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John Leary - Ano 2024 (Inglês)




Ano 2024

Monday, January 1, 2024: (The Solemnity of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people,  after My birth the Shepherds came to visit Me as they were told by the angels.  Then the Magi or Three Kings visited Me from the East.  Then St. Joseph was told in a dream to leave for Egypt so Herod could not kill Me.  Because we traveled by foot with a donkey, it took some time to get to the cave of hiding in Egypt.  After awhile, the angel told us that Herod had died.  Then we went back to Nazareth.  At some time I was brought to the Temple for the ritual circumcision when I met Simeon and Anna.  Do not be concerned about the exact time I was brought to the Temple, but everything happened according to the plan of My Father in heaven.  All the prophecies had to be fulfilled about Me in the Scriptures, and they were carried out.  Now you can continue on in your New Year following My Word.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have provided you a miracle planet with enough water and food for many people to survive.  Your population is decreasing because your birth rates are less than your replacement.  Your food sources are also below providing for all of your people.  Certain countries like China are buying up much of your wheat crops.  Your farmland is being controlled by the rich people.  You can see these same rich people are building huge bunkers with large food supplies.  It is as if they know wars are going to endanger your lives.  This is also why I am directing My refuge builders to also stock up on food, water, and fuels for your survival.  It is My angels who will be protecting My faithful from the evil ones during the tribulation time.  Your refuges will be shielded and I will multiply what you need to survive.  Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when your lives are in danger.  Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Tuesday, January 2, 2024: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw people sent by the Pharisees trying to get information about St. John the Baptist and who he was.  St. John described himself as a voice crying out in the desert about the coming Messiah as mentioned by Isaiah.  They did not understand about him baptizing people, but this is all about getting the people to repent of their sins in preparation for My coming.  St. John said he was not worthy to unfasten My sandals, but he baptized Me.  This was a scene of the Blessed Trinity when God the Father spoke: (Matt. 3:17) ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’  The Spirit of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended upon Me.  This is important because the two saints of today in St. Basil and St. Gregory were proclaiming a strong belief in the Blessed Trinity against the ‘Arian’ heresy.  This heresy said that I was not Divine and not part of the Blessed Trinity.  But I always existed, as the Father and I are One in the same God with the Holy Spirit.  It is hard for man to understand My Incarnation as a God-man.  The Church teaches about Me as the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.”

Jesus said: “My people, your vision with your eyes shows you what a gift having good sight can be.  As you grow older, you may need glasses for distance, or for seeing things up close.  This is your physical sight, but you also have a spiritual sight which you know as the eyes of faith.  When you look at the world through  the eyes of a believer in Me, you see evil things and even how you need to change your own life to follow Me.  You know how to live a holy life, but you are also tempted by the devil to satisfy your bodily cravings.  This is your struggle to keep your focus on Me as you try to imitate My life.  When you are quiet in prayer, it is easy to stay focused on Me.  It is when you are tested amidst your life’s challenges that you are sometimes distracted from your goal.  I love all of you so much that I died to save your souls.  Keep loving Me in all you do for Me and your neighbor.  When you let Me lead your life, then following Me puts you on the right path to heaven that you can see clearly.”

Wednesday, January 3, 2024: (The Most Holy Name of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist baptized Me and declared I am the Son of God and the reason he was preparing the way for Me.  Once he declared that I was the Lamb of God, several of My future apostles began to follow Me.  St. John was told that when he would see the Holy Spirit in a dove come down and remain on Me, this is the Son of God.  He made it known that I would increase, while he must decrease.  My apostles would soon see Me verified when they saw My miracles in front of them.  When you see the feast of My Baptism, this will be the end of your Christmas Season.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of your ships in the Red Sea has been shooting down drones and missiles from Yemen.  This ship was protecting Israel and the ships traveling through the Red Sea.  Recently, an Iranian warship entered the Red Sea.  There is a chance that these ships could confront each other.  Your country is backing up Israel from Iran’s surrogates in Gaza, Yemen, and Lebanon.  You could be drawn into this Israeli war with Hamas.  Keep praying for peace and that this war does not expand into a broader conflict.”

Thursday, January 4, 2024: (Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My  people, just as My new disciples followed Me, so I invite My faithful to keep following Me as well.  After My Baptism My mission was beginning as I was gathering My apostles to become My students.  My faithful are My students as well when you read about Me in the Gospels.  My apostles were vindicated when they witnessed My miracles.  You, My son, have also seen My miracles, and My messages to you have been vindicated as well.  I have given you the missions to help people get prepared for the coming tribulation and My Second Coming on the clouds.  My faithful will be tested by the evil ones, but trust in Me that My angels will protect My people at My refuges.  The angels will make you invisible to the evil ones,  and I will multiply your water, food, and fuels.  By My protection you will not need weapons for your defense.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some strong animals with their teeth showing.  You also can picture Israel encircled with Arab nations of terrorism, especially Iran and its proxies.  Israel is taking a battle to try and rid Hamas from Gaza.  You also have a war in the Ukraine.  As you start this new year, there is little peace in the world.  Pray that these wars could cease if you are going to have any peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is contributing weapons to Israel and the Ukraine to help fight Hamas and Russia.  Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are all building weapons for possible wars.  This is a dangerous world to have a weak defense led by Biden who is trying to stay out of war.  His weakness has let Russia feel they could invade the Ukraine, and China may want to take Taiwan.  It is only by having a strong defense that these countries would back off from their aggression.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see a serious winter Northeast storm that could bring heavy snow to the Northeast states and cities.  You have not had much snow up to now, but this storm could bring some record snow to this area.  Pray that these people will be able to ride out the storm with little loss of life and few power outages.  Many cities are preparing for the worst.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Japanese earthquake of 7.6 has occurred in the same area near where a previous earthquake brought damage to Fukushima and destroyed several nuclear plants.  There is still more radioactive wastes that are polluting the Pacific Ocean.  It is not easy to restrain such a disaster from contaminating the ocean with radiation.  The fish and this area still have high levels of radiation.  Pray for the cleanup of this meltdown.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may not experience many nuclear explosions, but these EMP explosions can shut down countries with their electricity.  There have been little efforts to use Faraday cages to protect your grid from an EMP attack.  You heard one expert say it would only take $2 billion to protect America’s National Grid which is a small insurance to preserve your way of life.  Pray for My protection at My refuges if the evil ones start such a nuclear war.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see the Antichrist try to take control of the world by forming unions over all of your continents.  He will join them as he will declare himself to cause this Great Reset takeover.  I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion before the tribulation will happen.  When I call My faithful to My refuges, you are to leave your homes within 20 minutes and follow the flame of your guardian angels to My refuges.  My angels will put invisible shields over My refuges and I will provide miracles of multiplying your needs.  Have no fear because I will protect you and bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said:  “My people, you are seeing the earthquakes, famine, and pestilence of viruses as the signs of the end times.  Evil people are about to prepare the world for the Antichrist to take over the world.  This is why it is necessary to come to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect you, and I will provide for your food, water, and fuels.”

Friday, January 5, 2024; (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people,  I called Nathaniel to follow Me, and he was amazed when I told him that I saw him under a fig tree.  I told him he would be even more impressed when he would see the angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man.  I also called St. Philip, St. Andrew, and St. Peter as well to follow Me.  They did so immediately because they were blessed to follow their Savior.  You all are called to follow Me in all that I ask you to do.  My faithful are blessed as well because you are on a path to follow Me into heaven.  Have no fear of the evil ones in this world because they will be defeated.  My victory will cause rejoicing among My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My son, what you are seeing is an underwater earthquake off the coast of Oregon.  This could truly happen and this displacement could send out a tsunami in all directions.  Your West coast could suffer severe damage from a large wave. You have an early warning system in the Pacific Ocean but this earthquake is so close to the shore that such a wave would strike with little or no warning.  These large earthquakes could be triggered by the HAARP machine.  There was some evidence that the 9.2 earthquake in Japan some years ago was started by the HAARP machine.  Japan just had a recent 7.6 earthquake that killed people, and this happened in the same area of the last large earthquake.  Be watchful of any large earthquake that could cause a large tsunami.”

Saturday, January 6, 2024: (St. Andre Bessette)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading several versions of My Baptism which is told in all four Gospels.  This was an important event in the start of My public ministry.  It is also a sign that all of My followers need to be baptized into their faith.  This sacrament brings you the grace to believe in Me, and you should baptize all of your children.  The godparents speak up for the infant and they hopefully will guide this child in the faith.  You use the sign of the cross over each child with holy water, chrism oil, and sometimes salt.  Baptism makes you a priest, prophet, and king.  I love all of the people and just like St. John, you are called to evangelize people and have them baptized into the faith.  This sacrament takes away original sin, and it gives grace to cleanse all those people’s souls from all sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a government that is overspending and putting you in dangerous high debt levels.  You have high inflation because of your overspending.  Your leader is ruining your country with open borders that have allowed millions of illegal immigrants to enter your country.  You cannot afford to house them all.  You are sending billions of dollars of weapons to Israel and the Ukraine to fight their battles.  Now in your visions you are seeing potential problems with floods, earthquakes, and viruses.  Pray that your leader can be voted out of office if you can stop the cheating in your elections.”

Sunday, January 7, 2024: (Epiphany of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Epiphany when the Three Kings brought Me their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  This was  their way of adoring their Savior as they followed My star.  They represent the Gentiles who would later be led by St. Paul.  The Magi were led to Bethlehem when they heard the prophecy from Micah  5:1-2. ‘But you Bethlehem-Ephratha too small to be among the clans of Juda, from you shall come forth for Me one who is to be ruler in Israel; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times. (Therefore the Lord will give them up, until the time when she who is to give birth has borne, and the rest of his brethren shall return to the children of Israel.)  King Herod told the Magi to find the child and let him know where I am.  But the Magi were told in a dream not to go back to Herod, so they returned to their country by another way.  Rejoice in My birth as I will offer every soul an opportunity to be saved by My death and Resurrection.”

Monday, January 8, 2024: (Baptism of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, this last feast of My Baptism by St. John the Baptist in the Jordan brings an end to the Christmas Season.  This brings back the green vestments of Ordinary Time until Lent begins in February.  Some people will be taking down their Christmas decorations for another year.  You will begin to see more light as the days will be getting longer.  This is a sign of My Light increasing in your Northern Hemisphere.  Now you will be reading of My ministry beginning in the Gospels.  I love all of you as you mark the different seasons in nature and in the Church Year.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming that I have prepared My faithful for, when the Antichrist will come on the scene to declare himself as ruler of the world.  You are seeing a vision of the moment the Antichrist will declare himself, and this will start the less than 3½ years of the tribulation.  Before this happens you will have My Warning followed by the six weeks of Conversion to help save souls for heaven.  After the Conversion Time My faithful need to be prepared for when I will send My inner locution.  This will be a sign to leave your homes within 20 minutes and follow the flame with your guardian angel to the nearest refuge of protection.  At My refuges My angels will shield you with a veil that will make you invisible to the evil ones.  My angels will shield you from bombs, viruses, and even comets.  I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you will survive this time of tribulation.  I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the evil ones at the end of the tribulation.  I will cleanse the earth of the evil ones into hell, and I will renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, January 9, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you sense some major events are about to take place. Just as you could not have Mass at one church, so soon you may have to seek out an underground refuge for a proper Mass. I have given you messages about a coming persecution of Christians.  So when your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges for your protection.  This is why My refuge builders need to have all of their preparations ready to receive My believers at their refuges.  You have prepared your food, water, and fuels, as well as your night lights.  I will multiply your needs, and My angels will protect My refuges from the evil ones.”

Wednesday, January 10, 2024:
Jesus said: “My son, you indeed are listening to My words because you are one of My messengers.  I keep giving you My words to be prepared for the coming Warning and the tribulation.  You have been waiting for many years for these things to happen, but you will be vindicated, and those people, who criticize you, will be left speechless.  Trust in My word that these events will come to pass in a relatively short time.  You know with Me time is endless outside of your time.  I thank you for answering My call as you write down My words.  I gave you a small glimpse of what it will be like for you when you see Me in heaven.  All those souls, who accept Me as their Savior and repent of their sins, are on the path to heaven.  I love all of you and I will not leave you as orphans.  My victory will come soon to defeat Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country will fall to the one world people who will use EMP devices to neutralize your weapons.  Before the tribulation begins, My angels will put up shields to protect My faithful from any weapons of the evil ones.  During the tribulation My refuge people will be adoring My Blessed Sacrament around the clock so you will have food, water, and fuels multiplied to help you survive the tribulation.  I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and they will all be cast into hell.  My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace where there will be no more evil influence.  Trust in My power and My word of protection.”

Thursday, January 11, 2024: (David, my son’s death anniversary)
Jesus said: “My people, everyday you face a battle between your body’s cravings and your soul’s desire to be with Me in heaven.  Your soul needs to take control over the worldly things and seek My healing graces every time you receive Me in Holy Communion.  When you call on Me in prayer, I will take pity on every soul’s cry for My help.  I will lead you to heaven when you accept Me as your Savior and when you repent of your sins in Confession.  Trust in Me by following My Commandments, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”
David John said: “My dear family, thank you for coming to my grave earlier.  You remember I am here for you in heaven as your guardian and helper.  You have called on me in prayer and I am interceding with the Lord to answer your requests.  You have been seeing wars and rumors of wars as a sign of the end times.  You have prepared your refuge and you are trusting in the Lord and His angels.  You are sensing the coming of some serious events and they are about to take place in your time.  Be prepared to accept the faithful as they will need a place of safety from the evil ones.  I want to say hello to my parents, John and Carol, and my sisters Jeanette, Donna, and Catherine.  Mary (our miscarriage daughter) and I are praying for your souls to be saved, so pay attention to the words of Jesus.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been suffering from wind, rain, and snow in several storms.  Half a million people were without power with many power outages from downed trees.  You have seen one storm after another along with several inches of snow.  The weather people are calling this an ‘El Nino’ winter with temperatures going up and down.  Now a cold spell will be moving in.  Be prepared for more serious storms as the winter weather is here.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many attacks on the ships in the Red Sea from the Houthis in Yemen.  These missiles and drones have been taken down by missiles from your ships in the Red Sea.  Many shipping companies are rerouting their ships around the tip of Africa away from the Suez Canal and the Red Sea.  These attacks have increased in the number of drones that are being sent.  Your country and others are planning some possible attacks against Yemen to protect the shipping lanes in the Red Sea.  Pray for peace in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, Iran is encouraging Hezbollah to continue attacks on your troops that are stationed in Iraq.  You have responded several times with jet plane attacks on their stock of missiles, but this has not stopped the attacks on your troops.  You have seen that Biden is cautious in not causing a widening of this conflict.  Iran is using its allies to try and draw America into the war between Hamas and Israel. Keep praying for peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuing war between Russia and the Ukraine.  This war appears to be in a stalemate, but Russia has stepped up its missile and drone attacks on the Ukrainian cities.  The war in Israel is getting more attention in the press than the war in the Ukraine.  Russia has lost a lot of troops and even some ship losses as well.  Funds to support arms for both wars have been slowed up by a block in the House of Representatives where these war funds need to include work on closing the Southern Border.  There is also a possible shutdown if budgets are not passed.  Pray that there can be a shutdown on all of the illegal immigrants who are crossing your Southern Border.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is obvious that the Vatican is trying to shutdown any resistance against its latest talk about blessing homosexual unions.  Homosexual acts are mortal sins as well as adultery.  It is wrong to bless such unions that are inherently sinful.  This and other Vatican directives are coming under scrutiny by various Bishops and Cardinals.  Pray that the leaders of My Church can stop dividing the people with teachings that appear to go against what is taught in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful to be ready to come to My refuges if the coming events could threaten your lives.  These events will come after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.  Do not speculate on the date of the Warning, because it will happen when God the Father wants it to happen.  Be ready to leave for My refuges when I will give you My inner locution.  Trust in My protection with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many people being killed in your wars, but there is a worse war to come that could result in many more deaths.  If these current wars are not stopped, you could see a wider war that could kill even more people.  I am asking My faithful to pray for these wars to stop or a World War III could develop.  Pray one of your rosaries specifically to stop any wider conflict.”

Friday, January 12, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a cobra snake represents an image of Satan  and how he is stirring up wars all over the world.  You can see evil and corruption in all of the leaders of your countries.  The one world people worship Satan to gain power in the world with all of their wealth to control the people.  You have seen the corruption in your elections and how the rich leaders of your corporations put millions of dollars in cheating with illegal ballots to elect Biden who barely campaigned out of his basement for his election. This is again why you need to put your faith in Me only, and do not trust your corrupt leaders.  The evil ones will have a short reign in the tribulation, but at the end of less than 3½ years, I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones and they will all be cast into hell.  I will protect My believers at My refuges, and after the tribulation, I will renew the earth, and then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful to reflect on your lives and focus how I have led you to the faith that you have today.  Look beyond all of your worldly possessions, because when you will stand before Me in your judgment, all you will have in your hands will be the actions you performed in life both good and bad.  If you have not focused much on helping people in your life, start seeing how  you could help people more.  I am speaking of helping people come to heaven instead of being lost in hell.  You want to have your hands full of good works for your judgment.  Even if you cannot physically help someone, you can pray for that soul to be saved.  If someone is in deep need of spiritual improvement, you can even have Mass said for that person.  Look at your friend in Arizona who sends Masses to you for many intentions.  Thank people even more for these Masses than for your gifts of candy.  I love all of you and I want you to love Me and your neighbor as yourself.”

Saturday, January 13, 2024: (St. Hillary)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Me calling Levi to be Matthew so he could follow Me.  You have seen this portrayed in several movies.  In the ‘Chosen’ series you have seen St. Matthew as an autistic person who was good at numbers.  He held a banquet for Me with other tax collectors and sinners.  Even the Pharisees criticized Me for eating with tax collectors and sinners.  I told them that the sick need a physician, but those who are well do not.  The priest at Mass was making a point that you need Me more than I need you.  I am already perfect, but you need My graces for your soul, and I give you good health when you ask for it in prayer.  You trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven.  You also pray for My help to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges and provide for your needs.  I call everyone to follow Me so you can accept the special mission I have for each person.  Keep loving Me and your neighbor even though I know you are all sinners needing My help.”

(Thomas Doherity funeral) Jesus said: “My people, this Mass will help Thomas to suffer less in purgatory.  It is unfortunate that his life was shortened by a careless driver.  Many thought highly of their experiences with ‘Tommy’ as people called him.  He needs prayers and further Masses to come up out of purgatory.  It is better to be more prepared to meet Me at your judgment than to be focused on more worldly things.”

Sunday, January 14, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, just as I called My apostles to be My students,  so I send My call out to all of those people who want to follow Me through life, and then to heaven.  Some of My messengers are answering: ‘Speak Lord for your servant is listening.’ You, My son, have been putting My messages out in your books, your website when it is working, and now on your Zoom programs.  You are seeing the evil ones who are making their plans for a world takeover with their ‘Great Reset’.  Have no fear because I will protect My faithful at My refuges with My angels.”

Monday, January 15, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, when Saul and his men defeated their enemy, they took the best of the enemy’s animals and offered them to their god.  This greatly displeased Me and Saul fell out of My favor.  This is a sign to everyone that when you disobey My laws, you will need to seek My forgiveness and repent of your sins, if you want to stay in My good graces.  This is especially true for My faithful and those who are in leadership roles.  Otherwise, you will be treated as I treated Saul who defied My laws of worshiping only Me.  You are experiencing dangerously cold weather, and this is a sign of the many cold hearts who do not love Me.  My faithful know and love Me, and for this they will be rewarded.  So keep focused on Me as you keep warm hearts in loving Me and your neighbor.”

(Mass intention for Dr. Luis Munoz who died) At a Mass after Holy Communion, I could see the earth from space because Dr. Louis  Munoz saw it and related it to me.  Dr. Luis Munoz said: “My dear friends, it was unfortunate that I had a blood clot come into My heart and I had an infection that resulted in My death.  When my spirit left my body I could look down on it, and then I had a view of the earth from outer space.  Please pray for me and have Masses offered for me.  I am in upper purgatory.  Tell my family that I am sorry I had to leave them and I love them so much.  Thank you Carol and John for being such great friends.”

Tuesday, January 16, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, Samuel the prophet was sent by God to anoint David the son of Jesse.  David was anointed as king of Israel and this was his mission.  Each person  is anointed by God for a specific mission.  This is a spiritual mission that can only be fulfilled by allowing Me to lead you in faith.  By consecrating your lives to God, then you are able to carry out your mission for Me and My greater glory.  So forget your own earthly desires and follow the one spiritual mission I have given to each of you.”

Wednesday, January 17, 2024: (St. Anthony of the Desert)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading about David, you saw how I protected David from the bear, the lion, and even the giant Goliath.  It was David’s faith in My power that he was able to be My warrior against the peoples who wanted to destroy Israel.  You are seeing in your time how I am still protecting Israel from Iran and its proxies.  It is this faith in My power that My faithful will be protected from the Antichrist at My refuges during the tribulation with the help of My angels.  Each refuge has a refuge angel, as you have St. Meridia, who will shield you from the evil ones and all of their weapons.  So trust in My power that is greater than the Antichrist and his demons.  You will be made invisible at My refuges, and I will multiply your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I want you to have a luna holder for a Host in case a priest consecrates a Host so you could temporarily place Me in the holder, should a priest want to have Benediction at your house.  For a short time it would be a proper holder to place in your tabernacle.  This gives My Host a proper temporary place for storing My Real Presence.  You are blessed when a priest offers Mass on your altar.”

Thursday, January 18, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you see this little tent for shelter as a sign of how I protect you from harm.  You have your guardian angel to direct you to heavenly things and away from bad habits.  This tent is also a sign to have your refuges ready to shelter the faithful people who I will bring to your refuge.  At My refuges I will have My angels protect you and I will multiply what you need.  Each year you have been adding things like your new Lithium batteries and solar panels to provide electricity for your new lamps at night.  You add to your food storage so you have few places to store more food.  You even add things to your altar and Mass needs.  You have carried out all of My instructions for what you need for your independent living accommodations.  Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your protection and your needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the war in Israel and in the Ukraine could very easily expand as the United States will be drawn into these wars.  Russia is looking for revenge on America  for blowing up the gas pipeline to Europe from Russia.  They have developed a hypersonic missile that could be sent to your country to cause an EMP attack on your National Grid.  Such an attack would shut down your weapon factories.  They could also use an EMP attack on your carrier groups as well.  This could lead to the fall of your country.  You may have to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know it would be difficult to put Faraday cages over all of your electric lights, batteries, and your solar systems.  In the winter you have little solar power, so you will need your Lithium batteries to power your lamps for light at night.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you knew that electric cars would have problems running in the cold winter.  These EV cars lose their efficiency in the cold, and it would take longer to charge if you could find a charging station.  It is hard to find enough electricity to run many EV cars and your home use.  This is another problem in the summer when you try to run your air conditioners and your EV charging.  These EV cars are expensive and hard to charge.  They are not selling because some have caught on fire.  You will have more gas run cars as the mandate for EV cars will be rescinded.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see the rich people trying to stop Trump  from being elected President.  They are trying to put him in jail with four court cases, and they are using judges to try and keep Trump off of the ballot not only in the primaries, but for the regular election as well.  These evil ones are doing everything to keep Trump from being elected.  Some people are even trying to get the military to stop his powers if he is elected President.  Pray that you will have a fair election and pray for My angels to stop the cheating in the elections.”

Jesus said: “My people, your open border is allowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter your country, and they are causing many problems with your cities’ infrastructure.  This is designed to purposely ruin your country and the open border needs to be closed.  Pray that the House can change the open border because it is a major security problem for your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your businesses are supporting more fossil fuel energy than trying to use ‘Green’ sources as solar and wind.  Trying to stop fossil fuel power plants is self-defeating because there is not enough electricity produced with solar and wind.  Your economy will choose what is successful and ‘Green’ mandates will be stopped.  Pray that your people will see that ‘Green’ energy is not working.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have suggested that people need to have three months of food stored for each person in your household.  Your farmers are warning you of a coming food shortage or famine because the rich people and China are buying up your farmland.  This will put the control of food supplies in private or government control that will have high prices.  Your stores will only be stocked with food as long as their suppliers can keep providing food.  When the store shelves are near empty, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges where I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.”

Friday, January 19, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to be loving everyone, even to love your enemies.  David told Saul how he could have killed him, but David did not want to kill the anointed of God.   Because Saul worshiped other gods and took the spoils of their victory over the Philistines, Saul had his kingship given to David.  David was rewarded for his kindness to Saul.  My faithful need to follow My Commandments of love, and you too will have your reward.  I love all of My people and I give you My words of love in My Gospels.  I also showed you My love when I died on the cross to bring salvation to all of those people who accept Me as Savior, and repent of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will have about 30 minutes to get to My refuges before the hypersonic bombs will go off up in the air.  This will be another Pearl Harbor attack without much warning.  This will be an EMP surprise attack that will shut down your National Grid and stop your vehicles.  My angels will protect My refuges from any EMP effects.  The only lights visible at night will come from My refuges.  Once My faithful come to My refuges, they will be made invisible to the evil ones, and I will multiply their needs.  Every refuge will have a Perpetual Adoration with a consecrated Host from a priest at Mass, or from My angels.  My refuge builders have prepared food, water, fuels, and beds which will be multiplied.  You will live a new life at My refuges.  Trust  in My protection.”
Jesus also said: “My people, I will call My faithful to My refuges with My inner locution so you will have time to be led to My refuges by your guardian angels.  This will come after the Warning and the Conversion time of six weeks.  Trust in Me that I will have your angels bring you to My refuges before the bombs go off.”

Saturday, January 20, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some harsh winter weather with snow and deep  cold down to 10 F.  In other places winds and tornadoes have caused much damage.  It is hard to clear ruble out in your harsh weather.  You were spoiled with warm weather, and now the cold has set in.  You may have a time of a thaw, but the cold weather will return.  My son, I have helped you lower your blood pressure to normal with your doctor’s new prescriptions.  This is in answer to your prayer for help.  Trust in Me to watch over you spiritually and physically.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will send My Warning experience to everyone at the same time, so it could come in night or the day.  You saw this car wheel circling around as a sign of My Warning.  It will come in a time of chaos, and it may be the last opportunity for souls to be saved.  Your best preparation is to come to frequent Confession.  You will see your life review and you will remember all of your unforgiven sins.  You will have a mini-judgment and you will have a physical experience of being in your destination.  You will be warned not to take the mark of the beast and not to worship the Antichrist.  After the Warning you will have six weeks for Conversion when there will be no evil influence.  This is a time to try and bring your family and friends to be believers in Me so they can enter My refuges.  After the Conversion time I will soon call you to My refuges with My inner locution.  Have no fear because I will protect you at My refuge and I will provide for your needs.”

Sunday, January 21, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel today speaks about the calling of Andrew, Simon, James, and John who were all fishermen.  I told them that now they would be fishers of men.  You, My son, are seeing this lighted path to follow after Me.  I have called you to spread My messages with your website, your books, and your Zoom meetings, and even your prayer group.  I love all of My people and I need My messengers to spread My word so many more people could be converted.  I thank all of My special people who have answered My call and remain faithful to the missions I have given you.  Trust in Me to keep you healthy in mind and soul.”

Monday, January 22, 2024:(Right to Life for unborn,day of prayer)
Jesus said: “My people, your country will pay dearly for all of the millions of babies you have killed by abortion.  You have evil people leading your government.  They are allowing open borders to ruin your country.  Your Supreme Court rescinded your Rowe vs Wade decision to stop abortion for your country, but many blue states have allowed laws to allow mothers to abort their children.  How cruel and evil are mothers who are selfish for money or refusing to care for their own children.  They can be forgiven if they are sorry for their sin.  The sin against the Holy Spirit that will not be forgiven is the refusal to seek My forgiveness.  Those souls, who do not repent, could be lost in hell.  Those people, who support abortion, will also face a heavy judgment against them for wanting abortions.  Pray to stop abortion which is the cruelest abuse of children by killing them.  I love the little children so much, and those people, who harm My little ones, should have a millstone placed on their neck and be thrown into the sea.”

Jesus said: “My people, think of how many aborted babies that could be stored in these two 55 gallon blue barrels.  This could hold thousands of little babies.  These doctors are getting rich on the blood money of aborted babies.  How can these mothers kill their own children and they do not feel guilty of their sin?  I will forgive them, but they must repent in Confession, or they could be lost forever in hell.  Keep praying at the Planned Parenthood clinics to stop the killing of babies.  Try to counsel these mothers to have their children and not kill them.”

Tuesday, January 23, 2024: (St Marianne Cope, St. Vincent)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are honoring  saints who took care of the sick.  It takes a little extra effort and time to visit the sick or take people to the hospital.  When you care for the needs of others, you are storing up graces for your judgment.  Even if you pray for the sick, you are rewarded for thinking of others.  You pray your rosaries every day for the souls in your family, and for the souls in purgatory.  Look to help all the souls who are in need in life and in death.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats won with Biden when they cheated in fixing illegal ballots at night in the drop boxes.  There was plenty of proof of the cheating, especially when some districts had more votes than were registered.  The Democrats wanted people who complained about cheating in the 2020 election to be put in jail.  The rich people are ready to buy another election with more cheating.  Now the Dominion machines were found to be easily hacked.  If the one world people anticipate a Trump win, they could do something that could stop the election as a war, an EMP attack, or another virus attack.  There have been many assassination attempts on Trump also.  Pray for a fair election, but there could be a forced problem for the upcoming Presidential election.”

Wednesday, January 24, 2024: (St. Francis de Sales)
Jesus said: “My people, people called Me the Son of David because I was in the line of the House of David.  He was a great king and he protected Israel.  You are seeing a Bible in today’s vision because of My parable about the Sower.  The seed is My Word as I explained it to My apostles.  Many hear My parables, but unless they are My faithful, they do not understand the meaning.  Those people who receive the seed on the path or on the rocky ground do not have roots for My Word to produce fruit.  The seed among the thorns was choked by worldly things.  The seed falling on good soil are the ones who produced fruit of good deeds.  So listen to My Word and read your Bible so you can be among My faithful headed to heaven.  Trust in My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before of a coming persecution of Christians.  There are some Catholics who come to church for daily Mass and Holy Communion.  On Saturday and Sunday you have more Catholics coming to Sunday Mass.  You are starting to see some churches being burned down, especially in Canada.  This could be a sign that evil people are behind these churches being burned down.  It is very expensive to rebuild a church or to have to repair a church.  You also are seeing a general reduction in Mass attendance.  As the persecution of Christians gets worse, you will be searching for Mass in a house or an underground setting hidden from public view.  This is part of the reason why I am having My refuge builders put refuges up in secluded areas.  I will have My angels protect My refuges from the evil ones so you can have Masses offered and even live at My refuges.  In a short time you may be called to My refuges for your protection and to have Mass.”

Thursday, January 25, 2024: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, this conversion of St. Paul was special to change his life and to stop him from persecuting the people who believed in Me.  This was no easy conversion, but it was quite dramatic.  You heard Me asking St. Paul why he was persecuting Me.  So if someone persecutes one of My faithful, they are in essence, persecuting Me in them.  Later, St. Paul was healed of his blindness in Damascus.  He was then baptized into the faith and he became a great apostle for the Gentiles.  You all are called by Me to help convert as many souls as you can to the faith.  This is the mission for all Christians.  This conversion of St. Paul is a message that I can convert the worst of sinners if they are open to My grace.  In this reading you are seeing that each of you have to make a choice in your life to either follow Me to heaven, or you could be lost in hell.  Keep praying to save souls from hell, and to help the souls out of purgatory with your prayers and Masses for their intentions.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were frightened by a bad storm while they were in a boat.  I came to them walking on the water.  My apostles thought I was a ghost,  but I told them it is I.  I called St. Peter to come to Me, and he  walked on the water, but he was sinking.  I caught him and we both entered the boat.  Then I said to the storm: ‘Peace be still.’  A great calm came over the water.  My apostles believed in Me more when they saw these miracles.  So call on Me in your lives and I will calm any storms in your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever I call you to do a mission, I will give you the tools and the grace to carry it out.  You know that with Me all things are possible.  Ask  and you will receive, seek and you will find.  By having faith in My power, I will help you through all of life’s trials.  Even if it takes a miracle to answer your request, you will see My power answer your prayer, as long as you have trust that I can do this for you.  Trust and faith in Me is needed, and you will see miracles happen, just as I performed miracles for My apostles.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden has declared EO 14067 which is beyond his Constitutional authority to establish a digital dollar to replace the dollar.  This is a fiat law which the Federal Reserve will try to force on you without the approval of your Congress.  Once you exchange your dollars for the digital dollars, your money will be put at risk.  Your government will control this new money and they will dictate what you can buy and what you cannot buy.  You will see social credits like in China.  Many conservatives could see their accounts zeroed by the one world people.  Trust in Me when I will call you to My refuges where I will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said:  “My people, the rich and powerful evil ones are preparing to adopt this new digital dollar that will be controlled by your government.  The ‘Great Reset’ will be established all over the world as the one world people are preparing the way for the coming Antichrist. Before the Antichrist declares himself, you will see the evil ones declare that everyone will need to take the mark of the beast in their body.  I will call My faithful to My refuges and My angels will protect you from the UN troops who will go house to house to try and force people to take this mark.  Refuse to take this mark for any reason.  Trust in Me for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people,  these two demands of forcing the mark of the beast on everyone, and changing the words of the Consecration in the Mass, will be your definite sign to follow your guardian angel with a flame to My refuges.  Refuse to take this mark.  Those people who take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist will be condemned to hell  according to the Book of Revelation.  When a new Mass without the proper words of Consecration is put in place, do not attend this Mass, but come to a proper Mass at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will send My faithful My inner locution to come to My refuges after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.  When you come to My refuges, you will look on My luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed  from all of your health problems.  My angels will protect you at My refuges throughout the whole tribulation.  You will have all of your needs provided at My refuges.  You will see My power will overcome all of the evil ones and they will be sent to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, have no fear of the Antichrist and the evil ones, because after the tribulation I will defeat them with My Comet of Chastisement.  I will cleanse the earth of all evil.  Then I will renew the earth with a new Garden of Eden, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.  All of My faithful will live a long time in My Era of Peace, and I will be spiritually Present to you.  There will be no evil presence, and you will be vegetarians eating from the Tree of Life.  Rejoice in this Era of Peace because I told you, My son, that you will be living in this coming Era with your wife.”

Friday, January 26, 2024: (St. Timothy and St. Titus)
Jesus said: “My people, this fast running river of water is a sign of how I am speeding up the time.  The events leading up to the Warning are moving fast.  In the readings you are seeing how I sent out My deacons and apostles to spread My Word of My Kingdom to all parts of the world.  I even instructed them to stay at one house and accept the hospitality of the people because My laborers are worthy of being fed with a place to sleep.  You are witnesses of how people treated you in your many years of travel.  Now you are using your Zoom meetings to relay My messages to the people.  Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I call you.”

Camille Remacle (my wife’s deceased father) said: “Hello everybody, I want to thank Carol and Sharon for taking care of Vic.  He needs a lot of prayers to help him with his addictions.  You are about to see some serious events this year, so hang on to your seats.  You have been speaking of the persecution of Christians which will be increasing and more noticeable.  Your words on preparing refuges will be very needed this year.  God bless all of you for all of your evangelization efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will send My Warning experience to everyone at the same time.  You will be outside of time as you are drawn to My Light.  You will see your life review and it will happen very fast.  You will face your mini-judgment and you will be taken to your destination which could also be frightening in hell and purgatory.  This will be an opportunity to change your life when you see how your sins offend Me.  I will give everyone a choice to follow Me, or to follow the devil.  After the Warning and the Conversion time, people will be very clear on which path they have chosen.  My faithful will be called to the safety of My refuges.  But the evil people will suffer greatly from the Antichrist and the demons.  Trust in Me for My angels to shield you from the evil ones and I will provide for your needs.”

Saturday, January 27, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, when I was in a boat with My apostles, they were frightened by a storm and they woke Me from sleeping.  I told  the wind to be still and there was a great calm.  My apostles did not know of My power over the weather, and I chastised them for their lack of faith in My protection.  Even during your lives, remember that I am always with you, and you can call on Me for help with your health and with the health of your relatives and friends. In David’s story remember to come to frequent Confession, so I can forgive your sins and give you My graces.”

Sunday, January 28, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I am always with you to help you through every trial in your life.  You are seeing many health problems and even some deaths among your relatives and friends.  You even face problems when your devices stop working, or they need a repair.  At other times you may be faced with the effects of evil spirits in people or they could attack you in some way.  So come to Me at any time to help you to rid these evil spirits, and help you through your problems and disappointments.  With prayer and trust in My power, you will see how I can overcome any of your obstacles that disturb your peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, living at a refuge during the tribulation time will be a completely different life from what you are living now.  My angels will protect you from all of the evil ones’ attempts to kill you.  You will have Me with you in My Real Presence with your Perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament.  By your faith in Me, I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  With St. Joseph you will have a high rise building for My faithful  and a large church to attend Mass.  I will shorten the time so you will suffer less than 3½ years at My refuges.  I will cleanse the earth of all the evil people and the demons, as they will be cast into hell.  Then I will renew the earth and you will live a long time in My Era of Peace.  You will be purified so you can enter heaven after you die.”

Monday, January 29, 2024:
Jesus said:  “My people, you remember when Nathan chastised David for having Uriah killed, so David could take his wife.  You are seeing another Scripture when David was cursed by Shamiel as a killer, and Absolom  was made the new leader.  David repented of his sin, but he had to suffer as a punishment.  In the Gospel I cast the legion of demons out of a man into 2,000 swine and the swine ran into the sea and were drowned.  The people then asked Me to leave their territory, even though the man was cleansed of his possession.  Since you know My power over the evil ones, you can pray for My protection from the demons and the evil people.  Trust in Me as I will protect you at My refuges from the Antichrist throughout the tribulation.”

(Joanne & Mike L.) Jesus said: “My son, when My faithful come to your refuge, you will be distributing soup, bread, water, and dinner to the people.  You have been stocking up as I told you for your food, and you will have people preparing it every day.  You will make a large kettle of soup along with some bread, and this will be multiplied so the soup will not go dry for many people.  You will be working hard to provide food, water, and heat for your house.  You will assign beds and hours of Adoration before your consecrated Host from a priest or My angels.  I bless Joanne and Mike so they can endure the every day trials that you all face.”

Tuesday, January 30, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are very familiar with today’s Gospel, even as you have seen this portrayed in the ‘Chosen’ movie.  As I was walking with a crowd, the woman, who had hemorrhages for twelve years, had faith that I could heal her if she just touched My clothing.  As I felt healing power go out to someone, I looked for that person.  I stopped and comforted the woman who touched Me, and I told her to go her way since her faith had healed her.  I continued on to the house of Jairus to heal his daughter who had died.  I put out the mourners and I told them that she is only sleeping.  They ridiculed Me, but I put them all out.  I privately raised the twelve year old daughter from the dead, and I told them to keep this healing quiet.  Rejoice as I have compassion on all of you.”

Jesus said: “My son, I understand your problem with your inverter, and you need some prayers to find someone to fix what you have, or replace it with a new inverter.  It would be a good time to have someone also fix the two panels that are not working, even when the snow is off.  You still have your off-grid system to power your water pump and you have solar generator Li batteries for lights at night.  Trust in Me to help you.  At the tribulation time, My angels will fix any non-working equipment, so you will have the power you need.”

Wednesday, January 31, 2024: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, in Nazareth the people knew Me as a carpenter’s son, and they did not know how I could perform miracles.  Because of their lack of faith in My healing power, I could not heal anyone there except for two foreigners.  In order for Me to heal someone, they must believe that I can do it.  Even prophets do not get much acceptance in their own hometown, because of this lack of faith.  My messengers need to carry out their mission of spreading My Word, despite any problems with people not believing in My Word.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have asked Me to help you with these problems.  Already you had someone fix the leak in your water system.  You also have someone coming to install your new garbage disposal.  You have made one contact who may be able to fix any problems with your solar panels.  It is not easy to find people to fix your problems, but I am helping you get through them.  It is good to have your refuge in good working order, so you can thank Me for helping you.”

Thursday, February 1, 2024:
Jesus said: “My son, you have read in the Gospel how I sent out My apostles two by two to evangelize the people to love Me and to heal the sick, and even cast out demons.  They were to only take a walking stick without money in their belt.  They were to stay in one house.  You, My son, went out to evangelize and spread My Word with your wife for 28 years.  You had people pay for your travel expenses and you stayed at someone’s house where they fed you and provided a place to sleep.  You gave talks using My messages, and you prayed over the people.  Now you are sharing My messages using your Zoom programs on the internet.  You still put your messages on your website and in your books.  Give Me praise and thanks for protecting you all of these years.  You have an added mission of providing a refuge for My faithful during the coming tribulation.  It is not easy to maintain your water well, your solar systems, food, and fuel storage.  You have followed My instructions and I am helping you to fix any problems.  I thank you and your wife for carrying out your missions because of your deep faith in Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, America is at war when you bring your weapons to Israel and the Ukraine.  When you look at the remnants of your bombs, you can read made in the USA.  When you look at the remnants of bombs that killed three of your soldiers in Jordan, then you would see made in Iran.  Iran is using its proxies, and America is using Israel and the Ukraine.  As America fights back, you are being dragged closer to World War III.  Pray for peace instead of for an expanded war.”

Jesus said: “My people, Texas and its National Guard is going against Biden’s orders by not cutting up the razor wire that was keeping illegal immigrants from entering one part of the border.  Other red states are sending troops to back Texas in trying to close the border from the illegal immigrants entering.  You saw some illegal immigrants kicking New York City police and then they were set free.  Pray for peace in America, but you have many factions opposing each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Biden government has been sending billions of dollars of aid to the Ukraine without any oversight to where the money is going.  This is the same for aid to Israel.  The Speaker of the House is not bringing this up for a vote until something is done to stop all of the illegal immigrants from entering.  Many cities are complaining about too many illegal immigrants who are filling up their hotels and even the NY city schools.  Pray for peace and a closed border.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden as a candidate for President in 2024 is showing more signs of weakness to beat Trump.  This is why the Democrats are bringing false indictments against Trump.  These people are doing everything to try and prevent Trump from winning the Presidency.  Rich people are already putting up money to cheat at this coming election.  Pray that My angels can allow a fair election as they did in 2016.  You will be fortunate to have such an election.”

Jesus said: “My son, continue to trust in My help to fix your solar system.  Your inverter is working on and mostly off.  You also need the two lines to be fixed for your other inverter.  This system also needs to work when the power is off.  I told you to trust in Me and My angels because your power will be fixed during the tribulation time.  I will help you with any needed repairs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your banks have been preparing to implement the digital dollar which will allow Biden to control what you can buy.  This will be followed by the mandatory mark of the beast.  Refuse to take this mark for any reason.  As these events could threaten your lives, I will call you to My refuges for your safety and your needs.  I will bring My Warning and Conversion time before the Antichrist’s takeover.  Trust in Me that I will defeat the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you already are seeing hackers from China are trying to bring down your infrastructure as in your water and fuel supplies.  You could also see EMP missiles explode in the upper atmosphere that could take down your National electric grid.  Once you are at My refuges, My angels will protect your solar systems from any EMP attack.  I will multiply your needs by My Real Presence in your Perpetual Adoration.  Trust in My protection as the evil ones will be cast into hell.  I will bring you into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Friday, February 2, 2024: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are blessing the candles for Mass.  You also are commemorating My Presentation in the Temple.  I died to save all of mankind and I instituted the Sacrament of Baptism in the Jordan River.  Now, I encourage all parents to have their children baptized.  In the Jewish religion this Presentation was special for the first born male babies.  There is also a ceremony for the circumcision of a male child.  The prophesy of Simeon is hard for My Blessed Mother, because it also foretells My Crucifixion.  All of humanity is blessed that I came to save souls as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many people try to predict the day of the Warning.  It will happen when God the Father chooses, so do not be concerned about this date.  The Warning will come before I call you to My refuges.  Be ready to take your backpack to My refuges whenever I call you with My inner locution.  My refuges will be guarded by My angels, which is why they will be safe havens.  When you look upon My luminous cross in the sky, you will be healed of any health problems.  Remember to come to frequent Confession so you are ready to meet Me at your mini-judgment.”

Saturday, February 3, 2024: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a battle between good and evil, as soldiers were defending a castle.  This is another sign of the persecution of Christians.  This is a spiritual battle when My angels will fight for you, and protect you at My refuges.  The evil ones will be trying to kill My people, but fear not.  You will not need weapons, except your rosary as a spiritual weapon.  This evil that is coming, will be so great that those people who are not at a refuge, will suffer martyrdom for My faithful.  Trust in My angel protection and the multiplication of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, the open border by the Democrats is meant to give them many votes when they allow illegal immigrants to vote.  The millions of immigrants are causing infrastructure problems all over your country.  One plan by the Democrats was to overload the welfare rolls so they could cause a takeover.  Now the millions of illegal immigrants are overloading welfare, hospitals, schools, and hotels because there is not enough room for them.  Your people are ready to revolt against your open borders like Texas is fighting back.  Your wars overseas are also expanding that could involve America in more wars.  Both a civil war and possible foreign wars could even threaten to stop your election.  Pray for peace at home and abroad.”

Sunday, February 4, 2024: (Mass for Frances Cologgi)
Fran said: “I am happy to be able to give everyone a few words.  I love my siblings, Miguel, and little Kai.  I am sorry I did not show more love for all of you.  I am also sorry I left you so soon from my cancer that I brought on myself.  I thank all of you who came to this Mass to honor my life.  The Lord was not happy with some things I did in my life, and I am sorry for them.  I will be in lower purgatory, so please pray for my soul and have Masses offered for me.”

Monday, February 5, 2024: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, King Solomon assembled all of the people and they made many offerings of animals.  The Priests and Levites carried the Ark of the Covenant and they places it in the Holy of Holies of the new Temple that was built to house My Presence.  Now, I am giving you this same housing when you receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion.  You place Me on your tongue in your Temple of the Holy Spirit.  Give praise and thanks to Me that I have instituted My sacramental Presence in the consecrated Host at Mass.  You have Me Present with you every time you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats want to keep the border open to give them votes when they will allow illegal immigrants to vote in your election.  This is a plan to destroy your country and place America into the North American Union.  It is a plan to have communist control over your people.  Your leaders are evil, and they need to be voted out of office.  The Democrats’ latest immigration bill is a disaster for your country.  You are seeing many states behind Texas who want to close the border according to your existing law that Biden is violating.  Pray for closure of your borders and for no civil war.”

Tuesday, February 6, 2024: (St. Paul Miki and companions)
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you how important it is to have a water well, because when things go bad for your electricity, you will still have water.  You also are fixing your solar inverters because you need some electricity to run things.  Remember how My angels will help you, and protect you from an EMP attack.  In the Gospel you saw how I chastised the Pharisees for following traditions more than the true spirit of My Commandments.  My faithful also follow certain traditions, but it is more important to imitate My life than your earthly traditions.”

Wednesday, February 7, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I love you all so much, especially those faithful who receive Me at daily Mass.  Every time you receive Me, it is like a new experience of My love.  To be with Me in your heart and soul, it is a joy and I give you My grace to carry out your missions.  I explained today’s Gospel to My apostles that all food is clean, but it is what comes out of your lips and heart that can defile you.  Be careful in your speech not to swear, or gossip about others.  Put any evil thoughts out of your mind, and focus on good things and performing good deeds for your neighbor.  Love Me and love everyone as I do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many different religions, but it comes down to those who believe in Me and those who do not.  You have noticed more recent messages are concerned with the persecution of Christians or believers in God.  I have told you that the one world people worship Satan, and that is why they hate My believers.  These evil ones center their lives around worshiping Satan, but My believers center their lives around Me, and you worship only Me.  You will be  seeing a gradual increase in the persecution of My believers.  This will get so bad, that your lives will be in danger.  When My faithful refuse the Covid shots and the mark of the beast, it will be difficult to live in an open society without money, because they will cancel your accounts in the digital dollar.  Before the Antichrist declares himself as ruler of the world, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges where you will be protected by My angels and given your needs.”

Thursday, February 8, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Me in your Warning experience, you will be outside of your body, and you will be traveling fast in a tunnel to My Light.  You will have a life review, a mini-judgment, and a visit to your destination.  Some will see the horrors of hell, some in purgatory, and very few in heaven.  Then you will be back in your body, and you will be in the six weeks of Conversion when you will try to make believers in Me of your relatives and friends.  After, you will be called to My refuges soon for your protection with My angels.  Have no fear.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a spinning consecrated Host that represents the coming Warning.  This experience will lead you through a tunnel to My Light.  It will occur outside of time, and you will leave your body.  You will come face to face with all the events in your life.  Non-believers will see a hell experience, My believers will see purgatory, and a few will see heaven.  You will return to your body and want to seek a priest for Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, those souls who are believers with pure souls, may only face a short time in upper purgatory both in the Warning, and when they die.  During the six weeks of Conversion, after the Warning, there will be no evil influence and you will have time to convert your family and friends to be believers.  Only believers will be allowed by My angels to enter My refuge.  So be ready for these events.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusual weather events that are changing your temperatures and causing huge rain events in various parts of your country.  You have evil people using HAARP machines to change the upper winds to go deep toward earth causing high winds and rains that are causing floods.  These HAARP machines can cause major earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes.  Some countries are using these machines as weapons against their enemies.  So be prepared for damaging storms that could devastate cities and countries.  Be also prepared for a coming polar shift that could cause problems when the solar wind will be striking lower levels from the poles.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  This means your country will fall and be taken over by the one world people.  This will start with dramatic events after the Warning and the Conversion time.  It is beginning with the Great Reset when you will see the digital dollar implemented.  The evil ones will form  continental unions and this power will be given over to the Antichrist.  I will call you to My refuges with My inner locution.  Those believers, who do not come to My refuges, could be martyred.  Trust in My angel protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have experienced a recent problem with a water leak in your iron filter from your well water that was repaired.  You also had to replace a leaking garbage disposal with a new machine and piping.  Today, you had a technician repair some lines to your solar panels that were chewed by squirrels.  He had to remove a large squirrel nest, replace a chewed wire, and replace two chewed optimizers.  Now your inverters are working as normal.  It is not easy to find people for these repairs, but now your refuge is in working order thanks to My help.  It is important that you are ready to receive My faithful just as the tribulation will be beginning.  I have told you that you are already in the pre-tribulation.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your Warning experience you will be told not to take the mark of the beast, and not to worship the Antichrist.  You also will be warned that it will be necessary to come to My refuges, or you could be martyred.  My refuge builders are finishing their preparations, and My angels will finish any repairs that are needed.  My angels will defend all of My refuges from bombs, gases, viruses, and even comets.  I will have a priest or My angels bring daily Holy Communion to every believer at My refuges.  You will place a consecrated Host in a monstrance for a Perpetual Adoration.  You will assign hours of Adoration for each believer.  By My Real Presence and your belief in My miracles, I will multiply your houses, beds, food, water, and fuels so you can survive the entire tribulation.  Because I have requested this, it will happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the end of the tribulation I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement.  The evil people and the demons will all be cast into hell.  I will then raise My faithful up into the air, and I will renew the earth as a new Garden of Eden.  I will then bring you down into My Era of Peace, and you will live a long life as a vegetarian.  You will eat from My Trees of Life and this will allow you to live a long life.  There will be no evil influence, and you will be perfected as saints, so when you die, you will come straight to heaven.  You will be assigned to your level of heaven that has been prepared for each of My faithful.”

Friday, February 9, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, because King Solomon worshiped other gods than Me, I punished him by taking away much of his kingdom.  In America you also worship the things of the world,  and your sins of abortion are causing a divided nation.  Your country will be taken over because of your evil leaders.  The Democrats cheat in elections and they have corrupt judges who have taken away your rights from your Constitution.  Pray for your country to heal the wounds of division.  You will see the evil ones in power who will give your nation over to the Antichrist and his  followers.  You will need to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes people have bad habits of over drinking, drugs, smoking, overeating, and even masturbation.  These habits all have an underlying pleasure or high that causes you to do these things.  Some habits can lead to cancer or a bad liver.  You need to stop and think if you are damaging your body with your bad habit.  Then you need to have a desire to stop your bad habit.  You may need some help from a doctor to deal with your habit.  If you are successful, then you are stopping a sin and you are not letting your habit control you as in an addiction. Come to Confession so I can heal you of your sins.  Pray to Me to help you stop any bad habit, and you will thank Me for healing you.”

Saturday, February 10, 2024: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My son, every day you wake up and pray your Morning Offering, and you consecrate all of your actions to Me.  You proceed to your daily morning Mass and you write down My message that you received at Holy Communion.  You spend some time typing My messages and indexing them for your books.  During the day you pray your four rosaries sometimes when you are walking outside.  Near 3:00 p.m. you pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet, and at early evening you pray another holy hour.  On Fridays you also pray the Stations of the Cross.  Then when you retire in bed, you pray your night prayers.  You center your life around Me as I call everyone to do so.  Keep close to Me in all that you do for your good works.  By following Me, you are producing good fruit in your actions.  Today, you pray at the Planned Parenthood building to stop abortions, and later you need Confession.  Be prepared for Lent.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were concerned that it would be hard to fix the wires on the roof that were chewed up by the squirrels.  Your solar worker had to get rid of a big nest under your solar panels.  He fixed the fault in your solar inverter#2 by splicing in a new wire.  He fixed your two optimizers that were chewed by squirrels with two new ones on inverter#1.  You may have to install a critter guard to keep the squirrels from chewing more wires.  You are satisfied that your solar system has been restored to its normal working order.  I told you I would help you recover your system, and if anything happens again, My angels will fix it.  The angels will even protect all of your equipment from any EMP attack as well.  So trust in Me to provide for your needs and protect you from harm during the tribulation.”

Sunday, February 11, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, a leper came to Me and said: ‘If you wish, you can make me clean.’  I so wished him to be healed, so I blessed him and he was instantly cleansed.  He spread his healing so much that I could not enter a town openly, when people came to Me for a healing.  You all know of My power to heal people, so many pray to Me for a healing of a disease, or for help with your problems.  I am also willing to cleanse your sins from your soul when you come to Me in the priest at Confession.  You are about to start your Lenten fasting starting with this Ash Wednesday.  As you receive your ashes, you are reminded that you were made from dust and unto dust you shall return.  Be prepared to make some offering of restraint, pray your prayers, and look to make a donation to the poor.  You will also be fasting between meals all for My greater glory.”

Monday, February 12, 2024:
Jesus  said: “My people, just like in this storm when I was in the boat with My apostles, I told them to have faith in Me when I am always with them.  You need perseverance with My help through all of your daily trials.  I showed My apostles My power when I told the storm ‘Peace be still’ and a great calm came over the water.  If you have faith in My miracles, I can also show you My power in how I will solve your problems by giving you the solutions to your troubles.  All I ask is that you love Me, and trust that I will take care of you both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, the apostles gave up their professions to follow Me.  It was not easy to drop everything to become My students for three years of My ministry.  It was even more dangerous to go out in the world to spread My message of love and convert people to believe in Me.   Only St. John the apostle was the one who was not martyred, but he was exiled to Patmos island.  That means the rest of the apostles were martyred for their faith.  Today, I am calling My faithful to be My servants by your prayers and belief in Me.  It is not easy to convert souls in this evil world.  You are seeing more of My followers being persecuted for their faith in Me.  As you draw closer to the tribulation time, you will need to leave for My refuges, so My angels can protect you and provide for your needs.”
Mass intention for Christ Theut and his brothers.  Jesus said: “Tell Chris and his brothers that I appreciate all of his efforts to help get people out of purgatory, or to move them up with Masses that he had offered for their souls.”

Tuesday, February 13, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people,  I was warning My disciples to avoid the desire of earthly things that can lead to sin.  Instead, keep your eyes on Me in My consecrated Bread of life.  I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000 people.  So it is better to trust in Me for all of your needs than to be misled by worldly desires.  Some people  focus their lives around money and their own accomplishments.  It is better to trust in Me to work out your problems and satisfy your needs.  This life is passing away along with everything in it.  Look to your future destination in heaven by obeying My laws and helping people with your good deeds.  I love all of you, and I am directing you on the right path to heaven where love of Me and neighbor is more important than worldly desires.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing some powerful storms being generated by the misuse of the HAARP machine.  You also are seeing signs of the coming Warning that will call you to My refuges.  The Warning will happen before the one world people shut down your National Grid by an EMP attack or an attack on some critical substations.  You know the consequences of a long blackout when people will run out of food in the stores.  This is why it is important for all of My refuges to have all of their equipment in working order.  My faithful need to come to My refuges as soon as they are called by My inner locution.  You will have food, water, and fuels multiplied at My refuges for your survival.  The one world people will use this power outage for a takeover and put America into the North America Union.  Trust in My angel help to protect and feed My faithful at My refuges.”

Wednesday, February 14, 2024: (Ash Wednesday-beginning of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, you are beginning another Season of Lent when you repent in prayer, fast between meals and meat today and on Fridays of Lent, and give alms to the poor.  Try to make some extra sacrifices by denying yourself of something that you enjoy.  Make some extra time to read your Bible and attend daily Mass.  Make sure you come to Confession during Lent.  You received your ashes on your forehead as a reminder that you will return to ashes when you die.  This life is a temporary school to learn how to love Me and love your neighbor.  So store up good deeds in your hands to receive Me at your judgment.  Trust in Me in prayer to lead you on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to be ready at your refuge when the electricity is turned off.  If your town water is not working, you can turn on your well water.  For lights at night you have your lamps and five Lithium batteries fully charged to run your lamps.  You have backup pull up lanterns, but you need to charge the batteries at times.  Your on-grid solar system can run your gas burner if you still have natural gas.  If your natural gas stops, you have a wood furnace and kerosene burners with fuels to heat your house.  You have propane to run your ovens and burners.  You have plenty of beds, cots and food to feed the 40 people you planned for.  St. Joseph will help with a  high rise building and a church for the 5,000 people.  It was good you did some practice runs so you know how to set things up.  You also will have My angels to protect you and multiply your needs.  Trust in Me with your daily Mass or daily Holy Communion so you can have Perpetual Adoration.  I will help all of My refuges during the tribulation for My faithful to survive.”

Thursday, February 15, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, since Biden is so weak in appearance, Russia is preparing to take back parts of Europe that belonged to the old Soviet Union.  If you have a map of this Union in older days, then you know where Russia will attack next.  China also is gaining in its military strength, and they also are spreading their control in various parts of the world.  Taking Taiwan has been one of their plans, and they threaten this island with numerous planes and ships frequently.  It is not long until you will see a clash between America and these two communist countries of Russia and China.  Their plans may involve using EMP attacks to neutralize your military.  You have had messages about the fall of America, and when that happens and even before, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges for your protection.  Once this takeover occurs, you will see a threat to all of My followers.  So be prepared to come to My refuges when I give you My inner locution to come.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are looking at a baited trap to catch a mouse.  Biden has also set a trap to gain more Democrat votes by allowing an open border.  The real problem is that you could be allowing a Chinese army of young men coming in without family and without suitcases.  Such an army could destroy your water, gas, and electric lines.  Pray that your people will come to their senses to close the border.”

Jesus said: “My people, this knowledge of a new Russian nuclear weapon for space has just been uncovered, and it was being kept secret.  Since a lot of people were curious about this secret, word got out about a new Russian nuclear weapon that could be used to take out your satellites.  This could be used to knock out your satellites if America went to war with Russia.  Losing your satellites could stop phone calls and military uses.  Pray for peace and a stop to your wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how My believers, who do not make it to My refugee, are risking death.  I am showing you a detention death camp where prisoners are killed, especially those people who follow My ways.  You need to be a believer with a cross on your forehead in order to enter My refuges.  My angels will not allow non-believers to enter.  This is why it is important to convert your family and friends to be believers.  Those believers outside of My refuges could be martyred for their faith.  Pray that My believers can make it into My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your 2020 election you saw Dominion voting machines being used to collect the votes.  It has been recently publicized how the Dominion voting machines are very vulnerable to being hacked over the internet to change the voting outcome.  These same machines are used in Venezuela that allows the communists to stay in power when there is a vote.  The Democrats also cheat as they did in 2020 to stop the voting at night, and then they changed the votes to allow Biden to win.  There were more votes collected illegally using drop boxes.  These same cheating tactics will be used again.  Rich Democrats gave millions of dollars to facilitate cheating at the voting places in 2020, and they will do so again in 2024.  Pray for a fair election.”

Jesus said: “My people, the latest tactic to try and prevent Trump from being elected, is to try and remove him from the state election ballots.  This case of freedom on ballots is being debated in your Supreme Court.  This seems like a heavy attack against your Democratic rights.  Some Democrats are claiming Trump is an insurrectionist on January 6th, but this has not been proven.  Pray that you will see a just settlement in allowing anyone to be kept on the ballot in all states.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing more earthquake activity along your West coast in recent weeks.  Your farmers are seeing more farmland being bought up by rich people and China.  The farmers’ equipment, seed, and fertilizer are getting more expensive, and it is harder to make a profit and to find help to collect the crops.  Over the last few years you are seeing more viruses and flu that is killing many people.  These events are the signs of the end times, and they will get worse as you enter the coming tribulation.  Come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful that they will need to come to My refuges when I will give you My inner locution.  In recent messages  I have also warned My believers that they could probably be martyred by the one world people, if they do not make it to My refuges.  Your guardian angels will lead My faithful with a flame to the nearest refuge.  This is why I told you that after you receive My call in My inner locution, you will need to leave your home within 20 minutes to come to My refuges.  At My refuges My angels will shield you from any harm, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival through the tribulation.”

Friday, February 16, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the Lenten time and you are fasting from food between meals, and today on Fridays, you are abstaining  from eating meat.  The apostles did not have to fast until I, as the Bridegroom, have left them.  Lent is a time of restraints, prayer, and almsgiving to the poor.  It is a time to get closer to Me and away from the distractions and pleasures of the world.  During this time you realize it is better to prepare yourself for heaven rather than spending your time to amass wealth or get too wrapped up with social obligations.  You are helping people in need, but do not be so focused on constant entertainment.  Making more time for Me in prayer and spiritual reading is another part of Lent.  It is a time to realize how much time you give Me every day, and how much time you spend on your worldly things.  You have earthly obligations to survive, but do not let these things take up too much time away from Me.  I love you so much and your prayer time shows Me how much you love Me.”

Jesus said:  “My people, fasting from food between meals takes some will power,  especially at night.  Fasting from candy and desserts can also be difficult for those who like sweets and desserts.  Everyone has a free will and you face the body’s cravings every day.  By being able to control your body’s craving for food, you are giving yourself spiritual power to also avoid the cravings of sinful things.  This is the point of Lent to learn how to avoid sin, and show Me more love by not offending Me with your sins.  Coming to frequent Confession helps you to keep your soul clean of sin.  I love all of you and I am happy to see people doing extra penances to show your love for Me.”

Saturday, February 17, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent it is a sign of your love for Me if you spend some time worshiping Me in front of My tabernacle where My Real Presence resides in My consecrated Hosts.  The more time you spend with Me, the more you are preparing to be with Me in heaven.  I am your true home, and at your death, you will eventually see how beautiful heaven is.  Avoid the other choice of being with the devil who hates you.  So come to Me who loves you so much.”

Jesus said: “My people, America did well as a nation as long as we worshiped God and followed His ways in our founding documents.  Now the Biden government is bringing America into ruin with its open border and a weak leader and a weakening military.  It is just a matter of time when America will fall to the one world government that will lead into the tribulation of the Antichrist.  I will call My people to My refuges of safety where My faithful remnant will survive this coming evil.”

Sunday, February 18, 2024:(Temptations by Satan to Jesus in desert)
Jesus said: “My people, it is important to hear the three temptations of Satan, and listen to My responses. (Matt4:1-11) The devil first tempted Me to change some stones into bread because I had fasted for forty days.  I said: ‘It is written, not by bread alone does man live, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.’ The devil then took Me to a high pinnacle and told Me to cast Myself down because My angels would protect Me from harm.  I answered: ‘Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.’ Then the devil took Me to a high mountain and he showed Me all the kingdoms of the world.  Satan said: ‘All of these things I will give Thee, if Thou will fall down and worship me.’  To this I said: ‘The Lord thy God shall thou worship, and Him only shall thou serve.’  Then the devil left Me.  So the three temptations were food or bread, self pride, and seeking fame for oneself.  My faithful should observe that the devil tempts you with these same things just as he tempted Me.  Trust in Me to help you to avoid these sins.”

Monday, February 19, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, do not come to My judgment seat with empty hands.  Now is an acceptable time to help your neighbor, to feed them when they are hungry, to clothe the naked, to give water to one who is thirsty, and to visit the sick, and mourn for the dead.  By helping Me in a stranger, or your relatives and friends, you will receive a heavenly reward.  But those people, who do not do these things for the least of My people, are those with empty hands, and they will be cast into hell, but the righteous into heaven.  Be prepared for your judgment with your hands full of good works for your neighbor, and Me in them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen various problems with allergies, effects from the Covid shots, and genetic tendencies passed on.  Your people are using GMO wheat and GMO corn in what you eat and this can lead to the cause of some of your allergies.  You also had mandated Covid shots that used new vaccines with messenger RNA that could change the DNA in your bodies.  You have seen some young people die and develop cancers from these shots.  Other diseases and cancers can come from genetic tendencies in different family genes that are passed on to the children.  You need to pray for your people to be healed or change diets to improve people’s health.”

Tuesday, February 20, 2024;
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing dry martyrs and martyrs who died for their faith in Me.  These martyrs were standing in line in front of a large crucifix.  This is another sign of the increasing persecution of My followers who believe in Me.  I am having My refuge builders set up refuges for My people to come to My safe havens where My angels will protect My faithful.  Have trust in Me that I will lead My faithful to My refuges where you will survive the coming tribulation.  Be ready to bring your backpacks to My refuges when I will give you My inner locution to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, I can only come into your soul once you open the door to your soul from the inside. I do not force Myself on any soul, so you need to invite Me into your life. I love you so much and I want you to love Me as well. You cannot do anything without My help. I have given you the soul I have created, and I provide you with all of your needs, including the air you breathe, and the food you eat. At My refuges, where I will call you, I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. I will bring you daily Holy Communion and you will make holy hours to worship Me. I am preparing all of My faithful to be ready to endure the coming tribulation. You will have a luminous cross at every refuge, so when you look upon it in the sky, you will be healed of all of your ailments.”

Wednesday, February 21, 2024: (St. Peter Damien)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a whale skeleton represents the whale where Jonah was held for three days and three nights before he was spewed up on shore. This is symbolic of how I was buried in a tomb for three days before My Resurrection. Jonah went into Nineveh telling the people that in forty days, Nineveh would be destroyed. The people of Nineveh followed the king’s decree as they fasted and repented in sackcloth and ashes. They turned away from the evil they had in hand, and repented of their sins. Because of their conversion from sin, I spared Nineveh, and I did not destroy it. You also need to repent of your sins, and turn from your evil ways, and I will forgive you and put you on a road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you are at your refuge, you could see an EMP attack by one of your enemies. One of the biggest problems will be how you will get water and food. There will be bands of people with guns fighting over what food is still available. My angels will protect you from these evil people by making you invisible to them. Only believers in Me will see you, and these people are the only ones who will be allowed into your refuge. My angels will shield your equipment from any EMP attack. I will also multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive the coming tribulation. My son, you have some electricity to run your water well. You have food enough to survive, and wood and kerosene to keep you warm in the winter. Your solar generator Lithium batteries will provide lights at night. You will have Me with you in daily Holy Communion from either a priest or My angels. Your life will be a lot different and you will be praying more. Trust in Me to protect you from harm from the outside world. I told you and your wife that you will live to see My Era of Peace, so have no fear.”

Thursday, February 22, 2024: (The Chair of St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of the empty Chair of St. Peter, this is a sign of a coming division in My Church over the words of Consecration at Mass. It is also a sign of the cave image that My faithful will have to come to an underground or a hidden church where you will have a proper Mass with the right words of Consecration. I am advising My faithful not to attend any Mass without the proper words of Consecration of My Eucharist. This new Mass that will not have the proper words of Consecration, will be as the Abomination of Desolation that will lead to the time of the tribulation. This will be a time when I will call My faithful to My refuges so My angels can protect you from the Antichrist and the demons. Trust in Me when I give you My inner locution to come to My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have experienced some cell phone shutdowns this morning and it is being reported that some other countries in Europe have experienced similar cell phone problems. There were no problems in Iran, Russia, or China. You could see some interruptions from sun flares and possible software problems, but if it does not occur with all countries, then you could see some hacking or laser attack on your satellites. There is little word about the cause because your government does not want to tell you the source of the stoppage.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you have kept your land line phones so if there is a power outage, your phone will still work. With a land line you would not get an interruption if your satellites were shut down. It is interesting that your phone companies are trying to remove the land lines because most people use cell phones. When the one world people want to take over, they will try to stop all of your communications. Your cell phones and your phones using wi-fi signals would not work if you had a power outage. This would be another reason for the one world people to get rid of your land lines to stop all communications. Have no fear for I will help you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, some may think that spending money on space programs is a waste of resources, but you saw many new innovations come about from your Apollo space program. Man is always wanting to know more about the Moon, Mars, and other planets since you have sent probes to these planets. You are even searching for possible water on the Moon. Other countries are sending vehicles to the Moon, but only America has put men on the Moon. You are seeing a race to try and colonize the Moon and Mars. Be grateful that you are learning new things with each trip to the Moon and other planets.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are called to fast and repent of your sins. It is a good opportunity that your priest made themselves available for Confessions today at various hours at your churches. I have asked My faithful to come to frequent Confession at least monthly. It can be difficult sometimes to find a priest on Saturday or during the week. It also means you have to make time to come to a priest when they are available. I know all of you are sinners, but some people do not want to admit they are sinners. This is why you need to come to Confession so you can cleanse your souls of sin, and restore My grace to your soul. By keeping your soul free of mortal sin, you can be ready to meet Me at your judgment when you die.”

Jesus said: “My people, if in your weakness you should commit a mortal sin, you need to think like the firemen in an emergency, and get to Confession as soon as possible so you can get that mortal sin off of your soul. Those souls, who could die with mortal sin on their souls, are risking the loss of their soul into the eternal flames of hell. I know you do not want to be overly fearful of My judgment, but you need to want to love Me and avoid offending Me with your sins. By coming to frequent Confession you can keep your soul clean.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Scriptures that if you do all of your penances and good deeds, but you do not have Love, then you are like a clanging bell. So in all of your penances and good works, you are doing them out of your love for Me and your love of your neighbor. At your judgment I will test every soul if you loved Me and your neighbor throughout your life. I am love itself, and love of Me is all in the saints and angels. When you do everything out of love for Me, you are preparing yourself for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, these wars in Israel and the Ukraine have been going on for some time. War is killing people and it consumes much of a country’s wealth to provide fuel and weapons. Satan is instigating wars and these wars are getting worse. You see Russia stepping up their attacks because the Ukraine is getting short on shells and ammunition. It is difficult to find the money and weapons to send to both countries. Keep praying for a stop to these wars.”

Friday, February 23, 2024: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, leave no rock unturned as you seek out people to be evangelized. I even told you if the people do not give Me praise, even the rocks will praise Me. During this Lent you need to do everything to improve your holiness by less sin. Follow My ways and not your ways because I will lead you in the best way to show your love for Me and your neighbor. I keep reminding you to spend more time with Me before My Blessed Sacrament, or in front of My consecrated Host in the monstrance. Let Me be close to you in all that you do, so I can be a part of your everyday life. I love all of you so much, and I want you to love Me and obey all of My laws.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you several Warning messages recently which is itself a sign that the Warning is getting close. With this particular Warning vision, I am telling you that the Warning is close to happening. I told you that it will be God the Father’s decision when to bring the Warning before the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. I am telling My faithful to come to frequent Confession so you can lessen the severity of your Warning experience and how you will be judged. Those people, who are in a state of grace, will be ready for their mini-judgment. After the Warning and My Conversion time of six weeks, I will soon call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Saturday, February 24, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are called to follow My Commandments of love of Me and love of neighbor. Call on My help to avoid the temptations of sin in this earthly life. I even call you to love your enemies as I love everyone. The hardest saying is to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Perfection is something you strive for, but it is not humanly possible. My saints come close to it, but you need to call on My help to work toward your sainthood. When you make Me the center of your lives, then you are seeing the path I will lead you on your way to heaven. Even My saints had to so some time in purgatory to take the tarnish off of their halos. I am thankful for all of your daily attempts to imitate My life without sin. Keep striving for perfection, even if it is not humanly possible, but with Me all things are possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that I will call My people to My refuges before anything that could endanger your lives. You will first see the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion time. I will then call you to My refuges soon after the Conversion time. The evil ones will then shut down your electricity for their takeover. My angels will put shields over My refuges so the evil bands looking for food will not be able to enter. Anyone trying to enter, who is not a believer, will be struck down by the angels at My refuges. Have no fear,because My refuges will be viable throughout the tribulation.”

Sunday, February 25, 2024: (Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here even as you had your friend paint this Transfiguration of My Son, Jesus with Elijah and Moses. You have been to this place on Mt. Tabor. (Matt. 17:5) ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased; hear Him.’ These are My words of love for My Beloved Son, Jesus. The three apostles: St. Peter, St. James, and St. John saw the glory of Jesus as a foreshadowing of His Resurrection. I love all of My people, and I gave you Jesus as the ultimate Sacrifice for all of your sins. I want all of you to worship Me in the Blessed Trinity, especially on this holy day of Sunday on the day I rested after My creation of everything. I thank you My son, for naming your prayer group and your chapel after Me. This is a great tribute to My greater glory. I also told you that I would be the One to choose when the Warning will happen.”

Monday, February 26, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I give you My Covenant of love in My Ten Commandments. In the Gospel you are given many ways to change your life in your Lenten devotions. I am asking you not to judge people, because I am the only true Judge without sin. Do not condemn anyone either, because you are all sinners and in need of My forgiveness. Be ready to forgive everyone, no matter what they have done to you. Forgive not just once but all of the time. You are striving for perfection spiritually, and it starts with loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself.”
Richard Yamin, our Mass intention: Jesus said: “My son, Richard did many beautiful works to help people with his talents in recording talks. He will be happy to receive his reward. He needs a few Masses to leave purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, a while ago I asked My people to place a small crib scene of My birth in among your statues all year around. If My people have not yet done so, then I am asking you to do it now. Having the Holy Family present in your house, will be a protection from the evil ones in the coming tribulation, especially at My refuges. Before the Great Tribulation begins with the Antichrist declaring himself, I will call My faithful to My refuges for your protection from the Antichrist and his demons. Be thankful that I will give you My inner locution to come to My refuges after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion. Have no fear because My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Tuesday, February 27, 2024: (St. Gregory of Narek)

Jesus said: “My people, I was outspoken when I told the people to do what the Pharisees told them, but do not imitate their actions, because their hearts are far from Me. This is a lesson for all of My faithful that I am searching for people with hearts of true belief in Me. If you are a true believer in Me and My words, then I need to see it manifested in your actions and your words. I need to be the center of your lives, where you are loving Me and your neighbor as yourselves. I love My people so much that I died to save your souls from hell. I am also calling on My people to evangelize souls while you still can, to help Me in saving souls. It is the souls who are the spiritual gold worth saving. You are My creations and I desire all of you to come to heaven, but you must repent of your sins and accept Me as your Savior.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to have a priest for Mass and Confession so you can have daily Holy Communion with Me. Some people criticize the priests for different reasons, but they should be thankful for having a priest. Remember that each priest takes My place among you. Not only do you need a priest for Confession, but you also need a priest to give the Sacrament of the Sick when someone is about to die. When you were married, you had a priest bless your marriage in the Mass. Priests also need your help with donations and what you can do for their needs. When the refuge time comes, you may have to provide a place to stay and meals for any priest I send to you. You may need several priests for your refuge when St. Joseph provides for 5,000 people with a high rise and a large church. Pray for more vocations to the priesthood.”

Wednesday, February 28, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles how I came to serve people and not to be served. I also said if one wants to be a leader, then that one needs to serve the rest. Several times I told My apostles that I would go to Jerusalem and the Pharisees and Romans would put Me to death, but I would rise from the dead on the third day. The apostles did not fully comprehend what rising from the dead meant. It was when they saw the empty tomb that they later believed in My Resurrection. Even My appearances allowed them to preach My Good News that I have conquered sin and death with My sacrifice on the cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am using this vision of a dam to represent how I am holding back the power of Satan and the Antichrist. Once I allow the Antichrist to declare himself, all hell will break loose and you will see evil as you have never seen before. This is another reason why I have called My refuge builders to make refuges that will protect My faithful from any harm by the evil ones. My angels will protect you at My refuges, so be ready to leave for My refuges when I give you My inner locution. This protection will last throughout the coming tribulation. At the end of the Antichrist’s time, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, and all the evil ones will be cleansed from the earth. I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Thursday, February 29, 2024: (Mass for Donna Colon, my daughter)
Jesus said: “My son, your pastor was kind enough to have a special Mass said for Donna even on his day off, and you thanked him. I know you are praying for her healing, and you will try to help her. With enough prayers and Masses, you could see better results. Prayer can change many things, so keep praying for her intention.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before that those people, who have faith in Me, can lay hands on people, and they can be healed. Faith in healing requires a true belief in My healing power. You can also use alternative medicines to heal people. Prayer and Masses can help heal people spiritually and physically.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would see increasing persecution of Christians. Now you are reading of pending legislation in Canada that would put people in prison for supposed hate crime if you proclaimed Biblical teaching or for evangelizing people. If such persecution increases in America, you may have to come to My refuge protection sooner than the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are being called to pray, fast, and give almsgiving. You can help the poor with your donations as giving money to your local food shelf. You can also pray for the poor and the sick. Even more you could help with providing food to the poor at soup suppers or delivering food to the poor. These are your Lenten devotions to help people who are hungry, and you can visit the sick, and comfort those who lost relatives.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have described the digital dollar in Biden’s EO14067 that will implement in a new money system. This will call in your physical dollars that will be changed over to digital dollars. After a time your old dollars will be worthless. Your new money will be controlled by your government with social credits similar to China. Your people in power will control what you buy and what you cannot buy. Your behavior could also lessen your credits, or you could even have your bank account zeroed if you do not follow a secular living. This would be another way to persecute My believers.”

Jesus said: “My people, before the evil people will try and force the mark of the beast on everyone, I will call My believers to the safety of My refuges. You will see UN troops go house to house to force the mark of the beast on everyone. Those people, who are captured and refuse to take the mark of the beast, will be sent to death camp detention centers to be killed. Those people, who take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be condemned in hell in the Book of Revelation. So be ready to come to My refuges to avoid being captured and killed.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the main reasons that I am having people set up refuges, is so you will have a safe place to go so My angels can protect you throughout the tribulation. Setting up refuges requires a blessed place where you will have beds, food, water, and fuels to survive this evil. If any refuge builders do not complete their refuge preparations, My angels will finish what is needed. You will have Perpetual Adoration at every refuge, and you will be healed of any ailments with My luminous cross in the sky. Your faith in My power will allow Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels. Rejoice because you will be protected from harm by My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love My people and I have called My refuge builders to provide what will be needed to survive the tribulation. All of your refuge preparations and equipment will be protected from destruction by My angels. They will all be used as well. I would not want you to prepare things that would be lost or damaged for My purposes. So have faith and trust in My power and My angels that you will be protected at My refuges. By your endurance you will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Friday, March 1, 2024: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have two beautiful readings today. In the first reading you saw how Joseph’s brothers were upset that he was favored by his father. The brothers wanted to kill Joseph, but they later sold him to the Ishmalites for 20 pieces of silver. The Ishmalites took Joseph to Egypt. Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream of seeing seven fat cows followed by seven lean cows. This enabled Joseph to save the grain for the seven years of famine. In the Gospel reading I spoke of a parable about how a man planted a vineyard and other buildings, and had tenants take care of it. When the man wanted part of the harvest, the tenants killed his servants and they even killed the man’s son. The Pharisees were planning to kill Me also and they knew the parable was about them. Later, Judas betrayed Me for thirty pieces of silver and they took Me outside the city and crucified Me. You can see the parallels in these readings. Joseph later helped his family when they needed food during the famine. The Pharisees and the Romans also did away with Me on the cross, but My Resurrection has given all of you salvation from your sins, if you repent of your sins and accept Me as your Savior. Each situation took something that was bad, and I turned it into something that was good. Rejoice that My love is so great that I died for you and I want to save all of you from hell, and come to Me in heaven.”

(Donna intention) Jesus said: “My people, you have been hearing messages about the Warning, and there will be a Comet of the Warning that will appear as the two suns in the sky. This comet will miss the earth, but it will return and hit the earth as My Comet of Chastisement. This could frighten some people, but the Warning experience will frighten people even more. I have been warning My faithful to come to frequent Confession so you can have clean souls and be ready to meet Me at your mini-judgment. When the tribulation comes, I will have My people come to My refuges before the Antichrist takes power. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Saturday, March 2, 2024: (First Saturday)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a beautiful parable of the Prodigal Son when the father of the two sons represents Me in My love to welcome all of My children. This is why I encourage all of My faithful to come to Me in frequent Confession because I am always ready to forgive any sinner of their sins. I reach out to all of you as I want to hold each of you in My arms. I call you to love Me as you repent of your sins, and accept Me as Savior of your soul. By your prayers of repentance, I forgive you of all of your sins. I am sending a special blessing to Donna, your daughter.”

Sunday, March 3, 2024: (Third Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is about how doctors are instrumental in your healing with operations, but I am the greatest Healer of all. My more important lesson is in your first reading where the Ten Commandments are listed. (Exodus 20:1-17) Each person needs to come to frequent Confession at least monthly. While My Commandments are about love of God and love of neighbor, you need to memorize the Ten Commandments because they need to be used in examining your conscience as you prepare for Confession to Me in the priest. The First Commandment is to love your God in Me with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul. It also means not to place any idols of worldly things or people before Me. The second Commandment is not to swear with My Name in vain or any other swear words. The third Commandment is to remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day on Saturday night or Sunday morning, and not to work on this holy day. The fourth Commandment is to honor your mother and father in obeying them and taking care of them in their old age. The fifth Commandment is to not kill anyone, and this means no abortion or euthanasia. The sixth Commandment is to not commit adultery, but this includes no fornication, no homosexual acts, and no birth control means. The seventh Commandment is you shall not steal or cheat people out of their money or their possessions. The eighth Commandment is you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor which includes lying, or gossiping against someone behind their back. The ninth Commandment is you shall not covet or desire to have your neighbor’s wife. The tenth Commandment is you shall not covet or desire to have any possessions of your neighbor. By following My Commandments and coming to Confession, you can keep your soul clean and ready to meet Me at your judgment when you die. Commit these Commandments to memory so you do not forget them in your daily life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of a Bible, because I want everyone to have one of these books at home. This book is meant to be read, even if you only read a few pages each day. Reading the Bible is also a good Lenten devotion. This Bible is My Word and it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. A time is coming when the Bibles will be banned by the evil ones, so you may have to hide it in the future, so it is not stolen or forced from you. Another good reference book you should have in your home, is a copy of St. John Paul II’s ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’. This has the proper teachings of My Church, and if anyone teaches anything that is against this book, then do not believe it, and do not obey it. Keep My true Word in your heart and never deny it.

Monday, March 4, 2024: (St. Casimir)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading the prophet Elisha told Naaman to cleanse himself seven times in the Jordan River and he would be cleansed of his leprosy. Naaman finally did so, and his leprosy was healed. This is symbolic of how people are Baptized and their original sin is cleansed by My sacrifice on the cross. I call all of My parents to have their children Baptized so they can enter My Catholic Church as a new member. In the Gospel I told the people of Nazareth in My hometown that I could not heal any of them because of their lack of faith in My healing power. They were infuriated and they tried to throw Me over a cliff, but I walked through their midst because it was not My time to die. So when you pray over someone for a healing, you need to pray in My Name for a healing. You also need to have faith in Me that I can heal that person. I love all of you and I know what you need before you even ask Me. Trust in My Word of healing, and it will be done for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is going against your border laws deliberately, because he wants to destroy your country. This is so the one world people can take you over and place you in the North American Union. When you have such a Union there would not be any border control because you will be One Continental Union of Mexico, America, and Canada. There are some rumors that this is for Democrat votes, but your takeover is more obvious. The one world people need to destroy America so they can allow the Antichrist to take over the world. I will call My faithful to My refuges after the Warning and the six weeks of the Conversion time so My faithful will be protected from harm by My angels during the tribulation. The evil ones will do everything in their power to stop your election, because Trump would destroy their evil plans. Trust in Me because I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Tuesday, March 5, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you think of how you can improve your spiritual and physical lives. One way is to be kind and merciful to your neighbor as I am to you. Another way is to be ready to forgive your neighbor all of the time, or as I put it to St. Peter, forgive your neighbor seventy times seven times. When you come to Confession to Me in the priest, you expect that I will always forgive you. So you also are expected to forgive your neighbor however many times he has harmed you. Pray for all of your neighbors and love everyone, even your enemies. This is the life of love that I call you to in My Ten Commandments, when you are to love Me and your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you a vision and a message how My angels will protect My faithful at all of My refuges. I have given you this message many times, but now I am going to walk you through how this will happen. The first shield of My angels will make your refuge invisible to the evil ones. Only My believers will be able to enter your refuge. The evil ones will try to use bombs to destroy your refuge area, but they will cause no damage against My angel shield. They could even use an atomic warhead to use an EMP and the explosion to try and destroy you, but even that weapon will have no effect. They could try and bomb you with a powerful virus, but you will not get sick. They could also use anthrax or another toxic bomb, but that also would not harm you. When I bring My Comet of Chastisement to destroy the evil ones on the earth, even such a comet would not harm you because of My angels’ shield. So trust in Me to protect your refuge, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you will survive the coming tribulation.”

Wednesday, March 6, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard in the readings how I have come to fulfill the law and not to change it. My laws are to give you direction through life so you can show your love for Me and your neighbor. These laws also draw you to confess your sins so you can keep a clean soul in front of Me. I look upon many souls that are black and covered in mortal sin, and others with heavy amounts of venial sins. It is a joy to look on My faithful with clean souls who shine brightly among the black souls. I allow the good to grow up with the bad so you can help evangelize souls to love Me. I also hear your prayers for the people who you are praying for healing and for justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is again emphasizing the importance of the waters of Baptism for saving souls. Evangelizing people is part of My call to My faithful to help save souls. This not only frees your soul from original sin, but it brings you into My Catholic Church as a new member. As a member you are called to obey My Commandments to keep your soul clean of sin, especially mortal sin. Even if you should fall into sin, I can forgive you and cleanse your soul in Confession with the priest’s absolution. With Confession readily available, there is no excuse to have sin on your soul. So if you truly love Me, then you will keep your soul white and clean with frequent Confession.”

Thursday, March 7, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people of America, your country is like today’s readings when many people are committing serious sins, and they are not listening to My prophets of today. I call people to obey My laws, and when your sins are many, you are seeing punishment from the weather. There are evil ones controlling your storms with the HAARP machine, and arson is setting unusually large fires. This is why you are seeing multiple storms in California and fires in Texas. I call out to your people to repent of their sins, and change your hearts away from the evil in your hands, like the people of Nineveh. If you take heed of My warnings, then you would see less punishment for your sins. Call on Me to forgive you and restore My grace in your souls. You can be forgiven when you come to Me in Confession, and when you repent of your sins.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, before you accepted a mission to run your own refuge, I asked you to buy two mountain bikes, an air pump, and two helmets. These bikes could be used by people to get to a refuge, if your car was not working, there was an EMP attack, or you were out of gas. Most people will drive to My refuges at the appointed time, or you could have bicycles for a backup.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Houthis are still attacking ships in the Red Sea. Some missiles have recently killed some people on one ship. Because of these attacks, many ships are traveling around Africa instead of going through the Suez Canal. Some ally attacks have struck targets in Yemen, but these terrorists are still attacking ships in the Red Sea. Other damaged ships are causing environmental problems with oil slicks and spilled fertilizer. The Houthis are funded by Iran as one of Iran’s proxies. Pray for a stop to this war with Hamas and Israel.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a corrupt leadership in the Ukraine and America has sent many billions of dollars of shells and armaments to the Ukraine with no accounting of where the money and the weapons are going. The latest aid to the Ukraine has been held up in the Congress because the House wants to fix your border before more money is sent to the Ukraine. Your border is a disaster, but Biden does not want to close the borders on the South and the North. States like Texas are fighting this open border.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing the place on the Jordan River where St. John the Baptist baptized the people in the water by immersion. Even I was baptized there as well. You have visited this very spot yourself. I instituted this sacrament of Baptism with My death on the cross. Many people have been baptized with water to become new members of My Church, and this cleanses original sin from your souls. You can continue this cleansing of sins by coming to the priest for Confession. Having your souls cleansed from sin in Confession is definitely a good devotion to keep souls clean in Lent or other times throughout the year.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Some people are following some suggested prayer services in preparation for the coming Warning. Your country and your people do need some extra prayer services to make up for all of the sins in your country. God the Father will decide when to bring the Warning experience, but it could be coming soon because of all of the wars and weather damage. Trust in Me to bring My faithful to My refuges before your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember when I asked you to buy some bunk beds and mattresses for your refuge. I also had you buy enough cots with cushions for forty people at your refuge. Along with the beds, I had you buy sheets, pillows, and blankets for the forty beds. You also installed solar panels and solar batteries for backups to store your electricity. I also had you dig a well for water, and you have stored water in your blue 55 gallon barrels. You built an altar in your chapel for Mass and for your Perpetual Adoration. I thank you for all of your refuge preparations that you will use during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were given a gift inheritance from your neighbor that enabled you to afford an addition on your existing house. You also had new appliances and an altar placed in the new refuge part. You went through a trial of thousands of flies in this new addition which related to Beelzebub or the ‘Lord of the flies’ as in yesterday’s reading. You were away in Ohio giving a talk when this took place. You had your contractor put holy water and fly spray on the flies to kill them along with your St. Michael prayer. You had your priest friend exorcize your Chapel and your grounds to keep the evil ones from any more attacks. You have your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, and the angel is also your refuge angel. St. Meridia is shielding your refuge from any harm.”

Friday, March 8, 2024: (St. John of God)
Jesus said: “My people, when you see this vision of a trash can, you know it is for cleaning up your waste paper, garbage, and dust from your cleaner, as you keep your area clean of things. There is a spiritual meaning also, as you can think of your sins as spiritual trash. At Confession this is your spiritual place where you can dispose of your sins with the priest’s absolution. This helps you to keep your soul clean in your spiritual life. Just as you like a clean environment in your physical life, so you should have the same desire to keep your soul clean in your spiritual life. Give thanks and praise to Me for forgiving your sins in My sacrament of Penance.”

Jesus said: “My people, these chemtrails are not harmless because the aluminum oxide and viruses contained in them are causing sickness among your people, and it is making your soil less acidic. These chemtrails are spread by both military and commercial planes, and your government is not telling you the purpose of these chemtrails. You are also noting how your weather people are telling you that January and February of 2024 have been the warmest January and February since records have been kept. You are having an El Nino winter with very little snow as you approach spring. This has been an unusual winter by all means of measuring the overall temperatures. Some people are wondering if the HAARP machine is causing your warmer weather, and it is contributing to it.”

Saturday, March 9, 2024: (Carol Sotile Funeral Mass)
Carol said: “I want to thank all of you for coming to My funeral, especially my dear family with Melissa, Brian, and their families. I love you all so much and my heart goes out to all of you. I could see Bucky, Millie, and Ray. It is sad that I had to leave you all, and I will miss being with everyone. I want to thank all of the people who helped me in my later years. I will be in purgatory for a short time, so remember me in your prayers and Masses. Good-bye for now and I love all of you so much. I will be watching out for you in my prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a greed for power carried out by Biden and the Democrats. They are opening the border to millions of illegal immigrants so the Democrats can allow them to vote and keep the Democrats in power. It is even worse when your news is reporting that Biden is flying in illegal immigrants from other countries directly in addition to the ones crossing the border illegally, again to gain more votes. The Republicans are being blocked from closing the borders because of Biden and the Democrat controlled Senate. If your people are not allowed to vote these evil people out of office, then you could see a civil war or a martial law. It is possible that the Democrats will try and stop your elections from happening in order to maintain their power over America. Be ready to come to the safety of My refuges before the evil ones will try and mandate the mark of the beast on everyone. Have no fear because I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones and they will be cast into hell.”

Sunday, March 10, 2024: (4th Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the parallel of the destruction of Israel and its exile compared to the coming destruction of America for your many sins. The evil ones in your country are planning your demise. You will be fortunate to have another election because the communists are ready for their takeover. Have no fear because I will give My people a chance to repent and be saved in My Warning experience and My six weeks of Conversion. After these events, you will be called to My refuges for your safety during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Rejoice because after less than 3½ years, I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”

Monday, March 11, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this empty chair of St. Peter because of what is coming out from the Vatican. I have told you that homosexual sins and fornication are both mortal sins. So just as you cannot bless fornicators, you also cannot bless homosexual sins as well. You cannot bless sinful behavior. These are sins against the Sixth Commandment. Sins against the Sixth Commandment are adultery, fornication, prostitution, homosexual acts, and birth control that includes condoms, vasectomies, and tubal ligation. These sins deal with the creation of life, and life is sacred. These mortal sins need to be confessed in Confession before you can receive Me in Holy Communion. So come to frequent Confession to keep your soul clean and ready for your judgment before Me.”

Tuesday, March 12, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading of the Gospel you read how I took pity on the man by the Pool of Bethesda who could not walk for thirty-eight years. I asked him if he wanted to be healed, but he explained how he could not get up to go into the stirred water. So I healed him at once, and I told him to take up his mat and go home. The Pharisees criticized Me for healing this man on the Sabbath. They were very upset that I was gaining authority over them by My healing people and My parables. They were even plotting to kill Me, which is what they would eventually do. You are getting close to Holy Week before I was crucified. Keep focused on Me in your fasting and prayers this Lent, because My death on the cross is My sacrifice that has brought salvation from your sins. Rejoice because this was My victory over sin and death.”

Wednesday, March 13, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, as you draw closer to Holy Week, you will be seeing how I was scourged and crucified by men. I am showing you a boarded up church because the evil ones will close all of My churches as your persecution will happen for being one of My followers. You will need to seek an underground or private Mass at a refuge. After the Warning and the Conversion time, I will call you to the safety of My refuges where My angels will shield you from those people who want to kill you. After the digital dollar is forced on you, the evil ones will try and force the mark of the beast on everyone. If you do not come to My refuges, you will risk being captured and martyred for My sake. So be ready to leave for My refuges when you receive My inner locution.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who burn wood in their house fireplaces to keep themselves warm in the winter. To these people I am making a suggestion, as I told My son, that you can have an insert placed in your chimney so you can increase the efficiency of burning wood in your fireplace from 10% up to 70%. You made this improvement at My advice. You also have stored a fair amount of wood for a few winters. You bought some starter logs from your neighbor that are impregnated with a fuel that could start fires and you could later add more logs without needing paper or sticks. You also have some kerosene burners and fuel as a backup source of heat to your fireplace. Keeping warm in the winter is important if your natural gas is not available nor working in your regular gas heater. This is just one more concern for your people at My refuges.”

Thursday, March 14, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you the Ten Commandments to guide you through life. The first Commandment is to love Me as God alone and you shall not have any other gods before Me. In other words do not worship idols as this golden calf or any other idols as sports or other people before Me. This means you should only worship Me and let Me be the center of your life because I have created you and your soul. I did not bring My wrath down on the Israelites, but Moses destroyed the calf idol and those idol worshipers were lost. Moses told them to choose life with Me and avoid idols.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember in 1913 when the Federal Reserve set up your current money system. Unfortunately, your government has been spending more money than it takes in taxes for many years. Your National Debt is now more than $34 trillion dollars. Your money is not backed by anything, and it could easily crash with so much inflation now. The evil ones are planning a new digital currency that will be when the government will control your spending. These evil ones could easily zero your bank account just for being a Christian. Trust in My protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Canada their churches are being taxed up to $80,000 per year. This could happen in America where your churches could be closed because they may not afford to pay such a large tax. Your government could also tax your people higher if they did not obey their government controllers. Religious people could be heavily taxed as a persecution for what you believe in Me. When your burden is too much, you may have to come to My refuges for your protection. Trust in My support.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the digital dollar and the mark of the beast are forced on you, I will call you to My refuges with My inner locution. My angels will protect you on your way and at your refuges with invisible shields. My refuge builders will provide for your needs. Trust in My protection throughout the coming tribulation. My faithful will be persecuted and if you do not come to My refuges, you could be captured and martyred by the evil ones. Pray for souls to be converted at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, My refuge builders have worked hard to provide for all of your needs. They will heat your refuge in the winter and cool you with fans in the summer. They will provide lights at night and soups for eating all day long. They will give you beds and hygiene kits for sponge baths and brushing your teeth. You will make soups from your dried foods, and bake bread with your flour and Camp Chefs with propane. You will have water from your well, and meat from the deer I will send into your camps. Some refuges may have solar panels and batteries for some electricity. I will also provide consecrated Hosts for Adoration. My angel protection will keep the evil ones away from you. Be patient as I will multiply your needs. I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and show you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have bought some solar generators, solar panels, and lamps for emergency lighting when you will lose your electricity. Have no fear because you will be protected at My refuges. I will warn you when to come to My refuges where I will provide for your light. I am the Light of the world that will conquer the darkness of the evil ones. The solar generators provide more light than your pull-up lanterns. It would be wise to buy a solar generator and solar panel, so you can have good light at night.”

Jesus said: “My son, some people think My Warning is coming soon around the time of the Eclipse. I did say to watch the signs in the skies for when the Warning would come. I can tell you the Warning will come before your lives will be in danger. As you see wars, a new money system, and a threat of the mark of the beast forced on you, I will be bringing My Warning to help save souls and convert sinners. Come to frequent Confession for your preparation for My Warning.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, who is also your refuge angel. You have followed My instructions to prepare your refuge just as other refuge builders are doing also. I told you My angels would finish your refuge preparations, and they will provide supplies even for refuges who have not yet made preparations for the people. My refuges will be at the Blessed Mother’s apparition places, shrines, monasteries, some churches that have had Adoration frequently, places of houses that have been exorcized, and even caves. When I give you My inner locution, you will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You should leave your home within 20 minutes with your backpack. Your angel will put an invisible shield over you so you will be protected on the way to your refuge. Pray to save souls and convert as many souls as you can with My help.”

Friday, March 15, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, God the Father sent Me on earth to sacrifice My life for the salvation of souls who believe in Me. Even though I gave the people miracles of healing, multiplying food, walking on water, and calming storms, they refused to believe that I am the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Instead, the Pharisees wanted to kill Me for claiming My divinity. They could not kill Me until it was My hour to die. I suffered many insults and eventually My crucifixion. It is hard to be innocent and I still was convicted of blasphemy, but I was only telling the truth. Pray for all the innocent victims who are convicted of crimes they did not commit. I love all of you so much that I died so all of My faithful could be healed and saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges you may not have water running in your faucet from the city or town because the pumps for the water line may not be working. This is why I had you drill a water well, My son. You were fortunate that you have soft water and you have a second pump that you can crank for water without using electricity. The first pump runs by your off-grid solar system with batteries. The twenty gallon tank pressurizes the water to your faucets and toilets. You also have an oxidizer that converts the soluble iron to rust and it is taken out. I had you buy 17 blue barrels of 55 gallons each, and you put water in them. You will need a lot of water for drinking and cooking for the forty people you have planned for. You will also need some water for a sponge bath, washing dishes, and brushing your teeth. You do not realize how much water you use even in flushing your toilet. You can obtain water from your well and from collecting rain water. Be thankful that you have a source of fresh water because you cannot survive without water.”

Saturday, March 16, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel many people did not know how I was born in Bethlehem, and I later lived in Galilee. You are seeing in the readings how the Pharisees were plotting to kill Me, just as the evil ones plotted to kill Jeremiah. You are one week from Palm Sunday when you will read about My Passion and death on the cross. Continue your fasting and prayers in these last weeks of Lent. Try to get to Confession during Lent. I love all of you and I will always forgive the repentant sinner. I will give you rest for your soul, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Trust in Me and I will provide for your needs and your protection.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you an EMP attack on your country with an atomic bomb. I will give you My inner locution, and you will need to come to your refuge because your lives will be in danger. Your country’s National Grid will go down, but your refuge solar power will be shielded from this EMP wave. Be grateful that you will be protected, but your refuge living will start after My Warning and your Conversion time of six weeks. The Antichrist will have a short reign of less than 3½ years, and then I will bring My victory, as I will cleanse the earth of all evil, and the evil ones will be cast into hell. Have no fear of such a bomb because My angels will protect you and feed you.”

Sunday, March 17, 2024: (St. Patrick’s Day, 5th Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel of the grain of wheat is a lesson in nature, but also a spiritual lesson. In nature you plant the grain of wheat in the ground and it dies, but it grows a wheat plant as a result. In a spiritual sense you have to die to self and the world so you can grow in loving Me, your Creator. You are planted in this world, and you blossom where you are planted to share your gifts with the people around you so you can help your neighbor. If you truly love Me, you will reach out to help people in your good deeds. You want to fill your hands with such good things to offset your sins at your judgment. I love all of you, and I expect My faithful to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. It is when you perform good deeds that you are bearing good fruit from your grain of life.”

Monday, March 18, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading (Daniel 13:1-64) two elders plotted to have sex with Susanna in the garden where she was bathing. When they rushed on her, she screamed, and she would not give in to their evil threats. The elders sought to put Susanna to death, but Daniel stepped in to examine the elders separately. One elder said he found them under a mastic tree, and the other elder said they were found under an oak tree. This perjury cost the elders their lives, but an innocent woman’s life was spared that day. In today’s court system you have some people who lie to gain a money settlement from their victims. This ruins an innocent person’s reputation and could bankrupt that person. But these evil ones will pay for their perjury at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the rich people selling their stocks to buy gold and food. They also are preparing to live in bunkers if you have a war on your own soil. Your government is printing a lot of Federal notes and is overspending your budget. This is why your dollar is losing its value when you print too many dollars. Your most valuable commodity is dried food which will be much more valuable than gold when you are hungry. You even remember how around World War II that it was against the law to own gold. When you see the digital dollar come, your dollars will soon become worthless unless you exchange them for digital dollars. The evil ones could then easily zero your bank account if you are a practicing Christian. Once this new dollar comes, you need to prepare to come to My refuges before the UN troops try to force the mark of the beast on you. Those people, who do not come to My refuges, are risking being a martyr for their faith. So trust in Me to protect you and feed you at My refuges.”

Tuesday, March 19, 2024: (St. Joseph’s feast day)
St. Joseph said: “My dear son, this is my feast day and people pray to me for buying and selling houses. But your construction will require a large high rise building and a large church for 5,000 people. You saw in a previous vision how the angels dug out a basement for the high rise building. This work will appear to be built in one day, but it is the angels who will build it outside of time. The large church will be named after me. This is a blessing from Jesus because of your faith in setting up your refuge. You know how I was a carpenter and a protector of the Holy Family. So I will build this so many faithful can be protected from the evil ones. Give thanks to me, and give thanks to Jesus for ordering that this be done for you and your people. Remember that only people, who believe in Jesus, will be allowed into your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two wars going on in Israel and the Ukraine. Once you see the Warning and the Conversion time, there will be a World War III. You will see an exchange of nuclear weapons to use EMP attacks to try and neutralize each other’s electronics. You will need some mechanical devices, or EMP protected electronics so you can operate your defenses without being totally shut down. Whichever country is able to defend against an EMP attack, that is the country who will win the battles. Your country needs multiple countries for obtaining your defense materials. Total dependence on out of country supplies could be dangerous. Your country will be taken over if the Democrats stay in power because they are ruining your country. Be ready to leave for My refuges when I give you My inner locution. I will defend My faithful from the evil ones who want to take over your country. Trust in My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Wednesday, March 20, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this king trying to force the Jews: Shadrach, Mishach, and Abednego to worship his golden statue. (Daniel 3:1-31) These men believed in Me and only worshiped Me, and nothing else. They defied the king’s order, so he had them thrown into a white hot furnace. But an angel of God protected the three from the fire. This is a difficult lesson for all of My faithful that you should not worship any false god, even if people threaten to kill you. You are called to be a martyr if necessary, but do not worship any idol or the Antichrist before Me. If you truly love Me, you will be faithful to Me in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will soon be making their move to control your money with the introduction of the digital dollar. Even now the government puts huge taxes on your income that amounts to 30-50% of what you earn. With the digital dollar the government will tax you and control what you can buy with your money. If you buy the wrong things, or have behavior they do not like, as religious activities, then they could even zero your account. This is the next step to the mark of the beast that you should refuse to take. All of this control is preparing you for the takeover by the Antichrist. Before the mark of the beast is forced on you, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect you. Trust in My power and do not be afraid of the evil ones.”

Thursday, March 21, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Genesis 17:4-8, Abram’s name is changed to Abraham, and I promised him that he would be a father of many nations. I also promised him that all the land of Chanaan would be his perpetual possession. In the Gospel (John 8:51-59) I told the people: ‘If anyone keeps My Word, he will never see death.’ I was speaking of the soul that would not see death in hell. Then I told the people about My Divinity that Abraham rejoiced to see My day. They did not understand how I could see Abraham because I was not over fifty years old. Then I told them: ‘Before Abraham came to be, I AM’. They tried to stone Me for blasphemy, but I was telling them the very truth that I AM God’s Son, and I used God’s Name with ‘I AM’.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read how the Egyptian leader wanted to kill the Israelites, but I enabled My miracles to protect them. In the vision you saw how I split the Red Sea in two so I allowed My people to escape. Then I helped Moses close the sea on the Egyptian army and they were drowned. I am showing you these miracles because I will be performing more miracles to protect My faithful from the Antichrist and his minions. When your lives are in danger, I will give you My inner locution to come to My refuges. Trust in Me because My angels will protect you with an invisible shield. You will see many miracles as I multiply your food, water, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I could see how My faithful were on a boat sailing on the sea of life. You have a symbol of the boat of St. Peter that represents My Church. You will face storms that could threaten your lives. I will be with you to calm the storms, and I will bring you safely through life, and even safely through the coming tribulation. Just call on My help and I will save you from the storms and the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember when you were suffering from a pre-cancerous bone in your arm, and you offered up your pain for your wife’s grandmother. My faithful need to keep your souls clean with frequent Confession because you do not know when or how I will call you home to Me at your death. You have seen many people with various cancers where some are healed, but others are dying. You have seen several deaths of people you knew. Pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for the souls who have passed from this life. You have Masses offered for their souls as well.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you are concerned about your daughter’s upcoming operation. You still do not yet know if it is cancer or not, but you have been praying for her healing, and your priest has offered up a Mass for her intention. Keep up the prayers because I hear your request.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many miraculous signs in the skies involving an eclipse of the sun and a comet coming by in April of this year. There will also be an unusual alignment of the planets in your solar system. Some of your scientists are claiming these events will not happen again for many years. It is true that such signs in the heavens could be an indication that something unusual is about to happen. You are on the brink of the Antichrist’s coming, but I will bring My Warning and My Conversion time before your lives will be in danger. Be prepared with frequent Confession for the coming Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many rain storms that have come ashore on the West coast. This excessive rain could cause some mudslides where the soil is loose, as where there were previous fires. Have your people be alert to such possible disasters. Your country is suffering much weather damage in part because of your increasing abortions. Pray for the souls who are not prepared for the coming Warning and events that could take some lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, these wars in Israel and the Ukraine have been going on for a while. You have seen many lives taken and these wars do not appear to be stopping. As one of your Lenten intentions, you need to pray for peace in these wars, or they could include other nations if they continue. The devil is behind these wars, so pray that your prayers can overcome the evil ones who are encouraging these wars. You have a weak country in a dangerous time. Any war in the Middle East could lead to the war of Armageddon of the end times. Remember to come to My refuges when I give you My inner locution.”

Friday, March 22, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another parallel of how the people mistreated Jeremiah, just as the people mistreated Me as well. You have seen throughout history how the prophets were killed or lived in exile. In today’s Gospel I tried to explain My Divinity to the people, but they could not understand how I could be a man and God at the same time. So they thought I was blaspheming, but I am truly the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. I told them I AM the Son of God, and I told them of My miracles to witness My power. But they refused to believe Me, and they tried to stone Me. So I slipped away from them to the Jordan River area because it was not My time to die. You are about to enter Holy Week starting with Palm Sunday. Make yourself available to be at the Triduum services. I love all of you so much that I died to save your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Iran sending missiles and drones to Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. All of these proxies of Iran continue to send missiles at Israel and the ships in the Red Sea. Your country has sent Destroyers and Carriers to help defend Israel and shoot down drones and missiles. You also are sending armaments to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. Your military is close to being involved with Iran’s proxies and your troops are in danger in Iraq. Many of your manufacturers are making weapons and shells for these wars. These wars will get worse if Russia and China increase their presence in these wars. Keep praying for peace and that nuclear weapons are not used.”

Saturday, March 23, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, because I raised Lazarus from the dead in front of a lot of people, the Pharisees wanted to kill Me and Lazarus. The chief priest, Caiphas, told the Sanhedrin that I must die to save the nation of Israel from being further destroyed by the Romans. From that point they sought to kill Me because they did not want Me to win over the people away from their control. You will start Holy Week with Palm Sunday, so be prepared to share in the services of the Tridiuum. Tomorrow you will read My celebration with palms, but then you will see My Passion and death on the cross. Rejoice because I made this sacrifice to save all of those people who believe in Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you keep getting these Warning messages, this frequency is a sign that the Warning is getting close. Now, for the first time I am showing you a triangular shape that represents the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is the Will of God the Father when the Warning will come, but it will be in conjunction with God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Before the Antichrist can declare himself, the Warning and the six weeks of the Conversion time needs to happen. After both happen, I will send out My inner locution for My faithful to come to My angel protected refuges. Once you are safe, you will see the evil of the Antichrist control the world for less than 3½ years. At the end of the tribulation, the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace.”

Sunday, March 24, 2024: (Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember well in the Garden of Gethsemene how I said to the apostles: ‘Could you not pray one hour with Me?’ I woke them from their sleep when Judas arrived to betray Me with a kiss. My son, you have been to these holy places in Jerusalem when the Bible passages came alive for you. It was a blessing to see where I carried My cross, where I died, and where I was buried. The Holy Sepulcher Church holds these holy places where you smelled a holy scent of myrrh and roses. This story of My death on the cross is lifted up on that glorious day of My Resurrection when all of the tombs opened up to release the worthy souls to heaven.”

Monday, March 25, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, after I raised Lazarus from the dead, the Pharisees wanted to kill him also. Then Mary anointed Me with precious genuine nard for My burial, because I would be crucified soon. Judas wanted the oil to be sold and given to the poor. I told him that the poor you will always have with you, but you will not have Me. Again the Pharisees were upset that My raising Lazarus from the dead would threaten their power, when the people believed in My power. This was another reason to kill Me. Later, they would accuse Me of blasphemy when I told them I AM the Son of God. I told the truth, but they refused to believe Me, and they wanted Me out of the way of their power over the people. My intention was to offer My life for saving the people from their sins.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the inside of this church because many of you will be coming to the Holy Week Tridiuum services. You will celebrate My Eucharistic Mass on Holy Thursday with the washing of the feet of My apostles. On Good Friday afternoon you will have a service commemorating My crucifixion with the veneration of the cross that you may kiss. You will have Holy Communion and the Blessed Sacrament will be stored in a special place off of the altar. This is to honor My time in the tomb. On Easter Sunday you will celebrate My Resurrection and the beginning of the Easter Season. Rejoice in My victory over sin and death.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Holy Week is a time to meditate on My Passion, death, and Resurrection. When you visit the Holy Lands, it is a blessing to walk in My footsteps. It was a difficult time for Me for all that I suffered to bring salvation to all of mankind. It was a glorious time when the tombs were open and all of those souls, who were worthy by My Blood, could rise to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be familiar with a Seder Supper, for this is the Passover celebration when I instituted My Blessed Sacrament that could be repeated at every Mass. At every Mass with the proper words of Consecration, you see a miracle when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My very Body and Blood. You have seen some Eucharistic miracles where blood appears on a consecrated Host to remind people that this changed Host is now My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. You share in this Holy Communion and you receive Me into your soul for a short time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are just coming out from a mild winter with less snow than usual. You are seeing My new awakening of nature when the flowers are coming, the trees are budding, and the birds are chirping. This new life is usually timed about the time of Easter Sunday. After Holy Week, you will be happy to share another visit of the spring flowers. You have a nice lily on your altar, and you will soon light your Easter Candle for your prayer group meetings in the Easter Season. Rejoice in My coming remembrance of My Resurrection on Easter Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you read about My Passion and death on Good Friday, set aside some time to be with Me as I share My suffering with all of your earthly trials. I have offered up My life for the salvation of souls. You can come to Me in Confession to cleanse your souls of sin so you are worthy to receive My Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion. Do not commit a sin of sacrilege by receiving Holy Communion with mortal sin on your soul. I love all of you and I want you to give honor and respect for My Eucharist.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for honoring My death on Good Friday and all Fridays when you pray the Stations of the Cross. You also acknowledge My death at 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon when you pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet. When you awake sometimes at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, you can pray some prayers to honor the time of My Resurrection. By remembering these special times, you are honoring My suffering for your soul and all of the souls who believe in Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have offered prayers and Masses for Donna’s intention, and I hear all of your prayers. Pray also for the doctor who will perform this operation. Pray to guide his hands for a successful surgery.”

Note: on Good Friday my daughter, Donna, had her operation and they removed a tumor but it did not look like cancer. They will be testing it soon.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, Judas was My betrayer, and in the Gospel Satan entered him to carry out his betrayal of Me. Judas had greed for money as he stole from the common purse for his own benefit. Judas was given thirty pieces of silver for betraying Me. Later, in the Garden of Gethsemene he directed the soldiers to Me by giving Me a kiss. Judas was distraught over his act of betrayal and Satan urged him to hang himself to death. St. Peter also denied Me three times, but he relied on My mercy to forgive him. The priests and the bishop have a Chrism Mass tonight to bless and distribute the oils used in Baptisms and Confirmations. You all are invited to come to the Tridiuum services in this holiest week of the year.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have a parish of mostly older people, you have a dying church. It is difficult to get the younger people to come to church for Sunday Mass because they are easily distracted. The older people are much closer to Me because of the training from their parents. Today, you have more couples who are not married, and you have a lot of single parent divorced families. When the children do not have both parents, it is harder to train them to come to church every Sunday for Mass. It is because of your sinful society that you do not see so many people in church at Sunday Mass. I am calling on the parents of today to have a strong prayer life with Confession so you can train your children by your example to see the value of letting Me lead your lives. Pray for your children, as you are responsible for their souls. Keep close to Me and be a good Christian example to all of your family members, so they can learn to be as strong in their faith as you are.”

Wednesday, March 27, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading Judas’ betrayal of Me by St. Matthew’s Gospel. You hear how Judas dipped the morsel of bread in the dish with Me. Then Satan entered Judas and he went to the Pharisees to receive thirty pieces of silver for My betrayal. I told My apostles that it was better that My betrayer had never been born. But Judas was the means that led to My death and Resurrection. You are about to start celebrating the Tridiuum tomorrow night. The story of My Passion and death is difficult to hear, but this is the purpose for why I took on a human appearance, so My sacrifice can save people from their sins. Give praise and thanks to Me for My sacrifice that opens the gates of heaven for all of My worthy faithful.”

(Andre Hoffmister) Jesus said: “My people, you are about to share in My suffering as you witnessed in your vision. It is one thing to read the words of My Passion and death, but you experienced and saw My actual suffering. You could see My excruciating pain that I went through to bring salvation to all of mankind. I have told you before that you can share in My pain because I am outside of time. Every time you come to Mass or you pray the Stations of the Cross, you see Me suffering. I suffered this pain for every soul that died, is living, or will live. Give glory and thanks to Me for all that I suffered for you.”
For Andre: Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult for parents to suffer a loss of their son at about 28 years old. Many people are praying for Andre’s parents who are mourning their son’s passing. Andre is in purgatory and this Mass for his intention will help him. On the Zoom program you heard his mother asking for prayers for his soul as well.”

Thursday, March 28, 2024: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, I changed the Seder Supper of the Passover into the first Mass so My priest sons could have the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. My Real Presence is at each Mass as you do this in remembrance of Me. I instituted My Eucharist as My Blessed Sacrament. When I washed the feet of My apostles, I was also instituting the sacrament of Holy Orders as they were now My priest sons. This Last Supper is now made into a perpetual institution of the Mass that is offered every day by My current priest sons. Rejoice that you are able to receive My Real Presence in every Holy Communion you receive worthily.”

Friday, March 29, 2024: (Good Friday oil making at 3:00 a.m.)
At the Eternal Father Chapel we were praying before three bowls of extra virgin olive oil with a flame on a wick in each bowl. We prayed the 33 Apostles’ Creed and the 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers during a holy hour. I could see Jesus suffering as He carried His cross to Calvary. Jesus said: “My people, tell the people how much I love them that I would suffer the scourging at the pillar, the crowning of thorns, the carrying of the cross, and the final crucifixion for three hours on the cross, all for saving the souls of mankind. I am still suffering for all the sins you are committing now outside of time. I still struggle to face all the insults, spitting, and people’s swearing and using My Name in vain. I want all of you to tell Me how much you love Me, and how you would suffer martyrdom if someone threatened your life if you did not deny Me. I want you to reach out and love even your enemies on your road to perfection in this human life. Those people, who love Me and their neighbor as themselves, are on the right road to heaven. Accept Me as your Savior as you will soon celebrate My glorious Resurrection. Thank you for getting up at 3:00 a.m. in the morning to pray over this Good Friday oil. Remember to mark ‘2024′ on the holy oil you placed back in your containers.”

(Good Friday service at 3:00 p.m.) Jesus said: “My people, you are honoring the day I died on the cross by this service. You saw in the vision how I suffered several hours on the cross before I gave up My human spirit. It is My sacrifice of My life that has brought salvation for all souls who believe in Me. I am still suffering outside of time for all of your sins, so the less you offend Me with sin, the less pain I will have to suffer. You will see more suffering for My faithful as they will face this time of persecution.”
“You had good news today from your daughter’s surgeon that the mass removed appeared to be a benign tumor. They will test it later.”

Saturday, March 30, 2024: (Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I showed My glory to My three apostles on Mt. Tabor in My Transfiguration. After My Resurrection now the apostles can relate this preview to My Resurrection. When Mary Magdalene gave word to My apostles that I had risen, St. John and St. Peter ran to the tomb. They looked in and saw My burial clothes separated, and they believed that I rose from the dead. I have conquered sin and death, for they had no hold on Me. At My Resurrection the gates of heaven were opened to receive the worthy souls who left their tombs. Rejoice in My salvation for all of My believers.”

Sunday, March 31, 2024: (Easter Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember well how your wife’s father told you there is even greater rejoicing in heaven on Easter Sunday. This is My victory over sin and death that ends Holy Week, and starts the celebration of the Easter Season, Alleluia. I love all of you so much, and there is no mistake in that I gave up My life so many of My believers can enter heaven on their death. Keep evangelizing souls so they can celebrate My love for them. When you come to heaven one day for My worthy people, you will see there are no limits to My love for you. I am preparing a place for all of My worthy disciples. You are suffering your human condition now, but you will be joyful in My Era of Peace, and even more so in heaven. The Light of My power and love will shine on you forever.”

Monday, April 1, 2024: (Easter Monday)
Jesus said; “My people, you have read how St. Peter at Pentecost gave a stirring address to the people how the apostles were witnesses of My Resurrection, as they saw Me appear to them twice in the Upper Room. The Pharisees wanted to cover up My Resurrection by giving large sums of money to the soldiers to tell people that the apostles came and stole his body from the tomb. In the Gospel you saw in the vision how I met with the women at the empty tomb. The angel there told them I had risen from the dead, and the angel said: ‘Why are you looking for the Living God among the dead.’ The women saw My resurrected Body, and I sent them to My apostles to tell them I would see them in Galilee, but to stay in Jerusalem until I came to them. Rejoice in this Easter Season to see that death had no hold on Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing lilies and yellow flowers on your altars as you celebrate My Easter victory over sin and death. I love you all so much and it is hard for you to imagine how even more beautiful it is to be in heaven. During this Easter Season you will be reading all of the beautiful Easter stories about the empty tomb, the road to Emmaus, the two appearances in the Upper Room, the breakfast on the Sea of Galilee, and My rising into heaven. The Acts of the Apostles shows you how My apostles came alive with great enthusiasm to share My Good News with all of the people. Rejoice in My Resurrection as all of My faithful will be resurrected as well on the last day.”

Tuesday, April 2, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, this is a glorious time during the Octave of Easter when you will read the beautiful stories from the Acts of the Apostles. I love all of My believers and you will have My angel protection at My refuges. Fear not the evil ones because My angels will put a shield of invisibility over you so your enemies cannot see you. This vision of green shoots represents how you will be young again in My Era of Peace and if you desire, you could have children again. You will live a long time in My Era of Peace as you will be eating from many of the Trees of Life like the Tree of Life that was in the Garden of Eden. Even during the tribulation you will look upon My luminous cross in the sky at My refuges, and you will be healed of all of your ailments. You will rejoice in My victory over the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and even Satan. You know My power is greater than all of the evil ones. So be joyful for all I will do for My believers.”

Wednesday, April 3, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you have two inspiring readings today. The first reading (Acts 3:1-10) was how St. Peter and St. John healed the lame beggar who was in front of the ‘Beautiful Gate’ in Jerusalem. This amazed all of the people who saw the beggar jumping and leaping about and praising God how he was healed. You will read more of this account in the coming days. The Gospel reading is also a joy to read as Simon and Clopas were walking with Me on the road to Emmaus. They were telling Me how the chief priests and Pharisees had Me crucified. The disciples also said how women reported they saw an angel at the empty tomb, and the angel said I was alive. Their eyes were kept from recognizing Me. Then I explained all of the Scriptures to them that referred to Me, so they could understand why I had to die to bring salvation to all of My believers. They invited Me to stay with them, and during the supper they recognized Me in the breaking of the bread. At that moment I vanished from their sight. They said: (Luke 24:32) ‘Was not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking on the road and explaining the Scriptures to us.’ Then these disciples went to tell the rest of the apostles: (Luke 24:34) ‘The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon.’ The apostles were still in disbelief until I later appeared to all of them in the flesh.”

Jesus said: “My son, you will see America neutralized by the one world people when an EMP attack will take down your National Grid. Your weapons will not work because your military did not protect them from an EMP attack on purpose. My people will be warned to come to My refuges by My inner locution so My angels can protect My believers. This takeover of America will be the worst case of treason, but it will enable the Antichrist to take over the world for less than 3½ years. I will protect My faithful remnant from all the evil one’s weapons, and I will determine the end of the tribulation with My Comet of Chastisement. I will cleanse the earth of all the evil ones, and they will all be cast into hell. I will renew the earth and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace after the tribulation. I will bring them into heaven after the Era of Peace. My power will reign over the earth as I reign over heaven. My faithful will receive their heavenly reward for all the souls they have helped to save.”

Thursday, April 4, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading two more Easter accounts. The first reading is a continuation of healing the crippled man with St. Peter and St. John. St. Peter gave a witness story how I was crucified by the Pharisees, and I rose from the dead, which is what he was proclaiming. In the Gospel the apostles were just hearing about the visit I made with the disciples on the road to Emmaus in the Upper Room. They thought I was a ghost at first, but I showed them My wounds as I appeared to them in the flesh. I even ate a piece of baked fish to prove to them that I was alive and raised from the dead. In a later appearance, St. Thomas, the doubter, will see Me, because he was missing on My first appearance. Even some of My apostles did not believe I was alive, until this appearance. Now I will tell them to spread My Good News of My Resurrection, and they will be empowered to heal people in My Name.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for honoring Me as the Light of the World with the lighting of your Easter Candle and for all of your Easter flowers. You see this candle for funerals, but it is also lit for the Easter Season on the altar. This season brings forth some beautiful Easter readings that warm your heart and soul. Give praise and thanks to Me for bringing you My salvation through My death on the cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had many prayers and Masses offered for Donna that she did not have cancer. Now that it does not appear to be cancer, it is time to give thanks to Me that your prayers were answered with great joy. I love all of you, and you were blessed that Donna did not have cancer.”

Jesus said: “My people, this bright light in a church is a sign of the glory of My victory over the darkness of the evil ones who were allowed to crucify Me. You know My power is greater than all of the evil ones. So rejoice because I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation. Be grateful that I have instituted all of My sacraments to give you the graces you need to get through your daily lives.”

Jesus said: “My parents, I call on you to share the life of your children, so you can give them a good example in your daily rosary and take them to Sunday Mass. Let your children see how much I love them by having My pictures and statues around in your house. You need to nurture your children in the faith by bringing them to Me in My sacraments. You have My Real Presence with you at every Mass when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Teach your children the need to have their sins forgiven in monthly Confession so they can keep their souls clean of sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are witnesses of another celebration of My Resurrection from the dead. This is My most beautiful miracle to give My people hope in My salvation for your souls. I want as many people as possible to share in My love. This is why I am encouraging all of My believers to reach out to the people to evangelize souls to be members of My Church by their Baptism. You saw St. John the Baptist call people to repent of their sins and be baptized. All of My believers can do the same thing to share My love with everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love the little children and you need to bring them close to Me. I know the children like to eat Easter candy, but you need to emphasize My saving of souls and how important it is to strive to be in heaven. Teach the children their prayers so they can pray their rosaries as fervently as you do. The children are easily distracted, so teach them morning and evening prayers, as well as prayers before meals.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been to the Holy Lands several times where I walked. Make it one of your dreams to visit where I was born in Bethlehem, where I taught the people, and where I died and was buried in the Holy Sepulcher. When you come to Israel, you will see how the Bible will come alive for you. Being in these holy places can be difficult at times because of constant fighting, but making an attempt to be in Israel will have its reward for you with My graces of protection. Continue to give thanks and praise to Me for taking on My God-man appearance, and dying for your souls to be saved. I love all of you so much, that I was willing to die for every soul.”

Friday, April 5, 2024: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, this was My third appearance to My apostles and we were on the Sea of Tiberias. I appeared to them twice in the Upper Room before. St. Peter wanted to go fishing, but they caught nothing all night. Then I told them to cast their net on the right side and they will find something. This was like another time when they caught nothing and I told them to cast the net one more time, and they filled two boats with fish. Now, again they made a big catch of 153 large fish which they had to pull ashore and the net did not break. I told them before that now they would be fishers of men, and they needed to return to their mission of evangelizing people for My new Church. Once they had breakfast with Me, I later talked with St. Peter to remind him three times if he loved Me. This was to forgive him for denying Me three times. Now they were witnesses again of My glorified Body in supporting their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read in Exodus how I sent the plagues against the Egyptians and how I drowned Pharaoh’s army when I closed the Red Sea upon the soldiers. This is a preview how I will send plagues against the unbelievers in My Word. You will suffer the tribulation, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges. You will see the power of My Comet of Chastisement at the end of the tribulation. The evil ones will be consumed just as the Egyptians were killed. I will cleanse the earth of all evil and I will renew the earth. I will bring My people into My Era of Peace and you will live a long time. Rejoice and have faith that I will protect My faithful, and I will lead you into the glory of My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, April 6, 2024: (First Saturday)
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you a refuge in your vision, but you remember My words very distinctly. Be ready My faithful for I will be calling you shortly to your refuges with My inner locution. Finish any last minute preparations because you see events happening that could lead to a danger to your lives with an expansion of your wars, as Russia is about to take a more aggressive stand. You have been preparing your refuge for this time, and I told you that you would use all of your preparations. I love all of you so much, and I am giving you a warning that events are going to change drastically. You are seeing these signs all around you, so take heed and be ready to come to My refuges because this time is at the door.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are people who have stored food for the famine, but they did not have their own refuge. So when I send out My inner locution to come to My refuges, these people may bring their stored food to the refuge so it is not wasted. This is why I showed you a large tent that will be needed outside to store the food that people will bring to your refuge. You may not have room to store this in the house, so you can store any extra food in a large tent outside. It may not be possible to protect such food from the summer heat or the winter cold. So bring your dried food that would keep better. I will protect your food from spoiling, but you may have to set up a large tent outside for the people who will come.”

Sunday, April 7, 2024: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter and St. John went to My empty tomb and they believed in My Resurrection when they saw My garments separated. Simon Peter and Clopas also believed in My Resurrection on the road to Emmaus when they recognized Me in the breaking of the bread. Mary Magdalene was the first to see Me and she told My apostles. After these witnesses reported to My apostles about seeing Me, the rest of the apostles still did not believe in My Resurrection. So do not criticize St. Thomas for doubting because the others doubted as well until I appeared to them in the Upper Room. I told them that they believed because they saw Me, but blessed are those people who believe in My Resurrection, and they did not see Me.
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday and you have been praying your St. Faustina novena prayers since Good Friday. You also went to Confession about this time so you could receive the plenary indulgence which cleanses all punishment due to your sins. Give praise and thanks to Me for dying on the cross for you to bring you salvation, and for forgiving your sins in Confession. Encourage others to pray this novena and come to Confession for this plenary indulgence. My Divine Mercy is upon all of My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and I am showing you My Divine Mercy as the cornerstone of My Church. You are here to honor My Divine Mercy, and I reach out to forgive all repentant sinners. For those people who come to Confession and pray St. Faustina’s Novena, you will receive a plenary indulgence. A plenary indulgence will take away any punishment due for your sins. Take some time today to read some of St. Faustina’s diary that speaks about My Divine Mercy and the graces you obtain by praying in front of My Divine Mercy picture, and before My Blessed Sacrament. Give praise and thanks to Me for forgiving all of your sins.”

Monday, April 8, 2024: (Annunciation, Eclipse of the sun by moon)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this feast of the Annunciation was a big moment in my life, when I accepted being the Blessed Mother of God in my Son, Jesus. You recite the angel’s greeting every time you pray the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer. I accepted the Lord’s Will for me, even though my pregnancy gave trouble to St. Joseph. He was going to divorce me, but the angel in a dream told him that it was the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit that conceived Jesus. Today you are having an eclipse of the sun by the moon, and you remember in the Book of Revelation how I was called the woman dressed in the sun, like the Guadalupe image. The sun will be darkened as a sign of evil, but the Light of Jesus will be restored. Give thanks to God for His Incarnation as a God-man.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are several plans that the one world people are working on to do away with America. You are seeing one method, and it is to have millions of foreigners invade your country through Biden’s open border policy. These illegal immigrants are destroying your infrastructure, and they are bringing in diseases. The one world people also used Covid and Covid vaccines to kill thousands of your people. The m-RNA vaccines are changing your DNA and they can spread the Covid virus instead of stopping it. Another means to try and destroy America is to use EMP bombs that will take out your National electric grid. This would make it difficult to get food and water for your survival. These evil ones are also involving you in wars to drain your military supplies and your wealth. This is why I am having My people set up refuges so My faithful could be protected by My angels and I could multiply your food and water, as well as your fuels. My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones, and the angels will protect you with their shields. Trust in Me to cleanse the evil ones from the earth and to provide for you during the tribulation and the Era of Peace. In the end I will defeat the evil ones, and My faithful will survive.”

Tuesday, April 9, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I talked to Nicodemus about being ‘born again in the spirit’, which is like coming out of the darkness into the light. You had this same experience yesterday when the eclipse of the sun by the moon brought darkness and then the light of the sun returned. You are usually baptized as an infant, and you become a member of My Church. When you receive the sacrament of Confirmation, you receive the Holy Spirit, so you are born in the spirit. When the apostles received the tongues of fire on Pentecost, they received all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I also breathed upon them to receive the Holy Spirit as well. It was this courage and other gifts that gave the apostles the spiritual strength to spread My Good News to the people in all of their missionary travels. My faithful have also received the sacrament of Confirmation so you are blessed to share My Good News of My Resurrection with those people you are evangelizing. Reach out to make new members in My Church by converting souls to faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Navy has aircraft Carriers in the area around Israel and they could easily get drawn into a conflict with Iran over Israel’s defense. You have seen how there could be a coming strike from Iran or its proxies when Israel killed some leaders in Syria. The war in the Red Sea is a major hazard for any shipping going through the Suez Canal. When ships are forced around Africa, it is dangerous and a more expensive trip for their cargo. This war is causing major disruptions in delivering things. Even the Ukraine is having problems shipping grain from its ports. Both of these wars could lead to a famine in the Middle East and Africa. Pray that these wars can get restrained, or they could lead to larger conflicts.”

Wednesday, April 10, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you heard of a miracle of how an angel led St. Peter and St. John out of prison so they could preach about My Resurrection in public. The Pharisees had them put back in prison again, but quietly. In the Gospel you heard of My famous John 3:16 ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only-Begotten Son, that those who believe in Him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.’ I love all of you so much that I died for each of you. I gave you everything that I can, even My Body and Blood is given to you every time you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I want you to love Me and your neighbor as well. In heaven everything is focused on love of God, even to the end of time on earth and for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a parallel of the plagues on the Egyptians in Exodus chap. 7-11 with the plagues on those people who will take the mark of the beast in Chap 16 of the Book of Revelation. In the Exodus account you read how Moses was led by God the Father to bring the ten plagues on the Egyptians before Pharaoh finally let the Jews go. First plague was the water was turned to blood; second plague the frogs; third plague the gnats; fourth plague the flies; fifth plague was Pestilence killing only the Egyptians livestock; sixth plague boils on man and animals; seventh plague was hail; eighth plague was locusts; ninth plague was three days of darkness; tenth plague was the death of the first born of people and animals. In the Book of Revelation there were seven plagues or bowls of punishment that will be brought on those people who will take the mark of the beast. First plague festering ugly sores on evil ones; second plague sun turned to blood; third plague rivers and springs turned to blood; fourth plague people to be burned with fire; fifth plague plunged into darkness; sixth plague Euphrates River dried up; seventh plague will be a great earthquake and hail on the people. You can see the similarities in both these sets of plagues in My judgment.”

Thursday, April 11, 2024: (St. Stanislaus)
Jesus said: “My people, you are having some rainy days to help your gardens as you see trees budding and spring flowers coming up. It is a good thought to see the rain as washing the sins from your souls in Confession. You read how the Pharisees were furious with St. Peter and St. John as the apostles refused to follow these leaders. The apostles continued to share the Good News even to other prisoners. There is one statement that caught your attention: ‘We would rather follow God instead of men.’ Those faithful to Me will also follow Me instead of men, even if they are threatened with martyrdom as St. Stanislaus died for his faith.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I will send out My inner locution to indicate that they need to come to the protection of My refuges. I will bring the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion before the Antichrist declares himself. I have given you instructions after the Conversion time to remove all computers, cell phones, and televisions from your homes because the Antichrist could put his face on your screens to control you through his eyes. Do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes because he could make you worship him. This is why you are removing the means for the Antichrist to hypnotize people to worship him. Remove all of your devices that are connected to the internet.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you to avoid looking at these symbols of the Masons because they worship Satan and they want to destroy My Church. In the Book of Revelation it speaks of some faithful who will be beheaded for not taking the mark of the beast. That is why you are seeing beheaded figures at the Smithsonian buildings. Refuse to take the mark of the beast and refuse to worship the Antichrist. Those people who do, will be condemned to hell. You will need to come to My refuges where My angels will protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the end times you will see Masses performed without using the proper words of Consecration. This will be an abomination and do not attend such Masses. You will need to come to My refuges for a proper Mass by My faithful priests. I will only be fully Present in properly consecrated Hosts. Give praise and thanks to Me that I am giving you My very Body and Blood in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many demons and some possessed people around you. In the vision you saw bottles of holy water being given out. This holy water is useful in fighting demons who want to enter your house. This holy water and blessed salt are your weapons against the evil ones. Your rosaries are weapons also against evil. As you pray in your prayer group, you are multiplying your prayers for your intentions. I hear all of your prayers and I will answer them in My way and in My time. You can even pray for deliverance of souls who are tormented by demons. You can also have priests exorcize people with demons. I give My faithful My power so you can heal people in My Name for healing sickness and evil spirits.”

Jesus said: “My son, you saw a woman possessed by a demon because she drank an evil potion. She even slithered on the ground like a snake and she had growling sounds. You were fortunate to have an exorcist priest present and he prayed over her with a cross and holy water. You saw the demon cast out and the woman was cleansed of the demon. Some people have multiple demons or powerful demons that are harder to remove. These demons require prayer and fasting.”

Jesus said: “My people, in older years many young first Communicants were enrolled in the brown scapular of My Blessed Mother. There is a promise from My Blessed Mother that those people, who wear her brown scapular and follow her prayers, can be protected from the flames of hell. Have your children wear the brown scapular for their protection from the demons. Pray the five first Saturdays with the scapular.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this large purple scapular that you can place at the entrance of your home. You have also placed three medals of St. Benedict, St. Michael, and the Miraculous Medal of My Blessed Mother on the doors and windows for protection from the evil ones. Your long form of the St. Michael prayer that you are praying tonight is a good protection for your souls. I have been giving you the weapons to use against the demons, so follow My instructions for your protection. Later, you will need to come to My refuges so My angels can protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation.”

Friday, April 12, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, this account of Gamaliel (Acts 5:34-42) was very prophetic. He described two men who had great followings, but they were killed and the followers were dispersed. So he told the Sanhedrin to have nothing to do with the apostles, or they may even be fighting against God. These leaders agreed with Gamaliel, but they had the apostles flogged and released. In the Gospel you read about how I multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish to feed 5,000 people. This event and My miracles of healing so impressed the people that I had to leave for the mountains, or they would have made Me a king. This is also a sign for all of My refuges that I will also multiply your food, water, and fuels, even for the 5,000 people St. Joseph will prepare to house and feed. Trust in Me and My angels for your protection, and your physical and spiritual needs, especially during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know there will be roving bands looking to steal food, but My angels will put up a shield of invisibility so the evil ones cannot see you. I would not ask you to set up your refuge and then allow it to be destroyed by thieves. My angels will protect your refuge from bombs, viruses, fire, or thieves. You will have an impenetrable shield that will cover all of your property. You have faith in My protection, even if others laugh at you. You remember how Noah was criticized, but the evil ones were later drowned with the flood. So during the tribulation, those people, who are unbelievers and are outside of My refuges, will be killed either by the Antichrist or by My Comet of Chastisement. Continue to trust in My Word and My angel protection, no matter who criticizes your belief in My power.”

Saturday April 13, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, this miracle of walking on the water gave encouragement to My apostles as a sign of My power as a God-man. In another Gospel I asked St. Peter to come to Me from the boat, and he walked on the water. He became fearful of the storm and he began to sink. I caught him and I lifted him into the boat. Once we were in the boat I calmed the storm by saying: ‘Peace, be still.’ I loved My disciples as I love all of My faithful. So if you are having troubles, reach out to Me in peace and I will calm your storms as well. Trust in Me to help you in any trial you have.”

Sunday, April 14, 2024: (3rd Sunday of Easter)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lively parish with many children. In the Gospel you read about how St. Peter and Clopas had the Scriptures proclaimed to them about Me on the road to Emmaus. The apostles revealed they had seen My resurrected Body that they recognized in the breaking of the bread. Then I appeared to My apostles in the Upper Room and again I revealed all the Scriptures about Me that were foretold. So I was meant to suffer and die to bring salvation to all of My faithful. I love all of you and I died to save your souls from your sins. Rejoice in My Resurrection.”

Monday, April 15, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard about St. Stephen in the first reading and how he debated the Pharisees with convincing remarks. St. Stephen was later stoned to death for his faith in Me. In the vision you saw a kitchen where families gather for meals and prayers before eating. The parents need to be good examples of Christian living for the children. It is the parent’s duty as part of their vocation to teach the faith to the children, and teach them their prayers so they can pray the rosary. Lead them to Sunday Mass and to monthly Confession. I love all of you and especially My little ones who are so innocent, and they need protection from evil things. Parents need to pray for their children’s souls because they are the spiritual guardians of their children. Pray daily to Me for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a possible famine because you are seeing attacks on your food supply. There have been many suspicious fires at many of your food processing centers. You have seen farmland bought up by the rich and the Chinese. Your foods are being compromised by making GMO corn and GMO wheat which is causing problems in your body. You use Round-up sprays and crops that are causing stomach leakage which is leading to your allergies when undigested food gets into your blood stream. There is also an attack going on in your infrastructure. The Green New Deal is trying to force you to buy an electric car that is not selling because of a lack of charging stations and limited electricity from your power plants. You also are seeing an attack on your fossil fuels. Coal is being phased out in your country, but many coal plants are being made in China. Natural gas and propane are still needed to heat your home and provide cooking in your ovens. You have some solar and wind turbines running, but they only supply a small amount of the energy that you need. It is the regulations of your politicians that are causing a lot of your infrastructure problems. There are hackers who are threatening to shutdown your electricity. Much of this interference is to weaken your economy so the one world people can control you to follow them. You will need to come to My refuges for food, water, and fuels that I will multiply. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful.”

Tuesday, April 16, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Stephen was witnessing My place next to My Father in heaven and the Jews wanted to kill St. Stephen by stoning him to death. His faith was strong as he forgave them of this sin. Saul was collecting the cloaks and he approved of this killing. In the Gospel I met the people who had received the bread and fish that I had multiplied for the 5,000. I told them that I was the Bread of Life, and anyone who ate the consecrated Bread would no longer be hungry or thirsty in the spiritual life. The people did not understand how I could turn bread into My Body and Blood, and it is this consecrated Bread that I was speaking about. My faithful receive Me at Mass in Holy Communion, and you know how precious My consecrated Bread is. You respect My Host and you kneel to My Real Presence.”

Wednesday, April 17, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision of the farmer planting his crops, you also see how I plant My Word in your hearts and souls. I am always looking to see what fruit of works will come forth from My faithful. Even if you just lead a good Christian life, you are a shining example of My love for you. You can go the extra mile for Me, if you reach out to evangelize souls to the faith. The more good works you perform on earth, the more graces you are storing up in heaven for your judgment. Your good deeds are worth more than gold or silver because they cannot be stolen or get lost. All of your spiritual blessings I store up in your own box in heaven. They are more precious to Me than all of your money and wealth. Remember love is the most accepted wealth in heaven, and I love every one of you so much. Love Me and your neighbor in return.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how important your land line is because when your power goes down, your land phone still works because it has its own electric source. You remember reading how the phone companies were considering getting rid of land lines because many people have cell phones. You can see if your power is turned off that you would have no contacts if your land line was taken away. Without electricity it would be hard to charge your cell phone. People who have solar power and solar generators could charge their cell phones. Eventually, this is how the one world people want to take you over with no phones and no electricity. Research what went wrong with your land line phone company. When you lose your grid power, you may have to come to My refuges for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Thursday, April 18, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, just as St. Philip explained the Isaiah passage to the Ethiopian eunuch, so I want My faithful to share My Good News of My Resurrection with everyone. By spreading My Good News, you may also encourage people to get baptized if they are new to the faith. The eunuch was baptized and then St. Philip vanished to evangelize other people. Pray for Charles’ soul as he needs prayers and Masses in purgatory. (Today’s Mass intention)
My son, you did research on your Frontier phone land line that is still not working. You saw a map of many outages all across your country for the fourth largest carrier. You even read some news about cables that were cut. There is something serious going on with these internet and phone lines at Frontier and other platforms. This should be big news, but it is not being noted on any channel on your TV.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you saw some stars moving around as another sign of My coming Warning. Then you were looking down on the vortex of one of your tornadoes that occur often in the spring time. After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion come, I will send out My inner locution to warn My people to come to the safety of My refuges. Once at My refuges you can look on My luminous cross, and you will be healed of all of your ailments. Trust in My angel protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are concerned about Israel’s troops that they may retaliate against Iran and they may attack the remaining Hamas troops in Gaza. There is a fear on all sides that this war could widen with other countries involved. Your country is supporting Israel with weapons and you are shooting down Iran’s drones and missiles. The Houthis are already attacking your ships in the Red Sea. Pray for a cease fire in this area.”

Jesus said: “My son, your land line phone has been out of service for three days and this phone company is not answering why many people are without service all across your country. It is appearing there could be some sabotage to your phone lines. Recently, there was some word from Frontier that there was a cyber attack on their lines. You also saw a fire in an ammunition plant that had to stop production. You heard about hackers who could be attacking your infrastructure. Pray for My protection when you will be called to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some Congress people who want your Southern Border closed before sending more weapons to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. Your House Speaker wants to have separate bills to help each country. It will be a struggle to pass any such foreign aid without addressing the disaster on your Southern Border. You are seeing millions of illegal immigrants allowed into your country as Biden wants to allow them to vote for him. The immigrants are being given money as Biden is trying to buy votes with your tax money. Pray to stop this tragedy on your Southern Border.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing bond yields increasing as your inflation is increasing. Your Federal Reserve is speaking about no cuts in the interest rates this year if your inflation continues to increase. This had a large influence on your stock market that has seen some decreases. The continuing wars could have an effect on your foreign aid that puts more money into circulation with more inflation. Pray that your government can control its huge deficits.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been giving you warnings about staying close to your refuge in case events could endanger your communications, your food, and even the quality of your water. This is why I have warned My refuge builders to finish up their preparations because you could start seeing threats to your food supply, your water, and your phone lines. Pay attention to the events going on so you are ready to help people when they are called to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have promised My faithful that I will protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you. My power is much stronger than all of the evil ones, and I told you how I will cleanse them from the earth after the tribulation. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace after I renew the earth. So have no fear because My angels will shield you from all of the evil ones. Just trust in My Word and My powerful hand.”

Friday, April 19, 2024:
(Acts 9:1-19) Jesus said: “My people, you read how I converted Saul with a flash of My lightning, and I told Saul to stop persecuting Me. He was blind for three days, and he was taken into Damascus. Ananias was asked by Me to heal Saul’s blindness by placing his hand over Saul’s eyes. Scales fell off from St. Paul’s eyes and he could see again. St. Paul became a great preacher after he was baptized. He wrote many Epistles that you still read at Mass. In the Gospel of St. John (6:54-55) you read: ‘Amen, amen I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day.’ At each Mass you observe a miracle when the bread and wine are transubtantiated into My Body and Blood. When you take Holy Communion worthily, you are receiving My Real Presence into your body. In this short time I am with you and I am giving you My graces of My Eucharist to support you against the evil ones who tempt you and persecute you. This is a joy to share your life with Me every day.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a clock, but do not be concerned about which hour is on the clock because it is not like the clock for how soon a nuclear war could happen. The reason that I am showing you this clock is to signify that you are running out of time until the major events will happen. I also told you that the time for the Antichrist to reign is also running out. I will shorten the 3½ years of the tribulation for the sake of My people. When I give you My inner locution to come to My refuges, you will need to leave your house within twenty minutes. Those faithful, who do not come to My refuges in a reasonable time, could risk being captured and martyred for their faith. When you leave your house, My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones. Trust in My angel protection throughout the tribulation.”

Saturday, April 20, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing one of My appearances in Galilee in My resurrected Body. I was making breakfast at a fire for My apostles. The disciples were in a boat on the sea and they had caught nothing all night, so I told them to put their nets on the right side and they caught 153 large fish. They dragged the net ashore with the fish. I reminded them again how they would be catching men instead fish. They saw that it was I on the beach and they rejoiced to see Me again. I took the time to forgive St. Peter of his three denials of Me by asking him three times if he loved Me. I told him to feed My lambs, which would be his new work. This was like hearing his Confession which I encourage all of My faithful to do at least once a month. As you see Me preparing breakfast with My apostles, so I am with you also at your table when you say your prayers before you eat your meals. Remember you are all called to evangelize new people to the faith to spread My Good News of My Resurrection with everyone you meet.”

Jesus said: “My people over the years your clergy and nuns have become lax in their dress codes. Many of your traditions have also been relaxed. The habits for the nuns and priests were part of their identity as being faithful to Me. Even some of My lay people are not coming to regular Sunday Mass as they should. Many also are not coming to monthly Confession which should be a necessity to keep you humble in seeking the forgiveness of your sins. I am forgiving you through the priest’s absolution. So hold on to your faith as you center your lives around Me. Take time to visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament, because I am always ready to receive you and grant My graces to those people who show their love for Me.”

Sunday, April 21, 2024: (Good Shepherd Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, I am truly the Good Shepherd who watches over My sheep of My faithful, both the Jews and the Gentiles. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to bring salvation to all those people who accept Me and seek My forgiveness of their sins. You remember when I forgave St. Peter for his three denials of Me, and I told him to feed My lambs. The deacon spoke of the shepherds in the Jews as the Pharisees who did not always pasture their sheep properly. (Ezekiel 34:10) ‘I swear I am coming against these shepherds. I will claim My sheep from them and put a stop to their shepherding My sheep so that they may no longer pasture themselves.’ You have some weak bishops even today, so pray for your bishops that they will properly pasture their flocks.”

On traveling: Jesus said: “My son, I have warned you several times not to travel by plane and to avoid long trips because events could happen that would make it difficult to get back to your refuge. You can talk over the phone, if people want to hear your messages, or they could listen to your Zoom programs, or visit your website at johnleary.com. I am giving you these warnings for your own safety.”

Monday, April 22, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, My Word and My Good News of salvation is meant for everyone, both Jews and Gentiles. St. Peter was shown in three visions the ways of the Gentiles to emphasize that he was called to evangelize the Gentiles as well as the Jews. He was shown the meat of animals that was not kosher, and he was directed to eat it. I have made all things clean to eat. St. Peter was then invited to eat with the Gentiles and not to discriminate against them. There are many peoples who are considered Gentiles, as most of you in America. So you are blessed to be My faithful, even if you are Gentiles. St. Peter remembered My words how he was to baptize the Gentiles with the power of the Holy Spirit, so more people could be saved by My death on the cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, Israel is determined to wipe out the remnants of the Hamas army. You are seeing the beginning of another serious battle. Israel is also on the watch for Hezbollah that could attack from the north. Your Congress just voted for more aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. There is still no movement to close your Southern border that held up this aid bill. If your Southern border is left open, it could ruin your country because you do not have room for millions of illegal immigrants. There should be more oversight on how this aid money is spent. Pray for a solution to your border problem.”

Tuesday, April 23, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, this is a glorious vision to see heaven in the clouds with the gates open to receive worthy souls where I wait for the judgment of souls. Very few souls come directly to heaven after they die. Some are judged to hell, and most faithful souls need some time in purgatory to cleanse their souls from the punishment due for their sins. If My faithful call on My Divine Mercy, you will only need to cleanse the last year of your sins since Divine Mercy Sunday. You read in the first reading how the new converts were called Christians at Antioch for the first time. In the Gospel (John 10:22-30) I told the people that I am the Christ even though some did not believe My words. I also told them that My faithful will not perish nor will anyone snatch them from Me, because I will give My faithful everlasting life with Me in heaven. This goes along with your vision of heaven with My open gates. I and My Father are One.”

Jesus said: “My people, the development of nuclear weapons has allowed man to destroy whole cities. You also saw more devastating hydrogen bombs which are even more powerful than the original atomic bombs. There is a new weapon called hypersonic missiles that travel at five times the speed of sound and they come at lower trajectories with the ability to change direction in flight. This makes them harder to shoot down. You also are seeing high altitude nuclear bombs that use an EMP wave to disable electric grids. This bomb kills people by starvation when it stops electrical grids and vehicles. It is by these means that the next wars will be fought. There is a defense if you use Faraday cages to protect your electronic things from an EMP attack. My faithful need to be ready to come to My refuges when your lives will be threatened. At My refuges you will have the best shields by My angels who will protect you from bombs, viruses, and thieves. I will provide for your earthly and spiritual needs at My refuges. Be grateful for My protection from the evil ones and all of their weapons.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Acts of the Apostles, you read about all of the cities that the disciples traveled to in spreading My Good News of My Resurrection. In the vision you could see on the globe of the earth all of the cities that were mentioned. They revisited some cities to reinforce the initial message. In the Gospel, St. John shows you My spiritual message of love from the Spirit of God within Me. I am God and man at the same time, so I know all of your trials in your human life. Be willing, as My apostles did, to reach out and evangelize souls so they can learn to love Me as I love all of you.”

Jesus said: “My son, there were some outages in your phone company. Once you set up an appointment, the linesman fixed your phone line that has been out for a week. The man did not say other lines were out, but now you have your land line working again. This was a copper wire and not a band of fiber optic lines. The fiber optic lines rely on light to pass a signal. That is why a power outage would shut down all the fiber optic lines. Your copper lines would still keep working during a power outage. Be happy that you have your phone service back and working.”

Thursday, April 25, 2024: (St. Mark the Evangelist)
Jesus said: “My people, I had the Holy Spirit inspire My evangelists to write down My words and My healing of people. You, My son, also have the Holy Spirit help you write down My words. In order to spread My Good News of My Resurrection you need to read My words written down in the Gospels. These men had a very important job to share what I did when I was on the earth as a God-man. Even St. John wrote in his last Gospel how there would not be enough books to write down everything I said to the people. But what you can read, you can follow in My footsteps, and be saved by My death and Resurrection.
My son, you have been given your guardian angel, St. Mark to guide you in all of your work in your missions of preparing the people for the coming tribulation and your work in preparing your refuge. I know you love Me and you love St. Mark, your guardian angel. He loves you too as I do.”

Prayer Group:
My guardian angel, Mark said: “I stand before God and I am guarding you, my son, through your life on earth. Today is the feast day of St. Mark, the evangelist, so this is my name also and I am watching out for you. I love you so much, and you love me as well. As you see the tribulation coming, you will need more angelic protection from the evil ones. You also have your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, guarding your refuge. Be thankful that the Lord gives each of you your guardian angel for your protection. Thank you for praying to me every morning.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have told you before that the more signs of My Warning that you receive, this means that the Warning is close. This Warning will be an illumination of your conscience, and you will have a life review and a mini-judgment on how you stand before Me. Some may see hell, some purgatory, and a few will see heaven as their judgment. You will experience a short time in your place of judgment. Everyone will be given a choice to follow Me or face the flames of hell. Help souls to be saved during the six weeks of Conversion time.”

Jesus said: “My son, have no fear of the evil ones because I am more powerful than all of the evil ones and their weapons. You have a powerful weapon in your rosary that you are praying tonight. You need to have faith in My protection at My refuges. You will have angel shields, but you must come to My refuges for protection and for where I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. I love all of you so much, and I am warning My faithful that you are risking martyrdom if you refuse to come to My refuges when I give you My inner locution. You trust in Me for everything and I am the center of your lives that you can praise and thank Me every day for providing for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called you to seek your rest with Me, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. You will have comfort at My refuges, and you need to trust in My Word in the Scriptures. Try to read a few pages of the Bible every day. Take My Word into your soul and rejoice in My victory over the evil ones. I am living among you when you receive Me in your daily Holy Communion. Call on Me in My graces to strengthen you against all the temptations of the evil one. I am always right by your side, and I am ready to help you through all of your trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, I understand that you want to preserve your environment from the pollution of burning fossil fuels. Currently, you are trying to use more solar and wind for renewable sources of power, but it is not providing for all of your electrical needs. Biden is trying to force more restrictions and regulations on burning fuels, but there are limits to how much you can control the carbon dioxide levels. You may do better in the years to come, but for now you need fossil fuels to heat your houses and run your vehicles.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just saw your Congress give in to sending billions of dollars in arms and money to the Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. This aid was being held up by a desire for some Congress people to find a way to close the border and build a wall to stop the current invasion. Many illegal immigrants are committing crimes and they are stressing your infrastructure. Biden is showing his purpose in keeping the border open because he wants to give all illegal immigrants the right to vote and be citizens even before legal immigrants. Pray to stop this invasion and the threats to your security.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Biden wants to increase taxes on capital gains from 21% to 44%. This would hinder your corporations in making a profit and it would put your industries at a disadvantage by taxing your gains twice as much as other countries. It is this capital that provides your jobs. If you allow the Democrats to keep controlling your people with fewer rights, they will lead you to a communist government. Be prepared to come to My refuges for your protection from the evil ones who want to persecute you and kill you.”

Friday, April 26, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles how I was going to prepare a place for all of My worthy souls. I told them that they know the way, but St. Thomas asked Me how to find a way where I was going. Then I told them how I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. People can only be saved by coming through Me. You are fortunate that I chose to come on the earth as a God-man so I could offer My perfect sacrifice for all of your sins. The Father said this day My Son I have begotten You. The Father sent Me and I followed everything He wanted Me to do, even to die on the cross for your salvation. I love all of you, and I will be with you to the last day.”

Saturday, April 27, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, not everyone is going to receive My Good News with joy. Even My apostles were expelled from various cities because of My Word not being well received. So My disciples shook the dust from their feet in testimony against them. You, My son, had a few experiences when people did not accept your vision and My Word also. Pray for those people who do not believe in Me. Not many people will accept your word on the coming tribulation. So just give them My Word and pray the faithful will understand at My Warning. In the Gospel St. Philip asked Me to show him the Father, but I told him that the Father and I are One in the Blessed Trinity. I told them to believe in My miracles as a sign that I am doing the Father’s works. I even told the apostles that whatever they ask Me in My Name, I will do it in My way and in My time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have two basic problems that need to be corrected if you are to have a prosperous country. The worst problem is allowing Biden to have an open border. This problem, if it is not corrected, could destroy your country as you know it. But in the North American Union of America, Canada and Mexico there will be no borders. Some of the illegal immigrants have diseases and there are some who are criminals let out of other country’s jails. Some are causing repeat crimes and they are neither jailed nor deported to their country. This is why a wall needs to be put up, and only limited legal asylums should be granted. The second major problem is your cheating elections which your media and officials do not want to admit. You need to stop the drop boxes that are abused by mules putting fake ballots in at night. Absentee ballots need to be signed by the person named and not by others such as harvesting votes. There is also no need for any more voting after election day. The communist nations control their elections with cheating elections and that is how they win every time. With truly fair elections, Biden would never have won. This is why I do not address Biden as your President because of the cheating in the 2020 election.”

Sunday, April 28, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Vine and you are My branches. Without Me you are nothing. Those branches that wither and die, are cut off from Me and are burned in a fire. I prune your branches to bear more fruit. I encourage My faithful to bear fruit so you can evangelize people to the faith. I fertilize you with My graces of the Holy Spirit so you can go forth to help people in both their physical and spiritual needs. The more good deeds you perform out of love for Me and neighbor, the more reward you will have in the higher levels of heaven. Rejoice and stay close to Me throughout your whole life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be told in your Warning experience that you will be protected from harm at My refuges. This means you must leave your house within twenty minutes when you are called by My inner locution. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Those faithful, who do not come to My refuges, or come too late, are risking capture by the evil ones and martyrdom in the death camps. Those faithful, who are killed during the tribulation, will be raised up from the dead and they will join Me in the Era of Peace. Such martyrs could be beheaded for their faith. Trust in My word that those people, who come to My refuges, will be unharmed, and I will bring them into My Era of Peace. I will make you invisible on the way to a refuge and at My refuges.”

Monday, April 29, 2024: (St. Catherine of Sienna)

Jesus said; “My son, you had a Mass intention for yourselves by a friend, and you will need such graces for the coming persecution of Christians. You have read in the Acts of the Apostles how My disciples were also persecuted for sharing My Good News. St. Paul and Barnabas had to move on to other towns, or they were about to be stoned to death. You, My son, have your own refuge for your protection. I am already warning you to stop traveling to your talks because some people could harm you, and even the demons could attack you on the road, or in your airplanes. When your lives are threatened, I will call My faithful to My refuges for My angel protection. I love all of My evangelists, but you will see more threats as time moves closer to the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen movies and visions of an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack when all of your electricity stops and all of your vehicles would not work, except those vehicles before 1984. At My refuges My angels would shield your solar panels and inverters from any EMP attack. Before any enemy country could bring an EMP attack on you, I will warn everyone with My inner locution to come to My refuges. My faithful will understand this time, but unbelievers will not come, and they could not enter My refuges. It would be better if your country protected itself from an EMP attack with your Faraday cages. Once you are safely at My refuges, I will allow any EMP attack, but My refuges would be protected from any EMP effects. My angels will defend all of My refuges from any EMP attacks, and you will be protected from thieves who may try to steal your food, water, and fuels. I told you to have bikes for traveling to My refuges if your vehicles did not work. Have no fear because I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you could survive the whole tribulation of less than 3½ years. Trust in Me to protect all of My refuges from the evil ones. I will send My Comet of Chastisement on the earth to end the tribulation, and all of the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth, and will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, April 30, 2024: (St. Pius V)
Jesus said: “My people, you saw how badly people treated St. Paul when he was spreading My Good News among the Gentiles. For the first three hundred years after My death Christians were killed for their belief in Me. Just as it was hard for Christians to be safe back then, so it will again be dangerous as you approach the time of the Antichrist’s tribulation. This will become a test of your faith in Me when this persecution will start in America. Already in communist countries, Christians are being killed. Even now you are seeing Jews being persecuted. When your lives are threatened, I will send out My inner locution that it is time to come to My refuges for protection. Before the Antichrist comes to power, I will send My Warning so people will be given a choice to be with Me or not. After the Warning I will give you six weeks for the Conversion of souls to the faith. After the Conversion time, My faithful will need to come to My refuges, or they will risk martyrdom.”

(Ellen Lill Funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I love all of My people and I am happy to welcome Ellen into heaven because she suffered her purgatory here on earth. She gave her pleasant service to My Church and her family. You could see several Holy Name of Jesus people at Mass and at the wake, as you are all workers in My vineyard. Give thanks and praise to Me for Ellen’s beautiful gift of life among you.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you why it is so important to come to My refuges of protection once I send you My inner locution to come. After the Conversion time, I will call you to My refuges before the Antichrist declares himself. I will send My good angels to remove all of the consecrated Hosts from all of the tabernacles and I will bring them to My refuges so they cannot be abused at black masses. All of the non-believers will take the mark of the beast, and they will follow the orders of the Antichrist. The demons and the evil people will seek out any Christians to kill them. They will destroy anything that is holy, but My angels will prevent the evil ones from harming My refuges nor the faithful there. In less than 3½ years of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all of the demons and evil people will be cleansed from the earth into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Wednesday, May 1, 2024: (St. Joseph the worker)
St. Joseph said: “My son, you do not see my words in the Scriptures, but I worked as a carpenter to provide for the Holy Family. I was also a protector of Jesus in our trip to Egypt and back. Now I will be helping you and the many people who will come to your refuge. I will truly help build a high rise and a church for the believers. You are seeing how Jesus has informed you about the coming tribulation, and only the believers will be allowed to enter this refuge. The angels will protect you all from the evil ones, and Jesus will multiply the food, water, and fuels for all of you to survive this purgatory on earth. Jesus will then cleanse and renew the earth. Then He will take you into His Era of Peace.”

(Conrad T. intention) Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to pray for a healing when modern medicine cannot find an answer. You need prayer and fasting for a cure on the spiritual side. There was some talk that a virus was causing this sickness. You have seen some cures of viruses with your MMS drops.”
N.B. I purchased this at waterpureworld.com.

Thursday, May 2, 2024: (St. Athanasius)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading in the Acts of the Apostles, the men of My Church decided not to force circumcision on the Gentiles and just the main tenets of the 613 Mosaic laws. The Jewish way of life is demanding, but My ways are better to follow than man’s ways. I give you My Commandments to love Me and your neighbor by the Ten Commandments that I gave Moses. I give you My rest, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. If you follow My way of love, you will be on the right path to heaven. Love Me as I love all of you.”

Prayer Group:
The Blessed Mother said: “My son, I want you to have my statue before you to honor my month of May. So take one of my statues and place it on your altar next to my Son. You saw how one of your churches also had one of my statues on the altar to respect my month of May. I love all of my children and it is good to have one of my images to remember me. I am your Mother, as Jesus gave me to you in the person of St. John the apostle at the foot of the cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, I was born and brought up in Israel, as the Jews are My chosen people. You have seen anti-Israel protestors at many of your colleges who support Hamas. Your country has supported Israel for a long time, but Biden is wavering because part of his party supports Hamas. Continue to protect My people in Israel, despite Iran and its proxies who want to get rid of Israel.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the news how half of these protestors are not even students at these colleges. You also read how these protests are being led by professional agitators sometimes with communist backgrounds. When these protestors damage property and threaten Jewish students, they need to be punished for their violent actions. You are seeing the police rightly arrest and remove these protestors from these colleges. You have free speech, but not freedom to damage property and threaten people. Pray that this violence can be subdued.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have basic laws against anti-Semitism, but these laws have not been enforced. The local city police are now trying to put down any destruction and mob damage. It may take some time to restore order at these colleges. There are a few radical professors who are brain washing their students with this hate for Jews and Israel. Some of these faculty should also be arrested if they are involved in inspiring damage and violence. Pray that these acts of terrorism are contained, and pray for peace among nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some clergy propose blessing homosexual unions. Homosexual acts are mortal sins and they need confessing in Confession. So it is not proper to bless sinful actions. Even adultery and fornication are also sinful actions, and require Confession as well. Be watchful of what comes out of this Synod and do not accept anything against My laws. I told you to be watching if any Mass does not have the proper words of Consecration. You should avoid Masses without the proper words. You may eventually have to come to My refuges for a proper Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a problem that Biden has opened your borders to gain Democrat votes. Biden also wants these people to be citizens and able to vote, which violates your voting laws and your Constitution. You could be allowing foreign armies to enter America as Chinese young men who are crossing your border. You also are seeing drug cartels controlling the border and importing dangerous drugs as fentanyl that is killing your young people. Pray that your people can stop this destruction of your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how demons are attached to addictions as drugs, excessive drinking, and sexual lifestyles that are sinful. It is difficult to break these addictions in people without some deliverance prayers or exorcisms. Even when treatment helps to break these addictions, some people return to their former addiction when they invite the demons back in. It takes a complete conversion and daily prayers to cleanse the demons in the people with addictions.”

Friday, May 3, 2024: (St. Philip and St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I went to Mary and Martha and they acknowledged that I am the Resurrection and the Life. St. Philip asked Me how they were to know where I was going. I told him I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me. St. Philip asked Me to show him the Father, but I told him that the Father is in Me and I am in the Father. We are the Blessed Trinity. Where you see One of Us, We are always together. It is a mystery to understand the Blessed Trinity for man, but believe We are Three persons in One God, even as St. Patrick showed you the three leaf shamrock. Follow My Commandments of love of God and neighbor, and that will be enough for you on your way to heaven. We love all of you as our creations, and We will never forget you. Love Us as We love you.”

Jesus said: “My people, an EMP attack on your country is the easiest way to take over America without much radiation to deal with. My angels will protect your refuges from any EMP attack. You are seeing why I want you to stay close to your refuge because this attack could come at any time. I will give My inner locution notice to all of My people, but only the believers will be allowed to enter My refuges. You will have My angel protection, and they will provide for your spiritual and physical needs. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who will be trying to kill all Christians. You will suffer a purgatory on earth during the tribulation, but I will bring you into My Era of Peace once I cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones.”

Saturday, May 4, 2024: (First Saturday of Our Lady)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I want you to pray my rosary for peace and the stoppage of abortion. Your prayers at the Planned Parenthood building are powerful and needed to help save the babies from abortion. This is one of the worst sins to take a life in abortion. You remember what I told you that you need to do something against abortion, even if it is just your rosary prayers. You also are seeing wars in Israel and the Ukraine where people are being killed and their homes destroyed. Pray also for those people who are dying from tornadoes, fires, and floods. I love all of you and I thank you for all of your prayer efforts and your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, Bidens’ EO 14067 is a theft of the control of your own money. You will be forced to turn in your old money in exchange for the digital dollar. The government will control how you spend your money. If you to not follow their plan, they could keep taking your money until your account is zero. This will be the end of your democracy because your hard earned money would be stolen. Some people think they can buy gold, but it will be hard to spend. As the Antichrist will come to power, he will try to kill all Christians. This is why coming to My refuges will be your only safe haven. At My refuges My angels will shield My believers, and I will provide for your needs. Trust in Me when I call you to My refuges because your money will be worthless if you do not have the mark of the beast. Refuse to take this mark and refuse to worship the Antichrist.”

Sunday, May 5, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the saints and angels in heaven are sharing their love for all the people on earth. Just as you see the Holy Spirit being poured over the people, so you are seeing water poured all over you as a Baptism of the Holy Spirit. You are receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit, even as you will share on Pentecost in two weeks. You are feeling the joy of My love upon you, as I want your joy to be complete. I love My people so much that I died to forgive you your sins, and bring you salvation for your souls. You need to share your love with Me and all of your neighbors, even your enemies. I love everyone, but there are some people who refuse to love Me. Still show your love for everyone, even if others do not love you, because they do not love Me either. Live in My love every day because that is what it is like in heaven where love abounds for all people and the angels.”

Monday, May 6, 2024:
At St. Charles Borromeo after Holy Communion, I had an unusual vision of coming into a funeral home with very little furniture, and there was someone deceased and laid out but not in a casket. This vision was very vivid and real, as if it was someone important or someone we knew. Jesus said: “My son, this vision is not anyone you could recognize that died, but it is a general vision of the end of someone’s life. It could represent someone you know, or an important person. Each person who dies must come to Me in their first judgment. So pray for those people who die, so their soul may be saved from hell. Pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for everyone’s funeral you visit, even if they are cremated.”

Jesus said: “My people, your military has been focused on the wars in Israel and the Ukraine, but you also have task forces in the Pacific Ocean as well. China has been building more ships, planes, missiles, and drones. China keeps threatening Taiwan with constant harassment with large numbers of planes and ships. You have seen your military building up treaties with other countries in the same area of Taiwan. Such a battle over Taiwan with China would be significant, because your country buys a lot of computer chips that are made in Taiwan. Pray for peace, but World War III could come at any time.”

Tuesday, May 7, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the first reading how St. Paul and Silas were beaten with rods and placed in jail. (Acts 16:19-34) A severe earthquake opened the doors to their cells and the chains fell from their hands. They calmed the jailer who took the apostles to his home where he cared for their wounds. The jailer wanted to be saved so St. Paul baptized the jailer’s family into the faith to free them from their sins and saved them for following Me. I bring this same freedom to every soul who wants to be saved in My graces, especially in Confession. In the Gospel I told My apostles that I had to leave them so I could send down the Holy Spirit on them with all of His gifts. Rejoice because My faithful have received the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, and you have the gifts to share My Good News with all of those people whom you will meet.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a tornado is another sign of the coming Warning. You are seeing hundreds of tornadoes with much damage in the middle of your country. These storms caused several power outages making it hard to see where the storms were in the dark of the night. There are more deaths with tornadoes at night because there is little warning. Be prepared for the coming Warning by coming to frequent Confession. There will be some conversions when people are faced with their life reviews.”

Wednesday, May 8, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul used the shrine to the ‘Unknown god’ as a means to evangelize the people of Athens. You remember this place well because you were there in Athens in front of a large amphitheater. He taught them how I created everything, but when he told them how I rose from the dead, they had a hard time understanding what this meant. My apostles were witnesses of My empty tomb, and how I appeared to them with My wounds in My hands and feet. The Athenians had a difficult time trying to understand how I died on earth to forgive their sins, and how I brought salvation for their souls. Even now people have problems believing in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. You are preparing for My feast of My Ascension on Ascension Thursday tomorrow. I told My apostles how I would bring the Holy Spirit down on them once I left them. My Ascension into heaven is one last miracle the apostles witnessed.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you descriptions of the Warning day as starting with darkness and then you saw two suns. This would be the Comet of the Warning that will later return as the Comet of Chastisement. People will come to Me outside of their body and they will have their illumination of conscience known as a life review. You will visit your place of your mini-judgment, and people will need to decide if they want to be with Me or with the devil. During the Warning you will be warned to come to My refuges for your protection, and not to take the mark of the beast, and not to worship the Antichrist. You will have six weeks of a Conversion time when there will be no evil influence and a time to try and convert souls to faith in Me. After the six weeks I will soon call My faithful to My refuges for protection. You also saw more volcanic activity once you are at My refuges. You will see more demons coming out of the volcanoes as the Antichrist will be allowed to control the earth for less than 3½ years. Trust in Me to protect you and feed you at My refuges. My angels will shield you from any harm, and you will have food to survive the tribulation.”

Thursday, May 9, 2024: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were happy to be with Me during the forty days after My Resurrection. I appeared to them about four times. I told My apostles to stay in Jerusalem because I would send the Holy Spirit upon them, as you celebrate Pentecost. I sent My apostles out: (Mk 16:15,16) ‘Go out into the whole world and preach the Gospel to every person. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he who does not believe shall be condemned.’ I rose into heaven before them without any more appearances.’”

Prayer Group:
(52nd anniversary of prayer group) Jesus said: “My people, today is a holy day of obligation as you are celebrating My Ascension into heaven. This was My last appearance in the flesh with My apostles. Now they were waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit when they had tongues of fire over each person in the Upper Room. This gave My disciples the gifts they needed to go out and spread My Good News to everyone. Rejoice that My faithful have also received the gifts of the Holy Spirit at your Confirmation.”
Jesus said: “My people, each year at this time I encourage you to print out the Novena prayers to honor the Holy Spirit. Each day you can recite these prayers. You have many Sundays after Pentecost so Pentecost is a large feast. Your Easter Season also ends with Pentecost. You gain extra graces for praying this Novena to the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles with many inputs from all of the disciples. This fifty days of the Easter Season is a glorious time even as you see nature come forth with spring flowers and flowering trees. You all are happy to get out and fix up your gardens with flowers and mulch. See this season as an inspiration to evangelize souls so they can be baptized. You especially want to bring your children to My sacraments: Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. The children are under your care to be taught the faith as you are responsible for their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to come to Confession because it means you need to repent of your sins and reveal them to the priest in the confessional. You need to meditate what sins you have committed since your last Confession. You need to be sorry and repent for having sinned against My Ten Commandments. The priest will absolve your sins and give you a penance. Then you pray your act of Contrition. Coming to Confession is a humbling experience, but you need to come to Confession at least once a month. There are a fair number of people who do not come to Confession, but it is needed to forgive your venial and mortal sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you crown My Blessed Mother’s statues every year. You also need to honor her and Me with your rosaries for your special intentions. Remember to pray for your own mothers whether they are alive or deceased. You are fortunate to see two of your grandchildren who are pregnant and expecting new life to join their families. Many of you give gifts to your mothers and even take them out to dinner. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can be a part of My creation in having children. Give thanks to your mother for your life and bringing you up.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you include praying to stop abortion in your daily rosaries. It is so sad that some mothers want to abort their very own children. Not all women are able to have children, so it is such a denial of life when women abort their children. I thank all of My faithful who take time to pray your rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy by the Planned Parenthood building on Saturday morning. Your presence there can help save some babies who would have been aborted. Keep praying for your states to limit the number of abortions.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen a place in Washington, D.C. where they stored all the shoes of the people who were killed in the gas chambers by Hitler. There was great evil that Hitler did to try and remove the millions of Jews from German society. People said this should not happen again, but now millions of the unborn babies are being killed every day. This movement for abortion has its roots in eugenics in Germany with Hitler’s plan. Work and pray to stop abortion which is destroying My precious and innocent children.”

Friday, May 10, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, as you are starting your Novena to the Holy Spirit, it is appropriate that you are seeing this wind to remind you of the wind that went to the Upper Room. All of My disciples received the tongues of fire over their heads. This gave them the gifts of the Holy Spirit to speak out boldly about My Good News. St. Paul had these gifts to preach, and he had Gallio protect him from being jailed. Get your sheets on the Holy Spirit Novena so you can read these prayers every day. Be thankful for all of these gifts so you all can go forth to share My Good News and make converts.”

(Intention for Carol, my wife) Jesus said: “My people, many of you are linked closely to your cell phones and your current media. Some people are even addicted to their cell phones in constant search of information on the internet that is not always true. This is how some people are too worldly in their thoughts and desires. I am showing you these spindles of cable wire because this is how you are being controlled. I want My people to be more concerned with My spiritual connection with each of you. When you pray and when you come to Mass, you are in a different world of peace and quiet with no fear and no stress. This is because at those times you are linked with My truth, and you can see how the devil is misleading people to follow him through earthly things as drugs and virtual reality devices. Stay close to Me in prayer, Mass, and frequent Confession, and you will always be in My peace without fear, because I will protect you when you call on Me. Do not lose My link of communication through My love for you. By trusting in Me and making Me a part of your life, you will be on a safe path to heaven. The coming tribulation will be your purgatory on earth.”

Saturday, May 11, 2024:
Jesus said: “My son, this vision of a large circling land piece is another sign of the Warning and it was traveling in a clockwise direction. It was also a sign again that time was running out before the major events would start happening. Once you will see the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, you will know that I will soon call you to My refuges with My inner locution, so you will be in the safe protection of My angels. I have been telling you for many years that I have been preparing you for the coming Antichrist who will soon declare himself, and he will take over the earth for less than 3½ years. Once I call you, you will need to leave your homes within twenty minutes when My angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge or a refuge that you know is waiting for you. People will come to My refuges slowly so My refuge builders will have time to make room for the faithful remnant. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want all of My refuge builders to have your refuges ready and prepared to receive My faithful who will be coming to your door. My son, I know you had to make some repairs to your solar panel wires and you had a repair to your water system and your garbage disposal. You even had to replace one of your cherry trees that was broken by the wind. I have given you all of the plans for establishing your refuge including your food, water, fuels, and solar panels. You even have some solar generators of lithium batteries with solar panels. You also have vestments and books ready for Mass along with your altar and candles. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs.”

Sunday, May 12, 2024: (Mother’s Day)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, how I love all of you so much as My Son, Jesus loves you as well. I am the Mother of His Church because He gave me over to St. John who represented all of humanity. Mothers have a special place in the hearts of their families. It is sad that mothers who stay at home to take care of their children, are considered second class citizens. In today’s society it is hard for a family to survive on just the husband’s salary which is why many mothers are working to help pay the bills. Yet leaving the children in day care is hard on the children who need love and a mother’s help. I give credit to mothers who take their job as a loving parent more seriously. You create more loving bonds with your children when you are home for them. Even the cost of day care takes away from the value of a working mother. It is better to have a poorer loving family than to have a little more money from two incomes. I wish a happy mother’s day to all of the mothers. Pray for those mothers, who are aborting their children, because they should have their babies.”

Monday, May 13, 2024: (Our Lady of Fatima at the Cova da Iria)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you remember well when I appeared to the three children at Fatima on the 13th of six months from May to October in 1917. I showed the children a picture of hell and I taught them my rosary and the Fatima prayers. There was a great miracle of the sun that was prophesied and happened which later was accepted by the Church. There was also a prophecy of another war and how Russia would spread her errors. My son, you went to Fatima, Portugal when they celebrated my 70th anniversary in 1987 and the whole plaza was full of people. You also are a member of my Blue Army and you started your prayer group as a Fatima cell, as you just celebrated your 52nd anniversary for your prayer group. You have remembered your roots with My Fatima Shrine, and now you are praying your four rosaries every day to include all of the Mysteries of the Rosary. I love all of you so much and you also remember My promise of how in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and an Era of Peace will be given to the world. Stay close to me and my Son, Jesus in your prayers and your daily Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need water for your body to stay well hydrated. So just as your plants need water, you cannot survive without water. Your soul also needs the water of Baptism and even the Living Water of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is the graces of My sacraments that are most needed by your soul for your spiritual survival. I am always available to cleanse your soul of sin in Confession. You come to Me for forgiveness as you are sorry for having offended Me with your sins. Be sorry for your sins and repent of your offenses. I love all of you so much, and I want to see your soul as white as possible with frequent Confession of at least monthly. Show your love for Me in your daily prayers and even daily Mass and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Thank you for praying your Novena to the Holy Spirit.”

Tuesday, May 14, 2024: (St. Matthias)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter was chosen to be the leader of My apostles, so it was his duty to find a replacement for Judas, who betrayed Me. There was a choice between Justus and Matthias because they traveled with the apostles. By lot St. Matthias was chosen to take Judas’ place to complete the twelve apostles. This was a special number as it represented the twelve tribes of Israel. St. Matthias was martyred for his faith as were the other apostles except St. John. You are still praying your Novena to the Holy Spirit in anticipation of this Sunday’s feast of Pentecost. Call on Me and the Holy Spirit when you are in need of something, and we will be there for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called My refuge builders to set up My refuges so My believers could avoid harm at My refuges. My angels will put up invisible shields at My refuges so the evil ones will not see you and non-believers will not be able to enter. When I give My inner locution to My believers, they will be called to My refuges. This time is not far off, and it is why I do not want you taking long trips or long stays away from your refuge. It is important that My believers should come to My refuges promptly. Those believers, who do not come to My refuges, will be killed or martyred. Those believers, who die during the tribulation outside of a refuge, will be raised up to live in the Era of Peace. My angels will provide for your physical and spiritual needs during the whole tribulation, so have no fear.”

Wednesday, May 15, 2024: (St. Isidore, the farmer)
Jesus said: “My people, today you see St. Paul leaving his people and he told them they would not see his face again, which made this a permanent farewell. When My evangelists are traveling to share My Good News, they do not know if they will be able to return again as well. Now that you are staying close to your refuge, you may not see your old friends again unless you visit them while you will bilocate later during the tribulation. Today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Isidore, and it reminds you how you are to be thankful for the farmers who are growing your food. It is good to have fresh vegetables and fruit, so you like to buy from your local farmers. Remember when I told you how My angels will bring you fresh fruits and vegetables, even during winter at your refuge during the tribulation. For nothing is impossible for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, gambling at the casinos can be a source of entertainment, but you need to put limits on how much you can afford to lose. It is better not to gamble because it can lead to an addiction which could be an occasion of sin for your soul. In life your soul is not anything to gamble with because there are only two choices-heaven or hell. Those people, who desire to come to heaven, need to be in the camp of love with Me as believers, and not in the camp of hate with the devil. My believers need to love Me and love your neighbors as yourself. You show Me your love in your daily prayers, your daily Mass, and your daily Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I call you to share My love and My Good News with the people as you work to evangelize people to the faith. You also are open to doing good deeds to help your neighbor. Do everything out of love for Me and consecrate all of your good actions to Me.”

Thursday, May 16, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you several messages on the need for being baptized both in Me and in the Holy Spirit. When you are baptized, you are calling on the Blessed Trinity in the sign of the cross. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are One, and you are joined with Us in your faith. Baptism cleanses the soul of all sin, both venial and mortal sin. In order to keep your soul washed clean, you need to come to frequent Confession to the priest. There he absolves you of your sins, and you are cleansed by the sacrament of Penance. See this vision of a waterfalls as a sign of constantly being cleansed in your soul, even as you bathe your body. Reach out to evangelize souls so they also can cleanse their souls of sin with My sacraments.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, I thank My faithful for praying the Novena to the Holy Spirit. These readings speak of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as you are preparing for the great feast of Pentecost this Sunday. It is a blessing to receive the Living Water in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Be ready to receive the Holy Spirit, even as I talked about being born again in the Spirit. You remember when I talked with Nicodemus in the ‘Chosen’ series. There were some strong statements when I even asked Nicodemus to join Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles experienced a strong wind that blew in the direction of the Upper Room. They then received tongues of fire over each of the disciples. This represented how at Pentecost My disciples received the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave them courage and grace to be able to witness My Good News to all the corners of the earth. You all are blessed with these same gifts when you received the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation. Follow the example of My apostles as you also can evangelize people to receive faith in Me. I love all of you, and I am blessing you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I was baptized by St. John the Baptist, you saw a Dove of the Holy Spirit come down on Me. You also heard My Father say: ‘This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ (Matt. 3:17) This is the best vision of experiencing the Blessed Trinity that you have read about. When you witness infants being baptized, you see the priest or deacon bless the child with water while praying the Sign of the Cross. You are being blessed by the Blessed Trinity at your Baptism.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed with a special oil when you are receiving your gift of Confirmation. It is the Holy Spirit who brings His flame of love down upon you to make you one of My soldiers to spread My Good News. Call on the Holy Spirit to help you in spreading My Word so others can be strengthened in their faith in Me. Wherever I am, I am joined with My Father and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit’s love joins the Blessed Trinity together. Do not forget to pray to the Holy Spirit even after Pentecost Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are blessed to receive My messages, and you are even more blessed when the Holy Spirit helps you to write down My words after Holy Communion and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. When you share your talks and when you speak on your Zoom programs, the Holy Spirit is giving you what to say and help people to understand My words in the Scriptures.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were given many gifts to heal people, and even some were able to raise some people from the dead. When you invoke the Holy Spirit with oil on people and do prayers of deliverance, you can heal people in My Name when you have faith that I can heal someone. You have seen people healed by a faithful person. You, My son, have prayed over people in your traveling and at your prayer group. You have seen some beautiful healings as you give glory and thanks to Me for My miracles.”

Friday, May 17, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for all of the people who need wheelchairs or canes to walk. Pray for people who are suffering pain constantly, like when you were coughing, or when you had sore legs with sciatica problems. People in pain can get down with depression or frustration, so pray to give them hope and even a possible healing. If you cannot walk, you are dependent on people to help you and drive you places. You even remember how you had to drive your father to dialysis for four years. Human life can be difficult, and you need to thank Me if you are healthy. Even if you have problems in life, you can always call on My help, as you center your lives around Me in love.”

Jesus said: “My people, if the evil ones persecuted Me, they will persecute you also for preaching My words and My Commandments. You have seen how pro-life people were being put in jail for up to ten years which seems an unusual amount of time for blocking a Planned Parenthood driveway. In some countries the evil ones are beating and verbally abusing Christians just because of their faith in My Word. Be prepared for this harassment against My believers. The persecution will get worse with time, so be ready to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Saturday, May 18, 2024:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this sacristy where the priests keep their vestments and where they put them on. I have asked you to set up a refuge for the people to come, but you also have prepared an altar with candles, vestments, unconsecrated hosts, wine, an Easter Candle, and other things for Mass. You also need to be ready to take in some priests to feed them and have lodging for them during the tribulation. St. Joseph will be building a high rise building, and a large church for 5,000 people. With so many people, you will need several priests for Mass and Confession. Do not be alarmed to handle so many people during the tribulation, because I know how to feed 5,000 people like you saw in the Gospels. This will be a large undertaking, but I advised you to have core groups of about twenty people per thousand people. I will be expanding your grounds to handle so many people. Have no worry because I can do the impossible.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a triangle does represent Three Persons in One God of the Blessed Trinity. The Father, Myself, and the Holy Spirit are always present together, but it is a Mystery to try to understand the meaning of the Blessed Trinity. This is something you need to take on faith. So when you are looking at My Real Presence in the consecrated Host in the monstrance, you are looking at Three Persons in One God. Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, and you will hear the list of seven gifts and twelve fruits listed by the Holy Spirit who shares these gifts with all true believers. Back in elementary Catholic School, you had to memorize these gifts of the Holy Spirit from your Baltimore Catechism. I will list them for you now. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, and chastity. These gifts help you in keeping your faith, and they help in sharing your faith.”

Sunday, May 19, 2024: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: “I AM the Spirit of love, and I am bringing My gifts upon you. I love all of you just as the Father, and the Son love you as well. Each human person has been given a special number of skills that are unique to that person. These skills were given at birth. Now I am bringing you My seven gifts to enhance your skills and help you spread the Good News of Jesus. These are the seven gifts that I bring down on everyone: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. You are aware of how I help each of you to be joined as one in God’s people. Just as I sent My Spirit and flame of love down upon you, so you are being sent out to evangelize people in the faith.”

Monday, May 20, 2024: (Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, in the Book of Genesis you see the first Eve and how she was seduced by Satan to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. She even gave the fruit to Adam and they both sinned against God. I am the new Eve, but I am without sin so the Lord had a pure place to be born. In the Gospel at the foot of the cross where my Son, Jesus was being crucified, Jesus gave St. John to me, and me to St. John and the whole Church. That is why this feast is directed to me as the Mother of the Church that my Son started. As a true Mother I am watching over my children, and I give all of your rosary intentions over to my Son, Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, I AM the Light of the world, but I am speaking about a spiritual Light in addition to lighting up the world. With My sacramental graces I enlighten your souls so they are white and not covered with the darkness of sin. Myself and your guardian angels are lighting the spiritual ways for your souls. At your refuges you have bought some solar generators with lithium batteries and some lamps with LED bulbs. They also came with solar panels so you could recharge your batteries in the good weather. You needed some lamps to plug into your battery outlets because most of your lights are ceiling lights on the first floor. When there is little power generated in the winter, your batteries will work for a short time. You will be grateful to have light at your refuges during the tribulation. During the Era of Peace you will see My Light all of the time.”

Tuesday, May 21, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people this vision of a shark attack is a sign that some serious events could be coming against you. The evil one world people are planning either a cyber attack on your infrastructure, or an EMP attack using bombs in your atmosphere. Either one of these events could cause a martial law that would cancel the upcoming election. Such a cancellation might even trigger a civil war against your government because people do not want Biden as a dictator, even more than he is now. This is why I have warned My people to be ready to get called to My refuges with My inner locution. I will protect you at My refuge with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you are healthy, you can do everything that needs to get done, but when you get sick, simple tasks are hard to perform. You also soon appreciate your health as a daily gift you took for granted. You need to add your health to your daily prayers. You also are realizing the troubles that other people are having in life when they get sick or have various allergies. It is true that your food products are using GMO crops and processed food that can cause you to get sick. Your body is made to assimilate food, but when the food is tainted by changing the DNA of your food, it is difficult for your body to digest FAKE food. Try to use more organic food and avoid GMO and processed food so you can eat more natural food.”

Wednesday, May 22 2024: (St. Rita)
Jesus said: “My son, you know now that you should include praying for good health in your rosary intentions. You do not realize how important your health is until you are sick. In the first reading of St. James, you realize that life comes to you one day at a time, so be content to deal with the troubles of today. Do not let future troubles concern yourself because today has enough trials of its own. In the Gospel I told My apostles that those people, who are spreading My Word, are not against us but for us. So do not stop them from evangelizing people. Pray for more people to assist you in evangelizing the people, so they can have the richness of My faith and My love.”

(Funeral Mass for Marlene Marino) Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing Marlene standing by her casket as she loves all of you so much that she had to give you her personal farewell. She blessed all of you, for Jesus has accepted her into His kingdom of heaven. You are the first ones to be blessed by her from heaven. She suffered from her cancer, but she had her purgatory on earth. She had nine years without her soul mate husband. She shared her love with all of her children and grandchildren. You all knew her in how loving she was to all of you. My son, you knew her sister, Fran, and knowing Fran, is like knowing Marlene whom you did not know too well. Fr. Tony gave a beautiful image of Marlene being dropped off from a ship to enter heaven.”

Thursday, May 23, 2024:
Jesus said: “My son, this large chandelier in an Adoration chapel is a sign that I want all of My refuges to have a reserved space or a chapel if possible. This will be needed so you can have around the clock Adoration with one or two people worshiping Me at every hour. I will provide a priest for daily Mass and a consecrated Host for your monstrance. If you do not have a priest, I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion and a consecrated Host for your monstrance. It will be your faith in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host that will enable Me and My angels to multiply your food, water, fuels, and buildings to support the people who come to My refuges during the tribulation. Be ready to come to My refuges when I will give you My inner locution that it is time to leave your homes for My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how Satan is stirring up wars and divisions among the people of the world. The companies, who are making weapons for both the Israel and Ukraine wars, are being manipulated by Biden in controlling what weapons can go to Israel. You are seeing divisions in families where there are many single parent families. Your open borders are allowing drug cartels to kill your young people with fentanyl. You will be seeing more weather destruction in America with your tornadoes and hurricanes as a punishment for your sins of abortion. Turn to Me for help in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing high prices for houses along with high interest rates that is pricing many couples out of buying a house. The supply of houses is low and it is an auction for people bidding high prices for what is available. Pray for your inflation and interest rates to go down to help young couples.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how Biden is already acting like a dictator with no regard for obeying your border laws, and not following your Constitution or the Supreme Court. Now he is weaponizing the Justice Department with lawyers to harass anybody who is opposing him. The rich people in your society are doing well, but a good share of your people are struggling to make ends meet with high prices of everything. Pray that you can change your government to one that helps all of the people without total control of your rights.”

Jesus said: “My people, you truly have seen some damage with your many tornadoes. The HAARP machine can make tornadoes worse. Your weather people are predicting a more active hurricane season than normal because of a La Nina in the Pacific Ocean. You also are seeing active solar flares from the sun that could threaten your communications. Pray for less damage from your weather, but you are being tested for your sexual and abortion sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, certain churches are having problems with demographics in their church attendance. This means you are seeing less young people coming to Sunday Mass. Without Me in their lives, they are seeing further family troubles. Give your younger people a good example by coming to Sunday Mass, and let them see your prayerful life has helped you through the years. Pray that your young people can come closer to Me, so I can help them with My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, your young people are being brain washed with socialism and even communist principles in your schools and colleges. You have seen anti-war protesters and agitators causing disturbances in your schools and colleges. You also are seeing how drugs and vaping are affecting your young people. Pray that your society can be turned more to Me than the things Satan is causing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the one world people are planning their Great Reset on the world that will use the digital dollar and the mark of the beast to control you. I have been calling on My refuge builders to set up My refuges that will protect My people from the demons and evil people. I have mentioned several times that those faithful, who do not come to the safety of My refuges, could be risking death or martyrdom from the Antichrist and his helpers. Trust in Me by being ready to come to My refuges once I send you My inner locution that it is time to come to the refuges. After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, I will be calling you to My refuges so you will be protected by Me and My angels. Leave your homes within twenty minutes as your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to My refuges. Have no fear because your angel will put an invisible shield over you. Call on My help always.”

Friday, May 24, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, marriage is such an important institution because it is an extension of My creation through the gift of love between a man and a woman. The family is the core of your society, and I describe My relationship with My Church as My bride as in marriage. In heaven everything is about love and true peace. So it is in true love that a marriage exists with a loving wife and a loving husband. By being kind and merciful, all marriages should be happy places. If there is true love, then there is no need for divorce. Some divorce happens over abuse, either physical or verbal. But marriage is meant to have children and live together until death separates them. My son, you will be married this year for fifty-nine years, and you are an example to others that couples can stay married for life. Continue showing your love for each other and for all those in your family.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Biden people do not want anything left to chance that somehow Trump could win the next election. One possibility could be a red flag operation that could take down your electric grid. This would enable Biden to declare a martial law and say other countries caused the power outage. But this would stop the election and would give Biden total dictatorial power. The one world people want to allow the Antichrist’s takeover as soon as possible because Trump could delay their plans. Once America is taken over and joined into the North American Union of Canada, America, and Mexico, you would see the beginning of this world takeover in the tribulation. I have told you, when the lives of My faithful are in danger, I would bring My Warning sooner. I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges no matter when the Antichrist will declare himself.”

Saturday, May 25, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, war between people is an evil thing brought on by Satan and the demons who are stirring up trouble. War spends a lot of money on weapons, but it is the killing of lives that is the ultimate price for these evil deeds. You have seen tyrant governments over the years and how soldiers had to fight to protect your freedom. This Memorial Weekend reminds you of your past wars and your ongoing wars in Israel and the Ukraine. Yet you have communist agitators teaching your children to hate your country that soldiers lost their lives to make you free. There are many evil forces in your governments being controlled by the one world elites. They are preparing to control the world for the Antichrist’s takeover in the tribulation. Be prepared to come to My refuges for My protection. I will destroy these evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. I will protect My faithful and bring you into My victory in My Era of Peace, so trust in Me always.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Truth of My Word in the Bible will set you free from all the evil earthly voices. When you hear My words of love and My desire for your obedience to following My ways instead of man’s ways, then you are seeing the difference between the ways of heaven and the ways of worldly people. It is My words that soften hearts and fill your minds with real Truth. The devil and evil people can only offer you lies and false riches that put you on a path to hell. I show you the path to heaven through love of Me and love of neighbor. Yet when I speak, there are few who want to listen and abide by My words. The best example you can give to someone, is to be a Christian who is imitating My ways. This in the end will give you peace in your heart and soul instead of hate and violence of the world.”

Sunday, May 26, 2024: (The Most Holy Trinity Sunday)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to tell you that the understanding of the Blessed Trinity is a Mystery that humans do not have the intelligence to understand. You can only take Us Three Persons in One God on faith alone. You can know something about each Person of God, but We love all of Our creations, especially man and woman who We have made in Our Image with free will. We give you the Commandments to love Us and your neighbor as yourself. Follow Our ways on a path to heaven. Be willing to cleanse your souls of sin with Confession at least monthly. Keep close to Us in Our sacraments and strive to evangelize souls so they can be saved in Our love. Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything that you need will be given to you.”

Monday, May 27, 2024: (St. Augustine of Canterbury, Memorial Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you came into this world with nothing and you will leave this world with nothing. In other words you cannot take your wealth beyond the grave. It is difficult for a rich man to detach himself from his wealth, just as the rich man went away sad when I asked him to give his wealth over to the poor. Wealth is fleeting and it can be lost or stolen. The real wealth in this world is when someone is rich in My many graces. I have asked you many times to seek first the Kingdom of heaven and you will be given what is needed in life. It is better to search to be the best Christian that you can be than to seek to be rich in money and possessions. Your soldiers were willing to offer their very lives to protect your freedoms from tyrant governments. Today, you honor their lives for their sacrifices. It is sad that you see the evil ones who want to kill people in wars, abortions, and euthanasia. Even some people follow the devil in reducing the population with diseases and deadly vaccines. Seek a world of My peace and love, instead of war and hate.”

Tuesday, May 28, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I am warning people to compare what comes out of the Synod with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Follow My words of Scripture and you do not have to believe any errors that you hear. Pray that My people will be led on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is the evil one who is behind your wars, and he finds ways of pride and taking another’s land as an incentive for war. You have seen wars go on for many years, but there are lives lost on both sides of a battle. This is why I keep asking you to pray for peace, so more lives are spared a cruel death. Some countries want to expand their control over the world, but in the end their victories are temporary until a stronger force overtakes them. Even the Antichrist will rise for a short time, but I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones and they will be cleansed from the earth into hell. After the evil ones are cleansed, I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Wednesday, May 29, 2024: (Funeral Mass for Mary Ellen DiMuro)
Jesus said: “My people, funerals give you a chance to say good-bye to the deceased, as Mary Ellen was a former member of Holy Name Church. This life is temporary, so do not cling too tightly to it here because you will have a much happier time with Me in heaven. While you live your life on earth, you need to show your love for everyone. It is how you love Me and love your neighbor that will be used in your judgment. So appreciate all of My creation while you are alive, but remember, the best is yet to come after this life.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you are being tested with several trials all at once. I have given you more gifts than you need to accomplish your work, so calm yourself down the best you can. Some things are changing in your life that you had no control over them. Certain things need to be replaced when they stop working, and this should be easy for you. Keep love in your heart no matter what problems you may face. Keep Me close to you in everything you do.”

Thursday, May 30, 2024:
(Mk 10:46-52) Jesus said: “My people, when you have faith that I can heal you, you will see My healing can take place. Bartimeus begged Me to take pity on him, so I prayed over his blindness to heal him. My people have needs in this life, but you need My Light to open your eyes of faith. It is your spiritual life that is more important for your eternal destination with Me, than this life. You will face many trials in your human life, but you know I have come to save those people who love Me. No matter how difficult this life is to bear, keep your focus on Me, and trust that I will heal you and answer your problems. I do not leave you orphans, but I watch over every soul. Some people reject Me and they may choose the wrong path to hell, but it is by their own free will. I call out to all souls to come to Me and I will lead you on the right path to heaven because you love Me and have faith in Me. I am very compassionate and I will help those people who call on Me. I love all of you, and I do not want to lose one soul. So reach out to Me in love and love your neighbor. Even help souls to love Me so they can be with Me in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s guilty verdict on your former President is a show trial to demonstrate how the Democrats will reach for any means to put him in jail. The prosecution used unethical means to favor the prosecutor and prevent a fair defense. Many people are appalled at such a fixed trial with jurors who disliked your former President. There will be an appeal that will be seen later. Pray that people will change your current court system that is being weaponized by the Democrats.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have faith in My healing you, and you will get better. You have learned how frail your bodies are with the least sickness that can control your health. You see the value of praying for good health that you sometimes take for granted. So everyone needs to pray for good health every day because sickness can take over at any time. Trust in Me to keep you healthy so you can carry on your missions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have received many messages on My luminous cross that will be in the sky over all of My refuges during the tribulation. This cross will heal all of My faithful who look on it and have faith in My healing power. My son, you visited a date plantation in Thermal, California where there is a cross that can be seen at night without a light. I promised you that I would place such a healing luminous cross in the sky over all of My refuges during the tribulation. So look upon it and you will be healed of all of your ailments.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of My many miracles of healing the blind, those with demons, and I even raised some people from the dead. I healed the paralytic, lepers, and many other illnesses. If I can heal the people in the Gospels, I can help people today with their illnesses. The main means that I was able to heal people, is when the sick had faith that I could heal them. Many people can be healed, but some have been given trials so others can be helped by the suffering of the sick. So if you are sick, you can offer up your suffering for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory. So do not waste your pain, but let it have redemptive power to help souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are temporary health problems that do not last, and there are more permanent health problems that need constant care. Some people cannot walk, and some have cancer or other disabling diseases. These people are suffering constantly, so they need your prayers to comfort them by any means of relief. You can visit the sick as an act of mercy, and you can help people as you helped your father in going to dialysis.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you have worked in hospices, or you have visited dying people in a hospice. These people in hospices have only a short time until their death, which may be from cancer or other deadly diseases. If it is possible, try to bring them the sacraments, especially a priest for the sacrament of the sick. Even Confession could help save some souls from hell at the last moment. I love all souls, and I need My faithful as My arms and legs to help save as many souls as possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and I reach out to save as many souls as I can. You do not know when or how you will die, but you need to have your souls ready and purified from sin in frequent Confession so you are ready to die every day. You want to be with Me in heaven, so keep close to Me every day so you are protected from the evil one. You could wear My Blessed Mother’s brown scapular where there is a promise that you will be in heaven for those people who wear this in faith. My Blessed Mother and I are waiting for you in heaven when you pass from this life. So be ready to greet us in love at your death, and you will enjoy eternal life in the love and peace of heaven.”

Friday, May 31, 2024: (Funeral Mass for John Hauber)
Jesus said: “My people, this was a beautiful Mass for John with some nice singing of hymns by the cantor. John will soon be in heaven with a few more Masses. John was sorry he had to leave his loving family, but he loves all of you, and he will be praying for you. It was a nice touch to give out cards of My Divine Mercy Chaplet. This is the prayer you can pray for all deceased souls. All of the family needs to stay close to Me on your path to heaven. I love every soul and I am asking you to love Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of how Biden and the Democrats are destroying your country and taking away your freedoms. The evil elite people worship Satan and they are carrying out the devil’s plans. The goal of these evil elites is to take over your country and make it a part of the North American Union of America, Canada, and Mexico. The evil ones do not want Trump to win because it would greatly delay their plans. So do not be surprised if these evil ones stop the coming election so they can continue their preparation for the Antichrist’s world takeover.”

(Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, how I love all of you so much and I thank you, My son, for honoring me this whole month of May and now at my Visitation. I am sending your intentions to have good health to my Son, Jesus. He always listens to His mother. Keep trusting in my Son to heal both you and your wife. Keep close to me and my Son, Jesus in your daily Mass, your rosaries, your Adoration, and your Stations of the Cross. You are very faithful to your prayers and making us a daily part of your life.”

Saturday, June 1, 2024; (St. Justin, First Saturday)
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and this vision is showing you how important it is to listen to My words in the Scriptures. These words of Mine are your spiritual treasure that you need to hold close to your heart. Take My words on faith that I will help heal all of your ailments in My time. I told you that I will make you better, so believe and listen to My promises. This life is a place to learn how to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. No matter what difficulties you will encounter in your human life, trust in Me to help you on your path to heaven. This life is passing away, but those people, who are faithful to Me, will enjoy the eternal life in heaven that I have promised you. Your joy in heaven will know no end.”

Sunday,June 2, 2024:(MostHoly Body&Blood of Jesus,Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you My very Body and Blood at every Mass when you receive Holy Communion. When the priest consecrates the host and wine, they are transubstantiated into My Body and My Blood. My Eucharistic gift enables Me to be with you all of the time in My tabernacle, and in the monstrance at Adoration. I thank all of My faithful who visit Me in Adoration hours. My Blessed Sacrament is powerful in helping you spiritually and physically. You also have seen Eucharistic miracles when blood appears on the consecrated Host. You have visited Lanciano, Italy and Los Teques, Venezuela where such Eucharistic miracles have appeared. These miracles were given for those people who do not believe that My Real Presence is in each consecrated Host.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how Biden and the Democrats are destroying your country. Your open borders are a flagrant violation of your border laws, and Biden is allowing the drug cartels to control your border. You see fentanyl being shipped in from China that is killing your young people. Biden’s overspending has caused deficits and high inflated prices. Biden’s weakness has precipitated wars in Israel and the Ukraine. Biden’s recent statement that the Ukraine can use America’s weapons to attack Russia has infuriated Putin that could cause a wider war, or an attack on your country. My people need to be ready to leave for My refuges when I bring My Warning and My inner locution. You could see more serious war signals as Russia could decide to attack European countries. Pray for a stoppage to these wars that could get out of control.”

Monday, June 3, 2024: (St. Charles Lwanga & companions)
Jesus said: “My son, you all have been waiting patiently for My Illumination of Conscience or the ‘Warning’. You were traveling fast through a long tunnel until you came in front of Me for your mini-judgment. You have stored up graces in heaven for your good deeds and prayers. Everyone has to suffer through your human condition. This means you will have to endure pain or health problems during your life on earth. Once you have your judgment, you will experience your destination. You will be told about being protected from the evil ones by coming to My refuges. You will be warned not to take the mark of the beast, and not to worship the Antichrist. I will call My faithful to My refuges with My inner locution. Have no fear because My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My son, I told you that you would get better from your bronchitis. You have had difficulty coughing and sleeping on your stomach to stop coughing. Have patience and the last remnants of your cough will go away. Keep praying every day for your health and the health of all of your family. You are hearing some signs that events could be accelerating. So keep close to Me in prayer and be ready when I will call people to My refuges.”

Tuesday, June 4, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees desire for total control is very similar to the Democrats who want total control as well. Biden and the Democrats are trying to use the illegal immigrants as votes to win elections. Their means are against your laws and your Constitution, which they are totally disregarding. Their lies and deceptions show the hypocrisy in their actions. They say one thing to cover up the evil things they are doing. The Democrats are weaponizing their control over the law so they can persecute and control their opposition. You have a weak leader in Biden, and other countries will try to take advantage of this weakness before your election. If a worse war comes, you will be called to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect you. I love My people, but you will need to do the prudent preparation for all of the coming events.”

Wednesday, June 5, 2024: (St. Boniface)
(Matt. 22:23-33) Jesus said: “My people, the Sadducees were trying to test Me with their story of a woman who married seven brothers. Those people, who come to heaven after death in this world, are like angels in their resurrection. There is no longer marriage as on earth, but you will know your spouse in heaven. I explained to the Sadducees that I am the God of the Living and not the God of the dead. These people were badly misled in their understanding of the resurrection. To be in heaven, you will be beyond your earthly expectations, because heaven is a world of love and peace without hate and evil. Only My believers will enter heaven’s gates.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the elite leading you to more serious wars so they could have the world ready for a false man of peace in the Antichrist. Your country will be going down because of your abortions, sexual sins, and your corrupt government. I have warned you about all of the corruption in the Ukraine, but the corruption in your government is even worse. When you push Me out of your lives, you will reap the whirlwind of destruction. When your country falls, I will call My faithful to My refuges for your protection with My angels. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers and monthly Confession.”

Thursday, June 6, 2024: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My son, not everyone knows about Me and My willingness to help you through life. For those souls who love Me and your neighbor, you appreciate the order I have given to all of My creation, and even to men and women who I have given free will. When you come to understand My order in creation, then you see that I expect this order in your lives as well. You have free will to accept Me as the center of your life, or you can reject Me, as the evil ones do. But those people who love Me and obey My Commandments of love, will receive eternal life with Me in heaven. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, Mass and Holy Communion, and you will understand the order I want in all of your lives. This life is temporary and your days here are numbered. So seek My Kingdom first and all that you need will be given you out of My abundant love.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, some people can hear the trumpets of My angels as they are warning you of more weather destruction and the growing rumors of more wars to come. You also will see the flames of more fires all over the world because of your dry heat. Be prepared to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My son, you took three weeks to finally get over your own sickness. After the agony of your coughing and little sleep, you know full well how difficult it is to get through your sickness. I told you to remember to pray for good health for yourself and your family in your prayer. Before you were sick, you took good health for granted, but now you know how hard it is to endure a long sickness. Pray for all of your family and friends to have good health as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many conveniences available with your cars and computers, but when they rust out or stop working, then they need replacement. This My son, has caused you some difficulty in the last few weeks. Some people are fortunate to have money to pay for these replacements. Other people have a harder time to pay off what is needed. I know of all the trials My people are going through in your everyday lives. If you can help people in need, be ready to do what you can for your relatives and friends. Be ready even to help strangers when you can. If you cannot physically help someone, you can pray for their souls and for any help that they need.”

Jesus said: “My people, war is evil and many lives are lost in its wake. This is why I am always asking you to pray for peace. It is your leaders and your elites who are causing wars out of greed for power. You are celebrating an anniversary of one of the turning points in World War II on D-Day. Give thanks for all the soldiers who died, so you could have your freedom. Honor also all of the veterans who survived the war and those who may have disabling injuries.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing power outages and lost homes from your recent tornadoes and thunderstorms. You are in need of electricity for lights and air conditioning in the summer. So power outages can cause severe problems in your households. Pray that people are able to replace any homes or cars that were destroyed by storms. Pray also for any lives that were lost. Your Divine Mercy Chaplet can be prayed for the deceased.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing wars and rumors of wars. Weapons are being produced in many countries for the wars in Israel and the Ukraine. You will be seeing Russia pushing for a defeat of the Ukraine. They are being angered by Biden. Russia is still trying to restore the takeover of their old satellite countries. They are even considering the use of nuclear weapons when necessary for their goal. Pray that you do not see a nuclear World War III.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an increase in wars and they are spreading across the world. The elites are following Satan’s plans for a takeover of the world, and the Antichrist is about to declare himself. I have called My refuge builders to set up refuges for the protection of My faithful. You, My son, have set up your own refuge, and you have stored up food, water, and fuels for the coming tribulation. You also are prepared for Mass and around the clock Adoration. During the tribulation you will have My luminous cross to heal your physical ailments, and you will have priests for Confession and Mass. Trust in My protection as you will soon be brought into My Era of Peace as I have promised you.”

Friday, June 7, 2024: (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My Sacred Heart that you honor this June. My love flows out to you from My Heart and I cherish every soul of My creation. You are all loved so much that I died to offer salvation for all of your souls who accept Me. There is a richness in life that you should appreciate in all of My gifts of love and graces that are available to all who seek them. They are given so you can share your love with everyone and Me. It is this bond of love that unites My Heart with your heart. It is this spiritual side of your soul that makes you so precious in My eyes. But beware of the devil, because he wants to steal your soul from Me with his evil allurements. So be on guard with your daily prayers and Mass so you can keep your soul clean of sin as much as possible in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and I especially thank you for honoring My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Having Masses back to back is an excellent way to honor our Two Hearts. I thank all of you for coming to these two night Masses. Trust in Me to always share My graces with you in My Eucharist. You also had a beautiful Adoration before Mass. You had beautiful singing and many Latin hymns of older days that you recognized.”

Saturday, June 8, 2024: (The Immaculate Heart of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this is a special night to have Masses for both my Son’s Sacred Heart and my Immaculate Heart. This year you had the Masses on the proper days. I love My faithful children who pray My rosaries and wear my brown scapular. This celebration of our Two Hearts shows you how our Two Hearts are as one, and we join our hearts with your heart in love and faith. My son, you were blessed with a healing, and you are praying for your wife to get better. Keep close to our Two Hearts in your daily prayers. I am happy you are so faithful to praying your four rosaries every day in praying for your family’s souls. Keep praying to help the souls of your family on their way to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another vision of My coming Warning with a tunnel that your soul will travel outside of your body. The flash that you saw in the vision is a sign that My Warning will happen in an instant outside of time. My faithful need to come to frequent Confession so you will not have as hard an experience as someone in mortal sin. Those people in mortal sin at the time of the Warning could have a hell experience. During the six weeks of Conversion time without evil you need to get your family to Confession to cleanse their souls of any mortal sin. Every soul will have a chance to convert their sinful lives. Keep praying that your family’s souls will be saved during this Conversion time, or they could be lost in hell forever. You can help urge your friends to convert their sinful lives as well. I love all of you, but if you stay in mortal sin, your soul is dead to My love.”

Sunday, June 9, 2024: (Fr. Peter’s 40th Anniversary as a priest)
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision man can choose between accepting My peace, or the curse of war with Satan. In the first reading you saw how Adam and Eve were seduced by the devil with lies, so they sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. Now all of mankind has inherited a weakness to sin. I have given all of you free will to either follow Me or the devil. Those people, who follow Me and obey My laws, will have My promise of salvation, and you will be with Me forever in heaven. Those people, who follow the devil, will suffer forever in hell. You are rejoicing with Fr. Peter’s 40th Anniversary of his priesthood. Stay with Me in peace as you seek heaven.”

Monday, June 10, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, this life is temporary and you are here for a short number of years that seem to go by faster, the older you are. My faithful are on the right stairway going up to heaven. You do not want to be on the stairway going down to hell. As you get closer to one hundred years old, you do not know at what age I will take you home. My son, I have told you that I will keep you alive into My Era of Peace. You are needed to help with your refuge for the faithful people who will be sent to your refuge. So be prepared to accept people who come when I give My faithful My inner locution. This time will be coming in your lifetime, so it is not far off in years. Plan prudently for the coming tribulation since you are already in the pre-tribulation time. Trust in Me that I will protect My refuge builders from the evil ones. This is why I have asked you to stay close to your refuge with only short trips away from your refuge. You will see events change quickly, and I will bring My faithful to My refuges before things will endanger your lives. I thank all of My refuge builders for setting up your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a natural gas oven is another sign that the evil ones will find a way to shut down your electric grid. You may be able to use natural gas for a short while before the gas lines go empty. You have propane and wood for cooking, and I will multiply your fuels during the refuge time. I will also multiply your food and water as well. This is why I had you put water into all of your barrels. I told you, My son, that you will be using all of your preparations for your refuge. This vision is also another sign that you could be called to My refuges in a short space of time. This is why I keep telling you to be ready to accept people into your refuge. Trust in Me and My angels to protect your refuge from the evil ones.”

Tuesday, June 11, 2024: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Barnabas who was a missionary with St. Paul, as they spread the faith in My Gospels. I spoke of having the salt of the earth, as you season your food. You also need the spiritual salt for exorcisms to cast out the demons. I am also the Light of faith in the world to dispel the darkness of evil. The salt and the Light are what My faithful can use to spread My Good News of My Resurrection. All of those people, who abide by My laws of love, will be promised a resurrection of your body with your soul on the last day. My Resurrection gives hope that one day you will be with Me forever in heaven. So be patient and trust in My protection at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I hear all of your prayer intentions for the sick and those people who have died recently. Trust in Me that I will answer your prayers in My way and in My time. I thank you for all of your prayers this night. I bless all of you in your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, both convictions of Trump and Hunter will be seeking appeals for their cases. Trump is dealing with a blue state for jurors, while Hunter is in his hometown. It will be interesting to see how both will handle any penalties. You are seeing how your courts are getting very political in their interpretations of the law.”

Jesus said: “My son, because the prices of used cars and new cars are so high now, people are trying to push their cars to last for as long as they can. Unfortunately, your salted roads are taking a toll on your cars with rusting. You were fortunate to find a good replacement car which you just had an undercoating put on to make it last. It is not easy to find replacement cars that people can afford. Pray for people to keep their vehicles in working order.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been waiting patiently for My Warning and My giving you My inner locution to come to My refuges. You are seeing events at your borders that are taking your country down with all that is needed to house and give health care to all of the illegal immigrants. Biden is not doing anything to close the border, and he is still flying in even more illegal immigrants into your country. Biden’s goal is to allow these people to vote which is against your immigration laws and your voting laws. He wants permanent control of your government by any cheating elections that he can get away with. You will see some events that may cancel your election. Pray for a change in your corrupt government.”

Jesus said: “My people, Russia is planning a big push to take advantage of less arms coming to the Ukraine. Russia is even planning further invasions of Russia’s old satellite countries and even possible NATO countries. If this war expands, you could see a possible use of nuclear weapons if they meet heavy resistance. Pray for this war to find a peaceful solution and a peaceful solution to the war in Israel as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need your oil and natural gas to heat your homes and run your cars. The Green sources of energy do not supply enough power to run your economy. Biden’s plan to try and force people to buy electric cars is not working because people still are buying cheaper gas driven cars. His other proposals to limit gas ovens and other regulations are also running up against consumer resistance to these plans. Your people are voting with their pocketbooks to buy what they can afford. Pray for your people when they do not want to follow Biden’s edicts.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have already mentioned how you could see a revolution or chaos if the elections do not happen. You could also see a backlash if you see massive vote cheating like in 2020 when the people could reject such an outcome in 2024. The courts were not used to correct the cheating which could infuriate voters who see this cheating is done the same way in communist countries. If your people do not stand up for your freedom, then you will be just like Russia and China. Pray for a fair election.”

Wednesday, June 12, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, some people need to see signs and miracles to believe in My powers, but My faithful believe in Me without them. I am giving you a glimpse of heaven, My son, as a reward for your strong faith in My power. In the first reading (3 Kings 18:19-40) Elijah showed the people My power by calling down My fire on the sacrifice, even though it was drowned with water three times. Elijah had faith in My miracles, and the people saw that Baal could not bring fire down on his sacrifice. The people believed in My power because they witnessed My miracle. Blessed are My faithful, who do not always see miracles, yet still they believe in My power. Trust in My coming miracles of protection at My refuges when My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones, and I will multiply what you need.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you what it will be like to be outside of your body as you look down on your body asleep at the Warning. Then you will travel fast to My Light when you will have your life review of your past life. You will be outside of time so it will seem like a short time that you will see all of your good and bad actions. I will show you your mini-judgment when some people will see some time in purgatory to cleanse your soul. Then you will return to your body during the six weeks of Conversion. You will be busy praying over your family and encouraging them to seek their conversion to accept Me into their lives. If they do not change any evil ways, they could be choosing hell for all eternity. Those people, who are in mortal sin, will see a hell experience for their judgment. There will be no evil influence at the Conversion time. Pray that your family members will choose to be converted to loving Me.

The second vision was when I will cleanse all of the evil ones from the earth into hell. I will then raise My faithful above the earth, but in some kind of protected enclosure so you could keep breathing. You could see yourself high above the earth while I will be renewing the earth into a Garden of Eden all over the earth. Then I will lead all of My faithful down into My Era of Peace and you will be young again and live a long time before you will die. You will be ready as a saint and you will be brought into heaven after you die. Rejoice that you have seen these two events just as it will happen for you and all of My faithful.”

Thursday, June 13, 2024: (St. Anthony of Padua)
Jesus said: “My people, do not be a hypocrite when you criticize others for the same evil things that you are doing. Do not judge others either because I am the Judge of everyone. (Matt. 7:1-5) ‘Do not judge that you may not be judged; and with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you. But why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, and yet you do not consider the beam in your own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the speck from your brother’s eye.’”

Jesus said: “My people, your Supreme Court finally took down the Rowe vs Wade decision which left the abortion choice up to the states to enact their own laws on abortion. Many blue states immediately passed laws to allow abortion up to birth. You now saw the Supreme Court allow the use of pills to cause an abortion. You also will again be fighting an attempt to pass the (ERA) Equal Rights Amendment which has worse demands than your abortion laws. Keep fighting to save the babies from being killed by abortion and pray every day to stop abortion of My babies.”

Friday, June 14, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, many prophets in Israel were tortured or killed because the people did not want to hear them calling out the sins of the people. Even Elijah had to seek out a cave at Mt. Horeb for his own safety. My son, you visited this cave that is called Mt. Carmel that was later dedicated to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and the Carmelite Order. In the Gospel I was explaining a deeper meaning of the Sixth Commandment of not committing adultery. People who lust for women in their heart are already committing this sin, even if it is not physical. I gave an even harder instruction that whoever marries a divorced woman, also commits adultery. In your society you are seeing couples live together in fornication without marriage. There are many people committing sexual sins with birth control and homosexual relations. Pray that these people can understand how they are offending Me in their sins, and they should confess them in Confession to a priest. All of these sins are mortal sins because they violate My plan for new life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing young people dabbling with occult things as Ouija boards, yoga, reiki, and covens of witches. The youth are also attracted to crystal worship and drugs as marijuana and cocaine. All of these evil distractions have demons attached to them and addictions are how the demons control people. It is important for parents to warn their children not to get involved with demonic and esoteric distractions that lead to demonic possessions and drug addictions. Do not search for New Age related subjects where the devil can mislead people away from Me to follow earthly gods. Search to follow My ways of love and not the devil’s ways of hate and anger. I love all of My people and I am directing My children toward heavenly things so you are put on the right path to heaven, which should be your goal in life to be with Me. Stay with the One who loves you, and not with the devil who hates you.”

Saturday, June 15, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see Elisha went forward immediately to follow Elijiah after he was called. Elisha said good-bye to his family and he killed the oxen and used the yoke to make a fire to boil their flesh. When I call people to do a mission, I desire that they follow Me, even as I called My apostles. If you are called to be a prophet or fulfill a mission, you are blessed to be in My service. My son, I have called you since 1993 to proclaim My messages as you have done well. You accepted My mission immediately like Elisha. You also have a second mission to prepare a refuge which you have also done well. You were given an inheritance to provide for your expenses. When one of My servants accepts My call, I provide them for their needs to carry out their mission. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I have done for you, and I thank you for answering My call.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this picture of Adolf Hitler as a dramatic sign that World War III is about to happen. Russia has sent six warships to Cuba to emphasize their dislike for Biden’s comments and actions. I am reminding you of the atomic bombs you saw going off over a few cities in America. Fr. Michel told you how he saw seven cites in America being bombed. Before your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning and Conversion time to protect you and My faithful when I will call you to My refuges. My angels will put shields over your refuges that will protect you from bombs, viruses, and thieves. This World War will allow the Antichrist to be a man of peace to try and show his supposed powers. The Antichrist will use this war for a world takeover for less than 3½ years. My faithful will need to be at My refuges, or they could be captured and martyred. His reign will be brief before I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. I will then renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Trust in My Word that you will be protected by My angels.”

Sunday, June 16, 2024: (Father’s Day)
God the Father said: I AM WHO AM is here to show you the beauty of all of My creation of earth, your solar system, and all of the other infinite parts of the universe which is hard for you to understand. Today I am blessing all of your fathers and their children and wives that make up your families. It is important to have a father present to provide for their family and to help guide or mentor their children. It is the love of the parents that brings forth the children, and it is best to be in a marriage environment. I love all of mankind so much that I sent My only Beloved Son to die on the cross for your salvation from your sins. I share My creation when fathers help bring forth your sons and daughters. You are blessed to have children and grandchildren. I love all of you and stay close to Us in Our graces.”

Monday, June 17, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you have an obvious contrast between the evil actions of Jezebel and the beautiful example I gave to the people in Matthew’s Gospel (Matt. 5:38-42). Jezebel was an evil woman who persecuted the prophets and brought the worship of Baal into Israel. She also had Naboth killed so King Ahab could take Naboth’s land. She had a dramatic death as she fell from a window and was eaten by dogs as foretold by Elijah. The Gospel showed My love and not the eye for an eye retribution of the Jews. I encouraged My people to not fight against evil. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn your other cheek. If someone forces you to carry something one mile, then carry it for two miles. It is better to follow My ways of love than the evil ways of Jezebel. By trusting in Me, you will have a prophet’s reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are non-believers in Me, will be the ones who will take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. The Antichrist will control the non-believers, and they will gather at football stadiums to get their orders from him. The devil hates Me and he will try to kill any believers he can. He will have the evil ones come after any faithful who did not come to My refuges. This is why I warned My believers to come to My refuges when I call you, or you could face martyrdom. My angels will put shields up at My refuges that will protect My faithful from bombs, viruses, or thieves. Have no fear because the Antichrist will only have a short reign over the earth before I will come with My victory over all of the evil ones.”

Tuesday, June 18, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, King Ahab and Jezebel were faced with judgment for killing Naboth and taking possession of the land. Jezebel died from falling from a window and the dogs were eating her. King Ahab finally repented for all of his evil deeds, so I punished his family later. The Israelites went through bad times when they worshiped other gods, and they had good times when they obeyed My laws. My people also need to learn this lesson that they will have a better life if they follow My laws. You may have some persecution from the evil ones, but you will be safe at My refuges during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light to guide you through life. When you see this mirror, it is to help you reflect on your good and bad actions. This gives you a preparation for Confession and it is a preview of your Warning experience. You are having more trials in your life than normal, and you can call on Me to help you through these things. Trust in Me to protect you no matter what other trials will test you. As long as you have faith in Me to face your problems, you have nothing to fear. Trust also that I can heal you in faith, or any other problem in your life.”

Wednesday, June 19, 2024: (St. Romuald, Conrad T. intention)
Jesus said: “My son, every day you are faced with new challenges, and you need to adjust your plans to take care of incidental expenses. These things are in addition to your normal activities. Call on Me and I will give you the strength to deal with all of your problems. You had a Mass intention for Conrad T. It would be appropriate to offer up all of your troubles for Conrad’s intention that he gets better. Also when you pray your rosaries today, you could add him as one of your intentions. I know you are suffering through some recent trials, so be patient and trust in My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a view of a special place of a church in the Era of Peace. It had beautiful painting and lights that were out of this world. In My Era of Peace you will be young again and you will see a Garden of Eden all over the earth. You will be eating from the many Trees of Life and you will live a long time compared to the present earth time. Only My faithful believers will be allowed into this Garden, much like My believers are the only ones who will be allowed into My refuges during the tribulation. This Era of Peace will be your reward for suffering through your purgatory on earth in the tribulation.”

Thursday, June 20, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Elijah was taken up to heaven in a fiery whirlwind. He passed his cloak onto Elisha who received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. In the next visions I could see a nuclear holocaust with bombs going off in many places. The explosions and radiation will kill many people. Before the bombs start falling, I will call My faithful to My refuges with My inner locution. My angels will protect My people on the way to My refuges. The refuge angels will put shields over My refuges to shield you from bombs, viruses, and thieves. I will bring My Warning and six weeks of Conversion before your lives are endangered. Non-believers will not be allowed into My refuges during the tribulation. Trust in Me to protect you and feed you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Russia and China about to take the Ukraine and Taiwan. If nuclear missiles are used, then your submarines would be launching your missiles as well. If you see a nuclear World War III, then many people could die from the bombs and the radiation. Before these submarines launch their missiles, I will bring My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion that will enable My believers to get to their refuges. You will be protected at My refuges by My angels. Trust in Me that My angels will protect you from bombs, viruses, and thieves. Have no fear because I will keep you safe throughout the tribulation.”

Friday, June 21, 2024; (St. Aloysius Gonzaga)
Jesus said: “My son, you know that your treasure is with Me in My Blessed Sacrament that you receive every day. You made a good Confession today and remember to come monthly. You are being tested in your trials, but this time will pass and things will be restored to normal. You live in full trust with Me, and you are confident that I will help you through life’s trials. I bless you and your wife for all you have had to suffer in the last few months. Keep trusting in Me because these things are a lot less than the tribulation when it happens.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing your Novena of rosaries for peace in the ongoing wars in the Ukraine and Israel. You have heard several reports that Russia will push harder to defeat the Ukraine. If Russia wants to speed up the defeat of the Ukraine, they will think nothing of using tactical nuclear weapons on Ukraine’s army. This will be the start of Russia’s attempt to take back their old satellite countries. When Russia attacks a NATO country, it would bring America into a war with Russia. This would be how this war could spread into a World War III. In the Pacific theater you could see China take advantage of your weak leader in taking Taiwan. This also would draw America into a war with China and this could stop all trade with China. This would be devastating to your economy. This World War III would expand to set up the Battle of Armageddon in Israel. Once you see nuclear weapons being used, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection with My inner locution. The loss of life in such a war will be horrific and I will limit the destruction so all of mankind would not be killed. Trust in My protection of My faithful at My refuges.”

Saturday, June 22, 2024: (St. John Fisher)
Jesus said: “My people, many saints have died for their faith over the years. These martyrs all came to heaven after they died, and they are in one of the higher levels of heaven. My faithful today are not in such a danger now in America. But I told you how I will call you to My refuges when I give you My inner locution to come. The tribulation of the Antichrist will be so violent that those faithful, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred for their faith. Trust in Me to protect My believers at My refuges during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had many men dressed in suits and some in ties while you marched from the Planned Parenthood building to Washington Square, Rochester, N.Y. You also listened to several speakers who spoke about all of the killing of babies at Planned Parenthood by abortion. They also spoke how important it is to have faithful people praying the rosary at the clinic, and some speak to the ladies to try and stop them from having an abortion of their baby. Those women, who had ultrasound pictures taken of their baby, had a high percentage of canceling their abortion. My faithful need to pray to stop abortion, and do what you can to discourage these mothers from aborting their children. Life is too precious to abort babies. Pray that these mothers will repent of their abortions and come to Confession to be forgiven of their sin.”

Sunday, June 23, 2024:
Jesus said: “My son, you can identify with the readings of today from Job and Matthew (8:23-27). Job had a lot of riches and herds of animals. The devil said to Me that Job may not obey Me if he was tested with losses of things and his family. So the devil was allowed to take away Job’s riches and even some family members, yet Job remained faithful to Me. I give you things, but I can take them away as well. You, My son, have seen some losses and several difficulties, but you have remained strong in your faith to trust in My help. In the Gospel the apostles and I were tested with a storm with waves of water coming into the boat. My apostles were fearful of drowning, so I calmed the storm, and I questioned them about their lack of faith in My protection. Once the storm subsided, they wondered how I could even control the weather. They saw My miracles, but they did not realize how My powers were more than they could understand. My son, you know My powers well from your own experiences when I have helped you in your trials. You have faith that I will help work out any storms in your life when you call on Me. Trust in Me always, and I will calm any storms in your life.”

Monday, June 24, 2024: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My son, Elizabeth and Zacharia were in their older years and there was a miraculous birth of St. John the Baptist. The angel, who came to Zacharia told him that the child’s name would be ‘John’. Zacharia was made speechless because of his disbelief. Once the child was born, then he could speak of My praises. St. John the Baptist lived in the desert, and he was to prepare the way for Me as the Messiah to save Israel from their sins. My son, you also are preparing the way so the faithful will be safe at My refuges during the tribulation. You are struggling through your trials to share My messages with your prayer group and on your website. The tribulation time will be much more severe than your life now. The faithful need to come to the safety of My refuges during the tribulation or they could suffer martyrdom. Trust in Me to protect My faithful remnant and to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been stressing you to avoid long trips and stay close to your refuge. This World War III will get worse, and there will be a nuclear war, but it will be limited by My hand. I will not let the devil and the Antichrist kill all of My faithful. My son, you will limit your travel for the baby in July and your Conference. Do not plan any more trips. You are being tested to have everything ready for the coming tribulation. My angel will put shields over you to protect you at your refuge. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels throughout the tribulation. The big events will happen after the Warning and the Conversion time. Wars will continue until I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. You will have healing from the luminous cross in the sky over My refuges. My angels will protect you from My comet, and you will have daily Holy Communion and daily Adoration. Before I send My Comet of Chastisement, you will need to tape your black plastic over your windows and doors, so you do not look at the destruction. After the earth is cleansed of all evil, the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring My believers into My Era of Peace where you will be young and live a long time. There will be no evil in this Era of Peace, and My faithful will be perfected to saints when you die, so you can come straight to heaven after your death. Rejoice because you know I will be the victor over evil in the end.”

Tuesday, June 25, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, the king of Israel was threatened by the Assyrian king, so Hezekiah prayed to Me to save his people. At the Assyrian camp I sent My angel to kill one hundred and eighty-five thousand soldiers in one action. Not one arrow nor any weapons came against Israel, so the Assyrian king had to return home to Nineveh. This happened because Hezekiah had a deep faith that I would protect them. (Isaiah 37:21-27) My son, all of My refuge builders also will need a deep faith in My power to shield you from the Antichrist and his followers. St. Joseph also told you how he will provide a high rise building and a large church for 5,000 people. These miracles will happen because of your faith also. So do not be concerned by others who think this will not happen, because I have said it, and it will happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the more visions I give you about the Warning, then it represents that the Warning is close. I love all of My faithful believers and I will protect you from harm at My refuges. I will show a sign of darkness first, followed by what will appear as two suns in the sky on the day of the Warning. When the Warning comes, it will be at a time of chaos and war. I will bring it when your lives will be in danger. I have mentioned before that the Warning would happen most likely during the football season. After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, I will then send out My inner locution when your lives are in danger. This will be your call to leave your homes for My refuges. Your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge or to a refuge you know. You must leave your homes within twenty minutes with your backpack. Be thankful that you will be protected from harm at My refuges. I love all of My faithful, and only My true believers will be allowed into My refuges.”

Wednesday, June 26, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been taught My law and the faith since your early days, but still people fall into temptation. You have frequent Confession to keep your soul clean. In the Gospel I talked about only good fruit coming from a good tree, and only bad fruit coming from a bad tree. So by the fruit of your actions people can tell if you are with Me or not. You can have some faults, but your true faith will shine in how you love Me and love your neighbor. Be willing to help people in their needs, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country has been tested with tornadoes, high temperatures, and flooding in the Mid-West. You have seen other trials at home, but now you are entering the hurricane season. This vision of gathering clouds is about future storms, and you will see political battles as you approach the Election Day. Tomorrow you will see the Presidential debate and other meetings to share some messages. Remember to keep close to your refuge.

Thursday, June 27, 2024: (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, I allow the good and the evil people to grow up together in the hope that My faithful can convert the evil ones to believe in Me. In today’s Gospel I spoke to the people about the faithful believers who built their house on rock. It is essential to have a solid foundation of faith that is needed to defend yourself against all the storms you must endure for My sake. Do not be like the one who built his house on sand that could wash away with storms, for this is a bad foundation in faith. Call on Me and I will protect you from harm and the demons.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been asked to pray a Novena of rosaries from My Blessed Mother’s request from Medugorje. The intention for your rosaries is to mitigate the severity of the coming World War III. I hear all of your prayers and I will bring My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion before any nuclear war takes place. Before your lives are endangered, I will send out My inner locution to call you to My refuges of protection. Once you come to My refuges, My angels will put up shields against any nuclear bombs, viruses, and even My Comet of Chastisement. Trust in My Word of My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been killing and are still killing millions of My unborn babies. This is part of your death culture that includes wars, abortions, euthanasia, and other killings. You are praying to stop abortion, but you are up against the pro-choice people who think it is their right to kill their children in the womb. Continue your prayers at the abortion clinics and encourage the women to have their babies instead of killing My little ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan’s time is running out, so he will do everything to bring about a world war so the Antichrist can have his reign of less than 3½ years. I have mentioned before that I will limit the power of Satan and the Antichrist from destroying all of humanity. Before the Antichrist declares himself in taking over the world, I will intervene with My Warning and six weeks of Conversion, so every soul will have an opportunity to be saved. Have no fear because I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have sent out a call for some faithful souls to set up refuges that would have food, water, and fuels which I will multiply throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. There are small and large refuges that will be ready to protect My faithful. At My refuges you will have a priest for daily Mass and Holy Communion, or I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest. It is important to have hours of Adoration around the clock for every refuge. This will enable My multiplication of your daily needs during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, I instructed you to set up a refuge and to have a water well dug there because you need water to survive. I told you to prepare bedding for forty people with cots and beds for sleeping. You were told to buy food for at least one year with dried foods, meals ready to eat, and canned foods. You also have many pounds of flour to make bread, rice bags, and other soups and cereals. You also have propane burners, a fireplace, and fire pits for heating and cooking. You will assign jobs to help the people with their needs, and you will assign hours of Adoration for everyone. You were given an inheritance to afford all that you need, even for a solar system.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of My faithful will be warned in the Warning that it will be necessary to come to My refuges, or you will risk martyrdom from the Antichrist. Some faithful will be martyred because they did not come quickly in twenty minutes to leave their homes for My refuges. Once you receive My inner locution, you will take your backpack and follow the flame of your guardian angel who will take you to the closest refuge. The nuclear war will happen when you are safely at My refuges. At My refuges you will look on My luminous cross in the sky and you will be healed of all of your ailments. Be thankful that My refuges will be available for your protection. Have no fear, but you must have faith in My angel protection.”

I will give you a brief sequence of the coming events that Jesus has given me over the years. Jesus said: “My people, you will first see My Warning or the Illumination of conscience. This will include a life review, a mini-judgment, and you will be told about refuges and not to take the mark of the beast. Next, you will see six weeks of a Conversion time without any evil influence. This will be a time to convert your family’s souls to believe in Me. You will have priests for Confession. You will then need to get rid of all of your computers and screens connected to the internet out of your house so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist who could cause you to worship him. Do not take any of these things to your refuge either. You will then be called to My refuges with My inner locution. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Then the Antichrist will be allowed to reign for less than 3½ years during the tribulation. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the earth to cleanse the evil ones into hell. My angels will protect My faithful from this comet with a shield over My refuges. I will then raise My faithful up into the air while I will renew the earth as a Garden of Eden all over the earth. Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace where you will live a long time by eating from the Trees of Life that I will place all over the earth. During the Era of Peace there will be no evil influence and you will become saints so that when you die, you will be taken up into heaven with Me.”

Friday, June 28, 2024: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, you read about the conquest of Israel by the Assyrians, and the Israelites were exiled in Babylon for seventy years. This fall of Israel was because of their sins and for worshiping false gods. This is a sign for America because you are about to be taken over as well, because of your abortions, sexual sins, and worship of sports and possessions. I gave you a vision of Noah’s ark when this protected Noah and his family from the flood. You will see that I do not bring destruction on the evil ones until I have separated the good people from the evil people. Once Noah and his family and the animals were safely in the ark, then I brought the destruction of the flood that killed the evil ones. Now I am having My refuge builders prepare refuges for the safety of My faithful. These refuges will be your arks of protection by My angels. Once you are safely in your refuge arks, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth to cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones into hell. My angels will put up a shield over My refuges so the comet will not harm My faithful. I will then renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace when you will live a long time.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are called to My refuge with My inner locution, you will take your backpack and follow the flame with your guardian angel to the nearest refuge. Once you leave your house within twenty minutes, your guardian angel will place an invisible shield over you and your car so no one will see you leaving. Once you arrive at your refuge, the refuge angel will also place an invisible shield over your refuge so the evil ones will not be able to see you. After the faithful are safe at My refuge, the angel there will put a strong shield up that will protect you from bombs, viruses, and even My Comet of Chastisement. This will protect you from the evil ones throughout the tribulation.”

Saturday, June 29, 2024: (St. Peter and St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Early Church all of My apostles, except John, were martyred for believing in Me. St. Peter was declared the ‘Rock’ on whom I would build My Church. He was the first Pope for the succession of Popes up to this time. He denied Me three times, but he later was repentant, and I forgave him. You will see another persecution of My Church as you enter the end times. My churches will be closed, and you will have an underground Church at My refuges. Rejoice if you have a priest for Mass at My refuges because you will have to provide a place for him to live. Have no fear because My angels will protect My faithful during the coming tribulation. The suffering during the tribulation will be your purgatory on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, the wars in Israel and the Ukraine are going to expand, and they could easily involve America, especially with a weak leader. Biden has slowed up the weapons coming to Israel, and the weapons to the Ukraine may not be getting to where they are needed. Russia is increasing its push against the Ukraine’s troops, and they are stepping up their missile attacks. You now are seeing a hurricane headed for the Carribean area that could become a Category 3 hurricane. This is just the beginning of these storms that could affect your Southern states. Pray for those people who are suffering from floods and extremely hot days.”

Sunday, June 30, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel shows you two people who had a deep faith that I could heal her and his child. The one woman had hemorrhages for twelve years and she was unable to get healed. She had heard of My other miracles, so she had faith that I could heal her if she could only touch the tassel of My clothing. It was her faith that healed her, and not just touching My clothing. It is this faith in My healing power that caused Jairus to seek a healing for his dying daughter of twelve years old. The daughter had died on Jairus’ way home, and there were mourners that I had to put out. I called the young girl to rise after I prayed over her. She rose from being dead, and I warned those present not to speak of that miracle. I have given healing power to My apostles and to people of today who can heal in My Name. My people will rejoice when you come to My refuges, because you will look upon the luminous cross in the sky at every refuge, and you will be healed of any ailment you have. Trust in Me in faith, and I will answer your prayer requests.”

Monday, July 1, 2024: (St. Junipera Serra)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read how I called each of My apostles, and they dropped everything and followed My call to My nomadic life. I had a mission to spread My message that the Kingdom of God is at hand in Me. Some apostles were fishermen, so I told them that now they would be fishers of men. In the course of many years I have called saints and prophets to follow Me in a mission I would give them. If you are called to follow Me, you have been blessed indeed for this honor. I called St. Junipera Serra to setup the missions with the Indians in California where you, My son, have visited. You, My son, have been blessed to spread My message of preparing for the tribulation time. You also were asked to set up your own refuge. You followed Me immediately after My call as the apostles did.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing another example of traveling through a tunnel as you will in your Warning experience. This is another indication that My Warning is close because of your wars. The second vision of refining silver is an indication that all of your latest trials are a means to purify your faith in My messages. I know you love Me and you will do whatever I ask of you. These next events of My Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist, will test you more than you have seen. Be prepared to help the people who will come to your refuge. Trust in My angel protection and My multiplication of what you will need for your survival and that of your people.”

Tuesday, July 2, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing your country falling with millions of illegal immigrants pouring across your open border. Biden is a weak leader and other countries will take advantage of your weakness. The Democrats want more votes from these illegal immigrants who are coming across your borders. The Democrats are disregarding your border laws and your voting laws. So be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you to your protection with My angels. In the Gospel you read about the storm that was swamping the boat with Me and My apostles in it. The apostles were fearing for their lives, but I told them to have faith in Me because I would protect them. So I called out to the wind to be calm, and My apostles questioned how even the sea and the wind obey My command. This is a sign for all of My faithful, that when you have Me with you, you should not be afraid, because I will protect you from your trials.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been tested by having to replace your car that rusted out and now you have other problems that have caused you to clean things and remove unneeded papers. These new problems have given you an incentive to clean your refuge so it is ready to receive My faithful when I call you to come. Several things as your solar panel repairs and other equipment as your garbage disposal needed replacing. Have no worries about any refuge problems, because My angels will help you finish up any needed repairs. So trust in Me to provide for your food, water, and fuels. My angels will shield you and your people from any bombs, viruses, and comets.”

Wednesday, July 3, 2024: (St. Thomas, 59th Wedding Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My son, you have been out traveling for twenty-eight years as you spread My messages on the coming tribulation. You have also been warning people to set up refuges, and have three months of food on hand for the coming shutdown when the stores will not have any food. You have prepared your own refuge with food, a water well, beds, and even solar panels for electricity. I have recently warned you to stay near your refuge with a minimum of travel, because events are close. Today, you and your wife are celebrating your fifty-ninth Wedding Anniversary, and you were blessed by the priest after Mass. This is another milestone in your married life, and you both have been truly blessed with children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages about the coming wars that could lead up to World War III. Be watchful of various troop movements in various parts of the world. Before Russia attacked the Ukraine, you remember how they had a heavy amount of troop movements on the border. This will be the same plan for more troop movements, especially in Europe. Be watchful if Russia moves troops to try and take over their old satellite countries. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges when World War III breaks out.”

Thursday, July 4, 2024: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people of America, you have seen many wars, and your service people have given their lives for your freedom. But now you have the one world people who are trying to destroy your country with open borders. You have ‘In God We Trust’ still on your money, and you were founded on Godly principles. Today, you see fewer people worshiping Me and your sins are dragging your country down. In the reading of Amos you read how he prophesied about the killing of the leaders of Israel, and he said Israel would be exiled. Now, My son, I am telling you that your own country will also fall, and you will be called to My refuges for your protection. Be prepared at your refuge when the people will need My angel protection.”

Jesus said: “My son, seeing this Warning again is another sign that the Warning is close. After your life review and judgement, you will have six weeks of Conversion with no evil influence so you can convert your family to believers in Me if they choose to do so. After the six weeks of Conversion time I will send out My inner locution only to My believers because only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. Those people, who do not accept Me, will eventually be cast into hell. Those faithful, who do not make it to My refuges, will be martyred, but later they will enter My Era of Peace. Those faithful, who enter My refuges, will be able to look upon My luminous cross in the sky and you will be healed of cancer or any ailment. My refuge leaders will help organize breakfast and later supper. There will be people to assign hours of Adoration around the clock for everyone there. In winter there will be others to help heat the house with wood, kerosene, or propane with the appropriate heaters. You will have others help with the solar electricity in obtaining water from the well. Have no fear since My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you all can survive the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Friday, July 5, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, the prophet Amos called out the market people for fixing their scales to cheat the people by giving them less food for more money. Your business people of today are no different as they give you smaller containers with less food for higher prices. Both the employers and the workers need to work a proper length of time for the day, and they should not be cheated in their pay. In the Gospel I called Levi from his collecting taxes to follow Me. I later called him Matthew and I ate at his house that night. The Pharisees criticized Me for eating with tax collectors and sinners, but I told them that the sick need a physician, and those who are well, do not need a physician. I was referring more to those who need their souls cleansed of sin. You all are sinners and you are in need of Confession. So repent of your sins and let the priest absolve you of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when Moses held up a bronze snake on a pole so the people who were bitten by snakes could look on the bronze serpent and they were healed. Today you are seeing a gold serpent wrapping itself around a consecrated Host in a monstrance. This is a sign to you how much Satan despises My Real Presence in My monstrance. Satan hates My Real Presence and he does everything to try and stop any places of Adoration. Every refuge will have My consecrated Host in their midst, because worshiping Me around the clock will give the power for My angels and Me to multiply all that you will need for your survival at My refuges. At the coming Synod you may see more persecution of My Eucharist during the Mass in any pronouncements. Follow the true teachings of My Church that are found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church by St. John Paul II.”

Saturday, July 6, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the tearing of the curtain in two in the Temple as a sign of the splitting of the Old Testament into the New Testament. With My supreme sacrifice on the cross and at every Mass, there is no need for the sacrifice of animals. I broke the darkness of evil with My Light. You will see another darkness on the day of My Warning, but I will bring forth My Light to dispel the darkness. I want My people to be prepared for the major events of this year. Have your refuges ready as you will soon see the coming tribulation when My refuges will be your safe havens from all of the evil ones and their weapons. You have the best weapons for your defense in My Blessed Mother’s rosary and My very Body and Blood in My Blessed Sacrament that will be worshiped at every refuge at the proper time.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know My people are suffering on earth from your human condition. Some people are suffering persecution for their faith in Me. Others are suffering from chronic pain, but the worst suffering are those people who are in mortal sin because they cannot appreciate My love. The souls in purgatory are also suffering not having My love nor My Presence. You, My faithful, are fortunate because you receive Me into your souls when you receive Me in Holy Communion, and when you experience My love in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host in Adoration. You love Me and experience My being with you throughout the day, especially in My tabernacle. Pray for the people to come to know Me in My Real Presence, and pray for the poor souls in purgatory.”

Sunday, July 7, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, the prophets of old and today’s prophets have a difficult time to get the people to listen to their words of warning. I am sending out My prophets to prepare the people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. This will be a hard time to endure such an evil time of demons and evil people. I have also called out for refuge builders to prepare places where My angels will protect My faithful. My son, I have given you many directions on how to prepare a refuge with food, a water well, fuels, and even places for Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Some refuges, like your own, were able to add solar panels and batteries for on-grid and off-grid electricity to run some appliances, especially your water pump. St. Joseph is going to expand your refuge with a high rise building and a large church to accommodate 5,000 people. In addition I will be expanding many of My refuges to hold places for My faithful. There are refuges all over the world, but not enough people want to set up refuges. This is why I will need to have My angels expand existing refuges to provide safe havens for My believers. Trust in Me to provide the food, water, and fuels for these expanded refuges that will be needed for surviving the coming tribulation. My angels will protect My believers with shields against bombs, viruses, and comets.”

Monday, July 8, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I know My sheep in you, and I know you by Name. I take care of My sheep, and I protect you from the evil ones. A time of the tribulation is coming when I will call you by Name with My inner locution to come to My refuges of safety. You have prepared your own refuge, My son, so be prepared to accept people into your refuge where My angels will protect you with their shields. Have faith in My protection and in My power to provide you and your people with the food, water, and fuels you will need to survive the less than 3½ years of the tribulation. Believe in My power to expand My refuges to take care of My many faithful.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would call My people to My refuges when your lives would be in danger. Many of My refuge people are being tested with difficulties so you will be able to handle even worse trials during the coming tribulation. The second vision of wars and planes bombing you is why I have called you to the safety of My refuges so you will be protected from bombs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have great faith in My help even when you see physical things grow obsolete that have given you some financial problems. You also have been tested with health problems as your bronchitis and a recent blood problem. You saw St. Paul and many saints also suffered in their missionary efforts. See these tests as your weaknesses that will make you strong in your faith to endure the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read about some faithful who will be beheaded in the Book of Revelation. These people will be martyrs during the tribulation. You even saw beheaded figures near the Smithsonian buildings in Washington, D.C. This is another sign that the evil ones will try and kill all of the Christians. Be thankful that I am calling My believers to My protection at My refuges where the evil ones will not be allowed to enter My refuges. Pray for the evil ones that they could be converted during the six weeks of Conversion after the Warning.

Jesus said: “My son, you are not the only one being advised to stay close to your refuge with little travel for short distances, and being gone only for a short time. I know you want to travel to warn people of the short time until you will see some events that could threaten your lives. Take advantage of the short time until major events could threaten your lives. Be ready to leave for My refuges when I give you your inner locution.”

Jesus said: “My son, this peace and calm that you experience in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament is how My love and graces come over you in My Real Presence. Even though evil things will be going on outside of My refuges, you will be calmed down at every refuge that has My believers adoring My consecrated Host in Holy Hours around the clock. I will see to it that you have a consecrated Host in your monstrance from either a priest at Mass, or My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. Have faith and trust in My healing you with My luminous cross in the sky that will be at every refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges you will be happy to sleep on a cot all of the tribulation. My son, you are seeing how you are able to sleep on a cot for several weeks. You will provide beds and cots for My people. You will see people will be baking bread, and providing meals for the people every day. You may have to heat your house in the winter cold, and use fans for the summer heat. You will need multiplied fuels for heating and cooking. I will provide latrines and hygiene kits for bathing and brushing your teeth. Washing clothes and dishes will be a daily challenge. Be thankful if you have Mass and Adoration every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you are tested by hurricanes at this time, and you are seeing this destruction in Texas. Be ready for more storms because this is just the beginning. You will be tested with your digital dollar and the difficulties of war that could even cancel your election. The Democrats do not want to give up their power, so do not be surprised if they try to cancel your elections. When the wars expand, I will have to call you to My refuges for your protection with My angels against the evil ones. Have faith in My protection and My multiplication of your needs.”

Tuesday, July 9, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I commented that My call goes out to the whole world. For many are called, but few are chosen. The laborers are few so ask the harvest master to send out more laborers to convert sinners. Vocations to the priesthood are few today as well. I also send out My call for refuge builders, visionaries, and prophets. This is My call for workers to bring more souls to Me with faith. I am showing you My underground Church where My faithful will need to hide and where you will have a proper Mass with the proper words of Consecration. You will have My Real Presence in a consecrated Host for perpetual Adoration at My refuges where My faithful will have Holy Hours around the clock. Trust in Me that My angels will protect you and I will provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, do not concern yourself about those people who keep asking you when the tribulation will come. I have given you My Word that your refuges will be needed for protecting My faithful. You read how the critics of Noah were all killed in the great flood. In the same way when the Antichrist comes, many people will die from the evil ones or from My Comet of Chastisement. Follow My Commandments and My directions, and you will be spared your lives with My angel protection at your refuge. You have been given My requests, and you have carried out the preparations for the end times. You have shared My messages so the people of faith know they can be spared at My refuges. Thank Char and her people for this last meeting and dinner. You all know what is coming, and you will be praying for your family and friends to be believers in Me so they will be allowed into My refuges. I thank all of My workers in the vineyard for following My call and answering My requests. You will have your reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Wednesday, July 10, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you see your physical body in your reflection in a mirror, but I want you to reflect spiritually on how people see you and what description you would give yourself. Are you a prayerful person and show love for Me and your neighbor? Do you offer to help people in need around you? Do you repent of your sins and come to frequent Confession? Life is more than earning a living and providing for the needs of the body. You are My people, and My faithful need to reach out to help save souls. Show your love for others in your good deeds and your prayers for them. If people can describe you as a good Christian, then your heart is showing others your true beliefs.”

Jesus said: “My people, this set of stairs going down is how you are praying for the souls in purgatory so they can advance up the stairs to see Me. The stairs going up is how each faithful soul is struggling to move up the stairs to heaven. Remember how I told you to strive for the higher levels of heaven. The more you lead a holy life with plenty of good deeds for your neighbor, the higher you could be in heaven. Keep working to help save souls and pray for the souls in purgatory. Be ready to help souls at your refuge when refuges will be your only safe haven.”

Thursday, July 11, 2024: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My son, I called you to spread My messages, and you have done so for twenty-eight years on the road in your van or in an airplane. You truly stayed at a worthy person’s house many times as you traveled twice a month all over the world. By your books, your website, and now your Zoom programs, you are still witnessing My messages and answering questions. You have also shared many messages on how to set up a refuge which will be your place of protection from the evil ones during the tribulation. When people come to your refuge, you will be living more of a monastic life as St. Benedict did. With a priest you will have daily Mass and Holy Communion, as well as round the clock perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You will stay inside your property line for less than 3½ years. You will have two meals a day, and you will be praying more than you do now. Trust in My protection and My multiplication of your needs. Keep your St. Benedict cross on your person for your protection from the demons.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I have mentioned several times that the more visions of the Warning that I show you, this means the Warning is coming in a short time. I have told you that the best preparation for the Warning is to come to frequent Confession so you will have a less severe Warning experience. My Warning will be a wake-up call, especially for the lukewarm souls who know they should be leading a holier life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your wars are expanding, and they could require American troops when your treaties would draw you into supporting Europe and Taiwan. A World War III will put your country on a war footing. You could even see an EMP attack on your country’s National Grid, which will put your defense contractors out of business without electricity. Pray for peace and be ready to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, just ninety miles away in Cuba you have Russian and Chinese ships and troops that could attack Florida. If war came ashore, you would see a new draft and a call up of your National Guard. Your Defense budgets have been lower than they should be in order to be on guard against your foreign wars. If you had a Southern invasion of enemy troops, it would be hard to provide weapons to fight them. Such a war invasion could cause a stop in your open border to keep foreigners from taking over your country. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you from any war on your soil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize how close you are for the Antichrist to take over the various unions on your continents. Your country is weak under Biden, and a quick strike on your National Grid would leave you vulnerable for a takeover of America. When your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion. This threat of the Antichrist will quickly bring My Warning, and you will be coming to My refuges sooner than you think. Trust in My angel protection.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have had five or more practice refuge runs to show your people what it would be like in refuge life. You will need to rely on Me and My angels to put up shields of protection, and you will all have to work together to provide for your food, water, bedding, and all of your spiritual needs as well. This new prayer life may be difficult at first, but when you work together for the common good, you will see the need for your cooperation. Work together in loving one another, and you will all survive the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon see how important it is to have a refuge as a safe haven so My angels can protect you from the evil ones and the Antichrist. My son, you have prepared your refuge well for your physical and spiritual needs. Focus your faith on My perpetual Adoration so you will have the strength to endure this tribulation. Everything that you have prepared, will be used and needed for the survival of your people. Trust in Me and My angels who will give you all that is needed for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to bring a calm over My people, despite the destruction that will be going on all around you. You know that My power is greater than all of the evil ones put together. So have no fear when you will be at My refuges. You will see miracles of My angel protection. This show of My power will give you confidence in My protection. Be ready to pray and help each other with your needs for food, water, and all of your physical and spiritual needs. You will see My victory over all of the evil ones, so trust in My Word and My messages that will be vindicated.”

Friday, July 12, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many distractions in your country’s politics and concern over your border problems, and how inflation is affecting your budgets for everyday living. I love all of you so much, but you are forgetting to show your love for Me and your neighbor. Instead of being too concerned about your worldly problems, you need to remember that I am the center of your life, and you need to follow My directions of more prayer in your lives. You need to call on Me to help you with your problems because I can calm the seas of your trials. Trusting in Me to guide you, can calm down your fears, and I will give you courage to endure the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you enjoyed a good concert tonight with your local orchestra as they played popular movie themes. I also gave you a glimpse of heavenly music by My angels that is played with perfection. You will see a big difference between earthly music and heavenly music. When you visit My glory in heaven, which is all about love, you would not want to leave as I have shone you several times so you know what heaven is like. Continue working hard on your individual missions and you will have your reward here one day. No matter what you may suffer during the tribulation, trust in My angel protection, and you will have no fears.”

Saturday, July 13, 2024: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My son, this vision is a continuation of last night when you heard the angels singing. Today, you were approaching My throne and where I reside with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. We are One, but it is easier for you to see Me as your Savior. Everyone who comes to heaven needs to be purified because you are all sinners. Some people are granted their purification on earth from some suffering. Other people require time in purgatory. My faithful who live through the tribulation time will suffer their purgatory on earth. Everything in heaven is pure and holy, and only perfected people are allowed to enter. Just as I sent out Isaiah, so I send out all of My prophets to help convert souls to believe in Me as their Savior. If you have been sent out, then you have been honored to be one of My end time apostles.”

Jesus said: “My people, your former President Trump is fortunate that he was not killed by a sniper. The shooter was killed, but there was not much information released about his identity. There have been a lot of negative comments put out by the Democrats against Trump, so there are some strong feelings against Trump including the court cases. The one world people have had previous attempts to kill Trump, and this is another near miss. This could be another means by evil people to remove Trump from the ballot right before the Republican convention. You could see even more attempts to cancel the election. Be prepared to come to My refuges if your lives are endangered.”

Sunday, July 14, 2024:
Jesus said: “My son, the readings today are aligned with your missions. You have been sent out to prophesy just as Amos was. You have traveled to many places to spread My messages. I thank you for all the work you have done for Me, and you are still doing your work on your website and your Zoom programs. My angels and the Holy Spirit are guiding your words and your work. Keep reaching out to help souls to be saved because your time to spread My messages is short, and you could be shut down by the evil ones. Satan and the evil ones are attacking those people who speak out in My Name. This is why I have been warning you to stay close to your refuge because I will be calling My faithful to My refuges soon.”

Monday, July 15, 2024: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My son, you are aware of how the one world people can control events, even to remove people standing in their way for power. You know that there have been several attempts to kill Trump, and even Biden was giving the go ahead when he spoke of putting a bull’s eye on Trump. These people tried to put him in jail and they will do anything to prevent Trump from being President again. If necessary, they will even try to cancel the election. It was My power that moved his head so he did not get killed. The evil in your government knows no bounds. Have no fear because all of these evil ones will be cast into hell when I bring My victory. My faithful will need to come to My refuges for your protection.”
N.B. In one news report the protecting snipers were told not to shoot the sniper for three minutes indicating a conspiracy of the one world people.

Jesus said: “My people, the Antichrist and the evil people are running out of time, and if Trump is elected, he would slow down their plans. When Trump was elected the first time in 2016, he was given to you as a temporary reprieve from the evil ones’ plans. Since this would delay the Antichrist’s time, there will be a big push to stop Trump at any cost. If they cannot kill Trump, the one world people will find a way to cancel your elections. There will be some violent events, and I will call My believers to the safety of My refuges. Those people, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred.”

Tuesday, July 16, 2024: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Jesus said: “My people, woe to you America because after Rowe vs Wade was put down, your states are passing even worse laws to kill My babies, even after they are born. You have the evil one world people who have taken over your country, and they are doing everything to bring your country down. These evil ones are preparing you for the Antichrist’s takeover. They are doing everything to also take down any opposition. Because these evil ones will be threatening the lives of My faithful, I have called up My prophets to warn you, and My refuge builders to prepare My refuges for the safety of My believers. Just as I protected My people in Israel, so I will also protect My faithful in America. But the evil ones, who are harassing the people, will be cast down into the nether world. Trust in Me and I will protect My faithful throughout the tribulation. I will provide for all of your spiritual and physical needs.”

Wednesday, July 17, 2024:
Jesus said: “My son, you have prepared your refuge to be independent including your solar generators for lights and some small appliances. When your National Grid will be taken down, many people will have problems trying to get electricity from generators. Natural gas generators will work as long as gas is in the lines. Solar panels provide power mostly in the summer months, but little in the winter. Your people are so used to having electricity, that this would be a difficult life without it for any length of time. People have survived without electricity in the past, but you would have to adjust your living conditions. Trust in My help to provide for your needs, especially during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a picture of the Statue of Liberty, but clouds are coming over it to indicate how your freedoms are being taken away by the Democrats. Your open borders are allowing criminals to enter and they are harming your people. Your money is worth less because of the Democrats’ spending too much on supporting the illegal immigrants and wasteful spending. Your no bail laws are leaving criminals in the streets to cause more crime. Now the Democrats are trying to purge any opposition by any means possible that includes cheating at the ballot box. Be prepared for some serious events that could change your country, but trust in My protection at My refuges.”

Thursday, July 18, 2024: (St. Camillus de Lellis)
Jesus said: “My son, you have prepared your refuge the best you could to provide food, water, and bedding for your people. You will have My angel protection, but living through the purgatory of the tribulation will take faith and courage for your daily survival. You will struggle the most during the cold of winter when you have to heat your house and provide fuel for cooking and baking your bread. It will take many willing hands for your survival and daily Mass and Perpetual Adoration. Review when you had your practice refuge runs, and you might consider doing one more for your practice of what could be closer than you think. Have no fear, and trust in My help when you will need it most.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I told you that you could see some serious events this year. I have also told you not to travel much so you could be close to your refuge. I want you to plan another refuge practice run overnight by the last weekend in August this year, because the Warning could result from this year’s events. Do not let other events interfere with this plan of having another practice run, because your people need to be ready when I will call you to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have bought five new solar generators with Lithium batteries, solar panels, and new lamps for light at night. You will not need to heat your house in the summer, but you will use your Camp Chef to bake some bread. Plan to make some soup in a large kettle so it will last through supper. Practice your sponge baths with your hygiene kits. Have your cots ready and your round the clock Adoration ready to assign hours for your perpetual Adoration. Use your well water and your dried foods. You can assign jobs for cooking and giving out hygiene kits. Trust in Me to help you prepare for this test because you need to be ready to live a refuge life.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you carry out your seventh practice refuge run, you need to take notes on how you could improve your work. Try to have your preparations in order so the people know how they can carry out their assignments. Choose what meals you want to prepare ahead of time so you can have these foods ready to use. Be ready to bake your bread and have your prayer times planned. Do not use your cell phones unless there is an emergency because they will not be used during the tribulation. You will be living at a refuge for less than 3½ years, so see the life that you will need to adapt to.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just witnessed an assassination attempt on former President Trump. The evil ones are trying to kill Trump and he needs close protection because there could be more attempts on his life. The Antichrist is anxious to declare himself because if Trump wins, this will delay his time and the devil’s time is running out. Trust in Me to protect My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will first witness My Warning when there will be wars and chaos in the world. Then you will have My six weeks of Conversion with no evil influence. Then I will call My believers to My refuges with My inner locution. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You will leave your house with your backpacks in less than twenty minutes. The angels will make you invisible as you travel to My refuges and at your refuge. I will bring My victory at the end of the tribulation over all of the evil ones as they will be cast into hell. Trust in My protection and the multiplication of your daily needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to finish up your refuge preparations and make sure all of your burners are working. Check your Camp Chef that it is working. Use your solar generators at night for light. Have your hygiene kits ready. Use your new Bibles. Have your meals ready with how to make your bread. By having everything ready, you can have a successful refuge practice run. Have your Adoration ready as well. Your prayers are needed to have confidence in My power and My miracles.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see My miracles of healing your ailments with My luminous cross, and when you see Me multiplying your food, water, and fuels, you will believe as My apostles believed in Me. You have been given many messages by many end time prophets of what is coming in the tribulation. You have seen some of these prophesies being fulfilled, so believe that the Warning and the tribulation will happen because I have given My Word that it will happen. I will be there at My refuges to protect you and provide for your spiritual and physical needs.”

Friday, July 19, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I taught My apostles with authority because I am God with all of My powers, but My miracles gave My apostles the evidence of My authority. In the first reading from Isaiah (38:1-8) King Hezekiah was told he would die. So he prayed to Me and wept bitterly. Because of his prayer, I gave the words to Isaiah that he would be healed and live fifteen more years. Then Hezekiah asked for a sign when he was to go to the Temple for his healing. Isaiah foretold that the sun would go back ten steps from which it had already advanced, and it happened. My people, you believe more in My miracles to help you understand My power over people and earthly things. I have been giving you messages of how I will perform great miracles to protect My believers during the coming tribulation. You will see the miraculous protection of My angels when they will shield you at My refuges from bombs, viruses, and even My comet. You will see a miracle of My angels who will make you invisible to the evil ones on your way to My refuge and at your refuge. You will see a miracle of My luminous cross in the sky over My refuges that will heal your ailments by looking on it with faith that you will be healed. You will see miracles of building a high rise and a large church in My son’s backyard. You will see other miracles of My multiplying your food, water, and fuels for your survival. I can do the impossible, and you will learn My authority over the evil ones when you see these miracles happening. Just as you witnessed in the reading of what I did for Hezekiah, so you will see these miracles that I will do for My faithful in the tribulation time.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many of My saints who were martyred by ruthless leaders throughout history. There are some countries who still kill Christians in communist countries. My faithful will see a gradual increase in persecution and it will be a lot worse in the tribulation. Be thankful that I will protect My faithful at My refuges. This is why believers will be martyred if they do not come to My refuges at the proper time.”

Saturday, July 20, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for former President Trump that he will not be assassinated. The evil ones may still try to kill him. I protected him the first time when the officers did not shoot the man on the roof when they could. They were told to stand down and not shoot until later. Trump would be a much better President than Biden, but the evil one world people will do everything they can to either kill Trump or stop the election. Pray for America because your fall is not far away.”

Sunday, July 21, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading from Jeremiah he is calling the shepherds to task who are not leading My sheep properly. It is true that you all have faults and you could do better at your work and helping people. But instead of being critical of your clergy, you would be better to pray for your bishops, priests, and deacons. You come to Mass every day, My son, and you need to be thankful for your priests who provide you My Eucharist. The clergy dedicate their whole lives to serving My people, and some people do not appreciate what they must give up to serve you. So when the priest asks you to give a little more in your collection, please realize that they have to deal with inflation just as you do. Be willing to help your parish in what little ways you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked all of My refuge builders to prepare an altar for Mass and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I want perpetual Adoration at all of My refuges. A priest will consecrate a Host, or My angels will bring you a consecrated Host. You will place the Host in the monstrance for Perpetual Adoration throughout the whole tribulation. You will assign hours around the clock for My faithful to always have someone worshiping Me at all hours of the night and day. It is by My very Presence that I will multiply all of your food, water, and fuels. I will also have a luminous cross in the sky at every refuge, so when you look upon this cross, you will be healed of all of your ailments. Give praise and thanks to Me that My angels will protect My believers from harm at My refuges during the tribulation.”

Monday, July 22, 2024: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, you know that I was incarnated as a God-man so I could offer My life as a saving sacrifice for all people who accept Me in faith. I paid the price for all souls to be saved if they convert to believe in Me. This is a choice for all souls to choose to be with Me in heaven, or with the devil in hell. I will separate My believers from those people who do not believe in Me. I will call My believers to My refuges for their protection with My inner locution. Those believers, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred, but those believers, who do come, will be protected by My angels from bombs, viruses, and My comet. All of the evil ones and non-believers will be killed by the Antichrist or My Comet of Chastisement. Choose life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Biden Administration is trying to mandate people to buy only EV cars. The Democrats tried to mandate their health plan, but this did not succeed either. The Democrats are trying to force you to buy a very expensive electric car with little means to charge it, and it does not work well in the winter cold. This is another part of the Green New Deal that does not provide the needed energy to run your economy. You have abundant amounts of relatively cheap fossil fuels. Why do you want a war on fossil fuels that are still providing the bulk of your energy? Wind and solar devices cannot provide more 14% of your national energy. It is better to trust in common sense than to follow the Democrats poor reasoning. Trust in Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges.”

Tuesday, July 23, 2024: (St. Bridget of Sweden)
Jesus said: “My people, My refuge builders need to finish up their preparations for the coming tribulation. There will come a time of chaos and war when your lives will be in danger, and then I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion. Then you will be called to My refuges for My angel protection. Be thankful that the evil ones cannot harm you at My refuges. Your refuge life will begin with the tribulation, and it will be your purgatory on earth. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My victory over the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. So have no fear of the evil ones now, because soon they will be no more.”

Jesus said: “My son, when people come to your refuge you will need to sign them in with your guest book to know their skills. You may need counselors to calm the people down from the trauma from wars and the evil ones. Be assured that My angels will protect you, and only believers will be allowed in. You will need to assign people beds and give them a hygiene kit and a spiritual package of rosaries, Bibles, and prayers. You will assign people hours of Adoration over twenty-four hours before the Blessed Sacrament. You will need to assign jobs for cooking, handing out kits, heating the house in winter, fans in the summer. You will use your pails and water for sponge baths and brushing your teeth. You will assign people for making bread with your CampChef. You will have a job for getting electricity from your solar panels, and supply light at night with your solar generators and lamps. Have someone providing paper products. Have someone washing dishes, and washing clothes. Have someone cutting the grass and providing fuels. You may think of other jobs, and rotate jobs each week. You will provide two meals a day for everyone. Each day plan your meals so you know what foods to have on hand. This is a hard life to plan for everyone’s survival, which is why you need core groups to plan your activities. Trust in Me and My angels to multiply your needs. Take an inventory of what you have, and compare it to a list of your needs, and buy what is necessary to supply your needs.”

Wednesday, July 24, 2024: (St. Sharbel Makhluf)
Jesus said: “My son, you have a world of wars and people desiring authority over people. You have One Lord and you should have Me at the center of your lives. I am the only One to worship and follow My Commandments. You have chaos and wars because Satan is stirring up hate for other people. I send out My prophets, as you My son, so you can spread My Word in My messages as your mission. It is not easy to have people listen to My prophets, but My prophets are spreading My Word as the Sower spreads his seed of My Word on the various soils. So be like the seed that fell on good soil where My faithful are producing fruit thirty, sixty, and one hundredfold.”

Jesus said: “My son, when I asked you to have your own refuge as your second mission, you did not realize how important it is to have a refuge protected by Me and My angels. It was your ice storm in 1991 when you had your first experience with no electricity in the winter cold for eleven days. You learned how important it is to be able to live independently for several years as during the tribulation. Since you had an inheritance given to you, you could afford a solar system of 34 solar panels for running part of your house on-grid, and an off-grid second system of 12 solar panels for winter power after removing the snow. Both systems are backed up with 12 solar batteries each. I also had you install your own water well that has soft water and low iron. You made some bunk beds and bought some cots for the forty people I told you to prepare for. You have wood for your fireplace, kerosene for your kerosene burners, and propane for your three CampChef ovens for baking bread. You have stored dried food, meals ready to eat, and canned foods. You also have many 55 gallon food grade barrels full of water. You have vestments, books, hosts, and wine for Mass with an altar for your Adoration with a monstrance. You have candles, a tabernacle, and an Easter Candle. I have been giving you instructions on how to set up your refuge when a priest consecrated it. Your messages on setting up refuges have also helped many people in setting up their own refuges. You will need My refuges for your safe havens during the coming tribulation. My angels will help finish up any refuges for what will be needed. So trust in My angel protection and My multiplication of your needs. All refuges will have My luminous cross so you can be healed of any ailments by looking on it. This gives you peace that I will provide for you in the tribulation time. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace later.”

Thursday, July 25, 2024: (St. James the greater, apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you proclaim My Name and My words, expect that you will be persecuted by those people who do not believe in Me. To be a Christian before 300 A.D. and even now, you are risking your life for My sake. All the martyrs have a high place in heaven. This life is a test whether you will come with Me or with the devil. Those people, who are faithful to Me, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Be prepared to suffer persecution in this life, but I will protect My believers at My refuges with My angels. Have no fear of the evil ones, as long as you have Me with you. My believers are called to worship only Me, and to strive to convert souls to faith in Me, especially your family. Keep close to Me in your daily struggles, and your reward will await you in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this bright Light that you are seeing represents My blessing that I am giving to everyone here tonight. I know that My faithful are encountering physical struggles, but I want to assure everyone that when you have Me with you in My Real Presence, you should have no worries. I am protecting you every day. When you receive Me every day in Holy Communion, you have My protection around you. Trust in Me to protect you with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My son, one of My requests to prepare for your next refuge practice run, is that you learn the whole process of preparing the dough and baking the bread. Bread is a staple for your meals and that is why you need to use your recipe to make your bread. Once you are familiar with making bread, you will have confidence to provide bread for your people. Trust in Me to multiply your propane, flour, and yeast so you can keep making your bread throughout the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you of some major changes that could come about in My Church. You do not have to follow any changes that are against My Church laws and traditions. You heard one person on your Zoom program tell you that in Canada, they are changing the Stations of the Cross that does not have Me present. They were also seeing some changes in the words of the Mass. You will be seeing changes coming to your American Church, so be alert to any changes planned from the Synod.”

Jesus said: “My people, after a poor debate performance for Biden, the Democrats forced Biden to step down and he gave the job over to Kamala Harris for the Democrat nominee for President. She is younger, but she has less experience than Biden. There may still be more changes at the Democrat convention. Choosing a President for America will be a crucial choice if your country is to continue free. Pray for the best choice for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the campaign for President issues in the coming election is how inflation is affecting the budgets of your families. Many families, who may live close to each paycheck, are having difficulties affording food, gas, and a place to live. Many of your necessities are costing you more. Pray for your families that they can have what they need in a reasonable costing house.”

Jesus said: “My people, with tornadoes, storms, and hurricanes you have been seeing many people without electricity in some power outages. Without electricity it has been difficult for some people with no air conditioning, and it is hard to find generators. People are also without much light at night using candles. My son, your new lamps and Lithium batteries will be used in your next practice run. You can use three of your batteries to run lights on your three floors of your house. Let this practice run show you how you will be living at My refuges. My Eucharist will be the center of your lives in your Perpetual Adoration. My Real Presence will allow Me to heal you with My luminous cross and multiply your food, water, and fuels. You will have My angel protection, so have no fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, in My Warning I will tell My believers that they will have to come to My refuges for their protection and for their survival needs. It is hard to tell My believers that if they do not come to My refuges, that they could be killed by the Antichrist and his minions. There are not many refuge builders, so this is why I will expand the existing refuges so My believers can be protected by My angels. My son, St. Joseph will be building a high rise and a large church in your backyard to support 5,000 people. Have no fear because I can do the impossible. You will not be the only expanded refuge because I will be expanding most all of My refuges as well. Trust in My protection and My providing your needs for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Friday, July 26, 2024: (St. Anne and St. Joachim)
St. Anne said: “My dear son, you have visited my Shrine at St. Anne de Beaupre for many years, and I thank you for your devotions and your novenas. I am the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I am the Grandmother of Jesus. I came to bless you and your family for all that you are going through now. You have been helping Jesus with your ministries, and we in heaven are grateful for your service. We are praying for all that you do to help souls come to heaven. Keep up your daily prayers, Mass, and Adoration because we love you so much. I will bring your petitions and your prayer group petitions to My Grandson, Jesus.”

(Mass intention for Jocelyn) Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing grandchildren and even great grandchildren in the vision on the feast day of Grandmother St. Anne. Just as St. Anne brought up the Blessed Mother, St. Anne also loved Me and guided Me. This is a feast day for grandparents so you should also teach your children and grandchildren the faith, and be a good Christian example for them. Sometimes the grandchildren are taught more about the faith by their grandparents than their parents. So help all of your family come to Me the best that you can.”

Saturday, July 27, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you received the Gospel about the wheat and the tares today where I allow the good and evil people to grow up together, just as you saw in the vision with the wheat and the weeds growing up together. My desire is that My faithful will make an effort to help convert some of the evil people. At the time of the harvest of souls, I will separate the good people into heaven, but the evil ones will be cast into hell. This is similar to how the weeds are collected at harvest and are thrown into the fire. The wheat is collected into My barn of heaven. So at the judgment you are either in the camp with Me, or in the camp with the devil, with nothing in between, meaning no gray area.”

Jesus said: “My son, this is America’s fate as you are seeing a sudden violent crash for your country. America has to be taken down for the one world people to allow the Antichrist to takeover. You will see a crash of your markets, your dollar, and crypto coins. You will be called to My refuges after the Warning before the major events that will take your country down. You could also see some nuclear weapons used against you as an EMP attack that will take down your National Grid. I will protect My refuges from any bomb attacks. So be ready to come to My refuges of safety with My angels shielding you.”

Sunday, July 28, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you read how Elisha also multiplied 20 loaves of bread for a hundred people. This account of the multiplication of the loaves and fish is in all four Gospels. (Matt 14:13-21, Mk 8:1-9, Luke 9:12-17, and John 6:1-15) This is not only important to feed the people food, but it also represents how I feed you My Body and Blood in daily Holy Communion. This is My Real Presence that you receive in the consecrated Host at Mass. This power of Mine will be needed at every refuge where a priest or an angel will provide you a consecrated Host for your monstrance so you can have Perpetual Adoration day and night. It is My Presence among you that will protect you from harm, and it will allow Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels even for the 5,000 people that will be at your refuge. Give thanks to Me that I will provide for your spiritual and physical needs throughout the tribulation.”

Monday, July 29, 2024: (St. Martha, Mary & Lazarus)
Jesus said: “My people, I AM the Resurrection and the Life. All of those faithful, who believe in Me, will never die spiritually. You will die physically because of Adam’s sin, but your soul lives on forever. Some of My faithful may have to be purified in purgatory, while some will suffer their purgatory on earth. On the last day My faithful will be resurrected with their glorified body and soul into heaven, but the evil ones will have body and soul cast into hell. This is why during life you must choose to love and serve Me and your neighbor in order to be on the right path to heaven. Rejoice that you will be with the One who loves you for all eternity where your joy will be complete.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad when terrorist groups like Hezbollah kill twelve children with their rockets. The leader of Israel has already sent attacks by airplanes on Hezbollah targets. This tragedy could very well start another war with Lebanon and Israel over these deliberate killings in the Golan Heights. It was the savage killing of 1200 people that started the war to eliminate Hamas. America has been helping Israel with weapons, but Biden has been holding back weapons because his base does not support Israel. Kamala Harris is even worse because she avoided Israel’s leader when he gave a talk to Congress. Israel has been America’s ally for many years, yet the Democrats do not want to openly support Israel. Pray for peace in the Middle East despite Iran stirring up their proxies against Israel.”

Tuesday, July 30, 2024: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, you previously heard the parable about the Sower, but in today’s Gospel I gave My apostles the meaning of the parable. I am the Sower of My Word, and My seed puts My faith into the hearts of My faithful. The devil sows the seed of the weeds that represent the evil people. The harvest is the time of judgment of the souls, and My angels are the harvesters. At the harvest time My angels will collect all of the weeds in the evil ones, and they will be thrown into the flames of hell. But the wheat are My faithful souls who will be gathered up into heaven with Me. I want everyone to hear this parable of the Sower and the meaning, so that all souls will have an opportunity to be saved by My mercy, and My sacrifice on the Cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware how your government listens and records everything you say on your land phone, cell phone, and on the internet. This is a lot of data on each person, but they have ways of retrieving this data. You have heard people are even able to play back any of your conversations. The fiber optic line is a two way communication in not only sending you a signal by your cable line, but it also can return what you say before your cable box. It is this intrusion in the privacy of your own home that people may not be aware of. You would have to turn off your cable box from electricity to stop any listening to you. If you have such a cable box, be aware people can listen to what you are saying. The one world people use many means to spy on your people, so be aware of these fiber optic means of listening to your words in front of your cable box.”

Wednesday, July 31, 2024: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is speaking to you about how I love the people who honor My upcoming feast day. You see Me off in the distance because My feast is a week or so away. I am grateful that you, My son, have named your prayer group and your chapel after Me. Because you have many people coming to your house for a large celebration, I will have My angels go before you to remove any demon attempts to spoil your good work. I AM always watching over your prayer group, and you are faithful to the Adoration of My Beloved Son, Jesus. Keep your prayers and Adoration coming because you are being blessed for all you do in My Name. When you adore My Son, you are also adoring Me and the Holy Spirit because we are Three Persons in One God in the Blessed Trinity.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am coming to give you a strong message against abortion. You all know the Fifth Commandment of Thou shalt not kill anyone. It is heaven’s position that at conception a soul is placed in that fertilized egg and this is a human person from conception. You know of the holocaust in Germany that killed millions of people, mostly Jews. Yet your people in America kill a million unborn babies every year. Life is precious and it is a gift from My Son, Jesus. Yet your people are discarding these babies as human garbage that you saw were placed in blue barrels. America is committing mortal sins with the killing of God’s little ones and you will be suffering for your crimes. Now you are seeing a political party promoting abortion as a right to kill babies. All of My faithful, who stand up against killing babies, are to be commended for standing your moral ground and to help save these babies. Keep praying to stop abortion, and help these mothers to see they should have their baby, instead of killing their own children.”

Thursday, August 1, 2024: (St. Alphonsus Ligori)
Jesus said; “My people, you know how I form all of you in the womb, but unlike the potter, I do not make anything bad. Every unborn baby deserves to have life and should not be aborted. I do not make any of you without a plan or purpose for everyone’s life. In the Gospel this is another picture of the judgment day. You have heard several passages about the good faithful souls who are being separated from the evil ones. You read how the weeds were separated from the wheat. You read how the goats were separated from the sheep. Now today you are seeing the good fish being separated from the bad fish. If you want to be with Me in heaven, then you are to love Me and your neighbor and follow My Commandments. You are to make Me the center of your lives and worship only Me. Those people, who are faithful to Me, will be welcomed into heaven, but those people, who follow the world and the devil, will be cast into the eternal flames of hell. Choose life and you will be with Me forever.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people want to cause another pandemic virus using bird flu to cause problems with the upcoming election. This is a real possibility because the FDA just approved a vaccine against the bird flu. People might want to stock up on tamiflu, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine. If many people are dying from such a pandemic, then I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I asked you to make some bread dough and bake it in your CampChef oven. I thank you for following up on My request. You got your hands into making the dough with flour and yeast so you are confident in making the dough with your recipe and baking it for 40 minutes at 375 F. Bread is one of your staples for your meals, so now you can use all of your flour during the tribulation to bake your bread.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were amazed to realize how over twenty-five people gave you gifts for your chapel. You have prepared your refuge all over your house and basement with a lot of hard work. You cleaned out what you did not need, and you stored many things in your new tubs. You still need to take a serious inventory of your preparations so you know what more things you need to get ready for your next practice run as well as for the coming tribulation. Trust in Me that My angels will help you finish up with what is needed.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are wise to start preparing for your celebration of My Father’s feast day. It is appropriate since your prayer group and your chapel are named after the Eternal Father. Once you determine about how many people are coming, then you can plan on providing tables, chairs, and the ordering of food. You are fortunate to have your priests present for Mass. You may want to record any talks, if possible, for sharing with those people who cannot come to your celebration. The whole Blessed Trinity loves you, and God the Father is pleased that you are honoring His feast day.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is true that this coming celebration could be an opportunity to educate the people on how you plan to run your refuge. You can show them your solar generators and your two solar systems to provide lights and power for your refuge. Show them your water well and your water storage. They can see your beds, cots, and other physical and spiritual kits. The people can see your heating methods with your wood and kerosene. This could help prepare your visitors for their own refuges. Especially emphasize the importance of having perpetual Adoration at every refuge. Remember that My angels will protect My refuges, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would call you to My refuges when your lives will be in danger. Before the major events occur, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion to convert sinners. After this Conversion time, I will send out My inner locution to bring the people to the safety of My refuges. My angels will shield you from any bombs, viruses, or comets at My refuges during the whole tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to finish up your refuge preparations because the major events are getting close. You do need some extra storage in your new coming shed for the many tubs of clothes and other needs. Be careful to insulate your shed and put boards and shelves around as you did in your first shed. Let this next refuge practice run show you what you may need to provide for your people. It is when you prepare your meals and see your light and sleeping needs, that you may need to get some more supplies. I will help you in getting what is needed. Give thanks and praise to Me for helping My people to be prepared for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Trust in Me for all of your needs.”

Friday, August 2, 2024: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing how Jeremiah was given death threats for preaching repentance of the people’s sins. Even in My own hometown of Nazareth the people wanted to throw Me over a cliff because they did not believe My words that I was the Son of God. You, My son, and many other prophets of the end times are being harassed and criticized for giving My messages of the fall of America because of your sins of abortion. I am asking all of My faithful to repent of their sins and come to monthly Confession. I am your Savior, and I bless all souls who take time to adore My Blessed Sacrament on this First Friday. I love all of you so much that I even died on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins. I bring everyone an opportunity to save your soul by giving everything over to Me and obeying My Commandments. Keep close to Me in your prayers and Adoration of My Eucharist, and I will bring you to your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of the earthly events are getting worse. You are seeing the wars in Israel and the Ukraine are getting more serious. You are starting to see the hurricane season ramping up with another disturbance around Florida. The medical people are pushing for more vaccines that could be needed if viruses start killing people. Avoid the new m-RNA vaccines that are worse than any viruses. Be prepared to come to My refuges if the evil ones use martial law or any other means to stop your election. I am watching out for the safety of My faithful.”

Saturday, August 3, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother and I suffered in this world, just as many of you suffer in sickness, and you suffer the loss of your loved ones. At the foot of the Cross I gave My Blessed Mother over to St. John, and St. John over to My Blessed Mother. This confirmed My Blessed Mother as the Mother of My Church. She comforted My apostles after My death and Resurrection. You give her honor on these Saturdays, especially the First Saturday. Even later in this month you will celebrate her Assumption into heaven. She is now your Queen and Mother in heaven who watches over all of her children.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep warning you that some serious events will be affecting your country adversely, and they are very close. Before any serious destruction happens, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion. This time of Conversion will have no evil influence from the devil. Take full advantage of this Conversion time to try and convert all of your family’s souls. Those souls, who refuse to believe in Me, could be lost forever in hell. It will be up to these souls to change their evil ways and come to know and love Me. You will be struggling to save their souls in six weeks. Do your St. Michael prayer so they will listen and be converted. After this six weeks, I will soon call My faithful to My refuges. Those faithful, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred. Any martyrs during the tribulation will be brought into My Era of Peace. The lost souls will be killed and cast into hell. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring all of My faithful into My Era of Peace. So have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will protect you from them. I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges during the tribulation.”

Sunday, August 4, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, bread is a staple for your meals, and I gave manna to My people every day, except on the Sabbath, for their nourishment in the desert. You also need to be fed spiritually with daily Holy Communion. Those people, who believe in My Real Presence, come to daily Mass so they can be fed with My spiritual Bread. I am truly with you when you receive Me worthily at Mass, meaning without mortal sin. Daily Adoration is another means to be close to Me. Every refuge will have Perpetual Adoration from a priest, or My angels who will bring you a consecrated Host to place in your monstrance if you do not have a priest. With My Real Presence and your faith in My miracles, I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Trust in Me because My angels will protect you from harm at My refuges.”

Monday, August 5, 2024: (Dedication Mary Major Basilica)
Jesus said: “My son, I indeed have called you to share My words with the people. You have accepted your mission to prepare the people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. The Holy Spirit helps you to write down My words. You also have been told that My people will be protected from the evil ones at My refuges. I have even asked you to set up your own refuge as an example for My other refuge builders. Now I am encouraging all of My refuge builders to quickly finish up your preparations before the major events of destruction come. I told you that I will bring My Warning and six weeks of Conversion before any events that could endanger the lives of My faithful. So trust in Me when I will call you with My inner locution when I will tell you that it is time to come to My refuges. At My refuges I will provide your protection with My angels’ shields and I will provide for your needs to survive.”

Mass intention for Sarah Zervos, recently deceased. Sarah said: “I thank you for this Mass for my soul. I am in need of some purification in purgatory. I gave you many emails from my sources to keep you informed of events going on. Thank you for your work as God’s messenger.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has troops on the ground and many Navy ships that could be drawn into a war with Iran and its proxies. If Iran attacks Israel with all out war, your military may come to the aid of Israel. The Biden people have been holding back weapons for Israel because the Democrat base is against Israel. If there is all out war with Iran, then Israel will need all of these weapons. If other countries get involved with a war against your country, this could cause a martial law that could stop the election. Pray for peace and a fair election.”

Tuesday, August 6, 2024: (Transfiguration of Our Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, the readings today show you My full glory as the Son of God. You also heard the words of God the Father: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ You are preparing to honor the Eternal Father with your celebration of His feast day with all of your friends. My apostles were amazed to see Elijah and Moses conversing with Me. St. Peter even wanted to set up three tents. My son, you have been to this place on Mt. Tabor where there is a large church honoring Myself, Elijah, and Moses. This transfiguration is a preview of My Resurrection which is why I told My apostles not to reveal this vision until after My Resurrection from the dead. Rejoice because you are hearing of the glory of heaven where My faithful will share in My glory forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people are concerned about a possible recession when there was a large reduction in new jobs. The high interest rates are putting pressure on small businesses and people with low incomes. The inflation has hurt people when they buy gas and food at the markets. After Israel killed some high-ranking leaders, Iran could be planning some reprisals on Israel that could start a further expansion of the war with Hamas and Hezbollah. Your people need to pray for peace in the Middle East, and your government could spend less money that is causing your inflation.”

Wednesday, August 7, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I light the way to Myself as your Lord and Savior. The only people, who do not come to Me, are those people who refuse to love Me and refuse to repent of their sins. It is My sacrifice on the cross that has brought salvation to all of My faithful. I call all of My people to reach out to help convert souls who need My help. I know you have been praying hard for two of your grandchildren with physical and even spiritual problems. Just like the Gentile woman who asked Me to heal her daughter, so I will reach out to help both of them. Keep praying for their souls as well as for their health. I reach out to save all souls including the Gentiles. So have faith in My healing, and your granddaughters can be healed.”

Jesus said: “My son, the evil one world people are planning to bring a worse virus than the Covid. You have already heard rumors that there was a patent given out to supposedly be a vaccine for the bird flu. The rich people are paying to make bird flu transmissible between humans. In the Covid time the m-RNA vaccines did not stop the Covid, but they have killed more people than the virus did. So refuse to take any flu shots or m-RNA vaccines that are designed to reduce the population. The vision of dead bodies on the ground is a sign that you need to come to My refuges where you can look on the luminous cross to be healed of any virus. As I mentioned before, now is a good time to stock up on Tamiflu, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquin. These chemicals are parasite killers, and you have seen fenbendazole used in this family that does not require a prescription. These chemicals helped against the Covid virus and the evil ones tried to stop their use. This next virus is again being made to reduce the population, but like nuclear bombs, I will protect My people from the evil plans of the one world people. I will warn My faithful when to come to My refuges for their protection.”

Thursday, August 8, 2024; (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My son, you are taking on a beautiful celebration for the Eternal Father. This is why you will need My protection from the demons who want to disrupt this intention. Trust in My angels to help you and protect all of the people who will be traveling to your house. You are celebrating St. Dominic’s feast day. So call on St. Dominic to help protect you as well. I love all of you so much, and this may be the last get together with your friends before the major events.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the hurricane season with two storms that have already hit the mainland of your country. Some of these storms could be a punishment for your sins. Whenever I give you an image that is spinning, it reminds you of My Warning with its life review and judgment before Me. You will experience a short time in the place of your destination of your judgment. Then you will experience My six weeks of Conversion to save souls who want to be with Me. Then I will call you to My refuges for your protection during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and when you honor God the Father, you are also honoring Me, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Blessed Trinity. This is a special time to honor the Eternal Father on His feast day which is on August 8th today. You have some nice pictures and statues of the Eternal Father. Call on the Father’s help to endure the coming events that will lead up to the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been concerned about Jocelyn and Amanda in their health problems, and you have been praying and offering Masses for them. In the spirit of St. Therese you can pray a Novena or nine days of her 24 Glory Be prayers for both of their intentions. They need some serious help, and they need to believe that I can heal them. Keep praying this Novena for their good health and their spiritual health as well. I will give them a sign that I am helping them, but they should be coming to Sunday Mass for their spiritual health.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw in the last election how the Covid enabled the use of drop boxes and other methods for cheating with illegal votes. So beware that the one world people could again use another virus that could interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election. If the Democrats cheat again to win, you could see a serious revolt just like the revolt in Venezuela, where there was cheating as well. In communist run countries, their elections are rigged to keep the communists in power every year. Now you have some very left leaning Democrats that could cheat again as they did in 2020. I told you that I did not call Biden President because of the cheating. So be prepared for a struggle for your freedom with this upcoming election.”

Jesus said: “My people, Ukraine is losing to Russia because Russia is getting help from China and Iran. You have seen many missiles and drones being exchanged between the Ukraine and Russia, but Russia is taking over more territory. America could get drawn into both of these wars that could lead to World War III. Pray for peace in both of these conflicts, but a world war could kill many people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the thousands of babies who are being killed by abortion every year. Killing unborn babies is a mortal sin for the mother and the doctor. Pray for the souls of these sinners, and pray that they will repent of their sin. The many abortions in your country that are allowed by your laws, is a national sin that your country will pay dearly when you will be taken over by the evil ones. I will call My faithful to My refuges before America falls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing My refuge builders to set up My safe havens so My faithful will be protected from the Antichrist and the evil people. The time is growing short for the evil ones, so they will be struggling to take over the governments of the world. A world war will be used by the one world people for the takeover of the world. Have no fear because I will call My believers to My refuges where My angels will put up shields to defend you from the evil ones. The Antichrist will have a reign of less than 3½ years, but then I will bring My victory over the evil ones when they will all be cast into hell. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace after the earth is cleansed of evil. I will renew the earth into a new Garden of Eden that will allow My faithful to live a long time.”

Friday, August 9, 2024: (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to some churches there are less people than a full church. So it is up to My faithful to encourage as many people as you can to attend Sunday Mass, since this is My Third Commandment. If people are willing, you can encourage them to come to daily Mass. You have a miracle going on at every Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My very Body and Blood that you receive in Holy Communion. In the Gospel you have a question of what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and he loses his soul to the evil one? You cannot take your earthly wealth with you past the grave, so keep close to Me in monthly Confession so your soul can be saved. Your soul lives on forever, and you have a choice to be with Me who loves you, or with the devil who hates you. Choose life with Me so you can be with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have visited the Smithsonian buildings in Washington, D.C. where they have a pyramid, an eraser, and about thirty statues of headless figures. This scene and the pyramid on the one dollar bill are signs of the Masons with the ruler and the compass. These Masons worship Satan and they are preparing the fall of the world governments so they are ready to be given over to the Antichrist. The time is running out for the evil ones, but the Antichrist will be allowed to reign over the world for less than 3½ years. The evil ones will try and force the people to take a chip in the body, but refuse to take this chip in the body and refuse to take any m-RNA vaccines. Also refuse to worship the Antichrist. After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, I will tell you to get rid of your TVs, computers, and cell phones so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist. Those people, who look at his eyes could be controlled to worship the Antichrist. Before the major events begin, I will call My faithful with My inner locution to come to My refuges. The tribulation will begin, but you will not be harmed at My refuges. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth that will kill the evil ones and they will be sent to hell. My faithful will be protected by My angels from the comet. Then I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, August 10, 2024: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, just as many Christians were martyred for their faith in Me in the Early Church, so there will also be martyrs in the coming tribulation. Before the Antichrist will be allowed to reign during the tribulation, I will have My refuge builders prepare safe havens for My faithful. I will bring My Warning and six weeks of Conversion. Then I will send out My inner locution to My followers. This will be a call for all of My faithful to come to My refuges of safety. Once My people are safe at My refuges, then I will allow the Antichrist to have his evil reign of less than 3½ years. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. Those believers, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred. My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges throughout the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are getting close to some major events that will cause much blood to flow from wars and the next pandemic virus. Before the lives of My believers are in danger of being killed, you will see My Warning and the Conversion time. I will call My believers to My refuges and then you will see World War III and people will be dying from being martyred, and from the next virus. Refuse to take the mark of the beast, and refuse to take a flu shot nor a m-RNA vaccine. Do not worship the Antichrist. Only worship Me in My monstrance at My refuges, and I will heal you with My luminous cross in the sky. I will also feed you by multiplying your water, food, and fuels. My angels will protect you with their shields against bombs, viruses, and even a comet. Only believers will be allowed into My refuges, and those believers, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred by the evil ones. Those believers, who die during the tribulation, will be raised up into My Era of Peace. My faithful at My refuges will be brought into My Era of Peace after the tribulation. Rejoice when you will be with Me.”

Sunday, August 11, 2024:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is thanking you for all you do for My faithful people. This was a bold undertaking to have almost a hundred people, but it is a test to get you ready for dealing with a lot of people, as St. Joseph will build a high rise building for 5,000 people. Even though you had some severe rainstorms, you were all kept dry and you were protected by the tent. This big tent represented the large number of people in My Church. The tent also represented the shields that My angels will provide to protect you from the evil ones. Trust in Me and My Beloved Son, Jesus, to calm your storms, and give you confidence in our protection.”

Monday, August 12, 2024: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, I call on all of My faithful to preach ‘Christ Crucified’ to all of those people who you are trying to evangelize. Your life here is a test or a training time to choose between Me or the devil. You will always have love from Me because I created each of you from the womb. The devil tries to kill people and steal their souls from Me. I limit the devil’s activity so you will only be tested to what you can tolerate. Every day you are in a constant battle with the demons because they do not sleep nor take a vacation. So call on My graces from your rosary prayers and your Masses, and I will protect you from the attacks of the evil ones. Just as I suffered on the cross in this life, so I am warning My faithful that you will walk in My footsteps with your own personal suffering, both physically and spiritually.”
Note: Fr. Michel blessed Carol and John with an anointing of the sick as God the Father directed him.

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how the evil people want to reduce the population so there would be less people to control. You are seeing a new virus like the bird flu where the evil ones are preparing a new m-RNA vaccine to supposedly counter this virus. Just like the Covid m-RNA vaccine did not heal the Covid virus, so this new m-RNA vaccine will not heal this new virus. It is the plan of the One World people to use such a vaccine to eventually kill people. I gave you My Good Friday oil to heal people who were forced to take the Covid vaccine, or they would lose their jobs. These m-RNA vaccines are deadly because they kill people by changing your DNA. So refuse to take flu shots, Covid shots, or any new bird flu shots. Also refuse to take the mark of the beast, and refuse to worship the Antichrist. I will call you to My refuges where you will be protected from the evil ones, and you will be healed of any virus. Trust in Me to protect you from any deadly virus or vaccine at My refuges.”

Tuesday, August 13, 2024: (St. Pontian)
Jesus said: “My son, Ezekiel was one of My prophets to spread My Word and to call on the people to repent of their sins. His eating the scroll is similar to the scrolls that were eaten in the Book of Revelation. All of My prophets are called forth to spread My words of salvation through My crucifixion and Resurrection. Tell the people how they need to repent of their sins and come to Me in Confession to be forgiven by Me in the priest. In the Gospel I am calling My people to stand up against the forces who are promoting abortion of My little ones in the womb. America will pay a dear price for all of the babies who were killed by abortion. Keep fighting with your prayers before the clinics of abortion. Encourage the people to be prepared to come to My refuges of protection when I will call you, so you can be saved from harm during the Antichrist’s tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the beginning of mankind I made Adam and Eve with a special DNA. As long as they ate from the Tree of Life, they could live a long time. Once the devil tricked them into eating the forbidden fruit, now they would die and be susceptible to sickness and sin. In today’s world the evil people have made new vaccines using messenger-RNA which when given to people, it changes your DNA and you could die in several years. I gave you the recipe to make Good Friday oil which can be used to heal people who were forced to take this m-RNA vaccine, or they would lose their job. Because these new vaccines change your DNA, this is why I told you not to take them, even if you lost your job. You could get another job, but these vaccines could kill you in time. When you will see another pandemic virus, I will call My believers to My refuges where My angels will protect you and heal you. These evil ones, who are making toxic viruses and vaccines, are carrying out this attack on humans so they can kill people and reduce the population. Trust in Me to protect My believers at My refuges.”

Wednesday, August 14, 2024: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you, and I want you to love Me and your neighbor. St. Maximillian Kolbe was a loving person and he even gave up his life so a married condemned prisoner could live in a Nazi prison camp. There is no greater love than for a man to give up his life for another person. You even have My own example when I became a man so I could suffer and die for all humanity. Continue to love one another as you pray for peace in the world.”

Prayer Group:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to thank all of you who came to celebrate My feast. You had a lovely presentation from Fr. Peter and Fr. Michel. You had several rain storms which was like heaven crying over your wars and sins of abortion. You are seeing Me at a judgment seat because you are about to see some major events at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, Fr. Michel was told by God the Father to come and bless both John and Carol with the Sacrament for the sick. Fr. Michel did pray over you both at a Mass on Monday. You have a well prepared refuge and you showed some people your water well and your solar panel set up. This was a chance for people to see some of your preparations for their own refuges. I will be calling all of My believers to My refuges for their protection during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, in your recent cleanup at your refuge, you had plenty of tubs that have various things in them, but you needed more space. I already suggested adding insulation and boards to your new shed just as you did for your first shed. It is a little difficult to move a shed in through your neighbor’s lot. This will allow you to place more of your refuge needs. You are getting this shed as your last preparation, just before the major events will start.”

Jesus said: “My son, you heard Fr. Michel speak about the Satanic things in the opening of the Olympics. He indicated that this was a sign that the coming of the Antichrist is near. Now you were shown the closing of the Olympics that had more actions of a made-up Satan. You could do some research so you can show people what was being depicted by evil people. Have no fear because I will protect My believers from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the weakness in Biden that has precipitated wars in Israel and the Ukraine. You are seeing the potential for a wider war in Israel that could include America. Russia and China are backing Iran, so this could include them in any war. Keep praying for peace, but you could see World War III beginning in the Middle East.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were fortunate to have Fr. Michel hear your Confession and that of your wife. You need to pray for more people to return to Sunday Mass because this follows My Third Commandment. Many family members do not attend Mass on Sunday, so show them your example and encourage them to come to regular Sunday Mass. You also need to remind your family about the importance of coming to frequent Confession. Keeping a clean soul is a means of being ready to meet Me at your death for your judgment. Pray that you will be able to receive My sacraments before your death.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another turning point for America in choosing your President for 2024. The Democrats are running two communists that could take your country down, if they are elected. I told you that Trump was a temporary reprieve when he was elected in 2016. If the Democrats win with more cheating, it will be a sign that the Antichrist will be coming soon. The one world people will be doing all that they can to either cancel the election, or they will use cheating to win again. Be prepared for the coming events that could stop your election. You could be called to My refuges if these events could endanger your lives. I will protect My believers no matter what the one world people will do.”

Thursday, August 15, 2024: (Assumption of the Blessed Mother)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this is my glorious feast day to commemorate when Our Lord took me up to heaven body and soul. I am in heaven and I am praying over all of my children. I want all of My Son’s faithful to be prepared for all of the major events to come. My Son has been telling you to be ready to come to His refuges. You saw Me crushing the head of the devil with my foot. You are coming to the end times, and My Son will have His angels protect you at His refuges throughout the coming tribulation. Trust in My Son, Jesus, that He will provide for your needs as well.”

Bernidene Luck Mass intention: Bernie said: “I thank you for this Mass which has allowed me into heaven. I had to suffer from my stroke, but the Lord is taking good care of me. I enjoyed coming to your prayer group where there were beautiful people to share our prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is just a matter of time until America will be drawn into a war defending Israel against Iran and its proxies. If any significant destruction comes about, you could see Russia and China back Iran. This could be the start of a world war with Russia and China. If you see a nuclear war, I will limit the destruction. Even if you have another pandemic virus, I will limit the number of people killed as well. Just before this war goes to nuclear bombs, I will call My faithful to My refuges. Such a war could also trigger My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion. The Antichrist is ready to declare himself, so be ready to come to My refuges at any time.”

Friday, August 16, 2024: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will be planning to take over the world governments in the continental unions, so they can give them over to the Antichrist. They will use wars, viruses, and EMP attacks to take over these countries. I will warn My people when you will need to come to My refuges after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion. My son, you just dealt with only one hundred people, but this was a test when you will have many more people at your refuge. You are prepared for forty people, but I will send you My angels for setting up buildings, and I will multiply your needs. Be sure to have your Perpetual Adoration ready because this will be the source of your faith in Me to perform My miracles.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have several ways they could stop the upcoming election. They could use a war to cause a martial law. They could cause another pandemic virus, or they could turn off our electricity. Instead of using an EMP attack, they could hack the electric stations which could be fixed later without ruining your equipment. If your electricity was out at the election time, they could prevent Trump from being voted in. These evil ones want to make sure Trump does not win, and they will do the least damaging plan for a takeover of America. Without electricity the banks would have to use cash, or they could introduce the digital dollar. I am warning My faithful to be prepared to come to My refuges, if you lose your electricity. You saw a perpetrated shutdown when Crowdstrike software failed. Your internet and your electricity will be shutdown before any takeover of America. Have no fear of these evil ones because My power is greater.”

Saturday, August 17, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles that unless people come to Me as little children, they cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven. When you look on little children, they have an innocence and a desire to show love to everyone, especially their parents. When I see My faithful come to daily Mass, I see the love you have for Me in your hearts. I love all of you even more than your parents because the Blessed Trinity are your spiritual Parents. We instilled life into you with a soul and a body, and you belong to Us. I give you your guardian angel to watch over you, even for the little children. You are fortunate today to visit Olivia, one of your great grandchildren. This is a beautiful blend of today’s Gospel with the reason for your travel today. Enjoy the love of your children that I love even more than you.”

Jesus said: “My son, in the case of an electricity shutdown before the Warning, you will need to be careful about using lights with your solar backup. If there are a lot of people using generators with lights, then you could use your regular lights or your solar generators. If there are not many of your neighbors with lights, then only use your lights in your basement with your basement windows covered with black plastic. This is so people do not see you have power in a power outage. Once you have My Warning, then My angels will be putting an invisible shield over your refuge. I will be protecting My refuge believers, but you need to take these precautions before My Warning. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges.”

Sunday, August 18, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings are focused on the most beautiful gift that I left behind, and that is the miracle of My Eucharist in My Real Presence. At the Last Supper I gave the first Mass to My apostles. ‘This is My Body and this is My Blood’ when I consecrated the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. I told My apostles and others that unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life with Me. Some of My followers thought I was calling them to cannibalism and they left Me. You truly can eat My Body and drink My Blood when there is a miracle of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood in My Real Presence. I love you so much that I give Myself to you at every Mass. This is why it is truly a blessing to be able to receive Me every day at daily Mass. I give you My grace from every reception of My sacraments. I only want you to receive Me in My Eucharist when you are without mortal sin. If you have mortal sin on your soul, then you need to confess your sin in Confession before you receive Me in Holy Communion. Those people, who are in mortal sin and receive Holy Communion unworthily, are committing a mortal sin of sacrilege against Me. So respect My Blessed Sacrament by receiving Me without mortal sin, and genuflect before Me in My tabernacle. I love all of you, and I love to be with you always in My sacraments. I want My people to love Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want everyone to live by My Ten Commandments, which is how you are to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. When you are called to your judgment, you will be judged on how you loved Me and your neighbor. During life you always have a choice to do the right thing or a sinful thing. I know you are weak to sin from Adam, but I have given you My sacrament of Penance where you can repent and confess your sins to Me in the priest at Confession. I call all of you to come to frequent Confession of at least once a month. To make a good Confession, you can use My Ten Commandments to see which sins you need to confess. You need to have a contrite heart as you are sorry for offending Me with your sins. Once you leave the confessional, you will feel free in your spirit of any guilt of your sins. This gives you a pure soul so you are worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion at Mass. Strive to keep close to Me by obeying My laws of love, and you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Monday, August 19, 2024: (St. John Eudes)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel the young man said he followed My Commandments. I told him if he wanted to be perfect, he could give his possessions to the poor and follow Me. But the young man went away sad because he did not want to give up his possessions which were many. In the vision I showed you My tabernacle that stores My consecrated Hosts. In addition to following My laws, you need to seek Me as your permanent Possession in heaven. Your earthly possessions will pass away, but your soul and I are eternal and we do not pass away. So seek eternal things as Me and your soul for you will rest in peace forever with Me, even after you die.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Satanic displays at the opening and the closing ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, France are an insult to Me when they mocked the Last Supper. The people who planned and carried out this Satanic display, will pay dearly for offending Me. If they are not rebuked in this life, they will surely pay at their judgment. Satan tricks people into these evil things, but these people know what they are doing, and they are offending Me and My followers. Pray that this does not happen again.”

Tuesday, August 20, 2024: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who sell their soul for fame and fortune. Where your treasure lies, there lies your heart as well. I am your true Treasure, and those people, who worship Me and repent of their sins, will have eternal life with Me. Anyone who gives anything up for My sake, will have all that they need in this life. It is better to trust in Me, than to trust in money or people with power. Every material thing in this life, will pass away, but I and your souls are eternal, and they will not pass away. I am your true Treasure. Every time you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, I give you My grace to endure your trials. Seek Me first and everything else will be granted to you. It is much better to seek heavenly things than to seek material things. So trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.”


Terça-feira, 25 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol