardian angel will make you invisible as you are led by a flame to the nearest refuge.  My angels will protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges.  Those people, who take the mark of the beast  and worship the beast, will choose to be cast into hell as their punishment.  So follow My directions to love Me and obey My laws, and you will find a place waiting for you in heaven.  Be a wise virgin and follow Me to heaven.  Do not be a foolish virgin who is lost in hell.”

Monday, July 17, 2023:
Jesus said:  “My people, I told My apostles if they love their relatives more than Me, then they are not worthy of Me.  I also said if people do not take up their cross and follow Me, they are not worthy of Me.  I am your Creator and I love all of you so much.  It is understood that I should be first in your life, and I should even be the center of your life.  You all have to make this decision to love Me or not, because I do not force My love on you.  My faithful desire to be with Me at Mass and in prayer every day.  If I am truly the first love of your life, then you need to show Me your love in your actions every day.  The weaker people may only say how they love Me on Sunday, and forget any love on the weekdays.  My faithful need to bring My love and joy to all of My people so they can witness how much I love them, and they need to love Me every day.  Even more, My faithful need to help convert as many souls to the faith as they can.  I am love and I want to share My love with everyone, just as My faithful need to share My love with everyone as well.”

Tuesday, July 18, 2023: (St. Camilus de Lellis)
Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been suffering with your cough for several days, and you have had little sleep because of your coughing.  Expect to suffer problems with your health from time to time.  You finally were able to get to the doctor for your medicine, so your symptoms should subside.  Remember when you are suffering to offer up your pain for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory.  Remember how much pain I had to suffer and be crucified on the cross.  My people, get used to pain because the evil ones will be torturing and even killing My faithful as martyrs.  Satan and the demons hate anything to do with religion and Me, so they will be harassing Christians more and more until you are forced to come to My protection at My refuges.  So do not be downcast when you are tested in any way, but put your trust in Me and I will protect you with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people take medicines for heart problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.  A good share of these medicines are imported from China.  If you had a war with China, these medicines would be in short supply.  It would be better to rely on your home manufactured medicines than depending on China.  Importing cheaper products could be a problem if there are not enough alternate suppliers.  China allowed viruses to be spread all over the world which makes you sick.  China also is trying to reduce your population with fentanyl and even birth control pills.  China is a large part of the death culture as they have promoted abortions for many years.  If you can stock up on your medicines and supplements, it would be good to have if your medicines and supplements became scarce.  Start thinking about natural remedies that could be used in case you cannot get your medicines.  If you would be seriously ill if you did not get your medicines, then call on Me and I will multiply what medicines you need in faith.”

Wednesday, July 19, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, some people question why the Jews were the Chosen people, or why I was at first only preaching to the lost sheep of Israel.  This is God’s plan for Me to come, and that should be enough of a reason.  You are talking about salvation history from the Jews from Abraham and Moses with all of their covenants given to them by God.  Later on St. Paul and others started preaching to the Gentiles, and the new converts did not have to follow some of the more stringent laws for the Jews.  My Word of salvation is for everyone and it needs to be shouted from the rooftops.  You know how I want all of My faithful believers to do what they can to evangelize souls so they can appreciate My love.  Once you accept My Word, and show it in your actions, then you are on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of people who were called to set up refuges with food, water wells, and fuels for heating and cooking.  The refuges are your arks for the tribulation.  Just as Noah and his family were protected from the flood, My people will be called to My refuge arks where My angels will protect you from the evil people.  The angels are guarding My refuges even now from the evil ones.  There are some refuges who have had problems with storms, but before the tribulation comes, My angels will repair things and finish up any work that is needed.  Trust in Me and My angels to help you, even when difficulties happen.  Trust Me that your refuges will be ready for defending you from the Antichrist and the demons.  My power is greater than the demons, so put your faith in My protection.”

Thursday, July 20, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I want to draw a parallel between how I brought punishment down on the Egyptians, and how I will bring punishment down on the Masons and the one world people who are running your country.  I brought severe plagues on the Egyptians because the Pharaoh would not let the Jews go and the Egyptians needed to stop putting hard tasks on the Jews as slaves.  I even had My angel of death kill the first born of Egypt.  Now, in America you are being enslaved by the Masons, the communists, and the rich one world people who are ruining your families, your churches, and your government.  By controlling your elections and law enforcement, they are illegally controlling your lives and ruining your country with open borders, and overspending.  You will see how they will take over your money, and they will try to mandate the mark of the beast on you, which you should not take.  Anyone who takes the mark of the beast and worships the Antichrist will be lost in hell according to the Book of Revelation.  Their persecution of My faithful will be so great, I will need to call My faithful remnant to the arks of My refuges where My angels will protect you.  The evil ones are preparing the way for the Antichrist.  You will suffer less than three and one half years of the tribulation after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion time.  You are seeing some of My punishments in the weather and from the sun for your abortions and sexual abuses, especially of the children.  After the tribulation I will send plagues of fire, scorpions, and other severe trials that will torture the evil ones and eventually kill them and send them to hell with My Comet of Chastisement.  I will protect My faithful at My refuges during these trials.  Once I cleanse the earth of all the evil ones and man’s damage to the earth, I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.  You will see My justice on the evil ones, just as I brought My justice against the Egyptians.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you all were fortunate to be able to travel twelve hours one way to Amos, Quebec, Canada.  You had meals in a nice tent and you had a nice ribbon cutting ceremony, and a later dedication Mass. You also had a tour of the rooms and a library.  You had several meals over three days and many good sharing moments with your friends.  Give thanks and praise to Me that Fr. Michel was able to find the funds and the workers to put up such a beautiful monastery.”  N.B. This was a dedication of Fr. Michel’s second monastery.

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of a suicide and a baby who was smothered to death.  So pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet for these cases, and the motorcycle people who were in a terrible accident.  Many people are tested with sickness and chronic pains which you should pray for them.  During life you need to be ready for some health problems, especially as you grow older.  Trust in My healing prayers that you could get healed in faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you heard from the whistle blowers who gave testimony about how none of the IRS or Dept. of Justice officials would bring any felony charges against Hunter Biden, even with agreement that crimes were committed when millions of dollars went to the Bidens from Russia, the Ukraine, and China.  They spoke of a two tiered justice system when officials and their families can get away with treasonous crimes, and they do not go to jail.  The Democrats claim Trump is not above the law in their made up crimes, but it is different for the Bidens who really did have real felonies and accepted treasonous donations from your enemies.  Do not be concerned now if nothing is done, because these felons will pay for their crimes at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people,  your bank accounts, your food, and your electricity are being threatened by the one world people, the communists, and your Chinese spies.  I love all of My people, and I have been warning you to have three months of food stocked up for a coming famine by the one world people.  But how many people have actually bought food for this time?  If people do not heed My words, some could go hungry.  I will still have mercy on My faithful if you pray to multiply your food in faith.  Be prepared to come to My refuges when you see the digital dollar and the mark of the beast mandated on you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people are putting their evil plans together as they prepare to bring the Antichrist into full reign over the earth for less than three and one half years.  Have no fear because after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, I will call My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called My refuge builders to set up My refuges as I will be separating the good people from the evil people before I will bring punishment on the earth.  Only My faithful with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed by My angels to enter into My refuges.  Now, all of My believers will have the angels place an invisible cross on their foreheads.  The evil ones, who are not believers, will not be allowed to enter My refuges.  The Antichrist and the demons will  attack all those people who are not protected at a refuge.  Fear not because My refuges will keep the good people safe, but the non-believers could be lost in hell.  To be saved, people need to seek the forgiveness of their sins, and love your Lord in following My Commandments of love.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a message that you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.  You are eighty years old, so you are a good example that you will not die before the coming tribulation.  You will be bi-locating with your wife to give support to all of My refuge people.  My angels will lead you safely through the tribulation.  You will see a great battle of the good people against the evil ones at Armageddon, and this will be My victory over the evil ones.  Trust in My power that is much greater than all of the evil ones put together.  I love My people,  and I will see to your reward in My Era of Peace for enduring this coming tribulation.”

Friday, July 21, 2023: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the value of the lamb’s blood which allowed the Israelites to be spared from the angel of death, when the lamb’s blood was put on the doorposts and lintel of the house.  Then the angel of death passed over that house.  The first born of the Egyptians were slain by the angel of death.  I am the Lamb of God and it is My Most Precious Blood that has been shed to save My people from their sins.  I am a male and unblemished from sin, so I am the perfect sacrifice to atone for all of mankind’s sins.  This Passover meal is the center of the Mass.  Just as the Jews made the Passover as a perpetual institution, so the Mass is said every day as a Perpetual Institution for consecrating the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood.  I have My Real Presence with you when you worthily receive Me in Holy Communion.  Take some time to be with Me in that moment of reception.  You are with Me in every Mass and when you worship Me in Adoration of My Most Blessed Sacrament.  Try to get to Mass and Adoration every day so you can always be with the Lord you love.”

(Mass intention for Jason) Jesus said: “My people, your Mass and your friend’s prayers have saved Jason from hell.  He will be a long time in lower purgatory for his actions and trouble he caused his family.  I have mercy on drug addicts because they have lost their way, and are in need of much help, both physically and spiritually.  Keep offering up Masses and prayers for his soul.”

Saturday, July 22, 2023: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My son, I gave you a glimpse of My empty tomb after My Resurrection.  I was comforting St. Mary Magdalene because she was sobbing so much at My disappearance.  Just as I comforted her, I am comforting all of My faithful whenever you call on Me.  I love all of you so much, and I am with you always, especially in My Eucharist at every Mass.  You know where to find Me, and I walk with you every day.  So do not be down in your spirit, but lift up your eyes to Me, and show your love for Me in your prayers, Mass, and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament.  All of My followers should be joyful at all times because you are always with the One you love.  Share My love with all of the people you meet, so they can experience My love as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the sun that has a nuclear furnace to provide light and warmth for the earth.  There are atomic bombs more of fusion of hydrogen to helium in a series of reactions going off in the sun.  The atomic bomb, that man created, is more about fission when uranium or plutonium explodes at critical mass that perpetuates a chain reaction.  You have seen such bombs exploded over two cities in Japan to end World War II.  Whole cities and many people were killed with the explosion and nuclear radiation.  Such power is too terrible to use and much of the earth could be destroyed with a nuclear war.  Once you have seen such an explosion, you pray that they are never used again.  I want man to be at peace with each other, and not at constant war.  I am love and I want people to love Me and each other without fighting.  So pray for peace, even in the Ukraine, and do not even think of using tactical nuclear weapons.”

Sunday, July 23, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about the wheat and an enemy in the devil who has planted his evil in people representing the weeds.  The wheat represents the faithful, and the weeds represent the evil people.  They both have free will to choose good or evil.  While they are growing up during life, the faithful have an opportunity to try and convert the evil ones to the faith.  The harvest is at the end of the lives of the people.  Then I will have My angels separate the wheat into My barn of heaven, but the weeds  or the evil ones will be cast into the flames of hell.  This is similar to when My people are separated into My refuges of protection away from the evil ones.  Then I will bring destruction down on the evil ones, and they will be burned up by My Comet of Chastisement.  My faithful will be protected and brought into My Era of Peace.”

Monday, July 24, 2023: (St. Sharbel Makhlof)
Jesus said: “My people, when I was on the earth, the people were seeking signs and miracles.  I was able to heal people as long as they had faith that I could heal them.  I could not heal people in My own hometown because they did not have faith in My healing.  In today’s Gospel (Matt 12:38-42) I told the people that Jonah and the people of Nineveh would condemn the evil of My day, but you have something greater than Jonah here in Me.  The Queen of the South sought out King Solomon for wisdom, and she also condemns the evil people of My day, but you have something greater than King Solomon here in Me.  Even today, you are seeing so much evil in your world that My justice is being called out to condemn it as well.  You will see a brief reign of the Antichrist after My Warning and Conversion time.  I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges during the tribulation.  My angels will watch over you, as you have trust in My protection.  After this short reign of evil, I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones.  I will cleanse the earth of all evil, and I will renew the earth.  Then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.  I will carry out what I have promised, so have no fear of these evil ones.  You will not see them again, just as Moses said his people would not see the Egyptian soldiers again as well.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been giving you messages about the coming Warning and the tribulation for thirty years, since 1993.  I have given you two missions.  The first mission is to prepare the people for the coming Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.  The Warning is when you all will have a life review at the same time.  You will have the illumination of your conscience that will show you a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell based on your life’s actions.  You will want to confess your sins during the Conversion time.  This six weeks is a chance to convert the souls of your family so they can be saved from hell.  You have been given a second mission to prepare a refuge ark to help save souls with My angel protection.  Others have prepared refuges as well.  I will shield your refuge from bombs and the evil ones by the power of My angels.  The evil ones will be destroyed and I will bring you and My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward for following My laws and teaching the people about the end times.”

Tuesday, July 25, 2023: (St. James)
Jesus said: “My son, you are suffering from a sickness that makes it difficult to sleep at night with your coughing.  It is good that you are offering this up for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory.  You have also seen some injustices in how some people have taken advantage of your wife.  You have to endure many of your every day trials, and in some cases you may be persecuted for following My laws.  Whatever you will be asked to suffer, call on Me to help you get through your trials.  At the end of your life and that of others, I will reward your efforts in My Era of Peace and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, each person has different stories in their life experiences, and some have miraculous outcomes.  You are about to enter the end times at My refuges, and you will see miracles of food and other things multiplied.  You know of My miracles when I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000.  You also remember a priest who fed 500 people with a ham that did not go less than half.  You remember when the Pope came to Denver, Co. and there was a man named Chris who multiplied the food for the youth.  It is these accounts of multiplication that will happen again at My refuges, so you can survive the tribulation time.  Have trust in Me because I did not forget how to multiply food for 5,000 people.”

Wednesday, July 26, 2023: (St. Joachim and St. Anne)
Jesus said: “My people, when Moses led the Israelites out of bondage from Egypt, they had to get used to  My miracles to provide them manna, quail, and water in the desert.  These people did complain about the manna, and I sent seraph serpents that bit and killed some of the people.  Moses later raised up a bronze serpent on a pole, and when they looked on the bronze serpent, they were healed of their snake bites.  At My refuges I asked My refuge builders to dig wells for water.  You also bought dried food and canned foods.  It may be difficult to get used to eating soups made from the dried food, the MREs or Meals Ready to Eat, and canned foods.  Do not complain about the food you will be given at the refuges, because you saw how the Israelites suffered for complaining about the food.  The soups made for the day will be multiplied to last so everyone is fed.  You will have smaller ovens for making bread, deer for meat, but no air conditioning.  Some refuges may have electricity from solar panels.  My angels will protect you and you will have your needs provided for your survival.  When you look on the luminous cross in the sky, you will be healed of any sickness or health problems.  You are seeing a great parallel of the Israelites in the desert to My faithful who will be at My refuges.”
Jesus said:  “My son, you have been suffering with a constant cough with difficulties sleeping for over two weeks.  You had one round of prednisone and antibiotics, but it is your second round that is finally stopping your cough.  I can see you are relieved that your cough has stopped.  It is good to offer up any pain or sickness for sinners and the souls in purgatory.  Other people are suffering from sickness or chronic pain, so pray for the sick, since you know how difficult it can be lose sleep at night, or have mobility problems with leg pains.  You can thank Me and your doctors for healing you.”

Thursday, July 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing record high temperatures all across your country.  You have also seen more rain than usual, and even floods in some parts because so much rain came at once.  Even your news is suggesting a possible change in your ocean currents.  These are more signs of the end times when the Bible speaks of earthquakes, famine, and pestilence or even man-made viruses.  You prayed your storm prayer because of the violent storms that were headed in your direction.  I heard your prayer and you were protected.  You are receiving some punishments in your weather for your sins.  But the evil of the one world people is causing corruption in your government, your schools, and your families because you have taken Me out of your lives.  You do not have prayer in most schools and few are praying to Me daily.  The one world people are trying to control every facet of your lives, and they will be persecuting those people who follow Me.  Have no fear because I will bring My faithful to My refuges where I will have My angels protect you from the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Great Healer of people who have a deep faith that I can heal them.  When you read the Gospels, you have seen how I healed many sick and other infirmities instantly, and some in stages.  So I am asking My faithful to pray for the sick and those people with cancer or chronic pains.  You, My son, have been healed of your sciatica pain and your recent asthma bronchitis, so you know how people are suffering.  But when you are healed, give thanks to Me for any healing in public to witness to My healing power.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the news you have been hearing testimony from whistle blowers about how the Bidens were given millions of dollars for political favors from the Ukraine, Russia, and China.  There have been several sources to collaborate with similar accounts of payments that were laundered through many LLC companies to hide these transactions.  Because of the volumes of information, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is on the verge of calling for a Biden impeachment inquiry to be able to get more power to investigate the Bidens.  Be careful not to ask for a special counsel that the Democrats could choose to stifle such an investigation.  Your IRS, FBI, and Dept. Of Justice have covered up such information, but your people want this properly investigated.  Pray that these treasonous crimes can be brought to justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, be careful with all of the billions of dollars of ammunition, planes, and tanks that you are sending to a corrupt government in the Ukraine.  This is draining your own defenses that you may need to depend on against China and other nations.  Do like Trump suggested in staying out of foreign wars.  The one world people want to use this war to bring America down.  Pray for peace and avoid supporting this war.”

Jesus said: “My son, this is your second trip to Canada within a few weeks.  My angels protected you on your way to Amos, Quebec where Fr. Michel R. dedicated his second monastery.  Now, you will be visiting your friends in Canada to honor St. Anne’s feast, and visit other friends as well.  Pray your St. Michael long form prayer before and after this trip, so My angels will guard your way.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware or not of how the HAARP machine can be used to cause extreme weather conditions.  When you see a high pressure or low pressure system stay in one place for several days, this is a sign of what the HAARP machine can do.  You have tornadoes frequently, but the HAARP machine can enhance the severity of tornadoes and other strong storms as well.  The one world people can use this device to cause problems that they want their own solutions.  These evil ones will be brought to My justice at the proper time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the pre-tribulation time now, and the one world people are making their plans to prepare for the Antichrist’s takeover.  He will declare himself, which will start the tribulation time.  I will be calling My faithful to My refuges before this happens and after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.  During the conversion time I will have My angels protect My faithful from any evil influence as you try to convert souls.  The evil ones will use the digital dollar and they will mandate the mark of the beast that you should avoid taking.  They may also bring another pandemic virus, but do not take any flu shot or Covid shot that could lead to your death.  You saw in the news how some medical people want yearly flu and Covid shots to be recommended.  Pray for My angel protection when I will bring you to My refuges before the tribulation starts.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are not blind to all of the planes and ships China keeps sending to harass Taiwan as their threats of a takeover are getting worse.  It is hard to know how much America will honor its military alliances with Taiwan and the other nations that are threatened by China’s military.  China is also trying to takeover the shipping lanes of the South China Sea.  It is better to have peace with military strength, but it is doubtful Biden and the Democrats will fight China because of all of the China bribes to the Bidens.  Pray for peace, but your weak President is prompting China and Russia to try and take land by force.”

Friday, July 28, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I love you all so much as My lovely creations, and in the first reading you have My Ten Commandments of love to follow Me.  I should be the center of your lives, and you should be doing everything for My greater glory.  I thank My disciples who show their love for Me and love of neighbor.  The Gospel speaks about the Sower who sows My Word into the hearts of the people.  The seed falling on rocky ground are those people who do not take My Word to heart because they do not have deep roots of faith.  The seed falling among thorns are those people who accept My Word at first, but they allow the things of the world to choke off loving Me.  The seed falling on good soil are the true faithful who make Me a strong part of their lives.  Once you accept Me as the leader of your life and love Me, then I can help you follow the spiritual plan designated for you to live a faithful Christian life, and work to convert souls by your example.  Those faithful will be blessed in heaven for directing their lives around Me and seeking the forgiveness of their sins in monthly Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people in this world seeking security in possessions.  This is why some people desire gold, silver, diamonds, or stocks for their security.  I do not want any false gods before Me.  In other words it is better to put your trust in Me for your security than your possessions.  I can perform miracles, but I also offer you a home in heaven for your soul.  Your possessions are cold and lifeless, and after this life, they are all worthless for your soul’s destination.  So do not let the devil entice you with wealth in this world that will not help you when you die.  Your treasure and hope is with Me because I can give you grace and forgiveness of your sins, which is most valuable for your soul.  Where your treasure lies, so lies your heart.  So focus more on your next life’s destination with Me after you die, because you want eternal life with Me in heaven, and not eternal suffering in hell with the devil persecuting you.”

Saturday, July 29, 2023: (St. Martha, Mary & Lazarus)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Resurrection and the Life and nothing happens that I do not know about.  I call souls to life at their birth, and I call souls home to Me at death.  On the last day it is true that My faithful will be resurrected to have your body rejoin your soul again.  I love everyone, and people decide their destination by whether they love Me or not.  Those people, who love Me and seek My forgiveness, will join Me in heaven.  But those people, who refuse to love Me, and do not seek My forgiveness of their sins, are choosing the eternal flames of hell.  So choose life so you can be with the One you love for all eternity in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I do confirm there would be great devastation and much death, that would come when World War III breaks out after the Antichrist declares himself.  Before this happens, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion when there will be no evil influence to convert souls.  Everyone will have one last chance to accept Me in love and be converted.  After the end of the six weeks of Conversion, I told you to get rid of all of your internet devices so the Antichrist cannot steal you away from Me with his eyes.  I have warned you many times that if your lives are in danger, that I would call My believers to the safety of My refuges, where My angels would protect you from the evil ones.  Only once My faithful are safe at My refuges, would I allow any destruction to go forth.  It will be at that time that the Antichrist would bring war and destruction upon the earth during the tribulation.  The tribulation of the Antichrist definitely will occur after the Warning.  I am a merciful God in allowing My believers to be protected, but I am a just God in allowing those people, who refuse to love and believe in Me, to be destroyed in this world.  Trust in My protection throughout the whole tribulation.  I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the evil ones at the end of the tribulation, and My soldiers will be victorious at Armageddon.  Then the evil ones will be cast into hell.  I will then renew the earth, and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace as their reward for being faithful to Me.”

Sunday, July 30, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was speaking about the greatest treasure of all that you are seeking in Me, as you received Me in Holy Communion.  You are thankful that you can receive Me into your hearts and souls.  I tell you I am that Treasure you store in your hearts.  All other earthly treasures are but chaff that the wind blows away.  I love all of you, and you love Me as well.  Hold Me close to your heart throughout your lives.  Come to Confession frequently so you can keep your souls pure and free of sin.  By following My laws, you will inherit My Kingdom in heaven.  Reach out to convert as many souls as you can, for such conversions are the true meaningful miracles.”

St. Anne said: “My dear children, I thank all of you for coming to My Shrine here at Cormac to celebrate My feast day.  I am your Grandma ma and I love all of you so much.  I watch over all of My children, and you were fortunate to hear Bishop Guy share the old miracles that were received through My intercession with Jesus.  It is ultimately Jesus who heals people.  It is us intercessors who direct the intentions to my GrandSon, Jesus.  Thank you again for attending this healing Mass.  I am praying for your safety as you are returning home.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you are praying for every soul in your family to be saved, because just like Me, you do not want to see one soul lost to hell.  You are praying your fourth rosary every day for this intention.  You also want them to come to Sunday Mass and Confession.  I assure you that I will give you one opportunity to talk to each member of your family during the Conversion time.  Then you can plead for their souls and hopefully they will listen to you so they can be saved.  Be thankful that you will be able to witness My love for them, and that I am inviting them to eternal life with Me in heaven.”

N.B. When we left our friend’s house in her van for St. Anne’s Mass, someone had stuffed a rope up her tailpipe with an apparent attempt to poison us with carbon monoxide.  Later, as we were getting gas, a person at the gas station told our friend that there was a rope hanging out from the tailpipe.  Our friend pulled the rope out with an extra effort and it was a blond stringy rope which she discarded.  Our friend was opening her window several times to give us fresh air while we prayed our rosaries.

Monday, July 31, 2023: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)
Jesus said: “My people, I know you are all weak to sin because you inherited this weakness from Adam.  I give you My Ten Commandments of love to follow so you are on the right road to heaven.  It is important to come to at least monthly Confession so the priest can give you absolution of your sins, and I will forgive you.  Come to Me to seek My forgiveness and be sorry for offending Me with your sins.  You are seeing water and My Most Precious Blood that cleanses your souls of your sins.  Just as you saw Moses destroy the golden calf, I do not want any gods before Me in wealth or anything else.  I need to be the center of your lives, because everything revolves around Me and My creation.  I love all of you so much and I want all of My believers to love Me and remain with Me in heaven for all eternity.  Now, My son, you are seeing the coming events that I have prepared you for.  I thank you for spreading My Word and having people make refuges for their protection from the evil ones during the tribulation of the Antichrist.  I am giving you a warning not to make any trips after the beginning of this October.  You have seen confirmations and others are also giving you signs of the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is important to get your three months of food before the fall period before October of this year.  I have been warning people to get their food for some time.  Now, there are signs that your time may be running out.  My refuge builders also need to be ready when the people will be called to My refuges.  You do not want to be short on food if events could close your stores, or you will not have the mark so you could not buy food.  At My refuges I can multiply your food if you have faith that I can do it.  I am asking all of My refuges to make one more trip to buy more cases of dried food with several varieties.  You can also buy some canned food in cases as well.  Be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you.”

Tuesday, August 1, 2023: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Book of Exodus about how Moses talked with Me, and his face became radiant. (Exodus 34:33-34) ‘When Moses finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his face. Whenever Moses entered the Presence of the Lord to converse with Him, he removed the veil until he came out again.’  This was My Presence with the Israelites in the tent at that time.  Now, you have Me Present with you in My tabernacle and briefly in Holy Communion.  You are blessed to have Me with you at all times.  You can bring your intentions and troubles to Me, and I will give you rest and answers to your questions.  I love all of you so much, and I am watching out for you at all times.”

Jesus said: “My people, I performed many miracles for My apostles to help their belief that I am the real Messiah promised to redeem Israel.  Miracles are beyond the natural way of things in the world.  Miracles are signs of My Presence among you.  My son, you have see Me work miracles through you to heal a woman who needed an oxygen source, and a man who had a leg that was gangrene, but was healed with skin like a baby.  These things were done to help people believe in your mission.  You have seen many confirmations to show you that I am guiding your mission.  So you can trust in Me that I am guiding people so they will be protected at My refuges during the tribulation.  Be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you.”

Wednesday, August 2, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, before the Antichrist declares himself and starts the tribulation, I will call all of My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you.  Once you are called to My refuges by My interior locution, you will not leave the grounds of your refuge for the entire tribulation of less than three and one half years.  I will multiply your food, water, and fuels throughout the tribulation.  Once the tribulation begins, you will look upon My luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed of all sickness and pains.  You will be shielded from viruses, bombs, and even My Comet of Chastisement by My angels.  Just as you practiced your refuge runs, so you will be living together at My refuges for your survival.  Those refuges, who have prepared for Mass, will have a priest for daily Mass.  All of My refuge people will receive daily Holy Communion either from a priest or from My angels.  You will use a consecrated Host in a monstrance for Perpetual Adoration and assign hours for people around the clock so someone is worshiping Me all of the time.  Rejoice that I will protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you that the evil one world people will be spreading another pandemic virus that will be worse than the Covid virus, and it will be a man-made virus.  The evil ones will again try to force people with a mandate to take another RNA vaccine that could eventually kill you.  So do not take a flu shot or any vaccine shot for this new virus.  I will be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges so you will be protected by My angels from any virus, bombs, or My Comet of Chastisement.  This virus is part of the reason you will  not be traveling any more.  I am not giving you the timing of the war or the virus, but you need to be at My refuge before these things happen.  You can look upon My luminous cross to be healed from any new virus.  Trust in Me to call you to My refuges for your protection when your lives are in danger.”

Thursday, August 3, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I have called My refuge builders to make wells of water in the ground, and cisterns or barrels to store the water.  If you do not have a well, then store water in barrels or large containers so I can multiply it.  You cannot live without water.  Be prepared for the winter so your water is protected from freezing.  If your water is stored outside, leave space for ice to expand in your containers.  You can have water off your roofs that you can store for washing.  All refuge wells will continue to flow and be drinkable without poison.  Be grateful that I am providing you water as I did for the Israelites in the desert.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you carry Me in a  monstrance around a Planned Parenthood building, you are calling on Me to protect the unborn from the doctors who are aborting My babies in the womb.  As you pray your rosaries in front of the Planned Parenthood buildings on Saturdays, I am also Present with you fighting to save My little ones.  Even if you cannot be there, I am sending My angels in your place to pray.  These abortion doctors will pay a heavy price for accepting their blood money for killing My babies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the one world people who are trying various means to reduce the population.  These evil ones support abortion, euthanasia, sterilization, and wars that are directed toward killing people.  Pray to stop these things and viruses that are part of the devil’s plan to kill My people.  These evil supporters of the death culture will also pay a heavy price for their reducing the population.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is an increasing evil on the earth where Christians will be persecuted for believing in Me.  Christians will be more under attack as you approach the tribulation time.  I will even call you to My refuges so the evil ones cannot kill you.  A new Mass will be brought into the Church that will not have the proper words of Consecration.  This will be the abomination of desolation when I will no longer be Present at such non-Masses, when the proper words of Consecration are omitted.  You will need to come to My refuges where My faithful priests will offer proper Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, this war in the Ukraine with Russia could expand to other parts of Europe.  Russia has threatened to use nuclear weapons if they are not successful in defeating the Ukraine.  Some of our large cities could face a nuclear bomb attack which I have shown you, My son,  and I showed others.  You know of how terrible it was for Japan to suffer thousands who were killed and more from radiation.  I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges before such punishment will fall on America.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned in My messages that I will give My believers an inner locution when I will call you to My refuges of protection.  When I call you to My refuges, you must leave your house within twenty minutes with your backpack.  Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge.  Your angel will put an invisible shield over you so people cannot see you.  Once you come to My refuges, you can look on My luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed of any sickness or pain.  Trust in My angel protection at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, preparing a refuge is a heavy responsibility to provide living quarters, beds, food, and fuels to help My faithful survive the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  You have been given many instructions in setting up My refuges.  You need water from a well or stored water in barrels that I will multiply.  You will use your food and fuels to prepare soups and bake bread for two meals a day.  You will need wood, propane, kerosene, and other fuels for cooking meals and heating your houses in the winter.  My angels will shield you from the evil ones, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  You will set up a Perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament throughout the less than three and one half years of the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, living at My refuges will require cooperation for all of you to do your assigned jobs of cooking, washing, assigning beds and hours of Adoration.  It will be your strong faith in My miracles that will allow Me to multiply your food, water, fuels, and other needs.  Trust in Me to help you in coming to My refuges and to carry out your individual assignments that will provide for your survival.  You will have refuge builders assign jobs according to your skills.  At the end of the tribulation, I will cleanse the earth of all evil  and I will renew the earth.  Then I will bring you into My Era of Peace when you will live a long time.  Be thankful that I am separating My faithful away from the evil ones.  I will only bring destruction on the evil ones after I have separated you at My refuges of protection.”

Friday, August 4, 2023: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My son, you have seen heavy rain at your home, and now they are having heavy rains here in St. Louis, Mo.  Your travels took you through flash floods in California, and a heavy rain at your friend’s house in Pueblo, Colorado.  This is the third place for flooding.  Pray for these people who have flooded basements that need pumping out.  Your weather has been unusual with heavy rainstorms in many places all over your country.  You have green grass all over.  Thank the people who are driving you around.  You know I have My angels watching over you both.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read about the feast days of Israel that were established in the Book of Leviticus.  In My Church also, My apostles have dedicated special feast days of Christmas and Easter.  You have the Advent Season, the Lenten Season, the Easter Season, and the many Sundays after Pentecost.  In the Gospel you read how My people of Nazareth could not believe how I had powers of miracles, and I spoke publicly in parables.  Because of their lack of faith, I could not perform any miracles there.  In another time I told the people of Nazareth that I was fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy that I read.  They could not believe that I am the Messiah, and they wanted to kill Me for blasphemy.  I walked through their midst, even though I was telling them the truth of My Divinity.  Today, you are celebrating the feast day of St. John Vianney who is the patron of parish priests as the Cure of Ars.  Be thankful for every priest who has offered Mass for you, and they have given you My Body and Blood in the consecrated Host.”

Saturday, August 5, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist proclaimed My coming, but he was beheaded by Herod.  I kept preaching the Kingdom of heaven is at hand by My very Presence as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.  You are seeing a decision in life to either follow Me in love to heaven, or you will follow the devil to hell.  These are your only two choices.  It will be how you live your life that will determine your eternal destination.  I will judge you in how you loved Me and how you loved your neighbor.  I call on you to come to frequent Confession so you can confess your sins to Me in the priest.  Be sorry for you sins with a contrite heart, and ask for My forgiveness of your sins.  Then try to follow My Commandments of love the best you can.  Also come to Me in prayer and daily Mass, for those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily, will have eternal life in heaven.  You saw the loudspeaker in your vision, so I am calling all of My believers to share your gift of faith with everyone you meet.  Share My love with everyone, and let them hear My Word so they will have an opportunity to save their souls from hell, and be with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people,  Russia is sending drones to try and bomb Ukranian cities.  In return the Ukraine is also sending drones to bomb Russian cities as well.  Beware, My people, because you could see this war expanding into other European countries.  America is supporting the Ukraine and you could see Russia retaliate by not allowing grain ships to leave the Ukranian ports.  This could cause food shortages in the countries that the Ukraine ships the grain to.  America needs to be prepared for more retaliation against your cities because your drones are being sent by Ukraine to destroy buildings in Moscow.  Pray for the war to stop, or it could lead to World War III.  I told you I would call you to My refuges before any war or pandemic virus could harm you.”

Sunday, August 6, 2023: (Feast of the Transfiguration)
Jesus said: “My people, I was showing My glorified Body to My three apostles to strengthen them and to give a preview of My Resurrection.  Your priest gave a great homily in speaking of how I ask people to carry their cross through life for My greater glory.  He spoke also of suffering which all of you must suffer in your human and fallen condition that you inherited from Adam.  You are weak to sickness and pain in your body, but you can offer up your suffering for souls who need saving on earth, and for helping the souls in purgatory.  You all suffer things in this life, but you are joining your suffering with My suffering on the cross.  You also are weak spiritually to sin and temptations.  But I have given you Confession to have your sins forgiven and cleansed  from your soul.  Remember to make a good Confession at least monthly.  It was My death on the cross and My Most Precious Blood that cleanses your sins from your soul.  In your vision you saw My Holy Face as on the Shroud of Turin that was in front of My tabernacle.  Then you saw the radiance of My glorified Body.  Most of all you heard My heavenly Father speak: ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.’  I do whatever the Father tells Me, and I call everyone to follow His Commandments so you are listening to God the Father and My Word as well.  Remember how I asked you to strive for perfection as your heavenly Father is perfect.  So come share My love with everyone as I lead you on the right path to be with Me in heaven.”

Monday, August 7, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are experiencing a beautiful monastery with the nuns singing so well in Gower, Mo.  I love the monastic life where dedicated men and women are living to pray and adore Me in My Blessed Sacrament.  The Israelites insulted Me when they complained about eating the manna that I gave them.  But they were punished by the seraph serpents that bit and killed some of them.  Moses raised a bronze serpent on a pole and those people, who looked on it, were healed of their snakebite.  Today, My faithful and worthy people can receive Me in the consecrated Host as My new Manna.  Give praise and thanks to Me that you can have Me with you at every reception of Holy Communion at daily Mass.  You can also come to Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or in My monstrance.  Take time to show your love for Me every day at Mass and Adoration at night.  I also thank you for praying your four rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet for My Blessed Mother’s intentions, and for poor souls living, and poor souls in purgatory.  The more you pray to Me, the more you are making up for all of the souls who ignore Me or reject Me.  Do everything you can to share My love with others, and reach out to help convert souls by your evangelization.”

Tuesday, August 8, 2023: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Numbers you read how Aaron and Miriam were against Moses for marrying a Cushite woman.  As a punishment Miriam was turned into a leper, but she was gradually healed.  Do not question My plans that come from My prophets, because I am calling on them to reveal My words to guide you.  In the Gospel I was walking on water to My apostles who were tossed about in a boat in a storm.  I told My apostles not to be fearful because it was I coming to them.  Then I called St. Peter to come to Me.  So he began to walk on water, but his faith faltered when he saw how fierce the storm was.  He began to sink, but I rescued him, and I brought him into the boat, as the storm stopped.  So do not be afraid to reach out to do impossible things with My help, when I call you to do something.  I will be there to strengthen you in all of My requests.  So trust in Me always, no matter what storms or difficulties you endure in life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this house that is being destroyed could represent America being destroyed by evil forces led by the Antichrist.  These evil ones want to bring America down and reduce the world’s population as well.  They are using abortion, euthanasia, wars, and viruses to kill people.  This is why I am having people build refuges for the protection of My faithful during the tribulation.  You are seeing  how the evil ones have taken prayer out of your schools.  They are controlling who teaches your children, and what is being taught.  Many communist ideas are being taught under the cover of socialism at all levels of college to grammar school.  The one world people are atheists, so they do not allow any teaching about Me.  Even amidst your churches the communists are teaching socialist ideas from a worldly perspective.  The evil ones are also trying to break down the family by encouraging living together without marriage, and now they want people changing their gender.  My faithful need to encourage following My Commandments of love and teach your children to come to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession.  Teach people to let Me be the center of their lives with daily Mass and your daily prayers.  Your house is strong if you have a strong faith as your foundation.  Call on Me every day to lead you on the proper path to heaven.”

Wednesday, August 9, 2023: (St. Teresa Benedicta of the cross)
Jesus said: “My people, when Israel sent out scouts to survey the Promised Land, the scouts saw giants and fortified cities.  These scouts tried to discourage the people from fighting the giants.  After forty days of surveying the land, I punished the people forty years for their lack of trust in Me to conquer those people who occupied the Promised Land.  You saw in a vision how I enabled David to kill the giant Goliath with My help.  So trust in My power to do the impossible for My faithful.  This means I will protect My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation.  In the Gospel a Canaanite woman had her daughter healed from a demon because of her great faith that I could heal her daughter.  I came to first convert the lost sheep of Israel, but then I died for all of mankind’s sins so you all are offered salvation, even the Gentiles. St. Paul was helpful in spreading My Word among the Gentiles to convert them to faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I call you to come to My refuges, it would be easiest to drive your car, if you leave your home within twenty minutes.  You will be following the flame of your guardian angel to the nearest refuge.  Your angel will put an invisible shield over your car.  If you are much later than twenty minutes, or your car is not working from an EMP, or you are out of gas, I warned you before to have some good bicycles and a pump to keep your tires inflated.  This would be your backup transportation to My refuges.  Your guardian angel would put an invisible shield over you on your bike.  You still have the bikes that I asked you to buy.  Once you are at a refuge, you do not need to travel, and you will not leave your refuge grounds.  My angels will see that you reach a refuge safely, even if you have to walk to one.  Trust in Me to protect you, but you need to be at a refuge to separate the good people from the evil ones.”

Thursday, August 10, 2023: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles if the grain of wheat dies in the ground, it can produce a fruit of more wheat.  It is the same with My faithful.  If you die to self, you can follow My Word and produce a great harvest of good deeds, and you can help save souls by your evangelization.  Give of yourself to help your neighbor in need with your donations and your prayers, for I love a cheerful giver.  St. Lawrence offered the true treasure of the Church with the poor, the blind, and the lame to the authorities.  For this they killed him as a martyr for the Church on a gridiron.  You remember when he said: ‘Turn me over, I am done on this side.’”

Prayer Group:
St. Meridia said: “I am Meridia and I stand before God as His servant.  Some people may not know me, but I am the angel of this prayer group, and I am also the angel who is protecting this refuge.  I will put a shield of invisible protection over this refuge, and I will not allow any non-believers to enter these grounds during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see another pandemic virus that would cause the authorities to shutdown My churches.  You could also see a time when a new Mass will be forced on you that will not have the proper words of Consecration, meaning I will not be Present in the Host.  You will need to come to places where a faithful priest will offer a Consecration with the proper words.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know some refuges have been damaged from storms, but I want My refuge builders to call on Me and My angels to protect your refuges from damage.  Call on your refuge angel and pray your storm prayer for protection from storm damage.  Trust in Me and My angel power to protect your refuges and to repair any damaged refuges.”

Sr. Wilhelmina said: “My dear children, I thank all of the pilgrims who visited my incorrupt body because I know you had to travel a long distance.  I give you my blessing by Jesus to all of you here tonight for the intentions of all the souls in your families.”

Jesus said: “My son, people are wondering why I have asked you not to schedule any more travel talks after October 1st.  You could see some violence in wars, a coming new pandemic virus, a mandated digital dollar, and a mandated mark of the beast.  These events could start during this October.  This is why you should not leave the grounds of your refuge when I call people to My refuges.  This is a warning and a preparation for some serious events.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are right to go one last time to get another set of boxes of six cans of dried food and other foods.  I have warned people to get three months of food for each household member.  This may be your last opportunity to get your food stocked up.  Make some room in your basement for this food.  You may need to use your food even before My call to your refuges.  This could be due to closed stores, or the trucks may not be able to bring food to your stores.  You may even have problems getting food at your stores without the proper documents that you will not seek.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you are now living in the pre-tribulation time.  You are about to see some major events that could scare some people, and you could even see things that could threaten your lives.  I have had a good number of refuge builders volunteer to answer My call to set up their own refuge that will protect My people from the Antichrist and the evil people.  My angels will lead people to My refuges when I call you with an inner locution.  Angels will also protect you with shields of invisibility on your way to My refuges and when you are at My refuges.  You will have all of your needs provided by My multiplication of your water, food, and fuels.  After the tribulation, I will remove the evil ones off the earth, and I will renew the earth, and bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Friday, August 11, 2023: (St. Clare)
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and I draw you close to Me so I can be a part of your daily life.  When you give your life over to My service, I call you to help your neighbor through My love.  You reach out to spread My Word of faith to try and help save as many souls from hell as you can.  I call you to go the extra mile to help people in their spiritual and physical needs.  St. Clare is a good example to follow as she gave up her wealthy status to join women in the Poor Clares.  You may not form an order, but you can share your prayers and good works  with others in need.  Comfort those people who are sick or have lost family members.  These are all works of mercy that I call you to show your good fruits from your faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am glad to see you followed My instructions to make one more trip to buy some freeze dried food for your refuge. (from 7-31-23 message) There are some people who are buying food for refuges, but very few are seeing the need to get three months of food as I have asked many times.  You may also want to buy some more protein foods as dried eggs and meats as you did before.  You know I can multiply your food, but you need to have a variety of protein foods that I can multiply.  Order this as soon as you can because it will take some time to deliver it.  It is My refuge builders who need to order some extra food before it may not be available for long.  Be prepared at your refuges to assign jobs to the people who I will send to your refuge.  My angels will protect you from harm, and they will help Me as I multiply your water, food, and fuels.  Be ready also to have a monstrance to hold a consecrated Host because you will need to set up your Perpetual Adoration.  It will be your faith by which I can multiply things that will make it happen.  It will be My Real Presence in the Host that will be active to provide for your needs.  You will have deer for meat when they drop dead in your camp just like the quail came to My people at night in the desert.”

Saturday, August 12, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are called to love Me with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul.  All of My believers have an invisible cross placed on their foreheads by My angels.  I love all of you so much as you, My son, felt My Presence strongly in your soul.  I am with you always,  but sometimes I give you a double portion of My Spirit, and you are humbled to receive Me.  In the Gospel My apostles were not able to heal a possessed boy. (Matt. 18:14-20) I told My apostles that sometimes there are strong demons or legions of demons that can possess people, and this requires prayer and fasting to cast out the demons.  I am more powerful than the demons, and at My Word, they obey and leave the person I healed.  Let this be a lesson to you to call on My power in My Name to heal people, and release them from their demons.  Do not just rely on your own power, but always call on My Name and the Holy Spirit to heal people.  I love My faithful, but you must have faith, even the size of a mustard seed to heal people.  Trust in My love and My healing power to help you through life, and to help you in evangelizing souls to believe in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have created all of you out of My love for you, and I made you all in My Image.  I have given you free will to love Me or not because I do not force My love on you, and I desire that you come to love Me by your own choice.  You have been gifted with life, but you will have to make an accounting of how you spent your time at your judgment.  I should be the center of your lives, and you can follow My agenda every day.  It is how you spend your time that will determine your eternal destination at your judgment.  Be careful not to fill up your day with frivolous activities that leave no time for Me.  You need to welcome Me with your morning prayer and morning Mass if possible.  Only those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal salvation.  You can pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet around 3:00 p.m. and leave some time at night for Adoration and your night prayers.  By making Me a part of your daily activities, I will see that your love for Me is sincere in your actions.  You can consecrate all of your activities up to Me.  At some point in the month, you need to take some time to make a good Confession, so you can keep a clean soul in union with your love for Me.  You also need to give a good example of your prayer life to your children and your friends.  By your daily prayers and good deeds you are on the right road to heaven.”

Sunday, August 13, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, after I fed the 5,000 people with the multiplied bread and fish, I retreated to the mountain to pray.  My apostles got in a boat to travel back home across the sea, but a storm arose and they were afraid of the waves.  I came to them walking on the water, and they thought I was a ghost.  I told them not to be afraid, and I called St. Peter to come to Me.  St. Peter walked on the water in faith, but he faltered and I had to rescue him.  The sea calmed down as we got into the boat.  This is a lesson to all of you, so when you are in trouble, you can call on Me and I will rescue you also.  So when you are stepping out in faith, do not be disturbed by any problem because I give you strength to endure your trials.  By My miracles My apostles said: ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’  (Matt. 14:33)  So it is with My miracles today, you can see how I am leading you to the protection of My refuges for your safety throughout the coming tribulation.  I have given you instructions how to prepare your refuges, and you will see more miracles, as I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  Have no fear, but trust in My protection as I protected My apostles.”

Monday, August 14, 2023: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, I died on the cross to save mankind’s souls from their sins as a sacrifice in taking your place for any punishment due for your sins.  This is the same love that St. Maximillian had for his fellow prisoners in the death camps of Auschwitz, Germany.  He offered his life in place of another prisoner who was about to be executed.  In Nagasaki, Japan St. Maximillian started a missionary with his friars that later in World War II was protected from the effects of an atomic bomb that killed thousands of people.  You, My son, saw a recent movie that depicted this explosion that wiped out a good share of this city.  It is unfortunate how your wars have killed many people, and this nuclear bombing was so terrible in its destruction.  Now you could be facing more destruction in a coming World War III that could involve more atomic bombs being used.  Pray for all of the people who are suffering from wars.”

(Vigil of the Assumption) The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am thankful to my Son, Jesus, that he did not want my body corrupted after my death.  He did the honor of taking me up into heaven.  Now, I can pray for all of you from heaven.  In the Gospel I was called Blessed for bringing my Son, Jesus, into this world by the power of the Holy Spirit.  My Son said: ‘Blessed are those people who hear My Word and keep it in their actions.’  The two of us are joined as one as you celebrate the feast of my Assumption.”

Tuesday, August 15, 2023: (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Our Blessed Mother said:  “My dear children, you are seeing me in the Guadalupe Miracle that you can visit in Mexico City, Mexico.  I am truly the woman dressed in the sun in the Book of Revelation (12:1-6).  I gave my fiat to accept St. Gabriel’s message to be the Mother of my Son, Jesus.  It is this picture of my pregnancy that converted the Indian people.  You also saw a miracle of a lighted fetus of Jesus over the Guadalupe image when your Supreme Court struck down your abortion ruling of Rowe vs. Wade.  I am the Blessed Mother of all the Americas and of the Church.  I gave my Magnificat in today’s Gospel.  I have been made Blessed and today you celebrate my Assumption into heaven.  I am an example to all of my children in my obedience to God and my humility in His service.  Continue to pray my rosaries and wear your brown scapular, and Our Lord will see that you are brought to heaven one day.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, it has been awhile since you had one of your practice refuge runs at your refuge. (12-12-21) I would like you to have one more practice run before October 1st because you may need to remember how to plan not only for 24 hrs., but for months and possibly years.  You need to practice using your dried foods for making a good kettle of soup that will last for two meals.  You can make some bread with your flour, yeast, and your Camp Chef oven.  Use your well water and your rechargeable battery operated pull up lights at night.  Have everything in working order before you start.  Clear out your beds and use your pillows and blankets.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for acting quickly on your last food run for your refuge.  You need protein in eggs and meat to have a balanced diet.  You will see in your planning how to get your refuge prepared to feed people and provide heat in the winter.  Try running your water well for a week, and use your solar power to run your water pump at least in the daylight.  I want you, My son, to have everything ready to receive people for bedding and food for at least two meals a day.”

Jesus said: “My son, there is a reason that I told you not to go traveling after October 1st.  You can travel short trips to the stores and Mass as long as your lives are not in danger.  People have been asking you if traveling after October 1st is for everyone.  If I call you to My refuges by October 1st, yes it is for everyone.  I would recommend staying near your homes for October, or if you see serious events, you will not want to make any long trips.  I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are going to a refuge, you could help by bringing some of your food storage that you could load into your car quickly, once I give you notice it is time to come to a refuge.  Remember to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge by following the angel’s flame.  You will have an invisible shield over you as you come to your refuge.  Remember not to bring any cell phone or internet device to your refuge because they will not work.  I will be protecting My faithful on the way to your refuge and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, for refuges that are prepared to have Mass, it would be a good plan to invite any priests to come to your refuge who are willing to stay during the tribulation.  A priest can give you daily Holy Communion at Mass and they can confess your sins.  You will need to provide bedding and meals for your priest.  Use a consecrated Host in a monstrance for your Perpetual Adoration.  Even if your refuge does not have a priest, I will have My angels provide daily Holy Communion for everyone at your refuge.  Trust in Me to multiply your water, food, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will need some good planning in how you are to be able to feed people, provide bedding, and washing dishes and clothes.  You will be using sponge baths to conserve your water usage.  The more people you have, the harder it will be to assign jobs.  Remember you will be praying a lot more and you will be working with each other to provide your daily needs.  You are not alone because My angels and I will be helping you with all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to assure you that once you reach My refuges, you will be protected from viruses, bombs, and even you will be protected from My Comet of Chastisement.  You will have daily Holy Communion so I will be with you every day.  Your food, water, and fuels will not run out because I will replace what you use in your containers.  At the end of the tribulation, I will cleanse the earth of all the demons and the evil people.  After this cleansing, I will raise My faithful up into the air so I can renew the earth into another Garden of Eden.  After this renewal is completed, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace when you will live long lives with younger bodies.  Rejoice that you will be rewarded for remaining faithful to your Lord in all of My requests.”

Wednesday, August 16, 2023: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My son, I had you prepare to have Mass at your Chapel with wine and unconsecrated hosts.  You also have an altar with candles, books, and vestments for Mass.  You have song books and Bibles for the people at your refuge.  You also have spiritual kits with rosaries, scapulars, and prayer sheets.  You are seeing the need for spiritual preparations along with your physical preparations.  Your Perpetual Adoration with a consecrated Host in a monstrance is important for every refuge as you will have people adoring Me at all hours of the day.  It is My Real Presence that will enable Me to multiply your spiritual and physical needs.  Trust in Me to protect you from harm and provide for your survival by multiplying your water, food, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know people want to help your refuge by bringing some of their food to your refuge.  Your problem is protecting it from thieves and from extreme cold and heat.  This would be a temporary holding place.  You might research a shall shed or a large tent.  Being able to lock it would mean it needs strong walls.  I will have My angels protect any shelter for storing your food.”

Thursday, August 17, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I showed the people My protection after Moses died, when Joshua prophesied the Jordan River would stop flowing so the Israelites could cross on dry land.  This was a sign similar to when Moses prayed to split the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross on dry ground.  In the Gospel I gave a parable about forgiving debts when someone pleads for more time to pay back the debt.  Forgiveness should come from the heart, even as I forgive your sins in Confession.  I even told you to settle any grievance with your neighbor before you come to the altar to worship before Me.  I love all of you so much, and I ask you to love Me and to love your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to explain to people why they need to come to the safety of a refuge.  The refuge is a safe place where I will protect My believers from the evil ones who want to kill My people. A time is coming when the Antichrist will be allowed less than 3½  years to reign over the world.  The evil ones hate Me and My believers to the point that they want to kill you.  It is your refuge angel, who will protect you.  This angel is powerful and the angel will not allow any non-believers to enter your refuge.  Tell the people a time is coming when you will need to live independent from the outside world.  This means you need to have your own water, your own food, and your own fuels, beds, and latrines.  I have instructed you, My son, in how to prepare and use what you will need.  If the tribulation of the Antichrist lasts longer than a year, then in faith I will multiply your preparations so you can  all survive on the food and water I will multiply.  Trust in Me that you will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels.  I will be separating the good believers in Me at My refuges, and the non-believers will suffer My punishments.  So choose to be with Me through the Warning, the six weeks of Conversion, and through the tribulation of the Antichrist, and you will have your reward when I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Friday, August 18, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you are too wrapped up in your earthly activities, and you need to slow down and give some time to Me.  When you make time for Me, I can give you My peace to assure you that I will take care of your problems, so you will have no worries.  When you live in full trust of My leading you, you can be at peace all of the time.  Just as I helped the Israelites in protecting them from their neighbors, so I offer this same protection for My faithful at My refuges during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  So peace be with you in all you do for Me, and life will be so much easier because you are trusting in Me in all parts of your life.”

Jesus said: “My son, you did some research to find a cheap ($200) twelve person tent with 180 sq ft. and you looked at some metal sheds which cost about four times as much.  This would be a place to store any food that people could bring to your refuge.  The tent would only be temporary, but you can do more research for something that fits your needs.”

Saturday, August 19, 2023: (St. John Eudes)
Jeanne Marie said: “My dear Al, I am happy to be here for you on the anniversary of my death.  I love you so much, and I am waiting to see you again in heaven.  In the first reading Joshua said: ‘For me and my family, we will serve the Lord.’ So we both are serving the Lord the best we can.  Take courage my love, for I am your angel in heaven watching over you every day.”

(Nocturnal Adoration) Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for your prayer service in worshiping My Blessed Sacrament.  In the vision you saw several comfortable chairs around a table.  Do not get too comfortable with the things of this world because they are all temporary, and they will pass away.  Focus more on Me because your soul and I are eternal, and you will live forever in your soul.  So choose to be with Me in heaven, and not with the devil in hell.  I love all of My faithful, and I am leading you on the right path to heaven.”

Sunday, August 20, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I hear all of your prayers and I answer them in My way and in My time.  I healed the Canaanite woman’s daughter because of her great faith.  In the vision you saw Me healing a great number of people waiting in line.  I love all of you and I am willing to heal your physical and spiritual problems.  In the readings I am addressing all peoples, including the Gentiles as well as the lost sheep of Israel.  Your deacon talked about three elements of prayer with deep faith that I can heal you, persistence in asking for your intentions, and humility in respecting My answering of your prayers.  Trust in Me that I know your pain and your troubles, and I will help you in My time when you ask.  When you have been healed of a major illness, you need to give witness of your healing in thanksgiving for answering your request for a healing.”

Monday, August 21, 2023: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, just like the young rich man in the Gospel, many people do not want to give up their wealth because they need money to pay their bills and buy their food.  You may make donations to the church and charities, but it is usually paid from your excess wealth.  I know you need some money to pay for things, but do not strive for more money than you need.  So do not make money your god, but depend on Me for your needs.  It was the Israelites, who worshiped their Baals instead of Me, that were punished for their idol worship.  As a punishment I allowed their enemies to overwhelm them.  America is being taken over by your enemies in the one world people, and they are taking away your freedoms as punishment for your sins.”

I could see a petri dish with a new virus that I could see under a microscope.  Jesus said: “My people, I am confirming a previous message on 8-2-23 that you received when the evil one world people will bring a new virus that will be ten times more deadly than the Covid virus.  I will call My people to My refuges before this new virus is released on the people.  You will see another shutdown forced on your people with closed churches.  Just as with the Covid virus, your authorities will mandate taking a new vaccine in order to have a job.  Refuse to take this new vaccine or any flu shot because this new vaccine could kill you.  These same people will limit your travel, and you will be detained at a death camp detention center if you are found without proof of your vaccine shot.  When you look upon My luminous cross at your refuge, I will heal My faithful from any deadly virus.  This is another reason why I do not want you traveling to any more talks after October 1st.  These evil ones want to reduce the population with the deadly virus and the deadly vaccine shots.  Refuse to wear masks and refuse to get tested for such a new virus because these things could be contaminated with the virus.  My angels will put an invisible shield over My refuges so the evil ones will not see you.  Once I call you to My refuges, you will remain there throughout the less than three and one-half years of the tribulation.  Some government people are already being advised of this coming new virus and vaccine for the fall.  Be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you with an inner locution.  I love My faithful and I will protect you from this new virus.”

Tuesday, August 22, 2023: (Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
I could see the Blessed Mother with a crown and she was bending down to place what looked like a glimmering rug down to prepare for Jesus’ coming in victory after the end of the tribulation.  I saw Jesus standing in all of His glory about to come.  The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are about to suffer more trials of a new virus and a war that could use nuclear weapons.  My Son, Jesus, will be calling you to His refuges before these deadly things will be brought down on the earth.  After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, you will stay at your refuges before the Antichrist will start the tribulation by declaring himself.  Have no fear because after the Antichrist’s brief reign, my Son will come in His victory over the evil ones.  You will rejoice when He brings you into His Era of Peace.  Today is a special day that I bless the Queenship Publishing people for all of their work in bringing their books to the faithful, so I thank them.”

Wednesday, August 23, 2023: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, there are no gray areas or a third choice in loving Me, but you are either with My love on the right side, or you are living in the territory of the devil on the left side.  This vision is very clear that there are only two choices for all eternity.  In the Parable of the owner of a vineyard, you see My generosity in giving the same wage to those who only worked one hour compared to those people who worked the whole day.  This message is not about the fairness of money, but it represents how I am willing to save every soul from hell, even if that person comes to Me on their death bed.  You do not want to see any soul lost in hell, but evangelize people before their last hour, so they do not risk falling into hell by missing My call.  You only have one life to be with Me, so take advantage of My generosity and seek to have your sins forgiven in Confession, and then come to receive the glory of your Master in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that you will see a lot more persecution of Christians as you get closer to the tribulation.  You could see another lock down with another pandemic virus that will close your churches again.  You will also see divisions in the Church over a coming Mass that will not have the proper words of Consecration.  It will be a difficult time for My daily Mass people.  You will be criticized for not following the new health protocols.  Your money could be taken away when they try to implement the digital dollar.  Refuse to take any new vaccine for any reason because it could kill you.  Refuse to take the mark of the beast for any reason as well.  When your lives are threatened, I will call you to My refuges.  You will see My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion come first.  Then you will be called to My refuges and you will remain there throughout the tribulation.  Your priest will give you a proper Mass and daily Holy Communion.  Once you are at My refuges, the new virus and the war will be brought down on the earth by the Antichrist.  Have no fear because at My refuges, you will be protected by My angels from any virus and any war.  You will have  My multiplied food, water, and fuels for your survival.  I will be with you every day in your Perpetual Adoration.”

Thursday, August 24, 2023: (St. Bartholomew, apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was calling My apostles to be with Me for three years of My public ministry of healing and evangelizing souls for My Kingdom.  Today, I am gathering My apostles of the end times to be prepared at their refuges for the less than 3½ years of the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  You will first see My Warning followed by the six weeks of Conversion that will not have any evil influence.  After the six weeks, My faithful need to get rid of all of your internet devices as cell phones, computers, and monitors so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist.  If you look at his eyes, he could cause you to worship him.  I will be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges so you will be protected from viruses and wars by My angels.  At My refuges I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  You will also have a consecrated Host in a monstrance so your people can adore Me around the hours of the clock.  Have no fear because My angels will put an invisible shield over you so people will not see you.  All of My believers will have a cross on their foreheads by My angels, and your refuge angel will prevent any non-believers from entering your refuge.  You will remain within the grounds of your refuge throughout the whole tribulation.  Trust in My protection because I will bring you into My Era of Peace once I defeat the evil ones, and I will renew the earth.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages on this subject of when to stop using your cell phones.  I am repeating what I told you before in case there may be some confusion on this subject.  You may need your cell phones after the Warning and during the six weeks of the Conversion time to help convert your family to be true believers in Me.  There will not be any evil influence during the Conversion time, so you will not be blocked in any conversion efforts.  After the six weeks of Conversion you need to get rid of your cell phones, computers, and monitors to avoid looking at the eyes of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion before you see your lives threatened by a new virus and an expansion of war.  After this Conversion time, I will soon call My people to My refuges for My angel protection. I gave you a message, My son, that nuclear weapons will fall on some of your cities, just as some others have seen.  My angels will put a shield over My refuges that will protect you from bombs and viruses.  I am calling My faithful to My refuges so the evil ones will not harm you, though some may die of martyrdom.”

Jesus said: “My people, My refuges will require having some food, water, and fuels, so I can multiply them for your needs.  It is up to My refuge builders to stock up on some food as I called you to make one more trip to the stores before the shelves could be empty, or you may need the mark of the beast to buy any food.  My refuge builders have a heavy responsibility to have a water source as a water well, some bedding, some means to heat and cool your house, and an access to a latrine.  They also will need to organize your jobs so you will have your needs satisfied.  You will also need to have a Perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament with people praying at all times.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to stop planning any more talks after October 1st.  You have seen other people receive messages about October that has confirmed My warning.  You could see some serious events begin slowly and your media may not report all of the evil that is going on.  But be prepared to come to My refuges when I will give you an inner locution.  When you are warned, you need to grab what you can and leave your house within twenty minutes.  This is so the evil ones cannot force the mark of the beast on you.  At My refuges you will be healed of any illness when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky.”

Jesus said: “My son, every time you have had a practice refuge run, you learned some things that you could do better.  You will not use electricity unless you have solar power.  You will use your well water and your pull-up lights at night.  You will use your stored food to make your meals, as I want you to make soups from your dried vegetables, meats, and pasta for at least two meals.  I will be there to multiply what you need during the tribulation, but this refuge life will be a test for your survival, as you will all help with the jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people,  I have given messages to My refuge leaders on how they are to carry out My plans to run your refuges.  You remember, My son, how I encouraged you to have a water well put in your ground.  Since you were given an inheritance, I also encouraged you to get some on grid solar panels on the second floor roof.  You later added a smaller solar system off grid on the first floor roof so you could remove the snow and have year around electricity.  I also had you prepare for Mass with an altar, hosts, wine, vestments, and Mass books.  I am thankful you carried out all of My directions immediately after I gave them.  Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, having Perpetual Adoration at every refuge is needed not only for your prayers, but having My Real Presence among you will enable your faith in allowing My miracles of multiplying your food, water, and fuels.  Your altar and Mass preparations will also enable you to have daily Holy Communion at the Mass.  You can see how it is important to have spiritual and physical preparations for all of your refuges.”

Friday, August 25, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I read you the two Great Commandments in the Gospel.  The first is to love God with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole mind.  The second is to love your neighbor as yourself.  By following these Commandments, you will be on the right road to heaven.  I am Love Itself and I call you to be like Me in loving Me and everyone else.  In the vision you saw people coming to Confession to have their sins cleansed by Me through the priest’s absolution, and I will restore My sanctifying grace to your soul.  It is important to come to Confession at least once a month.  I know you are all weak to sin, but I can forgive your sins and you can seek My forgiveness.  Keep close to Me in your daily Mass and Adoration, even if you have to receive Me in Spiritual Communion.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a spinning fan which is My sign to you of the coming Warning.  When I bring My Warning on My people, you will see a brief darkness followed by two suns in the sky.  Everyone on earth at the same time will have their Warning experience which is a life review of your whole life.  You will pass over your forgiven sins, but you will vividly remember all of your unforgiven sins.  You will witness how everyone around you was affected by your actions.  This is why the more often you come to Confession, the less sins you will experience in your Warning.  After your life review, you will experience a mini-judgment to either heaven, hell, or purgatory.  You will also experience being at your destination and physically feel what it would be like to be there.  This will be a wake-up call for many people, but you will have no excuse for where you will be sent, because everything you did was approved by your free will.  People, who go to hell or see a hell experience, have caused themselves to be sent to that place by their sins and neglect to ask Me for their forgiveness.  In the Conversion time after the Warning, you will have a chance to come to Confession to have your souls cleansed.  Many people will see how much their sins offend Me and they will understand how necessary it is to come to Me for Confession.  My priest sons will be busy all of the time in the confessional.  You may need to bring the priest food and water because they will be in demand.  Remember the more often you receive messages on My Warning, the closer it will be for it to come.  Keep praying your rosaries so your family members will have true faith in Me to be a believer so they can enter My refuges.”

Saturday, August 26, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, do not let pride control your lives, but live humbly in My service.  Do not seek to be famous among your peers, but give thanks to Me for all the good things I accomplish through you.  Do not seek to be rich in wealth, but only work with what you have to bring up your children in faith in Me.  Help your children as a good father in providing for their spiritual and physical needs.  Bring your children to Sunday Mass and give them good example by bringing them to monthly Confession.  See that they receive My sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, Confirmation, and later to get married in the Church.  Be a good grandfather of any grandchildren by encouraging the parents to baptize their children.  You are responsible for the souls of your children and your grandchildren, so pray to help save their souls, and be a good example of Christian living to lead them to Me in heaven.”

Sunday, August 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, because My apostles were going to spread My Word, it is important that they know who I AM.  I asked My apostles who I AM and St. Peter answered: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’  I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.  I then said to St. Peter: ‘You are the rock on whom I will build My Church, and I give you the keys to My Church and the fires of hell will not prevail over My Church.’  It is by these words that I started My Church with St. Peter as the first Pope.  You have seen how much My Church has remained throughout the years, since I was on the earth.  I love My Church and I have protected My faithful despite many attacks against it.  I ask My people to be faithful to Me by attending Sunday Mass and worshiping only Me according to My Third Commandment.  You have seen the closing of My churches during the Covid years, but you were able to offer Mass on your internet programs.  I am warning you that you will see My churches closed again with the next pandemic virus, and you may not see them opened again as you will soon be experiencing the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  Have no fear because I will call you to My refuges before your lives will be endangered.  At My refuges you will have faithful priests to offer daily Mass and My angels will cover you with an invisible shield so the evil ones will not see you.  I will be with you throughout the tribulation with My Real Presence.  A priest or My angels will give you daily Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen My crucifix and some statues that are oiling as a sign of My Presence.  This is holy oil that comes from the blessing of holy people.  St. Sharbel was a monk who lived like a hermit, and his body is incorrupt to show the sanctity of his mission on earth.  Treasure the oil from his casket and give thanks for all the healing of people through his intercession.  You are very familiar with Maureen Marrolly and how wherever she went crucifixes would oil by itself in her presence.  You received many vials of oil that were collected from her oiling statues.  These are healing oils that should be respected as holy oils that you should share with your friends and relatives for any healing intentions.  Give thanks and praise to Me for giving you these healing oils to help your people.”

Monday, August 28, 2023: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, I desire that My people pray every day for the saving of souls, especially in your own families.  For those people, who have not read of St. Augustine, he had a troubled life in his early years when he was not following Me.  It was his mother, St. Monica, who prayed persistently for thirty years until he was converted to the faith.  This is a strong lesson in persistent prayer when St. Monica prayed patiently for her son.  Some souls require prayer and fasting to be converted.  In some cases it takes years of dedicated prayer to bring someone to Me.  Do not give up on any soul because I hear your prayers and your intentions.  Your wife prayed over forty years for her father’s conversion which happened as he died. It is  your persistence and confidence in praying for souls that is well worth your long endurance to keep praying for conversions.  Your prayers will not go unanswered as I see the holy intention in your hearts to save difficult souls who are being misled by worldly distractions.  Trust in Me so you can convert your family’s souls during the six weeks of Conversion after the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this sword as a sign of the coming persecution of Christians.  The evil ones are setting up detention center death camps for the people who refuse to take vaccine shots, and for those who will not take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body.  With this next pandemic virus, your officials will make a decree that everyone has to have a vaccine shot, and if you do not have proof of your shot, they will take you to the death camps.  After the digital dollar is in place, you will soon see another decree that everyone will need to take the computer chip in the body.  Before these evil ones will threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion.  So refuse to take any vaccine shot, and refuse to take the mark of the beast under any circumstance.  I will give you an inner locution that it is time to come to My refuges.  I told you to leave your homes within 20 minutes so the evil ones do not force shots or the mark of the beast on you.  Trust in My angel protection at My refuges, but be prepared to come quickly to My refuges when soon your lives could be threatened.”

Tuesday, August 29, 2023: (Beheading of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said:  “My people, in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist, you will again see some martyrs who will be beheaded for refusing to follow worldly gods, and they will obey God instead of obeying man.  How many people will have the strength to be a martyr for obeying God instead of man?  In life you will suffer pain and hardships, but call on Me and I will give you the strength to endure all of your trials in life.  Trust in Me to lead you to heaven despite all of your earthly trials and disappointments.”

Wednesday, August 30, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I called the Pharisees hypocrites because they preached the laws of Moses, but inside they were like dead man’s bones, meaning they did everything for show.  My people need to love everyone with the right intentions in your heart.  I look into each person’s heart, and I know the intention of every action you carry out.  So follow the Ten Commandments which are love of God and love of neighbor.  Do not be hypocrites, but practice what you preach.  I love all of you so much, and I want you to love Me as well by all of your actions with your intention to serve Me and do good works  for your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this latest Hurricane Idalia causing flooding and wind damage with heavy rains on your Southern states.  Your people were well prepared, but there is still more damage than was expected, along with the loss of power in over 500,000 homes.  Power lines were down with trees, and some people had to use boats for flooded areas.  Pray for the victims of this storm that they will be able to find water, food, and a dry place to sleep.  These storms are a payment for the sins of your people.  It will take time and money to restore these damaged areas back to normal.  You will see neighbors helping each other to safety.  Trust in My protection that there will be little loss of life.”

Thursday, August 31, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I am warning you to be ready when I will come for you at your judgment.  This means stay awake and keep your souls clean of sin with frequent Confession.  You remember when I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, and I was in agony while sweating drops of blood before I was about to be crucified.  I came to My apostles at night, and I said: ‘Could you not even stay awake for one hour while I prayed?’  The apostles had fallen asleep while I was praying.  So I am asking My disciples now to also stay awake in constant prayer because the hour is coming for the tribulation of the Antichrist.  Be ready to come to My refuges of protection where My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and I will multiply  your food, water, and fuels.  You have prepared for this time for years, and remember how I told you that you would be using all of your preparations.  The hour of your coming to My refuges is at the door, so be awake and be ready when I will call you with My inner locution to come.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of darkness at the time of the Warning is a sign of how evil things are covering the earth.  It could also be a sign of how dark it is in the DUMBS where young children are abused.  I will soon bring My Warning as a means of waking up people who are deep in sin.  This is an outpouring of My Divine Mercy to try and save as many souls as possible in the six weeks of the Conversion time.  Take advantage of this opportunity  to save souls when there will be no evil to stop your efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing neighborhoods cleaning up the debris from Hurricane Idalia.  Keep praying for these people and help them with some donations.  You could see an emergency clean up by your government to help finance the repairs  of the buildings and to help restore the small businesses.  It will take a long time to repair the damage.  Trust in Me to help people  recover from their disaster.”

Jesus said: “My people,  you have evil people who are using the HAARP machine to enhance smaller hurricanes into monster hurricanes, like Hurricane Idalia.  These strong microwaves of the HAARP machine caused extreme lightning like St. Elmo’s fire, which is another sign that the HAARP machine was used to enhance this storm.  This is how the evil ones are trying to cause damage and upset your infrastructure.  Pray that your people can restore their lost power to get people back in some repaired homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you already are seeing the one world people who want to bring another pandemic virus down on your people.  They are preparing another mRNA vaccine which they will try and force your people to take.  They also want face masks and another shutdown so they can interfere with your 2024 Election.  Refuse to take any new vaccines for any pandemic virus because the vaccine effects will be worse than the virus itself.  If you start seeing people dying in the streets, I will bring My Warning and a call to come to My refuges.  You will need healing within a few days with antibiotics or looking on My luminous cross, or you could see people dying from this new deadlier virus.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to have one more refuge practice run starting next Thursday overnight into Friday.  This is to get your people ready for coming to My refuges for less than 3½ years.  I will heal your people of any virus by looking upon My Luminous  Cross in the sky over My refuges.  Come quickly when I call you to My refuges with My luminous cross.  My angels will put an invisible shield over your refuges to protect you from viruses, bombs, and even from My Comet of Chastisement.  I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said:  “My son, you have been faithful to spread My Word in traveling to your talks all over for 28 years, and I thank you for your evangelizing.  Now I have been warning you to stay home after October 1st because the evil ones will soon threaten your lives with their viruses, wars, and the mark of the beast.  Get all of your supplies ready and be ready to welcome My people when I call them to My refuges.  I have warned people to try and limit their travel during October.  Evil events will be starting slowly, and you may be called to My refuges soon.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My refuge builders to prepare their refuges with one last stock up of food.  My son, you followed My instructions and you bought more dried food and even more dried eggs and dried meats.  You may want to load up your empty 55 gallon drums with water leaving 1/3 space for freezing water.  You could place some drops of holy oil into each drum to retard the freezing in the winter.  Clean up your basement for your practice run, and be ready to use your heaters or fans for whatever weather you will have.  Remember to have your Adoration around the clock as you assign times for your people at various hours.  You may soon be preparing for a much longer stay than just an overnight trial run.  Trust in My help when you will be staying longer when I will multiply your needs.”

Friday, September 1, 2023: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is fitting for the end times.  At the proper time I will be calling My believers to My refuges with an inner locution.  Those faithful, who do not have a refuge, will need to take their backpacks, tent, and sleeping blanket and leave their homes within twenty minutes, as they will be led by their guardian angel to the nearest refuge with a flame.  Those people, who are very late to leave, or do not leave, will be like the five unwise virgins who found the door locked.  The faithful could be martyred and other evil ones will be lost in hell, and they will suffer much during the tribulation.  Keep praying for souls to be saved.  My faithful, who will be at My refuges, will be protected by My angels from any harm of bombs, viruses, and comets.  These people are like the five wise virgins who will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people,  I am not happy with how your people mistreat My little ones.  You already are aborting almost a million unborn babies with your abortion doctors.  Even in your homes, you have heard how young children are beaten and even some are killed by such beating.  There are evil people in covens who offer babies up by killing them at black masses.  You have heard stories of using adrenochrome by scaring young children and using their blood to drink.  Others have used young children for body parts.  Still others are trying to change young children’s gender with operations and hormones.  Your country will pay dearly for these abuses, and these people will have to account for their crimes at their judgment.  Pray for your people to stop these abuses, and stop your abortions.”

Saturday, September 2, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about the distribution of the talents of gold to the three servants.  One servant was given five talents of gold, a second servant was given two talents of gold, and a third servant was given one talent of gold. (Matt 25:14-30)  They were given the amount of gold according to their abilities.  What is most important is what they did with what they were given.  The first two servants doubled their money with their hard work, but the third servant was lazy and fearful of his master, and he buried his money in the ground.  The first two servants were rewarded by their master for doubling their money, as their master welcomed them into his joy.  But the third servant, who buried his money, had it taken from him and it was given to the servant who had ten talents.  The lesson of this parable is avoid being lazy, and you should use your God-given talents to bring forth the fruit of your good works.  At the judgment you will be judged on how you used the gifts and abilities you were given to contribute to My greater glory.  The more you are given, the more will be expected of you.  These people, who are faithful and labor to help save souls, will receive My reward in heaven.  But those people, who refuse to love Me and do evil in My sight, will suffer in the flames of hell where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another spinning fan that is a sign of My Warning.  You will see your life review and a mini-judgment of your destination.  If you do not change your life, then you will face the destination you were given in your Warning experience.  This is My mercy on mankind to give you a chance to change your life and see Me as your Savior and believe in Me.  Only My faithful believers will be allowed into My refuges.  You are seeing multiple messages on My coming Warning as a sign that it is coming very soon.  In the Gospel St. Peter did not want to see Me crucified, but I told him: ‘Get behind Me Satan’ because he was thinking as man does.  But My mission is to die on the cross to save mankind for all those people who accept Me and love Me.  I also told My apostles: ‘What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul in the end?  So seek to have your souls cleansed with frequent Confession, and you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Sunday, September 3, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I am asking all of My faithful to pick up your individual crosses that you will carry throughout your life.  Your cross is working for a living and doing things in My service to help convert souls to the faith.  If you should get married, you are called to bring up your children in the faith with all of their sacraments.  When you will be called to My refuges, you can look on the luminous cross in the sky and you will be healed of any physical ailment or virus.  Be thankful for all I do for you every day, and I will see to all of your needs at My refuges.  My angels will protect you from the evil ones throughout the coming tribulation.”

Monday, September 4, 2023: (Labor Day, Carol’s birthday)
Jesus said: “My people, in My hometown of Nazareth I was in the synagogue and I read the scroll of Isaiah where he spoke of healing the sick, releasing the prisoners, and helping the poor.  I told the people of Nazareth that today this reading is fulfilled in your hearing.  This was the beginning of My public ministry, but the people did not know where I gained such knowledge and power to heal.  I told them of the widow, who was a Gentile, and Elijah multiplied her oil and flour for a year in a famine.  Then I told them how Elisha healed the military leader from leprosy, who was another Gentile.  I was telling the people My mission is for everybody both Jews and Gentiles alike.  I told them I could not heal them because they did not have faith that I could heal them.  Because I infuriated them, they wanted to kill Me by throwing Me over a cliff.  But I walked through their midst because it was not My time to die.  Trust in My healing power and I could heal you, and help you with strength to accomplish your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am always knocking on the door of your heart, but I need to wait for you to open the door from the inside.  This means you need to invite Me into your lives, and it is by your free will choice that you are allowing Me to be at the center of your life.  If you truly love Me and you sincerely believe in My Word, then you must follow My Commandments and seek the forgiveness of your sins in frequent Confession.  It is by your good works that I will know your faith in Me is sincere.  So trust in Me every day to lead you closer to Me in heaven.”

Tuesday, September 5, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Me on My throne as I am about to come in glory to defeat not just one demon, as in the Gospel, but I will defeat all the demons and all the evil people.  You will soon see My Warning in the darkness and later in the Light of the two suns.  I will let all the people know that this coming Warning is a supernatural event that will show everyone their sins and how they need to seek My forgiveness.  You will have six weeks of Conversion after the Warning to confess your sins in Confession.  Then My faithful will come to My refuges for protection throughout the tribulation.  After this brief reign of the Antichrist, then you will see Me coming on the clouds to bring My reign over the earth.  I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were given the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II.  This contains the true doctrines of the Catholic Church and it is your source to test any teaching that could be false.  You remember how you had to correct someone that was teaching that hell was not eternal.  You later showed this person in the Catechism where it says hell is eternal.  You are not obligated to follow any known heresy.  I have told you to test the Spirit of any teaching that does not seem truthful.  Use this Catechism to test the truth of any teaching.  If any teaching is found to go against the Catechism, then do not follow it.”

Wednesday, September 6, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, while I was on the earth, I was healing people from their sickness and I was casting out demons from possessed people.  So I was healing the outside and the inner spirit of people’s sins.  The whole purpose of My coming is to offer My life to help heal the sins of all mankind.  Not only do I heal people, but I call on faithful people to use My Name to heal the sick as well.  My faithful can even pray prayers of deliverance for those people, who are obsessed or possessed by evil spirits.  It is better to have a holy priest exorcize demons out of possessed people.  Exorcizing demons is the first step to healing people’s addictions.  When you are praying your rosaries, include the sick and the lame in your intentions.  You saw your daughter struggling to move about with her broken leg.  I love all of you, and I want you to be healthy so you can carry out your missions in good health.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to have one more practice refuge drill which will be your sixth one since your last one in 12-12-21.  You are seeing many signs that your refuge time could be coming soon.  Today, you were preparing your cots for beds where your people will be sleeping overnight.  You also got out your CampChef oven with a 5 gallon propane tank and your adapter so you could bake your bread.  You will need to get your pull-up lanterns in place and bring up your dried eggs, dried meats, and vegetables for your soup kettle.  You could also prepare hot water for tea or cocoa.  You will need your butane burners to heat your water.  You will need flour, yeast, and your bread pans to make your bread.  Be sure to set up your Perpetual Adoration all night with people signed up for their hours.  You will need to put on your well water for your latrines, and drinking water.  Have your bread ready to bake in your pans with rising in your dough.  Each drill takes time to plan for eating, washing, and sleeping.  Have some fans that could run on solar if it is hot.  You will not be using your oven, air conditioning, or regular lights.  You will have group prayer times during the night and day, and Mass at your local church in the morning.  Every time you have a practice run, you learn how to do things better.  I thank you for all of your preparations that I told you how you will use all of them.”

Thursday, September 7, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you see Me calling Simon, John, and James to follow Me, and they were fishermen.  Every person has a spiritual mission assigned to them by Me, but they can only fulfill their mission if they say yes to following Me.  You also have skills for doing some work to make a living.  So you can fulfill both missions by doing everything for Me.  My son, I gave you the skills to be a good chemist, but I also called you to spread My messages, and to set up a refuge, which you will be practicing tonight.  Not everyone is called to set up refuges, but only a few people understand My call to have a place of protection during the tribulation.  So when you are called by Me, consider it an honor to carry out the work of evangelizing people to believe in Me, and for some to be good refuge builders.  I thank you, My son,  for carrying out the work I have called you to do.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are using your fans for cooling, your lanterns for light, and your well water for drinking, cooking, and the latrines.  Tonight’s practice run is to help you to remember what your refuge life will be like during the tribulation.  Trust in My angels and My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels.  My angels will protect you, and they will not allow any non-believers into your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, be ready to come to My refuges when I will give you an inner locution to come.  My angels will protect you at My refuges, and your guardian angel will guide you to the nearest refuge by following a flame.  This is My protection for My faithful, and you will be healed of any sickness by looking upon My luminous cross in the sky.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you again of how My Church will be attacked by the Masons both outside and inside My Church.  You will also see attacks by your government when they want to restrict your travel with shutdowns and forced vaccine shots.  Refuse to take any flu shots or vaccine shots, because they could kill you.  Trust in My healing from the luminous cross, ivermectin, the Good Friday oil, and other herbs and vitamins. Your refuges will be your protection throughout the tribulation where I will tend to your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard predictions by some people that if your electricity stopped for a year, that 90% of the people would die because of a famine with no food available.  Very few people have enough food to last less than 3½ years.  This is why My refuge builders have stocked up on food.  I will multiply your food, water, and fuels throughout the tribulation, so have no fear of starvation.  Only My faithful believers will be allowed into My refuges.  It is My refuges that will separate the good people from the evil people.  Rejoice, My faithful, that you have been chosen to survive this trial, and you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the six weeks of Conversion, I want you to get rid of all of your devices connected to the internet so the Antichrist cannot control you, or get you to worship him with his eyes.  These devices as cell phones, computers, and TVs will not work at My refuges, so do not bring them to your refuge.  Put these devices out to the road out of your house after the Conversion time.  I have told you in previous messages that you will have communications through My angels and you and your wife will be bi-locating to other refuges during the tribulation.  All other means of communication could be controlled by the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My faithful, you will stay within the grounds of your refuge during the tribulation.  My refuge angel will prevent any demons or evil people from entering My refuges.  Even if you hear voices of people you may recognize, do not open the door to any non-believers.  Trust in Me to protect My faithful from viruses, bombs, and comets.  This time of tribulation is at the door, so My refuges will be your only protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be concerned if people call you hoarders or cults because Noah had to suffer such remarks and scoffing.  Those people, who mocked Noah, were killed by the flood, but Noah and his family survived.  Even now, My faithful will survive the tribulation at My refuges, but the evil people will be killed by My Comet of Chastisement, and they will be cast into hell.  My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.  So rejoice, My faithful, that you will be rewarded for choosing to follow Me and obey My laws.”

Friday, September 8, 2023: (Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I thank all of your prayer group for attending the feast day of my Nativity.  You have my Immaculate Conception on December 8th, and now you have my Nativity nine months later on September 8th.  The  Church also celebrates the Conception of my Son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit on March 25th, and nine months later, you celebrate Jesus’ birth on December 25th.  Both St. Joseph and myself were from the House of David, which is why we had to register in Bethlehem.  I love all of my children and I thank you for praying your daily rosaries and wearing my scapular.  I always bring you to my Son, Jesus.  I told the servants at Cana: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ Keep praying for My intentions of stopping abortion, pray for sinners, the souls in purgatory, and pray for peace.  I take your petitions to my Son all of the time, so He knows your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for carrying out My request for having your sixth refuge practice run at your refuge.  You made several loaves of bread, and many liked your raisin bread.  You also had dried scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast.  Later, you made soup with your dried meats and vegetable cans with noodles for about twenty people.  You learned a little more about operating your Camp Chef using a 5 gallon propane tank instead of the one pound containers.  You saw a circling hurricane shape that again was a sign of the coming Warning.  The whole purpose for having another refuge drill is so you are ready when I will call you to My refuges.  Be ready to receive the people who I will send to your refuge.  St. Joseph is still planning to make a high rise building for 5,000 people, as well as a large church that will be built in one day.  I will have My angels and your core groups handle taking care of so many people.”

Saturday, September 9, 2023: (St. Peter Claver)
Jesus said: “My people, bread is an important staple of your diet, but the bread that I give you at Mass is My Body and My Blood.  At every worthy reception of Holy Communion, you receive My Real Presence and the graces of My Eucharist.  I help you through life’s  trials, and I offer you your spiritual mission to help save souls.  When you will be called to My refuges, you are prepared to make bread in your small ovens and other food as well.  You may have a priest for daily Mass, so you will have daily Holy Communion, or My angels will provide daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest.  It is important to place a consecrated Host in your monstrance so you can have Perpetual Adoration.  You will assign hours for people to worship Me.  My Real Presence will allow Me to multiply your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen over a thousand deaths from the 6.8 earthquake in Morocco.  You also saw much damage in the South from Hurricane Idalia that came as a Category 3 hurricane.  Be prepared for more storms and earthquakes as the one world people are using the HAARP machine to cause more serious events.  The HAARP machine with microwaves can cause severe earthquakes, and it can intensify hurricanes and tornadoes.  The loss of billions of dollars continues each year to affect your infrastructure that is difficult to repair from massive damage.  Keep praying for My protection of My refuges, despite these bad storms.  Also pray that the victims of these disasters can find help to get back into a home.  You are getting close to another shutdown from another deadlier pandemic virus.  I will call My faithful to My refuges before your lives would be threatened.”

Sunday, September 10, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing large unusual fires where dwellings are burned, but there are trees with green leaves that are next to the burned out dwellings, and the trees are untouched.  This is a special kind of fire that is definitely arson and man-made.  You have seen such fires in Hawaii, Canada, and California.  Evil people want to control your land, and they will use fires as one means to take over the land.  Have no fear from these evil ones, since they will pay for their crimes.  There will be a time of tribulation, but after the Antichrist’s brief reign, the evil ones will be killed and cast into the flames of hell.  My faithful will be protected at My refuges during the tribulation, and they will receive My reward in My Era of Peace.”

Monday, September 11, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the Covid shutdown when they closed all of your churches.  No one protested against your shutdown, because it did not stop the spread of the Covid virus.  This was the first test of how you would react to being controlled by your supposed health people.  The one world people saw that you were in so much fear, that they could control your activities.  Now, soon you will see another pandemic virus that will be much worse than the Covid virus.  Once another pandemic is declared, you could see another shutdown, and you may not be able to come to your churches just as your rulers did with the first shutdown.  This is the devil’s way of trying to stop you from coming to Mass.  You may be able to have Mass on the internet for a while, but soon even that will be shut down.  Your government and the one world people want power and control over your people.  These evil ones will use any means for a takeover, and spreading deadly viruses is being used to reduce the population by killing as many people as they can.  Before any threat to your lives comes about, you will see My Warning and six weeks of Conversion first.  Then I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges with My inner locution.  It is then after the six weeks of Conversion that you will see many people dying in the streets from the new virus.  You can take Hawthorn tea, or holy water with the miraculous medal stirred in it.  Even holy oils will help heal any virus.  At My refuges you will be healed of any virus by looking on My luminous cross in the skies over My refuges.  Trust in Me to protect My people from the evil ones during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a contest between Myself and the devil over who can pull in the most souls.  I am looking for faithful souls who want to love Me without being forced.  The devil is using lies and earthly distractions to win souls to hell.  The people are going to have one last chance to be saved at My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.  Everyone, who is headed on a path to hell, will see what hell is like with all of its flames and suffering from the demons, when they see their destination.  If people, still refuse to love Me and are not sorry for their sins, then they will receive a just judgment for not loving Me when they are sent to hell.  My people will have a chance to help convert souls during the six weeks of Conversion after the Warning when there will be no evil influence.  Pray for the souls of your family that they will choose to follow Me.”

Tuesday, September 12, 2023: (Most Holy Name of Mary, Robert West)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read all the names of My twelve apostles, and My Blessed Mother was with us at times.  I taught the people with parables, but I explained the meaning to My apostles.  I also used many miracles to instill faith in them that I am the true Messiah.  After some teaching of My Word, I sent My apostles  out to evangelize and heal the people in My Name.  They prepared towns where I was going to speak.  Even now, I am sending out My faithful to continue sharing My Word to convert souls for the end times.  I will give My evangelists My graces and angels to help protect you on your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be watching for any hurricanes that could cause damage from the Atlantic Ocean.  Your hurricane season goes up to November, so you could still see threats to your mainland.  The spiral action of your hurricanes gives you another sign that My Warning time is close.  Be prepared for the Warning experience by coming to monthly Confession.  This Warning experience is a gift of My Divine Mercy, because it will give sinners one last chance to follow Me, instead of the world and the devil.  After the Warning people will see their destination, if they do not change their lives.  This will be an opportunity for everyone to follow Me, if they so choose by their own free will.  Come to the Lord who loves you, and not to the devil who hates you.”

Wednesday, September 13, 2023: (St. John Chrysostom)
Jesus said: “My people, I have showed you in detail how you will see another shutdown that would close My churches.  You are seeing a gold curtain drawn to block the altar.  The gold curtain is a sign that it is the rich one world people who will be behind this shutdown.  You know this is all about control over your people, because shutdowns did not stop the Covid virus from spreading.  Closing My churches is how the devil wants to prevent My people from receiving My sacraments.  At the appointed time, some priests will be offering Mass at My refuges, and My angels will bring you Holy Communion during the tribulation.  You may find private Masses during the shutdown, before the tribulation comes.  This is how the evil ones will try and stop people from coming to Mass, even on Sunday.  This evil tribulation will be brief before I will defeat the evil ones and cast them into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember the dream of the Pharaoh who saw seven fat cows and seven lean cows.  Joseph interpreted the dream to mean that there would be seven years of plenty that would be followed by seven years of famine.  Joseph had the people store much of the harvest in safe keeping for the coming seven years of famine.  Then during the famine Joseph rationed out the food to everyone who was starving.  Even now, I am encouraging My people to stock up on food for the coming famine.  During the tribulation save your number ten cans with lids, because when you pray in faith, I will refill your cans  with similar food on the labels.  At My refuges during the tribulation, I will also refill your barrels of water, as well as your propane tanks, your kerosene containers, and even your wood piles.  Trust in Me to provide you with all of your needs so you will survive the less than 3½ years of the coming tribulation.”

Thursday, September 14, 2023: (Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, today you honor My death on the cross as a special feast of how I was raised up on the third day from the tomb.  You saw the darkness that covered My cross, and this is another sign of evil, and how Christians will be persecuted.  You will need to come to My refuges at the appointed time for your protection.  Just as I rose from the dead and defeated Satan, so I will defeat the evil people with My Comet of Chastisement.  My faithful will be protected by My angels who will shield all refuges from the effects of this comet.  All of those people, who are outside of My refuges, could be killed or martyred for their faith.  So give praise to My victory at My death on earth, and My coming victory over the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that you could see more serious storms and earthquakes caused by the HAARP machine.  In the news you saw strong lights in the sky right before an earthquake in Africa.  This is a signature of the HAARP machine being used to cause an earthquake.  There also was a strange hurricane cloud that appeared in the Mediterranean Sea and it caused great damage and loss of life on the African coast.  It is the one world people who have control over several HAARP machines all over the world.  Pray that these evil ones will stop their dangerous use of this weapon.”

Jesus said: “My people, people in the Northeast have been warned of such serious winds from Hurricane Lee.  Pray that there will be minimal destruction and little loss of life with this storm.  You could see more loss of power in the wake of this storm.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were fortunate to make this most recent refuge drill in the warm weather, so you did not have to use your heaters, as you would in the winter time.  It was good to be prepared for when I will call My faithful to My refuges.  It is just a matter of time when you will need to come to My refuges of protection.  Do not worry about the water well and the latrines which My angels will see to it that they will keep working, even with many people using your facilities.  You can thank Me for providing for all of your needs during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have prepared a chapel and an altar for your Perpetual Adoration.  You will need a priest for Mass, or My angels will provide a consecrated Host for your monstrance.  You also have unconsecrated hosts, wine, vestments, and books for a priest to offer Mass.  You will assign people hours during night and day so someone is constantly worshiping Me at all times.  Remember to fill your empty 55 gallon barrels outside with water and some holy oil to stop the water from freezing.  If necessary, I will refill your barrels with water so you can have water for all of your needs during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your churches are closed again with another pandemic virus, they will not open again.  This will be another reason that you will be called to My refuges for Mass.  You will also have altars, candles, books, and vestments for Mass.  Call on Me to bring priests to your refuges, so you can have My sacraments.  My Real Presence among you will give authority to have your food, water, and fuels multiplied.  This is why you will need daily Holy Communion at My refuges, just as I supplied manna to the Israelites in the desert.”

Jesus said: “My people, I need to give every soul an opportunity to be saved before the Antichrist will bring his reign of evil.  The Warning will cause many people to seek out a priest  for Confession, once you see how much your sins offend Me.  During the six weeks of Conversion, you will be praying your rosaries to help convert all of your family into believers in Me.  You do not want to see any family member going to hell.  So you will need to work at a fever pitch to convert them.  This six weeks will go fast, so do not give up on any soul.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are celebrating the Exaltation of the Cross today.  You can thank Me for dying on the cross to bring salvation to all the souls who will accept Me.  You see My cross in your churches and your homes, and you need to see Me all of the time so you can keep your focus on Me.  During the tribulation, I will bless all of My refuges with a luminous cross  over you in the sky.  When you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your ailments and broken bones.  This will be a gift of healing for both body and soul.  Give praise and thanksgiving to Me for all I do for you now and later during the tribulation.”

Friday, September 15, 2023: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you know of my seven sorrows as I united myself with the suffering of my Son on the cross.  Jesus called out to me: ‘There is your son.’  He was referring to St. John the apostle.  Then Jesus said to St. John: ‘There is your mother.’  I offered up all of my suffering for the intercession of poor sinners, and the poor souls in purgatory.  My children can do the same so the merits of your suffering may help free souls in purgatory.  In the vision you are seeing evil people setting fires to the churches.  This is part of the persecution of Christians when it will be difficult to find a Mass on Sunday.  You will even see the churches closed with the next pandemic virus.  When your lives are in danger, my Son will bring His Warning and Conversion time to give everyone a chance to heal their soul by coming to Confession.  Trust in my Son’s protection when He will call His faithful believers to the protection of God’s refuges.”

Saturday, September 16, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed today to have Mass offered at a refuge.  When your churches will be closed by the next shutdown from a new pandemic virus, you will need to come to private Masses.  Once your lives are endangered, I will send My Warning and My Conversion time.  Then I will call My believers to the protection of My refuges.  You will have a priest offer daily Mass, like today, throughout the whole tribulation.  This will allow you to receive My Real Presence every day.  For refuges without a priest, My angels will bring My consecrated Hosts every day.  You will take a consecrated Host and place it in a monstrance for Perpetual Adoration during the tribulation.  You will assign hours for your people to spend time with Me around the clock.  This will enable the multiplication of your water, food, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another refuge scene where you are feeding soup and bread to about 15 people.  I am showing you so many messages about refuges because I want My people to be familiar with refuge living.  It is difficult to feed and provide sleeping quarters for 40 people.  It is even harder to imagine how forty people could live on your refuge grounds for less than 3½ years.  You will need to assign various jobs for everyone so you all can survive together.  Each season as winter and summer requires different means of heating and cooling your home.  You have jobs of preparing two meals a day with your stored food.  You can make bread with your flour and well water as you allow the dough to rise with the yeast.  Then you bake it in pans for 45 minutes in your CampChef oven with your propane tank.  You will set up your cots for sleeping, and pull-up lights for light at night.  Most of all you will assign hours of Adoration around the clock.  You may be able to have a garden, and the angels will bring you fresh vegetables even in the winter.  So trust in Me and My angels to help multiply your food, water, and fuels throughout the whole tribulation of less than 3½ years.”

Sunday, September 17, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, when you come into church and before you enter a pew, you genuflect to honor My Real Presence in My tabernacle.  It is unfortunate that My churches may soon be closed by another pandemic shutdown.  For those faithful, who are used to coming to daily Mass, this would be a great loss to not be able to receive Me or visit Me in My tabernacle.  When evil is about to take over, and your lives are in danger, I will soon bring My Warning and Conversion time.  Before you are called to My refuges, you may have to find private Masses.  Once you are called to My refuges, it is most important to have a priest for daily Mass or My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion.  At each refuge you need to put a consecrated Host into a monstrance for Perpetual Adoration.  You will also need a red light to witness in a sanctuary candle that I am there in My Real Presence.  My sacramental Presence, that you will receive each day, will give you the grace and strength to endure whatever you will face during the tribulation.  Have no fear because My angels will protect you and they will not let evil ones enter your refuge.  Even if family members are no longer believers, they will be put out of My refuges.  So trust in My Real Presence for your protection and My multiplication of your needs.  Wherever you see a lit sanctuary candle, know that I am Present and I will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My son, your people will be living at a refuge for less than 3½ years.  You will not have closets to hold too many clothes for the men and women.  One of the jobs at your refuge would be to have someone making clothing for your people.  You may have to buy some clothing material along with some patterns to make clothes.  You may need to buy a sewing machine to stitch up any torn clothes or for hems.  Your time for buying things is short, so you will have to proceed quickly to buy what is needed.”

Monday, September 18, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you My churches being closed again, but My churches will be closed or burned so we will not be able to enter these churches again.  Fear not because this will be a sign to you that My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion will follow quickly.  This shutdown will prevent you from coming to Mass.  After the Conversion time of six weeks I will send My inner locution to only those people who believe in Me.  You will get rid of all of your internet devices including cell phones, TVs, and computers so you do not let the eyes of the Antichrist control you.  Then My angels will guide the faithful to My refuges with a flame.  You need to leave your homes within 20 minutes of when you are told to leave, and you will not return to your home.  The angels will place an invisible shield over you so the evil ones will not see you.  I will have priests come to My refuges so you will have daily Mass and Holy Communion.  When you come to My refuges, you will look on My luminous cross to be healed of all of your illnesses.  At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, and I will cast the evil people and the demons into hell.  Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing major storms and earthquakes all over the world.  Many of your disasters are occurring in places of serious sin.  America is suffering disasters because of your abortions, fornications, and transgender transformations.  In the vision you are seeing a flood coming against America from a major storm or a hurricane.  I have told you that the HAARP machine is being used against your country by the one world people.  Pray for your country to stop your abortions and any other evil sins being performed by evil people.”

Tuesday, September 19, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are faced today with the fact of death to your bodies one day, that all human beings must face as a consequence of Adam’s sin.  You all need to keep your souls clean of sin with at least monthly Confession.  You do not know the day nor the hour when I will call you home to your judgment.  You know at death that the soul will be separated from the body, but the soul is eternal and it will not die.  You are fortunate to live to the time of the Warning when you will have a mini-judgment to see where I will send you.  If someone is judged to hell, they will feel what it is like in the flames of hell.  This experience will give every soul a chance to change their life for the better and seek My forgiveness of your sins in Confession.  After the Warning every soul will have a chance to be converted to a believer.  All of My believers will be allowed into My refuges of protection.  So be prepared with a clean soul so you can enter My refuges.  My faithful will be protected for less than 3½ years, and then you will be brought into My Era of Peace for a long time.  The tribulation will be your purgatory on earth.  You will come to heaven after you die.  You will be purified as a saint in My Era of Peace and then you will live forever with Me in heaven.  So have no fear of death because all of My believers will be saved from hell, and you will graduate into heaven.”

Wednesday, September 20, 2023: (St. Andrew Kim, Korean martyrs)
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that the Christians will start seeing more persecution for their faith.  You will see problems with your money, and you may not be able to buy things at the store without the mark of the beast.  You also could be put in the detention center death camps if you do not have proof of a vaccine shot or the mark of the beast.  For protection from the evil ones I will need to call My faithful to My refuges to avoid the UN troops in black.  If they capture you, you could be martyred in the death camps.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect you at My refuges.”

St. Meridia said: “I am Meridia and I stand before God in His service.  I have been assigned to your refuge and your prayer group.  All of the refuge angels know how to put shields over your refuges against atomic bombs, viruses, and even comets.  The first shield would be a shield of invisibility so the evil ones cannot see you.  Protecting you from an EMP attack is nothing for us angels to perform.  You are right in depending on God and His angels for protection, instead of buying an EMP device for your electric system.  Trust in the Lord and His angels for your protection and to multiply your needs.”

Thursday, September 21, 2023: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My son, just as I called St. Matthew to be one of My apostles, so I called you and your wife to serve in spreading My Word of love and commitment to the faith.  You have been traveling  for twenty-eight years for two trips a month, except during the Covid time.  After this weekend’s trips, I have asked you not to go out again in this October.  You are sensing another possible shutdown as the evil ones have more plans to kill people with their viruses and vaccines.  Refuse to take these poisonous shots, even if they are mandated.  These evil ones are also going to crash your dollar and replace it with a controlled token currency, and they will try to dictate your spending.  This will lead to the mark of the beast which you should also avoid taking.  You will continue your Zoom meetings on the third and fourth Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m., so you can continue to spread My messages on the Zoom and your website (johnleary.com).  I thank all of My end time apostles who are preparing My people to come to My refuges for your protection during the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the guardian angels who are leading My faithful to their refuges with a flame.  I have been giving you many messages on My refuges, and how you will be protected on your way to My refuges with an invisible shield.  I am asking My faithful to trust in Me and My angels to provide for your needs.  I had you do some practice runs so you would see how you would live at My refuges.  So have no fear because you are in My hands and I love you, and I will be protecting you at all times from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, many prayer groups could be a place of refuge.  Your prayer group was happy to share an overnight experience to see what it is like to limit your lights and sleep on cots overnight.  When you come to My refuges, you will have food to eat, a place to sleep, and having hours to pray before the tabernacle.  Get used to less comforts than you have now because it will be rustic living with bread, soups, and more prayer than usual.  You will be experiencing this life for less than 3½ years.  Those people, who do not come to a refuge, could be suffering from the evil people, and you could even be martyred.  The refuge is your safe place, so come to one when you are called.”

Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you is how I comforted My apostles.  I also performed miracles for My apostles so they would know that I am the Messiah.  It will be My miracles that will house many faithful and feed them as well.  So have no fear because I will show My faithful miracles as well.  Trust in Me that I could multiply all of your needs.  When you see Me refilling your containers, this will give you peace with no worries about how I will feed you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will bring many of My faithful into a building that will be put up in your backyard in only one day.  The angels will be moving elevators up and down in these buildings.  They will assist you in providing meat from the deer that I will bring into your camp.  These miracles will give your people peace, that you are being cared for  and protected from the Antichrist.  You will have daily Mass and Holy Communion at every refuge, so I will be with you in My sacraments.  Do not worry about what the evil ones will be doing outside, because they cannot harm you.”

Jesus said: “My people, have no fear about the coming evil tribulation.  The Antichrist will declare himself after the Warning and the Conversion time.  You will be safe in your refuges when the Antichrist will be allowed to take over the world.  His reign will be less than 3½ years and many will be killed during the tribulation.  The Antichrist will force  many people to take the mark of the beast, as he will control their  souls.  Fear not because the evil ones cannot enter your refuge.  These evil ones you will see no more once I come in victory and I will cast them into hell.  Then I will renew the earth and bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be tested with the loss of your money and more viruses that could kill people.  I have given you healing remedies with Hawthorn tea, holy oils and herbs, and holy water with a miraculous medal stirred in it.  The evil ones will try to scare you and try to force vaccines on you, but do not take any vaccines  because it will not cure any virus and the vaccines could kill people.  So if necessary give up any job that will mandate this vaccine.  I will multiply your food in faith even before you come to My refuges.  You will have to have deep trust in My protection  during the tribulation time.  I will call you to My refuges when the evil ones threaten your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion are coming shortly, so be prepared physically and spiritually.  My Warning will be a great outpouring of My love and forgiveness of your sins.  Take advantage of My Warning and My Conversion time to work on converting your families to be My believers.  In the Warning you will be told that the refuges will be the only safe places from the Antichrist.  So be ready to leave your homes in 20 minutes when My angels will lead you to My refuges with a flame.  I am reaching out to save as many souls as I can from going to hell.  Those souls, who are lost in hell, will be by their own free will decision.  Choose to be with Me in My refuges and you will be saved from hell, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.”

Friday, September 22, 2023:
Jesus said: “My  people, in the Scriptures it says: ‘Money is the root of all evil.’  Some people lie, cheat, and even kill people to gain money.  In the end those people will have to pay for their crimes.  If you have food and clothing, that is enough for you to survive.  All of your stored up wealth will not help you when I will call you home in death.  So be content with your lot and do not seek more wealth than you need.  It is better to keep your focus on Me and keep a clean soul with frequent Confession.  You are not ready to live if you are not prepared in your soul to die on a day you do not know.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect you from harm and the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My  people, this vision of an evil eye refers to the power of the Antichrist’s eyes.  After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, I have warned you to put all of your internet devices  as your cell phones, computers, and TVs out of your house so the Antichrist’s eyes cannot hypnotize you into worshiping him.  In the Federal Reserve System you were given money at first that was backed by gold.  This was stopped and then you had dollars backed by silver as silver certificates.  Today there is nothing backing your dollar and your dollars become part of your National Debt.  The new currency would replace your dollars, but it will be tracked so the evil ones would know everything you buy.  If you buy something that is forbidden, as religious things, or food storage, your account could be decreased, and with enough wrong purchases , you could have your account zeroed.  You will see after the digital dollar, a coming mandate to have the mark of the beast or a computer chip put under your skin.  My faithful should refuse to take this mark at all costs, even to lose your job.  The evil ones will send the UN troops out house to house to try and force this chip on everyone.  Before this happens, I will call My faithful to My refuges.  This is when My believers will receive an inner locution to leave your house in 20 minutes to avoid being captured  by the UN troops dressed in black.  Those people, who accept the mark and worship the Antichrist will go to hell.  Trust in Me that My angels will protect you at My refuges from all of the evil ones.  Have no fear of this time because those people, who follow Me, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Saturday, September 23, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the Gospel of the Parable of the Sower many times.  You remember the seed on the path that could not grow because the birds ate it up.  The seed on rocky ground did not have moisture to grow, and the seed among the thorns was choked and could not produce fruit.  But the seed that fell on good soil produced fruit thirty, sixty, and one hundred fold.  My Word is the seed and the first three places represent people who were distracted by the devil and were lost in hell.  The seed that produced varying amount of fruit represents people who had been given various levels of grace and ability to praise Me and produce  different levels of sainthood.  The vision shows an elevator where My angels are bringing the faithful to their appointed level in heaven of the seven levels.  The more fruit of your good works that you perform, and the closer you are to Me in prayer, will determine the higher place in heaven that you will be judged.  I love everyone, but it is every person’s free will decision that determines which road they will choose, either with Me in heaven, or with the devil in hell.  So come to the One who loves you so much, and not to the devil who hates you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a building of all white walls with many arches.  I am warning My faithful that there will be a one world religion that will include a takeover of all the religions of the world.  This will be the religious arm under the control of the Antichrist.  The Antichrist will have a world bank that will control all of the wealth of the world.  The Antichrist will also control the UN troops which will be his military arm.  Before you see a takeover of the world religions, I will call My faithful to the daily Mass at My refuges.  Before the Antichrist  declares himself, you will see the churches closed and the Catholic Church will be taken over.  My faithful will be safe at My refuges when the Antichrist will take over the world for less than 3½ years.  Be thankful that you will have My Real Presence at My refuge Masses.  So I will be with you to protect you from the evil ones.”

Sunday, September 24, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard in the first reading that My ways are different from your ways.  In the Gospel many people do not understand the generosity of the land owner, because My love is similar in that I give every soul an opportunity to come to heaven.  This parable is not about financial fairness, but it is My desire to save every soul, even if it is a deathbed conversion.  I do encourage people to come to Me sooner than at the last minute, because you do not want to come too late and possibly be lost in hell.  Trust in Me that I welcome every soul to love Me and believe in Me.  I ask that you seek Me in the confessional so you can seek My forgiveness of your sins, so you can keep a clean soul.  This vision of the empty chair of St. Peter, is a sign that you are in the last days when the Antichrist will be allowed a short reign of less than 3½ years.  My faithful remnant will be called to the safety of My refuges where you will be protected by My angels, and I will multiply your needs for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that those refuges, who have prepared chapels for Mass, will have a priest to offer daily Mass  during the tribulation.  I am showing you this vision, My son, because you will have a priest at your refuge when St. Joseph builds this high rise building and a church.  You will have several priests to minister to so many people.  Trust in Me that I will do the impossible to help so many faithful souls.  I have told you also that you will help to organize your expanded refuge.  The people will be thanking you and St. Joseph for providing a safe place during the tribulation.  You will be giving Me praise and thanksgiving for all I will do for you.”
Steve:   Steve said: “My family, I am in heaven, and I did want to see justice for the one who killed me, but only if it is God’s will.  I know My family has made inquiries about my case, but the current people running the Justice system are corrupt, and it is doubtful my case will have a fair trial.  You can pray for justice,  but it will be almost a miracle to find such justice with your current people who are running your courts.”

Monday, September 25, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son,  the more visions I give you of your refuge buildings, the closer the time of tribulation will be.  I showed you the digging of the basement of your high rise building, and now you are seeing the finished building.  The angels will put a shield of invisibility around it so the evil people could not see it.  The faithful will come slowly, and St. Joseph and the angels will direct them to their rooms.  I will multiply the food and water, and beds will be provided.  I will even take care of the latrines.  This will be a large project, but have no worries for I will help you to organize all of these people.  You saw in your talks how the people had chairs and tables for their living spaces.  So trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.  You will see this building and a large church come into reality because for Me, all things are possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, I died on the cross so that I could make reparation for the sins of all of mankind.  I call all of My faithful to My forgiveness of your sins with the priest’s absolution in Confession.  Try to come to Confession at least once a month.  I love all of you so much, and I want to see clean souls before Me instead of black souls.  In order to come to Me in heaven, you need to love Me and cleanse your souls of sin by seeking My forgiveness. I pour out My grace on all of My faithful.”

Tuesday, September 26, 2023: (St. Cosmas and St. Damien)
Jesus said: “My people,  you are seeing the nine choirs of angels as they are singing My praises every day.  They are getting ready for the final battle against the evil ones.  I am calling out to all of My faithful to be ready to follow My Word and act on it to show your love for Me by your obedience to My Commandments and your good works.  I love all of you and I want you to follow My Will in all of your actions.”

Camille R. said: “Hello everyone.  Send my love to Carol, Sharon, and Vic.  John, I did not realize how important the refuges will be in these end times.  Your refuges are truly arks of protection for all of the faithful.  You are right in making preparations for all the people who will come to your refuge.  Be prepared because the evil ones are going to persecute Christians, and they want to kill people with their viruses and vaccines.  Be thankful that the Lord and His angels will be protecting you and feeding you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that every refuge will have a Perpetual Adoration of a consecrated Host in a monstrance.  One job will have someone assigning hours for Adoration around the clock so people are always adoring Me.  This will be My Real Presence that will assure you of My miracles when I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  I love all of My people, and I want My believers to find rest and protection at My refuges.  Having My Real Presence with you throughout the tribulation is a blessing and My angels will not allow non-believers or demons to come into My refuges.  Trust in Me to watch over all of My faithful.”

Wednesday, September 27, 2023: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, you are all blessed to be able to receive My Real Presence every time you receive Me in Holy Communion.  In the vision you are seeing water flow out from the tabernacle in all directions.  This represents how My graces flow out to every soul.  I call you to keep a clean soul by frequent Confession so you are worthy to receive the grace of My Blessed Sacrament.  In the Gospel I sent My apostles out with authority to heal the sick in My Name.  When they went into a town, they were to stay with a faithful person, for My workers are worthy of receiving food and a place to stay.  Even today, I call My servants to spread My Word of love and to bless everyone in My Name.  Reach out to help your neighbor in need and I will reward you when you face Me at your judgment.  Keep praying for the souls in your family and give them your good example of daily prayer and Mass.  I love you so much, and I desire that you love Me and make Me the center of your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have created everyone in My Image with your body, soul, and spirit.  Just as you look on My cross, you are seeing a horizontal plane that represents your physical being that you experience on earth with all of your senses.  Then you saw a vertical plane that represents your spiritual being that is your connection with Me through your soul and spirit.   You are called to love Me with your whole mind, your whole heart, and your whole soul.  I love all of you so much as I look into your heart where I see the intentions of all of your actions.  So keep a clean soul free of sin so you are ready to receive Me in Holy Communion, and you will be ready for your judgment when I will call you home to Me in death.  I thank all of My faithful who come to Me in daily Mass and daily Adoration at night.  This is a sign to Me of how much you love Me and your desire to be with Me.  I long to have people visit Me in My tabernacle as you honor Me and give Me praise in My Real Presence.”

Thursday, September 28, 2023; (St. Wenceslaus)
Jesus said: “My people, every time you come before Me to receive My Body and My Blood in the consecrated Host, I am with you for a few minutes sacramentally.  I am always Present to you in My tabernacle, but I am with you spiritually as well when I lead you through life to serve Me in your missions.  You all have individual missions that I have given you.  I also give you the graces and talents to perform your mission.  I ask all of My faithful to center your lives around Me in your prayers and good works for your neighbor.  I love all of you so much, and I am happy to see I am a daily part of your lives.  Give praise and glory to Me in all that you do for My greater glory.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, when you were with Fr. Esper, one of the prayer members gave you a gift of My Holy Face from the Shroud of Turin.  This image on the Shroud was singed onto this Shroud from the energy of My Resurrection.  This was My greatest miracle that I performed when I rose from the dead to save all people from their sins.  Let this picture keep reminding you of My miracle.”

Jesus said: “My people, these people at Gethsemane Ministries came together when they witnessed a cross in the sky.  They bought an old school and renovated it so they could have retreats and a possible refuge.  They have a large cistern for water storage and they are planning to set up a refuge.  They have a chaplain priest already for daily Mass.  I could bring My luminous cross over this place for healing.  They need to have My angels help finish up this refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, My words in your messages have inspired many people to set up refuges.  You have visited several refuges recently and these refuge builders have heeded My words to prepare their refuges with food, water, and fuels.  Some have even added some solar panels for electricity to run their water wells.  I will multiply your water, food, and fuels so your people can survive the whole tribulation.  Pray for all of My refuges so My faithful can be saved from all the bombs and viruses at My refuges where My angels will protect you from harm.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have recommended that My visionaries and even other faithful to avoid taking long trips.  This is because the evil ones  will be slowly putting controls over you with another pandemic virus and a shutdown.  You could also see more control over your finances, as well as a possible expansion of the Ukraine war.  As these events will get worse, you may see My call to your refuges after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.  Trust in Me that My angels and I will protect you from any harm.”

Jesus said: “My people,  you will soon see the one world people will crash your dollar and replace your dollars with a new digital currency.  I have warned you about this digital dollar and not to take the mark of the beast that will be forced on you.  Once the mark of the beast is pushed, I will call My faithful to My refuges.  Those people, who take this mark and worship the Antichrist, could be condemned to hell.  Refuse to take this mark, and refuse to take any vaccines or flu shots that the evil ones will try to force on you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read in places how the next Pandemic virus will be ten times more deadly than your Covid virus.  The new virus could incorporate the Marburg virus, the ebola virus, and a pneumonic plague.  If you do not use antibiotics, holy oils as the Good Friday oil, or Hawthorn tea as the virus appears, people could die within four days.  You can also be healed of this new virus when you look upon the luminous cross at the refuges.  You can also use exorcism water with a miraculous medal stirred in it.  Remove the medal and drink the water.  Your Hawthorn bags could be used to make tea that you can take three times a day.  Be prepared to use My remedies because you had a vision of dead bodies on the ground from this new virus.”

Friday, September 29, 2023: (St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God and I am the protector of America.  You have weak leaders in America and they are doing everything to take your country down.  It is your open borders that are allowing an army to come into your country unvetted.  You will soon see the one world people are planning to kill many of your people with their viruses and vaccines.  The Lord is preparing us angels to battle the evil ones.  Call on Me and I will bring angels to protect you.  You will be called to your refuges for your protection.”

St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God.  You call on me many times when you read the long form of the St. Michael prayer.  I am always watching out for you when you are driving to give a talk.  Now you will not be traveling to give talks.  But you will need My protection with the coming events from the one world people and the Antichrist.  Whenever you are feeling an attack, you can call on My help.  Every night you read this long form prayer, so I will answer your request.  Be prepared for the coming battles with the evil ones.”

Saturday, September 30, 2023: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My son, St. Jerome  was a great scholar, and he dedicated himself to translating the Scriptures into Latin that was the common language of the day.  He was driven to determine what his mission was, and I pointed him to his work for Me.  My son, your missions are important also.  I have sent you out to spread the Word of My messages of love, warnings, and hope for about 28 years.  Now you are to stop traveling during a troubled time, and you can continue your mission with your Zoom programs and putting My messages out on your website and in the books.  Your second mission is to set up your own refuge and you have shared all of your preparations that I requested of you.  I recently asked you to have one more trip to buy more dried food and even more dried eggs and dried meats.  Your dried foods can be used quickly to make soups, eggs, and bread.  I also had you do one more refuge practice run to keep your people fresh on how to prepare meals without electricity, and with your well water.”

Sunday, October 1, 2023: (St. Therese of Liseux)
Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for all of your years of service in spreading My Word in person to so many places.  Now, I am calling you to use your Zoom  meetings to spread My Word, and I have asked you not to travel to any more distant talks.  Pray to help save souls, especially those souls who need conversion.”

St. Therese said: “My dear son, I will still give you a message even though my feast fell on a Sunday.  I have been your spiritual director from heaven, and you have been tested with travel and working on your latest book.  You are being made aware of some serious events that will start with this month.  Keep up your prayer life despite what the evil ones are doing to prepare for the Antichrist’s coming reign, as the angels will protect you with their shields.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a vision of a tunnel that you will travel through when everyone will experience My Warning all at the same time.  I am advising My faithful to go to Confession so your soul is clean for this coming experience.  It is a blessing to see how I see your life and what you will do to improve your prayer life.  When you see how your sins offend Me, many will seek out to confess their sins.  During the six weeks of Conversion, I will provide priests for the many Confessions needed.  The events will start slowly, but you will soon understand why I told you to not make any long trips.  Pray for My people to be ready to come to My refuges once you understand  the plans of the evil ones.  I will protect you at My refuges.”

Monday, October 2, 2023: (Guardian Angel feast)
St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God to guide you every day of your life, and to protect you from evil.  The Lord is also guiding you to stay close to home because of upcoming events that could possibly keep you from returning to your home.  Be watchful for these threats, but you will be protected by me at your refuge.  Be thankful for the Lord’s warnings, and for giving everyone a guardian angel.  We love God and we direct our people to love God as well.  Keep close to Jesus at Mass, Adoration, and in your prayers.”

Tuesday, October 3, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of wine bottles is to remind My refuge builders to have wine, hosts, and water on hand for Mass at your refuges.  I will multiply what you have so you can have supplies for Mass throughout the tribulation.  This means you also need an altar, a chapel if possible, vestments for the priest, and books and candles.  This may include a Pascal Candle if possible for your Easter Season.  Remember to have a monstrance to place a consecrated Host for your Perpetual Adoration.  It is My Real Presence that will be needed to help multiply your needs.  I thank you for filling your empty 55 gallon barrels with water and some Good Friday oil to minimize freezing in the winter.  With so many people coming, I will need to multiply the water in your barrels and in your water well.  Trust in Me to provide for your needs in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a ballistic missile in a silo.  There are several countries now who can send atomic bombs by missiles.  Russia even has new missiles that can travel fast at a low trajectory making it hard to shoot down.  I have shown you a vision of missiles hitting your country.  If bombs were exploded high in the sky, they could take down your electric grid with an EMP attack.  I told you that your refuge angel would protect your equipment and solar systems from bombs, viruses, and comets.  This is protection that is hard to imagine.  So if your grid goes down, you will still have your solar power to run your water pumps and your sump pumps, as well as your refrigerator and lights.  You will need separate heaters for heat in the winter, but you will not have ovens, or air conditioners.  Trust in Me to have My angels protect all of My refuges, and multiply your water, food, and fuels.”

Wednesday, October 4, 2023: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, only the Father knows the exact time of the Warning.  A very evil event could trigger this time so I could call My faithful to My refuges for your protection.  The Warning could be called during the troubled time before the Antichrist will declare himself.  I will allow this evil time of the Antichrist’s tribulation, but only after My faithful have reached the safety of My refuges.  The evil ones are planning to implement a change in your dollar over to a digital currency that can be tracked.  Once the mark of the beast is about to be mandated, I will call My faithful to My refuges.  Trust in Me to protect you from any harm from the evil ones.”

Thursday, October 5, 2023: (St. Faustina)
Jesus said:  “My son, I know you are anxious about the coming plans of the one world people.  This is why I have warned you not to travel out to your talks during October, but keep up with your Zoom meetings so you are able to warn the people of the coming events.  I have warned you about the coming attack on your dollar that could affect people’s savings.  You also should be prepared for another Pandemic virus that could cause another shutdown.  I am warning My refuge builders to be ready when I will call My faithful to My refuges.  When the evil ones threaten your lives, know that this will begin the coming tribulation.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect you throughout all of the coming events.”

Prayer Group:
St. Faustina said: “My dear children, I am thankful that you chose the Divine Mercy Chapel for your live Adoration today.  I also am grateful that you pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet at every one of your prayer group meetings.  It is also special that you have the Divine Mercy Image on display because your prayers are enhanced for your intentions when you pray before this image of the Lord’s Divine Mercy.  I love my Jesus so much and keep close to His mercy every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another glimpse of refuge living when you may have to use drying clothes outside instead of using your gas or electric dryer.  Life at your refuge will be so peaceful, and you will be fortunate to have My angel protection during the tribulation.  Give praise and glory to Me every day when you will be praying your holy hours before My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are large and small refuges, but because you are seeing a fair number of refuge builders dying from old age, I have told you that all of My refuges will be permanent.  A good share of My refuges have water wells or other sources of water.  You could have several barrels of water that I could multiply, if you do not have a water well.  It is your Perpetual Adoration with My Real Presence that is absolutely necessary for every refuge.  So make sure you have a monstrance at your refuge.  My Real Presence is necessary for your faith to have your needs multiplied throughout the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be told at your Warning experience that it will be necessary for My faithful to seek out a refuge for your protection from the evil ones during the tribulation.  When you receive My inner locution, you need to leave your home within 20 minutes with your backpack.  Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge.  When you leave your home, your guardian angel will place an invisible shield over you for your protection so the evil ones will not see you.  Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting you throughout the entire tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, this time of tribulation will be your purgatory on earth.  Some faithful may even be martyred for continuing to believe in Me, even if faced with death.  This could happen for those faithful who do not come to one of My refuges.  I will lessen any pain if you are martyred for believing in Me.  Those faithful who are martyred for My sake during the tribulation, will be resurrected to come into My Era of Peace where they will be like priests, and they will not die again.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful to follow the Catechism of the Catholic Church when there will be great errors from what is taught by Masonic elements of the Church.  Stay close to My teachings as I instructed My apostles.  Remember to test the spirit of teachings that go against My Word in the Catechism.  I do not want any souls to be misled by any heresies, because I want all souls to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see the Masons form a One World Religion on all of you, be ready to reject such teaching that will not be from Me.  You will be called to My refuges for a true Mass with the proper words of Consecration.  Do not be misled by this One World Religion because it will be evil and led by the followers of the Antichrist.  Follow the teachings of St. John Paul II’s Catechism.  My refuge angels will protect you from the evil ones at My refuges.  Trust in My true teachings and do not worship anyone but Me.”

Friday, October 6, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, the first reading shows the author is placing the blame for their captivity on their sins against Me.  I sent them prophets to direct them back on the right path to Me, but these people refused to listen to the prophets’ words, and they even killed them.  At first this people went their own way without making Me a part of their lives.  After I allowed other nations to humble this people in defeat, then they saw their errors and they begged for My mercy to save them.  If people take time to reflect on their actions, as when you come to Confession, then they will repent of their sins, and they will make changes to follow My ways. My ways are always better than your ways, so let Me lead you every day on the right path to heaven.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have the Light of my Son guiding you every day, but in the vision you are seeing the darkness of evil overtaking the people.  I have my prayer warriors here who are constantly praying my rosaries, and I am grateful for them.  It is unfortunate that the majority of the people do not pray every day.  Without praying, the evil ones have more power over humanity.  So  my Son and I rely on our prayer warriors to hold the faithful remnant together.  I want you to pray for all the refuge builders that they will be able to run their refuges so my faithful will have a place of protection through the tribulation.  Rejoice for now that you can come to Mass and profess your faith without restraint.  Be prepared, my children, because after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, you will need to go into hiding to protect your lives.  My Son and His angels will protect you, but be ready to come to His refuges soon.”

Saturday, October 7, 2023; (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Our Lady  said: “My dear children, I want you to follow my example of doing the Will of my Son.  Our two hearts are as one and you can join your heart with ours.  Keep praying your rosaries to save the souls of your family.  All of those faithful, who believe in God, are marked with a cross on the forehead by the angels.  It is these souls who are also marked in the Book of Life, for you will be with me in heaven with my Son.  I love all of you so much and my Son and His angels will protect you in the coming tribulation.  Have no fear, because Jesus loves all of you as I do.  He will defeat all of the evil ones and bring you into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned many times to refuse to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in your body. (stadiums 12-29-18) Those people, who take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be lost in hell.  This is why when the mark of the beast will be mandated, I will call My faithful to My refuges for their protection.  The UN troops will be sent house to house to force this chip on everyone.  If people do not come to My refuges when they are called, then they are risking martyrdom in the detention death camps for not taking this chip.  My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge so you will be protected from the Antichrist and his followers.  Trust in Me to bring you safely into a refuge where My angels will not allow any evil people to enter.”

Sunday, October 8, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision how the demons are coming out of the volcanoes.  This is another sign that your weak Biden is inviting war on your allies.  Israel will fight back the Hamas missile attack and the fighters who invaded parts of Israel to take hostages.  This will again test Biden in how much he will support Israel over the Ukraine.  The Ukraine is corrupt, and it was the money that Biden received from Burisma that caused him to support them.  Pray that this new war does not spread to other countries.  Giving $6 billion to Iran is another source of weakness and is supporting Hamas.  This is another event that will get worse over time.  Pray for peace in the Middle East.”

Monday, October 9, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this attack on Israel by Hamas as just the beginning of a major conflict.  Because Israel is one of your allies, America could easily be drawn into this war.  This could also affect your oil prices, if the Arab countries unite against America.  It will strain your military and ammunition if you will support Israel and the Ukraine at the same time.  Biden is such a weak leader that your military has been subdued in its spending.  It will be difficult if you see a world war result from this conflict.  Keep praying for peace, but be prepared to come to My refuges if your lives are threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see a larger war erupting like a volcano erupts in your vision.  You could see your economy switch over to a war footing to manufacture weapons and ammunition which you are depleted from sending billions of dollars to the Ukraine.  If you  get involved with a war with your troops and planes, you will need your own arms and ammunition so you will stop sending such things to the Ukraine.  The one world people want to destroy America by involving you in all of these foreign wars.  Be aware that China might use this opportunity to take Taiwan.  America could be tested  by a world war.  Be ready to come to My refuges when I call you.”

Tuesday, October 10, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you read from the Book of Jonah how he was called by Me to go to Nineveh to warn the people that their city would be destroyed in forty days.  The people stopped their evil ways, and they put on sackcloth and sat in the ashes.  They even fasted from food and asked Me for mercy.  Because they repented of their sins, and stopped their evil ways,  I relented of the evil I was going to do to that city.  This is a reading you hear in Lent when you are called to seek My forgiveness of your sins, and you fast between meals.  It is good to take one day of the week, as Friday, and fast between meals with no desserts or sweets.  It is also desirable that you come to Confession at least once a month.  Pay attention to My words as Mary did in the Gospel, so you can be on the right road to heaven.”

Wednesday, October 11, 2023: (St. John XXIII)
Jesus said: “My people, just like Jonah, some people are upset or disturbed over little inconveniences.  You need to look at the big picture in life, so these little things should not make you angry.  Surely Jonah was not happy that Nineveh was not punished, but none of these things was bad enough to want to die.  So it is with everyone’s life that you should be thankful for all that I do for you, and for all of the gifts that I give to you.  I see to it that you have enough food to eat and you can survive your weather.  So I ask My faithful to trust in Me to help provide for your needs, and do not complain about the little things that come up in life.  These little things can be fixed, so just trust in Me to help you with all of the big things in life as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who crave wealth and gold  their whole lives because it gives them power over others.  Those people, who center their lives around money and wealth, are actually worshiping their desire for power, but they are being led down a path to hell.  I am a jealous God, and I want My people to worship only Me and center your lives around the God who made you  and who loves you.  Your wealth is cold and it cannot love you as I do.  Do not let the devil lead you astray with visions of wealth, fame, and power.  In the end the evil rich people are full of pride in themselves.  When you die, your wealth will get passed on, but you cannot take it beyond the grave.  Better to trust in Me to lead you to heaven, instead of the devil leading you to the eternal flames in hell.  I love you so much, but the devil hates you with  his lies.”

Thursday, October 12, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard in the Gospel how someone asking for bread at night was not refused because of his persistence.  I am a merciful God and I listen to your every prayer.  Even if I do not answer your prayer right away, I will answer you in some way because of your persistence in prayer.  I love all of you and, if you, who are imperfect, can give good gifts to your children, imagine how I will give you heavenly gifts if you seek them.  Love one another as I love you every day.  Reach out to help convert sinners as part of your mission as a good Christian.  I even ask you to love your enemies, but not what they do.  You love the person, but not the sin.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several thousand people have died in Israel and Gaza in this latest war.  Pray that this war does not spread or turn into a world war.  Many have lost their loved ones and there are hostages that need your prayers as well.  Because of the brutality of these killings, Israel is trying to remove Hamas soldiers from Gaza.  Pray for peace and less war.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some Arabs calling for a jihad against Israel.  If this spreads the current war, all Jews and Christians could be at risk.  You remember a coming war at Armageddon that will be coming during the tribulation.  Remember when I told you if your lives are in danger, you will see My Warning and the Conversion time of six weeks.  Then I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.  Be ready to leave your home within 20 minutes after you receive My inner locution.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is stretching your armaments to support two wars.  Your country could soon be changed over to making more weapons and ammunition to support these wars.  You could even suffer fighting  on your own soil because you are not vetting the millions of immigrants flowing into your country from the Southern border.  There could be terrorists entering your country that you do not even know about.  Pray that you can close your border, or you will risk a takeover of your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are rampant sins going on in your cities, and you are seeing thieves breaking into your stores with very little police protection.  If you see terrorists attacking in your streets, you may see a coming martial law that will take your military to force law and order in your cities.  If this chaos cannot come under control, I will have to call My faithful to My refuges for you protection.  Do not be concerned about people using guns because My angels will shield you from any evil people.  You have prepared for this time for many years, and you could see a need for using My refuges if this chaos breaks out.”

Jesus said: “My people, if a world war breaks out, pray that it is not a severe nuclear war.  You will find protection at My refuges where My angels will shield you from bombs, viruses, or comets.  The evil ones will start the coming tribulation, but I will have My faithful safe at My refuges before the Antichrist declares himself.  So have no fear because I am at your side to protect you from all of the evil ones and the killing in the coming tribulation.  The coming evil will be worse than anything you have seen up to now.  This is why My faithful need to seek out My refuges for your survival when I call you with My inner locution.”

Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you, even as you are seeing a new war breaking out in Israel.  Many people are concerned with how wide spread this war could affect other countries.  I will have My angels limit the power of the evil ones, so they do not endanger the lives of My faithful.  You could see some martyrs for the faith, but those people, who come to My refuges, will be safe.  Now you need to pray your rosaries for serious peace so less people are killed in these wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will allow the Antichrist to have a brief reign during the tribulation.  My faithful will be safe at My refuges.  Keep praying your rosaries for the souls of your family that they could be converted to believers after the Warning and during the six weeks of Conversion.  You will be allowed to talk to all of your family members during the six weeks of Conversion when there will be no evil influence.  You will be working at a fever pitch to save your family and guide them to Confession.  Only My believers will be allowed into the safety of My refuges.  My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones.  I will bring My victory over the evil ones and they will all be cast into hell.  I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into your reward in My Era of Peace where there will be no more evil influence.  You will live a long time in the Era of Peace and then I will welcome you into heaven when you die as a saint.  Give praise and glory to Me both now and throughout these coming events.”

Friday, October 13, 2023: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to always look up to Me without fear, because I am watching out for you every day.  Have confidence in My power against the evil people.  So do not worry what is going on in the world, because I have conquered the world of sin with My death on the cross.  The evil ones will have their moment, but you will be under My protection.  I have reminded you many times that when your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges where My angels will shield you from the evil ones.  So when you trust in My protection, you will be at peace.  Continue your prayers for peace, and reach out to convert sinners without any fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how Isis used road bombs and other means to destroy tanks.  The Israeli army may take a lot of casualties in their street fighting.  They will be dealing with antitank weapons and many underground tunnels like in Vietnam.  This war could cause Hezbollah to enter from the North and America’s planes may be involved with an expanded war.  If Hezbollah uses their missiles there could be more people killed in Israel.  Many countries are observing if Israel kills many civilians.  Pray that more countries do not enter this war, and pray for peace.”

Saturday, October 14, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, it is so beautiful to see the little children coming to receive My Real Presence in My Eucharist.  You know how much I love the little children, and how I pray for them all the time.  Pray for all of the children who are abused, and pray to stop abortions.  When My faithful come to My refuges, I will have My faithful priests offer Mass, and even My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion when there are no priests.  My son, I will bring several priests to your refuge for all of the people who will come.”

Jesus said: “My people,  I love My faithful all of he time and even more when you do good things for Me and your neighbor.  You have an evil world with evil leaders and wars in two countries.  Despite all of this evil around you, My faithful are still offering your prayers for saving souls.  You also pray for the souls in purgatory who rely on your prayers to get closer to their release into heaven.  All of the souls, that you help with your prayers, will help you in your need.  Keep praying for peace and to stop abortion.  These intentions may seem impossible, but I will answer your prayers in My way and in My time.”

Sunday, October 15, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, you have a general mission to help lead souls to heaven, but in your vision this includes the children as well.  You pray for the conversion of your greater family, so when you take your great grandchildren to Mass, you are giving them a good example.  Pray for your grandchildren to help lead their children closer to Me.  In the Gospel you heard how some guests did not have a proper wedding garment on.  One example meaning could be that a person who was in sin needed to come to Confession where I could forgive that person’s sins.  Once you are absolved of your sins by the priest, then you will be dressed in My grace which will be the true wedding garment.  Those people, who live in sin and do not seek My forgiveness, are the ones who could be sent to hell, if they do not repent.  I want all people to come to Me for this wedding garment of grace.  This is why you need to spread My message of love because I do not want to see people choosing to go to hell.  You can be with Me forever in heaven, if you seek to clean your souls  of sin with frequent Confession.  I want you to love Me as I love you, so make Me the center of your lives with daily prayer and Mass on Sunday.  This is My Third Commandment to worship Me on Sunday to show your love for Me, and honor Sunday as holy by not doing physical labor.  By loving Me all of the time, you will be rewarded in heaven as one of My believers.”

Monday, October 16, 2023: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I talked about the people who wanted a sign to believe, but only the sign of Jonah was given.  When Jonah told the people of Nineveh that their city would be destroyed in forty days, the people repented and fasted, and their city was spared.  Today, you recently had an eclipse of the sun by the moon as a sign to your people of more war to come.  Keep praying for peace in the Middle East.  I am giving you a further sign of circular motion that represents the coming Warning.  This will be another occasion for seeking the forgiveness of your sins when many will seek Confession when you see how much your sins offend Me.  Be prepared for the coming Warning by coming to monthly Confession.  It is by seeking the forgiveness of your sins in Confession that I will forgive your sins and cleanse your souls with My graces.  Trust in Me to love you and guide you to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are now seeing a serious war in Israel along with a continuing war in the Ukraine.  America is sending troops and carriers to help support Israel and supply them with weapons and ammunition.  If Hezbollah attacks in the North, America could get drawn into this conflict.  Keep praying for peace in both of these wars.  In the vision you are seeing a possible new pandemic virus about to be spread over America.  Your medical people are pushing a new vaccine on your people which you should not take.  This new m-RNA vaccine will not stop a new virus and it could kill people in time.  My faithful need to keep your Good Friday oil on hand and other cures that will be more effective against the next deadly virus than the vaccine shots.  Remember when I told you, if you see people dying in the streets, I will warn My people to come to the safety of My refuges.  At My refuges My angels will put up a shield against bombs, viruses, and comets.  You will look upon My luminous cross and you will be healed from all of your health problems.  So be ready to come to My refuges when the evil ones will try to spread another pandemic virus.  Trust in Me to protect My faithful from whatever the evil ones will do to try and reduce the world population.”

Tuesday, October 17, 2023: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My people, you have the Hezbollah people saying they will attack Israel from the North if the Israeli troops invade Gaza.  If Israel carries out its intention to root out Hamas, this could become a two front war that could possibly involve America’s support in the fighting.  Keep praying for peace where there is constant conflict.  If America is drawn into this war, it could have consequences in other parts of the world, and possibly higher gas prices.  Israel is bombing Gaza as much as Russia is destroying buildings in the Ukraine. Pray also that you do not see a World War III get started by this conflict.”

Wednesday, October 18, 2023: (St. Luke)
Jesus said: “My son, as you read in St. Luke’s Gospel, you have been living the life of one of My apostles, as you traveled from town to town, either driving in your van or flying in an airplane for twenty-eight years.  You stayed in one of your friend’s house and you ate with them and in restaurants.  You gave your talks about My messages on the end times, as you have prepared the people for My coming Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.  You also spoke about preparing refuges where My angels will protect you during the coming tribulation.  You even have prepared your own refuge as an example of independent living.  Many refuge builders have followed your example.  This is important for My faithful remnant to come to My refuges for their protection and My angels will provide for their needs.  My refuges are a means to separate My good people from the evil ones.  The refuges are like the ark that Noah built, so My faithful will be protected when I will bring My Comet of Chastisement that will kill the evil ones.  Trust in Me for I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing multiple earthquakes off the coast of Oregon.  There are tectonic plates that come together in this location, and a stronger earthquake could trigger a tsunami which could inundate coastal cities.  These people need to be on alert whenever earthquakes get higher than 4.0.  The HAARP machine has caused some serious earthquakes as in Morocco that was severe along with a light in the sky.  This is a signature of the HAARP being used.  So be watchful of any lights in the sky at the same time as an earthquake.”

Thursday, October 19, 2023: (St. Isaac Jogues & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, when you see the leaves falling on the ground, it is a sign of the end of the year, as winter is approaching.  In the coming weeks you will be reading the end time Gospels that prepare you for My coming and the cleansing of the evil ones who will be defeated.  You only have to endure the short reign of the Antichrist’s tribulation.  I am preparing My refuges with My refuge builders all over the world.  Have no fear of the evil ones because their power will be diminishing.  Pray for My angel protection that My faithful can come to My refuges for their protection.  Once My people see My miracles, you will believe in My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels.  This will assure you of My Real Presence at every refuge that will have My Perpetual Adoration throughout the whole tribulation.  Give praise and thanks to Me for providing for your protection and for your needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said:  “My people, I thank you for displaying a picture and the bone relics of the North American martyrs who have their feast today.  These martyrs were brave to try and evangelize the Indians who killed the martyrs.  You have been to the three crosses in Canada where you walked the six miles to the crosses.  The accounts of these deaths were very gruesome.  Pray for all missionaries and evangelists who are working to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of a visionary who talked about boiling Hawthorn leaves and flowers to help ward off a coming new pandemic virus by making a tea.  By drinking this tea three times a day, you could have an antidote for the next serious pandemic virus.  This is another reason along with a war in Israel, that you need to stay home this October from traveling to any talks.  Continue to spread My messages on your website and your Zoom programs.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are signs of small encounters between Hezbollah and the Israeli army in the North near Lebanon.  Already the Israeli  army is planning to invade Gaza to try and defeat the Hamas.  If  Hezbollah enters the war, it is possible this could involve American troops into this war.  You already are committing two carrier groups and several thousand troops to support Israel.  Pray for peace, even as this war appears to be expanding.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have factions of the House Republicans that are preventing an election of a Speaker over their own selfish reasons.  It was one of these members who caused McCarthy to be voted out of being Speaker.  It was the Democrats and the Freedom Caucus that was responsible for not having a Speaker.  The House Republicans need to come together because they cannot vote on anything until a Speaker is elected.  Pray that this divided party can elect a Speaker so your government can move forward on needed legislation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw this train wreck in the news and it is not certain what caused this accident.  You could see some terrorist activity in America to counteract America’s involvement against Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah.  America could see attacks on your infrastructure at home and against any of your troops that could be involved in this Israeli war.  You are already supporting the Ukraine and Israel with weapons and ammunition.  Pray that a world war does not result  from these wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some ways that Biden has given money to Hamas and Iran which has financed the terrorists attack on Israel.  This American weakness is what has emboldened Iran and Russia to cause war against the Ukraine and Israel.  There is also a plan to take America down by getting you involved in foreign wars.  It is only by a strong America that these wars could be stopped from starting.  Pray for a change in your open border policy and your poor foreign country policy.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are behind your weak government because they want to take you over.  Their plan is to make you a part of the North American Union so they could control your people and the world as well.  Once America falls, you could see the one world people will give all of the Unions over to the power of the Antichrist, so he could declare himself and start the coming tribulation.  Before the Antichrist has his reign, I will send My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion time.  I will also call My faithful to My refuges for your protection from the evil ones.  Trust in Me and My angels for your protection.  At the end of the tribulation I will bring My victory over the evil ones and they will be cast into hell.  I will provide for all of your needs during the tribulation, so have no fear.”

Friday, October 20, 2023: (St. Paul of the cross)
Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for visiting Me in Adoration most nights so I can be a part of your every day prayers.  You receive messages from Me when you receive Holy Communion, and you see Me in Adoration.  Centering your life around Me shows Me your sincere love, and a willingness to carry out your mission.  I know how you follow My directions whenever I ask you to do something.  Keep focused on helping people to have a stronger faith.  It is important for all of your family and friends to be believers in Me so they can enter My refuges.  You have a lot of distractions from the world, but during the six weeks of the Conversion time, you will have an opportunity to make more souls believe in Me.  Pray for your family’s souls that they will believe in Me at that time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read how much I suffered at the pillar, carrying My cross, and dying on the cross.  This was My Divine Sacrifice to save souls from their sins.  When you have your Warning experience, you will see how much your sins offended Me.  For those souls, who love Me and seek My forgiveness, I will forgive them, and I will bring them to heaven.  But for those souls, who reject Me and do not love Me, they are choosing hell by their own free will.  So stay close to Me in your prayers, your Confession, and your daily Mass and Holy Communion.  My true faithful will be protected at My refuges and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Saturday, October 21, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I desire that all of My faithful should remain strong in their faith even if they are faced with death.  Do not turn away from Me for any reason.  It is your faith that will save you from the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you some messages that the Warning would come most likely in the football season of some year.  It is better to come to Confession every month so you are prepared for the coming Warning.  You would have less unforgiven sins in your life review.  You can also keep up your four rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet for the souls you are praying for in your family.  Keep praying your fourth rosary for your family to convert themselves to belief in Me during the six weeks of Conversion.  I love My people, and you need to be prepared when I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion.  With your days getting shorter, you are moving closer to My end time readings at Mass.  Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you.”

Sunday, October 22, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I have called you by name to share My words, so people will be converted and believe in Me.  In the Gospel you are seeing the Pharisees trying to test Me in My speech, but I confounded them when they asked Me if they should pay the census tax or not.  So I told them to give to Caesar what belongs to him and give to God what belongs to Me.  I called them hypocrites because the Pharisees wanted to get rid of Me because My miracles were drawing many people to Me.  You have a similar problem in your society when the evil ones are trying to put down anyone who tells the truth about vaccines, voting, wars, and your country’s finances.  But trust in Me to protect you and lead you on the right path to heaven.”

Monday, October 23, 2023: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people,  I am gracious and I share My infinite graces with you every day.  At daily Mass I am sharing My Real Presence with you in Holy Communion.  The Gospel is a parable about a rich man who stored up his grain in big barns, but his life would be lost that night, and to whom would all his treasure go?  This is true in life that you need to share your wealth with those who are poor and in need of food and a place to stay.  You have local food shelves that you could contribute money, food, and clothing.  It is also good that you receive Social Security payments for the elderly and welfare  for those people who cannot work or are without a job.  Even those people who have chronic diseases need help as well.  Many older parents are staying with their children for support and help with food and medications.  It is not enough to share your money, but sometimes you may be asked to help your family members with housing and food.  Be willing to share what you have, just as I give you help in your life’s needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages how you will see Christians persecuted just as they are mistreated in communist countries.  The evil ones who are running your country, are worshiping Satan, and they will do everything to put down anyone who speaks about Me.  My son, you are being protected for now by My angels, so My Word can be shouted from the rooftops.  You are seeing wars and rumors of wars as a sign of the end times.  Many innocent people are being silenced for speaking out about Me, and for speaking about vaccines and cheating elections.  The devil and his worshipers hate the truth and they lie to deceive people into sin.  This is why the evil ones use the media to drown out the truth, and they never compromise their evil ways.  Pray for My protection, even if you need to come to My refuges for My angel protection.”

Tuesday, October 24, 2023: (St. Anthony Mary Claret)
Jesus said: “My people, war is all about death and destruction as Hamas and Israel keep sending missiles at each other.  Israel has spoken how they want to invade Gaza, but their army has not moved yet.  It is hard to fight in the streets, so Israel has chosen to continue their bombing from planes and missiles.  There are skirmishes in the North but no invasion by Hezbollah.  There are also some attacks on your troops in Iraq and Syria.  You have a tinder box of possible war continuing in the Middle East as armies are ready to engage in more war.  The presence of America’s ships and Marines has held up any invasion.  Pray that this war will subside, or more people could be killed on both sides.”

Jesus said:  “My people, your open border is a major security risk that is allowing many unvetted people to enter your country.  You are allowing the drug cartel to make money on bringing people to enter your country.  These evil ones are using children for sex and there is fentanyl being smuggled into your country from China.  Biden wants to use illegals for more Democratic votes, but there needs to be an effort to close your border.  Biden is giving a little lip service to building a small part of the Southern wall.  This is a destruction of your country in many ways.  Be watchful when the one world people will bring out the digital dollar which will take cash out of circulation for a controlled currency.  Trust in Me to protect My people when I will call My faithful to My refuges.”

Wednesday, October 25, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you come to Me at Mass every day and I give you My grace in My Eucharist.  Keep your soul clean  from sin in monthly Confession so you are worthy to receive Me into your heart and soul.  As you see My tabernacle in your vision, I am calling you to try and make a visit to Me in My tabernacle or in a monstrance at Adoration.  I am always Present to you in My consecrated Host, and I long to have people visit the One who created you and loves you.  I thank those people who acknowledge Me in My Blessed Sacrament, and I bless those who come before Me.  Let Me be the center of your lives so I can prepare you for coming to heaven one day.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this stump of a tree and I told you to save the wood.  I am referring to your old apple tree where the bark was chewed off and it looks dead.  It is good wood and worthy of saving for heating your house.  Plan on cutting it down before the winter snow arrives.”

Thursday, October 26, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you how I was bringing division instead of peace.  This division in families is because some people believe in Me, while others do not believe in Me.  Some of the people are being tempted by the devil because they are lazy or reject Me spiritually.  There are only two destinations for your soul in either heaven or hell.  Most believers will need some cleansing in purgatory.  So in eternity you will be loved by Me in heaven, or you will be hated by the devil in the flames of hell.  You are about to be tested in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  I have been giving you instructions to come to My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your physical needs.  I will be with you at daily Mass by a priest, or if there is no priest, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion.  Those people, who are faithful and suffer through the tribulation, will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people,  the Republicans finally voted in a Speaker to take the gavel in the House of Representatives.  This was the fourth nominee who succeeded in gaining 220 votes to win the vote for Speaker.  Representative Johnson is now appointed to get working on the Annual Budget.  Now your Congress can get back to operating the funding of wars and the business they can now vote on.”

Jesus said: “My people, Israel is continuing to bomb Gaza, but they are holding back their big push so America can get their air defenses in place because of the many drone attacks from Iran.  Iran and its backers are trying to get America into this war.  America has many ships and troops in the area, and this could expand the war in the Middle East.  America does not want to get involved because this war could draw others into a World War III.  Pray for peace in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, by sending many arms and ammunition to the Ukraine, your factories will be working hard to support both wars.  Your arms will be needed for your own troops in the Middle East.  This is another reason that you needed a Speaker in the House of Representatives to approve spending for the war in the Ukraine and that in Israel.  Biden has been using words against Iran, but not a direct confrontation.  This weak position has emboldened Iran to use drone attacks on your troops.  Pray that this war does not expand.”

Jesus said: “My people, your border problem keeps getting worse and there is no attempt to close your border.  The millions of people are straining your infrastructure to house, feed, and provide hospitalization for these people.  Your hospitals are so overwhelmed that some hospitals are closing for lack of funds.  Your local governments are also having difficulties in absorbing thousands of illegal immigrants.  This constant flow of people is ruining your country, and there is a cry of complaints to shut down your border.  Unless you shut down your border, your local governments will go bankrupt.  Pray for a means to shut your border down.”

Jesus said: “My people,  you just saw a category 5 hurricane come into Mexico without much warning and it caused a lot of damage.  You had some unusually warm days, and soon you will have colder weather with even snow in some areas.  Your people are seeing more violent storms in various parts of your country.  If the trucks do not deliver enough food to your stores, you could see some food shortages.  Keep your pantries full of the three months of food I have suggested you will be needing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be seeing more of your churches closing or having less Masses, as your priests are dying and retiring with only a few replacements.  Keep praying for more priestly vocations as your numbers of priests are declining.  It will also be hard to find priests for My refuges.  This is why I told you that My angels will need to bring daily Holy Communion to those refuges without a priest.  Pray for more priests and deacons to serve My people with My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, there will be a lot of believers searching for Confession, and they will need refuges during the tribulation.  Because of this great need for places at My refuges, I will be expanding the existing refuges, and I will be multiplying your buildings as well as your food, water, and fuels.  St. Joseph will be making room for 5,000 people in your backyard.  This will not be the only large refuge, since My angels may have to expand many refuges to supply what is needed for My believers.  I thank all of My refuge builders, because you may have to manage a lot more people than you prepared for initially.”

Friday, October 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I know how all of you have inherited a weakness to sin because of Adam’s original sin.  In order to lead a holy life, I have given you My Ten Commandments that you have memorized from your youth.  You know what is right and wrong, but you are tempted by the devil and your weakness can lead you to sin.  So it takes some will power for your body to follow what is lawful.  The more you pray and come to Mass and Holy Communion, I will give you My graces to strengthen you against your sins.  Keep focused on Me, and I will lead you to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, Israel has told Hamas how they would invade Gaza to take out Hamas.  Tonight they are carrying out the attack as Israel has promised.  This will be a bloody war on both sides.  Hezbollah has said they would attack in the North if Israel goes into Gaza.  This could become a two front war with Israel in the middle.  America has ships and troops ready if needed.  It is hoped that this war does not expand.  If Israel feels threatened, be careful because they have nuclear weapons that they could unleash on any enemy.  Keep praying that this war does not get larger in scope or with other countries.”

Saturday, October 28, 2023: (St. Simon and St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My son, you have heard the expression of an empty nest when your children leave your home when they get married or live on their own.  Now you are helping your grandchildren by taking care of their children for a few days.  I had My apostles for students and I trained them with My words in parables.  Later, I would explain the meaning of My parables to My apostles so they could teach others.  You, My son, also have students in your family and those who listen to My messages in your website, your books, and your Zoom meetings, as well as your prayer group.  You give your family a good example of going to Mass, praying your daily rosaries, and following My Commandments.  By showing your family how to practice the Christian faith, then they can share this faith with their own children.  Even if some parents do not go to Sunday Mass, you are giving the children a better example.  Pray for all of the souls of your family and for all poor sinners, and those in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are troubled by the storms of life, call on Me and I will calm the waters, and I will see to your needs.  I will help solve your problems in My ways when you pray for My help.  I call you to My harbor of graces where I will lift your burden off of your shoulders.  Come to Me all who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.  Trust in Me to lead you to My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your needs during the tribulation.”

Sunday, October 29, 2023:
Jesus said:  “My people, you know how much I love the little children.  Their faith is so pure and innocent.  It is the sincere faith of the children that you need in order to come into heaven.  Do not harm or abuse My little ones.  If anyone should harm the children, they need to pay dearly for their crimes.  I also want you to pray to stop abortion of My unborn babies.  You can even pray, as you do,  in front of the Planned Parenthood clinics.  I encourage all the parents to have their children baptized and receive their sacraments.  Give them a good example by taking them to Sunday Mass and Confession once a month.   Parents are responsible for the souls of their children and grandchildren.”

Monday, October 30, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel of Luke you saw Me heal the old woman from a back infirmity, and she gave praise to God for My healing, even on the Sabbath.  I knew it was not right to do work on the Sabbath, but I took pity on this woman who had been bent over for many years.  Healing people can be done on any day, even though the Jewish leaders frowned on healing on the Sabbath.  I called them hypocrites because they did not have compassion on someone with a physical problem.  I call people to love Me and your neighbor in need.  You can help your neighbor with healing or giving them food, as at your local food shelves.  You love your neighbor by helping them with their needs.  Pray for the poor and those who need healing.  Pray also for those people with hard hearts that their eyes can be opened to have compassion on people in need.”

Jesus said: “My people, the invasion into Gaza is starting with bombs and missiles exploding.  Hezbollah is getting more active in the North near Lebanon.  This war is slowly expanding with many civilians who are caught in the middle of the fighting.  Israel is determined to root out Hamas in all of the Hamas tunnels.  My people need to pray that America does not get drawn into this war.  You have a lot of warships, planes, and Marines backing up Israel.  Also you need to pray that this war does not involve more countries.”

Tuesday, October 31, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you wake up this morning to another gift of life to live another day to evangelize souls.  In the vision you are on the sea of life, as I am guiding your rudder toward heaven.  Just as you have to guide your boat according to the direction of the wind, so I put the wind in your sails to travel where I will lead you.  You are seeing your first frost as you had to scrape the ice from your windshield.  Now, you need to prepare for winter and keep your house warm.  You still need to finish raking up your leaves as well.  Enjoy the change of seasons as you see the end times in the signs of winter.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many chemtrails in the sky from both military and commercial jet planes.  These trails are made with aluminum oxide, barium salts, along with viruses that cause people to have upper respiratory sicknesses.  These trails were made to try and stop the sun from heating up the earth.  This is a cover story for the real intention of spreading the flu and other viruses that could cause a pandemic virus.  Another effect of spreading so much aluminum oxide is that it can contribute to causing Alzheimer’s disease or memory loss.  It also causes the soil to raise the pH that can make it hard to grow crops that like a lower pH.  It would be better if your government stopped spreading these poisonous aerosols that are bad for everyone’s health.”

Wednesday, November 1, 2023: (All Saints’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today you have a glimpse of heaven with all of My saints and angels.  This is your hope and faith one day that you will be with Me and all of the saints.  All the people, who love Me and repent of their sins, will be received into heaven.  My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation.  After I rid the evil ones and renew the earth, My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.  Rejoice that I am with you always in My consecrated Hosts in My tabernacle.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you could see how the poor souls in purgatory could not raise themselves out of the pit.  They rely mostly on the prayers of My faithful to move higher.  Having a Mass offered for individual intentions can raise souls up faster than your prayers.  You can even offer up your daily Mass for the souls in purgatory.  The souls, that you help to get out of purgatory, will remember you the most and they will pray for your soul to return your favor.  All of the rosaries that you pray every day have the souls in purgatory as one of your intentions.  Even when you see the priest offering up the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, you can offer some names or for the souls in general to help them get out of purgatory.  Have mercy on the poor souls and keep praying your rosaries for them.”

Thursday, November 2, 2023: (All Souls’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you are viewing a traditional funeral in the vision when the casket with the deceased person is placed in the ground.  A good number of deceased people are being cremated and the ashes are stored in an above ground place, or in a mausoleum.  This cemetery scene is closure for the relatives, but it is such a final end to your physical body.  It is of more concern for the resting place of the soul that is called back to Me in judgment.  Some souls go to hell, but the rest may need to suffer some purification in purgatory.  This is why you pray for the dead and you have Masses said for the soul, so that soul can eventually be raised into heaven.  So continue to pray for the souls in purgatory, who need your prayers to be released from there.  These souls are suffering there, and they need your help.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed on this day to pray for the poor souls in purgatory.  Even at times these souls give you signs that they need prayers.  You remember when I suggested that you keep pictures around of your deceased relatives.  Part of the reason for doing so, is that this reminds you to pray for their souls.  Some of these signs from these souls can be found in a book you read of: ‘Get Us Out of Here’.  It might be good for you to reread this book.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see the war in Israel that has taken many lives, and each day more are dying.  You are praying for this war to cease, but Israel is trying to root out Hamas.  You can also pray for all the souls of the deceased who may be in purgatory.  You are also seeing people being killed in the Ukraine war as well.  Keep praying that these wars can be stopped.  America  is financing the weapons that are being used in both wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden’s open border is causing a destruction of your infrastructure in many of your cities.  Even your Democrat mayors are complaining that they do not have the funds to take care of all the illegal immigrants.  Your border needs to be closed, or Biden will destroy your country.  You could be letting in foreign armies or terrorists that could harm your people.  These people are not vetted, and you could be letting in terrorists.  Many children are missing at the border as they are being abused by evil people.  Keep praying that your people will come to their senses, and you can close this border problem.”

Jesus said: “My people,  you are seeing many drone and missile attacks on your troops at bases in Syria and Iraq.  Iran is trying to provoke America into fighting this war between Hamas and Israel.  You have many ships, planes, and troops that are deployed to backup Israel.  You are in close proximity to this war, and you could see other countries try to defend Hamas as Turkey.  Even more ships are entering the Mediterranean Sea from England and Italy.  Keep praying that this war does not get larger with other countries getting involved.”

Jesus said: “My people, many souls in purgatory are released on these holy days of All Saints’ Day and Poor Souls’ Day.  Give thanks and praise to Me for allowing these purified souls to come to heaven.  These souls are the saints dressed in white robes that you read about in the Book of Revelation.  I am calling on My faithful to keep evangelizing souls by bringing them to be baptized into the faith.  Allow these souls to be on the road to heaven with Me.  I love all of My created souls and I am working  through My faithful remnant to bring as many souls to heaven as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am building many mansions in heaven for all of My faithful remnant.  You have not seen how beautiful heaven is, and your struggle to be one of My saints will be well worth your reward for your place in one of the seven levels of heaven.  I want My people to strive for the higher levels of heaven by your good works, and being faithful to Me.  I call all souls to be with Me,  but some souls will be misled by the devil to hell.  Keep giving good example to others so they can be saved in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the earth is cleansed of all evil, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.  There will be no evil and you will see constant Light from My Real Presence in My Spirit.  You will be vegetarians and you will live a long time by eating from many trees of Life.  You will see an abundance of food and there will be no more survival of the fittest.  Like in Isaiah the animals will be calm without eating each other.  With no evil present, My faithful will all become saints through My grace.  So when you die in the Era of Peace, you will be joined with Me and all of My saints and angels in heaven.  In heaven you will praise Me for all eternity as you will see Me in the beatific vision.  Your love for Me will be perfect for whichever level of heaven that you will have.  Being with Me forever in heaven will be a joy you have yet to experience.  Be grateful to be chosen as one of My disciples when you will experience coming to heaven.”

Friday, November 3, 2023: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Martin is giving you a good example of how to share what you have with your neighbor in need.  As you approach Thanksgiving Day, you usually give your donation to the local food shelf that provides food for the poor.  You can help your neighbor physically in many ways as well.  I call you to love Me and your neighbor with acts of kindness to people every day.  Think of helping others and not just doing things for your own comfort.  You can also pray for your family and neighbors for good health, both in body and soul.  You pray for saving souls from hell every day, especially for those souls in your family.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you look at a football stadium during a game, they are filled with crowds to watch the game.  Yet when you come to some churches, there are fewer people coming to Sunday Mass.  The people are putting money and games of entertainment before Me, and they are making such things idols or even gods.  The devil is using your creature comforts to distract you away from Me.  This is why you need to stay close to Me in your daily prayers, and center your life around Me, instead of those things that will pass away with time.  Your soul and I are eternal, and I love you more than the cold worldly things.  Your money and sports will pass away, so put your trust in Me.  I offer you eternity in heaven with Me who loves you, but the devil can only offer you the flames of hell, as he hates you.  Choose to follow Me forever in heaven as you focus more on heavenly things than on temporary worldly things.”

Saturday, November 4, 2023: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said:  “My people, in the Gospel your read: ‘He, who exalts himself, will be humbled, and he, who humbles himself, will be exalted.’  I gave  an example of taking a lower place at a wedding feast, and do not take a place of honor that was meant for others.  You need to be kind and help your neighbor in their need.  Show your love for Me  by attending monthly Confession, so you can keep your soul white and clean.  It is difficult for Me to look on souls that are black with sin.  Take time to offer your daily prayers for the souls of your family and for the poor souls in purgatory.  November is a month of remembrance of your loved ones who have passed on.”

Jesus said:  “My people, America is very vulnerable to losing your electricity if you have an EMP attack or evil people could destroy your electric substations.  This vision of an old steam locomotive is a sign that you could see little or no electricity.  So My refuges need to be ready to make your own electricity, and be able to heat your houses without using your natural gas lines.  You have back up heaters with your wood fires and kerosene burners.  Once I call you to My refuges, I will multiply your fuels, water, and food.  You have beds to sleep forty people, food for about a year, and water from your well and your 55 gallon barrels.  You have cut up wood that could also be multiplied.  Trust in Me to provide for your needs during the tribulation.”

Sunday, November 5, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you all are getting older one day at a time, but this clock in the vision is to encourage you to make the most of your time in the world.  This means you need to be a good example to all the people around you by showing your love and willingness to help everyone.  You read in the Gospel how I chastised the Pharisees for not living out what they were preaching.  So when you preach about loving Me and your neighbor, you all need to act on My Word and show your love in your actions.  People will be more willing to act on your words if they see you showing love for Me and them.  Always follow what you are preaching so you are not seen as a hypocrite.  I love all of you and I desire that you love Me and show it in your actions.”

Monday, November 6, 2023:
Jesus said:  “My people, some people only invite their rich friends and relatives into their homes, but when you have a feast, I want you to invite the poor and the lame.  By doing so they cannot repay you, and you will receive your reward in heaven.  So if people need a place to stay, be willing to put them up overnight.  My son, you are gracious in opening your house to near strangers, and your own prayer group and relatives.  Show your kindness to everyone and not just your friends.  By opening your home to help others, I will repay you at your judgment.  By acting out your love for Me, and your neighbors, you will gain My graces in return.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to have a cease fire when Hamas is still sending rockets and they killed 1400 civilian Jews.  Hamas crossed the line by their deadly attacks, and Israel wants to root out all of the Hamas militants, especially in Northern Gaza.  You are seeing revenge by Israel.  Some people are calling the Israeli war a just war.  War kills people and I call on My followers to pray for peace.  Unfortunately, Hamas wants war, even though they hide behind civilians.  With the militant goal of killing the Jews, it is doubtful that peace will ever come to the Middle East.”

Wednesday, November 8, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in order to be one of My disciples, you must put Me first over your family and anything else in the world.  I am a jealous God and I love all of you so much, but I want to be first in your life as you love Me.  I call on My people to count the cost of being My disciple, which means you must give your full allegiance to Me.  I thank all of you for following My Commandments of loving Me and love your neighbor as yourself.  When you can help your family and friends, you are only doing what is expected of you.  When you reach out to help strangers, then I know your love is serious to help anyone.  Trust in Me to help you in life, so I can lead all of My faithful to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, no other country is allowing millions of people to enter their country without being vetted for security purposes.  By letting criminals and foreign armies to enter your country, this is a disgrace against your border laws.  You are allowing fentanyl from China and other drugs to enter your country to destroy your society.  Continuing this open border policy will lead to the death of America, because these numbers will destroy your infrastructure and overwhelm your cities’ finances.  Pray for a closure of your Southern and Northern borders.”

Thursday, November 9, 2023: (St. John Lateran Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a feast day of St. John Lateran Basilica which you saw in your vision in Rome, Italy.  It is unfortunate that both readings were not read and there was no mention by the priest of this celebration.  This is the Pope’s Cathedral, but it was not properly honored.  Little by little you can see the traditions of My Church are being ignored.  It is the faithful laity that is My true Church, and they are the ones to preserve My traditions.  You saw in the Gospel how I had to overturn the tables of the money changers who were selling animals in a holy place of the Temple of God.  They asked for a sign, and I told them how they would kill the temple of My Body, but I would raise it up in three days with My Resurrection from the dead.  So keep My traditions by giving honor and praise to My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts in the tabernacle.”

Prayer Group;
Jesus said: “My people, you have the expression  of ‘you are to bloom where you are planted.’  This means wherever you are praying and going to Mass, you need to reach out to convert souls for Me.  I love your prayer groups when you come together to share in praying your rosaries.  Your world has so many intentions for your prayers, as for the new war in Israel.  You are seeing many protesters who are defending the Hamas killing of Jewish civilians.  It is unfortunate that your colleges are encouraging persecution of the Jews.  This comes from the brainwashing of hate taught by their teachers.  Your people need to pray for peace in America and in Israel and the Ukraine.”

Jesus said: “My people,  I know you are making many laws so that unstable people are not allowed to buy firearms.  Several of these mass shooters are thinking irrationally, or they are following their made up manifesto.  These shooters usually choose soft targets where there is little or no security.  This makes schools, churches, and malls  as targets where there are many people shooters could kill.  Pray that you can stop such evil people from killing more people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a late falling of leaves because you have not had much cold weather.  This is a fall project, but you have a sense that winter is coming.  As you think  about those souls who have passed on this year, you also are thinking of the end times as well as the end of your own life.  You always need to be prepared to die with clean souls and monthly Confession.  Trust in Me that I will judge all souls fairly.  I welcome all souls to be with Me in heaven one day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you sympathize with those people who are sick with coughing, fevers, or other chronic pain.  It is difficult to suffer sickness when you are weak or in pain.  Pray for all of the sick people, because you have been in that position to know how hard it is to get over a sickness.  Pray also for those people who are suffering chronic pain as well.  This is harder because you could have a condition of constant pain with little relief.  If you are suffering, offer up your pain for either persons that need prayers for those living, or for those poor souls in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you have had some possible cheating in some elections on the national scene, but your local elections do not see as much cheating.  You can tell by the low numbers that your local candidates are elected by rural or city districts.  Even if you see some cheating, you know it is much harder to live in a communist country where voting is either missing or totally controlled.  Pray for your leaders that they can lead their people in a just manner.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your own home you can lock your door to keep thieves out from stealing your valuables.  Now you are seeing open borders that allow criminals and drug dealers to take advantage of stealing from you and even killing your young people with fentanyl in drugs from China.  Your border needs a lock as a wall to only allow legal immigration.  Pray that your leaders will change, or you can vote them out of office.  Your evil, cheating politicians will pay for their crimes at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see the digital dollar enacted with a mandate to convert your dollars, or your dollars will become worthless.  Some people are buying gold, silver, or bitcoins before this new money is mandated.  The evil ones will always control your money, but without any backing, the dollar has lost its value.  It is hard to keep up with inflation because it is like a tax on your money as it becomes worth less every year.  After the digital dollar, you will see a mandated mark of the beast that will put you in obedience to the Antichrist for all buying and selling.  Refuse to take the mark of the beast.  Refuse also to take any flu or vaccine shots that could kill you in time.  When you cannot buy things without the mark of the beast, I will call My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your water, food, and fuels.  My angels will shield you from viruses, wars, and bombs.  They will also make you invisible so the evil ones cannot see you.  Trust in My protection throughout the coming tribulation.”

Friday, November 10, 2023: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Scriptures  how My children of the Light focus their lives around Me, and their desire to be with Me forever in heaven.  You know that this life’s treasures are only temporary, but My treasure of My graces I give you, are eternal.  You lead your life out of love for Me and your neighbor.  The worldly people live to gain money, power, and fame, but these material things will pass away.  It is your eternal destination that is more important than just keeping your body alive.  My faithful take care of their lives, but they are much more focused on heavenly things that are eternal, than on earthly things that are temporary and are passing away.  Stay close to Me and you will be rewarded in heaven for all of your good works.”

Jesus said: “My son, I asked you to stop traveling to your talks because this Israeli war with Hamas could trigger some attacks on your people for supporting Israel.  Biden  is allowing all kinds of people to come through your open Southern  border including terrorist Muslims.  You quickly have forgotten your 9-11-01 attack on your twin towers, but you are making it easy for such people to enter.  Your open Southern border is a security  nightmare that now with the Israeli war, is a perfect opportunity  for an attack on your electric grid or your water.  Even your FBI is alerting you to cyber attacks, because you could see some reprisals from Iran, because America is their worst enemy.  Trust in Me to call you to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Saturday, November 11, 2023: (St. Martin of Tours, Veterans Day)
Jesus said: “My people, My Church is under attack from Masons inside the Church and outside the Church.  You will be seeing more persecution of Christians as time goes on.  Even now you are seeing attacks on the Jews.  Soon you will see an even worse attack on My followers because the devil and the evil ones hate Me and My faithful as well.  Once the digital dollar is in place, these evil ones will cancel your accounts, and then I will call you to the safety of My refuges.  This is why you need to stay at your refuge so you are ready to greet the people who I will send to you.  Be prepared because you will see a need for hiding at My refuges.  Have no fear because My angels will defend you from the evil ones, and I will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is showing you an underwater earthquake, and the displacement can start a tsunami wave against the land.  Tsunamis can travel very fast and catch people by surprise near the beach.  Places near where the tectonic plates cause earthquakes, need to be watchful for any sudden tsunamis.  These waves can travel great distances to cause destructive waves on the land.  You remember how thousands were killed in a tsunami in Indonesia.  You even have a Pacific warning system that alerts people after large earthquakes.  Pray that people can be warned soon enough when you have large tsunamis.”

Sunday, November 12, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read the Parable about the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins.  The wise ones bought extra oil for their lamps, so when the bridegroom came, they were ready.  But the foolish ones had their lamps burn out, and they went to buy oil,  but on their return, they found the door locked.  The Bridegroom said he did not know them because they did not know the hour nor the day.  There are some people who know the right things to do, but they are lazy, especially when it comes to coming to Mass on Sunday.  The vision of grain overflowing in the barn, refers to the wise people who heard My word and stored three months of food for the coming famine.  The foolish people did not buy three months of food, and they could go hungry when the shelves are empty in your stores.  So be wise in earthly and heavenly ways, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Monday, November 13, 2023: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a trail leading to the basement of a church, is a sign of how My faithful people will be called to an underground Church, when you will be hiding from the authorities during the tribulation.  You are seeing persecution of faithful clergy by the higher leaders of the Church, when the clergy spoke out about the deposit of the faith in My Church.  The evil ones do not like those people who speak the truth, and this is why you will have to retreat to My underground Church.  You know about the underground Church in China that was also put down by your Church leaders.  Even if you suffer persecution for speaking the truth, I will protect My faithful from the evil ones, and you will be vindicated when I bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people started your current debt money in 1913 with your dollar that was backed by gold.  Over the years this backing was taken away, and now your dollar is worthless once other currencies replace it.  This latest Executive Order 14067 is meant to establish a digital dollar and take your current dollar and coin out of circulation.  This new dollar will track all of your spending, and if you buy the wrong things, your government could zero your bank account.  Christians will be discriminated and your accounts will not be able to buy anything.  You will try to stop this change, but the evil ones are too much in control.  You will need to come to My refuges for your survival and safety.  The mark of the beast will come after the digital dollar, but do not take the mark for any reason.  Be ready to come to My refuges when they take away your money.”

Tuesday, November 14, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, as you draw near to the end of the Church Year, you are reminded of the death of the body in the first reading from the Book of Wisdom.  This reading is usually read at  most funeral Masses, and it gives you pause to think of this life coming to an end when you die.  I am reminding you to keep your soul clean of sin with monthly Confession.  Then you will be prepared to meet Me at your judgment.  You see the leaves falling as nature prepares for winter.  You will have to wait for new life in the spring, but for souls, they may have to be purified in purgatory before coming to Me in heaven.  Because of Adam’s original sin, you all are called to die.  Some of My faithful may be blessed to see their reward in My Era of Peace, but even after a long life, they must die also.  Those faithful souls, who die in the Era of Peace, did their purgatory in the tribulation, and they will rise as saints to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, these underground tunnels in America are called DUMBS.  These tunnels are much bigger than the Hamas tunnels in Gaza.  Your military uses these tunnels to transfer troops and weapons.  You also are aware of another use of these tunnels for young children who are abused to provide adrenochrome for the one world people.  These tunnels also are storing food and weapons for the elite in their underground cities.  The public does not have access to the protection of these tunnels if there was a nuclear war.  The elite could hide there when they release the next pandemic virus.  Have no fear because I will protect My faithful at My refuges from bombs, viruses, and even comets.  My angels will put up shields over My refuges from any dangers to your lives.”

Wednesday, November 15, 2023: (St. Albert the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you are very familiar with My healing of the ten lepers.  I told them to go show themselves to the priests, and they were cleansed of their leprosy on the way.  One of the ten was a Samaritan and he came back to Me to give Me thanks for healing him.  Then I asked why the other nine did not come to give Me thanks as well?  This account is a reminder to give Me thanks for all the good things I do for all of you.  In other words, do not forget to thank Me and other people who help you.  In the vision you are seeing people celebrating a turkey dinner on the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.  It is a usual time for family to come together to give Me thanks for all I do for you.  Do not forget to pray your grace before that meal, even if some people are not so religious.  Let them know the reason for your celebration.  I love all of you, and it is good for your family to unite for the holidays.  Pray for the conversion of all the souls of your family to be saved by believing in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are being controlled by the one world people.  These evil ones, behind the scenes, are manipulating your voting machines using their money to pay off workers and judges.  The evil Democrat leaders will win most elections just like they do in Venezuela and even in Brazil.  Your corporate leaders will help the ruthless Democrats to steal your money with this digital dollar.  Your people need to rise up and fight this takeover of your money, or you will lose everything.  These evil ones will cancel your accounts, and you will need to come to My refuges for your survival and protection.  I will defeat these evil ones and they will all be in hell with My just sentence.  Be thankful that you can survive this tribulation with My angel protection and My multiplication of your needs.”

Thursday, November 16, 2023: (St. Margaret of Scotland)
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and you are blessed to have a sunny day.  The Gospel speaks about the Kingdom of God, and you experience this when you are in My Presence and when you receive My Eucharist.  This Gospel speaks about the end times when you will see the Son of Man come on the clouds to judge humanity.  This will come after the three days of darkness and the Comet of Chastisement that will cleanse the earth of all the evil ones into hell.  My faithful will be protected by My angels at My refuges from any harm from the comet.  I will raise you up in the air and I will renew the earth.  Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace to live a long time in the new Garden of Eden where you will eat from the Trees of Life.  Once you die, you will be a saint and you will rise with Me into your place in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Israel’s Army bringing supplies to this hospital in Gaza without shooting.  The Army found Hamas weapons and ammunition hidden at the hospital.  They discovered tunnels under the hospital because Hamas hides behind its citizens.  This is a brutal war as Israel is trying to clear out Hamas terrorists.  Keep praying for peace, even though both sides do not want to stop fighting.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Chinese communists want America to keep buying things from China.  Biden has taken money  from China and it is hard to trust either leader.  Your people and your company CEOs, like Apple, do a lot of business with China.  China is still sending fentanyl to your country.  Your country is finally trying to source products from other countries and make things in America.  Beware of China who wants to take over Taiwan and they are taking advantage of an open border in Maine.”

Jesus said:  “My people, you are seeing My Church leaders, and they are controlling what is acceptable in their liberal view of My Church.  Those clergy, who support the traditions of My Church and the true faith, are being silenced.  Pray for your leaders who are misleading the people in some elements of the faith.  Any teachings that are contrary to the Catechism of the Catholic Church do not  have to be followed.”

Jesus said: “My people, your whole finance system is about to be changed by Biden and the one world people.  This new money system will be like China’s social credit system.  If you do not follow the proper spending of your new currency, the government could zero your accounts.  This new digital dollar is a takeover of your money, and you need to resist this move, or you will lose your money.  The follow up to this control will be a mandated mark of the beast that you need to refuse taking.  Trust in Me that I will bring My people to My refuges where My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, refuse to take any flu shots or Covid shots because they could kill you in time.  You are seeing many young people dying or getting sick from these shots.  The one world people are using these shots to sterilize people and even reduce the population.  Rely more on holy oils as the Good Friday oil, Hawthorn tea, and antibiotics as ivermectin that can heal people.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not too late to set up refuges, as they will be needed during the tribulation time.  These late starts may not be able to store all that is needed, but My angels will help finish up what is needed at your refuges.  If you have faulty preparations, My angels will repair them, so they can be used during the tribulation.  I will also multiply and refill your food and fuel containers.  It will be My Perpetual Adoration that will give you the power to have your needs multiplied.  Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, these coming end time readings are a comfort and My promise of how I will protect My faithful during the tribulation of the Antichrist.  You will have food, water, and fuels multiplied for your survival.  My angels will put shields over My refuges that will protect you from bombs, viruses, and invisible shields to hide you.  Trust in Me to lead you to My Era of Peace.”

Friday, November 17, 2023: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, in the time of Noah, he built the ark and he put the animals and his family aboard.  Then the flood came and wiped out all of the evil ones.  In the time of Lot, he led his family out of Sodom and then I brought the fire and brimstone down on the Sodomites, and they were destroyed.  Do not look at My destruction, as Lot’s wife looked back and she was turned into a pillar of salt.  So now in the age before the tribulation, one will be taken to My refuges and one will be left behind.  I will separate My faithful from the evil ones, and My people will be safe at My refuges.  Then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell, but My faithful will be shielded from any harm by My angels.  Seal your windows with black plastic so you do not look at any destruction of the evil ones.  Then I will renew the earth and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your power grid went down for a long time, this would affect your lives dramatically.  Not too many people would be able to survive for a long time.  This is why I have asked you to prepare your refuges with food, water, and fuels.  People would be desperate for food and water for basic survival.  This is why My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges.  My angels will protect you from people who want to steal your supplies.  I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you could have a viable refuge for those people who are at your refuge.  You will need your wood and kerosene to keep your house warm in the winter.  You have propane and butane for cooking.  Some solar power could give you lights and some power for your microwave oven.  Be ready to use your solar power for some electricity to run your appliances.  Keeping snow off of your panels will supply some electricity in the winter for your water pump.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and feed you.”

Saturday November 18, 2023:(Dedication of Peter & Paul Basilica)
Jesus said:  “My people, this deep dark water well will provide needed water during a coming famine.  You will need your three months of food when your stores will be empty from another shutdown from a pandemic virus.  When you see people dying in the streets, I will call My faithful to My refuges, where you will look on the luminous cross in the sky that will heal any sickness.  In the Gospel I gave a story of an old woman begging a judge for her just decision.  She had done so for a long time.  This is an example of how you need to be persistent in your prayers, and I will answer them in My way and in My time.  Trust in Me that I listen to every prayer out of your mouth.  I know your desire even before you voice it in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, major changes are coming into the Church and they will not be according to the Church traditions.  If some changes are not proper, you do not have to follow them.  I love all of you, but there are liberal people making these changes.  If you see a change in the words of Consecration, then avoid that Mass and come to a traditional Mass at My refuges.  You are seeing attacks by the devil both inside and outside of My Church.  Keep praying your rosaries and be ready to come to My refuges at the proper time.”

Sunday, November 19, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, the parable in Matthew’s Gospel speaks about talents, but this is a talent of gold where one talent is worth $2 million dollars in today’s value.  This is not the usual meaning of talent, as a gift of music.  One servant was given five talents of gold and he made five more.  The second servant was given two talents of gold and he made two more.  But the third servant was given one talent of gold, and he buried it and he was too lazy to use it to make more.  When the man went abroad, he later returned to settle accounts with his servants.  This is the meaning of when you see My second coming and everyone will have to answer for how they used My gift of life.  You will all be judged as I read the intentions of your heart in your actions.  All of those people, who love Me and repent of their sins, will be welcomed into heaven.  But those people, who do not love Me, and they do not seek My forgiveness of their sins, are choosing hell over heaven.  Reach out to convert people to believe in Me so they can be saved.  I call all of My faithful to be evangelists in sharing your faith with others.”

Monday, November 20, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, many people have been healed from disabilities because they had faith in My healing power.  Imagine if you were blind, and you could not see anything.  You could hear and feel things, but having sight is a wonderful gift.  You may be near sighted or far sighted, but you can wear glasses to help with your sight.  Some people have cataracts  or your eyesight is weakening.  Be thankful for operations that can restore your sight when possible.  You may have physical sight, but you also need the eyes of faith to have understanding of My Gospels in how to live holy lives.  Those people, who consecrate their lives to Me, are walking on the right path to heaven.  Call on Me every day to give you sight both for the soul and the body.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, you have prepared well for your refuge with twenty lanterns that are powered by three AA rechargeable batteries.  You will need some light at night, and rechargeable batteries can be recharged if you have some solar panels and batteries.  As long as you can keep recharging your batteries, you can have light all of the time.  You also have some windup lights for getting to the bathroom in the dark.  When you prepare for your refuges, think about independent living.  Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your necessities at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have solar panels and batteries so you could run some devices during the night such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, and your water pump and sump pumps.  Water is necessary, so being able to run your water well is good to provide water to drink, cook, and your toilets.  This is why backup electric sources will be needed.  Thank Me for encouraging you to get your water well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to have a backup source of heating your home if the natural gas is no longer available.  You have an insert wood fireplace that is 70% efficient.  You have plenty of wood to burn to keep you warm for a full winter.  You also have kerosene and several kerosene burners so you can keep warm.  I will replenish your fuels so you can survive several years.  Trust in My multiplication of your fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be baking bread with your Camp Chef oven, and you will be making soups that will not go dry all day long.  Again I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  It will be difficult to feed  a lot of people at your refuge, but have no fear because My angels will provide for your needs.  You have learned how to make and bake bread from your practice runs.  You also know how to make big kettles of soup because you did so in your practice refuge runs.  Be thankful that you did your practice runs so you know how to provide your meals.”

Jesus said: “My son, you did well to make some bunk beds, and you bought 22 cots with a small mattress on the cots, and mattresses for the bunk beds.  You can place your cots so people have privacy in dressing and sleeping.  Your bathrooms will be needed for your hygiene and latrine needs.  You will need to use sponge baths for washing, because showers use too much water.  I will help provide enough buildings to house all of the people who  I will send to your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, I will provide some priests for Mass and Confession at a large refuge.  The priest will consecrate hosts at Mass.  At refuges without a priest, I will have My angels provide daily Holy Communion.  You will need a monstrance to place a consecrated Host for your Perpetual Adoration.  Your people need to sign up for at least one hour of Adoration per day.  Having My Real Presence among you will enable My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels with your faith in My miracles.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will bring My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion time to give people a chance to make reparation for their sins when there will be no evil influence.  After this time I will call My faithful to come to the safety of My refuges with an inner locution only for the faithful.  My angels will shield you from bombs, viruses, and even comets.  They will also make you invisible to the evil ones.  At the end of the tribulation, I will send My Comet of Chastisement that will kill the evil ones and they will be sent to hell.  My faithful will be protected from the comet, and I will bring you into a renewed earth in My Era of Peace where you will live for a long time.  Rejoice when you will be living with no evil influence.”

Tuesday, November 21, 2023: (Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, Eleazar preferred to die instead of following the King’s edict that the Jews had to eat pork.  The Jews did not eat pork according to the Mosaic law.  This willingness to die for his faith, is a lesson for Christians who are already dying  for their faith in communist countries.  The coming tribulation may also be a test for Christians when you will be threatened with death if you do not take the mark of the beast.  Refuse to take the mark of the beast, even if you become a martyr for the faith.  Also refuse to take any mandated flu or Covid shots because people are dying from the shots.  Those people, who take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be sent to hell according to the Book of Revelation in Chapter 13.  So follow Me, even if it means being a martyr.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people trying to preserve their savings by using your dollars to buy bitcoins, gold, and silver.  If the digital dollar is brought out, it is unsure if other precious metals would be allowed to buy things. There will be the mark of the beast that will soon be the only means for buying and selling things.  Then such a mark would be needed to finalize a transaction even with gold or silver.  Buying other forms of value is one way to try and fight the digital dollar.  You will soon see how the one world people want to control your purchases.  If you cannot use other means of barter, then I will need to call My people to the safety of My refuges.”

Wednesday, November 22, 2023: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Maccabees you read how seven sons were killed because they would not eat pork.  They were killed in front of the mother as she encouraged them to die instead of defiling their Mosaic law.  The woman was also killed because of her strong faith.  In today’s feast day of St. Cecilia she was also a martyr who was beheaded for her faith.  She is the patron for musicians.  It takes a strong faith to stand up to kings and leaders who want to kill you for being true to My laws.  You may be tested with possible martyrdom when the one world people want to force you to take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist.  Some faithful may be martyred if they are captured.  But when your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges, so have no fear.”

Jesus said: “My people,  the people on the news claimed this incident was not a terrorist attack, but these reporters were trying to calm people’s minds.  Based on what the cameras saw of the incident, this was not an ordinary accident.  The fire was even called an explosion at first.  The news people seemed to be covering up what really happened.  Even after an investigation of this incident, you probably will not be told the real story.  This incident was serious enough to close down all of the four bridges in the area.  This is another reason that your open borders can be a security risk where you could be allowing terrorists to enter your country.  Pray that your open borders could be closed.”

Thursday, November 23, 2023: (Thanksgiving Day, Bl Miguel Pro)
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much that I died for all of you on the cross to offer everyone My salvation of your souls.  All you need to do is to accept My gift so your soul can be saved from hell.  By believing in Me and following My Commandments, you will be on the right path to heaven.  I have given you all that you need in this life to survive, and I have prepared a place for you in heaven in your next life.  Your soul rejoices to be with Me every time you receive Me into your soul with Holy Communion at Mass.  You need to thank Me for all of the gifts I have given you.  I thank you for your ‘yes’ to carry out the missions I have set before you.  Share your love with Me and your neighbor as yourself.  Wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to pray your grace before you eat your turkey dinner.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is another sign for the Children of the Light who I will protect during the coming tribulation.  It is sad to watch how the devil is testing the children of the world with temporary riches and fame.  Those people, who love Me and repent of their sins, are My Children of the Light.  Follow Me and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.  Remember to focus on My heavenly things that are eternal, and do not be distracted by the earthly things that are passing away.”

Friday, November 24, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, you saw in the vision a large church, much like St. Joseph will build for you and the people who come to your refuge as a sanctuary of protection by My angels.  In the Gospel reading you saw how I turned over the tables with their money, where the vendors were selling animals for sacrifice.  It is mercy I desire and not sacrifice.  You have Masonic elements in My Church that I desire to  cleanse as well.  There will come a time when My faithful will need to come to My refuges for a proper Mass.  You will have Perpetual Adoration at My refuges to feed your soul.  Be grateful that I will protect My faithful during the whole tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, I want you to run your well water, and during the day, test your off-grid solar system that it can run the water pump.  Check your batteries that are working your lanterns and see that they are fully charged.  Buy  a few extra lamps and some extra LED light bulbs.  This provides your water and light at night.  Check to see if your solar system will run your refrigerator.  Have your kerosene and your burner available if your power goes out.  You need to be ready for a power outage of a long duration.  By being ready you can provide for the needs of at least forty people as I have asked you before.  Use your LED bulbs in your lights so your power will last longer.  I love all of you, but you will be working to keep your people warm and fed with water and food.”

Saturday, November 25, 2023: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, when leaders felt threatened by Christian believers, who would not follow their orders, then they killed them as martyrs for the faith.  When the Antichrist takes over, he will seek out Christians to kill them, but fear not because I will lead My faithful to the safety of My refuges.  My angels will shield you with an invisible shield and the evil ones will not see you.  I will also multiply your buildings, food, water, and fuels so My faithful will survive the tribulation. Rejoice when I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people wait for this time of year to buy things on sale for the day after Thanksgiving.  It is the desire to satisfy your craving for something new that draws people to the stores.  Once you finally acquire what you sought, taking possession soon loses its appeal until you want to buy some other new thing.  Everything you buy in time becomes obsolete, so you have to replace it.  This is true of all material things because they soon pass away.  This is why I encourage you to seek what is eternal with Me because I always give you what is needed, and I satisfy your soul with My love and My Real Presence in My consecrated Host.”

Sunday, November 26, 2023: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, this is My feast day that ends the Church Year.  You were blessed to feel a small Presence in heaven.  This is your future home, and you had a glimpse to feel what it will be like.  I love all of you, and you need to pray for your families that they are believers and are ready to come to My refuges.  Pray for their souls that they can be saved to share heaven with Me.  You read in the Gospel how I will come in glory to separate My sheep on the right from the goats on the left.  For you saw Me hungry and you fed Me.  You gave Me clothes when I needed them.  You gave Me water when I was thirsty.  Because you did this for the least of My people, you did it for Me, and I thank you.”

Monday, November 27, 2023: (Laura Capione Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Laura was able to live ninety-two  years and she had a full life working at her various jobs providing food with different businesses and churches.  She provided for her family with her husband.  She had many grandchildren and great grandchildren.  She prayed her rosary and she was a faithful person giving good example to her relatives.  She will spend a short time in purgatory and I am preparing her place in heaven.  Pray for her soul and have Mass said for her in addition to today’s Mass.  She was a loving person and she will be rewarded for her good works and cooking.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Sunday starts the Advent Season and you already have your Christmas tree up and your manger scene in your chapel.  Advent goes quickly in about four weeks until Christmas Day.  You also have your manger scene outside on your porch.  Many people are out buying gifts for their family and friends.  You also are getting your Christmas cards together before you mail them out.  The gifts are nice to share, but remember it is My birth that is most important.  I am the baby King, but Herod wanted to kill Me, since he thought I was a threat to his crown.  Many Christians have died for their faith, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Tuesday, November 28, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, this is the last week of the Church Year, and you are reading the end time Gospels.  In the Book of Revelation and St. Luke’s Gospel, it speaks about nations fighting with each other, as in the Ukraine and Israel.  It also speaks of famine, earthquakes, and pestilence, as in your Covid virus.  It speaks of wonders appearing in the skies.  One wonder will be the luminous cross in the sky over My refuges.  Just like when Moses raised the bronze serpent on a pole and people were healed of their snake bites, so people at My refuges will look on the luminous cross in the sky and they will be healed of any ailments.  Another wonder in the sky, will be when I come on the clouds to judge humanity.  The evil ones will be cast into hell and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, by some measures your economy is progressing by your consumers who are buying things they need, instead of things that are luxuries.  You still have a fair amount of inflation that is not being stopped by your Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes.  Some of your growth is artificial with Biden’s government that has spent over six trillion dollars.  You still could be seeing a digital dollar about to steal your money and eventually make your dollars worthless, if you are a conservative or a Christian.  You are about to see Christians come under attack from the liberal Democrats.  Be prepared to come to My  refuges if your lives are in danger.”

Wednesday, November 29, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you read from Daniel how I punished the king because he used the Sacred vessels from the Temple, and they worshiped gold, silver, bronze, and stone, instead of Me.  The writing on the wall was a sign how the king would die and his kingdom would be divided among his enemies.  In the Gospel I told you how people will hate you and persecute you for My namesake and following My ways.  When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges, where My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and I will multiply what you have for your survival.  So have no fear when you will have sufficient food, water, and fuels.  I will even bring you deer for meat, and you will make your bread.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are making more plans to have more electricity for your lights and small devices with Lithium batteries and your new solar panels to power them.  This is a good backup plan for your refuge when you will have no other electric sources.  It is true that you can use your money now, but you may not have finances once the digital dollar can tie up your money.  Be prepared to have independent living at your refuge.  Trust in My angels to protect you from the evil ones and help you with your electrical needs.”

Thursday, November 30, 2023: (St. Andrew, apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, I called My apostles and they left everything, and followed Me.  I would make them fishers of men for the faith.  In My three years of My public ministry I showed My apostles miracles of healing and multiplication of food.  I empowered them to heal people with miracles as well.  Everyone, who is baptized in My Name, is also called to be an evangelist.  You, My son, have been traveling for twenty-eight years spreading My messages by car and by airplane.  Now you are called to share My  Word using your Zoom programs on the internet.  Rejoice that all of My workers in the tribulation time, will have their reward in My Era of Peace.  But first you will come to My refuges to endure your purgatory in the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the last week of the Church Year and you are reading the end time Gospels.  In the Book of Revelation St. John sees a vision of heaven with all kinds of precious stones.  Being in heaven with Jesus, the saints, and angels is the desire of every Christian.  You are also approaching the start of Advent which is a preparation for Christmas in about four weeks.  Give praise and thanks to Me as the Infant King.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people waited a long time for My coming into the world, so I could offer My Body up for the salvation of all souls who accept Me.  Once I died on the cross and rose from the dead, I brought many worthy souls into heaven who were prepared in their souls to enter.  Rejoice with My angels as they sang the Gloria to the shepherds.”

Jesus said: “My people, this war was started by Hamas when they killed 1,200 civilian Jews in Israel.  It was Hamas who beheaded babies and killed other innocent Jews.  Now Israel is trying to root out Hamas to stop any future attacks.  The Hamas in Gaza sent many missiles into Israel and Israel has retaliated with
tanks and missiles.  Some hostages were taken by Hamas and there was a trade of prisoners during a brief cease fire.  Pray for calm and a release of all of the hostages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a potential war with the Hamas people and the US.  A world war could break out in Armageddon that would fulfill the Scriptures of the last battle.  This battle will include the good and evil angels, but I will conclude it with My victory over the evil ones.  Rejoice when I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading how four states: New York, Florida, Hawaii, and California are building detention camps for quarantines and the imprisonment of people for little reason by your governors.  This is against your Constitution, and it could be another means to imprison Christians just for your belief in Me.  Before the tribulation begins, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion to prepare the people for their struggle at My refuges.  Trust in Me that My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing radical people enticing crowds to demonstrate against Israel. These radicals are the communist agitators who are trying to cause division in your people.  They are promoting anti-Semitism and are fighting military help to Israel.  These students are only being taught about the liberal view against Israel.  The communists have infiltrated your colleges and the students are being taught to even hate your country.  There is a backlash against your colleges by some large donors.  Pray for peace in your country and not division.”

Jesus said: “My people,  you have heard My call to My faithful refuge builders to set up refuges to protect My people during the tribulation.  I gave you, My son, many instructions of how to set up a refuge.  You have set up solar panels for electricity, dried food for your meals, a water well for water, and kerosene and wood to heat your house in the winter.  You have propane and butane for cooking and making bread.  Most of all you need My Perpetual Adoration for the needed miracles of multiplying your needs.  Trust in Me and My angels to help you to survive this tribulation.  Your reward will be in My Era of Peace.”

Friday, December 1, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, Daniel is describing the wings and heads of the four beasts in his reading of the end times.  There will be a judgment of all souls to either heaven or hell.  There will first be My Comet of Chastisement that will kill all of the evil people, but My faithful  will be protected at My refuges by My angels.  The evil ones will be cast into hell, but My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace after I renew the earth.  After the end of the Era of Peace, My faithful will be brought into their places in heaven.  Rejoice when My victory will come over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several times that bad virus diseases are coming from China.  This threat of another Pandemic virus coming from China is part of a plan to persecute Christians, and get rid of people blocking the communist plans for our takeover.  The latest plans for making quarantine internments in four states would give the liberals a perfect means to get rid of Christians and political enemies.  In Russia they use this same tactic of getting rid of political enemies, by claiming they are insane and they send them off to Siberia.  Have no fear because I will call My faithful to My refuges before any deadly Pandemic virus is spread among your people.  Trust in My angel protection at My refuges where My faithful will be safe from any viruses, bombs, or comets.”

Saturday, December 2, 2023: (First Saturday for Blessed Mother)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Daniel, you read the description of the fourth beast of a coming kingdom with ten horns on its head that could symbolize the European Union of ten countries.  There was also a little horn that replaced three horns which could represent the three Papal states joined into one in the Vatican.  The Antichrist will rule over the world for less then 3½ years until I will come and defeat this evil one.  I will cleanse the earth of all evil, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been working on providing more solar power, especially for the dark winter nights.  Now you have two batteries; one to power lights on the first floor and one for lights on the second floor.  You also recharged your rechargeable batteries for your small lanterns.  During the winter you have snow on your second story solar panels, but you can clean off the snow from your panels on the first floor.  Your off grid solar power can run your water pump and your sump pumps.  The new batteries will be added electricity all year round.  With your food and fuels, you will be ready to provide for the forty people at your refuge. Trust in Me and My angels to help you during the tribulation, and they will protect you.”

Sunday, December 3, 2023: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, this Advent celebrates two comings; My coming at Christmas, and My coming after I defeat the Antichrist.  You are seeing the change in the priest’s vestments from green to purple.  The people waited a long time until I came to the earth in Bethlehem.  You also have been waiting a long time until I will come to judge souls to hell or My Era of Peace.  The Gospel speaks of being ready in your soul by monthly Confession.  Your first indication of My second coming, will be when I bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion.  The evil tribulation will be after the Warning.  So be on the watch, and be ready to come to the safety of My refuges, when I will give My faithful My inner locution to leave.”

Monday, December 4, 2023:
Jesus said: “My Church was founded on the rock of St. Peter, and My Church has survived all of these years because I was guarding it against the gates of hell.  My Church will continue, even despite any division, since My faithful remnant will carry it on at My refuges.  When the Antichrist is allowed to take over the earth, My Church will have to go underground at My refuges.  Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I call you with My inner locution.  My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are planning to have enough backup batteries and solar panels to provide lights on all three floors.  You need some lamps and LED lights to provide light at night the year round.  This is a better light support than your LED lanterns that did not last one night and needed recharging.  You could also run some small appliances.  This makes your refuge better to cope with lights in the winter time when you have to deal with snow and less light from the sun.  You have your electric saw to cut up wood, and you have beds that will give you what is needed at your refuge.  Trust in My angel protection and My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels.”

Tuesday, December 5, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading from Isaiah when he speaks of the Stump of Jesse who is the father of St. Joseph.  There is a line of ancestors dating back to David, Abraham, and even Adam.  You also  are reading a description of the Era of Peace when the animals will not eat each other.  The lamb will rest with the wolf, and the lion  and ox will eat hay together.  This is a sign that you will be vegetarians in the Era of Peace, and food will be abundant.  You will live a long time in this Era when there will be no evil.  Rejoice as you will be prepared to be saints and ready for heaven when you die.  Rejoice also when you will see My day at the final judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, your ships are being used to intercept Yemen missiles aimed at Israel.  They also are being used to defend ships with connections to Israel.  With such close proximity to other ships, your ships could also be attacked by Yemen.  This could easily bring your country into the war with Iran and its proxies.  Pray that your country is not drawn into the Israeli war with Hamas.  You also are seeing a challenge to help Israel with weapons in your Congress and with Biden.”

Wednesday, December 6, 2023: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading how I healed the sick with a great crowd.  Then I took seven loaves of bread and two fish and I multiplied them to feed four thousand people.  The apostles picked up seven baskets of fragments left over.  This is similar how I will heal My faithful remnant at My refuges when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky.  I will also feed My people at My refuges when I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  So be prepared to come to My refuges where My angels will protect you from the evil ones.  I will send you deer for meat and I will multiply My daily Holy Communion from the priest at Mass, or from My angels, if there are no priests.  Today you celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas for your little Christmas with gifts now and at Christmas.”

(Mass for Marco) Jesus said: “My people, Marco was raised into heaven from purgatory with today’s Mass for him.  This vision  of a butterfly was your answer to the joy for this soul.  Masses and many prayers have been offered for his soul.  It is difficult to give an answer whether a soul is in heaven or not, but this vision showed you the answer without asking.  Give praise and thanks to Me  for answering this question about Marco’s soul.  I thank all of those people who offered prayers and Masses for his soul to be released from purgatory.”

Thursday, December 7, 2023: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, your faith is built around Me on the rock of St. Peter.  In the Gospel I told you about a faithful man that built his house on a rock foundation that protected his house from storms.  The foolish man built his house on sand, and when rain and wind came, his house was washed away and ruined.  So it is with those people who are faithful and they build their lives around faith in Me as their solid foundation.  Make Me the center of your life and I will protect you and provide for your needs.  You remember St. Ambrose because you were married in a church named after him.  Even though they changed the name, it will always be St. Ambrose Church to you.  Trust in Me for all that you need in life.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am your Savior and I died on My cross to offer everyone an opportunity to be saved by My sacrifice.  Accept Me as your Savior and confess your sins at least monthly in Confession.  By loving Me and loving your neighbor according to My Commandments, you can keep your soul clean so you are ready to meet Me any day at your judgment.  I love all of you so much, and I want you to be with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a large holy water font that you bless yourself with when you enter church and genuflect to the tabernacle.  Properly prepared holy water is a true blessing for those who use it.  Even some people drink holy water for its healing properties.  If you are sick, pray for a healing, and drink the holy water.  I love all of you, and I offer a healing to people who request it in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My faithful have dedicated their houses to become a refuge with prayers or a priest’s blessing.  It is true in past messages that at the refuge time, I could multiply your buildings in addition to multiplying your food, water, and fuels.  It is My angels who will build similar buildings to the existing building in a day so more people could be housed at a refuge.  My angels will supply all that you need for your survival, even if they have to finish your buildings.  Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges you may not be able to get your town water which might be shut down for you.  It is good to have 55 gallon barrels full of water on hand for the people’s needs for drinking, cooking, and sponge baths.  I asked you, My son, to install a water well on your property and to fill your barrels with water that were outside.  You need a water source you can depend on.  I showed you water sources from rain off of your roofs, and even melting snow.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have an insert in your chimney so you can have a 70% efficient fire to heat your house.  You used your electric saw to cut up some dead trees for your firewood.  You also covered your wood with your new tarp.  You have some kerosene and several kerosene burners that may be needed to heat your basement.  These are alternative sources of heat to your natural gas burner.  You cannot trust that you will have natural gas delivered to your house during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, in your practice refuge runs you have used 5 gallon propane tanks to power your CampChef in baking bread that you previously fixed the dough.  This is why you bought a lot of flour so you could make your own bread for your refuge.  I told you that I will multiply your fuels.  So when you finish one tank of propane and you pray, I will refill your tanks with fuel.  I will also multiply your flour so you can keep making bread just as I multiplied flour and oil for the widow in Israel during a famine.  You will also have daily Holy Communion by a priest or My angels.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have planned well to have sources of power to use regular lights that are powered by solar generators using lithium batteries and solar panels to recharge them.  This will give you a better light source at night than your small lanterns.  This will be a better source of power, especially in winter when your panels on your roof could be covered by snow.  You also have less light in the winter for charging solar panels.  This is an expensive addition, but you know your money may not be available once the digital dollar is forced on you.  Trust in My help and My angels to carry out this project.”

Friday, December 8,2023:(Immaculate Conception of Bl Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said slowly: “My dear son, be patient with Me as I explain My Immaculate Conception when I was graced by Jesus to be free of original sin that everyone inherits from Adam’s sin.  Eve, who ate the forbidden fruit, was the first mother of humanity, but I am the new Eve who brought forth the Savior to redeem you from your sins.  I was also graced to live in the Divine Will of my Son without committing sin.  So when the Angel Gabriel said I was full of grace, so I was, so I could hold the Savior in my womb for nine months.  I give praise and thanks to Jesus even for my Assumption into heaven.  All souls rejoiced when my Son, Jesus, died and paid the price to allow souls into heaven.  All of you need to give praise and thanks to Jesus for all He does for you every day.”

(During the hour of grace 12:00-1:00 p.m.) Jesus said: “My people, you are in the Advent Season and awaiting  My coming at Christmas.  In the first vision you saw Me as an Infant in the creche with the straw.  In the next scene I disappeared from My creche when My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph took Me to a hiding place in Egypt so Herod could not kill Me.  This is a warning to you that a day is coming when I will call My faithful to a place of hiding at My refuge because you will need to seek My protection from the Antichrist during the tribulation.  Have no fear because My angels will shield you with a veil of invisibility so the evil ones will not see you.  Rejoice that you will be protected and I will see to all of your needs.”

Saturday, December 9, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I sent My apostles out two by two to spread the message that the Kingdom of God is here.  I gave them the authority to heal the sick, cast out demons,  and even to raise the dead.  So today, I send out My messengers and My faithful to spread My Good News and encourage vocations to the priesthood.  You are preparing for Christmas, but you can pray and fast just as you do during Lent.  Christmas is about sharing gifts and good cheer, but you can help others in your actions as well.  I love everyone and I want you to share My love with everyone you meet.”

Sunday, December 10, 2023: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said:  “My people, today you are reading about St. John the Baptist who was My cousin and how he was a voice in the desert preparing the way for Me.  He wore camel’s hair clothing and he ate locusts and wild honey.  You had a vision of St. John as he baptized Me in the Jordan River.  He baptized many people and he called the people to repent of their sins.  He was brave to proclaim My Kingdom, but when he criticized King Herod for marrying his brother’s wife, then Herod put St. John in prison.  He was later beheaded because of Herod’s wife.  Be prepared to meet Me when I come to you at your death by coming to monthly Confession.  All sinners are called to repent of their sins.”

Monday, December 11, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I marveled at the deep faith of the paralytic’s friends who brought him through the roof of the house so I could heal him.  I forgave  his sins, but the Pharisees criticized Me because they thought only God could forgive sins.  So then I told them that the Son of Man can forgive sins and I proved it to them when I told the paralytic to pick up his mat and go home.  The man was healed at once and the crowd said how they had seen incredible things that day.  This was another sign of My gifts to heal the body and the soul.  Rejoice that I have come in the flesh to give testimony to My love and My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another vision of a special look at My Warning experience that could be an awakening for people to see their lives through My eyes.  This experience could be frightening to some people, even enough of a shock that they could die of fright.  You all will come before My Light at the end of a tunnel all at the same time.  Many people keep asking when it will happen, but only My Father in heaven will choose the exact time.  Souls who could be judged to hell will see and feel what it is like in hell with the flames and the persecution from the demons.  Some such souls could repent and change their lives, but most of these souls on their way to hell, will not change because they do not love Me.  Others, who see a judgment to lower purgatory, could change their lives so they would only be in upper purgatory.  Very few people will come directly to heaven in their Warning.  This experience will show people how they can improve their judgment by repenting and coming closer to Me in their lives.  By letting Me lead you to follow Me, I will give souls the strength to strive more for heavenly things that will last, instead of desiring earthly things that will pass away.  Put your faith in Me and keep your souls clean by frequent Confession, and you will improve your judgment when you die.”

Tuesday, December 12, 2023: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I came to encourage the Indian people to stop killing their babies as a sacrifice to their gods.  The babies are my Son’s gifts of life and they each have their own mission, so they should not be killed.  The Indians saw all of the meanings in my image on the tilma, and they stopped their sacrifices of their babies.  Now today, I am the Mother for all the Americas, and I am encouraging my children to avoid killing their babies in abortion.  Abortion is another trick of the devil to reduce the population.  Babies are blessings and not burdens.  You also are responsible to baptize your children and bring them up in the faith.  Guide the souls of your children toward my Son, Jesus, in heaven.  I love all of you and you need to love and provide for your children both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, there were some fatalities in these most recent tornadoes that destroyed some houses over a long stretch on the ground.  It is hard for these survivors  to find another home to stay.  A good share of power outages also caused a blackout for several thousand people.  Pray for these victims that they could find warm places to stay and to have food and water.  My son, you have windstorms also that could cause power outages.  My angels will protect your home, but you may have to use your new batteries for lights at night.  Be grateful that you have prepared well if your power is out for a long time.  You have new solar panels to power your solar generators.”

Wednesday, December 13, 2023: (St. Lucy)
Jesus said: “My people, the martyrs for the faith have a high place in heaven.  Even those faithful, who have a dry martyrdom, are suffering from oppression because they do not want to deny Me against your modern world and its fame and riches.  Seek first the Kingdom of God and all that you need will be given to you.  You will see the Antichrist and his evil followers will persecute My true Church, but I will protect My faithful in hiding at My refuges.  My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.  My refuge builders will be healed by My angels, and they will finish up their  preparations so they can receive My believers.  Trust in Me to lead you all on the right path to heaven, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen how Chinese hackers are trying to stop your infrastructure needed to defend Taiwan.  You have already heard of many attacks on your infrastructure from Chinese hackers.  You could see several atomic bombs exploded in the upper atmosphere that could destroy your grid and stop your vehicles.  You have also seen several sabotage attacks on critical substations that could take down parts of your grid.  You have seen tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods that have caused power outages.  Even strong sun flares can interfere with your communications.  When you see the Great Reset takeover come, then people in control could shutdown your grid to immobilize your people.  This is why you have put up an on-grid solar system and an off-grid solar system to provide electricity when the grid goes down.  You also have several solar generators with batteries and solar panels to provide lights at night, especially in the winter.  It is difficult to see at night without lights, so lighting at night is crucial.  You have read several accounts that if your National Grid was down for a year, that you could see 90% of your population die from starvation.  So trust in Me to call you to My refuges so you can have food, water, and your fuels multiplied, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”

Thursday, December 14, 2023: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My son, you remember well when Fr. Klem, your first spiritual director, talked about St. John of the Cross in reference to your gift of messages from Me.  Fr. Klem said your gift could be from Me, the devil, or your imagination.  You have had so many confirmations and miracles over the years to prove to you and others that these messages have come from Me.  You must admit that your memory could not produce all of the thoughts that I give you, and the Holy Spirit enables you to write these visions and messages down.  This is a grace that I have given you with a mission to prepare My faithful for the coming tribulation in My refuges.  I also have given you a second  mission to prepare your own refuge with all of the preparations that I have instructed you to get in order to provide for the needs of the people who I will direct to your refuge.  You realize My miracles and angels will be with you when St. Joseph will build a high rise building and church for 5,000 people.  When you see this carried out, the people will be true believers in My miracles.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, St. Joseph told you he would build a high rise building and a large church for 5,000 people.  You are being graced to see this coming church and the big tabernacle in the middle of the altar.  Give praise and thanks to Me and St. Joseph who will build these buildings in one day in your backyard.  It may take up some of the land of your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that Hamas fighters are hiding behind their own people.  The war between Israel and Hamas is destroying many buildings, even as Israel is trying to root out Hamas from their many tunnels.  Many Palestinians are being killed as collateral damage in this war.  Some food is being delivered, but it is not enough to feed all of the people.  Pray that this war could be concluded.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Republicans want aid money to stop the illegal immigrants from coming into your country in the Southern and the Northern borders before they send any more money to the Ukraine.  The House of Representatives is refusing any aid to the Ukraine unless the borders are fixed in your country.  This open border by Biden is destroying your country, and it needs to be closed.  Pray that some help will be given to close your borders.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good that you come to visit your family members for the holidays of Christmas and New Year’s Day.  You exchange gifts and have family dinners.  It is good to keep in touch with out of town relatives, even if it is by Christmas cards.  You can even have Zoom calls to join your families when it is expensive to travel far.  I love all of My people, and you need to share your love with your family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My son, you rarely get to see your daughter, Jeanette, but now they are only five hours away in Pennsylvania instead of eight hours when they lived in Virginia.  It is a joy to have your whole family come together.  You need to travel to their house at another time.  Pray for your family’s safe travel as you long to see them.”

Jesus said: “My people, both a pandemic virus and the digital dollar are all a part of the Great Reset that is about to be forced on your people.  You will also see a coming persecution of Christians because the evil ones are in league with the devil and the Antichrist.  You will see the Warning and a Conversion time come before the Antichrist declares himself.  I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to the safety of My refuges.  You, My son, have been preparing your refuge to accept people coming to your refuge so they can have beds, food, water, and fuels.  You have fuels for heating and cooking.  Trust in My angels to protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, all of your solar generators, solar panels, and lamps have been delivered to your refuge.  You are testing them now to see how long the batteries could operate when running your lights at night.  You need to practice using your new solar panels to see how long it would take to recharge your batteries.  You can keep them charged  up with your current house electricity so they are ready to light your newly purchased lamps.  Your new lights give much better light than your pull-up lanterns that do not last long.  Trust in Me and My angels to provide for all of your needs during the coming tribulation.”

Friday, December 15, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision of a tornado how you will be drawn to Me for your life review in your Warning experience.  You will come through this tunnel very fast and this could frighten some people.  Your best preparation for the Warning is to come to frequent Confession so you will have less unforgiven sins.  You will all experience the destination of your mini-judgment so you can see how I look at your life.  After the Warning  you will have six weeks of Conversion in a time without any evil influence.  You will have an opportunity to digest your own Warning, and then you could help your family to be true believers in Me.  My faithful will be prepared to come to My refuges after the six weeks of Conversion.  I will call My faithful to My refuges with My inner locution.  At My refuges you will be protected from the Antichrist and the evil ones, and you will have My angels provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is ruining your country with his open border policy.  It is about time that the Speaker of the House is not going to give any more money to the Ukraine until something is done to stop the invasion of millions of illegal immigrants in the South.  Your Congress should have been fighting your open border years ago.  You are seeing so much damage by your open border.  It is long overdue to fight to close your border.  Biden should be impeached and removed from office for the treason of taking money from China, Russia, and the Ukraine.  Biden and his people are violating your Constitution and your border laws in allowing anyone to enter without any restrictions.  Pray that all of this treason can be brought to justice.”

Saturday, December 16, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish people were prepared for Elijah’s return.  They even left an empty place for him at the Seder Supper.  St. John the Baptist prepared My way in the desert, but he was beheaded by Herod.  You have a short week for the Fourth Sunday of Advent because Christmas falls on the Monday of that week.  You are a short time from My Feast day on Christmas, so be prepared in your soul.  Just as you approach the shortest day on December 21st, you start to see the longer days after Christmas as My Light will increase.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the multiplication of the bread and fish is a sign of the consecrated Manna that I give you in Holy Communion.  The priest consecrates the Hosts so you can share in My Real Presence.  When you come to Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance, you are giving Me praise and thanks for My gift to you.  In Holy Communion you do not always have much time to be with Me.  When you make a Holy Hour adoring My Blessed Sacrament, you have more time to appreciate My being with you.  You give Me praise and read your Nocturnal prayers in front of Me in the monstrance.  I love you so much to come and visit with Me in your Holy Hour.”

Sunday, December 17, 2023: (Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sun.)
Jesus said: “My son, you are well aware of where I was baptized by St. John the Baptist because you traveled to Israel at the Jordan River.  The Gospel is all about St. John the Baptist, who prepared My way and he was My cousin.  Isaiah foretold his coming:(Isa 40:3) ‘The voice of one crying in the desert, ‘Make ready the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.’ You, My son, are also helping to prepare My way for My Second Coming.  I have given you messages to trust in My protection of My faithful at My refuges throughout the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  After My victory over the evil ones, they will be cast into hell.  Then I will raise up My faithful and bring you into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Monday, December 18, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, an angel was sent to St. Joseph in a dream to tell him it was by the power of the Holy Spirit that the Blessed Mother conceived Me.  This changed St. Joseph’s plans because the angel told him to take his wife into his home.  So St. Joseph did what the angel had told him. Thus My Blessed Mother could be the virgin who conceived Me and later gave birth to Me on Christmas.  I am the first born Son, unblemished by sin, and I saved My people from their sins.  This week of the Octave of Christmas is a special time in My Church Year as you prepare for the Christmas Season.  Rejoice that I came on the earth to sacrifice My life for all the sins of mankind.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you saw people hiding in an attic, so My faithful will be hiding at their refuges.  But the angels will put a shield of invisibility over My refuges so no one can see you.  Refuge life will be more difficult than people think.  I will be protecting My refuges from the evil ones, but your refuge builders will need to provide for your needs.  I will help My faithful by multiplying their food, water, and fuels.  You will need to trust in Me to provide for your survival.”

Tuesday, December 19, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, Zachariah was old in age and he did not have faith in the words of the Angel Gabriel that Elizabeth would have a son.  So Gabriel struck Zachariah so he could not speak.  Elizabeth indeed did have a son, St. John the Baptist, despite her old age.  For nothing is impossible for Me.  My Blessed Mother went to help her kinswoman as Elizabeth had a late pregnancy.  Zachariah regained his speech once St. John was born and named.  St. John the Baptist had a mission to prepare the people for My coming.  St. John urged the people to repent and be baptized in the Jordan River.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had to deal with short term power outages for a day or so, and long term power outages that lasted eleven days or even a year.  In short term power outages you need solar panels and batteries, or a natural gas generator that could run your house for a day or so.  This can be expensive to set up, and you would rely on available natural gas lines to keep heating your house in the winter.  A longer term power outage could be for eleven days as in your ice storm in 1991, or even up to a year would require more preparations as for a refuge.  This may require independent living without your current water lines, natural gas lines, or your food stores.  Solar panels can use the sun as your source of power, but this is difficult during the winter with snow on the panels.  You first would need to keep warm with a wood fire, kerosene heaters, or propane heaters.  This would require adequate fuel storage.  You also need water from a well or barrels of water.  You will need food and ovens to heat and bake things.  This would mean a large food storage or My help in multiplying your needs.  Now you are seeing the need for refuges where My refuge builders have prepared all that is needed for your survival.  You will need My angel protection from the evil ones who want to steal your supplies.  You also need a priest or My angels for your daily Holy Communion and your Perpetual Adoration.  All of these preparations take time, money, and My help.  Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Wednesday, December 20, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to My Blessed Mother.  She gave her fiat ‘yes’ to the Angel, and later the Holy  Spirit overshadowed her as I was conceived in her womb.  This feast is celebrated on March 25th, nine months before Christmas.  You, My son, were fortunate to visit the grotto in the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth where Gabriel gave the words of the Hail Mary prayer.  You also visited a cave in Bethlehem where a star on the ground indicates where I was born on the first Christmas.  Rejoice as you are seeing the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ahaz who said a sign is given that a virgin will have a son, and He will be called Emmanuel.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are so afraid of Trump winning the election for President that they are making up charges in four cases to try and put him in jail.  But none of these cases hold much truth.  The Fourteenth Amendment does not apply unless Trump is convicted of being an insurrectionist.  As such the ruling of the Colorado Court is not proper in a Primary election.  It is the people’s right to vote for a candidate, and it should not be up to the court to remove candidates from the ballot.  This would set a disastrous precedent to allow courts to ban candidates from an election.  This may be a case to be settled by your National Supreme Court.  Pray that justice should be upheld in your elections.”

Thursday, December 21, 2023: (Intention for Robert Bello, deceased)
Jesus said: “My people, this magnifying glass has two meanings, one for Robert Bello, and the other for My Blessed Mother.  For Robert it means looking deeply into his life on earth in what he did during that time.  Pray for his soul.  The second meaning is for My Blessed Mother when she said: ‘My soul doth magnify the Lord.’ (Luke 1:46-55) This was given when My Blessed Mother went to help Elizabeth with her pregnancy in Ein Karem.  This was the beginning of My Blessed Mother’s Magnificat.  She does not have many words in the Bible, but these words showed how our two hearts are joined together as one.  This scene is called the ‘Visitation’ as in the Second Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries.  You pray this every day.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you may have seen a manual loom that is used to make rugs.  I am showing you this beautiful loom as an example of how I weave your lives to use your skills to carry out your individual missions.  You all have various skills that are used to provide for the needs of your society.  You all are called to love Me and your neighbor.  You can show your love for Me by helping your neighbor in their needs, such as helping by working at a food shelf.  You share food with the poor and you work at soup kitchens to distribute the food to them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen accidental fires where candles or heaters can cause fires.  You saw some houses that were burned out while you were on your walk.  It is sad to see someone lose their home to a fire.  It is not easy to start all over seeking another home or rebuilding on the same lot.  Pray for people who have lost their homes to fire or weather damage.  You could even shelter some people temporarily until they could find a home.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a sharing of gifts on Christmas eve and also a family dinner.  It takes some work to cook things and prepare the meal.  Give appreciation to all those people who are preparing the many dishes for your dinner.  Thank people also for their kind gifts that you share.  You can also give bouquets of prayers for all of your relatives.  You can offer your prayers for people when you come before My crib at your Nativity scene.  I love all of you and this is why I came on the earth as an infant so I could later offer My life in sacrifice to bring salvation to all souls who accept Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing to celebrate My feast of Christmas and that of the Solemnity of My Blessed Mother on New Year’s Day.  I want My people to be prepared for any possible terrorist attack, and to pray if possible, that your prayers could stop it.  Pray for those people who are sick with Covid or any flu symptoms.  Pray for peace in Israel and the Ukraine.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see the evil intent of the Hamas and Iran backers who have the desire to kill the Jews.  It is the killing of 1400 innocent Jews by Hamas terrorists that has triggered this war.  It is Iran who is training and funding this uprising against Israel.  In the Ukraine you are seeing a Russian invasion and an ongoing war as Russia is trying to restore its former empire.  Russia has even more intentions of taking back parts of Europe.  Your country is providing arms for both of these wars, but keep praying for peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the left Democrats are using all of their tricks and lies to try and prevent Trump from being elected President.  They have harassed Trump with made up cases in the courts and now the Democrat controlled Colorado Supreme Court is trying to remove Trump from the primary ballot.  This is a true threat to your democracy of the people who deserve the right to elect your leaders.  With prayers you could see a correction for this injustice to your candidates.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a dangerous military build up in China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia that is threatening your country and the world’s freedoms.  Your current government is not ready for fighting multiple wars.  You need a build up of your defenses that are not getting ready for the next Pearl Harbor.  You see China threatening to take Taiwan by force as they send planes and ships to harass Taiwan.  Be prepared for more coming wars and a possible nuclear attack on your electric grid.  Pray for My angels to help protect My faithful during the coming tribulation at My refuges.”

Friday, December 22, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, when you think of Christmas, you think of giving gifts to your family and friends.  It should also be a time to give thanks to Me for all the gifts I have given you during your life.  In addition to My physical gifts, I give you many spiritual gifts of grace every time you receive My sacraments.  You also need to thank Me for your good health and providing the means to pay for what you need for your survival.  When the evil ones will be allowed a short takeover during the tribulation, I will give My followers more gifts of My angel protection at My refuges.  You will need gifts of My multiplication of your needs.  So be at peace this Christmas and thank Me for all I do for you.  By your prayers and good works and following My Commandments, you will have the best gift of all in being welcomed into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people,  I have mentioned before how your electric grid is vulnerable to various attacks.  Even the Chinese hackers have been attacking your infrastructure in water, sewage, and electrical lines.  If your transformers were damaged in a widespread area, it would take a long time to replace them.  It is the long term power outages that could threaten your people with a possible famine.  You remember well when you had an ice storm in 1991 and this shutdown your electricity for eleven days.  Be prepared to have alternative heating means in place of your natural gas heaters.  Having lights would be needed at night.  If you do have such a catastrophic loss of electricity, pray that I will help you through it.”

Saturday, December 23, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the last few days before Christmas in celebrating My birth in Bethlehem.  St. John the Baptist truly is My messenger who proclaimed My Word and he prepared the way for Me.  He encouraged the people to repent and be baptized.  Baptism is the beginning of your life of faith in Me.  Many of you are rushing about to buy gifts for your family and friends.  You could also give some donations to the poor.  You, My son, are also a messenger to prepare My people for My Second coming.  You also are preparing your refuge to receive the faithful I will send to you.  My angels will protect you from the evil ones and you will have your needs multiplied throughout the tribulation.  Be prepared in your soul to greet Me at Christmas by coming to Confession to repent of your sins.”

Sunday, December 24, 2023: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you as you are about to celebrate My birth on Christmas.  All the angels were singing the Gloria for the shepherds in the field.  My star was leading the Magi to My birth in Bethlehem, as they brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for a king.  Rejoice with My angels and heaven, as I was incarnated as a God-man.  Bring your gift of love and your soul before Me like the Magi did.  You share gifts with each other and you share yourself with Me as you give Me thanks and praise for all that I do for you.  I bless all of you, and I give you good health, and healing for the sick when you call on Me in prayer.”

(10:00 p.m. Mass of the Nativity) Jesus said: “My son, you have been to the very spot marked by a star in the cave at Bethlehem where I was born.  Even after I was born, St. Joseph was warned in a dream  by an angel that he had to quickly take the Blessed Mother and Me to Egypt to avoid Herod from killing Me.  I was protected from the evil ones so I could have My three years of ministry with My apostles.  I was crucified by the Jews, but I confounded their leaders when I resurrected from the dead.  Rejoice on this Christmas celebration which was the start of My bringing salvation to all souls who accept Me in faith.”

Monday, December 25, 2023: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother could not find a private room at an inn, so they accepted to stay in a stable with the animals.  The choirs of angels sang the Gloria to the shepherds, and they were told of My birth in the stable.  The Magi followed My star to Bethlehem and they presented Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  After St. Joseph’s warning in a dream by an angel, he led the Holy Family to the safety of Egypt, away from Herod who wanted to kill Me.  Rejoice as you share My peace on earth, even amidst your wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Israel continuing to bomb Gaza, and it is destroying the buildings and some tunnels.  Israel is losing some soldiers, but by their bombing, they are killing more Hamas people in this war.  There are many tunnels, so it is hard to see what progress Israel is making.  Many Palestinians are dying from the bombing.  Hamas does not want to give up the hostages unless Israel stops the war.  As long as Israel is making progress against Hamas, they will continue to carry on the war.  Pray that peace will come to Gaza and the Ukraine.”

Tuesday, December 26, 2023: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that these people killed St. Stephen who was one of the first deacons to be martyred for having faith in Me.  There are many saints over the years who were martyred rather than deny their faith in Me.  You may not die a martyr’s death, but you can be a dry martyr as you have to suffer through the taunts and verbal abuse for believing in Me.  Stand firm in your faith and proclaim the Kingdom of God is at hand.  Pray for endurance in this world of evil people, and trust that the Holy Spirit will give you the words to defend yourself from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son,  I am showing you a large spout of water from a dam failure or a flood coming down a river gorge.  Such a sudden surge of water could kill people along the way.  Such a flood could be a cause to warn people along the way quickly because the people need to get to high ground.  If people do not heed such a warning, they could die in a flood with swift moving water.  It is the same way with tsunamis that are triggered by earthquakes.  This water travels fast also and people need early warning to get onto high ground.  Pray for the victims of such floods that could wash away homes.  Trust in My protection from such water surges.”

Wednesday, December 27, 2023: (St. John the Evangelist)
Jesus said: “My son, St. John the Evangelist is My beloved apostle, and he is with Me in heaven.  I gave him to My Blessed Mother at the foot of My cross and he took care of her.  He was also present in the Upper Room when My apostles were blessed by tongues of fire from the Holy Spirit.  He also wrote one of the four Gospels, his letters, and the Book of Revelation.  Give thanks for his life and his part in spreading My Word.  This church, you are in, is honored to be named after My beloved apostle.  My son, you are honored also to have his bone relic to remember him.  All of My apostles were special to carry on My work.  Now, I trust in all of My faithful that they can evangelize souls to believe in Me and spread My Word of the Gospels.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. John was My beloved disciple who was close to Me during My three years of ministry.  He was one of My three apostles who I took up to Mt. Tabor where I was transfigured before them.  Again at My Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, I chose the same three of St. Peter, St. John and St. James to go up and pray with Me.  St. John was the only disciple that was brave to be at the foot of My cross.  I gave My Blessed Mother over to his care.  St. John also raced to the tomb to see that I resurrected on Easter morning.  St. John was special because he was the only disciple who was not martyred as the others were.  He wrote the fourth Gospel with love and repeated how My mission as the Messiah was a very spiritual mission in his Gospel.  He expressed how important it is to see My Real Presence in My Eucharist.  St. John also was prophetic when he wrote the Book of Revelation.  Honor My beloved St. John for all he did for spreading My Word of love and he took care of My Blessed Mother.  My son, St. John is a model for you to follow in your own mission.”

Thursday, December 28, 2023: (Holy Innocents)
Jesus said: “My people, Herod wanted to kill Me so he sent soldiers to Bethlehem to kill all the babies, but the Holy Family had left for Egypt before the soldiers came.  This feast is a reminder of all the babies you are killing in the womb with your abortions.  You have a continuing holocaust every day as you are still killing My little ones.  You are reducing your population even further with abortion as your fertility rate is below replacement.  Continue praying to stop abortion, especially outside your Planned Parenthood buildings.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that some women do not understand how precious life is when they use abortion to kill their babies.  Some couples cannot have children, so these mothers, considering abortion, could give up their baby for adoption.  Some women do not want to bring up another child, but they should not kill the gift of life I have provided.  Some young girls cannot afford to bring up a child, but adoption is better than abortion.  Even those women, who have had an abortion, can be consoled and forgiven in Confession.  Killing a baby is a mortal sin, but I am a loving God and I will forgive any sinner who repents and seeks forgiveness in Confession.  Continue to pray to stop abortion, and you can pray at the abortion clinics for women to have their baby, instead of killing human life.  I love everyone and you are all sinners that can return to My graces in Confession.”

Friday, December 29, 2023: (St. Thomas Becket)
Jesus said: “My people, the reading today is from Luke 2:21-40 when the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph brought Me to the Temple for My Presentation and Circumcision according to the Mosaic law.  Simeon blessed Me and said: ‘Behold, this child is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted.  And thy own soul a sword shall pierce that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.’  I was given the name ‘Jesus’ according to what was said by the Angel Gabriel.  The people rejoiced because of this prophecy, but later I would be crucified to bring salvation to all souls who accept Me. This is when the sword would bring sorrow to My Blessed Mother, but she knew the purpose of My mission.”
(Luke 1:30-31) The Angel Gabriel said: ‘Behold thou shall conceive in thy womb, and shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call His Name Jesus.’

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones, who want to reduce the population, will use either a worse pandemic virus or they will destroy your electric grid.  These evil ones will try and force the mark of the beast on everyone.  Refuse to take the mark of the beast for any reason.  You will see My Warning and then the six weeks of Conversion to try and evangelize people to believe in Me.  After the six weeks, your lives will be threatened, and I will call My faithful to My refuges for protection and your survival needs.  Before the Antichrist comes into power, the UN troops will try to force the mark of the beast on everyone.  Those Christians, who are captured, could be martyred for not taking the mark of the beast.  During the tribulation My angels will put invisible shields over My refuges.  You will have Perpetual Adoration at My refuges, and by your faith I will multiply all of your needs.  At the end of the tribulation I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement.  All the evil ones will be cast into hell.  I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.  Do not be concerned when all of these things will start, but know that I will protect you and feed you at My refuges.”

Saturday, December 30, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John is talking to the fathers, the young men, and the children about avoiding worldly temptations.  The worldly people focus on the worldly appetites and sensations, and they are far away from loving Me.  If these people do not repent and accept Me as their Savior, then they could be lost in hell.  But I shine down My Light against the dark evil that inhabits the earth.  Those people, who listen to My Word and act on it, will be the souls who will be with Me in heaven forever.  Everything in this world is passing away, so do not love the world, but seek to bring souls to Me, and focus on heavenly things.
There are some people who are looking for signs and prophecies for the coming year, but the only sign I gave was the sign of Jonah, when the people of Nineveh changed their evil ways, and they fasted and sat in ashes.  As you enter the end times you will see  famine, earthquakes, and pestilence.  You are also seeing wars and rumors of wars.  Be prepared to come to My refuges when you see the digital dollar imposed, the mandated mark of the beast, pandemic viruses, and your power outages.  When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges with an inner locution.  This will come after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is vulnerable to an EMP missile attack that could destroy most of your National electric grid.  Several nations have the potential to make such an attack.  By the track of the missile, it appeared to come from the Atlantic Ocean. Without electricity America’s economy could be ruined, and it would take a long time to replace all of the damaged transformers. It could even cause a famine if people do not have enough food.  It will be difficult to determine which country would send such a missile.  This could set off a war with whatever country did such an attack. Pray that such an attack could be stopped to prevent any war.”

Sunday, December 31, 2023: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, the Holy Family is a model for all families.  Only a third of your families by your census have a mother and a father living together.  You have a lot of single parents bringing up their children which is why you have a lot of problem children.  You also have a lot of abortion and couples living together without marriage.  The family should be the basic structure of your society, but you have many problems because your families are in disarray.  It is the children who are suffering because a woman or a man is not there to support them.  Single parents need to work and the children are left alone or are in daycare.  Even parents have one or more jobs to pay for a house, a car, and the children’s  needs.  Trust in Me for your people to live in families to help your children.  Have a Happy New Year.”


Terça-feira, 25 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol